
Public Health Service publication


Public Health Service publication

United States. Public Health Service
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service


Research grants index, fiscal year 1963外部サイトNot the law's business? : An examination of homosexuality, abortion, prostitution, narcotics, and gambling in the United States外部サイトDesign of sample surveys to estimate the prevalence of rare diseases : three unbiased estimates外部サイトAge-adjusted and age-specific death rates for malignant neoplasms, 1960外部サイトReported tuberculosis data, 1966外部サイトMedical school facilities : planning considerations外部サイトAn index of health : mathematical models外部サイトAir pollution measurements of the national air sampling network : analyses of suspended particulates 1957-1961外部サイトHospitals : a county and metropolitan area data book : data compiled from the 1967 Master facility inventory外部サイトRepublic of the Congo (formerly the Belgian Congo) : a study of health problems and resources外部サイトA systems study of solid waste management in the Fresno area : final report on a solid waste management demonstration外部サイトThe Alaska dietary survey : 1956-1961外部サイトSolid waste/disease relationships : a literature survey外部サイトWaste stabilization lagoons : a review of research and experience in design, construction, operation and maintenance外部サイトAir pollution publications : a selected bibliography 1963-1966外部サイトSyphilis : a synopsis外部サイトStrike back at arthritis外部サイトProceedings : National Conference on Salmonellosis, March 11-13, 1964外部サイトThe role and methodology of classification in psychiatry and psychopathology : proceedings of a Conference held in Washington, D.C., November 1965, under the auspices of the American Psychiatric Association and the Psychopharmacology Research Branch, National Institute of Mental Health外部サイトOccupational health and safety legislation : a compilation of State laws and regulations外部サイトAir pollution control field operations manual : a guide for inspection and enforcement外部サイトPHS public advisory groups : authority, structure, functions外部サイトDental care for the chronically ill and aged : a community experiment : a project of the Division of Dental Public Health and Resources ...外部サイトTicks of public health importance and their control外部サイトCarbon monoxide : a bibliography with abstracts外部サイトBenefit-cost analysis of kidney disease programs外部サイトHealth insurance : type of insuring organizaiton and multiple coverage, United States, July 1962-June 1963外部サイトAlcoholism : a selected bibliography外部サイトInitiation of labor : proceedings of Interdisciplinary conference on the Initiation of labor, December 15, 16, 17 and 18, 1963, Princeton, N.J.外部サイトResearch grants index, fiscal year 1970外部サイトThe Indian health program, U. S. Public Health Service外部サイトAnimal research in psychopharmacology外部サイトReport to The Surgeon General : Second National Conference on Public Health Training, August 19-22, 1963外部サイトPlanning of facilities for Mental Health Services : report of the Surgeon General's Ad Hoc Committee on Planning for Mental Health Facilities外部サイトGuide for laboratory animal facilities and care外部サイトEnvironmental health practice in recreational areas : a guide to the planning, design, operation, and maintenance of recreational areas外部サイトInfectious diseases in the aging外部サイトHuman aging外部サイトAlgae in water supplies : an illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies外部サイトBibliography on the urban crisis : the behavioral, psychological, and sociological aspects of the urban crisis外部サイトThe ecology and sociology of the Norway rat外部サイトPrints relating to dentistry外部サイトBibliography on human intelligence: National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information : an extensive bibliography外部サイトDental school planning外部サイトCoping and adaptation : a behavioral sciences bibliography外部サイトThe scope of community mental health consultation and education外部サイトTrends in employee health services外部サイトStandard nomenclature of veterinary diseases and operations外部サイトBibliography of space medicine外部サイトProceedings of the Cholera Research Symposium : January 24-29, 1965, Honolulu, Hawaii外部サイトBibliography on smoking and health, with English language abstracts of foreign items : 1968 cumulation外部サイトProceedings : 1963 Annual Conference of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service and the Chief, Children's Bureau with State and Territorial Health Officers, October 14-15, 1963 : Joint Conference on Mental Health and Mental Retardation Conference of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service with the State and Territorial Health Officers and the State and Territorial Mental Health Authorities, October, 16-17, 1963 : Annual Conference of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service with the State and Territorial Mental Health Authorities, October, 18, 1963, Washington, D.C.