- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者・編者
- Werner Hamacher & David E. Wellbery, editors
- 著者標目
- 並列タイトル等
- Meridian
- 出版地(国名コード)
- us
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- 一般
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- The work of fireH.C. for life, that is to say ...On Plato's StatesmanA child is being killed : on primary narcissism and the death driveLautréamont and SadeFaux pasThe specular moment : Goethe's early lyric and the beginnings of romanticismThe end of the poem : studies in poeticsThe man without contentFor love of the father : a psychoanalytic study of religious terrorismTracesPoetry as experienceThe highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-lifeCreation and anarchy : the work of art and the religion of capitalismThe open : man and animalGestures of ethical life : reading Hölderlin's question of measure after HeideggerAmbiguities of witnessing : law and literature in the time of a truth commissionThe highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-lifeSublime PoussinOpus Dei : an archaeology of dutyMultiple arts : the muses IIA life with Mary ShelleyTaking care of youth and the generationsEurope, or the infinite task : a study of a philosophical conceptThe scandal of the speaking body : Don Juan with J. L. Austin, or seduction in two languagesBeing singular pluralHomo sacer : sovereign power and bare lifeWhat is real?Selected writingsRegions of sorrow : anxiety and messianism in Hannah Arendt and W.H. AudenDisorientationThe use of bodiesResistances of psychoanalysisThe instant of my death . Demeure : fiction and testimonyPosthumous people : Vienna at the turning pointThe discourse of the Syncope : logodaedalusThe sacrament of language : an archaeology of the oath (Homo Sacer II, 3)Fables of responsibility : aberrations and predicaments in ethics and politicsRadical atheism : Derrida and the time of lifeHousing problems : writing and architecture in Goethe, Walpole, Freud, and HeideggerThe messianic reduction : Walter Benjamin and the shape of timeMusica ficta : figures of WagnerPsyche : inventions of the otherThe rules of art : genesis and structure of the literary fieldPremises : essays on philosophy and literature from Kant to CelanLessons on the analytic of the sublime : Kant's Critique of judgment, [sections] 23-29Rhythms : on the work, translation, and psychoanalysisHandbook of inaestheticsOn the nameThe declared enemy : texts and interviewsThat is to say : Heidegger's poeticsAporias : dying--awaiting (one another at) the "limits of truth" (mourir--s'attendre aux "limites de la vérité")Who's afraid of philosophy? : Right to philosophy 1Oedipus, philosopherOn touching, Jean-Luc NancyArt as a social systemIn praise of nonsense : Kant and BluebeardOn representationRogues : two essays on reasonBook of addressesThe fault of EpimetheusAdieu to Emmanuel LevinasThe kingdom and the glory : for a theological genealogy of economy and governmentSoapIs it righteous to be ? : Interviews with Emmanuel LevinasWhat is an apparatus? and other essaysFragments of the artworkThe birth to presencePleroma : reading in HegelInheriting the future : legacies of Kant, Freud, and FlaubertAt odds with AIDS : thinking and talking about a virusFriendshipNuditiesCelan studiesThe musesThe problem of a Chinese aestheticWithout alibiWhat is philosophy?Karman : a brief treatise on action, guilt, and gestureIn the event : reading journalism, reading theoryProper namesSkirting the ethicalInterpretation and difference : the strangeness of careThe off-screen : an investigation of the cinematic frameTypography : mimesis, philosophy, politicsPotentialities : collected essays in philosophyThe spirit of UtopiaPoetry's appeal : nineteenth-century French lyric and the political spaceOpus Dei : an archaeology of dutyThe experience of freedomTopographies"Chatter" : language and history in KierkegaardOpen secrets : the literature of uncounted experienceAn essay on the tragicReflections on literature and cultureThe meridian : final version-drafts-materialsPoints ... : interviews, 1974-1994Eyes of the university : Right to philosophy 2Sound figuresCare crosses the riverPsychoanalyzing : on the order of the unconscious and the practice of the letterWritings on art and literatureGeorge Eliot's pulseWorld in fragments : writings on politics, society, psychoanalysis, and the imaginationCinematic time and the question of malaiseLiterary essaysArresting language : from Leibniz to BenjaminOutside the subjectSpeech acts in literatureWriting and madness : (literature/philosophy/psychoanalysis)ProsthesisFiles : law and media technologyActing outThe book to comeGod, death, and timeThe time that remains : a commentary on the letter to the RomansFigures of the thinkableOf God who comes to mindStudies in poetic discourse : Mallarmé, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, HölderlinThe omnibus homo sacerCreation and anarchy : the work of art and the religion of capitalism