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- McGraw-Hill international editionInternational edition
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- Food marketing : an international perspectiveElementary statistics : a brief versionThe dynamics of mass communication : media in transitionAuditing after Sarbanes-Oxley : illustrative casesCreative problem solving : thinking skills for a changing worldService management : operations, strategy, information technologySystem dynamicsStatistical techniques in business and economicsIntroduction to fracture mechanicsAdvanced financial accountingSurvey of accountingHuman factors in engineering and designModern advanced accountingFundamentals of financial institutions managementPersonality psychology : domains of knowledge about human natureEssentials of advanced financial accountingElectronic communication systemsFinancial statement analysisPower & choice : an introduction to political scienceApplied sport psychology : personal growth to peak performanceFundamentals of digital logic with VHDL designMosaic one : a content-based writing bookInteractions, a writing process bookDigital control : a state-space approachVander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body functionMathematics for business and economicsAircraft electricity & electronicsAircraft powerplantsWork in the 21st century : an introduction to industrial and organizational psychologyIntroduction to probability and statistics : principles and applications for engineering and the computing sciencesLabor economicsEssential statisticsIntroduction to Data Communications and NetworkingBasic biomechanicsManagement : leading & collaborating in a competitive worldIntroduction to radar systemsSeeley's anatomy & physiologyEssentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantageOrganizational behavior : improving performance and commitment in the workplaceAnalysis for financial managementVLSI technologyModern Analytical ChemistryManaging operations across the supply chainInternational marketingFinancial accountingFactory physics : foundations of manufacturing managementNutritional assessmentAdolescenceCorporate information systems management : text and casesConsumer behavior & marketing strategyComplex analysis : an introduction to the theory of analytic functions of one complex variableIntroduction to operations researchMarketing management : a strategic decision-making approachHuman genetics : concepts and applicationsBasic statistics for business & economicsTheories of personalityCollege algebraA preface to marketing managementInternational business : competing in the global marketplaceEnvironmental science : a study of interrelationshipsInvestmentsIntroduction to atomic spectraEssentials of corporate financePollution prevention : fundamentals and practiceFundamentals of vibrationsInternational financial markets : prices and policiesPrinciples of general chemistryPrinciples of environmental science : inquiry & applicationsPrinciples of microeconomicsMathematical logic and computabilityLabor economicsManufacturing technology : metal cutting & machine toolsMarketing management : knowledge and skillsBusiness research methodsPrinciples of corporate financeEnvironmental science : a study of interrelationshipsExploring social psychologyEssentials of negotiationPrinciples of auditing & other assurance servicesEssentials of econometricsRehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic trainingChemistryStrategic marketing : an applied perspectiveSystems development case studiesIntermediate accountingHuman resource managementEngineering drawing & designCalculus : early transcendental functionsManagerial accountingBusiness marketing : connecting strategy, relationships, and learningLabor economicsFluid mechanics : fundamentals and applicationsMarketing research : in a digital information environmentPrinciples of general chemistryClassical and object-oriented software engineering with UML and C++Machine LearningComputer control of manufacturing systemsMicroelectronics : circuit analysis and designBroadcasting, cable, the internet, and beyond : an introduction to modern electronic mediaGlobal business todayManual of structural kinesiologyIntroduction to superconductivityHuman physiologyExploring geologyBusiness and administrative communicationHuman genetics : concepts and applicationsSports in society : issues and controversiesTechniques of financial analysis : a guide to value creationElements of gas turbine propulsionSociological theoryQuest : listening and speakingAccounting for decision making and controlGenetics : from genes to genomesServices marketing : integrating customer focus across the firmNegotiationIntroduction to graphics communications for engineersAdvertising and promotion managementThe Random House guide to business writingBusiness and society : stakeholders, ethics, public policyPeople in organizations : an introduction to organizational behaviorBusiness ethics : a real world approachWorkbook/study guide for use with introduction to managerial accountingDerivatives : principles and practiceDatabase management systemsInteractions, a listening/speaking skills bookInternational accountingFundamental managerial accounting conceptsOrganization theory : tension and