
Working paper


Working paper

University of Nairobi, Institute for Development Studies
Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi


Public investment for private enterprise : a study of the role of parastatals as an actor and indicator of social change in Kenya外部サイトSome economic arithmetic of poverty : preliminary farm data from Bukura and Shitoli sub-locations of Kakamega District, Western Kenya外部サイトFirm compliance to regulatory enforcement of industrial wastewater standards in Kenya外部サイトFinancial landscapes revisited : an institutional approach to roots and branches外部サイトDoes education increase farm productivity外部サイトThe soko huru trade : network building, informal contracts and compliance failure in the marketing of green leaf tea in rural Kenya外部サイトGender and agricultural supply response to structural adjustment programmes : a case study of smallholder tea production in Kericho外部サイトCotton ginning industry in Kenya : the case of the cooperative ownership and management mode外部サイトSmallholder milk production and marketing : oppotunities and problems外部サイトKenya's economic policy with respect to the world coffee market外部サイトThe effects of increased crop production on livestock investments in a semi-arid area : some examples from Baringo district, Kenya外部サイトWomen in rural development : report of a discussion group外部サイトWomen's small-scale enterprises in rural Kenya : influences of spatial isolation on economic linkages外部サイトKenyan agricultural policy : the colonial roots of African smallholder agricultural policy and services外部サイトAfter divorce : the remarriage of economic theory and development economics?外部サイトThe effects of government agricultural policy on women farmers in Kenya : a research proposal外部サイトMarketing of food crops and purchase of industrial commodities by Nyanza smallholders, 1970-1971外部サイトLivelihood diversification and entrepreneurship : an analysis of production and marketing innovations in smallholder farming in a rural Kenyan district, Mbeere外部サイトThe effects of government agricultural policy on women farmers : preliminary findings from Idakho Location, Kakamega District外部サイトMen and women in a household economy : evidence from Kisii外部サイトTowards an understanding of business systems in Kenya : the concept and research issues in metal products sub-sector外部サイトDairy marketing and pricing in Kenya : are milk shortages the consequence of droughts or pricing policies?外部サイトWomen's income and fertility in rural Kenya外部サイトAfrican farmer response to price : a survey of empirical evidence外部サイトThe economic rights of Nandi women外部サイトWomen's education and roles in Kenya外部サイトInvestigations into several economic and demographic decisions in rural Kenyan households : a research proposal外部サイトThe village polytechnic and the family lifetraining programme : purpose, progress and problems外部サイトThe marketing of maize and beans in Kenya : a proposal for improved effectiveness外部サイトThe effects of structural adjustment policies on women's access to employment opportunities外部サイトMechanisation and employment on small farms in Kenya : research proposal外部サイトSocioeconomic constraints to the adoption, and diffusion of chemical fertilizers among small-scale farmers : a Kenyan case study外部サイトSecondary school education for girls in Kenya : the need for a more science-based curriculum to enhance women's greater participation in development外部サイトFarm level derived demand responses for fertilizer in Kenya : a research proposal外部サイトKenya Commercial Bank loans in rural areas : a survey外部サイトCotton production in the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya外部サイトOperations of export monopoly and price stabilising boards in East and West Africa : a review of methodology and results外部サイトThe interplay between commodities markets and rural livelihoods : a focus on the tea industry in rural Kenya外部サイトGroups and co-operatives : economic enterprises of women in Nakuru, part 2外部サイトCulture and ideology in conflict : the village polytechnic programme in Kenya外部サイトEconomic differentiation among peasant households : a comparison of Embu coffee and cotton zones外部サイトPerspectives on poverty and resource degradation外部サイトParastatals in Kenya : analysis of their condition and methods for an improved performance, research proposal外部サイトEducation and inequality in Kenya : some research experience and issues外部サイトAn analytical approach to rural decision-making : interim research report外部サイトPopular culture, family relations, and issues of everyday democracy : a study of youth in Pumwani外部サイトSome consequences of land adjudication in Mbere division, Embu外部サイト






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University of Nairobi, Institute for Development Studies
IDS Working paper
Public investment for private enterprise : a study of the role of parastatals as an actor and indicator of social change in Kenya
Some economic arithmetic of poverty : preliminary farm data from Bukura and Shitoli sub-locations of Kakamega District, Western Kenya
Firm compliance to regulatory enforcement of industrial wastewater standards in Kenya
Financial landscapes revisited : an institutional approach to roots and branches
Does education increase farm productivity
The soko huru trade : network building, informal contracts and compliance failure in the marketing of green leaf tea in rural Kenya
Gender and agricultural supply response to structural adjustment programmes : a case study of smallholder tea production in Kericho
Cotton ginning industry in Kenya : the case of the cooperative ownership and management mode
Smallholder milk production and marketing : oppotunities and problems
Kenya's economic policy with respect to the world coffee market
The effects of increased crop production on livestock investments in a semi-arid area : some examples from Baringo district, Kenya
Women in rural development : report of a discussion group
Women's small-scale enterprises in rural Kenya : influences of spatial isolation on economic linkages
Kenyan agricultural policy : the colonial roots of African smallholder agricultural policy and services
After divorce : the remarriage of economic theory and development economics?
The effects of government agricultural policy on women farmers in Kenya : a research proposal
Marketing of food crops and purchase of industrial commodities by Nyanza smallholders, 1970-1971
Livelihood diversification and entrepreneurship : an analysis of production and marketing innovations in smallholder farming in a rural Kenyan district, Mbeere
The effects of government agricultural policy on women farmers : preliminary findings from Idakho Location, Kakamega District
Men and women in a household economy : evidence from Kisii
Towards an understanding of business systems in Kenya : the concept and research issues in metal products sub-sector
Dairy marketing and pricing in Kenya : are milk shortages the consequence of droughts or pricing policies?
Women's income and fertility in rural Kenya
African farmer response to price : a survey of empirical evidence
The economic rights of Nandi women
Women's education and roles in Kenya
Investigations into several economic and demographic decisions in rural Kenyan households : a research proposal
The village polytechnic and the family lifetraining programme : purpose, progress and problems
The marketing of maize and beans in Kenya : a proposal for improved effectiveness
The effects of structural adjustment policies on women's access to employment opportunities
Mechanisation and employment on small farms in Kenya : research proposal
Socioeconomic constraints to the adoption, and diffusion of chemical fertilizers among small-scale farmers : a Kenyan case study
Secondary school education for girls in Kenya : the need for a more science-based curriculum to enhance women's greater participation in development
Farm level derived demand responses for fertilizer in Kenya : a research proposal
Kenya Commercial Bank loans in rural areas : a survey
Cotton production in the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya
Operations of export monopoly and price stabilising boards in East and West Africa : a review of methodology and results
The interplay between commodities markets and rural livelihoods : a focus on the tea industry in rural Kenya
Groups and co-operatives : economic enterprises of women in Nakuru, part 2
Culture and ideology in conflict : the village polytechnic programme in Kenya
Economic differentiation among peasant households : a comparison of Embu coffee and cotton zones
Perspectives on poverty and resource degradation
Parastatals in Kenya : analysis of their condition and methods for an improved performance, research proposal
Education and inequality in Kenya : some research experience and issues
An analytical approach to rural decision-making : interim research report
Popular culture, family relations, and issues of everyday democracy : a study of youth in Pumwani
Some consequences of land adjudication in Mbere division, Embu