
Faber paper covered editions


Faber paper covered editions

Faber and Faber


The Elder Edda : a selection外部サイトPoems, 1950-1966 : a selection外部サイトThe blacks : a clown show外部サイトThe poetry of W.B. Yeats外部サイトThe Faber book of aphorisms : a personal selection外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトTunc : a novel外部サイトSex : the plain facts外部サイトCircle : international survey of constructive art外部サイトProspero's cell : a guide to the landscape and manners of the island of Corcyra外部サイトThe pleasures of Chinese cooking外部サイトArt and visual perception : a psychology of the creative eye外部サイトWaiting for Godot : a tragicomedy in two acts外部サイトOur examination round his factification for incamination of Work in progress外部サイトIntroducing SF : a science fiction anthology外部サイトModern bodybuilding : a complete guide to the promotion of fitness, strength, and physique外部サイトParish churches : their architectural development in England外部サイトReflections on a marine Venus : a companion to the landscape of Rhodes外部サイトCollected poems, 1909-1962外部サイトEndgame : a play in one act, followed by Act without words : a mime for one player外部サイトThe dog beneath the skin : or where is Francis? : a play in three acts外部サイトReport to Greco外部サイトIn the forest : story and pictures外部サイトThe classic anthology defined by Confucius外部サイトFor Lancelot Andrewes : essays on style and order外部サイトPeacock pie : a book of rhymes外部サイトAn outline of English painting外部サイトSiamese White外部サイトVerse and worse : a private collection by Arnold Silcock外部サイトPoetry in the making : an anthology of poems and programmes from Listening and Writing外部サイトHuman behaviour in illness : psychology & interpersonal relationships外部サイトThe death of tragedy外部サイトEnglish love poems外部サイトThe meaning of art外部サイトWitchcraft : European and African外部サイトOn modern art外部サイトThe Faber book of modern verse外部サイトThe identity of Yeats外部サイトA choice of Keats' verse外部サイトOrienteering外部サイトTales told again外部サイトDante外部サイトFreedom in the modern world外部サイトThe confidential clerk : a play外部サイトThe Geetā : the gospel of the Lord Shri Krishna外部サイトThe Pisan cantos外部サイトWoodwind instruments and their history外部サイトSappho: a play in verse外部サイトA choice of Kipling's verse外部サイトFree fall外部サイトChaucer外部サイトLook back in anger : a play in three acts外部サイトThe balcony外部サイトJustine : a novel外部サイトItalian Renaissance studies外部サイトLetters from Iceland外部サイトA choice of Dryden's verse外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe riddle of the New Testament外部サイトThe French language外部サイトThe colossus外部サイトA choice of Burns's poems and songs外部サイトThe Ulster crisis外部サイトMedieval English poetry : the non-Chaucerian tradition外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトMurder in the Cathedral外部サイトA choice of Chaucer's verse外部サイトThe brass butterfly : a play in three acts外部サイトThe ascent of F.6 and On the frontier外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトSelected essays外部サイトThe sport of my mad mother : a play外部サイトElements of general linguistics外部サイトThe cocktail party : a comedy外部サイトA choice of Pope's verse外部サイトEighty English folk songs from the southern Appalachians外部サイトPolitics in England today : an interpretation外部サイトMountolive : a novel外部サイトJustine : a novel外部サイトKrapp's last tape : and Embers外部サイトThe sense of movement外部サイトThe entertainer : a play外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトWar in heaven外部サイトThe story of Ireland外部サイトOld English houses外部サイトArt now : an introduction to the theory of modern painting and sculpture外部サイトSelected poems, 1930-1960外部サイトThe gate of horn : a study of the religious conceptions of the Stone Age, and their influence upon European thought外部サイトThe inheritors外部サイトLuther : a play外部サイトThe philosophy of modern art : collected essays外部サイトLord of the flies : a novel外部サイトThe art of T.S. Eliot外部サイトFighting terms外部サイトThe poetical works of Rupert Brooke外部サイトBest secret service stories外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe children of Green Knowe外部サイトMelba : a