
Middle Ages series


Middle Ages series

Peters, Edwardほか
University of Pennsylvania Press



Ruth Mazo Karras, series editor ; Edward Peters, founding editor


The Etablissements de Saint Louis : thirteenth-century law texts from Tours, Orléans, and Paris外部サイトBarbarian tides : the migration age and the later Roman Empire外部サイトThe complete Old English poems外部サイトMen raised from the dust : administrative service and upward mobility in Angevin England外部サイトHistory of the Lombards外部サイトThe promised lands : the Low Countries under Burgundian rule, 1369-1530外部サイトCourtly love undressed : reading through clothes in medieval French culture外部サイトPoems of the Elder Edda外部サイトUnderworlds : the Dead, the Criminal, and the Marginalized外部サイトA knight's own book of chivalry外部サイトA state of deference : Ragusa/Dubrovnik in the medieval centuries外部サイトRhinoceros bound : Cluny in the tenth century外部サイトThe magician, the witch, and the law外部サイトWomen in Frankish society : marriage and the cloister, 500 to 900外部サイトThe king's other body : María of Castile and the crown of Aragon外部サイトThe English parliament in the Middle Ages外部サイトPower play : the literature and politics of chess in the Late Middle Ages外部サイトThe royal forests of medieval England外部サイトThe capture of Constantinople : the Hystoria Constantinopolitana of Gunther of Pairis外部サイトIn light of another's word : European ethnography in the Middle Ages外部サイトHoly warriors : the religious ideology of chivalry外部サイトLand and lordship : structures of governance in medieval Austria外部サイトBigamy and Christian identity in late medieval Champagne外部サイトChurch reform and social change in eleventh-century Italy : Dominic of Sora and his patrons外部サイトA plague of insurrection : popular politics and peasant revolt in Flanders, 1323-1328外部サイトOlivi's peaceable kingdom : a reading of the Apocalypse commentary外部サイトJohn Capgrave's fifteenth century外部サイトSovereign fantasies : Arthurian romance and the making of Britain外部サイトFallen bodies : pollution, sexuality, and demonology in the Middle Ages外部サイトMedieval boundaries : rethinking difference in Old French literature外部サイトFelony and misdemeanor : a study in the history of criminal law外部サイトAristocratic women in medieval France外部サイトThe Trotula : a medieval compendium of women's medicine外部サイトTalking animals : medieval Latin beast poetry, 750-1150外部サイトSinging the new song : literacy and liturgy in late medieval England外部サイトEmperor of culture : Alfonso X the Learned of Castile and his thirteenth-century Renaissance外部サイトThe voice of my beloved : the Song of Songs in western medieval Christianity外部サイトInquisition and power : Catharism and the confessing subject in medieval Languedoc外部サイトReconquest and crusade in medieval Spain外部サイトAdventures in speech : rhetoric and narration in Boccaccio's Decameron外部サイトThe people of the parish : community life in a late medieval English diocese外部サイトMaking history : the Normans and their historians in eleventh-century Italy外部サイトMiracles and the medieval mind : theory, record, and event, 1000-1215外部サイトTrial by battle外部サイトOrdines coronationis Franciae : texts and ordines for the coronation of Frankish and French kings and queens in the Middle Ages外部サイトGender and Christianity in medieval Europe : new perspectives外部サイトAngels and earthly creatures : preaching, performance, and gender in the later Middle Ages外部サイトDiana's hunt : Caccia di Diana : Boccaccio's first fiction外部サイトOther Middle Ages : witnesses at the margins of medieval society外部サイトAnatomy of a crusade, 1213-1221外部サイトThe investiture controversy : church and monarchy from the ninth to the twelfth century外部サイトThe Expansion of Europe : the first phase外部サイトNegotiating the landscape : environment and monastic identity in the medieval Ardennes外部サイトSeeing the Gawain-poet : description and the act of perception外部サイトThe medieval culture of disputation : pedagogy, practice, and performance外部サイトThe Fourth Crusade : the conquest of Constantinople, 1201-1204外部サイトThe judgment of the Trojan prince Paris in medieval literature外部サイトOlivier de Clisson and political society in France under Charles V and Charles VI外部サイトText and territory : geographical imagination in the European Middle Ages外部サイトListening for the text : on the uses of the past外部サイトNo place of rest : Jewish literature, expulsion, and the memory of medieval France外部サイトThe lost history of Piers Plowman : the earliest transmission of Langland's work外部サイトLyric tactics : poetry, genre, and practice in later medieval England外部サイトVassals, heiresses, crusaders, and thugs : the gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216外部サイトBeasts and birds of the Middle Ages : the bestiary and its legacy外部サイトThe Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritage外部サイトWomen in medieval history & historiography外部サイトThe Crusades and the Christian world of the East : rough tolerance外部サイトHenry the liberal : Count of Champagne, 1127-1181外部サイトGentile tales : the narrative assault on late medieval Jews外部サイトOld age in late medieval England外部サイトThe apocalyptic imagination in medieval literature外部サイトThe medieval church : the world of clerics and laymen外部サイトFamily, commerce, and the sea : the worlds of women and merchants外部サイトNowhere in the Middle Ages外部サイトThe earliest Irish and English bookarts : visual and poetic forms before A.D. 1000外部サイトThe silk industries of medieval Paris : artisanal migration, technological innovation, and gendered experience外部サイトDante's Italy, and other essays外部サイトRepression of heresy in medieval Germany外部サイトLooking inward : devotional reading and the