外部サイトHospital administrative research外部サイトOccupational characteristics of disabled workers, by disabling condition : disability insurance benefit awards made in 1959-1962 to men under age 65外部サイトBiomedical serials, 1950-1960 : a selective list of serials in the National Library of Medicine外部サイトOral cancer : interprofessional symposium : papers presented at interprofessional symposium, January 22-23, 1966外部サイトHow to study nursing activities in a patient unit外部サイトFirst Conference on Recreation Sanitation and Safety, May 25,26, 1965, Little Rock, Arkansas : proceedings外部サイトResearch grants index, fiscal year 1965外部サイトThe federal air pollution program外部サイトPerspectives on deterrence外部サイトAnimal research in psychopharmacology外部サイトProceedings National Conference on Air Pollution Washington, D. C. November 18-20, 1958外部サイトResearch grants index, fiscal year 1967外部サイトMorbidity from cancer in the United States外部サイトGraduates of predominantly Negro colleges : class of 1964外部サイトGlossary of commonly used biological and related terms in water and waste water control外部サイトTraining grants, traineeships, fellowships and research career program awards外部サイトMilk ordinance and code : 1953 recommendations of the public health service外部サイトDirectory of biomedical institutions in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics外部サイトSyphilis : modern diagnosis and management外部サイトSeminar on computational linguistics外部サイトMental disorders of the aging外部サイトProceedings : the third National Conference on Air Pollution, Washington, D.C. December 12-14, 1966外部サイトThe child with central nervous system deficit : report of two symposiums外部サイトCurrent projects in the prevention, control, and treatment of crime and delinquency外部サイトHealth research facilities construction and research projects外部サイトRoster of members of PHS public advisory groups : councils, committees, boards, panels, study sections外部サイトA handbook of heart terms外部サイトA digest of State air pollution laws外部サイトA program for research in health economics外部サイトGuide to Russian medical literature外部サイトFamily group therapy : a method for the psychological treatment of older children, adolescents, and their parents外部サイトMedical care in transition外部サイトSelected materials on environmental aspects of staphylococcal disease外部サイトOccupational diseases : a guide to their recognition外部サイトScientific directory 1964 and annual bibliography 1963外部サイトClean water is everybody's business外部サイトThe industrial environment, its evaluation and control : syllabus for short courses for industrial hygiene engineers and chemists外部サイトResearch grants index, fiscal year 1962外部サイトPlan of scientific research in the field of medicine in the USSR for the years, 1961-1962 : a translation from the Russian外部サイトScience and cancer外部サイトSurvey of funding and expenditures for training of mental health personnel, 1960-1961外部サイトPeriodic health examinations : abstracts from the literature外部サイトMaxillofacial prosthetics : proceedings of an interprofessional conference, September 1966, Washington, D.C.外部サイトMedical school facilities : planning considerrations and architectural guide外部サイトEvaluation in mental health : a review of the problem of evaluating mental health activities外部サイトProceedings of the National Conference on Institutionally Acquired Infections, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 4-6, 1963外部サイトHandbook of air pollution : training program外部サイトA study of solid waste collection systems comparing one-man with multi-man crews : final report外部サイトBibliography on smoking and health, with English language abstracts of foreign items : 1969 cumulation外部サイトSeminar on Human Biometeorology外部サイトAnnotated bibliography on vital and health