
The Ottoman Empire and its heritages : politics, society and economy


The Ottoman Empire and its heritages : politics, society and economy

Faroqhi, Suraiyaほか
E.J. Brill



Edited by Suraiya Faroqhi and Halıl Inalcık


A comparative evolution of business partnerships : the Islamic world and Europe, with specific reference to the Ottoman Archives外部サイトThe collapse of rural order in Ottoman Anatolia : Amasya, 1576-1643外部サイトThe Ottoman Crimean War (1853-1856)外部サイトSalonique, 1830-1912 : une ville ottomane à l'âge des Réformes外部サイトChildhood in the late Ottoman Empire and after外部サイトThe Ottoman press (1908-1923)外部サイトThe Ottoman mobilization of manpower in the First World War : between voluntarism and resistance外部サイトEsprit civique et organisation citadine dans l'Empire ottoman (XVe-XXe siècles)外部サイトSociety and politics in an Ottoman town : ʿAyntāb in the 17th century外部サイトRendre la justice à Amid : procédures, acteurs et doctrines dans le contexte ottoman du XVIIIème siècle外部サイトThe Sultan of Vezirs : the life and times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelović (1453-1474)外部サイトThe modernization of public education in the Ottoman Empire, 1839-1908 : Islamization, autocracy, and discipline外部サイトStruggle for domination in the Middle East : the Ottoman-Mamluk War, 1485-91外部サイトOttoman land reform in the province of Baghdad外部サイトLegitimizing the order : the Ottoman rhetoric of state power外部サイトOttomans, Hungarians, and Habsburgs in Central Europe : the military confines in the era of Ottoman conquest外部サイトRevenue-raising and legitimacy : tax collection and finance administration in the Ottoman Empire, 1560-1660外部サイトSelim III, social control and policing in Istanbul at the end of the eighteenth century : between crisis and order外部サイトLes Ottomans et la mort : permanences et mutations外部サイトThe guilds of Ottoman Jerusalem外部サイトWomen in the Ottoman Empire : Middle Eastern women in the early Modern Era外部サイトPan-Islamism : Indian Muslims, the Ottomans and Britain, 1877-1924外部サイトIstanbul under allied occupation, 1918-1923外部サイトDervishes and Islam in Bosnia : sufi dimensions to the formation of Bosnian Muslim society外部サイトOttoman war and peace : studies in honor of Virginia H. Aksan外部サイトDimensions of transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the late medieval age to modernity : In memory of Metin Kunt外部サイトSacred law in the Holy City : the Khedival challenge to the Ottomans as seen from Jerusalem, 1829-1841外部サイトThe image of an Ottoman city : imperial architecture and urban experience in Aleppo in the 16th and 17th centuries外部サイトThe sons of Bayezid : empire building and representation in the Ottoman civil war of 1402-1413外部サイトAn Ottoman mentality : the world of Evliya Çelebi外部サイトThe public treasury of the Muslims : monthly budgets of the Mahdist state in the Sudan, 1897外部サイトEmpire, Islam, and politics of difference : Ottoman rule in Yemen, 1849-1919外部サイトThe Ottoman Middle East : studies in honor of Amnon Cohen外部サイトStudies in Atatürk's Turkey : the American dimension外部サイトRansom slavery along the Ottoman borders : early fifteenth-early eighteenth centuries外部サイトHaifa in the late Ottoman period, 1864-1914 : a Muslim town in transition外部サイトAn Ottoman statesman in war and peace : Ahmed Resmi Efendi, 1700-1783外部サイトConversion to Islam in the Balkans : Kisve bahası petitions and Ottoman social life, 1670-1730外部サイトThe Crimean Khanate and Poland-Lithuania : international diplomacy on the European periphery (15th-18th century), a study of peace treaties followed by annotated documents外部サイトOttoman military administration in eighteenth-century