
McGraw-Hill international editions


McGraw-Hill international editions




Imprint varies: Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education, McGraw-Hill Education


Food marketing : an international perspective外部サイトElementary statistics : a brief version外部サイトThe dynamics of mass communication : media in transition外部サイトAuditing after Sarbanes-Oxley : illustrative cases外部サイトCreative problem solving : thinking skills for a changing world外部サイトService management : operations, strategy, information technology外部サイトSystem dynamics外部サイトStatistical techniques in business and economics外部サイトIntroduction to fracture mechanics外部サイトAdvanced financial accounting外部サイトSurvey of accounting外部サイトHuman factors in engineering and design外部サイトModern advanced accounting外部サイトFundamentals of financial institutions management外部サイトPersonality psychology : domains of knowledge about human nature外部サイトEssentials of advanced financial accounting外部サイトElectronic communication systems外部サイトFinancial statement analysis外部サイトPower & choice : an introduction to political science外部サイトApplied sport psychology : personal growth to peak performance外部サイトFundamentals of digital logic with VHDL design外部サイトMosaic one : a content-based writing book外部サイトInteractions, a writing process book外部サイトDigital control : a state-space approach外部サイトVander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body function外部サイトMathematics for business and economics外部サイトAircraft electricity & electronics外部サイトAircraft powerplants外部サイトWork in the 21st century : an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology外部サイトIntroduction to probability and statistics : principles and applications for engineering and the computing sciences外部サイトLabor economics外部サイトEssential statistics外部サイトIntroduction to Data Communications and Networking外部サイトBasic biomechanics外部サイトManagement : leading & collaborating in a competitive world外部サイトIntroduction to radar systems外部サイトSeeley's anatomy & physiology外部サイトEssentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantage外部サイトOrganizational behavior : improving performance and commitment in the workplace外部サイトAnalysis for financial management外部サイトVLSI technology外部サイトModern Analytical Chemistry外部サイトManaging operations across the supply chain外部サイトInternational marketing外部サイトFinancial accounting外部サイトFactory physics : foundations of manufacturing management外部サイトNutritional assessment外部サイトAdolescence外部サイトCorporate information systems management : text and cases外部サイトConsumer behavior & marketing strategy外部サイトComplex analysis : an introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one complex variable外部サイトIntroduction to operations research外部サイトMarketing management : a strategic decision-making approach外部サイトHuman genetics : concepts and applications外部サイトBasic statistics for business & economics外部サイトTheories of personality外部サイトCollege algebra外部サイトA preface to marketing management外部サイトInternational business : competing in the global marketplace外部サイトEnvironmental science : a study of interrelationships外部サイトInvestments外部サイトIntroduction to atomic spectra外部サイトEssentials of corporate finance外部サイトPollution prevention : fundamentals and practice外部サイトFundamentals of vibrations外部サイトInternational financial markets : prices and policies外部サイトPrinciples of general chemistry外部サイトPrinciples of environmental science : inquiry & applications外部サイトPrinciples of microeconomics外部サイトMathematical logic and computability外部サイトLabor economics外部サイトManufacturing technology : metal cutting & machine tools外部サイトMarketing management : knowledge and skills外部サイトBusiness research methods外部サイトPrinciples of corporate finance外部サイトEnvironmental science : a study of interrelationships外部サイトExploring social psychology外部サイトEssentials of negotiation外部サイトPrinciples of auditing & other assurance services外部サイトEssentials of econometrics外部サイトRehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training外部サイトChemistry外部サイトStrategic marketing : an applied perspective外部サイトSystems development case studies外部サイトIntermediate accounting外部サイトHuman resource management外部サイトEngineering drawing & design外部サイトCalculus : early transcendental functions外部サイトManagerial accounting外部サイトBusiness marketing : connecting strategy, relationships, and learning外部サイトLabor economics外部サイトFluid mechanics : fundamentals and applications外部サイトMarketing research : in a digital information environment外部サイトPrinciples of general chemistry外部サイトClassical and object-oriented software engineering with UML and C++外部サイトMachine Learning外部サイトComputer control of manufacturing systems外部サイトMicroelectronics : circuit analysis and design外部サイトBroadcasting, cable, the internet, and beyond : an introduction to modern electronic media外部サイトGlobal business today外部サイトManual of structural kinesiology外部サイトIntroduction to superconductivity外部サイトHuman physiology外部サイトExploring geology外部サイトBusiness and administrative communication外部サイトHuman genetics : concepts and applications外部サイトSports in society : issues and controversies外部サイトTechniques of financial analysis : a guide to value creation外部サイトElements of gas turbine propulsion外部サイトSociological theory外部サイトQuest : listening and speaking外部サイトAccounting for decision making and control外部サイトGenetics : from genes to genomes外部サイトServices marketing : integrating customer focus across the firm外部サイトNegotiation外部サイトIntroduction to graphics communications for engineers外部サイトAdvertising and promotion management外部サイトThe Random House guide to business writing外部サイトBusiness and society : stakeholders, ethics, public policy外部サイトPeople in organizations : an introduction to organizational behavior外部サイトBusiness ethics : a real world approach外部サイトWorkbook/study guide for use with introduction to managerial accounting外部サイトDerivatives : principles and practice外部サイトDatabase management systems外部サイトInteractions, a listening/speaking skills book外部サイトInternational accounting外部サイトFundamental managerial accounting concepts外部サイトOrganization theory : tension and change外部サイトBasic statistics for business & economics外部サイトSociology外部サイトOrganizational behavior外部サイトAdvanced financial accounting外部サイトPASCAL for programmers外部サイトStrategic marketing management cases外部サイトPublic administration : understanding management, politics, and law in the public sector外部サイトFinancial accounting外部サイトEconometric models and economic forecasts外部サイトElements of discrete mathematics外部サイトEssentials of contemporary management外部サイトLiterature : reading fiction, poetry, and drama外部サイトGrob's basic electronics : fundamentals of DC and AC circuits外部サイトProcedural elements for computer graphics外部サイトService management for competitive advantage外部サイトSystems analysis and design and the transition to objects外部サイトSeeley's essentials of anatomy & physiology外部サイトPrinciples of mathematical analysis外部サイトElements of vibration analysis外部サイトAdolescence外部サイトFinancial statement analysis外部サイトNews writing and reporting for today's media外部サイトStern's introductory plant biology外部サイトElectric circuits and machines外部サイトLogistical management : the integrated supply chain process外部サイトMacro-economics外部サイトA history of economic theory and method外部サイトMarketing management : a strategic decision-making approach外部サイトBiology外部サイトNews writing and reporting for today's media外部サイトThe physics of everyday phenomena : a conceptual introduction to physics外部サイトStrategic management : concepts & cases外部サイトMachine design外部サイトRetailing management外部サイト3000 solved problems in organic chemistry外部サイトExperiments with economic principles : microeconomics外部サイトContemporary labor economics外部サイトWater-resources engineering外部サイトInteractions access, A communicative grammar外部サイトFundamentals of aerodynamics外部サイトFoundations in microbiology : basic principles外部サイトBusiness : a changing world外部サイトKinesiology : scientific basis of human motion外部サイトElements of power system analysis外部サイトAuditing and assurance services外部サイトPrinciples of auditing and other assurance services外部サイトUnderstanding motor development : infants, children, adolescents, adults外部サイトAnalysis of aircraft structures : an introduction外部サイトAI in process control外部サイトDesign of concrete structures外部サイトAccounting, information technology, and business solutions外部サイトHole's human anatomy & physiology外部サイトPlants & society外部サイトEngineering circuit analysis外部サイトFinancial statement analysis and security valuation外部サイトOptical fiber communications外部サイトWorld Wide Web design with HTML外部サイトBasic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach外部サイトIntercultural communication in the global