
Studies in history, economics, and public law


Studies in history, economics, and public law

AMS Press


American conservatives : the political thought of Francis Lieber and John W. Burgess外部サイトThe distribution of incomes in the United States外部サイトThe theory of fluctuations in contemporary economic thought外部サイトStudies in the theory of welfare economics外部サイトThe economic theory of cost of living index numbers外部サイトA history of military government in newly acquired territory of the United States外部サイトClearing and collections : foreign and domestic外部サイトHeresy and inquisition in Narbonne外部サイトEnglish local government of to-day : a study of the relations of central and local government外部サイトCanadian labor laws and the treaty外部サイトFrance and the Saar, 1680-1948外部サイトThe Whig Party in Pennsylvania外部サイトDevolution in Great Britain外部サイトLegal development in colonial Massachusetts, 1630-1686外部サイトThe system of taxation in China in the Tsing dynasty, 1644-1911外部サイトCentralizing tendencies in the administration of Indiana外部サイトShorter hours : a study of the movement since the Civil War外部サイトThe mobility of the Negro : a study in the American labor supply外部サイトNew York as an eighteenth century municipality, 1731-1776外部サイトImperial control of the administration of justice in the thirteen American colonies, 1684-1776外部サイトCrime in its relations to social progress外部サイトThe establishment of Christianity and the proscription of paganism外部サイトThe policy of the United States as regards intervention外部サイトSome French contemporary opinions of the Russian Revolution of 1905外部サイトThe president, congress and legislation外部サイトBartolus on social conditions in the fourteenth century外部サイトThe place of magic in the intellectual history of Europe外部サイトControl policies of the Reichsbank, 1924-1933外部サイトHistory of proprietary government in Pennsylvania外部サイトPolitical history of New York State during the period of the Civil War外部サイトHellenic conceptions of peace外部サイトPublic administration in Massachusetts : the relation of central to local activity外部サイトParliamentary opinion of delegated legislation外部サイトNational romanticism in Norway外部サイトThe working forces in Japanese politics : a brief account of political conflicts, 1867-1920外部サイトThe European powers and the Near Eastern question, 1806-1807外部サイトThe grand social enterprise : a study of Jeremy Bentham in his relation to liberal nationalism外部サイトLight metals monopoly外部サイトThe making of the Balkan states外部サイトOhio before 1850 : a study of the early influence of Pennsylvania and Southern populations in Ohio外部サイトContemporary monetary theory : studies of some recent theories of money, prices, and production外部サイトNew York as an eighteenth century municipality, prior to 1731外部サイトThe speaker of the house of representatives since 1896外部サイトThe history of tariff administration in the United States : from colonial times to the McKinley Administrative Bill外部サイトA study of judicial review in Virginia, 1789-1928外部サイトThe legislature of the Province of Virginia : its internal development外部サイトEmile Durkheim's contributions to sociological theory外部サイトThe Boxer rebellion : a political and diplomatic review外部サイトInterdepartmental committees in the national administration外部サイトThe German elections of 1907外部サイトThe transition in English historical writing, 1760-1830外部サイトDe Witt Clinton and the origin of the spoils system in New York外部サイトA judgment of the old régime : being a survey by the Parlement of Provence of French economic and fiscal policies at the close of the seven years war外部サイトThe city of Brooklyn, 1865-1898 : a political history外部サイトLegislative history of America's economic policy toward the Philippines外部サイトFarmers and workers in American politics外部サイトThe civil service of Great Britain外部サイトFernando Wood of New York外部サイトThe centralization of administration in Ohio外部サイトThe separation of governmental powers : in history, in theory, and in the constitutions外部サイトA judgment of the old régime : being a survey by the Parlement of Provence of French economic and fiscal policies at the close of the seven years war外部サイトThe ratification of the Federal constitution by the State of New York外部サイトThe province of New Jersey, 1664-1738外部サイトDaniel Webster as an economist外部サイトThe termination of multipartite treaties外部サイトLight metals monopoly外部サイトThe struggle between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction外部サイトBritain and the Balkan crisis, 1875-1878外部サイトGermanizing Prussian Poland : the H-K-T Society and the struggle for the Eastern marches in the German Empire, 1894-1919外部サイトThe Supreme court and unconstitutional legislation外部サイトThe evolution of people's banks外部サイトDevolution in Great Britain外部サイトJohann Gottlieb Fichte; a study of his political writings with special reference to his nationalism外部サイトThe concept of our changing loyalties : an introductory study into the nature of the social individual外部サイトLabor policy of the United States Steel Corporation外部サイトLabor disputes and the President of the United States外部サイトRhode Island and the formation of the Union外部サイトThe Church of England and social reform since 1854外部サイトJewish immigration to the United States, from 1881 to 1910外部サイトThe House