
Routledge studies in modern European history


Routledge studies in modern European history



Hitler's Brudervolk : the Dutch and the colonization of occupied Eastern Europe, 1939-1945外部サイトGerman reunification : unfinished business外部サイトFood and age in Europe, 1800-2000外部サイトThe problem of democracy in postwar Europe : political actors and the formation of the postwar model of democracy in France, West Germany and Italy外部サイトGerman colonialism and national identity外部サイトWar, agriculture, and food : rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s外部サイトThe Russian Revolution of 1905 : centenary perspectives外部サイトConstructing a German diaspora : the "Greater German Empire", 1871-1914外部サイトGreeks without Greece : homelands, belonging, and memory amongst the expatriated Greeks of Turkey外部サイトOrphans and abandoned children in European history : sixteenth to twentieth centuries外部サイトShaping the international relations of the Netherlands, 1815-2000 : a small country on the global scene外部サイトThe Russian Revolution of 1905 : centenary perspectives外部サイトGreen landscapes in the European city, 1750-2010外部サイトGerman colonialism, visual culture, and modern memory外部サイトIsrael's path to Europe : the negotiations for a preferential agreement, 1957-1975外部サイトStormtroopers and crisis in the Nazi movement : activism, ideology and dissolution外部サイトNational indifference and the history of nationalism in modern Europe外部サイトFascism and ideology : Italy, Britain, and Norway外部サイトFacing fascism : the conservative party and the European dictators, 1935-1940外部サイトGerman colonialism and national identity外部サイトThe Nazi Party and the German Foreign Office外部サイトRacial theories in fascist Italy外部サイトTrials of Irish history : genesis and evolution of a reappraisal, 1938-2000外部サイトEurope between migrations, decolonization and integration (1945-1992)外部サイトThe creation of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy : a Hungarian perspective外部サイトPostwar continuity and new challenges in central Europe, 1918-1923 : the war that never ended外部サイトRethinking the history of Italian fascism外部サイトThe history of the European migration regime : Germany's strategic hegemony外部サイトFrom slave trade to empire : Europe and the colonisation of Black Africa, 1780s-1880s外部サイトCircles of the Russian Revolution : internal and international consequences of the year 1917 in Russia外部サイトStrange allies : Britain, France and the dilemmas of disarmament and security, 1929-1933外部サイトGoverning the rural in interwar Europe外部サイトAlan S. Milward and contemporary European history : collected academic reviews外部サイトPolitics of culture in liberal Italy : from unification to fascism外部サイトProtecting democracy from dissent : population engineering in Western Europe, 1918-1926外部サイトHistory, memory, and trans-European identity : unifying divisions外部サイトItaly and its eastern border, 1866-2016外部サイトBritish foreign policy, 1874-1914 : the role of India外部サイトOil exploration, diplomacy, and security in the early Cold War : the enemy underground外部サイトAlan S. Milward and a century of European change外部サイトIreland's Great Famine and popular politics外部サイトLegacies of violence in contemporary Spain : exhuming the past, understanding the present外部サイトEuropean border regions in comparison : overcoming nationalistic aspects or re-nationalization ?外部サイトThe age of anniversaries : the cult of commemoration, 1895-1925外部サイトWeimar cities : the challenge of urban modernity in Germany, 1919-1933外部サイトBritain and the problem of international disarmament, 1919-1934外部サイトAntifascism after Hitler : East German youth and socialist memory, 1949-1989外部サイトBritish foreign policy 1874-1914 : the role of India外部サイトItaly before Italy : institutions, conflicts and political hopes in the Italian states, 1815-1860外部サイトRefugees, human rights and realpolitik : the clandestine immigration of Jewish refugees from Italy to Palestine, 1945-1948外部サイトWest Germans and the Nazi legacy外部サイトFranco-Israeli relations, 1958-1967外部サイトStalin's constitution : Soviet participatory politics and the discussion of the 1936 draft constitution外部サイトTotalitarian dictatorship : new histories外部サイトViolence, memory, and history : western perceptions of Kristallnacht外部サイトGerman colonialism, visual culture, and modern memory外部サイトFacing fascism : the conservative party and the European dictators, 1935-1940外部サイトInterwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941 : the failure of democracy-building, the fate of minorities外部サイトImmigrants and foreigners in Central and Eastern Europe during the twentieth century外部サイトStrange allies : Britain, France and the dilemmas of disarmament and security, 1929-1933外部サイトThe end of Ottoman rule in Bosnia : conflicting agencies and imperial appropriations外部サイトOrder and insecurity in Germany and Turkey : military cultures of the 1930s外部サイトThe creation of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy : a Hungarian perspective外部サイトBritain, France and the battle for the leadership of Europe, 1957-2007外部サイトThe summer capitals