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- Rome oriental seriesS.O.R
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- it
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- 一般
- 一般注記
- At head of title: Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo OrienteFounded by Giuseppe Tucci"La redazione della serie è curata dal prof. Antonio Gargano"--v. 30Diretta dal 1979 da Gherardo GnoliOther publisher: Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Università degli studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"; Scienze e lettere, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
- 関連情報
- A place name index to George N. Roerich's translation of the Blue annalsThe Sekoddeśaṭīkā by Nāropā (Paramārthasaṃgraha)The Westerners among the figurines of the T'ang dynasty of ChinaMiddle and New Iranian studiesSelected papers on Asian historyLe parole e i marmi : studi in onore di Raniero Gnoli nel suo 70° compleannoThird BhāvanākramaFirst Bhāvanākrama of Kamalaśila : Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts with introduction and English summarySouth Asian archaeology 1997 : proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held in the Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, 7-14 July 1997Old and Middle Iranian studiesLe Symbolisme cosmique des monuments religieux : actes de la conférence internationale qui a eu lieu sous les auspices de l'Is.M.E.O., à Rome, avril-mai 1955A Tibetan religious geography of NepalPreliminary report on two scientific expeditions in NepalManichaica iranicaFrom astral omens to astrology : from Babylon to BīkānerMkʿyen Brtse's Guide to the holy places of central TibetṢifat-nāma-yi Darvīš Muḥammad Ḫān-i Ġāzī : cronaca di una crociata musulmana contro i Kafiri di Lagimān nell'anno 1582The Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā of Utpaladeva with the author's vṛtti : critical edition and annotated translationThe Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā of Utpaladeva with the author's vṛtti : critical edition and annotated translationMan and cosmos in ancient IranMiddle Iranian lexicography : proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, 9-11 April 2001Central Tibet and the Mongols : the Yüan - Sa-skya period of Tibetan historyOn the date of the Buddhist master of the law VasubandhuIl commento di Abhinavagupta alla Parātriṃśikā (Parātriṃśikātattvavivaraṇam) : traduzione e testoThe lists of names of Ahura Mazdā(Yašt I) and Vayu(Yašt XV)The Tʿu-yü-hun from the Northern Wei to the time of the five dynastiesThe first European colloquium of Iranology (Rome, June 18th-20th, 1983)Le parler de l'Amdo : étude d'un dialecte archaïque du TibetGiuseppe Tucci's chronological bibliographyTibetan text, emendations to the text, English translation and an appendix containing two minor chroniclesUn editto bilingue greco-aramaico di Asóka : la prima iscrizione greca scoperta in AfghanistanStudia Iranica et Alanica : Festschrift for Prof. Vasilij Ivanovic Abaev on the occasion of his 95th birthdayThe Gilgit manuscript of the Śayanāsanavastu and the Adhikaraṇavastu : being of the 15th and 16th sections of the Vinaya of the MūlasarvāstivādinMélanges d'ethnographie et de dialectologie Irano-Aryennes à la mémoire de Charles-Martin KiefferOrientalia romana : essays and lecturesUdbhaṭa's Commentary on the Kāvyālaṃkāra of Bhāmaha : with an appendix by Margherita Taticchi including some fragments of Kālidāsa's RaghuvaṃśaThe Sekanirdeśa of Maitreyanātha (Advayavajra) with the Sekanirdeśapañjikā of Rāmapāla : critical edition of the Sanskrit and Tibetan texts with English translation and reproductions of the MSSAsian horizons : Giuseppe Tucci's Buddhist, Indian, Himalayan and Central Asian studiesEclipses : an astronomical introduction for humanistsThe Amnye Ma-chhen range and adjacent regions : a monographic studyThe Manichaean Church : an essay mainly based on the texts from Central AsiaStudia philologica iranica : Gherardo Gnoli memorial volumeFrom astral omens to astrology : from Babylon to BīkānerSekoddeśa : a critical edition of the Tibetan translationsSudhana's miraculous journey in the temple of TA PHO : the inscriptional text of the Tibetan Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra edited with introductory remarksIndex to Zahiruddin Ahmad Sino-Tibetan relations in the seventecnth centuryEssays on the late prehistory of the Arabian PeninsulaInscriptions from the Tabo main temple : texts and translationsProceedings of the second European Conference of Iranian Studies : held in Bamberg, 30th September to 4th October 1991, by the Societas Iranologica EuropaeaIntroduction à l'étude de l'art de l'IndeConferenze : tenute all'Is. M.E.O.Abhisamayālaṇkāra : introduction and translation from original text with Sanskrit-Tibetan indexThe Iranian myth of the star SiriusThe Avestan hymn to SiriusThe idea of