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- From 2005 onward, the series will appear as a joint publication : Weidler BuchverlagPublisher varies: Brill
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- The radical enlightenment in Germany : a cultural perspectivePracticing progress : the promise and limitations of enlightenment : Festschrift for John A. McCarthyLa Russie et les Russes dans la fiction française du XIXe siècle (1812-1917) : d'une image de l'autre à un univers imaginaireArchitectures of poetrySolo performances : staging the early modern self in EnglandOriental panorama : British travellers in 19th century TurkeyTranskulturelle Beziehungen : Spanien und Österreich im 19. und 20. JahrhundertTranslation practices : through language to cultureFacing the East in the West : images of Eastern Europe in British literature, film and cultureTropes for the past : Hayden White and the history/literature debateBidding for the mainstream ? : black and Asian British film since the 1990sTheodor Fontane and the European context : literature, culture and society in Prussia and Europe : proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Symposium at the Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London in March 1999Marteaus Europa oder Der Roman, bevor er Literatur wurde : eine Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Buchangebots der Jahre 1710 bis 1720Wim Wenders and Peter Handke : collaboration, adaptation, recompositionLa voix du cor : la relique de Roncevaux et l'origine d'un motif dans la littérature du Moyen Âge (XIIe siècles)Gender matters : discourses of violence in early modern literature and the artsSchauspielerinnen im Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts : Ihr Leben, ihre Schriften und ihr PublikumFrom solidarity to schisms : 9/11 and after in fiction and film from outside the USReading song lyricsArthurian romance and gender : selected proceedings of the XVIIth International Arthurian Congress = Masculin/fémenin dans le roman arthurien médiéval : actes choisis du XVIIe Congrès international arthurien = Geschlechterrollen im mittelalterlichen Artusroman : Ausgewählte Akten des XVII. Internationalen ArtuskongressesCultural transfer through translation : the circulation of enlightened thought in Europe by means of translationThe singer and the scribe : European ballad traditions and European ballad culturesHans Christian Andersen : Danish writer and citizen of the worldTheory into poetry : new approaches to the lyricThe first translations of Machiavelli's Prince : from the sixteenth to the first half of the nineteenth centuryCultural visions : essays in the history of cultureRive Gauche : Paris as a site of avante-garde art and cultural exchange in the 1920sKafka : gothic and fairytaleMontréal - Toronto : Stadtkultur und Migration in Literatur, Film und MusikBritish romanticism and Italian literature translating, reviewing rewritingThe fatal gift of beauty : the Italies of British travellers : an annotated anthologyZeichen zwischen Klartext und Arabeske : Konferenz des Konstanzer Graduiertenkollegs "Theorie der Literatur" veranstaltet im Oktober 1992De Quincey's Gothic masqueradeYvan Goll--Claire Goll : texts and contextsMusical ekphrasis in Rilke's Marien-LebenKafka's novel : an interpretationHistoriographie de l'antiquité et transferts culturels : les histoires anciennes dans l'Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe sièclesEmbodied texts : symbolist playwright-dancer collaborationsGendered resistance : the autobiographies of Simone de Beauvoir, Maya Angelou, Janet Frame and Marguerite DurasLiterature on the moveNarrated communities - narrated realities : narration as cognitive processing and cultural practiceFénelon in the Enlightenment : traditions, adaptations, and variationsAnti-portraits : poetics of the face in modern English, Polish and Russian literature, 1835-1965Poetic castles in Spain : British romanticism and figurations of IberiaFree will and determinism in Joseph Conrad's major novelsStyle in African literature : essays on literary stylistics and narrative stylesMulti-ethnic Britain 2000+ : new perspectives in literature, film and the artsDer englische und französische Sozialroman des 19. Jahrhunderts und seine Rezeption in DeutschlandDiscovering Patterns in Mathematics and PoetryAnthologies of British poetry : critical perspectives from literary and cultural studiesThe importance of reinventing Oscar : versions of Wilde during the last 100 yearsLa nouvelle romane : Italia-France-EspañaEzra Pound and poetic influence : the official proceedings of the 17th International Ezra Pound Conference held at Castle Brunnenburg, Tirolo di MeranoL'imaginaire de la blessure : étude comparée du Renégat ou un esprit confus d'Albert Camus, de Voyage au bout de la nuit de Louis-Ferdinand Celine, de Light in August de William Faulkner, et de The snows of Kilimanjaro d'Ernest HemingwaySchwindelerfahrungen : zur kulturhistorischen Diagnose eines vieldeutigen SymptomsThe evolution of literature : legacies of Darwin in European culturesAnthropology and authority : essays on Søren KierkegaardMaking sense : sense perception in the British novel of the 1980s and 1990sHybrid humour : comedy in transcultural perspectivesLe rayonnement des troubadours : actes du colloque de l'AIEO : Association internationale d'etudes occitanes, Amsterdam, 16-18 octobre 1995Collective creativity : collaborative work in the sciences, literature and the artsTextual intersections : literature, history and the arts in nineteenth-century EuropeSemiotic encounters : text, image and trans-nationDas Motiv des Doppelgängers als Spaltungsphantasie in der Literatur und im deutschen StummfilmA history of English laughter : laughter from Beowulf to Beckett and beyondThe musicalization of fiction : a study in the theory and history of intermedialityJohn Gay's The Beggar's Opera, 1728-2004 : adaptations and re-writingsDie Entstehung modernistischer Ästhetik und ihre Umsetzung in die Prosa in Mexiko : die Verarbeitung der französischen Literatur des fin de siècle"Relations stop nowhere" : the common literary foundations of German and American literature 1830-1917E.T.A. Hoffmann, cosmopolitanism, and the struggle for German operaFigures de l'émigré russe en France au XIXe et XXe siècle : fiction et réalitéThe play within the play : the performance of meta-theatre and self-reflectionOne less hope : essays on twentieth-century Russian poetsEzra Pound and EuropeConrad and Gide : translation, transference and intertextualitySites of discourse, public and private spheres, legal culture : papers from a conference held at the Technical University of Dresden, December 2001Venetian views, Venetian blinds : English fantasies of VeniceSuchbild Europa : künstlerische Konzepte der ModerneRealism/anti-realism in 20th-century literatureMediating order and chaos : the water-cycle in the complex adaptive systems of romantic culturePerforming national identity : Anglo-Italian cultural transactions
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research