



Greenwood Press


The Mercury labels : a discography外部サイトThe Decca labels : a discography外部サイトU.S. twelve-inch matrix series, 1906-1931外部サイトRockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock : a selectively annotated discography外部サイトThe Chess labels : a discography外部サイトTristan und Isolde on record : a comprehensive discography of Wagner's music drama with a critical introduction to the recordings外部サイトMoanin' low : a discography of female popular vocal recordings, 1920-1933外部サイトThe American 45 and 78 rpm record dating guide, 1940-1959外部サイトThe Savoy label : a discography外部サイトThe Rudy Vallée discography外部サイトThe King labels : a discography外部サイトWomen in jazz : a discography of instrumentalists, 1913-1968外部サイトThe London Philharmonic discography外部サイトBroadway, movie, TV, and studio cast musicals on record : a discography of recordings, 1985-1995外部サイトThe Banjo on record : a bio-discography外部サイトMore EJS : discography of the Edward J. Smith recordings : "Unique Opera Records Corporation" (1972-1977), "A.N.N.A. Record Company" (1978-1982), "special-label" issues (circa 1954-1981), and addendum to "The Golden age of opera" series外部サイトThe MGM labels : a discography外部サイトHis master's voice : the German catalogue : a complete numerical catalogue of German gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in Germany, Austria, and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd. = Die Stimme seines Herrn外部サイトV-discs : a history and discography外部サイトThe Statler Brothers discography外部サイトA discography of 78 rpm era recordings of the horn : solo and chamber literature with commentary外部サイトThe Metropolitan Opera on record : a discography of the commercial recordings外部サイトPrincipal U.S. matrix series, 1910-1924外部サイトThe Johnny Cash discography, 1984-1993外部サイトEthnic and vernacular music, 1898-1960 : a resource and guide to recordings外部サイトGustav Mahler's symphonies : critical commentary on recordings since 1986外部サイトMovie musicals on record : a directory of recordings of motion picture musicals, 1927-1987外部サイトAntonín Dvořák on records外部サイトWalter Legge : a discography外部サイトEJS : discography of the Edward J. Smith recordings : "The golden age of opera", 1956-1971外部サイトThe essential jazz records外部サイトBroadway on record : a directory of New York cast recordings of musical shows, 1931-1986外部サイトThe Johnny Cash discography外部サイトStraighten up and fly right : a chronology and discography of Nat "King" Cole外部サイトTantalizing tingles : a discography of early ragtime, jazz, and novelty syncopated piano recordings, 1889-1934外部サイトThe orchestra on record, 1896-1926 : an encyclopedia of orchestral recordings made by the acoustical process外部サイトThe Waylon Jennings discography外部サイトPrincipal U.S. matrix series, 1924-1934外部サイトThe Al Jolson discography外部サイトYou got to be original, man : the music of Lester Young外部サイトParsifal on record : a discography of complete recordings, selections, and excerpts of Wagner's music drama外部サイトForty years of steel : an annotated discography of steel band and pan recordings, 1951-1991外部サイトDis here : a bio-discography of Julian "Cannonball" Adderley外部サイトThe Prestige label : a discography外部サイトA Glenn Gould catalog外部サイトA discography of Hindustani and Karnatic music外部サイトModern harpsichord music : a discography外部サイトBerliner Gramophone records : American issues, 1892-1900外部サイトHis Master's Voice : the Italian catalogue, a complete numerical catalogue of Italian gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in Italy and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd. : La Voce del padrone外部サイトThe Fred Waring discography外部サイトEddy Arnold discography, 1944-1996外部サイトHis Master's Voice = La Voix de son maître : the French catalogue : a complete numerical catalogue of French gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in France and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd.外部サイトThe directory of the Armed Forces Radio Service series外部サイトU.S. matrix series 1 through 4999, 1901-1910 with a history of the Columbia Phonograph Company to 1934外部サイト






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The Mercury labels : a discography
The Decca labels : a discography
U.S. twelve-inch matrix series, 1906-1931
Rockin' the classics and classicizin' the rock : a selectively annotated discography
The Chess labels : a discography
Tristan und Isolde on record : a comprehensive discography of Wagner's music drama with a critical introduction to the recordings
Moanin' low : a discography of female popular vocal recordings, 1920-1933
The American 45 and 78 rpm record dating guide, 1940-1959
The Savoy label : a discography
The Rudy Vallée discography
The King labels : a discography
Women in jazz : a discography of instrumentalists, 1913-1968
The London Philharmonic discography
Broadway, movie, TV, and studio cast musicals on record : a discography of recordings, 1985-1995
The Banjo on record : a bio-discography
More EJS : discography of the Edward J. Smith recordings : "Unique Opera Records Corporation" (1972-1977), "A.N.N.A. Record Company" (1978-1982), "special-label" issues (circa 1954-1981), and addendum to "The Golden age of opera" series
The MGM labels : a discography
His master's voice : the German catalogue : a complete numerical catalogue of German gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in Germany, Austria, and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd. = Die Stimme seines Herrn
V-discs : a history and discography
The Statler Brothers discography
A discography of 78 rpm era recordings of the horn : solo and chamber literature with commentary
The Metropolitan Opera on record : a discography of the commercial recordings
Principal U.S. matrix series, 1910-1924
The Johnny Cash discography, 1984-1993
Ethnic and vernacular music, 1898-1960 : a resource and guide to recordings
Gustav Mahler's symphonies : critical commentary on recordings since 1986
Movie musicals on record : a directory of recordings of motion picture musicals, 1927-1987
Antonín Dvořák on records
Walter Legge : a discography
EJS : discography of the Edward J. Smith recordings : "The golden age of opera", 1956-1971
The essential jazz records
Broadway on record : a directory of New York cast recordings of musical shows, 1931-1986
The Johnny Cash discography
Straighten up and fly right : a chronology and discography of Nat "King" Cole
Tantalizing tingles : a discography of early ragtime, jazz, and novelty syncopated piano recordings, 1889-1934
The orchestra on record, 1896-1926 : an encyclopedia of orchestral recordings made by the acoustical process
The Waylon Jennings discography
Principal U.S. matrix series, 1924-1934
The Al Jolson discography
You got to be original, man : the music of Lester Young
Parsifal on record : a discography of complete recordings, selections, and excerpts of Wagner's music drama
Forty years of steel : an annotated discography of steel band and pan recordings, 1951-1991
Dis here : a bio-discography of Julian "Cannonball" Adderley
The Prestige label : a discography
A Glenn Gould catalog
A discography of Hindustani and Karnatic music
Modern harpsichord music : a discography
Berliner Gramophone records : American issues, 1892-1900
His Master's Voice : the Italian catalogue, a complete numerical catalogue of Italian gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in Italy and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd. : La Voce del padrone
The Fred Waring discography
Eddy Arnold discography, 1944-1996
His Master's Voice = La Voix de son maître : the French catalogue : a complete numerical catalogue of French gramophone recordings made from 1898 to 1929 in France and elsewhere by the Gramophone Company Ltd.
The directory of the Armed Forces Radio Service series
U.S. matrix series 1 through 4999, 1901-1910 with a history of the Columbia Phonograph Company to 1934
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA04427226 : BA04427226