workplace外部サイトAnthropology : appreciating human diversity外部サイトNonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences外部サイトAn introduction to the world's oceans外部サイトChemistry : principles and applications外部サイトMicrobiology : concepts and applications外部サイトCases in strategic management外部サイトNumerical methods for engineers外部サイトUnderstanding motor development : infants, children, adolescents, adults外部サイトInformation quality assurance and internal control for management decision making外部サイトBilingual and ESL classrooms : teaching in multicultural contexts外部サイトLanguage, grammar, and communication : a course for teachers of English外部サイトThe analysis, design, and implementation of information systems外部サイトEconometric methods外部サイトFundamentals of investments : valuation and management外部サイトConcepts of biology外部サイトFoundations in microbiology外部サイトAuditing & assurance services外部サイトApplied functional analysis and variational methods in engineering外部サイトBasic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach外部サイトStrategic management : a focus on process外部サイトThe new corporate finance : where theory meets practice外部サイトInteractions II : a speaking activities book外部サイトOptimum signal processing : an introduction外部サイトPrinciples of microeconomics外部サイトIntroduction to engineering and the environment外部サイトChemistry : the molecular nature of matter and change外部サイトFoundations in microbiology外部サイトElementary number theory外部サイトPsychology and your life外部サイトManagement control systems外部サイトUnderstanding psychology外部サイトMechanics for engineers : dynamics外部サイトOrganizational behavior外部サイトManagerial accounting for managers外部サイトQuality engineering in production systems外部サイトDesign of analog CMOS integrated circuits外部サイトSocial psychology外部サイトFoundations in microbiology外部サイトFundamentals of human resource management外部サイトReal and complex analysis外部サイトMarketing research : a problem-solving approach外部サイトEmployee training and development外部サイトCollege physics : with an integrated approach to forces and kinematics外部サイトThermodynamics外部サイトTheory of elasticity外部サイトFundamentals of optics外部サイトOrganizational behavior and management外部サイトVander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body function外部サイトEthical obligations and decision making in accounting : text and cases外部サイトReinforced concrete : preliminary design for architects and builders外部サイトPlayer's mannual for use with the business strategy game : a global industry simulation外部サイトIntercultural communication in contexts外部サイトIntroduction to accounting : an integrated approach外部サイトStaffing organizations外部サイトPrinciples of auditing and other assurance services外部サイトModern sociological theory外部サイトChild development外部サイトSimulation with Arena外部サイトMechanical behavior of materials外部サイトComputer graphics : a programming approach外部サイトIntegrated electronics : analog and digital circuits and systems外部サイトPublic finance in theory and practice外部サイトDiscrete mathematics and its applications外部サイトRoark's formulas for stress and strain外部サイトIntroduction to physical education, fitness, and sport外部サイトIntroduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture外部サイトInteractions, a reading skills book外部サイトMicrosoft Word 2000 : complete edition外部サイトStern's introductory plant biology外部サイトPractical econometrics : data collection, analysis, and application外部サイトBusiness research methods外部サイトAnalytical robotics and mechatronics外部サイトDigital communications外部サイトFundamentals of investment management外部サイトFinancial statement analysis : theory, application, and interpretation外部サイトComplex analysis外部サイトProblem solving using C : structured programing techniques外部サイトComputer analysis of structural systems外部サイトEssentials of understanding psychology外部サイトNegotiation外部サイトElements of vibration analysis外部サイトCommunicating at work : principles and practices for business and the professions外部サイトMEMS & microsystems : design and manufacture外部サイトWhat every supervisor should know : the complete guide to supervisory management外部サイトCommunicating at work : strategies for success in business and the professions外部サイトCrafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage concepts and cases外部サイトForest resource economics and finance外部サイトAbnormal psychology外部サイトBiology外部サイトFinancial institutions and markets外部サイトPsychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests and measurement外部サイトBasic statistics for business and economics外部サイトStrategic management of technological innovation外部サイトFundamental methods of mathematical economics外部サイトInternational economics and international economic policy : a reader外部サイトIntroduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture外部サイトEntrepreneurship外部サイトSentence skills : a workbook for writers外部サイトAuditing concepts and methods : a guide to current auditing theory and practice外部サイトPlants & society外部サイトHuman Communication外部サイトNatural resource economics : an introduction外部サイトTimed readings plus : 25 two-part lessons with questions for building reading speed and comprehension外部サイトAuditing & assurance services外部サイトVander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body function外部サイトOperations management : contemporary concepts and cases外部サイトBusiness communication : making connections in a digital world外部サイトQuest : listening and speaking in the academic world外部サイトInteractions 1 : listening/speaking外部サイトQuest : reading and writing in the academic world外部サイトCritical thinking : a student's introduction外部サイトIntercultural communication in contexts外部サイトEconometrics外部サイトIntroduction to financial management外部サイトAsia-Pacific cases in strategic management外部サイトCorporate strategy : a resource-based approach外部サイトSupply chain logistics management外部サイトAdolescence外部サイトGrob's basic electronics外部サイトCalculus : early transcendental functions外部サイトAdvanced financial accounting外部サイトManagerial economics外部サイトApplied circuit analysis外部サイトConcepts of fitness and wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approach外部サイトDesign of concrete structures外部サイトInteractions 1 : reading外部サイトAccounting : text and cases外部サイトExercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performance外部サイトEnvironmental economics : an introduction外部サイトObject oriented systems development外部サイトConsumer and business credit management外部サイトVocabulary外部サイトSimulation modeling and analysis外部サイトChemistry in context : applying chemistry to society外部サイトCommunication networks : fundamental concepts and key architectures外部サイトChemistry : the molecular nature of matter and change外部サイトUnderstanding business外部サイトBasics of engineering economy外部サイトEssentials of economics外部サイトThe reasoning architect : mathematics and science in design外部サイトMarketing strategy : a decision-focused approach外部サイトTotal quality control外部サイトCase studies in international entrepreneurship : managing and financing ventures in the global economy外部サイトIntegrated solid waste management : engineering principles and management issues外部サイトSafety, health, and environmental protection外部サイトDatabase design & management : an applied approach外部サイトContemporary nutrition : a functional approach外部サイトPrinciples of biochemistry : mammalian biochemistry外部サイトInternational trade and competition : cases and notes in strategy and management外部サイトSimulation modeling and analysis外部サイトAuditing & assurance services外部サイトAircraft maintenance & repair外部サイトManagement control systems外部サイトMechanics of materials外部サイトDigital signal processing laboratory using MATLAB外部サイトElementary statistics : a step by step approach外部サイトDigital communications外部サイトThe act of writing外部サイトInteractions access : a listening/speaking book外部サイトStudent problem manual for use with fundamentals of corporate finance外部サイトAccounting : text and cases外部サイトContemporary communication systems外部サイトEDP auditing : conceptual foundations and practice外部サイトPrinciples of Macroeconomics外部サイトFundamentals of corporate finance外部サイトFinancial statement analysis外部サイトStrategic marketing外部サイトPrinciples of editing : a comprehensive guide for students and journalists外部サイトPrinciples of auditing and other assurance services外部サイトInternational management外部サイトManagerial economics : foundations of business analysis and strategy外部サイトUnit operations of chemical engineering外部サイトIntroduction to MATLAB 6 for engineers外部サイトManagerial economics and business strategy外部サイトSocial cognition外部サイトNutrition for health, fitness, & sport外部サイトHuman resource management : an experiential approach外部サイトBusiness, government, and society : a managerial perspective : text and cases外部サイトOperations strategy : competing in the 21st century外部サイトCorporate