changeBasic statistics for business & economicsSociologyOrganizational behaviorAdvanced financial accountingPASCAL for programmersStrategic marketing management casesPublic administration : understanding management, politics, and law in the public sectorFinancial accountingEconometric models and economic forecastsElements of discrete mathematicsEssentials of contemporary managementLiterature : reading fiction, poetry, and dramaGrob's basic electronics : fundamentals of DC and AC circuitsProcedural elements for computer graphicsService management for competitive advantageSystems analysis and design and the transition to objectsSeeley's essentials of anatomy & physiologyPrinciples of mathematical analysisElements of vibration analysisAdolescenceFinancial statement analysisNews writing and reporting for today's mediaStern's introductory plant biologyElectric circuits and machinesLogistical management : the integrated supply chain processMacro-economicsA history of economic theory and methodMarketing management : a strategic decision-making approachBiologyNews writing and reporting for today's mediaThe physics of everyday phenomena : a conceptual introduction to physicsStrategic management : concepts & casesMachine designRetailing management3000 solved problems in organic chemistryExperiments with economic principles : microeconomicsContemporary labor economicsWater-resources engineeringInteractions access, A communicative grammarFundamentals of aerodynamicsFoundations in microbiology : basic principlesBusiness : a changing worldKinesiology : scientific basis of human motionElements of power system analysisAuditing and assurance servicesPrinciples of auditing and other assurance servicesUnderstanding motor development : infants, children, adolescents, adultsAnalysis of aircraft structures : an introductionAI in process controlDesign of concrete structuresAccounting, information technology, and business solutionsHole's human anatomy & physiologyPlants & societyEngineering circuit analysisFinancial statement analysis and security valuationOptical fiber communicationsWorld Wide Web design with HTMLBasic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approachIntercultural communication in the global workplaceAnthropology : appreciating human diversityNonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciencesAn introduction to the world's oceansChemistry : principles and applicationsMicrobiology : concepts and applicationsCases in strategic managementNumerical methods for engineersUnderstanding motor development : infants, children, adolescents, adultsInformation quality assurance and internal control for management decision makingBilingual and ESL classrooms : teaching in multicultural contextsLanguage, grammar, and communication : a course for teachers of EnglishThe analysis, design, and implementation of information systemsEconometric methodsFundamentals of investments : valuation and managementConcepts of biologyFoundations in microbiologyAuditing & assurance servicesApplied functional analysis and variational methods in engineeringBasic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approachStrategic management : a focus on processThe new corporate finance : where theory meets practiceInteractions II : a speaking activities bookOptimum signal processing : an introductionPrinciples of microeconomicsIntroduction to engineering and the environmentChemistry : the molecular nature of matter and changeFoundations in microbiologyElementary number theoryPsychology and your lifeManagement control systemsUnderstanding psychologyMechanics for engineers : dynamicsOrganizational behaviorManagerial accounting for managersQuality engineering in production systemsDesign of analog CMOS integrated circuitsSocial psychologyFoundations in microbiologyFundamentals of human resource managementReal and complex analysisMarketing research : a problem-solving approachEmployee training and developmentCollege physics : with an integrated approach to forces and kinematicsThermodynamicsTheory of elasticityFundamentals of opticsOrganizational behavior and managementVander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body functionEthical obligations and decision making in accounting : text and casesReinforced concrete : preliminary design for architects and buildersPlayer's mannual for use with the business strategy game : a global industry simulationIntercultural communication in contextsIntroduction to accounting : an integrated approachStaffing organizationsPrinciples of auditing and other assurance servicesModern sociological theoryChild developmentSimulation with ArenaMechanical behavior of materialsComputer graphics : a programming approachIntegrated electronics : analog and digital circuits and systemsPublic finance in theory and practiceDiscrete mathematics and its applicationsRoark's formulas for stress and strainIntroduction to physical education, fitness, and sportIntroduction to mass communication : media literacy and cultureInteractions, a reading skills bookMicrosoft Word 2000 : complete editionStern's introductory plant biologyPractical econometrics : data collection, analysis, and applicationBusiness research methodsAnalytical robotics and mechatronicsDigital communicationsFundamentals of investment