Iran : an essay on its originArchaeology of food: new data from international missions in Africa and Asia : proceedings of the 1st Workshop on the Archaeology of Food, Rome, 26 May 2016A bilingual Graeco-Aramaic edict by Aśoka : the first Greek inscription discovered in AfghanistanIranian identity in the course of history : proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, 21-24 September 2005Sino-Tibetan relations in the seventeenth centurySanskrit texts from Giuseppe Tucci's collectionMinor Buddhist textsA Na-khi-English encyclopedic dictionaryMingtang and Buddhist utopias in the history of the astronomical clock : the tower, statue and armillary sphere constructed by Empress WuNew mongolian mistrel poemsCh'ing dynasty inscriptions at LhasaThe Pramāṇavārttikam of Dharmakīrti : the first chapter with the autocommentary : text and critical notesKayd : studies in history of mathematics, astronomy and astrology in memory of David PingreeGaṅs ti seʾi dKar cʾag : a Bon-po story of the sacred mountain Ti-se and the blue lake Ma-paṅConferenze : tenute all'Is. M.E.O.Mediaeval history of Nepal (c. 750-1482)Oman studies : papers on the archaeology and history of OmanVajracchedikā PrajñāpāramitāArabia antiqua : Hellenistic centres around ArabiaLa Chine en nouvelle démocratieThe earliest Vinaya and the beginnings of Buddhist literatureVaria IranicaArabia antiqua : Early origins of South Arabian statesThe kingdom of Ladakh : c. 950-1842 A.D.Chinese pictorial art, as viewed by the connoisseur : notes on the means and methods of traditional Chinese connoisseurship of pictorial art, based upon a study of the art of mounting scrolls in China and JapanRicordo di Giuseppe TucciThe geography of Tibet according to the ʿDzam-gling-rgyas-bshad : text and English translationA study on the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra) : being a treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha theory of Mahāyāna BuddhismAristocracy and government in Tibet 1728-1959South Asian archaeology 1987 : proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, VeniceIranica diversaPelliot chinois 2928 : a Khotanese love storyVajracchedikā PrajñāpāramitāSerie orientale Roma, I-C : a detailed catalogueL'Abhisamayālamkāravrtti di Ārya-Vimuktisena : primo Abhisamaya : testo e note criticheThe Gilgit manuscript of the Aṣṭādaśasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā : chapters 55 to 70 corresponding to the 5th AbhisamayaGhalib : two essaysThe Gilgit manuscript of the Aṣṭādaśasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā : chapters 70 to 82 corresponding to the 6th, 7th, and 8th AbhisamayasSouth-east Asian archaeology 1992 : proceedings of the fourth International Conference of the European Association of Sout-east Asian Archaeologists : Rome, 28th September-4th October 1992The letter of TansarThe Laghutantraṭīkā by Vajrapāṇi : a critical edition of the Sanskrit textHādōxt nask 2 : il racconto zoroastriano della sorte dell'anima : edizione critica del testo avestico e pahlavi, traduzione e commentoMediaeval history of Nepal (c. 750-1480)Atti del convegno sul tema : Mircea Eliade e le religioni asiaticheThe Tārikh-e SistānTessere il cieloThe zand Ī wahman yasn : a zoroastrian apocalypseThe Na-khi Nāga cult and related ceremoniesThe tombs of the Tibetan kingsAstronomical dating of Assyrian and Babylonia reportsNepalese inscriptions in Gupta charactersStudies in the saenaennorae : old Korean poetryTabo studies II : manuscripts, texts, inscriptions, and the artsThe aesthetic experience according to AbhinavaguptaThe Ṣaḍaṅgayoga by Anupamarakṣita : with Raviśrījñāna's Guṇabharanīnāmaṣaḍaṅgayogaṭippanī : text and annotated translationThe life of Bu ston Rin po che, with the Tibetan text of the Bu ston rNam tharThe Khotanese KarmavibhaṅgaOrientalia Iosephi Tucci memoriae dicataA Chinese text in Central Asian Brahmi script : new evidence for the pronunciation of Late Middle Chinese and KhotaneseSūtra texts : Śer phyin, Phal chen, dKon brtsegs, mDo sde, Myaṅ ʾdasArchitetti, capomastri, artigiani : l'organizzazione dei cantieri e della produzione artistica nell'Asia ellenistica : studi offerti a Domenico Faccenna nel suo ottantesimo compleannoChinese, Korean and Japanese bronzes : a catalogue of the Auriti Collection donated to IsMEO and preserved in the Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale in RomaAstronomical dating of Assyrian and Babylonian reportsGuide to the rdzing phyi monasteryThe Gilgit manuscript of the Saṅghabhedavastu : being the 17th and last section of the vinaya of the MūlasarvāstivādinNorthern India according to the Shui-ching-chuLe iscrizioni giudeo-persiane del Ġūr (Afghanistan)Le verbe pashto : parcours d'un territoire : du verbe simple à la locution verbaleLapis lazuli bead making at Shahr-I Sokhta : interpreting craft production in a urban community of the 3rd millennium BC