private self in late medieval England外部サイトLost letters of medieval life : English society, 1200-1250外部サイトLaw and the illicit in medieval Europe外部サイトDaily life in the world of Charlemagne : with expanded footnotes外部サイトLives of the anchoresses : the rise of the urban recluse in medieval Europe外部サイトDay of reckoning : power and accountability in medieval France外部サイトNordic religions in the Viking Age外部サイトParis in the Middle Ages外部サイトMedieval woman's song : cross-cultural approaches外部サイトWriting women in late Medieval and early modern Spain : the mothers of Saint Teresa of Avila外部サイトTo live like a Moor : christian perceptions of Muslim identity in medieval and early modern Spain外部サイトOrdering medieval society : perspectives on intellectual and practical modes of shaping social relations外部サイトThe Fourth Crusade : the conquest of Constantinople外部サイトIsabel the Queen : life and times外部サイトThe making of a Mediterranean emirate : Ifrīqiyā and its Andalusis, 1200-1400外部サイトFrom Eden to eternity : creations of paradise in the later Middle Ages外部サイトThe romance of adultery : queenship and sexual transgression in Old French literature外部サイトPast convictions : the penance of Louis the Pious and the decline of the Carolingians外部サイトWitchcraft and magic in the Nordic Middle Ages外部サイトAuthorship and publicity before print : Jean Gerson and the transformation of late medieval learning外部サイトMary Magdalene and the drama of saints : theater, gender, and religion in late medieval England外部サイトThe road to judgment : from custom to court in medieval Ireland and Wales外部サイトThe world of Piers Plowman外部サイトAlliterative revivals外部サイトGod's peace and king's peace : the laws of Edward the Confessor外部サイトDino Compagni's chronicle of Florence外部サイトCities of ladies : Beguine communities in the medieval Low Countries, 1200-1565外部サイトMiracles and the medieval mind : theory, record and event, 1000-1215外部サイトThe chronicle of San Juan de la Peña : a fourteenth-century official history of the crown of Aragon外部サイトCultures of power : lordship, status, and process in twelfth-century Europe外部サイトThe voice of my beloved : the Song of songs in western medieval Christianity外部サイトThe Lady as saint : a collection of French hagiographic romances of the thirteenth century外部サイトThe strange case of Ermine de Reims : a medieval woman between demons and saints外部サイトLand, liberties, and lordship in a late medieval countryside : agrarian structures and change in the Duchy of Wrocław外部サイトThe First Crusade : the chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and other source materials外部サイトThe Carolingians : a family who forged Europe外部サイトFrom ad hoc to routine : a case study in medieval bureaucracy外部サイト"Those of my blood" : constructing noble families in medieval Francia外部サイトHeresy and authority in medieval Europe : documents in translation外部サイトSpiritual economies : female monasticism in later medieval England外部サイトFlorence and its church in the age of Dante外部サイトOld Norse images of women外部サイトChristianity and paganism, 350-750 : the conversion of Western Europe外部サイトFranciscans and the elixir of life : religion and science in the later Middle Ages外部サイトThe history of the counts of Guines and lords of Ardres外部サイトInventing the Berbers : history and ideology in the Maghrib外部サイトThe laws of the Salian Franks外部サイトWomen in Frankish society : marriage and the cloister, 500 to 900外部サイトCrusade and Christendom : annotated documents in translation from Innocent III to the fall of Acre, 1187-1291外部サイトOlivi and Franciscan poverty : the origins of the usus pauper controversy外部サイトFeudal society in medieval France : documents from the County of Champagne外部サイトThe Farce of the fart and other ribaldries : twelve medieval French plays in modern English外部サイトFictions of advice : the literature and politics of counsel in late medieval England外部サイトCrossing borders : love between women in medieval French and Arabic literatures外部サイトGender and Jewish difference from Paul to Shakespeare外部サイトThe Queen's hand : power and authority in the reign of Berenguela of Castile外部サイトShaping romance : interpretation, truth, and closure in twelfth-century French fictions外部サイトThe Fourth Crusade : the conquest of Constantinople外部サイトAffective meditation and the invention of medieval compassion外部サイトReconquest and crusade in medieval Spain外部サイトRural economy and country life in the medieval West外部サイトEnemies in the plaza : urban spectacle and the end of Spanish frontier culture, 1460-1492外部サイトWilliam Langland's Piers Plowman : the C version : a verse translation外部サイトOn the threshold of exact science : selected writings of Anneliese Maier on late medieval natural philosophy外部サイトThe Cistercian evolution : the invention of a religious order in twelfth-century Europe外部サイトUnmarriages : women, men, and sexual unions in the Middle Ages外部サイトMedieval Iberia : readings from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sources外部サイトTrial by fire外部サイトA crisis of truth : literature and law in Ricardian England外部サイトDouble agents : women and clerical culture in Anglo-Saxon England外部サイトThe Kingdom of Sicily, 1100-1250 : a literary history外部サイトRoman defeat, Christian response, and the literary construction of the Jew外部サイトGendered voices : medieval saints and their interpreters外部サイトMedieval law : lawyers and their work外部サイトCity of saints : rebuilding Rome in the early Middle Ages外部サイトIberian moorings : Al-Andalus, Sefarad, and the tropes of exceptionalism外部サイトPoisoned wells : accusations, persecution, and minorities in medieval Europe, 1321-1422外部サイトColonial justice and