finance外部サイトBasic statistics for business and economics外部サイトZoology外部サイトA history of economic theory and method外部サイトAccounting information systems : basic concepts and current issues外部サイトMarketing management外部サイトLinear control system analysis and design : conventional and modern外部サイトProfessional construction management : including C.M., design-construct, and general contracting外部サイトAircraft basic science外部サイトFinancial statement analysis and security valuation外部サイトHuman resource management外部サイトSemiconductor physics and devices : basic principles外部サイトManaging the global corporation : case studies in strategy and management外部サイトManagerial accounting外部サイトManagement control systems外部サイトEssentials of contemporary management外部サイトPrinciples of general, organic, & biological chemistry外部サイトContemporary advertising外部サイトDesigning and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studies外部サイトExercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performance外部サイトElectric circuits外部サイトSport psychology : concepts and applications外部サイトStatistics : a fresh approach外部サイトInteractions : a reading skills book外部サイトBiochemical engineering fundamentals外部サイトAnalysis for financial management外部サイトHuman communication外部サイトThe business of travel : agency operations and administration外部サイトIntroduction to Fourier optics外部サイトThe political economy of development and underdevelopment外部サイトEngineering economy外部サイトBusiness research methods外部サイトStrategic management of technological innovation外部サイトHuman resource strategy : a behavioral perspective for the general manager外部サイトThe McGraw-Hill guide to English literature外部サイトGeneral, organic, and biochemistry外部サイトSchaum's outline of theory and problems of managerial accounting外部サイトFoundations of information systems外部サイトInvestments外部サイトHuman resource management : gaining a competitive advantage外部サイトCorporate strategy : a resource-based approach外部サイトEthics in engineering外部サイトDiscrete mathematics and its applications外部サイトAdvanced COBOL外部サイトPhysical geology : earth revealed外部サイトPersonality psychology : domains of knowledge about human nature外部サイトThe analysis, design, and implementation of information systems外部サイトPerspectives in auditing外部サイトWater and wastewater engineering : design principles and practice外部サイトSales management : concepts, practices, and cases外部サイトFluid mechanics外部サイトBasic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach外部サイトBusiness communication : developing leaders for a networked world外部サイトGlobal marketing : contemporary theory, practice, and cases外部サイトStaffing organizations外部サイトConservation biology : foundations, concepts, applications外部サイトCase studies in finance : managing for corporate value creation外部サイトAn introduction to combustion : concepts and applications外部サイトTheory and application of statistics外部サイトMolecular spectroscopy外部サイトIntroduction to computing for engineers外部サイトElectronic commerce : security, risk management and control外部サイトExperiments in physical chemistry外部サイトThe global challenge : international human resource management外部サイトHuman resource management外部サイトInternational economics外部サイトService management : operations, strategy, and information technology外部サイトHuman communication外部サイトIntroduction to differential equations and dynamical systems外部サイトGrob's basic electronics外部サイトIntroduction to radar systems外部サイトIntroduction to the theory of statistics外部サイトEssentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantage外部サイトElectromagnetics外部サイトHuman resource management外部サイトThe business strategy game : a global industry simulation : player's manual外部サイトThermodynamics外部サイトThe structure of economics : a mathematical analysis外部サイトThe structure of economics : a mathematical analysis外部サイトComplex variables and applications外部サイトFluid mechanics外部サイトDatabase system concepts外部サイトCases in strategic management and business policy外部サイトBusiness and administrative communication外部サイトFundamentals of advanced accounting外部サイトInteractions : a communicative grammar外部サイトCompensation外部サイトIntel microprocessors : architecture, programming and interfacing外部サイトCreating quality : process design for results外部サイトEnvironmental engineering外部サイトPrinciples of microeconomics外部サイトCMOS digital integrated circuits : analysis and design外部サイトBasic biomechanics外部サイトFundamentals of financial accounting外部サイトChemistry外部サイトPhysical science外部サイトDesigning and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studies外部サイトLinear control systems engineering外部サイトAn introduction to collective bargaining and industrial relations外部サイトPhysics外部サイトServices marketing : integrating customer focus across the firm外部サイトIntroduction to statistical reasoning外部サイトAuditing & assurance services : a systematic approach外部サイトAnalysis for marketing planning外部サイトMeasurement by the physical educator : why and how外部サイトCMOS digital integrated circuits : analysis and design外部サイトEssentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantage外部サイトGeneral, organic, and biochemistry外部サイトKinesiology : scientific basis of human motion外部サイトConsumer behavior and marketing strategy外部サイトPower system analysis外部サイトAccounting : what the numbers mean外部サイトIntroduction to simulation : programming techniques and methods of analysis外部サイトManagement : leading & collaborating in a competitive world外部サイトCompensation外部サイトDigital communications外部サイトCorporate finance外部サイトTransnational management : text, cases, and readings in cross-border management外部サイトFundamentals of aerodynamics外部サイトIntroduction to graphics communications for engineers外部サイトThe global challenge : international human resource management外部サイトBusiness : a changing world外部サイトInternational business : competing in the global marketplace外部サイトManagement : people, performance, change外部サイトMeasuring and managing knowledge外部サイトCompetitive manufacturing management : continuous improvement, lean production, customer-focused quality外部サイトCorporate information systems management : text and cases外部サイトIntroduction to accounting : an integrated approach外部サイトPsychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests and measurement外部サイトApplied and algorithmic graph theory外部サイトMarketing strategy : a decision-focused approach外部サイトSolid and fluid mechanics dynamics and non-linearity外部サイトAccounting : what the numbers mean外部サイトUnit operations of chemical engineering外部サイトManaging operations across the supply chain外部サイトStrategic management and business policy外部サイトOrganizational behavior and management外部サイトHuman resource management : an experiential approach外部サイトChemistry外部サイトStrategic marketing channel management外部サイトComputers today外部サイトPlants & Society外部サイトAdvanced accounting外部サイトOrganizational behavior and management外部サイトFundamental methods of mathematical economics外部サイトSociology外部サイトFinancial statement analysis and security valuation外部サイトLaboratory atlas of anatomy and physiology外部サイトIntroduction to chemistry外部サイトMarketing外部サイトThe reasoning architect : mathematics and science in design外部サイトChemistry for Environmental Engineering外部サイトAutomatic control engineering外部サイトCompetitive advantage through information technology外部サイトEssentials of econometrics外部サイトFundamentals of electric circuits外部サイトHazardous waste management外部サイトDatabase management systems : designing and building business applications外部サイトReadings and notes on financial accounting : issues and controversies外部サイトGeneral chemistry : the essential concepts外部サイトHow to design and evaluate research in education外部サイトAn introduction to the finite element method外部サイトEconomic growth外部サイトCreating compositions外部サイトChemistry : atoms first外部サイトIntroduction to manufacturing processes外部サイトSeeing is believing : an introduction to visual communication外部サイトEngineering electromagnetics外部サイトFundamental financial and managerial accounting concepts外部サイトWastewater engineering : treatment and resource recovery外部サイトManagement : a global perspective外部サイトEducational psychology外部サイトFormulas for stress and strain外部サイトMosaic, a content-based writing book外部サイトMicroeconomics外部サイトSociology外部サイトBiology外部サイトInteractions 1 : listening/speaking外部サイトMarketing management : a strategic decision-making approach外部サイトConcepts of fitness & wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approach外部サイトCost accounting : principles and applications外部サイトPrescott's microbiology外部サイトIntimate relationships外部サイトOrganizational behavior and management外部サイトEssentials of marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach外部サイトChemical kinetics and reaction dynamics外部サイトHole's essentials of human anatomy & physiology外部サイトInternational business外部サイトFactory physics外部サイトSurvey of accounting外部サイトAn introduction to business ethics外部サイトFundamental mechanics of fluids外部サイトPartial differential equations and boundary-value problems with applications外部サイトFlight stability and automatic control外部サイトCost management : strategies for business decisions外部サイトTotal quality control外部サイトOrganizational behavior : human behavior at work外部サイトGlobal marketing strategy外部サイトAdvanced engineering mathematics外部サイトMachine vision外部サイトManaging human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits外部サイトStatistical analysis in psychology and education外部サイトComputers, communications, and information : a user's introduction : comprehensive version外部サイトAdolescence外部サイトSmall business management : an entrepreneur's guidebook外部サイトExercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performance外部サイトFluid mechanics外部サイトQuality management外部サイトStrategic management : creating competitive advantages外部サイトInternational and global marketing : concepts and cases外部サイトInternational financial reporting and analysis : a contextual emphasis外部サイトPrinciples of biochemistry : general aspects外部サイトEnvironmental biotechnology : principles and applications外部サイトChemistry : atoms first外部サイトStrategic marketing外部サイトConcepts of fitness and wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approach外部サイトPortfolio management : theory and application外部サイトBusiness marketing : connecting strategy, relationships, and learning外部サイトFinancial markets, instruments, and institutions外部サイトArnheim's principles of athletic training : a competency-based approach外部サイトJelen's cost and optimization engineering外部サイトOperational amplifiers : design and applications外部サイトInteractions 2 : reading /Pamela Hartmann, Elaine Kirn外部サイトHow to design and evaluate research in education外部サイトFoundations of engineering外部サイトIntroduction to instrumental analysis外部サイトMosaic, a reading skills book外部サイトEmployee training and development外部サイトContemporary advertising and integrated marketing communications外部サイトA preface to marketing management外部サイトEthical decision making and information technology : an introduction with cases外部サイトEconomics外部サイトResearch methods in psychology外部サイトCases inmarketing management外部サイトFinancial accounting theory : issues and controversies外部サイトRobotics for engineers外部サイトQuantitative approaches to management外部サイトCorporate strategy : a resource-based approach外部サイトClassical and object-oriented software engineering with UML and Java外部サイトForecasting principles and applications外部サイトInternational financial management外部サイトEssentials of corporate finance外部サイトMosaic one : a listening/speaking skills book : with learning strategies and language functions外部サイトIntroduction to molecular spectroscopy外部サイトSurvey of accounting外部サイトAdvanced financial accounting外部サイトEngineering economy外部サイトA first look at communication theory外部サイトHole's human anatomy & physiology外部サイトInquiry into life外部サイトManaging human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits外部サイトEngineering hydrology外部サイトManagement information systems : strategy and action外部サイトReading and writing short essays外部サイトMicroeconomic theory : a mathematical approach外部サイトChemistry in context : applying chemistry to society外部サイトFundamentals of aerodynamics外部サイトInteractions, a writing process book外部サイトHeat and thermodynamics : an intermediate textbook外部サイトStatistics : a first course外部サイトBiology外部サイトResponding to literature : stories, poems, plays, and essays外部サイトAn introduction to data structures with applications外部サイトBasic formulation and linear problems外部サイトModern competitive strategy外部サイトAdvanced accounting外部サイトEnvironmental economics : an introduction外部サイトBiology外部サイトMosaic, a listening/speaking skills book : with learning strategies and language functions外部サイトManaging human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits外部サイトModern advanced accounting外部サイトEngineering economy外部サイトLabor-management relations外部サイトUnderstanding statistics外部サイトManagerial accounting外部サイトEconometric models and economic forecasts外部サイトOperations management : contemporary concepts and cases外部サイトPower system analysis外部サイトCombustion engineering外部サイトCompensation外部サイトIntroduction to time-series modeling and forecasting in business and economics外部サイトFundamentals of cost accounting外部サイトIntroduction to quantum mechanics : with applications to chemistry外部サイトEssentials of marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach外部サイトManagerial accounting外部サイトBusiness and society : stakeholders, ethics, public policy外部サイトSoftware engineering : a practitioner's approach外部サイトCase studies in finance : managing for corporate value creation外部サイトData structures, algorithms, and applications in Java外部サイトServices marketing外部サイトCooperative chemistry : laboratory manual外部サイトOrganization development and transformation : managing effective change外部サイトExperiments in physical chemistry外部サイトAn introduction to combustion : concepts and applications外部サイトSports marketing外部サイトInteractions 1, Reading外部サイトStrategic management : text and cases外部サイトSix-way paragraphs : 100 passages for developing the six essential categories of comprehension外部サイトGeneral, organic & biological chemistry外部サイトCrafting and implementing strategy : text and readings外部サイトSupply management外部サイトInternational accounting外部サイトFundamentals of linear state space systems外部サイトKinesiology : scientific basis of human motion外部サイトThermodynamics外部サイトIntroduction to geographic information systems外部サイトIndex to modern English外部サイトFundamentals of mechanical vibrations外部サイトAn introduction to business ethics外部サイトGenetics : from genes to genomes外部サイトIntroduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture外部サイトInterpersonal communication外部サイトSystems analysis and design and the transition to objects外部サイトFutures and options外部サイトInternational economics : trade, theory & policy外部サイトElectronic measurements and instrumentation外部サイトFundamentals of social statistics外部サイトMultivariate statistical methods外部サイトBasic econometrics外部サイトRisk management and insurance外部サイトGuide to financial analysis外部サイトFinancial accounting : a global perspective外部サイトPerry's chemical engineers' handbook外部サイトModern digital design外部サイトAccounting for decision making and control外部サイトManagerial economics and business strategy外部サイトAnalysis for marketing planning外部サイトRoark's formulas for stress and strain外部サイトFundamentals of fluid mechanics外部サイトEssentials of econometrics外部サイトEconometric methods外部サイトExperimental methods for engineers外部サイトBusiness and administrative communication外部サイトConsumer behavior and marketing strategy外部サイトFundamentals of investment management外部サイトEconomics : principles, problems, and policies外部サイトConcepts in biology外部サイトThe discovery of society外部サイトFoundations of inventory management外部サイトModern Japan外部サイトFinancial accounting外部サイトIntroduction to mathematical programming外部サイトComputer networks : a top-down approach外部サイトEnvironmental economics : an introduction外部サイトFoundations of physical education, exercise science, and sport外部サイトAn introduction to object-oriented programming with Java外部サイトModern inorganic chemistry外部サイトOrganizational behavior and management外部サイトProject management : the managerial process外部サイトOrganizational behavior外部サイトStudy guide to accompany McConnell : Economics外部サイトBusiness English and communication外部サイトOrganizations : behavior, structure, processes外部サイトManaging human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits外部サイトAnalytical dynamics外部サイトEncounters with chaos外部サイトMaxiMarketing : the new direction in advertising, promotion, and marketing strategy外部サイトEnvironmental economics : an introduction外部サイトFinancial accounting外部サイトProbability, random variables, and stochastic processes外部サイトFluid mechanics外部サイトProduction and operations analysis外部サイトPower & choice : an introduction to political science外部サイトCrafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage : concepts and cases外部サイトAnalysis and design of information systems外部サイトEssentials of biology外部サイトGenetics : analysis & principles外部サイトStrategic management : planning for domestic & global competition外部サイトBasic econometrics外部サイトSmall business management fundamentals外部サイトServices marketing : integrating customer focus across the firm外部サイトBasic electronics : a text-lab manual外部サイトEngineering circuit analysis外部サイトCrafting and executing strategy : text and readings外部サイトJava structures : data structures in Java for the principled programmer外部サイトFORTRAN 77 : a structured, disciplined style外部サイトPeter Norton's