- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者・編者
- edited by K.C. Davis
- 出版事項
- 出版地(国名コード)
- us
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Edited by K.C. Davis
- 関連情報
- Injurious insects and useful birds : successful control of farm pestsProductive vegetable growingProductive poultry husbandry : a complete text dealing with the principles and practices involved in the management of poultryProductive sheep husbandryProductive farm cropsProductive swine husbandryProductive vegetable growingProductive farm cropsProductive poultry husbandry : a complete text dealing with the principles and practices involved in the management of poultryFarm economics : managment and distributionProductive soils : the fundamentals of successful soil management and profitable crop productionCommon diseases of farm animalsProductive poultry husbandry : a complete text dealing with the principles and practices involved in the management of poultryProductive feeding of farm animalsProductive dairyingProductive farm cropsProductive poultry husbandry : a complete text dealing with the principles and practices involved in the management of poultryProductive poultry husbandry : a complete text dealing with the principles and practices involved in the management of poultryProductive orcharding : modern methods of growing and marketing fruitProductive swine husbandryProductive feeding of farm animalsProductive horse husbandryProductive bee-keeping : modern methods of production and marketing of honeyMeats and meat productsProductive horse husbandryProductive orcharding : modern methods of growing and marketing fruitProductive small fruit culture : a discussion of the growing, harvesting, and marketing of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries and grapesProductive dairyingAgricultural mechanicsProductive vegetable growingThe coöperative marketing of farm productsProductive dairyingFarm economics : management and distributionProductive bee-keeping : modern methods of production and marketing of honey