



SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering
SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering


Image intensifiers and applications : and characteristics and consequences of space debris and near-earth objects, 23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh speed computing : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technology Symposium : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence VI, 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトScintillating fiber technology and applications II : 29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトRapid prototyping : 10-11 June, 1996, Besançon, France外部サイトElectro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications IV : 18-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトDigital photography : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInternet multimedia management systems II : 22-23 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトOptics in entertainment : January 20-21, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber optics : short-haul and long-haul measurements and applications II : August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトEmerging lithographic technologies III : 15-17 March 1999, Santa Clara, California外部サイトSmart structures, devices, and systems : 16-18 December 2002 Melbourne, Australia外部サイトInternational Lens Design Conference : 11-14 June 1990, Monterey, California外部サイトMaterials and devices for photonic circuits II : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトSolar and switching materials : 1-2 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトLaser interferometry IX : techniques and analysis : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトCurrent developments in lens design and optical engineering VI : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトEnabling technologies for simulation science VIII : 13-15 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトFiber optic networks ; and, Coherent technology in fiber optic systems II : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトSemiconductor optoelectronic devices for lightwave communication :8-10 September 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトLaser-based ultrasensitive spectroscopy and detection V : August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトChemical microsensors and applications : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトRapid isothermal processing : 12-13 October 1989, Santa Clara, California外部サイトIntelligent robotics : proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics, January 2-5, 1991, Bangalore, India外部サイトOptical thin films V : new developments : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトNondestructive detection and measurement for homeland security III : 7-9 March, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing III : 23-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMini-Symposium on Image-Based Motion Measurement : in collaboration with First World Congress of Biomechanics : 31 August-1 September 1990, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA外部サイトInfrared astronomy : scientific/military thrusts and instrumentation : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトSurveillance technologies II : 21-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFiber optics reliability : benign and adverse environments IV : 18-20 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of lasers in orthopedic, dental, and veterinary medicine : 23-24 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision : seventh in a series, 7-11 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトLarge screen projection displays : 15 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトIndustrial inspection : proceedings, ECO1, 19-20 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトALT '94 International Conference : laser methods of surface treatment and modification : 5-9 September 1994, Konstanz, Germany外部サイトNanoengineering: fabrication, properties, optics, and devices : 4-6 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XIII : 7-9 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations VIII : 22-24 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトBiomedical optoacoustics IV : 26-27 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInfrared technology XVI : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトEnabling photonic technologies for aerospace applications II : 24-25 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトComputational imaging IV : 16-18 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical thin films II : new developments : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトAtmospheric and environmental remote sensing data processing and utilization : numerical atmospheric prediction and environment monitoring : 1-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInfrared sensors and sensor fusion : 19-21 May, 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトComponents for fiber optic applications III and coherent lightwave communications : 7-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトExcimer lasers, their applications, and new frontiers in lasers : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトUltraviolet ground- and space-based measurements, models, and effects III : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical materials and process technology for energy efficiency and solar applications : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトEnvironmentally conscious manufacturing V : 23-24 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトElectro-optical imaging systems integration : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of optical biopsy and fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging : 9-10 September 1994, Lille, France外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing VIII :24-27 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece外部サイトApplications of Infrared Technology : 9-10 June 1988, London, England外部サイトLaser testing and reliability : 7 November 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトNetwork design and management : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトGeoinformatics 2006 : Geospatial information science : 28-29 October 2006, Wuhan, China外部サイトEmerging components and technologies for all-optical photonic systems II : 18-19 November, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSuperstrong laser fields and applications : Laser Optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトSolid state lighting and displays : 31 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトIn situ industrial applications of optics : 25-27 June, 1986, Brussels, Belgium外部サイトGas laser technology外部サイトThirteenth Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics : 2-7 July 2005, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトPhotonics, devices, and systems II :Proceedings from PHOTONICS PRAGUE 2002, 26-29 May 2002, Prague, Czech Republic, Miroslav Hrabovský, Dagmar Senderáková, Pavel Tománek, chairs/editors ; Organized by CSSF--Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics, Tech-Market外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing III : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology VII : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdaptive optical systems technology : 29-31 March, 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトOptical systems contamination and degradation : 20-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトIntense microwave pulses III : 10-12 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical pattern recognition XII : 19 April, 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトRemote sensing of vegetation and sea : 23-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy外部サイトNinth Workshop on Virtual Intelligence/Dynamic Neural Networks : academic/industrial/NASA/defense technical interchange and tutorials : international conferences on virtual intelligence/dynamic neural networks--neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary systems, and virtual reality/pulse coupled neural networks, 1998外部サイトChemical and biological early warning monitoring for water, food, and ground : 1-2 November 2001, Newton, [Mass.], USA外部サイトSecurity and watermarking of multimedia contents : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトAdaptive optical system technologies II : 22 - 26 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトX-ray optics and surface science外部サイトAirborne intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) systems and applications : 13-14 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトEmerging lithographic technologies II : 23-25 February 1998, Santa Clara, California外部サイトThree-dimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing II : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトEarth observing systems XI : 14-16 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSixth Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor Workshop : 14-15 May 2003, Troutdale, Oregon, USA外部サイトComputer-controlled microshaping : 16-18 June 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトAdvanced algorithms and architectures for signal processing III : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical technology for microwave applications IV : 28-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトImaging spectroscopy of the terrestrial environment : 16-17 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1990 : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトALT'01 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, 11-14 September, 2001, Constanta, Romania外部サイトSecond International Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Engineering '94 : 15-18 August 1994, Beijing, China外部サイトOptical remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds II : 9-12 October 2000, Sendai, Japan外部サイトPassive materials for optical elements : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトMicro-optics integration and assemblies : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets IX : 12-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAll-optical networking 1999 : architecture, control, and management issues : 19-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of the 13th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics外部サイトOptical design and testing : 15-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトSixth International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications : 22-25 June 2004, Ancona, Italy外部サイトSensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications II : 22-24 January 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトModern optical characterization techniques for semiconductors and semiconductor devices : 26-27 March, 1987, Bay Point, Florida外部サイトTribute to Warren Smith: a legacy in lens design and optical engineering : 1-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XI : 1-3 August, 2001, San Diego, [Calif.] USA外部サイトStorage and retrieval for image and video databases VI : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトICONO 2005 : ultrafast phenomena and physics of superintense laser fields, quantum and atom optics, engineering of quantum information : 11-15 May 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトHolographic imaging and materials : 19-20 August 1993, Québec, Canada外部サイトAirborne laser advanced technology : 13-14 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSemiconductor microlithography VI, March 30-31, 1981, San Jose, California外部サイトGas, liquid, and free-electron lasers : Laser Optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトProceedings of time-resolved spectroscopy and imaging of tissues : 23-24 January, 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber lasers: technology, systems, and applications : 26-28 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトHigh power lasers and their industrial applications : divisional meeting of the Quantum Electronics Division/European Physical Society, 15-18 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトICONO '95 : Coherent phenomena and amplification without inversion : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトMicrorobotics and microsystem fabrication : 16-17 October 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania外部サイトOptical microlithography XIII : 1-3 March 2000, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 1992 : 24th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 28-30, October, 1992, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトProceedings of photodynamic therapy of cancer II : 9-20 September 1994, Lille, France外部サイトLaser Florence 2002 : a window on the laser medicine world : 28-31 October 2002, Florence, Italy外部サイトPractical holography IV : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFuture trends in fiber optic communications : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia : [proceedings]外部サイトOptical data storage technologies : proceedings, 22-27 October 1990, Singapore外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing X : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices(EAPAD) : 6-8 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトHolography : January 24-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSpeckle techniques, birefringence methods, and applications to solid mechanics : Second International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology : 22-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 1990 : 22nd Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 24-26, October, 1990,Boulder, Colorado外部サイトMultispectral and hyperspectral image acquisition and processing : 22-24 2001, Wuhan, China外部サイトMaterials and optics for solar energy conversion and advanced lighting technology : 19-21 August, 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトMedical imaging III, Image capture and display : 29-31 January 1989, Newport Beach, California外部サイトApplications of lasers to industrial chemistry : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRaman spectroscopy and light scattering technologies in materials science : 31 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトIntegrated optics and millimeter and microwave integrated circuits : November 16-18, 1981, Huntsville, Alabama外部サイトAdvanced optical manufacturing and testing technology : 1-3 November 2000, Chengdu, China外部サイトOptical security and anticounterfeiting systems : 15-16 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies XI : 26-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトAtmospheric propagation and remote sensing IV : 17-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイト5th international workshop on adaptive optics for industry and medicine : 29 August-1 September 2005, Beijing, China外部サイトMillimeter and Submillimeter Waves : 10-14 January 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトStereoscopic displays and applications III : 12-13 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトHard copy output : 17-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトQuantum communications and quantum imaging II : 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトDetectors and associated signal processing : 1-2 October 2003, St. Etienne, France外部サイトHolographic materials V : 26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition IV : 17-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XI : algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing II : 21-23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing IX : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, USA外部サイトBiomedical applications of free-electron lasers : 22 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems V : 4-6 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトHyperspectral remote sensing of the ocean : 9-11 October 2000, Sendai, Japan外部サイトIntense microwave pulses V : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトWavefront distortions in power optics : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications III : 14-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDiffractometry and scatterometry : 24-28 May 1993, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery X : 21-23 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptical interconnections and networks : ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトLaser tissue interaction XIII : photochemical, photothermal, and photomechanical : 20-23 January 2002, San Jose, California /Steven L. Jacques...[et al.], chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトConference digest : Sixteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 26-30 August 1991, Lausanne, Switzerland外部サイトGeometric methods in computer vision II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical pattern recognition XI : 26-27 April, 2000, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics VII : 1-3 August 2005, San Diego, California外部サイトOptics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision VIII : 8-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトConfocal, multiphoton, and nonlinear microscopic imaging : 22-23 June 2003, Munich, Germany外部サイトOptics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision II : 5-6 November 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトQuantum well and superlattice physics VI : 29-30 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトSensor fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications IV : 25-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトHolographic optical security systems : proceedings, ECO4, 14-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトProceedings of effects of low-power light on biological systems IV : 8-9 September 1998, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトHigh power and solid state lasers : 23-24 January, 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvances in multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV/FUV optics : 24-26 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser radar techniques for atmospheric sensing : 14-16 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control III, 27-28 February 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイト1994 topical meeting on optical data storage : 16-18 May 1994, Dana Point, California外部サイトHuman vision and electronic imaging : models, methods, and applications : 12-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトInfrared detectors and focal plane arrays VIII : 15-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトLaser Optics 2000, ultrafast optics and superstrong laser fields : 26-30 June, 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトAdaptive and learning systems II : 12-13 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical technology for signal processing systems : 1-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInnovative telescopes and instrumentation for solar astrophysics : 24-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトCurrent developments in optical design and optical engineering VIII : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision VII : 15-16 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトStray radiation V : 18-20 August, 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced sensor technologies for nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring : 8-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトScience and engineering of medical imaging : 24-26 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトSolid state sensor arrays : development and applications : 10-11 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトHigh speed photography, videography, and photonics VI : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical system design and analysis software : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトHolography, diffractive optics, and applications : 15-17 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトFiber laser sources and amplifiers IV : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトImage processing III : 27-28 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトFiber optics reliability : benign and adverse environments : 17-18 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトIndustrial applications of optical inspection, metrology, and sensing : 19-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXVIII : 7-11 July 2002 ,Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトSelected papers from Photonics India '98 : 14-18 December 1998, New Delhi, India外部サイトImage and video communications and processing 2000 : 25-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSoft X-ray microscopy : 19-21 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XII : 16-17 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトEyesafe lasers : components, systems, and applications : 21 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy VI : 12-14 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments VI : 4-5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing VI : 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMachine vision systems for inspection and metrology VIII : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAdvancements in adaptive optics : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXIX : 21-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトMaterials for optical switches, isolators, and limiters : 28-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMedical imaging IV, Image capture and display : 4-5 February 1990, Newport Beach, California外部サイトLaser technology II : 7-10 September 1987, Szczecin, Poland外部サイトProceedings of coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications : 12-14 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトInterferometry VI : applications : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトSensor fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications V : 18-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトRadar sensor technology V : 27 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトCommand, control, communications, and intelligence systems for law enforcement : 19-21 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of materials, 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh intensity laser processes外部サイトSpace structures, power, and power conditioning : 11-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technology Symposium ...外部サイトFourth Oxford Conference on Spectroscopy : 10-12 June 2002, Davidson, North Carolina, USA外部サイトHigh speed photography, videography, and photonics : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトSAR data processing for remote sensing : proceedings : 28-30 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XII : 28-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトRadar sensor technology VI : 19 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトLaser source and system technology for defense and security II : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトMultimedia hardware architectures 1998 : 29-30 January, 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical information processing systems and architectures, 8-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XI : 12-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology VI : 21-25 May 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction : January 15-17 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser techniques for surface science : 27-29 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトElectronic imaging applications in graphic arts : 17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber optic physical sensors in manufacturing and transportation : 8-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトRecent advances in remote sensing and hyperspectral remote sensing : 27-29 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトChemical and biological point sensors for homeland defense II : 26-27 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトMicroscopy : techniques and capabilities : September 21-22, 1982, London, England外部サイトTechniques and instrumentation for detection of exoplanets : 5-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdvances in adaptive optics II : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInhomogeneous and quasi-inhomogeneous optical coatings : 19-20 August 1993, Québec, Canada外部サイトHelmet- and head-mounted displays VI : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXXIII : 9-13 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトRadar sensor technology IV : 8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSpace station automation III : 2-4 November 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトPractical holography V : 27 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical specifications : components and systems : April 5-7, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトApplication of lidar to current atmospheric topics III : 22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトWDM and photonic switching devices for network applications : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, Calofornia外部サイトOptical processing and computing : a tribute to Adolf Lohmann : 17-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトOptical materials and applications : 6-9 July 2004, Tartu, Estonia外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing III : 13-15 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision III : 8-9 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトPhysical concepts and materials for novel optoelectronic device applications II : international symposium, 24-27 May 1993, Trieste, Italy外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XXIII : 20-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトNonimaging optics and efficient illumunation systems II : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego California, USA外部サイトICO20 : biomedical optics : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトElectronic imaging and multimedia technology IV : 8-11 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトVisual information processing II : 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイト5th International Workshop on Image Processing and Computer Optics (DIP-94) : 22-26 August 1994, Samara, Russia外部サイトMicrowave sensing and synthetic aperture radar : 23-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy外部サイトLinear and nonlinear integrated optics : 11-13 April 1994, Lindau, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトThird International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 7-11 June 1999, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトOptomechanical engineering and vibration control : 20-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptical computing and neural networks : 16-17 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China外部サイトOptics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision V : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトThe Laser marketplace in 1989 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers外部サイトHyperspectral remote sensing and application : 15-17 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 2007 : 9-10 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトHigh-speed networking and multimedia computing : 8-10 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトHelmet-mounted displays III : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトColor imaging X : processing, hardcopy, and applications : 17-20 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトICO20 : optical devices and instruments : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトAdvanced LEDs for solid state lighting : 5-7 September 2006, Gwangju, South Korea外部サイトMicroelectronics technology and process integration : 20-21 October 1994, Austin, Texas外部サイトEducation in microelectronics and MEMS : 28-29 October 1999, Royal Pines Resort, Queensland, Australia外部サイトAPOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : Optical fiber and planar waveguide technology : 13-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina外部サイトUnmanned systems technology VIII : 17-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトPractical holography VI : 11-13 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトThird International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : proceedings : 27-31 May, 2002, Osaka, Japan外部サイトSubmicrometer metallization : the challenges, opportunities, and limitations : 23-25 September 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトFiber optic couplers, connectors, and splice technology II : August 20-21, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトMiniature and micro-optics : fabrication and system applications : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトFrequency-stabilized lasers and their applications : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '90 : fifth in a series, 1-4 October 1990, Lausanne, Switzerland外部サイトCooperative intelligent robotics in space III : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトPhotonics for port and harbor security II : 18-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvanced environmental sensing technology II : 31 October-1 November, 2001, Newton, [Massachusetts] USA外部サイトFirst jet propulsion laboratory in Situ Instruments Workshop : 11-13 june 2002, Pasadena, California, USA外部サイトLasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems XII : 19-20, 22 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトProcessing of images and data from optical sensors : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California : [proceedings]外部サイトControls for optical systems : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイト10th Annual Symposium on Microlithography : proceedings : September 26-27, 1990, Sunnyvale Hilton, Sunnyvale, California外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence IV, 15-16 April, 1986, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトApplications of electronic imaging : 17-19 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing VII : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトNew frontiers in stellar interferometry : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトPhotonic bandgap materials and devices : 23-25 January, 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトOptical microlithography XI : 25-27 February 1998, Santa Clara, California外部サイトTheory and practice of surface-relief diffraction gratings : synchrotron and other applications : 20 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical technology for microwave applications : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトStereoscopic displays and applications : 12-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOphthalmic lens design and fabrication : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトVibration monitoring and control : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトLasers in motion for industrial applications : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angels, California外部サイトVision systems--sensors, sensor systems, and components : 10-12 June 1996, Besançon, France外部サイトOptics in engineering measurement : 3-6 December 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトOptical technology for microwave applications VI and optoelectronic signal processing for phased-array antennas III : 20-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHighly parallel signal processing architectures外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion IV, August 20-22, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトSpace systems technology and operations : 24 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing IV : 5-7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSpace processing of materials : 4-5 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトCurrent developments in optical design and optical engineering VI : 5-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAtmospheric propagation : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications V : 26-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトMetrology, inspection, and process control for microlithography XIV : 28 February - 2 March 2000, San Clara, California外部サイトEmerging applications of computer vision : 25th AIPR Workshop, 16-18 October 1996, Washington, D.C.外部サイトSpaceborne sensors : 13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトActive and passive optical components for communications VI : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトIntense microwave and particle beams III : 20-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvanced technology optical telescopes III : 3-6 March 1986, Tucson, Arizona外部サイトCoherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications V : 23-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトUltraprecision machining and automated fabrication of optics外部サイトOcean optics X : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvances in display technology VI : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトCoding and signal processing for information storage : 23-24 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトProceedings of optical fibers in medicine VII : 21-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 1996 : 8-10 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical methods for indusutrial processes : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing XXII : 28 February-2 March, 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers II : 22-26 September 1997, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトWDM and photonic switching devices for network applications III : 24-25 January, 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトLiquid crystals and spatial light modulator materials : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトSpace guidance, control, and tracking : 12-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart electronics and MEMS : 11-13 December 1997, Adelaide, Australia外部サイトSeventh International Conference on Correlation Optics : 6-9 September 2005, Chernivtsi, Ukraine外部サイトImaging spectrometry V : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLaser systems technology : 21-23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : damping and isolation : 6-8 March 2000, Newport Beach, California外部サイトLaser Florence 2001 : a window on the laser medicine world : 7-11 November 2001, Florence, Italy外部サイトThird International Conference on Trends in Quantum Electronics : proceedings : europhysics conference, 29 August-3 September 1988, Bucharest, Romania外部サイトRecent developments and applications of infrared analytical instrumentation : 7-8 June 1988, London, England外部サイトPhotonics : high bandwidth analog applications : 7-11 April 1986, Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida外部サイトStorage and retrieval for image and video databases II : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトInternet imaging : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion VI : 18-19 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical data storage 2000 : 14-17 May, 2000, Whistler, Canada外部サイトRemote sensing of the coastal oceanic environment : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNinth joint international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics/atmospheric physics : Part I, Radiation propagaton in the atmosphere and ocean : 2-5 July 2002, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトX-ray multilayers for diffractometers, monochromators, and spectrometers : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトDiamond optics V : 20-21 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control VIII : 28 February-2 March [1994], San Jose, California外部サイトUnattended ground sensor technologies and applications II : 26 April 2000, Orlando, [Florida] USA外部サイトSoft X-ray lasers and applications II : 28-29 July, 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition II : 12-14 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFifth international conference on solid state lighting : 1-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 1994, PACS, design and evaluation : 15-18 February 1994, Newport Beach, California外部サイトLaser Radar II : 19-20 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトNonlinear image processing IX : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトSensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation : 2-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical instruments for weather forecasting : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトInfrared imaging systems: design, analysis, modeling, and testing XIV : 23-24 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトPenetrating radiation systems and applications : 19-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAdvanced global communications technologies for astronomy : 31 March 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites : 22-25 September 1997, London, UK外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of aging utilities : 6-7 June 1995, Oakland, California外部サイトSecond International Symposium on Advanced Laser Technologies : 8-13 November 1993, Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology IV : 26 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトCharacterization of very high speed semiconductor devices and integrated circuits : 23-25 March, 1987, Bay Point, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : Sensory phenomena and measurement instrumentation for smart structures and materials : 5-6 March 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトAdvances in image processing : 31 March-3 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands外部サイトAcousto-optics and applications V : 6-10 September 2004, Gdańsk, Poland外部サイトApplications of thin-film multilayered structures to figured X-ray optics : August 20-22, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotonics at the Air Force Photonics Center : 4-5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of optical biopsies : 14-15 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトChemical and biological sensing VIII : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトFundamental problems of laser optics : laser optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, st. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトSuperconducting superlattices and multilayers : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XII : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトTerahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics V : 25-26 January 2006, San Jose California, USA外部サイトEnvironmentally conscious manufacturing III : 29-30 October, 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA外部サイトTechnologies for optical fiber communications : 25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy VII : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトVisual information processing X : 19-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトCharge-coupled devices and solid state optical sensors III : 2-3 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトNonlinear image processing XI : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications IX : 13-15 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトNew methods and istruments for space- and earth-baced spectroscopy in XUV, UV, IR, and millimeter waves外部サイトChemical and medical sensors : 12-13 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4外部サイトProceedings of the 17th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, 1-5 September 1986, CSIR Conference Centre, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa外部サイトElectro-optic computer peripherals technology : 16 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China外部サイトPhotodynamic therapy : mechanisms, 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトTerahertz spectroscopy and applications : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトFluctuations and noise in materials : 26-28 May, 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam technology : submicrometer lithographies VII : 2-4 March 1988, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOptics for high-brightness synchrotron radiation beamlines II : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトEngineered nanostructural films and materials : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトGradient-index optics and miniature optics : 8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart focal plane arrays and focal plane array testing : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEighth International Symposium on Laser Metrology : macro-, micro-, and nano-technologies applied in science, engineering, and industry : 14-18 February, 2005, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico外部サイトDesign of efficient illumination systems : 4-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトGuided-wave optics外部サイトMicromachined devices and components II : 14-15 October 1996, Austin, Texas外部サイトCrystal materials for nonlinear optical devices and microgravity science : 8-9 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトFirst European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials : held at the Forte Crest Hotel, Glasgow, 12-14 May 1992外部サイトOptical spectroscopic techniques, remote sensing, and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research IV : 30 July-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトNanofabrication technologies and device integration : 13-14 April 1994, Lindau, FRG外部サイトDiagnostic imaging applications, 8-9 October 1984, Amsterdam, The Netherlands : held in conjunction with ECOOSA '84--the European Conference on Optics, Optical Systems and Applications外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks III : 21-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical diagnostics and sensing of biological fluids and glucose and cholesterol monitoring II : 23-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトMicromachining optical components and precision engineering : ECO1 22-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトSensor fusion and decentralized control in robotic systems外部サイトFifth international conference on material science and material properties for infrared optoelectronics : 22-24 may 2000, Kiev, Ukraine外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology II : 20-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトFar- and near-field optics : physics and information processing : 23-24 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトStereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems V : 26-29 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトDesign, fabrication, and characterization of photonic devices : 27-30 November 2001, Singapore外部サイトTargets, backgrounds, and discrimination : proceedings, Infrared Information Symposia (IRIS)外部サイトScanning microscopy instrumentation : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing VII : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMode-locked and solid state lasers, amplifiers, and applications : 17-19 August 1993, Québec, Canada外部サイトQuantum dot devices and computing : 21 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトExcimer lasers and optics : [papers] : 18-19 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors, 6-7 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLasers in dentistry VII : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトTransport technologies for broadband optical access networks : 7-8 April 1993, Berlin, FRG外部サイトMicrowave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment III : 24-25 October 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトLaser interaction with tissue : 11-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFemtosecond phenomena and nonlinear optics III : 11-12 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトBiomedical diagnostic, guidance, and surgical-assist systems III : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトCockpit displays III : 10-11 April 1996 , Orlando, Florida外部サイトMicrowave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment II : 9-12 October 2000, Sendai, Japan外部サイトElectromechanical system interaction with optical design : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトX-ray optics, instruments, and missions II : 18-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSpace optical materials and space qualification of optics, 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy III : 22-23 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトImage processing : algorithms and systems : 21-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトIndustrial laser interferometry II : 27-28 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan外部サイトPeace and wartime applications and technical issues for unattended ground sensors : 22-23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical fiber and fiber component mechanical reliability and testing II : 21 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトThird Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and sixth Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications : 28 September-2 October 1998, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia外部サイトAdvanced microlithography technologies : 8-10 November, 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : Smart structures and integrated systems : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトUV and gamma-ray space telescope systems : 21-24 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトThe Marketplace for medical lasers : a seminar examining recent trends and market developments in the medical laser industry : 27 April 1988, Dallas, Texas外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 25-year index 1969-1993 : Boulder Damage Symposia外部サイトConference digest : the 14th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : Würzburg, October 2-6, 1989, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトProceedings of optical imaging techniques in biomedicine : 8-9 September 1994, Lille, France外部サイトDevelopments in x-ray tomography : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトALT '97, International Conference on Laser Surface Processing : 8-12 September 1997, Limoges, France外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies XIII : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトLaser diagnostics of biological molecules and living cells, linear and nonlinear methods : 27-31 August 1990, Moscow, USSR外部サイトImage processing and pattern recognition in remote sensing :25-27 October 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトVideometrics VI : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトMultigigabit fiber communications : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular interventions IV : 22-23 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNonimaging optics : maximum efficiency light transfer VII : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトEnabling photonic technologies for aerospace applications : 5-6 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical fabrication and testing : proceedings : 22-27 October 1990, Singapore外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1989 : proceedings of the Boulder Damage Symposium, November 1-3, 1989外部サイトSemiconductor photodetectors III : 25 January 2006, San Jose California, USA外部サイトMobile robots XVI : 29-30 October 2001, Newton, USA外部サイトDigital solid state cameras : designs and applications : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトLasers in dentistry VIII : 21-22 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology VI and radar sensor technology VII : 23-24 April 2003,Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical technology for microwave applications V : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision VIII : systems and applications : 9-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトSaratov Fall Meeting 2000 : Coherent optics of ordered and random media : 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia外部サイトOptoelectronic integrated circuits IX : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California外部サイトArchitecture and algorithms for digital image processing : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトHelmet-mounted displays II : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser radar ranging and atmospheric lidar techniques II : 20-21 September 1999, Florence, Italy外部サイトLight and optics in biomedicine : 23-25 October 2000, Warsaw, Poland /Maksymilian Pluta, Anna Cysewska-Sobusiak, editors ; organized by SPIE Poland Chapter, Institute of Applied Optics (Poland) ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, State Committee for Scientific Research (Poland)外部サイトInternational Conference on Experimental Mechanics: Advances and Applications, 4-6 December, 1996, Singapore外部サイトRaman scattering : 16-19 November 1998, Moscow, Russia外部サイトUltrafast phenomena in semiconductors III : 27-29 January, 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトICEM 2008 : International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2008, 8-11 November 2008, Nanjing, China , editors ; Xiaoyuan He, Huimin Xie, Yilan Kang ; organized by the Chinese Society for Experimental Mechanics [and] Southeast University (China) ; sponsored by Asian Committee of Experimental Mechanics [and] the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ; cosponsored by Ministry of Education of China ... [et al.] ; cooperating organization, SPIE.外部サイトBiomedical nanotechnology architectures and applications : 20-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトSensors, sensor systems, and sensor data processing : June 16-17 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトMobile robots VII : 18-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInternational conference on space information technology : 19-20 November 2005, Wuhan, China外部サイトDigital and optical shape representation and pattern recognition : 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHigh power lasers and laser machining technology : proceedings : 25-28 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトMiniature optics and lasers : 11-12 January 1988 Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvanced optical instrumentation for remote sensing fo the Earth's surface from space : proceedings, 27-28 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトSmart structures--optical instrumentation and sensing systems : 19 June, 1995, Munich, FRG外部サイトOptics for science and new technology : 17th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, August 19-23, 1996, Hotel Riviera(Yusong), Taejon Korea外部サイトTime-resolved laser spectroscopy in biochemistry II外部サイトCombustion diagnostics : 17 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 2004 : 13-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations VI : 6-8 August, 1996, Denver, Cololado外部サイトSensor fusion VII : 31 Ocotber-1 November 1994, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1995 : Smart sensing, processing, and instrumentation : 27 February-1 March, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1999, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 23-25 February 1999, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical pattern recognition III : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInterferometry in space : 26-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトUltrafast pulse generation and spectroscopy : 18-19, 22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHigh power solid state lasers : ECO1 19-20 September, 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトSixth International Symposium on Display Holography, 21-25 July 1997, Lake Forest, Illinois外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : modeling, signal processing, and control : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトLaser material crystal growth and nonlinear materials and devices : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトVision geometry X : 29-30 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトLaser Beam Surface Treating and Coating : 29-30 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan外部サイトProceedings of Biomedical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical/laser microlithography VII : 2-4 March 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced materials and optical systems for chemical and biological detection : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトWavelet applications in signal and image processing IV : 6-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XI : 23-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトGrazing incidence optics for astronomical and laboratory applications : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトDigital image recovery and synthesis III : 5-6 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトEarth surface remote sensing II : 21, 24 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトHealth care technology policy II : the role of technology in the cost of health care : providing the solutions : 10-12 May 1995, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトReal time signal processing IX : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared and photoelectronic imagers and detector devices : 31 July - 1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInfrared detectors and focal plane arrays II : 23-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEarth surface remote sensing : 22-25 September 1997, London, UK外部サイトVisual information processing : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 2000 : 24-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトDesign and process integration for microelectronic manufacturing II [sic] : 26-27 February 2004, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology IV : 22-25 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece外部サイトInternational Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology, 17-20 August 1987, San Diego, California : [proceedings]外部サイトCoherent technology in fiber optic systems : August 19, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトSecond German Symposium on Laser Angioplasty外部サイトRecent developments in materials and detectors for the infrared外部サイトWindow and dome technologies and materials VII : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトHybrid image and signal processing : 7-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of the SPIE Advanced Institute on Transformations in Optical Signal Processing外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence IX : 2-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSelected papers on optical computing外部サイトProceedings of biochemical and medical sensors : 2 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトElectro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications V : 16-18 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトAdvanced sensor systems and applications : 15-18 October 2002, SHanghai, China外部サイトInfrared technology XIV : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam technology : submicrometer lithographies VIII : 1-3 March 1989, San Jose, California外部サイトHarnessing light : science and metrology at NIST, 1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトUnmanned/Unattended sensors and sensor networks : 25-27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXIV : 19-24 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical instrumentation for biomedical laser applications : 17-18 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトReflecting optics for synchrotron radiation : November 16-18, 1981, Upton, New York外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 2-4 March, 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトFluctuations and noise in photonics and quantum optics III : 24-26 May 2005, Austin, Texas, USA外部サイトMobile robots : [papers] : 30-31 October 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトPhysics and simulation of optoelectronic devices II : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNeutron optics : 2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトAdvanced Technology Optical Telescopes IV : 12-16 February 1990, Tucson, Arizona外部サイトPropagation engineering : third in a series, 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOPTIKA '98, 14-17 September 1998, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトTechnologies, protocols, and services for next-generation internet : 21 and 23 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトMedical imaging III, PACS system design and evaluation : 29 January-3 February 1989, Newport Beach, California外部サイトOptical techniques for industrial inspection, 4-6 June 1986, Québec City, Canada外部サイトTechnologies for optical countermeasures III : 12-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトDigital wireless communication III : 17-18 April, Orlando, USA外部サイトSpectroscopic characterization techniques for semiconductor technology IV : 25-26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey外部サイトX-ray mirrors, crystals, and multilayers II : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing VI : August 23-26, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvances in fluorescence sensing technology III : 9-11 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトEarth Observing System : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSelected papers on laser scanning and recording外部サイトInverse optics : April 6-8, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトStorage and retrieval for image and video databases III : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトFree-space laser communication and active laser illumination III : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInfrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays IV : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser study of macroscopic biosystems : 4th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences : 7-11 September 1992, Jyväskylä, Finland外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials X : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトMedia processors 2001 : 23 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトInfrared, adaptive, and synthetic aperture optical systems : 8 April 1985, Arlington, Virginia, 1-2 April 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトScattering and surface roughness III : 1-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトFiber optics in adverse environments II : August 22-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトDevices for optical processing : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトICALEO '90 : optical methods in flow and particle diagnostics外部サイトProceedings of ophthalmic technologies IV : 22-23 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber laser sources and amplifiers III : 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of quantification and localization using diffuse photons in a highly scattering medium : 3-5 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy and atomic physics, 7-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance VII, August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトAutomatic target recognition VII : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトISOM/ODS '99 : joint international symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Strage 1999, 11-15 July 1999 Sheraton Kauai Resort, Koloa, Howaii外部サイトOptics and images in law enforcement II : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトOcean optics VII : June 25-28, 1984, Monterey, California外部サイトCrystals, multilayers, and other synchrotron optics : 5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision : sixth in a series, 2-6 November 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトPhotochemistry and photoelectrochemistry of organic and inorganic molecular thin films : 23-24 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvanced display technologies : basic studies of problems in information display (FLOWERS 2000) : 10-12 October 2000, Moscow, Russia外部サイトDevice and process technologies for MEMS, microelectronics, and photonics III : 10-12 December 2003, Perth, Australia外部サイトX-ray and micro- and nano-focusing : applications and techniques : 31 July 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトQuantum optics : 27-29 October 1999, Kazan, Russia外部サイトRecent advances in sensors, radiometry, and data processing for remote sensing : 6-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotonic crystal materials and devices IV : 23-26 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトFree-electron laser challenges II : 26-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトInterferometric fiber sensing : Interferometry '94, 16-20 May, 1994, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトTechnologies of cryogenically cooled sensors and Fourier transform spectrometers II : August 26-27, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of medical lasers and systems II : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトChemical and biological point sensors for homeland defense : 29-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA外部サイトUnattended ground sensor technologies and applications IV : 2-5 April 2002 Orland, USA外部サイトOptical metrology roadmap for the semiconductor, optical, and data storage industries , 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトAdvances in materials for active optics : 22-23 August 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトThree-dimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing III : 30 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトPolarization analysis, measurement, and remote sensing III : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトSaratov fall meeting '99 : optical technologies in biophysics and medicine : International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics, and Biophysics : 5-8 October 1999, Saratov, Russia外部サイトBiomedical image processing : 12-13 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOptically based materials and Optically based biological and chemical sensing for defence II : 28 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトProceedings, ICLOE '92 : 1992 International Conference on Lasers and Optoelectronics : 16-18 October 1992, Beijing, China外部サイトWindow and dome technologies and materials III : 22-23 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトInformation systems for Navy divers and autonomous underwater vehicles operating in very shallow water and surf zone regions : 7-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDamage to space optics and properties and characteristics of optical glass : 20 and 22-23 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトUV/EUV and visible space instrumentation for astronomy and solar physics : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトProceedings of laser surgery--advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems II : January 14, 16-19, 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMaterials for infrared detectors III : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 2006 : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence III, April 1-3, 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトVision, sensors, and control for automated manufacturing systems : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトActive and passive optical components for WDM communications IV : 25-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトSpectroscopic characterization techniques for semiconductor technology V : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトComputational imaging III : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトCooperative intelligent robotics in space II : 12-14 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical, infrared, and millimeter wave propagation engineering : 5-7 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSpatial light modulators : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトStereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems VI : 25-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of Lasers in ophthalmology III : 13 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトBiophotonics and new therapy frontiers : 3-5 April 2006, Strasbourg, France外部サイトAdvanced photonic sensors and applications : 30 November-3 December 1999, Singapore外部サイトUltrafast laser probe phenomena in bulk and microstructure semiconductors III: 18-19 March 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトImaging sensors and displays : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials '93 : smart sensing, processing, and instrumentation, 1-4 February 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico外部サイトTerahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics II : 31 July - 2 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトUV/EUV and visible space instrumentation for astronomy II : 7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトPhysics and simulation of optoelectronic devices VIII : 24-28 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトThe search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in the optical spectrum II : 31 January - 1 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトPolarimetry : radar, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, and X-ray : 15-17 May 1990, Huntsville, Alabama外部サイトHybrid image processing : 1-2 April 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical characterization techniques for high-performance microelectronic device manufacturing : 20 October 1994, Austin, Texas外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1998 : passive damping and isolation : 2-3 March, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトThin film technologies : April 20-22, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland外部サイトGravitational wave and particle astrophysics detectors : 23-24 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトGrowth of compound semiconductor structures : second in a series : 15-16 March 1988, Newport Beach, California外部サイトInternational Conference on Computer-generated Holography : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California : [proceedings]外部サイトProceedings of photodynamic therapy--mechanisms II : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors VI : 26-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical devices for fiber communication : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトRapid thermal and related processing techniques : 2-3 October 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトData mining and applications : 23-24 October 2001, Wuhan, China外部サイトOptomechanical design and engineering 2002 : 7-9 August 2002, Seattle, USA外部サイトOptical Data Storage 2014 : 18-19 August 2014, San Diego, California, United States外部サイトBiostereometrics' 85 : 3-6 December 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトLaser diode technology and applications V : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDesign, test, integration, and packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2001 : 25-27 April 2001, Cannes, France外部サイトOptomechatronic systems II : 29-31 October 2001, Newton, USA外部サイトIntracavity and extracavity control of laser beam properties : 19-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvances in optical information processing VII : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHuman vision, visual processing, and digital display III : 10-13 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of photon transport in highly scattering tissue : 6-8 September 1994, Lille, France外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 2000 : 24-25 April, 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトAcousto-optics and applications IV : 22-29 May 2001, Gdańsk-Jurata, Poland外部サイトAcousto-optics and applications : 25-29 May 1992, Gdańsk-Jurata, Poland外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XXI: algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 28-29 October 2003, Providance, Rhode island, USA外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '88 : third in a series : 9-11 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトImage reconstruction and restoration : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing III : 23-25 September 1996, Taormina, Italy外部サイトDesign, process integration, and characterization for microelectronics : 6-7 March 2002, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトICALEO '89 : optical methods in flow and particle diagnostics : proceedings外部サイトRemote sensing and modeling of the atmosphere, oceans, andinteractions : 13-16 November 2006, Goa, India外部サイトAdvances in X-ray optics : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XI : biological, neural net, and 3-D methods : 18-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトRemote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology III :9-11 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトFlat panel display technology and display metrology II : 22-23 January 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトQuantum informatics 2005 : 3-7 October 2005外部サイトBiomedical image processing and three-dimensional microscopy : 10-13 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトBiomedical applications of lasers : Laser Optics '95 : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトReconfigurable technology : FPGAs and reconfigurable processors for computing and communications III : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトNanophotonics for communication : materials and devices II : 24 and 26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトComputer vision applications, meeting the challenges : 20th AIPR Workshop : 17-18 October 1991, McLean, Virginia外部サイトAPOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : optical switching and optical interconnection : 12-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina外部サイトComplexity and nonlinear dynamics : 12-13 December 2006, Adelaide, Australia外部サイトLidar technologies, techniques, and measurements for atmospheric remote sensing II : 13-14 September 2006, tockholm, Sweden外部サイトSensor fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications VI : 3-5 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトFourth International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : 8-11 May 2000, Shanghai, China : proceedings外部サイトHard X-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron detector physics : 19-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトMedical imaging 2010 : Image processing : 14-16 February 2010, San Diego, California, United States外部サイトLinear and nonlinear optics of organic materials : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトThe Max Born Centenary Conference : OPTICS 82, ECOSA 82 : September 7-10, 1982, Edinburgh, Scotland外部サイトOptically based methods for process analysis : 23-26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control III : 27-28 February 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAstronomical adaptive optics systems and applications IV : 21-24 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States外部サイトRobotics and robot sensing systems : August 25, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトCrystal growth in space and related optical diagnostics : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XVIII : 26-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical engineering at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory :30 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical systems engineering II : [conference] January 26-27, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトCurrent developments in optical engineering and commercial optics : 7, 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 2005 : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMetal mirrors : 12-13 November 1992, University College London (UK)外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '93 : 8-11 November 1993, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : damping and isolation : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2001 : PACS and integrated medical information systems : design and evaluation : 20-22 February 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance IX, August 21-22, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared fiber optics III : 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトUltraviolet Technology IV : 20-21 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトBiometric technology for human identification II : 28-29 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPassive infrared remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere : 13-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAlgorithms for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery VI : 24-26 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイト11th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy : 28 June-3 July 1993, Moscow, Russia外部サイトInternational Conference on the Application and Theory of Periodic Structures, Diffraction Gratings, and Moire Phenomena III : 19-20 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトAlgorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery XII : 17-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトBroadband access systems : 19-22 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical fabrication, metrology, and material advancements for telescopes : 24-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトInternational conference on charged and neutral particles channeling phenomena II : 3-7 July 2006, Rome, Italy外部サイトMultimedia computing and networking 2000 : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical network engineering and integrity : 24-25 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトOptical methods for chemical process control : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical information processing systems and architectures IV, 20-21 July 1992 San Diego, California外部サイトOptomechanical design of laser transmitters and receivers : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInternational Conference on Holography Applications : 2-4 July, 1986, Beijing, China外部サイトInternational optical design conference 2002 : 3-5 June, 2002, Tucson, Arizona, USA外部サイトApplications of soft computing : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトVideometrics : 15-16 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction VI : 6-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトHigh-power gas lasers : 15-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトUV/Optical/IR space telescopes : innovative technologies and concepts : 3-5 August 2003 San Diego, California外部サイトEnvironment and pollution measurement sensors and systems : ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトAdvanced optoelectronic technology : 18-20 November 1987, Cannes, France外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology III : 17-19 September, 2001, Toulouse, France外部サイトHolographic nondestructive testing : status and comparison with conventional methods外部サイトInfrared systems and photoelectronic technology : 2-3, 5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトImaging system technology for remote sensing : 16-17 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトElectro-optical remote sensing II : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトLidar remote sensing for industry and environmental monitoring VI : 2-3 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAutomated optical inspection for industry: theory, technology, and applications II : 16-19 September, 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトWavelet applications IV : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXVI : 30 July - 3 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトIntegrated optics : devices, materials, and technologies XI : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSensor fusion IV : control paradigms and data structures : 12-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトApplications of digital image processing VII : August 21-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced fiber communications technologies : 3-4 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical fibres and their applications V : 21-23 February 1989, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトMillimeter wave technology IV and radio frequency power sources : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations V : 24-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared technology XVII : dedicated to the memory of Irving J. Spiro : 22-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh power lasers and applications : February 11-13, 1981, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical thin films and applications : ECO3, 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトLightguides and their applications, 14-16 October 1999, Krasnobród, Poland外部サイトLaser-generated and other laboratory X-ray and EUV sources, optics, and applications : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトBioMEMS and nanotechnology II : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia外部サイトSpace telescopes and instruments : 18-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical/laser microlithography V : 11-13 March 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトColor imaging VIII : processing, hardcopy, and applications : 21-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトLaser applications in microelectronic and optoelectronic manufacturing IV : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトBiomedical diagnostic, guidance, and surgical-assist systems IV : 20-21 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトQuality and reliability for optical systems : 11-12 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトBayesian inference for inverse problems : 23-24 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトInternational Colloquium on Diffractive Optical Elements : 14-17 May 1991, Szklarska Poręba, Poland外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection VI : 27 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Smart sensor technology and measurement systems : 7-9 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XVI : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XVIII : Algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAdvances in Optical Interference Coatings : 25-27 May 1999, Berlin, Germany外部サイトICO20: illumination, radiation, and color technologies : 21-26 August 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトColor hard copy and graphic arts II : 1-4 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトMicro-optical technologies for measurement, sensors, and microsystems II and Optical fiber sensor technologies and applications : 18-20 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1995 : Passive damping : 1-2 March 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : damping and isolation : 18-20 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトOptically activated switching III : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, CA外部サイトFourth-generation X-ray sources and optics II : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトSensor fusion and aerospace applications II : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMobile robots XV and telemanipulator and telepresence technologies VII : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトNeutrons, x-rays, and gamma rays : imaging detectors, material characterization techniques, and applications, 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトDisplay technologies II : 9-11 July 1998, Taipei, Taiwan外部サイトAdvanced organic and inorganic optical materials : 19-22 August 2002, Riga, Latvia外部サイトMedTech '89 : medical imaging : 6-8 November 1989, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトRadio telescopes : 27 - 30 March 2000 Munich, Germany外部サイトInfrared technology and applications外部サイトDiffractive/holographic technologies and spatial light modulators VII : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '95 : 24-26 May 1995, Taipei, Taiwan外部サイトSpecialized optical developments in astronomy :25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets : 9-12 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 6-7 March 2000, Newport Beach, California外部サイトDesign and process integration for microelectronic manufacturing II : 26-28 February 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトImage processing and pattern recognition in remote sensing II :8-9 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA外部サイトInternet II : quality of service and future directions : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトStray light and contamination in optical systems : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトApplications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation II : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSensor systems for the early Earth Observing System platforms : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser technologies in industry : proceedings, 6-8 June 1988, Porto, Portugal外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing IV : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAutomatic object recognition II : 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvances in nucleic acid and protein analyses,manipulation, and sequencing : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical design and processing technologies and applications : 19 March 1992, Chicago, Illinois外部サイトHigh-resolution wavefront control : methods, devices and applications IV : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトLaser diode technology and applications III : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XIV : 26-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトChemical and biological sensors for industrial and environmental security : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトAdvanced free-space optical communications techniques外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 2004 : 12-13 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 1994, Physiology and function from multidimensional images : 13-14 February 1994, Newport Beach, California外部サイトPropagation and imaging through the atmosphere III : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection VIII : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors X : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLaser Florence 2000 : a window on the laser medicine world : 18-22 October 2000, Florence, Italy外部サイトReconfigurable technology : FPGAs and reconfigurable processors for computing and communications IV : 30 July, 2002, Boston, USA外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental applications of fibers : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトMedical imaging 1994, Image processing : 15-18 February 1994, Newport Beach, California外部サイトObservatory operations : strategies, processes, and systems : 25-27 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトCurrent developments in optical engineering and diffraction phenomena : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトNinth International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, 21-25 September 1992, Crete, Greece外部サイトFifth Conference on Charge-Coupled Devices and CCD Systems : 1-7 October, 1995, Novy Svet, Crimea, Ukraine外部サイトDevelopments in optical component coatings : 15-16 May, 1996, Glasgow, Scotland, UK外部サイトHigh speed read/write techniques for advanced printing and data handling : January 20-21, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトIntegrated Optical Circuit Engineering III : 16-18 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトProceedings of coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications II : 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of medical applications of lasers III : 12-16 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトMedia processors 1999 : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトAdaptive optics and and applications II : 15-16 October 2002 Shanghai, China外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : smart electronics and MEMS : 5-7 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトInstrumentation for air pollution and global atmospheric monitoring : 31 October-1 November 2001, Newton, USA外部サイトIntegrated optical circuit engineering IV (includes special session on processing of guided wave optoelectronic materials) : 16-17 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトSolid state lasers II : 24-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMicrofluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems : 27-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSpace guidance, control, and tracking II : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInternational Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging, Technology and Applications '93 : 17-20 May 1993, Beijing, China : proceedings ISPDI '93外部サイトOptics for EUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray astronomy III : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XVII : 22 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトProgress in research and development of high-power industrial CO2 lasers : selected research papers on Progress in research and development of high-power industrial CO2 lasers 1991-2000外部サイトVisual communications and image processing 2003 : 8-11 July 2003, Lugano, Switzerland外部サイトImaging spectrometry : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトXerographic photoreceptors and photorefractive polymers : 10-11 July 1995 San Diego, California外部サイトIntegrated optics and microstructures II : 26-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトCoherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications VI : 21-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトPhotonics for port and harbor security : 29-30 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvanced technology MMW, radio, and terahertz telescopes : 26-28 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトMEMS design, fabrication, characterization, and packaging : 30 May-1 June 2001, Edinburgh, UK外部サイトHigh-power gas and solid state lasers : 5-8 April 1994, Vienna, Austria外部サイトAdvanced algorithms and architectures for signal processing IV : 8-10 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトSensor fusion : spatial reasoning and scene interpretation, 7-9 November 1988外部サイトUltrashort pulse spectroscopy and applications外部サイトRemote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere VI : 17-20 September 2001, Toulouse, France外部サイトWireless data transmission : 23-25 October 1995 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトMultispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing instruments and applicaionts :25-27 October 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトMicrorobotics and microassembly II : 5-6 November 2000, Boston外部サイトSolid state imagers and their applications外部サイトFiber optic broadband networks外部サイトDamage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray optics : 18-19 April 2007,Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトVisual information processing VII : 13-14 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers III : 28-30 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical microlithography : technology for the mid-1980s, March 31-April 1, 1982, Santa Clara, California外部サイトLaser weapons technology II : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトAdvanced lasers and systems : International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2005 : 11-15 May, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトCoherent lightwave communications : 20-21 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイト1st European Conference on Cineradiography with Photons or Particles = 1er Congrès européen de cinéradiographie par photons ou particules : May 18-21 mai 1981, Paris, France外部サイトNonlinear image processing V : 7-9 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトComponents for fiber optic applications IV : 5-6 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトCritical review, industrial lasers and applications : 24 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトTunable diode laser applications : CIS selected papers外部サイトOptical information-processing systems and architectures II : 9-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトSelected papers from International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics '98 : Silber Jubilee Symposium of the Optical Society of India : 9-12 December 1998, Dehradun, India外部サイトMultichip modules : international conference and exhibition, 13-15 April 1994, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications XI : 19-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトMEMS/MOEMS components and their applications IV : 22-23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトApplication of tunable diode and other infrared sources for atmospheric studies and industrial process monitoring : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSecond Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics : 18-22 September 1995, Guanajuato, México外部サイトApplications of fuzzy logic technology : 8-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAmorphous semiconductors for microelectronics : January 21-22, 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPhotodetectors and power meters : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser resonators and coherent optics : modeling, technology, and applications : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of ophthalmic technologies III : 16-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing XVII : 19-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトSymposium on Optical Surface Technology : April 12-14, 1983, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XIV : 4-6 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイト8th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel : optoelectronics and applications in industry and medicine : 14-16 December 1992, Tel-Aviv, Israel外部サイトTargets and backgrounds : characterization and representation V : 5-7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption II : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptical devices for fiber communication II : 6-8 November 2000 Boston, USA外部サイトHigh power lasers : sources, laser-material interactions, high excitations, and fast dynamics in laser processing and industrial applications : 31 March-3 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands外部サイトProgress in semiconductor laser diodes : 25-26 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトPractical holography XIV and holographic materials VI : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared detectors : state of the art II : 24-25 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトData mining and knowledge discovery : theory, tools, and technology IV : 1-4 April 2001, Orlando, [Florida] USA外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy VIII : 30 July - 1 August 1997, San Diego, California, Oswald H. W. Siegmund, Mark A. Gummin, chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 4-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInterconnection of high speed and high frequency devices and systems : 15, 17 March 1988, Newport Beach, California外部サイトSilicon carbide materials for optics and precision structures : 12-13 July 1995 San Diego, California外部サイトMedical imaging and instrumentation '85 : practical applications of conventional and new imaging technologies : April 21-23, 1985, Back Bay Hilton Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOxide superconductor physics and nano-engineering : 26-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSatellite remote sensing and modeling of clouds and the atmosphere : 24 September 1996, Taormina, Italy外部サイトDesign, fabrication, and characterization of photonic devices : 30 November-3 December 1999, Singapore外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXII : 8-12 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials IX : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトSolid state lasers III : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical hard copy and printing systems : 13-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトSemiconductor Lasers : ECO1 23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトHigh speed photography, videography, and photonics II : August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトPropagation engineering : 28-30 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPropagation and imaging through the atmosphere : 29-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトHelmet- and head-mounted displays III : 13-14 April, 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOphthalmic technologies X : 22-23 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトSurveillance technologies : 2-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical system contamination : effects, measurements, and control VII : 9-11 July 2002, Seattle, USA外部サイトApplications of mathematics in modern optics外部サイトRadar processing, technology, and applications III : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトIntelligent integrated microsystems : 19-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトBiomedical optoacoustics III : 20-21 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトX-ray sources and optics : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトAtmospheric propagation III : 20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトLiquid crystal materials, devices, and applications VII : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy : 20-21 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトWavelets : applications in signal and image processing IX : 30 Juy-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1994 : 5-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida/ Oliver E. Drummond, chair/editor ; sponsored and published by SPIE-The International society for Optical Engineering外部サイトMiniaturized systems with micro-optics and micromechanics II : 10-12 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトNew methods in microscopy and low light imaging : 8-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトUltraviolet technology : 22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトAlgorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery X : 12-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery VI : 5-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced optical manufacturing and testing II : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトImage processing : algorithms and systems III : 19-21 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSolid state sensor arrays : development and applications II : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトDetectors and associated signal processing II : 13-14 September 2005, Jena, Germany外部サイトModeling and simulation of optoelectronic systems : 1-3 April 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトThermal and optical interactions with biological and related composite materials : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvances in optical materials : [proceedings] : August 21-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトX-ray imaging II : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトPhoton migration, optical coherence tomography, and microscopy : 18-21 June 2001, Munich, Germany外部サイトOptical methods for ultrasensitive detection and analysis : techniques and applications : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber optic components and optical communication : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトInternational Workshop on Quantum Optics 2003 : 13-17 October, 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトAPOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : optical networking : 13-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina外部サイトPassive infrared systems and technology : 31 March-1 April 1987, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトAutomated 3D and 2D vision : 21-24 June 1994, Frankfurt, FRG外部サイトNanophotonics and macrophotonics for space environments : 27-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトCombinatorial and composition spread techniques in materials and device development : 26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XII : algorithms and techniques : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAutomated testing of electro-optical systems, 7-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing XVIII : 11-13 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers III : 13-17 September, 1999, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトLaser technology V, Applications in materials sciences and engineering : 23-27 September, 1996, Szczecin-Świnoujście, Poland外部サイトSAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques VII : 19-20 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトHuman vision and electronic imaging IV : 25-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトFiber laser sources and amplifiers : 6-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical scanning : design and applications : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptoelectronic integrated circuits IV : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトImage assessment : infrared and visible : December 12-14, 1983, Oxford, England外部サイトSubsurface sensors and applications : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorad外部サイトThird Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor Workshop : 6-7 May 1997, Troutdale, Oregon外部サイトInternet quality and performance and control of network systems : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトModel-based vision development and tools : 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトElectronic imaging : processing, printing, and publishing in color外部サイトComponents for fiber optic applications : 22-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachuchetts外部サイトAstronomical data analysis : 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトNonlinear optical transmission processes and organic photorefractive materials : 31 July and 2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトMedical applications of penetrating radiation : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAirborne intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) systems and applications II : 29-30 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイト14th Symposium on Photonic Measurements : 1-3 June 1992, Sopron, Hungary外部サイトDevice-independent color imaging and imaging systems integration : 1-3 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトMathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption : 21-22 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトBiomonitoring and endoscopy technologies : 5-6 July 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands外部サイトInternet routing and quality of service : 2-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing XII : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトFiber optics in the subscriber loop : 19-20 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical remote sensing for industry and environmental monitoring : 15-17 September, 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトPhotonic crystal materials and nanostructures : 27-29 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトOptical radiation interaction with matter : All-Union Conference on Interaction of Optical Radiation with Materials : 6-12 September 1990, Leningrad, USSR外部サイトElectronic imaging and multimedia technology III : 15-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトImage processing algorithms and techniques II : 25 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトMultilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV optics : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトIndustrial optical sensing外部サイトIn-process optical measurements and industrial methods : ECO3 : 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトOptical fibers in medicine IV : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMedical Imaging 2002 : image processing : 24-28 February 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトDesign, modeling and control of laser beam optics : 21-23 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber optics in astronomical applications : 17 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトRemote sensing of the environment: 15th national symposium on remote sensing of China : 19-23 August 2005, Guiyang City, China外部サイトExcimer laser materials processing and beam delivery systems : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトExtracting meaning from complex data : processing, display, interaction II : 26-28 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトSmall-satellite technology and applications : 4-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAerospace pattern recognition, 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトUltrafast lasers probe phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors : 24-25 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey外部サイト1992 Topical Meeting on Photonic Switching : 1-3 July 1992, Minsk, Belarus外部サイトOcean remote sensing and applications : 24-26 October 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトSpatial light modulators and applications III : 7-8 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser technology VI : progress in lasers : 27 September-1 October 1999, Szczecin-Świnoujście, Poland外部サイトTelescope structures, enclosures, controls, assembly/integration/validation, and commissioning : 27-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval VI : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical microlithography IV : March 13-14, 1985, Santa Clara, California外部サイトBiomedical optoacoustics II : 23-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイト20th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 21-25 September 1992, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada外部サイトSmart structures, devices, and systems III : 11-13 December 2006, Adelaire, Australia外部サイトExcimer lasers : applications, beam delivery systems, and laser design : 18-19 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNonintrusive inspection, structures monitoring, and smart systems for homeland security : 27-28 February 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMicroelectronic device technology II : 23-24 September, 1998, Santa Clara, California外部サイトFiber lasers III : technology, systems, and applications : 23-26 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトXVI International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, 23-30 May 1994, Moscow-St.Petersburg, Russia外部サイトRobotics and industrial inspection : August 24-27, 1982 San Diego, California外部サイトOptical Data Storage 2010 : 23-26 May 2010, Boulder, Colorado, United States外部サイトElectron image tubes and image intensifiers II : 28 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトComponents for fiber optic applications VII : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSolid state lasers : Laser Optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトSpace sciencecraft control and tracking in the new millennium : 6-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトHigh-resolution wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications II : 1-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトSecond International Symposium of Biomechanics Cinematography and High Speed Photography, August 24-26, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of laser surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems III : 21-23 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMultichip modules : international conference and exhibition, 14-16 April 1993, Denver, Colorado外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies III : 21-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMicromachine technology for diffractive and holographic optics : 20-21 September 1999, Santa Clara, California外部サイトSensing, discrimination, and signal processing and superconducting materials and instrumentation : 12-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing : 15-16 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイト1981 International Conference on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, June 8-12, 1981, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina外部サイトInternational Conference on Optical Diagnosis of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum Electronics : 13-15 May 1997, Kiev, Ukraine外部サイトGround-based telescopes : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトVisible and UV lasers : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイト11th International School on Quantum Electronics : Lasr Physics and Applications, 18-22 September, 2000, Verna, Bulgaria外部サイトOcean optics VIII : 31 March-2 April 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 27-28 February 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSubsurface sensing technologies and applications II : 31 July-3 August, 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトSurface characterization and testing外部サイトPhysics and simulation of optoelectronic devices : 25-26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : smart electronics and MEMS : 6-8 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトAutomatic object recognition III : 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトApplied spectroscopy in materials science II : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEnvironmental sensing and applications : 14-17 June 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトHard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics V : 4-5 August, 2003, San Diego, California外部サイトDigital video compression : algorithms and technologies 1996 : 31 January-2 February, 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトSoft X-ray and EUV imaging systems II : 31 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトMedical imaging IV, PACS system design and evaluation : 6-9 February 1990, Newport Beach, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 1-2 March 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトOptical communications : 16-18 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hisinchu, Taiwan China外部サイトImage data management and display外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks in image processing III : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトOceanic remote sensing and sea ice monitoring : 26 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトCommercial applications of ultrafast lasers : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトFiber optics : short-haul and long-haul measurements and applications III : August 21-22, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトActive and adaptive optical components : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical pattern recognition XIII : 2 April, 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトHigh heat flux engineering : 21-23 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトSurface characterization for computer disks, wafers, and flat panel displays : 28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトSubstance identification analytics : proceedings : 4-8 October 1993, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトCurrent Russian research in optics and photonics : Intracavity laser spectroscopy外部サイトOcean optics IX : 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical pattern recognition V : 5-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced optical memories and interfaces to computer storage : 22-24 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing 2002 : 21-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトAdaptive coded aperture imaging and non-imaging sensors : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDesign, manufacturing, and testing of planar optical waveguide devices : 1 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトAmorphous semiconductors for microelectronics : January 21-22, 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser dimensional metrology : recent advances for industrial application : 5-7 October 1993, Brighton, United Kingdom外部サイトOptical mass data storage II : 18-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh-power lasers : 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision VIII : algorithms and techniques : 6-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトProceedings of the Third European Electro-optics Conference and Exhibitions, Palais des expositions, Geneva, Switzerland, October 5-8, 1976外部サイトProcess control and sensors for manufacturing : 31 March - 1 April 1998, San Antonio, Texas外部サイトLaser-generated, synchrotron, and other laboratory X-ray and EUV sources, optics, and applications II : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical storage technology : 16-18 September, 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトMachine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration : 17-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLiquid crystals VI : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトPhysical concepts of materials for novel optoelectronic device applications II : device physics and applications : 28 October-2 November 1990, Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトMathematical methods in geophysical imaging : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトTarget-in-the-loop: atmospheric tracking, imaging, and compensation : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトChaotic circuits for communication : 23-24 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトTests, measurements, and characterization of electro-optic devices and systems, 8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques II : 22 September 1999, Florence, Italy外部サイトOptical wireless communications IV : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing V : 29 February-2 March, 1988, Santa Clara, California外部サイトUltrawideband radar : 22-23 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトA critical reviw : Laser technologies for defense and security : 12 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトMetal vapor lasers and their applications外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks in image processing VIII : 23-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトPhoton migration, optical coherence tomography, and microscopy : 18-21 June 2001, Munich, Germany外部サイトPhotonics for processors, neural networks, and memories II : 25-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトEmbedded processors for multimedia and communications II : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトReal time signal processing VIII : August 22-23, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトFifth Congress of the Brazilian Society of Microelectronics : proceedings, 11-13 July 1990, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil外部サイトUSSR-CSFR Joint Seminar on Nonlinear Optics in Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling of Biophysical Processes : proceedings : 2-7 July 1990, Koshice-Prague, Czechoslovakia外部サイトAdvances in nonlinear polymers and inorganic crystals, liquid crystals, and laser media : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトPassive sensors : proceedings, Infrared Information Symposia (IRIS)外部サイトMicromachining and microfabrication process technology V : 20-22 September, 1999, Santa Clara, California外部サイトCoherence domain optical methods and optical coherence tomography in biomedicine X : 23-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced and next-generation satellites II : 23-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies II : 15-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMicrowave and particle beam sources and propagation : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technology Symposium : 13-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMultilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV optics for astronomy and projection lithography : 19-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトWeather and environmental satellites : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトHigh speed computing II : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdaptive signal processing : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies XVI : 27, 29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAutomated geo-spatial image and data exploitation : 24 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトX-ray/EUV optics for astronomy and microscopy : 7-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing III : 12-14 July 1995 San Diego外部サイトVision geometry II : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLaser processing : fundamentals, applications, and systems engineering : 3-6 June 1986, Québec City, Canada外部サイトAdvanced technologies for environmental monitoring and remediation : 6-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトCharged particle detection, diagnostics, and imaging : 30 July - 2 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトRadiation effects in optical materials : proceedings : held in conjunction with the Southwest Conference on Optics : March 6-7, 1985, Albuquerque, New Mexico外部サイトAdvances in optical information processing III : 6-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence V, May 18-20, 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Neural Networks: Academic/Industrial/NASA/Defense : an International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Programming and Virtual Reality, WNN93/FNN93, San Francisco, November 7-10, 1993, San Francisco Airport Marriott, California外部サイトNew developments and applications in gas lasers : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトTargets and backgrounds XII: characterization and representation : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトLaser diode and LED applications III : 10-11 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced optical devices, technologies, and medical applications : 19-22 August 2002, Riga, Latvia外部サイトModeling, simulation, and visualization of sensory response for defense applications : 22-23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトRadiation sources and radiation interactions : 19 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトProceedings of Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Biochemistry IV : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XXI : 29-30 July, 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトStray radiation in optical systems II : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of biomedical optoelectronics in clinical chemistry and biotechnology : 14-15 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1998 : smart electronics and MEMS : 2-4 March 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトProcessing and display of three-dimensional data : August 26-27, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical data storage 2003 : 11-14 May 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems : 27-28 September 1995, Paris, France外部サイト5th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences : 28 June-2 July 1994, Minsk, Belarus外部サイトIntense microwave pulses VIII : 17-18 April 2001, Orland, USA外部サイトMetrology, inspection, and process control for microlithography XII : 23-25 February 1998, San Clara, California外部サイトOptical materials and structures technologies :4-7 August 2003, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical metrology roadmap for the semiconductor, optical, and data storage industries II : 2-3 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on the Application, Theory, and Fabrication of Periodic Structures, Diffraction Gratings, and Moire Phenomena II, August 21-23, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : smart sensor technology and measurement systems : 18-19 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトAPOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : optical network design and management : 13-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Active materials: behavior and mechanics : 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSignal and image processing systems performance evaluation, simulation, and modeling : 4-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInternational Conference on Solid State Crystals 2000 : Epilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology, 9-13 October, 2000, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトOptical methods for time- and state-resolved chemistry : 23-25 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAtomic and molecular pulsed lasers V : 15-19 September 2003, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトHolographic optics : design and applications : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSystems-oriented optical design : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPolymers and liquid crystals外部サイトNonlinear and coherent optics : Laser Optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトCost and performance in integrated circuit creation : 27-28 February 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors VII : 5-7 September 1989, Boston, Mass.