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- Jeremiah in Matthew's Gospel : the rejected profit motif in Matthaean redactionJesus' exposition of the Old Testament in Luke's GospelChristians as a religious minority in a multicultural city : modes of interaction and identity formation in Early Imperial RomeChristian-Jewish relations through the centuriesThe date of Mark's Gospel : insight from the law in earliest ChristianityChristian origins : worship, belief and society : the Milltown Institute and the Irish Biblical Association Millennium ConferenceVoices of the Mystics : early Christian discourse in the Gospels of John and Thomas and other ancient Christian literatureLuke : interpreter of Paul, critic of MatthewEarly Jewish and Christian monotheismRhetoric, scripture and theology : essays from the 1994 Pretoria ConferenceDiglossia and other topics in New Testament linguisticsWord and glory : on the exegetical and theological background of John's prologueThe Colossian controversy : wisdom in dispute at ColossaeFrom Jesus to John : essays on Jesus and New Testament Christology in honour of Marinus de JongeThe unity of the farewell discourse : the literary integrity of John 13.31-16.33Households and discipleship : a study of Matthew 19-20Clothed with Christ : the example and teaching of Jesus in Romans 12.1-15.13Conflict in the miracle stories : a socio-exegetical study of Matthew 8 and 9Isaiah and prophetic traditions in the book of Revelation : visionary antecedents and their developmentMaking Sense in (and of) the First Christian CenturyProleptic priests : priesthood in the Epistle to the HebrewsScalometry and the Pauline EpistlesThe quest for Paul's Gospel : a suggested strategyPrologue and Gospel : the theology of the fourth evangelistThe criteria for authenticity in historical-Jesus research : previous discussion and new proposalsWomen, ideology, and violence : critical theory and the construction of gender in the book of the covenant and the deuteronomic lawThe New Testament as receptionPower and politics in Palestine : the Jews and the governing of their land, 100 BC-AD 70The noble death : Graeco-Roman martyrology and Paul's concept of salvationJesus and God in Paul's eschatologyReflections of glory : Paul's polemical use of the Moses-Doxa tradition in 2 Corinthians 3.1-18Enemies of the cross of Christ : the terminology of the cross and conflict in PhilippiansThe coming crisis : the impact of eschatology on theology in Edwardian EnglandThe last shall be first : the rhetoric of reversal in Luke"Where the eagles are gathered" : the deliverance of the Elect in Lukan eschatologyJesus and the Sabbath in Matthew's GospelOral biblical criticism : the influence of the principles of orality on the literary structure of Paul's Epistle to the PhilippiansRevelation and redemption at ColossaeSophia and the Johannine JesusThe Gospels and the Scriptures of IsraelDiscourse analysis and the New Testament : approaches and resultsThe purpose of Romans : a comparative letter structure investigationFamily matters : a socio-historical study of kinship metaphors in 1 ThessaloniansJewish responsibility for the death of Jesus in Luke-ActsJesus on the mountain : a study in Matthean theologyThe 'finger of God' and pneumatology in Luke-ActsFrom followers to leaders : the Apostles in the Ritual of Status Transformation in Acts 1-2Paul's paradigmatic 'I' : personal example as literary strategyOther followers of Jesus : minor characters as major figures in Mark's gospelHoly Word : the Paradigm of New Testament formationArgumentation and theology in 1 Peter : the origins of Christian paraenesisThrough many tribulations : the theology of persecution in Luke-ActsIdentifying Paul's opponents : the question of method in 2 CorinthiansA text-critical study of the Epistle of JudeTemplum Amicitiae : essays on the second temple presented to Ernst BammelMatthew's narrative web : over, and over, and over againThe development of early Christian pneumatology with special reference to Luke-ActsTransitivity-based foregrounding in the Acts of the Apostles : a functional-grammatical approach to the Lukan perspectiveOrigins and method : towards a new understanding of Judaism and Christianity : essays in honour of John C. HurdThe function of Scripture in Early Jewish and Christian traditionSynoptic studies : the Ampleforth conferences of 1982 and 1983Stewardship and almsgiving in Luke's theologySacred space : an approach to the theology of the Epistle to the HebrewsLuke and the restoration of IsraelInterpolations in the Pauline Letters'The body for the Lord' : sex and identity in 1 Corinthians 5-7A dynamic reading of the holy spirit in Luke-Acts'I am' in John's Gospel : literary function, background and theological implicationsProphet, Son, Messiah : narrative form and function in Mark 14-16Paul, Antioch and Jerusalem : a study in relationships and authority in earliest ChristianityJohannine