
Everyman's library


Everyman's library

Rhys, Ernest
J.M. Dent & Sons



Founded 1906 by J.M. Dent (d. 1926) ; edited by Ernest Rhys (d. 1946)


Childhood, boyhood and youth外部サイトVillette外部サイトSelected writings外部サイトUtilitarianism, liberty, representative government外部サイトThe republic of Plato外部サイトA Wonder book and Tangle wood tales外部サイトWild Wales外部サイトVanity Fair外部サイトArthurian chronicles外部サイトBorn in exile外部サイトThe social contract, and, Discourses外部サイトMinor poets of the eighteenth century外部サイトNicholas Nickleby外部サイトHans Brinker, or, The silver skates外部サイトOliver Twist外部サイトOld mortality外部サイトThe golden treasury of English songs and lyrics : with a supplementary book of more modern poetry外部サイトThe Count of Monte Cristo外部サイトGreat tales of detection : nineteen stories外部サイトHistory of Germany外部サイトOur mutual friend外部サイトMinor poets of the 17th century : Sir John Suckling, Richard Lovelace, Thomas Carew, Lord Herbert of Cherbury外部サイトScarlet and black外部サイトUtilitarianism, liberty, representative government外部サイトThe shepherd's calendar and other poems外部サイトPoetics . On style . On the sublime外部サイトThrough Russia : a book of stories外部サイトA tale of a tub, and other satires外部サイトSpeeches & letters外部サイトRobert Burns's poems and songs外部サイトTales from Shakespeare外部サイトEnglish poetry, 1700-1780 : contemporaries of Swift and Johnson外部サイトUtilitarianism, liberty, representative government : selections from Auguste Comte and positivism外部サイトHypatia, or, New foes with an old face外部サイトCicero's "Offices" : essays on friendship & Old age and Select letters外部サイトEmma外部サイトThe itinerary through Wales, and The description of Wales外部サイトThe social contract and discourses外部サイトThe life of Queen Elizabeth外部サイトWords and places外部サイトBeaumont & Fletcher's plays外部サイトThe Bible in Spain, or, The journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula外部サイトReprinted pieces, and others ; The lamplighter ; To be read at Dusk ; &, Sunday under three heads外部サイトMoby Dick, or, The white whale外部サイトTom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn外部サイトDaniel Deronda外部サイトA discourse on method ; meditations on the first philosophy ; principles of philosophy外部サイトFathers and sons外部サイトUnder Milk Wood : a play for voices外部サイトJournal of the discovery of the source of the Nile外部サイトSartor resartus ; On heroes, Hero worship外部サイトSpeeches and letters外部サイトThe last of the Mohicans外部サイトAristotle's poetic & rhetoric : Demetrius on style, Longinus on the sublime : essays in classical criticism外部サイトThe reign of Elizabeth外部サイトPoems外部サイトEnglish short stories : an anthology外部サイトThe fugitive ; Time regained外部サイトThe ambassadors外部サイトEothen外部サイトOld Saint Paul's : a tale of the plague & the fire外部サイトBohemia : an historical sketch外部サイトBleak House外部サイトTess of the d'Urbervilles : a pure woman外部サイトEsther Waters外部サイトThe Buddha's philosophy of man : early Indian Buddhist dialogues外部サイトMiscellaneous essays ; and, The lays of ancient Rome外部サイトAmelia外部サイトLife in Mexico外部サイトPlays, poems, and prose外部サイトThe fortunes & misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders外部サイトThe complete English poems of John Donne外部サイトKalevala : the land of the heroes外部サイトPolitics, religion and literature in the seventeenth century外部サイトJuvenal's satires, with the satires of Persius外部サイトPeg Woffington ; & Christie Johnstone外部サイトComplete poetry外部サイトReligio Medici and other writings外部サイトJonathan Wild ; [and], The journal of a voyage to Lisbon外部サイトTwo years before the mast外部サイトLibertine plays of the Restoration外部サイトBright day外部サイトCrime and punishment外部サイトThe reader's guide to Everyman's library : being a catalogue of the first 888 volumes外部サイトPoems外部サイトA Christmas carol and the chimes外部サイトNorth & South外部サイトVictorian poetry : The city of dreadful night, and other poems外部サイトComplete English poems, of education, Areopagitica外部サイトThe beggar's opera and other eighteenth-century plays外部サイトBoswell's life of Johnson外部サイトEgils saga外部サイトApologia pro vita sua外部サイトThe reader's guide to Everyman's library外部サイトThe Secret self : short stories by women外部サイトThe travels of Marco Polo外部サイトOliver Twist, or, the parish boy's progress外部サイトThe Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle外部サイトSense and sensibility外部サイトJohn Donne's poems外部サイトConstitutional history of England : Henry VII to George II外部サイトMarius the Epicurean外部サイトLetters from an American farmer外部サイトA book of golden deeds of all times and all lands外部サイトA Literary and historical atlas of America外部サイトPeveril of the peak外部サイトHistory of the Byzantine empire : from DCCXVI to MLVII外部サイトThe fall外部サイトPamela外部サイトPeter Simple外部サイトBiographia literaria : or Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions外部サイトSelected poems [of] Percy Bysshe Shelley外部サイトSelected plays外部サイトNapoleon's letters外部サイトSalem Chapel外部サイトAt the sign of the Cat and Racket : and other stories外部サイトMen and women and other poems外部サイトThe betrothed, The Highland widow, and other tales外部サイトConversations with Goethe外部サイトThe autobiography of Edward Gibbon外部サイトThe ring and the book外部サイトHistories and poems外部サイトLife in Mexico : during a residence of two years in that country外部サイトFar from the madding crowd外部サイトMarguerite de Valois外部サイトTranslation of Shakuntala & other works外部サイトPhantastes : a faërie romance外部サイトConfessions外部サイトTom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn外部サイトThe life of Mazzini外部サイトMemoirs of the life of John Constable, Esq., R.A.外部サイトHistory of the kings of Britain外部サイトCaesar's war commentaries : de bello gallico and de bello civili外部サイトEssays on literature and art外部サイトStories and poems外部サイトThe reader's guide to Everyman's library外部サイトThe wars of the Jews外部サイトOblomov外部サイトGlenarvon外部サイトOliver Twist外部サイトHeadlong Hall ; Nightmare Abbey外部サイトThe saga of Grettir the strong : a story of the eleventh century外部サイトWordsworth's poems外部サイトThe history ; Germania ; &, Agricola外部サイトThe golden treasury of English songs and lyrics : with a supplementary book of more modern poetry外部サイトThe settlers in Canada外部サイトLeaves of grass (1) ; &, Democratic vistas外部サイトEmma外部サイトThe golden treasury of longer poems外部サイトThe French Revolution外部サイトAdam Bede外部サイトThe duties of man, and other essays外部サイトTom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn外部サイトThe Federalist, or, The new Constitution外部サイトThe life of Samuel Johnson外部サイトThe ecclesiastical history of the English nation外部サイトThe book named the governor外部サイトA book of British ballads外部サイトItalian tales from the age of Shakespeare外部サイトFive dialogues of Plato : bearing on poetic inspiration外部サイトThe talisman外部サイトMen and women and other poems外部サイトTwice-told tales外部サイトThe golden lion of granpere外部サイトLes misérables外部サイトOld Goriot外部サイトSpringhaven外部サイトOld mortality外部サイトMansfield Park外部サイトPoems外部サイトCicero's Offices : De officiis, Laelius, Cato Maior and select letters外部サイトLectures on the English poets ; & The spirit of the age外部サイトThe poems and songs of Robert Burns外部サイトGray's poems, select letters and essays外部サイトComedies外部サイトThe house of the dead外部サイトPoems and plays外部サイトReflections on the French Revolution外部サイトThe new golden treasury of songs and lyrics外部サイトWomen philosophers外部サイトThe history of Tom Jones : a foundling外部サイトErewhon ; Erewhon revisited外部サイトThe Analects外部サイトThe betrothed : "I promessi sposi" : a tale of XVII century Milan外部サイトCritique of pure reason : a revised and expanded translation based on Meiklejohn外部サイトRavenshoe外部サイトA dictionary of dates : brought down to the present day外部サイトNicholas Nickleby外部サイトThe prisoner of Zenda and, Rupert of Hentzau外部サイトPoetical works外部サイトEveryman and medieval miracle plays外部サイトUnder fire外部サイトConingsby, or, The new generation外部サイトMiddlemarch外部サイトThe diary of John Evelyn外部サイトThe last chronicle of Barset外部サイトThe poems of Charles Kingsley外部サイトAmerican short stories of the nineteenth century外部サイトOld Saint Paul's外部サイトConfessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau外部サイトMemoirs of Benvenuto Cellini : a Florentine artist外部サイトNarrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-20-21-22外部サイトThe last chronicle of Barset外部サイトCelestina : or the tragi-comedy of Calisto and Melibea外部サイトRoundabout papers外部サイトChristmas stories外部サイトAn essay on the principle of population外部サイトYouth : a narrative ; Heart of darkness ; [and] The end of the tether外部サイトThe Reader's guide to Everyman's Library外部サイトUtopia with the 'Dialogue of comfort'外部サイトMaster and man, and other parables and tales外部サイトThe minor Elizabethan drama外部サイトThe History ; Germania & Agricola外部サイトA journal of the Plague Year外部サイトThe education of Cyrus外部サイトSketches by Boz外部サイトThe discourses of Epictetus外部サイトDramatic essays外部サイトShort stories外部サイトCaptain Cook's Voyages of Discovery外部サイトGreat expectations外部サイトThe mysteries of Udolpho : a romance外部サイトThe forty-five外部サイトThe new golden treasury of songs and lyrics外部サイトA gallery of literary portraits外部サイトAmelia外部サイトThe divine comedy : the vision of Dante外部サイトSelected letters of Horace Walpole外部サイトA tale of a tub, The battle of the books and other satires外部サイトThe History Germania and Agricola外部サイトThe elements of drawing ; & The elements of perspective外部サイトPoems & translations : including Dante's "Vita Nuova" & "The early Italian poets"外部サイトThe land of heroes外部サイトThe talisman外部サイトRestoration plays外部サイトThe day of silence and other stories外部サイトLeviathan外部サイトPan Tadeusz外部サイトThe lays of ancient Rome & Miscellaneous essays and poems外部サイトDon Quixote外部サイトMemoirs外部サイトMarius the Epicurean外部サイトThe advancement of learning外部サイトTono-Bungay外部サイトThe life of William Carey : shoe-maker & missionary外部サイトSuspense : a Napoleonic novel外部サイトA doll's house : and two other plays外部サイトAn inland voyage ; Travels with a donkey ; The Silverado squatters外部サイトA smaller classical dictionary外部サイトWuthering Heights : with selected poems外部サイトLeaves of grass外部サイトThomas Mann's stories and episodes外部サイトEssay on the principles of translation外部サイトGermina外部サイトCrime and punishment外部サイトConstitutional history of England, Henry VII to George II外部サイトThe sonnets外部サイトThe two boyhoods, and other passages外部サイトCaptain Cook's voyages of discovery外部サイトSelected writings of St. Thomas Aquinas外部サイトThe letters of Lord Byron外部サイトÉmile外部サイトSesame and lilies, The two paths & The king of the golden river外部サイトThe Canterbury tales外部サイトEvelina外部サイトCapital : Volume I, Der Produktionsprozess des Kapitals外部サイトAtlas of ancient and classical geography外部サイトThe naturalist in Nicaragua外部サイトThe complete works of Horace外部サイトThe complete English poems of John Donne外部サイトDon Quixote外部サイトGhosts & two other plays外部サイトPoems of John Dryden外部サイトThe house of the dead, or, Prison life in Siberia外部サイトJohn Halifax, gentleman外部サイトThe household of Sir Thomas More外部サイトBevis : the story of a boy外部サイトA Literary & historical atlas of America外部サイトThe ordeal of Richard Feverel外部サイトSophocles' Dramas外部サイト"The little flowers" & the Life of St. Francis with the "Mirror of perfection"外部サイトThe Pickwick papers外部サイトA Christmas carol and other Christmas books外部サイトThe king's own外部サイトLittle men外部サイトA sentimental journey ; The journal to Eliza外部サイトThe poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1823-1866外部サイトCicero's "Offices" : essays on friendship & Old Age and select letters外部サイトThe citizen of the world ; The bee外部サイトGreek poetry外部サイトThe wealth of nations外部サイトThe origin of species by means of natural selection : from the sixth edition外部サイトBrand外部サイトStow's survey of London外部サイトPuritanism and liberty : being the Army debates (1647-9) from the Clarke manuscripts with supplementary documents外部サイトThe life & letters of John Keats外部サイトPendennis外部サイトMorte Arthur : two early English romances外部サイトMiscellany three : poems and stories外部サイトPoems and plays外部サイトA sentimental journey ; & The journal to Eliza外部サイトThe old yellow book : source of Robert Browning's The ring & the book外部サイトThe voyage of the Beagle外部サイトThe tenant of Wildfell Hall外部サイトThe pirate外部サイトParables from nature外部サイトAtlas of ancient & classical geography外部サイトCanterbury tales外部サイトThe social contract and Discourses外部サイトEssays外部サイトElizabethan & Jacobean外部サイトStories and episodes外部サイトExperiences of an Irish R.M外部サイトThe rise and fall of césar Birotteau外部サイトA book of British ballads外部サイトRab and his friends and other papers and essays外部サイトThe ambassadors外部サイトThe master of Ballantrae ; Weir of Hermiston外部サイトA book of nonsense外部サイトImaginary conversations and poems : a selection外部サイトThe song of Roland : La Chanson de Roland外部サイトThe way of all flesh外部サイトThe temple & a priest to the temple外部サイトThe story of burnt Njal外部サイトThe letters of Lord Byron外部サイトThe poems外部サイトChicot the Jester外部サイトWestward ho!外部サイトThe heart of Midlothian外部サイトThe lives of the novelists外部サイトGray's poems, letters and essays外部サイトChildhood boyhood and youth外部サイトThree comedies外部サイトThe brothers Karamazov外部サイトCrime and punishment外部サイトEssays in the study of folk-songs外部サイトGoethe's Faust : parts 1-2外部サイトBrand : A dramatic poem外部サイトThe federalist , or, The new constitution外部サイトBarnaby Rudge外部サイトHetty Wesley外部サイトThe Federalist, or, The new constitution外部サイトThe journal of George Fox外部サイトDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; & The merry men外部サイトThe First and Second Prayer Books of Edward VI外部サイトDemons外部サイトChrist in Flanders, and other stories外部サイトDon Quixote外部サイトAnglo-Saxon poetry : an anthology of Old English poems外部サイトRestoration plays from Dryden to Farquhar外部サイトLays of Marie de France : and other French legends外部サイトThe poems and plays of Oliver Goldsmith外部サイトLives of the English poets : a selection外部サイトTwenty one-act plays外部サイトThe uncommercial traveller外部サイトThe last of the Barons外部サイトEssays of Elia ; Last essays of Elia外部サイトShorter novels of the eighteenth century外部サイトThe life & adventures of Peter Wilkins外部サイトCollected poems, 1934-1952外部サイトThe French Revolution外部サイトDubliners外部サイトThe life of Charlotte Brontë外部サイトAtlas of ancient & classical geography外部サイトThe fair maid of perth外部サイトThe vicar of Wakefield外部サイトPoems外部サイトThe seven lamps of architecture外部サイトThe vision of Piers Plowman外部サイトModern short stories外部サイトThe nigger of the "Narcissus" ; Typhoon ; The Shadow-line外部サイトPendennis外部サイトRoderick Random外部サイトRomola外部サイトThe poems, epistles & satires of Alexander Pope外部サイトThe minor Elizabethan drama外部サイトIvanhoe : a romance外部サイトFelix Holt, the radical外部サイトEthics外部サイトThe plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan外部サイトThe little duke, or, Richard the fearless外部サイトA doll's house, and two other plays外部サイトEnglish and other critical essays外部サイトWuthering heights外部サイトLord Chesterfield's Letters to his son and others外部サイトEssays on education and kindred subjects外部サイトEnglish poetry, 1700-1780 : contemporaries of Swift and Johnson外部サイトRab & his friends & other papers and essays外部サイトThe coral island外部サイトOliver Cromwell's letters & speeches外部サイトKalevala : the land of heroes外部サイトEssays of Elia ; Last essays of Elia外部サイトThe high history of the Holy Graal外部サイトThe New Testament外部サイトThe life and death of Jason外部サイトTime & tide ; Notes on the construction of sheepfolds ; Lecture to the Cambridge School of Art外部サイトThe Paston letters, written by various persons of rank or consequence during the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, Richard III & Henry VII with précis of the less important letters外部サイトPoems外部サイトMemoirs of Benvenuto Cellin : aflorentine artist外部サイトThe tenant of Wildfell Hall ; Agnes Grey外部サイトThe Epicurean philosophers外部サイトThe Paston letters外部サイトThe early romances of William Morris in prose and verse外部サイトThe principles of political economy and taxation外部サイトMary Barton外部サイトHypatia外部サイトEnglish short stories : an anthology外部サイトThe Ecclesiastical history of the English nation with the life and miracles of St. cuthbert and the lives of the abbots of wearmouth and jarrow外部サイトThe history of a conscript of 1813 and Waterloo外部サイトThe Iliad of Homer外部サイトCharacters of Shakespear's plays外部サイトEssays/ edited by Ernest Rhys外部サイトA new book of sense & nonsense外部サイトSelected poems and prose外部サイトThe circulation of the blood外部サイトSilver poets of the sixteenth century外部サイトLetters from the underworld外部サイトHeadlong Hall ; and, Nightmare Abbey外部サイトCicero's Offices : De officiis, Laelius, Cato maior, and select letters外部サイトThe Leopard外部サイトEthics外部サイトThe tenant of Wildfell Hall外部サイトApologia pro vita sua外部サイトThe pretenders, and two other plays外部サイトIntroduction to the devout life外部サイトCirculation of the blood & other writings外部サイトPeregrine Pickle外部サイトThe household of Sir Thomas More外部サイトThe autobiography of Richard Baxter : being the reliquiæ baxterianæ : abridged from the folio (1696)外部サイトThe warden外部サイトOld Saint Paul's外部サイトBarnaby Rudge : a tale of the riots of '80外部サイトSilver poets of the sixteenth century外部サイトThe idiot外部サイトRestoration plays外部サイトJohn Halifax, gentleman外部サイトThe Ramayana and the Mahabharata外部サイトThe little flowers of St. Francis ; the Mirror of perfection ; St. Bonaventure's Life of St. Francis外部サイトThe Great Gatsby外部サイトThe professor外部サイトTales from Henryk Sienkiewicz外部サイトJoseph Andrews外部サイトThe history of Henry Esmond外部サイトMeditations外部サイトTwice told tales外部サイトPeregrone Pickle外部サイトOf dramatic poesy, and other critical essays外部サイトThe mill on the Floss外部サイトBarchester Towers外部サイトHorace's complete works外部サイトThe old red sandstone, or, New walks in an old field外部サイトFemale playwrights of the Restoration : five comedies外部サイトGatherings from Spain外部サイトThe world of Washington Irving外部サイトRobinson Crusoe外部サイトThe annals外部サイトThe Golovlyov family外部サイトModern painters : in 5 volumes外部サイトWar and Peace外部サイトThe personal history of David Copperfield外部サイトPoems外部サイトPamela外部サイトThe posthumous papers of the Pickwick club外部サイトVoltaire's History of Charles XII, King of Sweden外部サイトTales from Shakespeare外部サイトTom Brown's school days外部サイトHans Brinker, or, The silver skates外部サイトThe history of the Peloponnesian War外部サイトShelley's poems外部サイトGreece under the Romans外部サイトA short history of France外部サイトCanterbury tales外部サイトThe wheels of chance ; the time machine外部サイトCapital外部サイトOmoo : a narrative of adventures in the south seas外部サイトEdgar Allan Poe's tales of mistery and imagination外部サイトEssays on education and kindred subjects外部サイトA literary and historical atlas of Europe外部サイトProse and poetry外部サイトSelected writings外部サイトThe history of the Peloponnesian War外部サイトNorthanger Abbey ; & Persuasion外部サイトVanity Fair外部サイトÆsop's and other fables : an anthology外部サイトNarrative of the life of Sir Walter Scott Bart外部サイトPlutarch and Shakespeare外部サイトGranny's Wonderful Chair外部サイトThe Monastery外部サイトHandy Andy : a tale of Irish life外部サイトRestoration plays外部サイトMaster and man : and other parables and tales外部サイトIdle thoughts of an idle fellow外部サイトRoderick Random外部サイトPlays外部サイトTo the lighthouse外部サイトThe histories外部サイトWild Wales : the people, language & scenery外部サイトThe prairie外部サイトThe Zincali : an account of the Gypsies of Spain外部サイトCollected stories外部サイトThe analogy of religion : natural & revealed外部サイトOld Goriot外部サイトThe prince外部サイトThe times of Melville and Whitman外部サイトThe Antiquary外部サイトMr Perrin and Mr Traill外部サイトThe iliad of Homer外部サイトThe seven lamps of architecture外部サイトThe circulation of the blood : and other writings外部サイトMarlowe's plays and poems外部サイトA short history of the English people外部サイトA doll's house, and two other plays外部サイトWestward ho!