
Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematics


Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematics

M. Dekker



Title at publisher's listing of v. 204: Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematicsPublisher changed: Dekker/CRC Press → Chapman & Hall/C...


Exponential stability of stochastic differential equations外部サイトOrthogonal Schauder bases外部サイトGeneralized difference methods for differential equations : numerical analysis of finite volume methods外部サイトMultivariable calculus外部サイトTheory of distributions外部サイトQualitative theory of dynamical systems : the role of stability preserving mappings外部サイトMultiplicative ideal theory外部サイトUniform convexity, hyperbolic geometry, and non-expansive mappings外部サイトConditional measures and applications外部サイトAlgorithmic Lie theory for solving ordinary differential equations外部サイトCogalois theory外部サイトTheory and applications of Fourier analysis外部サイトAbstract algebra外部サイトPolynomials and linear control systems外部サイトMeasure and integral : an introduction to real analysis外部サイトPrüfer domains外部サイトDifferential subordinations : theory and applications外部サイトMatrix theory and its applications : selected topics外部サイトA concrete introduction to real analysis外部サイトAdvanced calculus : an introduction to modern analysis外部サイトIntroduction to set theory外部サイトField theory : classical foundations and multiplicative groups外部サイトIntroduction to stochastic differential equations外部サイトIntegral formulas in Riemannian geometry外部サイトVolterra and integral equations of vector functions外部サイトCombinatorial designs外部サイトComplex algebraic geometry : an introduction to curves and surfaces外部サイトThe divergence theorem and sets of finite perimeter外部サイトElements of real analysis外部サイトEnumerative combinatorics of Young tableaux外部サイトMonotone iterative techniques for discontinuous nonlinear differential equations外部サイトThe shape of space外部サイトRelative invariants of sheaves外部サイトDifferential geometry : with applications to mechanics and physics外部サイトFunction classes of Cauchy continuous maps外部サイトFunctional equations and modelling in science and engineering外部サイトRelative invariants of rings : the commutative theory外部サイトProblems and examples in differential equations外部サイトDifference equations and inequalities : theory, methods, and applications外部サイトIntroduction to modern algebra外部サイトFundamentals of pattern recognition外部サイトApplications of orlicz spaces外部サイトInfinite divisibility of probability distributions on the real line外部サイトDeterministic mathematical models in population ecology外部サイトCompatibility, stability, and sheaves外部サイトDifferential geometry and relativity theory : an introduction外部サイトModular representation theory外部サイトA first course in differential geometry外部サイトFinite dimensional multilinear algebra外部サイトSubplane covered nets外部サイトC[*]-algebras and numerical analysis外部サイトApplied functional analysis : numerical methods, wavelet methods, and image processing外部サイトIntegrals and measures外部サイトLinear systems and control : an operator perspective外部サイトDynamic programming : foundations and principles外部サイトUncertain dynamical systems : stability and motion control外部サイトIntroduction to Fourier series外部サイトOptimization and nonstandard analysis外部サイトDifference equations with applications to queues外部サイトDomination in graphs : advanced topics外部サイトTopics in group rings外部サイトParabolic equations on an infinite strip外部サイトMultivalued linear operators外部サイトNonoscillation and oscillation : theory for functional differential equations外部サイトMeasure and integral : an introduction to real analysis外部サイトInvariant descriptive set theory外部サイトTopological vector spaces外部サイトStochastic processes and the Wiener integral外部サイトFunctional analysis and valuation theory外部サイトVector and tensor analysis外部サイトSemigroup algebras外部サイトAn introduction to functional analysis外部サイトTheory of nonlinear age-dependent population dynamics外部サイトNonlinear wave equations外部サイトNon-unique factorizations : algebraic, combinatorial and analytic theory外部サイトReal and complex analysis外部サイトInequalities for finite difference equations外部サイトStructured hereditary systems外部サイトFundamentals of pattern recognition外部サイトThe mathematical theory of chromatic plane ornaments外部サイトNumber theory arising from finite fields : analytic and probabilistic theory外部サイトClassification of Lipschitz mappings外部サイトFundamentals of domination in graphs外部サイトIntroduction to differential geometry for engineers外部サイトRadical theory of rings外部サイトRing theory : nonsingular rings and modules外部サイトFunctional analysis : a primer外部サイトDifferential geometry外部サイトReal function algebras外部サイトAlgebraic number theory外部サイトDifferential topology : an introduction外部サイトModules