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- Middle AgesUniversity of Pennsylvania Press Middle Ages seriesThe Middle Ages seriesMiddle Age seriesThe Middle Ages
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- Ruth Mazo Karras, series editor ; Edward Peters, founding editor
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- The Etablissements de Saint Louis : thirteenth-century law texts from Tours, Orléans, and ParisBarbarian tides : the migration age and the later Roman EmpireThe complete Old English poemsMen raised from the dust : administrative service and upward mobility in Angevin EnglandHistory of the LombardsThe promised lands : the Low Countries under Burgundian rule, 1369-1530Courtly love undressed : reading through clothes in medieval French culturePoems of the Elder EddaUnderworlds : the Dead, the Criminal, and the MarginalizedA knight's own book of chivalryA state of deference : Ragusa/Dubrovnik in the medieval centuriesRhinoceros bound : Cluny in the tenth centuryThe magician, the witch, and the lawWomen in Frankish society : marriage and the cloister, 500 to 900The king's other body : María of Castile and the crown of AragonThe English parliament in the Middle AgesPower play : the literature and politics of chess in the Late Middle AgesThe royal forests of medieval EnglandThe capture of Constantinople : the Hystoria Constantinopolitana of Gunther of PairisIn light of another's word : European ethnography in the Middle AgesHoly warriors : the religious ideology of chivalryLand and lordship : structures of governance in medieval AustriaBigamy and Christian identity in late medieval ChampagneChurch reform and social change in eleventh-century Italy : Dominic of Sora and his patronsA plague of insurrection : popular politics and peasant revolt in Flanders, 1323-1328Olivi's peaceable kingdom : a reading of the Apocalypse commentaryJohn Capgrave's fifteenth centurySovereign fantasies : Arthurian romance and the making of BritainFallen bodies : pollution, sexuality, and demonology in the Middle AgesMedieval boundaries : rethinking difference in Old French literatureFelony and misdemeanor : a study in the history of criminal lawAristocratic women in medieval FranceThe Trotula : a medieval compendium of women's medicineTalking animals : medieval Latin beast poetry, 750-1150Singing the new song : literacy and liturgy in late medieval EnglandEmperor of culture : Alfonso X the Learned of Castile and his thirteenth-century RenaissanceThe voice of my beloved : the Song of Songs in western medieval ChristianityInquisition and power : Catharism and the confessing subject in medieval LanguedocReconquest and crusade in medieval SpainAdventures in speech : rhetoric and narration in Boccaccio's DecameronThe people of the parish : community life in a late medieval English dioceseMaking history : the Normans and their historians in eleventh-century ItalyMiracles and the medieval mind : theory, record, and event, 1000-1215Trial by battleOrdines coronationis Franciae : texts and ordines for the coronation of Frankish and French kings and queens in the Middle AgesGender and Christianity in medieval Europe : new perspectivesAngels and earthly creatures : preaching, performance, and gender in the later Middle AgesDiana's hunt : Caccia di Diana : Boccaccio's first fictionOther Middle Ages : witnesses at the margins of medieval societyAnatomy of a crusade, 1213-1221The investiture controversy : church and monarchy from the ninth to the twelfth centuryThe Expansion of Europe : the first phaseNegotiating the landscape : environment and monastic identity in the medieval ArdennesSeeing the Gawain-poet : description and the act of perceptionThe medieval culture of disputation : pedagogy, practice, and performanceThe Fourth Crusade : the conquest of Constantinople, 1201-1204The judgment of the Trojan prince Paris in medieval literatureOlivier de Clisson and political society in France under Charles V and Charles VIText and territory : geographical imagination in the European Middle AgesListening for the text : on the uses of the pastNo place of rest : Jewish literature, expulsion, and the memory of medieval FranceThe lost history of Piers Plowman : the earliest transmission of Langland's workLyric tactics : poetry, genre, and practice in later medieval EnglandVassals, heiresses, crusaders, and thugs : the gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216Beasts and birds of the Middle Ages : the bestiary and its legacyThe Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritageWomen in medieval history & historiographyThe Crusades and the Christian world of the East : rough toleranceHenry the liberal : Count of Champagne, 1127-1181Gentile tales : the narrative assault on late medieval JewsOld age in late medieval EnglandThe apocalyptic imagination in medieval literatureThe medieval church : the world of clerics and laymenFamily, commerce, and the sea : the worlds of women and merchantsNowhere in the Middle AgesThe earliest Irish and English bookarts : visual and poetic forms before A.D. 1000The silk industries of medieval Paris : artisanal migration, technological innovation, and gendered experienceDante's Italy, and other essaysRepression of heresy in medieval GermanyLooking inward : devotional reading