the Jews of Venetian Crete外部サイトFaith, art, and politics at Saint-Riquier : the symbolic vision of Angilbert外部サイトThe manly priest : clerical celibacy, masculinity, and reform in England and Normandy, 1066-1300外部サイトLiquid assets, dangerous gifts : presents and politics at the end of the Middle Ages外部サイトFranks, Moravians, and Magyars : the struggle for the Middle Danube, 788-907外部サイトEnnobling love : in search of a lost sensibility外部サイトAristocracy in Provence : the Rhône Basin at the dawn of the Carolingian Age外部サイトTrial by fire外部サイトThe curse of Eve, the wound of the hero : blood, gender, and medieval literature外部サイトChaucer aloud : the varieties of textual interpretation外部サイトAllegory and philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sînâ) : with a translation of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad's ascent to heaven外部サイトFrom virile woman to womanChrist : studies in medieval religion and literature外部サイトMedieval government : the world of kings and warriors外部サイトPatriarchy and families of privilege in fifteenth-century England外部サイトConversion and narrative : reading and religious authority in Medieval polemic外部サイトThe Gibraltar crusade : Castile and the battle for the Strait外部サイトThe making and unmaking of a saint : hagiography and memory in the cult of Gerald of Aurillac外部サイトAgriculture in the Middle Ages : technology, practice, and representation外部サイトThe English alliterative tradition外部サイトTrial by battle外部サイトGilding the market : luxury and fashion in fourteenth-century Italy外部サイトThe Middle English Bible : a reassessment外部サイトThe tongue of the fathers : gender and ideology in the twelfth-century Latin外部サイトThe romance of the rose, or, Guillaume de Dole外部サイトThe aristocracy in the county of Champagne, 1100-1300外部サイトMedieval theory of authorship : scholastic literary attitudes in the later Middle Ages外部サイトThe Usatges of Barcelona : the fundamental law of Catalonia外部サイトWritten work : Langland, labor, and authorship外部サイトThe song of Troilus : lyric authority in the medieval book外部サイトThe art of love : amatory fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the Rose外部サイトA tainted mantle : Hercules and the classical tradition at the Carolingian Court外部サイトThe Kingdom of León-Castilla under King Alfonso VII, 1126-1157外部サイトBefore the Knight's tale : imitation of classical epic in Boccaccio's Teseida外部サイトThe Black Death and pastoral leadership : the Diocese of Hereford in the fourteenth century外部サイトMedieval Italy : texts in translation外部サイトUncommon dominion : Venetian Crete and the myth of ethnic purity外部サイトAquinas and the Jews外部サイトConquerors, brides, and concubines : interfaith relations and social power in medieval Iberia外部サイトMedieval theory of authorship : scholastic literary attitudes in the later Middle Ages外部サイトPopes, lawyers, and infidels : the church and the non-Christian world, 1250-1550外部サイトThe beguines of medieval Paris : gender, patronage, and spiritual authority外部サイトThe envy of angels : cathedral schools and social ideals in medieval Europe, 950-1200外部サイトWomen in medieval society外部サイトErec外部サイトOn the government of rulers : De regimine principum外部サイトMeister Eckhart : thought and language外部サイトThe Republic of St. Peter : the birth of the Papal State, 680-825外部サイトImages of adventure : Ywain in the visual arts外部サイトVisualizing women in the Middle Ages : sight, spectacle, and scopic economy外部サイトThe medieval new : ambivalence in an age of innovation外部サイトLaw, church, and society : essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner外部サイトThe chronicle of Theophanes : an English translation of anni mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813)外部サイトThe Voice of the trobairitz : perspectives on the women troubadours外部サイトRereading Beowulf外部サイトGod and the goddesses : vision, poetry, and belief in the Middle Ages外部サイトBe a perfect man : Christian masculinity and the Carolingian aristocracy外部サイトPoetics of the Incarnation : Middle English writing and the leap of love外部サイトDark speech : the performance of law in early Ireland外部サイトImages, iconoclasm, and the Carolingians外部サイトThe Trotula : an English translation of the medieval compendium of women's medicine外部サイトA history of Old English meter外部サイトAdam Usk's secret外部サイトThe English medieval landscape外部サイトDante's Christian astrology外部サイトDante's political Purgatory外部サイトLovesickness in the Middle Ages : the Viaticum and its commentaries外部サイトAfter the Black Death : plague and commemoration among Iberian Jews外部サイトCensure and heresy at the University of Paris, 1200-1400外部サイトRansoming captives in crusader Spain : the Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic frontier外部サイトRighteous persecution : inquisition, Dominicans, and Christianity in the Middle Ages外部サイトHastening toward Prague : power and society in the medieval Czech lands外部サイトThe knowledge of childhood in the German Middle Ages, 1100-1350外部サイトThe investiture controversy : church and monarchy from the ninth to the twelfth century外部サイトThe visual object of desire in late medieval England外部サイトDear Sister : medieval women and the epistolary genre外部サイトThe Anglo-Norman nobility in the reign of Henry I : the second generation外部サイトPope and bishops : the papal monarchy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries外部サイトThe Code of Cuenca : municipal law on the twelfth-century Castilian frontier外部サイトThe Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritage外部サイトThe guitar of God : gender, power, and authority in the visionary world of Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481-1534外部サイトRethinking