外部サイト26th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 20-24 September 2004, Alexandria, Virginia, USA外部サイトSecond European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors : EWOFS '04 : 9-11 June 2004, Santander, Spain外部サイトMedical imaging 1994, Image perception : 17-18 February 1994, Newport Beach, California外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers VI : 22-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトFiber optic systems for mobile platforms II : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトUnattended ground, sea, and air sensor technologies and applications IX : 9-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USAida, USA外部サイトVisual information processing III : 4-5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced focal plane arrays and electronic cameras II : 18-19 May, 1998, Zurich, Switzerland外部サイトVisual data exploration and analysis VI : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトRemote sensing for geography, geology, land planning, and cultural heritage : 23-26 September, 1996, Taormina, Italy外部サイトPropagation and imaging through the atmosphere II : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of photon propagation in tissues : 13-14 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications VIII : 22-25 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトChemical microsensors and applications II : 19-20 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトRadar sensor technology X : 20-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトExtremely large telescopes : which wavelengths? : retirement symposium for Arne Ardeberg : 29-30 November 2007, Lund, Sweden外部サイトMicro(MEMS) and nanotechnologies for defense and security : 10-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPhotonics and radio frequency II : 21-22 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトSpacecraft contamination environment : May 4-6, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトRemote sensing applications of the global positioning system : 8-9 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA外部サイトFabrication, testing, and reliability of semiconductor lasers : 31 January-1 February, 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical and infrared interferometry : 23-27 June 2008, Marseille, France外部サイトROMOPTO '97, Fifth Conference on Optics, 9-12 September, 1997, Bucharest, Romania外部サイトNonlinear optics III : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMedical imaging : 1-6 February 1987, Newport Beach, California外部サイトProceedings of lasers in urology, gynecology, and general surgery : 16-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイト1984 European Conference on Optics, Optical Systems and Applications : 9-12 October 1984, Amsterdam, The Netherlands外部サイトDigital wireless communications VII and Space communication technologies : 28-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトComputer and optically generated holographic optics : fourth in a series : 24-25 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトNonlinear optics of liquid and photorefractive crystals : 23-30 October 1995, Ai-Danil, Crimea, Ukraine外部サイトThermal infrared sensing applied to energy conservation in building envelopes (Thermosense IV) : September 1-4, 1981, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada外部サイトNonlinear image processing外部サイトElectro-optic and magneto-optic materials and applications : proceedings : 24-25 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトMedical images and icons : MEDPACS: picture archiving and communication systems : MEDPICS: picture interpretation computers and systems : MEDGRAPH: computer graphics : July 24-27, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトSelected papers on infrared design外部サイトInternational Conference on Speckle : August 20-23, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトIV Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics : 19-21 September 2002, Jurata, Poland外部サイトScattering and diffraction : ECO1 22-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトMissions to the sun : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction VII : 29 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing V : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトStray radiation in optical systems : 10-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトLiquid crystals : physics, technology, and applications : 3-8 March 1997, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトSmall-satellite technology and applications III : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection II : 8-9 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトAtmospheric radiation measurements and applications in climate : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, USA外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies VII : 7-8 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical pattern recognition VI : 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications III : 21-23 January, 2002, San Jose, [California], USA外部サイトProceedings of ultrasensitive laboratory diagnostics : 17-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPhotonic devices and algorithms for computing II : 2-3 August 2000 San Diego, USA外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites IX : 20-22 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites VIII : 13-15 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrashort pulse lasers; laser plasma generation and diagnostics : 23 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトTargets and backgrounds VII : characterization and representation : 16-17 April 2001, Orland, USA外部サイトOptoelectronic and hybrid optical/digital systems for image and signal processing : 21-24 Septermber 1999, Lviv, Ukraine外部サイトPattern recognition, chemometrics, and imaging for optical environmental monitoring : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massahcusetts外部サイトOrganic photorefractive materials and xerographic photoreceptors : 7-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトPolarization science and remote sensing : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトHuman vision and electronic imaging VII : 21-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトApplications and science of artifical neural networks : 17-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAstrobiology and planetary missions : 31 July-2 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトModern utilization of infrared technology VIII, August 26-27, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトInternational Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 8-12 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia . Petersburg Academy of Sciences for Strength Problems (Russia) ; sponsored by NPO Special Materials (Russia), SPIE Russia Chapter外部サイトLaser radar technology for remote seinsing : 8-9 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトAutomatic target recognition XII : 2-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトMachine vision architectures, integration, and applications : 12-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing V : 22-24 September 1999, Florence, Italy外部サイトProceedings of the 16th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, 27-31, August 1984, Strasbourg, France : M. André, M. Hugenschmidt, chairmen/editors ; organized by ANRT (Association nationale de la recherche technique) ; supported by BMFT外部サイトProceedings of biomedical optoelectronic devices and systems : 1-3 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : smart structures and integrated systems : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials, 1993 : active and adaptive optical components and systems II : 1-4 February 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico外部サイトImaging spectrometry III : 28-30 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing and instrumentation XV : 27-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSelected papers on optomechanical design外部サイトNoise in complex systems and stochastic dynamics III : 24-26 May, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA外部サイトControlling and using light in nanometric domains : 2-3 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトOptical coherence tomography and coherence techniques : 22-24 June 2003, Munich, Germany外部サイトCurrent Ukrainian research in optics and photonics : optoelectronic and hybrid optical/digital systems for image processing外部サイトPathogen detection and remediation for safe eating : 5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトThermosense XXIII : 16-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Modeling, signal processing, and control : 7-9 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, forestry, and natural resources : 26-28 September 1995, Paris, France外部サイトComplex dynamics, fluctuations, chaos, and fractals in biomedical photonics : 25 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSaratov fall meeting 2000 : Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine II : 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia外部サイトInternational Conference of Microelectronics : Microelectronics '92 : 21-23 September 1992, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : Sensory phenomena and measurement instrumentation for smart structures and materials : 6-8 March 2000, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XXI : 21-24 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition VII : 13-15 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトWorkshop on Digital Holography : 19-21 May 1992, Prague, Czechoslovakia外部サイトAdvanced technology optical telescopes II : September 5-6, 1983, London, England外部サイトSpatial light modulators and applications : January 26-27, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptoelectronic signal processing for phased-array antennas II : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMolecular and polymeric optoelectronic materials : fundamentals and applications : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of optical diagnostics of living cells and biofluids : 28 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイト1992 ICO Topical Meeting on Optical Computing : 29 June-1 July 1992, Minsk, Belarus外部サイトImage pattern recognition : algorithm implementations, techniques, and technology : [conference] 12-13 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber optic sensor technology II : 6-8 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms : 10-12 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトElectro-optical technology for remote chemical detection and identification II : 21 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1993 : mathematics in smart structures : 1-3 February 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico外部サイトWavelet applications : proceedings : 5-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFiber optics reliability : benign and adverse environments III : 5-7 September, 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトVibration control in microelectronics, optics, and metrology : 4-6 November 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトMEMS reliability for critical and space applications : 21-22 September 1999, Santa Clara, California外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection III : 8-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトMillimeter-wave and terahertz photonics : 5-6 April 2006, Strasbourg, France外部サイトAtmospheric optics : models, measurements, and target-in-the-loop propagation : 27-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMissions to the sun II : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvances in display technology V : January 24-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHigh-contrast imaging for exo-planet detection : 23-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1997 : Smart electronics and MEMS : 4-6 March 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトThermosense XV : an International Conference on Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications, 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvances in laboratory-based X-ray sources and optics II : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトLaser and nonlinear optical materials : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトFundamental problems of optoelectronics and microelectronics II : 13-16 September, 2004, Khabarovsk, Russia外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXXII : 17-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトComponent and systems diagnostics, prognosis, and health management : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトFree-space laser communications IV : 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトLaser techniques for state-selected and state-to-state chemistry : 21-23 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical switching and optical interconnection II : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトPhotonics for space environments VIII : 9-10 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトDesign and engineering of optical systems II : 25-27 May 1999, Berlin, Germany外部サイトOptical/laser microlithography II, 1-3 March 1989, San Jose, California /Burn J. Lin, chair/editor ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトSynthetic aperture systems : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of ophthalmic technologies V : 4-5 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトVisual data interpretation : 10-11 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトOrganic photorefractives, photoreceptors, and nanocomposites : 31 July-1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトLong-term monitoring of the earth's radiation budget : 17-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトGeographic information systems, photogrammetry, and geological/geophysical remote sensing : 25, 27 September 1995, Paris, France外部サイトDocument recognition III : 29-30 January, 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared scene simulation : systems, requirements, calibration, devices, and modeling : 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAutomated inspection and high-speed vision architectures III : 6-7 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトAdvanced telescope and instrumentation control software II : 27-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトLaser technology III : 24-27 September 1990, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland外部サイトImaging spectrometry VII : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトApplications and science of computational intelligence V : 2-3 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトApplications and science of artificial neural networks II : 9-12 April, 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトImage understanding in the '90s : building systems that work : 18-19 October 1990, McLean, Virginia外部サイトOptical spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology II : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトGrazing incidence optics外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies V : 20-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Smart systems and nondestructive evaluation for civil infrastructures : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトHigh-speed fiber networks and channels : 4-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトStorage and retrieval for media databases 2000 : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトApplication of optical instrumentation in medicine XII : medical image production, processing, display, and archiving : February 26-29, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトSensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) technologies for homeland security and homeland defense VI : 9-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDigital photography II : 16-17 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトQuantum computing : 26-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトPolarization and color techniques in industrial inspection : 17-18 June 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトHigh-power lasers : solid state, gas, excimer, and other advanced lasers II : 16-18 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトLaser use in oncology : CIS selected papers外部サイトImaging spectroscopy : February 10-11, 1981, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets XI : 17-21 April, 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 1993 : physics of medical imaging : 14-15 February 1993, Newport Beach, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1997 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 5-6 March 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトCameras, scanners, and image acquisition systems : 3-4 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical sensors and electronic photography, 16-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPractical holography II : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XI : 1-3 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトNanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces : novel reporters with biological applications : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトContemporary methods of optical fabrication : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトConference digest : Thirteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 5-9 December 1988, Honolulu, Hawaii外部サイトInternal standardization and calibration architectures for chemical sensors : 20-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトApplications of fuzzy logic technology II : 19-21 April, 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAtmospheric radiation : 30 June-1 July 1993, Tromsö, Norway外部サイトStructural mechanics of optical systems II : 13-15 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOphthalmic measurements and optometry : 12-16 May 1997, Kazmierz Dolny, Poland外部サイトAdaptive optical systems and applications : 10-11 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced semiconductor epitaxial growth processes and lateral and vertical fabrication : 23-26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey外部サイトUltraviolet ground- and space-based measurements, models, and effects IV : 5-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks IV : 13-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイト3-D machine perception : April 23-24, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトCurrent developments in optical engineering III : 15, 16, 18 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトDesign, characterization, and packaging for MEMS and microelectronics II : 17-19 December, 2001, Adelaide, Australia外部サイトLaser remote sensing of natural waters : from theory to practice外部サイトImaging spectrometry IV : 20-21 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトMeasurement and effects of surface defects and quality of polish : January 21-22, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトApplications of optical digital data disk storage systems外部サイトDigital image processing and visual communications technologies in meteorology外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1993 : smart materials : 1-4 February, 1993, Albuquerque, NM外部サイトSimulation and modeling of optical systems外部サイト10th International Optical Computing Conference : April 6-8, 1983, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA外部サイトHuman vision and electronic imaging : 29 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトInorganic optical materials II : 1-3 August, 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 2000 : 32nd Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 16-18, October, 2000, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトMicromachining and microfabrication process technology VI : 18-20 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトEarth observing systems VI : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトThird International Symposium on Optical Storage (ISOS '92) : 15-20 October 1992, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China外部サイトOptical computing : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNavigation and control technologies for unmanned systems : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1996 : smart structures and integrated systems外部サイトSuperconductivity applications for infrared and microwave devices : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida : proceedings外部サイトInfrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays VI : 25-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトHigh-temperature superconducting detectors, bolometric and nonbolometric : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAutomated inspection and measurement : 28-30 October 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical microlithography VI : 4-5 March 1987, Santa Clara, California外部サイトIntense microwave and particle beams : 16-19 January 1990 Los Angeles, California外部サイトCockpit displays VI : displays for defense applications : 7-9 April, 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical thin films : [symposium] January 26-27, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInverse optics II : August 20, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトSolid state imagers for astronomy : June 10-11, 1981, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical data storage : 9-14 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトComputer-aided design and computer graphics : Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics : 23-25 October, 1995, Wuhan, China外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems V :24-27 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece外部サイトMathematics and applications of data/image coding, compression, and encryption III : 2 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Optical Information Processing : 2-7 August 1993, Saint Petersburg, Russia外部サイトSecond international conference on space information technology : 10-11 November 2007, Wuhan, China外部サイトCoherent lightwave communications : 7-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトRobot vision : May 6-7, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトICO20 : lasers and laser technologies : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトXIII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference : 18-22 September 2000外部サイトConfigurable computing : technology and applications : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy VIII : 23-24 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of specialty fiber optics for medical applications : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvances in stellar interferometry : 25-30 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトX-ray instrumentation in astronomy外部サイトHigh power and solid state lasers II : 19-20 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical fibre sensing and systems in nuclear environments外部サイトIllumination and source engineering : 23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトMicromachining and microfabrication process technology IV : 21-22 September, 1998, Santa Clara, California外部サイトFuture trends in biomedical applications of lasers : 24-25 May 1991, Berlin, Germany外部サイトNonlinear optical beam manipulation, beam combining, and atmospheric propagation : 11-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSmall payloads in space : 3-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトNew technologies for astronomy : proceedings, ECO2, 25-26 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトApplications of X rays generated from lasers and other bright sources II : 30-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトLaser applications in meteorology and earth and atmospheric remote sensing : 16-18 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRemote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere XI : 11-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトCooperative intelligent robotics in space : 6-7 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XIII : algorithms and computer vision : 31 October-2 November 1994, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInternational Workshop on Physics and Engineering of Computerized Multidimensional Imaging and Processing : 2-4 April, 1986, Newport Beach, California外部サイトVertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers III : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトSolid state lasers : 15-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトUltrasensitive and single-molecule detection technologies II : 20-21 and 23 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery IV : 23-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSilicon-based optoelectronics : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトWindow and dome technologies and materials VI : 5-6 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems XI : 20-23 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトMathematical imaging : wavelet applications in signal and image processing : 15-16 July 1993, Dan diego, California外部サイトInterferometry VI : techniques and analysis : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトMaterial science and material properties for infrared optoelectronics : 30 September-2 October 1996, Uzhgorod, Ukraine外部サイトBattlespace digitization and network-centric warfare : 18-20 April, Orlando, USA外部サイトInterferometry '89 : 100 years after Michelson--state of the art and applications : proceedings : 8-12 May 1989, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing XV : 23-25 February 1998, Santa Clara, California外部サイトProceedings : ALT '98 selected papers on novel laser methods in medicine and biology外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing XII : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトScientific and engineering applications of commercial laser devices外部サイトPrecision agriculture and biological quality : 3-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトGeoinformatics 2006 : Geospatial information technology : 28-29 October 2006, Wuhan, China外部サイトSixth international conference on solid state lighting : 14-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSolid state lasers IX : 25-26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced characterization techniques for optics, semiconductors, and nanotechnologies II : 2-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトChemical and biological standoff detection II : 27-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトSeventh International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications : 19-22 June 2006, Ancona, Italy外部サイトThermosense XII : an International Conference on Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications, 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトChemical and biological sensing : 24-25 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトX-ray and vacuum ultraviolet interaction data bases, calculations, and measurements, 14-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMultispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing instruments and applications II : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA外部サイトComplex dynamics and fluctuations in biomedical photonics III : 21 and 24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInfrared detectors and arrays : 6-7 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトUV/optical/IR space telescopes : innovative technologies and concepts III : 26-29 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトWideband interferometric sensing and imaging polarimetry : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical sensing, imaging, and manipulation for biological and biomedical applications : 26-28 July 2000, Taipei, Taiwan外部サイトOptical components and transmission systems : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトFluorescence detection II : 13-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technologiy Symposium外部サイトInternational Conference on Nonimaging Concentrators : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトConference digest : Fifteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 10-14 December 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFluctuations and noise in photonics and quantum optics : 2-4 June, 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA外部サイトMicrowave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment V : 15-16 November 2006, Goa, India外部サイトPhotonic quantum computing : 23-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of holography, interferometry, and optical pattern recognition in biomedicine : 21-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of the 1993 International Symposium on Microelectronics, November 9-11, 1993, Dalls Convention Center, Dallas, Texas外部サイトCockpit displays VII : displays for defense applications : 25-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトElectro-optic and magneto-optic materials : ECO1, 22-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトAdvanced optical and quantum memories and computing III : 24-25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptically based biological and chemical detection for defence III : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトAdvances in fluorescence sensing technology II : 6-8 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of advances in laser and light spectroscopy to diagnose cancer and other diseases III : 20-30 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトAstronomical adaptive optics systems and applications III : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology III : 7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of biomedical systems and technologies : 8-10 September 1996, Vienna, Austria外部サイトAdvances in image compression and automatic target recognition, 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPicosecond lasers and applications : January 26-27, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research V : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAlgorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery XI : 28 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPhotonic detection and intervention technologies for safe food : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトRapid thermal and laser processing : 24-25 September 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトIntense microwave pulses : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトCharacterization, propagation, and simulation of sources and backgrounds III : 12-13 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHigh speed photodetectors : February 12-13, 1981, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFullerenes and photonics IV : 28-29 July, 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical microlithography III : technology for the next decade : March 14-15, 1984, Santa Clara, California外部サイトMode-locked lasers and ultrafast phenomena : ICONO '91, 24-27 September 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトAdvanced photon counting techniques II : 9-11 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトDevice-independent color imaging : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of photon propagation in tissues III : 6-8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy外部サイトUnderwater imaging, photography, and visibility : 23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトSolid state crystals, growth and characterization : 7-11 October 1996, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトMathematical modeling, Bayesian estimation, and inverse problems : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトThe search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in the optical spectrum : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSecond International Conference on Experimental Mechanics : 29 November-1 December 2000, Singapore外部サイトInfrared detector materials : April 20-24, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトReal-time signal processing IV : August 25-28, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトSpeckle metrology 2003 : 18-20 June 2003, Trondheim, Norway外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : Sensory phenomena and measurement instrumentation for smart structures and materials : 1-4 March 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトLaser-tissue interactions, therapeutic applications, and photodynamic therapy : 18-21 January 2001, Munich, Germany外部サイトDocument recognition V : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトFifth International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology : 24-27 October 2003, Beijing, China外部サイトRapid prototyping and flexible manufacturing : 16 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトQuantum information and computation II : 12-14 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトChaos in optics : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトBattlespace digitization and network-centric systems IV : 13-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトVision geometry IX : 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing II : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1996 : 9-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing XI : 6-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1997 : Smart sensing, processing, and instrumentation : 3-5 March 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1994, Physics of medical imaging : 13-14 February 1994, Newport Beach, California外部サイトMultimedia content analysis, management, and retrieval 2006 : 17-19 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptically based biological and chemical sensing for defence : 25-28 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトAutomated inspection and high speed vision architectures : 3-4 November, 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトOptoelectronic integrated circuits and packaging III : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトGradient index, miniature, and diffractive optical systems III : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing IV : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトFuture infrared detector materials : 29-30 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings, 2003 International Symposium on Microelectronics, November 18-20, 2003, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massa Massachusetts, USA外部サイト11th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics : 21-25 September 1998, Strará Lesná, High Tatra Maountains, Slovak Republic外部サイト8th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel : optical engineering and remote sensing : 14-16 December 1992, Tel-Aviv, Israel外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XVI, 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared detectors, sensors, and focal plane arrays : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of laser applications in ophthalmology : 2-3 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトInfrared detectors for remote sensing : physics, materials, and devices : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAdvanced software and control for astronomy : 24-26 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトFifth International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : 11-14 May, 2004, Nara, Japan外部サイトOptoelectronic technologies for remote sensing from space : 19-20 November 1987, Cannes, France外部サイトProceedings of biomedical sensing and imaging technologies, 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトLiquid crystal materials, devices, and flat panel displays : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical pattern recognition IV : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPlasmonics in biology and medicine VI : 26-27 January 2009, San Jose, California, United States外部サイトAcousto-optics and photoacoustics : 30 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトMicro-optics/micromechanics and laser scanning and shaping : 7-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトIntense beams and applications : lasers, ions, and microwaves : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHigh power laser diodes and applications外部サイトTargets and backgrounds X : characterization and representation : 12-13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトFiber optic smart structures and skins : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSurface characterization and testing II : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトBiophotonics instrumentation and analysis : 28-29 November 2001, Singapore外部サイトWindow and dome technologies and materials : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : smart sensor technology and measurement systems : 15-17 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMicro- and nanotechnology for biomedical and environmental applications : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトUltrahigh speed and high speed photography, photonics, and videography '89 : seventh in a Series : 7-9 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトHuman vision, visual processing, and digital display IV : 1-4 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトIntegrated optical circuit engineering V : 17-20 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced optoelectronics and lasers : 16-20 September, 2003, Alushta, Ukraine外部サイトUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray space instrumentation for astronomy XVII : 21-24 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States外部サイトFourth Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor Workshop : 6-7 May 1998, Troutdale, Oregon外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval VII : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques VI : 8 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトInterferometry : surface characterization and testing : 24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトActive and passive optical components for WDM communications III : 8-11 September, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDiscoveries and research prospects from 6- to 10- meter-class telescopes II: 22-23 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトFlatness, roughness, and discrete defects characterization for computer disks, wafers, and flat panel displays II : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds III : 25-27 October 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトFiber optic smart structures and skins IV : 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLaser Optics 2000 : High-Power Gas Lasers, 26-30 June 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトNovel optical systems design and optimization VI : 4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトUltrashort wavelength lasers II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトAlgorithms, devices, and systems for optical information processing : 20-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトInstrumentation in astronomy VIII : 13-14 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトImage and video compression : 9-10 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトLocation services and navigation technologies : 24 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトTechnologies for optical countermeasures : 26-27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトInfrared systems and components II : 12-14 January, 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLasers in medicine and dentistry : diagnostics and treatment : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトAtom optics : 10-12 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトColor imaging XI : processing, hardcopy, and applications : 17-19 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical design and engineering : 30 September-3 October 2003, St. Etienne, France外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors : April 5-7, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトSensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C31) technologies for homeland defense and law enforcement II : 21-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトFifth International Topical Meeting on Education and Training in Optics : August 19-21 1997, Delft, The Netherlands外部サイトInternational Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter : 19-22 July 1994, Darwin, Australia外部サイトLaser beam diagnostics : 21-22 January, 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトVisual simulation and image realism II : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of optical fibers in medicine VI : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMedical imaging V, Image physics : 25-26 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトTargets and backgrounds XI : characterization and representation : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトUnmanned ground vehicle technology V : 22-23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトGas, metal vapor, and free-electron lasers and applications : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical/laser microlithography : 2-4 March 1988, Santa Clara, California外部サイトProceedings of biomedical optoelectronic instrumentation : 7-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトCoherent optics in mapping : tutorial seminar and technology utilization program, March 27-29, 1974, Rochester, N.Y.外部サイトMathematical modeling, estimation, and imaging : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトSecond European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials : held at the Glasgow Hilton, Glasgow, Scotland, 12-14 October 1994外部サイトAdvanced topics in optoelectronics, microelectronics, and nanotechnologies II : 24-26 November, 2004, Bucharest, Romania外部サイトAdvances in laser remote sensing for terrestrial and oceanographic applications : 21-22 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトNonlinear optics and materials, 8-10 May 1991, Dallas, Texas外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1996 : Mathematics and control in smart structures : 26-29 February 1996, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : active materials : behavior and mechanics : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトSol-gel optics III : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced sensor technologies for nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring II : 1-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of dental applications of lasers : 1-2 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of bridges and highways : 4-5 December 1996, Scottsdale, Arizona外部サイトVery high resolution and quality imaging III : 30 January, 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared and passive millimeter-wave imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing : 3-5 April 2002, Orland, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1995 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 28 February, 2-3 March 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトX-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy XIII : 3-5 August 2003 San Diego, California外部サイトBiometric technology for human identification III : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトAutomated geo-spatial image and data exploitation II : 16 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトAdvances in thin film coatings for optical applications : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトWavelet applications VII : 26-28 April 2000, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInstrumentation in astronomy IV : March 8-10, 1982, Tucson, Arizona外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing IX : 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInternational Conference on Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer, 8-9 June, 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトX-ray/EUV optics for astronomy and microscopy : 7-11 August 1989外部サイトBiomedical diagnostic, guidance, and surgical-assist systems II : 25-26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトMolecular imaging : reporters, dyes, markers, and instrumentation : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1993 : image processing : 16-19 February 1993, Newport Beach, California外部サイトImage acquisition and scientific imaging systems : 9-10 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトAutomatic target recognition XI : 17-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトPhotoelectronic detectors, cameras, and systems : 13-14 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトOrganic photorefractives, photoreceptors, waveguides, and fibers : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAmplitude and intensity spatial interferometry : 14-16 Feburary 1990, Tucson, Arizona外部サイトInfrared systems and photoelectronic technology II : 26-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAtmospheric propagation, adaptive systems, and lidar techniques for remote sensing II : 23-24 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトSecond International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments : 29 October-5 November 1993外部サイトMicromachining and microfabrication process technology II : 14-15 October, 1996, Austin, Texas外部サイトImaging spectrometry X : 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトOptical and infrared thin films : 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトCurrent developments in optical engineering IV : 9-10 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh-speed electronics and optoelectronics : 26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey外部サイトLaser energy distribution profiles : measurement and applications : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトThe Laser marketplace 1992 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers, 22-23 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOcean optics XII : 13-15 June 1994, Bergen, Norway外部サイトHybrid image and signal processing IV : 7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced optical storage technology : 15-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトFocal plane arrays for space telescopes II : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval XII : 19-20 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications V : 18-19 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトImage communications and workstations : 12-13 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトVisual information processing IV : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInternational Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers IV : 10-14 September 2001, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトHolographic optics : optically and computer generated : 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence VIII : 17-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of ophthalmic technologies VI : 27-28 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of ophthalmic technologies IX : 23-25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials V : 22-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors V : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトStrongly correlated electron materials : physics and nanoengineering : 31 July-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトModeling and simulation of laser systems III : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトUltraviolet atmospheric and space remote sensing : methods and instrumentation : 7-8 August 1996外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : smart electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS, and nanotechnology : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトVisual information processing XIII : 15-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAmplitude and intensity spatial interferometry II: 15-16 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1999 : 20-22 July 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations IV : 11-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトNon-intrusive inspection technologies : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトDiamond-film semiconductors, 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトTest and evaluation of IR detectors and arrays II : 22-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvances in computer-assisted recognition : 27th AIPR Workshop : 14-16 October, 1998, Washington, D.C.外部サイトDistributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors : 4-5 September 1991, Boston, Massachusets外部サイトPhysics of amorphous semiconductor devices : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XV : 18-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトNew optical materials : April 20-21, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XXII : 21-22 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトDigital cinema and microdisplays : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '94 : 25-29 September 1994, Chicago, Illinois外部サイトSmart medical and biomedical sensor technology : 28-29 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA外部サイトCatheter-based sensing and imaging technology : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイト4th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and 7th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications : 3-7 September 2001 Tandil, Argentina外部サイトHybrid image and signal processing V : 8 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology IX : 19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトOptomechanical design and engineering 2001 : 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトActuator technology and applications : 7-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトInterferometry for optical astronomy II : 22 - 28 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XX : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, CA外部サイトNASA/SPIE Conference on Spin-off Technologies from NASA for Commercial Sensors and Scientific Applications : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトIntegrating photogrammetric techniques with scene analysis and machine vision II : 19-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイト1985 International Conference on Fourier and Computerized Infrared Spectroscopy : June 24-28, 1985, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada外部サイトInfrared imaging systems: design, analysis, modeling, and testing XV : 14-15 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトNonlinear optics : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFree-electron generators of coherent radiation : 26 June-1 July 1983, Rosario Resort, Orcas Island, Washington外部サイトBiomedical instrumentation based on micro- and nanotechnology : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトHealth care technology policy I : the role of technology in the cost of health care : 27-29 April 1994, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトMobile multimedia/image processing for military and security applications : 20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトElectronics and structures for MEMS : 27-29 October, 1999, Royal Pines Resort, Queensland, Australia外部サイトHigh-resolution displays and projection systems : 11-12 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトDesign, characterization, and packaging for MEMS and microelectronics : 27-29 October 1999, Royal Pines Resort, Queensland, Australia外部サイトAutomated inspection and high speed vision architectures II : 10-11 November, 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトAPOC 2002: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : optical networking II : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトRadar processing, technology, and applications IV : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XIII : 6-8 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInfrared technology IX : [proceedings] : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision IX : neural, biological, and 3-D methods : 7-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトDiagnostic optical spectroscopy in biomedicine III : 12-16 June 2005, Munich, Germany外部サイトPhotopolymers and applications in holography, optical data storage, optical sensors, and interconnects : 16-18 August 1993, Québec, Canada外部サイトOptical measurement systems for industrial inspection II : application in industrial design : 18-19 June 2001 Munch, Germany外部サイトOptical/laser microlithography III : 7-9 March 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Smart electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS, and nanotechnology : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical instrumentation for gas emissions monitoring and atmospheric measurements : 7-10 November 1994, McLean, Virginia外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology : 20-22 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトWireless communications : 12-13 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトSecond International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : 16-18 May 2001, Singapore外部サイトAir traffic control technologies II : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDielectric and related phenonmena : materials physico-chemistry, spectrometric investigations, and applications : 16-20 September 1996, Szczyrk, Poland外部サイトReconfigurable technology : FPGAs for computing and applications外部サイトOptical pulse and beam propagation III : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : smart electronics and MEMS : 1-3 March, 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトNovel optical systems design and optimization V : 9 July, 2002, Seattle, USA外部サイトHard copy output technologies, 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDigital publishing : 16-17 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトDesign and microfabrication of novel x-ray optics : 9 July 2002, Seattle, Wasington, USA外部サイトSol-gel optics V : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing XI : 28 February-1 March 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトCurrent developments in lens design and optical systems engineering : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトMillimeter wave and synthetic aperture radar, 27-28 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIntegrated optics and microstructures : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNew developments in ultrasonic transducers and transducer systems : 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser techniques for state-selected and state-to-state chemistry III : 12-14 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical pattern recognition II : proceedings, ECO2, 26-27 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトInfrared technology and applications : 26-28 June 1990, London, England外部サイトOptical space communication II : 10-11 June 1991, Munich, Germany外部サイトMillimeter wave technology III : April 9-10, 1985, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトInfrared technology XX : 25-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトHybrid image and signal processing II : 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMedical imaging 1999, Ultrasonic transducer engineering : 24-25 February 1999, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh frequency optical communications : [proceedings] : 23-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトNoise and stochastics in complex systems and finance : 21-24 May 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトBiophotonics and immune responses : 23-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトBioMEMS and nanotechnology : 10-12 December 2003, Perth, Australia外部サイトRobotic and semi-robotic ground vehicle technology : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトRemote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere X : 19-21 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトImage algebra and morphological image processing III : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトPrinting technologies for images, gray scale, and color : 26-28 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトImage processing, signal processing, and synthetic aperture radar for remote sensing : 22-26 September 1997, London, UK外部サイトOptical fiber and planar waveguide technology II : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトFiber optic couplers, connectors, and splice technology : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトFourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry : 23-25 October 2003, Tianjin, China外部サイトProduction and analysis of polarized X rays : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトMobile robots V : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical fibers and sensors for medical applications : 20-21 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks : 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトColor imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and graphic arts IV : 26-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトQuantum well and superlattice physics V : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFirst International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : 14-16 June 2000, Omiya, Saitama, Japan外部サイトUnconventional imaging : 31 July-1 August 2005, San DIego, California, USA外部サイトNonlinear image processing : 15-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトInstrumentation in astronomy VII : 13-17 February 1990, Tucson, Arizona外部サイトEnabling technologies for law enforcement and security : 5-8 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトEighth International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers : 10-14 September 1990, Madrid, Spain外部サイトProceedings of functional imaging and optical manipulation of living cells : 10-11 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイト14th annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management : proceedings : 14-16 September 1994, Santa Clara, California外部サイトEighth International Conference on Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals : 2-6 October 2000, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine外部サイトCharge-coupled devices and solid state optical sensors : 12-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトAdvances in neutron scattering instrumentation : 7-8 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトRecent advances in the uses of light in physics, chemistry, engineering, and medicine : 19-21 June 1991, the City College of New York外部サイトEnvironmentally conscious manufacturing : 6-8 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトRemote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds : 13-16 November 2006, Goa, India外部サイト12th international workshop on lidar multiple scattering experiments : 10-12 September 2002, Oberpfaffenhofen, Bavaria, Germany外部サイトICONO 2007 : physics of intense and superintense laser fields ; attosecond pulses; quantum and atom optics; and engineering of quantum information : 28 May-1 June 2007, Minsk, Belarus外部サイトInstrumentation for submillimeter spectroscopy : 5-6 December 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトProceedings of low-energy laser effects on biological systems : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトVideo communications and PACS for medical applications : 5-8 April 1993, Berlin, FRG外部サイトSmall satellite technologies and applications II : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトUnmanned ground vehicle technology IV: 2-3 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトColor imaging : device-independent color, color hard copy, and graphic arts : 29 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトFourth International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : 21-24 June, 2003, Munich, Germany外部サイトConference proceedings, OFS '84 : 2nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, September 5-7, 1984 Liederhalle Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトOptical thin films III : new developments : 9-11 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトTransition of optical processors into systems 1995 : 18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvances in microelectronic device technology : 7-9 November 2001, Nanjing, China外部サイトProceedings of advances in laser and light spectroscopy to diagnose cancer and other diseases : 23-24 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトData mining and knowledge discovery : theory, tools, and technology外部サイトDefense, security, and cockpit displays : 14-16 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトRecent advances in civil space remote sensing : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトPhoton management : 27-28 April 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトOptical materials in defence systems technology V : 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control II : 29 February-1 March 1988, Santa Clara, California外部サイトQuantum communications and quantum imaging III : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトBiomolecular spectroscopy : proceedings, 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy IV : 11-12 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトCrystal and multilayer optics : 21-22 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトPrecision surface metrology : August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトFluctuations and noise in biological, biophysical, and biomedical systems II : 26-28 May, 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトSmart materials, structures, and systems : 12-14 December 2002, Bangalore, India外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing X : 7-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing XVII : 28 February - 1 March 2000, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトDisplay technologies and applications for defense, security, and avionics : 12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトVision geometry : 15-16 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトPhase contrast and differential interference contrast imaging techniques and applications : 19-21 October 1992, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトNonconducting photopolymers and applications : 20-21 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Smart structures and integrated system : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations VII : 28-30 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control V : 4-5 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトSpectroscopic atmospheric environmental monitoring techniques : 21-22 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトDiagnostic imaging technologies and industrial applications : 14-15 June 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトIndustrial and scientific uses of high-power lasers : 13-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4外部サイトMultigigabit fiber communication systems : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトReflecting optics for synchrotron radiation : November 16-18, 1981, Upton, New York外部サイトKnowledge-based artificial intelligence systems in aerospace and industry : 5-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトComplex dynamics and fluctuations in biomedical photonics II : 22 and 25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトRemote sensing of the marine environment : 15-17 November 2006, Goa, India外部サイトInformation systems for divers and autonomous underwater vehicles operating in very shallow water and surf zone regions II : 27 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトAccelerator-based infrared sources and applications : 29-30 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical wireless communications II : 22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトFabrication, testing, and reliability of semiconductor lasers II : 13-14 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトAdaptive optical system technologies : 23-26 March, 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトImage intensification : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトModeling of optical thin films II : 12-13 July, 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトRemote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere VII : 24-27 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece外部サイトAutomatic optical inspection : 15-18 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトMicrolithography 1999 : advances in resist technology and processing XVI : 15-17 March 1999, Santa Clara, California外部サイトMicromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics V and microfabrication process technology XII : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトNondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials, composites, and civil infrastructure V : 28 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of advances in DNA sequencing technology : 21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLasers as tools for manufacturing II : 12-14 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトBiomedical photonics and optoelectronic imaging : 8-10 November 2000, Beijing, China外部サイトCurves and surfaces in computer vision and graphics II : 12-14 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProcess and equipment control in microelectronic manufacturing II : 30-31 May, 2001, Edinburgh, UK外部サイトTerahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics III : 25-26 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトUnmanned/unattended sensors and sensor networks III : 11-12 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトSol-gel optics IV : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトVisualization in biomedical computing 1994 : 4-7 October 1994, Rochester, Minnesota外部サイトMedical imaging 2000 : physiology and function from multidimensional images, 13-15 February 2000, San Diego, California外部サイトFiber optic communication technology : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトMicrofluidics and bioMEMS : 22-24 October 2001, San Francisco, USA外部サイトFuture research direction and visions for astronomy : 25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトInternational conference on charged and neutral particles channeling phenomena : 2 - 6 November 2004, Rome, Italy外部サイトFiber optic components and optical communication II : 18-19 September, 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトAdvanced remote sensing外部サイトSpace telescopes and instrumentation I : optical, infrared, and millimeter : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトMicroelectronic interconnects and packages, optical and electrical technologies外部サイトProcess imaging for automatic control : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトWavelet applications in signal and image processing III : 12-14 July 1995, Dan Diego, California外部サイトFirst International Symposium on High-Power Laser Macroprocessing : 27-31 May 2002, Osaka, Japan外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XIII : 10-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトSolar optical materials XVI : 22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトMedical imaging III, Image processing : 31 January-3 February 1989, Newport Beach, California外部サイトLaser diagnostics : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトOptical astronomical instrumentation : 26-28 March, 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトSpace optics 1994 : space instrumentation and spacecraft optics, 18-21 April 1994, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FRG外部サイトNinth International Conference on Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals : 30 September-4 October 2002, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine外部サイトLaser beam radiometry : 14-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMicroelectronic interconnects and packages, system and process integration外部サイトNoise in devices and circuits III : 24-26 May, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA外部サイトScience with soft x-rays : October 17-19, 1983, Upton, New York外部サイトWavelet applications II : proceedings : 17-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSoft X-ray and EUV imaging systems : 3-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors and applications : including Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors VII : 3-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトBuildings for nanoscale research and beyond : 31 July-1 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical organic and inorganic materials, 16-19 August, 2000, Vilnius, Lithuania外部サイト1988 International Conference on Education in Optics : 14-15 August 1988外部サイトMaterials research in low gravity II : 19-21 July 1999, San Diego, California外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors VI : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Mass.外部サイトGravitational-wave detection : 23-25 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトDetectors, focal plane arrays, and applications : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトHigh-power laser ablation V : 25-30 April, 2004, Taos, New Mexico, USA外部サイトCurrent developments in optical design and optical engineering : fifth in a series : 21-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser plasma generation and diagnostics : 27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトElectro-optical instrumentation for industrial applications : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトOptical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XI : 19-20 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトInfrared optical materials and fibers III : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトOptical Data Storage 2016 : 28 August 2016 San Diego, California, United States外部サイトComponents for fiber optic applications II : 17-18 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトMedia processors 2000 : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors IV : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of static and dynamic light scattering in medicine and biology : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトUltrafast Laser Probe Phenomena in Bulk and Microstructure Semiconductors II : a special international conference of invited speakers : 14-15 March 1988, Newport Beach, California外部サイトUnmanned ground vehicle technology III: 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトX-ray investigations of polymer structures外部サイトProceedings of biomedical sensors, fibers, and optical delivery systems : 8-10 September 1998, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトApplications with weather satellites II : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA外部サイトIEEE Western Canada Conference and Exhibition on Telecommunication for Health Care--Telemetry, Teleradiology, and Telemedicine : IEEE WESCANEX '90 : July 6-7, 1990, the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada外部サイトAlgorithms for multispectral and hyperspectral imagery V : 5-6 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFourth International Conference on Material science and material properties for infrared optoelectronics : 29 September-2 October 1998, Kiev, Ukraine外部サイトSensors and sensor integration : 4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOrganic, metallo-organic, and polymeric materials for nonlinear optical applications : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトX-ray instrumentation in medicine and biology, plasma physics, astrophysics and synchrotron radiation : proceedings, ECO2, 25-28 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトNonlinear optical liquids and power limiters : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy V : 27-28 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトActive infrared systems and technology : 2-3 April, 1987, TheHague, The Netherlands外部サイトExcimer lasers and applications : ECO1 21-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトMedical imaging V, PACS design and evaluation : 26 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトLiquid and solid state crystals : physics, technology, and applications : 12-17 October 1992, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトSolar physics and space weather instrumentation II : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトTelescopes and instrumentation for solar astrophysics : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトICALEO '94 : Laser Materials Processing : 17-20 October 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotometric engineering of sources and systems : 29-30 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical fabrication, testing, and metrology : 30 September-3 October 2003, St. Etienne, France外部サイトLidar remote sensing for environmental monitoring VII : 14-16 November 2006, Goa, India外部サイトHolographic optics II : principles and applications : 25-28 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトImage understanding for aerospace applications : 13-14 June 1991, Munich, Germany外部サイトHigh bandwidth analog applications of photonics II : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1998 : Smart materials technologies : 4-5 March 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトData analysis and modeling for process control II : 3-4 March, 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトExpert robots for industrial use, 7-8 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトX-ray and gamma-ray telescopes and instruments for astronomy : 24-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトOptical biopsies and microscopic techniques II : 5-8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy外部サイトRemote sensing and modeling of ecosystems for sustainability II : 2-3 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Photoelectronics and Night Vision Devices外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing : 3-4 April 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAll-optical communication systems: architecture, control, and network issues II : 20-21 November, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProgress in high-temperature superconducting transistors and other devices II : 12-13 September 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトAlgorithms for multispectral and hyperspectral imagery II : 9-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced topics in optoelectronics, microelectronics, and nanotechnologies : 21-23 November, 2002, Bucharest, Romania外部サイトIndustrial sensing systems : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトBiosensing : 12-14 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDisplay technology II : February 10-11, 1981, Los Angeles, California外部サイトImage quality, an overview : April 9-10, 1985, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing VII : 18-21 September 2001, Toulouse, France外部サイトAdvanced semiconductor processing and characterization of electronic and optical materials : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPhotorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications VI : 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトIntelligent systems in design and manufacturing外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1995 : mathematics and control in smart structures : 27 February-1 March, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detections : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy VII : 24-25 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared detectors : [proceedings] August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトApplication of lidar to current atmospheric topics II : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptoelectronic and electronic sensors VI : 19-22 June 2006, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトEnabling technologies for 3G and beyond : 22-23 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトRare-earth-doped materials and devices IV : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of three-dimensional bioimaging systems and lasers in the neurosciences : 23-24 January, 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPhotonic processing technology and applications : 21-22 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEnabling sensor and platform technologies for spaceborne remote sensing : 9-10 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA外部サイトSensor fusion and distributed robotic agents : 21-22 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptomechatronic actuators and manipulation : 5-7 December 2005, Sapporo, Japan外部サイトEarth observing systems III : 19-21 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトThe Sixth Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering : 19-21 December 1988, Tel Aviv, Israel外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 1993 : 25th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 27-29, October, 1993, Boulder, Colorado外部サイト23rd International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 20-25 September, 1998, Moscow, Russia外部サイトSecond International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : '94 TFPA : 15-17 April 1994, Shanghai, China外部サイトAirborne intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) systems and applications III : 19-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトShuttle optical environment : April 23-24, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトInverse optics III : 4-5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトElectro-optical materials for switches, coatings, sensor optics, and detectors : 16-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotonics for space environments VII : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトThe Marketplace for industrial lasers : 9 September 1988, Chicago, Illinois外部サイトFirst International Conference on Lasers and Medicine : 10-13 October 1989, Tashkent, USSR外部サイトAirborne laser advanced technology II : 5-7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical systems contamination and degradation II : effects, measurements, and control : 2-3 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトImaging technology and telescopes : 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトAir monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAdvanced techniques for integrated circuit processing : 1-5 October 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOptical information processing technology : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence X : knowledge-based systems : 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptoelectronic component technologies : 16-18 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China外部サイトAtmospheric and environmental remote sensing data processing and utilization II : perspective on calibration/validation initiatives and strategies : 16-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトEnabling technology for simulation science II : 14-16 April, 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトThree-dimensional imaging and remote sensing imaging : 14-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared systems and components III : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical manufacturing technologies : 17-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトLiquid crystal materials, devices, and applications III : 8-9 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XV : 17-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1994 : passive damping : 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEmerging optoelectronic technologies : proceedings of the Conference on Emerging Optoelectronic Technologies, Bangalore, India, December 16-20, 1991外部サイトMachine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration II : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトEmerging lithographic technologies V : 27 February-1 March, 2001, Santa Clara, [California], USA外部サイトCharacter recognition technologies : 1-2 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '98 : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1997 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 4-6 March 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトEuropean Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors : 8-10 July 1998, Peebles, Scotland外部サイトNonlinear optical beam manipulation and high energy beam propagation through the atmosphere : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDefense transformation and network-centric systems : 17-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトInfrared readout electronics II : 7-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical microlithography V : 13-14 March 1986, Santa Clara, California外部サイトProceedings of advances in fluorescence sensing technology IV : 24-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトMathematical methods in geophysical imaging II : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvances in thin film coatings for optical applications II : 1-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of laser interaction with hard and soft tissue II : 6-9 September 1994, Lille, France外部サイトPhotodetectors : materials and devices VI : 22-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトDigital image processing : January 22-23, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDiscoveries and research prospects from 8- to 10-meter-class telescopes : 30 - 31 March 2000 Munich, Germany外部サイトFunctional monitoring and drug-tissue interaction : 21-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトImage and video processing II : 7-9 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトSensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications V : 19-21 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトX-ray calibration : techniques, sources, and detectors外部サイトInternational workshop on physics and engineering in medical imaging, March 15-18, 1982, Pacific Grove, California USA外部サイトComputational vision based on neurobiology : 6-9 July 1993, Pacific Grove, California外部サイトLasers and optics for surface analysis : 20-21 January 1993 Los Angeles, California外部サイトHigh-speed inspection architectures, barcoding, and character recognition : 5-7 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトGrowth and characterization of materials for infrared detectors : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトEngineering thin films with ion beams, nanoscale diagnostics, and molecular manufacturing : 30-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトLaser-diode technology and applications II : 16-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPractical holography VII : Imaging and materials : 1-2 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトSurface scattering and diffraction for advanced metrology II : 9 July 2002 Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトLasers in microelectronic manufacturing : 10-11 September 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトHigh speed photography, videography, and photonics IV : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトPassive fiber optic components and their reliability : 6-8 April 1993, Berlin, FRG外部サイトBiomedical spectroscopy : vibrational spectroscopy and other novel techniques : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research III :19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトBiomedical vibrational spectroscopy III : advances in research and industry : 21-22 and 24 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLaser diodes and leds in industrial, measurement, imaging, and sensors applications II : testing, packaging, and reliability of semiconductor lasers V : 26-25 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトThermosense XVI : an International Conference on Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications, 6-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : Active materials : behavior and mechanics : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトSAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques V :23-24 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece外部サイトPolarization analysis and measurement : 19-21 July 1992, San Diego,California外部サイトDiffractive and holographic optics technology II : 9-10 February, 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1994, Image perception : 1 March 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser safety, eyesafe laser systems, and laser eye protection : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNonlinear dynamics of laser and optical systems : CIS selected papers外部サイトInfrared systems-design and testing : 9-10 June 1988, London, England外部サイトTerahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics VI : 21-22 January 2007, San Jose California, USA外部サイトStorage and retrieval systems and applications : 13-15 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトAdvanced wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications II : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトPropagation engineering : fourth in a series : 3-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトUltraviolet atmospheric and space remote sensing : methods and instrumentation II : 22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトTerahertz physics, devices, and systems : 2-4 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XII : active vision and 3D methods : 8-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトPulsed single-frequency lasers : technology and applications外部サイトNonimaging optics, maximum efficiency light transfer IV : 27-28 July, 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトEnabling technologies for simulation science IX : 29-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAtmospheric and oceanic processes, dynamics, and climate change : 25 and 27 October 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトOptical devices and methods for microwave/millimeter-wave and frontier applications : 22-23 July 1998 San Diego, California外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing X : 1-2 March 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser optics for intracavity and extracavity applications外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 1999 : 31th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 4-7, October, 1999, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトGOES-8 and beyond : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLithographic and micromachining techniques for optical component fabrication II : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDigital image recovery and synthesis IV : 20-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptical manufacturing and testing IV : 31 July-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトPhotonics for space and radiation environments : 20-21 September 1999, Florence, Italy外部サイトMedical imaging V, Image capture, formatting, and display : proceedings 24-26 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced characterization techniques for optics, semiconductors, and nanotechnologies : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of lasers in urology : 22-23 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトThree-dimensional imaging : April 21-22, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland外部サイトAdvanced software, control, and communication systems for astronomy : 21-22 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトRemote sensing and space technology for multidisciplinary research and applications : 19-24 May 2005, Beijing, China外部サイトOptical system design, analysis, and production for advanced technology systems外部サイトTargets and backgrounds : characterization and representation IV : 13-15 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトRussian airborne geophysics and remote sensing : 13-17 September 1992, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado外部サイトLocal and metropolitan area networks : 5-6 April 1993, Berlin, FRG外部サイトDesign, simulation, and fabrication of optoelectronic devices and circuits : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser and noncoherent light ocular effects : epidemiology, prevention, and treatment : 22 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトSAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques VIII : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトProcessing and display of three-dimensional data II : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XVIII : 14 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトChallenges in process integration and device technology : 18-19 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトElectron tubes and image intensifiers : 10-11 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser metrology for precision measurement and inspection in industry : 13-15 October 1999, Florianópolis, Brazil外部サイトInstrumentation for optical remote sensing from space外部サイトHigh-speed electronics and device scaling : 18-19 March 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトInnovative optics and phase conjugate optics : proceedings, ECO4 : 13-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトSol-gel optics II : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトImage compression and encryption technologies : 22-24 October 2001, Wuhan, China外部サイトProceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy IV : 4-5 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical probes of conjugated polymers : 28-30 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトDevice and process technologies for microelectronics, MEMS, and photonics IV : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia外部サイトShort and ultrashort wavelength lasers外部サイトSensor fusion and aerospace applications : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトX-ray/EUV optics for astronomy, microscopy, polarimetry, and projection lithography : 9-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトApplications of photonic technology [7A] : closing the gap between theory, development, and application : 7A--Photonics North 2004: Optical components and devices外部サイトProcess module metrology, control, and clustering : 11-13 September 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトHolographic data nondestructive testing : October 4-8, 1982, Croatia Hotel de Luxe, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing : 26-30 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトCommercial applications of precision manufacturing at the sub-micron level : 19-21 November 1991, London, United Kingdom外部サイトComputational imaging II : 19-20 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies XII : 24 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of advances in optical biophysics : 25-26 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments V : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトOptoelectronic interconnects VI : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトEighth international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics : atmospheric physics : 25-29 June 2001, Irkutsk, Russia外部サイトLaser applications to chemical dynamics : 13-14 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvances in laboratory-based X-ray sources and optics : 31 July-1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトGEOSS and next-generation sensors and missions : 13-14 November 2006, Goa, India外部サイトThin film technologies II : 15-17 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトFundamental problems of optoelectronics and microelectronics : 30 September-4 october, 2002, Vladivostok, Russia外部サイトAdvanced Technology Optical外部サイトOptical computing and nonlinear materials : 11-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials II : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトEmerging high-speed local-area networks and wide-area networks : 24-26 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトIntelligent transportation systems : 15-17 October, 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania外部サイトOptical Data Storage 2009 : 11-13 May 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States外部サイトThird International Workshop on Iodine Lasers and Applications : 28 September-2 October 1992, Bechyně Castle, Czechoslovakia外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets X : 28 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトImaging spectrometry II : 7-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 1991 : 23rd Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 23-24, October, 1991, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control VII : 2-4 March 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers II : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトBeam control, diagnostics, standards, and propagation : 6-7 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトAdaptive optics and optical structures : ECO3, 12-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトOptical remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds : 15-17 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトMedical imaging 2010 : Visualization, image-guided procedures, and modeling : 14-16 February 2010 San Diego, California, United States外部サイトFiber optic sensors V : 6-7 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトClinical lasers and diagnostics : 6-8 July 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands外部サイトFiber optics reliability and testing : benign and adverse environments : sixth in a series : 8-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion III : August 21-23, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトIn-line characterization, yield, reliability, and failure analysis in microelectronic manufacturing II : 31 May-1 June 2001, Edinburgh, UK外部サイトWorkshop on laser applications in Europe : 23 November 2005, Dresden, Germany外部サイトOptical telescopes of today and tomorrow : following in the direction of Tycho Brahe : 29 May-2 June, 1996, Landskrona/Hven, Sweden外部サイトApplications of optical metrology : techniques and measurements II : [proceedings] : April 7-8, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトPhotonics for space environments II : 5-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイト13th international workshop on lidar multiple scattering experiments : 28 June -1 July 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトHolographic optics III : principles and applications : proceedings, ECO4 : 12-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing XII : 10 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSpace telescopes and instrumentation 2008 : optical, infrared, and millimeter : 23-28 June 2008, Marseille, France外部サイトInstrument design and performance for optical/infrared ground-based telescopes : 25 - 28 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトEMLC 2006 : 22nd European Mask and Lithography Conference : 23-26 January 2006, Dresden, Germany外部サイトUV, optical, and IR space telescopes and instruments : 29-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトMetallization : performance and reliability issues for VLSI and ULSI : 12-13 September 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトThree-dimensional imaging, optical metrology, and inspection V : 19-20 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトExcimer lasers and applications III : proceedings : ECO4 : 13-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトObservatory operations to optimize scientific return II : 27-28 March 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトNonimaging optics, maximum efficiency light transfer : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems VI : 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトReplication and molding of optical components : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDisplay technologies : 17-18 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China外部サイトBioptics : optics in biomedicine and environmental sciences : proceedings of an intensive course held 17-25 March 1991, Porto, Portugal外部サイトDigital video compression on personal computers : algorithms and technologies 1995 : 7-10 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトGeneration, measurement, and control of stray radiation III : January 18-19, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトThree-dimensional image capture and applications III : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトBroadband European networks and multimedia services : 18-20 May 1998, Zurich, Switzerland : Syben 98外部サイトSpatial information from digital photogrammetry and computer vision : ISPRS Commission III Symposium, September 5-9, 1994, Munich, Germany外部サイトLasers as tools for manufacturing : 8 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAdvances in optical thin films II : 13-15 September 2005, Jena, Germany外部サイトWave-optical wywtems engineering II : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイト19th congress of the international commission for optics : optics for the quality of life : 25-30 August 2002, Firenze, Italy外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials VI : 13-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptomechanical systems engineering : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトThe Marketplace for industrial lasers : proceedings : 13-14 September 1990, Chicago, Illinois外部サイトProceedings of scanning and force microscopies for biomedical applications : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトParticle sizing and spray analysis, August 21, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトSensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications IV : 21-23 January, 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトICO20 : optical communication : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトAdvanced free-space optical communications techniques and technologies : 27-28 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトClose-range photogrammetry meets machine vision : 3-7 September 1990, Zurich, Switzerland外部サイトSuperconducting and related oxides, physics and nanoengineering IV : 24-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトScanning imaging : ECO1 21-23 September 1988, Hambeurg, Federal Repulic of Germany外部サイトBiostereometrics '88 : fifth international meeting, 14-17 November 1988, Basel, Switzerland外部サイトDigitization of the battlespace III : 15-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFifth European conference on smart structures and materials : 22-24 May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトLaser technologies for environmental monitoring and ecological applications, and laser technologies for medicine : International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies : 2005, 11-15 May, 2005, St. Petersburg,, Russia外部サイトICONO '98 : laser spectroscopy and optical diagnostics : novel trends in laser chemistry, biophysics, and biomedicine : 29 June-3 July, 1998, Moscow, Russia外部サイトUnmanned/unattended sensors and sensor networks V : 16-18 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトNeural, morphological, and stochastic methods in image and signal processing : 10-11 July 1995 San Diego, California外部サイトTest and evaluation of infrared detectors and arrays : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition VIII : 5-7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 2002 : 1-2 April, 2002, Orlando, [Florida] USA外部サイトEnvironmental monitoring and remediation technologies II : 20-22 September, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトPractical holography III : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトReflective optics : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMultispectral imaging for terrestrial applications II : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイト17th international conference on photoelectronics and night vision devices : 27-31 May 2002, Moscow, Russia外部サイトInfrared astronomical instrumentation : 23-25 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトSPIE 1991 publications index : subject/author indexes of all SPIE proceedings and SPIE Press books published in 1991外部サイトProceedings of optical biophysics : 8-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトFree-space laser communication and laser imaging : 30-31 July 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Active materials : Behavior and mechanics : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトVisual data exploration and analysis : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトSuperconducting and related oxides, physics and nanoengineering III : 20-24 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトMathematical methods in geophysical imaging IV : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトImage algebra and morphological image processing II : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトPolarization: measurement, analysis, and remote sensing VI : 15 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトThree-dimensional imaging, visualization, and display 2009 : 15-16 April 2009, Orlando, Florida, United States外部サイトSecond International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques : Advances and Applications, 23-25 September 1996, Ancona, Italy外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology : 21-22 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMedical imaging VI : PACS design and evaluation : 24-27 February 1992, Newport Beach, California外部サイトSolid state lasers and new laser materials : ICONO '91, 24-27 September 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトMultichamber and in-situ processing of electronic materials : 10-11 October 1989, Santa Clara, California外部サイトIntegration issues in large commercial media delivery systems : 23-24 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトOptical memory & neural networks '94 : optical neural networks, 27-30 August 1994, Moscow, Russia外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XII : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets II : 21-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトVisualization and data analysis 2010 : 18-19 January 2010, San Jose, California, United States外部サイトFibre Optics '89 : seventh International Conference on Fibre Optics and Optoelectronics : 25-27 April 1989, London, England外部サイトStray radiation in optical systems III : 26-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments VII : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトMaterials and technologies for optical communications : 19-20 November 1987, Cannes, France外部サイトAdvanced x-ray/EUV radiation sources and applications : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトNanoengineering : fabrication, properties, optics, and devices III : 15-17 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMobile robots XVII : 26-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトMathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption IV, with applications : 30-31 July, 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of aging aircraft, airports, aerospace hardware, and materials : 6-8 June 1995, Oakland, California外部サイトLaser power beaming II : 8-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトOptoelectronic metrology : 28-30 September 1998, Ĺańcut, Poland外部サイトPhotopolymer device physics, chemistry, and applications III : 7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトDigital image synthesis and inverse optics : 9-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトLidar techniques for remote sensing : 28-29 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトMicrowave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment : 15-17 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトOptical engineering : index 1985-1989 (volumes 24-28), the Journal of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトHigh heat flux engineering II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion VII : ECO1, 19-21 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトFree-space laser communication and atmospheric propagation xxx : 29-30 January 2018, San Francisco, California, United States /Hamid Hemmati, Don M. Boroson editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1994 : smart sensing, processing, and instrumentation : 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトVery high resolution and quality imaging : 31 January-2 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトApplications and science of computational intelligence II : 5-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトTargets and backgrounds : characterization and representation : 17-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトCO[2] lasers and applications : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイト1st International Conference and Workshop on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) for Medical Applications : January 18-21, 1982, Newport Beach, California外部サイトScanning microscopy technologies and applications外部サイトOptical computing : April 8-12, 1990, Kobe, Japan外部サイトInternational Conference on Automatic Inspection and Measurement : August 20-21, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトSensors and control for automation : 22-24 June, Frankfort, FRG外部サイトModeling of the atmosphere : 7-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOrganic and biological optoelectronics : 18-19 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMaterials and devices for optical and wireless communications : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 15-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトNonlinear and electro-optic materials for optical switching : 23-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '92 : 18-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトIn-process optical metrology for precision machining, 31 March-2 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands外部サイトNonlinear optical materials II : 26-28 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations X : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトData mining, intrusion detection, information assurance, and data networks security 2005 : 28-29 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトArchitectures and algorithms for digital image processing外部サイトLaser Optics 2000 : Solid State Lasers, 26-30 June 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトPhotonics for processors, neural networks, and memories : 12-15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices : 1-2 March, 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトFluctuations and noise in biological, biophysical, and biomedical systems : 2-4 June 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA外部サイトCurrent developments in optical engineering II : 18-21 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 2002 : 2-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトThermal treatment of tissue : energy delivery and assessment : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトSensors for propulsion measurement applications : 20-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトNavigation and control technologies for unmanned systems II : 23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSecond Bäckaskog workshop on extremely large telescopes : 9-11 September 2003, Bäckaskog Castle, Sweden外部サイトPhysics of optical ring gyros : 7-10 January, 1984, Snowbird, Utah外部サイトMicron and submicron integrated circuit metrology : August 22-23, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトAutomatic target recognition XV : 29-31 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトReal-time imaging IV : 25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser Florence 2003 : a window on the laser medicine world : 6-8 November 2003, Florence, Italy外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing X : 13-15 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトImage algebra and morphological image processing V : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトNeural and stochastic methods in image and signal processing : 20-23 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of lasers in dermatology and tissue welding : 21-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRecent developments in infrared components and subsystems : 7-8 June 1988, London, England外部サイトFunctional photonic integrated circuits : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトPhotonics, devices, and systems III :8-11 June 2005, Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトEarth observing systems IV : 18-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptical enhancements to computing technology : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 18-20 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトField programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for fast board development and reconfigurable computing : 25-26 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトAdaptive computing : Mathematical and physical methods for complex environments : 4-5 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトApplications of broadband optical and wireless networks : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトProceedings of fiber optic medical and fluorescent sensors and applications : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPhotonics for space environments IV : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトProceedings of ultrasensitive biochemical diagnostics : 31 January, 2 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトSurface scattering and diffraction III : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XXVI : 10-11July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトSensor fusion III, 3-D perception and recognition : 5-8 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical techniques for environmental sensing, workplace safety, and health monitoring : 24-25 October 2001, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトAtmospheric propagation and remote sensing III : 5-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトHigh data rate atmospheric and space communications : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings : international topical meeting on image detection and quality, 16-18 July 1986, Paris, France外部サイトProceedings of optical diagnostics of biological fluids IV : 26-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1996 : Smart materials technologies and biomimetics : 26 February-2 March 1996, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトHigh-frequency analog fiber optic systems, 17-18 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical/laser microlithography IV : 6-8 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of photochemotherapy : photodynamic therapy and other modalities : 14-16 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトPhotonics for space environments IX : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトProceedings of ultrasensitive instrumentation for DNA sequencing and biochemical diagnostics外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications II : 23-25 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAirborne telescope systems : 27-28 March 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトDigital image storage and archiving systems : 25-26 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトPerceiving, measuring, and using color : 15-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision : November 5-8, 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトRecording systems : high-resolution cameras and recording devices, laser scanning and recording systems : 21-23 June 1993, Munich, FRG外部サイトAnalog photonics : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInstrumentation in astronomy V : September 7-9, 1983, London, England外部サイトOptical microlithography XII : 17-19 March 1999, Santa Clara, California外部サイトLaser assisted processing : ECO1, 19-20 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany : proceedings外部サイトThin films in optics : proceedings, ECO2, 24-25 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイト6th International Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics (DIP-97) : applications in humanities and social sciences : 20-22 October 1997, Vienna, Austria外部サイトHolography techniques and applications : ECO1 19-21 September, 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトEnvironmental monitoring and remediation technologies : 2-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトDigital image processing and visual communications technologies in the earth and atmospheric sciences II : 19-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトICONO '98 : nonlinear optical phenomena and coherent optics in information technologies : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia外部サイトDoped fiber devices : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing XI : 18-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1997 : 29-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトFocal plane methodologies III外部サイトUltrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, Calfornia外部サイトEmerging liquid crystal technologies : 25-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトExcimer lasers, optics, and applications : 12-13 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology IX : 14-15 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDigital image recovery and synthesis外部サイトPhoton correlation spectroscopy : multicomponent systems : 22-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPhotochemistry in thin films : 17-18 January 1989外部サイトProceedings of ultraviolet radiation hazards : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRadar processing, technology, and applications II : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトDisplay system optics II : 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDesign, Test, Integration, and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS : 9-11 May 2000, Paris, France外部サイトMicro-optical technologies for measurement, sensors, and microsystems : 12-13 June 1996, Besançon, France外部サイトX-ray mirrors, crystals, and multilayers : 30-31 July 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトInfrared readout electronics III : 9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced photon counting techniques : 1-3 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトSurveillance technologies and imaging components : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser scanning and recording : [proceedings] August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser frequency stabilization and noise reduction : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of medical applications of lasers : 4-5 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトSpace telescopes and instrumentation 2008 : ultraviolet to gamma ray : 23-28 June 2008, Marseille, France外部サイトImage quality : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトCharged-particle optics II : 5 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue IV, 21-23 January, 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトSAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques III : 25-27 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトOptical systems in adverse environments : 22-27 October 1990, Singapore外部サイトLaser isotope separation : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEnabling technologies for high-bandwidth applications : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInstrumentation for UV/EUV astronomy and solar missions :30 July- 1 August 2000 San Diego, USA外部サイトEUV, x-ray, and neutron optics and sources : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトThird International Conference on Optical Mass Data Storage : January 22-24, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Modeling, signal processing, and control :3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA, Ralph C. Smith, chairs/editors ; Sponsored by SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトMedical Imaging 2003 : Physics of Medical Imaging : 16-18 February 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイト23rd European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods : 2-6 September 1996, Kiev, Ukraine外部サイトTwo- and three-dimensional methods for inspection and metrology III : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトOptoelectronic materials, devices, packaging, and interconnects : 19-21 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of photodynamic therapy of cancer : 1-4 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトHigh-resolution sensors and hybrid systems : 10-14 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトFiber laser sources and amplifiers II : 18-19 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared and photoelectronic imagers and detector devices II : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDesign and manufacturing of WDM devices : 4-5 November 1997, Dallas, Texas外部サイトElectro-optic, integrated optic, and electronic technologies for online chemical process monitoring : 2-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトMicrofluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems III : 24-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of laser surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems IV : 22-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser-induced thin film processing : 8-10 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing VIII : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトBeam diagnostics and beam handling systems : ECO1 21-22 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトAdvanced sensor and control-system interface : 21-22 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInternational Optical Design Conference 1998 : 8-12 June, 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトBiomonitoring for physiological and cognitive performance during military operations : 31 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトGeoinformatics 2006 : Remotely sensed data and information : 28-29 October 2006, Wuhan, China外部サイトOptical diagnostics of living cells III : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSolar physics and space weather instrumentation : 31 July-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProgress in holography : 31 March-2 April 1987, The Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトAdvances in laboratory-based X-ray sources and optics III : 8 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトDiamond optics II : 7-8 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトMicromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics III : 25-27 January 2005, San JOse, California, USA外部サイトAdaptive optics systems and technology II : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトHighly innovative space telescope concepts : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトLaser systems technology II : 13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvanced sensor systems and applications II : 8-12 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトHealth monitoring and smart nondestructive evaluation of structural and biological systems V : 27 February-1 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMicrofluidic Devices and Systems : 21-22 September 1998, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOptical Data Storage '95 : 5-7 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトCell and biotissue optics : applications in laser diagnostics and therapy : CBO '93 international workshop : 27 June-4 July 1993, Moscow--Nizhny Novgorod外部サイトAdvanced flat panel display technologies : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトLasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2004, 23-25 June, 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトAlgorithms for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery VII : 16-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトTechnologies for optical countermeasures V : 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトOrganic photovoltaics : 3 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトElectronics and structures for MEMS II : 17-19 December 2001, Adelaide, Australia外部サイトIntegrated optics and optoelectronics II : 17-19 September 1990外部サイトLight-emitting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications III : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトX-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy XI : 2-4 August 2000 San Diego, USA外部サイトRadar sensor technology II : 24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical manufacturing and testing : 9-11 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトSensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) technologies for homeland defense and law enforcement : 1-5 April 2002, Orland, USA外部サイトAn International Conference on Thermal Infrared Sensing for Diagnostics and Control, Thermosense XI : 29-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart electronics and MEMS II : 13-15 December 2000, Melbourne, Australia外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 2003 : 21 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOrganic photonic materials and devices II : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトPhysical concepts of materials for novel optoelectronic device applications I : materials growth and characterization : 28 October-2 November 1990, Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトProceedings of fluorescence detection IV : 1-2 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトSingle crystal growth, characterization, and applications : International Conference on Solid State Crystals '98 : 12-16 October 1998, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトModeling and simulation of laser systems II : 23-24 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval VIII : 24-25 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトInfrared technology XII : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotonics for transportation : 10-14 March 1999, Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトGrowth of compound semiconductors : 26-27 March 1987, Bay Point, Florida外部サイトApplications of optical fiber sensors : 22-24 May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトLaser beam shaping, 2-3 Aug. 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトThird International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : 15-17 April 1997, Shanghai, China外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control VI : 9-11 March 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトIntegrated optics II : January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPolarization: measurement, analysis, and remote sensing : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam submicrometer lithographies for manufacturing IV : 28 February-1 March 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトEnabling technology for simulation science IV : 25-27 April, 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトMathematical methods in medical imaging II : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOrganic light-emitting materials and devices : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical design methods, applications, and large optics : ECO1, 19-21 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトInorganic optical materials III : 2 August, 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトApplications of photonic technology : closing the gap between theory, development, and application外部サイトTelemanipulator technology and space telerobotics : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors III : August 20-23, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトMultispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral remote sensing technology, techniques, and applications : 13-16 November 2006, Goa, India外部サイトInfrared optical materials and fibers IV : 22-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSmart materials, structures, and MEMS : 11-14 December 1996, Bangalore, India外部サイトProceedings of medical and fiber optic sensors and delivery systems : 12-13 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトComputer-generated holography II : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAtmospheric and environmental remote sensing data processing and utilization : an end-to-end system perspective : 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトReal time signal processing V : May 4-7, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトPerformance and control of network systems III : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical modeling and performancen predictions : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition V : 8-10 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFlat panel display technology and display metrology : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvances in X-ray/EUV optics, components, and applications II : 27-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトLiquid crystal materials, devices, and applications : 11-13 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced photonics materials for information technology : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRemote sensing : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトPractical holography VIII : 7-9 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of lasers in dentistry II : 28-29 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトAtmospheric transmission : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトOptical materials in defence systems technology IV : 17-18 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトStorage and retrieval for still image and video databases IV : 1-2 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトBiomedical applications of micro- and nanoengineering II : 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia外部サイトRadar polarimetry : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of Lasers in ophthalmology IV : 9-10 September 1996, Vienna, Austria外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations IX : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトCommunications networking in dense electromagnetic environments : 14-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technology Symposium ...外部サイトAdvanced global communications technologies for astronomy II : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトAdvanced process control and automation : 27 February, 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトSpaceborne sensors III : 18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトSemiconductor growth technology : January 26-27, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトBioimaging and two-dimensional spectroscopy : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDigital wireless communication : 5 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Smart sensor technology and measurement systems : 3-5 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトEmerging optoelectronic applications : 26-27 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOcean remote sensing and imaging II : 5-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトEarth observing systems X : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInstruments, science, and methods for geospace and planetary remote sensing : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA外部サイトFree-space laser communications V : 31 July-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトElectro-optical remote sensing : 26-28 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトBragg signal processing and output devices : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced imaging technologies and commercial applications : 10, 12 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトGamma-ray detectors : 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトFullerenes and photonics III : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLiquid crystals IV : 2-3 August 2000, San Digo, USA外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments IV : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego,California外部サイトUltravaiolet ground-and space-based measurements, models, and effects II :25 October 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトRefractometry : 16-20 May 1994, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトFiber optic systems for mobile platforms IV : 18 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXIII : 20-25 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAtmospheric propagation, adaptive systems, and laser radar technology for remote sensing : 25-28 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain : John D. Gonglewski ... [et al.], chairs/editors ; sponsored by EOS-The European Optical Society, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration(USA)外部サイトOpto-contact : workshop on technology transfers, start-up opportunities and strategic alliances : 13-14 July, 1998, Québec, Canada外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision X : algorithms and techniques : 11-13 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInternational symposium on photonic glass (ISPG 2002) : 14-17 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトNonlinear optics and applications外部サイトBiomolecular spectroscopy II : 22-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトData mining and knowledge discovery : theory, tools, and technology V : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptics in computing 2000 : 18-23 June 2000, Quebec city, Canada外部サイトProceedings of lasers in dentistry IV : 25-26 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトIndustrial applications of holographic nondestructive testing : May 3-5, 1982, Brussels外部サイトInfrared technology for target detection and classification : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトUnattended ground, sea, and air sensor technologies and applications VIII : 17-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトProceedings of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular interventions : 20-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser radar ranging and atmospheric lidar techniques : 24-26 September 1997, London, UK外部サイトThird international conference on solid state lighting : 5-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトPractical holography XV and Holographic materials VII : 22-23 January 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2003 : Image perception, observer performance, and technology assessment : 18-20 February 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトThird Workshop on Neural Networks, Academic/Industrial/NASA/Defense : proceedings : WNN 92, 10-12 February 1992, Auburn University, Alabama [and] 4-6 November 1992, South Shore Harbour, Texas外部サイトLens and optical systems design : 14-18 September 1992, Berlin, FRG外部サイトPhotonics for space and radiation environments II : 17-18 September 2001 Toulouse, France外部サイトDetectors, focal plane arrays, and imaging devices II : 18-19 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトOptical diagnostics of biological fluids V : 27 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトProceedings of the Optical Fabrication and Testing Workshop, Large Telescope Optics : held in conjunction with the Southwest Conference on Optics, March 4-5, 1985, Albuquerque, New Mexico外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XV : 21-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトColor science and imaging technologies : 16-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトHigh-definition video : 5-6 April 1993, Berlin, FRG外部サイトIntense microwave pulses IV : 7-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトImage and video processing : 3-4 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトPropulsion : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptomechatronic systems : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトSensors and controls for intelligent manufacturing : 7 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトBattlespace digitization and network-centric systems III : 23-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSolid state lighting II : 9-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトProceedings of micro- and nanofbricated electro-optical mechanical systems for biomedical and environmental applications : 10-11 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトBiomedical sensing, imaging, and tracking technologies II : 11-13 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトCharge-coupled devices and solid state optical sensors IV : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトLidar for remote sensing : 24-26 June 1992, Berlin, FRG外部サイトThree-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition processing VII : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites X : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトALT'02 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies : 15-20 September, 2002, Adelboden, Switzerland外部サイトWavelet applications in signal and image processing VII : 19-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptomechanics 2005 : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdvances in metrology for x-ray and EUV optics II : 30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptics and the information age : Proceedings 14th Congress of the International Commissiuon for Optics, August 24-28 1987, Québec, Canada外部サイトHigh-speed imaging and sequence analysis : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトRemote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology V : 19-20 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトVisual information processing : from neurons to chips : 1-2 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser spectroscopy of biomolecules : 4th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences : 7-11 September 1992, Jyväskylä, Finland外部サイトSynthetic aperture radar and passive microwave sensing : 25-28 September 1995, Paris France外部サイトOptical constants of materilas for UV to x-ray wavelengths : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトGround-based and airborne telescopes : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトMIPPR 2005 : Image analysis techniques : 31 October-2 November 2005, Wuhan, China外部サイトOptical fibres and their applications IV : 11-13 February 1986, Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトUnconventional imaging III : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDeployable optical systems : January 18-19, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1999, physics of medical imaging : 21-23 February 1999, San Diego, California外部サイトReliability, packaging, testing, and characterization of MEMS/MOEMS VI : 23-24 January, 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトFiber lasers IV : technology, systems, and applications : 22-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトColloidal quantum dots for biomedical applications II : 20-21 and 23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOrganic photovoltaics VII : 15-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトLasers in dentistry XIII : 21-22 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLaser beam shaping VII : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトLaser resonators and beam control IX : 22-24 January, 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XVI : 20-21 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotons plus ultrasound : imaging and sensing 2007 : the eighth Conference on biomedical thermoacoustics, optoacoustics, and acousto-optics : 21-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトQuantum informatics 2004 : 5-7 October 2004, Moscow, Russia外部サイトVision geometry XV : 30 January and 1 February [2007], San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMultimodal biomedical imaging II : 20 and 23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced optical and quantum memories and computing IV : 24-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトBiophotonics and immune responses II : 22-23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトBiomedical applications of light scattering : 20-21 and 23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトQuantum sensing and nanophotonic devices IV : 22-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotomask and X-ray mask technology VI : 13-14 April 1999, Yokohama, Japan外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing XVIII : 26-28 February, 2001, Santa Clara, [California] USA外部サイトGenetically engineered and optical probes for biomedical applications IV : 23-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSelf-calibrated intelligent optical sensors and systems : 25-26 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトXVI International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-Power Lasers : 4-8 September 2006, Gmunden, Austria外部サイトOphthalmic technologies XVII : 20-21 and 23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトProjection displays XII : 24-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotonic crystal materials and devices VI : 22-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトUltrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics '95 : 10-11 July 1995, San Diego, Calfornia外部サイトThree-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing XIV : 23-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLaser-based micro-and nanopackaging and assembly : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotonics packaging, integration, and interconnects VII : 23-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMultimedia computing and networking 2007 : 31 January-1 February 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトZinc oxide materials and devices II : 21-24 January, 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトTelemanipulator and telepresence technologies II : 25-26 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトMedical imaging 2007 : image processing : 18-20 February 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical microlithography XX : 27 February-2 March 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XIV : 10-11 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトLaser optics 2006 : superintense light fields and ultrafast processes : 26-30 June 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトModeling aspects in optical metrology : 18-19 June 2007, Munich, Germany外部サイトPhotonic metamaterials : 26-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNanoengineering : fabrication, properties, optics, and devices IV : 27-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOrganic field-effect transistors VI : 26-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAtmospheric and environmental remote sensing data processing and utilization III : readiness for GEOSS : 27-28 and 30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical transmission systems and equipment for networking VI : 10-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトMultisensor, multisource information fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications 2007 : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPhotomask and next-generation lithography mask technology XIV : 17-19 April 2007, Yokohama, Japan外部サイトOptical technologies for arming, safing, fuzing, and firing III : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトGeoinformatics 2007 : Geospatial information technology and applications : 25-27 May 2007, Nanjing, China外部サイトQuantum communications realized : 10-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトMobile multimedia/image processing for military and security applications 2007 : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトNanotechnology III : 2-4 May 2007, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトOptical modeling and measurements for solar energy systems : 26-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトGeoinformatics 2007 : Geospatial information science : 25-27 May 2007, Nanjing, China外部サイトMedical imaging 2007 : computer-aided diagnosis : 20-22 February 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology X : 11 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトBioengineered and bioinspired systems III : 2-4 May 2007 Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトNanodesign, technology, and computer simulations : 19-25 June 2006, Olsztyn, Poland外部サイトPlatforms and systems : 28-29 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトDetection technologies for mines and minelike targets : 17-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser diode chip and packaging technology : 25-26 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトUV and visible lasers and laser crystal growth : 7-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトFunctional photonic and fiber devices : 30 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトFly-by-light : technology transfer : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser diodes and applications II外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of aging railroads : 7-8 June 1995, Oakland, California外部サイトOptomechanical and precision instrument design : 10-11 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control IX : 20-22 February 1995, Santa Clara, California外部サイトWireless technologies and services for cellular and personal communication services : 25-26 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトMedical imaging 1996, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 13-15 February 1996, Newport Beach, California外部サイトPhotorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications : 12-13 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh-density data recording and retrieval technologies : 23-24 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトHybrid fiber-coax systems : 23-24 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトMetrology, inspection, and process control for microlithography X : 11-13 March, 1996, Santa Clara, California外部サイトInvestigative and trial image processing : 13-14 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトMicroelectronic device and multilevel interconnection technology : 25-26 October 1995, Austin, Texas外部サイトNonimaging optics, maximum-efficiency light transfer III : 10-11 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトNear-field optics : 9-10 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotonic device engineering for dual-use applications : 17-18 April, 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトBroadband networks : strategies and technologies : 20-23 March 1995, Amsterdam, The Netherlands外部サイトMicromachined devices and components : 23-24 October, 1995, Austin, Texas外部サイトSpecification, production, and testing of optical components and systems : 13-16 May 1996, Glasgow, Scotland, UK外部サイトOptical velocimetry : 29 May-2 June, 1995, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトNonlinear dynamics in lasers : Laser Optics '95 : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトICONO '95 : nonlinear optical interactions and wave dynamics : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトOptical inspection and micromeasurements : 10-14 June 1996, Besançon, France外部サイトSurveillance and assessment technologies for law enforcement : 19-20 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of ultrasensitive biochemical diagnostics II : 10-12 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトMicromachining and imaging : 13 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of utilities and pipelines : 4-5 December 1996, Scottsdale, Arizona外部サイトVision systems : new image processing techniques : 11-12 June 1996, Besançon, France外部サイトProjection displays III : 10-12 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトHolographic optical elements and displays : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトPolarization analysis and applications to device technology : International Symposium on Polarization Analysis and Applications to Device Technology : 12-14 June, 1996, Yokahama, Japan外部サイトHigh-speed computing, digital signal processing, and filtering using reconfigurable logic : 20-21 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトGas and chemical lasers and applications II : 10 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトIn-plane semiconductor lasers : from ultraviolet to midinfrared : 10-13 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトOptics in agriculture, forestry, and biological processing II : 19-20 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNondestructive evaluation for process control in manufacturing : 3-5 December 1996, Scottsdale, Arizona外部サイトIntegrated optics devices : potential for commercialization : 12-14 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトPhotorefractive materials : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトInternational conference : neutrons in research and industry : 9-15 June 1996, Crete, Greece外部サイトMachine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration V : 18-19 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトReal-time imaging II : 10 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical microlithography X : 12-14 March, 1997, Santa Clara, California外部サイトSecond International Conference on Optical Information Processing : 17-21 June 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトHigh heat flux engineering III : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトICONO '95 : nonlinear optics of low-dimensional structures and new materials, 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトOptoelectronic and electronic sensors II : 13-16 May, 1996, Szczyrk, Poland外部サイトMultimedia hardware architectures 1997 : 12-13 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトPhysics-based technologies for the detection of contraband : 19-20 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptoelectronic interconnects and packaging IV : 12-14 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトNonlinear optical liquids : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトHigh power lasers : solid state, gas, excimer, and other advanced lasers : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトRare-earth-doped devices : 10-11 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトMethods for ultrasensitive detection : 26-28 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of infrared spectroscopy : new tool in medicine : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイト17th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management : [proceedings] : 17-19 September, 1997, Redwood City, California外部サイトProceedings of optical investigations of cells in vitro and in vivo : 25-28 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of optical biopsy II : 25-26 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of micro- and nanofabricated structures and devices for biomedical environmental applications : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser applications in microelectronic and optoelectronic manufacturing III : 26-28 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトIn-line characterization techniques for performance and yield enhancement in microelectronic manufacturing : 1-2 October 1997, Austin, Texas外部サイトTelemanipulator and telepresence technologies IV : 14-15 October, 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction, tissue optics, and laser welding III : 5-8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy外部サイトImage reconstruction and restoration II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of optical diagnostics of biological fluids III : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトOptoelectronic integrated circuits II : 28-30 January, 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトGas and chemical lasers and intense beam applications : 26-27 January, 1998 San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of surgical-assist systems : 25, 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1998, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 24-26 February 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical information science & technology '97 : computer and holographic optics and image processing : 27-30 August 1997, Moscow, Russia外部サイトMedical imaging 1998, Ultrasonic Transducer Engineering : 25-26 February, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical security and counterfeit deterrence techniques II : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトThree-dimensional image capture and applications : 27-28 January, 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトScientific detection of fakery in art : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトOptoelectronic materials and devices : 9-11 July 1998, Taipei, Taiwan外部サイトMedical imaging 1999, Image perception and performance : 24-25 February 1999, San Diego, California外部サイトProcess monitoring with optical fibers and harsh environment sensors : 3-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSemiconductor lasers III : 16-18 September, 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトOptical and fiber optic sensor systems : 16-19 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトSensors and controls for intelligent machining, agile manufacturing, and mechatronics : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of aging aircraft, airports, and aerospace hardware III : 3-5 March 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトMathematical modeling and estimation techniques in computer vision : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトInternational Conference on Applied Optical Metrology : 8-11 June 1998, Balatonfüred, Hungary外部サイトPhotorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications IV : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトTenth International School on Quantum Electronics : laser physics and applications : 21-25 September 1998, Varna, Bulgaria外部サイトMicromachined devices and components IV : 21-22 September, 1998, Santa Clara, California外部サイトInvestigation and forensic science technologies : 3-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトMicroelectronic manufacturing yield, reliability, and failure analysis IV : 23-24 September, 1998, Santa Clara, California外部サイトMicroarrays : optical technologies and informatics : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトTransmyocardial laser revascularization : scientific basis and clinical value外部サイトMedical imaging 2000, Image display and visualization : 13-15 February 2000, San Diego, California外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of aging aircraft, airports, and aerospace hardware IV : 7-8 March, 2000, Newport Beach, California外部サイトThree-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing VIII : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2000, Image perception and performance : 16-17 February 2000, San Diego, California外部サイトOrganic nonlinear optical materials : 19-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトMicrosystems metrology and inspection : 15-16 June 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of highways, utilities, and pipelines IV : March 7-9, 2000, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトOptoelectronic integrated circuits and packaging V : 24-26 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトStereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems VIII : 22-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトMicromachined devices and components V : 20-21 September 1999, Santa Clara, California外部サイトUltrafast phenomena in semiconductors V : 25-26 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトTesting, reliability, and applications of optoelectronic devices : 24-26 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトRemote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2000 : 28-29 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトMedical imaging 2000, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 15-17 February 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトWDM and photonic switching devices for network applications II : 25-26 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトMEMS reliability for critical applications : 20 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトSilicon-based and hybrid optoelectronics III : 23-24 January, 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2001, Ultrasonic imaging and signal processing : 21-22 February 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトVisual data exploration and analysis VIII : 22-23 January, 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトOrganic field-effect transistors IV : 31 July-2 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトImaging, manipulation, and analysis of biomolecules, cells, and tissues II : 27-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2004, ultrasonic imaging and signal processing : 18-20 February 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials and composites II : 3-5 March, 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptoelectronic integrated circuits VIII : 23-25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPenetrating radiation systems and applications IX : 13-14 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOrganic light-emitting materials and devices X : 13-16 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトPhotonic devices and algorithms for computing III : 29-30 July, 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトInternet imaging IV : 21-22 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトPenetrating radiation systems and applications III : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトRecent developments in traceable dimensional measurements III : 31 July-1 August, 2005, San Diego, California外部サイトNovel in-plane semiconductor lasers III : 26-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトHealth monitoring of structural and biological systems 2008 : 10-13 March 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNovel optical instrumentation for biomedical applications : 24-25 June 2003, Munich, Germany外部サイトLaser techniques and systems in art conservation : 18-19 June 2001, Munich, Germany外部サイトMedical imaging 2004, visualization, image-guided procedures, and display : 15-17 February 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSecurity and watermarking of multimedia contents IV : 21-24 January, 2002, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2001, Visualization, display, and image-guided procedures : 18-20 February 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトICONO 2005 : Nonlinear laser spectroscopy, high precision measurements, and laser biomedicine and chemistry : 11-15 May, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトICONO 2001 : Nonlinear optical phenomena and Nonlinear dynamics of optical systems : 26 June-1 July 2001, Minsk, Belarus外部サイトPhotonic devices and algorithms for computing V : 6-7 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOrganic light emitting materials and devices XII : 10-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2002 : physiology and function from multidimensional images : 24-26 February 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトSelected research papers on spectroscopy of nonequilibrium plasma at elevated pressures外部サイトHybrid and novel imaging and new optical instrumentation for biomedical applications : 18, 20-21 June 2001, Munich, Germany外部サイトUltrafast x-ray detectors, high-speed imaging, and applications : 31 July--1 August and 4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInternet imaging II : 24-26 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトOptoelectronic devices : physics, fabrication, and application III : 1-2 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2002, PACS and integrated medical information systems : design and evaluation : 26-28 February 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトThermosense XXVII : 29-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOrganic photovoltaics II : 2 August, 2001, San Diego, [Calif.] USA外部サイトOptoelectronic integrated circuits VI : 26 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLiquid crystals VIII : 2-3 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトThermosense XXIV : 1-4 April 2002, Orlando, [Florida] USA外部サイトLiquid crystals IX : 31 July-2 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSoft X-ray lasers and applications V : 6-7 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOrganic field-effect transistors VII and organic semiconductors in sensors and bioelectronics : 10-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトPhotonic devices and algorithms for computing VI : 2-3 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2004, PACS and Imaging Informatics : 17-19 February 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNovel in-plane semiconductor lasers IV : 24-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLight-emitting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications IX : 25-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical metrology for arts and multimedia : 25-26 June, 2003, Munich, Germany外部サイトMultimedia computing and networking 2008 : 30-31 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトUltrafast phenomena in semiconductors and nanostructure materials IX : 24-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSaratov Fall Meeting 2002 : optical technologies in biophysics and medicine IV : 1-4 October 2002, Saratov, Russia外部サイトOptical diagnostics and sensing VI : 24-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMultimedia on mobile devices : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトTesting, reliability, and application of micro- and nano-material systems IV : 28 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSemiconductor lasers and optical amplifiers for lightwave communication systems : 29-30 July, 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトInternet multimedia management systems III : 31 July-1 August 2002, Boston, [Massachusetts] USA外部サイトOptical sensing : 27-29 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトOptical diagnostics and sensing IV : 27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトVertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers IX : 25-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMultimedia computing and networking 2002外部サイトPractical holography XX : materials and applications : 22-23 and 25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInternet multimedia management systems V : 26-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトSemiconductor lasers and applications : 15-17 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトMobile multimedia/image processing, security, and applications 2008 : 18-20 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトUltrafast phenomena in semiconductors and nanostructure materials VIII : 26-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSaratov Fall Meeting 2005 : laser physics and photonics, spectroscopy, and molecular modeling VI : 27-30 September, 2005, Saratov, Russia外部サイトOptical diagnostics and sensing in biomedicine III : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトCoherent optics of ordered and random media IV : Saratov Fall Meeting 2003 : 7-10 October, 2003, Saratov, Russia外部サイトOptical fibers and their applications 2008 : 30 January-2 February 2008, Białowieża, Poland外部サイトOptical security and counterfeit deterrence techniques VI : 17-19 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical transmission systems and equipment for WDM networking IV : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトOptical technology and image processing for fluids and solids diagnostics 2002 : 3-6 September 2002, Beijing, China外部サイトOptical methods in drug discovery and development : 23-24 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトNeural network and distributed processing : 22-23 October 2001, Wuhan, China外部サイトIndependent component analyses, wavelets, and neural networks : 22-25 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptical transmission systems and equipment for networking V : 2-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトOptical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XIV, 22-23 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XVII : 19-20 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical components and materials : 26-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical diagnostics for fluids, solids, and combustion II : 3-4 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトIndependent component analyses, wavelets, unsupervised smart sensors, and neural networks III : 30 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトWavelet applications in industrial processing IV : 2-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトOptical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XII : 25-26 and 28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトImage matching and analysis : 22-24 October 2001, Wuhan, China外部サイトOptical devices for fiber communication III : 21-22 January, 2002, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトVisualization and data analysis 2008 : 28-29 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical sensors and sensing systems for natural resources and food safety and quality : 23-24, October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトImage reconstruction from incomplete data V : 11-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical materials and structures technologies II : 1-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトIndependent component analyses, wavelets, unsupervised nano-biomimetic sensors, and neural networks VI : 17-19 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptical security and counterfeit deterrence techniques V : 20-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical transmission systems and equipment for WDM networking III : 25-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトOptical security and safety : 11-12 December, 2003, Warsaw, Poland : SOS'03外部サイトOptical diagnostics : 3-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical micro- and nanometrology in manufacturing technology : 29-30 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトOptical diagnostics of living cells V : 23-25 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトOptical technologies for telecommunications 2007 : 26-28 November 2007, Ufa, Russia外部サイトOptical technologies for telecommunications 2005 : 28-30 November, 2005, Ufa, Russia外部サイトOptical security systems : 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトOptical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue VI : 23-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical fabrication, testing, and metrology III : 2-4 September 2008, Glasgow, United Kingdom外部サイトWavelet applications in industrial processing V : 11-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトOptical pattern recognition XVI : 31 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInternet-based enterprise integration and management : 31 October-1 November 2001, Newton, USA外部サイトLaser beam shaping IX : 11-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトIntelligent computing : theory and applications II : 12-13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトModeling, systems engineering, and project management for astronomy III : 26-28 June 2008, Marseille, France外部サイトSensors for harsh environments III : 11-12 September, 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトInterferometry XI : applications, 10-11 July 2002, Seattle USA外部サイトOptomechatronic sensors, actuators, and control : 25-26 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトNoise in complex systems and stochastic dynamics : 2-4 June 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA外部サイトVertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers VII : 29-30 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLasers in material processing and manufacturing III : 12-14 November 2007, Beijing, China外部サイトNext-generation communication and sensor networks, 2006 : 2-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトSilicon photonics and photonic integrated circuits : 7-10 April 2008, Strasbourg, France外部サイトIntegrated optics, silicon photonics, and photonic integrated circuits : 3-5 April 2006, Strasbourg, France外部サイトOptomechatronic sensors, instrumentation, and computer-vision systems : 3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトSilicon photonics III : 21-24 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLaser beam shaping III : 9 and 11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトSolid state lasers and nonlinear frequency conversion : Laser Optics 2003 : 30 June-4 July 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XXIV : algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトNoise in communication systems : 24-26 May 2005, Austin, Texas, USA外部サイトLaser resonators and beam control X : 21-22 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLaser beam shaping IV : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMultisensor, multisource information fusion--architectures, algorithms, and applications 2004 : 14-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトUnattended ground sensor technologies and applications V : 21-25 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSensors, cameras, and systems for scientific/industrial applications VII : 17-19 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトIntelligent computing : theory and applications IV : 17-18 April, 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトIntelligent computing : theory and applications VI : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトNoise as a tool for studying materials : 2-4 June, 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA外部サイトSolid state lasers XVII : technology and devices : 20-24 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInterferometry XIII : applications : 16-17 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMultisensor, multisource information fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications 2006 : 19-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology XI : 18-19 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトNanotubes and nanowires : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトEighth International Conference on Solid State Lighting : 11-13 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNanosensing : materials, devices and systems III : 11-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトOpto-Ireland 2005 : optoelectronics, photonic devices, and optical networks : 4-6 April, 2005, Dublin, Ireland外部サイトOptomechatronic micro/nano devices and components II : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNanophotonics and macrophotonics for space environments II : 11-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptomechatronic micro/nano components, devices, and systems : 27-28 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトNanophotonic materials and systems II : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNanophotonics for communication : materials, devices, and systems III : 2-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトPECS 2001 : photon echo and coherent spectroscopy : 20-24 June 2001, Novgorod, Russia外部サイトDigital photography IV : 28-29 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトQuantum optics, optical data storage, and advanced microlithography : 12-14 November 2007, Beijing, China外部サイトPhotonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2008 : terahertz science and technology, 24-27 November 2008 Wuhan, China外部サイトPhotonic therapeutics and diagnostics II : 21-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOphthalmic technologies XIV : 24-25, 27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotons plus ultrasound : imaging and sensing 2008 : the Ninth Conference on Biomedical Thermoacoustics, Optoacoustics, and Acousto-optics : 20-23 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotonics : design, technology, and packaging III : 5-7 December 2007, Canberra, Australia外部サイトAdvanced fabrication technologies for micro/nano optics and photonics : 21-23 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOrganic optoelectronics and photonics II : 3-6 April, 2006, Strasbourg, France外部サイトPhotonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2008 : optoelectronic devices and integration : 24-27 November 2008, Wuhan, China外部サイトMultiphoton microscopy in the biomedical sciences V : 23-25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトNonlinear optical transmission and multiphoton processes in organics IV : 14-15 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInternational Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007, laser, ultraviolet, and terahertz technology : 9-12 September 2007, Beijing China外部サイトPhotonic therapeutics and diagnostics IV : 19 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments 2008 : 28 May-1 June 2008, Wilga, Poland外部サイトEnabling photonics technologies for defense, security, and aerospace applications IV : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAtomic and molecular pulsed lasers VII : 10-14 September, 2007, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトComplex dynamics and fluctuations in biomedical photonics V : 19, 21 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOrganic photonic materials and devices V : 27-30 January, 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotonic and quantum technologies for aerospace applications IV : 1-2 April, 2002, Orlando, [Florida] USA外部サイトAn optical believe it or not : key lessons learned : 11-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMultiphoton absorption and nonlinear transmission processes : materials, theory, and applications : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトNonlinear optical transmission and multiphoton processes in organics II : 5-6 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XVIII : 10-11 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトTuning the optical response of photonic bandgap structures : 4-5 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトPhotorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications VIII : 9-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトTenth International Conference on Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals : 3-8 October, 2004, Alushta, Ukraine外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XV : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPhoton processing in microelectronics and photonics V : 23-26 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOphthalmic technologies XV : 22-23 and 25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMultiphoton microscopy in the biomedical sciences IV : 25-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotons plus ultrasound : imaging and sensing : 25-26 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMicro-optics, VCSELs, and photonic interconnects II : fabrication, packaging, and integration : 3-5 April, 2006, Strasbourg, France外部サイトInfrared systems and photoelectronic technology III : 10-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOrganic optoelectronics and photonics : 28-30 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトSeventh International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine : 24-27 November 2008, Wuhan, China外部サイトThree-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing X : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption VIII, with applications : 1-3 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNondestructive characterization for composite materials, aerospace engineering, civil infrastructure, and homeland security 2008 : 11-13 March 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMOEMS and miniaturized systems IV : 27-28 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトThree-dimensional TV, video, and display II : 10-11 September, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPlasmonic nano-imaging and nanofabrication : 3-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption VII, with applications : 4-5 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトThree-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing IX : 22-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトThree-dimensional image capture and applications VI : 19-20 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトThree-dimensional TV, video, and display IV : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトHuman vision and electronic imaging XI : 16-18 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques IX : 18 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトMOEMS display and imaging systems : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトHigh-power diode laser technology and applications II : 26-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトHigh-power diode laser technology and applications III : 24-25 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトHigh-power lasers and applications III : 8-11 November, 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトThird GR-I International Conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications : 5-8 September, 2002, Patras, Greece外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers VIII : 20-23 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイト2004 Shanghai International Conference on Laser Medicine and Surgery : 5-7 November 2004, Shanghai, China外部サイト12th International School on Quantum Electronics : laser physics and applications : 23-27 September 2002, Varna, Bulgaria外部サイト15th International School on Quantum Electronics : laser physics and applications : 15-19 September, 2008, Bourgas, Bulgaria外部サイトNonlinear frequency generation and conversion : materials, devices, and applications VII : 22-24 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトNonlinear optics applications : 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトLinear and nonlinear optics of organic materials III : 4-6 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトLight-emitting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications VII : 27-29 January, 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLight-emitting diode materials and devices : 8-10 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトBiomedical applications of light scattering II : 19-21 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトNonlinear materials : growth, characterization, devices, and applications外部サイトComplex light and optical forces II : 21-23 January, 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMechanisms for low-light therapy III : 20 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトNonlinear frequency generation and conversion : materials, devices, and applications V : 25-26 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトNonlinear optical phenomena and applications : 8-11 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトIntegrated optics : devices, materials, and technologies X : 23-25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLightguides and their applications II : 9-11 October, 2003, Krasnobród, Poland外部サイトRare-earth-doped materials and devices VII : 28-30 January, 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMedia processors 2002 : 23-25 January, 2002, San Jose, [Calif.]