外部サイトChristmas stories外部サイトLays of Marie de France : and other French legends外部サイトThe rights of man外部サイトSketches by Boz : illustrative of every-day life & every-day people外部サイトA tour through England and Wales外部サイトPoems & translations : including Dante's "Vita Nuova" & "The early Italian poets"外部サイトThe life of Horatio Lord Nelson外部サイトThe professor ; Emma : a fragment外部サイトThe principles of political economy and taxation外部サイトThe Garden party and other stories外部サイトChildhood, boyhood and youth外部サイトCicero's Offices with Laelius, Cato Maior and select letters外部サイトGreat expectations外部サイトMemoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson : with a fragment of autobiography外部サイトThe heroes外部サイトPlays, prose writings, and poems外部サイトLaocoön ; Nathan the wise ; Minna von Barnhelm外部サイトLady Inger of Ostraat ; Love's comedy ; The league of youth外部サイトLittle Dorrit外部サイトPoems外部サイトShakespeare's tragedies外部サイトThe history of Tom Jones外部サイトFar away and long ago外部サイトVoyages of discovery外部サイトWuthering Heights : and selected poems外部サイトThe prince外部サイトA book of heroic verse外部サイトShakespearean criticism外部サイトAn apology for his life外部サイトTwo years before the mast外部サイトDropped from the clouds外部サイトFrankenstein外部サイトPeregrine Pickle外部サイトThe social contract and discourses外部サイトThe philosophy of the good life外部サイトTom Brown's schooldays外部サイトThe round table ; Characters of Shakespeare's plays外部サイトA short history of the English people外部サイトAutobiography外部サイトLeviathan外部サイトA dictionary of non-classical mythology外部サイトThe diary of Samuel Pepys外部サイトThe confessions of an English opium-eater外部サイトThe plays of Aristophanes外部サイトToilers of the sea外部サイトTennyson's poems外部サイトThus spake Zarathustra外部サイトPensées : notes on religion and other subjects外部サイトThe lives of the novelists外部サイトInternational modern plays外部サイトThe fortunes of Nigel外部サイトTales from Chaucer外部サイトRomola外部サイトDubliners外部サイトThe wild ass's skin外部サイトAtlas of ancient and classical geography外部サイトBleak House外部サイトOrations on the French war, to the peace of Amiens外部サイトCanterbury tales外部サイトThe Laxdale saga外部サイトNostromo : a tale of the seaboard外部サイトThe cloister and the hearth外部サイトA child's book of saints外部サイトClarissa, or, The history of a young lady外部サイトA literary & historical atlas of Europe外部サイトThe English humourists ; 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The subjection of women外部サイトAeschylus : plays外部サイトThe poems of Thomas Gray : with a selection of letters & essays外部サイトD.H. Lawrence's stories, essays and poems外部サイトSermons外部サイトPhantastes : a faërie romance外部サイトBevis : the story of a boy外部サイトThe history of the French Revolution外部サイトExperimental researches in electricity外部サイトTess of the d'urbervilles : a pure woman外部サイトMoll Flanders外部サイトBarchester towers外部サイトShorter novels : eighteenth century外部サイトOn the scope and nature of university education外部サイトThe natural history of Selborne外部サイトGuy Mannering外部サイトA journal of the Plague Year外部サイトAn illustrated encyclopædia of gardening外部サイト






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Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann
The rights of woman . The subjection of women
Chicot the Jester
Treasure Island ; The New Arabian nights
Progress and poverty
Life of Mahomet
The saga of Grettir the Strong
Pride and prejudice
Twice-told tales
Society & solitude, & other essays
Tartarin of Tarascon ; & Tartarin on the Alps
Sense and sensibility
Edwin Drood ; & Master Humphrey's clock
The Georgian Literary Scene
Sheridan's Plays
The heroic deeds of Gargantua & Pantagruel
Francis Bacon's Essays
English religious verse
Rural rides
The country doctor
Twenty years after
Angel pavement
Dryden's essays
The poems of Thomas Gray : with a selection of letters & essays
The possessed
Rural rides
An apology for the life of Colley Cibber
Areopagitica and other prose works
Tristram Shandy
Shakespeare : his life and work
Lives of the English poets
A history of Greece
A treatise of human nature
Holinshed's Chronicle as used in Shakespeare's plays
English short stories : selected to show the development of the short story from the fifteenth to the twentieth century
The Æneid of Virgil
A new view of society and other writings
The small house at Allington
Pride and prejudice
The true annals of fairyland in the reign of King Oberon
The prince
Hindu scriptures
War and Peace
Mary Barton
The uncommercial traveller
The life, adventures & piracies of the famous Captain Singleton
Toilers of the sea
American notes and Pictures from Italy
An illustrated encyclopædia of gardening
Dead souls
Florentine history
Selected speeches of the Rt. Honble John Bright, M.P., on public questions
A tale of two cities
Poems, letters and essays
The social contract & discourses
Windsor Castle
The autocrat of the breakfast-table
Spinoza's Ethics and De intellectus emendatione
The story of Burnt Njal
The geological evidence of the antiquity of man
French mediaeval romances from the lays of Marie de France
The Paston Letters
Ecce homo : a survey of the life & work of Jesus Christ
Hard times
Goethe's Faust
Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson
History of the conquest of Peru
Warren Hastings : a biography
The golden treasury of longer poems
American short stories of the nineteenth century
Barnaby Rudge
Selected letters
The essayes : or, Counsels civil & morall of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam
The Mabinogion
Selected letters of Madame de Sévigné
Nature, The conduct of life, and other essays
The complete works of Horace
The crown, the Philippics and ten other orations of Demosthenes
Dombey and Son
Tchekhov's Plays and stories
Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus
Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Table talk
The confident years, 1885-1915
Wuthering Heights : with selected poems
Christopher Columbus
Progress and poverty
Vanity fair : a novel without a hero
Lyrical dramas
The peace of Europe, The fruits of solitude and other writings
Lavengro : The scholar. The gipsy. The priest
The captain's daughter, and other tales
Mungo Park's travels in Africa
The boy hunters of the Mississippi
Northanger Abbey ; Persuasion
Heroes of England
Greece under the Romans
The age of fable
The life of Queen Elizabeth
The life of Sir Walter Scott
Castle Rackrent ; The absentee
The faerie queene
A poetry book for boys and girls
The book of the courtier
The three musketeers
Amorous rites : Elizabethan erotic narrative verse
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Under fire : the story of a squad
The plain speaker
A shabby genteel story and other writings
The life of Abraham Lincoln
Guy Mannering
The loud hill of Wales : poetry of place
Table talk, or, Original essays
Long will : a romance
Morte Arthur : two early English romances
The best of Ring Lardner
Alice in Wonderland, Through the looking glass, and other comic pieces
The Virginians
The life of Samuel Johnson
Henry Esmond
Hard times
The life adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
An essay on the principle of population
The Anglo-Saxon chronicle
Hard times : for these times
Mr Perrin and Mr Traill
Sea stories
Madame Bovary
The cloister and the hearth
Milton's Poems
Macaulay's history of England from the accession of James II
The life of Hector Berlioz : as written by himself in his letters & memoirs
Pride & prejudice
Mopsa the fairy
Pascal's Pensées
Portuguese voyages, 1498-1663
The Earl of Beaconsfield
A tale of two cities
The Great Gatsby
Tartarin of Tarascon ; Tartarin on the Alps
Hereward the wake
Joseph Andrews preceded by Shamela
The history of Rome
Sense and sensibility
Biographia literaria or biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions
The doctor and the devils : a screenplay
Life in Mexico
Diary of Samuel Pepys F.R.S., secretary to the Admiralty in the reigns of Charles II & James II
The atheist's mass, and other stories
Pride & prejudice
The stuffed owl : an anthology of bad verse
Robert Browning's poems and plays
Critical & historical essays
The poems & plays of Lord Byron
Tales, poems, and sketches
Christ in Flanders and other stories
Lectures on the English poets ; The spirit of the age : or contemporary portraits
Letters for literary ladies to which is added, An essay on the noble science of self-justification
Lectures on the history of the Eastern Church
Sodom and Gomorrah ; The captive
The duties of man and other essays
Masterman Ready
The Chouans
History of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1814
The moonstone
The Divine Comedy
The round table ; Characters of Shakespear's plays
The country doctor
The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
Jane Eyre
Speeches of Oliver Cromwell
Vanity Fair
Letters form the underworld. The gentle maiden. The landlady
A wonder book and Tanglewood tales
Greek poetry
The old wives' tale
English comic writers
Rossetti's poems
The history of Napoleon Buonaparte
Uncle Tom's cabin
The Victorian sages : an anthology of prose
The shepherd's calendar, and other poems
Sense and sensibility
Aldous Huxley's stories, essays & poems
Selected poems
Peter Simple
Shakespeare's histories and poems
The small house at Allington
The letters of Charles Lamb
On the scope and nature of university education
Memoirs of the life of John Constable, Esq. R.A.