The romance of the Rose : text, image, reception外部サイトThe learned king : the reign of Alfonso X of Castile外部サイトTexts of the passion : Latin devotional literature and medieval society外部サイトThe late Byzantine army : arms and society, 1204-1453外部サイトEarly Carolingian warfare : prelude to empire外部サイトMarriage, sex, and civic culture in late medieval London外部サイトCount and bishop in medieval Germany : a study of regional power, 1100-1350外部サイトWomen in medieval society外部サイトGender and heresy : women and men in Lollard communities, 1420-1530外部サイトA crisis of truth : literature and law in Ricardian England外部サイトAlbertanus of Brescia : the pursuit of happiness in the early thirteenth century外部サイトThe Barons' Crusade : a call to arms and its consequences外部サイトBefore the Normans : Southern Italy in the ninth and tenth centuries外部サイトThe good women of the parish : gender and religion after the Black Death外部サイトThe book of Sainte Foy外部サイトAnimal encounters : contacts and concepts in medieval Britain外部サイトProphetic song : the Psalms as moral discourse in late Medieval England外部サイトIndecent exposure : gender, politics, and obscene comedy in Middle English literature外部サイトThe Cortes of Castile-León, 1188-1350外部サイトWonderful blood : theology and practice in late medieval northern Germany and beyond外部サイトThe feast of Saint Abraham : medieval millenarians and the Jews外部サイトMedieval robots : mechanism, magic, nature, and art外部サイトThe loving subject : desire, eloquence, and power in Romanesque France外部サイトThe First Crusade and the idea of crusading外部サイトBefore the Knight's tale : imitation of classical epic in Boccaccio's Teseida外部サイトThe performance of self : ritual, clothing, and identity during the Hundred Years War外部サイトThe book of chivalry of Geoffroi de Charny : text, context, and translation外部サイトSisters and brothers of the common life : the Devotio Moderna and the world of the later Middle Ages外部サイトBoccaccio's last fiction, "Il Corbaccio"外部サイトCharity and welfare : hospitals and the poor in medieval Catalonia外部サイトFallible authors : Chaucer's Pardoner and Wife of Bath外部サイトThe Saxon mirror : a Sachsenspiegel of the fourteenth century外部サイトRewriting saints and ancestors : memory and forgetting in France, 500-1200外部サイトFrom servitude to freedom : manumission in the Sénonais in the thirteenth century外部サイトMedieval Iberia : readings from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sources外部サイトBefore Orientalism : Asian peoples and cultures in European travel writing, 1245-1510外部サイトCrisis and continuity : land and town in late medieval Castile外部サイトBrides and doom : gender, property, and power in medieval German women's epic外部サイトThe French monarchy and the Jews : from Philip Augustus to the last Capetians外部サイトWriting East : the "travels" of Sir John Mandeville外部サイトWitchcraft in Europe, 1100-1700 : a documentary history外部サイトThe Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritage外部サイトEarly Carolingian warfare : prelude to empire外部サイトLast things : death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages外部サイトThe late Byzantine army : arms and society, 1204-1453外部サイトCovert operations : the medieval uses of secrecy外部サイトPeriodization and sovereignty : how ideas of feudalism and secularization govern the politics of time外部サイトSacred fictions : holy women and hagiography in late antiquity外部サイトThe queen's dumbshows : John Lydgate and the making of early theater外部サイトComercio y comerciantes en la España Musulmana : la reordenación comercial de la Península Ibérica del 900 al 1500外部サイトThe Coutumes de Beauvaisis of Philippe de Beaumanoir外部サイトThe garden of delights : reform and renaissance for women in the twelfth century外部サイトThe last christology of the West : adoptionism in Spain and Gaul, 785-820外部サイトVenomous tongues : speech and gender in late medieval England外部サイトDivided Houses外部サイトThe origins of courtliness : civilizing trends and the formation of courtly ideals, 939-1210外部サイトOn original sin ; and, A disputation with the Jew, Leo, concerning the Advent of Christ, the Son of God : two theological treatises外部サイトThe Alexandreis of Walter of Châtillon : a twelfth-century epic外部サイトThe song in the story : lyric insertions in French narrative fiction, 1200-1400外部サイトBetween Christian and Jew : conversion and inquisition in the crown of Aragon, 1250-1391外部サイトMaurice's Strategikon : handbook of Byzantine military strategy外部サイトThe world of Piers Plowman外部サイトOrder and chivalry : knighthood and citizenship in late medieval Castile外部サイトFrom boys to men : formations of masculinity in late medieval Europe外部サイトBeowulf and other Old English poems外部サイトSpiritual seeing : picturing God's invisibility in medieval art外部サイトParrots and nightingales : troubadour quotations and the development of European poetry外部サイトThe First Crusade and the idea of crusading外部サイトThat most precious merchandise : the Mediterranean trade in Black Sea slaves, 1260-1500外部サイトRoads to health : infrastructure and urban wellbeing in later medieval Italy外部サイトPreachers, partisans, and rebellious religion : vernacular writing and the Hussite movement外部サイトThou art the man : the masculinity of David in the Christian and Jewish Middle Ages外部サイトHow the Anglo-Saxons read their poems外部サイトHousehold goods and good households in late medieval London : consumption and domesticity after the plague外部サイトReimagining Christendom : writing Iceland's bishops into the Roman Church, 1200-1350外部サイトThat most precious merchandise : the Mediterranean trade in Black Sea slaves, 1260-1500外部サイトConversion, circumcision, and ritual murder in medieval Europe外部サイトCursed kings外部サイトThe corrupter of boys : sodomy, scandal, and the medieval clergy外部サイトBlack metaphors : how modern racism emerged from medieval race-thinking外部サイトInventing William of Norwich : Thomas of Monmouth, antisemitism, and literary culture, 1150-1200外部サイトMaking love in the twelfth century : letters of two lovers in context外部サイトEngland's Jews : finance, violence, and the Crown in the thirteenth century外部サイトIn the manner of the Franks : hunting, kingship, and masculinity in early medieval Europe外部サイトNature speaks : medieval literature and Aristotelian philosophy外部サイト