Committee on Foreign Affairs外部サイトThe democratic machine, 1850-1854外部サイトThe religious policy of the Bavarian government during the Napoleonic period外部サイトThe Jews and minority rights (1898-1919)外部サイトThe movement to Americanize the immigrant外部サイトPolitical parties in the Irish Free State外部サイトThe abolition of privateering and the declaration of Paris外部サイトA judgement of the old régime : being a survey by the parlement of provence of French economic and fiscal policies at the close of the Seven Years War外部サイトPsychological interpretations of society外部サイトThe German Social Democratic Party, 1914-1921外部サイトThe budget in the American commonwealths外部サイトCounty government in Virginia : a legislative history, 1607-1904外部サイトThe historical backgrounds of early Methodist enthusiasm外部サイトThe development of modern Turkey as measured by its press外部サイトSea island to city : a study of St. Helena Islanders in Harlem and other urban centers外部サイトNew Jersey as a royal province 1738 to 1776外部サイトColonial immigration laws : a study of the regulation of immigration by the English colonies in America外部サイトThe office of justice of the peace in England in its origin and development外部サイトThe property qualifications of members of Parliament外部サイトThe penetration of money economy in Japan and its effects upon social and political institutions外部サイトThe Brookhart campaigns in Iowa, 1920-1926 : a study in the motivation of political attitudes外部サイトGovernment corporations and State law外部サイトThe disposition of loyalist estates in the southern district of the State of New York外部サイトThe War Department, 1861 : a study in mobilization and administration外部サイトEarly New England towns : a comparative study of their development外部サイトSeparation of state and local revenues in the United States外部サイトPolitical nativism in New York State外部サイトState administrative supervision over cities in the United States外部サイトPre-Malthusian doctrines of population : a study in the history of economic theory外部サイトThe Populist movement in Georgia : a view of the "agrarian crusade" in the light of solid-south politics外部サイトThe Sovereign Council of New France : a study in Canadian constitutional history外部サイトAn introduction to the sources relating to the Germanic invasions外部サイトConsumer representation in the New Deal外部サイトState administration in South Carolina外部サイトSocial democracy and population外部サイトHistory of the James River and Kanawha Company外部サイトThe Royal Government in Virginia, 1624-1775外部サイトThe centralization of administration in New York State外部サイトLabor disputes and the President of the United States外部サイトDouble taxation in the United States外部サイトThe history of municipal ownership of land on Manhattan Island : to the beginning of sales by the commissioners of the sinking fund in 1844外部サイトA political history of the State of New York, 1865-1869外部サイト






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American conservatives : the political thought of Francis Lieber and John W. Burgess
The distribution of incomes in the United States
The theory of fluctuations in contemporary economic thought
Studies in the theory of welfare economics
The economic theory of cost of living index numbers
A history of military government in newly acquired territory of the United States
Clearing and collections : foreign and domestic
Heresy and inquisition in Narbonne
English local government of to-day : a study of the relations of central and local government
Canadian labor laws and the treaty
France and the Saar, 1680-1948
The Whig Party in Pennsylvania
Devolution in Great Britain
Legal development in colonial Massachusetts, 1630-1686
The system of taxation in China in the Tsing dynasty, 1644-1911
Centralizing tendencies in the administration of Indiana
Shorter hours : a study of the movement since the Civil War
The mobility of the Negro : a study in the American labor supply
New York as an eighteenth century municipality, 1731-1776
Imperial control of the administration of justice in the thirteen American colonies, 1684-1776
Crime in its relations to social progress
The establishment of Christianity and the proscription of paganism
The policy of the United States as regards intervention
Some French contemporary opinions of the Russian Revolution of 1905
The president, congress and legislation
Bartolus on social conditions in the fourteenth century
The place of magic in the intellectual history of Europe
Control policies of the Reichsbank, 1924-1933
History of proprietary government in Pennsylvania
Political history of New York State during the period of the Civil War
Hellenic conceptions of peace
Public administration in Massachusetts : the relation of central to local activity
Parliamentary opinion of delegated legislation
National romanticism in Norway
The working forces in Japanese politics : a brief account of political conflicts, 1867-1920
The European powers and the Near Eastern question, 1806-1807
The grand social enterprise : a study of Jeremy Bentham in his relation to liberal nationalism
Light metals monopoly
The making of the Balkan states
Ohio before 1850 : a study of the early influence of Pennsylvania and Southern populations in Ohio