biography外部サイトImitations外部サイトPsychiatry : theory and practice for students and nurses外部サイトThe Faber book of children's verse外部サイトCollected poems, 1909-1935外部サイトGod was in Christ : an essay on incarnation and atonement外部サイトThe river at Green Knowe外部サイトWilliam Golding : a critical study外部サイトHere comes everybody : an introduction to James Joyce for the ordinary reader外部サイトAristophanes Lysistrata外部サイトMemoirs of a fox-hunting man外部サイトA shorter Finnegans wake外部サイトThe chimneys of Green Knowe外部サイトA history of electrical engineering外部サイトA patriot for me外部サイトSelected poems, 1923-1958外部サイトLittle Malcolm and his struggle against the eunuchs外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトFeather woman of the jungle外部サイトElizabethan and Jacobean poets : studies in Sidney, Shakespeare, Beaumont & Fletcher外部サイトWho moved the stone?外部サイトA grief observed外部サイトNotes towards the definition of culture外部サイトThe dark labyrinth : a novel外部サイトThe dark tower外部サイトShakespeare's happy comedies外部サイトMakers of mathematics外部サイトMoral education in a changing society外部サイトForty-two stories外部サイトThe making of a counter culture : reflections on the technocratic society and its youthful opposition外部サイトOne way pendulum : a farce in a new dimension外部サイトThe birth and rebirth of pictorial space外部サイトPeasant wars of the twentieth century外部サイトThe self as agent外部サイトIntroducing astronomy外部サイトThe overloaded ark外部サイトThe use of poetry and the use of criticism : studies in the relation of criticism to poetry in England外部サイトEssays in social anthropology外部サイトLord of the flies : a novel外部サイトCooking in ten minutes, or : the adaptation to the rhythm of our time外部サイトA choice of Swinburne's verse外部サイトBalthazar : a novel外部サイトPalace of the Peacock外部サイトEsprit de corps : sketches from diplomatic life外部サイトMilton : two studies外部サイトA subject of scandal and concern : a play for television外部サイトThe Agamemnon of Aeschylus外部サイトYeats : the man and the masks外部サイトChild care and management : from birth to adolescence外部サイトMountolive : a novel外部サイトChaucer the maker外部サイトPomes penyeach and other verses外部サイトOn poetry and poets外部サイトThe identity of Yeats外部サイトLiterary essays of Ezra Pound外部サイトMy name is Aram外部サイトHealth personal and communal : a short hygiene for nurses外部サイトSelected poems, 1957-1967外部サイトChoo Choo : the story of a little engine who ran away外部サイトThe classic anthology defined by Confucius外部サイトThis way delight : a book of poetry for the young外部サイトThe poetical works of Rupert Brooke外部サイトEveryone's book about the English Church外部サイトElizabethan dramatists外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe Fawley productivity agreements : a case study of management and collective bargaining外部サイトFour quartets外部サイトChrist recrucified外部サイトUlysses on the Liffey外部サイトEducation through art外部サイトAll that fall : a play for radio外部サイトPositives : verses外部サイトDeathwatch : a play外部サイトLittle children外部サイトThe story of painting外部サイトDear baby外部サイトThe dog beneath the skin ; or, where is Francis? : a play in three acts外部サイトThe growth of philosophic radicalism外部サイトThe maids : a play外部サイトThe theology of the sacraments, and other papers外部サイトSpirit of place: letters and essays on travel外部サイトThe fool : his social and literary history外部サイトIncas and other men : travels in the Andes外部サイトThe waste land and other poems外部サイトThe Island of Horses外部サイトPrinted ephemera : the changing use of type and letterforms in English and American printing外部サイトWordsworth外部サイトAnatomy and physiology for nurses : including notes on their clinical application外部サイトThe daring young man on the flying trapeze, and other stories外部サイトLondon 2000外部サイトEducation and the modern mind外部サイトThe Beethoven companion外部サイトIdentity, youth and crisis外部サイトShakespeare's doctrine of nature : a study of King Lear外部サイトGoethe's Faust : parts I and II外部サイトWhite Eagles over Serbia外部サイトAnatomy and physiology for nurses外部サイトThe forked flame : a study of D.H. Lawrence外部サイトNightwood外部サイトA short history of Chinese art外部サイトNunquam : a