of Europe, 1814-1919外部サイトSteamship nationalism : ocean liners and national identity in Imperial Germany and Atlantic world外部サイトEmotions and everyday nationalism in modern European history外部サイトThe nationalism of the rich : discourses and strategies of separatist parties in Catalonia, Flanders, Northern Italy and Scotland外部サイトSinti and Roma in Germany (1871-1933) : gypsy policy in the second empire and Weimar republic外部サイトMobility in the Russian, Central and East European past外部サイトMargins for manoeuvre in Cold War Europe : the influence of smaller powers外部サイトTransatlantic anarchism during the Spanish Civil War and Revolution, 1936-1939 : fury over Spain外部サイトEthnic cleansing during the Cold War : the forgotten 1989 expulsion of Turks from communist Bulgaria外部サイトDomestic surveillance and social control in Britain and France during World War I外部サイトFree trade and social welfare in Europe : explorations in the long 20th century外部サイトInterwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941 : the failure of democracy-building, the fate of minorities外部サイトMargins for manoeuvre in Cold War Europe : the influence of smaller powers外部サイトEthnic cleansing during the Cold War : the forgotten 1989 expulsion of Turks from communist Bulgaria外部サイトOrphans and abandoned children in European history : sixteenth to twentieth centuries外部サイト1916 in global context : an anti-imperial moment外部サイトNational indifference and the history of nationalism in modern Europe外部サイトThe nationalism of the rich : discourses and strategies of separatist parties in Catalonia, Flanders, Northern Italy and Scotland外部サイトEuropean integration and disintegration : essays from the next generation of Europe's thinkers外部サイトA British education control officer in occupied Germany, 1945-1949 : the letters of Edward Aitken-Davies外部サイトWar, agriculture, and food : rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s外部サイト






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Hitler's Brudervolk : the Dutch and the colonization of occupied Eastern Europe, 1939-1945
German reunification : unfinished business
Food and age in Europe, 1800-2000
The problem of democracy in postwar Europe : political actors and the formation of the postwar model of democracy in France, West Germany and Italy
German colonialism and national identity
War, agriculture, and food : rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s
The Russian Revolution of 1905 : centenary perspectives
Constructing a German diaspora : the "Greater German Empire", 1871-1914
Greeks without Greece : homelands, belonging, and memory amongst the expatriated Greeks of Turkey
Orphans and abandoned children in European history : sixteenth to twentieth centuries
Shaping the international relations of the Netherlands, 1815-2000 : a small country on the global scene
The Russian Revolution of 1905 : centenary perspectives
Green landscapes in the European city, 1750-2010
German colonialism, visual culture, and modern memory
Israel's path to Europe : the negotiations for a preferential agreement, 1957-1975
Stormtroopers and crisis in the Nazi movement : activism, ideology and dissolution
National indifference and the history of nationalism in modern Europe
Fascism and ideology : Italy, Britain, and Norway
Facing fascism : the conservative party and the European dictators, 1935-1940
German colonialism and national identity
The Nazi Party and the German Foreign Office
Racial theories in fascist Italy
Trials of Irish history : genesis and evolution of a reappraisal, 1938-2000
Europe between migrations, decolonization and integration (1945-1992)
The creation of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy : a Hungarian perspective
Postwar continuity and new challenges in central Europe, 1918-1923 : the war that never ended
Rethinking the history of Italian fascism
The history of the European migration regime : Germany's strategic hegemony
From slave trade to empire : Europe and the colonisation of Black Africa, 1780s-1880s
Circles of the Russian Revolution : internal and international consequences of the year 1917 in Russia
Strange allies : Britain, France and the dilemmas of disarmament and security, 1929-1933
Governing the rural in interwar Europe
Alan S. Milward and contemporary European history : collected academic reviews
Politics of culture in liberal Italy : from unification to fascism
Protecting democracy from dissent : population engineering in Western Europe, 1918-1926
History, memory, and trans-European identity : unifying divisions
Italy and its eastern border, 1866-2016
British foreign policy, 1874-1914 : the role of India
Oil exploration, diplomacy, and security in the early Cold War : the enemy underground
Alan S. Milward and a century of European change
Ireland's Great Famine and popular politics
Legacies of violence in contemporary Spain : exhuming the past, understanding the present
European border regions in comparison : overcoming nationalistic aspects or re-nationalization ?