statistics外部サイトFluoride drinking waters : a selection of Public Health Service papers on dental fluorosis and dental caries; physiological effects, analysis and chemistry of fluoride外部サイトToward quality in nursing : needs and goals : report of the Surgeon Generals' Consultant Group on Nursing外部サイトDirectory of State and territorial health authorities外部サイトVeterans with mental disorders resident in Veterans Administration hospitals, October 31, 1961外部サイトSelected materials on staphylococcal disease, October 1958外部サイトCancer film guide外部サイトSudden death in infants : proceedings of the conference on causes of sudden death in infants September 1963, Seatle, Washington外部サイトSelected films : heart disease, cancer, and stroke外部サイトSome aspects of child guidance clinic , intake policy and practices : a study of 500 cases at the Los Angels Child Guidance Clinic, Los Angels, California外部サイトMedical and health related sciences thesaurus外部サイトPublic Health Service water pollution surveillance system : annual compilation of data October 1, 1962---Septemcer 30, 1963外部サイトAn electron microscopic study of the early stages of dentinogenesis外部サイトThe ticks, or ixodides, of the U.S.S.R. : a review of the literature外部サイトThe advancement of knowledge for the Nation's health : a report to the President on the research programs of the National Institutes of Health外部サイトBibliography of the history of medicine外部サイトA directory of medical and biological research institutes of the USSR外部サイトVital statistics rates in the United States, 1940-1960外部サイトInternational classification of diseases, adapted for indexing hospital records by diseases and operations外部サイトThe health consequences of smoking : 1968 supplement to the 1967 Public health service review外部サイトInternational classification of diseases, adapted for use in the United States外部サイトThe role of packaging in solid waste management 1966 to 1976外部サイトResearch grants index, fiscal year 1964外部サイトPatterns of living and housing of middle-aged and older people外部サイトProceedings of the Conference on Hemodialysis : November 9-10, 1964, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland外部サイトNursing home standards guide : recommendations relating to standards for establishing, maintaining, and operating nursing homes外部サイトA suggested system of uniform expense accounting for nursing homes and related facilities : a Hill-Burton activity外部サイトNoise in hospitals : an acoustical study of noises affecting the patient外部サイトPsychopharmaca : a bibliography of psychopharmacology, 1952-1957外部サイトSupplement to bibliography of world literature on mental retardation : March 1963-December 31, 1964外部サイトStudies on household sewage disposal systems外部サイトSymposium on the treatment of diabetic retinopathy外部サイトDirectory of homemaker services : homemaker agencies in the United States外部サイトScientific directory and annual bibliography外部サイトA digest of state air pollution laws外部サイトSanitary food service : instructor's guide, to be used for training food service personnel外部サイトAlcohol and traffic safety外部サイトMental health training grant awards : fiscal year 1961外部サイトPublic Health Service numbered publications : a catalog 1950-1962外部サイトMinimal brain dysfunction in children : terminology and identification phase one of a three-phase project外部サイトDigest of prepaid dental care plans : 1963外部サイトProceedings : National Conference on Air Pollution, December, 10-12, 1962, Washington, D. C.外部サイトNarcotic addicts in Kentucky外部サイトTraining grants, research fellowships and traineeships外部サイトDirectory of local health units外部サイトAnimal research in psychopharmacology外部サイトReading on cancer : an annotated bibliography外部サイトThe health consequences of smoking : a Public Health Service review, 1967外部サイトRussian drug index外部サイトScientific directory 1965 and annual bibliography 1964外部サイトSymposium on environmental lead contamination外部サイトAtlas of oral cytology外部サイトNursing homes and related facilities : fact book外部サイトSocioeconomic distribution of cervical cancer : in relation to early marriage and pregnancy外部サイトBibliography on smoking and health, with English language abstracts of foreign items : 1967 cumulation外部サイトHealth aspects of castor bean dust : review and bibliography外部サイトInternational biomedical research : First National Institutes of Health International