introduction to computers外部サイトMosaic I : a content-based writing book外部サイトMarketing strategy : a decision-focused approach外部サイトFundamental financial accounting concepts外部サイトThe new corporate finance : where theory meets practice外部サイトIntroduction to managerial accounting外部サイトDirect marketing : an integrated approach外部サイトInvestments外部サイトCommunicating in organizations : a cultural approach外部サイトInternational trade : theory and evidence外部サイトMicroeconomics外部サイトThe living world外部サイトEnvironmental economics : an introduction外部サイトIndustrial engineering and management : a new perspective外部サイトManagement control in nonprofit organizations外部サイトHuman physiology外部サイトCritical thinking外部サイトDesigning and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studies外部サイトSeeley's essentials of anatomy & physiology外部サイトHuman resource management外部サイトGlobal operations management外部サイトFundamentals of statistical and thermal physics外部サイトBiological investigations : form, function, diversity, & process外部サイトClassical sociological theory外部サイトWriting to learn : The Sentence外部サイトMicroelectronic devices and circuits外部サイトManagement control in nonprofit organizations外部サイトMechanical engineering design外部サイトElementary quantum chemistry外部サイトAdvanced accounting外部サイトSynthesis and optimization of digital circuits外部サイトOrganic chemistry外部サイトEmerging financial markets外部サイトGeneral chemistry : the essential concepts外部サイトApplied mathematics for business, economics, and the social sciences外部サイトEconometric methods外部サイトNew venture creation : entrepreneurship for the 21st century外部サイトAdolescence外部サイトQuest : reading and writing in the academic world外部サイトWater supply and sewerage外部サイトChemistry外部サイトComplex variables and applications外部サイトLabor economics外部サイトEconomics外部サイト






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McGraw-Hill international edition
International edition
Imprint varies: Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education, McGraw-Hill Education
Food marketing : an international perspective
Elementary statistics : a brief version
The dynamics of mass communication : media in transition
Auditing after Sarbanes-Oxley : illustrative cases
Creative problem solving : thinking skills for a changing world
Service management : operations, strategy, information technology
System dynamics
Statistical techniques in business and economics
Introduction to fracture mechanics
Advanced financial accounting
Survey of accounting
Human factors in engineering and design
Modern advanced accounting
Fundamentals of financial institutions management
Personality psychology : domains of knowledge about human nature
Essentials of advanced financial accounting
Electronic communication systems
Financial statement analysis
Power & choice : an introduction to political science
Applied sport psychology : personal growth to peak performance
Fundamentals of digital logic with VHDL design
Mosaic one : a content-based writing book
Interactions, a writing process book
Digital control : a state-space approach
Vander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body function
Mathematics for business and economics
Aircraft electricity & electronics
Aircraft powerplants
Work in the 21st century : an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology
Introduction to probability and statistics : principles and applications for engineering and the computing sciences
Labor economics
Essential statistics
Introduction to Data Communications and Networking
Basic biomechanics
Management : leading & collaborating in a competitive world
Introduction to radar systems
Seeley's anatomy & physiology
Essentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantage
Organizational behavior : improving performance and commitment in the workplace
Analysis for financial management
VLSI technology
Modern Analytical Chemistry
Managing operations across the supply chain
International marketing
Financial accounting
Factory physics : foundations of manufacturing management
Nutritional assessment
Corporate information systems management : text and cases
Consumer behavior & marketing strategy
Complex analysis : an introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one complex variable
Introduction to operations research
Marketing management : a strategic decision-making approach
Human genetics : concepts and applications
Basic statistics for business & economics
Theories of personality
College algebra
A preface to marketing management
International business : competing in the global marketplace
Environmental science : a study of interrelationships
Introduction to atomic spectra
Essentials of corporate finance
Pollution prevention : fundamentals and practice
Fundamentals of vibrations
International financial markets : prices and policies
Principles of general chemistry
Principles of environmental science : inquiry & applications
Principles of microeconomics
Mathematical logic and computability
Labor economics
Manufacturing technology : metal cutting & machine tools
Marketing management : knowledge and skills
Business research methods
Principles of corporate finance
Environmental science : a study of interrelationships
Exploring social psychology
Essentials of negotiation
Principles of auditing & other assurance services
Essentials of econometrics
Rehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training
Strategic marketing : an applied perspective
Systems development case studies
Intermediate accounting
Human resource management
Engineering drawing & design
Calculus : early transcendental functions
Managerial accounting
Business marketing : connecting strategy, relationships, and learning
Labor economics
Fluid mechanics : fundamentals and applications
Marketing research : in a digital information environment
Principles of general chemistry
Classical and object-oriented software engineering with UML and C++
Machine Learning
Computer control of manufacturing systems
Microelectronics : circuit analysis and design
Broadcasting, cable, the internet, and beyond : an introduction to modern electronic media
Global business today
Manual of structural kinesiology
Introduction to superconductivity
Human physiology
Exploring geology
Business and administrative communication
Human genetics : concepts and applications
Sports in society : issues and controversies
Techniques of financial analysis : a guide to value creation
Elements of gas turbine propulsion
Sociological theory
Quest : listening and speaking
Accounting for decision making and control
Genetics : from genes to genomes
Services marketing : integrating customer focus across the firm
Introduction to graphics communications for engineers
Advertising and promotion management
The Random House guide to business writing
Business and society : stakeholders, ethics, public policy
People in organizations : an introduction to organizational behavior
Business ethics : a real world approach
Workbook/study guide for use with introduction to managerial accounting
Derivatives : principles and practice
Database management systems
Interactions, a listening/speaking skills book
International accounting
Fundamental managerial accounting concepts
Organization theory : tension and change
Basic statistics for business & economics
Organizational behavior
Advanced financial accounting
PASCAL for programmers
Strategic marketing management cases
Public administration : understanding management, politics, and law in the public sector
Financial accounting
Econometric models and economic forecasts
Elements of discrete mathematics
Essentials of contemporary management
Literature : reading fiction, poetry, and drama
Grob's basic electronics : fundamentals of DC and AC circuits
Procedural elements for computer graphics
Service management for competitive advantage
Systems analysis and design and the transition to objects
Seeley's essentials of anatomy & physiology
Principles of mathematical analysis
Elements of vibration analysis
Financial statement analysis
News writing and reporting for today's media
Stern's introductory plant biology
Electric circuits and machines
Logistical management : the integrated supply chain process
A history of economic theory and method
Marketing management : a strategic decision-making approach
News writing and reporting for today's media
The physics of everyday phenomena : a conceptual introduction to physics
Strategic management : concepts & cases
Machine design
Retailing management
3000 solved problems in organic chemistry
Experiments with economic principles : microeconomics
