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- Towns and local communities in Medieval and early modern EnglandAn Orthodox commonwealth : symbolic legacies and cultural encounters in southeastern EuropeChurch and crown in the fourteenth century : studies in European history and political thoughtStudies on early Hungarian and pontic historyWriting Ottoman history : documents and interpretationsStudies on Alberti and PetrarchCardinal Pole in European context : a "via media" in the ReformationEssays on medieval rhetoricIslamic art and beyondIslamic visual culture, 1100-1800Galen and Galenism : theory and medical practice from antiquity to the European RenaissanceTurks and Khazars : origins, institutions, and interactions in pre-Mongol EurasiaClassical Islamic theology : the AshʿaritesNomads and their neighbours in the Russian steppe : Turks, Khazars and QipchaqsScholars and courtiers : intellectuals and society in the medieval WestPhilosophy and the arts in Central Europe, 1500-1700 : teaching and texts at schools and universitiesChurches, castles and landscape in the Frankish EastThe decrees of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17) : their legitimacy, origins, contents, and implementationDecline and change in late antiquity : religion, barbarians and their historiographyPatrons, artisans and instruments of science, 1600-1750Ideas and practices in the history of medicine, 1650-1820Pour une histoire des Alpes, Moyen Âge et temps modernesHealth and healing in early modern England : studies in social and intellectual historyThe world of the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800 : studies in economic, social and cultural historyComposers and their songs, 1400-1521Humanist biography in Renaissance Italy and Reformation Germany : friendship and rhetoricMusic and musicians in 16th-century FlorenceThe identity of the history of science and medicineFrankish history : studies in the construction of powerAspects of the mind of Byzantium : political theory, theology, and ecclesiastical relations with the See of RomeThe development of science and technology in nineteenth-century Britain : the importance of ManchesterAbbot Joachim of fiore and joachimism : selected articlesHistorical memory and clerical activity in medieval Spain and PortugalJewish culture and society in medieval France and GermanyThe Crusades, the Kingdom of Sicily, and the MediterraneanThe post-Byzantin monuments of the Pontos : a source bookStudies in medieval Shi'ismPhilip Melanchthon, speaker of the Reformation : Wittenberg's other reformerCrusaders and settlers in the Latin EastEssays on Iberian history and literature, from the Roman empire to the RenaissanceMedieval folk astronomy and agriculture in Arabia and the YemenLatins, Greeks and Muslims : encounters in the Eastern Mediterranean, 10th-15th centuriesThe canzone villanesca alla napolitana : social, cultural and historical contextsThe papacy, Frederick II and communal devotion in medieval ItalySigns and wonders : saints, miracles and prayers from the 4th century to the 14thSin : essays on the moral tradition in the western Middle AgesMedieval thought and historiographyEssays on the performance of Baroque music : opera and chamber music in France and EnglandGeography, urbanisation and settlement patterns in the Roman Near EastThe Portuguese in India and other studies, 1500-1700Christian Russia in the makingPlotinus, Porphyry and Iamblichus : philosophy and religion in NeoplatonismStudies on Ottoman PalestineChristian politics and religious culture in late antiquityBaltic commerce and urban society, 1500-1700 : Gdańsk/Danzig and its Polish contextComposition, printing and performance : studies in Renaissance musicChristians, Gnostics and philosophers in Late AntiquitySciences of the earth : studies in the history of mineralogy and geologyRenaissance humanism, from the Middle Ages to modern timesGuilds, price formation and market structures in ByzantiumEssays on the industrial revolution in BritainStudies in medieval Muslim thought and historyThe Bayeux tapestry : collected papersAstronomy and astrology in the medieval Islamic worldReform, representation and theology in Nicholas of Cusa and his ageMutations of Hellenism in Late AntiquityKingdoms of the crusaders : from Jerusalem to CyprusNaturalists and society : the culture of natural history in Britain, 1700-1900Comparative studies in modern European history : nation, nationalism, social changeDivine liturgies -- Human problems in Byzantium, Armenia, Syria and PalestineScience in the romantic eraMedicine in a multicultural society : Christian, Jewish and Muslim practitioners in