and the private self in late medieval EnglandLost letters of medieval life : English society, 1200-1250Law and the illicit in medieval EuropeDaily life in the world of Charlemagne : with expanded footnotesLives of the anchoresses : the rise of the urban recluse in medieval EuropeDay of reckoning : power and accountability in medieval FranceNordic religions in the Viking AgeParis in the Middle AgesMedieval woman's song : cross-cultural approachesWriting women in late Medieval and early modern Spain : the mothers of Saint Teresa of AvilaTo live like a Moor : christian perceptions of Muslim identity in medieval and early modern SpainOrdering medieval society : perspectives on intellectual and practical modes of shaping social relationsThe Fourth Crusade : the conquest of ConstantinopleIsabel the Queen : life and timesThe making of a Mediterranean emirate : Ifrīqiyā and its Andalusis, 1200-1400From Eden to eternity : creations of paradise in the later Middle AgesThe romance of adultery : queenship and sexual transgression in Old French literaturePast convictions : the penance of Louis the Pious and the decline of the CarolingiansWitchcraft and magic in the Nordic Middle AgesAuthorship and publicity before print : Jean Gerson and the transformation of late medieval learningMary Magdalene and the drama of saints : theater, gender, and religion in late medieval EnglandThe road to judgment : from custom to court in medieval Ireland and WalesThe world of Piers PlowmanAlliterative revivalsGod's peace and king's peace : the laws of Edward the ConfessorDino Compagni's chronicle of FlorenceCities of ladies : Beguine communities in the medieval Low Countries, 1200-1565Miracles and the medieval mind : theory, record and event, 1000-1215The chronicle of San Juan de la Peña : a fourteenth-century official history of the crown of AragonCultures of power : lordship, status, and process in twelfth-century EuropeThe voice of my beloved : the Song of songs in western medieval ChristianityThe Lady as saint : a collection of French hagiographic romances of the thirteenth centuryThe strange case of Ermine de Reims : a medieval woman between demons and saintsLand, liberties, and lordship in a late medieval countryside : agrarian structures and change in the Duchy of WrocławThe First Crusade : the chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and other source materialsThe Carolingians : a family who forged EuropeFrom ad hoc to routine : a case study in medieval bureaucracy"Those of my blood" : constructing noble families in medieval FranciaHeresy and authority in medieval Europe : documents in translationSpiritual economies : female monasticism in later medieval EnglandFlorence and its church in the age of DanteOld Norse images of womenChristianity and paganism, 350-750 : the conversion of Western EuropeFranciscans and the elixir of life : religion and science in the later Middle AgesThe history of the counts of Guines and lords of ArdresInventing the Berbers : history and ideology in the MaghribThe laws of the Salian FranksWomen in Frankish society : marriage and the cloister, 500 to 900Crusade and Christendom : annotated documents in translation from Innocent III to the fall of Acre, 1187-1291Olivi and Franciscan poverty : the origins of the usus pauper controversyFeudal society in medieval France : documents from the County of ChampagneThe Farce of the fart and other ribaldries : twelve medieval French plays in modern EnglishFictions of advice : the literature and politics of counsel in late medieval EnglandCrossing borders : love between women in medieval French and Arabic literaturesGender and Jewish difference from Paul to ShakespeareThe Queen's hand : power and authority in the reign of Berenguela of CastileShaping romance : interpretation, truth, and closure in twelfth-century French fictionsThe Fourth Crusade : the conquest of ConstantinopleAffective meditation and the invention of medieval compassionReconquest and crusade in medieval SpainRural economy and country life in the medieval WestEnemies in the plaza : urban spectacle and the end of Spanish frontier culture, 1460-1492William Langland's Piers Plowman : the C version : a verse translationOn the threshold of exact science : selected writings of Anneliese Maier on late medieval natural philosophyThe Cistercian evolution : the invention of a religious order in twelfth-century EuropeUnmarriages : women, men, and sexual unions in the Middle AgesMedieval Iberia : readings from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sourcesTrial by fireA crisis of truth : literature and law in Ricardian EnglandDouble agents : women and clerical culture in Anglo-Saxon EnglandThe Kingdom of Sicily, 1100-1250 : a literary historyRoman defeat, Christian response, and the literary construction of the JewGendered voices : medieval saints and their interpretersMedieval law : lawyers and their workCity of saints : rebuilding Rome in the early Middle AgesIberian moorings : Al-Andalus, Sefarad, and the tropes of exceptionalismPoisoned wells : accusations, persecution, and minorities in medieval Europe, 1321-1422Colonial justice and the Jews of Venetian CreteFaith, art, and politics at Saint-Riquier : the symbolic vision of AngilbertThe manly priest : clerical celibacy, masculinity, and