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- The speech signal in cybernetics and communicationsIndustry of the Tula economic regionsPhilosophical problems of cyberneticsU.S. Government translation of problems in biophysicsMachine and mindMilitary applications of cyberneticsCybernetics, thought, and lifeU.S. government translation of World historical development and the international revolutionary movementTechnical cybernetics problems of control and information problems of Soviet scienceProblems in creation of closed ecological systemsProblems in creation of closed ecological systemsThe central ideas and philosophical principles of cyberneticsEconomic relations of European socialist states with countries of Southeast AsiaProblems of cyberneticsStructure of the national economyMilitary-economic problems in a political economy courseArticles on practical cyberneticsResearch and developments in USSR cyberneticsU.S. Government translation of the population of Indonesia, Malaya, and the PhilippinesCybernetics at the service of communismDynamics of Soviet national income, 1950-1967U.S. Government translation of On forecasting systemsThe mathematical apparatus of biological cyberneticsU.S. Government translation of simulation of complex systemsProblems in theoretical cyberneticsChanges in the class structure of society in the process of the building of socialism and communismThe possible and the impossible in cyberneticsU.S. Government translation of Social forecastingProblems of cybernetics and lawModern dock structures for large and medium size shipsU.S. government translation of scientific progress and sociological predictions in USSRPrinciples of Soviet monetary circulationUSSR economy and industryCurrent problems of cyberneticsSoviet cyberneticsCybernetic predicting devicesU.S. government translation of information networks and commutation, Moscow, 1969State plan for development of the USSR national economyOptimal processes in conflict situationsU.S. government translation of self-organizing control, systems, Moscow, 1966Abbreviations in the African pressCybernetics of the present and future USSRPsychology of sets and cyberneticsU.S. Government translation of Simulation of compkex systems
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA28938900 : BA28938900