novel外部サイトSchiller's Mary Stuart外部サイトAugustine of Hippo : a biography外部サイトSelected poems, 1935-1963外部サイトThe translations of Ezra Pound外部サイトThe joy of Chinese cooking外部サイトSome stories外部サイトThe modulor : a harmonious measure to the human scale universally applicable to architecture and mechanics外部サイトThe knack : a comedy外部サイトThe gift of friendship : a play for television外部サイトHomes, towns and traffic外部サイトBest ghost stories外部サイトHappy days : a play in two acts外部サイトThe true voice of feeling : studies in English romantic poetry外部サイトA choice of De la Mare's verse外部サイトA History of mechanical engineering外部サイトRosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead外部サイトThe poems of William Dunbar外部サイトA choice of Christina Rossetti's verse外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトFilm as art外部サイトThe death of tragedy外部サイトIntroduction to typography外部サイトAl Capone : the biography of a self-made man外部サイトIntroducing James Joyce : a selection of Joyce's prose外部サイトThe backbenchers外部サイトMy life in the Bush of Ghosts外部サイトSailing to an island外部サイトFirst year at the university外部サイトWaiting for Godot : a tragicomedy in two acts外部サイトAn experiment with time外部サイトSelected cantos of Ezra Pound外部サイトSophocles, Women of Trachis外部サイトThe sense of movement外部サイトThe shrimp and the anemone外部サイトPlay and two short pieces for radio外部サイトEpoch and artist : selected writings外部サイトCard tricks without skill外部サイトMasterpieces of music before 1750 : an anthology of musical examples from Gregorian chant to J.S. Bach外部サイトSelected writings外部サイトThe balcony外部サイトClassic secrets of magic外部サイトWagner's "Ring" and its symbols : the music and the myth外部サイトRomping through mathematics外部サイトThe Faber book of modern verse外部サイトThe theology of St. Luke外部サイトIntroducing astronomy外部サイトSelected poems, 1935-1963外部サイトA student's guide to the selected poems of T.S. Eliot外部サイトMemoirs of an infantry officer外部サイトLiturgy and society : the function of the church in the modern world外部サイトAfrican discovery : an anthology of exploration外部サイトLiving anatomy : a photographic atlas of muscles in action and surface contours外部サイトThe waste land and other poems外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe palm-wine drinkard, and his dead palm-wine tapster in the Deads' Town外部サイトModern British politics : a study of parties and pressure groups外部サイトABC of reading外部サイトThe family reunion : a play外部サイトA history of economic thought外部サイトAmerican government and politics外部サイトEpitaph for George Dillon : a play in three acts外部サイトBest stories of William Saroyan外部サイトHistory in English words外部サイトA choice of George Herbert's verse外部サイトItalian art外部サイトLawrence Durrell : a study外部サイトEssays in literary criticism : particular studies外部サイトA choice of Shakespeare's verse外部サイトBitter lemons外部サイトThe story of South Africa外部サイトClea : a novel外部サイトForeign mud : being an account of the opium imbroglio at Canton in the 1830's and the Anglo-Chinese War that followed外部サイトClea : a novel外部サイトThe novel now : a student's guide to contemporary fiction外部サイトBalthazar : a novel外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトMid-century drama外部サイトIn parenthesis : seinnyessit e gledyf ym penn mameu外部サイトThe elder statesman外部サイトThe Faber book of twentieth century verse外部サイトThe human comedy外部サイトA choice of Clough's verse外部サイトThe autobiography of William Cobbett : the progress of a plough-boy to a seat in Parliament外部サイトParodies : an anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm--and after外部サイトThe story of Scotland外部サイトEsprit de corps : sketches from diplomatic life外部サイトA choice of Byron's verse外部サイトHinduism, Buddhism, Zen : an introduction to their meaning and their arts外部サイトOld Possum's book of practical cats外部サイトThe three royal monkeys外部サイトPersons in relation外部サイトZorba the Greek外部サイトPhaedra : Racine's 'Phèdre'外部サイトAppointment in Samarra外部サイトA choice of Anglo-Saxon verse外部サイトThe spire外部サイトThe White Goddess : a historical grammar of poetic myth外部サイトThe piemakers外部サイトThe New Architecture and