ecclesiologyRhetorical criticism and the BibleSentence conjunction in the Gospel of Matthew : και, δε, τοτε, γαρ, συν and Asyndeton in narrative discourseThe portrait of Philip in Acts : a study of roles and relationsHostility to wealth in the Synoptic GospelsNaming Jesus : titular Christology in the Gospel of MarkFollowing Jesus : discipleship in the Gospel of MarkBaptism, the New Testament and the church : historical and contemporary studies in honour of R.E.O. WhiteThe temple of Jesus' body : the temple theme in the Gospel of JohnLuke : a new paradigmThe rhetorical analysis of scripture : essays from the 1995 London conferenceVirtue amidst vice : the catalog of virtues in 2 Peter 1Narrative art and act in the Fourth GospelDeity and diet : the dilemma of sacrificial food at CorinthThe symbol of water in the Gospel of John'Servants of Satan', 'False Brothers' and other opponents of PaulJerusalem and the early Jesus movement : the Q community's attitude toward the temple'Mysticism' in the Gospel of John : an inquiry into its backgroundThe temptations of Jesus in early ChristianityUnveiling the apocalyptic Paul : Paul's interpreters and the rhetoric of criticismThe Son of the Man in the Gospel of JohnNone but the sinners : religious categories in the gospel of LukeRhetoric and the New Testament : essays from the 1992 Heidelberg conferenceThe theme of recompense in Matthew's GospelCrisis and continuity : time in the Gospel of MarkProclamation from prophecy and pattern : Lucan Old Testament ChristologyThe things accomplished among us : prophetic tradition in the structural pattern of Luke-ActsPaul the letter-writer : and the second letter to TimothyJesus and the oral gospel traditionThe paradigm of conversion in LukeThe understanding scribe : Matthew and the apocalyptic idealApocalyptic and the New Testament : essays in honor of J. Louis MartynPaul, the fool of Christ : a study of 1 Corinthians 1-4 in the comic-philosophic traditionTeaching with authority : miracles and christology in the Gospel of MarkThe function of suffering in PhilippiansThe motif of wonder in the Gospel of MarkHer testimony is true : women as witnesses according to JohnTestimony and interpretation : early Christology in its Judeo-Hellenistic milieu : studies in honour of Petr PokornýLuke : a new paradigmMatthew's missionary discourse : a literary critical analysisThe polemic of the pastorals : a sociological examination of the development of Pauline ChristianityChrist : the end of the law : Romans 10.4 in Pauline perspectiveNew light on Luke : its purpose, sources and literary contextEssays in biblical criticism and exegesisText in a Whirlwind : a critique of four exegetical devices at 1 Timothy 2.9-15Persecution and martyrdom in the theology of PaulThe name and way of the Lord : Old Testament themes, New Testament ChristologyNew readings in John : literary and theological perspectives : essays from the Scandinavian Conference on the Fourth Gospel Ȧrhus 1997Returning home : new covenant and second exodus as the context for 2 Corinthians 6.14-7.1Early Christian interpretation of the scriptures of Israel : investigations and proposalsThe Bezan text of Acts : a contribution of discourse analysis to textual criticismJohn's use of the Old Testament in RevelationMatthew's community : the evidence of his special sayings materialThe hymns of Luke's infancy narratives : their origin, meaning and significanceAcademic constraints in rhetorical criticism of the New Testament : an introduction to a rhetoric of powerPapers on the Gospels : Sixth International Congress on Biblical Studies, Oxford 3-7 April 1978Magic in the Biblical world : from the rod of Aaron to the ring of SolomonThe rhetorical interpretation of Scripture : essays from the 1996 Malibu ConferenceThe Language of the New Testament : classic essaysTextual optimism : a critique of the United Bible Societies' Greek New TestamentThe letters to the seven churches of Asia in their local settingLinguistics and exegesis in the Gospel of Mark : applications of a case frame analysisThe Graeco-Roman context of early christian literaturePersuasive artistry : studies in New Testament : rhetoric in honor of George A. KennedyPapers on Paul and other New Testament authors : Sixth International Congress on Biblical Studies, Oxford 3-7 April 1978Abraham in Galatians : epistolary and rhetorical contextsJesus, Paul and Torah : collected essaysMatthew's inclusive story : a study in the narrative rhetoric of the first gospelJesus, Mark and Q : the teaching of Jesus and its earliest recordsThe Gospel of Matthew's dependence on the DidacheThe paradox of the cross in the thought of St. PaulApocalypticism, anti-Semitism and the historical Jesus : subtexts in criticismSharing in the inheritance : identity and the moral life in ColossiansThe Lazarus story within the Johannine traditionWomen in the Mark's GospelThe defeat of death : apocalyptic eschatology in 1 Corinthians 