外部サイトDisplay technologies and applications for defense, security, and avionics II : 18, 20 March, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトRare-earth-doped materials and devices VI : 23-24 January, 2002, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトProjection displays IX : 22-23 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトStereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems XI : 19-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLiquid crystal materials, devices, and applications X and Projection displays X : 19-21 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPractical holography XVII and Holographic materials IX : 21-23 January, 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトHolography 2005 : International Conference on Holography, Optical Recording, and Processing of Information外部サイトHolography : a tribute to Yuri Denisyuk and Emmett Leith : 3-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトPlasmonics : metallic nanostructures and their optical properties : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMEMS/NEMS technology and applications : 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology : 16-19 November 2008, Beijing, China外部サイトProperties of metal nanostructures : 10-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトPhysical chemistry of interfaces and nanomaterials II : 6-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトGPR 2002 : Ninth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar : [April 29-May 2, 2002, Santa Barbara, Calif.]外部サイトOptiComm 2003 : optical networking and communications : 13-17 October, 2003, Dallas, Texas, USA外部サイトMicroelectronics : design, technology, and packaging III : 5-7 December 2007, Canberra, Australia外部サイトRemote sensing of the environment : 16th National Symposium on Remote Sensing of China : 7-10 September 2007, Beijing, China外部サイトOptics for natural resources, agriculture, and foods : 3-4 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトReliability, packaging, testing, and characterization of MEMS/MOEMS IV : 24-25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMEMS/MOEMS technologies and applications : 17-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトReliability of optical fiber components, devices, systems and networks II : 27-28 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトLidar remote sensing for environmental monitoring IX : 18-20 November 2008, Noumea, New Caledonia外部サイトRemote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere XIII : 15-17 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトRemote sensing and modeling of the atmosphere, oceans, and interactions II : 19-20 November, 2008, Noumea, New Caledonia外部サイトMEMS/MOEMS components and their applications V : special focus topics : transducers at the micro-nano interface : 21-22 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology X : 16-18 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトOptics for natural resources, agriculture, and foods II : 10-11 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトMicroelectronics : design, technology, and packaging II : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing XIV : 15-17 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトThermal treatment of tissue : energy delivery and assessment III : 23-24 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOrganic holographic materials and applications : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトQuantum information and computation : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDefense transformation and net-centric systems 2008 : 18-20 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDefense and security 2008 : special sessions on food safety, visual analytics, resource restricted embedded and sensor networks, and 3D imaging and display : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトEvolutionary and bio-inspired computation : theory and applications II : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトIndustrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies 2008 : 10-11 March 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMicro- and nanotechnology : materials, processes, packaging, and systems II : 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia外部サイトQuantum information and computation IV : 17-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトMetamaterials : fundamentals and applications : 10-13 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMicroarrays and combinatorial technologies for biomedical applications : design, fabrication, and analysis : 26-28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSpectroscopy of molecules and crystals : XVI International Conference on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals : 25 May-1 June, 2003, Sevastopol, Ukraine外部サイトGenetically engineered probes for biomedical applications : 24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトQuantum information and computation III : 29-30 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDesign and quality for biomedical technologies : 21 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology XI : 12-14 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMicrofluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems VI : 21-22 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval XV : 29-31 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトBiometric technology for human identification V : 18-19 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトEighth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision : 23-25 May 2007, Le Creusot, France外部サイトPlasmonics in biology and medicine III : 23-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトQuantum informatics 2007 : 2-5 October 2007, Moscow, Russia外部サイトOptics in industry : Sixth Symposium : 8-9 March 2007, Monterrey, Mexico外部サイトPlasmonics : metallic nanostructures and their optical properties VI : 10-14 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA外部サイト1st Canterbury Workshop on Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics : 8-10 September 2008, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom外部サイトTerahertz for military and security applications VI : 18-19 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPerformance and control of next-generation communications networks : 9-10 September, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトTerahertz physics, devices, and systems II : 11-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトSixth International Conference on Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics : 22-24 May 2002, Kiev, Ukraine外部サイトTerahertz technology and applications : 23-24 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイト6th International Conference on Industrial Lasers and Laser Applications '98 : 27-29 June 1998, Shatura, Moscow Region, Russia外部サイトIntegrated command environments : 31 July 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトProceedings of optical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue : theory, instrumentation, model, and human studies II : 9-12 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトHard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics and applications : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトIndustrial vision metrology : 11-12 July 1991, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada)外部サイトOptoelectronic interconnects : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトGeometric methods in computer vision : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control , 4-6 March 1987, Santa Clara, California /Kevin M. Monahan, chair/editor ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトFiber optic sensors III外部サイトOptical alignment II : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトInternational Conference on Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes : March 11-13, 1982, Tucson, Arizona外部サイトOptical diagnostics for industrial applications : 22-24 May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトCockpit displays V : displays for defense applications : 15-17 April, 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLidar and atmospheric sensing : 19 June, 1995, Munich, FRG外部サイトBiophotonics micro- and nano-imaging : 28 April 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトApplications of laser chemistry and diagnostics : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトEnabling technologies for simulation science VI : 2-5 April 2002, Orlando, [California] USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2004, Physiology, function, and structure from medical images : 15-17 February 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of photochemotherapy : photodynamic therapy and other modalities III : 4-6 September 1997, San Remo, Italy外部サイトMultifrequency electronic/photonic devices and systems for dual-use applications : 29-30 July 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XXV : 30 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトImage processing and interchange : implementation and systems : 12-14 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced laser technologies 2004 : 10-15 September, 2004, Rome and Frascati, Italy外部サイトOptical data storage : 5-7 March 1990, Vancouver, Canada外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1998 : smart structures and integrated systems : 2-5 March 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトUltrafast phenomena in semiconductors IV : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトTelemanipulator and telepresence technologies III : 18-19 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1997 : Smart materials technologies : 3-4 March 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトImage quality and system performance IV : 30 January-1 February 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトThe Laser marketplace in 1990 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers外部サイトParallel and distributed methods for image processing外部サイトLaser applications in chemistry and biophysics外部サイトOptical coatings for energy efficiency and solar applications : [seminar] January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAtmospheric propagation II : 29-30 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInfrared detectors and focal plane arrays III : 5-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared sensor technology : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトZoom lenses II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトSaratov Fall Meeting 2000 : Laser Physics and Photonics; and Spectroscopy and Molecular Modeling, 3-7 October 2000, Saratov, Russia外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 2003 : 5-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトFiber optic systems for mobile platforms : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイト8th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy : September 1-6 1991, Lübeck-Travemünde外部サイトPhotovoltaics for commercial solar power applications外部サイトOptical pattern recognition XV : 15-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXVII : 16-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトInternational Symposium on Display Holography : 15-19 July 1991, Lake Forest, Illinois外部サイトLaser diode technology and applications VI : 25-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical system contamination : effects, measurement, control : 19-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion X : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトSpace telescopes and instrumentation II : ultraviolet to gamma ray : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion VIII : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical pattern recognition : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser surgery : characterization and therapeutics : 16-17 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNew technologies in cytometry : 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptiComm 2001 : optical networking and communications, 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトImage formation, detection, processing, and interpretation外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XXVI : 5-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトReal time signal processing X : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvances in display technology IV : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology II : 13 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトElectron-beam, x-ray, and ion-beam submicrometer lithographies for manufacturing II : 8-9 March 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトDigital image processing applications : 17-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors III : 4-5 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of laser applications in medicine and dentistry : 7-10 September 1996, Vienna, Austria外部サイトTechniques and instrumentation for detection of exoplanets II : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMedical imaging VI : instrumentation : 23-24 February 1992, Newport Beach, California外部サイトIndustrial optical sensing and metrology : applications and integration : 10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAdvanced photonic sensors and applications II : 27-30 November 2001, Singapore外部サイトElectro-optical technology for remote chemical detection and identification : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAutomatic object recognition IV : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical 3D measurement techniques II : applications in inspection, quality control, and robotics : 4-7 October 1993, Zürich, Switzerland外部サイトInfrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy : 18-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser beam shaping, 2-3 August, 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Damping and isolation : 27 February-1 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOrganic photovoltaics V : 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトNovel optical systems design and optimization IX : 15-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトX rays in materials analysis : novel applications and recent developments : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトFourth International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDesign of optical systems incorporating low power lasers : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical microlithography II : technology for the 1980s : March 16-17, 1983, Santa Clara, California外部サイトArchitecture, hardware, and forward-looking infrared issues in automatic target recognition : 12-13 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIndo-Russian Workshop on Micromechanical Systems : 2-4 February 1999, New Delhi, India外部サイトDesign, modeling, and simulation in microelectronics : 28-30 November 2000, Singapore外部サイトOptoelectronic signal processing for phased-array antennas IV : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAPOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : Optoelectronics, Materials, and Dvices for Communications : 13-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina外部サイトEnabling photonics technologies for defense, security, and aerospace applications II : 20-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトCurrent research on image processing for 3D information displays外部サイトCan-Am Eastern '90 : 4-5 October 1990, Rochester, New York外部サイトOxide superconductor physics and nano-engineering II : 30 January -2 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトSatellite data compression, communications, and archiving : 31 July-1 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection : 3-4 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトScanning imaging technology : 2-3 April, 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands外部サイトFree-electron lasers II, 24-25 April 1989, Paris, France : proceedings外部サイトHuman vision, visual processing, and digital display V : 8-10 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing VII : 5-6 March, 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical computing : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing XII : 20-22 February 1995, Santa Clara, California外部サイトMetrology of optoelectronic systems : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical biolpsy III : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトPhotonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments IV : 30 May-5 June, 2005, Wilga, Poland外部サイトMicrofluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems II : 26-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトElectroluminescent materials, devices, and large-screen displays : 1-2 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical system design, analysis, and production : April 19-22, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland外部サイトShort-pulse high-intensity lasers and applications II : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRaman and luminescence spectroscopies in technology II : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトHuman vision, visual processing, and digital display II : 27 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems : January 15-18, 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies VI : 26-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFifth Seminar on Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion Optics : 14-15 November 2001, Moscow, Russia外部サイトNondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials and civil infrastructures : 18-19 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence VII外部サイトIndustrial applications of holographic and speckle measuring techniques : proceedings, ECO4 : 12-13 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトScience of artificial neural networks : 21-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイト2nd International Conference and Workshop on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS II) for Medical Applications, May 22-25, 1983, Kansas City, Missouri外部サイトImage algebra and morphological image processing : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced focal plane arrays and electronic cameras : 9-10 October 1996, Berlin, FRG外部サイトMobile robots Xll : 16 October 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania外部サイトNinth International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations : 6-12 June 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトNonconventional optical imaging elements : 14-17 September 1993, Rokosowo, Poland外部サイトDimensional stability : 12-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトCurrent developments in lens design and optical engineering III : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, USA外部サイトImage coding外部サイトInternational Conference on Monitoring of Toxic Chemicals and Biomarkers : 23-26 June 1992, Berlin, FRG外部サイトStereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems : 8-10 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical technology for microwave applications VIII : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトLidar techniques for remote sensing ll : 25-26 September 1995, Paris, France外部サイトDefense transformation and network-centric systems : 29-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトICO20 : display devices and systems : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトOptical disks systems and applications : June 8-9, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトModel-based vision : 19-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトTransducing materials and devices : 30 October-1 November 2002, Brugge, Belgium外部サイトFemtosecond and nanosecond high-intensity lasers and applications : 17-18 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトElectron-beam sources of high-brightness radiation : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトIconics and thermovision systems外部サイトRemote sensing and modeling of the atmosphere, oceans, and interactions IV : 31 October - 1 November 2012 Kyoto, Japan外部サイトIn-line characterization, yield reliability, and failure analysis in microelectronics manufacturing : 19-21 May 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland外部サイトMetrology : figure and finish : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMaterials for infrared detectors II : 8-9 July 2002 ,Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトLaser research and development in the Northeast : 16-17 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments XII : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトEUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy IX : 22-24 July 1998 San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of laser-inflicted eye injuries : epidemiology, prevention, and treatment : 29-30 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced Processing of Semiconductor Devices II : 17-18 March 1988, Newport Beach, California外部サイトSmart sensors, actuators, and MEMS : 19-21 May 2003, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies IV : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHigh Tc superconductivity : thin films and applications : 20-21 March 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトNovel optical fiber techniques for medical applications : August 21, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトCoherent measuring and data processing methods and devices外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks V : 5-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDiffractive and holographic technologies, systems, and spatical light modulators VI : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトCockpit displays and visual simulation : 17-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトALT'99 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, 20-24 September, 1999, Potenza-Lecce, Italy外部サイトFiber networks for telephony and CATV : 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトTargets and backgrounds IX: Characterization and representation : 21-22 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptomechatronic systems III : 12-14 November 2002, Stuttgart, Germany外部サイトAlgorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery IX : 21-24 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトVision geometry XI : 7-8 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXXI : 28 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction IV : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical storage technology and applications : 12-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser metrology and inspection : 14-15 June 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトLaser-tissue interaction XII : photochemical, photothermal, and photomechanical : 21-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトSolid state lasers and nonlinear crystals : 5-7 February 1995 San Jose, California外部サイトLaser interferometry, quantitative analysis of interferograms : third in a series : 7-9 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトFirst German Symposium on Laser Angioplasty外部サイトComplex systems : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia外部サイトLaser assisted deposition, etching, and doping : January 26-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイト1985 International Lens Design Conference, 10-13 June 1985, Cherry Hill, New Jersey外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 2001 : 16-17 April, 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトLasers in material processing and manufacturing : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトTechnologies for optical countermeasures IV : 17-18 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトSensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation II : 22-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトShort-pulse high-intensity lasers and applications : 22-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared fiber optics II : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトCoupling technology to national need : 23-26 August 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico外部サイトOptical Data Storage 2017 : from new materials to new systems : 6 August 2017 San Diego, California, United States外部サイトAnalytical methods for optical tomography : 4-6 November 1991, Zvenigorod, Russia外部サイトMobile robots VIII : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 1994 : 26th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 24-26, October, 1994, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトSecurity and watermarking of multimedia contents II : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery VII : 24-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトIntegrated optics III : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XI : selective materials, concentrators and reflectors, transparent insulation, and superwindows : 18 May 1992, Toulouse-Labège, France外部サイトHigh-energy detectors in astronomy : 22-23 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトXerographic photoreceptors and organic photorefractive materials II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトScattering and surface roughness II : 21-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトObservatory operations to optimize scientific return : 20-21 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトAnalog optical processing and computing : October 25-26, 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical manufacturing, testing, and aspheric optics : 1-2 April 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトNew slab and solid-state laser technologies and applications : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトReflective and refractive optical materials for earth and space applications : 4-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XXVIII : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies XV : 28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトElectro-optical instrumentation for resources evaluation : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトSmart optical inorganic structures and devices : 16-19 August 2000, Vilnius, Lithuania外部サイトFly-by-light III : 8-9 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XXIV : 31 July - 3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials IV : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing 2009 : 20-22 January 2009, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOcean optics XI : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトUnattended fround sensor technologies and applications III : 18-19 April 2001 Orland, USA外部サイトIn-plane semiconductor lasers III : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトPhotonic quantum technologies for aerospace applications III : 17-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトHelmet- and head-mounted displays X : technologies and applications : 28-29 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDoped fiber devices and systems : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトMicro- and nano-photonic materials and devices : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトDesign of optical instruments : 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEmerging components and technologies for all-optical networks : 24 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing XVI : 30 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvances in optical information processing IV : 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトImage processing II : proceedings外部サイトOptically activated switching II : 20-21 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMedical image processing : 2-3 December 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition III : 4-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDesign, test, integration, and packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2002 : 6-8 May, 2002, Cannes, France外部サイトPhotonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments 2006 : 29 Mya-4 June 2006, Wilga, Poland外部サイトControl and communication technology in laser systems外部サイトInternational Conference on the Application and Theory of Periodic Structures : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing V : 27-29 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical coherence tomography and coherence techniques II : 12-16 June 2005, Munich, Germany外部サイトTechnologies for optoelectronics : 17-20 November 1987, Cannes, France外部サイトQuantum well and superlattice physics II : 17-18 March 1988, Newport Beach, California外部サイトLaser Florence 2004 : a window on the laser medicine world : 28-30 October 2004, Florence, Italy外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1995 : 11-13 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイト1992 subject/author index : indexing all SPIE proceedings and SPIE Press books published in 1992外部サイトSilicon-based optoelectronics II : 28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトOptics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting : 27 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトTenth international conference on optical fibre sensors : 11-13 October 1994, Glasgow, Scotland外部サイトComputational, experimental, and numerical methods for solving ill-posed inverse imaging problems : medical and nonmedical applications : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトHard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics, optics, and applications : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XV : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトX-ray and ultraviolet spectroscopy and polarimetry : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Active materials : behavior and mechanics : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトHard materials in optics : ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands/ Carl G. Ribbing, chair/editor外部サイトFiber optic gyros : 20th anniversary conference : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XIX : algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 7-8 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトOperational characteristics and crystal growth of nonlinear optical materials : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトImaging infrared : scene simulation, modeling, and real image tracking : 30-31 March, 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDigital compression technologies and systems for video communications : 7-9 October 1996, Berlin, FRG外部サイトProceedings of the Electrochemical Society Symposium on Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials and Devices外部サイトOptical fibers in the biomedical field外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : Active materials : behavior and mechanics : 6-9 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトArchitectures, networks, and intelligent systems for manufacturing integration : 15-16 October 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing VIII : 23-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトNonimaging optics and efficient illumination systems : 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイト10th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel, 2-6 March 1997, Jerusalem, Israel外部サイトProceedings of Lasers in ophthalmology II : 9-10 September 1994, Lille, France外部サイトModeling, simulation, and verification of space-based systems III : 17 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Modulation Spectroscopy : 19-21 March 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of thermal treatment of tissue with image guidance : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトGround-based and airborne instrumentation for astronomy : 25-29 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトField measurement and calibration using electrooptical equipment : issues and requirements, August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトWindow and dome technologies and materials IX : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing VI : 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, USA外部サイトHard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics IX : 27-29 August 2007, San Diego, California外部サイトSingle mode optical fibers : August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトNovel optical systems design and optimization VII : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトColor imaging : device-independent color, color hard copy, and graphic arts II : 10-14 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトInternational Conference on Scientific Optical Imaging : 28 November-1 December 1990, Georgetown, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands外部サイトDoped fiber devices II : 2-3 November, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトImage understanding and the man-machine interface III : 3-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of fiber optic sensors in medical diagnostics : 21 January, 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber Optics '87 : Fifth International Conference on Fibre Optics and Opto-electronics, 28-30 April, 1987, London, England外部サイトApplications of fuzzy logic technology III : 10-12 April, 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLasers as tools for manufacturing of durable goods and microelectronics : 19 January-2 February, 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトSpace telescopes and instrumentation 2010 : ultraviolet to gamma ray : 28 June - 2 July 2008, San Diego, California, United Sates外部サイトAlgorithms, devices, and systems for optical information processing : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical systems for space applications : 30 March-1 April 1987, The Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトPhotodetectors : materials and devices : 1-2 February 1996外部サイトAdvanced environmental and chemical sensing technology : 5-8 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトMobile robots XIV : 20-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNondestructive detection and measurement for homeland security II : 16-17 March 2004, San Deigo, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced optical manufacturing and testing IV : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトLasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems X : 22-23, 25 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトInfrared focal plane array producibility and related materials : 20-21 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFiber optic smart structures and skins III : 19-21 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトElectron image tubes and image intensifiers : 15-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOptically based biological and chemical detection for defence IV : 16-17 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトSuperconducting superlattices II, native and artificial : 20-22 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトSubmicron lithography外部サイトWindow and dome technologies and materials IV : 26-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1993 : PACS design and evaluation : 16-19 February 1993, Newport Beach, California外部サイトPropagation of high-energy laser beams through the earth's atmosphere II : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトTerahertz for military and security applications V : 9-10 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトFar-infrared science and technology外部サイトApplication of lidar to current atmospheric topics : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトApplications of digital image processing VIII : August 20-22, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser radar V : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトContemporary methods of optical manufacturing and testing : August 24-26, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトWireless technologies and systems : millimeter-wave and optical : 5 November 1997, Dallas, Texas外部サイトWave propagation and scattering in varied media : 6-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser applications in combustion and combustion diagnostics : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvance laser concepts and applications : 12-13 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4外部サイトEarth and atmospheric remote sensing : 2-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトCharacterization, propagation, and simulation of sources and backgrounds II : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLidar remote sensing for industry and environmental monitoring V : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii外部サイトMonitoring and control of plasma-enhanced processing of semiconductors : proceedings : 1-2 November 1988, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOptical and infrared detectors for astronomy : 21-22 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトOpto-Ilreland 2002: Optics and photonics technologies and applications : 5-6 September 2002, Galway, Ireland外部サイトOcean optics : remote sensing and under water imaging : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection V : 10-11 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトOcean optics XIII : 22-25 October 1996, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada外部サイトMicromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics IV : 23-25 January 2006, San Jose California, USA外部サイトFocal plane arrays for space telescopes : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced infrared sensor technology : April 18-19, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland外部サイトUltrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics '91 : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトUltrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics '94 : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, Calfornia外部サイトDesign, fabrication, and applications of precision plastic optics : 23-24 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトLasers in material processing : 16-20 June, 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites VII : 8-10 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXX : 12-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies XIV : 21-22 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks II : 2-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser physics and spectroscopy : Saratov Fall Meeting '99 : International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics, and Biophysics : 5-8 October 1999, Saratov, Russia外部サイトImaging technologies and applications : 19 March 1992, Chicago, Illinois外部サイトDevice and process technologies for MEMS and Microelectronics II : 17-19 December 2001, Adelaide, Australia外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XIII : 12-14 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvances in thin-film coatings for optical applications III : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of lasers in dentistry : 5-6 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトSignal and image processing systems performance evaluation : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of medical sensors II and fiber optic sensors : 9 September 1994, Lille, France外部サイトCommercial applications for high-performance computing : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトLaser radiation photophysics : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser processing of semiconductor devices : January 18-19, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical computing 88 : 29 August-2 September 1988, Toulon, France : a topical meeting of the International Commission for Optics外部サイトmultimedia computing and networking 1995 : 6-8 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトMaterials research in low gravity : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced algorithms and architectures for signal processing : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems VI : 27-30 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトEarth observing systems VIII : 3-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets III : 13-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPenetrating radiation systems and applications VIII : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAlgorithms and systems for optical information processing V : 31 July-2 August, 2001, San Diego, [California] USA外部サイトMiniature and micro-optics : fabrication and system applications II外部サイトApplication of optical instrumentation in medicine XIV ; and, Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS IV) for medical applications : 2-7 February, 1986, Newport Beach, California外部サイトQuality of service over next-generation data networks : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトCurves and surfaces in computer vision and graphics III : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトIntelligent control and adaptive systems : 7-8 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトImaging spectroscopy II : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego外部サイトProceedings of optical imaging techniques for biomonitoring : 14-16 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトElectro-culture '84外部サイトCoherent infrared radar systems and applications II : April 7-8, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイト1st International Symposium on Medical Imaging and Image Interpretation : ISMIII '82 : October 26-28, 1982, Berlin, F.R. Germany外部サイトLaser materials processing : industrial and microelectronics applications : 5-8 April 1994, Vienna, Austria外部サイトFiber laser sources and amplifiers V : 7-8 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトBioMEMS and smart nanostructures : 17-19 December 2001, Adelaide, Australia外部サイトAstronomical adaptive optics systems and applications II : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトICALEO '90, laser materials processing外部サイトGlasses for optoelectronics II : 12-14 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings : ECO4, the congress of EPS--European Physical Society, EUROPTICA--the European Federation for Applied Optics, SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトUnderground and obscured object imaging and detection : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEmerging lithographic technologies IV : 28 February-1 March 2000, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトAll-optical networking : architecture, control, and management issues : 3-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトGlasses for optoelectronics : proceedings : 24-27 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトProperties and characteristics of optical glass III : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトSolid state crystals, materials science and applications : 23-27 October 1994, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトProceedings of biomedical fiber optics : 31 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトEnvironmentally conscious manufacturing IV : 26-27 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトEffects of low-power light on biological systems V : 7 July 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands外部サイトQuantum well and superlattice physics IV : 23-24 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey外部サイトPolarimetry and ellipsometry : 20-23 May, 1996, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland外部サイトAstronomical data analysis II : 27-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトSpatial light modulators and applications II, 17-18 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトKumakohv optics and application : selected reserach papers on Kumakhov optics application 1998-2000外部サイトOptical/laser microlithography : 3-5 March 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications III : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトMachine vision systems integration in industry : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトFree-electron lasers : 15-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトBeam deflection and scanning technologies : 25 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトOptomechanical design : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトTargets and backgrounds VIII : characterization and representation : 1-3 April 2002, Orland, USA外部サイトLithography for semiconductor manufacturing II : 30 May-1 June, 2001, Edinburgh, UK外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence II, April 9-11, 1985, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトNonresonant laser-matter interaction (NLMI-9) : 1-3 July, 1996, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, Russia外部サイトWindow and dome technologies and materials II : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトX-ray instrumentation in astronomy II : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトDistributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors IV : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy II : 16-17 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProcessing of films for high Tc superconducting electronics : 10-12 October 1989, Santa Clara, California外部サイトEmerging lithographic technologies : 10-11 March 1997, Santa Clara, California外部サイトReal-time image processing II : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Smart structures and integrated systems : 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトFiber optic components and reliability : 3-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProperties and characteristics of optical glass : 18-19 August 1988 San Diego, California外部サイトDesign and microfabrication of novel x-ray optics II : 5-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 2003 : visualization, image-guided procedures, and display : 16-18 February 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials and composites III : 16-17 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Smart structures and integrated systems : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトVisual communications and image processing II : 27-29 October 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical information processing II, 3-4 April 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotonic systems and applications : 27-30 November 2001, Singapore外部サイトNanoengineering: fabrication, properties, optics, and devices II : 3-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotonics for space environments III : 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical testing and metrology II : 27-30 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan外部サイトSensors, cameras, and systems for scientific/industrial applications : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトSpaceborne sensors II : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトChemical and biological sensing III : 2 April, 2002, Orlando, [Florida] USA外部サイトLaser applications in microelectronic and optoelectronic manufacturing V : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトOptical manufacturing and testing II : 27-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトECLIM 2000 : 26th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, 12-16 June, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトMicrorobotics and micromanipulation : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSurface measurement and characterization : ECO1 19-21 September, 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトCockpit displays X : 22-25 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトConference digest : Seventeenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 14-17 December 1992, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California外部サイトRadar/ladar processing and applications : 13-14 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XVII : 26-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトAlgorithms for multispectral and hyperspectral imagery : 5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced algorithms and architectures for signal processing II : 18-19 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトHyperspectral remote sensing of the land and atomosphere : 9-12 October 2000, Sendai, Japan外部サイトEarth observing systems IX : 2, 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトActive and passive optical components for WDM communication, 21-24 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトAn international conference on thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics and control (Thermosense VII), November 5-8, 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments: hardware-in-the-loop testing IX : 13-14 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトMedical Imaging 2002 : Physics of Medical Imaging : 24-26 February 2002, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトModeling, simulation, and calibration of space-based systems : 15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets IV : 5-9 April, 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトApplications of photonic technology : closing the gap between theory, development, and application外部サイトGeoinformatics 2006 : GNSS and integrated geospatial applications : 28-29 October 2006, Wuhan, China外部サイトLaser radar VII : advanced technology for applications : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1996 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 27-29 February 1996, San Diego, California外部サイトPhase conjugation and beam combining and diagnostics : 14-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトActive and passive optical components for WDM communications V : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトStructures sensing and control : 2-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotonics North 2006 : 5-8 June 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada外部サイト12th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management : 23-24 September 1992, Sunnyvale, California外部サイトDiamond optics IV : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing XI : 20-22 September, 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトModeling and simulation for military applications : 18-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトNeural and stochastic methods in image and signal processing III : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser rader technology and applications X : 31 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトHigh frequency analog communications : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトFirst International Conference, Vibration Control in Optics and Metrology, 25-26 February, 1987, London, England外部サイトChemical and biological sensing II : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, [Florida] USA外部サイトLaser radar VI : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors VIII : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptics for computers, architectures and technologies : 14-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4外部サイトNonlinear dynamics in lasers and optical systems : NDLOS '93 International Workshop : 27 June-4 July 1993, Moscow--Nizhny Novgorod外部サイトHigh-power multibeam lasers and their phase locking : CIS selected papers外部サイト7th Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering : proceedings : 12-14 November 1990, Tel-Aviv, Israel外部サイトProceedings of optical diagnostics of living cells II : 25-26 January, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and early diagnosis : mechanisms and techniques : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser/optical processing of electronic materials, 10-11 October 1989, Santa Clara, California外部サイトMicrorobotics and microassembly : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNew technologies in cytometry and molecular biology : 15-16 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトVideometrics II : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLaser resonators III : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトTechnologies for optical countermeasures II ; Femtosecond phenomena II ; and, Passive millimetre-wave and terahertz imaging II : 26-28 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトLonger wavelength lasers and applications : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAtmospheric ozone : 28-29 June 1993, Tromsö, Norway外部サイトOptical system contamination : effects, measurement, control II : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトImage handling and reproduction systems integration : 26 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトHigh energy, optical, and infrared detectors for astronomy V : 1-4 July 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands外部サイトNonlinear image processing VII : 29-30 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision (fourth in a series) : September 16-20, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトFiber integrated optics : 10-11 October 1996, Berlin, FRG外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : smart structures and integrated systems : 1-4 March, 1999 Newport Beach, California外部サイトMillimeter submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V : 29 June - 2 July 2010, San Diego, California, United States外部サイトProceedings of optical fibers in medicine VIII : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPassive materials for optical elements II : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトLidar remote sensing for industry and environment monitoring II : 30-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XVII : 12-14 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトSpace instrumentation and dual-use technologies : 4-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInternational optical design conference 2006 : 4-8 June 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada外部サイトLaser and laser systems reliability : January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XIII : 17-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトOptics in agriculture : 7-8 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNeugebauer Memorial Seminar on Color Reproduction : 14-15 December 1989, Tokyo, Japan外部サイトIntegrated optic devices II : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトDigitization of the battlespace IV : 7-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイト13th Polish-Czech-Slovak conference on wave and quantum aspects of contemporary optics : 9-13 September 2002, Krzyżowa. Poland外部サイトMetro and access networks : APOC 2001, Asia-Pacific optical and wireless communications, 12-15 November 2001, Beijing, China外部サイトMicrorobotics and micromechanical systems : 25 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトTools and techniques for modeling and simulation : 24th AIPR Workshop, 11-13 October, 1995, Washington, D.C.外部サイトAerial surveillance sensing including obscured and underground object detection : 4,6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical and infrared interferometry and imaging V : 27 June - 1 July 2016 Edinburgh, United Kingdom外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites XI : 17-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトRecent advances in metrology, characterization, and standards for optical digital data disks : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XIX : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトProcess and equipment control in microelectronic manufacturing : 19-20 May 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland外部サイトSmart structures and intelligent systems : smart structures and materials 1993, 1-4 February 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico外部サイトMedical imaging VI : image processing : 24-27 February 1992, Newport Beach, California外部サイトMEMS components and applications for industry, automobiles, aerospace, and communication : 22-23 October 2001, San Francisco, USA外部サイトOptical properties of nanocrystals : 9-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトImaging workstations and document input systems : 17-20 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトStress and vibration : recent developments in industrial measurement and analysis : incorporating Third International Conference on Stress Analysis by Thermoelastic Techniques, 14-16 March 1989, London, England外部サイトOptical Data Storage 2007 : 20-23 May 2007, Portland, Oregon, USA外部サイトFlatness, roughness, and discrete defect characterization for computer disks, wafers, and flat panel displays : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems 2012 : 12-15 March 2012, San Diego, California, United States外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems III : 23-24 September 1999, Florence, Italy外部サイトOptical interconnects in the computer environment, 6-7 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトMobile robots IV : 6-7 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトProceedings of clinical applications of modern imaging technology II : 23-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProgress in holographic applications : 5-6 December 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 1998 : 13-14 April, 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトNonlinear optical materials and devices for photonic switching : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトTerahertz for military and security applications IV : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトFiber optic gyros : 15th anniversary conference : 4-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトGeometrical optics : January 23-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPolymer photonic devices : 28-30 January 1998 San Jose, California外部サイトFibre optics '85 : 30 April-2 May, 1985, London, England外部サイトPropagation and imaging through the atmosphere IV : 3 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトLow-level laser therapy : selected research papers on advances in low-level laser therapy外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers IV : 27-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSources and detectors for fiber communications : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトDigital image processing and visual communications technologies in the earth and atmospheric sciences : 18-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIntegrating photogrammetric techniques with scene analysis and machine vision : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトComputer simulation in nonlinear optics : 27 June-4 July 1993, Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod外部サイトDigital wireless communications IV : 1-2 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトMobile robots VI : 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトFluctuations and noise in materials II : 24-25 May, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA外部サイトThree-dimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトApplications of laser plasma radiation : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of effects of low-power light on biological systems : 14-15 September, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトLaser weapons technology III : 1 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトAirborne and in-water underwater imaging : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイト5th international photodynamic association biennial meeting : 21-24 September 1994, Amelia Island, Florida外部サイトLasers in biophysics and biomedicine : 27-31 August 1990, Moscow, USSR外部サイトOptical memory and neural networks : optical information science & technology '97 : 27-30 August 1997, Moscow, Russia外部サイトMillimeter and submillimeter detectors and instrumentation for astronomy III : 29-31 May, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトConference digest : Eighteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 6-10 September 1993, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom外部サイトAdvances in fluorescence sensing technology V : 24-25 January, 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems II : 23-24 September 1997, London, UK外部サイトOptical alignment III : 21-22 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEnvironmentally conscious manufacturing II : 28-29 October 2001, Newton, [Massachusetts] USA外部サイトOptical fiber communication : 9-11 July 1998, Taipei, Taiwan外部サイトEnvironmental monitoring and remediation III : 28-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA外部サイトBiomedical sensing, imaging, and tracking technologies I : 29-31 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトVideometrics V : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトWave propagation in the atmosphere and adaptive optics : selected reserch papers on wave propagation in the atmosphere and adaptive optics 2000外部サイトMillimeter and Submillimeter Waves IV : 20-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトSensor fusion--architectures, algorithms, and applications : 24-25 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research II : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイト11th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology : September 25-27, 1991, Sunnyvale, California外部サイトUnattended ground sensor technologies and applications VII : 28 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトThird international conference on intelligent materials : third European conference on smart structures and materials, Lyon/3-4-5 June 1996, center of congress "L'Espace tete d'or"外部サイトLaser interferometry VIII : applications : 8-9 August, 1996, Denver Colorado外部サイトPhotodetectors : materials and devices IV : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトWavelet applications in signal and image processing VI : 22-23 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical technology for microwave applications III : 19-20 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMicro-optics : ECO1 21-22 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトPhysics and simulation of optoelectronic devices III : 6-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトConfocal, multiphoton, and nonlinear microscopic imaging II : 12-16 June 2005, Munich, Germany外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of biochemical diagnostic instrumentation : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies XVIII : 24-25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptomechanical design and precision instruments : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトUnmanned systems technology IX : 9-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトReconnaissance, astronomy, remote sensing, and photogrammetry, 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdhesives engineering : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptoelectronic interconnects VII : photonics packaging and integrations II : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical sensing technology and applications : 16-18 April 2007,Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : modeling, signal processing, and control : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトDiffractive and holographic optics technology III : 1-2 February, 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors XIV : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors II : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトOptical interconnects in broadband switching architectures : 31 January-1 February, 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of photon migration and imaging in random media and tissues : 17-19 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMicroelectronic processes, sensors, and controls : 27-29 September 1993, Monterey, California外部サイトMaterials, devices, techniques, and applications for Z-plane focal plane array technology II : 12-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトMicromachining and microfabrication process technology VII : 22-24 October 2001, San Francisco, USA外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision IX : algorithms and techniques : 5-7 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLaser coherence control : technology and applications : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトTime-resolved laser spectroscopy in biochemistry外部サイトTechnologies, systems, and architectures for transnational defense : 3-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトPolarization analysis and measurement II : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトSubsurface and surface sensing technologies and applications III : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XI, 17-18 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトFullerenes and photonics : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトPolarization science and remote sensing II : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInternational Workshop on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine : 8-10 October 2001, Wuhan, China外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval XI : 21-22 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInfrared sensors : detectors, electronics, and signal processing外部サイトFluctuations and noise in photonics and quantum optics II : 26-28 May, 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトNew image processing techniques and applications : algorithms, methods, and components II : 18-19 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトInfrared photoelectronics : 30-31 August 2005, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトOptical engineering for cold environments : April 7-8, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトMaterials, devices, techniques, and applications for Z-plane focal plane array technology : 29-30 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XV : 2-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトVertical-cavity surface-emitting laser arrays : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvances in display technology III : January 18-19, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAutomatic target recognition XIV : 13-15 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトChemical and biological sensing VII : 19-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam techniques for submicron lithographies II : March 14-15, 1983, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems VIII : 20-21 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials VIII : 11-13 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトScanning probe microscopies II : 18-19 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトGradient-index, miniature, and diffractive optical systems II : 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors VIII : 17-19 September 1990, San Jose, Calif.外部サイトShort-wavelength radiation sources : 24-25 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトSensor fusion : 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology VIII : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトRare-earth-doped devices II : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトDiode pumping of average-power solid state lasers : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMultiphoton microscopy in the biomedical sciences, 21-23 January, 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトMultilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV optics III : 5-6 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLaser Optics 2000 : Semiconductor Lasers and Optical Comminication, 26-30 June 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトInfrared and millimeter-wave engineering : 19-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNonlinear optical materials III : ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトApplications of high power lasers : January 22-23, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical measurement systems for industrial inspection : 16-17 June 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトSpecification and measurement of optical systems : 14-16 September 1992, Berlin, FRG外部サイトAstronomical adaptive optics systems and applications : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSensor fusion--architectures, algorithms, and applications III : 7-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPulse power for lasers II : 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProjection displays V : 26-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトWindow and dome technologies and materials X : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトIndustrial laser interferometry : 14-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation, adaptive systems, and lidar techniques for remote sensing : 24-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors X : 8-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトLaser Optics '95 : Phase conjugation and adaptive optics, 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトLarge ground-based telescopes : 22-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii USA外部サイトInternational Symposium on Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Surface Evaluation : 10-12 June 1992, Tokyo, Japan外部サイトRadar sensor technology VIII and passive millimeter-wave imaging technology VII : 14-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトProceedings of holography, interferometry, and optical pattern recognition in biomedicine II : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRemote sensing : 3-4 April, 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical data storage '97 : 7-9 April 1997, Tucson, Arizona外部サイトPiece recognition and image processing : 30 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan外部サイトModeling of optical thin films : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser diodes and applications : 8-10 February 1995 San Jose, California外部サイトCombinatorial and composition spread techniques in materials and device development II : 22-23, 25 January, 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトReal-time imaging VII : 22-23 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトNondestructive detection and measurement for homeland security : 4-5 March, 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors in China OFS(C) '91 : 9-11 October 1991, Wuhan, China外部サイトFiber optics : short-haul and long-haul measurements and applications : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトEuropean workshop on smart structures in engineering and technology : 21-23 May 2002, Presqu'île de Giens, France外部サイトActive materials and smart structures : sympoisum held as part of the 31st annual technical meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, 10-12 October 1994, Texas A&M University College station, Texas外部サイトIntense laser beams and applications : 20-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトForensic evidence analysis and crime scene investigation : 20-21 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical inspection and micromeasurements II : 16-19 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトDiffractive and holographic device technologies and applications V : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトExploiting new image sources and sensors : 26th AIPR Workshop, 15-17 October 1997, Washington, D.C.外部サイトOptical fiber characteristics and standards : 25-27 November 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトProceedings of specialty fiber optics for biomedical and industrial applications : 10 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Damping and isolation : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology V : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトLasers in microlithography : 2-3 March 1987, Santa Clara, California外部サイトUV/optical/IR space telescopes : innovative technologies and concepts II : 31 July-1 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトWave optics and VLSI photonic devices for information processing : 2-3 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトSoviet-Chinese Joint Seminar on Holography and Optical Information Processing : 21-26 September 1991, Bishkek, Kirghizstan外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam submicrometer lithographies for manufacturing III : 1-2 March 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトRadar sensor technology : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトX-ray and ultraviolet polarimetry : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトPhysics and technology of coherent infrared radar : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトEnvironmentally conscious manufacturing VI : 1-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトLaser technology IV : applications in medicine: 26-30 September 1993, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland外部サイトHuman vision and electronic imaging II : 10-13 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical manufacturing and testing III : 20-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトMedical imaging VI : image capture, formatting, and display : 23-24 February 1992, Newport Beach, California外部サイトSensor fusion III : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトTargets and backgrounds VI : characterization, visualization, and the detection process : 24-26 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトProceedings of the Los Alamos Conference on Optics '81外部サイトEarth observing systems V : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトOptoelectronic integrated circuit materials, physics, and devices : 6-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトNonlinear optics : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEmerging lithographic technologies IX : 1-3 March 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptics for EUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray astronomy II : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptics and photonics in global homeland security : 29 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトProceedings of biomolecular spectroscopy III : 17-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology VIII : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトSpecialty fiber optic systems for mobile platforms : fifth in a series : 5 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAdvanced wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトModeling and simulation of laser systems, 17-18 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XIX : 11-12 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトIntegrated optics : February 10-11, 1981, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing III : 10-11 March 1986, Santa Clara, California外部サイトOptical and digital GaAs technologies for signal-processing applications : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvances in mirror technology for X-ray, EUV lithography, laser, and other applications II : 5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトHuman vision, visual processing, and digital display VI : 6-8 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトReliability considerations in fiber optic applications : [papers] : 25-26 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトSolid state lasers IV : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvanced photonic sensors : Technology and applications, 8-10 Novenber 2000, Beijing, China外部サイトAn international conference on thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics (Thermosense VI), October 2-5, 1983, Oak Brook, Illinois外部サイトLasers in optical systems and devices : Laser Optics '93, 21-25 June 1993, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトLaser chemistry, biophysics, and biomedicine : ICONO '95 : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトAtomic and molecular physics : Fifth Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics : 16-18 September, 2004, Jurata, Poland外部サイトDiode lasers and applications in atmospheric sensing : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, USA外部サイトSol-gel optics VI : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトRemote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere VIII : 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトOptical scattering : applications, measurement, and theory II : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical information processing systems and architectures III : 23-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトThe Laser Marketplace in 1988 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers : held in conjunction with SPIE's O-E/LASE '88, 13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHuman vision and electronic imaging III : 26-29 January, 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトMicromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics II : 27-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトRemote sensing and modeling of ecosystems for sustainability : 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトPassive millimetre-wave and terahertz imaging and technology : 27-28 October 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing II : 25-27 September 1995, Paris, France外部サイトProperties and characteristics of optical glass II : 12-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトVisualization in biomedical computing 1992 : 13-16 October 1992, Chapel Hill, North Carolina外部サイトFree-space laser communication and laser imaging II : 9-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington外部サイトDefense, security, cockpit and future displays II : 19-21 April, 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトHealth monitoring and smart nondestructive evaluation of structural and biological systems III : 15-17 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトHigh-power laser ablation : 27-30 April, 1998, Santa Fe, New Mexico外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers V : 24-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptomechanics and dimensional stability : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical storage media : [proceedings] : June 6-10, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '99 : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvances in optical information processing V : 21-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XVI : Algorithms, techniques, active vision, and materials handling : 15-17 October 1997 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction II : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLiquid crystal materials, devices, and applications IV : 31 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Smart electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS, and nanotechnology : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical radiation measurements : August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets V : 24-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトAdvances in computational methods for x-ray and neutron optics : 3,5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトOptical design and testing II : 8-12 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトLarge optics II : 8-9 October 1991, Rochester, New York外部サイトColor imaging IX : processing, hardcopy, and applications : 20-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLarge-screen projection displays II : 14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトFabrication, testing, and reliability of semiconductor lasers III : 29-30 January, 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトApplications of ultrashort laser pulses in science and technology : ECO3, 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトLarge lenses and prisms : 27-30 March 2001 London, UK外部サイトSpace telescopes and instrumentation 2012 : optical, infrared, and millimeter wave : 1-6 July 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands外部サイトMultimedia computing and networking 1996 : 29-31 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトGround-based instrumentation for astronomy : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトMicroelectronics manufacturability, yield, and reliability : 20-21 October 1994, Austin, Texas外部サイトColor hard copy and graphic arts III : 7-10 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XV : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトAutomatic target recognition XVI : 18-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトOptical system contamination : effects, measurements, control IV : 28-29 July 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLiquid crystals III : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトEnabling technology for simulation science V : 17-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトSpace station automation IV : 7-9 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトScalability and traffic control in IP networks II : 31 July-1 August, 2002, Boston, [Massachusetts], USA外部サイトTerahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics IV : 23-25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1997 : passive damping and isolation : 3-4 March, 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets XII : 11-12 April, Florida, USA外部サイトHigh energy, optical, and infrared detectors for astronomy II : 24-27 May, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptics for EUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray astronomy V : 23-25 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States外部サイトInfrared technology XVIII : 19-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Modeling, signal processing, and control : 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトIntegrated optoelectronics for communication and processing : 3-4 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments VIII : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1993 : image capture, formatting, and display : 14-15 February 1993, Newport Beach, California外部サイトModeling and systems engineering for astronomy : 24-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトMedical imaging 1994, Image capture, formatting, and display : 13-14 February 1994, Newport Beach, California外部サイトOptical diagnostics for fluids, solids, and combustion : July 31-2 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトCIS selected papers : coherence-domain methods in biomedical optics外部サイトOptical design, materials, fabrication, and maintenance : 28 - 29 March 2000 Munich, Germany外部サイトProceedings of systems and technologies for clinical diagnostics and drug discover II : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトParallel architectures for image processing : 14-15 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトNonimaging optics and efficient illumunation systems III : 13-15 August 2006, San Diego California, USA外部サイトSeventh International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, 22-26 August 1988, Vienna, Austria外部サイトInterferometry : techniques and analysis : 20-21 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトUltrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics '93 : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトTwelfth Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics : 27-30 June 2005, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトThin film technologies III : ECO1, 22-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republc of Germany外部サイトSpace systems engineering and optical alignment mechanisms : 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトFrench-Israeli Workshop on Solid State Lasers : proceedings, 12-14 December 1988, Jerusalem, Israel外部サイトAn International Conference on Thermal Infrared Sensing for Diagnostics and Control (Thermosense IX) : 18-20 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトStress analysis by thermoelastic techniques : [proceedings] : 17-18 February 1987, London, England外部サイトRemote senging for earth science, ocean, and sea ice applications : 20-24 September 1999, Florence, Italy外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology II : 25-27 September, 2000, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision X : neural, biological, and 3-D methods : 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトImage processing : algorithms and systems II : 21-23 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトVisual communications and image processing 2008 : 29-31 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトSpaceborne interferometry II: 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIntegrated optical circuits II : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトChemical and biological sensors for industrial and environmental monitoring II : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトOptical diagnostic methods for inorganic transmissive materials II : 3-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトOptomechanical and electro-optical design of industrial systems : 28-29 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan外部サイトOptical biopsy and tissue optics : 5-6 July 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands外部サイトComplex mebiums : 30 July-1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing V : 7-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHelmet- and head-mounted displays XII : design and applications : 10-11 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvanced environmental, chemical, and biological sensing technologies IV : 1-3 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトInverse problems in optics, 31 March-1 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands外部サイトFirst International Conference on Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering : October 23-25, 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトAutomatic target recognition VIII : 13-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvances in optical structure systems : 16-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical and IR telescope instrumentation and detectors : 27-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトScanning probe microscopies : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトX-ray microbeam technology and applications : 11-12 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトFunctional integration of opto-electro-mechanical devices and systems : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトHigh speed photography, videography, and photonics V : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトDisplay systems : 23-24 June 1993, Munich, FRG外部サイトTechniques and applications of image understanding : April 21-23, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトImage processing algorithms and techniques III : 10-13 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing 2001 : 24-26 January, 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites VI : 23-26 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece外部サイトAnalytical and diagnostic techniques for semiconductor materials, devices and processes : joint proceedings of the symposia on ALTECH 99, satellite symposium to ESSDERC 99, Leuven, Belgium [and] the Electrochemical Society Symposium on Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials and Devices外部サイトLow-light-level and real-time imaging systems, components, and applications :9-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトSynthetic aperture radar : 20-21 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared detector materials and devices : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy II : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトDistributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors II : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトActive telescope systems : 28-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMicromachining and microfabrication process technology III : 29-30 September, 1997, Austin, Texas外部サイトSolid state lasers VIII : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトIndustrial applications of high power lasers : September 26-27, 1983, Linz, Austria外部サイトAdvances in fiber optics : selected research papers on advances in fiber optics 1998-1999外部サイトAlgorithms, devices, and systems for optical information processing III : 20-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトElectronic imaging and multimedia systems : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトPlasmonics in biology and medicine : 26-27 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトReliability, testing, and characterization of MEMS/MOEMS : 22-24 October 2001, San Trancisco, USA外部サイトOptical resonators : 16-18 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSatellite remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere III : 21-23 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトFourth generation X-ray sources and optics III : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDevice and process technologies for MEMS and microelectronics : 27-29 October 1999, Royal Pines Resort, Queensland, Australia外部サイトICONO '98 : quantum optics, interference phenomena in atomic systems, and high-precision measurements : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia外部サイトOptomechanics 2003 : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance X, 19-20 August, 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトPhoton migration, diffuse spectroscopy, and optical coherence tomography : imaging and functional assessment, 6-8 July 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands外部サイトDistributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors VI : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトDry etch technology : 9-10-September 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトIntense microwave pulses II : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology : 22-24 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks in image processing II : 12-13 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced multispectral remote sensing technology and applications : May 6-7, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments IX : 8 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトAdvances in resist technology : March 12-13, 1984, Santa Clara, California外部サイトColor imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and applications VII : 22-25 January, 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトDesign and process integration for microelectronic manufacturing III : 3-4 March 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical testing and metrology : 3-6 June 1986, Québec City, Canada外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing VII: 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAtmospheric propagation and remote sensing II : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトChemical and biological sensing IV : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDesign and process integration for microelectronic manufacturing IV : 23-24 February, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing II : 27-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトActive matrix liquid crystal displays technology and applications : 10-11 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical fibers and their applications VI : 22-24 January 1999, Białowieża, Poland外部サイトFourth International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques : Advances and Applications : 21-23 June, 2000, Ancona, Italy外部サイトImage understanding and the man-machine interface II : 17-18 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber optic sensor technology and applications : 20-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNonimaging optics, maximum efficiency light transfer V : 21-22 July, 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptical memory and neural networks : 2-6 April 1991, Zvenigorod, USSR外部サイトTechnologies, systems, and architectures for transnational defense II : 23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInfrared technology XI : August 20-21, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトArchitectures and algorithms for digital image processing II : January 24-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEnabling technologies for simulation science VII : 22-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors V : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトCritical technologies for the future of computing : 31 July-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトApplications of photonic technology [7C] : closing the gap between theory, development, and application, 7C--Photonics North 2004: Photonic applications in telecommunications, sensors, software, and lasers外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam submicrometer lithographies for manufacturing : 6-7 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of ophthalmic technologies : 21-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSol-gel optics : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトFirst International School on Laser Surface Microprocessing : 30 October-3 November 1989, Tashkent, USSR外部サイトWavelet applications VIII : 18-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトHealth monitoring and smart nondestructive evaluation of structural and biological systems IV : 7-9 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMicro-opto-electro-mechanical systems : 22-23 May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトApplications and science of artificial neural networks III : 21-24 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotonic crystals and photonic crystal fibers for sensing applications : 24-25 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトProceedings of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular interventions II : 19-20 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMobile robots III : 10-11 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトInternational Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Acoustical Imaging, 4-6 February 1987, Newport Beach, California外部サイトPractical holography XIII : 25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトAtmospheric optical modeling, measurement, and simulation : 2-3 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトBroadband networking technologies : 2-3 November 1997, Dallas, Texas外部サイトVisual communications and image processing IV : 8-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイト9th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy : proceedings : 23-27 August 1993, Calgary, Alberta, Canada外部サイトDocument recognition : 9-10 February 1994, San Jose, California外部サイトXV Conference on Liquid Crystals : 13-77 October, 2003, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトSeventh International Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics : with Opto-Southwest 2001 Special Session of Education : 26-30 November 2001, Singapore外部サイトAdvanced optical manufacturing and testing : 9-11 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトTelescope control systems II : 27-28 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvances in optical information processing IX : 25-26 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトOptically activated switching : 5-6 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトStereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems II : 7-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトIntegrated optics devices iv : 24-25 January, 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトLidar technologies, techniques, and measurements for atmospheric remote sensing : 19-20 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトInternational Conference on Correlation Optics : 19-22 May 1997, Chernivtsy, Ukraine外部サイトOptical materials in defence systems technology : 25, 27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトDigital video compression on personal computers : algorithms and technologies : 7-8 February 1994外部サイトWavelet applications in signal and image processing II : 27-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトEnabling technology for simulation science III : 6-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOrganic photonic materials and devices : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトSAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques IV : 17-18 September 2001 Toulouse, France外部サイトGlobal process monitoring and remote sensing of the ocean and sea ice : 25, 28 September 1995, Paris, France外部サイトLiquid crystals : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction V : 24-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNondestructive evaluation of aging Materials and Composites III : 3-5 March 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトOptical components and systems : 31 March - 1 April 1987, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトX-ray optics design, performance, and applications : 20-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトDetection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets VI : 16-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトOptical and laser technology in medicine : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAutomatic systems for the identification and inspection of humans : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトCoherence domain optical methods and optical coherence tomography in biomedicine VIII : 26-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトUltrafast lasers probe phenomena in bulk and microstructure semiconductors : 25-26 March, 1987, Bay Point, Florida外部サイトInternational Conference on Manufacturing Automation : 10-12 August 1992, Hong Kong外部サイトNanomaterial synthesis and integration for sensors, electronics, photonics, and electro-optics : 1-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトTerahertz for military and security applications : 21 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA /R. Jennifer Hwu, Dwight L. Woolard, editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトRemote sensing of vegetation and water, and standardization of remote sensing methods : 18-19 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトPhysics and simulation of optoelectronic devices VII : 25-29 January 1999, San Jose, USA外部サイトDisplay system optics : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotodetectors : materials and devices V : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing XI : 26-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトTargets and backgrounds : characterization and representation II : 8-10 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDiffractive and holographic optics technology : 26-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトX-ray lithography and applications of soft x-rays to technology : October 19-20, 1983, Upton, New York外部サイトOptical organic and semiconductor inorganic materials : 26-29 August, 1996, Riga, Latvia外部サイトPhotonics in the automobile II : 6 April 2006, Strasbourg, France外部サイトMultimedia storage and archiving systems IV : 20-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of photochemotherapy : photodynamic therapy and other modalities II : 7-8 September 1996, Vienna, Austria外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations II : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトPicosecond and femtosecond spectroscopy from laboratory to real world : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRadar processing, technology, and applications : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトTunable solid state lasers : 1-4 September 1996, Wrocław, Poland外部サイトNeeds and solutions for pollution monitoring, control, and abatement : proceedings of the First Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, 15-17 June 1992, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA外部サイトAccelerator-based sources of infrared and spectroscopic applications : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトEarth Observing Systems VII : 7-10 July 2002, Seattle, USA外部サイトCurrent developments in lens design and optical engineering V : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトAll-optical communication systems : architecture, control, and network issues : 25-26 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトAtmospheric propagation and remote sensing : 21-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPrecision Engineering and Optomechanics : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトNew approaches in medical image analysis外部サイトGeo-spatial and temporal image and data exploitation III : 21, 24 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトDetection technologies for mines and minelike targets : 17-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAstroparticle physics and novel gamma-ray telescopes : 15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHolographic displays and optical elements II : 19 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトImage processing, analysis, measurement, and quality : 13-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of SPSE's International Symposium and Exposition on Electronic Imaging Devices and Systems '88, Andras I. Lakatos, general chair外部サイトGrowth and characterization of materials for infrared detectors and nonlinear optical switches : 2-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInterferometry '94 : photomechanics : 16-20 May 1994, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトLaser-assisted processing II : ECO3, 13-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトFiber optic sensor technology and applications 2001 : 30 October-1 November 2001, Newton, [Massachusetts] USA外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery lll : 10-12 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトUnmanned ground vehicle technology II: 24-25 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトElectro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications : 25-27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトRemote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology IV : 14-16 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトPlastic optical fibers : 6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトUltraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet systems : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C. : W.R. Hunter, chairman/editor外部サイトX-ray optics, instruments, and missions III : 27-29 March 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XXVII : 23-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトNonlinear optical materials : ECO1, 19-20 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトSIOEL '99 : Sixth Symposium on Optoelectronics : 22-24 September 1999, Bucharest, Romania外部サイトBiochemical and biomolecular sensing : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトWave propagation and scattering in varied media II : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトElectro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications II : 26-27 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトHelmet- and head-mounted displays and symbology design requirements : 5-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHuman vision and electronic imaging V : 24-27 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトLasers in dentistry VI : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトHigh-fidelity simulation for training, test support, mission rehearsal, and civilian applications : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing IV : 21-23 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトComputer and optically formed holographic optics : 15-16 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvanced applications of ion implantation : January 23-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XII : 9-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトFifth International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : 31 May-2 June, 2004, Shanghai, China外部サイトInfrared readout electronics : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared techonology XV : 7-9 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトCamera and input scanner systems : 27-28 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical methods of biomedical diagnostics and therapy : 1-3 July 1992, Saratov, Russia外部サイトAtmospheric effects on electro-optical, infrared, and millimeter wave systems performance : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトMultilayer optics for advanced x-ray applications : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval X : 22-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトAdaptive optics systems and technology : August 25-27, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared technology X : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical fibers : applications : 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトHyperspectral remote sensing and applications : 5-6 August 1996外部サイトInfrared detectors and instrumentation : 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotonics applications in industry and research IV : 30 August-2 September 2005, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトComputer vision for industry : 24-25 June 1993, Munich, FRG外部サイトFibre optics '86 : 29 April-1 May 1986, London, England外部サイトUnattended ground sensor technologies and applications : 8-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared and optical transmitting materials外部サイト3rd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies : Large mirrors and telescopes : 8-12 July 2007, Chengdu, China外部サイトImaging sciences and display technologies : 7-10 October, 1996, Berlin, FRG外部サイトHard copy and printing materials, media, and processes外部サイトDigital optical computing : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトTerahertz for military and security applications II : 12-13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトProceedings of biomedical optoelectronic devices and systems II外部サイトDocument recognition IV : 12-13 February, 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトMedical imaging 1997, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 25-28 February 1997, Newport Beach, California外部サイトApplications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation : 20-22 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications III : 31 July-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNanostructures and microstructure correlation with physical properties of semiconductors : 20-21 March 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトDigitization of the battlefield II : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSensor design using computer tools II, April 11-12, 1985, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトFiber networks for voice, video, and multimedia services : 19 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical alignment : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトPolarization considerations for optical systems II : 9-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared fiber optics : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks in image processing VI : 25-26 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトUltrafast X-ray sources and detectors : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptical and digital pattern recognition : 13-15 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトElectronic imaging and multimedia systems II : 18-19 September, 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトApplications of neural networks and machine learning in image processing IX : 19-20 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトCO[2] lasers and applications II : ECO3, 12-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトDetection and remendiation technologies for mines and minelike targets VIII : 21-25 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトFiber optic sensors, 26-27 November, 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトStructural mechanics of optical systems : November 7-8, 1983, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトProceedings of physiological imaging, spectroscopy, and early-detection diagnostic methods : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical methods in atmospheric chemistry : 22-24 June 1992, Berlin, FRG外部サイトAdaptive optics in astronomy : 17-18 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトWater, ground, and air pollution monitoring and remediation : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトPhotopolymer device physics, chemistry, and applications II : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトTechnical issues in focal plane development : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトFiber optics in adverse environments III : 25 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical security and counterfeit deterrence techniques III : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of lasers in urology, laparoscopy, and general surgery : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XXII: algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 25-27 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトMilitary remote sensing : 27-28 October 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトDiffractive and holographic technologies for integrated photonic systems : 22-23 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトOptical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy IX : 22-23 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトNovel applications of lasers and pulsed power : 6-8 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトHolographic and diffractive techniques : 9-11 October 1996, Berlin, FRG外部サイトProceedings of ophthalmic technologies II : 19-21 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser technology IV : research trends, instrumentation, and applications in metrology and materials processing : 26-30 September 1993, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland外部サイトTechnical issues in infrared detectors and arrays : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトOptical design and engineering II : 13-16 September 2005, Jena, Germany外部サイト5th European Conference on Integrated Optics : proceedings, ECIO '89, held in conjunction with ECO[2], 26-28 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトOptical manufacturing and testing V : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 5-7 March 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトFibre Optics '90 : 24-26 April 1990, London, England外部サイトLaser-tissue interaction XI : photochemical, photothermal, and photomechanical : 22-27 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトX-ray detector physics and applications II : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy III : 22-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトRare-earth-doped materials and devices III : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトICO20: optical design and fabrication : 21-26 August 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトOptoelectronic materials, devices, packaging, and interconnects II : 6-8 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトCurrent developments in optical design and optical engineering VII : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '91 : image processing, 11-13 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトPolarization analysis, measurement, and remote sensing IV : 29-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトAdvanced optical and quantum memories and computing II : 25-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトHigh bandwidth analog applications of photonics : [papers] : 23-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトAdvanced optical and quantum memories and computing : 27-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトNondestructive inspection of aging aircraft : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion IX : ECO3, 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトSurface and interface analysis of microelectronic materials processing and growth, 12-13 October 1989, Santa Clara, California外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for the investigation of extraterrestrial microorganisms : 29 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトMicrowave instrumentation and satellite photogrammetry for remote sensing of the earth : 28-30 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトRemote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology II :23-26 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece外部サイトCurrent developments in lens design and optical systems engineering II : 30 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトFirst International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials for Advanced Electronic and Optical Devices : proceedings : 20-22 March 1989, Norman, Oklahoma外部サイトOptical technologies for space communication systems : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトGPR 2000 : proceedings of the eighth international conference on ground penetrating radar外部サイトPhotonic crystal materials and devices III : 24-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトChemical and biological sensing V : 12-13 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSolid state laser technologies and femtosecond phenomena : 25-27 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom外部サイトTarget-in-the-loop: atmospheric tracking, imaging, and compensation II : 3-4 August 2005, San DIego, California, USA外部サイトParticle astrophysics instrumentation : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Applications of Optical Holography : 5-7 June, 1995, Tokyo, Japan外部サイトColor hard copy and graphic arts IV : 6-10 February, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser radar : ranging and atmospheric lidar techniques III : 17-18 September 2001 Toulouse, France外部サイトIntegrated optics devices III : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトApplications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation IV : 31 July-2 August, 2001, San Diego, [California] USA外部サイトLaser source and system technology for defense and security III : 9-10 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトMoiré techniques, holographic interferometry, optical NDT, and applications to fluid mechanics : Second International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology : 22-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトRemote sensing of the biosphere : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトTwo- and three-dimensional methods for inspection and metrology IV : 1-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトInterferometry '99 : techniques and technologies : 20-23 September 1999, Pułtusk, Poland外部サイトVisual information processing VI : 21-22 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptoelectronic devices and applications : 10-11 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトGigahertz devices and systems : 20 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトRemote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2001 : 18 and 20-21 September 2001, Toulouse, France外部サイトGradient-index, miniature, and diffractive optical systems : 19 and 21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトThird International Conference on Optical Information Processing : 28-31 May 1999, Moscow, Russia外部サイトMicroelectronic Device Technology : 1-2 October 1997, Austin, Texas外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing IX : 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトHard copy and printing technologies : 13-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトGrowth, characterization, and applications of laser host and nonlinear crystals : 27-28 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProgress in high-temperature superconducting transistors and other devices : 4-5 October 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトUltrahigh resolution radar : 20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNear-field optics : physics, devices, and information processing : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトX-ray and neutron capillary optics II : 22-26 September 2004, Zvenigorod, Russia外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : Smart materials technologies : 3-4 March 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトDigital signal processing technology : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMicrorobotics and microassembly III : 29-30 October 2001 Newton外部サイトECLIM 2002 : 27th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter : 7-11 October 2002, Moscow, Russia外部サイトBiomedical optics and lasers : diagnostics and treatment : 16-18 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトSmart structures and devices : 13-15 December 2000, Melbourne, Australia外部サイトApplications of digital image processing : April 19-22, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 1997 : 21-22 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHigh-Tc microwave superconductors and applications : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトReal time signal processing VII : August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトRapid thermal and integrated processing : 10-11 September 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトDesign of digital image processing systems : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトDocument recognition II : 6-7 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトImage assessment & specification : seminar-in-depth, May 20-22, 1974, Rochester, New York外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XVI : 15-16 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMillimeter and submillimeter waves III : proceedings of the International Conference on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Applications III, 5-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトICONO '95 : atomic and quantum optics : high-precision measurements, 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトFluctuations and noise in biological, biophysical, and biomedical systems III : 24-26 May, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1996 : Smart electronics and MEMS : 28-29 January, 1996, San Diego, California外部サイトMOEMS and miniaturized systems : 18-20 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトX-ray and UV detectors : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing 2005 : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XI : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh and low concentration for solar electric applications : 14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMOEMS and Miniaturized systems II : 22-24 October 2001, San Francisco, USA外部サイトHigh speed photography, videography, and photonics III : 22-23 August 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトThe search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in the optical spectrum III : 22-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトAdvances in infrared fibers II : January 26-28, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser diode technology and applications IV : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing X : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトMaterials, manufacturing, and measurement for synchrotron radiation mirrors : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser techniques for state-selected and state-to-state chemistry II : 27-29 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInterdisciplinary computer vision : applications and changing needs : 22nd AIPR Workshop, 13-15 October 1993, Washington, D.C.