
International studies in higher education


International studies in higher education

series editors, David Palfreyman, Ted Tapper, Scott Thomas


Organizing academic work in Higher Education : Teaching, Learning and identities外部サイトTowards the private funding of higher education : ideological and political struggles外部サイトStudent financing of higher education : a comparative perspective外部サイトAffirmative action matters : creating opportunities for students around the world外部サイトCross-border partnerships in higher education : strategies and issues外部サイトDiversity and inclusion in higher education : emerging perspectives on institutional transformation外部サイトUniversities and the public sphere : knowledge creation and state building in the era of globalization外部サイトInternational organizations and higher education policy : thinking globally, acting locally?外部サイトUniversities and regional development : a critical assessment of tensions and contradictions外部サイトAcademic and professional identities in higher education : the challenges of a diversifying workforce外部サイトThe engaged university : international perspectives on civic engagement外部サイトStructuring mass higher education : the role of elite institutions外部サイトThe future university : ideas and possibilities外部サイトAccountability in higher education : global perspectives on trust and power外部サイトEnhancing quality in higher education : international perspectives外部サイトGlobal rankings and the geopolitics of higher education : understanding the influence and impact of rankings on higher education, policy and society外部サイトCross-border partnerships in higher education : strategies and issues外部サイトInternational perspectives on the governance of higher education : alternative frameworks for coordination外部サイトThe global student experience : an international and comparative analysis外部サイトUniversities and regional development : a critical assessment of tensions and contradictions外部サイトStudent financing of higher education : a comparative perspective外部サイトThe engaged university : international perspectives on civic engagement外部サイトThe changing face of higher education : is there an international crisis in the humanities?外部サイトTribes and territories in the 21st-century : rethinking the significance of disciplines in higher education外部サイトInternational research collaborations : much to be gained, many ways to get in trouble外部サイトUniversities in the knowledge economy : higher education organisation and global change外部サイトInternational organizations and higher education policy : thinking globally, acting locally?外部サイトInternational trends in university governance : autonomy, self-government and the distribution of authority外部サイトGlobal rankings and the geopolitics of higher education : understanding the influence and impact of rankings on higher education, policy and society外部サイトTowards the private funding of higher education : ideological and political struggles外部サイト






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series editors, David Palfreyman, Ted Tapper, Scott Thomas
Organizing academic work in Higher Education : Teaching, Learning and identities
Towards the private funding of higher education : ideological and political struggles
Student financing of higher education : a comparative perspective
Affirmative action matters : creating opportunities for students around the world
Cross-border partnerships in higher education : strategies and issues
Diversity and inclusion in higher education : emerging perspectives on institutional transformation
Universities and the public sphere : knowledge creation and state building in the era of globalization
International organizations and higher education policy : thinking globally, acting locally?
Universities and regional development : a critical assessment of tensions and contradictions
Academic and professional identities in higher education : the challenges of a diversifying workforce
The engaged university : international perspectives on civic engagement
Structuring mass higher education : the role of elite institutions
The future university : ideas and possibilities
Accountability in higher education : global perspectives on trust and power
Enhancing quality in higher education : international perspectives
Global rankings and the geopolitics of higher education : understanding the influence and impact of rankings on higher education, policy and society
Cross-border partnerships in higher education : strategies and issues
International perspectives on the governance of higher education : alternative frameworks for coordination
The global student experience : an international and comparative analysis
Universities and regional development : a critical assessment of tensions and contradictions
Student financing of higher education : a comparative perspective
The engaged university : international perspectives on civic engagement
The changing face of higher education : is there an international crisis in the humanities?
Tribes and territories in the 21st-century : rethinking the significance of disciplines in higher education
International research collaborations : much to be gained, many ways to get in trouble
Universities in the knowledge economy : higher education organisation and global change
International organizations and higher education policy : thinking globally, acting locally?
International trends in university governance : autonomy, self-government and the distribution of authority
Global rankings and the geopolitics of higher education : understanding the influence and impact of rankings on higher education, policy and society
Towards the private funding of higher education : ideological and political struggles
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research