Alexander Pope's collected poems
The French Revolution ; a history
The life and works of Goethe
Alton Locke : tailor and poet
The diary of John Evelyn
Elements : books I-VI, XI and XII
Quite early one morning
Selected writings
Words and places : illustrations of history, ethnology and geography
The advancement of learning
The essayes or counsels civill & morall of Francis Bacon Lord Verulam
Lord Jim
The survey of London
Joseph Andrews
Palgrave's golden treasury
The life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
The Anglo-Saxon chronicle
Cressy & Poictiers : the story of the Black Prince's page
Capital accumulation in the Industrial Revolution
Plato's Republik
The heroes
Journal of researches into the geology & natural history of the various countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world
A dictionary of dates
Ursule Mirouët
The poems & plays of Robert Browning
Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians
Stories, essays, and poems
Iceland fisherman
Morte Arthur : two early English romances
A treatise of human nature
Jane Eyre
A new view of society & other writings
A book of the Bounty
Alexander Pope's Collected poems
A vindication of the rights of woman
The moonstone
Theology in the English poets : Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth & Burns
The Rambler
Lost illusions
Headlong Hall ; and, Nightmare Abbey
A book of the Bounty
The Birth of romance : an anthology : four twelfth-century Anglo-Norman romances
The black tulip
Dombey and Son
Five dialogues
Italian short stories from the 13th to the 20th centuries
Three men in a boat ; Three men on the bummel
Joseph Andrews
Fairy tales from the Arabian nights
Poems of the First World War : "never such innocence"
Framley Parsonage
Liza, or, A nest of nobles
Manon Lescaut . Carmen
The wild ass's skin
Selected essays
British orations : from Ethelbert to Churchill
Phineas Finn
Unto this last, & other essays on art and political economy
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Montcalm and wolfe
Eclogues ; and, Georgics
The Moral discourses of Epictetus
A passage to India
The vicar of Wakefield
Theory and practice of the balance of power, 1486-1914 : selected European writings
The early romances of William Morris in prose and verse
Shorter novels : seventeenth century
The flowering of New England
The idiot
The itinerary through Wales : the description of Wales
Lectures on the English comic writers and fugitive writings
Rural rides
A smaller classical dictionary
Ywain and Gawain ; Sir Percyvell of Gales ; The Anturs of Arther
Framley Parsonage
The gladiators
Ulric, the farm servant
Jane Eyre
Spinoza's ethics & 'De intellectus emendatione'
The imitation of Christ
Twenty-four one-act plays
Sense and sensibility
Characters of Shakespeare's plays
The elements of Euclid
The politics of Aristotle : or a treatise on government
Cousin Pons
The story of a peasant
Collected poems, 1934-1952
Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus
Fairy tales from the Arabian nights
Little Dorrit
The journal and other writings of John Woolman
Middlemarch : a study of provincial life
Yeast : a problem
Great expectations
The Essays of Elia
Madam How and Lady Why : lessons in earth lore for children
The water babies ; and, Glaucus
English and other critical essays
The essays of Elia
Hedda Gabler ; The Master Builder ; John Gabriel Borkman
Short studies on great subjects
The arrow of gold : a story between two notes
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle
The boke named the governor
Lectures on English poets ; the spirit of the age
A history of the Italian republics
The life and works of William Shakespeare
Tartarin of Tarascon and Tartarin on the Alps
Boswell's life of Johnson
The book concerning Piers the Plowman
Parables from nature
Areopagitica, and other prose works
Journal to Stella
The children of the new forest
Eugenie Grandet
Life of Nelson
Moby Dick
The new golden treasury of songs and lyrics
Little women ; Good wives
The bride of Lammermoor
The Anglo-Saxon chronicle
The fortunes of Nigel
A doll's house ; The wild duck ; The lady from the sea
Eugenie Grandet
Plays and stories
Lives of Saint Thomas More
Mr Midshipman Easy
The rescue : a romance of the shallows
The principles of political economy and taxation
Little women ; Good wives
The uncommercial traveller
Scarlet and black : a chronicle of the nineteenth century
The poems of Matthew Arnold 1840 to 1866
Boswell's life of Johnson
The conquest of Mexico
Essays of Elia ; Last essays of Elia
Barchester towers
Adam Bede
Selected essays
Runnymede and Lincoln Fair : a story of the great charter
Bleak house
The sceptical chymist
Virgin soil
The professor at the breakfast table
Aristotle's poetics & rhetoric : Demetrius on style, Longinus on the sublime : essays in classical criticism
The hunchback of Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame de Paris)
The life and death of Jason
Aeschylus : plays
Adventures in the skin trade
Palgrave's Golden treasury
The Virginians : in two volumes
Of the nature of things
The Journal of George Fox
Arthurian chronicles
Inquiries into human faculty and its development
Kidnapped ; Catriona
The English humourists ; The four Georges
Of the advancement of learning
The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane
Peter Simple
Ann Veronica
Christmas stories from "House hold words" & "All the year round"
The scarlet letter : a romance
The stones of Venice
The story of a peasant
Peer Gynt
Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge
The life of Arthur Duke of Wellington
Offices, essays, and letters
Some experiences of an Irish R.M. ; and, Further experiences of an Irish R.M
Rollo at work ; and, Rollo at play
The monastery
De bello Gallico & other commentaries of Caius Julius Cæsar
Atlas of ancient & classical geography
Experimental researches in electricity
The mill on the Floss
Homer's Iliad
Warren Hastings : a biography
The history of Henry Esmond, Esq.
St. Valentine's day, or, The fair maid of Perth
Notre-Dame de Paris
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : arranged in the order in which its parts came to those in the first century who believed in our Lord
Milton's Poems
Hereward the wake : "Last of the English"
Plays, prose writings, and poems
Swann's way ; Within a budding grove (part one)
The Prince
The poet at the breakfast table
Ben Jonson's plays
On the scope and nature of university education
Unto this last ; and other essays
Plato's Republic
Short stories
The plain speaker
The conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada
A dictionary of non-classical mythology
The principal navigations voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the English nation : made by sea or overland to the remote & farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeares
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket and other stories
Selected essays
English traits, Representative men & other essays
The life, adventures & piracies of the famous Captain Singleton
The Religio medici & other writings of Sir Thomas Browne
Two treatises of government
Wisdom literature, Homiletic narratives, & Apocalypses
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The wheels of chance ; The time machine
A smaller classical dictionary
Crime and punishment
Lorna Doone
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
The pioneers
Scottish and other miscellanies
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Complete poems and selected essays
Essays on education and kindred subjects
The turn of the screw ; The Aspern papers
Selected papers on philosophy
Poems and plays
The country house
Robinson Crusoe
The secret agent : a simple tale
Phineas Finn : the Irish member
The federalist, or, The new constitution
The ring and the book
The atheist's mass and other stories
Sophocles' Dramas
The history of Rome
The foundations
Twenty-four one-act plays
Treasure Island ; Kidnapped
An essay concerning human understanding
Rob Roy
Kalidasa translations of Shakuntala, and other works
Anna Karenina
The cities & cemeteries of Etruria
Jonathan Wild ; The journal of a voyage to Lisbon
Histories and poems
The decline & fall of the Roman Empire
Our village
Jorrocks' jaunts and jollities
Taras Bulba, and other tales
Letters from an American farmer
Eighteenth-century plays
Chinese philosophy in classical times
The social contract and discourses
Modern philosophy of mind
Moby Dick ; or, the white whale
Cranford : a tale
The travels of Marco Polo
Essays in the study of folk-songs
Daniel Deronda
The natural history of Selborne
Wuthering Heights
Sartor resartus ; On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history
Australian short stories
Cakes and ale, or, The skeleton in the cupboard
An essay concerning human understanding
Selected poems
Rollo at work and Rollo at Play
Utilitarianism, Liberty, and Representative government
Reflections on the French Revolution
Cast up by the sea : a boy's story
The reader's guide to Everyman's library
Dealings with the firm of Dombey & Son, wholesale, retail & for exportation
Euclid's Elements : book I-VI, XI and XII
On the scope and nature of university education
British orations : from Ethelbert to Churchill
The conquest of Mexico
Travels with a donkey ; An inland voyage ; The Silverado squatters
The faerie queene : books I to III
Selected papers on philosophy
Pinocchio : the story of a puppet
Lectures on the history of the eastern church
Typee : a narrative of the Marquesas Islands
Chesterton's stories, essays & poems
The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner ...
