
Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft


Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft




From 2005 onward, the series will appear as a joint publication : Weidler BuchverlagPublisher varies: Brill


The radical enlightenment in Germany : a cultural perspective外部サイトPracticing progress : the promise and limitations of enlightenment : Festschrift for John A. McCarthy外部サイトLa Russie et les Russes dans la fiction française du XIXe siècle (1812-1917) : d'une image de l'autre à un univers imaginaire外部サイトArchitectures of poetry外部サイトSolo performances : staging the early modern self in England外部サイトOriental panorama : British travellers in 19th century Turkey外部サイトTranskulturelle Beziehungen : Spanien und Österreich im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert外部サイトTranslation practices : through language to culture外部サイトFacing the East in the West : images of Eastern Europe in British literature, film and culture外部サイトTropes for the past : Hayden White and the history/literature debate外部サイトBidding for the mainstream ? : black and Asian British film since the 1990s外部サイトTheodor Fontane and the European context : literature, culture and society in Prussia and Europe : proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Symposium at the Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London in March 1999外部サイトMarteaus Europa oder Der Roman, bevor er Literatur wurde : eine Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Buchangebots der Jahre 1710 bis 1720外部サイトWim Wenders and Peter Handke : collaboration, adaptation, recomposition外部サイトLa voix du cor : la relique de Roncevaux et l'origine d'un motif dans la littérature du Moyen Âge (XIIe siècles)外部サイトGender matters : discourses of violence in early modern literature and the arts外部サイトSchauspielerinnen im Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts : Ihr Leben, ihre Schriften und ihr Publikum外部サイトFrom solidarity to schisms : 9/11 and after in fiction and film from outside the US外部サイトReading song lyrics外部サイトArthurian romance and gender : selected proceedings of the XVIIth International Arthurian Congress = Masculin/fémenin dans le roman arthurien médiéval : actes choisis du XVIIe Congrès international arthurien = Geschlechterrollen im mittelalterlichen Artusroman : Ausgewählte Akten des XVII. Internationalen Artuskongresses外部サイトCultural transfer through translation : the circulation of enlightened thought in Europe by means of translation外部サイトThe singer and the scribe : European ballad traditions and European ballad cultures外部サイトHans Christian Andersen : Danish writer and citizen of the world外部サイトTheory into poetry : new approaches to the lyric外部サイトThe first translations of Machiavelli's Prince : from the sixteenth to the first half of the nineteenth century外部サイトCultural visions : essays in the history of culture外部サイトRive Gauche : Paris as a site of avante-garde art and cultural exchange in the 1920s外部サイトKafka : gothic and fairytale外部サイトMontréal - Toronto : Stadtkultur und Migration in Literatur, Film und Musik外部サイトBritish romanticism and Italian literature translating, reviewing rewriting外部サイトThe fatal gift of beauty : the Italies of British travellers : an annotated anthology外部サイトZeichen zwischen Klartext und Arabeske : Konferenz des Konstanzer Graduiertenkollegs "Theorie der Literatur" veranstaltet im Oktober 1992外部サイトDe Quincey's Gothic masquerade外部サイトYvan Goll--Claire Goll : texts and contexts外部サイトMusical ekphrasis in Rilke's Marien-Leben外部サイトKafka's novel : an interpretation外部サイトHistoriographie de l'antiquité et transferts culturels : les histoires anciennes dans l'Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles外部サイトEmbodied texts : symbolist playwright-dancer collaborations外部サイトGendered resistance : the autobiographies of Simone de Beauvoir, Maya Angelou, Janet Frame and Marguerite Duras外部サイトLiterature on the move外部サイトNarrated communities - narrated realities : narration as cognitive processing and cultural practice外部サイトFénelon in the Enlightenment : traditions, adaptations, and variations外部サイトAnti-portraits : poetics of the face in modern English, Polish and Russian literature, 1835-1965外部サイトPoetic castles in Spain : British romanticism and figurations of Iberia外部サイトFree will and determinism in Joseph Conrad's major novels外部サイトStyle in African literature : essays on literary stylistics and narrative styles外部サイトMulti-ethnic Britain 2000+ : new perspectives in literature, film and the arts外部サイトDer englische und französische Sozialroman des 19. Jahrhunderts und seine Rezeption in Deutschland外部サイトDiscovering Patterns in Mathematics and Poetry外部サイトAnthologies of British poetry : critical perspectives from literary and cultural studies外部サイトThe importance of reinventing Oscar : versions of Wilde during the last 100 years外部サイトLa nouvelle romane : Italia-France-España外部サイトEzra Pound and poetic