外部サイトCockpit and future displays for defense and security : 30 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPrecision optical glassworking : a manual for the manufacture, testing and design of precision optical components and the training of optical craftsmen外部サイトOptical components and materials IV : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAutomated optical inspection for industry : 6-7 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies IX : 13-14 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトObject detection, classification, and tracking technologies : 22-24 October 2001, Wuhan, China外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets, 1989 : proceedings of a conference on digital signal processing, association, and tracking of point source, very small, and cluster targets, 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFly-by-light : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトWorkshop on optical components for broadband communication : 28-29 June 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトMaterials and electronics for high-speed and infrared detectors : 19-20 and 23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトMicro- and nanofabricated structures and devices for biomedical environmental applications II : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトOptomechanical technologies for astronomy : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvanced sensors and monitors for process industries and the environment : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOphthalmic technologies XI : 20-21 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトProceedings of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular interventions III : 16-17 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトUnconventional imaging II : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMicromachining and microfabrication process technology : 23-24 October, 1995, Austin, Texas外部サイトPolarization considerations for optical systems : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of applications of ultrashort-pulse lasers in medicine and biology : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトLasers in medicine : [papers] : 15-17 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトDesign and fabrication of planar optical waveguide devices and materials : 8-9 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトBiomedical vibrational spectroscopy and biohazard detection technologies : 25-27 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトThree-dimensional visualization and display technologies : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery II : 19-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトApplications of digital image processing X外部サイトSoft x-ray optics and technology : 8-11 December 1986, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトSmart materials III : 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia外部サイトThin films for optical systems : 14-18 September 1992, Berlin, FRG外部サイトOptical sensing : techniques, benefits, costs : December 7-8, 1982, Teddington, Middlesex, England外部サイトActive and adaptive optical systems : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトIntense laser beams : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトICONO '98 : ultrafast phenomena and interaction of superstrong laser fields with matter--nonlinear optics and high-field physics : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia外部サイトStereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems III : 30 January-2 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトEnhanced and synthetic vision 2005 : 28 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトIntense microwave and particle beams II : 21-24 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical and hybrid computing外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing IV : 2-3 March 1987, Santa Clara, California外部サイトComplex mediums II : beyond linear isotropic dielectrics, 30 July-1 August, 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトX-ray optics for astronomy : telescopes, multilayers, spectrometers, and missions : 30 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトSensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C31) technologies for homeland security and homeland defense III : 12-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing VI : 27 February-1 March, 1989, San Jose, California外部サイトAlgorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery XIII : 9-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptical Data Storage Topical Meeting : 17-19 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトX-ray and ultraviolet sensors and applications : 13-14 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトComplex mediums V: Light and complexity : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray space instrumentation for astronomy XIV : 1-3 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of the Southwest Conference on Optics外部サイトLaser techniques for surface science II : 12-14 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors IV : 22-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトAdaptive optics : [conference] April 10-11, 1985, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors XII : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトInfrared technology and applications XXV : 5-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotonic applications in nonlinear optics, nanophotonics, and microwave photonics : 12-14 September 2005, Toronto, Canada外部サイトOptical wireless communications III : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing IV, August 24-27, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイト27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 17-22 September 2006, Alexandria, Xian, China外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance VI, August 24-26, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトComputational imaging : 23-24 January, 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトRadar sensor technology and data visualization : 1 April and 4 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトActive and passive optical components for WDM communications II : 29 July-1 August 2002, Boston, USA外部サイトHigh intensity laser-matter interactions : 12-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of advances in fluorescence sensing technology : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared detectors, state of the art : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotonics for space environments V : 30 July 1997, San Diego外部サイトPassive millimeter-wave imaging technology VIII : 30-31 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトALT '95, International Symposium on Advanced Materials for Optics and Optoelectronics, 4-7 September, 1995, Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトAdvancements in polymer optics design, fabrication, and materials : 31 July 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites IV : 25-28 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトAdvances in optical beam characterization and measurements : 14 July 1998, Québec, Canada外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology III : 1-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks in image processing V : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser resonators II : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトElectron-beam, x-ray, and ion-beam lithographies VI : [proceedings] 5-6 March 1987, Santa Clara, California外部サイトRecent advances in sensors, radiometric calibration, and processing of remotely sensed data, 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors XI : 7-8 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトTrue three-dimensional imaging techniques and display technologies : [proceedings] : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of holography, interferometry, and optical pattern recognition in biomedicine III : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of the Los Alamos Conference on Optics '83外部サイトOptics and photonics in global homeland security II : 19-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval IX : 21-22 January, 2002, San Jose, [Calif.]外部サイトIndustrial and highway sensors technology : 28-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XIV : 22-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトManufacturing applications of lasers : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイト17th European Conference on Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and Microcomponents外部サイトChaos in biology and medicine : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced materials and devices for sensing and imaging : 17-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトEnabling photonics technologies for defense, security, and aerospace applications : 31 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトEUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy X : 21-23 July 1999 Denver, Colorado外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies XIX : 24-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトNonlinear image processing VI : 6-9 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトQuantum optics and applications in computing and communications II : 10-12 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトUnattended/unmanned ground, ocean, and air sensor technologies and applications VI : 12-15 April 2004 Orland, USA外部サイトSymposium Optika '84 : April 24-27, 1984, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam techniques for submicrometer lithographies III : March 15-16, 1984, Santa Clara, California外部サイトRemote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2002 : 24 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece外部サイト16th European Conference on Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and Microcomponents : 15-16 November 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトControlling tissue optical properties : applications in clinical study : 5-6 July 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands外部サイトInternational Conference on Thermal Infrared Sensing for Diagnostics and Control (Thermosense X) : 5-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser microtechnology and laser diagnostics of surfaces : LAMILADIS '91 International Workshop, 16-19 April 1991, Chernovtsy, Ukraine外部サイトComponent and systems diagnostics, prognostics, and health management II : 3-4 April, 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトEmerging optical materials : [proceedings] : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトApplication of tunable diode and other infrared sources for atmospheric studies and industrial processing monitoring II : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトMultispectral and microwave sensing of forestry, hydrology, and natural resources : 26-30 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトEnabling technology for simulation science : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical interfaces for digital circuits and systems : January 26, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRemote sensing of atmospheric chemistry : 1-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIndustrial applications of laser radar : 27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトUnmanned/unattended sensors and sensor networks II : 26-28 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトInfrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays VII : 2-3 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトOptical system contamination : effects, measurement, control III : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of optical biopsies and microscopic techniques : 7-9 September 1996, Vienna, Austria外部サイトEnabling technologies for simulation science X : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイト1999 International Conference on Biomedical optics (BMO '99) : 25-27 October 1999, Wuhan, China外部サイトOptics for EUV, X-Ray, and gamma-ray astronomy : 4-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトThird Conference on Photonic Systems for Ecological Monitoring : 8-12 December 1996, Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトTerahertz for military and security applications III : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトInterferometry in optical astronomy : 27 - 29 March 2000 Munich, Germany外部サイトOptical diagnostic methods for inorganic materials III : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトRadar sensor technology IX : 31 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptical Data Storage '98 : 10-13 May, 1998, Aspen, Colorado外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing VI : 16-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトBuilding European OLED infrastructure : 6-7 June, 2005, Cambridge, United Kingdom外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトOptics fiber reliability and testing : 19-20 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトObservatory operations to optimize scientific return III : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii USA外部サイトEleventh International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics : 23-26 June, 2004, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトNonimaging optics, maximum efficiency light transfer VI : 2-3 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトAdvances in photochemotherapy : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトMillimeter wave technology : May 6-7, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトInstrumentation for magnetospheric imagery : 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical fiber and fiber component mechanical reliability and testing外部サイトOptical memory and neural networks '94 : Optical Memory : 27-30 August 1994, Moscow, Russia外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of advanced materials : 20-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSelected papers on light scattering外部サイトInfrared technology XIII : 18-20 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトFuture giant telescopes :26-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトEnabling photonic technologies for aerospace applications V : 22-23 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XXIV : 1-2 August, 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトStatistical optics : 18-19 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトFiber optics reliability : benign and adverse environments II : 6-8 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy V : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトGrowth, characterization, and applications of laser host and nonlinear crystals II : 17-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of effects of low-power light on biological systems II : 9 September, Vienna, Austria外部サイトUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray space instrumentation for astronomy XV : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDiamond optics : 16-17 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology VII : 20-22 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium外部サイトAdvanced materials and devices for sensing and imaging II : 8-10 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトInternational conference on x-ray and neutron capillary optics : 8-12 September 2001, Zvenigorod, Russia外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems IX : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトTargets and backgrounds : characterization and representation III : 21-23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトRemote sensing and reconstruction for three-dimensional objects and scenes : 9-10 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトSpace station automation II : 28-30 October 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトHolography '89 : International Conference on Holography, Optical Recording, and Processing of Information, 21-24 May 1989, Varna, Bulgaria外部サイトPhotovoltaics : April 11-12, 1985, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトSpace environmental, legal, and safety issues : 17-18 April, 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical testing and metrology III : recent advances in industrial optical inspection : 8-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトTransverse patterns in nonlinear optics : ICONO '91, 24-27 September 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトLaser Florence '99 : a window on the laser medicine world : 28-31 October 1999, Florence, Italy外部サイトImage and signal processing for remote sensing VI : 27-29 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトCurves and surfaces in computer vision and graphics : 13-15 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトBiostereometrics '82 : August 24-27, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトROMOPTO 2000, Sixth Conference on Optics, 4-7 September 2000, Bucharest, Romania外部サイトAdvanced laser technology and applications外部サイトStochastic and neural methods in signal processing, image processing, and computer vision : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1998 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 3-5 March 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトSpectroscopic characterization techniques for semiconductor technology : 9-10 November 1983, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery VIII : 16-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトIR Space telescopes and instruments : 24 - 28 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイト2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies : Advanced optical manufacturing technologies : 2-5 November 2005, Xian, China外部サイト2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies : Large mirrors and telescopes :2-5 November 2005, Xian, China外部サイトHelmet- and head-mounted displays XI : technologies and applications : 17-18 April, 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトSmart materials IV : 11-13 December 2006, Adelaide, Australia外部サイトICO20: remote sensing and infrared devices and systems : 21-26 August 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトICALEO '91 : laser materials processing, [3-8 November 1991, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California ]外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XVII : Algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 2-3 November 1998 Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNovel optical systems design and optimization III : 31 July - 1 August , 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトSmart sensors, actuators, and MEMS II : 9-11 May 2005, Seville, Spain外部サイトComputer vision for robots : 2-6 December, 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトIntegration and packaging of optoelectronic devices : 18-19 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトSensor fusion VI : 7-8 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトApplications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトReal time signal processing XI : 18-19 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1995 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 2-3 March 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトInternational Workshop on New Approaches to High-Tech Materials, Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering : 9-13 June 1997, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing IX : 9-10 March 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトNanobiophotonics and biomedical applications II : 24-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAirborne and spaceborne lasers for terrestrial geophysical sensing外部サイトOptics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting III : 18-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトFunctional integration of opto-electro-mechanical devices and systems II : 23-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトOptical data storage 2001 : 22-25 April 2001 Santa Fe, USA外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems VII : 13-14 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトInfrared and optoelectronic materials and devices : 12-14 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4外部サイトImaging spectrometry of the terrestrial environment : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : passive damping and isolation : 1-2 March 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトPhotometry : selected from the 8th and 9th CIS Conferences on Photometry, 26-30 November 1990, 24-27 November 1992, Moscow, Russia外部サイトThermosense XIII : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProduction aspects of single point machined optics : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトNinth joint international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics/atmospheric physics : Part II, Laser sensing and atmospheric physics : 2-5 July 2002, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : active materials : behavior and mechanics : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトCalibration of passive remote observing optical and microwave instrumentation : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion V : 15-18 April, 1986, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイト13th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management : 22-23 September 1993, Santa Clara, California外部サイトSatellite remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere IV : 20-22 September 1999, Florence, Italy外部サイトBroadband strategies and technologies for wide area and local access networks : 10-11 October, 1996, Berlin, FRG外部サイトEarth observing systems II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトImage understanding and the man-machine interface : 15-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical materials reliability and testing : benign and adverse environments : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical technology for microwave applications VII : 11-12 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトFree-space laser communications VI : 15-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Photodynamic Therapy and Laser Medicine : 15-17 October 1991, Beijing, China外部サイトPolarization and remote sensing : 22-23 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトCoherence domain optical methods and optical coherence tomography in biomedicine IX : 23-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMicrowave and particle beam sources and directed energy concepts: 16-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMicro-optics II : proceedings, ECO4 : 14-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトDistributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors III : 8-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトDevelopments in X-ray tomography V : 15-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトLaser interferometry IX : applications : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトMobile robots XIII and intelligent transportation systems外部サイトAdvanced nondestructive evaluation for structural and biological health monitoring : 6-8 March 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトOptical fiber sources and detectors : 28-29 November 1985, Cannes, France外部サイトLaser physics : Laser Optics '93, 21-25 June 1993, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトSensor fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications : 16-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトDisplay technologies III : 26-27 July 2000, Taipei, Taiwan外部サイトNovel optical systems design and optimization VIII : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMiniature and micro-optics and micromechanics : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptics of the air-sea interface : theory and measurement : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical chaos, 3-4 June 1986, Québec City, Canada外部サイトProceedings of optical tomography, photon migration, and spectroscopy of tissue and model media : theory, human studies and instrumentation ; 5-7 Feburary, 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトPolarimetry in astronomy :25-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトApplication of optical instrumentation in medicine XI : April 17-20, 1983, Atlanta, Georgia外部サイトFifth International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications : 18-21 June 2002, Ancona, Italy外部サイトProceedings of the Second Workshop on Neural Networks : academic/industrial/NASA/defence : WNN-AIND 91 : February 11-13, 1991, Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center, Auburn, Alabama外部サイトComponents for fiber optic applications V : 20-21 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトInterferometry '99 : applications : 20-23 September 1999, Pułtusk, Poland外部サイトColloidal quantum dots for biomedical applications : 22-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection IV : 31 January-1 February, 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of optical biopsy : 4-5 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトMultilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV optics II : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical fibers in medicine III外部サイトRemote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology : 18-21 September 2001, Toulouse, France外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : modeling, signal processing, and control in smart structures : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトNew developments in optomechanics : 28-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトStorage and retrieval for image and video databases V : 13-14 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトX-ray and EUV/FUV spectroscopy and polarimetry : 11-12 July, 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトApplications of optical engineering : proceedings of OE/Midwest '90 : 27-28 September 1990, Rosemont, Illinois外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Smart sensor monitoring systems and applications : 27 February-1 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced optical data storage : materials, systems, and interfaces to computers : 20-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado/ Pricles A. Mitkas ... [et al.], chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトChemistry- and biology-based technologies for contraband detection : 20-21 November, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトMicro-optoelectronic materials : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptics in complex systems : 15th Congress of the International Commission for Optics : August 5-10, 1990, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FRG外部サイトSaratov Fall Meeting '98 : Light scattering technologies for mechanics, biomedicine, and material science : International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students : 6-9 October 1998, Saratov, Russia外部サイトAtomic and molecular pulsed lasers VI : 12-16 September, 2005, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトImaging applications in the work world : 12-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptics in entertainment : January 26-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFiber optic systems for mobile platforms III : 7-8 September, Boston Massachusetts外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites V : 17-20 September 2001, Toulouse, France外部サイトHigh-speed phenomena in photonic materials and optical bistability : ECO3, 12-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトMaterials technologies for IR detectors : 15-17 April 1986, Innsbruch, Austria外部サイトColor imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and graphic arts VI : 23-26 January 2001, San Jose, [California] USA外部サイトIndustrial lasers and laser material processing : Russia national conference, 14-16 April 1993, Shatura, Moscow Region, Russia外部サイトHigh-speed imaging and sequence analysis II : 27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSpecialty fiber optic systems for mobile platforms and plastic optical fibers : 9-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトHigh-power solid state lasers and applications : ECO3 : 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトSatellite data compression, communications, and archiving II : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトWindow and come technologies VIII : 22-23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSixth Seminar on Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion Optics : 28-30 May 2003, Moscow, Russia外部サイトDigital optical computing II : 17-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHigh-resolution wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSensors and systems for space applications : 9-11 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトData structures and target classification : 1-2 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAir traffic control technologies : 18-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIndustrial, municipal, and medical waste incineration diagnostics and control : 25-26 June 1992, Berlin, FRG外部サイトInfrared detectors and focal plane arrays : 18-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトRemote sensing and modeling of ecosystems for sustainability III : 14-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトThermosense XXII: 25-27 April 2000, Orlando, Florida . Dennis H. LeMieux chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering外部サイトX-ray detector physics and applications : proceedings, 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California, Richard B. Hoover chair/editor外部サイトPolarization measurement, analysis, and applications V : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, USA外部サイトStaring infrared focal plane technology : [proceedings] : February 12-13, 1981, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMedical imaging and instrumentation '84 : practical applications of conventional and new imaging technologies, April 8-10, 1984, Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada外部サイトData analysis and modeling for process control : 26-27 February 2004, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトTelescope control systems III : 20-21 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトLaser weapons technology : 24-25 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトElectro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications III : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Damping and isolation : 3-5 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing XIV : 10-12 March 1997, Santa Clara, California外部サイトBroadband access communication technologies : 2-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトAutomotive displays and industrial illumination : 27, 29-30 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan外部サイトEMLC 2005 : 21st European Mask and Lithography Conference : 31 January-3 February, 2005, Dresden, Germany外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence 1993 : machine vision and robotics : 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical measurements and sensors for the process industries : 20-22 June 1994, Frankfurt, FRG外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition IX : 24-26 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトPhotonics for space environments X : 1-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNonlinear optics for high-speed electronics and optical frequency conversion : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics III : 30 July-1 August, 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトOptical fabrication and testing : 26-28 May 1999, Berlin, Germany外部サイトLaser interometry [i.e. interferometry] IV : computer-aided interferometry : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical radiation measurements II : 27-28 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSubmolecular glass chemistry and physics : 3-4 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトPhotorefractive materials : phenomena and related applications, 16-17 September 1998 Beijing, China外部サイト1992 Shanghai International Symposium on Quantum Optics : 29 March-2 April 1992外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトMedical imaging IV, Image formation : 4-6 February 1990, Newport Beach, California外部サイトProceedings of ophthalmic lens design and fabrication II : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMultimedia systems and applications外部サイトModeling, simulation, and verification of space-based systems II : 31 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトVisual data exploration and analysis II : 8-10 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトMillimeter wave technology II : August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトProducibility of II-VI materials and devices : 6-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEcosystems' dynamics, agricultural remote sensing and modeling, and site-specific agriculture : 7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast and free-electron lasers : 23-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトInfrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing IV : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced biomedical and clinical diagnostic systems IV : 22-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトStray radiation IV : August 23, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトImaging spectrometry VIII : 8-10 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトMicroelectronic structures and MEMS for optical processing II : 14-15 October 1996, Austin, Texas外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology X : 28-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトX-ray optics, instruments, and missions : 19-22 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications IV : 6-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida and 16 June 1999, Munich, Germany外部サイトSensing and reconstruction of three-dimensional objects and scenes : 15-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトAdvanced optical methods for ultrasensitive detection : 6-7 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトRemote sensing of the ocean, sea ice, and large water regions 2006 : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトFlashlamp pumped laser technology : 21-22 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser technology VI : applications : 27 September-1 October 1999, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland外部サイトInternational Conference on Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy in Technology : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトInternational Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : '91 TFPA : 15-17 April 1991, Shanghai, China外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1994 : smart materials : 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInfrared optical materials and fibers V : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California外部サイトFiber optic sensor technology and applications III : 26-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトOptics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision VI : 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトPrecision instrument design : 1-3 November 1988, Santa Clara, California外部サイトTunable diode laser development and spectroscopy applications : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトSecurity and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents V : 21-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトRemote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2003 : 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトApplications and science of computational intelligence III : 24-27 April, 2000, Orlando, Florida外部サイトChemical and biological sensing VI : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトNonlinear optics of liquid and photorefractive crystals II : 5-10 October, 1997, Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine外部サイトSuperconductive devices and circuits : 25-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing '97 : 12-14 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトSwitchable materials and flat panel displays : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptical/laser microlithography : 3-5 March 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1996 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 28-29 February 1996, San Diego, California外部サイトChemical and biological standoff detection : 28-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Engineering '90: ICOESE '90 : 22-25 August 1990, Beijing, China外部サイトImage modeling : 3-4 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトContemporary infrared standards and calibration : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトMonolithic microwave integrated circuits for sensors, radar, and communications systems : 2-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSurvey and other telescope technologies and discoveries : 27-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトScience of artificial neural networks II : 13-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトX-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy XII : 31 July and 2 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトOptical scattering in the optics, semiconductor, and computer disk industries : proceedings, 13-14 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトApplied spectroscopy in material science : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトWavelet applications in signal and image processing V : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical thin films IV : new developments : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of medical lasers and systems : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDisplay devices and systems : 6-7 November 1996, Beijing, China外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications : 3-5 June, 1986, Québec City, Canada外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies VIII : 30-31 January 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトTelemanipulator technology : 15-16 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトVisual data exploration and analysis VII : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSemiconductor photodetectors II : 25-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトCharacterization, propagation, and simulation of infrared scenes : 16-17, 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida外部サイトNondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials and composites, and civil infrastructure IV : 8-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトDistributed fiber optical sensors and measuring networks : selected papers on distributed fiber optical sensors and measuring networks, 1999-2000外部サイトRemote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology VI : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトMedical imaging III, Image formation : 29-31 January 1989, Newport Beach, California外部サイトOptical wireless communications : 5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAPOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : wireless and mobile communications : 12-15 November 2001, Beijing, China外部サイトProceedings of microscopy, holography, and interferometry in biomedicine : 1-3 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトBiomedical image processing and biomeddical visualization : 1-4 February 1993 San Jose, California外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XIII : 7-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings optical sensing for environmental and process monitoring : 7-10 November 1994, McLean, Virginia外部サイトNetwork intelligence : Internet-based manufacturing : 8 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトInternational Workshop on Photoinduced Self-Organization Effects in Optical Fiber : 10-11 May 1991, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada外部サイトSixth International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 10-16 June, 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトMultimedia networks : security, displays, terminals, and gateways : 4-5 November 1997, Dallas, Texas外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XXIII : 31 July - 3 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XI : 20-22 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトCockpit displays IX : displays for defense applications : 2-5 April 2002, Orlando, [Florida]外部サイトOptical pattern recognition VIII : 22-23 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトBattlefield biomedical technologies : 6 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFirst International Workshop on Classical and Quantum Interference : 25-26 October 2001, Olomouc, Czech Republic外部サイトNew trends in atomic and molecular spectroscopy : recent research in Armenian laboratories, 1996-1999外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XXV : 8-10 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトThird International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications, 16-19 June, 1998, Ancona, Italy外部サイトFree-electron laser spectroscopy in biology, medicine, and materials science : 22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトDigital image recovery and synthesis II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトCharacteristics and consequences of orbital debris and natural space impactors : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトUltrahigh and high-speed photography,videography,photonics,and velocimetry '90 eighth in a series : 10-13 july 1990 San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced high-power lasers : 1-5 November 1999, Osaka, Japan外部サイトDevelopments in x-ray tomography III : 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトStorage and retrieval for image and video databases : 2-3 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトNonlinear image processing IV : 1-3 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of biomedical imaging : reporters, dyes, and instrumentation : 26-28 January, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical space communication : 24-26 April 1989, Paris, France外部サイトLaser noise : 5-6 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトWavelet applications in signal and image processing VIII : 31 July-4 August, 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトAdvances in optical information processing VI : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced microwave and millimeter-wave detectors 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトMethods for ultrasensitive detection ll : 21-22 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトIntegrated optical circuits : 3-4 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical materials in defence systems technology III : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトLaser processing of semiconductors and hybrids : 21-22 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XII : 8-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトMachine vision and three-dimensional imaging systems for inspection and metrology : 6-8 November 2001 [i.e. 2000], Boston, USA外部サイトCommercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトScanning probe microscopies III : 6-7 February 1995, San Jose, California ia外部サイトUltrafast phenomena in semiconductors and nanostructure materials XI and semiconductor photodetectors IV : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMathematical methods in geophysical imaging V : 20-21 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction X : photochemical, photothermal and photmechanical : 24-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトNew techniques and analysis in optical measurements : Interferometry '94, 16-20 May 1994, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトProceedings of biomedical fiber optic instrumentation : 24-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser processing of materials and industrial applications II : 16-19 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトChaos/nonlinear dynamics : methods and commercialization : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh-speed fiber networks and channels II : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトFuture EUV/UV and visible space astrophysics missions and instrumentation : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトOptical systems for space and defence : proceedings : 11-14 September, 1989, London, England外部サイトBattlespace digitization and network-centric warfare II : 3-5 April 2002, Orlando, [Florida]外部サイトAcousto-optics and applications II : 22-26 May 1995, Gdańsk-Jurata, Poland外部サイトVertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers : 13-14 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser-assisted fabrication of thin films and microstructures : 17-19 August 1993, Québec, Canada外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks in image processing : 1-2 February 1996, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvanced optical data storage : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトImage and video processing III : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトGeoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment : Geo-simulation and virtual GIS environments外部サイトPhysics, theory, and applications of periodic structures in optics : 1-2 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトScalability and traffic control in IP networks : 22-24 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトOptical technologies for communication satellite applications : 21-22 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトFree-space laser communications VII : 28-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトLaser Optics 2000 : Control of Laser Beam Characteristics and Nonlinear Methods for Wavefront Control, 26-30 June 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトClinical diagnostic systems : technologies and instrumentation : 22-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトAdvances in mirror technology for X-ray, EUV lithography, laser, and other applications : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトFuture European and Japanese remote-sensing sensors and programs : 1-2 April 1991, Orlando, FLorida外部サイトImaging spectrometry IX : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAtmospheric optical modeling, measurement, and simulation II : 15-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトICALEO '92 : laser materials processing, 25-29 October 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHolography 2000 : 10-14 July 2000, St. Pölten, Austria外部サイトCharacterization and propagation of sources and backgrounds : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトIntelligent robots : Third International Conference on Robot Vision and Sensory Controls, RoViSeC3 : 7-10 November, 1983, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトFiber optic sensors IV : ECO3 : 13-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトOptoelectronic and electronic sensors III : 10-13 May 1998, Jurata, Poland外部サイトApplications of signal and image processing in explosives detection systems : 16-17 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトNew lasers for analytical and industrial chemistry : January 26-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトVery high speed integrated circuit (VHSIC) technology for electro-optic applications : January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMosaic focal plane methodologies II : [proceedings], 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトAlgorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery VIII : 1-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトAutomatic object recognition V : 19-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトElectro-optic and second harmonic generation materials, devices, and applications II : 18-19 September, 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトImage quality and system performance III : 17-19 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトExcimer lasers and applications II : ECO3, 15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトDetectors for crystallography and diffraction studies at synchrotron sources : 19 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトRadar sensor technology III : 16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトScanning and force microscopies for biomedical applications : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトComplex mediums IV: Beyond linear isotropic dielectrics : 4-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMultilevel interconnection : issues that impact competitiveness : 27-28 September 1993, Monterey, California外部サイトNovel optical systems and large-aperature imaging : 20-21 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトICALEO '89 optical sensing and measurement外部サイトProceedings of three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing VI : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトBiomedical diagnostic, guidance, and surgical-assist systems : 26-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトLarge optics technology : August 19-21, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications VII : 3-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトFifth International Conference on Coherent Laser Radar : technology and application : 5-9 June 1989, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing XIII : 11-13 March 1996, San Clara, California外部サイトPulse power for lasers : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance VIII, August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings, 27th International Symposium on Microelectronics, November 15-17, 1994, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトTechnology of stratified media : January 19-20, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSuperconducting and related oxides : physics and nanoengineering V : 8-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection XI :proceedings of electronic imaging science and technology 2003 : 22-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA外部サイトMedical imaging 1997, image perception : 26-27 February 1997, Newport Beach, California外部サイトNew methods for optical, quasi-optical, acoustic, and electromagnetic synthesis : [symposium] August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトMicromachining technology for micro-optics : 20 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA外部サイトTerahertz and gigahertz photonics : 19-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAstronomical Interferometry : 20-24 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトDiagnostic optical spectroscopy in biomedicine : 19-21 June 2001, Munich, Germany外部サイトICO20 : materials and nanostructures : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトState-of-the-art mapping : 13-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2003 : Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInternational Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers, 27-30 March, 1995, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1994 : mathematics and control in smart structures : 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトImage intensifiers and applications II : 3-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトOptical Data Storage 2015 : 9 August 2015 San Diego, California, United States外部サイトSmart structures and intelligent systems : smart structures and materials 1994, 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLiquid crystal materials, devices, and applications II : 2-4 February 1993, San Jose, California外部サイトBiomarkers and biological spectral imaging : 23 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトElectron-beam, x-ray & ion-beam techniques for submicrometer lithographies V : 11-12 March 1986, Santa Clara, California外部サイトInstruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology IV : 29-30 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトImage reconstruction from incomplete data : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトFDDI, campus-wide, and metropolitan area networks : 19-21 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトVisual communications and image processing 2010 : 11-14 July 2010, Huangshan, China外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2001 : damping and isolation : 5-7 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトOptical data storage '91 : 25-27 February 1991, Colorado Springs, Colorado外部サイトPassive infrared remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere III : 25-27 September 1995, Paris France外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control IV : 5-6 March 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトNonlinear optical materials and devices for photonic switching : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical data storage 2004 : 18-21 April 2004, Monterey, California, USA外部サイトLight-emitting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications IV : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトFibre optics '83 : April 19-21, 1983, London, England外部サイトTactical infrared systems : 8-9 May 1991, Dallas, Texas外部サイトICMIT 2005: mechatronics, MEMS, and smart materials : 20-23 September 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトImaging spectrometry VI : 31 July - 2 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトDevelopments in X-ray tomography II : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance XX : 6-7 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLasers in medicine : 27-29 April 1995 Warsaw-Zegrze, Poland外部サイトMachine vision applications in character recognition and industrial inspection : 10-12 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments II : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1991 : 1-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトCharged-particle optics : 15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced processing of semiconductor devices : 23-25 March 1987, Bay Point, Florida外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1996 : Smart sensing, processing and instrumentation : 26-28 February 1996, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser Radar IV : 29-30 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition VI : 21-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSolid state optical control devices : January 26-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトCoherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications IV : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトPractical holography : 21-22 January, 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInternational Conference on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Applications : conference digest : 10-14 January 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトRaman scattering, luminescence, and spectroscopic instrumentation in technology : 17-19 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトWavefront sensing : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトIndustrial applications of laser technology : April 19-22, 1983, Geneva Switzerland外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing VIII : 4-5 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems VII : 8-9 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトAdaptive optics and Adaptive optics and applications : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトSensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, USA外部サイトAgriculture and hydrology applications of remote sensing : 15-17 November 2006, Goa, India外部サイトApplications of artificial intelligence : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトSmall spacecraft, space environments, and instrumentation technologies : 27-28 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトColor imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and graphic arts III : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトOptimizing scientific return for astronomy through information technologies : 24-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトEmerging technologies for future generation wireless communications : 29-30 July, 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトPhotonic quantum computing II : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSensors, cameras, and applications for digital photography : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイト18th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics : proceedings, 28 August-2 September 1988, Xian, China外部サイトPolarization: measurement, analysis, and remote sensing II : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトVisual communication[s] and image processing '91 : visual communication, 11-13 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトCoherent electron-beam x-ray sources : techniques and applications : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトQuantum wells and superlattices in optoelectronic devices and integrated optics : 17-18 November 1987, Cannes, France外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition X : 16-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトArtificial turbulence for imaging and wave propagation : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトOptics of crystals : 26-30 September 2000, Mozyr, Belarus外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XXII : 20-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトProceedings of medical applications of lasers II : 6-10 September 1994, Lille, France外部サイトFiber optics--technology '82 : January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical devices and diagnostics in materials science, 1-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトOptical fibers in medicine and biology : August 19, 1985, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotodetectors : materials and devices II : 12-14 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトMachine vision applications in industrial inspection VII : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトTelemanipulator and telepresence technologies V : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトAdvanced materials for optics and precision structures : 8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトPicosecond optoelectronics : August 24-26, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser interferometry VIII--techniques and analysis : 6-7 August, 1996, Denver Colorado外部サイトMaterials for infrared detectors : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトSPIE 1990 publications index : subject/author indexes of all SPIE proceedings and SPIE Press books published in 1990外部サイトState-of-the-art imaging arrays and their applications : August 21-23, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイト12th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 1-5 July 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトInterdisciplinary computer vision : an exploration of diverse applications : 21st AIPR Workshop, 14-16 October 1992, Washington, D.C.外部サイトApplication of optical instrumentation in medicine X : May 9-12, 1982, New Orleans, Louisiana外部サイトProceedings of effects of low-power light on biological systems III : 8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy外部サイトRecent trends in optical systems design, II : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical Data Storage 2006 : 23-26 April 2006, Montreal, Canada外部サイトMultimedia storage and archiving systems : 18-19 November 1996, Boston, massachusetts外部サイトEighth International Conference on Laser and Laser-Information Technologies : 27 September-1 October 2003, Smolyan, Bulgaria外部サイトDigitization of the battlespace V and battlefield biomedical technologies II : 24, 26-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトAdvances in fiber lasers : 27-28 January, 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトFiber telecommunications and computer networks : 23-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトInfrared technology XIX : 12-14 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced wavefront control : methods, devices and applications V : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトElectro-optical remote sensing, photonic technologies, and applications II : 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトData analysis and modeling for process control III : 23 February, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトPhotorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications VII, and optical data storage : 29-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトEarth remote sensing using the landsat thematic mapper and spot sensor systems : 15-17 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems : 27 February-2 March 2006, San DIego, California, USA外部サイトFiber optics in local area networks : August 25, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトColor imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and graphic arts V : 25-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSpace telescopes and instruments V : 25-28 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトCharged particle optics III : 27-28 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトVideometrics III : 2-4 November 1994, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトCargo inspection technologies : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvanced and next-generation satellites : 25-28 September 1995, Paris, France外部サイトBiomolecular photonics and multidimensional microscopy : 8-11 June 2003, Wuhan, China外部サイトScintillating fiber technology and applications : 13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser applications engineering (LAE-96) : 3-5 July, 1996, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, Russia外部サイトVirtual observatories : 25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトSolid state crystals in optoelectronics and semiconductor technology : 7-11 October 1996, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトSpectroscopic characterization techniques for semiconductor technology II : January 21-22, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical measurement and nondestructive testing : Techniques and applications, 8-10 November 2000, Beijing, China外部サイトLaser applications in combustion and combustion diagnostics II : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトIntegrated circuit metrology : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing V : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトVisualization of temporal and spatial data for civilian and defense applications : 19-17 April, 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトActive and passive remote seinsing of the oceans : 8-9 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii外部サイトFiber optic components, subsystems, and systems for telecommunications : 7-9 November 2001, Nanjing, China外部サイトImage and information systems : applications and oppotunities : 23rd AIPR Workshop, 12-14 October 1994, Washington, D.C.外部サイトInfrared optical materials VI : 4-5 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical, infrared, and millimeter space telescopes : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトTesting, packaging, reliability, and applications of semiconductor lasers IV : 28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトComplex mediums III : beyond linear isotropic dielectrics : 8-10 July 2002, Seattle, [Washington] USA外部サイトAlgorithms and systems for optical information processing IV : 1-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトScatter from optical components : 8-10 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトNew directions in photodynamic therapy : 28-29 October 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトUltrasensitive and single-molecule detection technologies : 21-22 and 24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトImage storage and retrieval systems : 13-14 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトAlgorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery V : 14-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトElectro-optic and magneto-optics materials II : 12-13 March 1990, The Hague,The Netherlands外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments X : 6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトInternet imaging V : 19-20 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical fibers in adverse environments : Photon '83外部サイトSolid state lasers and amplifiers : 27-29 April 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトElectro-optical remote sensing, detection, and photonic technologies and their applications : 18-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイト13th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 4-6 July 1999, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトGrazing incidence and multilayer X-ray optical systems : 27-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトAdaptive and learning systems : 20-21 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトGratings and grating monochromators for synchrotron radiation : 31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトInternational Workshop on Optical Diagnostics of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum Electronics, 6-7 May 1993, Kiev, Ukraine外部サイトFourth International Conference on Correlation Optics : 11-14 May 1999, Chernivtsy, Ukraine外部サイトXI International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference : 25-30 August 1996, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK外部サイトMicro-optics, VCSELs, and photonic interconnects : 27-29 April 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials VII : 27-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトMobile robots II : 5-6 November 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical interconnects for telecommunication and data communications, 8-10 November 2000, Beijing, China外部サイトOptical diagnostics in fluid and thermal flow : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotonics for space environments XI : 14-15 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトCockpit displays VIII : Displays for defense applications, 17-19 April 2001 , Orlando, USA外部サイトSpaceborne interferometry : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of optical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue III : 24-28 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトElectro-optical system design, simulation, testing, and training : 9-10 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction and tissue optics II : 7-10 September 1996, Vienna, Austria外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction and tissue optics : 12-13,16 September, Barcelona, Spain外部サイトInfrared spaceborne remote sensing IX : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトBiological quality and precision agriculture II : 6-8 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトAdvanced telescope and instrumentation control software : 29 and 30 March 2000, Munich, Germany外部サイトMIPPR 2005 : Geospatial information, data mining, and applications : 31 October-2 November 2005, Wuhan, China外部サイトOptoelectronic interconnects II : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptical diagnostic methods for inorganic transmissive materials : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトHelmet-mounted displays : 28-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトApplied laser radar technology II : 20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced biomedical and clinical diagnostic systems : 26-28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical pulse and beam propagation : 27-28 January, 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトLaser photoionization and desorption surface analysis techniques : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNeural network models for optical computing : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInternational Conference on Education in Optics : 28 September-1 October 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトX-ray optics, instruments, and missions IV : 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイト1986 International Optical Computing Conference, 6-11 July 1986, Jerusalem, Israel外部サイトAdvanced characterization techniques for optical, semiconductor, and data storage components : 9-11 July 2002 Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトSpace telescopes and instruments IV : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトCurrent developments in optical design and optical engineering III : 11-12 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh resolution soft X-ray optics : November 18-20, 1981, Brookhaven, New York外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1995 : Smart electronics : 2-3 March 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトFourth international conference on solid state lighting : 3-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトScattering and surface roughness : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトInstruments for optics and optoelectronic inspection and control, 8-10 November 2000, Beijing, China外部サイトUltraviolet Technology V : 26-27 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : smart electronics, MEMS, and nanotechnology : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam technology : submicrometer lithographies IX : 7-8 March 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトInfrared technology XXI : 9-13 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトMicrowave instrumentation for remote sensing of the earth : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLasers in medicine and surgery : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトApplications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation VI : 5-6 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSeventh International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 9-15 June 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトMetro and access networks II : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトSpace optics 1994: earth observation and astronomy : 19-22 April 1994, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FRG外部サイト24th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 24-29 September 2000, Sendai, Japan外部サイトPhotorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications III : 28-29 July, 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトLarge-screen-projection, avionic, and helmet-mounted displays : 26-28 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトPhotonics technology in the 21st century : 27-29 November 2001, Singapore /John H. Marsh, Pallab Bhattacharya, Osamu Wada, chairs/editors ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University(Singapore)外部サイトBiostereometric technology and applications : 7-8 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトFluorescence detection III : 16-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSeventh Seminar on Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion Optics : 25-27 May 2005, Moscow, Russia外部サイトAPOC 2002: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : wireless and mobile communications II : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトLaser spectroscopy for sensitive detection : April 23-24, 1981, Washington, D.C.外部サイトOptical fibers in medicine II : 17-19 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトElectro-Optic and second harmonic generation materials, devices, and applications外部サイトPhotonics for computers, neural networks, and memories : 22-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトMultispectral imaging for terrestrial applications : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトDigital wireless communications VI : 12-13 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSpectroscopic atmospheric monitoring techniques : 19-20 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトInternational competitiveness and business techniques in advanced optics and imaging : 9-10 October 1991, Rochester, New York外部サイトGround sensing : 14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInorganic optical materials : 19-20 July, 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトImage propagation through the atmosphere : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSpacecraft platforms and infrastructure : 14 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトSpatial light modulators : technology and applications : 31 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトTenth joint international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics/atmospheric physics : Part I, Radiation propagaton in the atmosphere and ocean : 24-28 June 2003, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトNonlinear image processing X : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトNeutron optical devices and applications : 22-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトInstrumentation in astronomy VI : 4-8 March 1986, Tucson, Arizona外部サイトSatellite remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere II : 23-25 September 1997, London, UK外部サイトOptical engineering for sensing and nanotechnology (ICOSN '99) : 16-18 June 1999, Yokohama, Japan外部サイトAutomatic object recognition VI : 9-10 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of lasers in orthopedic, dental, and veterinary medicine II : 16-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvances in display technology VI : 23-24 January 1986 Los Angeles, California外部サイトInstrumentation for magnetospheric imagery II : 14 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical systems engineering III : January 20-21, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptoelectronic signal processing for phased-array antennas外部サイトAn international conference on thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics and control (Thermosense VIII), September 17-20, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XX : 18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトFluorescence detection : 15-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSpace astronomical telescopes and instruments II : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトThermal imaging : 3-4 April 1986, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSmart structures, devices, and systems II : 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia外部サイトInstrumentation for planetary and terrestrial atmospheric remote sensing : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトModeling, systems engineering, and project management for astronomy II : 30-31 May 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトGamma-ray detector physics and applications : 29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトQuantum informatics : First International Symposium on Quantum Informatics : 1-3 October, 2002, Lipki, Moscow Region, Russia外部サイトFiber lasers II : technology, systems, and applications : 24-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAtmospheric sensing and modeling : 29-30 September 1994, Roma, Italy外部サイトInfrared readout electronics IV : 13 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトHarsh environment sensors II : 19 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトBiomedical image processing II : 25-27 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトPhotonic applications for aerospace, transportation, and harsh environments : 3 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトExtracting meaning from complex data : processing, display, interaction : 14-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California外部サイトCharged particle optics IV : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトOptical pulse and beam propagation II : 25-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1998 : Sensory phenomena and measurement instrumentation for smart structures and materials : 2-4 March 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトFiber optics and optoelectronics for network applications : 7-9 November 2001, Nanjing, China外部サイトFiber optic smart structures and skins V : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトTerabit optical networking : architecture, control, and management issues : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA外部サイトHigh Power CO2 Laser Systems and Applications : ECO1 19-20 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトImage reconstruction from incomplete data II : 8-9 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトGas, chemical, and electrical lasers and intense beam control and applications : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトChaos in communications : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトDevelopments in X-ray tomography IV : 4-6 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトProceedings of photon propagation in tissues II : 7-8 September 1996, Vienna, Austria外部サイトEmbedded processors for multimedia and communications : 19-20 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトTerahertz spectroscopy and applications II外部サイトVision geometry VIII : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLaser power beaming : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared fibers (0.8-12 μm) : February 12-13, 1981, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of laser interaction with hard and soft tissue : 2-4 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary外部サイトApplications of X rays generated from lasers and other bright sources : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトThree-dimensional image capture and applications II : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトData mining and knowledge discovery : theory, tools, and technology III : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Smart electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS, and nanotechnology : 27 February-1 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトStereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems VII : 24-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvances in resist technology and processing II : March 11-12, 1985, Santa Clara, California外部サイトSurface scattering and diffraction for advanced metrology : 1 August 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトOptical sensors : 16 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China外部サイトBioengineered and bioinspired systems II : 9-11 May 2005 Seville, Spain外部サイトMultispectral image processing and enhancement : 6-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical data storage : January 17-20, 1983, Incline Village, Nevada外部サイトLiquid crystal chemistry, physics, and applications外部サイトGrowth of semiconductor structures and high-Tc thin films on semiconductors : 20-21 March 1990, San Diego, Calfiornia外部サイトMultimedia computing and networking 1998 : 26-28 January, 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトAlgorithms and systems for optical information processing VI : 8-10 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA外部サイトOptical scanning systems: design and applications : 30-31 July, 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトProceedings of laser-tissue interaction III : 21-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California外部サイトApplication of optical instrumentation in medicine IX : March 22-24, 1981, San Francisco, California外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing V : 24-26 April 2000, Orlando, [Florida] USA外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XIX : 29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトAdaptive optics systems and technology : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLaser Radar III : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトWorkshop : effects of the environment on systems performance : April 8-10, 1985, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1995 : smart materials外部サイトAdvances in optical thin films : 30 September-3 October 2003, St. Etienne, France外部サイトMaterials and devices for photonic circuits : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトIntegrated Optical Circuit Engineering II : September 17-19, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトLaser anemometry, advances and applications : proceedings of the fifth international conference, Koningshof, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 23-27 August 1993外部サイトLiquid-crystal devices and materials : 25-27 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1997 : Mathematics and control in smart structures : 3-6 March 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical microlithographic technology for integrated circuit fabrication and inspection : 2-3 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : mathematics and control in smart structures : 6-9 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトAdvances in fabrication and metrology for optics and large optics : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical scatter : applications, measurement, and theory : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトScattering in optical materials : August 25-27, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトThermosense XIV : an International Conference on Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications, 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイト18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics : Optics for the next millennium : 2-6 August, 1999, San Francisco, California外部サイトPhotonics applications in astornomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments : 23-26 May 2002, Wilga, Poland外部サイトLinear, nonlinear, and power-limiting organics : 31 July-3 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトAir monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents II : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトProcessing of guided wave optoelectronic materials : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHuman vision, visual processing, and digital display : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトInfrared detectors, focal plane arrays, and imaging sensors : 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトCockpit displays : 7-8 April 1994 , Orlando, Florida外部サイトROMOPTO 2003, Seventh Conference on Optics, 8-11 September 2003, Constanta, Romania外部サイトElectro-optical technology for remote chemical detection and identification III : 13 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInternet performance and control of network systems II : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトPulse power for lasers III : 24-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptoelectronics applications in medicine, food technology and environmental protection : first Polish-German Seminar, Wroclaw, 17 and 18 December 2001外部サイトALT'03 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies : Biomedical optics : 19-23 September, 2003, Silsoe, United Kingdom外部サイトAutomatic target recognition XIII : 22-24 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトSaratov Fall Meeting 2005 : Coherent optics of ordered and random media VI : 27-30 September 2005, Saratov, Russia外部サイトAtmospheric propagation IV : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトOptical remote sensing for environmental and process monitoring : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Air & Waste Management Association, San Francisco, CA, September 25-27, 1995外部サイトSubstance detection systems : proceedings : 5-8 October 1993, Innsbruck, Austria外部サイトOptical diagnostics for fluids/heat/combustion and photomechanics for solids : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトProceedings of the 15th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, August 21-27, 1982, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトPhotomask and X-ray mask technology IV : 17-18 April, 1997, Kawasaki, Japan外部サイトProceedings of lasers in otolaryngology, dermatology, and tissue welding : 16-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing VII : 1-2 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイト15th European Conference on Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and Microcomponents '98 : 16-17 November 1998, Munich-Unterhaching, Germany外部サイトIntegrated optics and optoelectronics : 5-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトBiophotonics new frontier : from genome to proteome : 27 April 2004, Strasbourg, France外部サイトReal-time signal processing for industrial applications, 27-28 June, 1988, Dearborn, Michigan外部サイトMicro- and nano-optics for optical interconnection and information processing : 29-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing XVI : 3-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA外部サイトHolography, diffractive optics, and applications II : 8-11 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトCoherence domain optical methods and optical coherence tomography in biomedicine VII : 27-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XVIII : 12-14 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトThe nature of light : what is a photon? : 1-2 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトAdvances in optical information processing VIII : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XI : photovoltaics, photochemistry, and photoelectrochemistry : 19 and 21 May 1992, Toulouse-Labège, France外部サイトProjection display technology, systems, and applications, 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMultifunctional materials : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトPhotosensitivity and self-organization in optical fibers and waveguides : 17-18 August 1993, Québec, Canada外部サイトInfrared systems and components : 13-15 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトHigh-temperature microwave superconductors and applications : 10 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトFullerenes and photonics II : 10-11 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトWorkshop on integrated modeling of telescopes : 5-7 February 2002, Lund, Sweden外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : Smart structures and integrated systems : 6-9 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトOptics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision IV : 8-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトApplications and science of computational intelligence IV : 17-18 April 2001, Orland, USA外部サイト10th International Optical Computing Conference : April 6-8, 1983, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.外部サイトPhotopolymer device physics, chemistry, and applications : 17-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSelected papers from Fifth International Conference on Correlation Optics : 10-13 May, 2001, Chernivtsi, Ukraine外部サイトMachine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration III : 31 October-2 November 1994, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトIntelligent robots and computer vision XIV : Algorithms, techniques, active vision, and materials handling : 23-26 October 1995 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania外部サイトCurrent research on holography and interferometric methods for measurement of object properties : 2000-2002外部サイトThe Laser marketplace in 1991 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers外部サイトIntegrating photogrammetric techniques with scene analysis and machine vision III : 21-23 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFiber optic datacom and computer networks : 8-9 September 1988外部サイトMillimeter and submillimeter detectors for astronomy : 25-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA外部サイトMedical imaging V, Image processing : 27 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトChemical and biological standoff detection III : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA外部サイトSensors, systems, and next-generation satellites II : 21-24 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain外部サイト19th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 16-21 September 1990, Cambridge, England外部サイトLaser applications : Laser Optics '93, 21-25 June 1993, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトOptical fibers in broadband networks, instrumentation, and urban and industrial environments : photon '83 : May 16-19, 1983, Paris, France外部サイトAdvanced wavefront control : methods, devices and applications IV : 14-15 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトMetal vapor, deep blue, and ultraviolet lasers : 17-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトReal time signal processing VI : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California外部サイトAcquisition, tracking, and pointing VIII : 5-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida外部サイトProceedings of three-dimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing IV : 12-13 February 1997, San Jose, California外部サイトCurrent developments in optical design and optical engineering II : 20-21, 23 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトApplications of holography : January 21-23, 1985, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRadio frequency photonic devices and systems : 31 July-1 august 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトFocal plane arrays for space telescopes III : 27-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトProceedings of lasers in dentistry V : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトPhysics and simulation of optoelectronic devices XV : 22-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical interference coatings : 6-10 June 1994, Grenoble, France外部サイトSixth International Conference on Correlation Optics : 16-19 September 2003, Chernivtsi, Ukraine外部サイトDry processing for submicrometer lithography : 12-13 October 1989, Santa Clara, California外部サイトExcimer beam applications, 6 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイト12th Czech-Slovak-Polish Optical Conference on wave and quantum aspects of contemporary optics : 12-15 September 2000, Velké Losiny, Czech Republic外部サイトOptical disk technology : [symposium] January 26-28, 1982, Los Angeles, California外部サイトAdvanced Technology Optical Telescopes V : 15-16 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii外部サイトNonlinear image processing III : 12-13 February 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトUltraviolet technology II : 4-5 April 1988, Orlando, Florida外部サイトEnvironmental sensing and combustion diagnostics : 24-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California外部サイトGamma-ray and cosmic-ray detectors, techniques, and missions : 5-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトThird International Workshop on Laser Beam and Optics Characterization, 7-10 July, 1996, Québec City, Canada外部サイトAdvances in optical data storage technology : 8-10 November, 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトAdaptive optics and and applications III : 8-9 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトIn-process optical measurements外部サイトThe Marketplace for medical lasers 1989 : a seminar examining recent trends and market developments in the medical laser industry : 14 April 1989, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトEpitaxial growth processes : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトProceedings of optical fibers in medicine V : January 14-19 1990, Los Angeles, California外部サイトMEMS adaptive optics : 24-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInfrared optical fibers and their applications : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトRemote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere XII : 17-19 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトInfrared image processing and enhancement, 20-21 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAdvanced microdevices and space science sensors : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart materials, structures, and integrated systems : 11-13 December 1997, Adelaide, Australia外部サイトHigh heat flux and synchrotron radiation beamlines : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトHard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics and Penetrating radiation systems VIII : 14-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XII : 21-23 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトTechniques and instrumentation for detection of exoplanets III : 28-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトGeneration, amplification, and measurement of ultrashort laser pulses : 25-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトVertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers IV : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトOptical fabrication, testing and metrology II : 13-15 September 2005, Jena, Germany外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and random phenomena : 26-27 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトTenth All-Union Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy : 2-9 June 1991, Omsk, Russia外部サイトLaser source and system technology for defense and security : 28-29 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイト1996 International Conference on Multichip Modules : proceedings, April 17-19, 1996, Denver, Colorado外部サイトDiamond optics III : 9-11 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトConference on the Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits : 5-7 February 1992, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India外部サイトSeventh international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics : 19-22 July 2000, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトWave-optical systems engineering : 30-31 July 2001 San Diego, USA外部サイトHolographics International '92 : 23-29 July 1992, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom外部サイトPhotomask and X-ray mask technology : 22 April 1994, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, Japan外部サイトFirst International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications, 3-5 October 1994, Ancona, Italy外部サイトICONO '98 : fundamental aspects of laser-matter interaction and new nonlinear optical materials and physics of low-dimensional structures : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia外部サイトOptical engineering at the lawrence livermore national laboratory II : The national ignition facility : 28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトOptical technologies for atmospheric, ocean, and environmental studies : 18-22 October 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトPassive infrared remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere II : 26-28 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトOptics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems X : 17-18 September 2007, Florence, Italy外部サイトUltraviolet ground- and space-based measurements, models, and effects : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments XI : 1-2 August 2005 San Diego, California, USA外部サイトIn-vitro diagnostic instrumentation : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 2006 : 18-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトRemote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology VI : 14-16 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトConference on Digital Radiography : September 14-16, 1981, Fairchild Auditorium, Stanford University Medical Center, California外部サイトLiquid crystals : chemistry, physics, and applications : 13-17 September 1999, Krynica, Poland外部サイトIndustrial and commercial applications of holography : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser diode optics : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSensor fusion V : 15-17 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトMedical imaging IV, Image processing : 6-8 February 1990, Newport Beach, California外部サイトEndoscopic microscopy : 22 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトInfrared components and their applications : 8-11 November 2004, Beijing, China外部サイトMultilayer structures and laboratory X-ray laser research : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical surfaces resistant to severe environments : 11-12 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトSoft X-ray lasers and applications III : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトLaser materials processing and machining : 20-21 June 1994, Frankfurt, FRG外部サイトOrganic light-emitting materials and devices VII : 4-6 August 2003 San Diego, California, USA外部サイトHigh-performance optical spectrometry : 1-5 June 1992, Warsaw, Poland外部サイトUltrafast phenomena in semiconductors : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトWorkshop on Photonic Logic and Information Processing : 11-13 November 1986, Huntsville, Alabama外部サイトOptical technologies for arming, safing, fuzing, and firing II : 15 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトFibre optics '88外部サイトMicroelectronics manufacturing and reliability : 21-22 September 1992, San Jose, California外部サイトAdvances in X-ray/EUV optics, components, and applications : 14-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトApplication of optical instrumentation in medicine XIII : medical image production, processing, and display : February 3-6, 1985, Newport Beach, California外部サイトAdvanced telescope design, fabrication, and control : 19 and 21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトUltrafast phenomena in semiconductors VI : 21, 24-25 January, 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトOptical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy X : 20-21 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1992 : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトCryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments III : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトEnforcement and security technologies : 3-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1999 : mathematics and control in smart structures : 1-4 March, 1999, Newport Beach, California外部サイトQuantum well and superlattice physics : 23-24 March 1987, Bay Point, Florida外部サイト16th International conference on photoelectronics and night vision devices : 25-27 May 2000 Moscow, Russia外部サイトFiber-optic metrology and standards : 12-14 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4外部サイトPolarizers and applications : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトNew materials for optical waveguides : 2-3 April, 1987, The Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトOptics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting IV : 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom外部サイトPhoton counting applications, quantum optics, and quantum cryptography : 18-19 April 2007,Prague, Czech Republic外部サイトFlow visualization and aero-optics in simulated environments : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPhotodetector materials and devices VII : 21-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトRemote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2004 : 13-14 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトAdvanced biomedical and clinical diagnostic systems II : 25-26 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトAdvanced processing and characterization of semiconductors III : 22-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California外部サイトCurrent developments in optical design and optical engineering IV : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California外部サイトSuperconductivity applications for infrared and microwave devices II : 4-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトModern technologies applied to medical practice : 6-11 November1989, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany外部サイトMicrowave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment IV : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies X : 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California外部サイトProceedings of systems and technologies for clinical diagnostics and drug discover : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, Clifaornia外部サイトAnalysis of optical structures : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトCharge-coupled devices and solid state optical sensors II : 25-27 February 1991, San Jose, California外部サイトPhotonic devices and algorithms for computing : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSensor fusion II, 28-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトApplications and science of computational intelligence : 13-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida外部サイトSignal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XIV : 28-30 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトNonlinear optical properties of organic materials III : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1998 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 4-5 March 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトFiber-based component fabrication, testing and connectorization : 29-30 October 2002, Brugge, Belgium外部サイトDiffraction phenomena in optical engineering applications外部サイトOptical diagnostics and sensing of biological fluids and glucose and cholesterol monitoring : 22-23 January 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトMathematical methods in geophysical imaging III : 12-13 July 1995, San Diego, California外部サイトOptical devices in adverse environments : 19-20 November 1987, Cannes, France外部サイトDesign, test, and microfabrication of MEMS and MOEMS : 30 March-1 April 1999, Paris, France外部サイトAcousto-optic, electro-optic, and magneto-optic devices and applications, 15-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California外部サイトLaser wavefront control : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトTenth joint international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics/atmospheric physics : Part II, Laser sensing and atmospheric physics : 24-28 June 2003, Tomsk, Russia外部サイトAdvances in laser scanning and recording : April 19-20, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland外部サイトOptical online industrial process monitoring : 22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors II : 19-21 September 1990, San Jose, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2006 : Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトApplied laser radar technology : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトPrecision plastic optics for optical storage, displays, imaging, and communications : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトSignal and data processing of small targets 1993 : 12-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida外部サイトLaser beam propagation and control : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California外部サイトApplications of artificial neural networks in image processing VII : 24-25 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトQuantum optics in computing and communications : 16-17 October 2002, Shanghai, China外部サイトNeural and stochastic methods in image and signal processing II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser diode technology and applications : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトEnabling technologies and design of nonlethal weapons : 18-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトMillimeter and submillimeter detectors for astronomy II : 23-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトAdvances in mirror technology for synchrotron x-ray and laser applications : 20 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトAutomatic target recognition IX : 7-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida外部サイトFiber optic materials and components : 28-29 July 1994 San Diego, California外部サイトThird International conference on virtual reality and its application in industry : 9-12 April 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトInternational Conference on Holography and Correlation Optics : 15-19 May 1995, Chernovtsy, Ukraine外部サイトTelescope control systems : 19-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida外部サイトAutomatic target recognition X : 26-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA外部サイトFifth symposium optics in industry : 8-9 September 2005, Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2000 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 7-9 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA外部サイトAirglow and aurora : 30 June, 1993, Tromsö, Norway外部サイトPhotonics for space environments VI : 22 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトAirborne reconnaissance V, April 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California外部サイトElectron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam techniques for submicrometer lithographies IV : March 14-15, 1985, Santa Clara, California外部サイトHybrid image and signal processing III : 23-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida外部サイトBioengineered and bioinspired systems : 19-21 May 2003 Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain外部サイトRemote sensing in atmospheric pollution monitoring and control : 2 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトUltrashort-wavelength lasers : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California外部サイトCurrent developments in optical elements and manufacturing : 16-18 September 1998, Beijing, China外部サイトPhotonics 2000 : International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics : 18-20 December 2000, Calcutta, India : proceedings外部サイトProceedings of biomedical systems and technologies II : 4-6 September 1997, San Remo, Italy外部サイトContemporary optical instrument design, fabrication, and testing外部サイトFiber-optic sensors, engineering and applications : 14-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4外部サイトLidar remote sensing for environmental monitoring IV : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトNonimaging optics, maximum-efficiency light transfer II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトLithography for semiconductor manufacturing : 19-21 May 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland外部サイトReal time signal processing XII : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトThree-dimensional holography : science, culture, education : the internationalUNESCO seminar : 5-8 September 1989, Kiev, USSR外部サイトQuantum-well and superlattice physics III : 18-19 March 1990, San Diego, California外部サイトAdvances in display technology : August 29-30, 1979, San Diego, California外部サイトReflective optics II : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida外部サイトChemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors IX : 16-18 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトProceedings of advances in laser and light spectroscopy to diagnose cancer and other diseases II : 7-8 February 1995, San Jose, California外部サイトTechnologies for synthetic environments: Hardware-in-the-loop testing VIII : 21-22 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA外部サイトRIAO/OPTILAS 2004: 5th Iberoamerican meeting on optics and 8th Latin American meeting on optics, lasers, and their applications: ICO regional meeting : 3-8 October 2004, Porlamar, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela外部サイトLaser interferometry X : techniques and analysis : 31 July-1 August 2000, Sandiego, USA外部サイトThird International Conference on Experimental Mechanics : 15-17 October, 2001, Beijing China外部サイトFree-space laser communication technologies : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California外部サイトRecent trends in optical systems design外部サイトComplex adaptive structures : 4-6 June, 2001, Hutchinson, USA外部サイトOptical engineering for sensing and nanotechnology (ICOSN 2001) : 6-8 June 2001, Yokohama, Japan外部サイトFifth International Symposium on Optical Storage (ISOS 2000) : 22-26 May 2000, Shanghai, China外部サイトGenomics and proteomics technologies, 22-23 January, 2001, San Jose, USA外部サイトAdvanced environmental, chemical, and biological sensing technologies II : 25-26 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA外部サイトCryogenic optical systems and instruments : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California外部サイトHigh-Tc superconductivity : thin films and devices : 16-17 March 1988, Newport Beach, California外部サイトDigital wireless communications V : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA外部サイトPassive optical remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds IV : 9-10 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA外部サイトApplications of digital image processing XXVII : 2-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトFiber optic smart structures and skins II : 5-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2005 : Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトFiber optics multiplexing and modulation : April 7, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトOptical spectroscopic instrumentation and techniques for the 1990s : applications in astronomy, chemistry, and physics, 4-6 June 1990, Las Cruces, New Mexico外部サイトInternational Symposium on Laser-Plasma Interactions : 9-12 November 1992, Shanghai, China外部サイトOphthalmic optics外部サイトLidar atmospheric monitoring : 16-18 June 1997, Munich, FRG外部サイトNovel optoelectronic devices, 31 March-2 April 1987, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトHard X-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron detector physics II : 31 July-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA外部サイトData mining, intrusion detection, information assurance, and data networks security 2006 : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイトTunable diode laser spectroscopy, lidar, and DIAL techniques for environmental and industrial measurements : 11-14 October 1993, Atlanta, Georgia外部サイトOptical manufacturing and testing VI : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトUltraviolet and x-ray detection, spectroscopy and polarimetry III : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトEpilayers and heterostructures in optoelectronics and semiconductor technology : International Conference on Solid State Crystals '98 : 12-16 October 1998, Zakopane, Poland外部サイトOptics for fourth-generation x-ray sources : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトOptical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XIII : 18-22 April 1994, Freiburg, FRG外部サイトAstronomical structures and mechanisms technology : 21-22 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom外部サイトImage algebra and morphological image processing IV : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California外部サイトWavelet applications III : 8-12 April 1996, Orlando, Florida外部サイトInternational Conference on Insertion Devices for Synchrotron Sources外部サイトGeology from space : 27 September 1994, Rome, Italy外部サイトSemiconductor photodetectors : 28-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトMicromachining of elements with optical and other submicrometer dimensional and surface specifications : 2-3 April, 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands外部サイトApplications with weather satellites :24 October 2002, Hangzhou, China外部サイトRough surface scattering and contamination : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトPower-limiting materials and devices : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトFringe pattern analysis : 8-9 August 1989, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser applications in chemistry : 5-6 June 1986, Québec City, Canada外部サイトTest and measurement applications of optoelectronic devices : 21-22 January 2002, San Jose, USA外部サイトDocument recognition and retrieval XIII : 18-19 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA外部サイトLiquid crystal materials, devices, and displays外部サイトMirrors and windows for high power/high energy laser systems : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2004 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 16-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトFiber optic sensors II : 31 March-3 April 1987, the Hague, the Netherlands外部サイトHigh-resolution wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications III : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA外部サイトLens design, illumination and optomechanical modeling : 29-30 July 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトLaser radar technology and applications VI : 17-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA外部サイトThin-film neutron optical devices : mirrors, supermirrors, multilayer monochromators, polarizers, and beam guides : 16-17 August 1988, San Diego, California外部サイトMultimedia computing and networking 1999 : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California外部サイトOptics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting II : 11-12 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden外部サイトSpace station automation : September 17-18, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical systems degradation, contamination, and stray light: effects, measurements, and control : 2-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA外部サイトOptoelectronic and wireless data management, processing, storage, and retrieval : 22-24 August 2001, Denver, USA外部サイトPhysics, theory, and applications of periodic structures in optics II : 5-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイト3rd International Conference on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS III) for Medical Applications : February 7-8, 1985, Newport Beach, California外部サイトInternational Conference on Advanced Laser Dentistry : 20-23 June 1994, St. Petersburg, Russia外部サイトFiber optic and laser sensors IX : 3-5 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトInterferometry : applications : 22-23 July 1992, San Diego, California外部サイトICO20 : MEMS, MOEMS, and NEMS : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China外部サイトLaser-induced damage in optical materials, 1997 : 29th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 6-8, October, 1997, Boulder, Colorado外部サイトProcessing and packaging of semiconductor lasers and optoelectronic devices : 20-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California外部サイトOptics in agriculture and forestry : 16-17 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts外部サイトOptical inorganic dielectric materials and devices : 26-29 August, 1996, Riga, Latvia外部サイトSmart structures and materials 2002 : smart structures and integrated systems : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA外部サイトCharacterization, propagation, and simulation of sources and backgrounds : 2-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida外部サイトOptical sensors for environmental and chemical process monitoring : 9-10 November 1994, McLean, Virginia外部サイトX-ray microfocusing : applications and techniques : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments III : 26-30 May, 2004, Wilga, Poland外部サイトOrganic light-emitting materials and devices III : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado外部サイトSmart structures and materials 1997 : smart structures and integrated systems : 3-6 March 1997, San Diego, California外部サイトPhotovoltaics for solar energy applications II : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia外部サイトAdvances in optical information processing : January 20-21, 1983, Los Angeles, California外部サイトNano- and micro-optics for information systems : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA外部サイトOptics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision : 30-31 October 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts外部サイトSensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C31) technologies for homeland security and homeland defense V : 17-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA外部サイト






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SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE -- the International Society for Optical Engineering
SPIE proceedings series
Proceedings of SPIE
Image intensifiers and applications : and characteristics and consequences of space debris and near-earth objects, 23 July 1998, San Diego, California
High speed computing : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technology Symposium : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Applications of artificial intelligence VI, 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Scintillating fiber technology and applications II : 29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Rapid prototyping : 10-11 June, 1996, Besançon, France
Electro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications IV : 18-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy
Digital photography : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Internet multimedia management systems II : 22-23 August 2001, Denver, USA
Optics in entertainment : January 20-21, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Fiber optics : short-haul and long-haul measurements and applications II : August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California
Emerging lithographic technologies III : 15-17 March 1999, Santa Clara, California
Smart structures, devices, and systems : 16-18 December 2002 Melbourne, Australia
International Lens Design Conference : 11-14 June 1990, Monterey, California
Materials and devices for photonic circuits II : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Solar and switching materials : 1-2 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Laser interferometry IX : techniques and analysis : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California
Current developments in lens design and optical engineering VI : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Enabling technologies for simulation science VIII : 13-15 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Fiber optic networks ; and, Coherent technology in fiber optic systems II : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California
Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for lightwave communication :8-10 September 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Laser-based ultrasensitive spectroscopy and detection V : August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California
Chemical microsensors and applications : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Rapid isothermal processing : 12-13 October 1989, Santa Clara, California
Intelligent robotics : proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics, January 2-5, 1991, Bangalore, India
Optical thin films V : new developments : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Nondestructive detection and measurement for homeland security III : 7-9 March, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing III : 23-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Mini-Symposium on Image-Based Motion Measurement : in collaboration with First World Congress of Biomechanics : 31 August-1 September 1990, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA
Infrared astronomy : scientific/military thrusts and instrumentation : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Surveillance technologies II : 21-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Fiber optics reliability : benign and adverse environments IV : 18-20 September 1990, San Jose, California
Proceedings of lasers in orthopedic, dental, and veterinary medicine : 23-24 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Intelligent robots and computer vision : seventh in a series, 7-11 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Large screen projection displays : 15 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Industrial inspection : proceedings, ECO1, 19-20 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
ALT '94 International Conference : laser methods of surface treatment and modification : 5-9 September 1994, Konstanz, Germany
Nanoengineering: fabrication, properties, optics, and devices : 4-6 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado
Airborne reconnaissance XIII : 7-9 August 1989, San Diego, California
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations VIII : 22-24 July, 1998, San Diego, California
Biomedical optoacoustics IV : 26-27 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Infrared technology XVI : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Enabling photonic technologies for aerospace applications II : 24-25 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Computational imaging IV : 16-18 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Optical thin films II : new developments : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California
Atmospheric and environmental remote sensing data processing and utilization : numerical atmospheric prediction and environment monitoring : 1-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Infrared sensors and sensor fusion : 19-21 May, 1987, Orlando, Florida
Components for fiber optic applications III and coherent lightwave communications : 7-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Excimer lasers, their applications, and new frontiers in lasers : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Ultraviolet ground- and space-based measurements, models, and effects III : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Optical materials and process technology for energy efficiency and solar applications : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California
Environmentally conscious manufacturing V : 23-24 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Electro-optical imaging systems integration : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of optical biopsy and fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging : 9-10 September 1994, Lille, France
Image and signal processing for remote sensing VIII :24-27 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece
Applications of Infrared Technology : 9-10 June 1988, London, England
Laser testing and reliability : 7 November 1991, San Jose, California
Network design and management : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Geoinformatics 2006 : Geospatial information science : 28-29 October 2006, Wuhan, China
Emerging components and technologies for all-optical photonic systems II : 18-19 November, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Superstrong laser fields and applications : Laser Optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia
Solid state lighting and displays : 31 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
In situ industrial applications of optics : 25-27 June, 1986, Brussels, Belgium
Gas laser technology
Thirteenth Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics : 2-7 July 2005, Tomsk, Russia
Photonics, devices, and systems II :Proceedings from PHOTONICS PRAGUE 2002, 26-29 May 2002, Prague, Czech Republic, Miroslav Hrabovský, Dagmar Senderáková, Pavel Tománek, chairs/editors ; Organized by CSSF--Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics, Tech-Market
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing III : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology VII : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Adaptive optical systems technology : 29-31 March, 2000, Munich, Germany
Optical systems contamination and degradation : 20-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Intense microwave pulses III : 10-12 July 1995, San Diego, California
Optical pattern recognition XII : 19 April, 2001, Orlando, USA
Remote sensing of vegetation and sea : 23-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy
Ninth Workshop on Virtual Intelligence/Dynamic Neural Networks : academic/industrial/NASA/defense technical interchange and tutorials : international conferences on virtual intelligence/dynamic neural networks--neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary systems, and virtual reality/pulse coupled neural networks, 1998
Chemical and biological early warning monitoring for water, food, and ground : 1-2 November 2001, Newton, [Mass.], USA
Security and watermarking of multimedia contents : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Adaptive optical system technologies II : 22 - 26 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
X-ray optics and surface science
Airborne intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) systems and applications : 13-14 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Emerging lithographic technologies II : 23-25 February 1998, Santa Clara, California
Three-dimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing II : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California
Earth observing systems XI : 14-16 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Sixth Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor Workshop : 14-15 May 2003, Troutdale, Oregon, USA
Computer-controlled microshaping : 16-18 June 1999, Munich, Germany
Advanced algorithms and architectures for signal processing III : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California
Optical technology for microwave applications IV : 28-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Imaging spectroscopy of the terrestrial environment : 16-17 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Signal and data processing of small targets 1990 : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
ALT'01 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, 11-14 September, 2001, Constanta, Romania
Second International Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Engineering '94 : 15-18 August 1994, Beijing, China
Optical remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds II : 9-12 October 2000, Sendai, Japan
Passive materials for optical elements : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Micro-optics integration and assemblies : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets IX : 12-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
All-optical networking 1999 : architecture, control, and management issues : 19-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics
Optical design and testing : 15-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Sixth International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications : 22-25 June 2004, Ancona, Italy
Sensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications II : 22-24 January 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Modern optical characterization techniques for semiconductors and semiconductor devices : 26-27 March, 1987, Bay Point, Florida
Tribute to Warren Smith: a legacy in lens design and optical engineering : 1-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XI : 1-3 August, 2001, San Diego, [Calif.] USA
Storage and retrieval for image and video databases VI : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
ICONO 2005 : ultrafast phenomena and physics of superintense laser fields, quantum and atom optics, engineering of quantum information : 11-15 May 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
Holographic imaging and materials : 19-20 August 1993, Québec, Canada
Airborne laser advanced technology : 13-14 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Semiconductor microlithography VI, March 30-31, 1981, San Jose, California
Gas, liquid, and free-electron lasers : Laser Optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia
Proceedings of time-resolved spectroscopy and imaging of tissues : 23-24 January, 1991, Los Angeles, California
Fiber lasers: technology, systems, and applications : 26-28 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA
High power lasers and their industrial applications : divisional meeting of the Quantum Electronics Division/European Physical Society, 15-18 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria
ICONO '95 : Coherent phenomena and amplification without inversion : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
Microrobotics and microsystem fabrication : 16-17 October 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Optical microlithography XIII : 1-3 March 2000, Santa Clara, USA
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1992 : 24th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 28-30, October, 1992, Boulder, Colorado
Proceedings of photodynamic therapy of cancer II : 9-20 September 1994, Lille, France
Laser Florence 2002 : a window on the laser medicine world : 28-31 October 2002, Florence, Italy
Practical holography IV : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Future trends in fiber optic communications : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia : [proceedings]
Optical data storage technologies : proceedings, 22-27 October 1990, Singapore
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing X : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2000 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices(EAPAD) : 6-8 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA
Holography : January 24-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Speckle techniques, birefringence methods, and applications to solid mechanics : Second International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology : 22-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1990 : 22nd Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 24-26, October, 1990,Boulder, Colorado
Multispectral and hyperspectral image acquisition and processing : 22-24 2001, Wuhan, China
Materials and optics for solar energy conversion and advanced lighting technology : 19-21 August, 1986, San Diego, California
Medical imaging III, Image capture and display : 29-31 January 1989, Newport Beach, California
Applications of lasers to industrial chemistry : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Raman spectroscopy and light scattering technologies in materials science : 31 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Integrated optics and millimeter and microwave integrated circuits : November 16-18, 1981, Huntsville, Alabama
Advanced optical manufacturing and testing technology : 1-3 November 2000, Chengdu, China
Optical security and anticounterfeiting systems : 15-16 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Free-space laser communication technologies XI : 26-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Atmospheric propagation and remote sensing IV : 17-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
5th international workshop on adaptive optics for industry and medicine : 29 August-1 September 2005, Beijing, China
Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves : 10-14 January 1994, San Diego, California
Stereoscopic displays and applications III : 12-13 February 1992, San Jose, California
Hard copy output : 17-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Quantum communications and quantum imaging II : 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Detectors and associated signal processing : 1-2 October 2003, St. Etienne, France
Holographic materials V : 26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition IV : 17-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Intelligent robots and computer vision XI : algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Technologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing II : 21-23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing IX : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, USA
Biomedical applications of free-electron lasers : 22 January 2000, San Jose, California
Proceedings of lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems V : 4-6 February 1995, San Jose, California
Hyperspectral remote sensing of the ocean : 9-11 October 2000, Sendai, Japan
Intense microwave pulses V : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Wavefront distortions in power optics : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California
Laser radar technology and applications III : 14-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Diffractometry and scatterometry : 24-28 May 1993, Warsaw, Poland
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery X : 21-23 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Optical interconnections and networks : ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Laser tissue interaction XIII : photochemical, photothermal, and photomechanical : 20-23 January 2002, San Jose, California /Steven L. Jacques...[et al.], chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
Conference digest : Sixteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 26-30 August 1991, Lausanne, Switzerland
Geometric methods in computer vision II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optical pattern recognition XI : 26-27 April, 2000, Orlando, Florida
Hard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics VII : 1-3 August 2005, San Diego, California
Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision VIII : 8-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Confocal, multiphoton, and nonlinear microscopic imaging : 22-23 June 2003, Munich, Germany
Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision II : 5-6 November 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Quantum well and superlattice physics VI : 29-30 January 1996, San Jose, California
Sensor fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications IV : 25-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Holographic optical security systems : proceedings, ECO4, 14-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands
Proceedings of effects of low-power light on biological systems IV : 8-9 September 1998, Stockholm, Sweden
High power and solid state lasers : 23-24 January, 1986, Los Angeles, California
Advances in multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV/FUV optics : 24-26 July 1994, San Diego, California
Laser radar techniques for atmospheric sensing : 14-16 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control III, 27-28 February 1989, Los Angeles, California
1994 topical meeting on optical data storage : 16-18 May 1994, Dana Point, California
Human vision and electronic imaging : models, methods, and applications : 12-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Infrared detectors and focal plane arrays VIII : 15-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Laser Optics 2000, ultrafast optics and superstrong laser fields : 26-30 June, 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia
Adaptive and learning systems II : 12-13 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Optical technology for signal processing systems : 1-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Innovative telescopes and instrumentation for solar astrophysics : 24-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Current developments in optical design and optical engineering VIII : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision VII : 15-16 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Stray radiation V : 18-20 August, 1986, San Diego, California
Advanced sensor technologies for nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring : 8-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Science and engineering of medical imaging : 24-26 April 1989, Paris, France
Solid state sensor arrays : development and applications : 10-11 February 1997, San Jose, California
High speed photography, videography, and photonics VI : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California
Optical system design and analysis software : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Holography, diffractive optics, and applications : 15-17 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Fiber laser sources and amplifiers IV : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Image processing III : 27-28 April 1989, Paris, France
Fiber optics reliability : benign and adverse environments : 17-18 August 1987, San Diego, California
Industrial applications of optical inspection, metrology, and sensing : 19-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Infrared technology and applications XXVIII : 7-11 July 2002 ,Seattle, Washington, USA
Selected papers from Photonics India '98 : 14-18 December 1998, New Delhi, India
Image and video communications and processing 2000 : 25-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Soft X-ray microscopy : 19-21 July 1992, San Diego, California
Airborne reconnaissance XII : 16-17 August 1988, San Diego, California
Eyesafe lasers : components, systems, and applications : 21 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy VI : 12-14 July 1995, San Diego, California
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments VI : 4-5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing VI : 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Machine vision systems for inspection and metrology VIII : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Advancements in adaptive optics : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Infrared technology and applications XXIX : 21-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Materials for optical switches, isolators, and limiters : 28-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2004 : sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Medical imaging IV, Image capture and display : 4-5 February 1990, Newport Beach, California
Laser technology II : 7-10 September 1987, Szczecin, Poland
Proceedings of coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications : 12-14 February 1997, San Jose, California
Interferometry VI : applications : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Sensor fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications V : 18-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Radar sensor technology V : 27 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Command, control, communications, and intelligence systems for law enforcement : 19-21 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Nonlinear optical properties of materials, 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
High intensity laser processes
Space structures, power, and power conditioning : 11-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technology Symposium ...
