- 資料種別
- 図書
- 並列タイトル等
- Pure and applied mathematics : a series of monographs and textbooksPure and applied mathematics : a program of monographs, textbooks, and lecture notes
- 出版地(国名コード)
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- 一般注記
- Title at publisher's listing of v. 204: Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematicsPublisher changed: Dekker/CRC Press → Chapman & Hall/CRCExecutive editors: Earl J. Taft, Zuhair Nashed
- 関連情報
- Exponential stability of stochastic differential equationsOrthogonal Schauder basesGeneralized difference methods for differential equations : numerical analysis of finite volume methodsMultivariable calculusTheory of distributionsQualitative theory of dynamical systems : the role of stability preserving mappingsMultiplicative ideal theoryUniform convexity, hyperbolic geometry, and non-expansive mappingsConditional measures and applicationsAlgorithmic Lie theory for solving ordinary differential equationsCogalois theoryTheory and applications of Fourier analysisAbstract algebraPolynomials and linear control systemsMeasure and integral : an introduction to real analysisPrüfer domainsDifferential subordinations : theory and applicationsMatrix theory and its applications : selected topicsA concrete introduction to real analysisAdvanced calculus : an introduction to modern analysisIntroduction to set theoryField theory : classical foundations and multiplicative groupsIntroduction to stochastic differential equationsIntegral formulas in Riemannian geometryVolterra and integral equations of vector functionsCombinatorial designsComplex algebraic geometry : an introduction to curves and surfacesThe divergence theorem and sets of finite perimeterElements of real analysisEnumerative combinatorics of Young tableauxMonotone iterative techniques for discontinuous nonlinear differential equationsThe shape of spaceRelative invariants of sheavesDifferential geometry : with applications to mechanics and physicsFunction classes of Cauchy continuous mapsFunctional equations and modelling in science and engineeringRelative invariants of rings : the commutative theoryProblems and examples in differential equationsDifference equations and inequalities : theory, methods, and applicationsIntroduction to modern algebraFundamentals of pattern recognitionApplications of orlicz spacesInfinite divisibility of probability distributions on the real lineDeterministic mathematical models in population ecologyCompatibility, stability, and sheavesDifferential geometry and relativity theory : an introductionModular representation theoryA first course in differential geometryFinite dimensional multilinear algebraSubplane covered netsC[*]-algebras and numerical analysisApplied functional analysis : numerical methods, wavelet methods, and image processingIntegrals and measuresLinear systems and control : an operator perspectiveDynamic programming : foundations and principlesUncertain dynamical systems : stability and motion controlIntroduction to Fourier seriesOptimization and nonstandard analysisDifference equations with applications to queuesDomination in graphs : advanced topicsTopics in group ringsParabolic equations on an infinite stripMultivalued linear operatorsNonoscillation and oscillation : theory for functional differential equationsMeasure and integral : an introduction to real analysisInvariant descriptive set theoryTopological vector spacesStochastic processes and the Wiener integralFunctional analysis and valuation theoryVector and tensor analysisSemigroup algebrasAn introduction to functional analysisTheory of nonlinear age-dependent population dynamicsNonlinear wave equationsNon-unique factorizations : algebraic, combinatorial and analytic theoryReal and complex analysisInequalities for finite difference equationsStructured hereditary systemsFundamentals of pattern recognitionThe mathematical theory of chromatic plane ornamentsNumber theory arising from finite fields : analytic and probabilistic theoryClassification of Lipschitz mappingsFundamentals of domination in graphsIntroduction to differential geometry for engineersRadical theory of ringsRing theory : nonsingular rings and modulesFunctional analysis : a primerDifferential geometryReal function algebrasAlgebraic number theoryDifferential topology : an introductionModules and the structure of rings : a primerStrange functions in real analysisDifference equations and inequalities : theory, methods, and applicationsFoundations of three-dimensional Euclidean geometryDifferential equations with maximaDifferential forms on singular varieties : de Rham and Hodge theory simplifiedRings with generalized identitiesExtremal methods of operations researchCommutative group algebrasAlgebraic geometry for associative algebrasTopological vector spacesA unified theory of nonlinear operator and evolution equations with applications : a new approach to nonlinear partial differential equationsTensors and the Clifford algebra : application to the physics of bosons and fermionsClassical complex analysisLinear algebra, with geometric applicationsFunctional