Stories and poems
Life of William Blake
Ursule Mirouët
Wives and daughters
The essayes of Michael Lord of Montaigne
Hindu scriptures : hymns from the R̥igveda, five Upanishads, the Bhagavadgītā
The rights of man
Eugenie Grandet
The wheels of chance & the time machine
The life of Samuel Johnson
The state of the prisons
The autocrat of the breakfast-table
North & South
The English mail-coach and other essays
The girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines
The life & letters of John Keats
Nicholas Nickleby
The poems of Propertius
Milton's Poems
The warden
Rob Roy
Female playwrights of the nineteenth century
The spectator
The faerie queene
The lances of Lynwood
Great expectations
Sartor resartus ; On heroes and hero worship
Speeches on politics & literature
The notebook poems 1930-1934
Plays, translations, and longer poems
Coningsby : or, the new generation
Handy Andy
Everyman, and medieval miracle plays
The forty-five
The adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
A serious call to a devout and holy life
The turn of the screw ; The Aspern papers
Ghost stories
Felix Holt, the radical
Of civil government : two treatises
Minor poets of the seventeenth century
Chinese philosophy in classical times
Plays and stories
The Everyman book of Victorian verse : the post-Romantics
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (first & second editions) ; & Six plays of Calderon
Stories, essays, & poems
Law & history
Selected speeches of the Rt. Honble John Bright, M.P., on public questions
Mother Goose's book of nursery rhymes and songs
Feats on the Fjord and Merdhin
Victorian short stories : an anthology
The survey of London
A book of the Bounty
The vicar of Wakefield
The scarlet letter
A new view of society and other writings
The crown, the Philippics and ten other orations of Demosthenes
A wonder book, and, Tanglewood tales
Lord Jim
Plays, poems and prose
Robinson Crusoe
The Journal of George Fox
English short stories : selected to show the development of the short story from the fifteenth to the twentieth century
Criticisms & appreciations of the works of Charles Dickens
A century of humorous verse, 1850-1950
On the study of Celtic literature, and other essays
The origin of species
A book of nonsense
Moby Dick
The first and second prayer books of Edward VI
Lorna Doone
Peaks, passes & glaciers
Our village
Little women and Good wives
Sentimental education
Social values in classical Athens
The confessions
The rights of man
Old Goriot
The fifteen decisive battles of the world
Ungava : a tale of Esquimaux-land
Dombey and Son
Virgin soil
The travels of Marco Polo : the Venetian
Captain Cook's voyages of discovery
Rights of man : being an answer to Mr. Burke's attack on the French Revolution
The life of Samuel Johnson
Northanger Abbey ; Persuasion
The Republic of Plato in ten books
Of the nature of things
The plays of Euripides
Masterman Ready
Within a budding grove (part two) ; The Guermantes way
Anna Karenina
Restoration plays
Lives of the English poets
Manual of English literature
Inquiries into human faculty and its development
An inland voyage ; Travels with a donkey ; The Silverado squatters
Chesterton's stories, essays & poems
John Keats's poems
The life of Nelson
Aristotle's poetics . On style . and Selections from Aristotle's Rhetoric : together with Hobbes' digest . and Horace's Ars poetica
A literary & historical atlas of Europe
The Channings
Areopagitica and other prose works
A short biographical dictionary of English literature
Plays, prose writings, and poems
The life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington
An essay concerning human understanding
The wheels of chance
The principles of political economy and taxation
Poor folk ; & The gambler
The life of Hector Berlioz : as written by himself in his letters & memoirs
New England ; Indian summer
Silas Marner
The professor
The history of the Peloponnesian War
The autocrat of the breakfast table
Dead souls
Poems of William Cowper
Granny's wonderful chair
The wealth of nations
Springhaven : a tale of the great war
Six Middle English romances
Ungava : a tale of Esquimaux land
A short history of the English people
Old Saint Paul's : a tale of the plague & the fire
The history of England from the accession of James II
A treatise of human nature
The little flowers of St. Francis . The mirror of perfection . The life of St. Francis
The history of Tom Jones
Ghosts ; The warriors at Helgeland ; An enemy of the people
Leaves of grass ; and Selected prose
The vision of Piers Plowman
The Everyman encyclopædia
Joseph Andrews
The history of Tom Jones, a foundling
The mill on the Floss
Legends of Charlemagne
The first and second prayer-books of King Edward the Sixth
The golden treasury of English songs and lyrics : with a supplementary book of more modern poetry
To the lighthouse
The Paston Letters
Letters from the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 1709 to 1762
Apologia pro vita sua
Clarissa, or, The history of a young lady
A dictionary of non-classical mythology
Nicholas Nickleby
The portrait of a lady
The minor Elizabethan drama
Omoo : a narrative of adventures in the Sovth seas
A letter from Sydney, the principal town of Australasia, & other writings on colonization
The Eclogues & Georgics of Virgil
Five weeks in a balloon ; & Around the world in eighty days
Modern plays
The faerie queene : a selection
Fifteen discourses on art
The elements of Euclid
The golden treasury : with a supplementary book of more modern poetry
Stories, essays and poems
The prelude to poetry : the English poets in defence and praise of their own art
The deerslayer : a tale
Poems and plays
The frogs, and three other plays of Aristophanes
Stories, essays, and poems
The philosophy of the atonement & other sermons
The naturalist on the River Amazons
Letters of Lord Chesterfield to his son
Christmas books
Ethiopian story
Silas Marner : the weaver of raveloe
The golden treasury of longer poems
The water-babies and Glaucus
Russian short stories
The fall of the Nibelungs
The diary of John Evelyn
Feats on the Fiord ; and Merdhin
A literary & historical atlas of Africa and Australasia
Atlas of ancient and classical geography
To the lighthouse
Letters from the underworld ; The Gentle maiden ; The Landlady
Prue & I ; Lotus eating
Wuthering Heights
Our mutual friend
The poems & plays of Robert Browning
The seven lamps of architecture
Yeast : a problem
A discourse on method
Thirteen famous ghost stories
The little flowers of St. Francis . The mirror of perfection . The life of St. Francis
The deerslayer : a tale
Travels with a donkey ; An inland voyage ; The Silverado squatters
The life of Hodson of Hodson's horse
Kipps : the story of a simple soul
Marguerite de Valois
The faerie queene
Walden, or, Life in the woods
Kalevala : the land of heroes
Poems, letters, and essays
Christmas stories
Aristotle's Metaphysics
Castle Rackrent and The absentee
The reign of Elizabeth
Myths of the gods
Tartarin of Tarascon and Tartarin on the Alps
Emerson's essays
Essays (selected)
The ebb-tide : a trio and quartette
Alton Locke
Early seventeenth century drama
John Gay's The beggar's opera and other eighteenth-century plays
Doctor Zhivago
The lives of the painters, sculptors, and architects
The religio Medici, & other writings of Sir Thomas Browne
Handy Andy
A treatise of human nature
A passage to India
Chaucer's Canterbury tales for the modern reader
Christopher Columbus
Mary Powell ; &, Deborah's diary
The poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The bride of Lammermoor
An essay concerning human understanding
The conspiracy of Pontiac
Death in Venice and other stories
Faust : parts I and II
The pilgrim's progress
The house of the seven gables : a romance
English religious verse
First footsteps in East Africa
The poems of Alfred Tennyson, 1830-1863
Scottish and other miscellanies
The secret of the island
The conquest of Granada
The confessions of an English opium-eater
Ecce homo
The imitation of Christ
Old Goriot
Sesame and lilies : the two paths & the kings of the golden river
Piers Plowman with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl and Sir Orfeo
The pathfinder, or, The inland sea
Roundabout papers
The white peacock
American notes for general circulation ; Pictures from Italy
The Virginians
A century of humorous verse, 1850-1950
A short biographical dictionary of English literature
Religio Medici and other writings
The prairie
Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson
In the year of Jubilee
The grammar of science
The Gouernour
The life of Jesus
Peter the whaler
Arthurian romances
The conduct of life, Nature & other essays
Little Dorrit
The Idiot
Ann Veronica
The principles of political economy & taxation
The last days of Pompeii
The pilgrim's progress
The turn of the screw
Anna Karenina
The philosophy of the atonement & other sermons
The life of Mozart
A dictionary of quotations and an alphabet of proverbs
Moby Dick
The Journal of George Fox
English comic writers
Emerson's essays
The true annals of fairyland in the reign of King Cole
The Mabinogion
Barchester towers
Selected papers on philosophy
A short history of the English people
Stories, essays and poems : including The fox
The talisman
Rossetti's poems and translations
The divine providence
A wonderbook and Tanglewood tales
In memoriam, Maud and other poems
The sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent
Cicero's Offices with Laelius, Cato Maior and select letters
Constitutional history of England : Henry VII to George II
The world as will and idea : abridged in one volume
A tale of two cities
British historical & political orations : from the XIIth to the XXth century
Essays, literary & critical
The possessed : a novel in three parts
Plays, prose writings, and poems
The house of prayer
Anne of Geierstein, or, The maiden of the mist
The true Christian religion
A short biographical dictionary of English literature
Bleak house
Sylvia's lovers
The life & letters of John Keats
Palgrave's Golden treasury : with a supplementary book of more modern poetry
Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill
Tartarin of Tarascon ; Tartarin on the Alps
Arthurian romances
Pride and prejudice
Experiences of an Irish R.M.
The Life of Sir Walter Scott
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
The last days of Pompeii
Poems of the Second World War : the Oasis selection
Moby Dick or the white whale
Tales from Shakspeare
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History of Rome
Crime and punishment
Philosophical writings
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Mr. Midshipman Easy
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Religio medici and other writings
Selected poems
A dictionary of dates
After London ; and, Amaryllis at the fair
A new theory of vision and other writings
The golden book of modern English poetry
Esther Waters
Tchekhov's Plays and stories
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Pride and prejudice
Poor folk ; The gambler
Little women ; Good wives
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Ragged London in 1861
Caesar's war commentaries : De bello gallico and De bello civili
Theology in the English poets Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth & Burns
Past and present
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
Canterbury tales
Thesaurus of English words and phrases
The book of the courtier
The Spectator
Everyman and medieval miracle plays
The story of burnt Njal
The fifteen decisive battles of the world
Life of Robert Burns
Jacobean & Restoration
An anthology of English prose : Bede-Stevenson
Stories, essays, and poems
The old curiosity shop
Religio Medici and other writings
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Green mansions : a romance of the tropical forest
A story book for boys and girls
Five dialogues
Pioneer work for women
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Notre-Dame de Paris
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Gulliver's travels
The nature of the physical world
Hard times
The sceptical chymist
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Æsop's and other fables : an anthology
Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians
The woman in white
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Cast up by the sea : a boy's story
Short studies on great subjects
Blake's poems and prophecies
Jorrocks' jaunts & jollities
Poems and essays
The Ramayana and the Mahabharata
The letters of Lord Byron
The analogy of religion : natural & revealed
Memoirs of a cavalier, or, A military journal of the wars in Germany and the wars in England
Harold : the last of the Saxon kings
Ancient law
The golden treasury of longer poems
Mother Goose's book of nursery rhymes and songs
Jackanapes : daddy Darwin's dovecot and the story of a short life
Silas Marner
Wuthering Heights
Long will : a romance
The essayes, or, Counsels civill & morall of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam
Journal to Stella
The scarlet letter : a romance
Leaves of grass
Black Beauty : the autobiography of a horse
Tales of detection
The talisman
Percival Keene
Under Milk Wood : a play for voices
Travels in France and Italy
Lives of the English poets : a selection
Memoirs of a cavalier, or, a military journal of the wars in Germany and the wars in England
The last of the Barons
Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton
About Catherine de Medici
Aristotle's politics and Athenian constitution
The Bible in Spain
The glaciers of the Alps & mountaineering in 1861
Jude the Obscure
If this is a man ; The truce
Pan Tadeusz, or The last foray in Lithuania
Aucassin & Nicolette and other mediaeval romances and legends
The early romances of William Morris in prose and verse
Two treatises of civil government
The Acharnians, and three other plays of Aristophanes
Moll Flanders
The survey of London
The fall
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Far from the madding crowd
The seven lamps of architecture
J.M. Synge's plays, poems and prose
Ghosts ; The warriors at Helgeland ; An enemy of the people
The Romany Rye
The boy slaves
Gatherings from Spain
The dove in the eagle's nest
The Anglo-Saxon chronicle
Pre-raphaelitism lectures on architecture & painting &c
Crime and punishment
Zeno's conscience
Great expectations
Ecclesiastical history of the English nation
Selected plays
Grace abounding & The life and death of Mr. Badman
Silas Marner
St Ives
A history of Greece
Harry Lorrequer
Lectures on the history of the Eastern Church
Minor Elizabethan drama
Household tales
The small house at Allington
Poetics . On style . and other classical writings on criticism
The last chronicle of Barset
Everyman's English dictionary
Poe's poems and essays
The rise and fall of César Birotteau
The confessions of an English opium-eater
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The Georgian Literary Scene
Twenty-four one-act plays
Life and adventures of Audubon the naturalist
The compleat angler
Letters from the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 1709 to 1762
Our mutual friend
The fall of Constantinople
A century of English essays : from Caxton to Belloc
The rights of man
The Chouans
The crown of wild olive & the cestus of aglaia
Byron's poems
The growth of political liberty : a source book of English history
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Windsor Castle
The idiot
The posthumous papers of the Pickwick club
Sense and sensibility
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Vanity Fair
Victory : an island tale
Masterman Ready
Reflections on the Revolution in France
The golden book of modern English poetry
The ambassadors
Plutarch's lives : the Dryden Plutarch
The professor
The rights of man
A child's book of saints
A new theory of vision and other writings
Esther Waters
Selected papers on philosophy
The story of burnt Njal : from the Icelandic of the Njals Saga
Table talk : from Ben Jonson to Leigh Hunt
The boy hunters of the Mississippi
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.