influence : the official proceedings of the 17th International Ezra Pound Conference held at Castle Brunnenburg, Tirolo di Merano外部サイトL'imaginaire de la blessure : étude comparée du Renégat ou un esprit confus d'Albert Camus, de Voyage au bout de la nuit de Louis-Ferdinand Celine, de Light in August de William Faulkner, et de The snows of Kilimanjaro d'Ernest Hemingway外部サイトSchwindelerfahrungen : zur kulturhistorischen Diagnose eines vieldeutigen Symptoms外部サイトThe evolution of literature : legacies of Darwin in European cultures外部サイトAnthropology and authority : essays on Søren Kierkegaard外部サイトMaking sense : sense perception in the British novel of the 1980s and 1990s外部サイトHybrid humour : comedy in transcultural perspectives外部サイトLe rayonnement des troubadours : actes du colloque de l'AIEO : Association internationale d'etudes occitanes, Amsterdam, 16-18 octobre 1995外部サイトCollective creativity : collaborative work in the sciences, literature and the arts外部サイトTextual intersections : literature, history and the arts in nineteenth-century Europe外部サイトSemiotic encounters : text, image and trans-nation外部サイトDas Motiv des Doppelgängers als Spaltungsphantasie in der Literatur und im deutschen Stummfilm外部サイトA history of English laughter : laughter from Beowulf to Beckett and beyond外部サイトThe musicalization of fiction : a study in the theory and history of intermediality外部サイトJohn Gay's The Beggar's Opera, 1728-2004 : adaptations and re-writings外部サイトDie Entstehung modernistischer Ästhetik und ihre Umsetzung in die Prosa in Mexiko : die Verarbeitung der französischen Literatur des fin de siècle外部サイト"Relations stop nowhere" : the common literary foundations of German and American literature 1830-1917外部サイトE.T.A. Hoffmann, cosmopolitanism, and the struggle for German opera外部サイトFigures de l'émigré russe en France au XIXe et XXe siècle : fiction et réalité外部サイトThe play within the play : the performance of meta-theatre and self-reflection外部サイトOne less hope : essays on twentieth-century Russian poets外部サイトEzra Pound and Europe外部サイトConrad and Gide : translation, transference and intertextuality外部サイトSites of discourse, public and private spheres, legal culture : papers from a conference held at the Technical University of Dresden, December 2001外部サイトVenetian views, Venetian blinds : English fantasies of Venice外部サイトSuchbild Europa : künstlerische Konzepte der Moderne外部サイトRealism/anti-realism in 20th-century literature外部サイトMediating order and chaos : the water-cycle in the complex adaptive systems of romantic culture外部サイトPerforming national identity : Anglo-Italian cultural transactions外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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From 2005 onward, the series will appear as a joint publication : Weidler Buchverlag
Publisher varies: Brill
The radical enlightenment in Germany : a cultural perspective
Practicing progress : the promise and limitations of enlightenment : Festschrift for John A. McCarthy
La Russie et les Russes dans la fiction française du XIXe siècle (1812-1917) : d'une image de l'autre à un univers imaginaire
Architectures of poetry
Solo performances : staging the early modern self in England
Oriental panorama : British travellers in 19th century Turkey
Transkulturelle Beziehungen : Spanien und Österreich im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Translation practices : through language to culture
Facing the East in the West : images of Eastern Europe in British literature, film and culture
Tropes for the past : Hayden White and the history/literature debate
Bidding for the mainstream ? : black and Asian British film since the 1990s
Theodor Fontane and the European context : literature, culture and society in Prussia and Europe : proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Symposium at the Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London in March 1999
Marteaus Europa oder Der Roman, bevor er Literatur wurde : eine Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Buchangebots der Jahre 1710 bis 1720
Wim Wenders and Peter Handke : collaboration, adaptation, recomposition
La voix du cor : la relique de Roncevaux et l'origine d'un motif dans la littérature du Moyen Âge (XIIe siècles)
Gender matters : discourses of violence in early modern literature and the arts
Schauspielerinnen im Europa des 18. Jahrhunderts : Ihr Leben, ihre Schriften und ihr Publikum
From solidarity to schisms : 9/11 and after in fiction and film from outside the US
Reading song lyrics
Arthurian romance and gender : selected proceedings of the XVIIth International Arthurian Congress = Masculin/fémenin dans le roman arthurien médiéval : actes choisis du XVIIe Congrès international arthurien = Geschlechterrollen im mittelalterlichen Artusroman : Ausgewählte Akten des XVII. Internationalen Artuskongresses