analysis : an introductionTheory of lattice-ordered groupsFoundations of translation planesInvertibility and singularity for bounded linear operatorsLinear algebraPseudo-differential equations and stochastics over non-archimedean fieldsIntroduction to set theoryReal analysis with point-set topologyValue-distribution theory : proceedings of the Tulane University Program on Value-Distribution Theory in Complex Analysis and Related Topics in Differential GeometryLebesgue integrationElements of applicable functional analysisAspects of topologyCalculus in vector spacesInfinite group ringsNoncommutative geometry and Cayley-smooth ordersCharacterizations of C[*]-algebras : the Gelfand-Naimark theoremsNoncommutative distributions : unitary representation of gauge groups and algebrasReal linear algebraCombinatorics of spreads and parallelismsNecessary conditions for an extremumGeometric function theory in one and higher dimensionsBiorthogonality and its applications to numerical analysisElements of Bayesian statisticsMetaharmonic lattice point theoryFinite and infinite dimensional linear spaces : a comparative study in algebraic and analytic settingsApplied linear algebraHandbook of finite translation planesTopological fieldsBinary polynomial transforms and nonlinear digital filtersClassical sequences in Banach spacesProducts of random variables : applications to problems of physics and to arithmetical functionsRelative finiteness in module theoryModular Lie algebras and their representationsGeometry, physics, and systemsLinear algebra over commutative ringsAn introduction to the theory of distributionsDeficit and Bezout estimatesQualitative methods in nonlinear dynamics : novel approaches to Liapunov's matrix functionsGeneralized inverses of linear operators : representation and approximationMatrix theory : from generalized inverses to Jordan formAlgebraic theory of the Bianchi groupsApproximation theory : in memory of A.K. VarmaGraph algebras and automataThe mathematical theory of tone systemsCertain number-theoretic episodes in algebraHomology and cohomology theory : an approach based on Alexander-Spanier cochainsDynamic programmingFunctional analysis : an introductionThe separable Galois theory of commutative ringsKKM theory and applications in nonlinear analysisCohomology and differential formsDiscrete geometry : in honor of W. Kuperberg's 60th BirthdayEmmy Noether : a tribute to her life and workA first graduate course in abstract algebraRelative invariants of rings : the noncommutative theoryTheory of Orlicz spacesLinear geometry with computer graphicsIntroduction to linear operator theoryInterpolation of operators and singular integrals : an introduction to harmonic analysisOscillation theory of differential equations with deviating argumentsAbstract algebra : a comprehensive treatmentThe structure of locally compact abelian groupsMonomial algebrasHarmonic analysis on homogeneous spacesNorm estimations for operator-valued functions and applicationsModular function spacesComplex analysis : selected topicsNon-Archimedean functional analysisUnilateral contact problems : variational methods and existence theoremsHyperspaces of sets : a text with research questionsQualitative theory of dynamical systems : the role of stability preserving mappingsDifferential equations : introduction and qualitative theoryIntroduction to linear programming : applications and extensionsLocalization of noncommutative ringsOptimal control of nonlinear parabolic systems : theory, algorithms, and applicationsA primer of algebraic geometry : constructive computational methodsIntroduction to integral equations with applicationsAbstract algebra : a first lookStochastic versus deterministic systems of differential equationsPlane algebraic curves : an introduction via valuationsIntroduction to the theory of topological rings and modulesApplied analysis by the Hilbert space method : an introduction with applications to the wave, heat, and Schrödinger equationsA first graduate course in abstract algebraProblems in mathematical analysisThe separable Galois theory of commutative ringsFoundations of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometryFunctional analytic methods for partial differential equationsTheory of difference equations : numerical methods and applicationsHolomorphy and calculus in normed spacesField theoryMeasure theory and integrationMatrices and vector spacesDifferential equations : introduction and qualitative theoryTables of dominant weight multiplicities for representations of simple Lie algebrasMoving shape analysis and control : applications to fluid structure interactionsGlobal optimization using interval analysisTransformation groups on manifoldsFundamentals of real analysisSymmetric properties of real functionsCommutative rings with zero divisorsPoint set theoryQualitative analysis and synthesis of recurrent neural networksClasses of modulesMathematical models and methods for real world systemsHyperspaces : fundamentals and recent advancesFinite rings with identityClassical theory of arithmetic functionsOptimal design