
History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civilization


History of science, philosophy and culture in Indian civilization

Chattopadhyaya, D. P. (Debi Prasad)
Centre for Studies in Civilizations



General editor, D.P. Chattopadhyaya


Development of Nyāya philosophy and its social context外部サイトEconomic history of medieval India, 1200-1500外部サイトThe dawn of Indian civilizaion : up to c. 600 BC外部サイトLife and organicism外部サイトHistory of agriculture in India外部サイトSelf, society and science : theoretical and historical perspectives外部サイトLife, thought, and culture in India, c. AD 300-1000外部サイトNature and culture外部サイトA conceptual-analytic study of classical Indian philosophy of morals外部サイトHistory of Indian science, technology, and culture, A.D. 1000-1800外部サイトIndian perspectives on the physical world外部サイトDevelopment of modern Indian thought and the social sciences外部サイトSynthesis of yoga外部サイトIndian Christianity外部サイトScience, literature and aesthetics外部サイトMedicine in India外部サイトMedicine in India : modern period外部サイトAdvaita Vedānta外部サイトPerspectives on Maharashtra : cultural-intellectual contributions外部サイトThe tradition of astronomy in India : Jyotiḥśāstra外部サイトPeasant history of late pre-colonial and colonial India外部サイトDifferent types of history外部サイトA philosophical perspective of the logic of ideas in science外部サイトPhilosophical concepts relevant to sciences in Indian tradition外部サイトCultural contacts and movements外部サイトModern atomism外部サイトScience in India外部サイトDevelopment of Islamic religion and philosophy in India外部サイトVedic vision of consciousness and reality外部サイトIndia's interaction with Southeast Asia外部サイトPerspectives on Manipuri culture外部サイトChemistry and chemical techniques in India外部サイトPolitical ideas in modern India : thematic explorations外部サイトWomen in ancient and medieval India外部サイトWomen of India : colonial and post-colonial periods外部サイトLanguage, grammar and linguistics in Indian tradition外部サイトThe life-world of the Tamils : past and present外部サイトOrigin and development of the Vaiśeṣika system外部サイトPerspectives on Orissa : cultural-intellectual contributions外部サイトTheistic Vedānta外部サイトHistory of science and philosophy of science : a historical perspective of the evolution of ideas in science外部サイトIndia in the world of physics : then and now外部サイトA historical-developmental study of classical Indian philosophy of morals外部サイトHistory of yoga外部サイトConstitutional history of India : federalism, elections, government and rule of law外部サイトOld wisdom and new horizon外部サイトMaterialism and immaterialism in India and the West : varying vistas外部サイトReligious movements and institutions in medieval India外部サイトIndian Art : forms, concerns and development in historical perspective外部サイトA golden chain of civilizations : Indic, Iranic, Semitic and Hellenic up to c. 600 BC外部サイトScience and public外部サイトThe state and society in Medieval India外部サイトScience, technology, imperialism and war外部サイトAesthetic theories and forms in Indian tradition外部サイトA social history of early India外部サイトInterpreting the Indian diaspora : lessons from history and contemporary politics外部サイトSocial sciences : communication, anthropology and sociology外部サイトBuddhism外部サイトFrom physiology and chemistry to biochemistry外部サイトTribal religions外部サイトAspects of India's international relations, 1700 to 2000 : South Asia and the world外部サイトPūrvamīmāṁsā from an interdisciplinary point of view外部サイトStreams of yogic and mystic experience外部サイトZoroastrianism : from antiquity to the modern period外部サイトScience, philosophy and culture外部サイトScience and modern India : an institutional history, c. 1784-1947外部サイトMarkets and morals : ethical issues in economics外部サイトHinduism外部サイトIndia's interaction with China, Central and West Asia外部サイトThe enworlded subjectivity : its three worlds and beyond外部サイトPhilosophical consciousness and scientific knowledge : conceptual linkages and civilizational background外部サイトPsychology & psychoanalysis外部サイトJainism外部サイトPurāṇas, history and itihāsas外部サイトCognitive anomalies, consciousness and yoga外部サイトIndia and China : twenty centuries of civilization interaction and vibrations外部サイトMedicine and life sciences in India外部サイトThe trading world of the Indidan Ocean, 1500-1800外部サイトCultural foundations of mathematics : the nature of mathematical proof and the transmission of the calculus from India to Europe in the 16th c. CE外部サイトDevelopments in Indian philosophy from eighteenth century onwards : classical and western外部サイトEconomic history of India from eighteenth to twentieth century外部サイトLife, thought, and culture in India : from c. 600 BC to c. AD 300外部サイトAssamese language, literature and culture外部サイトConsciousness, Indian psychology, and yoga外部サイトHistorical perspectives of warfare in India : some morale and matériel determinants外部サイト