the Spanish kingdoms, 1220-1610Turks, Tatars and Russians in the 13th-16th centuriesConcepts and ideas at the dawn of IslamEast Rome, Sasanian Persia and the end of antiquity : historiographical and historical studiesAnglo-Saxon glosses and glossariesConsidering medieval women and genderFeuding and peace-making in eleventh-century FranceChurch, state, and community : historical and comparative perspectivesIslam in Africa and the Middle East : studies on conversion and renewalWorkers, women, and social change in Poland, 1870-1939Church and society in late antique Italy and beyondStudies on the history and topography of Byzantine ConstantinopleGiacomo Meyerbeer and music drama in nineteenth-century Paris"A free though conquering people" : eighteenth-century Britain and its empireThe reception of Byzantine culture in Mediaeval RussiaLaw and religion in Chaucer's EnglandPopes and church reform in the 11th centuryHeresy and Hussites in late medieval EuropeBuccaneers, explorers, and settlers : British enterprise and encounters in the Pacific, 1670-1800Music, science, philosophy : models in the universe of thoughtThe low countries in the sixteenth century : Erasmus, religion and politics, trade and financeWomen, family and society in ByzantiumMing Taizu (r. 1368-98) and the foundation of the Ming Dynasty in ChinaThe Franks in Outremer : studies in the Latin principalities of Palestine and Syria, 1099-1187Islamic astronomical tables : mathematical analysis and historical investigationFatimid history and Ismaili doctrineIdeas and contexts in France and England from the Renaissance to the romanticsStudies on the Melitian schism in Egypt (AD 306-335)Land and people in late medieval EnglandEmergent elites and Byzantium in the Balkans and east-central EuropeEssays on medieval military history : strategy, military revolutions and the Hundred Years WarThe Byzantine aristocracy and its military functionInquisitions and other trial procedures in the Medieval WestFrom the Old Academy to later neo-Platonism : studies in the history of Platonic thoughtClassical traditions in Renaissance philosophyStudies on the transmission of medieval mathematical astronomyLes sources du plain-chant et de la musique médiévaleThe celebration of the saints in Byzantine art and liturgyThe world of the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800 : studies in economic, social and cultural historyGreek scholars between East and West in the fifteenth centuryEconomic thought and economic life in ByzantiumFrom Diocletian to the Arab conquest : change in the late Roman EmpirePerception, conscience and will in ancient philosophyRenaissance education between religion and politicsStudies in Gregorian chantPionniers du droit occidental au Moyen ÂgeLyell and Darwin, geologists : studies in the earth sciences in the age of reformChina, the Portuguese, and the Nanyang : oceans and routes, regions and trade (c. 1000-1600)Studies on eighteenth-century geologyHistory, religion, and violence : cultural contexts for medieval and Renaissance English dramaStudies on Portuguese Asia, 1495-1689China and the birth of globalization in the 16th centuryOrthodoxy, paganism and dissent in the early Christian centuriesRe-thinking kinship and feudalism in early medieval EuropeTravellers, merchants and settlers in the eastern Mediterranean, 11th-14th centuriesChanging perspectives on England and the continent in the early middle agesScientific institutions and practice in France and Britain, c.1700-c.1870Les anciens répertoires de plain-chantCoinage and coin use in medieval ItalyWar, government, and society in the medieval Crown of AragonThe fathers and beyond : church fathers between ancient and medieval thoughtBarbarians, maps and historiography : studies on the early medieval WestImage making in Byzantium, Sasanian Persia and the early Muslim world : images and culturesCultural change among the Jews of early modern ItalyDoctrine and Philosophy in Early Christianity : Arius, Athanasius, AugustineMonteverdi and his contemporariesWelsh history in the early Middle Ages : texts and societiesGender, family and the legitimation of power : England from the ninth to early twelfth centuryMigration and mortality in Africa and the Atlantic world, 1700-1900Chronicles, consuls, and coins : historiography and history in the later Roman EmpireWarfare, crusade and conquest in the Middle AgesStudies in medieval Taoism and the poetry of Li PoPages from the past : medieval writing skills and manuscript booksThe medieval antecedents of English agricultural progressReading Plato, tracing Plato : from ancient commentary to medieval receptionThe Portuguese in