and the structure of rings : a primer外部サイトStrange functions in real analysis外部サイトDifference equations and inequalities : theory, methods, and applications外部サイトFoundations of three-dimensional Euclidean geometry外部サイトDifferential equations with maxima外部サイトDifferential forms on singular varieties : de Rham and Hodge theory simplified外部サイトRings with generalized identities外部サイトExtremal methods of operations research外部サイトCommutative group algebras外部サイトAlgebraic geometry for associative algebras外部サイトTopological vector spaces外部サイトA unified theory of nonlinear operator and evolution equations with applications : a new approach to nonlinear partial differential equations外部サイトTensors and the Clifford algebra : application to the physics of bosons and fermions外部サイトClassical complex analysis外部サイトLinear algebra, with geometric applications外部サイトFunctional analysis : an introduction外部サイトTheory of lattice-ordered groups外部サイトFoundations of translation planes外部サイトInvertibility and singularity for bounded linear operators外部サイトLinear algebra外部サイトPseudo-differential equations and stochastics over non-archimedean fields外部サイトIntroduction to set theory外部サイトReal analysis with point-set topology外部サイトValue-distribution theory : proceedings of the Tulane University Program on Value-Distribution Theory in Complex Analysis and Related Topics in Differential Geometry外部サイトLebesgue integration外部サイトElements of applicable functional analysis外部サイトAspects of topology外部サイトCalculus in vector spaces外部サイトInfinite group rings外部サイトNoncommutative geometry and Cayley-smooth orders外部サイトCharacterizations of C[*]-algebras : the Gelfand-Naimark theorems外部サイトNoncommutative distributions : unitary representation of gauge groups and algebras外部サイトReal linear algebra外部サイトCombinatorics of spreads and parallelisms外部サイトNecessary conditions for an extremum外部サイトGeometric function theory in one and higher dimensions外部サイトBiorthogonality and its applications to numerical analysis外部サイトElements of Bayesian statistics外部サイトMetaharmonic lattice point theory外部サイトFinite and infinite dimensional linear spaces : a comparative study in algebraic and analytic settings外部サイトApplied linear algebra外部サイトHandbook of finite translation planes外部サイトTopological fields外部サイトBinary polynomial transforms and nonlinear digital filters外部サイトClassical sequences in Banach spaces外部サイトProducts of random variables : applications to problems of physics and to arithmetical functions外部サイトRelative finiteness in module theory外部サイトModular Lie algebras and their representations外部サイトGeometry, physics, and systems外部サイトLinear algebra over commutative rings外部サイトAn introduction to the theory of distributions外部サイトDeficit and Bezout estimates外部サイトQualitative methods in nonlinear dynamics : novel approaches to Liapunov's matrix functions外部サイトGeneralized inverses of linear operators : representation and approximation外部サイトMatrix theory : from generalized inverses to Jordan form外部サイトAlgebraic theory of the Bianchi groups外部サイトApproximation theory : in memory of A.K. Varma外部サイトGraph algebras and automata外部サイトThe mathematical theory of tone systems外部サイトCertain number-theoretic episodes in algebra外部サイトHomology and cohomology theory : an approach based on Alexander-Spanier cochains外部サイトDynamic programming外部サイトFunctional analysis : an introduction外部サイトThe separable Galois theory of commutative rings外部サイトKKM theory and applications in nonlinear analysis外部サイトCohomology and differential forms外部サイトDiscrete geometry : in honor of W. Kuperberg's 60th Birthday外部サイトEmmy Noether : a tribute to her life and work外部サイトA first graduate course in abstract algebra外部サイトRelative invariants of rings : the noncommutative theory外部サイトTheory of Orlicz spaces外部サイトLinear geometry with computer graphics外部サイトIntroduction to linear operator theory外部サイトInterpolation of operators and singular integrals : an introduction to harmonic analysis外部サイトOscillation theory of differential equations with deviating arguments外部サイトAbstract algebra : a comprehensive treatment外部サイトThe structure of locally compact abelian groups外部サイトMonomial algebras外部サイトHarmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces外部サイトNorm estimations for operator-valued functions and applications外部サイトModular function spaces外部サイトComplex analysis : selected topics外部サイトNon-Archimedean functional analysis外部サイトUnilateral contact problems : variational methods and existence theorems外部サイトHyperspaces of sets : a text with research questions外部サイトQualitative theory of dynamical systems : the role of stability preserving mappings外部サイトDifferential equations : introduction and qualitative theory外部サイトIntroduction to