Contemporary monetary theory : studies of some recent theories of money, prices, and production
New York as an eighteenth century municipality, prior to 1731
The speaker of the house of representatives since 1896
The history of tariff administration in the United States : from colonial times to the McKinley Administrative Bill
A study of judicial review in Virginia, 1789-1928
The legislature of the Province of Virginia : its internal development
Emile Durkheim's contributions to sociological theory
The Boxer rebellion : a political and diplomatic review
Interdepartmental committees in the national administration
The German elections of 1907
The transition in English historical writing, 1760-1830
De Witt Clinton and the origin of the spoils system in New York
A judgment of the old régime : being a survey by the Parlement of Provence of French economic and fiscal policies at the close of the seven years war
The city of Brooklyn, 1865-1898 : a political history
Legislative history of America's economic policy toward the Philippines
Farmers and workers in American politics
The civil service of Great Britain
Fernando Wood of New York
The centralization of administration in Ohio
The separation of governmental powers : in history, in theory, and in the constitutions
A judgment of the old régime : being a survey by the Parlement of Provence of French economic and fiscal policies at the close of the seven years war
The ratification of the Federal constitution by the State of New York
The province of New Jersey, 1664-1738
Daniel Webster as an economist
The termination of multipartite treaties
Light metals monopoly
The struggle between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction
Britain and the Balkan crisis, 1875-1878
Germanizing Prussian Poland : the H-K-T Society and the struggle for the Eastern marches in the German Empire, 1894-1919
The Supreme court and unconstitutional legislation
The evolution of people's banks
Devolution in Great Britain
Johann Gottlieb Fichte; a study of his political writings with special reference to his nationalism
The concept of our changing loyalties : an introductory study into the nature of the social individual
Labor policy of the United States Steel Corporation
Labor disputes and the President of the United States
Rhode Island and the formation of the Union
The Church of England and social reform since 1854
Jewish immigration to the United States, from 1881 to 1910
The House Committee on Foreign Affairs
The democratic machine, 1850-1854
The religious policy of the Bavarian government during the Napoleonic period
The Jews and minority rights (1898-1919)
The movement to Americanize the immigrant
Political parties in the Irish Free State
The abolition of privateering and the declaration of Paris
A judgement of the old régime : being a survey by the parlement of provence of French economic and fiscal policies at the close of the Seven Years War
Psychological interpretations of society
The German Social Democratic Party, 1914-1921
The budget in the American commonwealths
County government in Virginia : a legislative history, 1607-1904
The historical backgrounds of early Methodist enthusiasm
The development of modern Turkey as measured by its press
Sea island to city : a study of St. Helena Islanders in Harlem and other urban centers
New Jersey as a royal province 1738 to 1776
Colonial immigration laws : a study of the regulation of immigration by the English colonies in America
The office of justice of the peace in England in its origin and development
The property qualifications of members of Parliament
The penetration of money economy in Japan and its effects upon social and political institutions
The Brookhart campaigns in Iowa, 1920-1926 : a study in the motivation of political attitudes
Government corporations and State law
The disposition of loyalist estates in the southern district of the State of New York
The War Department, 1861 : a study in mobilization and administration
Early New England towns : a comparative study of their development
Separation of state and local revenues in the United States
Political nativism in New York State
State administrative supervision over cities in the United States
Pre-Malthusian doctrines of population : a study in the history of economic theory
The Populist movement in Georgia : a view of the "agrarian crusade" in the light of solid-south politics
The Sovereign Council of New France : a study in Canadian constitutional history
An introduction to the sources relating to the Germanic invasions
Consumer representation in the New Deal
State administration in South Carolina
Social democracy and population
History of the James River and Kanawha Company
The Royal Government in Virginia, 1624-1775
The centralization of administration in New York State
Labor disputes and the President of the United States
Double taxation in the United States
The history of municipal ownership of land on Manhattan Island : to the beginning of sales by the commissioners of the sinking fund in 1844
A political history of the State of New York, 1865-1869
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA0105428X : BA0105428X