the Bauhaus外部サイトChanging ideals in modern architecture, 1750-1950外部サイトChristopher Marlowe : the overreacher外部サイトKing Arthur and his knights外部サイトJames Joyce : a critical introduction外部サイトArthur Rimbaud外部サイトA survey of structural linguistics外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトOld soldiers never die外部サイトNotes towards the definition of culture外部サイトThe family reunion : a play外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトRupert Brooke : a biography外部サイトA resounding tinkle : a comedy外部サイトArt and Industry : the principles of industial design外部サイトStiff upper lip外部サイトEating your way to health : the Bircher-Benner approach to nutrition with a complete cookery book外部サイトSelected poems: in five sets外部サイトThe Marlows and the traitor外部サイトOld-soldier Sahib外部サイトPincher Martin外部サイト






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The Elder Edda : a selection
Poems, 1950-1966 : a selection
The blacks : a clown show
The poetry of W.B. Yeats
The Faber book of aphorisms : a personal selection
Selected poems
Tunc : a novel
Sex : the plain facts
Circle : international survey of constructive art
Prospero's cell : a guide to the landscape and manners of the island of Corcyra
The pleasures of Chinese cooking
Art and visual perception : a psychology of the creative eye
Waiting for Godot : a tragicomedy in two acts
Our examination round his factification for incamination of Work in progress
Introducing SF : a science fiction anthology
Modern bodybuilding : a complete guide to the promotion of fitness, strength, and physique
Parish churches : their architectural development in England
Reflections on a marine Venus : a companion to the landscape of Rhodes
Collected poems, 1909-1962
Endgame : a play in one act, followed by Act without words : a mime for one player
The dog beneath the skin : or where is Francis? : a play in three acts
Report to Greco
In the forest : story and pictures
The classic anthology defined by Confucius
For Lancelot Andrewes : essays on style and order
Peacock pie : a book of rhymes
An outline of English painting
Siamese White
Verse and worse : a private collection by Arnold Silcock
Poetry in the making : an anthology of poems and programmes from Listening and Writing
Human behaviour in illness : psychology & interpersonal relationships
The death of tragedy
English love poems
The meaning of art
Witchcraft : European and African
On modern art
The Faber book of modern verse
The identity of Yeats
A choice of Keats' verse
Tales told again
Freedom in the modern world
The confidential clerk : a play
The Geetā : the gospel of the Lord Shri Krishna
The Pisan cantos
Woodwind instruments and their history
Sappho: a play in verse
A choice of Kipling's verse
Free fall
Look back in anger : a play in three acts
The balcony
Justine : a novel
Italian Renaissance studies
Letters from Iceland
A choice of Dryden's verse
Selected poems
The riddle of the New Testament
The French language
The colossus
A choice of Burns's poems and songs
The Ulster crisis
Medieval English poetry : the non-Chaucerian tradition
Selected poems
Murder in the Cathedral
A choice of Chaucer's verse
The brass butterfly : a play in three acts
The ascent of F.6 and On the frontier
Selected poems
Selected essays
The sport of my mad mother : a play
Elements of general linguistics
The cocktail party : a comedy
A choice of Pope's verse
Eighty English folk songs from the southern Appalachians
Politics in England today : an interpretation
Mountolive : a novel
Justine : a novel
Krapp's last tape : and Embers
The sense of movement
The entertainer : a play
Selected poems
War in heaven
The story of Ireland
Old English houses
Art now : an introduction to the theory of modern painting and sculpture
Selected poems, 1930-1960
The gate of horn : a study of the religious conceptions of the Stone Age, and their influence upon European thought
The inheritors
Luther : a play
The philosophy of modern art : collected essays
