
A Studio book


A Studio book

Viking Press


Scandinavia外部サイトElephants ancient and modern外部サイトAmerican interiors : Architectural digest presents a decade of imaginative residential design外部サイトDawn of art : painting and sculpture of Australian aborigines外部サイトOriental images : new designs for needlepoint and stitchery外部サイトRubens and his world外部サイトD. H. Lawrence and his world外部サイトChaucer and his world外部サイトDesign of cities外部サイトCaravans to Tartary外部サイトElements of the art of architecture外部サイトMan as art : New Guinea外部サイトA photo journal外部サイトFashion 2001外部サイトThe artist in his studio外部サイトArchitectural styles外部サイトInto the hidden environment : the oceans外部サイトThe route of the Incas外部サイトLincoln and his America 1809-1865 : with the words of Abraham Lincoln外部サイトTurkey外部サイトCharles Dickens : a pictorial biography外部サイトThe English外部サイトHand weaving and cloth design外部サイトArts of ancient Mexico外部サイトDiving for treasure外部サイトHiroshige, a shoal of fishes外部サイトMother Goose : nursery rhymes外部サイトWindows外部サイトCreative plastics外部サイトGreece外部サイトAfrican art of the Dogon : the myths of the cliff dwellers外部サイトObjects: USA外部サイトAlaska and its wildlife外部サイトThe art of the T'ang potter外部サイトEdwardian album : a photographic excursion into a lost age of innocence外部サイトJapanese flower arrangement for American homes外部サイトAmerican war medals and decorations外部サイトThe Churchills外部サイトThe studio handbook of minerals : a guide to gem and mineral collecting外部サイトJapan外部サイトKnitting in Vogue外部サイトThe Kate Greenaway book外部サイトThe Pope and the world : an illustrated history of the Ecumenical Councils外部サイトThe mystery of migration外部サイトHimalayan pilgrimage外部サイトGrant Wood : a study in American art and culture外部サイトThe collection of Alfred Stieglitz : fifty pioneers of modern photography外部サイトThe beautiful Country, Maine to Hawaii外部サイトIn the footsteps of Marco Polo : a twentieth century odyssey外部サイトGalapagos : islands lost in time外部サイトJ. M. Synge and his world外部サイトThe artist in his studio外部サイトSplendors of Islam外部サイトThe archaeology of North America外部サイトRudyard Kipling外部サイトSo this is where you work! : A guide to unconventional working environments外部サイトUrban design Manhattan外部サイトPalaces of Venice外部サイトOrnamental design : a source book with 1000 illustrations外部サイトThe Caribbean islands外部サイトWalt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarfs外部サイトA concise history of the British Empire外部サイトThe landscape of man : shaping the environment from prehistory to the present day外部サイトSixty years of interior design : the world of McMillen外部サイトOscar Wilde外部サイトWordsworth and his world外部サイトMilton Hebald外部サイトRembrandt, self-portraits外部サイトPractical pottery and ceramics外部サイトMan and machine外部サイトThe poster : an illustrated history from 1860外部サイトWildlife in danger外部サイトThe wind birds外部サイトThe Brontës and their world外部サイトThe lost museum : glimpses of vanished originals外部サイトWashington, houses of the Capital外部サイトJourney through the Orient外部サイト100 most beautiful rooms in America外部サイトVelázquez, 1599-1660外部サイトThe looking glass in America, 1700-1825外部サイトAbout Russia外部サイトThe spacemaker book外部サイトThe golden road to Samarkand外部サイトThe world of flowers外部サイトRoom outside : a plan for the garden外部サイトThe treasures of Tutankhamun外部サイトNantucket外部サイトThe backgammon book外部サイト101 ways to improve your knitting外部サイトThe courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo & the new vestments外部サイトMoments without proper names外部サイトPrecious stones and other crystals外部サイトPop art ... and after外部サイトThe archaeology of Greece and the Aegean外部サイトRevolutionary textile design : Russia in the 1920s and 1930s外部サイトHong Kong外部サイトColor photography外部サイトNehru : a pictorial biography外部サイトMetal sculpture : new forms, new techniques外部サイトSchindler外部サイトThe art of decorative stenciling外部サイトYachting : a pictorial history外部サイトArchitecture in wood : a history of wood building and its techniques in Europe and North America外部サイトThe Pre-Raphaelites外部サイトAfrican sculpture外部サイトA concise history of England from Stonehenge to the atomic age外部サイトThree centuries