Fourth Oxford Conference on Spectroscopy : 10-12 June 2002, Davidson, North Carolina, USA
High speed photography, videography, and photonics : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California
SAR data processing for remote sensing : proceedings : 28-30 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XII : 28-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Radar sensor technology VI : 19 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Laser source and system technology for defense and security II : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Multimedia hardware architectures 1998 : 29-30 January, 1998, San Jose, California
Optical information processing systems and architectures, 8-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XI : 12-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology VI : 21-25 May 2002, Hangzhou, China
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction : January 15-17 1990, Los Angeles, California
Laser techniques for surface science : 27-29 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Electronic imaging applications in graphic arts : 17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Fiber optic physical sensors in manufacturing and transportation : 8-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Recent advances in remote sensing and hyperspectral remote sensing : 27-29 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Chemical and biological point sensors for homeland defense II : 26-27 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Microscopy : techniques and capabilities : September 21-22, 1982, London, England
Techniques and instrumentation for detection of exoplanets : 5-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Advances in adaptive optics II : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Inhomogeneous and quasi-inhomogeneous optical coatings : 19-20 August 1993, Québec, Canada
Helmet- and head-mounted displays VI : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Infrared technology and applications XXXIII : 9-13 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Radar sensor technology IV : 8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Space station automation III : 2-4 November 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Practical holography V : 27 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California
Optical specifications : components and systems : April 5-7, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Application of lidar to current atmospheric topics III : 22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
WDM and photonic switching devices for network applications : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, Calofornia
Optical processing and computing : a tribute to Adolf Lohmann : 17-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Optical materials and applications : 6-9 July 2004, Tartu, Estonia
Technologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing III : 13-15 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision III : 8-9 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Physical concepts and materials for novel optoelectronic device applications II : international symposium, 24-27 May 1993, Trieste, Italy
Airborne reconnaissance XXIII : 20-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Nonimaging optics and efficient illumunation systems II : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego California, USA
ICO20 : biomedical optics : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China
Electronic imaging and multimedia technology IV : 8-11 November 2004, Beijing, China
Visual information processing II : 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
5th International Workshop on Image Processing and Computer Optics (DIP-94) : 22-26 August 1994, Samara, Russia
Microwave sensing and synthetic aperture radar : 23-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy
Linear and nonlinear integrated optics : 11-13 April 1994, Lindau, Federal Republic of Germany
Third International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 7-11 June 1999, St. Petersburg, Russia
Optomechanical engineering and vibration control : 20-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optical computing and neural networks : 16-17 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China
Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision V : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
The Laser marketplace in 1989 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers
Hyperspectral remote sensing and application : 15-17 September 1998, Beijing, China
Enhanced and synthetic vision 2007 : 9-10 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
High-speed networking and multimedia computing : 8-10 February 1994, San Jose, California
Helmet-mounted displays III : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Color imaging X : processing, hardcopy, and applications : 17-20 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
ICO20 : optical devices and instruments : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China
Advanced LEDs for solid state lighting : 5-7 September 2006, Gwangju, South Korea
Microelectronics technology and process integration : 20-21 October 1994, Austin, Texas
Education in microelectronics and MEMS : 28-29 October 1999, Royal Pines Resort, Queensland, Australia
APOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : Optical fiber and planar waveguide technology : 13-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina
Unmanned systems technology VIII : 17-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Practical holography VI : 11-13 February 1992, San Jose, California
Third International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : proceedings : 27-31 May, 2002, Osaka, Japan
Submicrometer metallization : the challenges, opportunities, and limitations : 23-25 September 1992, San Jose, California
Fiber optic couplers, connectors, and splice technology II : August 20-21, 1985, San Diego, California
Miniature and micro-optics : fabrication and system applications : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Frequency-stabilized lasers and their applications : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Visual communications and image processing '90 : fifth in a series, 1-4 October 1990, Lausanne, Switzerland
Cooperative intelligent robotics in space III : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Photonics for port and harbor security II : 18-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Advanced environmental sensing technology II : 31 October-1 November, 2001, Newton, [Massachusetts] USA
First jet propulsion laboratory in Situ Instruments Workshop : 11-13 june 2002, Pasadena, California, USA
Lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems XII : 19-20, 22 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Processing of images and data from optical sensors : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California : [proceedings]
Controls for optical systems : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
10th Annual Symposium on Microlithography : proceedings : September 26-27, 1990, Sunnyvale Hilton, Sunnyvale, California
Applications of artificial intelligence IV, 15-16 April, 1986, Innsbruck, Austria
Applications of electronic imaging : 17-19 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing VII : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
New frontiers in stellar interferometry : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Photonic bandgap materials and devices : 23-25 January, 2002, San Jose, USA
Optical microlithography XI : 25-27 February 1998, Santa Clara, California
Theory and practice of surface-relief diffraction gratings : synchrotron and other applications : 20 July 1998, San Diego, California
Optical technology for microwave applications : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Stereoscopic displays and applications : 12-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Ophthalmic lens design and fabrication : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Vibration monitoring and control : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Lasers in motion for industrial applications : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angels, California
Vision systems--sensors, sensor systems, and components : 10-12 June 1996, Besançon, France
Optics in engineering measurement : 3-6 December 1985, Cannes, France
Optical technology for microwave applications VI and optoelectronic signal processing for phased-array antennas III : 20-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Highly parallel signal processing architectures
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion IV, August 20-22, 1985, San Diego, California
Space systems technology and operations : 24 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Technologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing IV : 5-7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Space processing of materials : 4-5 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Current developments in optical design and optical engineering VI : 5-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Atmospheric propagation : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Laser radar technology and applications V : 26-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Metrology, inspection, and process control for microlithography XIV : 28 February - 2 March 2000, San Clara, California
Emerging applications of computer vision : 25th AIPR Workshop, 16-18 October 1996, Washington, D.C.
Spaceborne sensors : 13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Active and passive optical components for communications VI : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Intense microwave and particle beams III : 20-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Advanced technology optical telescopes III : 3-6 March 1986, Tucson, Arizona
Coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications V : 23-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Ultraprecision machining and automated fabrication of optics
Ocean optics X : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Advances in display technology VI : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Coding and signal processing for information storage : 23-24 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Proceedings of optical fibers in medicine VII : 21-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Enhanced and synthetic vision 1996 : 8-10 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Optical methods for indusutrial processes : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA
Advances in resist technology and processing XXII : 28 February-2 March, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers II : 22-26 September 1997, Tomsk, Russia
WDM and photonic switching devices for network applications III : 24-25 January, 2002, San Jose, USA
Liquid crystals and spatial light modulator materials : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Space guidance, control, and tracking : 12-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Smart electronics and MEMS : 11-13 December 1997, Adelaide, Australia
Seventh International Conference on Correlation Optics : 6-9 September 2005, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Imaging spectrometry V : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Laser systems technology : 21-23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Smart structures and materials 2000 : damping and isolation : 6-8 March 2000, Newport Beach, California
Laser Florence 2001 : a window on the laser medicine world : 7-11 November 2001, Florence, Italy
Third International Conference on Trends in Quantum Electronics : proceedings : europhysics conference, 29 August-3 September 1988, Bucharest, Romania
Recent developments and applications of infrared analytical instrumentation : 7-8 June 1988, London, England
Photonics : high bandwidth analog applications : 7-11 April 1986, Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida
Storage and retrieval for image and video databases II : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California
Internet imaging : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion VI : 18-19 August 1987, San Diego, California
Optical data storage 2000 : 14-17 May, 2000, Whistler, Canada
Remote sensing of the coastal oceanic environment : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Ninth joint international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics/atmospheric physics : Part I, Radiation propagaton in the atmosphere and ocean : 2-5 July 2002, Tomsk, Russia
X-ray multilayers for diffractometers, monochromators, and spectrometers : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California
Diamond optics V : 20-21 July 1992, San Diego, California
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control VIII : 28 February-2 March [1994], San Jose, California
Unattended ground sensor technologies and applications II : 26 April 2000, Orlando, [Florida] USA
Soft X-ray lasers and applications II : 28-29 July, 1997, San Diego, California
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition II : 12-14 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Fifth international conference on solid state lighting : 1-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Medical imaging 1994, PACS, design and evaluation : 15-18 February 1994, Newport Beach, California
Laser Radar II : 19-20 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Nonlinear image processing IX : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California
Sensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation : 2-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Optical instruments for weather forecasting : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Infrared imaging systems: design, analysis, modeling, and testing XIV : 23-24 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Penetrating radiation systems and applications : 19-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Advanced global communications technologies for astronomy : 31 March 2000, Munich, Germany
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites : 22-25 September 1997, London, UK
Nondestructive evaluation of aging utilities : 6-7 June 1995, Oakland, California
Second International Symposium on Advanced Laser Technologies : 8-13 November 1993, Prague, Czech Republic
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology IV : 26 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Characterization of very high speed semiconductor devices and integrated circuits : 23-25 March, 1987, Bay Point, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2001 : Sensory phenomena and measurement instrumentation for smart structures and materials : 5-6 March 2001, Newport Beach, USA
Advances in image processing : 31 March-3 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands
Acousto-optics and applications V : 6-10 September 2004, Gdańsk, Poland
Applications of thin-film multilayered structures to figured X-ray optics : August 20-22, 1985, San Diego, California
Photonics at the Air Force Photonics Center : 4-5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of optical biopsies : 14-15 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain
Chemical and biological sensing VIII : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Fundamental problems of laser optics : laser optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, st. Petersburg, Russia
Superconducting superlattices and multilayers : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XII : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California
Terahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics V : 25-26 January 2006, San Jose California, USA
Environmentally conscious manufacturing III : 29-30 October, 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Technologies for optical fiber communications : 25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy VII : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Visual information processing X : 19-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Charge-coupled devices and solid state optical sensors III : 2-3 February 1993, San Jose, California
Nonlinear image processing XI : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California
Laser radar technology and applications IX : 13-15 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA
New methods and istruments for space- and earth-baced spectroscopy in XUV, UV, IR, and millimeter waves
Chemical and medical sensors : 12-13 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4
Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, 1-5 September 1986, CSIR Conference Centre, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa
Electro-optic computer peripherals technology : 16 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China
Photodynamic therapy : mechanisms, 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Terahertz spectroscopy and applications : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Fluctuations and noise in materials : 26-28 May, 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam technology : submicrometer lithographies VII : 2-4 March 1988, Santa Clara, California
Optics for high-brightness synchrotron radiation beamlines II : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Engineered nanostructural films and materials : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Gradient-index optics and miniature optics : 8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Smart focal plane arrays and focal plane array testing : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Eighth International Symposium on Laser Metrology : macro-, micro-, and nano-technologies applied in science, engineering, and industry : 14-18 February, 2005, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Design of efficient illumination systems : 4-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Guided-wave optics
Micromachined devices and components II : 14-15 October 1996, Austin, Texas
Crystal materials for nonlinear optical devices and microgravity science : 8-9 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
First European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials : held at the Forte Crest Hotel, Glasgow, 12-14 May 1992
Optical spectroscopic techniques, remote sensing, and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research IV : 30 July-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Nanofabrication technologies and device integration : 13-14 April 1994, Lindau, FRG
Diagnostic imaging applications, 8-9 October 1984, Amsterdam, The Netherlands : held in conjunction with ECOOSA '84--the European Conference on Optics, Optical Systems and Applications
Applications of artificial neural networks III : 21-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Optical diagnostics and sensing of biological fluids and glucose and cholesterol monitoring II : 23-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Micromachining optical components and precision engineering : ECO1 22-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Sensor fusion and decentralized control in robotic systems
Fifth international conference on material science and material properties for infrared optoelectronics : 22-24 may 2000, Kiev, Ukraine
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology II : 20-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Far- and near-field optics : physics and information processing : 23-24 July 1998, San Diego, California
Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems V : 26-29 January 1998, San Jose, California
Design, fabrication, and characterization of photonic devices : 27-30 November 2001, Singapore
Targets, backgrounds, and discrimination : proceedings, Infrared Information Symposia (IRIS)
Scanning microscopy instrumentation : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing VII : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Mode-locked and solid state lasers, amplifiers, and applications : 17-19 August 1993, Québec, Canada
Quantum dot devices and computing : 21 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Excimer lasers and optics : [papers] : 18-19 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors, 6-7 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
Lasers in dentistry VII : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Transport technologies for broadband optical access networks : 7-8 April 1993, Berlin, FRG
Microwave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment III : 24-25 October 2002, Hangzhou, China
Laser interaction with tissue : 11-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Femtosecond phenomena and nonlinear optics III : 11-12 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Biomedical diagnostic, guidance, and surgical-assist systems III : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Cockpit displays III : 10-11 April 1996 , Orlando, Florida
Microwave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment II : 9-12 October 2000, Sendai, Japan
Electromechanical system interaction with optical design : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
X-ray optics, instruments, and missions II : 18-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Space optical materials and space qualification of optics, 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy III : 22-23 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Image processing : algorithms and systems : 21-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Industrial laser interferometry II : 27-28 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan
Peace and wartime applications and technical issues for unattended ground sensors : 22-23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Optical fiber and fiber component mechanical reliability and testing II : 21 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Third Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and sixth Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications : 28 September-2 October 1998, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Advanced microlithography technologies : 8-10 November, 2004, Beijing, China
Smart structures and materials 2001 : Smart structures and integrated systems : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA
UV and gamma-ray space telescope systems : 21-24 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
The Marketplace for medical lasers : a seminar examining recent trends and market developments in the medical laser industry : 27 April 1988, Dallas, Texas
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 25-year index 1969-1993 : Boulder Damage Symposia
Conference digest : the 14th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : Würzburg, October 2-6, 1989, Federal Republic of Germany
Proceedings of optical imaging techniques in biomedicine : 8-9 September 1994, Lille, France
Developments in x-ray tomography : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
ALT '97, International Conference on Laser Surface Processing : 8-12 September 1997, Limoges, France
Free-space laser communication technologies XIII : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Laser diagnostics of biological molecules and living cells, linear and nonlinear methods : 27-31 August 1990, Moscow, USSR
Image processing and pattern recognition in remote sensing :25-27 October 2002, Hangzhou, China
Videometrics VI : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Multigigabit fiber communications : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular interventions IV : 22-23 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Nonimaging optics : maximum efficiency light transfer VII : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Enabling photonic technologies for aerospace applications : 5-6 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Optical fabrication and testing : proceedings : 22-27 October 1990, Singapore
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1989 : proceedings of the Boulder Damage Symposium, November 1-3, 1989
Semiconductor photodetectors III : 25 January 2006, San Jose California, USA
Mobile robots XVI : 29-30 October 2001, Newton, USA
Digital solid state cameras : designs and applications : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California
Lasers in dentistry VIII : 21-22 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology VI and radar sensor technology VII : 23-24 April 2003,Orlando, Florida
Optical technology for microwave applications V : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Intelligent robots and computer vision VIII : systems and applications : 9-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Saratov Fall Meeting 2000 : Coherent optics of ordered and random media : 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia
Optoelectronic integrated circuits IX : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California
Architecture and algorithms for digital image processing : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California
Helmet-mounted displays II : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Laser radar ranging and atmospheric lidar techniques II : 20-21 September 1999, Florence, Italy
Light and optics in biomedicine : 23-25 October 2000, Warsaw, Poland /Maksymilian Pluta, Anna Cysewska-Sobusiak, editors ; organized by SPIE Poland Chapter, Institute of Applied Optics (Poland) ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, State Committee for Scientific Research (Poland)
International Conference on Experimental Mechanics: Advances and Applications, 4-6 December, 1996, Singapore
Raman scattering : 16-19 November 1998, Moscow, Russia
Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors III : 27-29 January, 1999, San Jose, California
ICEM 2008 : International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2008, 8-11 November 2008, Nanjing, China , editors ; Xiaoyuan He, Huimin Xie, Yilan Kang ; organized by the Chinese Society for Experimental Mechanics [and] Southeast University (China) ; sponsored by Asian Committee of Experimental Mechanics [and] the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ; cosponsored by Ministry of Education of China ... [et al.] ; cooperating organization, SPIE.
Biomedical nanotechnology architectures and applications : 20-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Sensors, sensor systems, and sensor data processing : June 16-17 1997, Munich, FRG
Mobile robots VII : 18-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
International conference on space information technology : 19-20 November 2005, Wuhan, China
Digital and optical shape representation and pattern recognition : 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
High power lasers and laser machining technology : proceedings : 25-28 April 1989, Paris, France
Miniature optics and lasers : 11-12 January 1988 Los Angeles, California
Advanced optical instrumentation for remote sensing fo the Earth's surface from space : proceedings, 27-28 April 1989, Paris, France
Smart structures--optical instrumentation and sensing systems : 19 June, 1995, Munich, FRG
Optics for science and new technology : 17th Congress of the International Commission for Optics, August 19-23, 1996, Hotel Riviera(Yusong), Taejon Korea
Time-resolved laser spectroscopy in biochemistry II
Combustion diagnostics : 17 June 1997, Munich, FRG
Signal and data processing of small targets 2004 : 13-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations VI : 6-8 August, 1996, Denver, Cololado
Sensor fusion VII : 31 Ocotber-1 November 1994, Boston, Massachusetts
Smart structures and materials 1995 : Smart sensing, processing, and instrumentation : 27 February-1 March, 1995, San Diego, California
Medical imaging 1999, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 23-25 February 1999, San Diego, California
Optical pattern recognition III : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Interferometry in space : 26-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Ultrafast pulse generation and spectroscopy : 18-19, 22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
High power solid state lasers : ECO1 19-20 September, 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Sixth International Symposium on Display Holography, 21-25 July 1997, Lake Forest, Illinois
Smart structures and materials 2004 : modeling, signal processing, and control : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Laser material crystal growth and nonlinear materials and devices : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Vision geometry X : 29-30 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Laser Beam Surface Treating and Coating : 29-30 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan
Proceedings of Biomedical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Optical/laser microlithography VII : 2-4 March 1994, San Jose, California
Advanced materials and optical systems for chemical and biological detection : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Wavelet applications in signal and image processing IV : 6-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XI : 23-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Grazing incidence optics for astronomical and laboratory applications : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California
Digital image recovery and synthesis III : 5-6 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado
Earth surface remote sensing II : 21, 24 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain
Health care technology policy II : the role of technology in the cost of health care : providing the solutions : 10-12 May 1995, Arlington, Virginia
Real time signal processing IX : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Infrared and photoelectronic imagers and detector devices : 31 July - 1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Infrared detectors and focal plane arrays II : 23-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Earth surface remote sensing : 22-25 September 1997, London, UK
Visual information processing : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Signal and data processing of small targets 2000 : 24-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Design and process integration for microelectronic manufacturing II [sic] : 26-27 February 2004, Santa Clara, California, USA
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology IV : 22-25 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece
International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology, 17-20 August 1987, San Diego, California : [proceedings]
Coherent technology in fiber optic systems : August 19, 1985, San Diego, California
Second German Symposium on Laser Angioplasty
Recent developments in materials and detectors for the infrared
Window and dome technologies and materials VII : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Hybrid image and signal processing : 7-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of the SPIE Advanced Institute on Transformations in Optical Signal Processing
Applications of artificial intelligence IX : 2-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Selected papers on optical computing
Proceedings of biochemical and medical sensors : 2 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Electro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications V : 16-18 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Advanced sensor systems and applications : 15-18 October 2002, SHanghai, China
Infrared technology XIV : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam technology : submicrometer lithographies VIII : 1-3 March 1989, San Jose, California
Harnessing light : science and metrology at NIST, 1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Unmanned/Unattended sensors and sensor networks : 25-27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom
Infrared technology and applications XXIV : 19-24 July 1998, San Diego, California
Optical instrumentation for biomedical laser applications : 17-18 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria
Reflecting optics for synchrotron radiation : November 16-18, 1981, Upton, New York
Smart structures and materials 1999 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 2-4 March, 1999, Newport Beach, California
Fluctuations and noise in photonics and quantum optics III : 24-26 May 2005, Austin, Texas, USA
Mobile robots : [papers] : 30-31 October 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices II : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Neutron optics : 2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes IV : 12-16 February 1990, Tucson, Arizona
Propagation engineering : third in a series, 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
OPTIKA '98, 14-17 September 1998, Budapest, Hungary
Technologies, protocols, and services for next-generation internet : 21 and 23 August 2001, Denver, USA
Medical imaging III, PACS system design and evaluation : 29 January-3 February 1989, Newport Beach, California
Optical techniques for industrial inspection, 4-6 June 1986, Québec City, Canada
Technologies for optical countermeasures III : 12-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Digital wireless communication III : 17-18 April, Orlando, USA
Spectroscopic characterization techniques for semiconductor technology IV : 25-26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey
X-ray mirrors, crystals, and multilayers II : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Applications of digital image processing VI : August 23-26, 1983, San Diego, California
Advances in fluorescence sensing technology III : 9-11 February 1997, San Jose, California
Earth Observing System : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Selected papers on laser scanning and recording
Inverse optics : April 6-8, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Storage and retrieval for image and video databases III : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California
Free-space laser communication and active laser illumination III : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays IV : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Laser study of macroscopic biosystems : 4th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences : 7-11 September 1992, Jyväskylä, Finland
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials X : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Media processors 2001 : 23 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Infrared, adaptive, and synthetic aperture optical systems : 8 April 1985, Arlington, Virginia, 1-2 April 1986, Orlando, Florida
Scattering and surface roughness III : 1-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Fiber optics in adverse environments II : August 22-24, 1984, San Diego, California
Devices for optical processing : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
ICALEO '90 : optical methods in flow and particle diagnostics
Proceedings of ophthalmic technologies IV : 22-23 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Fiber laser sources and amplifiers III : 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of quantification and localization using diffuse photons in a highly scattering medium : 3-5 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy and atomic physics, 7-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Airborne reconnaissance VII, August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California
Automatic target recognition VII : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
ISOM/ODS '99 : joint international symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Strage 1999, 11-15 July 1999 Sheraton Kauai Resort, Koloa, Howaii
Optics and images in law enforcement II : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
Ocean optics VII : June 25-28, 1984, Monterey, California
Crystals, multilayers, and other synchrotron optics : 5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Intelligent robots and computer vision : sixth in a series, 2-6 November 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Photochemistry and photoelectrochemistry of organic and inorganic molecular thin films : 23-24 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Advanced display technologies : basic studies of problems in information display (FLOWERS 2000) : 10-12 October 2000, Moscow, Russia
Device and process technologies for MEMS, microelectronics, and photonics III : 10-12 December 2003, Perth, Australia
X-ray and micro- and nano-focusing : applications and techniques : 31 July 2001 San Diego, USA
Quantum optics : 27-29 October 1999, Kazan, Russia
Recent advances in sensors, radiometry, and data processing for remote sensing : 6-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Photonic crystal materials and devices IV : 23-26 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Free-electron laser challenges II : 26-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Interferometric fiber sensing : Interferometry '94, 16-20 May, 1994, Warsaw, Poland
Technologies of cryogenically cooled sensors and Fourier transform spectrometers II : August 26-27, 1982, San Diego, California
Proceedings of medical lasers and systems II : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Chemical and biological point sensors for homeland defense : 29-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Unattended ground sensor technologies and applications IV : 2-5 April 2002 Orland, USA
Optical metrology roadmap for the semiconductor, optical, and data storage industries , 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA
Advances in materials for active optics : 22-23 August 1985, San Diego, California
Three-dimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing III : 30 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California
Polarization analysis, measurement, and remote sensing III : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Saratov fall meeting '99 : optical technologies in biophysics and medicine : International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics, and Biophysics : 5-8 October 1999, Saratov, Russia
Biomedical image processing : 12-13 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Optically based materials and Optically based biological and chemical sensing for defence II : 28 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Proceedings, ICLOE '92 : 1992 International Conference on Lasers and Optoelectronics : 16-18 October 1992, Beijing, China
Window and dome technologies and materials III : 22-23 July 1992, San Diego, California
Information systems for Navy divers and autonomous underwater vehicles operating in very shallow water and surf zone regions : 7-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Damage to space optics and properties and characteristics of optical glass : 20 and 22-23 July 1992, San Diego, California
UV/EUV and visible space instrumentation for astronomy and solar physics : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Proceedings of laser surgery--advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems II : January 14, 16-19, 1990, Los Angeles, California
Materials for infrared detectors III : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Enhanced and synthetic vision 2006 : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Applications of artificial intelligence III, April 1-3, 1986, Orlando, Florida
Vision, sensors, and control for automated manufacturing systems : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Active and passive optical components for WDM communications IV : 25-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Spectroscopic characterization techniques for semiconductor technology V : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Computational imaging III : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Cooperative intelligent robotics in space II : 12-14 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical, infrared, and millimeter wave propagation engineering : 5-7 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Spatial light modulators : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California
Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems VI : 25-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Proceedings of Lasers in ophthalmology III : 13 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain
Biophotonics and new therapy frontiers : 3-5 April 2006, Strasbourg, France
Advanced photonic sensors and applications : 30 November-3 December 1999, Singapore
Ultrafast laser probe phenomena in bulk and microstructure semiconductors III: 18-19 March 1990, San Diego, California
Imaging sensors and displays : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Smart structures and materials '93 : smart sensing, processing, and instrumentation, 1-4 February 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Terahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics II : 31 July - 2 August 2000, San Diego, USA
UV/EUV and visible space instrumentation for astronomy II : 7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices VIII : 24-28 January 2000, San Jose, USA
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in the optical spectrum II : 31 January - 1 February 1996, San Jose, California
Polarimetry : radar, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, and X-ray : 15-17 May 1990, Huntsville, Alabama
Hybrid image processing : 1-2 April 1986, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Optical characterization techniques for high-performance microelectronic device manufacturing : 20 October 1994, Austin, Texas
Smart structures and materials 1998 : passive damping and isolation : 2-3 March, 1998, San Diego, California
Thin film technologies : April 20-22, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland
Gravitational wave and particle astrophysics detectors : 23-24 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Growth of compound semiconductor structures : second in a series : 15-16 March 1988, Newport Beach, California
International Conference on Computer-generated Holography : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California : [proceedings]
Proceedings of photodynamic therapy--mechanisms II : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors VI : 26-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Optical devices for fiber communication : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Rapid thermal and related processing techniques : 2-3 October 1990, Santa Clara, California
Data mining and applications : 23-24 October 2001, Wuhan, China
Optomechanical design and engineering 2002 : 7-9 August 2002, Seattle, USA
Optical Data Storage 2014 : 18-19 August 2014, San Diego, California, United States
Biostereometrics' 85 : 3-6 December 1985, Cannes, France
Laser diode technology and applications V : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Design, test, integration, and packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2001 : 25-27 April 2001, Cannes, France
Optomechatronic systems II : 29-31 October 2001, Newton, USA
Intracavity and extracavity control of laser beam properties : 19-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Advances in optical information processing VII : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Human vision, visual processing, and digital display III : 10-13 February 1992, San Jose, California
Proceedings of photon transport in highly scattering tissue : 6-8 September 1994, Lille, France
Enhanced and synthetic vision 2000 : 24-25 April, 2000, Orlando, USA
Acousto-optics and applications IV : 22-29 May 2001, Gdańsk-Jurata, Poland
Acousto-optics and applications : 25-29 May 1992, Gdańsk-Jurata, Poland
Intelligent robots and computer vision XXI: algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 28-29 October 2003, Providance, Rhode island, USA
Visual communications and image processing '88 : third in a series : 9-11 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Image reconstruction and restoration : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California
Image and signal processing for remote sensing III : 23-25 September 1996, Taormina, Italy
Design, process integration, and characterization for microelectronics : 6-7 March 2002, Santa Clara, USA
ICALEO '89 : optical methods in flow and particle diagnostics : proceedings
Remote sensing and modeling of the atmosphere, oceans, andinteractions : 13-16 November 2006, Goa, India
Advances in X-ray optics : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Intelligent robots and computer vision XI : biological, neural net, and 3-D methods : 18-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Remote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology III :9-11 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Flat panel display technology and display metrology II : 22-23 January 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Quantum informatics 2005 : 3-7 October 2005
Biomedical image processing and three-dimensional microscopy : 10-13 February 1992, San Jose, California
Biomedical applications of lasers : Laser Optics '95 : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
Reconfigurable technology : FPGAs and reconfigurable processors for computing and communications III : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA
Nanophotonics for communication : materials and devices II : 24 and 26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Computer vision applications, meeting the challenges : 20th AIPR Workshop : 17-18 October 1991, McLean, Virginia
APOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : optical switching and optical interconnection : 12-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina
Complexity and nonlinear dynamics : 12-13 December 2006, Adelaide, Australia
Lidar technologies, techniques, and measurements for atmospheric remote sensing II : 13-14 September 2006, tockholm, Sweden
Sensor fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications VI : 3-5 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Fourth International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : 8-11 May 2000, Shanghai, China : proceedings
Hard X-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron detector physics : 19-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Medical imaging 2010 : Image processing : 14-16 February 2010, San Diego, California, United States
Linear and nonlinear optics of organic materials : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
The Max Born Centenary Conference : OPTICS 82, ECOSA 82 : September 7-10, 1982, Edinburgh, Scotland
Optically based methods for process analysis : 23-26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control III : 27-28 February 1989, Los Angeles, California
Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications IV : 21-24 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States
Robotics and robot sensing systems : August 25, 1983, San Diego, California
Crystal growth in space and related optical diagnostics : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Airborne reconnaissance XVIII : 26-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Optical engineering at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory :30 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Optical systems engineering II : [conference] January 26-27, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Current developments in optical engineering and commercial optics : 7, 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Signal and data processing of small targets 2005 : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Metal mirrors : 12-13 November 1992, University College London (UK)
Visual communications and image processing '93 : 8-11 November 1993, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Smart structures and materials 2004 : damping and isolation : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Medical imaging 2001 : PACS and integrated medical information systems : design and evaluation : 20-22 February 2001, San Diego, USA
Airborne reconnaissance IX, August 21-22, 1985, San Diego, California
Infrared fiber optics III : 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Ultraviolet Technology IV : 20-21 July 1992, San Diego, California
Biometric technology for human identification II : 28-29 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Passive infrared remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere : 13-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Algorithms for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery VI : 24-26 April 2000, Orlando, USA
11th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy : 28 June-3 July 1993, Moscow, Russia
International Conference on the Application and Theory of Periodic Structures, Diffraction Gratings, and Moire Phenomena III : 19-20 August 1987, San Diego, California
Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery XII : 17-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Broadband access systems : 19-22 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical fabrication, metrology, and material advancements for telescopes : 24-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
International conference on charged and neutral particles channeling phenomena II : 3-7 July 2006, Rome, Italy
Multimedia computing and networking 2000 : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Optical network engineering and integrity : 24-25 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Optical methods for chemical process control : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical information processing systems and architectures IV, 20-21 July 1992 San Diego, California
Optomechanical design of laser transmitters and receivers : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
International Conference on Holography Applications : 2-4 July, 1986, Beijing, China
International optical design conference 2002 : 3-5 June, 2002, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Applications of soft computing : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Videometrics : 15-16 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction VI : 6-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
High-power gas lasers : 15-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
UV/Optical/IR space telescopes : innovative technologies and concepts : 3-5 August 2003 San Diego, California
Environment and pollution measurement sensors and systems : ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Advanced optoelectronic technology : 18-20 November 1987, Cannes, France
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology III : 17-19 September, 2001, Toulouse, France
Holographic nondestructive testing : status and comparison with conventional methods
Infrared systems and photoelectronic technology : 2-3, 5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Imaging system technology for remote sensing : 16-17 September 1998, Beijing, China
Electro-optical remote sensing II : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Lidar remote sensing for industry and environmental monitoring VI : 2-3 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Automated optical inspection for industry: theory, technology, and applications II : 16-19 September, 1998, Beijing, China
Wavelet applications IV : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Infrared technology and applications XXVI : 30 July - 3 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Integrated optics : devices, materials, and technologies XI : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Sensor fusion IV : control paradigms and data structures : 12-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Applications of digital image processing VII : August 21-24, 1984, San Diego, California
Advanced fiber communications technologies : 3-4 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical fibres and their applications V : 21-23 February 1989, Warsaw, Poland
Millimeter wave technology IV and radio frequency power sources : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations V : 24-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Infrared technology XVII : dedicated to the memory of Irving J. Spiro : 22-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
High power lasers and applications : February 11-13, 1981, Los Angeles, California
Optical thin films and applications : ECO3, 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Lightguides and their applications, 14-16 October 1999, Krasnobród, Poland
Laser-generated and other laboratory X-ray and EUV sources, optics, and applications : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
BioMEMS and nanotechnology II : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia
Space telescopes and instruments : 18-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Optical/laser microlithography V : 11-13 March 1992, San Jose, California
Color imaging VIII : processing, hardcopy, and applications : 21-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Laser applications in microelectronic and optoelectronic manufacturing IV : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Biomedical diagnostic, guidance, and surgical-assist systems IV : 20-21 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Quality and reliability for optical systems : 11-12 July 1993, San Diego, California
Bayesian inference for inverse problems : 23-24 July 1998, San Diego, California
International Colloquium on Diffractive Optical Elements : 14-17 May 1991, Szklarska Poręba, Poland
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection VI : 27 January 1998, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Smart sensor technology and measurement systems : 7-9 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Applications of digital image processing XVI : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Intelligent robots and computer vision XVIII : Algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Advances in Optical Interference Coatings : 25-27 May 1999, Berlin, Germany
ICO20: illumination, radiation, and color technologies : 21-26 August 2005, Changchun, China
Color hard copy and graphic arts II : 1-4 February 1993, San Jose, California
Micro-optical technologies for measurement, sensors, and microsystems II and Optical fiber sensor technologies and applications : 18-20 June 1997, Munich, FRG
Smart structures and materials 1995 : Passive damping : 1-2 March 1995, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2002 : damping and isolation : 18-20 March 2002, San Diego, USA
Optically activated switching III : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, CA
Fourth-generation X-ray sources and optics II : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Sensor fusion and aerospace applications II : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Mobile robots XV and telemanipulator and telepresence technologies VII : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA
Neutrons, x-rays, and gamma rays : imaging detectors, material characterization techniques, and applications, 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Display technologies II : 9-11 July 1998, Taipei, Taiwan
Advanced organic and inorganic optical materials : 19-22 August 2002, Riga, Latvia
MedTech '89 : medical imaging : 6-8 November 1989, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Radio telescopes : 27 - 30 March 2000 Munich, Germany
Infrared technology and applications
Diffractive/holographic technologies and spatial light modulators VII : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California
Visual communications and image processing '95 : 24-26 May 1995, Taipei, Taiwan
Specialized optical developments in astronomy :25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets : 9-12 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2000 : smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 6-7 March 2000, Newport Beach, California
Design and process integration for microelectronic manufacturing II : 26-28 February 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Image processing and pattern recognition in remote sensing II :8-9 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Internet II : quality of service and future directions : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Stray light and contamination in optical systems : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California
Applications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation II : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Sensor systems for the early Earth Observing System platforms : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Laser technologies in industry : proceedings, 6-8 June 1988, Porto, Portugal
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing IV : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Automatic object recognition II : 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Advances in nucleic acid and protein analyses,manipulation, and sequencing : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Optical design and processing technologies and applications : 19 March 1992, Chicago, Illinois
High-resolution wavefront control : methods, devices and applications IV : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Laser diode technology and applications III : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XIV : 26-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Chemical and biological sensors for industrial and environmental security : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Advanced free-space optical communications techniques
Enhanced and synthetic vision 2004 : 12-13 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Medical imaging 1994, Physiology and function from multidimensional images : 13-14 February 1994, Newport Beach, California
Propagation and imaging through the atmosphere III : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection VIII : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors X : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Laser Florence 2000 : a window on the laser medicine world : 18-22 October 2000, Florence, Italy
Reconfigurable technology : FPGAs and reconfigurable processors for computing and communications IV : 30 July, 2002, Boston, USA
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental applications of fibers : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Medical imaging 1994, Image processing : 15-18 February 1994, Newport Beach, California
Observatory operations : strategies, processes, and systems : 25-27 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Current developments in optical engineering and diffraction phenomena : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Ninth International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, 21-25 September 1992, Crete, Greece
Fifth Conference on Charge-Coupled Devices and CCD Systems : 1-7 October, 1995, Novy Svet, Crimea, Ukraine
Developments in optical component coatings : 15-16 May, 1996, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
High speed read/write techniques for advanced printing and data handling : January 20-21, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering III : 16-18 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria
Proceedings of coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications II : 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California
Proceedings of medical applications of lasers III : 12-16 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain
Media processors 1999 : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Adaptive optics and and applications II : 15-16 October 2002 Shanghai, China
Smart structures and materials 2001 : smart electronics and MEMS : 5-7 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA
Instrumentation for air pollution and global atmospheric monitoring : 31 October-1 November 2001, Newton, USA
Integrated optical circuit engineering IV (includes special session on processing of guided wave optoelectronic materials) : 16-17 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Solid state lasers II : 24-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Microfluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems : 27-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Space guidance, control, and tracking II : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging, Technology and Applications '93 : 17-20 May 1993, Beijing, China : proceedings ISPDI '93
Optics for EUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray astronomy III : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XVII : 22 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Progress in research and development of high-power industrial CO2 lasers : selected research papers on Progress in research and development of high-power industrial CO2 lasers 1991-2000
Visual communications and image processing 2003 : 8-11 July 2003, Lugano, Switzerland
Imaging spectrometry : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Xerographic photoreceptors and photorefractive polymers : 10-11 July 1995 San Diego, California
Integrated optics and microstructures II : 26-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications VI : 21-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Photonics for port and harbor security : 29-30 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Advanced technology MMW, radio, and terahertz telescopes : 26-28 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii
MEMS design, fabrication, characterization, and packaging : 30 May-1 June 2001, Edinburgh, UK
High-power gas and solid state lasers : 5-8 April 1994, Vienna, Austria
Advanced algorithms and architectures for signal processing IV : 8-10 August 1989, San Diego, California
Sensor fusion : spatial reasoning and scene interpretation, 7-9 November 1988
Ultrashort pulse spectroscopy and applications
Remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere VI : 17-20 September 2001, Toulouse, France
Wireless data transmission : 23-25 October 1995 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing instruments and applicaionts :25-27 October 2002, Hangzhou, China
Microrobotics and microassembly II : 5-6 November 2000, Boston
Solid state imagers and their applications
Fiber optic broadband networks
Damage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray optics : 18-19 April 2007,Prague, Czech Republic
Visual information processing VII : 13-14 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers III : 28-30 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Optical microlithography : technology for the mid-1980s, March 31-April 1, 1982, Santa Clara, California
Laser weapons technology II : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Advanced lasers and systems : International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2005 : 11-15 May, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
Coherent lightwave communications : 20-21 September 1990, San Jose, California
1st European Conference on Cineradiography with Photons or Particles = 1er Congrès européen de cinéradiographie par photons ou particules : May 18-21 mai 1981, Paris, France
Nonlinear image processing V : 7-9 February 1994, San Jose, California
Components for fiber optic applications IV : 5-6 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
Critical review, industrial lasers and applications : 24 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Tunable diode laser applications : CIS selected papers
Optical information-processing systems and architectures II : 9-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Selected papers from International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics '98 : Silber Jubilee Symposium of the Optical Society of India : 9-12 December 1998, Dehradun, India
Multichip modules : international conference and exhibition, 13-15 April 1994, Denver, Colorado
Laser radar technology and applications XI : 19-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
MEMS/MOEMS components and their applications IV : 22-23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Application of tunable diode and other infrared sources for atmospheric studies and industrial process monitoring : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Second Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics : 18-22 September 1995, Guanajuato, México
Applications of fuzzy logic technology : 8-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Amorphous semiconductors for microelectronics : January 21-22, 1986, Los Angeles, California
Photodetectors and power meters : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Laser resonators and coherent optics : modeling, technology, and applications : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of ophthalmic technologies III : 16-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing XVII : 19-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Symposium on Optical Surface Technology : April 12-14, 1983, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XIV : 4-6 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
8th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel : optoelectronics and applications in industry and medicine : 14-16 December 1992, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Targets and backgrounds : characterization and representation V : 5-7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Mathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption II : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optical devices for fiber communication II : 6-8 November 2000 Boston, USA
High power lasers : sources, laser-material interactions, high excitations, and fast dynamics in laser processing and industrial applications : 31 March-3 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands
Progress in semiconductor laser diodes : 25-26 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Practical holography XIV and holographic materials VI : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California
Infrared detectors : state of the art II : 24-25 July 1994, San Diego, California
Data mining and knowledge discovery : theory, tools, and technology IV : 1-4 April 2001, Orlando, [Florida] USA
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy VIII : 30 July - 1 August 1997, San Diego, California, Oswald H. W. Siegmund, Mark A. Gummin, chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 4-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Interconnection of high speed and high frequency devices and systems : 15, 17 March 1988, Newport Beach, California
Silicon carbide materials for optics and precision structures : 12-13 July 1995 San Diego, California
Medical imaging and instrumentation '85 : practical applications of conventional and new imaging technologies : April 21-23, 1985, Back Bay Hilton Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts
Oxide superconductor physics and nano-engineering : 26-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Satellite remote sensing and modeling of clouds and the atmosphere : 24 September 1996, Taormina, Italy
Design, fabrication, and characterization of photonic devices : 30 November-3 December 1999, Singapore
Infrared technology and applications XXII : 8-12 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials IX : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Smart structures and materials 2001 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA
Solid state lasers III : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Optical hard copy and printing systems : 13-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Semiconductor Lasers : ECO1 23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
High speed photography, videography, and photonics II : August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California
Propagation engineering : 28-30 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Propagation and imaging through the atmosphere : 29-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Helmet- and head-mounted displays III : 13-14 April, 1998, Orlando, Florida
Ophthalmic technologies X : 22-23 January 2000, San Jose, USA
Surveillance technologies : 2-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Optical system contamination : effects, measurements, and control VII : 9-11 July 2002, Seattle, USA
Applications of mathematics in modern optics
Radar processing, technology, and applications III : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California
Intelligent integrated microsystems : 19-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Biomedical optoacoustics III : 20-21 January 2002, San Jose, USA
X-ray sources and optics : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Atmospheric propagation III : 20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Liquid crystal materials, devices, and applications VII : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Proceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy : 20-21 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Wavelets : applications in signal and image processing IX : 30 Juy-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Signal and data processing of small targets 1994 : 5-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida/ Oliver E. Drummond, chair/editor ; sponsored and published by SPIE-The International society for Optical Engineering
Miniaturized systems with micro-optics and micromechanics II : 10-12 February 1997, San Jose, California
New methods in microscopy and low light imaging : 8-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Ultraviolet technology : 22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery X : 12-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery VI : 5-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Advanced optical manufacturing and testing II : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Image processing : algorithms and systems III : 19-21 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Solid state sensor arrays : development and applications II : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California
Detectors and associated signal processing II : 13-14 September 2005, Jena, Germany
Modeling and simulation of optoelectronic systems : 1-3 April 1986, Orlando, Florida
Thermal and optical interactions with biological and related composite materials : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Advances in optical materials : [proceedings] : August 21-24, 1984, San Diego, California
X-ray imaging II : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Photon migration, optical coherence tomography, and microscopy : 18-21 June 2001, Munich, Germany
Optical methods for ultrasensitive detection and analysis : techniques and applications : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Fiber optic components and optical communication : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China
International Workshop on Quantum Optics 2003 : 13-17 October, 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia
APOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : optical networking : 13-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina
Passive infrared systems and technology : 31 March-1 April 1987, the Hague, the Netherlands
Automated 3D and 2D vision : 21-24 June 1994, Frankfurt, FRG
Nanophotonics and macrophotonics for space environments : 27-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Combinatorial and composition spread techniques in materials and device development : 26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Intelligent robots and computer vision XII : algorithms and techniques : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Automated testing of electro-optical systems, 7-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing XVIII : 11-13 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers III : 13-17 September, 1999, Tomsk, Russia
Laser technology V, Applications in materials sciences and engineering : 23-27 September, 1996, Szczecin-Świnoujście, Poland
SAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques VII : 19-20 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Human vision and electronic imaging IV : 25-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Fiber laser sources and amplifiers : 6-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical scanning : design and applications : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optoelectronic integrated circuits IV : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Image assessment : infrared and visible : December 12-14, 1983, Oxford, England
Subsurface sensors and applications : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorad
Third Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor Workshop : 6-7 May 1997, Troutdale, Oregon
Internet quality and performance and control of network systems : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA
Model-based vision development and tools : 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Electronic imaging : processing, printing, and publishing in color
Components for fiber optic applications : 22-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachuchetts
Astronomical data analysis : 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Nonlinear optical transmission processes and organic photorefractive materials : 31 July and 2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Medical applications of penetrating radiation : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Airborne intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) systems and applications II : 29-30 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
14th Symposium on Photonic Measurements : 1-3 June 1992, Sopron, Hungary
Device-independent color imaging and imaging systems integration : 1-3 February 1993, San Jose, California
Mathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption : 21-22 July 1998, San Diego, California
Biomonitoring and endoscopy technologies : 5-6 July 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Internet routing and quality of service : 2-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing XII : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Fiber optics in the subscriber loop : 19-20 September 1990, San Jose, California
Optical remote sensing for industry and environmental monitoring : 15-17 September, 1998, Beijing, China
Photonic crystal materials and nanostructures : 27-29 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France
Optical radiation interaction with matter : All-Union Conference on Interaction of Optical Radiation with Materials : 6-12 September 1990, Leningrad, USSR
Electronic imaging and multimedia technology III : 15-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Image processing algorithms and techniques II : 25 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California
Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV optics : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Industrial optical sensing
In-process optical measurements and industrial methods : ECO3 : 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Optical fibers in medicine IV : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Medical Imaging 2002 : image processing : 24-28 February 2002, San Diego, USA
Design, modeling and control of laser beam optics : 21-23 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Fiber optics in astronomical applications : 17 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Remote sensing of the environment: 15th national symposium on remote sensing of China : 19-23 August 2005, Guiyang City, China
Excimer laser materials processing and beam delivery systems : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Extracting meaning from complex data : processing, display, interaction II : 26-28 February 1991, San Jose, California
Small-satellite technology and applications : 4-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Aerospace pattern recognition, 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Ultrafast lasers probe phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors : 24-25 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey
1992 Topical Meeting on Photonic Switching : 1-3 July 1992, Minsk, Belarus
Ocean remote sensing and applications : 24-26 October 2002, Hangzhou, China
Spatial light modulators and applications III : 7-8 August 1989, San Diego, California
Laser technology VI : progress in lasers : 27 September-1 October 1999, Szczecin-Świnoujście, Poland
Telescope structures, enclosures, controls, assembly/integration/validation, and commissioning : 27-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany
Document recognition and retrieval VI : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Optical microlithography IV : March 13-14, 1985, Santa Clara, California
Biomedical optoacoustics II : 23-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA
20th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 21-25 September 1992, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Smart structures, devices, and systems III : 11-13 December 2006, Adelaire, Australia
Excimer lasers : applications, beam delivery systems, and laser design : 18-19 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Nonintrusive inspection, structures monitoring, and smart systems for homeland security : 27-28 February 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Microelectronic device technology II : 23-24 September, 1998, Santa Clara, California
Fiber lasers III : technology, systems, and applications : 23-26 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
XVI International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, 23-30 May 1994, Moscow-St.Petersburg, Russia
Robotics and industrial inspection : August 24-27, 1982 San Diego, California
Optical Data Storage 2010 : 23-26 May 2010, Boulder, Colorado, United States
Electron image tubes and image intensifiers II : 28 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California
Components for fiber optic applications VII : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Solid state lasers : Laser Optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia
Space sciencecraft control and tracking in the new millennium : 6-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
High-resolution wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications II : 1-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Second International Symposium of Biomechanics Cinematography and High Speed Photography, August 24-26, 1981, San Diego, California
Proceedings of laser surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems III : 21-23 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Multichip modules : international conference and exhibition, 14-16 April 1993, Denver, Colorado
Free-space laser communication technologies III : 21-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Micromachine technology for diffractive and holographic optics : 20-21 September 1999, Santa Clara, California
Sensing, discrimination, and signal processing and superconducting materials and instrumentation : 12-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Visual communications and image processing : 15-16 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1981 International Conference on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, June 8-12, 1981, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
International Conference on Optical Diagnosis of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum Electronics : 13-15 May 1997, Kiev, Ukraine
Ground-based telescopes : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Visible and UV lasers : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
11th International School on Quantum Electronics : Lasr Physics and Applications, 18-22 September, 2000, Verna, Bulgaria
Ocean optics VIII : 31 March-2 April 1986, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 27-28 February 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Subsurface sensing technologies and applications II : 31 July-3 August, 2000, San Diego, USA
Surface characterization and testing
Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices : 25-26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey
Smart structures and materials 2000 : smart electronics and MEMS : 6-8 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA
Automatic object recognition III : 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Applied spectroscopy in materials science II : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Environmental sensing and applications : 14-17 June 1999, Munich, Germany
Hard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics V : 4-5 August, 2003, San Diego, California
Digital video compression : algorithms and technologies 1996 : 31 January-2 February, 1996, San Jose, California
Soft X-ray and EUV imaging systems II : 31 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Medical imaging IV, PACS system design and evaluation : 6-9 February 1990, Newport Beach, California
Smart structures and materials 1999 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 1-2 March 1999, Newport Beach, California
Optical communications : 16-18 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hisinchu, Taiwan China
Image data management and display
Applications of artificial neural networks in image processing III : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California
Oceanic remote sensing and sea ice monitoring : 26 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Commercial applications of ultrafast lasers : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Fiber optics : short-haul and long-haul measurements and applications III : August 21-22, 1985, San Diego, California
Active and adaptive optical components : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Optical pattern recognition XIII : 2 April, 2002, Orlando, USA
High heat flux engineering : 21-23 July 1992, San Diego, California
Surface characterization for computer disks, wafers, and flat panel displays : 28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Substance identification analytics : proceedings : 4-8 October 1993, Innsbruck, Austria
Current Russian research in optics and photonics : Intracavity laser spectroscopy
Ocean optics IX : 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Optical pattern recognition V : 5-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Advanced optical memories and interfaces to computer storage : 22-24 July 1998, San Diego, California
Visual communications and image processing 2002 : 21-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Adaptive coded aperture imaging and non-imaging sensors : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Design, manufacturing, and testing of planar optical waveguide devices : 1 August 2001 San Diego, USA
Amorphous semiconductors for microelectronics : January 21-22, 1986, Los Angeles, California
Laser dimensional metrology : recent advances for industrial application : 5-7 October 1993, Brighton, United Kingdom
Optical mass data storage II : 18-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
High-power lasers : 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California
Intelligent robots and computer vision VIII : algorithms and techniques : 6-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Proceedings of the Third European Electro-optics Conference and Exhibitions, Palais des expositions, Geneva, Switzerland, October 5-8, 1976
Process control and sensors for manufacturing : 31 March - 1 April 1998, San Antonio, Texas
Laser-generated, synchrotron, and other laboratory X-ray and EUV sources, optics, and applications II : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Optical storage technology : 16-18 September, 1998, Beijing, China
Machine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration : 17-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Liquid crystals VI : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Physical concepts of materials for novel optoelectronic device applications II : device physics and applications : 28 October-2 November 1990, Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany
Mathematical methods in geophysical imaging : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Target-in-the-loop: atmospheric tracking, imaging, and compensation : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Chaotic circuits for communication : 23-24 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tests, measurements, and characterization of electro-optic devices and systems, 8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
SAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques II : 22 September 1999, Florence, Italy
Optical wireless communications IV : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA
Advances in resist technology and processing V : 29 February-2 March, 1988, Santa Clara, California
Ultrawideband radar : 22-23 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
A critical reviw : Laser technologies for defense and security : 12 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Metal vapor lasers and their applications
Applications of artificial neural networks in image processing VIII : 23-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Photon migration, optical coherence tomography, and microscopy : 18-21 June 2001, Munich, Germany
Photonics for processors, neural networks, and memories II : 25-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Embedded processors for multimedia and communications II : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Real time signal processing VIII : August 22-23, 1985, San Diego, California
Fifth Congress of the Brazilian Society of Microelectronics : proceedings, 11-13 July 1990, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
USSR-CSFR Joint Seminar on Nonlinear Optics in Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling of Biophysical Processes : proceedings : 2-7 July 1990, Koshice-Prague, Czechoslovakia
Advances in nonlinear polymers and inorganic crystals, liquid crystals, and laser media : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California
Passive sensors : proceedings, Infrared Information Symposia (IRIS)
Micromachining and microfabrication process technology V : 20-22 September, 1999, Santa Clara, California
Coherence domain optical methods and optical coherence tomography in biomedicine X : 23-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Advanced and next-generation satellites II : 23-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy
Free-space laser communication technologies II : 15-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Microwave and particle beam sources and propagation : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technology Symposium : 13-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV optics for astronomy and projection lithography : 19-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Weather and environmental satellites : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
High speed computing II : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Adaptive signal processing : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Free-space laser communication technologies XVI : 27, 29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Automated geo-spatial image and data exploitation : 24 April 2000, Orlando, USA
X-ray/EUV optics for astronomy and microscopy : 7-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing III : 12-14 July 1995 San Diego
Vision geometry II : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Laser processing : fundamentals, applications, and systems engineering : 3-6 June 1986, Québec City, Canada
Advanced technologies for environmental monitoring and remediation : 6-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Charged particle detection, diagnostics, and imaging : 30 July - 2 August 2001 San Diego, USA
Radiation effects in optical materials : proceedings : held in conjunction with the Southwest Conference on Optics : March 6-7, 1985, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Advances in optical information processing III : 6-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Applications of artificial intelligence V, May 18-20, 1987, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Neural Networks: Academic/Industrial/NASA/Defense : an International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Programming and Virtual Reality, WNN93/FNN93, San Francisco, November 7-10, 1993, San Francisco Airport Marriott, California
New developments and applications in gas lasers : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Targets and backgrounds XII: characterization and representation : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Laser diode and LED applications III : 10-11 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Advanced optical devices, technologies, and medical applications : 19-22 August 2002, Riga, Latvia
Modeling, simulation, and visualization of sensory response for defense applications : 22-23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Radiation sources and radiation interactions : 19 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Proceedings of Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Biochemistry IV : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Airborne reconnaissance XXI : 29-30 July, 1997, San Diego, California
Stray radiation in optical systems II : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Proceedings of biomedical optoelectronics in clinical chemistry and biotechnology : 14-15 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain
Smart structures and materials 1998 : smart electronics and MEMS : 2-4 March 1998, San Diego, California
Processing and display of three-dimensional data : August 26-27, 1982, San Diego, California
Optical data storage 2003 : 11-14 May 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems : 27-28 September 1995, Paris, France
5th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences : 28 June-2 July 1994, Minsk, Belarus
Intense microwave pulses VIII : 17-18 April 2001, Orland, USA
Metrology, inspection, and process control for microlithography XII : 23-25 February 1998, San Clara, California
Optical materials and structures technologies :4-7 August 2003, San Diego, California
Optical metrology roadmap for the semiconductor, optical, and data storage industries II : 2-3 August 2001 San Diego, USA
International Conference on the Application, Theory, and Fabrication of Periodic Structures, Diffraction Gratings, and Moire Phenomena II, August 21-23, 1984, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2002 : smart sensor technology and measurement systems : 18-19 March 2002, San Diego, USA
APOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : optical network design and management : 13-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Active materials: behavior and mechanics : 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Signal and image processing systems performance evaluation, simulation, and modeling : 4-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
International Conference on Solid State Crystals 2000 : Epilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology, 9-13 October, 2000, Zakopane, Poland
Optical methods for time- and state-resolved chemistry : 23-25 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Atomic and molecular pulsed lasers V : 15-19 September 2003, Tomsk, Russia
Holographic optics : design and applications : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Systems-oriented optical design : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Polymers and liquid crystals
Nonlinear and coherent optics : Laser Optics '98 : 22-26 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia
Cost and performance in integrated circuit creation : 27-28 February 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Fiber optic and laser sensors VII : 5-7 September 1989, Boston, Mass.
26th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 20-24 September 2004, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Second European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors : EWOFS '04 : 9-11 June 2004, Santander, Spain
Medical imaging 1994, Image perception : 17-18 February 1994, Newport Beach, California
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers VI : 22-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Fiber optic systems for mobile platforms II : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Unattended ground, sea, and air sensor technologies and applications IX : 9-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USAida, USA
Visual information processing III : 4-5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Advanced focal plane arrays and electronic cameras II : 18-19 May, 1998, Zurich, Switzerland
Visual data exploration and analysis VI : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Remote sensing for geography, geology, land planning, and cultural heritage : 23-26 September, 1996, Taormina, Italy
Propagation and imaging through the atmosphere II : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Proceedings of photon propagation in tissues : 13-14 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain
Laser radar technology and applications VIII : 22-25 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Chemical microsensors and applications II : 19-20 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Radar sensor technology X : 20-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Extremely large telescopes : which wavelengths? : retirement symposium for Arne Ardeberg : 29-30 November 2007, Lund, Sweden
Micro(MEMS) and nanotechnologies for defense and security : 10-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Photonics and radio frequency II : 21-22 July 1998, San Diego, California
Spacecraft contamination environment : May 4-6, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
Remote sensing applications of the global positioning system : 8-9 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Fabrication, testing, and reliability of semiconductor lasers : 31 January-1 February, 1996, San Jose, California
Optical and infrared interferometry : 23-27 June 2008, Marseille, France
ROMOPTO '97, Fifth Conference on Optics, 9-12 September, 1997, Bucharest, Romania
Nonlinear optics III : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Medical imaging : 1-6 February 1987, Newport Beach, California
Proceedings of lasers in urology, gynecology, and general surgery : 16-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
1984 European Conference on Optics, Optical Systems and Applications : 9-12 October 1984, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Digital wireless communications VII and Space communication technologies : 28-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Computer and optically generated holographic optics : fourth in a series : 24-25 July 1991, San Diego, California
Nonlinear optics of liquid and photorefractive crystals : 23-30 October 1995, Ai-Danil, Crimea, Ukraine
Thermal infrared sensing applied to energy conservation in building envelopes (Thermosense IV) : September 1-4, 1981, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Nonlinear image processing
Electro-optic and magneto-optic materials and applications : proceedings : 24-25 April 1989, Paris, France
Medical images and icons : MEDPACS: picture archiving and communication systems : MEDPICS: picture interpretation computers and systems : MEDGRAPH: computer graphics : July 24-27, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Selected papers on infrared design
International Conference on Speckle : August 20-23, 1985, San Diego, California
IV Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics : 19-21 September 2002, Jurata, Poland
Scattering and diffraction : ECO1 22-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Missions to the sun : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction VII : 29 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing V : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Stray radiation in optical systems : 10-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Liquid crystals : physics, technology, and applications : 3-8 March 1997, Zakopane, Poland
Small-satellite technology and applications III : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection II : 8-9 February 1994, San Jose, California
Atmospheric radiation measurements and applications in climate : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, USA
Free-space laser communication technologies VII : 7-8 February 1995, San Jose, California
Optical pattern recognition VI : 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Sensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications III : 21-23 January, 2002, San Jose, [California], USA
Proceedings of ultrasensitive laboratory diagnostics : 17-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Photonic devices and algorithms for computing II : 2-3 August 2000 San Diego, USA
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites IX : 20-22 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites VIII : 13-15 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrashort pulse lasers; laser plasma generation and diagnostics : 23 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Targets and backgrounds VII : characterization and representation : 16-17 April 2001, Orland, USA
Optoelectronic and hybrid optical/digital systems for image and signal processing : 21-24 Septermber 1999, Lviv, Ukraine
Pattern recognition, chemometrics, and imaging for optical environmental monitoring : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massahcusetts
Organic photorefractive materials and xerographic photoreceptors : 7-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Polarization science and remote sensing : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Human vision and electronic imaging VII : 21-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Applications and science of artifical neural networks : 17-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Astrobiology and planetary missions : 31 July-2 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Modern utilization of infrared technology VIII, August 26-27, 1982, San Diego, California
International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 8-12 June 1998, St. Petersburg, Russia . Petersburg Academy of Sciences for Strength Problems (Russia) ; sponsored by NPO Special Materials (Russia), SPIE Russia Chapter
Laser radar technology for remote seinsing : 8-9 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Automatic target recognition XII : 2-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Machine vision architectures, integration, and applications : 12-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Image and signal processing for remote sensing V : 22-24 September 1999, Florence, Italy
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, 27-31, August 1984, Strasbourg, France : M. André, M. Hugenschmidt, chairmen/editors ; organized by ANRT (Association nationale de la recherche technique) ; supported by BMFT
Proceedings of biomedical optoelectronic devices and systems : 1-3 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Smart structures and materials 2004 : smart structures and integrated systems : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Smart structures and materials, 1993 : active and adaptive optical components and systems II : 1-4 February 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Imaging spectrometry III : 28-30 July 1997, San Diego, California
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing and instrumentation XV : 27-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Selected papers on optomechanical design
Noise in complex systems and stochastic dynamics III : 24-26 May, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA
Controlling and using light in nanometric domains : 2-3 August 2001 San Diego, USA
Optical coherence tomography and coherence techniques : 22-24 June 2003, Munich, Germany
Current Ukrainian research in optics and photonics : optoelectronic and hybrid optical/digital systems for image processing
Pathogen detection and remediation for safe eating : 5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Thermosense XXIII : 16-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Modeling, signal processing, and control : 7-9 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Remote sensing for agriculture, forestry, and natural resources : 26-28 September 1995, Paris, France
Complex dynamics, fluctuations, chaos, and fractals in biomedical photonics : 25 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Saratov fall meeting 2000 : Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine II : 3-6 October 2000, Saratov, Russia
International Conference of Microelectronics : Microelectronics '92 : 21-23 September 1992, Warsaw, Poland
Smart structures and materials 2000 : Sensory phenomena and measurement instrumentation for smart structures and materials : 6-8 March 2000, Newport Beach, USA
Applications of digital image processing XXI : 21-24 July 1998, San Diego, California
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition VII : 13-15 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Workshop on Digital Holography : 19-21 May 1992, Prague, Czechoslovakia
Advanced technology optical telescopes II : September 5-6, 1983, London, England
Spatial light modulators and applications : January 26-27, Los Angeles, California
Optoelectronic signal processing for phased-array antennas II : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Molecular and polymeric optoelectronic materials : fundamentals and applications : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Proceedings of optical diagnostics of living cells and biofluids : 28 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California
1992 ICO Topical Meeting on Optical Computing : 29 June-1 July 1992, Minsk, Belarus
Image pattern recognition : algorithm implementations, techniques, and technology : [conference] 12-13 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
Fiber optic sensor technology II : 6-8 November 2000, Boston, USA
Advanced signal processing algorithms : 10-12 July 1995, San Diego, California
Electro-optical technology for remote chemical detection and identification II : 21 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 1993 : mathematics in smart structures : 1-3 February 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Wavelet applications : proceedings : 5-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Fiber optics reliability : benign and adverse environments III : 5-7 September, 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
Vibration control in microelectronics, optics, and metrology : 4-6 November 1991, San Jose, California
MEMS reliability for critical and space applications : 21-22 September 1999, Santa Clara, California
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection III : 8-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Millimeter-wave and terahertz photonics : 5-6 April 2006, Strasbourg, France
Atmospheric optics : models, measurements, and target-in-the-loop propagation : 27-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Missions to the sun II : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Advances in display technology V : January 24-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California
High-contrast imaging for exo-planet detection : 23-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Smart structures and materials 1997 : Smart electronics and MEMS : 4-6 March 1997, San Diego, California
Thermosense XV : an International Conference on Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications, 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Advances in laboratory-based X-ray sources and optics II : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Laser and nonlinear optical materials : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California
Fundamental problems of optoelectronics and microelectronics II : 13-16 September, 2004, Khabarovsk, Russia
Infrared technology and applications XXXII : 17-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Component and systems diagnostics, prognosis, and health management : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Free-space laser communications IV : 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Laser techniques for state-selected and state-to-state chemistry : 21-23 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Optical switching and optical interconnection II : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Photonics for space environments VIII : 9-10 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Design and engineering of optical systems II : 25-27 May 1999, Berlin, Germany
Optical/laser microlithography II, 1-3 March 1989, San Jose, California /Burn J. Lin, chair/editor ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
Synthetic aperture systems : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California
Proceedings of ophthalmic technologies V : 4-5 February 1995, San Jose, California
Visual data interpretation : 10-11 February 1992, San Jose, California
Organic photorefractives, photoreceptors, and nanocomposites : 31 July-1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Long-term monitoring of the earth's radiation budget : 17-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Geographic information systems, photogrammetry, and geological/geophysical remote sensing : 25, 27 September 1995, Paris, France
Document recognition III : 29-30 January, 1996, San Jose, California
Infrared scene simulation : systems, requirements, calibration, devices, and modeling : 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Automated inspection and high-speed vision architectures III : 6-7 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Advanced telescope and instrumentation control software II : 27-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Laser technology III : 24-27 September 1990, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland
Imaging spectrometry VII : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Applications and science of computational intelligence V : 2-3 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Applications and science of artificial neural networks II : 9-12 April, 1996, Orlando, Florida
Image understanding in the '90s : building systems that work : 18-19 October 1990, McLean, Virginia
Optical spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Integrated circuit metrology II : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Grazing incidence optics
Free-space laser communication technologies V : 20-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Smart systems and nondestructive evaluation for civil infrastructures : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA
High-speed fiber networks and channels : 4-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Storage and retrieval for media databases 2000 : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Application of optical instrumentation in medicine XII : medical image production, processing, display, and archiving : February 26-29, 1984, San Diego, California
Sensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) technologies for homeland security and homeland defense VI : 9-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Digital photography II : 16-17 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Quantum computing : 26-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Polarization and color techniques in industrial inspection : 17-18 June 1999, Munich, Germany
High-power lasers : solid state, gas, excimer, and other advanced lasers II : 16-18 September 1998, Beijing, China
Laser use in oncology : CIS selected papers
Imaging spectroscopy : February 10-11, 1981, Los Angeles, California
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets XI : 17-21 April, 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Medical imaging 1993 : physics of medical imaging : 14-15 February 1993, Newport Beach, California
Smart structures and materials 1997 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 5-6 March 1997, San Diego, California
Cameras, scanners, and image acquisition systems : 3-4 February 1993, San Jose, California
Optical sensors and electronic photography, 16-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Practical holography II : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XI : 1-3 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces : novel reporters with biological applications : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Contemporary methods of optical fabrication : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California
Conference digest : Thirteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 5-9 December 1988, Honolulu, Hawaii
Internal standardization and calibration architectures for chemical sensors : 20-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Applications of fuzzy logic technology II : 19-21 April, 1995, Orlando, Florida
Atmospheric radiation : 30 June-1 July 1993, Tromsö, Norway
Structural mechanics of optical systems II : 13-15 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Ophthalmic measurements and optometry : 12-16 May 1997, Kazmierz Dolny, Poland
Adaptive optical systems and applications : 10-11 July 1995, San Diego, California
Advanced semiconductor epitaxial growth processes and lateral and vertical fabrication : 23-26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey
Ultraviolet ground- and space-based measurements, models, and effects IV : 5-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Applications of artificial neural networks IV : 13-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
3-D machine perception : April 23-24, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Current developments in optical engineering III : 15, 16, 18 August 1988, San Diego, California
Design, characterization, and packaging for MEMS and microelectronics II : 17-19 December, 2001, Adelaide, Australia
Laser remote sensing of natural waters : from theory to practice
Imaging spectrometry IV : 20-21 July, 1998, San Diego, California
Measurement and effects of surface defects and quality of polish : January 21-22, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Applications of optical digital data disk storage systems
Digital image processing and visual communications technologies in meteorology
Smart structures and materials 1993 : smart materials : 1-4 February, 1993, Albuquerque, NM
Simulation and modeling of optical systems
10th International Optical Computing Conference : April 6-8, 1983, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Human vision and electronic imaging : 29 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California
Inorganic optical materials II : 1-3 August, 2000, San Diego, USA
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 2000 : 32nd Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 16-18, October, 2000, Boulder, Colorado
Micromachining and microfabrication process technology VI : 18-20 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA
Earth observing systems VI : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Third International Symposium on Optical Storage (ISOS '92) : 15-20 October 1992, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China
Optical computing : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Navigation and control technologies for unmanned systems : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 1996 : smart structures and integrated systems
Superconductivity applications for infrared and microwave devices : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida : proceedings
Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays VI : 25-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA
High-temperature superconducting detectors, bolometric and nonbolometric : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Automated inspection and measurement : 28-30 October 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optical microlithography VI : 4-5 March 1987, Santa Clara, California
Intense microwave and particle beams : 16-19 January 1990 Los Angeles, California
Cockpit displays VI : displays for defense applications : 7-9 April, 1999, Orlando, Florida
Optical thin films : [symposium] January 26-27, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Inverse optics II : August 20, 1985, San Diego, California
Solid state imagers for astronomy : June 10-11, 1981, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optical data storage : 9-14 February 1992, San Jose, California
Computer-aided design and computer graphics : Fourth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics : 23-25 October, 1995, Wuhan, China
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems V :24-27 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece
Mathematics and applications of data/image coding, compression, and encryption III : 2 August 2000, San Diego, USA
International Conference on Optical Information Processing : 2-7 August 1993, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Second international conference on space information technology : 10-11 November 2007, Wuhan, China
Coherent lightwave communications : 7-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
Robot vision : May 6-7, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
ICO20 : lasers and laser technologies : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China
XIII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference : 18-22 September 2000
Configurable computing : technology and applications : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy VIII : 23-24 January 1999, San Jose, California
Proceedings of specialty fiber optics for medical applications : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Advances in stellar interferometry : 25-30 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
X-ray instrumentation in astronomy
High power and solid state lasers II : 19-20 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California
Optical fibre sensing and systems in nuclear environments
Illumination and source engineering : 23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Micromachining and microfabrication process technology IV : 21-22 September, 1998, Santa Clara, California
Future trends in biomedical applications of lasers : 24-25 May 1991, Berlin, Germany
Nonlinear optical beam manipulation, beam combining, and atmospheric propagation : 11-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Small payloads in space : 3-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
New technologies for astronomy : proceedings, ECO2, 25-26 April 1989, Paris, France
Applications of X rays generated from lasers and other bright sources II : 30-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Laser applications in meteorology and earth and atmospheric remote sensing : 16-18 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California
Remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere XI : 11-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Cooperative intelligent robotics in space : 6-7 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Intelligent robots and computer vision XIII : algorithms and computer vision : 31 October-2 November 1994, Boston, Massachusetts
International Workshop on Physics and Engineering of Computerized Multidimensional Imaging and Processing : 2-4 April, 1986, Newport Beach, California
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers III : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Solid state lasers : 15-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Ultrasensitive and single-molecule detection technologies II : 20-21 and 23 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery IV : 23-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Silicon-based optoelectronics : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Window and dome technologies and materials VI : 5-6 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems XI : 20-23 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Mathematical imaging : wavelet applications in signal and image processing : 15-16 July 1993, Dan diego, California
Interferometry VI : techniques and analysis : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Material science and material properties for infrared optoelectronics : 30 September-2 October 1996, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
Battlespace digitization and network-centric warfare : 18-20 April, Orlando, USA
Interferometry '89 : 100 years after Michelson--state of the art and applications : proceedings : 8-12 May 1989, Warsaw, Poland
Advances in resist technology and processing XV : 23-25 February 1998, Santa Clara, California
Proceedings : ALT '98 selected papers on novel laser methods in medicine and biology
Image and signal processing for remote sensing XII : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Scientific and engineering applications of commercial laser devices
Precision agriculture and biological quality : 3-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Geoinformatics 2006 : Geospatial information technology : 28-29 October 2006, Wuhan, China
Sixth international conference on solid state lighting : 14-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Solid state lasers IX : 25-26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Advanced characterization techniques for optics, semiconductors, and nanotechnologies II : 2-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Chemical and biological standoff detection II : 27-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Seventh International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications : 19-22 June 2006, Ancona, Italy
Thermosense XII : an International Conference on Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications, 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Chemical and biological sensing : 24-25 April 2000, Orlando, USA
X-ray and vacuum ultraviolet interaction data bases, calculations, and measurements, 14-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing instruments and applications II : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Complex dynamics and fluctuations in biomedical photonics III : 21 and 24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Infrared detectors and arrays : 6-7 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
UV/optical/IR space telescopes : innovative technologies and concepts III : 26-29 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Wideband interferometric sensing and imaging polarimetry : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Optical sensing, imaging, and manipulation for biological and biomedical applications : 26-28 July 2000, Taipei, Taiwan
Optical components and transmission systems : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Fluorescence detection II : 13-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technologiy Symposium
International Conference on Nonimaging Concentrators : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California
Conference digest : Fifteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 10-14 December 1990, Orlando, Florida
Fluctuations and noise in photonics and quantum optics : 2-4 June, 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Microwave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment V : 15-16 November 2006, Goa, India
Photonic quantum computing : 23-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of holography, interferometry, and optical pattern recognition in biomedicine : 21-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of the 1993 International Symposium on Microelectronics, November 9-11, 1993, Dalls Convention Center, Dallas, Texas
Cockpit displays VII : displays for defense applications : 25-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Electro-optic and magneto-optic materials : ECO1, 22-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Advanced optical and quantum memories and computing III : 24-25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Optically based biological and chemical detection for defence III : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Advances in fluorescence sensing technology II : 6-8 February 1995, San Jose, California
Proceedings of advances in laser and light spectroscopy to diagnose cancer and other diseases III : 20-30 January 1996, San Jose, California
Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications III : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology III : 7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of biomedical systems and technologies : 8-10 September 1996, Vienna, Austria
Advances in image compression and automatic target recognition, 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Picosecond lasers and applications : January 26-27, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Optical spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research V : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery XI : 28 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Photonic detection and intervention technologies for safe food : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA
Rapid thermal and laser processing : 24-25 September 1992, San Jose, California
Intense microwave pulses : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Characterization, propagation, and simulation of sources and backgrounds III : 12-13 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
High speed photodetectors : February 12-13, 1981, Los Angeles, California
Fullerenes and photonics IV : 28-29 July, 1997, San Diego, California
Optical microlithography III : technology for the next decade : March 14-15, 1984, Santa Clara, California
Mode-locked lasers and ultrafast phenomena : ICONO '91, 24-27 September 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia
Advanced photon counting techniques II : 9-11 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Device-independent color imaging : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California
Proceedings of photon propagation in tissues III : 6-8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy
Underwater imaging, photography, and visibility : 23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Solid state crystals, growth and characterization : 7-11 October 1996, Zakopane, Poland
Mathematical modeling, Bayesian estimation, and inverse problems : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in the optical spectrum : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Second International Conference on Experimental Mechanics : 29 November-1 December 2000, Singapore
Infrared detector materials : April 20-24, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Real-time signal processing IV : August 25-28, 1981, San Diego, California
Speckle metrology 2003 : 18-20 June 2003, Trondheim, Norway
Smart structures and materials 1999 : Sensory phenomena and measurement instrumentation for smart structures and materials : 1-4 March 1999, Newport Beach, California
Laser-tissue interactions, therapeutic applications, and photodynamic therapy : 18-21 January 2001, Munich, Germany
Document recognition V : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California
Fifth International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology : 24-27 October 2003, Beijing, China
Rapid prototyping and flexible manufacturing : 16 June 1997, Munich, FRG
Quantum information and computation II : 12-14 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Chaos in optics : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Battlespace digitization and network-centric systems IV : 13-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Vision geometry IX : 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing II : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Signal and data processing of small targets 1996 : 9-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing XI : 6-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Smart structures and materials 1997 : Smart sensing, processing, and instrumentation : 3-5 March 1997, San Diego, California
Medical imaging 1994, Physics of medical imaging : 13-14 February 1994, Newport Beach, California
Multimedia content analysis, management, and retrieval 2006 : 17-19 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Optically based biological and chemical sensing for defence : 25-28 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom
Automated inspection and high speed vision architectures : 3-4 November, 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optoelectronic integrated circuits and packaging III : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Gradient index, miniature, and diffractive optical systems III : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing IV : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Future infrared detector materials : 29-30 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings, 2003 International Symposium on Microelectronics, November 18-20, 2003, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massa Massachusetts, USA
11th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics : 21-25 September 1998, Strará Lesná, High Tatra Maountains, Slovak Republic
8th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel : optical engineering and remote sensing : 14-16 December 1992, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Airborne reconnaissance XVI, 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Infrared detectors, sensors, and focal plane arrays : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Proceedings of laser applications in ophthalmology : 2-3 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Infrared detectors for remote sensing : physics, materials, and devices : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Advanced software and control for astronomy : 24-26 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Fifth International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : 11-14 May, 2004, Nara, Japan
Optoelectronic technologies for remote sensing from space : 19-20 November 1987, Cannes, France
Proceedings of biomedical sensing and imaging technologies, 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California
Liquid crystal materials, devices, and flat panel displays : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Optical pattern recognition IV : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Plasmonics in biology and medicine VI : 26-27 January 2009, San Jose, California, United States
Acousto-optics and photoacoustics : 30 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Micro-optics/micromechanics and laser scanning and shaping : 7-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Intense beams and applications : lasers, ions, and microwaves : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
High power laser diodes and applications
Targets and backgrounds X : characterization and representation : 12-13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Fiber optic smart structures and skins : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Surface characterization and testing II : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Biophotonics instrumentation and analysis : 28-29 November 2001, Singapore
Window and dome technologies and materials : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2004 : smart sensor technology and measurement systems : 15-17 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Micro- and nanotechnology for biomedical and environmental applications : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California, USA
Ultrahigh speed and high speed photography, photonics, and videography '89 : seventh in a Series : 7-9 August 1989, San Diego, California
Human vision, visual processing, and digital display IV : 1-4 February 1993, San Jose, California
Integrated optical circuit engineering V : 17-20 August 1987, San Diego, California
Advanced optoelectronics and lasers : 16-20 September, 2003, Alushta, Ukraine
UV, X-ray, and gamma-ray space instrumentation for astronomy XVII : 21-24 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States
Fourth Pacific Northwest Fiber Optic Sensor Workshop : 6-7 May 1998, Troutdale, Oregon
Document recognition and retrieval VII : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
SAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques VI : 8 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Interferometry : surface characterization and testing : 24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Active and passive optical components for WDM communications III : 8-11 September, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Discoveries and research prospects from 6- to 10- meter-class telescopes II: 22-23 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Flatness, roughness, and discrete defects characterization for computer disks, wafers, and flat panel displays II : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Optical remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds III : 25-27 October 2002, Hangzhou, China
Fiber optic smart structures and skins IV : 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Laser Optics 2000 : High-Power Gas Lasers, 26-30 June 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia
Novel optical systems design and optimization VI : 4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Ultrashort wavelength lasers II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Algorithms, devices, and systems for optical information processing : 20-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Instrumentation in astronomy VIII : 13-14 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii
Image and video compression : 9-10 February 1994, San Jose, California
Location services and navigation technologies : 24 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Technologies for optical countermeasures : 26-27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom
Infrared systems and components II : 12-14 January, 1988, Los Angeles, California
Lasers in medicine and dentistry : diagnostics and treatment : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China
Atom optics : 10-12 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Color imaging XI : processing, hardcopy, and applications : 17-19 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Optical design and engineering : 30 September-3 October 2003, St. Etienne, France
Fiber optic and laser sensors : April 5-7, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Sensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C31) technologies for homeland defense and law enforcement II : 21-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Fifth International Topical Meeting on Education and Training in Optics : August 19-21 1997, Delft, The Netherlands
International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter : 19-22 July 1994, Darwin, Australia
Laser beam diagnostics : 21-22 January, 1991, Los Angeles, California
Visual simulation and image realism II : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California
Proceedings of optical fibers in medicine VI : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Medical imaging V, Image physics : 25-26 February 1991, San Jose, California
Targets and backgrounds XI : characterization and representation : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Unmanned ground vehicle technology V : 22-23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Gas, metal vapor, and free-electron lasers and applications : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Optical/laser microlithography : 2-4 March 1988, Santa Clara, California
Proceedings of biomedical optoelectronic instrumentation : 7-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Coherent optics in mapping : tutorial seminar and technology utilization program, March 27-29, 1974, Rochester, N.Y.