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Middle Ages
University of Pennsylvania Press Middle Ages series
The Middle Ages series
Middle Age series
The Middle Ages
Ruth Mazo Karras, series editor ; Edward Peters, founding editor
The Etablissements de Saint Louis : thirteenth-century law texts from Tours, Orléans, and Paris
Barbarian tides : the migration age and the later Roman Empire
The complete Old English poems
Men raised from the dust : administrative service and upward mobility in Angevin England
History of the Lombards
The promised lands : the Low Countries under Burgundian rule, 1369-1530
Courtly love undressed : reading through clothes in medieval French culture
Poems of the Elder Edda
Underworlds : the Dead, the Criminal, and the Marginalized
A knight's own book of chivalry
A state of deference : Ragusa/Dubrovnik in the medieval centuries
Rhinoceros bound : Cluny in the tenth century
The magician, the witch, and the law
Women in Frankish society : marriage and the cloister, 500 to 900
The king's other body : María of Castile and the crown of Aragon
The English parliament in the Middle Ages
Power play : the literature and politics of chess in the Late Middle Ages
The royal forests of medieval England
The capture of Constantinople : the Hystoria Constantinopolitana of Gunther of Pairis
In light of another's word : European ethnography in the Middle Ages
Holy warriors : the religious ideology of chivalry
Land and lordship : structures of governance in medieval Austria
Bigamy and Christian identity in late medieval Champagne
Church reform and social change in eleventh-century Italy : Dominic of Sora and his patrons
A plague of insurrection : popular politics and peasant revolt in Flanders, 1323-1328
Olivi's peaceable kingdom : a reading of the Apocalypse commentary
John Capgrave's fifteenth century
Sovereign fantasies : Arthurian romance and the making of Britain
Fallen bodies : pollution, sexuality, and demonology in the Middle Ages
Medieval boundaries : rethinking difference in Old French literature
Felony and misdemeanor : a study in the history of criminal law
Aristocratic women in medieval France
The Trotula : a medieval compendium of women's medicine
Talking animals : medieval Latin beast poetry, 750-1150
Singing the new song : literacy and liturgy in late medieval England
Emperor of culture : Alfonso X the Learned of Castile and his thirteenth-century Renaissance
The voice of my beloved : the Song of Songs in western medieval Christianity
Inquisition and power : Catharism and the confessing subject in medieval Languedoc
Reconquest and crusade in medieval Spain
Adventures in speech : rhetoric and narration in Boccaccio's Decameron
The people of the parish : community life in a late medieval English diocese
Making history : the Normans and their historians in eleventh-century Italy
Miracles and the medieval mind : theory, record, and event, 1000-1215
Trial by battle
Ordines coronationis Franciae : texts and ordines for the coronation of Frankish and French kings and queens in the Middle Ages
Gender and Christianity in medieval Europe : new perspectives
Angels and earthly creatures : preaching, performance, and gender in the later Middle Ages
Diana's hunt : Caccia di Diana : Boccaccio's first fiction
Other Middle Ages : witnesses at the margins of medieval society
Anatomy of a crusade, 1213-1221
The investiture controversy : church and monarchy from the ninth to the twelfth century
The Expansion of Europe : the first phase
Negotiating the landscape : environment and monastic identity in the medieval Ardennes
Seeing the Gawain-poet : description and the act of perception
The medieval culture of disputation : pedagogy, practice, and performance
The Fourth Crusade : the conquest of Constantinople, 1201-1204
The judgment of the Trojan prince Paris in medieval literature
Olivier de Clisson and political society in France under Charles V and Charles VI
Text and territory : geographical imagination in the European Middle Ages
Listening for the text : on the uses of the past
No place of rest : Jewish literature, expulsion, and the memory of medieval France
The lost history of Piers Plowman : the earliest transmission of Langland's work
Lyric tactics : poetry, genre, and practice in later medieval England
Vassals, heiresses, crusaders, and thugs : the gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216
Beasts and birds of the Middle Ages : the bestiary and its legacy
The Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritage
Women in medieval history & historiography
The Crusades and the Christian world of the East : rough tolerance
Henry the liberal : Count of Champagne, 1127-1181
Gentile tales : the narrative assault on late medieval Jews
Old age in late medieval England
The apocalyptic imagination in medieval literature
The medieval church : the world of clerics and laymen