India and other studies, 1500-1700Philosophy, theology and mysticism in medieval IslamThe Aristotelian tradition in SyriacPathways from slavery : British and colonial mobilizations in global perspectiveByzantium and the other : relations and exchangesHistory and literature of Byzantium in the 9th-10th centuriesStudies on the reception of Plato and Greek political thought in Victorian BritainThe processes of politics and the rule of law : studies on the Iberian Kingdoms and Papal Rome in the middle agesPlatonism pagan and Christian : studies in Plotinus and AugustineApproaches to Monteverdi : aesthetic, psychological, analytical and historical studiesGuns and men in medieval Europe, 1200-1500 : studies in military history and technologyLaw and religion between Petra and Edessa : studies in Aramaic epigraphy on the Roman frontierTravellers from Europe in the Ottoman and Safavid empires, 16th-17th centuries : seeking, transforming, discarding knowledgePeasants and Jews in medieval Germany : studies in cultural, social, and economic historyPrinciples and practices in ancient Greek and Chinese scienceStudies in Italian sacred and instrumental music in the 17th centuryWarfare and military organization in pre-crusade EuropeFrom atoms to molecules : studies in the history of chemistry from the 19th centuryConquerors and churchmen in Norman ItalyStudies in Renaissance humanism and politics : Florence and ArezzoVenice besieged : politics and diplomacy in the Italian wars, 1494-1534Music in Renaissance Florence : studies and documentsPeter Abelard and Heloise : collected studiesNumerals and arithmetic in the Middle AgesUrban and religious spaces in late antiquity and early ByzantiumStudies on Sufism in Central AsiaArt in the medieval West and its audienceAspects of book culture in early modern EnglandThe insular GospelsPower and its problems in Carolingian EuropeInterpretation and jurisprudence in medieval IslamEnglish poets in the late Middle Ages : Chaucer, Langland and othersStudies in the printing, publishing and performance of music in the 16th centuryLa théorie de la musique antique et médiévaleAncients and moderns in the medical sciences : from Hippocrates to HarveyMusic, patronage and printing in late renaissance FlorenceThe history of rhetoric and the rhetoric of historyThe beginnings of Christian theology in Arabic : Muslim-Christian encounters in the early Islamic periodThe great tradition : further studies in the development of Platonism and early ChristianityStudies in scholasticismStudies on the formation of Christian ArmeniaChina and the Mongols : history and legend under the Yüan and MingFatimid history and Ismaili doctrineChristian Spain and Portugal in the early Middle Ages : texts and societiesAdministration and organization of war in thirteenth-century EnglandMedicine in a multicultural society : Christian, Jewish and Muslim practitioners in the Spanish kingdoms, 1222-1610Studies on ancient ChristianityArab cities in the Ottoman period : Cairo, Syria, and the MaghrebMedieval Greece : encounters between Latins, Greeks and others in the Dodecanese and the ManiAspects of war in the late Middle AgesThe Fatimids and EgyptEngaging with the past, c.250-c.650From the later Roman Empire to late antiquity and beyondIbn Sīnā and his influence on the Arabic and Latin worldRenaissance humanism, from the Middle Ages to modern timesStars and numbers : astronomy and mathematics in the medieval Arab and western worldsMedieval trade in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyondReason and belief in the age of Roscelin and AbelardPharmacopoeias and related literature in Britain and America, 1618-1847Documenting Christianity in Egypt, sixth to fourteenth centuriesTravellers and cosmographers : studies in the history of early modern travel and ethnologyEarly medieval exegesis in the Latin West : sources and formsReligion and society in the medieval West, 600-1200 : selected papersNicholas of Cusa and the RenaissanceHistoire du droit savant (13e-18e siècle) : doctrines et vulgarisation par incunablesLater Roman Egypt : society, religion, economy, and administrationSaints, women and humanists in Renaissance VeniceOn the military orders in medieval Europe : structures and perceptionsEssays in naval history, from medieval to modernGreeks and Latins in Renaissance Italy : studies on humanism and philosophy in the 15th centuryPainting music in the sixteenth century : essays in iconographySeafaring, sailors and trade, 1450-1750 : studies in British and European maritime and imperial historyCouncils of the Catholic Reformation : Pisa I (1409) to Trent (1545-63)Studies in English church