of furniture in color外部サイトPalladio : a western progress外部サイトThe Firebird and other Russian fairy tales外部サイトHouses of God外部サイトNewport preserv'd : architecture of the 18th century外部サイトA concise history of Australia外部サイトThe complete book of drawing and painting外部サイトOrder in space : a design source book外部サイトArt history of photography外部サイトBuckingham Palace and its treasures外部サイトThe artists of my life外部サイトFlowers in design : a guide for stitchery and fabric crafts外部サイトHeritage houses : the American tradition in Connecticut 1660-1900外部サイトThe architecture of Michelangelo外部サイトFor the world to see : the life of Margaret Bourke-White外部サイトPeople外部サイトHemingway : a pictorial biography外部サイトIn America外部サイトThe world of Shakespeare and his contemporaries : a visual approach外部サイトThe human figure : an anatomy for artists外部サイトModern architecture in color外部サイトBennett's fables from Aesop and others, translated into human nature外部サイトThe hidden canyon : a river journey外部サイトWitness to our time外部サイトGordon Parks : whispers of intimate things外部サイトVictorians at home外部サイトJames Dean revisited外部サイトEdith Wharton : a woman in her time外部サイトMen of Athens : the story of fifth century Athens外部サイトPicasso : the artist of the century外部サイトGibbon and his world外部サイトGermany外部サイトTyrone Guthrie on acting外部サイトKeats and his world外部サイトMassachusetts : from the Berkshires to the Cape外部サイトHome : the Burlington House awards: American interiors外部サイトDegas : the complete etchings, lithographs and monotypes外部サイトTrianglepoint : from Persian pavilions to op art with one stitch外部サイトThe Pahlmann book of interior design外部サイトThe world of Henri Cartier-Bresson外部サイトAkhenaten and Nefertiti外部サイトLautrec by Lautrec外部サイトMelville and his world外部サイトThe people into parliament : a concise history of the labour movment in Britain外部サイトThe magic of a people : folk art and toys from the collection of the Girard Foundation = El encanto de un pueblo : O encanto dum povo外部サイトAudubon : a biography外部サイトAll kinds of papercrafts外部サイトFlowers in history外部サイトThe Brontës外部サイトThe story of Wedgwood外部サイトLa vie parisienne, 1852-1870外部サイトAncient Greece : an illustrated history外部サイトMusical instruments in art and history外部サイトFans from the East外部サイトSir Walter Scott and his world外部サイトThe garden : an illustrated history外部サイトSketching is fun with pencil and pen外部サイトA concise history of the United States外部サイトThe sculpture of Leonard Baskin外部サイトBridges : the spans of North America外部サイトThe Museum : one hundred years and the Metropolitan Museum of Art外部サイトDiary of a century外部サイトGulbadan : portrait of a rose princess at the Mughal court外部サイトCalder外部サイトIn the Russian style外部サイトWitness to our time外部サイトCalder's universe外部サイトWilliam Morris textiles外部サイトHenry Moore on sculpture外部サイトThe art of jewelry外部サイトThe painter and his techniques : William Thon外部サイトLeonardo's rules of painting : an unconventional approach to modern art外部サイトRemember the ladies : women in America, 1750-1815外部サイトColor in reproduction : theory and techniques for artists and designers外部サイトPicasso's ceramics外部サイトA chorus of birds外部サイトThe doomsday book of animals : a natural history of vanished species外部サイトContemporary prints外部サイトMichelangelo : a lesson in anatomy外部サイトThe complete book of knitting外部サイトHouse & garden's 26 easy little gardens外部サイトThe creation外部サイトHouses architects live in外部サイトGordon Parks : a poet and his camera外部サイトBeaton外部サイトCostumes and curtains from the Diaghilev and de Basil ballets外部サイトA Present of laughter : wit & nonsense in pictures & verse外部サイトThe world's finest minerals and crystals外部サイトBernard Shaw : a pictorial biography外部サイトThe world of Charles Dickens外部サイトKyoto外部サイトViva Picasso : centennial celebration 1881-1981外部サイトStage design : four centuries of scenic invention外部サイトAdvertising : reflections of a century外部サイトAubrey Beardsley外部サイトThe decorative arts of Africa外部サイトNew York外部サイトArchitecture of the ancient civilizations in color : Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, the Megaliths, the Hittites, the Minoans, the