of control systems : stochastic and deterministic problemsOperator theory in function spacesThe theory of difference schemesAlgebraic topology : a first courseIntroductory theory of topological vector spacesThe theory of topological semigroupsIterative aggregation theory : mathematical methods of coordinating detailed and aggregate problems in large control systemsAlgebraic numbers and diophantine approximationComplex variables : an introductionAnalytical methods for Markov semigroupsTopological fields and near valuationsNonlinear ordinary differential equations and their applicationsIntroduction to the mathematics of operations research with MathematicaCoding theory and cryptography : the essentialsMethods for solving inverse problems in mathematical physicsHyperbolic manifolds and holomorphic mappingsDifferentiable manifoldsNonlinear controllability and optimal controlAlgebraic generalizations of discrete groups : a path to combinatorial group theory through one-relator productsContinuum theory : an introductionThe shape of space : how to visualize surfaces and three-dimensional manifoldsPartial differential equations and systems not solvable with respect to the highest-order derivativeProjective representations of finite groupsDirect sum decompositions of torsion-free finite rank groupsStability by Liapunov's matrix function method with applicationsDegenerate differential equations in Banach spacesStrange functions in real analysisMatrices over commutative ringsElementary boundary value problemsSemigroups : an introduction to the structure theoryGlobal optimization using interval analysisIdeal systems : an introduction to multiplicative ideal theoryIntroduction to the mathematics of operations researchStability analysis of nonlinear systemsNumber theory : an introductionBanach algebras : an introductionBrauer groups and the cohomology of graded ringsOrdinary differential equations : introduction and qualitative theoryFrontiers in interpolation and approximation : dedicated to the memory of Ambikeshwar SharmaMathematical analysisCoding theory : the essentialsAn introduction to multicomplex spaces and functionsZariski surfaces and differential equations in characteristic p>0Linear and integer programming : theory and practiceArithmetic of finite fieldsOscillation theory for functional differential equationsTopological groups : characters, dualities, and minimal group topologiesIntroduction to functions of a complex variableIntegral and discrete transforms with applications and error analysisMathematical theory of hemivariational inequalities and applicationsMathematical programming : an introduction to optimizationTopology : an outline for a first courseRings with polynomial identitiesIntroduction to set theoryIntroduction to functional analysis : Banach spaces, and differential calculusAnalysis and approximation of contact problems with adhesion or damageSimulation and chaotic behavior of α-stable stochastic processesCohomological methods in group theoryGeometry of feedback and optimal controlSymmetric spaces : short courses presented at Washington UniversityGeneration of multivariate hermite interpolating polynomialsGlobal methods in optimal control theoryFundamentals of algebraic microlocal analysisGeometric algebra over local ringsApproximation-solvability of nonlinear functional and differential equationsUniversal algebra : fundamentals and selected topicsTangency, flow invariance for differential equations, and optimization problemsRepresentation theory and higher algebraic K-theorySpaces with distinguished geodesicsAlgorithms for linear-quadratic optimizationActions and invariants of algebraic groupsGeometry of submanifoldsTangent and cotangent bundles : differential geometryEquations of mathematical physicsQuadratic irrationals : an introduction to classical number theoryGlobal Lorentzian geometryLinear and integer programming : theory and practiceProbability theory and harmonic analysisPartial integral operators and integro-differential equationsWeakly connected nonlinear systems : boundedness and stability of motionGeomathematically oriented potential theoryIncidence algebrasA unified signal algebra approach to two-dimensional parallel digital signal processingCalculus in vector spacesOrdinary representation theoryGeometry : axiomatic developments with problem solvingHopf algebras : an introductionFoundations of mathematical analysisIntroduction to the theory of formal groupsApplications of optimal control theory in biomedicineLattice basis reduction : an introduction to the LLL algorithm and its applicationsThe Kurzweil-Henstock integral and its differentials : a unified theory of integration on R and R[n]Statistical theory and random matricesBoolean matrix theory and applicationsVector and tensor analysisInteger flows and cycle covers of graphsGeometry of projective algebraic curvesConditional measures and applicationsGlobal Lorentzian geometryTopology : an outline for a first courseFunctional analytic methods for partial differential equations
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research