15 and Romans 5Translating the Bible : problems and prospectsAfter the thousand years : resurrection and judgment in Revelation 20Letter hermeneutics in 2 Corinthians : studies in literarkritik and communication theoryBy philosophy and empty deceit : Colossians as response to a Cynic critiquePeter and the beloved disciple : figures for a community in crisisNarrative asides in Luke-ActsThe New Testament as canon : a reader in canonical criticismCohesion and structure in the Pastoral EpistlesThe Gospel of Matthew in its Roman imperial contextThe barren temple and the withered tree : a redaction-critical analysis of the cursing of the fig-tree pericope in Mark's Gospel and its relation to the cleansing of the temple traditionProdigality, liberality and meanness in the parable of the prodigal son : a Greco-Roman perspective on Luke 15.11-32Texts reading texts, sacred and secularWomen and men in the fourth Gospel : a genuine discipleship of equalsThe book of Revelation and the Johannine Apocalyptic traditionThe god of old : the role of the Lukan parables in the purpose of Luke's GospelThe birth of the Lukan narrative : narrative as Christology in Luke 1-2Neglected endings : the significance of the Pauline letter closingsThe Old Testament in the New Testament : essays in honour of J. L. NorthThe disciples according to Mark : Markan redaction in current debateFootwashing in John 13 and the Johannine communityChrist and community : a socio-historical study of the Christology of RevelationOral tradition and the gospels : the problem of Mark 4The rhetoric of righteousness in Romans 3.21-26Example stories : perspectives on four parables in the Gospel of LukeA discourse analysis of Philippians : method and rhetoric in the debate over literary integrityResurrectionKeep yourselves from idols : a new look at 1 JohnThe proverbs of Jesus : issues of history and rhetoricHerod the Fox : audience criticism and Lukan characterizationThe epistle of James and eschatology : re-reading an ancient Christian letterSister or wife? : 1 Corinthians 7 and cultural anthropologyJohn the Baptist in life and death : audience-oriented criticism of Matthew's narrativeThe message of Acts in Codex Bezae : a comparison with the Alexandrian tradition'Through many tribulations' : the theology of persecution in Luke-ActsPaul and the Scriptures of IsraelThe story of Jesus according to LDoing things with words in the First Christian CenturyArgument and theology in 1 Peter : the origins of Christian paraenesisPaul and his story : (re)interpreting the Exodus traditionIn search of a context : the function of scripture in Mark's narrativeThe Old Testament in the Book of RevelationThe original language of the Lukan infancy narrativeDiscourse analysis and other topics in Biblical GreekThe significance of clothing imagery in the Pauline corpusThe earliest gospels : the origins and transmission of the earliest Christian gospels -- the contribution of the Chester Beatty gospel codex p45The new literary criticism and the New TestamentWatchwords : Mark 13 in Markan eschatologyHousehold conversion narratives in Acts : pattern and interpretationGoulder and the gospels : an examination of a new paradigmThe departure of Jesus in Luke-Acts : the Ascension narratives in contextPaul, Luke and the Graeco-Roman World : essays in honour of Alexander J.M. WedderburnHistoriography and hermeneutics in Jesus studies : an examination of the work of John Dominic Crossan and Ben F. MeyerLegitimation in the Letter to the Hebrews : the construction and maintenance of a symbolic universeNot the righteous but sinners : M.M. Bakhtin's theory of aesthetics and the problem of reader-character interaction in Matthew's GospelPaul, monotheism and the people of God : the significance of Abraham traditions for early Judaism and ChristianityThe people of GodThe church in Antioch in the first century CE : communion and conflictPauline Persuasion : a sounding in 2 Corinthians 8-9Paul's language about GodThe political Paul : justice, democracy and kingship in a Hellenistic frameworkThe shining garment of the text : gendered readings of John's prologueGospel in Paul : studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. LongeneckerRedemptive almsgiving in early ChristianityPatronage and power : a study of social networks in CorinthThe Graeco-Roman context of early Christian literatureThe symbolic narratives of the fourth Gospel : the interplay of form and meaningThe Passion according to Luke : the special material of Luke 22The anecdote in Mark, the classical world and the RabbisPauline conversations in context : essays in honor of Calvin J. RoetzelThe unity of the Corinthian correspondenceStriking new images : Roman imperial coinage and the New Testament worldThe cross in Corinth : the social significance of the death of JesusFilling up the measure : polemical hyperbole in 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16Mark : a reader-response