Contemporary labor economics
Water-resources engineering
Interactions access, A communicative grammar
Fundamentals of aerodynamics
Foundations in microbiology : basic principles
Business : a changing world
Kinesiology : scientific basis of human motion
Elements of power system analysis
Auditing and assurance services
Principles of auditing and other assurance services
Understanding motor development : infants, children, adolescents, adults
Analysis of aircraft structures : an introduction
AI in process control
Design of concrete structures
Accounting, information technology, and business solutions
Hole's human anatomy & physiology
Plants & society
Engineering circuit analysis
Financial statement analysis and security valuation
Optical fiber communications
World Wide Web design with HTML
Basic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach
Intercultural communication in the global workplace
Anthropology : appreciating human diversity
Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences
An introduction to the world's oceans
Chemistry : principles and applications
Microbiology : concepts and applications
Cases in strategic management
Numerical methods for engineers
Understanding motor development : infants, children, adolescents, adults
Information quality assurance and internal control for management decision making
Bilingual and ESL classrooms : teaching in multicultural contexts
Language, grammar, and communication : a course for teachers of English
The analysis, design, and implementation of information systems
Econometric methods
Fundamentals of investments : valuation and management
Concepts of biology
Foundations in microbiology
Auditing & assurance services
Applied functional analysis and variational methods in engineering
Basic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach
Strategic management : a focus on process
The new corporate finance : where theory meets practice
Interactions II : a speaking activities book
Optimum signal processing : an introduction
Principles of microeconomics
Introduction to engineering and the environment
Chemistry : the molecular nature of matter and change
Foundations in microbiology
Elementary number theory
Psychology and your life
Management control systems
Understanding psychology
Mechanics for engineers : dynamics
Organizational behavior
Managerial accounting for managers
Quality engineering in production systems
Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits
Social psychology
Foundations in microbiology
Fundamentals of human resource management
Real and complex analysis
Marketing research : a problem-solving approach
Employee training and development
College physics : with an integrated approach to forces and kinematics
Theory of elasticity
Fundamentals of optics
Organizational behavior and management
Vander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body function
Ethical obligations and decision making in accounting : text and cases
Reinforced concrete : preliminary design for architects and builders
Player's mannual for use with the business strategy game : a global industry simulation
Intercultural communication in contexts
Introduction to accounting : an integrated approach
Staffing organizations
Principles of auditing and other assurance services
Modern sociological theory
Child development
Simulation with Arena
Mechanical behavior of materials
Computer graphics : a programming approach
Integrated electronics : analog and digital circuits and systems
Public finance in theory and practice
Discrete mathematics and its applications
Roark's formulas for stress and strain
Introduction to physical education, fitness, and sport
Introduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture
Interactions, a reading skills book
Microsoft Word 2000 : complete edition
Stern's introductory plant biology
Practical econometrics : data collection, analysis, and application
Business research methods
Analytical robotics and mechatronics
Digital communications
Fundamentals of investment management
Financial statement analysis : theory, application, and interpretation
Complex analysis
Problem solving using C : structured programing techniques
Computer analysis of structural systems
Essentials of understanding psychology
Elements of vibration analysis
Communicating at work : principles and practices for business and the professions
MEMS & microsystems : design and manufacture
What every supervisor should know : the complete guide to supervisory management
Communicating at work : strategies for success in business and the professions
Crafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage concepts and cases
Forest resource economics and finance
Abnormal psychology
Financial institutions and markets
Psychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests and measurement
Basic statistics for business and economics
Strategic management of technological innovation
Fundamental methods of mathematical economics
International economics and international economic policy : a reader
Introduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture
Sentence skills : a workbook for writers
Auditing concepts and methods : a guide to current auditing theory and practice
Plants & society
Human Communication
Natural resource economics : an introduction
Timed readings plus : 25 two-part lessons with questions for building reading speed and comprehension
Auditing & assurance services
Vander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body function
Operations management : contemporary concepts and cases
Business communication : making connections in a digital world
Quest : listening and speaking in the academic world
Interactions 1 : listening/speaking
Quest : reading and writing in the academic world
Critical thinking : a student's introduction
Intercultural communication in contexts
Introduction to financial management
Asia-Pacific cases in strategic management
Corporate strategy : a resource-based approach
Supply chain logistics management
Grob's basic electronics
Calculus : early transcendental functions
Advanced financial accounting
Managerial economics
Applied circuit analysis
Concepts of fitness and wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approach
Design of concrete structures
Interactions 1 : reading
Accounting : text and cases
Exercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performance
Environmental economics : an introduction
Object oriented systems development
Consumer and business credit management
Simulation modeling and analysis
Chemistry in context : applying chemistry to society
Communication networks : fundamental concepts and key architectures
Chemistry : the molecular nature of matter and change
Understanding business
Basics of engineering economy
Essentials of economics
The reasoning architect : mathematics and science in design
Marketing strategy : a decision-focused approach
Total quality control
Case studies in international entrepreneurship : managing and financing ventures in the global economy
Integrated solid waste management : engineering principles and management issues
Safety, health, and environmental protection
Database design & management : an applied approach
Contemporary nutrition : a functional approach
Principles of biochemistry : mammalian biochemistry
International trade and competition : cases and notes in strategy and management
Simulation modeling and analysis
Auditing & assurance services
Aircraft maintenance & repair
Management control systems
Mechanics of materials
Digital signal processing laboratory using MATLAB
Elementary statistics : a step by step approach
Digital communications
The act of writing
Interactions access : a listening/speaking book
Student problem manual for use with fundamentals of corporate finance
Accounting : text and cases
Contemporary communication systems
EDP auditing : conceptual foundations and practice
Principles of Macroeconomics
Fundamentals of corporate finance
Financial statement analysis
Strategic marketing
Principles of editing : a comprehensive guide for students and journalists
Principles of auditing and other assurance services
International management
Managerial economics : foundations of business analysis and strategy
Unit operations of chemical engineering
Introduction to MATLAB 6 for engineers
Managerial economics and business strategy
Social cognition
Nutrition for health, fitness, & sport
Human resource management : an experiential approach
