
Meridian : crossing aesthetics


Meridian : crossing aesthetics

Werner Hamacher & David E. Wellbery, editors
Stanford University Press


The work of fire外部サイトH.C. for life, that is to say ...外部サイトOn Plato's Statesman外部サイトA child is being killed : on primary narcissism and the death drive外部サイトLautréamont and Sade外部サイトFaux pas外部サイトThe specular moment : Goethe's early lyric and the beginnings of romanticism外部サイトThe end of the poem : studies in poetics外部サイトThe man without content外部サイトFor love of the father : a psychoanalytic study of religious terrorism外部サイトTraces外部サイトPoetry as experience外部サイトThe highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-life外部サイトCreation and anarchy : the work of art and the religion of capitalism外部サイトThe open : man and animal外部サイトGestures of ethical life : reading Hölderlin's question of measure after Heidegger外部サイトAmbiguities of witnessing : law and literature in the time of a truth commission外部サイトThe highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-life外部サイトSublime Poussin外部サイトOpus Dei : an archaeology of duty外部サイトMultiple arts : the muses II外部サイトA life with Mary Shelley外部サイトTaking care of youth and the generations外部サイトEurope, or the infinite task : a study of a philosophical concept外部サイトThe scandal of the speaking body : Don Juan with J. L. Austin, or seduction in two languages外部サイトBeing singular plural外部サイトHomo sacer : sovereign power and bare life外部サイトWhat is real?外部サイトSelected writings外部サイトRegions of sorrow : anxiety and messianism in Hannah Arendt and W.H. Auden外部サイトDisorientation外部サイトThe use of bodies外部サイトResistances of psychoanalysis外部サイトThe instant of my death . Demeure : fiction and testimony外部サイトPosthumous people : Vienna at the turning point外部サイトThe discourse of the Syncope : logodaedalus外部サイトThe sacrament of language : an archaeology of the oath (Homo Sacer II, 3)外部サイトFables of responsibility : aberrations and predicaments in ethics and politics外部サイトRadical atheism : Derrida and the time of life外部サイトHousing problems : writing and architecture in Goethe, Walpole, Freud, and Heidegger外部サイトThe messianic reduction : Walter Benjamin and the shape of time外部サイトMusica ficta : figures of Wagner外部サイトPsyche : inventions of the other外部サイトThe rules of art : genesis and structure of the literary field外部サイトPremises : essays on philosophy and literature from Kant to Celan外部サイトLessons on the analytic of the sublime : Kant's Critique of judgment, [sections] 23-29外部サイトRhythms : on the work, translation, and psychoanalysis外部サイトHandbook of inaesthetics外部サイトOn the name外部サイトThe declared enemy : texts and interviews外部サイトThat is to say : Heidegger's poetics外部サイトAporias : dying--awaiting (one another at) the "limits of truth" (mourir--s'attendre aux "limites de la vérité")外部サイトWho's afraid of philosophy? : Right to philosophy 1外部サイトOedipus, philosopher外部サイトOn touching, Jean-Luc Nancy外部サイトArt as a social system外部サイトIn praise of nonsense : Kant and Bluebeard外部サイトOn representation外部サイトRogues : two essays on reason外部サイトBook of addresses外部サイトThe fault of Epimetheus外部サイトAdieu to Emmanuel Levinas外部サイトThe kingdom and the glory : for a theological genealogy of economy and government外部サイトSoap外部サイトIs it righteous to be ? : Interviews with Emmanuel Levinas外部サイトWhat is an apparatus? and other essays外部サイトFragments of the artwork外部サイトThe birth to presence外部サイトPleroma : reading in Hegel外部サイトInheriting the future : legacies of Kant, Freud, and Flaubert外部サイトAt odds with AIDS : thinking and talking about a virus外部サイトFriendship外部サイトNudities外部サイトCelan studies外部サイトThe muses外部サイトThe problem of a Chinese aesthetic外部サイトWithout alibi外部サイトWhat is philosophy?外部サイトKarman : a brief treatise on action, guilt, and gesture外部サイトIn the event : reading journalism, reading theory外部サイトProper names外部サイトSkirting the ethical外部サイトInterpretation and difference : the strangeness of care外部サイトThe off-screen : an investigation of the cinematic frame外部サイトTypography : mimesis, philosophy, politics外部サイトPotentialities : collected essays in philosophy外部サイトThe spirit of Utopia外部サイトPoetry's appeal : nineteenth-century French lyric and the political space外部サイトOpus Dei : an archaeology of duty外部サイトThe experience of freedom外部サイトTopographies外部サイト"Chatter" : language and history in Kierkegaard外部サイトOpen secrets : the literature of uncounted experience外部サイトAn essay on the tragic外部サイトReflections on literature and culture外部サイトThe meridian : final version-drafts-materials外部サイトPoints ... : interviews, 1974-1994外部サイトEyes of the university : Right to philosophy 2外部サイトSound figures外部サイトCare crosses the river外部サイトPsychoanalyzing : on the order of the unconscious and the practice of the letter外部サイトWritings on art and literature外部サイトGeorge Eliot's pulse外部サイトWorld in fragments : writings on politics, society, psychoanalysis, and the imagination外部サイトCinematic time and the question of malaise外部サイトLiterary essays外部サイトArresting language : from Leibniz to Benjamin外部サイトOutside the subject外部サイトSpeech acts in literature外部サイトWriting and madness : (literature/philosophy/psychoanalysis)外部サイトProsthesis外部サイトFiles : law and media technology外部サイトActing out外部サイトThe book to come外部サイトGod, death, and time外部サイトThe time that remains : a commentary on the letter to the Romans外部サイトFigures of the thinkable外部サイトOf God who comes to mind外部サイトStudies in poetic discourse : Mallarmé, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Hölderlin外部サイトThe omnibus homo sacer外部サイトCreation and anarchy : the work of art and the religion of capitalism外部サイト