linear programming : applications and extensions外部サイトLocalization of noncommutative rings外部サイトOptimal control of nonlinear parabolic systems : theory, algorithms, and applications外部サイトA primer of algebraic geometry : constructive computational methods外部サイトIntroduction to integral equations with applications外部サイトAbstract algebra : a first look外部サイトStochastic versus deterministic systems of differential equations外部サイトPlane algebraic curves : an introduction via valuations外部サイトIntroduction to the theory of topological rings and modules外部サイトApplied analysis by the Hilbert space method : an introduction with applications to the wave, heat, and Schrödinger equations外部サイトA first graduate course in abstract algebra外部サイトProblems in mathematical analysis外部サイトThe separable Galois theory of commutative rings外部サイトFoundations of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry外部サイトFunctional analytic methods for partial differential equations外部サイトTheory of difference equations : numerical methods and applications外部サイトHolomorphy and calculus in normed spaces外部サイトField theory外部サイトMeasure theory and integration外部サイトMatrices and vector spaces外部サイトDifferential equations : introduction and qualitative theory外部サイトTables of dominant weight multiplicities for representations of simple Lie algebras外部サイトMoving shape analysis and control : applications to fluid structure interactions外部サイトGlobal optimization using interval analysis外部サイトTransformation groups on manifolds外部サイトFundamentals of real analysis外部サイトSymmetric properties of real functions外部サイトCommutative rings with zero divisors外部サイトPoint set theory外部サイトQualitative analysis and synthesis of recurrent neural networks外部サイトClasses of modules外部サイトMathematical models and methods for real world systems外部サイトHyperspaces : fundamentals and recent advances外部サイトFinite rings with identity外部サイトClassical theory of arithmetic functions外部サイトOptimal design of control systems : stochastic and deterministic problems外部サイトOperator theory in function spaces外部サイトThe theory of difference schemes外部サイトAlgebraic topology : a first course外部サイトIntroductory theory of topological vector spaces外部サイトThe theory of topological semigroups外部サイトIterative aggregation theory : mathematical methods of coordinating detailed and aggregate problems in large control systems外部サイトAlgebraic numbers and diophantine approximation外部サイトComplex variables : an introduction外部サイトAnalytical methods for Markov semigroups外部サイトTopological fields and near valuations外部サイトNonlinear ordinary differential equations and their applications外部サイトIntroduction to the mathematics of operations research with Mathematica外部サイトCoding theory and cryptography : the essentials外部サイトMethods for solving inverse problems in mathematical physics外部サイトHyperbolic manifolds and holomorphic mappings外部サイトDifferentiable manifolds外部サイトNonlinear controllability and optimal control外部サイトAlgebraic generalizations of discrete groups : a path to combinatorial group theory through one-relator products外部サイトContinuum theory : an introduction外部サイトThe shape of space : how to visualize surfaces and three-dimensional manifolds外部サイトPartial differential equations and systems not solvable with respect to the highest-order derivative外部サイトProjective representations of finite groups外部サイトDirect sum decompositions of torsion-free finite rank groups外部サイトStability by Liapunov's matrix function method with applications外部サイトDegenerate differential equations in Banach spaces外部サイトStrange functions in real analysis外部サイトMatrices over commutative rings外部サイトElementary boundary value problems外部サイトSemigroups : an introduction to the structure theory外部サイトGlobal optimization using interval analysis外部サイトIdeal systems : an introduction to multiplicative ideal theory外部サイトIntroduction to the mathematics of operations research外部サイトStability analysis of nonlinear systems外部サイトNumber theory : an introduction外部サイトBanach algebras : an introduction外部サイトBrauer groups and the cohomology of graded rings外部サイトOrdinary differential equations : introduction and qualitative theory外部サイトFrontiers in interpolation and approximation : dedicated to the memory of Ambikeshwar Sharma外部サイトMathematical analysis外部サイトCoding theory : the essentials外部サイトAn introduction to multicomplex spaces and functions外部サイトZariski surfaces and differential equations in characteristic p>0外部サイトLinear and integer programming : theory and practice外部サイトArithmetic of finite fields外部サイトOscillation theory for functional differential equations外部サイトTopological groups : characters, dualities, and minimal group topologies外部サイトIntroduction to functions of a complex variable外部サイトIntegral