Poems and plays
The journal and other writings
The nigger of the "Narcissus", Typhoon, Amy Foster, Falk, To-morrow
Scottish & other miscellanies
Essays on life and literature
Barchester towers
A shepherd's life
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The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha
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Everyman's book of evergreen verse
Tennyson's poems
The letters of Charles Lamb
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Rural rides
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J.M. Synge's plays, poems and prose
Barchester Towers
The Romany Rye
The complete angler
The Everyman book of narrative verse
The ordeal of Richard Feverel
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Symposium and Phaedrus
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The conquest of Mexico
Two years before the mast : Twenty-four years after
Jorrocks' jaunts and jollities
The compleat angler
Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge
Wuthering Heights : and selected poems
History of the conquest of Peru
Chronicles of the Pilgrim fathers
The collected works of Horace
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The expedition of Humphry Clinker
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The Golden treasury : with a supplementary book of more modern poetry
The golden treasury of longer poems
The life of Robert Browning
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The abbot
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The nature of the physical world
The seven lamps of architecture
The other house
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Stories, essays, and poems
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The history of Herodotus
Cousin Phillis [& other tales]
A Discourse on method : meditations on the first philosophy principles of philosophy
Matthew Arnold's essays : literary and critical
The pilgrim's progress : from this world to that which is to come
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket and other stories
Speeches & letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1832-1865
The lays of ancient Rome & miscellaneous essays and poems
The poetical works
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners ; & The life & death of Mr. Badman
The last chronicle of Barset
An anatomical disquisition on the motion of the heart & blood in animals
The story of burnt Njal
Eighteenth century plays
Matthew Arnold's poems
The letters of Charles Lamb
The vision of Piers Plowman
The warden
Angel pavement
Offices, essays, and letters
A serious call to a devout & holy life
Restoration plays from Dryden to Farquhar
Jane Eyre
Westward ho!
Brand: a dramatic poem
Westward ho!
The prince
The astonishing history of Troy Town
A century of English essays : Caxton-Belloc
Our village
To the lighthouse
Bride of Lammermoor
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Palgrave's golden treasury
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A dictionary of dates
Granny's wonderful chair & its tales of fairy times
The Maias
Capital : volume I Der Produktionsprozess des Kapitals : in two books
Pinocchio : the story of a puppet
Scarlet and black : a chronicle of the nineteenth century
Miscellany one : poems, stories, broadcasts
The manners & customs of the modern Egyptians
In the south seas ; & Island nights' entertainments
Utopia with the "Dialogue of comfort"
Utilitarianism : on liberty ; Considerations on representative government ; Remarks on Bentham's philosophy
The house of the dead
Selected poems
Moral discourses
Percy's Reliques of ancient English poetry
Restoration plays from Dryden to Farquhar
Palgrave's golden treasury
Mansfield Park
Memoirs of the Crusades
Biographia literaria, or, Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions
The reign of Mary Tudor
Hard times
Shelley's poems
We tell ourselves stories in order to live : collected nonfiction
American short stories of the nineteenth century
The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha
The travels of Marco Polo
Three comedies
The journal and other writings
Letters from an American farmer
Christopher Columbus
Politics and literature in the eighteenth century
Gulliver's travels
The quest of the absolute
Phineas Finn, the Irish member
Selected poems
Of the advancement of learning
Byron's poems
The circulation of the blood : and other writings
The poems & plays of Robert Browning
Felix Holt, the Radical
Anna Karenina
The Age of Louis XIV
Little men
The travels of Mungo Park
Ekkehard : a tale of the 10th century
History of his own times
Orations on the French war, to the peace of Amiens
The journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson LL.D.
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The Spectator
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The reign of Henry the Eighth
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The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám : and other Persian poems : an anthology of verse translations
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Goethe's Faust
The woman in white
A treatise on government
The quest of the absolute
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The confessions of an English opium-eater
The diary of John Evelyn
The confessions of St. Augustine
The nature of the physical world
Francis Bacon's Essays
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The Koran
Lorna Doone
A journey from this world to the next
A modern Utopia
Selected poems
Barnaby Rudge : a tale of the riots of 'eighty
Emile, or, Education
Collected poems
Robinson Crusoe
The wild ass's skin
Dramatic essays
The mill on the Floss
History of his own time
Among my books
French mediaeval romances from the lays of Marie de France
Caesar's war commentaries : De bello gallico and De bello civili
Eclogues and Georgics
Sense and sensibility
Aristotle's politics and Athenian constitution
Chinese philosophy in classical times
The country parson
The settlers in Canada
Alton Locke : tailor and poet
Thus spake Zarathustra
Fairy gold : a book of old English fairy tales
Almayer's folly : a story of an Eastern river
The Oxford reformers
Poems of our time, 1900-1942
The Brontës selected poems
Everyman's dictionary of dates
The imitation of Christ
Mansfield Park
The Golovlyov family
The Kilmarnock poems : poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, 1786
Reflections on the French Revolution & other essays
Sesame and lilies ; The two paths ; The king of the golden river
Notre Dame de Paris
Christmas books
Man's place in nature and other essays
Shakespeare's tragedies
Areopagitica and other prose works
Sesame and lilies ; The two paths ; The king of the golden river
Dramatic essays
Life of Nelson
The master of Ballantrae ; & The black arrow
Sylvia's lovers
The abbot
An essay concerning human understanding
Pride and prejudice
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The Mabinogion
An anthology of English prose : Bede-Stevenson
Madame Bovary
Moby Dick ; or, the white whale
The fall of the Nibelungs
A book of nonsense
The Song of God, Bhagavad-gita
Dryden's Poems
Martin Chuzzlewit
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Collected poems
The principles of political economy and taxation
The personal history and experience of David Copperfield the Younger
Three men on the bummel
Two treatises of government
Lord Jim
The complete angler
Myths of the heroes
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The poems of Edgar Allan Poe with a selection of essays
The talisman
Moll Flanders
The life of Benvenuto Cellini written by himself
Pride and prejudice
The politics of Aristotle : or a treatise on government
Candide, and other tales
The pioneers
The Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle
War and Peace
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket and other stories
Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile
The Decameron
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The heart of midlothian
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Euripides : plays
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Letters from the underworld
Shakespeare : his life and work
The voiage and travayle of Sir John Maundeville Knight with the Journall of Frier Odoricus
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Poems and plays
David Copperfield
Travels of Mungo Park
Sanditon, The Watsons, Lady Susan, and other miscellanea
Far away and long ago
Esther Waters
Old Goriot
Bleak house
Ecclesiastical polity
Demosthenes' public orations
"Everyman" with other interludes, including eight miracle plays
The history of the Peloponnesian War
The essays of Elia
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The poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1823-1866
Speeches during the French Revolution
Crime and punishment
The poems & plays of Lord Byron; [with an introduction by W.P. Trent]
Tom Cringle's log
The life of Mozart
The Betrothed : a tale of XVII century Milan
After London ; and, Amaryllis at the fair
Westward ho!, or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knt. of Burrough, in the County of Devon, in the Reign of Her most glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Sermons on Christian doctrine
Poor folk ; The gambler
Pre-raphaelitism lectures on architecture & painting &c
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Apologia pro vita sua
The survey of London
Tom Brown's school days
La Fontaine's fables
The true annals of fairyland in the reign of King Herla
The Nibelungenlied
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Biographia literaria, or, Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions
Jonathan Wild ; The journal of a voyage to Lisbon
Gibbon's Decline and fall of the Roman Empire
The shorter poems of William Wordsworth
Childhood, boyhood and youth
Household tales
The Piers Plowman tradition : a critical edition of, Pierce the ploughman's crede, Richard the redeless, Mum and the sothsegger, and, The crowned king
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge
The notebook poems, 1930-1934
Alice in wonderland : through the looking-glass, etc.
The fruits of solitude and other writings
Letters from the underworld ; The Gentle maiden ; The Landlady
The New Testament of our Lord and saviour Jesvs Christ : arranged in the order in which its parts come to those in the first century who believed in ovr Lord
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The prince
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Ancient law
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The compleat angler
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The Mabinogion
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Life of Robert Burns
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Table talk
Utilitarianism, liberty, and representative government
Ovid's selected works
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Sagas of the Norse kings
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The compleat angler
The Blithedale romance
The hunchback of Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame de Paris)
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Poems and plays
The professor
The Odyssey of Homer
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The saga of Grettir the Strong
Select plays
The anatomy of melancholy
Crime and punishment
The little savage
Three men in a boat : to say nothing of the dog
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Asgard & the Norse heroes
The idiot
Utopia with the dialogue of comfort
Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile
The marble faun, or, The romance of Monte Beni
Reprinted pieces, etc. ; also, The lamplighter ; To be read at Dusk ; &, Sunday under three heads
Vanity Fair
The tenant of Wildfell Hall
Daniel Deronda
A smaller classical dictionary
Men and women and other poems
The faerie queene
Modern humour
Twenty-four one-act plays
Two treatises of government
Guy de Maupassant's short stories
Progress & poverty
A literary & historical atlas of Europe
Moby Dick
The Female Tatler
Plays for boys and girls
Typee ; and, Billy Budd
Waverley, or, 'Tis sixty years since
The book of the courtier
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Speeches on politics & literature
Lavengro : the scholar, the gipsy, the priest
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Peter Simple
Poems and prophecies
An inland voyage ; Travels with a donkey ; The Silverado squatters
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Westward ho!