music, 1550-1900Production and consumption in the low countries, 13th-16th centuriesCrusaders, Cathars, and the holy placesThe structure of being and the search for the good : essays on ancient and early medieval PlatonismThe art of words : Bede and TheodulfBefore and after Darwin : origins, species, cosmogonies, and ontologiesEssays on medieval rhetoricSocial and economic life in ByzantiumConciliarism and church law in the fifteenth century : studies on Franciscus Zabarella and the Council of ConstanceAstronomy and astrology in al-Andalus and the MaghribWomen's healthcare in the medieval West : texts and contextsArab cities in the Ottoman period : Cairo, Syria and the MaghrebFrom Arabian tribes to Islamic empire : army, state and society in the Near East c. 600-850The Codex Amiatinus, the Book of Kells and Anglo-Saxon artIbn Sīnā and his influence on the Arabic and Latin worldOrientations of Avicenna's philosophy : essays on his life, method, heritageStudies on Plotinus and al-KindīRitual, ceremony and the changing monarchy in France, 1350-1789Grammarians and grammatical theory in the medieval Arabic traditionChristians and Jews in dispute : disputational literature and the rise of anti-Judaism in the West (c.1000-1150)Byzantium-Rus-Russia : studies in the translation of Christian cultureThe practices of crusading : image and action from the eleventh to the sixteenth centuriesRenaissance astrolabes and their makersThe practice of British geology, 1750-1850The painter Angelos and icon-painting in Venetian CreteDarwin studies : a theorist and his theories in their contextsPopes, church, and Jews in the Middle Ages : confrontation and responseReform, ecclesiology, and the Christian life in the late Middle AgesScience, technology and learning in the Ottoman Empire : Western influence, local institutions, and the transfer of knowledgeStudies on Central and Eastern Europe in the twentieth century : regional crises and the case of HungaryEarly Islamic theology : the muʿtazilites and al-ashʿariFire from heaven : studies in Syriac theology and liturgyPortuguese, Dutch and Chinese in maritime Asia, c.1585-1800 : merchants, commodities and commerceEuropean approaches to North America, 1450-1640Studies in Syriac Christianity : history, literature, and theologyStudies on the cult of relics in Byzantium up to 1204Studies in medieval astronomy and opticsConcord and reform : Nicholas of Cusa and legal and political thought in the fifteenth centuryEnamels, crowns, relics and icons : studies on luxury arts in ByzantiumCult, ritual, divinity and belief in the Roman worldFrench and English polyphony of the 13th and 14th centuries : style and notationThe Byzantine and early Islamic Near EastBody and gender, soul and reason in late antiquityCluny from the tenth to the twelfth centuries : further studiesCentral Asia and non-Chinese peoples of ancient ChinaHellenistic and Roman Egypt : sources and approachesStudies on ancient ChristianityThe middle ages without feudalism : essays in criticism and comparison on the medieval WestThe Platonic heritage : further studies in the history of Platonism and early ChristianityWords and music in medieval EuropeArabic Christianity in the monasteries of ninth-century PalestineRome and the Arabian frontier : from the Nabataeans to the SaracensFriendship and faith : Cistercian men, women, and their stories, 1100-1250Image and imagination in Byzantine artRenaissance transformations of late medieval thoughtChina and the Asian seas : trade, travel, and visions of the other (1400-1750)Kinship and justice in Byzantium, 11th-15th centuriesPiety and politics in Britain, 14th-15th centuries : the essays of John A.F. ThomsonState, society and intelligentsia : modern Poland and its regional contextThe sources of Beneventan chantHagiography in Byzantium : literature, social history and cultStudies on the Mongol empire and early Muslim IndiaSociety and culture in early modern EnglandCulture and politics in early Renaissance PaduaThomas Becket : friends, networks, texts, and cultFigures in the landscape : rural society in England, 1500-1700From Kavād to al-Ghazālī : religion, law and political thought in the Near East, c.600-c.1100The Almohad revolution : politics and religion in the Islamic West during the twelfth-thirteenth centuriesAristotelian logic, platonism, and the context of early medieval philosophy in the WestStudies on early Arabic philosophyThe Qur'an and its interpretative traditionRevisiting the music of medieval France : from Gallican chant to DufayCourts, elites, and gendered power in the early Middle Ages : Charlemagne and othersStudies on Ottoman society and culture, 