and discrete transforms with applications and error analysis外部サイトMathematical theory of hemivariational inequalities and applications外部サイトMathematical programming : an introduction to optimization外部サイトTopology : an outline for a first course外部サイトRings with polynomial identities外部サイトIntroduction to set theory外部サイトIntroduction to functional analysis : Banach spaces, and differential calculus外部サイトAnalysis and approximation of contact problems with adhesion or damage外部サイトSimulation and chaotic behavior of α-stable stochastic processes外部サイトCohomological methods in group theory外部サイトGeometry of feedback and optimal control外部サイトSymmetric spaces : short courses presented at Washington University外部サイトGeneration of multivariate hermite interpolating polynomials外部サイトGlobal methods in optimal control theory外部サイトFundamentals of algebraic microlocal analysis外部サイトGeometric algebra over local rings外部サイトApproximation-solvability of nonlinear functional and differential equations外部サイトUniversal algebra : fundamentals and selected topics外部サイトTangency, flow invariance for differential equations, and optimization problems外部サイトRepresentation theory and higher algebraic K-theory外部サイトSpaces with distinguished geodesics外部サイトAlgorithms for linear-quadratic optimization外部サイトActions and invariants of algebraic groups外部サイトGeometry of submanifolds外部サイトTangent and cotangent bundles : differential geometry外部サイトEquations of mathematical physics外部サイトQuadratic irrationals : an introduction to classical number theory外部サイトGlobal Lorentzian geometry外部サイトLinear and integer programming : theory and practice外部サイトProbability theory and harmonic analysis外部サイトPartial integral operators and integro-differential equations外部サイトWeakly connected nonlinear systems : boundedness and stability of motion外部サイトGeomathematically oriented potential theory外部サイトIncidence algebras外部サイトA unified signal algebra approach to two-dimensional parallel digital signal processing外部サイトCalculus in vector spaces外部サイトOrdinary representation theory外部サイトGeometry : axiomatic developments with problem solving外部サイトHopf algebras : an introduction外部サイトFoundations of mathematical analysis外部サイトIntroduction to the theory of formal groups外部サイトApplications of optimal control theory in biomedicine外部サイトLattice basis reduction : an introduction to the LLL algorithm and its applications外部サイトThe Kurzweil-Henstock integral and its differentials : a unified theory of integration on R and R[n]外部サイトStatistical theory and random matrices外部サイトBoolean matrix theory and applications外部サイトVector and tensor analysis外部サイトInteger flows and cycle covers of graphs外部サイトGeometry of projective algebraic curves外部サイトConditional measures and applications外部サイトGlobal Lorentzian geometry外部サイトTopology : an outline for a first course外部サイトFunctional analytic methods for partial differential equations外部サイト






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Pure and applied mathematics : a series of monographs and textbooks
Pure and applied mathematics : a program of monographs, textbooks, and lecture notes
Title at publisher's listing of v. 204: Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematics
Publisher changed: Dekker/CRC Press → Chapman & Hall/CRC
Executive editors: Earl J. Taft, Zuhair Nashed
Exponential stability of stochastic differential equations
Orthogonal Schauder bases
Generalized difference methods for differential equations : numerical analysis of finite volume methods
Multivariable calculus
Theory of distributions
Qualitative theory of dynamical systems : the role of stability preserving mappings
Multiplicative ideal theory
Uniform convexity, hyperbolic geometry, and non-expansive mappings
Conditional measures and applications
Algorithmic Lie theory for solving ordinary differential equations
Cogalois theory
Theory and applications of Fourier analysis
Abstract algebra
Polynomials and linear control systems
Measure and integral : an introduction to real analysis
Prüfer domains
Differential subordinations : theory and applications
Matrix theory and its applications : selected topics
A concrete introduction to real analysis
Advanced calculus : an introduction to modern analysis
Introduction to set theory
Field theory : classical foundations and multiplicative groups
Introduction to stochastic differential equations
Integral formulas in Riemannian geometry
Volterra and integral equations of vector functions
Combinatorial designs
Complex algebraic geometry : an introduction to curves and surfaces
The divergence theorem and sets of finite perimeter
Elements of real analysis
Enumerative combinatorics of Young tableaux