commentaryChiasmus in the Pauline lettersThe cursed Christ : Mediterranean expulsion rituals and Pauline soteriologyLuke's literary achievement : collected essaysApproaches to New Testament studyThe new covenant in HebrewsTranslation the Bible : problems and prospectsEschatology and the covenant : a comparison of 4 Ezra and Romans 1-11The Bible, the reformation and the church : essays in honour of James Atkinson‘Put on the armour of God' : the divine warrior from Isaiah to EphesiansThe Jewish context of Jesus' miraclesLex talionis in early Judaism and the exhortation of Jesus in Matthew 5.38-42'While the bridegroom is with them' : marriage, family, gender and violence in the Gospel of MatthewCutting too close for comfort : Paul's letter to the Galatians in its Anatolian cultic contextThe educated elite in 1 Corinthians : education and community conflict in Graeco-Roman contextThe goal of our instruction : the structure of theology and ethics in the Pastoral EpistlesMark's audience : the literary and social setting of Mark 4.11-12Linguistics and the New Testament : critical juncturesThe Gospel of Mary : beyond a gnostic and a biblical Mary MagdaleneMoses as a character in the fourth Gospel : a study of ancient reading techniquesConflict at Thessalonica : a Pauline Church and its neighboursImperial cult and commerce in John's ApocalypseJesus and the laws of purity : tradition history and legal history in Mark 7Has God not chosen the poor? : the social setting of the Epistle of JamesMatthew's transfiguration story and Jewish-Christian controversyThe blind, the lame, and the poor : character types in Luke-ActsPaul's critique of theocracy : A/Theocracy in Corinthians and GalatiansThe rhetoric of the characterization of God, Jesus, and Jesus' disciples in the Gospel of MarkBiblical Greek language and linguistics : open questions in current researchLooking for life : the role of 'theo-ethical reasoning' in Paul's religionCourting betrayal : Jesus as victim in the Gospel of JohnThe Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts : the promise and its fulfillment in Lukan ChristologyDimensions of Baptism : biblical and theological studiesEarly Christian rhetoric and 2 ThessaloniansA new heaven and a new earth : the meaning and function of the Old Testament in Revelation 21.1-22.5Hidden wisdom and the easy yoke : wisdom, Torah, and discipleship in Matthew 11.25-30John the baptizer and prophet : a socio-historical studyMark's gospel-- prior or posterior? : a reappraisal of the phenomenon of orderTo tell the mystery : essays on New Testament eschatology in honor of Robert H. GundrySpirit in the writings of John : Johannine pneumatology in social-scientific perspectiveThe sources and Sitz im Leben of Matthew 23'But it is not so among you' : echoes of power in Mark 10.32-45Miracle and magic : a study in the acts of the Apostles and the Life of Apollonius of TyanaFaith and obedience in Romans : a study in Romans 1-4"Have mercy on me" : the story of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15.21-28James and the Q sayings of JesusChained in Christ : the experience and rhetoric of Paul's imprisonmentsWomen in their place : Paul and the Corinthian discourse of gender and sanctuary spaceEchoes of Scripture in Luke-Acts : telling the history of God's people intertextuallyMatthew and the margins : a socio-political and religious readingCharacterization in the Gospels : reconceiving narrative criticismThe law in GalatiansHuman agents of cosmic power in Hellenistic Judaism and the synoptic tradition'My beloved brothers and sisters!' : Christian siblingship in PaulRhetoric and reference in the fourth gospelThe story of Christ in the ethics of Paul : an analysis of the function of the hymnic material in the Pauline CorpusGoing outside the camp : the sociological function of the Levitical critique in the epistle to the HebrewsIdol food in Corinth : Jewish background and Pauline legacyMatthew, poet of the BeatitudesThe political Paul : justice, democracy and kingship in a hellenistic frameworkWorship, theology and ministry in the early church : essays in honor of Ralph P. MartinPaul and Jesus : collected essaysCommunity-identity construction in Galatians : exegetical, social-anthropological and socio-historical studiesThe rhetoric of Romans : argumentative constraint and strategy and Paul's dialogue with JudaismPeter : the myth, the man and the writings : a study of early Petrine text and traditionEchoes of a prophet : the use of Ezekiel in the Gospel of John and in literature of the Second Temple periodThe agency of the Apostle : a dramatistic analysis of Paul's responses to conflict in 2 CorinthiansLuke's stories of Jesus : theological reading of Gospel narrative and the legacy of Hans FreiThe metaphor of slavery in the writings of the early church : from the New Testament to the beginning of the fifth century
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