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- 9788932240268
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- Regionalism within multilateralism : WTO review mechanisms for RTAsFinancial market integration in East Asia : regional or global?An empirical assessment of a tradeoff between FDI and exportsEmpirical tests of comparative advantage : factor proportions, technology, and geographyFear of inflation : exchange rate pass-through in East AsiaKorea's monetary policy responses to the global financial crisisA framework for exchange rate policy in KoreaInternational capital market imperfections : evidence from geographical features of international consumption risk sharingRegional financial arrangement in East Asia : policy proposal for strengthening the Chiang Mai initiative multilateralizationGovernment Spending Policy Uncertainty and Economic Activity : U.S. Time Series EvidenceRising income inequality and competition : evidenceDynamis of open economy business cycle models the case of KoreaThe impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth : a case study of IrelandWho goes where and how? : firm heterogeneity and location decision of Korean multinationalsToward liberalization of international direct investment in Korea : retrospects and prospectsIntra-industry trade and productivity structure : application of a Cournot-Ricardian modelAn assessment of inflation targeting in a quantitative monetary business cycle frameworkThe effect of restructuring on labor reallocation and productivity growth : an estimation for KoreaImpact of foreign direct investment liberalization : the case of KoreaThe effect of labor market institutions on FDI inflowsThe impact of trade liberalization in AfricaIndirect subsidization under WTO disciplines : financial contribution to one entity, benefit to anotherExchange rate uncertainty and free trade agreement between Japan and KoreaPotential impact of changes in consumer preferences on trade in the Korean and world motor vehicle industryRegional borders and trade in AsiaImplications of economic reforms in CEECs for DAEs : with emphasis on the Korean caseA short-term export forecasting model using input-output tablesMacroeconomic adjustments and the real economy in Korea and Malaysia since 1997Exchange rate volatilities and time-varying risk premium in East AsiaThe relations between government R&D and private R&D expenditure in the APEC economies : a time series analysisA roadmap for the Asian exchange rate mechanismHas trade intensity in ASEAN+3 really increased? : evidence from a gravity analysisTrade openness and vertical integration : evidence from Korean firm-level dataLabor market flexibility and different job-matching technologies across regions in India : an analysis of state-level disaggregate matching functionsThe decision to invest abroad : the case of Korean multinationalsIn search of an effective role for ASEM : combating international corruptionChina's development finance to Asia : characteristics and implicationsAPEC's eco-tech : prospects and issuesExternal adjustment under increasing integration in Korean economyFlexible BBC exchange rate system and exchange rate cooperation in East AsiaIssues in capital account liberalization in Asian developing countriesFirm heterogeneity in the choice of offshoring : evidence from Korean manufacturing firmsCultural differences in the crusade against international briberyDeterminants of international labor migration to KoreaTrade integration and business cycle co-movements : the case of Korea with other Asian countriesA note on Korea's anti-dumping system and practicesInternational trade in softwareNorth Korea's economic reform under an international frameworkTrade integration and business cycle synchronization in East AsiaCompetition policies and the transfer pricing of multinational enterprisesImpacts of exchange rates on employment in three Asian countries : Korea, Malaysia, and the PhilippinesCurrency conversion in the anti-dumping agreementDoes the gravity model fit Korea's trade patterns? : implications for Korea's FTA policy and North-South Korean tradeChanges in industrial interdependency between Japan and Korea since 1985 : an application of international input-output analysisThe determinants of cross-border M&As : the role of institutions and financial development in gravity modelSpecialization and geographical concentration in East Asia : trend and industry characteristicsSub-prime financial crisis and US policy choicesMultilateral engagement in North Korea's economic rehabilitation and possible establishment of trust fundsRegional currency unit in Asia : property and perspectiveStructural changes in Korea's exports and the role of the EC marketEurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) : legal aspect of regional trade integrationPush vs. pull factors of capital flows revisited : a cross-country analysisLiberalization of trade in services and productivity growth in KoreaA theory of economic sanctionsImplications of APEC trade liberalization on the OECD countries : an empirical analysis based on a CGE modelThe liberalization of banking sector in Korea : impact on the Korean economyInternational transmission of US monetary policy surprisesInequality and growth : nonlinear evidence from heterogeneous panel dataAre Asian business cycles different?Patent infringement and strategic trade policies : R&D and export subsidiesDeterminants of exports : productivity or fixed export costsEconomic integration in Northeast Asia : searching for a feasible approachFDI inflows, exports and economic growth in first and second generation ANIEs : panel data causality analysesVietnam's low national competitiveness : causes, implications and suggestions for improvementMeasuring tariff equivalents in cross-border trade in servicesThe ANIEs : an intermediate absorber of intreregional