Monotone iterative techniques for discontinuous nonlinear differential equations
The shape of space
Relative invariants of sheaves
Differential geometry : with applications to mechanics and physics
Function classes of Cauchy continuous maps
Functional equations and modelling in science and engineering
Relative invariants of rings : the commutative theory
Problems and examples in differential equations
Difference equations and inequalities : theory, methods, and applications
Introduction to modern algebra
Fundamentals of pattern recognition
Applications of orlicz spaces
Infinite divisibility of probability distributions on the real line
Deterministic mathematical models in population ecology
Compatibility, stability, and sheaves
Differential geometry and relativity theory : an introduction
Modular representation theory
A first course in differential geometry
Finite dimensional multilinear algebra
Subplane covered nets
C[*]-algebras and numerical analysis
Applied functional analysis : numerical methods, wavelet methods, and image processing
Integrals and measures
Linear systems and control : an operator perspective
Dynamic programming : foundations and principles
Uncertain dynamical systems : stability and motion control
Introduction to Fourier series
Optimization and nonstandard analysis
Difference equations with applications to queues
Domination in graphs : advanced topics
Topics in group rings
Parabolic equations on an infinite strip
Multivalued linear operators
Nonoscillation and oscillation : theory for functional differential equations
Measure and integral : an introduction to real analysis
Invariant descriptive set theory
Topological vector spaces
Stochastic processes and the Wiener integral
Functional analysis and valuation theory
Vector and tensor analysis
Semigroup algebras
An introduction to functional analysis
Theory of nonlinear age-dependent population dynamics
Nonlinear wave equations
Non-unique factorizations : algebraic, combinatorial and analytic theory
Real and complex analysis
Inequalities for finite difference equations
Structured hereditary systems
Fundamentals of pattern recognition
The mathematical theory of chromatic plane ornaments
Number theory arising from finite fields : analytic and probabilistic theory
Classification of Lipschitz mappings
Fundamentals of domination in graphs
Introduction to differential geometry for engineers
Radical theory of rings
Ring theory : nonsingular rings and modules
Functional analysis : a primer
Differential geometry
Real function algebras
Algebraic number theory
Differential topology : an introduction
Modules and the structure of rings : a primer
Strange functions in real analysis
Difference equations and inequalities : theory, methods, and applications
Foundations of three-dimensional Euclidean geometry
Differential equations with maxima
Differential forms on singular varieties : de Rham and Hodge theory simplified
Rings with generalized identities
Extremal methods of operations research
Commutative group algebras
Algebraic geometry for associative algebras
Topological vector spaces
A unified theory of nonlinear operator and evolution equations with applications : a new approach to nonlinear partial differential equations
Tensors and the Clifford algebra : application to the physics of bosons and fermions
Classical complex analysis
Linear algebra, with geometric applications
Functional analysis : an introduction
Theory of lattice-ordered groups
Foundations of translation planes
Invertibility and singularity for bounded linear operators
Linear algebra
Pseudo-differential equations and stochastics over non-archimedean fields
Introduction to set theory
Real analysis with point-set topology
Value-distribution theory : proceedings of the Tulane University Program on Value-Distribution Theory in Complex Analysis and Related Topics in Differential Geometry
Lebesgue integration
Elements of applicable functional analysis
Aspects of topology
Calculus in vector spaces
Infinite group rings
Noncommutative geometry and Cayley-smooth orders
Characterizations of C[*]-algebras : the Gelfand-Naimark theorems
Noncommutative distributions : unitary representation of gauge groups and algebras
Real linear algebra
Combinatorics of spreads and parallelisms
Necessary conditions for an extremum
Geometric function theory in one and higher dimensions
Biorthogonality and its applications to numerical analysis
Elements of Bayesian statistics
Metaharmonic lattice point theory
Finite and infinite dimensional linear spaces : a comparative study in algebraic and analytic settings
Applied linear algebra
