- 資料種別
- 図書
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- gw
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- Publisher varies: Verlag zeit im Bild
- 関連情報
- In firm community towards further successes : on a meeting of leading representatives of the communist and workers' parties of the socialist countries in the Crimea on 31 July 1972The Bonn policy of coercion is doomed to failure : government of the FRG again prevents membership of the GDR in the World Health Organization on a basis of equalityScheel Doctrine is an obstacle to international cooperationNew Soviet initiative for mutually acceptable agreement at Geneva talksStep up the struggle to avert a nuclear world warThe Maoist campaign against peace in EuropeAttack on the GDR's representation at BonnA success for the cause of peace and securityBonn seeks to disrupt European securityFreedom and peace for VietnamThe fuse is lit : Israel thereatens Lebanon with agreementStop the crimes of U.S. imperialism in Vietnam : unbreakable solidarity with the heroically fighting Vietnamese peopleInterview granted by Erich Honecker, first secretary of the SED central commitee, to the "L'Humanité"On relations between the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany : commentary published by "Neues Deutschland", central organ of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany on 9 August, 1976The 1976 elections in the GDRHalt humanity's drift towards nuclear disasterAttitudes to Poland - the parting of the waysFor closer ties of solidarity with VietnamIn the interest of peace and cooperation : comments and views on the Soviet Government statement of 28 May 1983What humanity needs is neither medium-range missiles nor neutron bombs, but constructive negotiations and genuine steps towards disarmamentThe Weinhold affair : a case of double murderMoscow meeting points the way to disaramament and peaceClear answers to the basic question of our timeActive collaboration in the interest of the peoples : the GDR belongs in the UN and its specialized agenciesHands off Nicaragua!Vital issues in the struggle for peace
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books