Family, commerce, and the sea : the worlds of women and merchants
Nowhere in the Middle Ages
The earliest Irish and English bookarts : visual and poetic forms before A.D. 1000
The silk industries of medieval Paris : artisanal migration, technological innovation, and gendered experience
Dante's Italy, and other essays
Repression of heresy in medieval Germany
Looking inward : devotional reading and the private self in late medieval England
Lost letters of medieval life : English society, 1200-1250
Law and the illicit in medieval Europe
Daily life in the world of Charlemagne : with expanded footnotes
Lives of the anchoresses : the rise of the urban recluse in medieval Europe
Day of reckoning : power and accountability in medieval France
Nordic religions in the Viking Age
Paris in the Middle Ages
Medieval woman's song : cross-cultural approaches
Writing women in late Medieval and early modern Spain : the mothers of Saint Teresa of Avila
To live like a Moor : christian perceptions of Muslim identity in medieval and early modern Spain
Ordering medieval society : perspectives on intellectual and practical modes of shaping social relations
The Fourth Crusade : the conquest of Constantinople
Isabel the Queen : life and times
The making of a Mediterranean emirate : Ifrīqiyā and its Andalusis, 1200-1400
From Eden to eternity : creations of paradise in the later Middle Ages
The romance of adultery : queenship and sexual transgression in Old French literature
Past convictions : the penance of Louis the Pious and the decline of the Carolingians
Witchcraft and magic in the Nordic Middle Ages
Authorship and publicity before print : Jean Gerson and the transformation of late medieval learning
Mary Magdalene and the drama of saints : theater, gender, and religion in late medieval England
The road to judgment : from custom to court in medieval Ireland and Wales
The world of Piers Plowman
Alliterative revivals
God's peace and king's peace : the laws of Edward the Confessor
Dino Compagni's chronicle of Florence
Cities of ladies : Beguine communities in the medieval Low Countries, 1200-1565
Miracles and the medieval mind : theory, record and event, 1000-1215
The chronicle of San Juan de la Peña : a fourteenth-century official history of the crown of Aragon
Cultures of power : lordship, status, and process in twelfth-century Europe
The voice of my beloved : the Song of songs in western medieval Christianity
The Lady as saint : a collection of French hagiographic romances of the thirteenth century
The strange case of Ermine de Reims : a medieval woman between demons and saints
Land, liberties, and lordship in a late medieval countryside : agrarian structures and change in the Duchy of Wrocław
The First Crusade : the chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and other source materials
The Carolingians : a family who forged Europe
From ad hoc to routine : a case study in medieval bureaucracy
"Those of my blood" : constructing noble families in medieval Francia
Heresy and authority in medieval Europe : documents in translation
Spiritual economies : female monasticism in later medieval England
Florence and its church in the age of Dante
Old Norse images of women
Christianity and paganism, 350-750 : the conversion of Western Europe
Franciscans and the elixir of life : religion and science in the later Middle Ages
The history of the counts of Guines and lords of Ardres
Inventing the Berbers : history and ideology in the Maghrib
The laws of the Salian Franks
Women in Frankish society : marriage and the cloister, 500 to 900
Crusade and Christendom : annotated documents in translation from Innocent III to the fall of Acre, 1187-1291
Olivi and Franciscan poverty : the origins of the usus pauper controversy
Feudal society in medieval France : documents from the County of Champagne
The Farce of the fart and other ribaldries : twelve medieval French plays in modern English
Fictions of advice : the literature and politics of counsel in late medieval England
Crossing borders : love between women in medieval French and Arabic literatures
Gender and Jewish difference from Paul to Shakespeare
The Queen's hand : power and authority in the reign of Berenguela of Castile
Shaping romance : interpretation, truth, and closure in twelfth-century French fictions
The Fourth Crusade : the conquest of Constantinople
Affective meditation and the invention of medieval compassion
Reconquest and crusade in medieval Spain
Rural economy and country life in the medieval West
Enemies in the plaza : urban spectacle and the end of Spanish frontier culture, 1460-1492
William Langland's Piers Plowman : the C version : a verse translation
On the threshold of exact science : selected writings of Anneliese Maier on late medieval natural philosophy
The Cistercian evolution : the invention of a religious order in twelfth-century Europe
Unmarriages : women, men, and sexual unions in the Middle Ages
Medieval Iberia : readings from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sources
Trial by fire
A crisis of truth : literature and law in Ricardian England
Double agents : women and clerical culture in Anglo-Saxon England
The Kingdom of Sicily, 1100-1250 : a literary history
Roman defeat, Christian response, and the literary construction of the Jew
Gendered voices : medieval saints and their interpreters
Medieval law : lawyers and their work
City of saints : rebuilding Rome in the early Middle Ages
Iberian moorings : Al-Andalus, Sefarad, and the tropes of exceptionalism