The age of anniversaries : the cult of commemoration, 1895-1925
Weimar cities : the challenge of urban modernity in Germany, 1919-1933
Britain and the problem of international disarmament, 1919-1934
Antifascism after Hitler : East German youth and socialist memory, 1949-1989
British foreign policy 1874-1914 : the role of India
Italy before Italy : institutions, conflicts and political hopes in the Italian states, 1815-1860
Refugees, human rights and realpolitik : the clandestine immigration of Jewish refugees from Italy to Palestine, 1945-1948
West Germans and the Nazi legacy
Franco-Israeli relations, 1958-1967
Stalin's constitution : Soviet participatory politics and the discussion of the 1936 draft constitution
Totalitarian dictatorship : new histories
Violence, memory, and history : western perceptions of Kristallnacht
German colonialism, visual culture, and modern memory
Facing fascism : the conservative party and the European dictators, 1935-1940
Interwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941 : the failure of democracy-building, the fate of minorities
Immigrants and foreigners in Central and Eastern Europe during the twentieth century
Strange allies : Britain, France and the dilemmas of disarmament and security, 1929-1933
The end of Ottoman rule in Bosnia : conflicting agencies and imperial appropriations
Order and insecurity in Germany and Turkey : military cultures of the 1930s
The creation of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy : a Hungarian perspective
Britain, France and the battle for the leadership of Europe, 1957-2007
The summer capitals of Europe, 1814-1919
Steamship nationalism : ocean liners and national identity in Imperial Germany and Atlantic world
Emotions and everyday nationalism in modern European history
The nationalism of the rich : discourses and strategies of separatist parties in Catalonia, Flanders, Northern Italy and Scotland
Sinti and Roma in Germany (1871-1933) : gypsy policy in the second empire and Weimar republic
Mobility in the Russian, Central and East European past
Margins for manoeuvre in Cold War Europe : the influence of smaller powers
Transatlantic anarchism during the Spanish Civil War and Revolution, 1936-1939 : fury over Spain
Ethnic cleansing during the Cold War : the forgotten 1989 expulsion of Turks from communist Bulgaria
Domestic surveillance and social control in Britain and France during World War I
Free trade and social welfare in Europe : explorations in the long 20th century
Interwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941 : the failure of democracy-building, the fate of minorities
Margins for manoeuvre in Cold War Europe : the influence of smaller powers
Ethnic cleansing during the Cold War : the forgotten 1989 expulsion of Turks from communist Bulgaria
Orphans and abandoned children in European history : sixteenth to twentieth centuries
1916 in global context : an anti-imperial moment
National indifference and the history of nationalism in modern Europe
The nationalism of the rich : discourses and strategies of separatist parties in Catalonia, Flanders, Northern Italy and Scotland
European integration and disintegration : essays from the next generation of Europe's thinkers
A British education control officer in occupied Germany, 1945-1949 : the letters of Edward Aitken-Davies
War, agriculture, and food : rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA33501005 : BA33501005