reform in England and Normandy, 1066-1300Liquid assets, dangerous gifts : presents and politics at the end of the Middle AgesFranks, Moravians, and Magyars : the struggle for the Middle Danube, 788-907Ennobling love : in search of a lost sensibilityAristocracy in Provence : the Rhône Basin at the dawn of the Carolingian AgeTrial by fireThe curse of Eve, the wound of the hero : blood, gender, and medieval literatureChaucer aloud : the varieties of textual interpretationAllegory and philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sînâ) : with a translation of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad's ascent to heavenFrom virile woman to womanChrist : studies in medieval religion and literatureMedieval government : the world of kings and warriorsPatriarchy and families of privilege in fifteenth-century EnglandConversion and narrative : reading and religious authority in Medieval polemicThe Gibraltar crusade : Castile and the battle for the StraitThe making and unmaking of a saint : hagiography and memory in the cult of Gerald of AurillacAgriculture in the Middle Ages : technology, practice, and representationThe English alliterative traditionTrial by battleGilding the market : luxury and fashion in fourteenth-century ItalyThe Middle English Bible : a reassessmentThe tongue of the fathers : gender and ideology in the twelfth-century LatinThe romance of the rose, or, Guillaume de DoleThe aristocracy in the county of Champagne, 1100-1300Medieval theory of authorship : scholastic literary attitudes in the later Middle AgesThe Usatges of Barcelona : the fundamental law of CataloniaWritten work : Langland, labor, and authorshipThe song of Troilus : lyric authority in the medieval bookThe art of love : amatory fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the RoseA tainted mantle : Hercules and the classical tradition at the Carolingian CourtThe Kingdom of León-Castilla under King Alfonso VII, 1126-1157Before the Knight's tale : imitation of classical epic in Boccaccio's TeseidaThe Black Death and pastoral leadership : the Diocese of Hereford in the fourteenth centuryMedieval Italy : texts in translationUncommon dominion : Venetian Crete and the myth of ethnic purityAquinas and the JewsConquerors, brides, and concubines : interfaith relations and social power in medieval IberiaMedieval theory of authorship : scholastic literary attitudes in the later Middle AgesPopes, lawyers, and infidels : the church and the non-Christian world, 1250-1550The beguines of medieval Paris : gender, patronage, and spiritual authorityThe envy of angels : cathedral schools and social ideals in medieval Europe, 950-1200Women in medieval societyErecOn the government of rulers : De regimine principumMeister Eckhart : thought and languageThe Republic of St. Peter : the birth of the Papal State, 680-825Images of adventure : Ywain in the visual artsVisualizing women in the Middle Ages : sight, spectacle, and scopic economyThe medieval new : ambivalence in an age of innovationLaw, church, and society : essays in honor of Stephan KuttnerThe chronicle of Theophanes : an English translation of anni mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813)The Voice of the trobairitz : perspectives on the women troubadoursRereading BeowulfGod and the goddesses : vision, poetry, and belief in the Middle AgesBe a perfect man : Christian masculinity and the Carolingian aristocracyPoetics of the Incarnation : Middle English writing and the leap of loveDark speech : the performance of law in early IrelandImages, iconoclasm, and the CarolingiansThe Trotula : an English translation of the medieval compendium of women's medicineA history of Old English meterAdam Usk's secretThe English medieval landscapeDante's Christian astrologyDante's political PurgatoryLovesickness in the Middle Ages : the Viaticum and its commentariesAfter the Black Death : plague and commemoration among Iberian JewsCensure and heresy at the University of Paris, 1200-1400Ransoming captives in crusader Spain : the Order of Merced on the Christian-Islamic frontierRighteous persecution : inquisition, Dominicans, and Christianity in the Middle AgesHastening toward Prague : power and society in the medieval Czech landsThe knowledge of childhood in the German Middle Ages, 1100-1350The investiture controversy : church and monarchy from the ninth to the twelfth centuryThe visual object of desire in late medieval EnglandDear Sister : medieval women and the epistolary genreThe Anglo-Norman nobility in the reign of Henry I : the second generationPope and bishops : the papal monarchy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuriesThe Code of Cuenca : municipal law on the twelfth-century Castilian frontierThe Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritageThe guitar of God : gender, power, and authority in the visionary world of Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481-1534Rethinking The romance of the Rose : text, image, receptionThe learned king : the reign of Alfonso X of CastileTexts of the passion : Latin devotional literature and medieval societyThe late Byzantine army : arms and society, 1204-1453Early Carolingian warfare : prelude to empireMarriage, sex, and civic culture in late medieval LondonCount and bishop in medieval Germany : a study of regional power, 1100-1350Women in medieval societyGender and heresy : women and men in Lollard communities, 1420-1530A crisis of truth : literature and law in Ricardian EnglandAlbertanus of Brescia : the pursuit of happiness in the early thirteenth centuryThe Barons' Crusade : a call to arms and its consequencesBefore the Normans : Southern Italy in the ninth and tenth centuriesThe good women of the parish : gender and religion after the Black DeathThe book of Sainte FoyAnimal encounters : contacts and concepts in medieval BritainProphetic song : the Psalms as moral discourse in late Medieval EnglandIndecent exposure : gender, politics, and obscene comedy in Middle English literatureThe Cortes of Castile-León, 1188-1350Wonderful blood : theology and practice in late medieval northern Germany and beyondThe feast of Saint Abraham : medieval millenarians and the JewsMedieval robots : mechanism, magic, nature, and artThe loving subject : desire, eloquence, and power in Romanesque FranceThe First Crusade and the idea of crusadingBefore the Knight's tale : imitation of classical epic in Boccaccio's TeseidaThe performance of self : ritual, clothing, and identity during the Hundred Years WarThe book of chivalry of Geoffroi de Charny : text, context, and translationSisters and brothers of the common life : the Devotio Moderna and the world of the later Middle AgesBoccaccio's last fiction, "Il Corbaccio"Charity and welfare : hospitals and the poor in medieval CataloniaFallible authors : Chaucer's Pardoner and Wife of BathThe Saxon mirror : a Sachsenspiegel of the fourteenth centuryRewriting saints and ancestors : memory and forgetting in France, 500-1200From servitude to freedom : manumission in the Sénonais in the thirteenth centuryMedieval Iberia : readings from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sourcesBefore Orientalism : Asian peoples and cultures in European travel writing, 1245-1510Crisis and continuity : land and town in late medieval CastileBrides and doom : gender, property, and power in medieval German women's epicThe French monarchy and the Jews : from Philip Augustus to the last CapetiansWriting East : the "travels" of Sir John MandevilleWitchcraft in Europe, 1100-1700 : a documentary historyThe Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritageEarly Carolingian warfare : prelude to empireLast things : death and the Apocalypse in the Middle AgesThe late Byzantine army : arms and society, 1204-1453Covert operations : the medieval uses of secrecyPeriodization and sovereignty : how ideas of feudalism and secularization govern the politics of timeSacred fictions : holy women and hagiography in late antiquityThe queen's dumbshows : John Lydgate and the making of early theaterComercio y comerciantes en la España Musulmana : la reordenación comercial de la Península Ibérica del 900 al 1500The Coutumes de Beauvaisis of Philippe de BeaumanoirThe garden of delights : reform and renaissance for women in the twelfth centuryThe last christology of the West : adoptionism in Spain and Gaul, 785-820Venomous tongues : speech and gender in late medieval EnglandDivided HousesThe origins of courtliness : civilizing trends and the formation of courtly ideals, 939-1210On original sin ; and, A disputation with the Jew, Leo, concerning the Advent of Christ, the Son of God : two theological treatisesThe Alexandreis of Walter of Châtillon : a twelfth-century epicThe song in the story : lyric insertions in French narrative fiction, 1200-1400Between Christian and Jew : conversion and inquisition in the crown of Aragon, 1250-1391Maurice's Strategikon : handbook of Byzantine military strategyThe world of Piers PlowmanOrder and chivalry : knighthood and citizenship in late medieval CastileFrom boys to men : formations of masculinity in late medieval EuropeBeowulf and other Old English poemsSpiritual seeing : picturing God's invisibility in medieval artParrots and nightingales : troubadour quotations and the development of European poetryThe First Crusade and the idea of crusadingThat most precious merchandise : the Mediterranean trade in Black Sea slaves, 1260-1500Roads to health : infrastructure and urban wellbeing in later medieval ItalyPreachers, partisans, and rebellious religion : vernacular writing and the Hussite movementThou art the man : the masculinity of David in the Christian and Jewish Middle AgesHow the Anglo-Saxons read their poemsHousehold goods and good households in late medieval London : consumption and domesticity after the plagueReimagining Christendom : writing Iceland's bishops into the Roman Church, 1200-1350That most precious merchandise : the Mediterranean trade in Black Sea slaves, 1260-1500Conversion, circumcision, and ritual murder in medieval EuropeCursed kingsThe corrupter of boys : sodomy, scandal, and the medieval clergyBlack metaphors : how modern racism emerged from medieval race-thinkingInventing William of Norwich : Thomas of Monmouth, antisemitism, and literary culture, 1150-1200Making love in the twelfth century : letters of two lovers in contextEngland's Jews : finance, violence, and the Crown in the thirteenth centuryIn the manner of the Franks : hunting, kingship, and masculinity in early medieval EuropeNature speaks : medieval literature and Aristotelian philosophy