Poisoned wells : accusations, persecution, and minorities in medieval Europe, 1321-1422
Colonial justice and the Jews of Venetian Crete
Faith, art, and politics at Saint-Riquier : the symbolic vision of Angilbert
The manly priest : clerical celibacy, masculinity, and reform in England and Normandy, 1066-1300
Liquid assets, dangerous gifts : presents and politics at the end of the Middle Ages
Franks, Moravians, and Magyars : the struggle for the Middle Danube, 788-907
Ennobling love : in search of a lost sensibility
Aristocracy in Provence : the Rhône Basin at the dawn of the Carolingian Age
Trial by fire
The curse of Eve, the wound of the hero : blood, gender, and medieval literature
Chaucer aloud : the varieties of textual interpretation
Allegory and philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sînâ) : with a translation of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad's ascent to heaven
From virile woman to womanChrist : studies in medieval religion and literature
Medieval government : the world of kings and warriors
Patriarchy and families of privilege in fifteenth-century England
Conversion and narrative : reading and religious authority in Medieval polemic
The Gibraltar crusade : Castile and the battle for the Strait
The making and unmaking of a saint : hagiography and memory in the cult of Gerald of Aurillac
Agriculture in the Middle Ages : technology, practice, and representation
The English alliterative tradition
Trial by battle
Gilding the market : luxury and fashion in fourteenth-century Italy
The Middle English Bible : a reassessment
The tongue of the fathers : gender and ideology in the twelfth-century Latin
The romance of the rose, or, Guillaume de Dole
The aristocracy in the county of Champagne, 1100-1300
Medieval theory of authorship : scholastic literary attitudes in the later Middle Ages
The Usatges of Barcelona : the fundamental law of Catalonia
Written work : Langland, labor, and authorship
The song of Troilus : lyric authority in the medieval book
The art of love : amatory fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the Rose
A tainted mantle : Hercules and the classical tradition at the Carolingian Court
The Kingdom of León-Castilla under King Alfonso VII, 1126-1157
Before the Knight's tale : imitation of classical epic in Boccaccio's Teseida
The Black Death and pastoral leadership : the Diocese of Hereford in the fourteenth century
Medieval Italy : texts in translation
Uncommon dominion : Venetian Crete and the myth of ethnic purity
Aquinas and the Jews
Conquerors, brides, and concubines : interfaith relations and social power in medieval Iberia
Medieval theory of authorship : scholastic literary attitudes in the later Middle Ages
Popes, lawyers, and infidels : the church and the non-Christian world, 1250-1550
The beguines of medieval Paris : gender, patronage, and spiritual authority
The envy of angels : cathedral schools and social ideals in medieval Europe, 950-1200
Women in medieval society
On the government of rulers : De regimine principum
Meister Eckhart : thought and language
The Republic of St. Peter : the birth of the Papal State, 680-825
Images of adventure : Ywain in the visual arts
Visualizing women in the Middle Ages : sight, spectacle, and scopic economy
The medieval new : ambivalence in an age of innovation
Law, church, and society : essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner
The chronicle of Theophanes : an English translation of anni mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813)
The Voice of the trobairitz : perspectives on the women troubadours
Rereading Beowulf
God and the goddesses : vision, poetry, and belief in the Middle Ages
Be a perfect man : Christian masculinity and the Carolingian aristocracy
Poetics of the Incarnation : Middle English writing and the leap of love
Dark speech : the performance of law in early Ireland
Images, iconoclasm, and the Carolingians
The Trotula : an English translation of the medieval compendium of women's medicine
A history of Old English meter
Adam Usk's secret
The English medieval landscape
Dante's Christian astrology
Dante's political Purgatory
Lovesickness in the Middle Ages : the Viaticum and its commentaries
After the Black Death : plague and commemoration among Iberian Jews
Censure and heresy at the University of Paris, 1200-1400
Ransoming captives in crusader Spain : the Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic frontier
Righteous persecution : inquisition, Dominicans, and Christianity in the Middle Ages
Hastening toward Prague : power and society in the medieval Czech lands
The knowledge of childhood in the German Middle Ages, 1100-1350
The investiture controversy : church and monarchy from the ninth to the twelfth century
The visual object of desire in late medieval England
Dear Sister : medieval women and the epistolary genre
The Anglo-Norman nobility in the reign of Henry I : the second generation
Pope and bishops : the papal monarchy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
The Code of Cuenca : municipal law on the twelfth-century Castilian frontier
The Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritage
The guitar of God : gender, power, and authority in the visionary world of Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481-1534
Rethinking The romance of the Rose : text, image, reception
The learned king : the reign of Alfonso X of Castile
Texts of the passion : Latin devotional literature and medieval society
The late Byzantine army : arms and society, 1204-1453