Symposium, October 31-November 2, 1963, Bethesda, Maryland外部サイトNational Library of Medicine classification : a scheme for the shelf arrangement of books in the field of medicine and its related sciences外部サイトSilicosis in the metal mining industry : a revaluation : 1958-1961外部サイトPrivate funds for mental health : an annotated list of foundations and other private granting agencies which support research, training, or services in mental health and related disciplines外部サイトOccupational health nurses : an initial survey外部サイトMental health directory外部サイトAutomated multiphasic health testing : bibliography外部サイトSulfur oxides and other sulfur compounds : a bibliography with abstracts外部サイトPublic Health Service grants and awards : fiscal year 1966 funds外部サイトResearch utilization in aging : an exploration外部サイトA stereotaxic atlas of the squirrel monkey's brain (Saimiri sciureus)外部サイトHearing loss : hope through research外部サイトThe industrial environment : its evaluation and control : syllabus外部サイトDigest of municipal air pollution ordinances : prepared by Health Law Center, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh外部サイトStudies on electroconvulsive therapy, 1939-1963 : a selected annotated bibliography外部サイトProposals for a refuse disposal system in Oakland County, Michigan : final report on a solid waste demonstration grant project外部サイトOrganization of community groups in support of the planning process and code enforcement administration外部サイトNeurological and sensory disease, 1963 film guide外部サイトUp and around : a booklet to aid the stroke patient in activities of daily living外部サイトBibliography on sarcoidosis 1878-1963外部サイトThe mental health of the child : program reports of the National Institute of Mental Health外部サイトControl of radon and daughters in uranium mines and calculations on biologic effects外部サイトThe functions of the police in modern society : a review of background factors, current practices, and possible role models外部サイトBibliography of military psychiatry, 1952-1958外部サイトDirectory of outpatient psychiatric clinics, psychiatric day-night services and other mental health resources in the United States and territories外部サイトDental hygienists外部サイトTobacco smoking patterns in the United States外部サイトResearch grants index, fiscal year 1968外部サイトSlow, latent, and temperate virus infections外部サイトGuide to research in air pollution : projects active in calendar year 1966外部サイトBiological rhythms in psychiatry and medicine外部サイトMental health program reports外部サイトResearch grants index, fiscal year 1969外部サイトUnited States metropolitan mortality, 1959-1961外部サイトReport of the Committee on Environmental Health Problems to the Surgeon General外部サイトCardiovascular surgery外部サイトResearch grants index, fiscal year 1966外部サイトPatient movement data : state and county mental hospitals : the model reporting area for mental hospital statistics外部サイトStandardized diagnostic complement fixation method and adaptation to micro test外部サイトCharacteristics of persons with impaired hearing, United States, July 1962-June 1963 : demographic and other characteristics of persons with a binaural hearing impairment, classified according to amount of hearing loss外部サイトLimnological aspects of recreational lakes外部サイトProceedings : conference on the collection of statistics of severe hearing impairments and deafness in the United States 1964外部サイトMunicipal water facilities : 1963 inventory外部サイトProceedings of world forum on syphilis and other treponematoses : Washington, D.C. September 4-8, 1962外部サイトLaboratory methods in anaerobic bacteriology : NCDC laboratory manual外部サイトProceedings of the first conference on electrokymography : held May 25-26, 1950, in Bethesda, Md.