並列タイトル等Appendices for the writings of Lafcadio Hearn
英文 小泉八雲全集補遺 『書簡集 正誤及び補訂』
一般注記Reprint. Originally published: Boston : H. Mifflin, 1922
Limited ed. of 200 copies
Appendics for the series was published in September, 1991, with Japanese title.
関連情報Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan : in two volumes
Life and letters : in three volumes
Two years in the French West Indies
Leaves from the diary of an impressionist ; Creole sketches ; and, Some Chinese ghosts
Kottō ; and, Kwaidan
Shadowings ; and, A Japanese miscellany
Two years in the French West Indies
Kottō ; and, Kwaidan
Gleanings in Buddha-fields ; and, The romance of the Milky Way
Out of the East ; and, Kokoro
Shadowings ; and, A Japanese miscellany
Japanese letters
Japan : an attempt at interpretation
Japanese letters
Japan : an attempt at interpretation
Stray leaves from strange literature ; and, Fantastics and other fancies
Leaves from the diary of an impressionist ; Creole sketches ; and, Some Chinese ghosts
Exotics and retrospectives ; and, In ghostly Japan
Gleanings in Buddha-fields ; and, The romance of the Milky Way
Exotics and retrospectives ; and, In ghostly Japan
Stray leaves from strange literature ; and, Fantastics and other fancies
Out of the East ; and, Kokoro
Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan : in two volumes
Life and letters : in three volumes
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA03456921 : BA03456921