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- Edited by Johannes Bronkhorst ; in co-operation with Richard Gombrich ... [et al.]
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- Text and authority in the older UpanishadsText, history, and philosophy : Abhidharma across Buddhist scholastic traditionsIndo-Muslim cultures in transitionThe rise of the Indo-Afghan empire, c.1710-1780The Buddhist path to awakening : a study of the Bodhi-Pakkhiyā DhammāThe Buddhist caves at Aurangabad : transformations in art and religionRāmakṛṣṇa Paramahaṁsa : a psychological profileThe continuity of madhyamaka and yogācāra in Indian Mahāyāna BuddhismArgument and design : the unity of the MahābhārataSaṅgītaśiromaṇi : a medieval handbook of Indian musicThe Parsis of India : preservation of identity in Bombay cityAspects of manuscript culture in South IndiaYoga powers : extraordinary capacities attained through meditation and concentrationConsecration of images and stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric BuddhismSarasvatī : riverine goddess of knowledge : from the manuscript-carrying vīṇā-player to the weapon-wielding defender of the DharmaWestern Himalayan temple records : state, pilgrimage, ritual and legality in ChambāBeyond caste : identity and power in South Asia, past and presentLanguage and reality : on an episode in Indian thoughtFrom coffee to tea cultivation in Ceylon, 1880-1900 : an economic and social historyṚgvedic societyCarving devotion in the Jain caves at ElloraCulture and circulation : literature in motion in early modern IndiaDharmakīrti on the cessation of suffering : a critical edition with translation and comments of Manorathanandin's Vṛtti and Vibhūticandra's glosses on Pramāṇavārttika II.190-216Narmadāparikramā - circumambulation of the Narmadā River : on the tradition of a unique Hindu pilgrimageBuddhist history in the vernacular : the power of the past in late medieval Sri LankaGrass in their mouths : the Upper Doab of India under the Company's Magna Charta, 1793-1830Maṇḍalas and Yantras in the Hindu traditionsThe Sanskrit hero : Karṇa in epic MahābhārataEmpire, religion, and identity : modern South Asia and the global circulation of ideasDragon's brain perfume : an historical geography of camphorThe rise of Mahāsena : the transformation of Skanda-Kārttikeya in North india from the Kuṣāṇa to Gupta empiresUrdu and Indo-Persian thought, poetics, and belles lettresEarly Buddhist architecture in context : the great stūpa at Amarāvatī (ca. 300 BCE-300 CE)Temples of the Indus : studies in the Hindu architecture of ancient PakistanMorphology and syntax of Old Hindī : edition and analysis of one hundred Kabīr vānī poems from RājasthānViolence denied : violence, non-violence and the rationalization of violence in South Asian cultural historyThe teachings of PadmasambhavaDharma, disorder and the political in ancient India : the Āpaddharmaparvan of the MahābhārataHayagrīva in South India : complexity and selectivity of a pan-Indian Hindu deityTamil love poetry and poeticsCircumambulations in South Asian history : essays in honour of Dirk H.A. KolffSovereignty, power, control : politics in the states of Western India, 1916-1947Buddhavacana and Dei verbum : a phenomenological and theological comparison of scriptural inspiration in the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra and in the Christian traditionBuilding communities in Gujarāt : architecture and society during the twelfth through fourteenth centuriesEssays on the MahābhārataIdeology and status of Sanskrit : contributions to the history of the Sanskrit languageThe Daśanāmī-saṃnyāsīs : the integration of ascetic lineages into an orderMerchants, politics, and society in early modern India : Bihar, 1733-1820Royal umbrellas of stone : memory, politics, and public identity in Rajput funerary artTemple consecration rituals in ancient India : text and archaeologyGoddesses and women in the Indic religious traditionTracing the boundaries between Hindi and Urdu : lost and added in translation between 20th century short storiesPeriodicals, readers and the making of a modern literary culture : Bengal at the turn of the twentieth centuryAttentive minds : a history of the Indian performative art of Avadhāna from the origin to modern timesThe building of Vṛndāvana : architecture, theology, and practice in an early modern pilgrimage townA South Indian digest of commentaries on the Nyāyasūtra : Gambhīravaṃśaja's Nyāyasūtravivaraṇa : first AdhyāyaTantric teachings of the Kālikā PurāṇaMantras, initiation and preparing for worship (chapters 1-5) : critical edition and annotated translationThe building of Vṛndāvana : architecture, theology, and practice in an early modern pilgrimage townDevotion, religious authority, and social structures in Sindh : khojas, vanyos, and faqirsTurkish history and culture in India : identity, art and transregional connections