Bosnia外部サイトTown and country on the middle Danube 1526-1690外部サイトSyria and Bilad al-Sham under Ottoman rule : essays in honour of Abdul-Karim Rafeq外部サイトThe European tributary states of the Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries外部サイトA history of the Jewish community in Istanbul : the formative years, 1453-1566外部サイトBarbary Corsairs : the end of a legend 1800-1820外部サイトLes ottomans et le temps外部サイトAn Ottoman mentality : the world of Evliya Çelebi外部サイトNotables and clergy in Mount Lebanon : the Khāzin Sheikhs and the Maronite Church (1736-1840)外部サイトNational movements and national identity among the Crimean Tatars (1905-1916)外部サイトChristianity under Islam in Jerusalem : the question of the holy sites in early Ottoman times外部サイトPolitics of honor in Ottoman Anatolia : sexual violence and socio-legal surveillance in the eighteenth century外部サイトGuild dynamics in seventeenth-century Istanbul : fluidity and leverage外部サイトSocial relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870-1915外部サイトSacred law in the Holy City : the Khedival challenge to the Ottomans as seen from Jerusalem, 1829-1841外部サイトFlexibility and limitation in steppe formations : the Kerait Khanate and Chinggis Khan外部サイトA social history of late Ottoman women : new perspectives外部サイトA history of the Jewish community in Istanbul : the formative years, 1453-1566外部サイトHamidian Palestine : politics and society in the district of Jerusalem, 1872-1908外部サイトOttoman-Polish diplomatic relations (15th-18th century) : an annotated edition of ʿahdnames and other documents外部サイトFrom Nicopolis to Mohács : a history of Ottoman-Hungarian warfare, 1389-1526外部サイトForging urban solidarities : Ottoman Aleppo, 1640-1700外部サイトEtatism and diplomacy in Turkey : economic and foreign policy strategies in an uncertain world, 1929-1939外部サイトLaw and division of power in the Crimean Khanate (1532-1774) : with special reference to the reign of Murad Giray (1678-1683)外部サイトThe Ottomans and the Balkans : a discussion of historiography外部サイトState and peasant in the Ottoman Empire : agrarian power relations and regional economic development in Ottoman Anatolia during the sixteenth century外部サイトLiving in the Ottoman ecumenical community : essays in honour of Suraiya Faroqhi外部サイトNomads, migrants and cotton in the Eastern Mediterranean : the making of the Adana-Mersin region, 1850-1908外部サイトTocqueville in the Ottoman Empire : rival paths to the modern state外部サイトOttoman and Dutch merchants in the eighteenth century : competition and cooperation in Ankara, Izmir, and Amsterdam外部サイトFrench trade in Istanbul in the eighteenth century外部サイトWell-connected domains : towards an entangled Ottoman history外部サイトAu cœur du harem : les princesses Ottomanes à l'aune du pouvoir (xve-xviiie s.)外部サイトThe treaties of Carlowitz (1699) : antecedents, course and consequences外部サイトMaking sense of history : narrativity and literariness in the Ottoman chronicle of Naʿīmā外部サイトThe metamorphoses of power : violence, warlords, aḳıncıs and the early Ottomans (1300-1450)外部サイト"Buyurdum ki ...." : the whole world of Ottomanica and beyond : studies in honour of Claudia Römer外部サイトGoverning the frontiers in the Ottoman Empire : notables, tribes and peasants of Muş (1820s-1880s)外部サイトVirtue, piety, and the law : a study of Birgivī Meḥmed Efendī's al-Ṭarīqa al-Muḥammadiyya外部サイトPopulation displacements and multiple mobilities in the late Ottoman Empire外部サイトThe 1720 imperial circumcision celebrations in Istanbul : festivity and representation in the early eighteenth century外部サイトTributaries and peripheries of the Ottoman Empire外部サイト