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Candide, and other tales
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Mary Powell ; & Deborah's diary
Time & tide ; Notes on the construction of sheepfolds ; Lecture to the Cambridge School of Art
Selected Stories
The naturalist on the River Amazons
A tale of two cities
The kingdom of Christ, or, Hints on the principles, ordinances, & constitution of the Catholic Church, in letters to a member of the Society of Friends
The origin of species
Reflections on the Revolution in France
The Acharnians, and two other plays of Aristophanes
Scenes of clerical life
The wealth of nations
Richelieu : a tale of France
Goethe's Faust : parts I and II
The Norman Conquest of England
Literary studies
Shakespeare made fit : restoration adaptations of Shakespeare
The life of Charles Dickens
The life of Charles Dickens
The diary of John Evelyn F. R. S.
The diary of a nobody
Modern short stories to 1940
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Castle dangerous ; & The surgeon's daughter
Letters to his son and others
Castle dangerous & the surgeon's daughter
Essays of Elia ; Last essays of Elia
Twice told tales
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The Iliad of Homer
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The essays of Elia
Memoirs of the life & writings of Benjamin Franklin
Sketches by Boz
A short history of the English people
The ordeal of Richard Feverel
Angel pavement
The deerslayer
Daniel Deronda
Uncle Tom's cabin . and Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave
Doctor Zhivago
Selected poems and prose
A discourse on method
Shakespeare's comedies
The rover
A child's history of England
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The Republic of Plato
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Essays in literature & history
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Twenty thousand leagues under the sea
Everyman's English dictionary
Selected poems
Erewhon ; and, Erewhon revisited
The golden treasury of longer poems
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The life of Mozart
Heimskringla : the Norse king sagas
A journal of the plague year written by a citizen who continued all the while in London
Master and man : and other parables and tales
Milton's Poems
Philosophical works : including the works on vision
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Thesaurus of English words & phrases
The pilgrim's progress
Pride and prejudice
Lectures on the English poets ; The spirit of the age : or Contemporary portraits
The expedition of Humphry Clinker
The talisman
The life of the Duke of Wellington
Ovid ; selected works
Mary Powell ; Deborah's diary
Count Robert of Paris
The wild ass's skin
Sir Gibbie
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Harold : the last of the Saxon kings
The city of God (De civitate dei)
Nelson's letters
Nicholas Nickleby
Plays, prose writings and poems
Oscar Wilde's plays, prose writings, and poems
Vanity fair : a novel without a hero
The age of fable
The anatomy of melancholy
Heimskringla : the Olaf sagas
Tales of mystery and imagination
Histories of the Kings of Britain
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson
Russian short stories
Crime and punishment
The rights of man
The ethics of the dust
St. Ives
The life of Hector Berlioz
The warden
The rights of man
Percy's Reliques of ancient English poetry
The tenant of Wildfell Hall
A dictionary of dates
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Great expectations
Rob Roy
Stories, essays, and poems
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Mother Goose's book of nursery rhymes and songs
A century of English essays : an anthology ranging from Caxton to R.L. Stevenson, & the writers of our own time
The life of Captain Singleton
Virgil's Aeneid
The poems and plays of Sir Walter Scott
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Short stories
The boke named the Governour
Sense & sensibility
The age of fable
Under fire
Doctor Thorne
The poems of Thomas Gray : with a selection of letters & essays
A tale of two cities
The time machine
The dramas of Sophocles
The coral island
Essays and poems
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Tale of Two Cities
English short stories : an anthology
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The last of the Barons
Shakespeare's comedies
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The life of the (1st) Duke of Newcastle & Other Writings
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A Wonder book and Tangle wood tales
Short stories
American short stories of the nineteenth century
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The captain's daughter and other stories
The house of mirth
The way of all flesh
Abraham Lincoln's speeches and letters, 1832-1865
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Bleak house
Restoration plays
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A Wonder book and Tangle wood tales
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The sceptical chymist
Poe's poems and essays
A letter from Sydney and other writings
Blake's poems and prophecies
The reign of Edward VI
The life of Benvenuto Cellini : written by himself
An apology for his life
The peace of Europe : the fruits of solitude, and other writings
Arthurian romances
English and other critical essays
Speeches and letters on American affairs
Mr Midshipman Easy
Russian short stories
Restoration plays
Tom Cringle's log
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Leaves of grass
Northanger Abbey
The black tulip
The picture of Dorian Gray
Roundabout papers
Poems in Scots and English
Myths of the heroes
The life of the (1st) Duke of Newcastle & other Writings
Black Beauty
Critique of pure reason
Plays and stories
Rab & his friends, & other papers & essays
The Christian year
The education of Cyrus
Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of mystery and imagination
Religio Medici and other writings
The naturalist in Nicaragua
A Christmas carol and other Christmas books
The talisman
The sonnets and narrative poems
Wordsworth's poems
Philosophical works : including the works on vision
Kalevala : the land of the heroes
Under Milk Wood : a play for voices
Biographia literaria
The life of Goethe
Chesterton's stories essays & poems
Sermons on Bible subjects
William Ewart Gladstone
The pilgrim's progress
The social contract and discourses
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Tales of ancient Greece
In memoriam, Maud and other poems
Ivanhoe : a romance
Canterbury tales
The naturalist on the River Amazons
A discourse on method, etc.
The confessions of an English opium-eater
The moral discourses of Epictetus
Cousin Pons
Twice-told tales
Russian short stories
Under fire : the story of a squad
A story book for boys and girls
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Speeches and letters on American affairs
Speeches & letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1832-1865
A tale of two cities
Sophocles' Dramas
Through Russia
Rossetti's poems and translations
Selected poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The reign of Edward the Sixth
Shorter novels : Elizabethan
Essay on the principles of translation
Anglo-Saxon poetry
Socratic discourses
"Everyman" with other interludes, including eight miracle plays
Lorna Doone
The heir of Redclyffe
The story of Burnt Njal : from the Icelandic of the Njals Saga
The Norse king Sagas
Sense and sensibility
The Mabinogion
A dictionary of quotations from authors old & new : together with an alphabet of proverbs
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners : & the life & death of Mr. Badman
Twenty thousand leagues under the sea
The scarlet letter
Barchester towers
The complete poems
Kalevala : the land of the heroes
Gargantua and Pantagruel
The history of the Jews
A journal of the plague year written by a citizen who continued all the while in London
Anna Karenina
Journal to Stella
The principal navigations voyages traffiques & discoveries of the English nation : made by sea or overland to the remote & farthest distant quarters of the Earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeares
A dictionary of quotations from authors old & new : together with an alphabet of proverbs
The rover
A letter from Sydney and other writings
Letters from the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 1709 to 1762
Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, The merry men and other tales
The English mail-coach, and other essays
Poems and essays
A gallery of literary portraits
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Heaven and its wonders ; and, Hell : from things heard & seen
Rob Roy
Arthurian romances
A doll's house ; The wild duck ; The lady from the sea
The country parson
A tale of a tub and other satires
The poems and songs of Robert Burns
Utilitarianism, Liberty, and Representative government
A shepherd's life
Legends of Charlemagne
Hindu scriptures
The king's own
Twenty thousand leagues under the sea
Shakespeare's historical plays, poems & sonnets
The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner
The private papers of Henry Ryecroft
Selected poems [of] John Clare
The nature of the physical world
The French Revolution
The tower of London
Fathers and sons
Emile, or, Education
Daniel Deronda
The poems of John Keats
Treasure Island
The country house
The French Revolution
Master and man
Joseph Andrews
The scarlet letter : a romance
Biographical dictionary of English literature
The Western Avernus
Critical and historical essays
Iceland fisherman
The warden
The natural history of Selborne
The travels of Marco Polo
Biographia literaria, or, Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions
Edgar Allan Poe's tales of mystery and imagination
The plays of Euripides in English : in 2 volumes
Historical memorials of Canterbury
Narrative of the life of Sir Walter Scott Bart
John Keats's poems
History of England
An anthology of English prose from Bede to R.L.S.
Martin Rattler
Barnaby Rudge : a tale of the riots of '80
Silver poets of the eighteenth century
Hedda Gabler ; The Master Builder ; John Gabriel Borkman
Peregrine Pickle
Alice in Wonderland ; Through the looking-glass, etc.
The complete plays of Ben Jonson
Uncle Tom's cabin
The history of Henry Esmond
The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
Travels in France and Italy
Moby Dick, or, The white whale
The golden book of modern English poetry
Runnymede and Lincoln Fair : a story of the great charter
Jonathan Wild ; and The voyage to Lisbon
Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians
The English poems of George Herbert
Spinoza's Ethics and on the correction of the understanding
The vision of Piers Plowman : a critical edition of the B-text based on Trinity College Cambridge MS B.15.17
The professor ; Emma : a fragment
Old mortality
Lectures on the English poets ; the spirit of the age
Fairy gold : a book of Old English fairy tales
Martin Chuzzlewit
The life & letters of John Keats
A new theory of vision and other writings
Silver poets of the sixteenth century
A serious call to a devout and holy life
Pensées : notes on religion and other subjects
To the lighthouse
St. Ives
A hazard of new fortunes
The chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc.
