
BAR international series


BAR international series



Exchange, status and mobility : Mesolithic portable art of southern Scandinavia外部サイトDie Frauen im Gefolge des Dionysos auf den attischen Vasenbildern des 6. und 5. Jhs. v. Chr. als Spiegel des weiblichen Idealbildes外部サイトSettlement archaeology in a Fjordland archipelago : network analysis, social practice and the built environment of Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Cananda since 2,000 BP外部サイトPrehistoric cultures and environments in the late Quaternary of Africa外部サイトIslamic archaeology in the Sudan外部サイトLa ceramica geometrica bicroma dell'Incoronata di Metaponto : scavi 1974-1995外部サイトL'attività mineraria e metallurgica nelle Alpi occidentali italiane nel Medioevo : Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta : fonti scritte e materiali外部サイトLa prehistoria del Bajo Asón : registro arqueológico e interpretación cultural (Cantabria, España)外部サイトAncient shipwrecks of the Mediterranean & the Roman provinces外部サイトLa vallée de Bithnah au cours de l'Age du Fer外部サイトCurrent archaeological projects in the central Andes : some approaches and results : proceedings, 44 International Congress of Americanists, Manchester 1982外部サイトThe economic organization of early camelid pastoralism in the Andean highlands of Bolivia外部サイトGo your own least cost path : spatial technology and archaeological interpretation : proceedings of the GIS session at EAA 2009, Riva del Garda外部サイトArchaeology and biogeography of prehistoric freshwater mussel shell in Mississippi外部サイトThe Çatalhöyük flint and obsidian industry : technology and typology in context外部サイトGem mounts and the classical tradition : supplement to A collection of classical and eastern intaglios, rings and cameos (2003)外部サイトFabrication et utilisation de l'outillage ne matières osseuses du Néolithique de Chypre : Khirokitia et Cap Andreas-Kastros外部サイトHunter-gatherer specialised subsistence strategies in Greece during the Upper Palaeolithic from the perspective of lithic technology外部サイトGadir y los fenicios occidentales federados V-III AC : dialéctica aplicada al territorio productivo turdetano外部サイトIndustria y artesanado cerámico de época romana en el nordeste de Cataluña :época augústea y altoimperial外部サイトΕιδωλια : figurines et miniatures du néolithique récent et du bronze ancien en Grèce外部サイトThe Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period : definite places, translocal exchange外部サイトEarly farming in South Bulgaria from the VI to the III millennia B.C.外部サイトArqueología ambiental del Holoceno Temprano y Medio en la Puna Seca argentina : modelos paleoambientales multi-escalas y sus implicancias para la arqueología de cazadores-recolectores外部サイトAtti del 4° Convegno nazionale di etnoarcheologia, Roma, 17-19 maggio 2006 = Proceedings of the 4th Italian Congress of Ethnoarchaeology, Rome, 17-19 May, 2006外部サイトHoulouf I : archéologie des sociétés protohistoriques du Nord-Cameroun外部サイトThe Roman stamped tiles of Vindonissa : (1st Century A.D., Northern Switzerland) : provenance and technology of production - an archaeometric study外部サイトHousehold ceramic economies : production and consumption of household ceramics among the Maros villagers of Bronze Age Hungary外部サイトThe final revival of the Aegean Bronze Age : a case study of the Argolid, Corinthia, Attica, Euboea, the Cyclades and the Dodecanese during LH IIIC Middle外部サイトImplantation territoriale des Terramares : analyses géomorphologiques et spatiales : Italie, provinces de Parme et Plaisance XVIIe-XIIe siècles av. n. ère外部サイトTerritorial appropriation during the Old Kingdom (XXVIIIth-XXIIIrd centuries BC) : the royal necropolises and the pyramid towns in Egypt外部サイトArchaeological settlement patterns and mobility strategies : lower Adelaide River, Northern Australia外部サイトPtolemaic royal sculpture from Egypt : the interaction between Greek and Egyptian traditions外部サイトL'évolution des sites mayas du sud de l'état du Campeche, Mexique外部サイトUn estilo y su época : el caso de la cerámica Famabalasto Negro Grabado del noroeste Argentino外部サイトThe early Iron Age of Slovenia外部サイトLithic variability and middle Paleolithic behaviour : new evidence from the Iberian Peninsula外部サイトPerformance and agency : the DGB sites of Northern Cameroon外部サイトSiscia Pannonia superior外部サイトAyios Dhimitrios, a prehistoric settlement in the Southwestern Peloponnese : the Neolithic and Early Helladic periods外部サイトLithic technology of Neolithic Syria外部サイトAnalysis of lithic artefact microdebitage for chronological determination of archaeological sites外部サイトCharlemagne's months and their Bavarian labors : the politics of the seasons in the Carolingian Empire外部サイトCanibalismo en la cueva de Malamuerzo : identificación