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The Ottoman Empire and its heritage : politics, society and economy
Edited by Suraiya Faroqhi and Halıl Inalcık
A comparative evolution of business partnerships : the Islamic world and Europe, with specific reference to the Ottoman Archives
The collapse of rural order in Ottoman Anatolia : Amasya, 1576-1643
The Ottoman Crimean War (1853-1856)
Salonique, 1830-1912 : une ville ottomane à l'âge des Réformes
Childhood in the late Ottoman Empire and after
The Ottoman press (1908-1923)
The Ottoman mobilization of manpower in the First World War : between voluntarism and resistance
Esprit civique et organisation citadine dans l'Empire ottoman (XVe-XXe siècles)
Society and politics in an Ottoman town : ʿAyntāb in the 17th century
Rendre la justice à Amid : procédures, acteurs et doctrines dans le contexte ottoman du XVIIIème siècle
The Sultan of Vezirs : the life and times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelović (1453-1474)
The modernization of public education in the Ottoman Empire, 1839-1908 : Islamization, autocracy, and discipline
Struggle for domination in the Middle East : the Ottoman-Mamluk War, 1485-91
Ottoman land reform in the province of Baghdad
Legitimizing the order : the Ottoman rhetoric of state power
Ottomans, Hungarians, and Habsburgs in Central Europe : the military confines in the era of Ottoman conquest
Revenue-raising and legitimacy : tax collection and finance administration in the Ottoman Empire, 1560-1660
Selim III, social control and policing in Istanbul at the end of the eighteenth century : between crisis and order
Les Ottomans et la mort : permanences et mutations
The guilds of Ottoman Jerusalem
Women in the Ottoman Empire : Middle Eastern women in the early Modern Era
Pan-Islamism : Indian Muslims, the Ottomans and Britain, 1877-1924
Istanbul under allied occupation, 1918-1923
Dervishes and Islam in Bosnia : sufi dimensions to the formation of Bosnian Muslim society
Ottoman war and peace : studies in honor of Virginia H. Aksan
Dimensions of transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the late medieval age to modernity : In memory of Metin Kunt
Sacred law in the Holy City : the Khedival challenge to the Ottomans as seen from Jerusalem, 1829-1841
The image of an Ottoman city : imperial architecture and urban experience in Aleppo in the 16th and 17th centuries
The sons of Bayezid : empire building and representation in the Ottoman civil war of 1402-1413
An Ottoman mentality : the world of Evliya Çelebi
The public treasury of the Muslims : monthly budgets of the Mahdist state in the Sudan, 1897
Empire, Islam, and politics of difference : Ottoman rule in Yemen, 1849-1919
The Ottoman Middle East : studies in honor of Amnon Cohen
Studies in Atatürk's Turkey : the American dimension
Ransom slavery along the Ottoman borders : early fifteenth-early eighteenth centuries
Haifa in the late Ottoman period, 1864-1914 : a Muslim town in transition
An Ottoman statesman in war and peace : Ahmed Resmi Efendi, 1700-1783
Conversion to Islam in the Balkans : Kisve bahası petitions and Ottoman social life, 1670-1730
The Crimean Khanate and Poland-Lithuania : international diplomacy on the European periphery (15th-18th century), a study of peace treaties followed by annotated documents
Ottoman military administration in eighteenth-century Bosnia
Town and country on the middle Danube 1526-1690
Syria and Bilad al-Sham under Ottoman rule : essays in honour of Abdul-Karim Rafeq
The European tributary states of the Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
A history of the Jewish community in Istanbul : the formative years, 1453-1566
Barbary Corsairs : the end of a legend 1800-1820
Les ottomans et le temps
An Ottoman mentality : the world of Evliya Çelebi
Notables and clergy in Mount Lebanon : the Khāzin Sheikhs and the Maronite Church (1736-1840)
National movements and national identity among the Crimean Tatars (1905-1916)
Christianity under Islam in Jerusalem : the question of the holy sites in early Ottoman times
Politics of honor in Ottoman Anatolia : sexual violence and socio-legal surveillance in the eighteenth century
Guild dynamics in seventeenth-century Istanbul : fluidity and leverage
Social relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870-1915
Sacred law in the Holy City : the Khedival challenge to the Ottomans as seen from Jerusalem, 1829-1841
Flexibility and limitation in steppe formations : the Kerait Khanate and Chinggis Khan
A social history of late Ottoman women : new perspectives
A history of the Jewish community in Istanbul : the formative years, 1453-1566
Hamidian Palestine : politics and society in the district of Jerusalem, 1872-1908
Ottoman-Polish diplomatic relations (15th-18th century) : an annotated edition of ʿahdnames and other documents
From Nicopolis to Mohács : a history of Ottoman-Hungarian warfare, 1389-1526
Forging urban solidarities : Ottoman Aleppo, 1640-1700
Etatism and diplomacy in Turkey : economic and foreign policy strategies in an uncertain world, 1929-1939
Law and division of power in the Crimean Khanate (1532-1774) : with special reference to the reign of Murad Giray (1678-1683)
The Ottomans and the Balkans : a discussion of historiography
State and peasant in the Ottoman Empire : agrarian power relations and regional economic development in Ottoman Anatolia during the sixteenth century
Living in the Ottoman ecumenical community : essays in honour of Suraiya Faroqhi
Nomads, migrants and cotton in the Eastern Mediterranean : the making of the Adana-Mersin region, 1850-1908
Tocqueville in the Ottoman Empire : rival paths to the modern state
Ottoman and Dutch merchants in the eighteenth century : competition and cooperation in Ankara, Izmir, and Amsterdam
French trade in Istanbul in the eighteenth century
Well-connected domains : towards an entangled Ottoman history
Au cœur du harem : les princesses Ottomanes à l'aune du pouvoir (xve-xviiie s.)
The treaties of Carlowitz (1699) : antecedents, course and consequences
Making sense of history : narrativity and literariness in the Ottoman chronicle of Naʿīmā
The metamorphoses of power : violence, warlords, aḳıncıs and the early Ottomans (1300-1450)
"Buyurdum ki ...." : the whole world of Ottomanica and beyond : studies in honour of Claudia Römer
Governing the frontiers in the Ottoman Empire : notables, tribes and peasants of Muş (1820s-1880s)
Virtue, piety, and the law : a study of Birgivī Meḥmed Efendī's al-Ṭarīqa al-Muḥammadiyya
Population displacements and multiple mobilities in the late Ottoman Empire
The 1720 imperial circumcision celebrations in Istanbul : festivity and representation in the early eighteenth century
Tributaries and peripheries of the Ottoman Empire