Mycenaeans, the Etruscans, Central and South America外部サイトDress and society, 1560-1970外部サイトJoan of Arc外部サイトPre-Columbian ceramics外部サイトThe Needleworker's constant companion : complete step-by-step instructions, with hundreds of projects, for dressmaking, sewing for the home, knitting plain and fancy, and all kinds of crocheting外部サイトCharles Darwin and his world外部サイトAmerican houses in history外部サイトThe circle of seasons外部サイトVincent van Gogh外部サイトFrom Persia to Iran : an historical journey外部サイトEuropean and American musical instruments外部サイトThe tale of the shining princess外部サイトThe Florence Baptistery doors外部サイトThe pobble who has no toes外部サイトSalute to the thirties外部サイトThe folk art tradition : naïve painting in Europe and the United States外部サイトConverted into houses外部サイトThe eye of Eisenstaedt外部サイトThe story of Ireland外部サイトDoctor Johnson and his world外部サイトWearable art : innovative designs for clothing and fibers外部サイトThe Golden horseshoe : the life and times of the Metropolitan Opera House外部サイトThe Golden calm : an English lady's life in Moghul Delhi外部サイトThe face of Asia外部サイトShakespeare : a pictorial biography外部サイトAmerican views : prospects and vistas外部サイトThe American family : a history in photographs外部サイトA Greek portfolio外部サイトLondon was yesterday, 1934-1939外部サイトStudio dictionary of design & decoration外部サイトInventive Paris clothes, 1909-1939 : a photographic essay外部サイトThe unicorn外部サイトCartier-Bresson's France外部サイトOscar Wilde : a pictorial biography外部サイトMartha's Vineyard外部サイトHenry James外部サイトKnights and the Age of Chivalry外部サイトVictorian and Edwardian London from old photographs外部サイトRecollections : ten women of photography外部サイトWriters in residence : American authors at home : text and photographs外部サイトAmerican furniture : seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth century styles外部サイトThe flowering of American folk art, 1776-1876外部サイトA midsummer-night's dream外部サイトPottery making : a complete guide外部サイトGaudí, the visionary外部サイトAll made from paper外部サイトLiving with energy外部サイトSan Francisco : a profile with pictures外部サイトButterfly magic外部サイトThe hidden sea外部サイトAmerican photographers and the national parks外部サイトWitness to nature外部サイトTales from times past外部サイトThe creation外部サイトNude workshop外部サイトEisenstaedt's album : fifty years of friends and acquaintances外部サイトRoots of art : the sketchbook of a photographer外部サイトLes femmes aux cigarettes : [photographs]外部サイトSteel外部サイトA chorus of birds外部サイトGrimm's fairy tales : twenty stories外部サイトGreat styles of furniture : English, Italian, French, Dutch, Spanish外部サイト






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Elephants ancient and modern
American interiors : Architectural digest presents a decade of imaginative residential design
Dawn of art : painting and sculpture of Australian aborigines
Oriental images : new designs for needlepoint and stitchery
Rubens and his world
D. H. Lawrence and his world
Chaucer and his world
Design of cities
Caravans to Tartary
Elements of the art of architecture
Man as art : New Guinea
A photo journal
Fashion 2001
The artist in his studio
Architectural styles
Into the hidden environment : the oceans
The route of the Incas
Lincoln and his America 1809-1865 : with the words of Abraham Lincoln
Charles Dickens : a pictorial biography
The English
Hand weaving and cloth design
Arts of ancient Mexico
Diving for treasure
Hiroshige, a shoal of fishes
Mother Goose : nursery rhymes
Creative plastics
African art of the Dogon : the myths of the cliff dwellers
Objects: USA
Alaska and its wildlife
The art of the T'ang potter
Edwardian album : a photographic excursion into a lost age of innocence
Japanese flower arrangement for American homes
American war medals and decorations
The Churchills
The studio handbook of minerals : a guide to gem and mineral collecting
Knitting in Vogue
The Kate Greenaway book
The Pope and the world : an illustrated history of the Ecumenical Councils
The mystery of migration
Himalayan pilgrimage
Grant Wood : a study in American art and culture