外部サイトSmoking and health : report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service外部サイトEducation for the allied health professions and services : report外部サイトBibliography on clinical psychopharmacology, 1958-1960外部サイトGenetics and the epidemiology of chronic diseases : A simposium June 17-19, 1963, Ann Arbor Michigan外部サイトSurvey of lead in the atmosphere of three urban communities外部サイトMedical education facilities外部サイトOutpatient psychiatric clinics : special statistical report外部サイトScientific directory 1963 and annual bibliography 1962外部サイトThe economic cost of kidney disease and related diseases of the urinary system外部サイトThe treatment of psychiatric disorders with metrazol, 1935-1960 : a selected annotated bibliography外部サイトWorking with older people : a guide to practice外部サイトCurrent research on sleep and dreams外部サイトAttribute sampling methods for local health departments : with special reference to immunization surveys外部サイトClosed drainage of the chest : a programed course for nurses外部サイトHuman aging : a biological and behavioral study外部サイトSurvey of compounds which have been tested for carcinogenic activity外部サイトMental health directory of state and national agencies administering public mental health and related programs外部サイトBehavior patterns of premature infants : a study of the relationship between a specific nursing procedure and general well-being of the prematurely born infant外部サイトThe health consequences of smoking : a Public Health Service review, 1967外部サイトAir pollution engineering manual外部サイトMedlars : 1963-1967外部サイトGrade "A" pasteurized milk ordinance : 1965 recommendations of the United States Public Health Service外部サイトHealth resources statistics : health manpower, 1965外部サイトEthnopharmacologic search for psychoactive drugs : proceedings of a symposium held in San Francisco, California, January 28-30, 1967外部サイトAutomated multiphasic health testing : a health services R & D laboratory外部サイトSurvey of compounds which have been tested for carcinogenic activity外部サイトHeart disease and the psyche : a review of research grants supported by the National Heart Institute, 1949-1965外部サイトMedical care financing and utilization外部サイトResearch project summaries外部サイトHealth resources statistics : health manpowe and health facilities, 1968外部サイトHealth resources statistics : health manpower and health facilities, 1970外部サイトPrinciples for planning the future hospital system : a report on proceedings of four regional conferences to develop外部サイト






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Research grants index, fiscal year 1963
Not the law's business? : An examination of homosexuality, abortion, prostitution, narcotics, and gambling in the United States
Design of sample surveys to estimate the prevalence of rare diseases : three unbiased estimates
Age-adjusted and age-specific death rates for malignant neoplasms, 1960
Reported tuberculosis data, 1966
Medical school facilities : planning considerations
An index of health : mathematical models
Air pollution measurements of the national air sampling network : analyses of suspended particulates 1957-1961
Hospitals : a county and metropolitan area data book : data compiled from the 1967 Master facility inventory
Republic of the Congo (formerly the Belgian Congo) : a study of health problems and resources
A systems study of solid waste management in the Fresno area : final report on a solid waste management demonstration
The Alaska dietary survey : 1956-1961
Solid waste/disease relationships : a literature survey
Waste stabilization lagoons : a review of research and experience in design, construction, operation and maintenance
Air pollution publications : a selected bibliography 1963-1966
Syphilis : a synopsis
Strike back at arthritis
Proceedings : National Conference on Salmonellosis, March 11-13, 1964
The role and methodology of classification in psychiatry and psychopathology : proceedings of a Conference held in Washington, D.C., November 1965, under the auspices of the American Psychiatric Association and the Psychopharmacology Research Branch, National Institute of Mental Health
Occupational health and safety legislation : a compilation of State laws and regulations
Air pollution control field operations manual : a guide for inspection and enforcement
PHS public advisory groups : authority, structure, functions
Dental care for the chronically ill and aged : a community experiment : a project of the Division of Dental Public Health and Resources ...
Ticks of public health importance and their control
Carbon monoxide : a bibliography with abstracts
Benefit-cost analysis of kidney disease programs
Health insurance : type of insuring organizaiton and multiple coverage, United States, July 1962-June 1963
Alcoholism : a selected bibliography
Initiation of labor : proceedings of Interdisciplinary conference on the Initiation of labor, December 15, 16, 17 and 18, 1963, Princeton, N.J.