managementFinancial statement analysis : theory, application, and interpretationComplex analysisProblem solving using C : structured programing techniquesComputer analysis of structural systemsEssentials of understanding psychologyNegotiationElements of vibration analysisCommunicating at work : principles and practices for business and the professionsMEMS & microsystems : design and manufactureWhat every supervisor should know : the complete guide to supervisory managementCommunicating at work : strategies for success in business and the professionsCrafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage concepts and casesForest resource economics and financeAbnormal psychologyBiologyFinancial institutions and marketsPsychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests and measurementBasic statistics for business and economicsStrategic management of technological innovationFundamental methods of mathematical economicsInternational economics and international economic policy : a readerIntroduction to mass communication : media literacy and cultureEntrepreneurshipSentence skills : a workbook for writersAuditing concepts and methods : a guide to current auditing theory and practicePlants & societyHuman CommunicationNatural resource economics : an introductionTimed readings plus : 25 two-part lessons with questions for building reading speed and comprehensionAuditing & assurance servicesVander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body functionOperations management : contemporary concepts and casesBusiness communication : making connections in a digital worldQuest : listening and speaking in the academic worldInteractions 1 : listening/speakingQuest : reading and writing in the academic worldCritical thinking : a student's introductionIntercultural communication in contextsEconometricsIntroduction to financial managementAsia-Pacific cases in strategic managementCorporate strategy : a resource-based approachSupply chain logistics managementAdolescenceGrob's basic electronicsCalculus : early transcendental functionsAdvanced financial accountingManagerial economicsApplied circuit analysisConcepts of fitness and wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approachDesign of concrete structuresInteractions 1 : readingAccounting : text and casesExercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performanceEnvironmental economics : an introductionObject oriented systems developmentConsumer and business credit managementVocabularySimulation modeling and analysisChemistry in context : applying chemistry to societyCommunication networks : fundamental concepts and key architecturesChemistry : the molecular nature of matter and changeUnderstanding businessBasics of engineering economyEssentials of economicsThe reasoning architect : mathematics and science in designMarketing strategy : a decision-focused approachTotal quality controlCase studies in international entrepreneurship : managing and financing ventures in the global economyIntegrated solid waste management : engineering principles and management issuesSafety, health, and environmental protectionDatabase design & management : an applied approachContemporary nutrition : a functional approachPrinciples of biochemistry : mammalian biochemistryInternational trade and competition : cases and notes in strategy and managementSimulation modeling and analysisAuditing & assurance servicesAircraft maintenance & repairManagement control systemsMechanics of materialsDigital signal processing laboratory using MATLABElementary statistics : a step by step approachDigital communicationsThe act of writingInteractions access : a listening/speaking bookStudent problem manual for use with fundamentals of corporate financeAccounting : text and casesContemporary communication systemsEDP auditing : conceptual foundations and practicePrinciples of MacroeconomicsFundamentals of corporate financeFinancial statement analysisStrategic marketingPrinciples of editing : a comprehensive guide for students and journalistsPrinciples of auditing and other assurance servicesInternational managementManagerial economics : foundations of business analysis and strategyUnit operations of chemical engineeringIntroduction to MATLAB 6 for engineersManagerial economics and business strategySocial cognitionNutrition for health, fitness, & sportHuman resource management : an experiential approachBusiness, government, and society : a managerial perspective : text and casesOperations strategy : competing in the 21st centuryCorporate financeBasic statistics for business and economicsZoologyA history of economic theory and methodAccounting information systems : basic concepts and current issuesMarketing managementLinear control system analysis and design : conventional and modernProfessional construction management : including C.M., design-construct, and general contractingAircraft basic scienceFinancial statement analysis and security valuationHuman resource managementSemiconductor physics and devices : basic principlesManaging the global corporation : case studies in strategy and managementManagerial accountingManagement control systemsEssentials of contemporary managementPrinciples of general, organic, & biological chemistryContemporary advertisingDesigning