Handbook of finite translation planes
Topological fields
Binary polynomial transforms and nonlinear digital filters
Classical sequences in Banach spaces
Products of random variables : applications to problems of physics and to arithmetical functions
Relative finiteness in module theory
Modular Lie algebras and their representations
Geometry, physics, and systems
Linear algebra over commutative rings
An introduction to the theory of distributions
Deficit and Bezout estimates
Qualitative methods in nonlinear dynamics : novel approaches to Liapunov's matrix functions
Generalized inverses of linear operators : representation and approximation
Matrix theory : from generalized inverses to Jordan form
Algebraic theory of the Bianchi groups
Approximation theory : in memory of A.K. Varma
Graph algebras and automata
The mathematical theory of tone systems
Certain number-theoretic episodes in algebra
Homology and cohomology theory : an approach based on Alexander-Spanier cochains
Dynamic programming
Functional analysis : an introduction
The separable Galois theory of commutative rings
KKM theory and applications in nonlinear analysis
Cohomology and differential forms
Discrete geometry : in honor of W. Kuperberg's 60th Birthday
Emmy Noether : a tribute to her life and work
A first graduate course in abstract algebra
Relative invariants of rings : the noncommutative theory
Theory of Orlicz spaces
Linear geometry with computer graphics
Introduction to linear operator theory
Interpolation of operators and singular integrals : an introduction to harmonic analysis
Oscillation theory of differential equations with deviating arguments
Abstract algebra : a comprehensive treatment
The structure of locally compact abelian groups
Monomial algebras
Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces
Norm estimations for operator-valued functions and applications
Modular function spaces
Complex analysis : selected topics
Non-Archimedean functional analysis
Unilateral contact problems : variational methods and existence theorems
Hyperspaces of sets : a text with research questions
Qualitative theory of dynamical systems : the role of stability preserving mappings
Differential equations : introduction and qualitative theory
Introduction to linear programming : applications and extensions
Localization of noncommutative rings
Optimal control of nonlinear parabolic systems : theory, algorithms, and applications
A primer of algebraic geometry : constructive computational methods
Introduction to integral equations with applications
Abstract algebra : a first look
Stochastic versus deterministic systems of differential equations
Plane algebraic curves : an introduction via valuations
Introduction to the theory of topological rings and modules
Applied analysis by the Hilbert space method : an introduction with applications to the wave, heat, and Schrödinger equations
A first graduate course in abstract algebra
Problems in mathematical analysis
The separable Galois theory of commutative rings
Foundations of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry
Functional analytic methods for partial differential equations
Theory of difference equations : numerical methods and applications
Holomorphy and calculus in normed spaces
Field theory
Measure theory and integration
Matrices and vector spaces
Differential equations : introduction and qualitative theory
Tables of dominant weight multiplicities for representations of simple Lie algebras
Moving shape analysis and control : applications to fluid structure interactions
Global optimization using interval analysis
Transformation groups on manifolds
Fundamentals of real analysis
Symmetric properties of real functions
Commutative rings with zero divisors
Point set theory
Qualitative analysis and synthesis of recurrent neural networks
Classes of modules
Mathematical models and methods for real world systems
Hyperspaces : fundamentals and recent advances
Finite rings with identity
Classical theory of arithmetic functions
Optimal design of control systems : stochastic and deterministic problems
Operator theory in function spaces
The theory of difference schemes
Algebraic topology : a first course
Introductory theory of topological vector spaces
The theory of topological semigroups
Iterative aggregation theory : mathematical methods of coordinating detailed and aggregate problems in large control systems
Algebraic numbers and diophantine approximation
Complex variables : an introduction
Analytical methods for Markov semigroups
Topological fields and near valuations
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations and their applications