Research grants index, fiscal year 1970
The Indian health program, U. S. Public Health Service
Animal research in psychopharmacology
Report to The Surgeon General : Second National Conference on Public Health Training, August 19-22, 1963
Planning of facilities for Mental Health Services : report of the Surgeon General's Ad Hoc Committee on Planning for Mental Health Facilities
Guide for laboratory animal facilities and care
Environmental health practice in recreational areas : a guide to the planning, design, operation, and maintenance of recreational areas
Infectious diseases in the aging
Human aging
Algae in water supplies : an illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies
Bibliography on the urban crisis : the behavioral, psychological, and sociological aspects of the urban crisis
The ecology and sociology of the Norway rat
Prints relating to dentistry
Bibliography on human intelligence: National Clearinghouse for Mental Health Information : an extensive bibliography
Dental school planning
Coping and adaptation : a behavioral sciences bibliography
The scope of community mental health consultation and education
Trends in employee health services
Standard nomenclature of veterinary diseases and operations
Bibliography of space medicine
Proceedings of the Cholera Research Symposium : January 24-29, 1965, Honolulu, Hawaii
Bibliography on smoking and health, with English language abstracts of foreign items : 1968 cumulation
Proceedings : 1963 Annual Conference of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service and the Chief, Children's Bureau with State and Territorial Health Officers, October 14-15, 1963 : Joint Conference on Mental Health and Mental Retardation Conference of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service with the State and Territorial Health Officers and the State and Territorial Mental Health Authorities, October, 16-17, 1963 : Annual Conference of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service with the State and Territorial Mental Health Authorities, October, 18, 1963, Washington, D.C.
Hospital administrative research
Occupational characteristics of disabled workers, by disabling condition : disability insurance benefit awards made in 1959-1962 to men under age 65
Biomedical serials, 1950-1960 : a selective list of serials in the National Library of Medicine
Oral cancer : interprofessional symposium : papers presented at interprofessional symposium, January 22-23, 1966
How to study nursing activities in a patient unit
First Conference on Recreation Sanitation and Safety, May 25,26, 1965, Little Rock, Arkansas : proceedings
Research grants index, fiscal year 1965
The federal air pollution program
Perspectives on deterrence
Animal research in psychopharmacology
Proceedings National Conference on Air Pollution Washington, D. C. November 18-20, 1958
Research grants index, fiscal year 1967
Morbidity from cancer in the United States
Graduates of predominantly Negro colleges : class of 1964
Glossary of commonly used biological and related terms in water and waste water control
Training grants, traineeships, fellowships and research career program awards
Milk ordinance and code : 1953 recommendations of the public health service
Directory of biomedical institutions in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Syphilis : modern diagnosis and management
Seminar on computational linguistics
Mental disorders of the aging
Proceedings : the third National Conference on Air Pollution, Washington, D.C. December 12-14, 1966
The child with central nervous system deficit : report of two symposiums
Current projects in the prevention, control, and treatment of crime and delinquency
Health research facilities construction and research projects
Roster of members of PHS public advisory groups : councils, committees, boards, panels, study sections
A handbook of heart terms
A digest of State air pollution laws
A program for research in health economics
Guide to Russian medical literature
Family group therapy : a method for the psychological treatment of older children, adolescents, and their parents
Medical care in transition
Selected materials on environmental aspects of staphylococcal disease
Occupational diseases : a guide to their recognition
Scientific directory 1964 and annual bibliography 1963
Clean water is everybody's business
The industrial environment, its evaluation and control : syllabus for short courses for industrial hygiene engineers and chemists
Research grants index, fiscal year 1962
Plan of scientific research in the field of medicine in the USSR for the years, 1961-1962 : a translation from the Russian
Science and cancer
Survey of funding and expenditures for training of mental health personnel, 1960-1961
Periodic health examinations : abstracts from the literature
Maxillofacial prosthetics : proceedings of an interprofessional conference, September 1966, Washington, D.C.