and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studiesExercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performanceElectric circuitsSport psychology : concepts and applicationsStatistics : a fresh approachInteractions : a reading skills bookBiochemical engineering fundamentalsAnalysis for financial managementHuman communicationThe business of travel : agency operations and administrationIntroduction to Fourier opticsThe political economy of development and underdevelopmentEngineering economyBusiness research methodsStrategic management of technological innovationHuman resource strategy : a behavioral perspective for the general managerThe McGraw-Hill guide to English literatureGeneral, organic, and biochemistrySchaum's outline of theory and problems of managerial accountingFoundations of information systemsInvestmentsHuman resource management : gaining a competitive advantageCorporate strategy : a resource-based approachEthics in engineeringDiscrete mathematics and its applicationsAdvanced COBOLPhysical geology : earth revealedPersonality psychology : domains of knowledge about human natureThe analysis, design, and implementation of information systemsPerspectives in auditingWater and wastewater engineering : design principles and practiceSales management : concepts, practices, and casesFluid mechanicsBasic marketing : a marketing strategy planning approachBusiness communication : developing leaders for a networked worldGlobal marketing : contemporary theory, practice, and casesStaffing organizationsConservation biology : foundations, concepts, applicationsCase studies in finance : managing for corporate value creationAn introduction to combustion : concepts and applicationsTheory and application of statisticsMolecular spectroscopyIntroduction to computing for engineersElectronic commerce : security, risk management and controlExperiments in physical chemistryThe global challenge : international human resource managementHuman resource managementInternational economicsService management : operations, strategy, and information technologyHuman communicationIntroduction to differential equations and dynamical systemsGrob's basic electronicsIntroduction to radar systemsIntroduction to the theory of statisticsEssentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantageElectromagneticsHuman resource managementThe business strategy game : a global industry simulation : player's manualThermodynamicsThe structure of economics : a mathematical analysisThe structure of economics : a mathematical analysisComplex variables and applicationsFluid mechanicsDatabase system conceptsCases in strategic management and business policyBusiness and administrative communicationFundamentals of advanced accountingInteractions : a communicative grammarCompensationIntel microprocessors : architecture, programming and interfacingCreating quality : process design for resultsEnvironmental engineeringPrinciples of microeconomicsCMOS digital integrated circuits : analysis and designBasic biomechanicsFundamentals of financial accountingChemistryPhysical scienceDesigning and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studiesLinear control systems engineeringAn introduction to collective bargaining and industrial relationsPhysicsServices marketing : integrating customer focus across the firmIntroduction to statistical reasoningAuditing & assurance services : a systematic approachAnalysis for marketing planningMeasurement by the physical educator : why and howCMOS digital integrated circuits : analysis and designEssentials of strategic management : the quest for competitive advantageGeneral, organic, and biochemistryKinesiology : scientific basis of human motionConsumer behavior and marketing strategyPower system analysisAccounting : what the numbers meanIntroduction to simulation : programming techniques and methods of analysisManagement : leading & collaborating in a competitive worldCompensationDigital communicationsCorporate financeTransnational management : text, cases, and readings in cross-border managementFundamentals of aerodynamicsIntroduction to graphics communications for engineersThe global challenge : international human resource managementBusiness : a changing worldInternational business : competing in the global marketplaceManagement : people, performance, changeMeasuring and managing knowledgeCompetitive manufacturing management : continuous improvement, lean production, customer-focused qualityCorporate information systems management : text and casesIntroduction to accounting : an integrated approachPsychological testing and assessment : an introduction to tests and measurementApplied and algorithmic graph theoryMarketing strategy : a decision-focused approachSolid and fluid mechanics dynamics and non-linearityAccounting : what the numbers meanUnit operations of chemical engineeringManaging operations across the supply chainStrategic management and business policyOrganizational behavior and managementHuman resource management : an experiential approachChemistryStrategic marketing channel managementComputers todayPlants & SocietyAdvanced accountingOrganizational behavior and managementFundamental methods of mathematical economicsSociologyFinancial statement analysis and security valuationLaboratory atlas of anatomy and