
North-Holland linguistic series


North-Holland linguistic series




Vol 64- published by: Bingley, U.K. : Emerald


The be + past participle construction in spoken English : with special emphasis on the passive外部サイトAn areal-typological study of American Indian languages north of Mexico外部サイトReadings in Portuguese linguistics外部サイトGrammatical form and grammatical meaning : a tagmemic view of Fillmore's Deep structure case concepts外部サイトModern transformational grammar : with particular reference to the theory of government and binding外部サイトSounds of silence : empty elements in syntax and phonology外部サイトCompound adjectives in English and the ideal speaker-listener : a study of compounding in a transformational-generative framework外部サイトQuantifier meanings : a study in the dimensions of semantic competence外部サイトA theory of word order with special reference to Spanish外部サイトThe role of theory in linguistic analysis : the Spanish pronoun system外部サイトAmbiguity in natural language : an investigation of certain problems in its linguistic description外部サイトAspects of text structure : an investigation of the lexical organisation of text外部サイトA study of metaphor : on the nature of metaphorical expressions, with special reference to their reference外部サイトSoviet studies in language and language behavior外部サイトSemantic fields and lexical structure外部サイトThe English perfect : tense-choice and pragmatic inferences外部サイトToward a theory of cognitive poetics外部サイトSyllables and segments外部サイトVariation and universals in biolinguistics外部サイトOn Latin adverbs外部サイトCurrent studies in Italian syntax : essays offered to Lorenzo Renzi外部サイトEnglish quantifier systems外部サイトStudies in formal semantics : intensionality, temporality, negation外部サイトAdjectives, number and interfaces : why languages vary外部サイトAdvances in tagmemics外部サイトCurrent progress in historical linguistics : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Tucson, Arizona, 12-16 January 1976外部サイトLanguage acquisition and historical change外部サイトEnglish complex sentences : an introduction to systemic grammar外部サイトTransformational-generative grammar : an introductory survey of its genesis and development外部サイトThe progressive in English外部サイトApproaches to island phenomena外部サイトAn areal-typological study of American Indian languages north of Mexico外部サイトOn the nature of the syntax-phonology interface : cliticization and related phenomena外部サイトCurrent issues in mathematical linguistics外部サイトAn areal-typological study of American Indian languages north of Mexico外部サイトQuantification : a cross-linguistic perspective外部サイトVariation and universals in biolinguistics外部サイトThe problem of presentative sentences in modern Dutch外部サイトAn introduction to generative grammar外部サイトTheories of the proposition : ancient and medieval conceptions of the bearers of truth and falsity外部サイトImpositive sentences in Spanish : theory and description in linguistic pragmatics外部サイトThe generation of syntactic structures from a semantic base外部サイトStudies in modern Hebrew syntax and semantics : the transformational-generative approach外部サイトThe interpretation of English noun sequences on the computer外部サイトDevelopmental features of visual communication : a psycholinguistic analysis of deaf children's growth in communicative competence外部サイトDiversions of Bloomsbury : selected writings on linguistics外部サイトSyntax, morphology, internal and comparative reconstruction : proceedings of the first International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Edinburgh, 2nd-7th September 1973外部サイトLinguistics and neighboring disciplines外部サイトDiscourse and pragmatic constraints on grammatical choices : a grammar of surprises外部サイトNominalization and complementation in modern German外部サイトThe expression of future time in contemporary British English : an investigation into the syntax and semantics of five verbal constructions expressing futurity外部サイトThe social significance of speech : an introduction to and workbook in sociolinguistics外部サイトThe Indo-European lexicon : a full synchronic theory外部サイトThe grammar of adverbials : a study in the semantics and syntax of adverbial constructions外部サイトLogical grammar, with special consideration of topics in context change外部サイトCOLING 82 : proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Prague, July 5-10, 1982外部サイトApproaching vagueness外部サイトNew approaches to language mechanisms : a collection of psycholinguistic studies外部サイトComputer recognition of English word senses外部サイトLanguage processing in social context外部サイトLexical structures in syntax and semantics外部サイトAsymmetry : an inquiry into the linguistic structure of poetry外部サイトPhonological structure and the history of English外部サイトFunctional grammar外部サイトTransformational-generative grammar : an introductory survey of its genesis and development外部サイトOld English noun morphology : a diachronic study外部サイトComparative studies in Romanian syntax外部サイトTheory and description in phonology : proceedings of the first International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Edinburgh, 2nd-7th September 1973外部サイトLanguage typology : cross-linguistic studies in syntax外部サイト