exports?Nonlinear effects of government debt on private consumption in OECD countriesThe effects of capital outflows from neighboring countries on a home country's terms of trade and real exchange rate : the case of East AsiaUnderstanding wage inequality : trade, technology, and locationWho gains benefits from tax incentives for foreign direct investment in Korea?Exchange rates, shocks and inter-dependency in East Asia : lessons from a multinational modelGeneral equilibrium analysis of DDA trade liberalization : assessment of alternative scenariosTransport costs, relative prices, and international risk sharingEcommerce and firm performance : evidence from KoreaChanging world trade environment and new political economicsThe causal relationship between trade and FDI : implication for India and East Asian countriesImpacts of free trade agreements on structural adjustment in the OECD : panel data analysisEconomic effects of import source diversification policy (ISDP)Tax implications of international capital mobilityThe effect of exchange rate volatility on productivity of Korean manufacturing plants : market average rate regime vs free floatingAn assessment of the APEC's progress toward the Bogor goals : a political economy approach to tariff reductionsHow far has regional integration deepened? : evidence from trade in servicesGlobalization and strategic alliance among semiconductor firms in the Asia-Pacific : a korean perspectiveStrategic partnering activity by European firms through the ESPRIT ProgrammeHanging together : exchange rate dynamics between Japan and KoreaJoining pre-existing international production networks : implications for India's economic integration to East AsiaIssues in Korean trade 1999 : trends, disputes & trade policyWhat determined 2015 TPA voting pattern? : the role of trade negotiating objectivesImpact of FDI on competition : the Korean experienceExperimental economic approaches on trade negotiationsMeasurement and determinants of trade in value addedNew evidence on high interest rate policy during the Korean crisisLearning in negotiations : an experimental studyEast Asian-Latin American economic relations : a Korean perspective after the international financial crisisThe emerging WTO and new trade issues - Korea's role and prioritiesEmpirical assessment of trade engagements : Africa, China and the Maritime Belt and Road InitiativeFinancial integration and consumption risk sharing in East AsiaEmpirical analyses of U.S. congressional voting on recent FTA billsInequality and fiscal policy effectivenessFinance and economic development in East AsiaNatural resources, governance, and economic growth in AfricaHow FTAs affect income levels of member countries : converge or diverge?Investment puzzle : deeper rootsImpact of China's accession to the WTO and policy implications for Asia-pacific developing economiesThe spillover effects of regional trade agreements on tradeSources of comparative advantage in services : institution vs. social capitalFinancial market integration and income inequalityCOVID-19 and the health of banking sector in Japan and South Korea : a comparative studyEcotech and FEEEP in APECExchange rate regimes and monetary independence in East AsiaConsidering happiness for economic development : determinants of happiness in IndonesiaIncome distribution and growth under a synthesis model of endogenous and neoclassical growthAnti-dumping restrictions against Korean exports : major focus on consumer electronic productsImpact of rules of origin on FTA utilization in Korean FTAsGeographic concentration and industry characteristics : an empirical investigation of East AsiaTotal factor productivity growth in Korean industry and its relationship with export growthCorporate leverage, bankruptcy, and output adjustment in post-crisis East AsiaDevelopment of foreign trade relations between Korea and RussiaWhat kinds of countries have more free trade partner countries? : count regression analysisChanging patterns of Korea's trade in goods and servicesThe effects of NAFTA on Mexico's economy and politicsTrade policy mix under the WTO : protection of TRIPS and R&D subsidiesReal convergence and European integration : what factors make the difference in growth at regional level?Measuring arbitrage costs from relative prices : implications for the PPP puzzleRegional difference and counterfactual decomposition of pro-poor growth : an application to rural EthiopiaKorea's overseas direct investment : evaluation of performances and future challengesUsing panel data to exactly estimate income under-reporting by the self employedLeveraging technology for strategic advantage in the global market : case of the Korean electronics industryIntra-industry trade in an enlarged Europe : trend of intra-industry trade in the European Union and its determinantsAn examination of the formation of natural trading blocs in East AsiaA roadmap for East Asian monetary integration : the necessary first stepCompetition and complementarity in Northeast Asian trade : Korea's perspectiveThe impact of Chinese economic structural changes on Korea's exports to ChinaStrategic trade policy with Border Carbon AdjustmentsRegional economic cooperation bodies in the Asia-Pacific : working mechanism and linkagesFinance and economic development in KoreaComplementarity of horizontal and vertical multinational activitiesTo whom does outward FDI give jobs?A predictive system for international trade growthA quantitative assessment of credit guarantee scheme in Asian bond marketsKorea's FDI outflows : choice of locations and effect on tradeDeterminants of staging categories for the tariff elimination in the FTA negotiationsLabor market flexibility and FDI : evidence from OECD countriesTrade in intermediate goods : implications for productivity and welfare in KoreaEstimating regional matching efficiency in the