Medical school facilities : planning considerrations and architectural guide
Evaluation in mental health : a review of the problem of evaluating mental health activities
Proceedings of the National Conference on Institutionally Acquired Infections, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 4-6, 1963
Handbook of air pollution : training program
A study of solid waste collection systems comparing one-man with multi-man crews : final report
Bibliography on smoking and health, with English language abstracts of foreign items : 1969 cumulation
Seminar on Human Biometeorology
Annotated bibliography on vital and health statistics
Fluoride drinking waters : a selection of Public Health Service papers on dental fluorosis and dental caries; physiological effects, analysis and chemistry of fluoride
Toward quality in nursing : needs and goals : report of the Surgeon Generals' Consultant Group on Nursing
Directory of State and territorial health authorities
Veterans with mental disorders resident in Veterans Administration hospitals, October 31, 1961
Selected materials on staphylococcal disease, October 1958
Cancer film guide
Sudden death in infants : proceedings of the conference on causes of sudden death in infants September 1963, Seatle, Washington
Selected films : heart disease, cancer, and stroke
Some aspects of child guidance clinic , intake policy and practices : a study of 500 cases at the Los Angels Child Guidance Clinic, Los Angels, California
Medical and health related sciences thesaurus
Public Health Service water pollution surveillance system : annual compilation of data October 1, 1962---Septemcer 30, 1963
An electron microscopic study of the early stages of dentinogenesis
The ticks, or ixodides, of the U.S.S.R. : a review of the literature
The advancement of knowledge for the Nation's health : a report to the President on the research programs of the National Institutes of Health
Bibliography of the history of medicine
A directory of medical and biological research institutes of the USSR
Vital statistics rates in the United States, 1940-1960
International classification of diseases, adapted for indexing hospital records by diseases and operations
The health consequences of smoking : 1968 supplement to the 1967 Public health service review
International classification of diseases, adapted for use in the United States
The role of packaging in solid waste management 1966 to 1976
Research grants index, fiscal year 1964
Patterns of living and housing of middle-aged and older people
Proceedings of the Conference on Hemodialysis : November 9-10, 1964, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
Nursing home standards guide : recommendations relating to standards for establishing, maintaining, and operating nursing homes
A suggested system of uniform expense accounting for nursing homes and related facilities : a Hill-Burton activity
Noise in hospitals : an acoustical study of noises affecting the patient
Psychopharmaca : a bibliography of psychopharmacology, 1952-1957
Supplement to bibliography of world literature on mental retardation : March 1963-December 31, 1964
Studies on household sewage disposal systems
Symposium on the treatment of diabetic retinopathy
Directory of homemaker services : homemaker agencies in the United States
Scientific directory and annual bibliography
A digest of state air pollution laws
Sanitary food service : instructor's guide, to be used for training food service personnel
Alcohol and traffic safety
Mental health training grant awards : fiscal year 1961
Public Health Service numbered publications : a catalog 1950-1962
Minimal brain dysfunction in children : terminology and identification phase one of a three-phase project
Digest of prepaid dental care plans : 1963
Proceedings : National Conference on Air Pollution, December, 10-12, 1962, Washington, D. C.
Narcotic addicts in Kentucky
Training grants, research fellowships and traineeships
Directory of local health units
Animal research in psychopharmacology
Reading on cancer : an annotated bibliography
The health consequences of smoking : a Public Health Service review, 1967
Russian drug index
Scientific directory 1965 and annual bibliography 1964
Symposium on environmental lead contamination
Atlas of oral cytology
Nursing homes and related facilities : fact book
Socioeconomic distribution of cervical cancer : in relation to early marriage and pregnancy
Bibliography on smoking and health, with English language abstracts of foreign items : 1967 cumulation
Health aspects of castor bean dust : review and bibliography
International biomedical research : First National Institutes of Health International Symposium, October 31-November 2, 1963, Bethesda, Maryland
National Library of Medicine classification : a scheme for the shelf arrangement of books in the field of medicine and its related sciences
Silicosis in the metal mining industry : a revaluation : 1958-1961
Private funds for mental health : an annotated list of foundations and other private granting agencies which support research, training, or services in mental health and related disciplines
Occupational health nurses : an initial survey
Mental health directory
Automated multiphasic health testing : bibliography