Introduction to the mathematics of operations research with Mathematica
Coding theory and cryptography : the essentials
Methods for solving inverse problems in mathematical physics
Hyperbolic manifolds and holomorphic mappings
Differentiable manifolds
Nonlinear controllability and optimal control
Algebraic generalizations of discrete groups : a path to combinatorial group theory through one-relator products
Continuum theory : an introduction
The shape of space : how to visualize surfaces and three-dimensional manifolds
Partial differential equations and systems not solvable with respect to the highest-order derivative
Projective representations of finite groups
Direct sum decompositions of torsion-free finite rank groups
Stability by Liapunov's matrix function method with applications
Degenerate differential equations in Banach spaces
Strange functions in real analysis
Matrices over commutative rings
Elementary boundary value problems
Semigroups : an introduction to the structure theory
Global optimization using interval analysis
Ideal systems : an introduction to multiplicative ideal theory
Introduction to the mathematics of operations research
Stability analysis of nonlinear systems
Number theory : an introduction
Banach algebras : an introduction
Brauer groups and the cohomology of graded rings
Ordinary differential equations : introduction and qualitative theory
Frontiers in interpolation and approximation : dedicated to the memory of Ambikeshwar Sharma
Mathematical analysis
Coding theory : the essentials
An introduction to multicomplex spaces and functions
Zariski surfaces and differential equations in characteristic p>0
Linear and integer programming : theory and practice
Arithmetic of finite fields
Oscillation theory for functional differential equations
Topological groups : characters, dualities, and minimal group topologies
Introduction to functions of a complex variable
Integral and discrete transforms with applications and error analysis
Mathematical theory of hemivariational inequalities and applications
Mathematical programming : an introduction to optimization
Topology : an outline for a first course
Rings with polynomial identities
Introduction to set theory
Introduction to functional analysis : Banach spaces, and differential calculus
Analysis and approximation of contact problems with adhesion or damage
Simulation and chaotic behavior of α-stable stochastic processes
Cohomological methods in group theory
Geometry of feedback and optimal control
Symmetric spaces : short courses presented at Washington University
Generation of multivariate hermite interpolating polynomials
Global methods in optimal control theory
Fundamentals of algebraic microlocal analysis
Geometric algebra over local rings
Approximation-solvability of nonlinear functional and differential equations
Universal algebra : fundamentals and selected topics
Tangency, flow invariance for differential equations, and optimization problems
Representation theory and higher algebraic K-theory
Spaces with distinguished geodesics
Algorithms for linear-quadratic optimization
Actions and invariants of algebraic groups
Geometry of submanifolds
Tangent and cotangent bundles : differential geometry
Equations of mathematical physics
Quadratic irrationals : an introduction to classical number theory
Global Lorentzian geometry
Linear and integer programming : theory and practice
Probability theory and harmonic analysis
Partial integral operators and integro-differential equations
Weakly connected nonlinear systems : boundedness and stability of motion
Geomathematically oriented potential theory
Incidence algebras
A unified signal algebra approach to two-dimensional parallel digital signal processing
Calculus in vector spaces
Ordinary representation theory
Geometry : axiomatic developments with problem solving
Hopf algebras : an introduction
Foundations of mathematical analysis
Introduction to the theory of formal groups
Applications of optimal control theory in biomedicine
Lattice basis reduction : an introduction to the LLL algorithm and its applications
The Kurzweil-Henstock integral and its differentials : a unified theory of integration on R and R[n]
Statistical theory and random matrices
Boolean matrix theory and applications
Vector and tensor analysis
Integer flows and cycle covers of graphs
Geometry of projective algebraic curves
Conditional measures and applications
Global Lorentzian geometry
Topology : an outline for a first course
Functional analytic methods for partial differential equations
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