Lord of the flies : a novel
The art of T.S. Eliot
Fighting terms
The poetical works of Rupert Brooke
Best secret service stories
Selected poems
The children of Green Knowe
Melba : a biography
Psychiatry : theory and practice for students and nurses
The Faber book of children's verse
Collected poems, 1909-1935
God was in Christ : an essay on incarnation and atonement
The river at Green Knowe
William Golding : a critical study
Here comes everybody : an introduction to James Joyce for the ordinary reader
Aristophanes Lysistrata
Memoirs of a fox-hunting man
A shorter Finnegans wake
The chimneys of Green Knowe
A history of electrical engineering
A patriot for me
Selected poems, 1923-1958
Little Malcolm and his struggle against the eunuchs
Selected poems
Feather woman of the jungle
Elizabethan and Jacobean poets : studies in Sidney, Shakespeare, Beaumont & Fletcher
Who moved the stone?
A grief observed
Notes towards the definition of culture
The dark labyrinth : a novel
The dark tower
Shakespeare's happy comedies
Makers of mathematics
Moral education in a changing society
Forty-two stories
The making of a counter culture : reflections on the technocratic society and its youthful opposition
One way pendulum : a farce in a new dimension
The birth and rebirth of pictorial space
Peasant wars of the twentieth century
The self as agent
Introducing astronomy
The overloaded ark
The use of poetry and the use of criticism : studies in the relation of criticism to poetry in England
Essays in social anthropology
Lord of the flies : a novel
Cooking in ten minutes, or : the adaptation to the rhythm of our time
A choice of Swinburne's verse
Balthazar : a novel
Palace of the Peacock
Esprit de corps : sketches from diplomatic life
Milton : two studies
A subject of scandal and concern : a play for television
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus
Yeats : the man and the masks
Child care and management : from birth to adolescence
Mountolive : a novel
Chaucer the maker
Pomes penyeach and other verses
On poetry and poets
The identity of Yeats
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
My name is Aram
Health personal and communal : a short hygiene for nurses
Selected poems, 1957-1967
Choo Choo : the story of a little engine who ran away
The classic anthology defined by Confucius
This way delight : a book of poetry for the young
The poetical works of Rupert Brooke
Everyone's book about the English Church
Elizabethan dramatists
Selected poems
The Fawley productivity agreements : a case study of management and collective bargaining
Four quartets
Christ recrucified
Ulysses on the Liffey
Education through art
All that fall : a play for radio
Positives : verses
Deathwatch : a play
Little children
The story of painting
Dear baby
The dog beneath the skin ; or, where is Francis? : a play in three acts
The growth of philosophic radicalism
The maids : a play
The theology of the sacraments, and other papers
Spirit of place: letters and essays on travel
The fool : his social and literary history
Incas and other men : travels in the Andes
The waste land and other poems
The Island of Horses
Printed ephemera : the changing use of type and letterforms in English and American printing
Anatomy and physiology for nurses : including notes on their clinical application
The daring young man on the flying trapeze, and other stories
London 2000
Education and the modern mind
The Beethoven companion
Identity, youth and crisis
Shakespeare's doctrine of nature : a study of King Lear
Goethe's Faust : parts I and II
White Eagles over Serbia
Anatomy and physiology for nurses
The forked flame : a study of D.H. Lawrence
A short history of Chinese art
Nunquam : a novel
Schiller's Mary Stuart
Augustine of Hippo : a biography
Selected poems, 1935-1963
The translations of Ezra Pound
The joy of Chinese cooking
Some stories
The modulor : a harmonious measure to the human scale universally applicable to architecture and mechanics