16th-18th centuriesCanon law, the expansion of Europe, and world orderBiblical interpretation from the church fathers to the ReformationMedieval Narbonne : a city at the heart of the troubadour worldReorientations of western thought from antiquity to the RenaissanceMusic and its virtues in Islamic and Judaic writingsStudies in early Christian liturgy and its contextEssays in medieval Chinese literature and cultural historyThe development of mathematics in medieval Europe : the Arabs, Euclid, RegiomontanusStudies in the platonism of Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni PicoVenetian music in the age of VivaldiLimits of thought and power in medieval EuropeIslamic astronomy and geographyArabic into Latin in the Middle Ages : the translators and their intellectual and social contextBrittany in the early Middle Ages : texts and societiesThe practice of medieval music : studies in chant and performanceDomingo de Soto and the early Galileo : essays on intellectual historyMagic, memory and natural philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuriesMilitary orders in the early modern Portuguese world : the Orders of Christ, Santiago and AvisTwo Aristotelians of the Italian Renaissance : Nicoletto Vernia and Agostino NifoWomen and religious life in ByzantiumLutherans and Calvinists in the age of confessionalismBetween France and England : politics, power and society in late medieval BrittanyMedieval manuscripts in post-medieval EnglandJohn of Damascus : new studies on his life and worksEast European nationalism, politics and religionScience in the public sphere : natural knowledge in British culture, 1800-1860Politics, law and counsel in Tudor and early Stuart EnglandEnglish church polyphony : singers and sources from the 14th to the 17th centuryStuccowork and painting in Roman ItalyPatronage in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century FranceFrom Byzantium to modern Greece : medieval texts and their modern receptionHerbs and herbalism in the Middle Ages and RenaissanceMerchant families, banking and money in medieval LuccaThe Virgilian tradition : book history and the history of reading in early modern EuropeTrade and industry in early modern ItalyTransformations of religious practices in late antiquityPiety, power and history in medieval England and NormandyThe Platonic heritage : further studies in the history of Platonism and early ChristianityThe making of Christian Malta : from the early Middle Ages to 1530Backwardness and modernization : Poland and Eastern Europe in the 16th-20th centuriesCyprus, the Franks and Venice, 13th-16th centuriesChina's seaborne trade with South and Southeast Asia (1200-1750)Studies on the history of late antique and Christian NubiaLate antique and Byzantine ivory carvingForm, style, and meaning in Byzantine church architectureEssays on early medieval mathematics : the Latin traditionEssays on Tang and pre-Tang ChinaManors and maps in rural England, from the tenth century to the seventeenthFrancs et orientaux dans le monde des croisadesFrench opera, 1730-1830 : meaning and mediaVenice, myth and utopian thought in the sixteenth century : Bodin, Postel and the Virgin of VeniceRhetoric, nature and magic in Byzantine artLiteracy and identity in pre-Islamic ArabiaStudies in Renaissance grammarUniversities, medicine and science in the medieval WestThe Waldenses, 1170-1530 : between a religious order and a churchSyriac Christianity under late Sasanian and early Islamic ruleStudies on medieval liturgical and legal manuscripts from Spain and southern ItalyChant grégorien et musique médiévaleField systems and farming systems in late medieval EnglandEvolutionary naturalism in Victorian Britain : the 'Darwinians' and their criticsPristina medicamenta : ancient and medieval medical botanyHospitals and healing from antiquity to the later Middle AgesByzantium and Venice, 1204-1453 : collected studiesLearning and culture in Carolingian Europe : letters, numbers, exegesis, and manuscriptsEschatology and Christian nurture : themes in Anglo-Saxon and medieval religious lifeCarolingian coinage and the Vikings : studies on power and trade in the 9th centuryStudies in pre-Ottoman Turkey and the OttomansStudies on the Jews of Venice, 1382-1797Byzantium, Latin Romania and the MediterraneanPower, marginality, and the body in medieval IslamScience in the medieval Hebrew and Arabic traditionsThe temple, the church fathers and early western chantRe-enacting the past : essays on the evolution of modern English historiographyLatin Christian writers in late antiquity and their textsMasters of learned ignorance : Eriugena, Eckhart, CusanusItalian