Sulfur oxides and other sulfur compounds : a bibliography with abstracts
Public Health Service grants and awards : fiscal year 1966 funds
Research utilization in aging : an exploration
A stereotaxic atlas of the squirrel monkey's brain (Saimiri sciureus)
Hearing loss : hope through research
The industrial environment : its evaluation and control : syllabus
Digest of municipal air pollution ordinances : prepared by Health Law Center, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh
Studies on electroconvulsive therapy, 1939-1963 : a selected annotated bibliography
Proposals for a refuse disposal system in Oakland County, Michigan : final report on a solid waste demonstration grant project
Organization of community groups in support of the planning process and code enforcement administration
Neurological and sensory disease, 1963 film guide
Up and around : a booklet to aid the stroke patient in activities of daily living
Bibliography on sarcoidosis 1878-1963
The mental health of the child : program reports of the National Institute of Mental Health
Control of radon and daughters in uranium mines and calculations on biologic effects
The functions of the police in modern society : a review of background factors, current practices, and possible role models
Bibliography of military psychiatry, 1952-1958
Directory of outpatient psychiatric clinics, psychiatric day-night services and other mental health resources in the United States and territories
Dental hygienists
Tobacco smoking patterns in the United States
Research grants index, fiscal year 1968
Slow, latent, and temperate virus infections
Guide to research in air pollution : projects active in calendar year 1966
Biological rhythms in psychiatry and medicine
Mental health program reports
Research grants index, fiscal year 1969
United States metropolitan mortality, 1959-1961
Report of the Committee on Environmental Health Problems to the Surgeon General
Cardiovascular surgery
Research grants index, fiscal year 1966
Patient movement data : state and county mental hospitals : the model reporting area for mental hospital statistics
Standardized diagnostic complement fixation method and adaptation to micro test
Characteristics of persons with impaired hearing, United States, July 1962-June 1963 : demographic and other characteristics of persons with a binaural hearing impairment, classified according to amount of hearing loss
Limnological aspects of recreational lakes
Proceedings : conference on the collection of statistics of severe hearing impairments and deafness in the United States 1964
Municipal water facilities : 1963 inventory
Proceedings of world forum on syphilis and other treponematoses : Washington, D.C. September 4-8, 1962
Laboratory methods in anaerobic bacteriology : NCDC laboratory manual
Proceedings of the first conference on electrokymography : held May 25-26, 1950, in Bethesda, Md.
Smoking and health : report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service
Education for the allied health professions and services : report
Bibliography on clinical psychopharmacology, 1958-1960
Genetics and the epidemiology of chronic diseases : A simposium June 17-19, 1963, Ann Arbor Michigan
Survey of lead in the atmosphere of three urban communities
Medical education facilities
Outpatient psychiatric clinics : special statistical report
Scientific directory 1963 and annual bibliography 1962
The economic cost of kidney disease and related diseases of the urinary system
The treatment of psychiatric disorders with metrazol, 1935-1960 : a selected annotated bibliography
Working with older people : a guide to practice
Current research on sleep and dreams
Attribute sampling methods for local health departments : with special reference to immunization surveys
Closed drainage of the chest : a programed course for nurses
Human aging : a biological and behavioral study
Survey of compounds which have been tested for carcinogenic activity
Mental health directory of state and national agencies administering public mental health and related programs
Behavior patterns of premature infants : a study of the relationship between a specific nursing procedure and general well-being of the prematurely born infant
The health consequences of smoking : a Public Health Service review, 1967
Air pollution engineering manual
Medlars : 1963-1967
Grade "A" pasteurized milk ordinance : 1965 recommendations of the United States Public Health Service
Health resources statistics : health manpower, 1965
Ethnopharmacologic search for psychoactive drugs : proceedings of a symposium held in San Francisco, California, January 28-30, 1967
Automated multiphasic health testing : a health services R & D laboratory
Survey of compounds which have been tested for carcinogenic activity
Heart disease and the psyche : a review of research grants supported by the National Heart Institute, 1949-1965
Medical care financing and utilization
Research project summaries
Health resources statistics : health manpowe and health facilities, 1968
Health resources statistics : health manpower and health facilities, 1970
Principles for planning the future hospital system : a report on proceedings of four regional conferences to develop
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research