Mathematical modeling, estimation, and imaging : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Second European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials : held at the Glasgow Hilton, Glasgow, Scotland, 12-14 October 1994
Advanced topics in optoelectronics, microelectronics, and nanotechnologies II : 24-26 November, 2004, Bucharest, Romania
Advances in laser remote sensing for terrestrial and oceanographic applications : 21-22 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Nonlinear optics and materials, 8-10 May 1991, Dallas, Texas
Smart structures and materials 1996 : Mathematics and control in smart structures : 26-29 February 1996, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2002 : active materials : behavior and mechanics : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA
Sol-gel optics III : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Advanced sensor technologies for nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring II : 1-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Proceedings of dental applications of lasers : 1-2 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Nondestructive evaluation of bridges and highways : 4-5 December 1996, Scottsdale, Arizona
Very high resolution and quality imaging III : 30 January, 1998, San Jose, California
Infrared and passive millimeter-wave imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing : 3-5 April 2002, Orland, USA
Smart structures and materials 1995 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 28 February, 2-3 March 1995, San Diego, California
X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy XIII : 3-5 August 2003 San Diego, California
Biometric technology for human identification III : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Automated geo-spatial image and data exploitation II : 16 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Advances in thin film coatings for optical applications : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Wavelet applications VII : 26-28 April 2000, Orlando, Florida
Instrumentation in astronomy IV : March 8-10, 1982, Tucson, Arizona
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing IX : 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
International Conference on Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer, 8-9 June, 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia
X-ray/EUV optics for astronomy and microscopy : 7-11 August 1989
Biomedical diagnostic, guidance, and surgical-assist systems II : 25-26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Molecular imaging : reporters, dyes, markers, and instrumentation : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California
Medical imaging 1993 : image processing : 16-19 February 1993, Newport Beach, California
Image acquisition and scientific imaging systems : 9-10 February 1994, San Jose, California
Automatic target recognition XI : 17-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Photoelectronic detectors, cameras, and systems : 13-14 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Organic photorefractives, photoreceptors, waveguides, and fibers : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Amplitude and intensity spatial interferometry : 14-16 Feburary 1990, Tucson, Arizona
Infrared systems and photoelectronic technology II : 26-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Atmospheric propagation, adaptive systems, and lidar techniques for remote sensing II : 23-24 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain
Second International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments : 29 October-5 November 1993
Micromachining and microfabrication process technology II : 14-15 October, 1996, Austin, Texas
Imaging spectrometry X : 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Optical and infrared thin films : 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Current developments in optical engineering IV : 9-10 July 1990, San Diego, California
High-speed electronics and optoelectronics : 26 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey
Laser energy distribution profiles : measurement and applications : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
The Laser marketplace 1992 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers, 22-23 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Ocean optics XII : 13-15 June 1994, Bergen, Norway
Hybrid image and signal processing IV : 7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Advanced optical storage technology : 15-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Focal plane arrays for space telescopes II : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Document recognition and retrieval XII : 19-20 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Photorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications V : 18-19 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Image communications and workstations : 12-13 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Visual information processing IV : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers IV : 10-14 September 2001, Tomsk, Russia
Holographic optics : optically and computer generated : 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Applications of artificial intelligence VIII : 17-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of ophthalmic technologies VI : 27-28 January 1996, San Jose, California
Proceedings of ophthalmic technologies IX : 23-25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials V : 22-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Fiber optic and laser sensors V : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California
Strongly correlated electron materials : physics and nanoengineering : 31 July-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Modeling and simulation of laser systems III : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Ultraviolet atmospheric and space remote sensing : methods and instrumentation : 7-8 August 1996
Smart structures and materials 2004 : smart electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS, and nanotechnology : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Visual information processing XIII : 15-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Amplitude and intensity spatial interferometry II: 15-16 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii
Signal and data processing of small targets 1999 : 20-22 July 1999, Orlando, Florida
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations IV : 11-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Non-intrusive inspection technologies : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Diamond-film semiconductors, 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Test and evaluation of IR detectors and arrays II : 22-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Advances in computer-assisted recognition : 27th AIPR Workshop : 14-16 October, 1998, Washington, D.C.
Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors : 4-5 September 1991, Boston, Massachusets
Physics of amorphous semiconductor devices : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XV : 18-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA
New optical materials : April 20-21, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland
Airborne reconnaissance XXII : 21-22 July, 1998, San Diego, California
Digital cinema and microdisplays : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA
Visual communications and image processing '94 : 25-29 September 1994, Chicago, Illinois
Smart medical and biomedical sensor technology : 28-29 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Catheter-based sensing and imaging technology : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
4th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and 7th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications : 3-7 September 2001 Tandil, Argentina
Hybrid image and signal processing V : 8 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology IX : 19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Optomechanical design and engineering 2001 : 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Actuator technology and applications : 7-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Interferometry for optical astronomy II : 22 - 28 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Applications of digital image processing XX : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, CA
NASA/SPIE Conference on Spin-off Technologies from NASA for Commercial Sensors and Scientific Applications : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California
Integrating photogrammetric techniques with scene analysis and machine vision II : 19-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
1985 International Conference on Fourier and Computerized Infrared Spectroscopy : June 24-28, 1985, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Infrared imaging systems: design, analysis, modeling, and testing XV : 14-15 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA
Nonlinear optics : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Free-electron generators of coherent radiation : 26 June-1 July 1983, Rosario Resort, Orcas Island, Washington
Biomedical instrumentation based on micro- and nanotechnology : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Health care technology policy I : the role of technology in the cost of health care : 27-29 April 1994, Arlington, Virginia
Mobile multimedia/image processing for military and security applications : 20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Electronics and structures for MEMS : 27-29 October, 1999, Royal Pines Resort, Queensland, Australia
High-resolution displays and projection systems : 11-12 February 1992, San Jose, California
Design, characterization, and packaging for MEMS and microelectronics : 27-29 October 1999, Royal Pines Resort, Queensland, Australia
Automated inspection and high speed vision architectures II : 10-11 November, 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts
APOC 2002: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : optical networking II : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Radar processing, technology, and applications IV : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XIII : 6-8 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Infrared technology IX : [proceedings] : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California
Intelligent robots and computer vision IX : neural, biological, and 3-D methods : 7-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Diagnostic optical spectroscopy in biomedicine III : 12-16 June 2005, Munich, Germany
Photopolymers and applications in holography, optical data storage, optical sensors, and interconnects : 16-18 August 1993, Québec, Canada
Optical measurement systems for industrial inspection II : application in industrial design : 18-19 June 2001 Munch, Germany
Optical/laser microlithography III : 7-9 March 1990, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Smart electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS, and nanotechnology : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Optical instrumentation for gas emissions monitoring and atmospheric measurements : 7-10 November 1994, McLean, Virginia
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology : 20-22 July 1998, San Diego, California
Wireless communications : 12-13 July 1995, San Diego, California
Second International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : 16-18 May 2001, Singapore
Air traffic control technologies II : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Dielectric and related phenonmena : materials physico-chemistry, spectrometric investigations, and applications : 16-20 September 1996, Szczyrk, Poland
Reconfigurable technology : FPGAs for computing and applications
Optical pulse and beam propagation III : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Smart structures and materials 1999 : smart electronics and MEMS : 1-3 March, 1999, Newport Beach, California
Novel optical systems design and optimization V : 9 July, 2002, Seattle, USA
Hard copy output technologies, 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Digital publishing : 16-17 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Design and microfabrication of novel x-ray optics : 9 July 2002, Seattle, Wasington, USA
Sol-gel optics V : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Advances in resist technology and processing XI : 28 February-1 March 1994, San Jose, California
Current developments in lens design and optical systems engineering : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Millimeter wave and synthetic aperture radar, 27-28 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Integrated optics and microstructures : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
New developments in ultrasonic transducers and transducer systems : 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Laser techniques for state-selected and state-to-state chemistry III : 12-14 July 1995, San Diego, California
Optical pattern recognition II : proceedings, ECO2, 26-27 April 1989, Paris, France
Infrared technology and applications : 26-28 June 1990, London, England
Optical space communication II : 10-11 June 1991, Munich, Germany
Millimeter wave technology III : April 9-10, 1985, Arlington, Virginia
Infrared technology XX : 25-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Hybrid image and signal processing II : 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Medical imaging 1999, Ultrasonic transducer engineering : 24-25 February 1999, San Diego, California
High frequency optical communications : [proceedings] : 23-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Noise and stochastics in complex systems and finance : 21-24 May 2007, Florence, Italy
Biophotonics and immune responses : 23-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
BioMEMS and nanotechnology : 10-12 December 2003, Perth, Australia
Robotic and semi-robotic ground vehicle technology : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere X : 19-21 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Image algebra and morphological image processing III : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Printing technologies for images, gray scale, and color : 26-28 February 1991, San Jose, California
Image processing, signal processing, and synthetic aperture radar for remote sensing : 22-26 September 1997, London, UK
Optical fiber and planar waveguide technology II : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Fiber optic couplers, connectors, and splice technology : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Fourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry : 23-25 October 2003, Tianjin, China
Production and analysis of polarized X rays : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Mobile robots V : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical fibers and sensors for medical applications : 20-21 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Applications of artificial neural networks : 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Color imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and graphic arts IV : 26-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Quantum well and superlattice physics V : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
First International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : 14-16 June 2000, Omiya, Saitama, Japan
Unconventional imaging : 31 July-1 August 2005, San DIego, California, USA
Nonlinear image processing : 15-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Instrumentation in astronomy VII : 13-17 February 1990, Tucson, Arizona
Enabling technologies for law enforcement and security : 5-8 November 2000, Boston, USA
Eighth International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers : 10-14 September 1990, Madrid, Spain
Proceedings of functional imaging and optical manipulation of living cells : 10-11 February 1997, San Jose, California
14th annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management : proceedings : 14-16 September 1994, Santa Clara, California
Eighth International Conference on Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals : 2-6 October 2000, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine
Charge-coupled devices and solid state optical sensors : 12-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Advances in neutron scattering instrumentation : 7-8 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Recent advances in the uses of light in physics, chemistry, engineering, and medicine : 19-21 June 1991, the City College of New York
Environmentally conscious manufacturing : 6-8 November 2000, Boston, USA
Remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds : 13-16 November 2006, Goa, India
12th international workshop on lidar multiple scattering experiments : 10-12 September 2002, Oberpfaffenhofen, Bavaria, Germany
ICONO 2007 : physics of intense and superintense laser fields ; attosecond pulses; quantum and atom optics; and engineering of quantum information : 28 May-1 June 2007, Minsk, Belarus
Instrumentation for submillimeter spectroscopy : 5-6 December 1985, Cannes, France
Proceedings of low-energy laser effects on biological systems : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Video communications and PACS for medical applications : 5-8 April 1993, Berlin, FRG
Small satellite technologies and applications II : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Unmanned ground vehicle technology IV: 2-3 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Color imaging : device-independent color, color hard copy, and graphic arts : 29 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California
Fourth International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication : 21-24 June, 2003, Munich, Germany
Conference proceedings, OFS '84 : 2nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, September 5-7, 1984 Liederhalle Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany
Optical thin films III : new developments : 9-11 July 1990, San Diego, California
Transition of optical processors into systems 1995 : 18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Advances in microelectronic device technology : 7-9 November 2001, Nanjing, China
Proceedings of advances in laser and light spectroscopy to diagnose cancer and other diseases : 23-24 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Data mining and knowledge discovery : theory, tools, and technology
Defense, security, and cockpit displays : 14-16 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Recent advances in civil space remote sensing : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Photon management : 27-28 April 2004, Strasbourg, France
Optical materials in defence systems technology V : 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control II : 29 February-1 March 1988, Santa Clara, California
Quantum communications and quantum imaging III : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Biomolecular spectroscopy : proceedings, 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy IV : 11-12 July 1993, San Diego, California
Crystal and multilayer optics : 21-22 July, 1998, San Diego, California
Precision surface metrology : August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California
Fluctuations and noise in biological, biophysical, and biomedical systems II : 26-28 May, 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Smart materials, structures, and systems : 12-14 December 2002, Bangalore, India
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing X : 7-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Advances in resist technology and processing XVII : 28 February - 1 March 2000, Santa Clara, USA
Display technologies and applications for defense, security, and avionics : 12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Vision geometry : 15-16 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Phase contrast and differential interference contrast imaging techniques and applications : 19-21 October 1992, Warsaw, Poland
Nonconducting photopolymers and applications : 20-21 July 1992, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Smart structures and integrated system : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations VII : 28-30 July 1997, San Diego, California
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control V : 4-5 March 1991, San Jose, California
Spectroscopic atmospheric environmental monitoring techniques : 21-22 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain
Diagnostic imaging technologies and industrial applications : 14-15 June 1999, Munich, Germany
Industrial and scientific uses of high-power lasers : 13-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4
Multigigabit fiber communication systems : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California
Reflecting optics for synchrotron radiation : November 16-18, 1981, Upton, New York
Knowledge-based artificial intelligence systems in aerospace and industry : 5-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Complex dynamics and fluctuations in biomedical photonics II : 22 and 25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Remote sensing of the marine environment : 15-17 November 2006, Goa, India
Information systems for divers and autonomous underwater vehicles operating in very shallow water and surf zone regions II : 27 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Accelerator-based infrared sources and applications : 29-30 July 1997, San Diego, California
Optical wireless communications II : 22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Fabrication, testing, and reliability of semiconductor lasers II : 13-14 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Adaptive optical system technologies : 23-26 March, 1998, Kona, Hawaii
Image intensification : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Modeling of optical thin films II : 12-13 July, 1990, San Diego, California
Remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere VII : 24-27 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece
Automatic optical inspection : 15-18 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria
Microlithography 1999 : advances in resist technology and processing XVI : 15-17 March 1999, Santa Clara, California
Micromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics V and microfabrication process technology XII : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials, composites, and civil infrastructure V : 28 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Proceedings of advances in DNA sequencing technology : 21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Lasers as tools for manufacturing II : 12-14 February 1997, San Jose, California
Biomedical photonics and optoelectronic imaging : 8-10 November 2000, Beijing, China
Curves and surfaces in computer vision and graphics II : 12-14 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Process and equipment control in microelectronic manufacturing II : 30-31 May, 2001, Edinburgh, UK
Terahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics III : 25-26 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Unmanned/unattended sensors and sensor networks III : 11-12 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Sol-gel optics IV : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Visualization in biomedical computing 1994 : 4-7 October 1994, Rochester, Minnesota
Medical imaging 2000 : physiology and function from multidimensional images, 13-15 February 2000, San Diego, California
Fiber optic communication technology : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California
Microfluidics and bioMEMS : 22-24 October 2001, San Francisco, USA
Future research direction and visions for astronomy : 25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
International conference on charged and neutral particles channeling phenomena : 2 - 6 November 2004, Rome, Italy
Fiber optic components and optical communication II : 18-19 September, 1998, Beijing, China
Advanced remote sensing
Space telescopes and instrumentation I : optical, infrared, and millimeter : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Microelectronic interconnects and packages, optical and electrical technologies
Process imaging for automatic control : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA
Wavelet applications in signal and image processing III : 12-14 July 1995, Dan Diego, California
First International Symposium on High-Power Laser Macroprocessing : 27-31 May 2002, Osaka, Japan
Applications of digital image processing XIII : 10-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Solar optical materials XVI : 22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Medical imaging III, Image processing : 31 January-3 February 1989, Newport Beach, California
Laser diagnostics : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
Optical astronomical instrumentation : 26-28 March, 1998, Kona, Hawaii
Space optics 1994 : space instrumentation and spacecraft optics, 18-21 April 1994, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FRG
Ninth International Conference on Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals : 30 September-4 October 2002, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine
Laser beam radiometry : 14-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Microelectronic interconnects and packages, system and process integration
Noise in devices and circuits III : 24-26 May, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA
Science with soft x-rays : October 17-19, 1983, Upton, New York
Wavelet applications II : proceedings : 17-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Soft X-ray and EUV imaging systems : 3-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Fiber optic and laser sensors and applications : including Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors VII : 3-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Buildings for nanoscale research and beyond : 31 July-1 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Optical organic and inorganic materials, 16-19 August, 2000, Vilnius, Lithuania
1988 International Conference on Education in Optics : 14-15 August 1988
Materials research in low gravity II : 19-21 July 1999, San Diego, California
Fiber optic and laser sensors VI : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Mass.
Gravitational-wave detection : 23-25 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Detectors, focal plane arrays, and applications : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China
High-power laser ablation V : 25-30 April, 2004, Taos, New Mexico, USA
Current developments in optical design and optical engineering : fifth in a series : 21-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Laser plasma generation and diagnostics : 27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Electro-optical instrumentation for industrial applications : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XI : 19-20 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Infrared optical materials and fibers III : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Optical Data Storage 2016 : 28 August 2016 San Diego, California, United States
Components for fiber optic applications II : 17-18 August 1987, San Diego, California
Media processors 2000 : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors IV : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of static and dynamic light scattering in medicine and biology : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Ultrafast Laser Probe Phenomena in Bulk and Microstructure Semiconductors II : a special international conference of invited speakers : 14-15 March 1988, Newport Beach, California
Unmanned ground vehicle technology III: 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA
X-ray investigations of polymer structures
Proceedings of biomedical sensors, fibers, and optical delivery systems : 8-10 September 1998, Stockholm, Sweden
Applications with weather satellites II : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
IEEE Western Canada Conference and Exhibition on Telecommunication for Health Care--Telemetry, Teleradiology, and Telemedicine : IEEE WESCANEX '90 : July 6-7, 1990, the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Algorithms for multispectral and hyperspectral imagery V : 5-6 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Fourth International Conference on Material science and material properties for infrared optoelectronics : 29 September-2 October 1998, Kiev, Ukraine
Sensors and sensor integration : 4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Organic, metallo-organic, and polymeric materials for nonlinear optical applications : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
X-ray instrumentation in medicine and biology, plasma physics, astrophysics and synchrotron radiation : proceedings, ECO2, 25-28 April 1989, Paris, France
Nonlinear optical liquids and power limiters : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Proceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy V : 27-28 January 1996, San Jose, California
Active infrared systems and technology : 2-3 April, 1987, TheHague, The Netherlands
Excimer lasers and applications : ECO1 21-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Medical imaging V, PACS design and evaluation : 26 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California
Liquid and solid state crystals : physics, technology, and applications : 12-17 October 1992, Zakopane, Poland
Solar physics and space weather instrumentation II : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Telescopes and instrumentation for solar astrophysics : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
ICALEO '94 : Laser Materials Processing : 17-20 October 1994, Orlando, Florida
Photometric engineering of sources and systems : 29-30 July 1997, San Diego, California
Optical fabrication, testing, and metrology : 30 September-3 October 2003, St. Etienne, France
Lidar remote sensing for environmental monitoring VII : 14-16 November 2006, Goa, India
Holographic optics II : principles and applications : 25-28 April 1989, Paris, France
Image understanding for aerospace applications : 13-14 June 1991, Munich, Germany
High bandwidth analog applications of photonics II : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Smart structures and materials 1998 : Smart materials technologies : 4-5 March 1998, San Diego, California
Data analysis and modeling for process control II : 3-4 March, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Expert robots for industrial use, 7-8 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts
X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes and instruments for astronomy : 24-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Optical biopsies and microscopic techniques II : 5-8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy
Remote sensing and modeling of ecosystems for sustainability II : 2-3 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
International Conference on Photoelectronics and Night Vision Devices
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing : 3-4 April 1986, Orlando, Florida
All-optical communication systems: architecture, control, and network issues II : 20-21 November, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Progress in high-temperature superconducting transistors and other devices II : 12-13 September 1991, San Jose, California
Algorithms for multispectral and hyperspectral imagery II : 9-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Advanced topics in optoelectronics, microelectronics, and nanotechnologies : 21-23 November, 2002, Bucharest, Romania
Industrial sensing systems : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA
Biosensing : 12-14 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Display technology II : February 10-11, 1981, Los Angeles, California
Image quality, an overview : April 9-10, 1985, Arlington, Virginia
Image and signal processing for remote sensing VII : 18-21 September 2001, Toulouse, France
Advanced semiconductor processing and characterization of electronic and optical materials : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Photorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications VI : 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA
Intelligent systems in design and manufacturing
Smart structures and materials 1995 : mathematics and control in smart structures : 27 February-1 March, 1995, San Diego, California
Proceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detections : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy VII : 24-25 January 1998, San Jose, California
Infrared detectors : [proceedings] August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California
Application of lidar to current atmospheric topics II : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Optoelectronic and electronic sensors VI : 19-22 June 2006, Zakopane, Poland
Enabling technologies for 3G and beyond : 22-23 August 2001, Denver, USA
Rare-earth-doped materials and devices IV : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Proceedings of three-dimensional bioimaging systems and lasers in the neurosciences : 23-24 January, 1991, Los Angeles, California
Photonic processing technology and applications : 21-22 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Enabling sensor and platform technologies for spaceborne remote sensing : 9-10 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Sensor fusion and distributed robotic agents : 21-22 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Optomechatronic actuators and manipulation : 5-7 December 2005, Sapporo, Japan
Earth observing systems III : 19-21 July 1998, San Diego, California
The Sixth Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering : 19-21 December 1988, Tel Aviv, Israel
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1993 : 25th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 27-29, October, 1993, Boulder, Colorado
23rd International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 20-25 September, 1998, Moscow, Russia
Second International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : '94 TFPA : 15-17 April 1994, Shanghai, China
Airborne intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) systems and applications III : 19-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Shuttle optical environment : April 23-24, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Inverse optics III : 4-5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Electro-optical materials for switches, coatings, sensor optics, and detectors : 16-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Photonics for space environments VII : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
The Marketplace for industrial lasers : 9 September 1988, Chicago, Illinois
First International Conference on Lasers and Medicine : 10-13 October 1989, Tashkent, USSR
Airborne laser advanced technology II : 5-7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Optical systems contamination and degradation II : effects, measurements, and control : 2-3 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Imaging technology and telescopes : 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA
Air monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Advanced techniques for integrated circuit processing : 1-5 October 1990, Santa Clara, California
Optical information processing technology : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Applications of artificial intelligence X : knowledge-based systems : 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Optoelectronic component technologies : 16-18 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China
Atmospheric and environmental remote sensing data processing and utilization II : perspective on calibration/validation initiatives and strategies : 16-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Enabling technology for simulation science II : 14-16 April, 1998, Orlando, Florida
Three-dimensional imaging and remote sensing imaging : 14-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Infrared systems and components III : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Optical manufacturing technologies : 17-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Liquid crystal materials, devices, and applications III : 8-9 February 1994, San Jose, California
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XV : 17-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Smart structures and materials 1994 : passive damping : 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida
Emerging optoelectronic technologies : proceedings of the Conference on Emerging Optoelectronic Technologies, Bangalore, India, December 16-20, 1991
Machine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration II : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Emerging lithographic technologies V : 27 February-1 March, 2001, Santa Clara, [California], USA
Character recognition technologies : 1-2 February 1993, San Jose, California
Visual communications and image processing '98 : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 1997 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 4-6 March 1997, San Diego, California
European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors : 8-10 July 1998, Peebles, Scotland
Nonlinear optical beam manipulation and high energy beam propagation through the atmosphere : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Defense transformation and network-centric systems : 17-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Infrared readout electronics II : 7-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Optical microlithography V : 13-14 March 1986, Santa Clara, California
Proceedings of advances in fluorescence sensing technology IV : 24-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Mathematical methods in geophysical imaging II : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California
Advances in thin film coatings for optical applications II : 1-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Proceedings of laser interaction with hard and soft tissue II : 6-9 September 1994, Lille, France
Photodetectors : materials and devices VI : 22-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Digital image processing : January 22-23, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Discoveries and research prospects from 8- to 10-meter-class telescopes : 30 - 31 March 2000 Munich, Germany
Functional monitoring and drug-tissue interaction : 21-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Image and video processing II : 7-9 February 1994, San Jose, California
Sensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications V : 19-21 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA
X-ray calibration : techniques, sources, and detectors
International workshop on physics and engineering in medical imaging, March 15-18, 1982, Pacific Grove, California USA
Computational vision based on neurobiology : 6-9 July 1993, Pacific Grove, California
Lasers and optics for surface analysis : 20-21 January 1993 Los Angeles, California
High-speed inspection architectures, barcoding, and character recognition : 5-7 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Growth and characterization of materials for infrared detectors : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Engineering thin films with ion beams, nanoscale diagnostics, and molecular manufacturing : 30-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Laser-diode technology and applications II : 16-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Practical holography VII : Imaging and materials : 1-2 February 1993, San Jose, California
Surface scattering and diffraction for advanced metrology II : 9 July 2002 Seattle, Washington, USA
Lasers in microelectronic manufacturing : 10-11 September 1991, San Jose, California
High speed photography, videography, and photonics IV : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California
Passive fiber optic components and their reliability : 6-8 April 1993, Berlin, FRG
Biomedical spectroscopy : vibrational spectroscopy and other novel techniques : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Optical spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research III :19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Biomedical vibrational spectroscopy III : advances in research and industry : 21-22 and 24 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Laser diodes and leds in industrial, measurement, imaging, and sensors applications II : testing, packaging, and reliability of semiconductor lasers V : 26-25 January 2000, San Jose, California
Thermosense XVI : an International Conference on Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications, 6-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2001 : Active materials : behavior and mechanics : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA
SAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques V :23-24 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece
Polarization analysis and measurement : 19-21 July 1992, San Diego,California
Diffractive and holographic optics technology II : 9-10 February, 1995, San Jose, California
Medical imaging 1994, Image perception : 1 March 1995, San Diego, California
Laser safety, eyesafe laser systems, and laser eye protection : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Nonlinear dynamics of laser and optical systems : CIS selected papers
Infrared systems-design and testing : 9-10 June 1988, London, England
Terahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics VI : 21-22 January 2007, San Jose California, USA
Storage and retrieval systems and applications : 13-15 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Advanced wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications II : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Propagation engineering : fourth in a series : 3-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Ultraviolet atmospheric and space remote sensing : methods and instrumentation II : 22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Terahertz physics, devices, and systems : 2-4 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Intelligent robots and computer vision XII : active vision and 3D methods : 8-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Pulsed single-frequency lasers : technology and applications
Nonimaging optics, maximum efficiency light transfer IV : 27-28 July, 1997, San Diego, California
Enabling technologies for simulation science IX : 29-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Atmospheric and oceanic processes, dynamics, and climate change : 25 and 27 October 2002, Hangzhou, China
Optical devices and methods for microwave/millimeter-wave and frontier applications : 22-23 July 1998 San Diego, California
Advances in resist technology and processing X : 1-2 March 1993, San Jose, California
Laser optics for intracavity and extracavity applications
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1999 : 31th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 4-7, October, 1999, Boulder, Colorado
GOES-8 and beyond : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Lithographic and micromachining techniques for optical component fabrication II : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Digital image recovery and synthesis IV : 20-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optical manufacturing and testing IV : 31 July-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Photonics for space and radiation environments : 20-21 September 1999, Florence, Italy
Medical imaging V, Image capture, formatting, and display : proceedings 24-26 February 1991, San Jose, California
Advanced characterization techniques for optics, semiconductors, and nanotechnologies : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Proceedings of lasers in urology : 22-23 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Three-dimensional imaging : April 21-22, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland
Advanced software, control, and communication systems for astronomy : 21-22 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Remote sensing and space technology for multidisciplinary research and applications : 19-24 May 2005, Beijing, China
Optical system design, analysis, and production for advanced technology systems
Targets and backgrounds : characterization and representation IV : 13-15 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Russian airborne geophysics and remote sensing : 13-17 September 1992, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado
Local and metropolitan area networks : 5-6 April 1993, Berlin, FRG
Design, simulation, and fabrication of optoelectronic devices and circuits : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Laser and noncoherent light ocular effects : epidemiology, prevention, and treatment : 22 January 2001, San Jose, USA
SAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques VIII : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Processing and display of three-dimensional data II : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XVIII : 14 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA
Challenges in process integration and device technology : 18-19 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA
Electron tubes and image intensifiers : 10-11 February 1992, San Jose, California
Laser metrology for precision measurement and inspection in industry : 13-15 October 1999, Florianópolis, Brazil
Instrumentation for optical remote sensing from space
High-speed electronics and device scaling : 18-19 March 1990, San Diego, California
Innovative optics and phase conjugate optics : proceedings, ECO4 : 13-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands
Sol-gel optics II : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Image compression and encryption technologies : 22-24 October 2001, Wuhan, China
Proceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy IV : 4-5 February 1995, San Jose, California
Optical probes of conjugated polymers : 28-30 July 1997, San Diego, California
Device and process technologies for microelectronics, MEMS, and photonics IV : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia
Short and ultrashort wavelength lasers
Sensor fusion and aerospace applications : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
X-ray/EUV optics for astronomy, microscopy, polarimetry, and projection lithography : 9-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Applications of photonic technology [7A] : closing the gap between theory, development, and application : 7A--Photonics North 2004: Optical components and devices
Process module metrology, control, and clustering : 11-13 September 1991, San Jose, California
Holographic data nondestructive testing : October 4-8, 1982, Croatia Hotel de Luxe, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia
Image and signal processing for remote sensing : 26-30 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Commercial applications of precision manufacturing at the sub-micron level : 19-21 November 1991, London, United Kingdom
Computational imaging II : 19-20 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Free-space laser communication technologies XII : 24 January 2000, San Jose, California
Proceedings of advances in optical biophysics : 25-26 January 1998, San Jose, California
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments V : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Optoelectronic interconnects VI : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Eighth international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics : atmospheric physics : 25-29 June 2001, Irkutsk, Russia
Laser applications to chemical dynamics : 13-14 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
Advances in laboratory-based X-ray sources and optics : 31 July-1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
GEOSS and next-generation sensors and missions : 13-14 November 2006, Goa, India
Thin film technologies II : 15-17 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria
Fundamental problems of optoelectronics and microelectronics : 30 September-4 october, 2002, Vladivostok, Russia
Advanced Technology Optical
Optical computing and nonlinear materials : 11-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials II : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Emerging high-speed local-area networks and wide-area networks : 24-26 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Intelligent transportation systems : 15-17 October, 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Optical Data Storage 2009 : 11-13 May 2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States
Third International Workshop on Iodine Lasers and Applications : 28 September-2 October 1992, Bechyně Castle, Czechoslovakia
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets X : 28 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Imaging spectrometry II : 7-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1991 : 23rd Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 23-24, October, 1991, Boulder, Colorado
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control VII : 2-4 March 1993, San Jose, California
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers II : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California
Beam control, diagnostics, standards, and propagation : 6-7 February 1995, San Jose, California
Adaptive optics and optical structures : ECO3, 12-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Optical remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds : 15-17 September 1998, Beijing, China
Medical imaging 2010 : Visualization, image-guided procedures, and modeling : 14-16 February 2010 San Diego, California, United States
Fiber optic sensors V : 6-7 November 1996, Beijing, China
Clinical lasers and diagnostics : 6-8 July 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fiber optics reliability and testing : benign and adverse environments : sixth in a series : 8-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion III : August 21-23, 1984, San Diego, California
In-line characterization, yield, reliability, and failure analysis in microelectronic manufacturing II : 31 May-1 June 2001, Edinburgh, UK
Workshop on laser applications in Europe : 23 November 2005, Dresden, Germany
Optical telescopes of today and tomorrow : following in the direction of Tycho Brahe : 29 May-2 June, 1996, Landskrona/Hven, Sweden
Applications of optical metrology : techniques and measurements II : [proceedings] : April 7-8, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Photonics for space environments II : 5-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
13th international workshop on lidar multiple scattering experiments : 28 June -1 July 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia
Holographic optics III : principles and applications : proceedings, ECO4 : 12-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands
Technologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing XII : 10 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Space telescopes and instrumentation 2008 : optical, infrared, and millimeter : 23-28 June 2008, Marseille, France
Instrument design and performance for optical/infrared ground-based telescopes : 25 - 28 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
EMLC 2006 : 22nd European Mask and Lithography Conference : 23-26 January 2006, Dresden, Germany
UV, optical, and IR space telescopes and instruments : 29-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany
Metallization : performance and reliability issues for VLSI and ULSI : 12-13 September 1991, San Jose, California
Three-dimensional imaging, optical metrology, and inspection V : 19-20 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Excimer lasers and applications III : proceedings : ECO4 : 13-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands
Observatory operations to optimize scientific return II : 27-28 March 2000, Munich, Germany
Nonimaging optics, maximum efficiency light transfer : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems VI : 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Replication and molding of optical components : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Display technologies : 17-18 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China
Bioptics : optics in biomedicine and environmental sciences : proceedings of an intensive course held 17-25 March 1991, Porto, Portugal
Digital video compression on personal computers : algorithms and technologies 1995 : 7-10 February 1995, San Jose, California
Generation, measurement, and control of stray radiation III : January 18-19, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Three-dimensional image capture and applications III : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California
Broadband European networks and multimedia services : 18-20 May 1998, Zurich, Switzerland : Syben 98
Spatial information from digital photogrammetry and computer vision : ISPRS Commission III Symposium, September 5-9, 1994, Munich, Germany
Lasers as tools for manufacturing : 8 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Advances in optical thin films II : 13-15 September 2005, Jena, Germany
Wave-optical wywtems engineering II : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
19th congress of the international commission for optics : optics for the quality of life : 25-30 August 2002, Firenze, Italy
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials VI : 13-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optomechanical systems engineering : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California
The Marketplace for industrial lasers : proceedings : 13-14 September 1990, Chicago, Illinois
Proceedings of scanning and force microscopies for biomedical applications : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Particle sizing and spray analysis, August 21, 1985, San Diego, California
Sensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications IV : 21-23 January, 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
ICO20 : optical communication : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China
Advanced free-space optical communications techniques and technologies : 27-28 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom
Close-range photogrammetry meets machine vision : 3-7 September 1990, Zurich, Switzerland
Superconducting and related oxides, physics and nanoengineering IV : 24-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Scanning imaging : ECO1 21-23 September 1988, Hambeurg, Federal Repulic of Germany
Biostereometrics '88 : fifth international meeting, 14-17 November 1988, Basel, Switzerland
Digitization of the battlespace III : 15-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Fifth European conference on smart structures and materials : 22-24 May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Laser technologies for environmental monitoring and ecological applications, and laser technologies for medicine : International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies : 2005, 11-15 May, 2005, St. Petersburg,, Russia
ICONO '98 : laser spectroscopy and optical diagnostics : novel trends in laser chemistry, biophysics, and biomedicine : 29 June-3 July, 1998, Moscow, Russia
Unmanned/unattended sensors and sensor networks V : 16-18 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Neural, morphological, and stochastic methods in image and signal processing : 10-11 July 1995 San Diego, California
Test and evaluation of infrared detectors and arrays : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition VIII : 5-7 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Enhanced and synthetic vision 2002 : 1-2 April, 2002, Orlando, [Florida] USA
Environmental monitoring and remediation technologies II : 20-22 September, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Practical holography III : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Reflective optics : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Multispectral imaging for terrestrial applications II : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
17th international conference on photoelectronics and night vision devices : 27-31 May 2002, Moscow, Russia
Infrared astronomical instrumentation : 23-25 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii
SPIE 1991 publications index : subject/author indexes of all SPIE proceedings and SPIE Press books published in 1991
Proceedings of optical biophysics : 8-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Free-space laser communication and laser imaging : 30-31 July 2001 San Diego, USA
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Active materials : Behavior and mechanics : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Visual data exploration and analysis : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California
Superconducting and related oxides, physics and nanoengineering III : 20-24 July, 1998, San Diego, California
Mathematical methods in geophysical imaging IV : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Image algebra and morphological image processing II : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Polarization: measurement, analysis, and remote sensing VI : 15 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA
Three-dimensional imaging, visualization, and display 2009 : 15-16 April 2009, Orlando, Florida, United States
Second International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques : Advances and Applications, 23-25 September 1996, Ancona, Italy
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology : 21-22 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Medical imaging VI : PACS design and evaluation : 24-27 February 1992, Newport Beach, California
Solid state lasers and new laser materials : ICONO '91, 24-27 September 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia
Multichamber and in-situ processing of electronic materials : 10-11 October 1989, Santa Clara, California
Integration issues in large commercial media delivery systems : 23-24 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Optical memory & neural networks '94 : optical neural networks, 27-30 August 1994, Moscow, Russia
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XII : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets II : 21-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Visualization and data analysis 2010 : 18-19 January 2010, San Jose, California, United States
Fibre Optics '89 : seventh International Conference on Fibre Optics and Optoelectronics : 25-27 April 1989, London, England
Stray radiation in optical systems III : 26-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments VII : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Materials and technologies for optical communications : 19-20 November 1987, Cannes, France
Advanced x-ray/EUV radiation sources and applications : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Nanoengineering : fabrication, properties, optics, and devices III : 15-17 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Mobile robots XVII : 26-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Mathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption IV, with applications : 30-31 July, 2001, San Diego, USA
Nondestructive evaluation of aging aircraft, airports, aerospace hardware, and materials : 6-8 June 1995, Oakland, California
Laser power beaming II : 8-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Optoelectronic metrology : 28-30 September 1998, Ĺańcut, Poland
Photopolymer device physics, chemistry, and applications III : 7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Digital image synthesis and inverse optics : 9-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Lidar techniques for remote sensing : 28-29 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Microwave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment : 15-17 September 1998, Beijing, China
Optical engineering : index 1985-1989 (volumes 24-28), the Journal of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
High heat flux engineering II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion VII : ECO1, 19-21 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Free-space laser communication and atmospheric propagation xxx : 29-30 January 2018, San Francisco, California, United States /Hamid Hemmati, Don M. Boroson editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE
Smart structures and materials 1994 : smart sensing, processing, and instrumentation : 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida
Very high resolution and quality imaging : 31 January-2 February 1996, San Jose, California
Applications and science of computational intelligence II : 5-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Targets and backgrounds : characterization and representation : 17-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
CO[2] lasers and applications : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
1st International Conference and Workshop on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) for Medical Applications : January 18-21, 1982, Newport Beach, California
Scanning microscopy technologies and applications
Optical computing : April 8-12, 1990, Kobe, Japan
International Conference on Automatic Inspection and Measurement : August 20-21, 1985, San Diego, California
Sensors and control for automation : 22-24 June, Frankfort, FRG
Modeling of the atmosphere : 7-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Organic and biological optoelectronics : 18-19 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Materials and devices for optical and wireless communications : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 15-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Nonlinear and electro-optic materials for optical switching : 23-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Visual communications and image processing '92 : 18-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
In-process optical metrology for precision machining, 31 March-2 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands
Nonlinear optical materials II : 26-28 April 1989, Paris, France
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations X : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Data mining, intrusion detection, information assurance, and data networks security 2005 : 28-29 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Architectures and algorithms for digital image processing
Laser Optics 2000 : Solid State Lasers, 26-30 June 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia
Photonics for processors, neural networks, and memories : 12-15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 1999 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices : 1-2 March, 1999, Newport Beach, California
Fluctuations and noise in biological, biophysical, and biomedical systems : 2-4 June 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Current developments in optical engineering II : 18-21 August 1987, San Diego, California
Signal and data processing of small targets 2002 : 2-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Thermal treatment of tissue : energy delivery and assessment : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Sensors for propulsion measurement applications : 20-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Navigation and control technologies for unmanned systems II : 23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Second Bäckaskog workshop on extremely large telescopes : 9-11 September 2003, Bäckaskog Castle, Sweden
Physics of optical ring gyros : 7-10 January, 1984, Snowbird, Utah
Micron and submicron integrated circuit metrology : August 22-23, 1985, San Diego, California
Automatic target recognition XV : 29-31 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Real-time imaging IV : 25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Laser Florence 2003 : a window on the laser medicine world : 6-8 November 2003, Florence, Italy
Image and signal processing for remote sensing X : 13-15 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Image algebra and morphological image processing V : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California
Neural and stochastic methods in image and signal processing : 20-23 July 1992, San Diego, California
Proceedings of lasers in dermatology and tissue welding : 21-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Recent developments in infrared components and subsystems : 7-8 June 1988, London, England
Functional photonic integrated circuits : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California
Photonics, devices, and systems III :8-11 June 2005, Prague, Czech Republic
Earth observing systems IV : 18-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optical enhancements to computing technology : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2002 : smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 18-20 March 2002, San Diego, USA
Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for fast board development and reconfigurable computing : 25-26 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Adaptive computing : Mathematical and physical methods for complex environments : 4-5 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Applications of broadband optical and wireless networks : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Proceedings of fiber optic medical and fluorescent sensors and applications : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Photonics for space environments IV : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Proceedings of ultrasensitive biochemical diagnostics : 31 January, 2 February 1996, San Jose, California
Surface scattering and diffraction III : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Airborne reconnaissance XXVI : 10-11July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Sensor fusion III, 3-D perception and recognition : 5-8 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical techniques for environmental sensing, workplace safety, and health monitoring : 24-25 October 2001, Warsaw, Poland
Atmospheric propagation and remote sensing III : 5-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2002 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA
High data rate atmospheric and space communications : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings : international topical meeting on image detection and quality, 16-18 July 1986, Paris, France
Proceedings of optical diagnostics of biological fluids IV : 26-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 1996 : Smart materials technologies and biomimetics : 26 February-2 March 1996, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
High-frequency analog fiber optic systems, 17-18 September 1990, San Jose, California
Optical/laser microlithography IV : 6-8 March 1991, San Jose, California
Proceedings of photochemotherapy : photodynamic therapy and other modalities : 14-16 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain
Photonics for space environments IX : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Proceedings of ultrasensitive instrumentation for DNA sequencing and biochemical diagnostics
Laser radar technology and applications II : 23-25 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Airborne telescope systems : 27-28 March 2000, Munich, Germany
Digital image storage and archiving systems : 25-26 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Perceiving, measuring, and using color : 15-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Intelligent robots and computer vision : November 5-8, 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Recording systems : high-resolution cameras and recording devices, laser scanning and recording systems : 21-23 June 1993, Munich, FRG
Analog photonics : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Instrumentation in astronomy V : September 7-9, 1983, London, England
Optical microlithography XII : 17-19 March 1999, Santa Clara, California
Laser assisted processing : ECO1, 19-20 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany : proceedings
Thin films in optics : proceedings, ECO2, 24-25 April 1989, Paris, France
6th International Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics (DIP-97) : applications in humanities and social sciences : 20-22 October 1997, Vienna, Austria
Holography techniques and applications : ECO1 19-21 September, 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Environmental monitoring and remediation technologies : 2-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Digital image processing and visual communications technologies in the earth and atmospheric sciences II : 19-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
ICONO '98 : nonlinear optical phenomena and coherent optics in information technologies : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia
Doped fiber devices : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Technologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing XI : 18-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Signal and data processing of small targets 1997 : 29-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Focal plane methodologies III
Ultrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, Calfornia
Emerging liquid crystal technologies : 25-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Excimer lasers, optics, and applications : 12-13 February 1997, San Jose, California
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology IX : 14-15 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Digital image recovery and synthesis
Photon correlation spectroscopy : multicomponent systems : 22-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Photochemistry in thin films : 17-18 January 1989
Proceedings of ultraviolet radiation hazards : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Radar processing, technology, and applications II : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Display system optics II : 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Design, Test, Integration, and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS : 9-11 May 2000, Paris, France
Micro-optical technologies for measurement, sensors, and microsystems : 12-13 June 1996, Besançon, France
X-ray mirrors, crystals, and multilayers : 30-31 July 2001 San Diego, USA
Infrared readout electronics III : 9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Advanced photon counting techniques : 1-3 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Surveillance technologies and imaging components : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Laser scanning and recording : [proceedings] August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California
Laser frequency stabilization and noise reduction : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California
Proceedings of medical applications of lasers : 4-5 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Space telescopes and instrumentation 2008 : ultraviolet to gamma ray : 23-28 June 2008, Marseille, France
Image quality : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California
Charged-particle optics II : 5 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado
Optical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue IV, 21-23 January, 2001, San Jose, USA
SAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques III : 25-27 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Optical systems in adverse environments : 22-27 October 1990, Singapore
Laser isotope separation : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Enabling technologies for high-bandwidth applications : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Instrumentation for UV/EUV astronomy and solar missions :30 July- 1 August 2000 San Diego, USA
EUV, x-ray, and neutron optics and sources : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Third International Conference on Optical Mass Data Storage : January 22-24, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Modeling, signal processing, and control :3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA, Ralph C. Smith, chairs/editors ; Sponsored by SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering
Medical Imaging 2003 : Physics of Medical Imaging : 16-18 February 2003, San Diego, California, USA
23rd European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods : 2-6 September 1996, Kiev, Ukraine
Two- and three-dimensional methods for inspection and metrology III : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Optoelectronic materials, devices, packaging, and interconnects : 19-21 August 1987, San Diego, California
Proceedings of photodynamic therapy of cancer : 1-4 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
High-resolution sensors and hybrid systems : 10-14 February 1992, San Jose, California
Fiber laser sources and amplifiers II : 18-19 September 1990, San Jose, California
Infrared and photoelectronic imagers and detector devices II : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Design and manufacturing of WDM devices : 4-5 November 1997, Dallas, Texas
Electro-optic, integrated optic, and electronic technologies for online chemical process monitoring : 2-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Microfluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems III : 24-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Proceedings of laser surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems IV : 22-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Laser-induced thin film processing : 8-10 February 1995, San Jose, California
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing VIII : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Beam diagnostics and beam handling systems : ECO1 21-22 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Advanced sensor and control-system interface : 21-22 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
International Optical Design Conference 1998 : 8-12 June, 1998, Kona, Hawaii
Biomonitoring for physiological and cognitive performance during military operations : 31 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Geoinformatics 2006 : Remotely sensed data and information : 28-29 October 2006, Wuhan, China
Optical diagnostics of living cells III : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California
Solar physics and space weather instrumentation : 31 July-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Progress in holography : 31 March-2 April 1987, The Hague, the Netherlands
Advances in laboratory-based X-ray sources and optics III : 8 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Diamond optics II : 7-8 August 1989, San Diego, California
Micromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics III : 25-27 January 2005, San JOse, California, USA
Adaptive optics systems and technology II : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Highly innovative space telescope concepts : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Laser systems technology II : 13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Advanced sensor systems and applications II : 8-12 November 2004, Beijing, China
Health monitoring and smart nondestructive evaluation of structural and biological systems V : 27 February-1 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Microfluidic Devices and Systems : 21-22 September 1998, Santa Clara, California
Optical Data Storage '95 : 5-7 July 1995, San Diego, California
Cell and biotissue optics : applications in laser diagnostics and therapy : CBO '93 international workshop : 27 June-4 July 1993, Moscow--Nizhny Novgorod
Advanced flat panel display technologies : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California
Lasers for Measurements and Information Transfer 2004, 23-25 June, 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia
Algorithms for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery VII : 16-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Technologies for optical countermeasures V : 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Organic photovoltaics : 3 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Electronics and structures for MEMS II : 17-19 December 2001, Adelaide, Australia
Integrated optics and optoelectronics II : 17-19 September 1990
Light-emitting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications III : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy XI : 2-4 August 2000 San Diego, USA
Radar sensor technology II : 24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Optical manufacturing and testing : 9-11 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Sensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) technologies for homeland defense and law enforcement : 1-5 April 2002, Orland, USA
An International Conference on Thermal Infrared Sensing for Diagnostics and Control, Thermosense XI : 29-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Smart electronics and MEMS II : 13-15 December 2000, Melbourne, Australia
Enhanced and synthetic vision 2003 : 21 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Organic photonic materials and devices II : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, USA
Physical concepts of materials for novel optoelectronic device applications I : materials growth and characterization : 28 October-2 November 1990, Aachen, Federal Republic of Germany
Proceedings of fluorescence detection IV : 1-2 February 1996, San Jose, California
Single crystal growth, characterization, and applications : International Conference on Solid State Crystals '98 : 12-16 October 1998, Zakopane, Poland
Modeling and simulation of laser systems II : 23-24 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Document recognition and retrieval VIII : 24-25 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Infrared technology XII : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California
Photonics for transportation : 10-14 March 1999, Prague, Czech Republic
Growth of compound semiconductors : 26-27 March 1987, Bay Point, Florida
Applications of optical fiber sensors : 22-24 May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Laser beam shaping, 2-3 Aug. 2001, San Diego, USA
Third International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : 15-17 April 1997, Shanghai, China
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control VI : 9-11 March 1992, San Jose, California
Integrated optics II : January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Polarization: measurement, analysis, and remote sensing : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam submicrometer lithographies for manufacturing IV : 28 February-1 March 1994, San Jose, California
Enabling technology for simulation science IV : 25-27 April, 2000, Orlando, USA
Mathematical methods in medical imaging II : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Organic light-emitting materials and devices : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Optical design methods, applications, and large optics : ECO1, 19-21 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Inorganic optical materials III : 2 August, 2001, San Diego, USA
Applications of photonic technology : closing the gap between theory, development, and application
Telemanipulator technology and space telerobotics : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Fiber optic and laser sensors III : August 20-23, 1985, San Diego, California
Multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral remote sensing technology, techniques, and applications : 13-16 November 2006, Goa, India
Infrared optical materials and fibers IV : 22-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Smart materials, structures, and MEMS : 11-14 December 1996, Bangalore, India
Proceedings of medical and fiber optic sensors and delivery systems : 12-13 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain
Computer-generated holography II : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Atmospheric and environmental remote sensing data processing and utilization : an end-to-end system perspective : 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Real time signal processing V : May 4-7, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
Performance and control of network systems III : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical modeling and performancen predictions : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition V : 8-10 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Flat panel display technology and display metrology : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Advances in X-ray/EUV optics, components, and applications II : 27-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Liquid crystal materials, devices, and applications : 11-13 February 1992, San Jose, California
Advanced photonics materials for information technology : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Remote sensing : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Practical holography VIII : 7-9 February 1994, San Jose, California
Proceedings of lasers in dentistry II : 28-29 January 1996, San Jose, California
Atmospheric transmission : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Optical materials in defence systems technology IV : 17-18 September 2007, Florence, Italy
Storage and retrieval for still image and video databases IV : 1-2 February 1996, San Jose, California
Biomedical applications of micro- and nanoengineering II : 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia
Radar polarimetry : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Proceedings of Lasers in ophthalmology IV : 9-10 September 1996, Vienna, Austria
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations IX : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Communications networking in dense electromagnetic environments : 14-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of the 1988 Innovative Science and Technology Symposium ...
Advanced global communications technologies for astronomy II : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Advanced process control and automation : 27 February, 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Spaceborne sensors III : 18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Semiconductor growth technology : January 26-27, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Bioimaging and two-dimensional spectroscopy : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Digital wireless communication : 5 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Smart sensor technology and measurement systems : 3-5 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Emerging optoelectronic applications : 26-27 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Ocean remote sensing and imaging II : 5-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Earth observing systems X : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Instruments, science, and methods for geospace and planetary remote sensing : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Free-space laser communications V : 31 July-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Electro-optical remote sensing : 26-28 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Bragg signal processing and output devices : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California
Advanced imaging technologies and commercial applications : 10, 12 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Gamma-ray detectors : 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Fullerenes and photonics III : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Liquid crystals IV : 2-3 August 2000, San Digo, USA
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments IV : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego,California
Ultravaiolet ground-and space-based measurements, models, and effects II :25 October 2002, Hangzhou, China
Refractometry : 16-20 May 1994, Warsaw, Poland
Fiber optic systems for mobile platforms IV : 18 September 1990, San Jose, California
Infrared technology and applications XXIII : 20-25 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida
Atmospheric propagation, adaptive systems, and laser radar technology for remote sensing : 25-28 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain : John D. Gonglewski ... [et al.], chairs/editors ; sponsored by EOS-The European Optical Society, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration(USA)
Opto-contact : workshop on technology transfers, start-up opportunities and strategic alliances : 13-14 July, 1998, Québec, Canada
Intelligent robots and computer vision X : algorithms and techniques : 11-13 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
International symposium on photonic glass (ISPG 2002) : 14-17 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Nonlinear optics and applications
Biomolecular spectroscopy II : 22-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Data mining and knowledge discovery : theory, tools, and technology V : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Optics in computing 2000 : 18-23 June 2000, Quebec city, Canada
Proceedings of lasers in dentistry IV : 25-26 January 1998, San Jose, California
Industrial applications of holographic nondestructive testing : May 3-5, 1982, Brussels
Infrared technology for target detection and classification : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California
Unattended ground, sea, and air sensor technologies and applications VIII : 17-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Proceedings of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular interventions : 20-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Laser radar ranging and atmospheric lidar techniques : 24-26 September 1997, London, UK
Third international conference on solid state lighting : 5-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Practical holography XV and Holographic materials VII : 22-23 January 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Medical imaging 2003 : Image perception, observer performance, and technology assessment : 18-20 February 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Third Workshop on Neural Networks, Academic/Industrial/NASA/Defense : proceedings : WNN 92, 10-12 February 1992, Auburn University, Alabama [and] 4-6 November 1992, South Shore Harbour, Texas
Lens and optical systems design : 14-18 September 1992, Berlin, FRG
Photonics for space and radiation environments II : 17-18 September 2001 Toulouse, France
Detectors, focal plane arrays, and imaging devices II : 18-19 September 1998, Beijing, China
Optical diagnostics of biological fluids V : 27 January 2000, San Jose, USA
Proceedings of the Optical Fabrication and Testing Workshop, Large Telescope Optics : held in conjunction with the Southwest Conference on Optics, March 4-5, 1985, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Applications of digital image processing XV : 21-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Color science and imaging technologies : 16-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
High-definition video : 5-6 April 1993, Berlin, FRG
Intense microwave pulses IV : 7-8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Image and video processing : 3-4 February 1993, San Jose, California
Propulsion : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Optomechatronic systems : 5-6 November 2000, Boston, USA
Sensors and controls for intelligent manufacturing : 7 November 2000, Boston, USA
Battlespace digitization and network-centric systems III : 23-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Solid state lighting II : 9-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Proceedings of micro- and nanofbricated electro-optical mechanical systems for biomedical and environmental applications : 10-11 February 1997, San Jose, California
Biomedical sensing, imaging, and tracking technologies II : 11-13 February 1997, San Jose, California
Charge-coupled devices and solid state optical sensors IV : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California
Lidar for remote sensing : 24-26 June 1992, Berlin, FRG
Three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition processing VII : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites X : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
ALT'02 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies : 15-20 September, 2002, Adelboden, Switzerland
Wavelet applications in signal and image processing VII : 19-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optomechanics 2005 : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Advances in metrology for x-ray and EUV optics II : 30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Optics and the information age : Proceedings 14th Congress of the International Commissiuon for Optics, August 24-28 1987, Québec, Canada
High-speed imaging and sequence analysis : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Remote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology V : 19-20 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Visual information processing : from neurons to chips : 1-2 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Laser spectroscopy of biomolecules : 4th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences : 7-11 September 1992, Jyväskylä, Finland
Synthetic aperture radar and passive microwave sensing : 25-28 September 1995, Paris France
Optical constants of materilas for UV to x-ray wavelengths : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Ground-based and airborne telescopes : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
MIPPR 2005 : Image analysis techniques : 31 October-2 November 2005, Wuhan, China
Optical fibres and their applications IV : 11-13 February 1986, Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2004 : electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Unconventional imaging III : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Deployable optical systems : January 18-19, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Medical imaging 1999, physics of medical imaging : 21-23 February 1999, San Diego, California
Reliability, packaging, testing, and characterization of MEMS/MOEMS VI : 23-24 January, 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Fiber lasers IV : technology, systems, and applications : 22-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Colloidal quantum dots for biomedical applications II : 20-21 and 23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Organic photovoltaics VII : 15-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Lasers in dentistry XIII : 21-22 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Laser beam shaping VII : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Laser resonators and beam control IX : 22-24 January, 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XVI : 20-21 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Photons plus ultrasound : imaging and sensing 2007 : the eighth Conference on biomedical thermoacoustics, optoacoustics, and acousto-optics : 21-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Quantum informatics 2004 : 5-7 October 2004, Moscow, Russia
Vision geometry XV : 30 January and 1 February [2007], San Jose, California, USA
Multimodal biomedical imaging II : 20 and 23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Advanced optical and quantum memories and computing IV : 24-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Biophotonics and immune responses II : 22-23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Biomedical applications of light scattering : 20-21 and 23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Quantum sensing and nanophotonic devices IV : 22-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Photomask and X-ray mask technology VI : 13-14 April 1999, Yokohama, Japan
Advances in resist technology and processing XVIII : 26-28 February, 2001, Santa Clara, [California] USA
Genetically engineered and optical probes for biomedical applications IV : 23-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Self-calibrated intelligent optical sensors and systems : 25-26 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
XVI International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-Power Lasers : 4-8 September 2006, Gmunden, Austria
Ophthalmic technologies XVII : 20-21 and 23 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Projection displays XII : 24-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Photonic crystal materials and devices VI : 22-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Ultrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics '95 : 10-11 July 1995, San Diego, Calfornia
Three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing XIV : 23-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Laser-based micro-and nanopackaging and assembly : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Photonics packaging, integration, and interconnects VII : 23-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Multimedia computing and networking 2007 : 31 January-1 February 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Zinc oxide materials and devices II : 21-24 January, 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Telemanipulator and telepresence technologies II : 25-26 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Medical imaging 2007 : image processing : 18-20 February 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Optical microlithography XX : 27 February-2 March 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XIV : 10-11 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Laser optics 2006 : superintense light fields and ultrafast processes : 26-30 June 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia
Modeling aspects in optical metrology : 18-19 June 2007, Munich, Germany
Photonic metamaterials : 26-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Nanoengineering : fabrication, properties, optics, and devices IV : 27-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Organic field-effect transistors VI : 26-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Atmospheric and environmental remote sensing data processing and utilization III : readiness for GEOSS : 27-28 and 30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Optical transmission systems and equipment for networking VI : 10-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Multisensor, multisource information fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications 2007 : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Photomask and next-generation lithography mask technology XIV : 17-19 April 2007, Yokohama, Japan
Optical technologies for arming, safing, fuzing, and firing III : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Geoinformatics 2007 : Geospatial information technology and applications : 25-27 May 2007, Nanjing, China
Quantum communications realized : 10-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Mobile multimedia/image processing for military and security applications 2007 : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Nanotechnology III : 2-4 May 2007, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Optical modeling and measurements for solar energy systems : 26-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Geoinformatics 2007 : Geospatial information science : 25-27 May 2007, Nanjing, China
Medical imaging 2007 : computer-aided diagnosis : 20-22 February 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology X : 11 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Bioengineered and bioinspired systems III : 2-4 May 2007 Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Nanodesign, technology, and computer simulations : 19-25 June 2006, Olsztyn, Poland
Platforms and systems : 28-29 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Detection technologies for mines and minelike targets : 17-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Laser diode chip and packaging technology : 25-26 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
UV and visible lasers and laser crystal growth : 7-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Functional photonic and fiber devices : 30 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California
Fly-by-light : technology transfer : 17-18 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Laser diodes and applications II
Nondestructive evaluation of aging railroads : 7-8 June 1995, Oakland, California
Optomechanical and precision instrument design : 10-11 July 1995, San Diego, California
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control IX : 20-22 February 1995, Santa Clara, California
Wireless technologies and services for cellular and personal communication services : 25-26 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Medical imaging 1996, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 13-15 February 1996, Newport Beach, California
Photorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications : 12-13 July, 1995, San Diego, California
High-density data recording and retrieval technologies : 23-24 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hybrid fiber-coax systems : 23-24 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Metrology, inspection, and process control for microlithography X : 11-13 March, 1996, Santa Clara, California
Investigative and trial image processing : 13-14 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Microelectronic device and multilevel interconnection technology : 25-26 October 1995, Austin, Texas
Nonimaging optics, maximum-efficiency light transfer III : 10-11 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Near-field optics : 9-10 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Photonic device engineering for dual-use applications : 17-18 April, 1995, Orlando, Florida
Broadband networks : strategies and technologies : 20-23 March 1995, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Micromachined devices and components : 23-24 October, 1995, Austin, Texas
Specification, production, and testing of optical components and systems : 13-16 May 1996, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Optical velocimetry : 29 May-2 June, 1995, Warsaw, Poland
Nonlinear dynamics in lasers : Laser Optics '95 : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
ICONO '95 : nonlinear optical interactions and wave dynamics : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
Optical inspection and micromeasurements : 10-14 June 1996, Besançon, France
Surveillance and assessment technologies for law enforcement : 19-20 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of ultrasensitive biochemical diagnostics II : 10-12 February 1997, San Jose, California
Micromachining and imaging : 13 February 1997, San Jose, California
Nondestructive evaluation of utilities and pipelines : 4-5 December 1996, Scottsdale, Arizona
Vision systems : new image processing techniques : 11-12 June 1996, Besançon, France
Projection displays III : 10-12 February 1997, San Jose, California
Holographic optical elements and displays : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China
Polarization analysis and applications to device technology : International Symposium on Polarization Analysis and Applications to Device Technology : 12-14 June, 1996, Yokahama, Japan
High-speed computing, digital signal processing, and filtering using reconfigurable logic : 20-21 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Gas and chemical lasers and applications II : 10 February, 1997, San Jose, California
In-plane semiconductor lasers : from ultraviolet to midinfrared : 10-13 February 1997, San Jose, California
Optics in agriculture, forestry, and biological processing II : 19-20 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Nondestructive evaluation for process control in manufacturing : 3-5 December 1996, Scottsdale, Arizona
Integrated optics devices : potential for commercialization : 12-14 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Photorefractive materials : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China
International conference : neutrons in research and industry : 9-15 June 1996, Crete, Greece
Machine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration V : 18-19 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Real-time imaging II : 10 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Optical microlithography X : 12-14 March, 1997, Santa Clara, California
Second International Conference on Optical Information Processing : 17-21 June 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia
High heat flux engineering III : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
ICONO '95 : nonlinear optics of low-dimensional structures and new materials, 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
Optoelectronic and electronic sensors II : 13-16 May, 1996, Szczyrk, Poland
Multimedia hardware architectures 1997 : 12-13 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Physics-based technologies for the detection of contraband : 19-20 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Optoelectronic interconnects and packaging IV : 12-14 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Nonlinear optical liquids : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
High power lasers : solid state, gas, excimer, and other advanced lasers : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China
Rare-earth-doped devices : 10-11 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Methods for ultrasensitive detection : 26-28 January 1998, San Jose, California
Proceedings of infrared spectroscopy : new tool in medicine : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
17th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management : [proceedings] : 17-19 September, 1997, Redwood City, California
Proceedings of optical investigations of cells in vitro and in vivo : 25-28 January 1998, San Jose, California
Proceedings of optical biopsy II : 25-26 January 1998, San Jose, California
Proceedings of micro- and nanofabricated structures and devices for biomedical environmental applications : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California
Laser applications in microelectronic and optoelectronic manufacturing III : 26-28 January 1998, San Jose, California
In-line characterization techniques for performance and yield enhancement in microelectronic manufacturing : 1-2 October 1997, Austin, Texas
Telemanipulator and telepresence technologies IV : 14-15 October, 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction, tissue optics, and laser welding III : 5-8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy
Image reconstruction and restoration II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Proceedings of optical diagnostics of biological fluids III : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California
Optoelectronic integrated circuits II : 28-30 January, 1998, San Jose, California
Gas and chemical lasers and intense beam applications : 26-27 January, 1998 San Jose, California
Proceedings of surgical-assist systems : 25, 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California
Medical imaging 1998, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 24-26 February 1998, San Diego, California
Optical information science & technology '97 : computer and holographic optics and image processing : 27-30 August 1997, Moscow, Russia
Medical imaging 1998, Ultrasonic Transducer Engineering : 25-26 February, 1998, San Diego, California
Optical security and counterfeit deterrence techniques II : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Three-dimensional image capture and applications : 27-28 January, 1998, San Jose, California
Scientific detection of fakery in art : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Optoelectronic materials and devices : 9-11 July 1998, Taipei, Taiwan
Medical imaging 1999, Image perception and performance : 24-25 February 1999, San Diego, California
Process monitoring with optical fibers and harsh environment sensors : 3-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Semiconductor lasers III : 16-18 September, 1998, Beijing, China
Optical and fiber optic sensor systems : 16-19 September 1998, Beijing, China
Sensors and controls for intelligent machining, agile manufacturing, and mechatronics : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Nondestructive evaluation of aging aircraft, airports, and aerospace hardware III : 3-5 March 1999, Newport Beach, California
Mathematical modeling and estimation techniques in computer vision : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
International Conference on Applied Optical Metrology : 8-11 June 1998, Balatonfüred, Hungary
Photorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications IV : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Tenth International School on Quantum Electronics : laser physics and applications : 21-25 September 1998, Varna, Bulgaria
Micromachined devices and components IV : 21-22 September, 1998, Santa Clara, California
Investigation and forensic science technologies : 3-4 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Microelectronic manufacturing yield, reliability, and failure analysis IV : 23-24 September, 1998, Santa Clara, California
Microarrays : optical technologies and informatics : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Transmyocardial laser revascularization : scientific basis and clinical value
Medical imaging 2000, Image display and visualization : 13-15 February 2000, San Diego, California
Nondestructive evaluation of aging aircraft, airports, and aerospace hardware IV : 7-8 March, 2000, Newport Beach, California
Three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing VIII : 21-22 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Medical imaging 2000, Image perception and performance : 16-17 February 2000, San Diego, California
Organic nonlinear optical materials : 19-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Microsystems metrology and inspection : 15-16 June 1999, Munich, Germany
Nondestructive evaluation of highways, utilities, and pipelines IV : March 7-9, 2000, Newport Beach, USA
Optoelectronic integrated circuits and packaging V : 24-26 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems VIII : 22-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Micromachined devices and components V : 20-21 September 1999, Santa Clara, California
Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors V : 25-26 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Testing, reliability, and applications of optoelectronic devices : 24-26 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Remote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2000 : 28-29 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Medical imaging 2000, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 15-17 February 2000, San Diego, USA
WDM and photonic switching devices for network applications II : 25-26 January 2001, San Jose, USA
MEMS reliability for critical applications : 20 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA
Silicon-based and hybrid optoelectronics III : 23-24 January, 2001, San Jose, USA
Medical imaging 2001, Ultrasonic imaging and signal processing : 21-22 February 2001, San Diego, USA
Visual data exploration and analysis VIII : 22-23 January, 2001, San Jose, USA
Organic field-effect transistors IV : 31 July-2 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Imaging, manipulation, and analysis of biomolecules, cells, and tissues II : 27-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Medical imaging 2004, ultrasonic imaging and signal processing : 18-20 February 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials and composites II : 3-5 March, 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Optoelectronic integrated circuits VIII : 23-25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Penetrating radiation systems and applications IX : 13-14 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Organic light-emitting materials and devices X : 13-16 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Photonic devices and algorithms for computing III : 29-30 July, 2001, San Diego, USA
Internet imaging IV : 21-22 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Penetrating radiation systems and applications III : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Recent developments in traceable dimensional measurements III : 31 July-1 August, 2005, San Diego, California
Novel in-plane semiconductor lasers III : 26-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Health monitoring of structural and biological systems 2008 : 10-13 March 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Novel optical instrumentation for biomedical applications : 24-25 June 2003, Munich, Germany
Laser techniques and systems in art conservation : 18-19 June 2001, Munich, Germany
Medical imaging 2004, visualization, image-guided procedures, and display : 15-17 February 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Security and watermarking of multimedia contents IV : 21-24 January, 2002, San Jose, [California] USA
Medical imaging 2001, Visualization, display, and image-guided procedures : 18-20 February 2001, San Diego, USA
ICONO 2005 : Nonlinear laser spectroscopy, high precision measurements, and laser biomedicine and chemistry : 11-15 May, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
ICONO 2001 : Nonlinear optical phenomena and Nonlinear dynamics of optical systems : 26 June-1 July 2001, Minsk, Belarus
Photonic devices and algorithms for computing V : 6-7 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Organic light emitting materials and devices XII : 10-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Medical imaging 2002 : physiology and function from multidimensional images : 24-26 February 2002, San Diego, USA
Selected research papers on spectroscopy of nonequilibrium plasma at elevated pressures
Hybrid and novel imaging and new optical instrumentation for biomedical applications : 18, 20-21 June 2001, Munich, Germany
Ultrafast x-ray detectors, high-speed imaging, and applications : 31 July--1 August and 4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Internet imaging II : 24-26 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Optoelectronic devices : physics, fabrication, and application III : 1-2 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Medical imaging 2002, PACS and integrated medical information systems : design and evaluation : 26-28 February 2002, San Diego, USA
Thermosense XXVII : 29-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Organic photovoltaics II : 2 August, 2001, San Diego, [Calif.] USA
Optoelectronic integrated circuits VI : 26 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Liquid crystals VIII : 2-3 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Thermosense XXIV : 1-4 April 2002, Orlando, [Florida] USA
Liquid crystals IX : 31 July-2 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Soft X-ray lasers and applications V : 6-7 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Organic field-effect transistors VII and organic semiconductors in sensors and bioelectronics : 10-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Photonic devices and algorithms for computing VI : 2-3 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Medical imaging 2004, PACS and Imaging Informatics : 17-19 February 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Novel in-plane semiconductor lasers IV : 24-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Light-emitting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications IX : 25-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Optical metrology for arts and multimedia : 25-26 June, 2003, Munich, Germany
Multimedia computing and networking 2008 : 30-31 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors and nanostructure materials IX : 24-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Saratov Fall Meeting 2002 : optical technologies in biophysics and medicine IV : 1-4 October 2002, Saratov, Russia
Optical diagnostics and sensing VI : 24-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Multimedia on mobile devices : 17-18 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Testing, reliability, and application of micro- and nano-material systems IV : 28 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Semiconductor lasers and optical amplifiers for lightwave communication systems : 29-30 July, 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Internet multimedia management systems III : 31 July-1 August 2002, Boston, [Massachusetts] USA
Optical sensing : 27-29 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France
Optical diagnostics and sensing IV : 27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers IX : 25-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Multimedia computing and networking 2002
Practical holography XX : materials and applications : 22-23 and 25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Internet multimedia management systems V : 26-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Semiconductor lasers and applications : 15-17 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Mobile multimedia/image processing, security, and applications 2008 : 18-20 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors and nanostructure materials VIII : 26-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Saratov Fall Meeting 2005 : laser physics and photonics, spectroscopy, and molecular modeling VI : 27-30 September, 2005, Saratov, Russia
Optical diagnostics and sensing in biomedicine III : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Coherent optics of ordered and random media IV : Saratov Fall Meeting 2003 : 7-10 October, 2003, Saratov, Russia
Optical fibers and their applications 2008 : 30 January-2 February 2008, Białowieża, Poland
Optical security and counterfeit deterrence techniques VI : 17-19 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Optical transmission systems and equipment for WDM networking IV : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Optical technology and image processing for fluids and solids diagnostics 2002 : 3-6 September 2002, Beijing, China
Optical methods in drug discovery and development : 23-24 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Neural network and distributed processing : 22-23 October 2001, Wuhan, China
Independent component analyses, wavelets, and neural networks : 22-25 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Optical transmission systems and equipment for networking V : 2-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XIV, 22-23 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XVII : 19-20 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Optical components and materials : 26-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Optical diagnostics for fluids, solids, and combustion II : 3-4 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Independent component analyses, wavelets, unsupervised smart sensors, and neural networks III : 30 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Wavelet applications in industrial processing IV : 2-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy XII : 25-26 and 28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Image matching and analysis : 22-24 October 2001, Wuhan, China
Optical devices for fiber communication III : 21-22 January, 2002, San Jose, [California] USA
Visualization and data analysis 2008 : 28-29 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Optical sensors and sensing systems for natural resources and food safety and quality : 23-24, October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Image reconstruction from incomplete data V : 11-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Optical materials and structures technologies II : 1-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Independent component analyses, wavelets, unsupervised nano-biomimetic sensors, and neural networks VI : 17-19 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Optical security and counterfeit deterrence techniques V : 20-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Optical transmission systems and equipment for WDM networking III : 25-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Optical security and safety : 11-12 December, 2003, Warsaw, Poland : SOS'03
Optical diagnostics : 3-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Optical micro- and nanometrology in manufacturing technology : 29-30 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France
Optical diagnostics of living cells V : 23-25 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Optical technologies for telecommunications 2007 : 26-28 November 2007, Ufa, Russia
Optical technologies for telecommunications 2005 : 28-30 November, 2005, Ufa, Russia
Optical security systems : 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Optical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue VI : 23-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Optical fabrication, testing, and metrology III : 2-4 September 2008, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Wavelet applications in industrial processing V : 11-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Optical pattern recognition XVI : 31 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Internet-based enterprise integration and management : 31 October-1 November 2001, Newton, USA
Laser beam shaping IX : 11-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Intelligent computing : theory and applications II : 12-13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Modeling, systems engineering, and project management for astronomy III : 26-28 June 2008, Marseille, France
Sensors for harsh environments III : 11-12 September, 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Interferometry XI : applications, 10-11 July 2002, Seattle USA
Optomechatronic sensors, actuators, and control : 25-26 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Noise in complex systems and stochastic dynamics : 2-4 June 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers VII : 29-30 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Lasers in material processing and manufacturing III : 12-14 November 2007, Beijing, China
Next-generation communication and sensor networks, 2006 : 2-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Silicon photonics and photonic integrated circuits : 7-10 April 2008, Strasbourg, France
Integrated optics, silicon photonics, and photonic integrated circuits : 3-5 April 2006, Strasbourg, France
Optomechatronic sensors, instrumentation, and computer-vision systems : 3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Silicon photonics III : 21-24 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Laser beam shaping III : 9 and 11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Solid state lasers and nonlinear frequency conversion : Laser Optics 2003 : 30 June-4 July 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia
Intelligent robots and computer vision XXIV : algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Noise in communication systems : 24-26 May 2005, Austin, Texas, USA
Laser resonators and beam control X : 21-22 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Laser beam shaping IV : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Multisensor, multisource information fusion--architectures, algorithms, and applications 2004 : 14-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Unattended ground sensor technologies and applications V : 21-25 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Sensors, cameras, and systems for scientific/industrial applications VII : 17-19 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Intelligent computing : theory and applications IV : 17-18 April, 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Intelligent computing : theory and applications VI : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Noise as a tool for studying materials : 2-4 June, 2003, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Solid state lasers XVII : technology and devices : 20-24 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Interferometry XIII : applications : 16-17 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Multisensor, multisource information fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications 2006 : 19-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology XI : 18-19 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Nanotubes and nanowires : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Eighth International Conference on Solid State Lighting : 11-13 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Nanosensing : materials, devices and systems III : 11-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Opto-Ireland 2005 : optoelectronics, photonic devices, and optical networks : 4-6 April, 2005, Dublin, Ireland
Optomechatronic micro/nano devices and components II : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts
Nanophotonics and macrophotonics for space environments II : 11-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Optomechatronic micro/nano components, devices, and systems : 27-28 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Nanophotonic materials and systems II : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Nanophotonics for communication : materials, devices, and systems III : 2-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
PECS 2001 : photon echo and coherent spectroscopy : 20-24 June 2001, Novgorod, Russia
Digital photography IV : 28-29 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Quantum optics, optical data storage, and advanced microlithography : 12-14 November 2007, Beijing, China
Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2008 : terahertz science and technology, 24-27 November 2008 Wuhan, China
Photonic therapeutics and diagnostics II : 21-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Ophthalmic technologies XIV : 24-25, 27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Photons plus ultrasound : imaging and sensing 2008 : the Ninth Conference on Biomedical Thermoacoustics, Optoacoustics, and Acousto-optics : 20-23 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Photonics : design, technology, and packaging III : 5-7 December 2007, Canberra, Australia
Advanced fabrication technologies for micro/nano optics and photonics : 21-23 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Organic optoelectronics and photonics II : 3-6 April, 2006, Strasbourg, France
Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2008 : optoelectronic devices and integration : 24-27 November 2008, Wuhan, China
Multiphoton microscopy in the biomedical sciences V : 23-25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Nonlinear optical transmission and multiphoton processes in organics IV : 14-15 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA
International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2007, laser, ultraviolet, and terahertz technology : 9-12 September 2007, Beijing China
Photonic therapeutics and diagnostics IV : 19 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Photonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments 2008 : 28 May-1 June 2008, Wilga, Poland
Enabling photonics technologies for defense, security, and aerospace applications IV : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Atomic and molecular pulsed lasers VII : 10-14 September, 2007, Tomsk, Russia
Complex dynamics and fluctuations in biomedical photonics V : 19, 21 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Organic photonic materials and devices V : 27-30 January, 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Photonic and quantum technologies for aerospace applications IV : 1-2 April, 2002, Orlando, [Florida] USA
An optical believe it or not : key lessons learned : 11-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Multiphoton absorption and nonlinear transmission processes : materials, theory, and applications : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Nonlinear optical transmission and multiphoton processes in organics II : 5-6 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XVIII : 10-11 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Tuning the optical response of photonic bandgap structures : 4-5 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Photorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications VIII : 9-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Tenth International Conference on Nonlinear Optics of Liquid and Photorefractive Crystals : 3-8 October, 2004, Alushta, Ukraine
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XV : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Photon processing in microelectronics and photonics V : 23-26 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Ophthalmic technologies XV : 22-23 and 25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Multiphoton microscopy in the biomedical sciences IV : 25-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Photons plus ultrasound : imaging and sensing : 25-26 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Micro-optics, VCSELs, and photonic interconnects II : fabrication, packaging, and integration : 3-5 April, 2006, Strasbourg, France
Infrared systems and photoelectronic technology III : 10-12 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Organic optoelectronics and photonics : 28-30 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France
Seventh International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine : 24-27 November 2008, Wuhan, China
Three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing X : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Mathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption VIII, with applications : 1-3 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Nondestructive characterization for composite materials, aerospace engineering, civil infrastructure, and homeland security 2008 : 11-13 March 2008, San Diego, California, USA
MOEMS and miniaturized systems IV : 27-28 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Three-dimensional TV, video, and display II : 10-11 September, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Plasmonic nano-imaging and nanofabrication : 3-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Mathematics of data/image coding, compression, and encryption VII, with applications : 4-5 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing IX : 22-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Three-dimensional image capture and applications VI : 19-20 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Three-dimensional TV, video, and display IV : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Human vision and electronic imaging XI : 16-18 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
SAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques IX : 18 September 2007, Florence, Italy
MOEMS display and imaging systems : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
High-power diode laser technology and applications II : 26-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
High-power diode laser technology and applications III : 24-25 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
High-power lasers and applications III : 8-11 November, 2004, Beijing, China
Third GR-I International Conference on New Laser Technologies and Applications : 5-8 September, 2002, Patras, Greece
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers VIII : 20-23 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
2004 Shanghai International Conference on Laser Medicine and Surgery : 5-7 November 2004, Shanghai, China
12th International School on Quantum Electronics : laser physics and applications : 23-27 September 2002, Varna, Bulgaria
15th International School on Quantum Electronics : laser physics and applications : 15-19 September, 2008, Bourgas, Bulgaria
Nonlinear frequency generation and conversion : materials, devices, and applications VII : 22-24 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Nonlinear optics applications : 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Linear and nonlinear optics of organic materials III : 4-6 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Light-emitting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications VII : 27-29 January, 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Light-emitting diode materials and devices : 8-10 November 2004, Beijing, China
Biomedical applications of light scattering II : 19-21 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Nonlinear materials : growth, characterization, devices, and applications
Complex light and optical forces II : 21-23 January, 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Mechanisms for low-light therapy III : 20 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Nonlinear frequency generation and conversion : materials, devices, and applications V : 25-26 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Nonlinear optical phenomena and applications : 8-11 November 2004, Beijing, China
Integrated optics : devices, materials, and technologies X : 23-25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Lightguides and their applications II : 9-11 October, 2003, Krasnobród, Poland
Rare-earth-doped materials and devices VII : 28-30 January, 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Media processors 2002 : 23-25 January, 2002, San Jose, [Calif.]