humanism and medieval rhetoricCulture and society in medieval OccitaniaCourt culture and literature in early ChinaThe Mongols in the Islamic lands : studies in the history of the IlkhanateThe Hospitaller state on Rhodes and its western provinces, 1306-1462Franks, Muslims and oriental Christians in the Latin Levant : studies in frontier acculturationThe development of Islamic law and society in the Maghrib : Qāḍīs, Muftīs and family lawAstrolabes from medieval EuropeThe Jews and the sciences in the Middle AgesIdeology and royal power in medieval France : kingship, crusades and the JewsRelated worlds : studies in Jewish and Arab ancient and early medieval historyPharmacy and drug lore in antiquity : Greece, Rome, ByzantiumByzantine chronicles and the sixth centuryBishops, saints, and historians : studies in the ecclesiastical history of medieval Britain and ItalyPeople, tribes and society in Arabia around the time of MuḥammadJews and Arabs in pre- and early Islamic ArabiaStudies on the Hospitallers after 1306 : Rhodes and the WestCyprus and the devotional arts of Byzantium in the era of the CrusadesThe prophetic sense of history in medieval and renaissance EuropeCult places and cult personnel in the Roman EmpireStudying medieval rulers and their subjects : Central Europe and beyondMusic and musicians in Renaissance Rome and other courtsAbelard and his legacyReason, faith and otherness in neoplatonic and early Christian thoughtHumanism and Renaissance civilizationVenice and the Veneto in the early RenaissanceReligion, magic, and the origins of science in early modern EnglandUnderstanding Byzantium : studies in Byzantine historical sourcesCrusaders and Franks : studies in the history of the Crusades and the Frankish LevantFrom Ephrem to Romanos : interactions between Syriac and Greek in Late AntiquityWord, image and experience : dynamics of miracle and self-perception in sixth-century GaulGiovanni Gabrieli and his contemporaries : music, sources and collectionsScience, philosophy and religion in the age of the Enlightenment : British and global contextsLater Byzantine painting : art, agency, and appreciationMedieval monasticismAstronomy and astrology in al-Andalus and the MaghribByzantine chronicles and the sixth centuryTurks and Khazars : origins, institutions, and interactions in pre-Mongol EurasiaChurch and society in late antique Italy and beyondStudies on Ottoman society and culture, 16th-18th centuriesStudies on the image of Christ, the Virgin and narrative scenesHeresy and Hussites in late medieval EuropeMetaphysics and hermeneutics in the Medieval Platonic traditionTrade and enterprise : the Muslim tujjar in the Ottoman Empire and Qajar Iran, 1860-1914Peiresc's Orient : antiquarianism as cultural history in the seventeenth centuryStudies on the life of Muhammad and the dawn of Islam : idol worshippers, Christians and Jews in pre- and early IslamStudies on Ottoman science and cultureSaints, women and humanists in Renaissance VeniceThe boundless sea : writing Mediterranean historyMortality, trade, money and credit in late medieval England (1285-1531)Travellers, merchants and settlers in the eastern Mediterranean, 11th-14th centuriesIslamic visual culture, 1100-1800Studies on images of the saints and on personal pietyRe-thinking kinship and feudalism in early medieval EuropeThe Merovingians : kingship, institutions, law, and historyLetters, literacy and literature in ByzantiumAristotelian logic, platonism, and the context of early medieval philosophy in the WestBooks and their readers in the RenaissanceGreeks and Latins in Renaissance Italy : studies on humanism and philosophy in the 15th centuryGratian and the schools of law, 1140-1234Sicily and the Mediterranean in the Middle AgesThe Fatimids and EgyptStudies on the Mongol empire and early Muslim IndiaCult places and cult personnel in the Roman EmpireMedieval manuscripts in post-medieval EnglandStudies on eighteenth-century geologyScience, enlightenment and revolution : selected papers, 1976-2019"A free though conquering people" : eighteenth-century Britain and its empireMagic and divination in the Middle Ages : texts and techniques in the Islamic and Christian worldsCrusaders and Franks : studies in the history of the Crusades and the Frankish LevantThe materials of early theatre: sources, images, and performance : shifting paradigms in early English drama studiesRulers and ruling families in early medieval Europe : Alfred, Charles the Bald, and othersThe power of Islam in Morocco : historical and anthropological perspectivesHolocaust studies : critical reflections
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research