The collection of Alfred Stieglitz : fifty pioneers of modern photography
The beautiful Country, Maine to Hawaii
In the footsteps of Marco Polo : a twentieth century odyssey
Galapagos : islands lost in time
J. M. Synge and his world
The artist in his studio
Splendors of Islam
The archaeology of North America
Rudyard Kipling
So this is where you work! : A guide to unconventional working environments
Urban design Manhattan
Palaces of Venice
Ornamental design : a source book with 1000 illustrations
The Caribbean islands
Walt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarfs
A concise history of the British Empire
The landscape of man : shaping the environment from prehistory to the present day
Sixty years of interior design : the world of McMillen
Oscar Wilde
Wordsworth and his world
Milton Hebald
Rembrandt, self-portraits
Practical pottery and ceramics
Man and machine
The poster : an illustrated history from 1860
Wildlife in danger
The wind birds
The Brontës and their world
The lost museum : glimpses of vanished originals
Washington, houses of the Capital
Journey through the Orient
100 most beautiful rooms in America
Velázquez, 1599-1660
The looking glass in America, 1700-1825
About Russia
The spacemaker book
The golden road to Samarkand
The world of flowers
Room outside : a plan for the garden
The treasures of Tutankhamun
The backgammon book
101 ways to improve your knitting
The courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo & the new vestments
Moments without proper names
Precious stones and other crystals
Pop art ... and after
The archaeology of Greece and the Aegean
Revolutionary textile design : Russia in the 1920s and 1930s
Hong Kong
Color photography
Nehru : a pictorial biography
Metal sculpture : new forms, new techniques
The art of decorative stenciling
Yachting : a pictorial history
Architecture in wood : a history of wood building and its techniques in Europe and North America
The Pre-Raphaelites
African sculpture
A concise history of England from Stonehenge to the atomic age
Three centuries of furniture in color
Palladio : a western progress
The Firebird and other Russian fairy tales
Houses of God
Newport preserv'd : architecture of the 18th century
A concise history of Australia
The complete book of drawing and painting
Order in space : a design source book
Art history of photography
Buckingham Palace and its treasures
The artists of my life
Flowers in design : a guide for stitchery and fabric crafts
Heritage houses : the American tradition in Connecticut 1660-1900
The architecture of Michelangelo
For the world to see : the life of Margaret Bourke-White
Hemingway : a pictorial biography
In America
The world of Shakespeare and his contemporaries : a visual approach
The human figure : an anatomy for artists
Modern architecture in color
Bennett's fables from Aesop and others, translated into human nature
The hidden canyon : a river journey
Witness to our time
Gordon Parks : whispers of intimate things
Victorians at home
James Dean revisited
Edith Wharton : a woman in her time
Men of Athens : the story of fifth century Athens
Picasso : the artist of the century
Gibbon and his world
Tyrone Guthrie on acting
Keats and his world
Massachusetts : from the Berkshires to the Cape
Home : the Burlington House awards: American interiors
Degas : the complete etchings, lithographs and monotypes
Trianglepoint : from Persian pavilions to op art with one stitch
The Pahlmann book of interior design
The world of Henri Cartier-Bresson
Akhenaten and Nefertiti
Lautrec by Lautrec
Melville and his world
The people into parliament : a concise history of the labour movment in Britain
The magic of a people : folk art and toys from the collection of the Girard Foundation = El encanto de un pueblo : O encanto dum povo
Audubon : a biography
All kinds of papercrafts
Flowers in history
The Brontës
The story of Wedgwood
La vie parisienne, 1852-1870
Ancient Greece : an illustrated history
Musical instruments in art and history