Display technologies and applications for defense, security, and avionics II : 18, 20 March, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Rare-earth-doped materials and devices VI : 23-24 January, 2002, San Jose, [California] USA
Projection displays IX : 22-23 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems XI : 19-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Liquid crystal materials, devices, and applications X and Projection displays X : 19-21 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Practical holography XVII and Holographic materials IX : 21-23 January, 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Holography 2005 : International Conference on Holography, Optical Recording, and Processing of Information
Holography : a tribute to Yuri Denisyuk and Emmett Leith : 3-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Plasmonics : metallic nanostructures and their optical properties : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
MEMS/NEMS technology and applications : 2008 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology : 16-19 November 2008, Beijing, China
Properties of metal nanostructures : 10-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Physical chemistry of interfaces and nanomaterials II : 6-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
GPR 2002 : Ninth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar : [April 29-May 2, 2002, Santa Barbara, Calif.]
OptiComm 2003 : optical networking and communications : 13-17 October, 2003, Dallas, Texas, USA
Microelectronics : design, technology, and packaging III : 5-7 December 2007, Canberra, Australia
Remote sensing of the environment : 16th National Symposium on Remote Sensing of China : 7-10 September 2007, Beijing, China
Optics for natural resources, agriculture, and foods : 3-4 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Reliability, packaging, testing, and characterization of MEMS/MOEMS IV : 24-25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
MEMS/MOEMS technologies and applications : 17-18 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Reliability of optical fiber components, devices, systems and networks II : 27-28 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France
Lidar remote sensing for environmental monitoring IX : 18-20 November 2008, Noumea, New Caledonia
Remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere XIII : 15-17 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Remote sensing and modeling of the atmosphere, oceans, and interactions II : 19-20 November, 2008, Noumea, New Caledonia
MEMS/MOEMS components and their applications V : special focus topics : transducers at the micro-nano interface : 21-22 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology X : 16-18 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Optics for natural resources, agriculture, and foods II : 10-11 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Microelectronics : design, technology, and packaging II : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing XIV : 15-17 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Thermal treatment of tissue : energy delivery and assessment III : 23-24 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Organic holographic materials and applications : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Quantum information and computation : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Defense transformation and net-centric systems 2008 : 18-20 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Defense and security 2008 : special sessions on food safety, visual analytics, resource restricted embedded and sensor networks, and 3D imaging and display : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Evolutionary and bio-inspired computation : theory and applications II : 17-18 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies 2008 : 10-11 March 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Micro- and nanotechnology : materials, processes, packaging, and systems II : 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia
Quantum information and computation IV : 17-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Metamaterials : fundamentals and applications : 10-13 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Microarrays and combinatorial technologies for biomedical applications : design, fabrication, and analysis : 26-28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Spectroscopy of molecules and crystals : XVI International Conference on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals : 25 May-1 June, 2003, Sevastopol, Ukraine
Genetically engineered probes for biomedical applications : 24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Quantum information and computation III : 29-30 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Design and quality for biomedical technologies : 21 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology XI : 12-14 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Microfluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems VI : 21-22 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Document recognition and retrieval XV : 29-31 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Biometric technology for human identification V : 18-19 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Eighth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision : 23-25 May 2007, Le Creusot, France
Plasmonics in biology and medicine III : 23-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Quantum informatics 2007 : 2-5 October 2007, Moscow, Russia
Optics in industry : Sixth Symposium : 8-9 March 2007, Monterrey, Mexico
Plasmonics : metallic nanostructures and their optical properties VI : 10-14 August 2008, San Diego, California, USA
1st Canterbury Workshop on Optical Coherence Tomography and Adaptive Optics : 8-10 September 2008, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom
Terahertz for military and security applications VI : 18-19 March 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Performance and control of next-generation communications networks : 9-10 September, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Terahertz physics, devices, and systems II : 11-12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Sixth International Conference on Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics : 22-24 May 2002, Kiev, Ukraine
Terahertz technology and applications : 23-24 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
6th International Conference on Industrial Lasers and Laser Applications '98 : 27-29 June 1998, Shatura, Moscow Region, Russia
Integrated command environments : 31 July 2000, San Diego, USA
Proceedings of optical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue : theory, instrumentation, model, and human studies II : 9-12 February 1997, San Jose, California
Hard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics and applications : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Industrial vision metrology : 11-12 July 1991, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada)
Optoelectronic interconnects : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Geometric methods in computer vision : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control , 4-6 March 1987, Santa Clara, California /Kevin M. Monahan, chair/editor ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
Fiber optic sensors III
Optical alignment II : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
International Conference on Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes : March 11-13, 1982, Tucson, Arizona
Optical diagnostics for industrial applications : 22-24 May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Cockpit displays V : displays for defense applications : 15-17 April, 1998, Orlando, Florida
Lidar and atmospheric sensing : 19 June, 1995, Munich, FRG
Biophotonics micro- and nano-imaging : 28 April 2004, Strasbourg, France
Applications of laser chemistry and diagnostics : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Enabling technologies for simulation science VI : 2-5 April 2002, Orlando, [California] USA
Medical imaging 2004, Physiology, function, and structure from medical images : 15-17 February 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Proceedings of photochemotherapy : photodynamic therapy and other modalities III : 4-6 September 1997, San Remo, Italy
Multifrequency electronic/photonic devices and systems for dual-use applications : 29-30 July 2001 San Diego, USA
Airborne reconnaissance XXV : 30 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Image processing and interchange : implementation and systems : 12-14 February 1992, San Jose, California
Advanced laser technologies 2004 : 10-15 September, 2004, Rome and Frascati, Italy
Optical data storage : 5-7 March 1990, Vancouver, Canada
Smart structures and materials 1998 : smart structures and integrated systems : 2-5 March 1998, San Diego, California
Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors IV : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Telemanipulator and telepresence technologies III : 18-19 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Smart structures and materials 1997 : Smart materials technologies : 3-4 March 1997, San Diego, California
Image quality and system performance IV : 30 January-1 February 2007, San Jose, California, USA
The Laser marketplace in 1990 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers
Parallel and distributed methods for image processing
Laser applications in chemistry and biophysics
Optical coatings for energy efficiency and solar applications : [seminar] January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Atmospheric propagation II : 29-30 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Infrared detectors and focal plane arrays III : 5-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Infrared sensor technology : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
Zoom lenses II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Saratov Fall Meeting 2000 : Laser Physics and Photonics; and Spectroscopy and Molecular Modeling, 3-7 October 2000, Saratov, Russia
Signal and data processing of small targets 2003 : 5-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Fiber optic systems for mobile platforms : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California
8th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy : September 1-6 1991, Lübeck-Travemünde
Photovoltaics for commercial solar power applications
Optical pattern recognition XV : 15-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Infrared technology and applications XXVII : 16-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA
International Symposium on Display Holography : 15-19 July 1991, Lake Forest, Illinois
Laser diode technology and applications VI : 25-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Optical system contamination : effects, measurement, control : 19-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion X : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Space telescopes and instrumentation II : ultraviolet to gamma ray : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion VIII : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Optical pattern recognition : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Laser surgery : characterization and therapeutics : 16-17 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
New technologies in cytometry : 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
OptiComm 2001 : optical networking and communications, 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA
Image formation, detection, processing, and interpretation
Applications of digital image processing XXVI : 5-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Real time signal processing X : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California
Advances in display technology IV : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology II : 13 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Electron-beam, x-ray, and ion-beam submicrometer lithographies for manufacturing II : 8-9 March 1992, San Jose, California
Digital image processing applications : 17-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors III : 4-5 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of laser applications in medicine and dentistry : 7-10 September 1996, Vienna, Austria
Techniques and instrumentation for detection of exoplanets II : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Medical imaging VI : instrumentation : 23-24 February 1992, Newport Beach, California
Industrial optical sensing and metrology : applications and integration : 10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Advanced photonic sensors and applications II : 27-30 November 2001, Singapore
Electro-optical technology for remote chemical detection and identification : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Automatic object recognition IV : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Optical 3D measurement techniques II : applications in inspection, quality control, and robotics : 4-7 October 1993, Zürich, Switzerland
Infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy : 18-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Laser beam shaping, 2-3 August, 2000, San Diego, USA
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Damping and isolation : 27 February-1 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Organic photovoltaics V : 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Novel optical systems design and optimization IX : 15-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
X rays in materials analysis : novel applications and recent developments : 21-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Fourth International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering
Laser radar technology and applications : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Design of optical systems incorporating low power lasers : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Optical microlithography II : technology for the 1980s : March 16-17, 1983, Santa Clara, California
Architecture, hardware, and forward-looking infrared issues in automatic target recognition : 12-13 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Indo-Russian Workshop on Micromechanical Systems : 2-4 February 1999, New Delhi, India
Design, modeling, and simulation in microelectronics : 28-30 November 2000, Singapore
Optoelectronic signal processing for phased-array antennas IV : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
APOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : Optoelectronics, Materials, and Dvices for Communications : 13-15 November 2001, Beijing, Chaina
Enabling photonics technologies for defense, security, and aerospace applications II : 20-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Current research on image processing for 3D information displays
Can-Am Eastern '90 : 4-5 October 1990, Rochester, New York
Oxide superconductor physics and nano-engineering II : 30 January -2 February 1996, San Jose, California
Satellite data compression, communications, and archiving : 31 July-1 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection : 3-4 February 1993, San Jose, California
Scanning imaging technology : 2-3 April, 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands
Free-electron lasers II, 24-25 April 1989, Paris, France : proceedings
Human vision, visual processing, and digital display V : 8-10 February 1994, San Jose, California
Advances in resist technology and processing VII : 5-6 March, 1990, San Jose, California
Optical computing : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Advances in resist technology and processing XII : 20-22 February 1995, Santa Clara, California
Metrology of optoelectronic systems : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Optical biolpsy III : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California
Photonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments IV : 30 May-5 June, 2005, Wilga, Poland
Microfluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems II : 26-27 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Electroluminescent materials, devices, and large-screen displays : 1-2 February 1993, San Jose, California
Optical system design, analysis, and production : April 19-22, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland
Short-pulse high-intensity lasers and applications II : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Raman and luminescence spectroscopies in technology II : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California
Human vision, visual processing, and digital display II : 27 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California
Laser surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems : January 15-18, 1989, Los Angeles, California
Free-space laser communication technologies VI : 26-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Fifth Seminar on Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion Optics : 14-15 November 2001, Moscow, Russia
Nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials and civil infrastructures : 18-19 March 2002, San Diego, USA
Applications of artificial intelligence VII
Industrial applications of holographic and speckle measuring techniques : proceedings, ECO4 : 12-13 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands
Science of artificial neural networks : 21-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
2nd International Conference and Workshop on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS II) for Medical Applications, May 22-25, 1983, Kansas City, Missouri
Image algebra and morphological image processing : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California
Advanced focal plane arrays and electronic cameras : 9-10 October 1996, Berlin, FRG
Mobile robots Xll : 16 October 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ninth International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations : 6-12 June 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia
Nonconventional optical imaging elements : 14-17 September 1993, Rokosowo, Poland
Dimensional stability : 12-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Current developments in lens design and optical engineering III : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, USA
Image coding
International Conference on Monitoring of Toxic Chemicals and Biomarkers : 23-26 June 1992, Berlin, FRG
Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems : 8-10 February 1994, San Jose, California
Optical technology for microwave applications VIII : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Lidar techniques for remote sensing ll : 25-26 September 1995, Paris, France
Defense transformation and network-centric systems : 29-31 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
ICO20 : display devices and systems : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China
Optical disks systems and applications : June 8-9, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Model-based vision : 19-20 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Transducing materials and devices : 30 October-1 November 2002, Brugge, Belgium
Femtosecond and nanosecond high-intensity lasers and applications : 17-18 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Electron-beam sources of high-brightness radiation : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California
Iconics and thermovision systems
Remote sensing and modeling of the atmosphere, oceans, and interactions IV : 31 October - 1 November 2012 Kyoto, Japan
In-line characterization, yield reliability, and failure analysis in microelectronics manufacturing : 19-21 May 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland
Metrology : figure and finish : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Materials for infrared detectors II : 8-9 July 2002 ,Seattle, Washington, USA
Laser research and development in the Northeast : 16-17 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments XII : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
EUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy IX : 22-24 July 1998 San Diego, California
Proceedings of laser-inflicted eye injuries : epidemiology, prevention, and treatment : 29-30 January 1996, San Jose, California
Advanced Processing of Semiconductor Devices II : 17-18 March 1988, Newport Beach, California
Smart sensors, actuators, and MEMS : 19-21 May 2003, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Free-space laser communication technologies IV : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
High Tc superconductivity : thin films and applications : 20-21 March 1990, San Diego, California
Novel optical fiber techniques for medical applications : August 21, 1984, San Diego, California
Coherent measuring and data processing methods and devices
Applications of artificial neural networks V : 5-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Diffractive and holographic technologies, systems, and spatical light modulators VI : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Cockpit displays and visual simulation : 17-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
ALT'99 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, 20-24 September, 1999, Potenza-Lecce, Italy
Fiber networks for telephony and CATV : 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Targets and backgrounds IX: Characterization and representation : 21-22 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Optomechatronic systems III : 12-14 November 2002, Stuttgart, Germany
Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery IX : 21-24 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Vision geometry XI : 7-8 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Infrared technology and applications XXXI : 28 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction IV : 18-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Optical storage technology and applications : 12-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Laser metrology and inspection : 14-15 June 1999, Munich, Germany
Laser-tissue interaction XII : photochemical, photothermal, and photomechanical : 21-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Solid state lasers and nonlinear crystals : 5-7 February 1995 San Jose, California
Laser interferometry, quantitative analysis of interferograms : third in a series : 7-9 August 1989, San Diego, California
First German Symposium on Laser Angioplasty
Complex systems : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia
Laser assisted deposition, etching, and doping : January 26-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California
1985 International Lens Design Conference, 10-13 June 1985, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Enhanced and synthetic vision 2001 : 16-17 April, 2001, Orlando, USA
Lasers in material processing and manufacturing : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Technologies for optical countermeasures IV : 17-18 September 2007, Florence, Italy
Sensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation II : 22-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Short-pulse high-intensity lasers and applications : 22-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Infrared fiber optics II : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Coupling technology to national need : 23-26 August 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Optical Data Storage 2017 : from new materials to new systems : 6 August 2017 San Diego, California, United States
Analytical methods for optical tomography : 4-6 November 1991, Zvenigorod, Russia
Mobile robots VIII : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1994 : 26th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 24-26, October, 1994, Boulder, Colorado
Security and watermarking of multimedia contents II : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery VII : 24-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Integrated optics III : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XI : selective materials, concentrators and reflectors, transparent insulation, and superwindows : 18 May 1992, Toulouse-Labège, France
High-energy detectors in astronomy : 22-23 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Xerographic photoreceptors and organic photorefractive materials II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Scattering and surface roughness II : 21-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Observatory operations to optimize scientific return : 20-21 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii
Analog optical processing and computing : October 25-26, 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optical manufacturing, testing, and aspheric optics : 1-2 April 1986, Orlando, Florida
New slab and solid-state laser technologies and applications : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Reflective and refractive optical materials for earth and space applications : 4-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Applications of digital image processing XXVIII : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Free-space laser communication technologies XV : 28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Electro-optical instrumentation for resources evaluation : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Smart optical inorganic structures and devices : 16-19 August 2000, Vilnius, Lithuania
Fly-by-light III : 8-9 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado
Applications of digital image processing XXIV : 31 July - 3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials IV : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Visual communications and image processing 2009 : 20-22 January 2009, San Jose, California, USA
Ocean optics XI : 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Unattended fround sensor technologies and applications III : 18-19 April 2001 Orland, USA
In-plane semiconductor lasers III : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Photonic quantum technologies for aerospace applications III : 17-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Helmet- and head-mounted displays X : technologies and applications : 28-29 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Doped fiber devices and systems : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California
Micro- and nano-photonic materials and devices : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Design of optical instruments : 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Emerging components and technologies for all-optical networks : 24 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing XVI : 30 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Advances in optical information processing IV : 18-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Image processing II : proceedings
Optically activated switching II : 20-21 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Medical image processing : 2-3 December 1985, Cannes, France
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition III : 4-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Design, test, integration, and packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2002 : 6-8 May, 2002, Cannes, France
Photonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments 2006 : 29 Mya-4 June 2006, Wilga, Poland
Control and communication technology in laser systems
International Conference on the Application and Theory of Periodic Structures : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Proceedings of three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing V : 27-29 January 1998, San Jose, California
Optical coherence tomography and coherence techniques II : 12-16 June 2005, Munich, Germany
Technologies for optoelectronics : 17-20 November 1987, Cannes, France
Quantum well and superlattice physics II : 17-18 March 1988, Newport Beach, California
Laser Florence 2004 : a window on the laser medicine world : 28-30 October 2004, Florence, Italy
Signal and data processing of small targets 1995 : 11-13 July 1995, San Diego, California
1992 subject/author index : indexing all SPIE proceedings and SPIE Press books published in 1992
Silicon-based optoelectronics II : 28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Optics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting : 27 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom
Tenth international conference on optical fibre sensors : 11-13 October 1994, Glasgow, Scotland
Computational, experimental, and numerical methods for solving ill-posed inverse imaging problems : medical and nonmedical applications : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Hard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics, optics, and applications : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XV : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
X-ray and ultraviolet spectroscopy and polarimetry : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Active materials : behavior and mechanics : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Hard materials in optics : ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands/ Carl G. Ribbing, chair/editor
Fiber optic gyros : 20th anniversary conference : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Intelligent robots and computer vision XIX : algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 7-8 November 2000, Boston, USA
Operational characteristics and crystal growth of nonlinear optical materials : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Imaging infrared : scene simulation, modeling, and real image tracking : 30-31 March, 1989, Orlando, Florida
Digital compression technologies and systems for video communications : 7-9 October 1996, Berlin, FRG
Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society Symposium on Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Optical fibers in the biomedical field
Smart structures and materials 2000 : Active materials : behavior and mechanics : 6-9 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA
Architectures, networks, and intelligent systems for manufacturing integration : 15-16 October 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing VIII : 23-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Nonimaging optics and efficient illumination systems : 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
10th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel, 2-6 March 1997, Jerusalem, Israel
Proceedings of Lasers in ophthalmology II : 9-10 September 1994, Lille, France
Modeling, simulation, and verification of space-based systems III : 17 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
International Conference on Modulation Spectroscopy : 19-21 March 1990, San Diego, California
Proceedings of thermal treatment of tissue with image guidance : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Ground-based and airborne instrumentation for astronomy : 25-29 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Field measurement and calibration using electrooptical equipment : issues and requirements, August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California
Window and dome technologies and materials IX : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing VI : 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, USA
Hard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics IX : 27-29 August 2007, San Diego, California
Single mode optical fibers : August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California
Novel optical systems design and optimization VII : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Color imaging : device-independent color, color hard copy, and graphic arts II : 10-14 February 1997, San Jose, California
International Conference on Scientific Optical Imaging : 28 November-1 December 1990, Georgetown, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Doped fiber devices II : 2-3 November, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Image understanding and the man-machine interface III : 3-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of fiber optic sensors in medical diagnostics : 21 January, 1993, Los Angeles, California
Fiber Optics '87 : Fifth International Conference on Fibre Optics and Opto-electronics, 28-30 April, 1987, London, England
Applications of fuzzy logic technology III : 10-12 April, 1996, Orlando, Florida
Lasers as tools for manufacturing of durable goods and microelectronics : 19 January-2 February, 1996, San Jose, California
Space telescopes and instrumentation 2010 : ultraviolet to gamma ray : 28 June - 2 July 2008, San Diego, California, United Sates
Algorithms, devices, and systems for optical information processing : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Optical systems for space applications : 30 March-1 April 1987, The Hague, the Netherlands
Photodetectors : materials and devices : 1-2 February 1996
Advanced environmental and chemical sensing technology : 5-8 November 2000, Boston, USA
Mobile robots XIV : 20-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Nondestructive detection and measurement for homeland security II : 16-17 March 2004, San Deigo, California, USA
Advanced optical manufacturing and testing IV : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems X : 22-23, 25 January 2000, San Jose, USA
Infrared focal plane array producibility and related materials : 20-21 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Fiber optic smart structures and skins III : 19-21 September 1990, San Jose, California
Electron image tubes and image intensifiers : 15-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Optically based biological and chemical detection for defence IV : 16-17 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Superconducting superlattices II, native and artificial : 20-22 July 1998, San Diego, California
Submicron lithography
Window and dome technologies and materials IV : 26-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Medical imaging 1993 : PACS design and evaluation : 16-19 February 1993, Newport Beach, California
Propagation of high-energy laser beams through the earth's atmosphere II : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Terahertz for military and security applications V : 9-10 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Far-infrared science and technology
Application of lidar to current atmospheric topics : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Applications of digital image processing VIII : August 20-22, 1985, San Diego, California
Laser radar V : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Contemporary methods of optical manufacturing and testing : August 24-26, 1983, San Diego, California
Wireless technologies and systems : millimeter-wave and optical : 5 November 1997, Dallas, Texas
Wave propagation and scattering in varied media : 6-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Laser applications in combustion and combustion diagnostics : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Advance laser concepts and applications : 12-13 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4
Earth and atmospheric remote sensing : 2-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Characterization, propagation, and simulation of sources and backgrounds II : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Lidar remote sensing for industry and environmental monitoring V : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii
Monitoring and control of plasma-enhanced processing of semiconductors : proceedings : 1-2 November 1988, Santa Clara, California
Optical and infrared detectors for astronomy : 21-22 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Opto-Ilreland 2002: Optics and photonics technologies and applications : 5-6 September 2002, Galway, Ireland
Ocean optics : remote sensing and under water imaging : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection V : 10-11 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Ocean optics XIII : 22-25 October 1996, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Micromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics IV : 23-25 January 2006, San Jose California, USA
Focal plane arrays for space telescopes : 4-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Advanced infrared sensor technology : April 18-19, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland
Ultrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics '91 : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Ultrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics '94 : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, Calfornia
Design, fabrication, and applications of precision plastic optics : 23-24 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lasers in material processing : 16-20 June, 1997, Munich, FRG
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites VII : 8-10 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Infrared technology and applications XXX : 12-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Free-space laser communication technologies XIV : 21-22 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Applications of artificial neural networks II : 2-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Laser physics and spectroscopy : Saratov Fall Meeting '99 : International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics, and Biophysics : 5-8 October 1999, Saratov, Russia
Imaging technologies and applications : 19 March 1992, Chicago, Illinois
Device and process technologies for MEMS and Microelectronics II : 17-19 December 2001, Adelaide, Australia
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XIII : 12-14 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA
Advances in thin-film coatings for optical applications III : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Proceedings of lasers in dentistry : 5-6 February 1995, San Jose, California
Signal and image processing systems performance evaluation : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of medical sensors II and fiber optic sensors : 9 September 1994, Lille, France
Commercial applications for high-performance computing : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA
Laser radiation photophysics : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Laser processing of semiconductor devices : January 18-19, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Optical computing 88 : 29 August-2 September 1988, Toulon, France : a topical meeting of the International Commission for Optics
multimedia computing and networking 1995 : 6-8 February 1995, San Jose, California
Materials research in low gravity : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Advanced algorithms and architectures for signal processing : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California
Proceedings of lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems VI : 27-30 January 1996, San Jose, California
Earth observing systems VIII : 3-6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets III : 13-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Penetrating radiation systems and applications VIII : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Algorithms and systems for optical information processing V : 31 July-2 August, 2001, San Diego, [California] USA
Miniature and micro-optics : fabrication and system applications II
Application of optical instrumentation in medicine XIV ; and, Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS IV) for medical applications : 2-7 February, 1986, Newport Beach, California
Quality of service over next-generation data networks : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA
Curves and surfaces in computer vision and graphics III : 16-18 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Intelligent control and adaptive systems : 7-8 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Imaging spectroscopy II : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego
Proceedings of optical imaging techniques for biomonitoring : 14-16 September 1995, Barcelona, Spain
Electro-culture '84
Coherent infrared radar systems and applications II : April 7-8, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
1st International Symposium on Medical Imaging and Image Interpretation : ISMIII '82 : October 26-28, 1982, Berlin, F.R. Germany
Laser materials processing : industrial and microelectronics applications : 5-8 April 1994, Vienna, Austria
Fiber laser sources and amplifiers V : 7-8 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
BioMEMS and smart nanostructures : 17-19 December 2001, Adelaide, Australia
Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications II : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
ICALEO '90, laser materials processing
Glasses for optoelectronics II : 12-14 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings : ECO4, the congress of EPS--European Physical Society, EUROPTICA--the European Federation for Applied Optics, SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
Underground and obscured object imaging and detection : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Emerging lithographic technologies IV : 28 February-1 March 2000, Santa Clara, USA
All-optical networking : architecture, control, and management issues : 3-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Glasses for optoelectronics : proceedings : 24-27 April 1989, Paris, France
Properties and characteristics of optical glass III : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Solid state crystals, materials science and applications : 23-27 October 1994, Zakopane, Poland
Proceedings of biomedical fiber optics : 31 January 1996, San Jose, California
Environmentally conscious manufacturing IV : 26-27 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Effects of low-power light on biological systems V : 7 July 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Quantum well and superlattice physics IV : 23-24 March 1992, Somerset, New Jersey
Polarimetry and ellipsometry : 20-23 May, 1996, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
Astronomical data analysis II : 27-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Spatial light modulators and applications II, 17-18 August 1987, San Diego, California
Kumakohv optics and application : selected reserach papers on Kumakhov optics application 1998-2000
Optical/laser microlithography : 3-5 March 1993, San Jose, California
Proceedings of coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications III : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Machine vision systems integration in industry : 8-9 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Free-electron lasers : 15-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
Beam deflection and scanning technologies : 25 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California
Optomechanical design : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Targets and backgrounds VIII : characterization and representation : 1-3 April 2002, Orland, USA
Lithography for semiconductor manufacturing II : 30 May-1 June, 2001, Edinburgh, UK
Applications of artificial intelligence II, April 9-11, 1985, Arlington, Virginia
Nonresonant laser-matter interaction (NLMI-9) : 1-3 July, 1996, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, Russia
Window and dome technologies and materials II : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
X-ray instrumentation in astronomy II : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California
Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors IV : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Proceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy II : 16-17 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Processing of films for high Tc superconducting electronics : 10-12 October 1989, Santa Clara, California
Emerging lithographic technologies : 10-11 March 1997, Santa Clara, California
Real-time image processing II : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Smart structures and integrated systems : 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Fiber optic components and reliability : 3-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Properties and characteristics of optical glass : 18-19 August 1988 San Diego, California
Design and microfabrication of novel x-ray optics II : 5-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Medical imaging 2003 : visualization, image-guided procedures, and display : 16-18 February 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials and composites III : 16-17 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Smart structures and integrated systems : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Visual communications and image processing II : 27-29 October 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optical information processing II, 3-4 April 1986, Orlando, Florida
Photonic systems and applications : 27-30 November 2001, Singapore
Nanoengineering: fabrication, properties, optics, and devices II : 3-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California
Photonics for space environments III : 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Optical testing and metrology II : 27-30 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan
Sensors, cameras, and systems for scientific/industrial applications : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Spaceborne sensors II : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Chemical and biological sensing III : 2 April, 2002, Orlando, [Florida] USA
Laser applications in microelectronic and optoelectronic manufacturing V : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, USA
Optical manufacturing and testing II : 27-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
ECLIM 2000 : 26th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, 12-16 June, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic
Microrobotics and micromanipulation : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Surface measurement and characterization : ECO1 19-21 September, 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Cockpit displays X : 22-25 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Conference digest : Seventeenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 14-17 December 1992, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
Radar/ladar processing and applications : 13-14 July 1995, San Diego, California
Applications of digital image processing XVII : 26-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Algorithms for multispectral and hyperspectral imagery : 5 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Advanced algorithms and architectures for signal processing II : 18-19 August 1987, San Diego, California
Hyperspectral remote sensing of the land and atomosphere : 9-12 October 2000, Sendai, Japan
Earth observing systems IX : 2, 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Active and passive optical components for WDM communication, 21-24 August 2001, Denver, USA
An international conference on thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics and control (Thermosense VII), November 5-8, 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Technologies for synthetic environments: hardware-in-the-loop testing IX : 13-14 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA
Medical Imaging 2002 : Physics of Medical Imaging : 24-26 February 2002, San Diego, California, USA
Modeling, simulation, and calibration of space-based systems : 15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets IV : 5-9 April, 1999, Orlando, Florida
Applications of photonic technology : closing the gap between theory, development, and application
Geoinformatics 2006 : GNSS and integrated geospatial applications : 28-29 October 2006, Wuhan, China
Laser radar VII : advanced technology for applications : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Smart structures and materials 1996 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 27-29 February 1996, San Diego, California
Phase conjugation and beam combining and diagnostics : 14-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
Active and passive optical components for WDM communications V : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Structures sensing and control : 2-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Photonics North 2006 : 5-8 June 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
12th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management : 23-24 September 1992, Sunnyvale, California
Diamond optics IV : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Image and signal processing for remote sensing XI : 20-22 September, 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Modeling and simulation for military applications : 18-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Neural and stochastic methods in image and signal processing III : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Laser rader technology and applications X : 31 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
High frequency analog communications : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
First International Conference, Vibration Control in Optics and Metrology, 25-26 February, 1987, London, England
Chemical and biological sensing II : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, [Florida] USA
Laser radar VI : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors VIII : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Optics for computers, architectures and technologies : 14-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4
Nonlinear dynamics in lasers and optical systems : NDLOS '93 International Workshop : 27 June-4 July 1993, Moscow--Nizhny Novgorod
High-power multibeam lasers and their phase locking : CIS selected papers
7th Meeting in Israel on Optical Engineering : proceedings : 12-14 November 1990, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Proceedings of optical diagnostics of living cells II : 25-26 January, San Jose, California
Proceedings of optical methods for tumor treatment and early diagnosis : mechanisms and techniques : 23-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Laser/optical processing of electronic materials, 10-11 October 1989, Santa Clara, California
Microrobotics and microassembly : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
New technologies in cytometry and molecular biology : 15-16 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Videometrics II : 9-10 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Laser resonators III : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Technologies for optical countermeasures II ; Femtosecond phenomena II ; and, Passive millimetre-wave and terahertz imaging II : 26-28 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Longer wavelength lasers and applications : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Atmospheric ozone : 28-29 June 1993, Tromsö, Norway
Optical system contamination : effects, measurement, control II : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California
Image handling and reproduction systems integration : 26 February 1991, San Jose, California
High energy, optical, and infrared detectors for astronomy V : 1-4 July 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nonlinear image processing VII : 29-30 January 1996, San Jose, California
Intelligent robots and computer vision (fourth in a series) : September 16-20, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Fiber integrated optics : 10-11 October 1996, Berlin, FRG
Smart structures and materials 1999 : smart structures and integrated systems : 1-4 March, 1999 Newport Beach, California
Millimeter submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V : 29 June - 2 July 2010, San Diego, California, United States
Proceedings of optical fibers in medicine VIII : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Passive materials for optical elements II : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Lidar remote sensing for industry and environment monitoring II : 30-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Airborne reconnaissance XVII : 12-14 July 1993, San Diego, California
Space instrumentation and dual-use technologies : 4-6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
International optical design conference 2006 : 4-8 June 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Laser and laser systems reliability : January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XIII : 17-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Optics in agriculture : 7-8 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Neugebauer Memorial Seminar on Color Reproduction : 14-15 December 1989, Tokyo, Japan
Integrated optic devices II : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Digitization of the battlespace IV : 7-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
13th Polish-Czech-Slovak conference on wave and quantum aspects of contemporary optics : 9-13 September 2002, Krzyżowa. Poland
Metro and access networks : APOC 2001, Asia-Pacific optical and wireless communications, 12-15 November 2001, Beijing, China
Microrobotics and micromechanical systems : 25 October 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tools and techniques for modeling and simulation : 24th AIPR Workshop, 11-13 October, 1995, Washington, D.C.
Aerial surveillance sensing including obscured and underground object detection : 4,6 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Optical and infrared interferometry and imaging V : 27 June - 1 July 2016 Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites XI : 17-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy
Recent advances in metrology, characterization, and standards for optical digital data disks : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Applications of digital image processing XIX : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Process and equipment control in microelectronic manufacturing : 19-20 May 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland
Smart structures and intelligent systems : smart structures and materials 1993, 1-4 February 1993, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Medical imaging VI : image processing : 24-27 February 1992, Newport Beach, California
MEMS components and applications for industry, automobiles, aerospace, and communication : 22-23 October 2001, San Francisco, USA
Optical properties of nanocrystals : 9-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Imaging workstations and document input systems : 17-20 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California
Stress and vibration : recent developments in industrial measurement and analysis : incorporating Third International Conference on Stress Analysis by Thermoelastic Techniques, 14-16 March 1989, London, England
Optical Data Storage 2007 : 20-23 May 2007, Portland, Oregon, USA
Flatness, roughness, and discrete defect characterization for computer disks, wafers, and flat panel displays : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems 2012 : 12-15 March 2012, San Diego, California, United States
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems III : 23-24 September 1999, Florence, Italy
Optical interconnects in the computer environment, 6-7 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
Mobile robots IV : 6-7 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Proceedings of clinical applications of modern imaging technology II : 23-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Progress in holographic applications : 5-6 December 1985, Cannes, France
Enhanced and synthetic vision 1998 : 13-14 April, 1998, Orlando, Florida
Nonlinear optical materials and devices for photonic switching : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Terahertz for military and security applications IV : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Fiber optic gyros : 15th anniversary conference : 4-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Geometrical optics : January 23-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Polymer photonic devices : 28-30 January 1998 San Jose, California
Fibre optics '85 : 30 April-2 May, 1985, London, England
Propagation and imaging through the atmosphere IV : 3 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Low-level laser therapy : selected research papers on advances in low-level laser therapy
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers IV : 27-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Sources and detectors for fiber communications : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Digital image processing and visual communications technologies in the earth and atmospheric sciences : 18-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Integrating photogrammetric techniques with scene analysis and machine vision : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Computer simulation in nonlinear optics : 27 June-4 July 1993, Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod
Digital wireless communications IV : 1-2 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Mobile robots VI : 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Fluctuations and noise in materials II : 24-25 May, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA
Three-dimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing : 7-8 February 1994, San Jose, California
Applications of laser plasma radiation : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Proceedings of effects of low-power light on biological systems : 14-15 September, Barcelona, Spain
Laser weapons technology III : 1 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Airborne and in-water underwater imaging : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
5th international photodynamic association biennial meeting : 21-24 September 1994, Amelia Island, Florida
Lasers in biophysics and biomedicine : 27-31 August 1990, Moscow, USSR
Optical memory and neural networks : optical information science & technology '97 : 27-30 August 1997, Moscow, Russia
Millimeter and submillimeter detectors and instrumentation for astronomy III : 29-31 May, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Conference digest : Eighteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 6-10 September 1993, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom
Advances in fluorescence sensing technology V : 24-25 January, 2001, San Jose, USA
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems II : 23-24 September 1997, London, UK
Optical alignment III : 21-22 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Environmentally conscious manufacturing II : 28-29 October 2001, Newton, [Massachusetts] USA
Optical fiber communication : 9-11 July 1998, Taipei, Taiwan
Environmental monitoring and remediation III : 28-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Biomedical sensing, imaging, and tracking technologies I : 29-31 January 1996, San Jose, California
Videometrics V : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Wave propagation in the atmosphere and adaptive optics : selected reserch papers on wave propagation in the atmosphere and adaptive optics 2000
Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves IV : 20-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Sensor fusion--architectures, algorithms, and applications : 24-25 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Optical spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for atmospheric and space research II : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
11th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology : September 25-27, 1991, Sunnyvale, California
Unattended ground sensor technologies and applications VII : 28 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Third international conference on intelligent materials : third European conference on smart structures and materials, Lyon/3-4-5 June 1996, center of congress "L'Espace tete d'or"
Laser interferometry VIII : applications : 8-9 August, 1996, Denver Colorado
Photodetectors : materials and devices IV : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Wavelet applications in signal and image processing VI : 22-23 July, 1998, San Diego, California
Optical technology for microwave applications III : 19-20 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Micro-optics : ECO1 21-22 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices III : 6-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Confocal, multiphoton, and nonlinear microscopic imaging II : 12-16 June 2005, Munich, Germany
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Proceedings of biochemical diagnostic instrumentation : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Free-space laser communication technologies XVIII : 24-25 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Optomechanical design and precision instruments : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Unmanned systems technology IX : 9-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Reconnaissance, astronomy, remote sensing, and photogrammetry, 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Adhesives engineering : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optoelectronic interconnects VII : photonics packaging and integrations II : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Optical sensing technology and applications : 16-18 April 2007,Prague, Czech Republic
Smart structures and materials 2002 : modeling, signal processing, and control : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA
Diffractive and holographic optics technology III : 1-2 February, 1996, San Jose, California
Fiber optic and laser sensors XIV : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Fiber optic and laser sensors II : May 1-2, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Optical interconnects in broadband switching architectures : 31 January-1 February, 1996, San Jose, California
Proceedings of photon migration and imaging in random media and tissues : 17-19 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Microelectronic processes, sensors, and controls : 27-29 September 1993, Monterey, California
Materials, devices, techniques, and applications for Z-plane focal plane array technology II : 12-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Micromachining and microfabrication process technology VII : 22-24 October 2001, San Francisco, USA
Intelligent robots and computer vision IX : algorithms and techniques : 5-7 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Laser coherence control : technology and applications : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Time-resolved laser spectroscopy in biochemistry
Technologies, systems, and architectures for transnational defense : 3-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Polarization analysis and measurement II : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Subsurface and surface sensing technologies and applications III : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Airborne reconnaissance XI, 17-18 August 1987, San Diego, California
Fullerenes and photonics : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California
Polarization science and remote sensing II : 2-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
International Workshop on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine : 8-10 October 2001, Wuhan, China
Document recognition and retrieval XI : 21-22 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Infrared sensors : detectors, electronics, and signal processing
Fluctuations and noise in photonics and quantum optics II : 26-28 May, 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
New image processing techniques and applications : algorithms, methods, and components II : 18-19 June 1997, Munich, FRG
Infrared photoelectronics : 30-31 August 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Optical engineering for cold environments : April 7-8, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Materials, devices, techniques, and applications for Z-plane focal plane array technology : 29-30 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XV : 2-4 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser arrays : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Advances in display technology III : January 18-19, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Automatic target recognition XIV : 13-15 April 2004, Oriando, Florida, USA
Chemical and biological sensing VII : 19-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam techniques for submicron lithographies II : March 14-15, 1983, Santa Clara, California
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems VIII : 20-21 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials VIII : 11-13 July 1995, San Diego, California
Scanning probe microscopies II : 18-19 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Gradient-index, miniature, and diffractive optical systems II : 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Fiber optic and laser sensors VIII : 17-19 September 1990, San Jose, Calif.
Short-wavelength radiation sources : 24-25 July 1991, San Diego, California
Sensor fusion : 4-6 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology VIII : 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Rare-earth-doped devices II : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, California
Diode pumping of average-power solid state lasers : 21-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Multiphoton microscopy in the biomedical sciences, 21-23 January, 2001, San Jose, USA
Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV optics III : 5-6 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado
Laser Optics 2000 : Semiconductor Lasers and Optical Comminication, 26-30 June 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia
Infrared and millimeter-wave engineering : 19-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Nonlinear optical materials III : ECO3, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Applications of high power lasers : January 22-23, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Optical measurement systems for industrial inspection : 16-17 June 1999, Munich, Germany
Specification and measurement of optical systems : 14-16 September 1992, Berlin, FRG
Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Sensor fusion--architectures, algorithms, and applications III : 7-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Pulse power for lasers II : 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Projection displays V : 26-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Window and dome technologies and materials X : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Industrial laser interferometry : 14-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
Optics in atmospheric propagation, adaptive systems, and lidar techniques for remote sensing : 24-26 September 1996, Taormina, Italy
Fiber optic and laser sensors X : 8-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Laser Optics '95 : Phase conjugation and adaptive optics, 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
Large ground-based telescopes : 22-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii USA
International Symposium on Optical Fabrication, Testing, and Surface Evaluation : 10-12 June 1992, Tokyo, Japan
Radar sensor technology VIII and passive millimeter-wave imaging technology VII : 14-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Proceedings of holography, interferometry, and optical pattern recognition in biomedicine II : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Remote sensing : 3-4 April, 1986, Orlando, Florida
Optical data storage '97 : 7-9 April 1997, Tucson, Arizona
Piece recognition and image processing : 30 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan
Modeling of optical thin films : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California
Laser diodes and applications : 8-10 February 1995 San Jose, California
Combinatorial and composition spread techniques in materials and device development II : 22-23, 25 January, 2001, San Jose, USA
Real-time imaging VII : 22-23 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Nondestructive detection and measurement for homeland security : 4-5 March, 2003, San Diego, California, USA
International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors in China OFS(C) '91 : 9-11 October 1991, Wuhan, China
Fiber optics : short-haul and long-haul measurements and applications : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California
European workshop on smart structures in engineering and technology : 21-23 May 2002, Presqu'île de Giens, France
Active materials and smart structures : sympoisum held as part of the 31st annual technical meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, 10-12 October 1994, Texas A&M University College station, Texas
Intense laser beams and applications : 20-22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Forensic evidence analysis and crime scene investigation : 20-21 November 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical inspection and micromeasurements II : 16-19 June 1997, Munich, FRG
Diffractive and holographic device technologies and applications V : 28-29 January 1998, San Jose, California
Exploiting new image sources and sensors : 26th AIPR Workshop, 15-17 October 1997, Washington, D.C.
Optical fiber characteristics and standards : 25-27 November 1985, Cannes, France
Proceedings of specialty fiber optics for biomedical and industrial applications : 10 February 1997, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Damping and isolation : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology V : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Lasers in microlithography : 2-3 March 1987, Santa Clara, California
UV/optical/IR space telescopes : innovative technologies and concepts II : 31 July-1 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Wave optics and VLSI photonic devices for information processing : 2-3 August 2001 San Diego, USA
Soviet-Chinese Joint Seminar on Holography and Optical Information Processing : 21-26 September 1991, Bishkek, Kirghizstan
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam submicrometer lithographies for manufacturing III : 1-2 March 1993, San Jose, California
Radar sensor technology : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
X-ray and ultraviolet polarimetry : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Physics and technology of coherent infrared radar : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California
Environmentally conscious manufacturing VI : 1-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Laser technology IV : applications in medicine: 26-30 September 1993, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland
Human vision and electronic imaging II : 10-13 February 1997, San Jose, California
Optical manufacturing and testing III : 20-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Medical imaging VI : image capture, formatting, and display : 23-24 February 1992, Newport Beach, California
Sensor fusion III : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Targets and backgrounds VI : characterization, visualization, and the detection process : 24-26 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Proceedings of the Los Alamos Conference on Optics '81
Earth observing systems V : 2-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Optoelectronic integrated circuit materials, physics, and devices : 6-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Nonlinear optics : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Emerging lithographic technologies IX : 1-3 March 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Optics for EUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray astronomy II : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Optics and photonics in global homeland security : 29 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Proceedings of biomolecular spectroscopy III : 17-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology VIII : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Specialty fiber optic systems for mobile platforms : fifth in a series : 5 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Advanced wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Modeling and simulation of laser systems, 17-18 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California
Airborne reconnaissance XIX : 11-12 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Integrated optics : February 10-11, 1981, Los Angeles, California
Advances in resist technology and processing III : 10-11 March 1986, Santa Clara, California
Optical and digital GaAs technologies for signal-processing applications : 16-18 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Advances in mirror technology for X-ray, EUV lithography, laser, and other applications II : 5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Human vision, visual processing, and digital display VI : 6-8 February 1995, San Jose, California
Reliability considerations in fiber optic applications : [papers] : 25-26 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Solid state lasers IV : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Advanced photonic sensors : Technology and applications, 8-10 Novenber 2000, Beijing, China
An international conference on thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics (Thermosense VI), October 2-5, 1983, Oak Brook, Illinois
Lasers in optical systems and devices : Laser Optics '93, 21-25 June 1993, St. Petersburg, Russia
Laser chemistry, biophysics, and biomedicine : ICONO '95 : 27 June-1 July 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
Atomic and molecular physics : Fifth Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics : 16-18 September, 2004, Jurata, Poland
Diode lasers and applications in atmospheric sensing : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, USA
Sol-gel optics VI : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere VIII : 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Optical scattering : applications, measurement, and theory II : 15-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optical information processing systems and architectures III : 23-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
The Laser Marketplace in 1988 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers : held in conjunction with SPIE's O-E/LASE '88, 13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Human vision and electronic imaging III : 26-29 January, 1998, San Jose, California
Micromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics II : 27-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Remote sensing and modeling of ecosystems for sustainability : 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Passive millimetre-wave and terahertz imaging and technology : 27-28 October 2004, London, United Kingdom
Image and signal processing for remote sensing II : 25-27 September 1995, Paris, France
Properties and characteristics of optical glass II : 12-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Visualization in biomedical computing 1992 : 13-16 October 1992, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Free-space laser communication and laser imaging II : 9-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington
Defense, security, cockpit and future displays II : 19-21 April, 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Health monitoring and smart nondestructive evaluation of structural and biological systems III : 15-17 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
High-power laser ablation : 27-30 April, 1998, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers V : 24-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Optomechanics and dimensional stability : 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Optical storage media : [proceedings] : June 6-10, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Visual communications and image processing '99 : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Advances in optical information processing V : 21-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Intelligent robots and computer vision XVI : Algorithms, techniques, active vision, and materials handling : 15-17 October 1997 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction II : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Liquid crystal materials, devices, and applications IV : 31 January-1 February 1996, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Smart electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS, and nanotechnology : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Optical radiation measurements : August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets V : 24-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Advances in computational methods for x-ray and neutron optics : 3,5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Optical design and testing II : 8-12 November 2004, Beijing, China
Large optics II : 8-9 October 1991, Rochester, New York
Color imaging IX : processing, hardcopy, and applications : 20-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Large-screen projection displays II : 14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Fabrication, testing, and reliability of semiconductor lasers III : 29-30 January, 1998, San Jose, California
Applications of ultrashort laser pulses in science and technology : ECO3, 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Large lenses and prisms : 27-30 March 2001 London, UK
Space telescopes and instrumentation 2012 : optical, infrared, and millimeter wave : 1-6 July 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Multimedia computing and networking 1996 : 29-31 January 1996, San Jose, California
Ground-based instrumentation for astronomy : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Microelectronics manufacturability, yield, and reliability : 20-21 October 1994, Austin, Texas
Color hard copy and graphic arts III : 7-10 February 1994, San Jose, California
Airborne reconnaissance XV : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Automatic target recognition XVI : 18-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Optical system contamination : effects, measurements, control IV : 28-29 July 1994, Orlando, Florida
Liquid crystals III : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Enabling technology for simulation science V : 17-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Space station automation IV : 7-9 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Scalability and traffic control in IP networks II : 31 July-1 August, 2002, Boston, [Massachusetts], USA
Terahertz and gigahertz electronics and photonics IV : 23-25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Smart structures and materials 1997 : passive damping and isolation : 3-4 March, 1997, San Diego, California
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets XII : 11-12 April, Florida, USA
High energy, optical, and infrared detectors for astronomy II : 24-27 May, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Optics for EUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray astronomy V : 23-25 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States
Infrared technology XVIII : 19-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Modeling, signal processing, and control : 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Integrated optoelectronics for communication and processing : 3-4 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments VIII : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California
Medical imaging 1993 : image capture, formatting, and display : 14-15 February 1993, Newport Beach, California
Modeling and systems engineering for astronomy : 24-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Medical imaging 1994, Image capture, formatting, and display : 13-14 February 1994, Newport Beach, California
Optical diagnostics for fluids, solids, and combustion : July 31-2 August 2001 San Diego, USA
CIS selected papers : coherence-domain methods in biomedical optics
Optical design, materials, fabrication, and maintenance : 28 - 29 March 2000 Munich, Germany
Proceedings of systems and technologies for clinical diagnostics and drug discover II : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Parallel architectures for image processing : 14-15 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Nonimaging optics and efficient illumunation systems III : 13-15 August 2006, San Diego California, USA
Seventh International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, 22-26 August 1988, Vienna, Austria
Interferometry : techniques and analysis : 20-21 July 1992, San Diego, California
Ultrahigh- and high-speed photography, videography, and photonics '93 : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California
Twelfth Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics : 27-30 June 2005, Tomsk, Russia
Thin film technologies III : ECO1, 22-23 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republc of Germany
Space systems engineering and optical alignment mechanisms : 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
French-Israeli Workshop on Solid State Lasers : proceedings, 12-14 December 1988, Jerusalem, Israel
An International Conference on Thermal Infrared Sensing for Diagnostics and Control (Thermosense IX) : 18-20 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Stress analysis by thermoelastic techniques : [proceedings] : 17-18 February 1987, London, England
Remote senging for earth science, ocean, and sea ice applications : 20-24 September 1999, Florence, Italy
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology II : 25-27 September, 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Intelligent robots and computer vision X : neural, biological, and 3-D methods : 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Image processing : algorithms and systems II : 21-23 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Visual communications and image processing 2008 : 29-31 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA
Spaceborne interferometry II: 19-20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Integrated optical circuits II : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Chemical and biological sensors for industrial and environmental monitoring II : 3-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Optical diagnostic methods for inorganic transmissive materials II : 3-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Optomechanical and electro-optical design of industrial systems : 28-29 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan
Optical biopsy and tissue optics : 5-6 July 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Complex mebiums : 30 July-1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing V : 7-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Helmet- and head-mounted displays XII : design and applications : 10-11 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Advanced environmental, chemical, and biological sensing technologies IV : 1-3 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Inverse problems in optics, 31 March-1 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands
First International Conference on Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering : October 23-25, 1984, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Automatic target recognition VIII : 13-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Advances in optical structure systems : 16-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Optical and IR telescope instrumentation and detectors : 27-31 March 2000, Munich, Germany
Scanning probe microscopies : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
X-ray microbeam technology and applications : 11-12 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Functional integration of opto-electro-mechanical devices and systems : 24-25 January 2001, San Jose, USA
High speed photography, videography, and photonics V : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California
Display systems : 23-24 June 1993, Munich, FRG
Techniques and applications of image understanding : April 21-23, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Image processing algorithms and techniques III : 10-13 February 1992, San Jose, California
Visual communications and image processing 2001 : 24-26 January, 2001, San Jose, USA
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites VI : 23-26 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece
Analytical and diagnostic techniques for semiconductor materials, devices and processes : joint proceedings of the symposia on ALTECH 99, satellite symposium to ESSDERC 99, Leuven, Belgium [and] the Electrochemical Society Symposium on Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Low-light-level and real-time imaging systems, components, and applications :9-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Synthetic aperture radar : 20-21 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Infrared detector materials and devices : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy II : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors II : 10-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Active telescope systems : 28-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Micromachining and microfabrication process technology III : 29-30 September, 1997, Austin, Texas
Solid state lasers VIII : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Industrial applications of high power lasers : September 26-27, 1983, Linz, Austria
Advances in fiber optics : selected research papers on advances in fiber optics 1998-1999
Algorithms, devices, and systems for optical information processing III : 20-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Electronic imaging and multimedia systems : 4-5 November 1996, Beijing, China
Plasmonics in biology and medicine : 26-27 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Reliability, testing, and characterization of MEMS/MOEMS : 22-24 October 2001, San Trancisco, USA
Optical resonators : 16-18 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Satellite remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere III : 21-23 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain
Fourth generation X-ray sources and optics III : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Device and process technologies for MEMS and microelectronics : 27-29 October 1999, Royal Pines Resort, Queensland, Australia
ICONO '98 : quantum optics, interference phenomena in atomic systems, and high-precision measurements : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia
Optomechanics 2003 : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Airborne reconnaissance X, 19-20 August, 1986, San Diego, California
Photon migration, diffuse spectroscopy, and optical coherence tomography : imaging and functional assessment, 6-8 July 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors VI : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Dry etch technology : 9-10-September 1991, San Jose, California
Intense microwave pulses II : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology : 22-24 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain
Applications of artificial neural networks in image processing II : 12-13 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Advanced multispectral remote sensing technology and applications : May 6-7, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments IX : 8 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Advances in resist technology : March 12-13, 1984, Santa Clara, California
Color imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and applications VII : 22-25 January, 2002, San Jose, USA
Design and process integration for microelectronic manufacturing III : 3-4 March 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Optical testing and metrology : 3-6 June 1986, Québec City, Canada
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing VII: 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Atmospheric propagation and remote sensing II : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Chemical and biological sensing IV : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Design and process integration for microelectronic manufacturing IV : 23-24 February, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing II : 27-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Active matrix liquid crystal displays technology and applications : 10-11 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Optical fibers and their applications VI : 22-24 January 1999, Białowieża, Poland
Fourth International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques : Advances and Applications : 21-23 June, 2000, Ancona, Italy
Image understanding and the man-machine interface II : 17-18 January, 1989, Los Angeles, California
Fiber optic sensor technology and applications : 20-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Nonimaging optics, maximum efficiency light transfer V : 21-22 July, 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optical memory and neural networks : 2-6 April 1991, Zvenigorod, USSR
Technologies, systems, and architectures for transnational defense II : 23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Infrared technology XI : August 20-21, 1985, San Diego, California
Architectures and algorithms for digital image processing II : January 24-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Enabling technologies for simulation science VII : 22-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors V : 7-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Critical technologies for the future of computing : 31 July-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Applications of photonic technology [7C] : closing the gap between theory, development, and application, 7C--Photonics North 2004: Photonic applications in telecommunications, sensors, software, and lasers
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam submicrometer lithographies for manufacturing : 6-7 March 1991, San Jose, California
Proceedings of ophthalmic technologies : 21-22 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Sol-gel optics : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
First International School on Laser Surface Microprocessing : 30 October-3 November 1989, Tashkent, USSR
Wavelet applications VIII : 18-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Health monitoring and smart nondestructive evaluation of structural and biological systems IV : 7-9 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems : 22-23 May 2000, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Applications and science of artificial neural networks III : 21-24 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida
Photonic crystals and photonic crystal fibers for sensing applications : 24-25 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Proceedings of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular interventions II : 19-20 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Mobile robots III : 10-11 November 1988, Cambridge, Massachusetts
International Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Acoustical Imaging, 4-6 February 1987, Newport Beach, California
Practical holography XIII : 25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Atmospheric optical modeling, measurement, and simulation : 2-3 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Broadband networking technologies : 2-3 November 1997, Dallas, Texas
Visual communications and image processing IV : 8-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
9th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy : proceedings : 23-27 August 1993, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Document recognition : 9-10 February 1994, San Jose, California
XV Conference on Liquid Crystals : 13-77 October, 2003, Zakopane, Poland
Seventh International Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics : with Opto-Southwest 2001 Special Session of Education : 26-30 November 2001, Singapore
Advanced optical manufacturing and testing : 9-11 July 1990, San Diego, California
Telescope control systems II : 27-28 July 1997, San Diego, California
Advances in optical information processing IX : 25-26 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Optically activated switching : 5-6 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems II : 7-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Integrated optics devices iv : 24-25 January, 2000, San Jose, California
Lidar technologies, techniques, and measurements for atmospheric remote sensing : 19-20 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
International Conference on Correlation Optics : 19-22 May 1997, Chernivtsy, Ukraine
Optical materials in defence systems technology : 25, 27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom
Digital video compression on personal computers : algorithms and technologies : 7-8 February 1994
Wavelet applications in signal and image processing II : 27-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Enabling technology for simulation science III : 6-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Organic photonic materials and devices : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
SAR image analysis, modeling, and techniques IV : 17-18 September 2001 Toulouse, France
Global process monitoring and remote sensing of the ocean and sea ice : 25, 28 September 1995, Paris, France
Liquid crystals : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction V : 24-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Nondestructive evaluation of aging Materials and Composites III : 3-5 March 1999, Newport Beach, California
Optical components and systems : 31 March - 1 April 1987, the Hague, the Netherlands
X-ray optics design, performance, and applications : 20-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets VI : 16-20 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Optical and laser technology in medicine : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Automatic systems for the identification and inspection of humans : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Coherence domain optical methods and optical coherence tomography in biomedicine VIII : 26-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Ultrafast lasers probe phenomena in bulk and microstructure semiconductors : 25-26 March, 1987, Bay Point, Florida
International Conference on Manufacturing Automation : 10-12 August 1992, Hong Kong
Nanomaterial synthesis and integration for sensors, electronics, photonics, and electro-optics : 1-4 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Terahertz for military and security applications : 21 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA /R. Jennifer Hwu, Dwight L. Woolard, editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
Remote sensing of vegetation and water, and standardization of remote sensing methods : 18-19 June 1997, Munich, FRG
Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices VII : 25-29 January 1999, San Jose, USA
Display system optics : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Photodetectors : materials and devices V : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing XI : 26-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Targets and backgrounds : characterization and representation II : 8-10 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Diffractive and holographic optics technology : 26-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
X-ray lithography and applications of soft x-rays to technology : October 19-20, 1983, Upton, New York
Optical organic and semiconductor inorganic materials : 26-29 August, 1996, Riga, Latvia
Photonics in the automobile II : 6 April 2006, Strasbourg, France
Multimedia storage and archiving systems IV : 20-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Proceedings of photochemotherapy : photodynamic therapy and other modalities II : 7-8 September 1996, Vienna, Austria
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations II : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Picosecond and femtosecond spectroscopy from laboratory to real world : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Radar processing, technology, and applications : 5-6 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Tunable solid state lasers : 1-4 September 1996, Wrocław, Poland
Needs and solutions for pollution monitoring, control, and abatement : proceedings of the First Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, 15-17 June 1992, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Accelerator-based sources of infrared and spectroscopic applications : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Earth Observing Systems VII : 7-10 July 2002, Seattle, USA
Current developments in lens design and optical engineering V : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
All-optical communication systems : architecture, control, and network issues : 25-26 October, 1995, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Atmospheric propagation and remote sensing : 21-23 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Precision Engineering and Optomechanics : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
New approaches in medical image analysis
Geo-spatial and temporal image and data exploitation III : 21, 24 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Detection technologies for mines and minelike targets : 17-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Astroparticle physics and novel gamma-ray telescopes : 15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Holographic displays and optical elements II : 19 September 1998, Beijing, China
Image processing, analysis, measurement, and quality : 13-15 January 1988, Los Angeles, California : part of SPSE's International Symposium and Exposition on Electronic Imaging Devices and Systems '88, Andras I. Lakatos, general chair
Growth and characterization of materials for infrared detectors and nonlinear optical switches : 2-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Interferometry '94 : photomechanics : 16-20 May 1994, Warsaw, Poland
Laser-assisted processing II : ECO3, 13-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Fiber optic sensor technology and applications 2001 : 30 October-1 November 2001, Newton, [Massachusetts] USA
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery lll : 10-12 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Unmanned ground vehicle technology II: 24-25 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Electro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications : 25-27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom
Remote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology IV : 14-16 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Plastic optical fibers : 6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet systems : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C. : W.R. Hunter, chairman/editor
X-ray optics, instruments, and missions III : 27-29 March 2000, Munich, Germany
Airborne reconnaissance XXVII : 23-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Nonlinear optical materials : ECO1, 19-20 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
SIOEL '99 : Sixth Symposium on Optoelectronics : 22-24 September 1999, Bucharest, Romania
Biochemical and biomolecular sensing : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA
Wave propagation and scattering in varied media II : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Electro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications II : 26-27 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Helmet- and head-mounted displays and symbology design requirements : 5-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Human vision and electronic imaging V : 24-27 January 2000, San Jose, USA
Lasers in dentistry VI : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California
High-fidelity simulation for training, test support, mission rehearsal, and civilian applications : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Image and signal processing for remote sensing IV : 21-23 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain
Computer and optically formed holographic optics : 15-16 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Advanced applications of ion implantation : January 23-25, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XII : 9-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Fifth International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : 31 May-2 June, 2004, Shanghai, China
Infrared readout electronics : 21-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Infrared techonology XV : 7-9 August 1989, San Diego, California
Camera and input scanner systems : 27-28 February 1991, San Jose, California
Optical methods of biomedical diagnostics and therapy : 1-3 July 1992, Saratov, Russia
Atmospheric effects on electro-optical, infrared, and millimeter wave systems performance : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California
Multilayer optics for advanced x-ray applications : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Document recognition and retrieval X : 22-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Adaptive optics systems and technology : August 25-27, 1982, San Diego, California
Infrared technology X : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California
Optical fibers : applications : 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Hyperspectral remote sensing and applications : 5-6 August 1996
Infrared detectors and instrumentation : 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Photonics applications in industry and research IV : 30 August-2 September 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Computer vision for industry : 24-25 June 1993, Munich, FRG
Fibre optics '86 : 29 April-1 May 1986, London, England
Unattended ground sensor technologies and applications : 8-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Infrared and optical transmitting materials
3rd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies : Large mirrors and telescopes : 8-12 July 2007, Chengdu, China
Imaging sciences and display technologies : 7-10 October, 1996, Berlin, FRG
Hard copy and printing materials, media, and processes
Digital optical computing : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Terahertz for military and security applications II : 12-13 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Smart structures and materials 2001 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA
Proceedings of biomedical optoelectronic devices and systems II
Document recognition IV : 12-13 February, 1997, San Jose, California
Medical imaging 1997, PACS design and evaluation : engineering and clinical issues : 25-28 February 1997, Newport Beach, California
Applications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation : 20-22 July 1998, San Diego, California
Advanced wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications III : 31 July-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Nanostructures and microstructure correlation with physical properties of semiconductors : 20-21 March 1990, San Diego, California
Digitization of the battlefield II : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Sensor design using computer tools II, April 11-12, 1985, Arlington, Virginia
Fiber networks for voice, video, and multimedia services : 19 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical alignment : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Polarization considerations for optical systems II : 9-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Infrared fiber optics : 16-17 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Applications of artificial neural networks in image processing VI : 25-26 January, 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Ultrafast X-ray sources and detectors : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Optical and digital pattern recognition : 13-15 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Electronic imaging and multimedia systems II : 18-19 September, 1998, Beijing, China
Applications of neural networks and machine learning in image processing IX : 19-20 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
CO[2] lasers and applications II : ECO3, 12-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Detection and remendiation technologies for mines and minelike targets VIII : 21-25 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Fiber optic sensors, 26-27 November, 1985, Cannes, France
Structural mechanics of optical systems : November 7-8, 1983, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Proceedings of physiological imaging, spectroscopy, and early-detection diagnostic methods : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Optical methods in atmospheric chemistry : 22-24 June 1992, Berlin, FRG
Adaptive optics in astronomy : 17-18 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii
Water, ground, and air pollution monitoring and remediation : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA
Photopolymer device physics, chemistry, and applications II : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Technical issues in focal plane development : April 21-22, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Fiber optics in adverse environments III : 25 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optical security and counterfeit deterrence techniques III : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Proceedings of lasers in urology, laparoscopy, and general surgery : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Intelligent robots and computer vision XXII: algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 25-27 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Military remote sensing : 27-28 October 2004, London, United Kingdom
Diffractive and holographic technologies for integrated photonic systems : 22-23 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy IX : 22-23 January 2000, San Jose, California
Novel applications of lasers and pulsed power : 6-8 February 1995, San Jose, California
Holographic and diffractive techniques : 9-11 October 1996, Berlin, FRG
Proceedings of ophthalmic technologies II : 19-21 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Laser technology IV : research trends, instrumentation, and applications in metrology and materials processing : 26-30 September 1993, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland
Technical issues in infrared detectors and arrays : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Optical design and engineering II : 13-16 September 2005, Jena, Germany
5th European Conference on Integrated Optics : proceedings, ECIO '89, held in conjunction with ECO[2], 26-28 April 1989, Paris, France
Optical manufacturing and testing V : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Smart structures and materials 2001 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 5-7 March 2001, Newport Beach, USA
Fibre Optics '90 : 24-26 April 1990, London, England
Laser-tissue interaction XI : photochemical, photothermal, and photomechanical : 22-27 January 2000, San Jose, USA
X-ray detector physics and applications II : 13-14 July 1993, San Diego, California
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy III : 22-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Rare-earth-doped materials and devices III : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
ICO20: optical design and fabrication : 21-26 August 2005, Changchun, China
Optoelectronic materials, devices, packaging, and interconnects II : 6-8 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Current developments in optical design and optical engineering VII : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Visual communications and image processing '91 : image processing, 11-13 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Polarization analysis, measurement, and remote sensing IV : 29-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Advanced optical and quantum memories and computing II : 25-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
High bandwidth analog applications of photonics : [papers] : 23-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Advanced optical and quantum memories and computing : 27-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Nondestructive inspection of aging aircraft : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion IX : ECO3, 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Surface and interface analysis of microelectronic materials processing and growth, 12-13 October 1989, Santa Clara, California
Instruments, methods, and missions for the investigation of extraterrestrial microorganisms : 29 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Microwave instrumentation and satellite photogrammetry for remote sensing of the earth : 28-30 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Remote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology II :23-26 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece
Current developments in lens design and optical systems engineering II : 30 July 2001, San Diego, USA
First International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials for Advanced Electronic and Optical Devices : proceedings : 20-22 March 1989, Norman, Oklahoma
Optical technologies for space communication systems : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
GPR 2000 : proceedings of the eighth international conference on ground penetrating radar
Photonic crystal materials and devices III : 24-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Chemical and biological sensing V : 12-13 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Solid state laser technologies and femtosecond phenomena : 25-27 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom
Target-in-the-loop: atmospheric tracking, imaging, and compensation II : 3-4 August 2005, San DIego, California, USA
Particle astrophysics instrumentation : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
International Conference on Applications of Optical Holography : 5-7 June, 1995, Tokyo, Japan
Color hard copy and graphic arts IV : 6-10 February, San Jose, California
Laser radar : ranging and atmospheric lidar techniques III : 17-18 September 2001 Toulouse, France
Integrated optics devices III : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Applications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation IV : 31 July-2 August, 2001, San Diego, [California] USA
Laser source and system technology for defense and security III : 9-10 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Moiré techniques, holographic interferometry, optical NDT, and applications to fluid mechanics : Second International Conference on Photomechanics and Speckle Metrology : 22-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Remote sensing of the biosphere : 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Two- and three-dimensional methods for inspection and metrology IV : 1-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Interferometry '99 : techniques and technologies : 20-23 September 1999, Pułtusk, Poland
Visual information processing VI : 21-22 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Optoelectronic devices and applications : 10-11 July 1990, San Diego, California
Gigahertz devices and systems : 20 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Remote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2001 : 18 and 20-21 September 2001, Toulouse, France
Gradient-index, miniature, and diffractive optical systems : 19 and 21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Third International Conference on Optical Information Processing : 28-31 May 1999, Moscow, Russia
Microelectronic Device Technology : 1-2 October 1997, Austin, Texas
Image and signal processing for remote sensing IX : 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Hard copy and printing technologies : 13-14 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Growth, characterization, and applications of laser host and nonlinear crystals : 27-28 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Progress in high-temperature superconducting transistors and other devices : 4-5 October 1990, Santa Clara, California
Ultrahigh resolution radar : 20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Near-field optics : physics, devices, and information processing : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
X-ray and neutron capillary optics II : 22-26 September 2004, Zvenigorod, Russia
Smart structures and materials 1999 : Smart materials technologies : 3-4 March 1999, Newport Beach, California
Digital signal processing technology : 10-11 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Microrobotics and microassembly III : 29-30 October 2001 Newton
ECLIM 2002 : 27th European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter : 7-11 October 2002, Moscow, Russia
Biomedical optics and lasers : diagnostics and treatment : 16-18 September 1998, Beijing, China
Smart structures and devices : 13-15 December 2000, Melbourne, Australia
Applications of digital image processing : April 19-22, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland
Enhanced and synthetic vision 1997 : 21-22 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida
High-Tc microwave superconductors and applications : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Real time signal processing VII : August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California
Rapid thermal and integrated processing : 10-11 September 1991, San Jose, California
Design of digital image processing systems : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California
Document recognition II : 6-7 February 1995, San Jose, California
Image assessment & specification : seminar-in-depth, May 20-22, 1974, Rochester, New York
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations XVI : 15-16 August, 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Millimeter and submillimeter waves III : proceedings of the International Conference on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Applications III, 5-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
ICONO '95 : atomic and quantum optics : high-precision measurements, 27 June-1 July, 1995, St. Petersburg, Russia
Fluctuations and noise in biological, biophysical, and biomedical systems III : 24-26 May, 2005, Austin, Texas, USA
Smart structures and materials 1996 : Smart electronics and MEMS : 28-29 January, 1996, San Diego, California
MOEMS and miniaturized systems : 18-20 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA
X-ray and UV detectors : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing 2005 : 3-4 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Applications of digital image processing XI : 15-17 August 1988, San Diego, California
High and low concentration for solar electric applications : 14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
MOEMS and Miniaturized systems II : 22-24 October 2001, San Francisco, USA
High speed photography, videography, and photonics III : 22-23 August 1985, San Diego, California
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in the optical spectrum III : 22-24 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Advances in infrared fibers II : January 26-28, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Laser diode technology and applications IV : 20-22 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing X : 10-11 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Materials, manufacturing, and measurement for synchrotron radiation mirrors : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Laser techniques for state-selected and state-to-state chemistry II : 27-29 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Interdisciplinary computer vision : applications and changing needs : 22nd AIPR Workshop, 13-15 October 1993, Washington, D.C.
