
Econometric Society monographs


Econometric Society monographs

Cambridge University Press


Dynamic models for volatility and heavy tails : with applications to financial and economic time series外部サイトAnalysis of panel data外部サイトLongitudinal analysis of labor market data外部サイトEstimation, inference, and specification analysis外部サイトAdvances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications外部サイトA contribution to the pure theory of taxation外部サイトOn the shoulders of giants : colleagues remember Suzanne Scotchmer's contributions to economics外部サイトRepeated games外部サイトAdvances in economic theory : Sixth World Congress外部サイトThe Black-Scholes-Merton model as an idealization of discrete-time economies外部サイトThe theory of general economic equilibrium : a differentiable approach外部サイトAdvances in economics and econometrics : Eleventh World Congress外部サイトCausality, integration and cointegration, and long memory外部サイトIgnorance and uncertainty外部サイトHow to divide when there isn't enough : from Aristotle, the Talmud, and Maimonides to the axiomatics of resource allocation外部サイトQuantile regression外部サイトApplied nonparametric regression外部サイトAnalysis of panel data外部サイトEconometrics外部サイトAdvances in economic theory : fifth World Congress外部サイトApplied economics外部サイトComplex social networks外部サイトAdvances in econometrics, Fifth World Congress外部サイトA theory of fairness and social welfare外部サイトTwo-sided matching : a study in game-theoretic modeling and analysis外部サイトAnalysis of panel data外部サイトAnalysis of panel data外部サイトAdvances in econometrics : invited papers for the Fourth World Congress of the Econometric Society at Aix-en-Provence, September 1980外部サイトThe econometric analysis of transition data外部サイトAxioms of cooperative decision making外部サイトAnalysis of panel data外部サイトLimited-dependent and qualitative variables in econometrics外部サイトMisspecification tests in econometrics : the Lagrange multiplier principle and other approaches外部サイトSpectral analysis, seasonality, nonlinearity, methodology, and forecasting外部サイトTwo-sided matching : a study in game-theoretic modeling and analysis外部サイトAdvances in economic theory : fifth World Congress外部サイトDisequilibrium foundations of equilibrium economics外部サイトRevealed preference theory外部サイトRegression analysis of count data外部サイトApplied nonparametric regression外部サイトEconomic theory外部サイトThe econometric analysis of transition data外部サイトMisspecification tests in econometrics : the Lagrange multiplier principle and other approaches外部サイトAdvances in economic theory : Sixth World Congress外部サイトTheory of decision under uncertainty外部サイトMechanism design : a linear programming approach外部サイトLimited-dependent and qualitative variables in econometrics外部サイトHouseholds as corporate firms : an analysis of household finance using integrated household surveys and corporate financial accounting外部サイトAxioms of cooperative decision making外部サイトAdvances in econometrics : Sixth World Congress外部サイトEstimation, inference, and specification analysis外部サイトRegression analysis of count data外部サイトThe theory of general economic equilibrium : a differentiable approach外部サイトAdvances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications, Ninth World Congress外部サイトDemocracy, education, and equality : Graz-Schumpeter lectures外部サイトFrontiers of research in economic theory : the Nancy L. Schwartz Memorial Lectures, 1983-1997外部サイトMathematical economics : twenty papers of Gerard Debreu外部サイトAdvances in econometrics : Sixth World Congress外部サイトAdvances in econometrics, Fifth World Congress外部サイトEconometrics and economic theory in the 20th century : the Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium外部サイトPopulation issues in social choice theory, welfare economics, and ethics外部サイトAdvances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications, Eighth World Congress外部サイトRandom sets in econometrics外部サイトAnalysis of panel data外部サイト



  • Dynamic models for volatility and heavy tails : with applications to financial and economic time series

  • Analysis of panel data

  • Longitudinal analysis of labor market data

  • Estimation, inference, and specification analysis

  • Advances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications





  • CiNii Research

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Econometric Society Monograph Series
Dynamic models for volatility and heavy tails : with applications to financial and economic time series
Analysis of panel data
Longitudinal analysis of labor market data
Estimation, inference, and specification analysis
Advances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications
A contribution to the pure theory of taxation
On the shoulders of giants : colleagues remember Suzanne Scotchmer's contributions to economics
Repeated games
Advances in economic theory : Sixth World Congress
The Black-Scholes-Merton model as an idealization of discrete-time economies
The theory of general economic equilibrium : a differentiable approach
Advances in economics and econometrics : Eleventh World Congress
Causality, integration and cointegration, and long memory
Ignorance and uncertainty
How to divide when there isn't enough : from Aristotle, the Talmud, and Maimonides to the axiomatics of resource allocation
Quantile regression
Applied nonparametric regression
Analysis of panel data
Advances in economic theory : fifth World Congress
Applied economics
Complex social networks
Advances in econometrics, Fifth World Congress
A theory of fairness and social welfare
Two-sided matching : a study in game-theoretic modeling and analysis
Analysis of panel data
Analysis of panel data
Advances in econometrics : invited papers for the Fourth World Congress of the Econometric Society at Aix-en-Provence, September 1980
The econometric analysis of transition data
Axioms of cooperative decision making
Analysis of panel data
Limited-dependent and qualitative variables in econometrics
Misspecification tests in econometrics : the Lagrange multiplier principle and other approaches
Spectral analysis, seasonality, nonlinearity, methodology, and forecasting
Two-sided matching : a study in game-theoretic modeling and analysis
Advances in economic theory : fifth World Congress
Disequilibrium foundations of equilibrium economics
Revealed preference theory
Regression analysis of count data
Applied nonparametric regression
Economic theory
The econometric analysis of transition data
Misspecification tests in econometrics : the Lagrange multiplier principle and other approaches
Advances in economic theory : Sixth World Congress
Theory of decision under uncertainty
Mechanism design : a linear programming approach
Limited-dependent and qualitative variables in econometrics
Households as corporate firms : an analysis of household finance using integrated household surveys and corporate financial accounting
Axioms of cooperative decision making
Advances in econometrics : Sixth World Congress
Estimation, inference, and specification analysis
Regression analysis of count data
The theory of general economic equilibrium : a differentiable approach
Advances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications, Ninth World Congress
Democracy, education, and equality : Graz-Schumpeter lectures
Frontiers of research in economic theory : the Nancy L. Schwartz Memorial Lectures, 1983-1997
Mathematical economics : twenty papers of Gerard Debreu
Advances in econometrics : Sixth World Congress
Advances in econometrics, Fifth World Congress
Econometrics and economic theory in the 20th century : the Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium
Population issues in social choice theory, welfare economics, and ethics
Advances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications, Eighth World Congress
Random sets in econometrics
Analysis of panel data
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books