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Werner Hamacher & David E. Wellbery, editors
The work of fire
H.C. for life, that is to say ...
On Plato's Statesman
A child is being killed : on primary narcissism and the death drive
Lautréamont and Sade
Faux pas
The specular moment : Goethe's early lyric and the beginnings of romanticism
The end of the poem : studies in poetics
The man without content
For love of the father : a psychoanalytic study of religious terrorism
Poetry as experience
The highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-life
Creation and anarchy : the work of art and the religion of capitalism
The open : man and animal
Gestures of ethical life : reading Hölderlin's question of measure after Heidegger
Ambiguities of witnessing : law and literature in the time of a truth commission
The highest poverty : monastic rules and form-of-life
Sublime Poussin
Opus Dei : an archaeology of duty
Multiple arts : the muses II
A life with Mary Shelley
Taking care of youth and the generations
Europe, or the infinite task : a study of a philosophical concept
The scandal of the speaking body : Don Juan with J. L. Austin, or seduction in two languages
Being singular plural
Homo sacer : sovereign power and bare life
What is real?
Selected writings
Regions of sorrow : anxiety and messianism in Hannah Arendt and W.H. Auden
The use of bodies
Resistances of psychoanalysis
The instant of my death . Demeure : fiction and testimony
Posthumous people : Vienna at the turning point
The discourse of the Syncope : logodaedalus
The sacrament of language : an archaeology of the oath (Homo Sacer II, 3)
Fables of responsibility : aberrations and predicaments in ethics and politics
Radical atheism : Derrida and the time of life
Housing problems : writing and architecture in Goethe, Walpole, Freud, and Heidegger
The messianic reduction : Walter Benjamin and the shape of time
Musica ficta : figures of Wagner
Psyche : inventions of the other
The rules of art : genesis and structure of the literary field
Premises : essays on philosophy and literature from Kant to Celan
Lessons on the analytic of the sublime : Kant's Critique of judgment, [sections] 23-29
Rhythms : on the work, translation, and psychoanalysis
Handbook of inaesthetics
On the name
The declared enemy : texts and interviews
That is to say : Heidegger's poetics
Aporias : dying--awaiting (one another at) the "limits of truth" (mourir--s'attendre aux "limites de la vérité")
Who's afraid of philosophy? : Right to philosophy 1
Oedipus, philosopher
On touching, Jean-Luc Nancy
Art as a social system
In praise of nonsense : Kant and Bluebeard
On representation
Rogues : two essays on reason
Book of addresses
The fault of Epimetheus
Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas
The kingdom and the glory : for a theological genealogy of economy and government
Is it righteous to be ? : Interviews with Emmanuel Levinas
What is an apparatus? and other essays
Fragments of the artwork
The birth to presence
Pleroma : reading in Hegel
Inheriting the future : legacies of Kant, Freud, and Flaubert
At odds with AIDS : thinking and talking about a virus
Celan studies
The muses
The problem of a Chinese aesthetic
Without alibi
What is philosophy?
Karman : a brief treatise on action, guilt, and gesture
In the event : reading journalism, reading theory
Proper names
Skirting the ethical
Interpretation and difference : the strangeness of care
The off-screen : an investigation of the cinematic frame
Typography : mimesis, philosophy, politics
Potentialities : collected essays in philosophy
The spirit of Utopia
Poetry's appeal : nineteenth-century French lyric and the political space
Opus Dei : an archaeology of duty
The experience of freedom
"Chatter" : language and history in Kierkegaard
Open secrets : the literature of uncounted experience
An essay on the tragic
Reflections on literature and culture
The meridian : final version-drafts-materials
Points ... : interviews, 1974-1994
Eyes of the university : Right to philosophy 2
Sound figures
Care crosses the river
Psychoanalyzing : on the order of the unconscious and the practice of the letter
Writings on art and literature
George Eliot's pulse
World in fragments : writings on politics, society, psychoanalysis, and the imagination
Cinematic time and the question of malaise
Literary essays
Arresting language : from Leibniz to Benjamin
Outside the subject
Speech acts in literature
Writing and madness : (literature/philosophy/psychoanalysis)
Files : law and media technology
Acting out
The book to come
God, death, and time
The time that remains : a commentary on the letter to the Romans
Figures of the thinkable
Of God who comes to mind
Studies in poetic discourse : Mallarmé, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Hölderlin
The omnibus homo sacer
Creation and anarchy : the work of art and the religion of capitalism