Indian labor market : state-level panel data for 1999-2013Does FDI mode of entry matter for economic performance? : the case of KoreaTrade liberalization, intra-industry reallocation of labor and trade adjustment assistanceComparative advantage of value added in exports : the role of offshoring and transaction costsInternational capital flows and business cycles in the Asia Pacific regionWhat can North Korea learn from transition economies' reform process?Dynamics of open economy business cycle models : the case of KoreaMacroeconomic effects of capital account liberalization : the case of KoreaNew Delhi's 'Act East' and the India-ASEAN engagement : what they mean for India-Korea relations in the Indo-PacificAccess to credit and quality of education in VietnamA dynamic analysis of a Korea-Japan free trade area : simulations with the G-cubed Asia Pacific modelIncome distribution, intra-industry trade and foreign direct investment in East AsiaDeterminants of domestic public debt crisisMarginal intra-industry trade, trade-induced adjustment costs and the choice of FTA partnersThe uruguay round negotiations and the Korean economyTrade structure and economic growth : a new look at the relationship between trade and growthReal frictions and real exchange rate dynamics : the roles of distribution service and transaction costA new measure of inter-industry distance and its application to the U.S. regional growthExchange rate policies in Korea : has exchange rate volatility increased after the crisis?Korea's foreign direct investment in Southeast AsiaCurrent status and prospects for Korea-Russian economic cooperationTechnology-related FDI climate in KoreaDeterminants and consequences of corporate social responsibility : evidence from the revision of the Company Act in IndiaAggregate shock, capital market opening, and optimal bailoutInformation and capital flows revisited : the Internet as a determinant of transactions in financial assetsFinancial liberalization, crises, and economic growthModels of exchange rate behavior : application to the yen and the markIs APEC moving towards the Bogor goal?European affiliations or national interests? : analyses of voting patterns on trade policy in European ParliamentExchange rate system in India : recent reforms, central bank policies and fundamental determinants of the rupee-dollar ratesAn Exploration of an integration index and its application for Asian regional communityReal exchange rate dynamics in the presence of nontraded goods and transaction costsDeterminants of Intra-FDI inflows in East Asia : does regional economic integration affect Intra-FDI?Election cycles and stock market reaction : international evidenceCan capital account liberalization lessen capital volatility in a country with 'original sin'?What explains current account surplus in Korea?Location choice of multinational companies in China : Korean and Japanese companiesIssues in capital account liberalization in Asian developing countriesNational treatment on internal taxation : revisiting GATT Article III:2Anatomy of the trade collapse, recovery, and slowdown : evidence from KoreaCorporate restructuring in Korea : empirical evaluationCompetition principles and policy in the APEC : how to proceed and link with WTOEconomic effects of anti-dumping duties : protectionist measures or trade remedies?Investment stagnation in East Asia and policy implications for sustainable growthEconomic impact of foreign debt in KoreaEconomic evaluation of three-stage approach to APEC's bogor goal of trade liberalizationThe macroeconomic consequences of terrorismHave efficiency and integration progressed in real capital markets of Europe and North America during 1988-1999?The impact of mutual recognition agreements on foreign direct investment and exportThe relationship between the WTO and APEC : trade policy options for APEC in the 21st centuryAn economic assessment of anti-dumping rules : from the perspective of competition laws and policyTechnology transfer : the Korean experienceThe distribution of optimal liquidity for economic growth and stabilityAnti-dumping duty and firm heterogeneity : evidence from KoreaComparative advantage, outward foreign direct investment and average industry productivity : theory and evidenceBailout and conglomerationCan English proficiency boost international trade in services?How to mobilize the Asian savings within the region : securitization and credit enhancement for the development of East Asia's bond marketKorea's FDI into China : determinants of the provincial distributionExpansion strategies of South Korean multinationalsPatent protection and strategic trade policyE-finance development in KoreaGerman economy after unification - facts, prospects and implications for KoreaRegional vs. global risk sharing in East AsiaInstitutional quality, trade costs and comparative advantageThe effect of export insurance and guarantees on export performance : an empirical analysis for KoreaBargaining and war : on the communication equilibrium in conflict gamesHow does protectionist trade policy interact with FDI?Stakeholders' interest relations in Korea's services trade liberalization : a political economy analysisThe effects of technological similarity and diversity on merger and innovationRestructuring and the role of international financial institutions : a Korean viewDeeper regional integration and global value chainsA quantitative trade model with unemploymentDefined contribution funded social security and labor supply : focus on Mexican social security reform in 1997Global financial imbalance : firm-level evidence from KoreaThe rise of China and the rebound in Korea's manufacturing employmentA study on the dynamics of foreign trade and the issues of regional economic integration in Central AsiaExchange rates and firm exports : the role of foreign ownership and subsidiaries