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General editor, D.P. Chattopadhyaya
Development of Nyāya philosophy and its social context
Economic history of medieval India, 1200-1500
The dawn of Indian civilizaion : up to c. 600 BC
Life and organicism
History of agriculture in India
Self, society and science : theoretical and historical perspectives
Life, thought, and culture in India, c. AD 300-1000
Nature and culture
A conceptual-analytic study of classical Indian philosophy of morals
History of Indian science, technology, and culture, A.D. 1000-1800
Indian perspectives on the physical world
Development of modern Indian thought and the social sciences
Synthesis of yoga
Indian Christianity
Science, literature and aesthetics
Medicine in India
Medicine in India : modern period
Advaita Vedānta
Perspectives on Maharashtra : cultural-intellectual contributions
The tradition of astronomy in India : Jyotiḥśāstra
Peasant history of late pre-colonial and colonial India
Different types of history
A philosophical perspective of the logic of ideas in science
Philosophical concepts relevant to sciences in Indian tradition
Cultural contacts and movements
Modern atomism
Science in India
Development of Islamic religion and philosophy in India
Vedic vision of consciousness and reality
India's interaction with Southeast Asia
Perspectives on Manipuri culture
Chemistry and chemical techniques in India
Political ideas in modern India : thematic explorations
Women in ancient and medieval India
Women of India : colonial and post-colonial periods
Language, grammar and linguistics in Indian tradition
The life-world of the Tamils : past and present
Origin and development of the Vaiśeṣika system
Perspectives on Orissa : cultural-intellectual contributions
Theistic Vedānta
History of science and philosophy of science : a historical perspective of the evolution of ideas in science
India in the world of physics : then and now
A historical-developmental study of classical Indian philosophy of morals
History of yoga
Constitutional history of India : federalism, elections, government and rule of law
Old wisdom and new horizon
Materialism and immaterialism in India and the West : varying vistas
Religious movements and institutions in medieval India
Indian Art : forms, concerns and development in historical perspective
A golden chain of civilizations : Indic, Iranic, Semitic and Hellenic up to c. 600 BC
Science and public
The state and society in Medieval India
Science, technology, imperialism and war
Aesthetic theories and forms in Indian tradition
A social history of early India
Interpreting the Indian diaspora : lessons from history and contemporary politics
Social sciences : communication, anthropology and sociology
From physiology and chemistry to biochemistry
Tribal religions
Aspects of India's international relations, 1700 to 2000 : South Asia and the world
Pūrvamīmāṁsā from an interdisciplinary point of view
Streams of yogic and mystic experience
Zoroastrianism : from antiquity to the modern period
Science, philosophy and culture
Science and modern India : an institutional history, c. 1784-1947
Markets and morals : ethical issues in economics
India's interaction with China, Central and West Asia
The enworlded subjectivity : its three worlds and beyond
Philosophical consciousness and scientific knowledge : conceptual linkages and civilizational background
Psychology & psychoanalysis
Purāṇas, history and itihāsas
Cognitive anomalies, consciousness and yoga
India and China : twenty centuries of civilization interaction and vibrations
Medicine and life sciences in India
The trading world of the Indidan Ocean, 1500-1800
Cultural foundations of mathematics : the nature of mathematical proof and the transmission of the calculus from India to Europe in the 16th c. CE
Developments in Indian philosophy from eighteenth century onwards : classical and western
Economic history of India from eighteenth to twentieth century
Life, thought, and culture in India : from c. 600 BC to c. AD 300
Assamese language, literature and culture
Consciousness, Indian psychology, and yoga
Historical perspectives of warfare in India : some morale and matériel determinants
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