physiologyIntroduction to chemistryMarketingThe reasoning architect : mathematics and science in designChemistry for Environmental EngineeringAutomatic control engineeringCompetitive advantage through information technologyEssentials of econometricsFundamentals of electric circuitsHazardous waste managementDatabase management systems : designing and building business applicationsReadings and notes on financial accounting : issues and controversiesGeneral chemistry : the essential conceptsHow to design and evaluate research in educationAn introduction to the finite element methodEconomic growthCreating compositionsChemistry : atoms firstIntroduction to manufacturing processesSeeing is believing : an introduction to visual communicationEngineering electromagneticsFundamental financial and managerial accounting conceptsWastewater engineering : treatment and resource recoveryManagement : a global perspectiveEducational psychologyFormulas for stress and strainMosaic, a content-based writing bookMicroeconomicsSociologyBiologyInteractions 1 : listening/speakingMarketing management : a strategic decision-making approachConcepts of fitness & wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approachCost accounting : principles and applicationsPrescott's microbiologyIntimate relationshipsOrganizational behavior and managementEssentials of marketing : a marketing strategy planning approachChemical kinetics and reaction dynamicsHole's essentials of human anatomy & physiologyInternational businessFactory physicsSurvey of accountingAn introduction to business ethicsFundamental mechanics of fluidsPartial differential equations and boundary-value problems with applicationsFlight stability and automatic controlCost management : strategies for business decisionsTotal quality controlOrganizational behavior : human behavior at workGlobal marketing strategyAdvanced engineering mathematicsMachine visionManaging human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profitsStatistical analysis in psychology and educationComputers, communications, and information : a user's introduction : comprehensive versionAdolescenceSmall business management : an entrepreneur's guidebookExercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performanceFluid mechanicsQuality managementStrategic management : creating competitive advantagesInternational and global marketing : concepts and casesInternational financial reporting and analysis : a contextual emphasisPrinciples of biochemistry : general aspectsEnvironmental biotechnology : principles and applicationsChemistry : atoms firstStrategic marketingConcepts of fitness and wellness : a comprehensive lifestyle approachPortfolio management : theory and applicationBusiness marketing : connecting strategy, relationships, and learningFinancial markets, instruments, and institutionsArnheim's principles of athletic training : a competency-based approachJelen's cost and optimization engineeringOperational amplifiers : design and applicationsInteractions 2 : reading /Pamela Hartmann, Elaine KirnHow to design and evaluate research in educationFoundations of engineeringIntroduction to instrumental analysisMosaic, a reading skills bookEmployee training and developmentContemporary advertising and integrated marketing communicationsA preface to marketing managementEthical decision making and information technology : an introduction with casesEconomicsResearch methods in psychologyCases inmarketing managementFinancial accounting theory : issues and controversiesRobotics for engineersQuantitative approaches to managementCorporate strategy : a resource-based approachClassical and object-oriented software engineering with UML and JavaForecasting principles and applicationsInternational financial managementEssentials of corporate financeMosaic one : a listening/speaking skills book : with learning strategies and language functionsIntroduction to molecular spectroscopySurvey of accountingAdvanced financial accountingEngineering economyA first look at communication theoryHole's human anatomy & physiologyInquiry into lifeManaging human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profitsEngineering hydrologyManagement information systems : strategy and actionReading and writing short essaysMicroeconomic theory : a mathematical approachChemistry in context : applying chemistry to societyFundamentals of aerodynamicsInteractions, a writing process bookHeat and thermodynamics : an intermediate textbookStatistics : a first courseBiologyResponding to literature : stories, poems, plays, and essaysAn introduction to data structures with applicationsBasic formulation and linear problemsModern competitive strategyAdvanced accountingEnvironmental economics : an introductionBiologyMosaic, a listening/speaking skills book : with learning strategies and language functionsManaging human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profitsModern advanced accountingEngineering economyLabor-management relationsUnderstanding statisticsManagerial accountingEconometric models and economic forecastsOperations management : contemporary concepts and casesPower system analysisCombustion engineeringCompensationIntroduction to time-series modeling and forecasting in business and economicsFundamentals of cost