The knack : a comedy
The gift of friendship : a play for television
Homes, towns and traffic
Best ghost stories
Happy days : a play in two acts
The true voice of feeling : studies in English romantic poetry
A choice of De la Mare's verse
A History of mechanical engineering
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead
The poems of William Dunbar
A choice of Christina Rossetti's verse
Selected poems
Film as art
The death of tragedy
Introduction to typography
Al Capone : the biography of a self-made man
Introducing James Joyce : a selection of Joyce's prose
The backbenchers
My life in the Bush of Ghosts
Sailing to an island
First year at the university
Waiting for Godot : a tragicomedy in two acts
An experiment with time
Selected cantos of Ezra Pound
Sophocles, Women of Trachis
The sense of movement
The shrimp and the anemone
Play and two short pieces for radio
Epoch and artist : selected writings
Card tricks without skill
Masterpieces of music before 1750 : an anthology of musical examples from Gregorian chant to J.S. Bach
Selected writings
The balcony
Classic secrets of magic
Wagner's "Ring" and its symbols : the music and the myth
Romping through mathematics
The Faber book of modern verse
The theology of St. Luke
Introducing astronomy
Selected poems, 1935-1963
A student's guide to the selected poems of T.S. Eliot
Memoirs of an infantry officer
Liturgy and society : the function of the church in the modern world
African discovery : an anthology of exploration
Living anatomy : a photographic atlas of muscles in action and surface contours
The waste land and other poems
Selected poems
The palm-wine drinkard, and his dead palm-wine tapster in the Deads' Town
Modern British politics : a study of parties and pressure groups
ABC of reading
The family reunion : a play
A history of economic thought
American government and politics
Epitaph for George Dillon : a play in three acts
Best stories of William Saroyan
History in English words
A choice of George Herbert's verse
Italian art
Lawrence Durrell : a study
Essays in literary criticism : particular studies
A choice of Shakespeare's verse
Bitter lemons
The story of South Africa
Clea : a novel
Foreign mud : being an account of the opium imbroglio at Canton in the 1830's and the Anglo-Chinese War that followed
Clea : a novel
The novel now : a student's guide to contemporary fiction
Balthazar : a novel
Selected poems
Selected poems
Mid-century drama
In parenthesis : seinnyessit e gledyf ym penn mameu
The elder statesman
The Faber book of twentieth century verse
The human comedy
A choice of Clough's verse
The autobiography of William Cobbett : the progress of a plough-boy to a seat in Parliament
Parodies : an anthology from Chaucer to Beerbohm--and after
The story of Scotland
Esprit de corps : sketches from diplomatic life
A choice of Byron's verse
Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen : an introduction to their meaning and their arts
Old Possum's book of practical cats
The three royal monkeys
Persons in relation
Zorba the Greek
Phaedra : Racine's 'Phèdre'
Appointment in Samarra
A choice of Anglo-Saxon verse
The spire
The White Goddess : a historical grammar of poetic myth
The piemakers
The New Architecture and the Bauhaus
Changing ideals in modern architecture, 1750-1950
Christopher Marlowe : the overreacher
King Arthur and his knights
James Joyce : a critical introduction
Arthur Rimbaud
A survey of structural linguistics
Selected poems
Old soldiers never die
Notes towards the definition of culture
The family reunion : a play
Selected poems
Rupert Brooke : a biography
A resounding tinkle : a comedy
Art and Industry : the principles of industial design
Stiff upper lip
Eating your way to health : the Bircher-Benner approach to nutrition with a complete cookery book
Selected poems: in five sets
The Marlows and the traitor
Old-soldier Sahib
Pincher Martin
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA04421434 : BA04421434