
Critical studies in education and culture series


Critical studies in education and culture series

Bergin & Garvey



"Edited by Henry A. Giroux and Paulo Freire"Publisher varies: Westport : Praeger


Naming the multiple : poststructuralism and education外部サイトBeyond comfort zones in multiculturalism : confronting the politics of privilege外部サイトKnowledge, gender, and schooling : the feminist educational thought of Jane Roland Martin外部サイトThe problem of freedom in postmodern education外部サイトAnti-racism, feminism, and critical approaches to education外部サイトLearning work : a critical pedagogy of work education外部サイトRestructuring for integrative education : multiple perspectives, multiple contexts外部サイトSimulation, spectacle, and the ironies of education reform外部サイトEducational leadership : a critical pragmatic perspective外部サイトRewriting literacy : culture and the discourse of the other外部サイトMedia education and the (re)production of culture外部サイトBuilding communities of difference : higher education in the twenty-first century外部サイトCritical pedagogy : an introduction外部サイトLiberating praxis : Paulo Freire's legacy for radical education and politics外部サイトComing out in college : the struggle for a queer identity外部サイトPostmodern philosophical critique and the pursuit of knowledge in higher education外部サイトNietzsche's legacy for education : past and present values外部サイトPolitical relationship and narrative knowledge : a critical analysis of school authoritarianism外部サイトPositioning subjects : psychoanalysis and critical educational studies外部サイトTheory and resistance in education : towards a pedagogy for the opposition外部サイトCounselor education for the twenty-first century外部サイトCritical multiculturalism : uncommon voices in a common struggle外部サイトSocial movements, civil society, and radical adult education外部サイトBecoming and unbecoming white : owning and disowning a racial identity外部サイトVoices in architectural education : cultural politics and pedagogy外部サイトEducation still under siege外部サイトRaising curtains on education : drama as a site for critical pedagogy外部サイトCulture and difference : critical perspectives on the bicultural experience in the United States外部サイトCulture, politics, and Irish school dropouts : constructing political identities外部サイトThe rhetoric of diversity and the traditions of American literary study : critical multiculturalism in English外部サイトPolicy, pedagogy, and social inequality : community college student realities in post-industrial America外部サイトCommunity in motion : theatre for development in Africa外部サイトThinking again : education after postmodernism外部サイトTeaching against the grain : texts for a pedagogy of possibility外部サイトAdult students "at-risk" : culture bias in higher education外部サイトRevolutionary social transformation : democratic hopes, political possibilities and critical education外部サイトRituals, ceremonies, and cultural meaning in higher education外部サイトAfter the disciplines : the emergence of cultural studies外部サイトCritical reflection and the foreign language classroom外部サイトCultural pedagogy : art, education, politics外部サイトSchooling in a "total institution" : critical perspectives on prison education外部サイトCritical education against global capitalism : Karl Marx and revolutionary critical education外部サイトRepositioning feminism and education : perspectives on educating for social change外部サイトIdeology, discourse, and school reform外部サイトEducation and the postmodern condition外部サイトMichel Foucault : materialism and education外部サイトToward a critical politics of teacher thinking : mapping the Postmodern外部サイトEducation and the postmodern condition外部サイトBell Hooks' engaged pedagogy : a transgressive education for critical consciousness外部サイトPoststructuralism, politics, and education外部サイトPsychoanalysis and pedagogy外部サイトCritical pedagogy : an introduction外部サイトLiteracy in the library : negotiating the spaces between order and desire外部サイトEducation, literacy, and humanization : exploring the work of Paulo Freire外部サイトCulture and power in the classroom : a critical foundation for bicultural education外部サイトBeyond liberation and excellence : reconstructing the public discourse on education外部サイトSchooling the poor : a social inquiry into the American educational experience外部サイトEducation and public choice : a critical account of the invisible hand in education外部サイトWittgenstein : philosophy, postmodernism, pedagogy外部サイトRacial categorization of multiracial children in schools外部サイト



  • Naming the multiple : poststructuralism and education

  • Beyond comfort zones in multiculturalism : confronting the politics of privilege

  • Knowledge, gender, and schooling : the feminist educational thought of Jane Roland Martin

  • The problem of freedom in postmodern education

  • Anti-racism, feminism, and critical approaches to education





  • CiNii Research

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"Edited by Henry A. Giroux and Paulo Freire"
Publisher varies: Westport : Praeger
Naming the multiple : poststructuralism and education
Beyond comfort zones in multiculturalism : confronting the politics of privilege
Knowledge, gender, and schooling : the feminist educational thought of Jane Roland Martin
The problem of freedom in postmodern education
Anti-racism, feminism, and critical approaches to education
Learning work : a critical pedagogy of work education
Restructuring for integrative education : multiple perspectives, multiple contexts
Simulation, spectacle, and the ironies of education reform
Educational leadership : a critical pragmatic perspective
Rewriting literacy : culture and the discourse of the other
Media education and the (re)production of culture
Building communities of difference : higher education in the twenty-first century
Critical pedagogy : an introduction
Liberating praxis : Paulo Freire's legacy for radical education and politics
Coming out in college : the struggle for a queer identity
Postmodern philosophical critique and the pursuit of knowledge in higher education
Nietzsche's legacy for education : past and present values
Political relationship and narrative knowledge : a critical analysis of school authoritarianism
Positioning subjects : psychoanalysis and critical educational studies
Theory and resistance in education : towards a pedagogy for the opposition
Counselor education for the twenty-first century
Critical multiculturalism : uncommon voices in a common struggle
Social movements, civil society, and radical adult education
Becoming and unbecoming white : owning and disowning a racial identity
Voices in architectural education : cultural politics and pedagogy
Education still under siege
Raising curtains on education : drama as a site for critical pedagogy
Culture and difference : critical perspectives on the bicultural experience in the United States
Culture, politics, and Irish school dropouts : constructing political identities
The rhetoric of diversity and the traditions of American literary study : critical multiculturalism in English
Policy, pedagogy, and social inequality : community college student realities in post-industrial America
Community in motion : theatre for development in Africa
Thinking again : education after postmodernism
Teaching against the grain : texts for a pedagogy of possibility
Adult students "at-risk" : culture bias in higher education
Revolutionary social transformation : democratic hopes, political possibilities and critical education
Rituals, ceremonies, and cultural meaning in higher education
After the disciplines : the emergence of cultural studies
Critical reflection and the foreign language classroom
Cultural pedagogy : art, education, politics
Schooling in a "total institution" : critical perspectives on prison education
Critical education against global capitalism : Karl Marx and revolutionary critical education
Repositioning feminism and education : perspectives on educating for social change
Ideology, discourse, and school reform
Education and the postmodern condition
Michel Foucault : materialism and education
Toward a critical politics of teacher thinking : mapping the Postmodern
Education and the postmodern condition
Bell Hooks' engaged pedagogy : a transgressive education for critical consciousness
Poststructuralism, politics, and education
Psychoanalysis and pedagogy
Critical pedagogy : an introduction
Literacy in the library : negotiating the spaces between order and desire
Education, literacy, and humanization : exploring the work of Paulo Freire
Culture and power in the classroom : a critical foundation for bicultural education
Beyond liberation and excellence : reconstructing the public discourse on education
Schooling the poor : a social inquiry into the American educational experience
Education and public choice : a critical account of the invisible hand in education
Wittgenstein : philosophy, postmodernism, pedagogy
Racial categorization of multiracial children in schools
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books