accountingIntroduction to quantum mechanics : with applications to chemistryEssentials of marketing : a marketing strategy planning approachManagerial accountingBusiness and society : stakeholders, ethics, public policySoftware engineering : a practitioner's approachCase studies in finance : managing for corporate value creationData structures, algorithms, and applications in JavaServices marketingCooperative chemistry : laboratory manualOrganization development and transformation : managing effective changeExperiments in physical chemistryAn introduction to combustion : concepts and applicationsSports marketingInteractions 1, ReadingStrategic management : text and casesSix-way paragraphs : 100 passages for developing the six essential categories of comprehensionGeneral, organic & biological chemistryCrafting and implementing strategy : text and readingsSupply managementInternational accountingFundamentals of linear state space systemsKinesiology : scientific basis of human motionThermodynamicsIntroduction to geographic information systemsIndex to modern EnglishFundamentals of mechanical vibrationsAn introduction to business ethicsGenetics : from genes to genomesIntroduction to mass communication : media literacy and cultureInterpersonal communicationSystems analysis and design and the transition to objectsFutures and optionsInternational economics : trade, theory & policyElectronic measurements and instrumentationFundamentals of social statisticsMultivariate statistical methodsBasic econometricsRisk management and insuranceGuide to financial analysisFinancial accounting : a global perspectivePerry's chemical engineers' handbookModern digital designAccounting for decision making and controlManagerial economics and business strategyAnalysis for marketing planningRoark's formulas for stress and strainFundamentals of fluid mechanicsEssentials of econometricsEconometric methodsExperimental methods for engineersBusiness and administrative communicationConsumer behavior and marketing strategyFundamentals of investment managementEconomics : principles, problems, and policiesConcepts in biologyThe discovery of societyFoundations of inventory managementModern JapanFinancial accountingIntroduction to mathematical programmingComputer networks : a top-down approachEnvironmental economics : an introductionFoundations of physical education, exercise science, and sportAn introduction to object-oriented programming with JavaModern inorganic chemistryOrganizational behavior and managementProject management : the managerial processOrganizational behaviorStudy guide to accompany McConnell : EconomicsBusiness English and communicationOrganizations : behavior, structure, processesManaging human resources : productivity, quality of work life, profitsAnalytical dynamicsEncounters with chaosMaxiMarketing : the new direction in advertising, promotion, and marketing strategyEnvironmental economics : an introductionFinancial accountingProbability, random variables, and stochastic processesFluid mechanicsProduction and operations analysisPower & choice : an introduction to political scienceCrafting and executing strategy : the quest for competitive advantage : concepts and casesAnalysis and design of information systemsEssentials of biologyGenetics : analysis & principlesStrategic management : planning for domestic & global competitionBasic econometricsSmall business management fundamentalsServices marketing : integrating customer focus across the firmBasic electronics : a text-lab manualEngineering circuit analysisCrafting and executing strategy : text and readingsJava structures : data structures in Java for the principled programmerFORTRAN 77 : a structured, disciplined stylePeter Norton's introduction to computersMosaic I : a content-based writing bookMarketing strategy : a decision-focused approachFundamental financial accounting conceptsThe new corporate finance : where theory meets practiceIntroduction to managerial accountingDirect marketing : an integrated approachInvestmentsCommunicating in organizations : a cultural approachInternational trade : theory and evidenceMicroeconomicsThe living worldEnvironmental economics : an introductionIndustrial engineering and management : a new perspectiveManagement control in nonprofit organizationsHuman physiologyCritical thinkingDesigning and managing the supply chain : concepts, strategies, and case studiesSeeley's essentials of anatomy & physiologyHuman resource managementGlobal operations managementFundamentals of statistical and thermal physicsBiological investigations : form, function, diversity, & processClassical sociological theoryWriting to learn : The SentenceMicroelectronic devices and circuitsManagement control in nonprofit organizationsMechanical engineering designElementary quantum chemistryAdvanced accountingSynthesis and optimization of digital circuitsOrganic chemistryEmerging financial marketsGeneral chemistry : the essential conceptsApplied mathematics for business, economics, and the social sciencesEconometric methodsNew venture creation : entrepreneurship for the 21st centuryAdolescenceQuest : reading and writing in the academic worldWater supply and sewerageChemistryComplex variables and applicationsLabor economicsEconomics
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