Early Carolingian warfare : prelude to empire
Marriage, sex, and civic culture in late medieval London
Count and bishop in medieval Germany : a study of regional power, 1100-1350
Women in medieval society
Gender and heresy : women and men in Lollard communities, 1420-1530
A crisis of truth : literature and law in Ricardian England
Albertanus of Brescia : the pursuit of happiness in the early thirteenth century
The Barons' Crusade : a call to arms and its consequences
Before the Normans : Southern Italy in the ninth and tenth centuries
The good women of the parish : gender and religion after the Black Death
The book of Sainte Foy
Animal encounters : contacts and concepts in medieval Britain
Prophetic song : the Psalms as moral discourse in late Medieval England
Indecent exposure : gender, politics, and obscene comedy in Middle English literature
The Cortes of Castile-León, 1188-1350
Wonderful blood : theology and practice in late medieval northern Germany and beyond
The feast of Saint Abraham : medieval millenarians and the Jews
Medieval robots : mechanism, magic, nature, and art
The loving subject : desire, eloquence, and power in Romanesque France
The First Crusade and the idea of crusading
Before the Knight's tale : imitation of classical epic in Boccaccio's Teseida
The performance of self : ritual, clothing, and identity during the Hundred Years War
The book of chivalry of Geoffroi de Charny : text, context, and translation
Sisters and brothers of the common life : the Devotio Moderna and the world of the later Middle Ages
Boccaccio's last fiction, "Il Corbaccio"
Charity and welfare : hospitals and the poor in medieval Catalonia
Fallible authors : Chaucer's Pardoner and Wife of Bath
The Saxon mirror : a Sachsenspiegel of the fourteenth century
Rewriting saints and ancestors : memory and forgetting in France, 500-1200
From servitude to freedom : manumission in the Sénonais in the thirteenth century
Medieval Iberia : readings from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sources
Before Orientalism : Asian peoples and cultures in European travel writing, 1245-1510
Crisis and continuity : land and town in late medieval Castile
Brides and doom : gender, property, and power in medieval German women's epic
The French monarchy and the Jews : from Philip Augustus to the last Capetians
Writing East : the "travels" of Sir John Mandeville
Witchcraft in Europe, 1100-1700 : a documentary history
The Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritage
Early Carolingian warfare : prelude to empire
Last things : death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages
The late Byzantine army : arms and society, 1204-1453
Covert operations : the medieval uses of secrecy
Periodization and sovereignty : how ideas of feudalism and secularization govern the politics of time
Sacred fictions : holy women and hagiography in late antiquity
The queen's dumbshows : John Lydgate and the making of early theater
Comercio y comerciantes en la España Musulmana : la reordenación comercial de la Península Ibérica del 900 al 1500
The Coutumes de Beauvaisis of Philippe de Beaumanoir
The garden of delights : reform and renaissance for women in the twelfth century
The last christology of the West : adoptionism in Spain and Gaul, 785-820
Venomous tongues : speech and gender in late medieval England
Divided Houses
The origins of courtliness : civilizing trends and the formation of courtly ideals, 939-1210
On original sin ; and, A disputation with the Jew, Leo, concerning the Advent of Christ, the Son of God : two theological treatises
The Alexandreis of Walter of Châtillon : a twelfth-century epic
The song in the story : lyric insertions in French narrative fiction, 1200-1400
Between Christian and Jew : conversion and inquisition in the crown of Aragon, 1250-1391
Maurice's Strategikon : handbook of Byzantine military strategy
The world of Piers Plowman
Order and chivalry : knighthood and citizenship in late medieval Castile
From boys to men : formations of masculinity in late medieval Europe
Beowulf and other Old English poems
Spiritual seeing : picturing God's invisibility in medieval art
Parrots and nightingales : troubadour quotations and the development of European poetry
The First Crusade and the idea of crusading
That most precious merchandise : the Mediterranean trade in Black Sea slaves, 1260-1500
Roads to health : infrastructure and urban wellbeing in later medieval Italy
Preachers, partisans, and rebellious religion : vernacular writing and the Hussite movement
Thou art the man : the masculinity of David in the Christian and Jewish Middle Ages
How the Anglo-Saxons read their poems
Household goods and good households in late medieval London : consumption and domesticity after the plague
Reimagining Christendom : writing Iceland's bishops into the Roman Church, 1200-1350
That most precious merchandise : the Mediterranean trade in Black Sea slaves, 1260-1500
Conversion, circumcision, and ritual murder in medieval Europe
Cursed kings
The corrupter of boys : sodomy, scandal, and the medieval clergy
Black metaphors : how modern racism emerged from medieval race-thinking
Inventing William of Norwich : Thomas of Monmouth, antisemitism, and literary culture, 1150-1200
Making love in the twelfth century : letters of two lovers in context
England's Jews : finance, violence, and the Crown in the thirteenth century
In the manner of the Franks : hunting, kingship, and masculinity in early medieval Europe
Nature speaks : medieval literature and Aristotelian philosophy