Homer's Odyssey
Short stories by Russian authors
A literary & historical atlas of America
Far away and long ago
Letters to his son and others
Short stories
Robert Browning's poems and plays
Moby Dick
Greece under the Romans
The poems of John Donne
The politics of aristotle, or, a treatise on government
Biographical dictionary of English literature
Joseph Andrews
Public orations
Lord Jim
Lucretius:of the nature of things : a metrical
The prince
The natural history of Selborne
Histories of the Kings of Britain
The portrait of a lady
The reign of Edward VI
The fair maid of perth
The Pathfinder
The Bible in Spain
Chronicles of the Pilgrim fathers
The song of Hiawatha
The rights of man
The mysteries of Udolpho
Lorna Doone : a romance of Exmoor
Peter Simple
Beaumont & Fletcher, select plays
Rights of man : being an answer to Mr. Burke's attack on the French Revolution
Great expectations
Masterman Ready
Old Goriot
Oliver Twist
Tom Cringle's log
Poems and plays
The subaltern
Sense and sensibility
Voyages of discovery : Captain Cook
Bleak house
The letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple
Selected works
The modern Egyptians
Pride and prejudice
Martin Chuzzlewit
History of the Peloponnesian War
The spectator
Troilus and Criseyde
Hilaire Belloc's stories, essays and poems
Memoirs of the Crusades
History of the conquest of Peru
The Divine Comedy
Robert Browning's poems and plays
The subaltern
Chronicles of the Pilgrim fathers
Women romantic poets : 1785-1832 : an anthology
Memoirs of a cavalier, or, A military journal of the wars in Germany and the wars in England
Palgrave's golden treasury
Milton's prose writings
Philosophical works : including the works on vision
The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews & his friend Mr. Abraham Adams
Wuthering Heights
The steppe and other stories
Ivanhoe : a romance
Fathers and children
An anatomical disquisition on the motion of the heart & blood in animals
A sentimental journey ; The journal to Eliza
Christmas stories
The best of Father Brown
Tales from Chaucer
Speeches and letters
The golden treasury of longer poems
On the study of words ; English past and present
Anglo-Saxon poetry
Peregrine Pickle
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
Northanger Abbey ; Persuasion
Collected poems
The three midshipmen
The poems & plays of Robert Browning
The education of Cyrus
Toilers of the sea
The Psalms in human life
The two boyhoods, and other select passages
Children of the new forest
Katherine Mansfield : short stories
The newcomes
Three dramas
The republic of Plato
The golden book of Marcus Aurelius
International modern plays
The Bible in Spain, or, The journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
Madame Bovary
Indian Summer
Symposium and other dialogues
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; The merry men
Quentin Durward
A book of nonsense
Society & solitude & other essays
A new view of society & other writings
The natural history of Selborne
The tenant of Wildfell Hall ; and, Agnes Grey
The history of the Jews
The vicar of Wakefield
Gulliver's travels
The forty-five
Anglo-Saxon poetry
Critique of pure reason
The ring and the book, 1868-9
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
Piers Plowman : the vision of a peoples Christ
The pickwick papers
The old curiosity shop
A dictionary of dates : brought down to the present day
The ethics of Aristotle
Oliver Cromwell's letters & speeches
Leaves of grass (1) & Democratic vistas
The nether world
Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians
Poe's poems and essays
Quo vadis?
Framley Parsonage
The age of fable
Diary of Samuel Pepys
D.H. Lawrence's stories, essays and poems
Palgrave's Golden treasury
A poetry book for boys and girls
Tom Brown's school days
Past and present
Tales of ancient Greece
The compleat angler
The origin of species
An inland voyage ; Travels with a donkey in the Cévennes ; & The Silverado squatters
Arthurian romances
A passage to India
Spinoza's Ethics, and On the correction of the understanding
The journal with other writings of John Woolman
The prince
The old wives' tale
The conquest of Granada
Peter Simple
The last of the Mohicans a narrative of 1757
Literary studies
The Decameron
The Count of Monte Cristo
Pearl ; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Fairy tales and stories
Mansfield Park
The life & opinions of Tristram Shandy : gentleman
Memoirs of the life & writings of Benjamin Franklin
Demosthenes' orations
The luck of roaring camp : Californian tales & poems, with other writings
Sentimental education
The itinerary through Wales ; and, The description of Wales
History of Rome to the reign of Trajan
Lord jim
Selected writings
Anglo-Saxon prose
The Ancien Regime
Elizabethan sonnets
Under fire : the story of a squad
Selected letters
Woodstock, or, The Cavalier : a tale of the year 1651
Stow's survey of London
Tales from Shakespeare
The principles of political economy and taxation
Thomas Aquinas
The legends of thebes
The Æneid of Virgil
Memoirs of Jean François Paul de Gondi Cardinal de Retz ; [with an introduction by David Ogg]
St. Ronan's well
The philosophical writings of Leibniz
A literary & historical atlas of Asia
Wuthering Heights
The lays of ancient Rome & Miscellaneous essays and poems
The life of Mozart
Elements, Books I-VI, XI and XII
Biographia literaria
The Devil's pool ; and François the Waif
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
A history of the United States
Le morte d'Arthur
A child's book of saints
Through Russia
The signature of all things : with other writings
The history of the Peloponnesian War
Joan Seaton
The lyrical dramas of Æschylus
An abridgment of Bishop Burnet's History of his own times
Life and adventures of Audubon the naturalist
The divine love and wisdom
Palgrave's golden treasury
Cousin Pons
The circulation of the blood and other writings
Charles James Fox : speeches during the French revolutionary war period
The wheels of chance ; The time machine
The crown of wild olive ; & The cestus of aglaia
The little flowers of St. Francis ; the Mirror of perfection ; St. Bonaventure's Life of St. Francis
The Leopard
Travels in France & Italy : during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789
Bleak house
Moral discourses : enchiridion and fragments
Everyman's English dictionary
Les misérables : a novel
Letters from high latitudes
Modern Plays
Selected fiction
The cloister and the hearth : a tale of the middle ages
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
An illustrated encyclopædia of gardening
Letters from an American farmer
Minor Elizabethan tragedies
The golden book of Coleridge
The book of the courtier
The prince
The Gallic War and other commentaries
Prior and posterior analytics
Quo vadis?
Ecclesiastical history of the English nation
Experimental Researches in Electricity
The pilgrim's progress
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Fairy Queen
Beaumont & Fletcher, select plays
A tale of a tub, and other satires
The French Revolution
Shakespeare : his life and work
The last of the Mohicans
A short biographical dictionary of foreign literature
The Princess Casamassima
The travels of Marco Polo
Thesaurus of English words and phrases
The wheels of chance ; The time machine
The principles of political economy & taxation
Wuthering Heights
Travels of Mungo Park
The Faerie queene : disposed into twelve books fashioning twelve moral vertues
The reader's guide to everyman's library
Matthew Arnold's essays in criticism : first and second series
The water-babies ; Glaucus
A treatise of human nature
Peer Gynt : a dramatic poem
Among my books
The poetical works of John Milton
Wanderings in South America
A Book of British ballads
Poems of Robert Burns
The lances of Lynwood
Religio Medici and other writings
The journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson LL.D.
A voyage round the world in the years 1740-4
The Antiquary
Framley Parsonage
Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-20-21-22
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde ; The merry men : and other tales
The travels of Sir John Mandeville ; The journal of Friar Odoric
The life of Charles Dickens
Tales from Shakespeare
The life of the Duke of Newcastle
A treatise on government
Typee ; Billy Budd
Coleridge's essays & lectures on Shakspeare & some other old poets & dramatists
Rob Roy
Unto this last ; The political economy of art ; Essays on political economy
The adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
Mansfield Park
Pearl ; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Writing of the 'nineties : from Wilde to Beerbohm
Poems [of] Milton
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
The essays of Elia
The life, adventures and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton
The history of the Peloponnesian War
The Brontës selected poems
Arthurian chronicles
The Swiss family Robinson
Notre Dame de Paris
The reader's guide to Everyman's library
The reign of Henry the Eighth
The Ramayana ; &, the Mahabharata
The citizen of the world ; and The bee
The Ramayana and the Mahabharata
More fairy tales
The prairie
The conduct of life ; Nature & other essays
Eugenie Grandet
Wilhelm Meister
American notes and pictures from Italy
The Mabinogion
Twenty years after
A smaller classical dictionary
The small house at Allington
Stow's survey of London
The adventures of Gil Blas
The life of Mozart
The round table ; Characters of Shakespeare's plays
A new theory of vision and other select philosophical writings
Satires, with the satires of Persius
The adventures of Oliver Twist
The mystery of Edwin Drood ; Master Humphrey's Clock
The fifteen decisive battles of the world
Reminiscences of the English lake poets
A smaller classical dictionary
Don Quixote
Little women ; Good wives
Bevis : the story of a boy
The Bayard of India
Dylan Thomas : the poems
Progress & poverty
The wild ass's skin
Goldsmith's poems and plays
A smaller classical dictionary
Spinoza's ethics and de intellectus emendatione
Hereward the wake : "Last of the English"
The origin of species
Everyman, and medieval miracle plays
Old mortality
The Acharnians and three other plays of Aristophanes
Goethe's Faust : parts I and II
The Essays of Elia ; Last essays of Elia
The trial and death of Socrates
The Western Avernus
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
The English galaxy of shorter poems
The cloister and the hearth
Three plays
The heroes
Waverley or, 'Tis sixty years since
The Mabinogion
The letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple
Voltaires The age of Louis XIV
Fairy tales from the Arabian nights
The history of Tom Jones, a foundling
Legends & lyrics & other poems
Ethics ; and, Treatise on the correction of the intellect
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.
The journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson
Poetry and prose
Virginibus puerisque ; Familiar studies of men and books
Eighteenth-century plays
A journal of the Plague Year
The principles of political economy and taxation
Spinoza's Ethics and on the correction of the understanding
Household tales
An essay on population
The laws
The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha
The life, adventures and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton
David Copperfield
English short stories : selected to show the development of the short story from the fifteenth to the twentieth century
A tale of two cities
Eugénie Grandet
A short biographical dictionary of English literature
Sons and lovers
Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, bart
The Maltese falcon ; The thin man ; Red harvest
The ethics of the dust
Memoirs of the Crusades
Utopia and a dialogue of comfort
Adam Bede
The brothers Karamazov
Lectures on Shakspeare, etc.
The Mabinogion
Æsop's fables : an anthology of the fabulists of all countries
More poetry please! : 100 popular poems from the BBC Radio 4 programme
Virgin soil
The grammar of science
Laocoön ; Nathan the Wise ; & Minna von Barnhelm
Troilus and Criseyde
Past and Present
Lectures on the English poets ; the spirit of the age
Candide and other tales
The rights of woman . The subjection of women
Aeschylus : plays
The poems of Thomas Gray : with a selection of letters & essays
D.H. Lawrence's stories, essays and poems
Phantastes : a faërie romance
Bevis : the story of a boy
The history of the French Revolution
Experimental researches in electricity
Tess of the d'urbervilles : a pure woman
Moll Flanders
Barchester towers
Shorter novels : eighteenth century
On the scope and nature of university education
The natural history of Selborne
Guy Mannering
A journal of the Plague Year
An illustrated encyclopædia of gardening