Business, government, and society : a managerial perspective : text and cases
Operations strategy : competing in the 21st century
Corporate finance
Basic statistics for business and economics
A history of economic theory and method
Accounting information systems : basic concepts and current issues
Marketing management
Linear control system analysis and design : conventional and modern
Professional construction management : including C.M., design-construct, and general contracting
Aircraft basic science
Financial statement analysis and security valuation
Human resource management
Semiconductor physics and devices : basic principles
Managing the global corporation : case studies in strategy and management
Managerial accounting
Management control systems
Essentials of contemporary management
Principles of general, organic, & biological chemistry
Contemporary advertising
Designing and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studies
Exercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performance
Electric circuits
Sport psychology : concepts and applications
Statistics : a fresh approach
Interactions : a reading skills book
Biochemical engineering fundamentals
Analysis for financial management
Human communication
The business of travel : agency operations and administration
Introduction to Fourier optics
The political economy of development and underdevelopment
Engineering economy
Business research methods
Strategic management of technological innovation
Human resource strategy : a behavioral perspective for the general manager
The McGraw-Hill guide to English literature
General, organic, and biochemistry
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of managerial accounting
Foundations of information systems
Human resource management : gaining a competitive advantage
Corporate strategy : a resource-based approach
Ethics in engineering
Discrete mathematics and its applications
Advanced COBOL
Physical geology : earth revealed
Personality psychology : domains of knowledge about human nature
The analysis, design, and implementation of information systems
Perspectives in auditing
Water and wastewater engineering : design principles and practice
Sales management : concepts, practices, and cases
Fluid mechanics
Basic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach
Business communication : developing leaders for a networked world
Global marketing : contemporary theory, practice, and cases
Staffing organizations
Conservation biology : foundations, concepts, applications
Case studies in finance : managing for corporate value creation
An introduction to combustion : concepts and applications
Theory and application of statistics
Molecular spectroscopy
Introduction to computing for engineers
Electronic commerce : security, risk management and control
Experiments in physical chemistry
The global challenge : international human resource management
Human resource management
International economics
Service management : operations, strategy, and information technology
Human communication
Introduction to differential equations and dynamical systems
Grob's basic electronics
Introduction to radar systems
Introduction to the theory of statistics
Essentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantage
Human resource management
The business strategy game : a global industry simulation : player's manual
The structure of economics : a mathematical analysis
The structure of economics : a mathematical analysis
Complex variables and applications
Fluid mechanics
Database system concepts
Cases in strategic management and business policy
Business and administrative communication
Fundamentals of advanced accounting
Interactions : a communicative grammar
Intel microprocessors : architecture, programming and interfacing
Creating quality : process design for results
Environmental engineering
Principles of microeconomics
CMOS digital integrated circuits : analysis and design
Basic biomechanics
Fundamentals of financial accounting
Physical science
Designing and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studies
Linear control systems engineering
An introduction to collective bargaining and industrial relations
Services marketing : integrating customer focus across the firm
Introduction to statistical reasoning
Auditing & assurance services : a systematic approach
Analysis for marketing planning
Measurement by the physical educator : why and how
CMOS digital integrated circuits : analysis and design
Essentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantage
General, organic, and biochemistry
Kinesiology : scientific basis of human motion
Consumer behavior and marketing strategy
Power system analysis
Accounting : what the numbers mean
Introduction to simulation : programming techniques and methods of analysis
Management : leading & collaborating in a competitive world
Digital communications
Corporate finance
Transnational management : text, cases, and readings in cross-border management
Fundamentals of aerodynamics
Introduction to graphics communications for engineers
The global challenge : international human resource management
Business : a changing world
International business : competing in the global marketplace
Management : people, performance, change
Measuring and managing knowledge
Competitive manufacturing management : continuous improvement, lean production, customer-focused quality
Corporate information systems management : text and cases
Introduction to accounting : an integrated approach
Psychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests and measurement
Applied and algorithmic graph theory
Marketing strategy : a decision-focused approach
Solid and fluid mechanics dynamics and non-linearity
Accounting : what the numbers mean
Unit operations of chemical engineering
Managing operations across the supply chain
Strategic management and business policy
Organizational behavior and management
Human resource management : an experiential approach
Strategic marketing channel management
Computers today
Plants & Society
Advanced accounting
Organizational behavior and management
Fundamental methods of mathematical economics
Financial statement analysis and security valuation
Laboratory atlas of anatomy and physiology
Introduction to chemistry
The reasoning architect : mathematics and science in design
Chemistry for Environmental Engineering
Automatic control engineering
Competitive advantage through information technology
Essentials of econometrics
Fundamentals of electric circuits
Hazardous waste management
Database management systems : designing and building business applications
Readings and notes on financial accounting : issues and controversies
General chemistry : the essential concepts
How to design and evaluate research in education
An introduction to the finite element method
Economic growth
Creating compositions
Chemistry : atoms first
Introduction to manufacturing processes
Seeing is believing : an introduction to visual communication
Engineering electromagnetics
Fundamental financial and managerial accounting concepts
Wastewater engineering : treatment and resource recovery
Management : a global perspective
Educational psychology
Formulas for stress and strain
Mosaic, a content-based writing book
Interactions 1 : listening/speaking
Marketing management : a strategic decision-making approach
Concepts of fitness & wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approach
Cost accounting : principles and applications
Prescott's microbiology
Intimate relationships
Organizational behavior and management
Essentials of marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach
Chemical kinetics and reaction dynamics
Hole's essentials of human anatomy & physiology
International business
Factory physics
Survey of accounting
An introduction to business ethics
Fundamental mechanics of fluids
Partial differential equations and boundary-value problems with applications
Flight stability and automatic control
Cost management : strategies for business decisions
Total quality control
Organizational behavior : human behavior at work
Global marketing strategy
Advanced engineering mathematics
Machine vision
Managing human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits
Statistical analysis in psychology and education
Computers, communications, and information : a user's introduction : comprehensive version
Small business management : an entrepreneur's guidebook
Exercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performance
