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- Native sources of Japanese industrialization, 1750-1920Wuhan, 1938 : war, refugees, and the making of modern ChinaMaiden voyage : the Senzaimaru and the creation of modern Sino-Japanese relationsUnderstanding VietnamIsami's house : three centuries of a Japanese familyAuthenticating Tibet : answers to China's 100 QuestionsToshié : a story of village life in twentieth-century JapanFollowing the leader : ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi JinpingHygienic modernity : meanings of health and disease in treaty-port ChinaDangerous pleasures : prostitution and modernity in twentieth-century ShanghaiErotic grotesque nonsense : the mass culture of Japanese modern timesThe abacus and the sword : the Japanese penetration of Korea, 1895-1910Dao de jing : the book of the wayThe graves of Tarim : genealogy and mobility across the Indian OceanRace for empire : Koreans as Japanese and Japanese as Americans during World War IIA malleable map : geographies of restoration in central Japan, 1600-1912The language of the gods in the world of men : Sanskrit, culture, and power in premodern IndiaAncestral leaves : a family journey through Chinese historyEurasian : mixed identities in the United States, China, and Hong Kong, 1842-1943Modern Mongolia : from khans to commissars to capitalistsLosing face : status politics in JapanThe talented women of the Zhang familyHuang di nei jing su wen : an annotated translation of Huang Di's Inner Classic -- Basic QuestionsMountain fires : the Red Army's Three-Year War in south China, 1934-1938On the cultural revolution in Tibet : the Nyemo incident of 1969The graves of Tarim : genealogy and mobility across the Indian OceanThe art of doing good : charity in late Ming ChinaRedacted : the archives of censorship in transwar JapanOwen Lattimore and the "loss" of ChinaAn artistic exile : a life of Feng Zikai (1898-1975)Peking : temples and city life, 1400-1900Admonitions on governing the people : manual for all administratorsTechnology and gender : fabrics of power in late imperial ChinaAssimilating Seoul : Japanese rule and the politics of public space in colonial Korea, 1910-1945The gender of memory : rural women and China's collective pastShanghai splendor : economic sentiments and the making of modern China, 1843-1949Modernizing China's military : progress, problems, and prospectsTelling Chinese history : a selection of essaysUnderstanding VietnamThe problem of women in early modern JapanCoffee life in JapanIn search of our frontier : Japanese America and settler colonialism in the construction of Japan's borderless empireGlobal East Asia : into the twenty-first centuryGlobal East Asia : into the twenty-first centuryA time of lost gods : mediumship, madness, and the ghost after MaoSame bed, different dreams : managing U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000On the Cultural Revolution in Tibet : the Nyemo Incident of 1969Fathering your father : the Zen of fabrication in Tang BuddhismBombay Anna : the real story and remarkable adventures of the King and I governessVietnam : state, war, revolution, 1945-1946Cinderella's sisters : a revisionist history of footbindingEurasian : mixed identities in the United States, China, and Hong Kong, 1842-1943The monster that is history : history, violence, and fictional writing in twentieth-century ChinaSame bed, different dreams : managing U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000It's madness : the politics of mental health in colonial KoreaThe talented women of the Zhang familyThe untold history of ramen : how political crisis in Japan spawned a global food crazeSpeaking to history : the story of King Goujian in twentieth-century ChinaNative sources of Japanese industrialization, 1750-1920Wandering spirits : Chen Shiyuan's encyclopedia of dreamsThe gender of memory : rural women and China's collective pastRediscovering America : Japanese perspectives on the American centuryShanghai splendor : economic sentiments and the making of modern China, 1843-1949Reflections on reality : the three natures and non-natures in the mind-only schoolEmptiness in the mind-only school of BuddhismFabricating consumers : the sewing machine in modern JapanRifle reports : a story of Indonesian independenceRace for empire : Koreans as Japanese and Japanese as Americans during World War IIVietnamese colonial republican : the political vision of Vũ Trọng PhụngEnemy lines : childhood, warfare, and play in BatticaloaSpeaking to history : the story of King Goujian in twentieth-century ChinaPlacing empire : travel and the social imagination in imperial JapanThe untold history of ramen : how political crisis in Japan spawned a global food crazeThe too-good wife : alcohol, codependency, and the politics of nurturance in postwar JapanSeeing through Zen : encounter, transformation, and genealogy in Chinese Chan BuddhismEmptiness in the mind-only school of BuddhismErotic grotesque nonsense : the mass culture of Japanese modern timesMillennial monsters : Japanese toys and the global imaginationVicarious language : gender and linguistic modernity in JapanTsukiji : the fish market at the center of the worldJapan in print : information and nation in the early modern periodDangerous pleasures : prostitution and modernity in twentieth-century ShanghaiEating bitterness : stories from the front lines of China's great urban migrationSeason of high adventure : Edgar Snow in ChinaA translucent mirror : history and identity in Qing imperial ideologyAssimilating Seoul : Japanese rule and the politics of public space in colonial Korea, 1910-1945Hanoi's road to the Vietnam War, 1954-1965Japan : history and culture from classical to coolA flourishing Yin : gender in China's medical history, 960-1665Mabiki : infanticide and population growth in eastern Japan, 1660-1950Japan in print : information and nation in the early modern periodThe last emperors : a social history of Qing imperial institutionsThe language of the gods in the world of men : Sanskrit, culture, and power in premodern IndiaAn unfinished republic : leading by word and deed in modern ChinaLife and words : violence and the descent into the ordinaryThe abacus and the sword : the Japanese penetration of Korea, 1895-1910Ancestral leaves : a family journey through Chinese historyGolden-silk smoke : a history of tobacco in China, 1550-2010Way and byway : Taoism, local religion and models of divinity in Sung and modern ChinaTelling Chinese history : a selection of essaysPublic goods provision in the early modern economy : comparative perspectives from Japan, China, and EuropeDangerous pleasures : prostitution and modernity in twentieth-century ShanghaiHaunting images : a cultural account of selective reproduction in VietnamAncestors and anxiety : Daoism and the birth of rebirth in ChinaFantasy islands : Chinese dreams and ecological fears in an age of climate crisisAcquired alterity : migration, identity, and literary nationalismThe lost land of Lemuria : fabulous geographies, catastrophic historiesHygienic modernity : meanings of health and disease in treaty-port ChinaAlong the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia : generals, merchants, and intellectualsAlong the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia : generals, merchants, intellectualsTokyo vernacular : common spaces, local histories, found objectsNuclear ghost : atomic livelihoods in Fukushima's gray zoneThe Chinese pursuit of happiness : anxieties, hopes, and moral tensions in everyday lifeAmerican exodus : second-generation Chinese Americans in China 1901-1949Japan, the sustainable society : the artisanal ethos, ordinary virtues, and everyday life in the age of limitsA malleable map : geographies of restoration in central Japan, 1600-1912Spiritual ends : religion and the heart of dying in JapanRivers of iron : railroads and Chinese power in Southeast AsiaCinderella's sisters : a revisionist history of footbinding
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA03887253 : BA03887253