Cockpit and future displays for defense and security : 30 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Precision optical glassworking : a manual for the manufacture, testing and design of precision optical components and the training of optical craftsmen
Optical components and materials IV : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Automated optical inspection for industry : 6-7 November 1996, Beijing, China
Free-space laser communication technologies IX : 13-14 February 1997, San Jose, California
Object detection, classification, and tracking technologies : 22-24 October 2001, Wuhan, China
Signal and data processing of small targets, 1989 : proceedings of a conference on digital signal processing, association, and tracking of point source, very small, and cluster targets, 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Fly-by-light : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Workshop on optical components for broadband communication : 28-29 June 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Materials and electronics for high-speed and infrared detectors : 19-20 and 23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Micro- and nanofabricated structures and devices for biomedical environmental applications II : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Optomechanical technologies for astronomy : 24-31 May 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Advanced sensors and monitors for process industries and the environment : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Ophthalmic technologies XI : 20-21 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Proceedings of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular interventions III : 16-17 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Unconventional imaging II : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Micromachining and microfabrication process technology : 23-24 October, 1995, Austin, Texas
Polarization considerations for optical systems : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of applications of ultrashort-pulse lasers in medicine and biology : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Lasers in medicine : [papers] : 15-17 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Design and fabrication of planar optical waveguide devices and materials : 8-9 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Biomedical vibrational spectroscopy and biohazard detection technologies : 25-27 January, 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Three-dimensional visualization and display technologies : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery II : 19-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Applications of digital image processing X
Soft x-ray optics and technology : 8-11 December 1986, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Smart materials III : 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia
Thin films for optical systems : 14-18 September 1992, Berlin, FRG
Optical sensing : techniques, benefits, costs : December 7-8, 1982, Teddington, Middlesex, England
Active and adaptive optical systems : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Intense laser beams : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
ICONO '98 : ultrafast phenomena and interaction of superstrong laser fields with matter--nonlinear optics and high-field physics : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia
Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems III : 30 January-2 February 1996, San Jose, California
Enhanced and synthetic vision 2005 : 28 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Intense microwave and particle beams II : 21-24 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Optical and hybrid computing
Advances in resist technology and processing IV : 2-3 March 1987, Santa Clara, California
Complex mediums II : beyond linear isotropic dielectrics, 30 July-1 August, 2001, San Diego, USA
X-ray optics for astronomy : telescopes, multilayers, spectrometers, and missions : 30 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Sensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C31) technologies for homeland security and homeland defense III : 12-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Advances in resist technology and processing VI : 27 February-1 March, 1989, San Jose, California
Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery XIII : 9-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting : 17-19 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
X-ray and ultraviolet sensors and applications : 13-14 July 1995, San Diego, California
Complex mediums V: Light and complexity : 4-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
UV, X-ray, and gamma-ray space instrumentation for astronomy XIV : 1-3 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Proceedings of the Southwest Conference on Optics
Laser techniques for surface science II : 12-14 July 1995, San Diego, California
Fiber optic and laser sensors IV : 22-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Adaptive optics : [conference] April 10-11, 1985, Arlington, Virginia
Fiber optic and laser sensors XII : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Infrared technology and applications XXV : 5-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Photonic applications in nonlinear optics, nanophotonics, and microwave photonics : 12-14 September 2005, Toronto, Canada
Optical wireless communications III : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA
Applications of digital image processing IV, August 24-27, 1982, San Diego, California
27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 17-22 September 2006, Alexandria, Xian, China
Airborne reconnaissance VI, August 24-26, 1982, San Diego, California
Computational imaging : 23-24 January, 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Radar sensor technology and data visualization : 1 April and 4 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Active and passive optical components for WDM communications II : 29 July-1 August 2002, Boston, USA
High intensity laser-matter interactions : 12-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of advances in fluorescence sensing technology : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Infrared detectors, state of the art : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Photonics for space environments V : 30 July 1997, San Diego
Passive millimeter-wave imaging technology VIII : 30-31 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
ALT '95, International Symposium on Advanced Materials for Optics and Optoelectronics, 4-7 September, 1995, Prague, Czech Republic
Advancements in polymer optics design, fabrication, and materials : 31 July 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites IV : 25-28 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Advances in optical beam characterization and measurements : 14 July 1998, Québec, Canada
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology III : 1-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Applications of artificial neural networks in image processing V : 27-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Laser resonators II : 27-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Electron-beam, x-ray, and ion-beam lithographies VI : [proceedings] 5-6 March 1987, Santa Clara, California
Recent advances in sensors, radiometric calibration, and processing of remotely sensed data, 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Fiber optic and laser sensors XI : 7-8 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
True three-dimensional imaging techniques and display technologies : [proceedings] : 15-16 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of holography, interferometry, and optical pattern recognition in biomedicine III : 19-20 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of the Los Alamos Conference on Optics '83
Optics and photonics in global homeland security II : 19-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Document recognition and retrieval IX : 21-22 January, 2002, San Jose, [Calif.]
Industrial and highway sensors technology : 28-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Applications of digital image processing XIV : 22-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Manufacturing applications of lasers : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
17th European Conference on Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and Microcomponents
Chaos in biology and medicine : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Advanced materials and devices for sensing and imaging : 17-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Enabling photonics technologies for defense, security, and aerospace applications : 31 March-1 April 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
EUV, x-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy X : 21-23 July 1999 Denver, Colorado
Free-space laser communication technologies XIX : 24-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Advanced signal processing algorithms, architectures, and implementations : 10-12 July 1990, San Diego, California
Nonlinear image processing VI : 6-9 February 1995, San Jose, California
Quantum optics and applications in computing and communications II : 10-12 November 2004, Beijing, China
Unattended/unmanned ground, ocean, and air sensor technologies and applications VI : 12-15 April 2004 Orland, USA
Symposium Optika '84 : April 24-27, 1984, Budapest, Hungary
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam techniques for submicrometer lithographies III : March 15-16, 1984, Santa Clara, California
Remote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2002 : 24 September 2002, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece
16th European Conference on Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and Microcomponents : 15-16 November 1999, Munich, Germany
Controlling tissue optical properties : applications in clinical study : 5-6 July 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands
International Conference on Thermal Infrared Sensing for Diagnostics and Control (Thermosense X) : 5-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Laser microtechnology and laser diagnostics of surfaces : LAMILADIS '91 International Workshop, 16-19 April 1991, Chernovtsy, Ukraine
Component and systems diagnostics, prognostics, and health management II : 3-4 April, 2002, Orlando, USA
Emerging optical materials : [proceedings] : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California
Application of tunable diode and other infrared sources for atmospheric studies and industrial processing monitoring II : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Multispectral and microwave sensing of forestry, hydrology, and natural resources : 26-30 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Enabling technology for simulation science : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Optical interfaces for digital circuits and systems : January 26, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Remote sensing of atmospheric chemistry : 1-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Industrial applications of laser radar : 27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Unmanned/unattended sensors and sensor networks II : 26-28 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays VII : 2-3 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Optical system contamination : effects, measurement, control III : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Proceedings of optical biopsies and microscopic techniques : 7-9 September 1996, Vienna, Austria
Enabling technologies for simulation science X : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
1999 International Conference on Biomedical optics (BMO '99) : 25-27 October 1999, Wuhan, China
Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and gamma-ray astronomy : 4-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Third Conference on Photonic Systems for Ecological Monitoring : 8-12 December 1996, Prague, Czech Republic
Terahertz for military and security applications III : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Interferometry in optical astronomy : 27 - 29 March 2000 Munich, Germany
Optical diagnostic methods for inorganic materials III : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Radar sensor technology IX : 31 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Optical Data Storage '98 : 10-13 May, 1998, Aspen, Colorado
Technologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing VI : 16-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Building European OLED infrastructure : 6-7 June, 2005, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Smart structures and materials 2002 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA
Optics fiber reliability and testing : 19-20 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Observatory operations to optimize scientific return III : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii USA
Eleventh International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric Physics : 23-26 June, 2004, Tomsk, Russia
Nonimaging optics, maximum efficiency light transfer VI : 2-3 August 2001 San Diego, USA
Advances in photochemotherapy : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Millimeter wave technology : May 6-7, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
Instrumentation for magnetospheric imagery : 21-22 July 1992, San Diego, California
Optical fiber and fiber component mechanical reliability and testing
Optical memory and neural networks '94 : Optical Memory : 27-30 August 1994, Moscow, Russia
Nonlinear optical properties of advanced materials : 20-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Selected papers on light scattering
Infrared technology XIII : 18-20 August 1987, San Diego, California
Future giant telescopes :26-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Enabling photonic technologies for aerospace applications V : 22-23 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Airborne reconnaissance XXIV : 1-2 August, 2000, San Diego, USA
Statistical optics : 18-19 August 1988, San Diego, California
Fiber optics reliability : benign and adverse environments II : 6-8 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy V : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Growth, characterization, and applications of laser host and nonlinear crystals II : 17-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of effects of low-power light on biological systems II : 9 September, Vienna, Austria
UV, X-ray, and gamma-ray space instrumentation for astronomy XV : 26-27 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Diamond optics : 16-17 August 1988, San Diego, California
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology VII : 20-22 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium
Advanced materials and devices for sensing and imaging II : 8-10 November 2004, Beijing, China
International conference on x-ray and neutron capillary optics : 8-12 September 2001, Zvenigorod, Russia
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems IX : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Targets and backgrounds : characterization and representation III : 21-23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Remote sensing and reconstruction for three-dimensional objects and scenes : 9-10 July 1995, San Diego, California
Space station automation II : 28-30 October 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Holography '89 : International Conference on Holography, Optical Recording, and Processing of Information, 21-24 May 1989, Varna, Bulgaria
Photovoltaics : April 11-12, 1985, Arlington, Virginia
Space environmental, legal, and safety issues : 17-18 April, 1995, Orlando, Florida
Optical testing and metrology III : recent advances in industrial optical inspection : 8-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Transverse patterns in nonlinear optics : ICONO '91, 24-27 September 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia
Laser Florence '99 : a window on the laser medicine world : 28-31 October 1999, Florence, Italy
Image and signal processing for remote sensing VI : 27-29 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Curves and surfaces in computer vision and graphics : 13-15 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Biostereometrics '82 : August 24-27, 1982, San Diego, California
ROMOPTO 2000, Sixth Conference on Optics, 4-7 September 2000, Bucharest, Romania
Advanced laser technology and applications
Stochastic and neural methods in signal processing, image processing, and computer vision : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 1998 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 3-5 March 1998, San Diego, California
Spectroscopic characterization techniques for semiconductor technology : 9-10 November 1983, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery VIII : 16-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA
IR Space telescopes and instruments : 24 - 28 August 2002 Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies : Advanced optical manufacturing technologies : 2-5 November 2005, Xian, China
2nd International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies : Large mirrors and telescopes :2-5 November 2005, Xian, China
Helmet- and head-mounted displays XI : technologies and applications : 17-18 April, 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Smart materials IV : 11-13 December 2006, Adelaide, Australia
ICO20: remote sensing and infrared devices and systems : 21-26 August 2005, Changchun, China
ICALEO '91 : laser materials processing, [3-8 November 1991, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California ]
Intelligent robots and computer vision XVII : Algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 2-3 November 1998 Boston, Massachusetts
Novel optical systems design and optimization III : 31 July - 1 August , 2000, San Diego, USA
Smart sensors, actuators, and MEMS II : 9-11 May 2005, Seville, Spain
Computer vision for robots : 2-6 December, 1985, Cannes, France
Integration and packaging of optoelectronic devices : 18-19 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sensor fusion VI : 7-8 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Applications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Real time signal processing XI : 18-19 August 1988, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 1995 : Industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 2-3 March 1995, San Diego, California
International Workshop on New Approaches to High-Tech Materials, Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering : 9-13 June 1997, St. Petersburg, Russia
Advances in resist technology and processing IX : 9-10 March 1992, San Jose, California
Nanobiophotonics and biomedical applications II : 24-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Airborne and spaceborne lasers for terrestrial geophysical sensing
Optics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting III : 18-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy
Functional integration of opto-electro-mechanical devices and systems II : 23-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Optical data storage 2001 : 22-25 April 2001 Santa Fe, USA
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems VII : 13-14 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Infrared and optoelectronic materials and devices : 12-14 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4
Imaging spectrometry of the terrestrial environment : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 1999 : passive damping and isolation : 1-2 March 1999, Newport Beach, California
Photometry : selected from the 8th and 9th CIS Conferences on Photometry, 26-30 November 1990, 24-27 November 1992, Moscow, Russia
Thermosense XIII : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Production aspects of single point machined optics : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California
Ninth joint international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics/atmospheric physics : Part II, Laser sensing and atmospheric physics : 2-5 July 2002, Tomsk, Russia
Smart structures and materials 2004 : active materials : behavior and mechanics : 15-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Calibration of passive remote observing optical and microwave instrumentation : 3-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion V : 15-18 April, 1986, Innsbruck, Austria
13th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management : 22-23 September 1993, Santa Clara, California
Satellite remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere IV : 20-22 September 1999, Florence, Italy
Broadband strategies and technologies for wide area and local access networks : 10-11 October, 1996, Berlin, FRG
Earth observing systems II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Image understanding and the man-machine interface : 15-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
Optical materials reliability and testing : benign and adverse environments : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical technology for microwave applications VII : 11-12 July 1995, San Diego, California
Free-space laser communications VI : 15-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
International Conference on Photodynamic Therapy and Laser Medicine : 15-17 October 1991, Beijing, China
Polarization and remote sensing : 22-23 July 1992, San Diego, California
Coherence domain optical methods and optical coherence tomography in biomedicine IX : 23-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Microwave and particle beam sources and directed energy concepts: 16-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Micro-optics II : proceedings, ECO4 : 14-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands
Distributed and multiplexed fiber optic sensors III : 8-9 September 1993, Boston, Massachusetts
Developments in X-ray tomography V : 15-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Laser interferometry IX : applications : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Mobile robots XIII and intelligent transportation systems
Advanced nondestructive evaluation for structural and biological health monitoring : 6-8 March 2001, Newport Beach, USA
Optical fiber sources and detectors : 28-29 November 1985, Cannes, France
Laser physics : Laser Optics '93, 21-25 June 1993, St. Petersburg, Russia
Sensor fusion : architectures, algorithms, and applications : 16-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Display technologies III : 26-27 July 2000, Taipei, Taiwan
Novel optical systems design and optimization VIII : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Miniature and micro-optics and micromechanics : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optics of the air-sea interface : theory and measurement : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Optical chaos, 3-4 June 1986, Québec City, Canada
Proceedings of optical tomography, photon migration, and spectroscopy of tissue and model media : theory, human studies and instrumentation ; 5-7 Feburary, 1995, San Jose, California
Polarimetry in astronomy :25-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Application of optical instrumentation in medicine XI : April 17-20, 1983, Atlanta, Georgia
Fifth International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications : 18-21 June 2002, Ancona, Italy
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Neural Networks : academic/industrial/NASA/defence : WNN-AIND 91 : February 11-13, 1991, Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center, Auburn, Alabama
Components for fiber optic applications V : 20-21 September 1990, San Jose, California
Interferometry '99 : applications : 20-23 September 1999, Pułtusk, Poland
Colloidal quantum dots for biomedical applications : 22-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection IV : 31 January-1 February, 1996, San Jose, California
Proceedings of optical biopsy : 4-5 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Multilayer and grazing incidence X-ray/EUV optics II : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optical fibers in medicine III
Remote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology : 18-21 September 2001, Toulouse, France
Smart structures and materials 2001 : modeling, signal processing, and control in smart structures : 5-8 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA
New developments in optomechanics : 28-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Storage and retrieval for image and video databases V : 13-14 February 1997, San Jose, California
X-ray and EUV/FUV spectroscopy and polarimetry : 11-12 July, 1995, San Diego, California
Applications of optical engineering : proceedings of OE/Midwest '90 : 27-28 September 1990, Rosemont, Illinois
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Smart sensor monitoring systems and applications : 27 February-1 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Advanced optical data storage : materials, systems, and interfaces to computers : 20-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado/ Pricles A. Mitkas ... [et al.], chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
Chemistry- and biology-based technologies for contraband detection : 20-21 November, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts
Micro-optoelectronic materials : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Optics in complex systems : 15th Congress of the International Commission for Optics : August 5-10, 1990, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FRG
Saratov Fall Meeting '98 : Light scattering technologies for mechanics, biomedicine, and material science : International Workshop and Fall School for Young Scientists and Students : 6-9 October 1998, Saratov, Russia
Atomic and molecular pulsed lasers VI : 12-16 September, 2005, Tomsk, Russia
Imaging applications in the work world : 12-13 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Optics in entertainment : January 26-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Fiber optic systems for mobile platforms III : 7-8 September, Boston Massachusetts
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites V : 17-20 September 2001, Toulouse, France
High-speed phenomena in photonic materials and optical bistability : ECO3, 12-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Materials technologies for IR detectors : 15-17 April 1986, Innsbruch, Austria
Color imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and graphic arts VI : 23-26 January 2001, San Jose, [California] USA
Industrial lasers and laser material processing : Russia national conference, 14-16 April 1993, Shatura, Moscow Region, Russia
High-speed imaging and sequence analysis II : 27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Specialty fiber optic systems for mobile platforms and plastic optical fibers : 9-11 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
High-power solid state lasers and applications : ECO3 : 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Satellite data compression, communications, and archiving II : 13-14 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Window and come technologies VIII : 22-23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Sixth Seminar on Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion Optics : 28-30 May 2003, Moscow, Russia
Digital optical computing II : 17-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
High-resolution wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Sensors and systems for space applications : 9-11 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Data structures and target classification : 1-2 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Air traffic control technologies : 18-19 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Industrial, municipal, and medical waste incineration diagnostics and control : 25-26 June 1992, Berlin, FRG
Infrared detectors and focal plane arrays : 18-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Remote sensing and modeling of ecosystems for sustainability III : 14-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Thermosense XXII: 25-27 April 2000, Orlando, Florida . Dennis H. LeMieux chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering
X-ray detector physics and applications : proceedings, 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California, Richard B. Hoover chair/editor
Polarization measurement, analysis, and applications V : 8-9 July 2002, Seattle, USA
Staring infrared focal plane technology : [proceedings] : February 12-13, 1981, Los Angeles, California
Medical imaging and instrumentation '84 : practical applications of conventional and new imaging technologies, April 8-10, 1984, Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
Data analysis and modeling for process control : 26-27 February 2004, Santa Clara, California, USA
Telescope control systems III : 20-21 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii
Laser weapons technology : 24-25 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Electro-optical and infrared systems : technology and applications III : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Damping and isolation : 3-5 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Advances in resist technology and processing XIV : 10-12 March 1997, Santa Clara, California
Broadband access communication technologies : 2-3 October, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Automotive displays and industrial illumination : 27, 29-30 June 1988, Dearborn, Michigan
EMLC 2005 : 21st European Mask and Lithography Conference : 31 January-3 February, 2005, Dresden, Germany
Applications of artificial intelligence 1993 : machine vision and robotics : 14-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Optical measurements and sensors for the process industries : 20-22 June 1994, Frankfurt, FRG
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition IX : 24-26 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Photonics for space environments X : 1-2 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Nonlinear optics for high-speed electronics and optical frequency conversion : 24-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Hard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics III : 30 July-1 August, 2001, San Diego, USA
Optical fabrication and testing : 26-28 May 1999, Berlin, Germany
Laser interometry [i.e. interferometry] IV : computer-aided interferometry : 22-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Optical radiation measurements II : 27-28 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Submolecular glass chemistry and physics : 3-4 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Photorefractive materials : phenomena and related applications, 16-17 September 1998 Beijing, China
1992 Shanghai International Symposium on Quantum Optics : 29 March-2 April 1992
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Medical imaging IV, Image formation : 4-6 February 1990, Newport Beach, California
Proceedings of ophthalmic lens design and fabrication II : 24-25 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Multimedia systems and applications
Modeling, simulation, and verification of space-based systems II : 31 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Visual data exploration and analysis II : 8-10 February 1995, San Jose, California
Millimeter wave technology II : August 23-24, 1983, San Diego, California
Producibility of II-VI materials and devices : 6-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Ecosystems' dynamics, agricultural remote sensing and modeling, and site-specific agriculture : 7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast and free-electron lasers : 23-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Infrared imaging systems : design, analysis, modeling, and testing IV : 14-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Advanced biomedical and clinical diagnostic systems IV : 22-24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Stray radiation IV : August 23, 1984, San Diego, California
Imaging spectrometry VIII : 8-10 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Microelectronic structures and MEMS for optical processing II : 14-15 October 1996, Austin, Texas
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology X : 28-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
X-ray optics, instruments, and missions : 19-22 July 1998, San Diego, California
Laser radar technology and applications IV : 6-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida and 16 June 1999, Munich, Germany
Sensing and reconstruction of three-dimensional objects and scenes : 15-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Advanced optical methods for ultrasensitive detection : 6-7 February 1995, San Jose, California
Remote sensing of the ocean, sea ice, and large water regions 2006 : 11-13 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Flashlamp pumped laser technology : 21-22 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Laser technology VI : applications : 27 September-1 October 1999, Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland
International Conference on Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy in Technology : 17-19 August 1987, San Diego, California
International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications : '91 TFPA : 15-17 April 1991, Shanghai, China
Smart structures and materials 1994 : smart materials : 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida
Infrared optical materials and fibers V : 20-21 August 1987, San Diego, California
Fiber optic sensor technology and applications III : 26-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision VI : 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Precision instrument design : 1-3 November 1988, Santa Clara, California
Tunable diode laser development and spectroscopy applications : August 25-26, 1983, San Diego, California
Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents V : 21-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Remote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2003 : 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Applications and science of computational intelligence III : 24-27 April, 2000, Orlando, Florida
Chemical and biological sensing VI : 28-29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Nonlinear optics of liquid and photorefractive crystals II : 5-10 October, 1997, Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine
Superconductive devices and circuits : 25-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Visual communications and image processing '97 : 12-14 February 1997, San Jose, California
Switchable materials and flat panel displays : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optical/laser microlithography : 3-5 March 1993, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 1996 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 28-29 February 1996, San Diego, California
Chemical and biological standoff detection : 28-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
International Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Engineering '90: ICOESE '90 : 22-25 August 1990, Beijing, China
Image modeling : 3-4 February 1993, San Jose, California
Contemporary infrared standards and calibration : August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California
Monolithic microwave integrated circuits for sensors, radar, and communications systems : 2-4 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Survey and other telescope technologies and discoveries : 27-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Science of artificial neural networks II : 13-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy XII : 31 July and 2 August 2001 San Diego, USA
Optical scattering in the optics, semiconductor, and computer disk industries : proceedings, 13-14 July 1995, San Diego, California
Applied spectroscopy in material science : 21-23 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Wavelet applications in signal and image processing V : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Optical thin films IV : new developments : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Proceedings of medical lasers and systems : 23-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Display devices and systems : 6-7 November 1996, Beijing, China
Laser radar technology and applications : 3-5 June, 1986, Québec City, Canada
Free-space laser communication technologies VIII : 30-31 January 1996, San Jose, California
Telemanipulator technology : 15-16 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Visual data exploration and analysis VII : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Semiconductor photodetectors II : 25-26 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Characterization, propagation, and simulation of infrared scenes : 16-17, 19-20 April 1990, Orlando, Florida
Nondestructive evaluation and health monitoring of aerospace materials and composites, and civil infrastructure IV : 8-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Distributed fiber optical sensors and measuring networks : selected papers on distributed fiber optical sensors and measuring networks, 1999-2000
Remote sensing for environmental monitoring, GIS applications, and geology VI : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Medical imaging III, Image formation : 29-31 January 1989, Newport Beach, California
Optical wireless communications : 5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
APOC 2001: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : wireless and mobile communications : 12-15 November 2001, Beijing, China
Proceedings of microscopy, holography, and interferometry in biomedicine : 1-3 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Biomedical image processing and biomeddical visualization : 1-4 February 1993 San Jose, California
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XIII : 7-8 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings optical sensing for environmental and process monitoring : 7-10 November 1994, McLean, Virginia
Network intelligence : Internet-based manufacturing : 8 November 2000, Boston, USA
International Workshop on Photoinduced Self-Organization Effects in Optical Fiber : 10-11 May 1991, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Sixth International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 10-16 June, 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia
Multimedia networks : security, displays, terminals, and gateways : 4-5 November 1997, Dallas, Texas
Applications of digital image processing XXIII : 31 July - 3 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Applications of digital image processing XI : 20-22 August 1986, San Diego, California
Cockpit displays IX : displays for defense applications : 2-5 April 2002, Orlando, [Florida]
Optical pattern recognition VIII : 22-23 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida
Battlefield biomedical technologies : 6 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
First International Workshop on Classical and Quantum Interference : 25-26 October 2001, Olomouc, Czech Republic
New trends in atomic and molecular spectroscopy : recent research in Armenian laboratories, 1996-1999
Applications of digital image processing XXV : 8-10 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Third International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications, 16-19 June, 1998, Ancona, Italy
Free-electron laser spectroscopy in biology, medicine, and materials science : 22 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Digital image recovery and synthesis II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Characteristics and consequences of orbital debris and natural space impactors : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Ultrahigh and high-speed photography,videography,photonics,and velocimetry '90 eighth in a series : 10-13 july 1990 San Diego, California
Advanced high-power lasers : 1-5 November 1999, Osaka, Japan
Developments in x-ray tomography III : 2-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Storage and retrieval for image and video databases : 2-3 February 1993, San Jose, California
Nonlinear image processing IV : 1-3 February 1993, San Jose, California
Proceedings of biomedical imaging : reporters, dyes, and instrumentation : 26-28 January, San Jose, California
Optical space communication : 24-26 April 1989, Paris, France
Laser noise : 5-6 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Wavelet applications in signal and image processing VIII : 31 July-4 August, 2000, San Diego, USA
Advances in optical information processing VI : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Advanced microwave and millimeter-wave detectors 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California
Methods for ultrasensitive detection ll : 21-22 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Integrated optical circuits : 3-4 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical materials in defence systems technology III : 13-14 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Laser processing of semiconductors and hybrids : 21-22 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Applications of digital image processing XII : 8-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Machine vision and three-dimensional imaging systems for inspection and metrology : 6-8 November 2001 [i.e. 2000], Boston, USA
Commercial and biomedical applications of ultrafast lasers : 28-29 January 1999, San Jose, California
Scanning probe microscopies III : 6-7 February 1995, San Jose, California ia
Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors and nanostructure materials XI and semiconductor photodetectors IV : 22-24 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Mathematical methods in geophysical imaging V : 20-21 July, 1998, San Diego, California
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction X : photochemical, photothermal and photmechanical : 24-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
New techniques and analysis in optical measurements : Interferometry '94, 16-20 May 1994, Warsaw, Poland
Proceedings of biomedical fiber optic instrumentation : 24-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Laser processing of materials and industrial applications II : 16-19 September 1998, Beijing, China
Chaos/nonlinear dynamics : methods and commercialization : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
High-speed fiber networks and channels II : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Future EUV/UV and visible space astrophysics missions and instrumentation : 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Optical systems for space and defence : proceedings : 11-14 September, 1989, London, England
Battlespace digitization and network-centric warfare II : 3-5 April 2002, Orlando, [Florida]
Acousto-optics and applications II : 22-26 May 1995, Gdańsk-Jurata, Poland
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers : 13-14 February 1997, San Jose, California
Laser-assisted fabrication of thin films and microstructures : 17-19 August 1993, Québec, Canada
Applications of artificial neural networks in image processing : 1-2 February 1996, San Jose, California
Advanced optical data storage : 28-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Image and video processing III : 9-10 February 1995, San Jose, California
Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment : Geo-simulation and virtual GIS environments
Physics, theory, and applications of periodic structures in optics : 1-2 August 2001 San Diego, USA
Scalability and traffic control in IP networks : 22-24 August 2001, Denver, USA
Optical technologies for communication satellite applications : 21-22 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Free-space laser communications VII : 28-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Laser Optics 2000 : Control of Laser Beam Characteristics and Nonlinear Methods for Wavefront Control, 26-30 June 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia
Clinical diagnostic systems : technologies and instrumentation : 22-24 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Advances in mirror technology for X-ray, EUV lithography, laser, and other applications : 7-8 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Future European and Japanese remote-sensing sensors and programs : 1-2 April 1991, Orlando, FLorida
Imaging spectrometry IX : 6-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Atmospheric optical modeling, measurement, and simulation II : 15-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
ICALEO '92 : laser materials processing, 25-29 October 1992, Orlando, Florida
Holography 2000 : 10-14 July 2000, St. Pölten, Austria
Characterization and propagation of sources and backgrounds : 6-7 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Intelligent robots : Third International Conference on Robot Vision and Sensory Controls, RoViSeC3 : 7-10 November, 1983, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Fiber optic sensors IV : ECO3 : 13-14 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Optoelectronic and electronic sensors III : 10-13 May 1998, Jurata, Poland
Applications of signal and image processing in explosives detection systems : 16-17 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
New lasers for analytical and industrial chemistry : January 26-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Very high speed integrated circuit (VHSIC) technology for electro-optic applications : January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Mosaic focal plane methodologies II : [proceedings], 1981, San Diego, California
Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery VIII : 1-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Automatic object recognition V : 19-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Electro-optic and second harmonic generation materials, devices, and applications II : 18-19 September, 1998, Beijing, China
Image quality and system performance III : 17-19 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Excimer lasers and applications II : ECO3, 15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands
Detectors for crystallography and diffraction studies at synchrotron sources : 19 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Radar sensor technology III : 16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Scanning and force microscopies for biomedical applications : 23-24 January 2000, San Jose, California
Complex mediums IV: Beyond linear isotropic dielectrics : 4-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Multilevel interconnection : issues that impact competitiveness : 27-28 September 1993, Monterey, California
Novel optical systems and large-aperature imaging : 20-21 July, 1998, San Diego, California
ICALEO '89 optical sensing and measurement
Proceedings of three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing VI : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Biomedical diagnostic, guidance, and surgical-assist systems : 26-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Large optics technology : August 19-21, 1985, San Diego, California
Laser radar technology and applications VII : 3-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Fifth International Conference on Coherent Laser Radar : technology and application : 5-9 June 1989, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
Advances in resist technology and processing XIII : 11-13 March 1996, San Clara, California
Pulse power for lasers : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Airborne reconnaissance VIII, August 21-22, 1984, San Diego, California
Proceedings, 27th International Symposium on Microelectronics, November 15-17, 1994, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Technology of stratified media : January 19-20, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Superconducting and related oxides : physics and nanoengineering V : 8-11 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection XI :proceedings of electronic imaging science and technology 2003 : 22-24 January 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA
Medical imaging 1997, image perception : 26-27 February 1997, Newport Beach, California
New methods for optical, quasi-optical, acoustic, and electromagnetic synthesis : [symposium] August 25-26, 1981, San Diego, California
Micromachining technology for micro-optics : 20 September 2000, Santa Clara, USA
Terahertz and gigahertz photonics : 19-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Astronomical Interferometry : 20-24 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii
Diagnostic optical spectroscopy in biomedicine : 19-21 June 2001, Munich, Germany
ICO20 : materials and nanostructures : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China
State-of-the-art mapping : 13-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures and materials 2003 : Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 3-6 March 2003, San Diego, California, USA
International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers, 27-30 March, 1995, Tomsk, Russia
Smart structures and materials 1994 : mathematics and control in smart structures : 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida
Image intensifiers and applications II : 3-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Optical Data Storage 2015 : 9 August 2015 San Diego, California, United States
Smart structures and intelligent systems : smart structures and materials 1994, 14-16 February 1994, Orlando, Florida
Liquid crystal materials, devices, and applications II : 2-4 February 1993, San Jose, California
Biomarkers and biological spectral imaging : 23 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Electron-beam, x-ray & ion-beam techniques for submicrometer lithographies V : 11-12 March 1986, Santa Clara, California
Instruments, methods, and missions for astrobiology IV : 29-30 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Image reconstruction from incomplete data : 31 July - 1 August 2000, San Diego, USA
FDDI, campus-wide, and metropolitan area networks : 19-21 September 1990, San Jose, California
Visual communications and image processing 2010 : 11-14 July 2010, Huangshan, China
Smart structures and materials 2001 : damping and isolation : 5-7 March, 2001, Newport Beach, USA
Optical data storage '91 : 25-27 February 1991, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Passive infrared remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere III : 25-27 September 1995, Paris France
Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control IV : 5-6 March 1990, San Jose, California
Nonlinear optical materials and devices for photonic switching : 16-17 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Optical data storage 2004 : 18-21 April 2004, Monterey, California, USA
Light-emitting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications IV : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Fibre optics '83 : April 19-21, 1983, London, England
Tactical infrared systems : 8-9 May 1991, Dallas, Texas
ICMIT 2005: mechatronics, MEMS, and smart materials : 20-23 September 2005, Changchun, China
Imaging spectrometry VI : 31 July - 2 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Developments in X-ray tomography II : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Airborne reconnaissance XX : 6-7 August, 1996, Denver, Colorado
Lasers in medicine : 27-29 April 1995 Warsaw-Zegrze, Poland
Machine vision applications in character recognition and industrial inspection : 10-12 February 1992, San Jose, California
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments II : 23-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Signal and data processing of small targets 1991 : 1-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Charged-particle optics : 15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Advanced processing of semiconductor devices : 23-25 March 1987, Bay Point, Florida
Smart structures and materials 1996 : Smart sensing, processing and instrumentation : 26-28 February 1996, San Diego, California
Laser Radar IV : 29-30 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition VI : 21-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida
Solid state optical control devices : January 26-27, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Coherence domain optical methods in biomedical science and clinical applications IV : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, California
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California
Practical holography : 21-22 January, 1986, Los Angeles, California
International Conference on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Applications : conference digest : 10-14 January 1994, San Diego, California
Raman scattering, luminescence, and spectroscopic instrumentation in technology : 17-19 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Wavefront sensing : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California
Industrial applications of laser technology : April 19-22, 1983, Geneva Switzerland
Advances in resist technology and processing VIII : 4-5 March 1991, San Jose, California
Proceedings of lasers in surgery : advanced characterization, therapeutics, and systems VII : 8-9 February 1997, San Jose, California
Adaptive optics and Adaptive optics and applications : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Sensors and camera systems for scientific, industrial, and digital photography applications : 24-26 January 2000, San Jose, USA
Agriculture and hydrology applications of remote sensing : 15-17 November 2006, Goa, India
Applications of artificial intelligence : May 3-4, 1984, Arlington, Virginia
Small spacecraft, space environments, and instrumentation technologies : 27-28 July 1997, San Diego, California
Color imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and graphic arts III : 28-30 January 1998, San Jose, California
Optimizing scientific return for astronomy through information technologies : 24-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Emerging technologies for future generation wireless communications : 29-30 July, 2002, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Photonic quantum computing II : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Sensors, cameras, and applications for digital photography : 27-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
18th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics : proceedings, 28 August-2 September 1988, Xian, China
Polarization: measurement, analysis, and remote sensing II : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Visual communication[s] and image processing '91 : visual communication, 11-13 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Coherent electron-beam x-ray sources : techniques and applications : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Quantum wells and superlattices in optoelectronic devices and integrated optics : 17-18 November 1987, Cannes, France
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition X : 16-18 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Artificial turbulence for imaging and wave propagation : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California
Optics of crystals : 26-30 September 2000, Mozyr, Belarus
Applications of digital image processing XXII : 20-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Proceedings of medical applications of lasers II : 6-10 September 1994, Lille, France
Fiber optics--technology '82 : January 28-29, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Optical devices and diagnostics in materials science, 1-4 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Optical fibers in medicine and biology : August 19, 1985, San Diego, California
Photodetectors : materials and devices II : 12-14 February 1997, San Jose, California
Machine vision applications in industrial inspection VII : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Telemanipulator and telepresence technologies V : 4-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Advanced materials for optics and precision structures : 8 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Picosecond optoelectronics : August 24-26, 1983, San Diego, California
Laser interferometry VIII--techniques and analysis : 6-7 August, 1996, Denver Colorado
Materials for infrared detectors : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
SPIE 1990 publications index : subject/author indexes of all SPIE proceedings and SPIE Press books published in 1990
State-of-the-art imaging arrays and their applications : August 21-23, 1984, San Diego, California
12th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 1-5 July 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia
Interdisciplinary computer vision : an exploration of diverse applications : 21st AIPR Workshop, 14-16 October 1992, Washington, D.C.
Application of optical instrumentation in medicine X : May 9-12, 1982, New Orleans, Louisiana
Proceedings of effects of low-power light on biological systems III : 8 September 1997, San Remo, Italy
Recent trends in optical systems design, II : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Optical Data Storage 2006 : 23-26 April 2006, Montreal, Canada
Multimedia storage and archiving systems : 18-19 November 1996, Boston, massachusetts
Eighth International Conference on Laser and Laser-Information Technologies : 27 September-1 October 2003, Smolyan, Bulgaria
Digitization of the battlespace V and battlefield biomedical technologies II : 24, 26-27 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Advances in fiber lasers : 27-28 January, 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Fiber telecommunications and computer networks : 23-24 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Infrared technology XIX : 12-14 July 1993, San Diego, California
Advanced wavefront control : methods, devices and applications V : 29-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Electro-optical remote sensing, photonic technologies, and applications II : 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Data analysis and modeling for process control III : 23 February, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Photorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications VII, and optical data storage : 29-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Earth remote sensing using the landsat thematic mapper and spot sensor systems : 15-17 April 1986, Innsbruck, Austria
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and aerospace systems : 27 February-2 March 2006, San DIego, California, USA
Fiber optics in local area networks : August 25, 1983, San Diego, California
Color imaging : device-independent color, color hardcopy, and graphic arts V : 25-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Space telescopes and instruments V : 25-28 March 1998, Kona, Hawaii
Charged particle optics III : 27-28 July 1997, San Diego, California
Videometrics III : 2-4 November 1994, Boston, Massachusetts
Cargo inspection technologies : 25-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Advanced and next-generation satellites : 25-28 September 1995, Paris, France
Biomolecular photonics and multidimensional microscopy : 8-11 June 2003, Wuhan, China
Scintillating fiber technology and applications : 13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Laser applications engineering (LAE-96) : 3-5 July, 1996, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, Russia
Virtual observatories : 25-26 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Solid state crystals in optoelectronics and semiconductor technology : 7-11 October 1996, Zakopane, Poland
Spectroscopic characterization techniques for semiconductor technology II : January 21-22, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Optical measurement and nondestructive testing : Techniques and applications, 8-10 November 2000, Beijing, China
Laser applications in combustion and combustion diagnostics II : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Integrated circuit metrology : May 4-5, 1982, Arlington, Virginia
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing V : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Visualization of temporal and spatial data for civilian and defense applications : 19-17 April, 2001, Orlando, USA
Active and passive remote seinsing of the oceans : 8-9 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii
Fiber optic components, subsystems, and systems for telecommunications : 7-9 November 2001, Nanjing, China
Image and information systems : applications and oppotunities : 23rd AIPR Workshop, 12-14 October 1994, Washington, D.C.
Infrared optical materials VI : 4-5 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Optical, infrared, and millimeter space telescopes : 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Testing, packaging, reliability, and applications of semiconductor lasers IV : 28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Complex mediums III : beyond linear isotropic dielectrics : 8-10 July 2002, Seattle, [Washington] USA
Algorithms and systems for optical information processing IV : 1-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Scatter from optical components : 8-10 August 1989, San Diego, California
New directions in photodynamic therapy : 28-29 October 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ultrasensitive and single-molecule detection technologies : 21-22 and 24 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Image storage and retrieval systems : 13-14 February 1992, San Jose, California
Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery V : 14-17 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Electro-optic and magneto-optics materials II : 12-13 March 1990, The Hague,The Netherlands
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments X : 6 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Internet imaging V : 19-20 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Optical fibers in adverse environments : Photon '83
Solid state lasers and amplifiers : 27-29 April 2004, Strasbourg, France
Electro-optical remote sensing, detection, and photonic technologies and their applications : 18-20 September 2007, Florence, Italy
13th Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 4-6 July 1999, Tomsk, Russia
Grazing incidence and multilayer X-ray optical systems : 27-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Adaptive and learning systems : 20-21 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Gratings and grating monochromators for synchrotron radiation : 31 July 1997, San Diego, California
International Workshop on Optical Diagnostics of Materials and Devices for Opto-, Micro-, and Quantum Electronics, 6-7 May 1993, Kiev, Ukraine
Fourth International Conference on Correlation Optics : 11-14 May 1999, Chernivtsy, Ukraine
XI International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High-Power Laser Conference : 25-30 August 1996, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Micro-optics, VCSELs, and photonic interconnects : 27-29 April 2004, Strasbourg, France
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials VII : 27-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Mobile robots II : 5-6 November 1987, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optical interconnects for telecommunication and data communications, 8-10 November 2000, Beijing, China
Optical diagnostics in fluid and thermal flow : 14-16 July 1993, San Diego, California
Photonics for space environments XI : 14-15 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Cockpit displays VIII : Displays for defense applications, 17-19 April 2001 , Orlando, USA
Spaceborne interferometry : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of optical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue III : 24-28 January 1999, San Jose, California
Electro-optical system design, simulation, testing, and training : 9-10 July 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction and tissue optics II : 7-10 September 1996, Vienna, Austria
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction and tissue optics : 12-13,16 September, Barcelona, Spain
Infrared spaceborne remote sensing IX : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Biological quality and precision agriculture II : 6-8 November 2000, Boston, USA
Advanced telescope and instrumentation control software : 29 and 30 March 2000, Munich, Germany
MIPPR 2005 : Geospatial information, data mining, and applications : 31 October-2 November 2005, Wuhan, China
Optoelectronic interconnects II : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Optical diagnostic methods for inorganic transmissive materials : 20-21 July 1998, San Diego, California
Helmet-mounted displays : 28-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Applied laser radar technology II : 20 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Advanced biomedical and clinical diagnostic systems : 26-28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Optical pulse and beam propagation : 27-28 January, 1999, San Jose, California
Laser photoionization and desorption surface analysis techniques : 18-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Neural network models for optical computing : 13-14 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
International Conference on Education in Optics : 28 September-1 October 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia
X-ray optics, instruments, and missions IV : 30-31 July 2000, San Diego, USA
1986 International Optical Computing Conference, 6-11 July 1986, Jerusalem, Israel
Advanced characterization techniques for optical, semiconductor, and data storage components : 9-11 July 2002 Seattle, Washington, USA
Space telescopes and instruments IV : 6-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Current developments in optical design and optical engineering III : 11-12 July 1993, San Diego, California
High resolution soft X-ray optics : November 18-20, 1981, Brookhaven, New York
Smart structures and materials 1995 : Smart electronics : 2-3 March 1995, San Diego, California
Fourth international conference on solid state lighting : 3-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Scattering and surface roughness : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Instruments for optics and optoelectronic inspection and control, 8-10 November 2000, Beijing, China
Ultraviolet Technology V : 26-27 July 1994, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 2002 : smart electronics, MEMS, and nanotechnology : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam technology : submicrometer lithographies IX : 7-8 March 1990, San Jose, California
Infrared technology XXI : 9-13 July 1995, San Diego, California
Microwave instrumentation for remote sensing of the earth : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Lasers in medicine and surgery : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California
Applications and science of neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation VI : 5-6 August, 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Seventh International Workshop on Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering : 9-15 June 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia
Metro and access networks II : APOC 2002 : Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : 16-17 October, 2002, Shanghai, China
Space optics 1994: earth observation and astronomy : 19-22 April 1994, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FRG
24th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 24-29 September 2000, Sendai, Japan
Photorefractive fiber and crystal devices : materials, optical properties, and applications III : 28-29 July, 1997, San Diego, California
Large-screen-projection, avionic, and helmet-mounted displays : 26-28 February 1991, San Jose, California
Photonics technology in the 21st century : 27-29 November 2001, Singapore /John H. Marsh, Pallab Bhattacharya, Osamu Wada, chairs/editors ; sponsored by SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University(Singapore)
Biostereometric technology and applications : 7-8 November 1990, Boston, Massachusetts
Fluorescence detection III : 16-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Seventh Seminar on Problems of Theoretical and Applied Electron and Ion Optics : 25-27 May 2005, Moscow, Russia
APOC 2002: Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications : wireless and mobile communications II : 16-18 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Laser spectroscopy for sensitive detection : April 23-24, 1981, Washington, D.C.
Optical fibers in medicine II : 17-19 September 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Electro-Optic and second harmonic generation materials, devices, and applications
Photonics for computers, neural networks, and memories : 22-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Multispectral imaging for terrestrial applications : 8-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Digital wireless communications VI : 12-13 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Spectroscopic atmospheric monitoring techniques : 19-20 June 1997, Munich, FRG
International competitiveness and business techniques in advanced optics and imaging : 9-10 October 1991, Rochester, New York
Ground sensing : 14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Inorganic optical materials : 19-20 July, 1998, San Diego, California
Image propagation through the atmosphere : 7-9 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Spacecraft platforms and infrastructure : 14 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA
Spatial light modulators : technology and applications : 31 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Tenth joint international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics/atmospheric physics : Part I, Radiation propagaton in the atmosphere and ocean : 24-28 June 2003, Tomsk, Russia
Nonlinear image processing X : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Neutron optical devices and applications : 22-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Instrumentation in astronomy VI : 4-8 March 1986, Tucson, Arizona
Satellite remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere II : 23-25 September 1997, London, UK
Optical engineering for sensing and nanotechnology (ICOSN '99) : 16-18 June 1999, Yokohama, Japan
Automatic object recognition VI : 9-10 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of lasers in orthopedic, dental, and veterinary medicine II : 16-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Advances in display technology VI : 23-24 January 1986 Los Angeles, California
Instrumentation for magnetospheric imagery II : 14 July 1993, San Diego, California
Optical systems engineering III : January 20-21, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Optoelectronic signal processing for phased-array antennas
An international conference on thermal infrared sensing for diagnostics and control (Thermosense VIII), September 17-20, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XX : 18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Fluorescence detection : 15-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
Space astronomical telescopes and instruments II : 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Thermal imaging : 3-4 April 1986, Orlando, Florida
Smart structures, devices, and systems II : 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia
Instrumentation for planetary and terrestrial atmospheric remote sensing : 23-24 July 1992, San Diego, California
Modeling, systems engineering, and project management for astronomy II : 30-31 May 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Gamma-ray detector physics and applications : 29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Quantum informatics : First International Symposium on Quantum Informatics : 1-3 October, 2002, Lipki, Moscow Region, Russia
Fiber lasers II : technology, systems, and applications : 24-27 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA
Atmospheric sensing and modeling : 29-30 September 1994, Roma, Italy
Infrared readout electronics IV : 13 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Harsh environment sensors II : 19 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Biomedical image processing II : 25-27 February 1991, San Jose, California
Photonic applications for aerospace, transportation, and harsh environments : 3 October 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Extracting meaning from complex data : processing, display, interaction : 14-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California
Charged particle optics IV : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Optical pulse and beam propagation II : 25-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 1998 : Sensory phenomena and measurement instrumentation for smart structures and materials : 2-4 March 1998, San Diego, California
Fiber optics and optoelectronics for network applications : 7-9 November 2001, Nanjing, China
Fiber optic smart structures and skins V : 8-9 September 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Terabit optical networking : architecture, control, and management issues : 6-7 November 2000, Boston, USA
High Power CO2 Laser Systems and Applications : ECO1 19-20 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Image reconstruction from incomplete data II : 8-9 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Gas, chemical, and electrical lasers and intense beam control and applications : 24-25 January 2000, San Jose, California
Chaos in communications : 14-15 July 1993, San Diego, California
Developments in X-ray tomography IV : 4-6 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Proceedings of photon propagation in tissues II : 7-8 September 1996, Vienna, Austria
Embedded processors for multimedia and communications : 19-20 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Terahertz spectroscopy and applications II
Vision geometry VIII : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Laser power beaming : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Infrared fibers (0.8-12 μm) : February 12-13, 1981, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of laser interaction with hard and soft tissue : 2-4 September 1993, Budapest, Hungary
Applications of X rays generated from lasers and other bright sources : 31 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, California
Three-dimensional image capture and applications II : 25-26 January 1999, San Jose, California
Data mining and knowledge discovery : theory, tools, and technology III : 16-17 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Smart electronics, MEMS, BioMEMS, and nanotechnology : 27 February-1 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Stereoscopic displays and virtual reality systems VII : 24-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Advances in resist technology and processing II : March 11-12, 1985, Santa Clara, California
Surface scattering and diffraction for advanced metrology : 1 August 2001 San Diego, USA
Optical sensors : 16 December 1992, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan China
Bioengineered and bioinspired systems II : 9-11 May 2005 Seville, Spain
Multispectral image processing and enhancement : 6-8 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
EUV, X-ray, and gamma-ray instrumentation for astronomy : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Optical data storage : January 17-20, 1983, Incline Village, Nevada
Liquid crystal chemistry, physics, and applications
Growth of semiconductor structures and high-Tc thin films on semiconductors : 20-21 March 1990, San Diego, Calfiornia
Multimedia computing and networking 1998 : 26-28 January, 1998, San Jose, California
Algorithms and systems for optical information processing VI : 8-10 July, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA
Optical scanning systems: design and applications : 30-31 July, 1997, San Diego, California
Proceedings of laser-tissue interaction III : 21-24 January 1992, Los Angeles, California
Application of optical instrumentation in medicine IX : March 22-24, 1981, San Francisco, California
Technologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing V : 24-26 April 2000, Orlando, [Florida] USA
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XIX : 29 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Adaptive optics systems and technology : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Laser Radar III : 6-7 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Workshop : effects of the environment on systems performance : April 8-10, 1985, Arlington, Virginia
Smart structures and materials 1995 : smart materials
Advances in optical thin films : 30 September-3 October 2003, St. Etienne, France
Materials and devices for photonic circuits : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Integrated Optical Circuit Engineering II : September 17-19, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Laser anemometry, advances and applications : proceedings of the fifth international conference, Koningshof, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 23-27 August 1993
Liquid-crystal devices and materials : 25-27 February 1991, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 1997 : Mathematics and control in smart structures : 3-6 March 1997, San Diego, California
Optical microlithographic technology for integrated circuit fabrication and inspection : 2-3 April 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands
Smart structures and materials 2000 : mathematics and control in smart structures : 6-9 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA
Advances in fabrication and metrology for optics and large optics : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California
Optical scatter : applications, measurement, and theory : 24-26 July 1991, San Diego, California
Scattering in optical materials : August 25-27, 1982, San Diego, California
Thermosense XIV : an International Conference on Thermal Sensing and Imaging Diagnostic Applications, 22-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics : Optics for the next millennium : 2-6 August, 1999, San Francisco, California
Photonics applications in astornomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments : 23-26 May 2002, Wilga, Poland
Linear, nonlinear, and power-limiting organics : 31 July-3 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Air monitoring and detection of chemical and biological agents II : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Processing of guided wave optoelectronic materials : January 24-25, 1984, Los Angeles, California
Human vision, visual processing, and digital display : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Infrared detectors, focal plane arrays, and imaging sensors : 30-31 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Cockpit displays : 7-8 April 1994 , Orlando, Florida
ROMOPTO 2003, Seventh Conference on Optics, 8-11 September 2003, Constanta, Romania
Electro-optical technology for remote chemical detection and identification III : 13 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Internet performance and control of network systems II : 21-22 August 2001, Denver, USA
Pulse power for lasers III : 24-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Optoelectronics applications in medicine, food technology and environmental protection : first Polish-German Seminar, Wroclaw, 17 and 18 December 2001
ALT'03 International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies : Biomedical optics : 19-23 September, 2003, Silsoe, United Kingdom
Automatic target recognition XIII : 22-24 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Saratov Fall Meeting 2005 : Coherent optics of ordered and random media VI : 27-30 September 2005, Saratov, Russia
Atmospheric propagation IV : 11-12 April 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Optical remote sensing for environmental and process monitoring : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Air & Waste Management Association, San Francisco, CA, September 25-27, 1995
Substance detection systems : proceedings : 5-8 October 1993, Innsbruck, Austria
Optical diagnostics for fluids/heat/combustion and photomechanics for solids : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, August 21-27, 1982, San Diego, California, USA
Photomask and X-ray mask technology IV : 17-18 April, 1997, Kawasaki, Japan
Proceedings of lasers in otolaryngology, dermatology, and tissue welding : 16-18 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Technologies for synthetic environments : hardware-in-the-loop testing VII : 1-2 April 2001, Orlando, USA
15th European Conference on Mask Technology for Integrated Circuits and Microcomponents '98 : 16-17 November 1998, Munich-Unterhaching, Germany
Integrated optics and optoelectronics : 5-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
Biophotonics new frontier : from genome to proteome : 27 April 2004, Strasbourg, France
Real-time signal processing for industrial applications, 27-28 June, 1988, Dearborn, Michigan
Micro- and nano-optics for optical interconnection and information processing : 29-31 July 2001, San Diego, USA
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XVI : 3-4 April 2002, Orlando, USA
Holography, diffractive optics, and applications II : 8-11 November 2004, Beijing, China
Coherence domain optical methods and optical coherence tomography in biomedicine VII : 27-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA
Applications of digital image processing XVIII : 12-14 July 1995, San Diego, California
The nature of light : what is a photon? : 1-2 August, 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Advances in optical information processing VIII : 15-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XI : photovoltaics, photochemistry, and photoelectrochemistry : 19 and 21 May 1992, Toulouse-Labège, France
Projection display technology, systems, and applications, 19-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Multifunctional materials : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Photosensitivity and self-organization in optical fibers and waveguides : 17-18 August 1993, Québec, Canada
Infrared systems and components : 13-15 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
High-temperature microwave superconductors and applications : 10 July 1995, San Diego, California
Fullerenes and photonics II : 10-11 July 1995, San Diego, California
Workshop on integrated modeling of telescopes : 5-7 February 2002, Lund, Sweden
Smart structures and materials 2000 : Smart structures and integrated systems : 6-9 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA
Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision IV : 8-10 November 1989, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Applications and science of computational intelligence IV : 17-18 April 2001, Orland, USA
10th International Optical Computing Conference : April 6-8, 1983, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Photopolymer device physics, chemistry, and applications : 17-19 January 1990, Los Angeles, California
Selected papers from Fifth International Conference on Correlation Optics : 10-13 May, 2001, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Machine vision applications, architectures, and systems integration III : 31 October-2 November 1994, Boston, Massachusetts
Intelligent robots and computer vision XIV : Algorithms, techniques, active vision, and materials handling : 23-26 October 1995 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Current research on holography and interferometric methods for measurement of object properties : 2000-2002
The Laser marketplace in 1991 : a seminar examining recent trends and directions in the worldwide market for lasers
Integrating photogrammetric techniques with scene analysis and machine vision III : 21-23 April, 1997, Orlando, Florida
Fiber optic datacom and computer networks : 8-9 September 1988
Millimeter and submillimeter detectors for astronomy : 25-28 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Medical imaging V, Image processing : 27 February-1 March 1991, San Jose, California
Chemical and biological standoff detection III : 24-26 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Sensors, systems, and next-generation satellites II : 21-24 September 1998, Barcelona, Spain
19th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics : 16-21 September 1990, Cambridge, England
Laser applications : Laser Optics '93, 21-25 June 1993, St. Petersburg, Russia
Optical fibers in broadband networks, instrumentation, and urban and industrial environments : photon '83 : May 16-19, 1983, Paris, France
Advanced wavefront control : methods, devices and applications IV : 14-15 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Metal vapor, deep blue, and ultraviolet lasers : 17-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Real time signal processing VI : August 23-25, 1983, San Diego, California
Acquisition, tracking, and pointing VIII : 5-8 April 1994, Orlando, Florida
Proceedings of three-dimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing IV : 12-13 February 1997, San Jose, California
Current developments in optical design and optical engineering II : 20-21, 23 July 1992, San Diego, California
Applications of holography : January 21-23, 1985, Los Angeles, California
Radio frequency photonic devices and systems : 31 July-1 august 2000, San Diego, USA
Focal plane arrays for space telescopes III : 27-28 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Proceedings of lasers in dentistry V : 24-25 January 1999, San Jose, California
Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices XV : 22-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Optical interference coatings : 6-10 June 1994, Grenoble, France
Sixth International Conference on Correlation Optics : 16-19 September 2003, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Dry processing for submicrometer lithography : 12-13 October 1989, Santa Clara, California
Excimer beam applications, 6 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
12th Czech-Slovak-Polish Optical Conference on wave and quantum aspects of contemporary optics : 12-15 September 2000, Velké Losiny, Czech Republic
Optical disk technology : [symposium] January 26-28, 1982, Los Angeles, California
Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes V : 15-16 March 1994, Kona, Hawaii
Nonlinear image processing III : 12-13 February 1992, San Jose, California
Ultraviolet technology II : 4-5 April 1988, Orlando, Florida
Environmental sensing and combustion diagnostics : 24-25 January 1991, Los Angeles, California
Gamma-ray and cosmic-ray detectors, techniques, and missions : 5-7 August 1996, Denver, Colorado
Third International Workshop on Laser Beam and Optics Characterization, 7-10 July, 1996, Québec City, Canada
Advances in optical data storage technology : 8-10 November, 2004, Beijing, China
Adaptive optics and and applications III : 8-9 November 2004, Beijing, China
In-process optical measurements
The Marketplace for medical lasers 1989 : a seminar examining recent trends and market developments in the medical laser industry : 14 April 1989, Arlington, Virginia
Epitaxial growth processes : 26-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Proceedings of optical fibers in medicine V : January 14-19 1990, Los Angeles, California
MEMS adaptive optics : 24-25 January 2007, San Jose, California, USA
Infrared optical fibers and their applications : 21-22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere XII : 17-19 September 2007, Florence, Italy
Infrared image processing and enhancement, 20-21 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Advanced microdevices and space science sensors : 28-29 July 1994, San Diego, California
Smart materials, structures, and integrated systems : 11-13 December 1997, Adelaide, Australia
High heat flux and synchrotron radiation beamlines : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
Hard X-ray and gamma-ray detector physics and Penetrating radiation systems VIII : 14-17 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XII : 21-23 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
Techniques and instrumentation for detection of exoplanets III : 28-30 August 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Generation, amplification, and measurement of ultrashort laser pulses : 25-27 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers IV : 26-28 January 2000, San Jose, California
Optical fabrication, testing and metrology II : 13-15 September 2005, Jena, Germany
Optics in atmospheric propagation and random phenomena : 26-27 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Tenth All-Union Symposium and School on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy : 2-9 June 1991, Omsk, Russia
Laser source and system technology for defense and security : 28-29 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
1996 International Conference on Multichip Modules : proceedings, April 17-19, 1996, Denver, Colorado
Diamond optics III : 9-11 July 1990, San Diego, California
Conference on the Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits : 5-7 February 1992, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Seventh international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics : 19-22 July 2000, Tomsk, Russia
Wave-optical systems engineering : 30-31 July 2001 San Diego, USA
Holographics International '92 : 23-29 July 1992, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Photomask and X-ray mask technology : 22 April 1994, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, Japan
First International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications, 3-5 October 1994, Ancona, Italy
ICONO '98 : fundamental aspects of laser-matter interaction and new nonlinear optical materials and physics of low-dimensional structures : 29 June-3 July 1998, Moscow, Russia
Optical engineering at the lawrence livermore national laboratory II : The national ignition facility : 28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Optical technologies for atmospheric, ocean, and environmental studies : 18-22 October 2004, Beijing, China
Passive infrared remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere II : 26-28 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Optics in atmospheric propagation and adaptive systems X : 17-18 September 2007, Florence, Italy
Ultraviolet ground- and space-based measurements, models, and effects : 30 July-1 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments XI : 1-2 August 2005 San Diego, California, USA
In-vitro diagnostic instrumentation : 26-27 January 2000, San Jose, California
Signal and data processing of small targets 2006 : 18-20 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology VI : 14-16 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Conference on Digital Radiography : September 14-16, 1981, Fairchild Auditorium, Stanford University Medical Center, California
Liquid crystals : chemistry, physics, and applications : 13-17 September 1999, Krynica, Poland
Industrial and commercial applications of holography : August 24-25, 1982, San Diego, California
Laser diode optics : 13-14 January 1987, Los Angeles, California
Sensor fusion V : 15-17 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Medical imaging IV, Image processing : 6-8 February 1990, Newport Beach, California
Endoscopic microscopy : 22 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Infrared components and their applications : 8-11 November 2004, Beijing, China
Multilayer structures and laboratory X-ray laser research : 19-20 August 1986, San Diego, California
Optical surfaces resistant to severe environments : 11-12 July 1990, San Diego, California
Soft X-ray lasers and applications III : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Laser materials processing and machining : 20-21 June 1994, Frankfurt, FRG
Organic light-emitting materials and devices VII : 4-6 August 2003 San Diego, California, USA
High-performance optical spectrometry : 1-5 June 1992, Warsaw, Poland
Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors : 27-28 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Workshop on Photonic Logic and Information Processing : 11-13 November 1986, Huntsville, Alabama
Optical technologies for arming, safing, fuzing, and firing II : 15 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Fibre optics '88
Microelectronics manufacturing and reliability : 21-22 September 1992, San Jose, California
Advances in X-ray/EUV optics, components, and applications : 14-16 August 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Application of optical instrumentation in medicine XIII : medical image production, processing, and display : February 3-6, 1985, Newport Beach, California
Advanced telescope design, fabrication, and control : 19 and 21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors VI : 21, 24-25 January, 2002, San Jose, USA
Optical methods for tumor treatment and detection : mechanisms and techniques in photodynamic therapy X : 20-21 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Signal and data processing of small targets 1992 : 20-22 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments III : 17-19 August 1988, San Diego, California
Enforcement and security technologies : 3-5 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts
Smart structures and materials 1999 : mathematics and control in smart structures : 1-4 March, 1999, Newport Beach, California
Quantum well and superlattice physics : 23-24 March 1987, Bay Point, Florida
16th International conference on photoelectronics and night vision devices : 25-27 May 2000 Moscow, Russia
Fiber-optic metrology and standards : 12-14 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4
Polarizers and applications : August 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California
New materials for optical waveguides : 2-3 April, 1987, The Hague, the Netherlands
Optics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting IV : 15-16 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Photon counting applications, quantum optics, and quantum cryptography : 18-19 April 2007,Prague, Czech Republic
Flow visualization and aero-optics in simulated environments : 21-22 May 1987, Orlando, Florida
Photodetector materials and devices VII : 21-23 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Remote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2004 : 13-14 September 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Advanced biomedical and clinical diagnostic systems II : 25-26 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Advanced processing and characterization of semiconductors III : 22-24 January 1986, Los Angeles, California
Current developments in optical design and optical engineering IV : 27-28 July 1994, San Diego, California
Superconductivity applications for infrared and microwave devices II : 4-5 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Modern technologies applied to medical practice : 6-11 November1989, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Microwave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment IV : 9-11 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Free-space laser communication technologies X : 27-28 January 1998, San Jose, California
Proceedings of systems and technologies for clinical diagnostics and drug discover : 26-27 January 1998, San Jose, Clifaornia
Analysis of optical structures : 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California
Charge-coupled devices and solid state optical sensors II : 25-27 February 1991, San Jose, California
Photonic devices and algorithms for computing : 22-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Sensor fusion II, 28-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Applications and science of computational intelligence : 13-16 April 1998, Orlando, Florida
Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XIV : 28-30 March 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Nonlinear optical properties of organic materials III : 11-13 July 1990, San Diego, California
Smart structures and materials 1998 : Smart systems for bridges, structures, and highways : 4-5 March 1998, San Diego, California
Fiber-based component fabrication, testing and connectorization : 29-30 October 2002, Brugge, Belgium
Diffraction phenomena in optical engineering applications
Optical diagnostics and sensing of biological fluids and glucose and cholesterol monitoring : 22-23 January 2001, San Jose, USA
Mathematical methods in geophysical imaging III : 12-13 July 1995, San Diego, California
Optical devices in adverse environments : 19-20 November 1987, Cannes, France
Design, test, and microfabrication of MEMS and MOEMS : 30 March-1 April 1999, Paris, France
Acousto-optic, electro-optic, and magneto-optic devices and applications, 15-16 January, 1987, Los Angeles, California
Laser wavefront control : 8-9 September 1988, Boston, Massachusetts
Tenth joint international symposium on atmospheric and ocean optics/atmospheric physics : Part II, Laser sensing and atmospheric physics : 24-28 June 2003, Tomsk, Russia
Advances in laser scanning and recording : April 19-20, 1983, Geneva, Switzerland
Optical online industrial process monitoring : 22 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors II : 19-21 September 1990, San Jose, California
Smart structures and materials 2006 : Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA
Applied laser radar technology : 15-16 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Precision plastic optics for optical storage, displays, imaging, and communications : 30-31 July 1997, San Diego, California
Signal and data processing of small targets 1993 : 12-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida
Laser beam propagation and control : 25-26 January 1994, Los Angeles, California
Applications of artificial neural networks in image processing VII : 24-25 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Quantum optics in computing and communications : 16-17 October 2002, Shanghai, China
Neural and stochastic methods in image and signal processing II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Laser diode technology and applications : 18-20 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Enabling technologies and design of nonlethal weapons : 18-19 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Millimeter and submillimeter detectors for astronomy II : 23-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Advances in mirror technology for synchrotron x-ray and laser applications : 20 July 1998, San Diego, California
Automatic target recognition IX : 7-9 April 1999, Orlando, Florida
Fiber optic materials and components : 28-29 July 1994 San Diego, California
Third International conference on virtual reality and its application in industry : 9-12 April 2002, Hangzhou, China
International Conference on Holography and Correlation Optics : 15-19 May 1995, Chernovtsy, Ukraine
Telescope control systems : 19-21 April 1995, Orlando, Florida
Automatic target recognition X : 26-28 April 2000, Orlando, USA
Fifth symposium optics in industry : 8-9 September 2005, Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico
Smart structures and materials 2000 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 7-9 March, 2000, Newport Beach, USA
Airglow and aurora : 30 June, 1993, Tromsö, Norway
Photonics for space environments VI : 22 July 1998, San Diego, California
Airborne reconnaissance V, April 27-28, 1981, San Diego, California
Electron-beam, X-ray, and ion-beam techniques for submicrometer lithographies IV : March 14-15, 1985, Santa Clara, California
Hybrid image and signal processing III : 23-24 April 1992, Orlando, Florida
Bioengineered and bioinspired systems : 19-21 May 2003 Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Remote sensing in atmospheric pollution monitoring and control : 2 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Ultrashort-wavelength lasers : 22-23 July 1991, San Diego, California
Current developments in optical elements and manufacturing : 16-18 September 1998, Beijing, China
Photonics 2000 : International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics : 18-20 December 2000, Calcutta, India : proceedings
Proceedings of biomedical systems and technologies II : 4-6 September 1997, San Remo, Italy
Contemporary optical instrument design, fabrication, and testing
Fiber-optic sensors, engineering and applications : 14-15 March 1991, the Hague, the Netherlands : proceedings, ECO4
Lidar remote sensing for environmental monitoring IV : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Nonimaging optics, maximum-efficiency light transfer II : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Lithography for semiconductor manufacturing : 19-21 May 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland
Real time signal processing XII : 10-11 August 1989, San Diego, California
Three-dimensional holography : science, culture, education : the internationalUNESCO seminar : 5-8 September 1989, Kiev, USSR
Quantum-well and superlattice physics III : 18-19 March 1990, San Diego, California
Advances in display technology : August 29-30, 1979, San Diego, California
Reflective optics II : 27-29 March 1989, Orlando, Florida
Chemical, biochemical, and environmental fiber sensors IX : 16-18 June 1997, Munich, FRG
Proceedings of advances in laser and light spectroscopy to diagnose cancer and other diseases II : 7-8 February 1995, San Jose, California
Technologies for synthetic environments: Hardware-in-the-loop testing VIII : 21-22 April 2003, Oriando, Florida, USA
RIAO/OPTILAS 2004: 5th Iberoamerican meeting on optics and 8th Latin American meeting on optics, lasers, and their applications: ICO regional meeting : 3-8 October 2004, Porlamar, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela
Laser interferometry X : techniques and analysis : 31 July-1 August 2000, Sandiego, USA
Third International Conference on Experimental Mechanics : 15-17 October, 2001, Beijing China
Free-space laser communication technologies : 11-12 January 1988, Los Angeles, California
Recent trends in optical systems design
Complex adaptive structures : 4-6 June, 2001, Hutchinson, USA
Optical engineering for sensing and nanotechnology (ICOSN 2001) : 6-8 June 2001, Yokohama, Japan
Fifth International Symposium on Optical Storage (ISOS 2000) : 22-26 May 2000, Shanghai, China
Genomics and proteomics technologies, 22-23 January, 2001, San Jose, USA
Advanced environmental, chemical, and biological sensing technologies II : 25-26 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Cryogenic optical systems and instruments : August 23-24, 1984, San Diego, California
High-Tc superconductivity : thin films and devices : 16-17 March 1988, Newport Beach, California
Digital wireless communications V : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA
Passive optical remote sensing of the atmosphere and clouds IV : 9-10 November 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Applications of digital image processing XXVII : 2-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Fiber optic smart structures and skins II : 5-8 September 1989, Boston, Massachusetts
Smart structures and materials 2005 : Electroactive polymer actuators and devices (EAPAD) : 7-10 March 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Fiber optics multiplexing and modulation : April 7, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Optical spectroscopic instrumentation and techniques for the 1990s : applications in astronomy, chemistry, and physics, 4-6 June 1990, Las Cruces, New Mexico
International Symposium on Laser-Plasma Interactions : 9-12 November 1992, Shanghai, China
Ophthalmic optics
Lidar atmospheric monitoring : 16-18 June 1997, Munich, FRG
Novel optoelectronic devices, 31 March-2 April 1987, the Hague, the Netherlands
Hard X-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron detector physics II : 31 July-2 August 2000, San Diego, USA
Data mining, intrusion detection, information assurance, and data networks security 2006 : 17-18 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
Tunable diode laser spectroscopy, lidar, and DIAL techniques for environmental and industrial measurements : 11-14 October 1993, Atlanta, Georgia
Optical manufacturing and testing VI : 31 July-1 August 2005, San Diego, California, USA
Ultraviolet and x-ray detection, spectroscopy and polarimetry III : 19-20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Epilayers and heterostructures in optoelectronics and semiconductor technology : International Conference on Solid State Crystals '98 : 12-16 October 1998, Zakopane, Poland
Optics for fourth-generation x-ray sources : 1-2 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion XIII : 18-22 April 1994, Freiburg, FRG
Astronomical structures and mechanisms technology : 21-22 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Image algebra and morphological image processing IV : 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California
Wavelet applications III : 8-12 April 1996, Orlando, Florida
International Conference on Insertion Devices for Synchrotron Sources
Geology from space : 27 September 1994, Rome, Italy
Semiconductor photodetectors : 28-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA
Micromachining of elements with optical and other submicrometer dimensional and surface specifications : 2-3 April, 1987, The Hague, The Netherlands
Applications with weather satellites :24 October 2002, Hangzhou, China
Rough surface scattering and contamination : 21-23 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Power-limiting materials and devices : 21-22 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Fringe pattern analysis : 8-9 August 1989, San Diego, California
Laser applications in chemistry : 5-6 June 1986, Québec City, Canada
Test and measurement applications of optoelectronic devices : 21-22 January 2002, San Jose, USA
Document recognition and retrieval XIII : 18-19 January, 2006, San Jose, California, USA
Liquid crystal materials, devices, and displays
Mirrors and windows for high power/high energy laser systems : 17-18 January 1989, Los Angeles, California
Smart structures and materials 2004 : industrial and commercial applications of smart structures technologies : 16-18 March 2004, San Diego, California, USA
Fiber optic sensors II : 31 March-3 April 1987, the Hague, the Netherlands
High-resolution wavefront control : methods, devices, and applications III : 1-3 August 2001, San Diego, USA
Lens design, illumination and optomechanical modeling : 29-30 July 1997, San Diego, California
Laser radar technology and applications VI : 17-19 April 2001, Orlando, USA
Thin-film neutron optical devices : mirrors, supermirrors, multilayer monochromators, polarizers, and beam guides : 16-17 August 1988, San Diego, California
Multimedia computing and networking 1999 : 25-27 January 1999, San Jose, California
Optics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime fighting II : 11-12 September 2006, Stockholm, Sweden
Space station automation : September 17-18, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Optical systems degradation, contamination, and stray light: effects, measurements, and control : 2-5 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Optoelectronic and wireless data management, processing, storage, and retrieval : 22-24 August 2001, Denver, USA
Physics, theory, and applications of periodic structures in optics II : 5-7 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
3rd International Conference on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS III) for Medical Applications : February 7-8, 1985, Newport Beach, California
International Conference on Advanced Laser Dentistry : 20-23 June 1994, St. Petersburg, Russia
Fiber optic and laser sensors IX : 3-5 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts
Interferometry : applications : 22-23 July 1992, San Diego, California
ICO20 : MEMS, MOEMS, and NEMS : 21-26 August, 2005, Changchun, China
Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1997 : 29th Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 6-8, October, 1997, Boulder, Colorado
Processing and packaging of semiconductor lasers and optoelectronic devices : 20-21 January 1993, Los Angeles, California
Optics in agriculture and forestry : 16-17 November 1992, Boston, Massachusetts
Optical inorganic dielectric materials and devices : 26-29 August, 1996, Riga, Latvia
Smart structures and materials 2002 : smart structures and integrated systems : 18-21 March 2002, San Diego, USA
Characterization, propagation, and simulation of sources and backgrounds : 2-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida
Optical sensors for environmental and chemical process monitoring : 9-10 November 1994, McLean, Virginia
X-ray microfocusing : applications and techniques : 22-23 July 1998, San Diego, California
Photonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments III : 26-30 May, 2004, Wilga, Poland
Organic light-emitting materials and devices III : 19-21 July 1999, Denver, Colorado
Smart structures and materials 1997 : smart structures and integrated systems : 3-6 March 1997, San Diego, California
Photovoltaics for solar energy applications II : April 5-6, 1983, Arlington, Virginia
Advances in optical information processing : January 20-21, 1983, Los Angeles, California
Nano- and micro-optics for information systems : 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA
Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision : 30-31 October 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C31) technologies for homeland security and homeland defense V : 17-21 April 2006, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
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