Fluid mechanics
Quality management
Strategic management : creating competitive advantages
International and global marketing : concepts and cases
International financial reporting and analysis : a contextual emphasis
Principles of biochemistry : general aspects
Environmental biotechnology : principles and applications
Chemistry : atoms first
Strategic marketing
Concepts of fitness and wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approach
Portfolio management : theory and application
Business marketing : connecting strategy, relationships, and learning
Financial markets, instruments, and institutions
Arnheim's principles of athletic training : a competency-based approach
Jelen's cost and optimization engineering
Operational amplifiers : design and applications
Interactions 2 : reading /Pamela Hartmann, Elaine Kirn
How to design and evaluate research in education
Foundations of engineering
Introduction to instrumental analysis
Mosaic, a reading skills book
Employee training and development
Contemporary advertising and integrated marketing communications
A preface to marketing management
Ethical decision making and information technology : an introduction with cases
Research methods in psychology
Cases inmarketing management
Financial accounting theory : issues and controversies
Robotics for engineers
Quantitative approaches to management
Corporate strategy : a resource-based approach
Classical and object-oriented software engineering with UML and Java
Forecasting principles and applications
International financial management
Essentials of corporate finance
Mosaic one : a listening/speaking skills book : with learning strategies and language functions
Introduction to molecular spectroscopy
Survey of accounting
Advanced financial accounting
Engineering economy
A first look at communication theory
Hole's human anatomy & physiology
Inquiry into life
Managing human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits
Engineering hydrology
Management information systems : strategy and action
Reading and writing short essays
Microeconomic theory : a mathematical approach
Chemistry in context : applying chemistry to society
Fundamentals of aerodynamics
Interactions, a writing process book
Heat and thermodynamics : an intermediate textbook
Statistics : a first course
Responding to literature : stories, poems, plays, and essays
An introduction to data structures with applications
Basic formulation and linear problems
Modern competitive strategy
Advanced accounting
Environmental economics : an introduction
Mosaic, a listening/speaking skills book : with learning strategies and language functions
Managing human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits
Modern advanced accounting
Engineering economy
Labor-management relations
Understanding statistics
Managerial accounting
Econometric models and economic forecasts
Operations management : contemporary concepts and cases
Power system analysis
Combustion engineering
Introduction to time-series modeling and forecasting in business and economics
Fundamentals of cost accounting
Introduction to quantum mechanics : with applications to chemistry
Essentials of marketing : a marketing strategy planning approach
Managerial accounting
Business and society : stakeholders, ethics, public policy
Software engineering : a practitioner's approach
Case studies in finance : managing for corporate value creation
Data structures, algorithms, and applications in Java
Services marketing
Cooperative chemistry : laboratory manual
Organization development and transformation : managing effective change
Experiments in physical chemistry
An introduction to combustion : concepts and applications
Sports marketing
Interactions 1, Reading
Strategic management : text and cases
Six-way paragraphs : 100 passages for developing the six essential categories of comprehension
General, organic & biological chemistry
Crafting and implementing strategy : text and readings
Supply management
International accounting
Fundamentals of linear state space systems
Kinesiology : scientific basis of human motion
Introduction to geographic information systems
Index to modern English
Fundamentals of mechanical vibrations
An introduction to business ethics
Genetics : from genes to genomes
Introduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture
Interpersonal communication
Systems analysis and design and the transition to objects
Futures and options
International economics : trade, theory & policy
Electronic measurements and instrumentation
Fundamentals of social statistics
Multivariate statistical methods
Basic econometrics
Risk management and insurance
Guide to financial analysis
Financial accounting : a global perspective
Perry's chemical engineers' handbook
Modern digital design
Accounting for decision making and control
Managerial economics and business strategy
Analysis for marketing planning
Roark's formulas for stress and strain
Fundamentals of fluid mechanics
Essentials of econometrics
Econometric methods
Experimental methods for engineers
Business and administrative communication
Consumer behavior and marketing strategy
Fundamentals of investment management
Economics : principles, problems, and policies
Concepts in biology
The discovery of society
Foundations of inventory management
Modern Japan
Financial accounting
Introduction to mathematical programming
Computer networks : a top-down approach
Environmental economics : an introduction
Foundations of physical education, exercise science, and sport
An introduction to object-oriented programming with Java
Modern inorganic chemistry
Organizational behavior and management
Project management : the managerial process
Organizational behavior
Study guide to accompany McConnell : Economics
Business English and communication
Organizations : behavior, structure, processes
Managing human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profits
Analytical dynamics
Encounters with chaos
MaxiMarketing : the new direction in advertising, promotion, and marketing strategy
Environmental economics : an introduction
Financial accounting
Probability, random variables, and stochastic processes
Fluid mechanics
Production and operations analysis
Power & choice : an introduction to political science
Crafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage : concepts and cases
Analysis and design of information systems
Essentials of biology
Genetics : analysis & principles
Strategic management : planning for domestic & global competition
Basic econometrics
Small business management fundamentals
Services marketing : integrating customer focus across the firm
Basic electronics : a text-lab manual
Engineering circuit analysis
Crafting and executing strategy : text and readings
Java structures : data structures in Java for the principled programmer
FORTRAN 77 : a structured, disciplined style
Peter Norton's introduction to computers
Mosaic I : a content-based writing book
Marketing strategy : a decision-focused approach
Fundamental financial accounting concepts
The new corporate finance : where theory meets practice
Introduction to managerial accounting
Direct marketing : an integrated approach
Communicating in organizations : a cultural approach
International trade : theory and evidence
The living world
Environmental economics : an introduction
Industrial engineering and management : a new perspective
Management control in nonprofit organizations
Human physiology
Critical thinking
Designing and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studies
Seeley's essentials of anatomy & physiology
Human resource management
Global operations management
Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics
Biological investigations : form, function, diversity, & process
Classical sociological theory
Writing to learn : The Sentence
Microelectronic devices and circuits
Management control in nonprofit organizations
Mechanical engineering design
Elementary quantum chemistry
Advanced accounting
Synthesis and optimization of digital circuits
Organic chemistry
Emerging financial markets
General chemistry : the essential concepts
Applied mathematics for business, economics, and the social sciences
Econometric methods
New venture creation : entrepreneurship for the 21st century
Quest : reading and writing in the academic world
Water supply and sewerage
Complex variables and applications
Labor economics
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research