Fans from the East
Sir Walter Scott and his world
The garden : an illustrated history
Sketching is fun with pencil and pen
A concise history of the United States
The sculpture of Leonard Baskin
Bridges : the spans of North America
The Museum : one hundred years and the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Diary of a century
Gulbadan : portrait of a rose princess at the Mughal court
In the Russian style
Witness to our time
Calder's universe
William Morris textiles
Henry Moore on sculpture
The art of jewelry
The painter and his techniques : William Thon
Leonardo's rules of painting : an unconventional approach to modern art
Remember the ladies : women in America, 1750-1815
Color in reproduction : theory and techniques for artists and designers
Picasso's ceramics
A chorus of birds
The doomsday book of animals : a natural history of vanished species
Contemporary prints
Michelangelo : a lesson in anatomy
The complete book of knitting
House & garden's 26 easy little gardens
The creation
Houses architects live in
Gordon Parks : a poet and his camera
Costumes and curtains from the Diaghilev and de Basil ballets
A Present of laughter : wit & nonsense in pictures & verse
The world's finest minerals and crystals
Bernard Shaw : a pictorial biography
The world of Charles Dickens
Viva Picasso : centennial celebration 1881-1981
Stage design : four centuries of scenic invention
Advertising : reflections of a century
Aubrey Beardsley
The decorative arts of Africa
New York
Architecture of the ancient civilizations in color : Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, the Megaliths, the Hittites, the Minoans, the Mycenaeans, the Etruscans, Central and South America
Dress and society, 1560-1970
Joan of Arc
Pre-Columbian ceramics
The Needleworker's constant companion : complete step-by-step instructions, with hundreds of projects, for dressmaking, sewing for the home, knitting plain and fancy, and all kinds of crocheting
Charles Darwin and his world
American houses in history
The circle of seasons
Vincent van Gogh
From Persia to Iran : an historical journey
European and American musical instruments
The tale of the shining princess
The Florence Baptistery doors
The pobble who has no toes
Salute to the thirties
The folk art tradition : naïve painting in Europe and the United States
Converted into houses
The eye of Eisenstaedt
The story of Ireland
Doctor Johnson and his world
Wearable art : innovative designs for clothing and fibers
The Golden horseshoe : the life and times of the Metropolitan Opera House
The Golden calm : an English lady's life in Moghul Delhi
The face of Asia
Shakespeare : a pictorial biography
American views : prospects and vistas
The American family : a history in photographs
A Greek portfolio
London was yesterday, 1934-1939
Studio dictionary of design & decoration
Inventive Paris clothes, 1909-1939 : a photographic essay
The unicorn
Cartier-Bresson's France
Oscar Wilde : a pictorial biography
Martha's Vineyard
Henry James
Knights and the Age of Chivalry
Victorian and Edwardian London from old photographs
Recollections : ten women of photography
Writers in residence : American authors at home : text and photographs
American furniture : seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth century styles
The flowering of American folk art, 1776-1876
A midsummer-night's dream
Pottery making : a complete guide
Gaudí, the visionary
All made from paper
Living with energy
San Francisco : a profile with pictures
Butterfly magic
The hidden sea
American photographers and the national parks
Witness to nature
Tales from times past
The creation
Nude workshop
Eisenstaedt's album : fifty years of friends and acquaintances
Roots of art : the sketchbook of a photographer
Les femmes aux cigarettes : [photographs]
A chorus of birds
Grimm's fairy tales : twenty stories
Great styles of furniture : English, Italian, French, Dutch, Spanish
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA10654244 : BA10654244