Cultural transfer through translation : the circulation of enlightened thought in Europe by means of translation
The singer and the scribe : European ballad traditions and European ballad cultures
Hans Christian Andersen : Danish writer and citizen of the world
Theory into poetry : new approaches to the lyric
The first translations of Machiavelli's Prince : from the sixteenth to the first half of the nineteenth century
Cultural visions : essays in the history of culture
Rive Gauche : Paris as a site of avante-garde art and cultural exchange in the 1920s
Kafka : gothic and fairytale
Montréal - Toronto : Stadtkultur und Migration in Literatur, Film und Musik
British romanticism and Italian literature translating, reviewing rewriting
The fatal gift of beauty : the Italies of British travellers : an annotated anthology
Zeichen zwischen Klartext und Arabeske : Konferenz des Konstanzer Graduiertenkollegs "Theorie der Literatur" veranstaltet im Oktober 1992
De Quincey's Gothic masquerade
Yvan Goll--Claire Goll : texts and contexts
Musical ekphrasis in Rilke's Marien-Leben
Kafka's novel : an interpretation
Historiographie de l'antiquité et transferts culturels : les histoires anciennes dans l'Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
Embodied texts : symbolist playwright-dancer collaborations
Gendered resistance : the autobiographies of Simone de Beauvoir, Maya Angelou, Janet Frame and Marguerite Duras
Literature on the move
Narrated communities - narrated realities : narration as cognitive processing and cultural practice
Fénelon in the Enlightenment : traditions, adaptations, and variations
Anti-portraits : poetics of the face in modern English, Polish and Russian literature, 1835-1965
Poetic castles in Spain : British romanticism and figurations of Iberia
Free will and determinism in Joseph Conrad's major novels
Style in African literature : essays on literary stylistics and narrative styles
Multi-ethnic Britain 2000+ : new perspectives in literature, film and the arts
Der englische und französische Sozialroman des 19. Jahrhunderts und seine Rezeption in Deutschland
Discovering Patterns in Mathematics and Poetry
Anthologies of British poetry : critical perspectives from literary and cultural studies
The importance of reinventing Oscar : versions of Wilde during the last 100 years
La nouvelle romane : Italia-France-España
Ezra Pound and poetic influence : the official proceedings of the 17th International Ezra Pound Conference held at Castle Brunnenburg, Tirolo di Merano
L'imaginaire de la blessure : étude comparée du Renégat ou un esprit confus d'Albert Camus, de Voyage au bout de la nuit de Louis-Ferdinand Celine, de Light in August de William Faulkner, et de The snows of Kilimanjaro d'Ernest Hemingway
Schwindelerfahrungen : zur kulturhistorischen Diagnose eines vieldeutigen Symptoms
The evolution of literature : legacies of Darwin in European cultures
Anthropology and authority : essays on Søren Kierkegaard
Making sense : sense perception in the British novel of the 1980s and 1990s
Hybrid humour : comedy in transcultural perspectives
Le rayonnement des troubadours : actes du colloque de l'AIEO : Association internationale d'etudes occitanes, Amsterdam, 16-18 octobre 1995
Collective creativity : collaborative work in the sciences, literature and the arts
Textual intersections : literature, history and the arts in nineteenth-century Europe
Semiotic encounters : text, image and trans-nation
Das Motiv des Doppelgängers als Spaltungsphantasie in der Literatur und im deutschen Stummfilm
A history of English laughter : laughter from Beowulf to Beckett and beyond
The musicalization of fiction : a study in the theory and history of intermediality
John Gay's The Beggar's Opera, 1728-2004 : adaptations and re-writings
Die Entstehung modernistischer Ästhetik und ihre Umsetzung in die Prosa in Mexiko : die Verarbeitung der französischen Literatur des fin de siècle
"Relations stop nowhere" : the common literary foundations of German and American literature 1830-1917
E.T.A. Hoffmann, cosmopolitanism, and the struggle for German opera
Figures de l'émigré russe en France au XIXe et XXe siècle : fiction et réalité
The play within the play : the performance of meta-theatre and self-reflection
One less hope : essays on twentieth-century Russian poets
Ezra Pound and Europe
Conrad and Gide : translation, transference and intertextuality
Sites of discourse, public and private spheres, legal culture : papers from a conference held at the Technical University of Dresden, December 2001
Venetian views, Venetian blinds : English fantasies of Venice
Suchbild Europa : künstlerische Konzepte der Moderne
Realism/anti-realism in 20th-century literature
Mediating order and chaos : the water-cycle in the complex adaptive systems of romantic culture
Performing national identity : Anglo-Italian cultural transactions
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research