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Vol 64- published by: Bingley, U.K. : Emerald
The be + past participle construction in spoken English : with special emphasis on the passive
An areal-typological study of American Indian languages north of Mexico
Readings in Portuguese linguistics
Grammatical form and grammatical meaning : a tagmemic view of Fillmore's Deep structure case concepts
Modern transformational grammar : with particular reference to the theory of government and binding
Sounds of silence : empty elements in syntax and phonology
Compound adjectives in English and the ideal speaker-listener : a study of compounding in a transformational-generative framework
Quantifier meanings : a study in the dimensions of semantic competence
A theory of word order with special reference to Spanish
The role of theory in linguistic analysis : the Spanish pronoun system
Ambiguity in natural language : an investigation of certain problems in its linguistic description
Aspects of text structure : an investigation of the lexical organisation of text
A study of metaphor : on the nature of metaphorical expressions, with special reference to their reference
Soviet studies in language and language behavior
Semantic fields and lexical structure
The English perfect : tense-choice and pragmatic inferences
Toward a theory of cognitive poetics
Syllables and segments
Variation and universals in biolinguistics
On Latin adverbs
Current studies in Italian syntax : essays offered to Lorenzo Renzi
English quantifier systems
Studies in formal semantics : intensionality, temporality, negation
Adjectives, number and interfaces : why languages vary
Advances in tagmemics
Current progress in historical linguistics : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Tucson, Arizona, 12-16 January 1976
Language acquisition and historical change
English complex sentences : an introduction to systemic grammar
Transformational-generative grammar : an introductory survey of its genesis and development
The progressive in English
Approaches to island phenomena
An areal-typological study of American Indian languages north of Mexico
On the nature of the syntax-phonology interface : cliticization and related phenomena
Current issues in mathematical linguistics
An areal-typological study of American Indian languages north of Mexico
Quantification : a cross-linguistic perspective
Variation and universals in biolinguistics
The problem of presentative sentences in modern Dutch
An introduction to generative grammar
Theories of the proposition : ancient and medieval conceptions of the bearers of truth and falsity
Impositive sentences in Spanish : theory and description in linguistic pragmatics
The generation of syntactic structures from a semantic base
Studies in modern Hebrew syntax and semantics : the transformational-generative approach
The interpretation of English noun sequences on the computer
Developmental features of visual communication : a psycholinguistic analysis of deaf children's growth in communicative competence
Diversions of Bloomsbury : selected writings on linguistics
Syntax, morphology, internal and comparative reconstruction : proceedings of the first International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Edinburgh, 2nd-7th September 1973
Linguistics and neighboring disciplines
Discourse and pragmatic constraints on grammatical choices : a grammar of surprises
Nominalization and complementation in modern German
The expression of future time in contemporary British English : an investigation into the syntax and semantics of five verbal constructions expressing futurity
The social significance of speech : an introduction to and workbook in sociolinguistics
The Indo-European lexicon : a full synchronic theory
The grammar of adverbials : a study in the semantics and syntax of adverbial constructions
Logical grammar, with special consideration of topics in context change
COLING 82 : proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Prague, July 5-10, 1982
Approaching vagueness
New approaches to language mechanisms : a collection of psycholinguistic studies
Computer recognition of English word senses
Language processing in social context
Lexical structures in syntax and semantics
Asymmetry : an inquiry into the linguistic structure of poetry
Phonological structure and the history of English
Functional grammar
Transformational-generative grammar : an introductory survey of its genesis and development
Old English noun morphology : a diachronic study
Comparative studies in Romanian syntax
Theory and description in phonology : proceedings of the first International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Edinburgh, 2nd-7th September 1973
Language typology : cross-linguistic studies in syntax
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research