de huellas de manipulación intencional en restos óseos humanos de origen arqueológico, Granada, España外部サイトEarly Bronze and Iron Age animal exploitation in Northeastern Anatolia : the faunal remains from Sos Höyük and Büyüktepe Höyük外部サイトFish and Archaeology : studies in osteometry, taphonomy, seasonality, and fishing methods外部サイトPrehistoric imagery and landscapes : rock art in Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway外部サイトLocal organizational adaptations to climatic change : the last glacial maximum in Central Europe and the case of Grubgraben (Lower Austria)外部サイトOn the edge of empire? : settlement changes in Chacalapan, Southern Veracruz, Mexico, during the Classic and Postclassic periods外部サイトTechniques et sociétés néolithiques : le sciage des roches tenaces au nord-ouest des Alpes (4300-2450 av. J.-C.)外部サイトRural sanctuaries in Roman Syria : the creation of a sacred landscape外部サイトNabataean settlement and self-organized economy in the Central Negev : crisis and renewal外部サイトA summary catalogue of the continental archaeological collections (Roman Iron Age, Migration Period, Early Medieval)外部サイトSefunim prehistoric sites Mount Carmel. Israel外部サイトFortificazioni tardo classiche e ellenistiche in Magna Grecia : I casi esemplari nell'Italia del Sud外部サイトFunctional analysis of space in Syro-Hittite architecture外部サイトAhlat 2010 : Quarta campagna di indagini sulle strutture rupestri = Fourth campaign of surveys on the underground structure外部サイトGermanic equal arm brooches of the migration period : a study of style, chronology and distribution, including a full catalogue of finds and contexts外部サイトFrom Classical to Byzantine : social evolution in late antiquity and the fortress at Isthmia, Greece外部サイトDe la taphonomie pollinique à la reconstitution de l'environnement : l'exemple de la région cantabrique外部サイトArchitecture and archaeology in the Cyclades : papers in honour of J.J. Coulton外部サイトConsideraciones acerca del origen y la naturaleza de la ciudad planificada en las colonias griegas de Occidente外部サイトOrnament und Bedeutung : zur Motivik mittelminoischer Feinkeramik外部サイトEnclosing the neolithic : recent studies in Britain and Europe外部サイトBehind wooden walls : Neolithic palisaded enclosures in Europe外部サイトRecherches archéologiques sur la capitale de l'empire de Ghana : etude d'un secteur d'habitat à Koumbi Saleh, Mauritanie : campagnes II-III-IV-V, (1975-1976)-(1980-1981)外部サイトUn conjunto ceremonial subterráneo en Teotihuacan外部サイトLo que vino de Oriente : horizontes, praxis y dimensión material de los sistemas de dominación fiscal en Al-Andalus (ss. VII-IX)外部サイトDie silbernen Halbkugelbecher vom Typ Leuna : Fundkomplexe und Interpretationen, Herstellungstechnik und Datierung外部サイトCaesarea Maritima, the late periods (700 - 1291 CE)外部サイトNeolithic cemeteries and populations in the Dnieper Basin外部サイトPlinio y los 'oppida de antiguo Lacio' : el proceso de difusión del Latium en Hispania Citerior外部サイトAsine and the Argolid in the Late Helladic III Period : a socio-economic study外部サイトMas Gusó. Evolución de un asentamiento rural en el territorio de Ampurias : del neolítico final a época ibérica外部サイトChasse et élevage dans la Corne de l'Afrique entre le Néolithique et les temps historiques外部サイトRegional variation in the material culture of hunter gatherers : social and ecological approaches to ethnographic objects from Queensland, Australia外部サイトImperialist archaeology in the Canary Islands : French and German studies on prehistoric colonization at the end of the 19th century外部サイトA catalog of glass vessels in Afyon Museum = Afyon Müzesindeki cam eserler kataloğu外部サイトThe cemeteries at Marki : using a looted landscape to investigate prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus外部サイトRecent developments in Yugoslav archaeology外部サイトChlemoutsi Castle (Clermont, Castel Tornese), NW Peloponnese : its pottery and its relations with the west (13th-early 19th centuries)外部サイトGiovanni Pietro Campana : 1808-1880 : the man and his collection外部サイトPrehistory of the Southern Manabí Coast, Ecuador. López Viejo外部サイトArchaeological ceramics : a review of current research外部サイトSymbolic spaces in prehistoric art : territories, travels and site locations = Espaces symboliques dans l'art préhistorique : territoires, déplacements et localisation des sites外部サイトLa Cueva de Ambrosio (Almería, Spain) y su posicion cronoestratigráfica en el Mediterraneo Occidental外部サイトCopper and bronze metallurgy in late prehistoric Xinjiang : its cultural context and relationship with neighbouring regions外部サイトArchaeology, art and ethnography of bronzes of Nepal外部サイトDie Funktion und Bedeutung der Reiter- und Pferdeführerdarstellungen auf attischen Grab- und Weihreliefs des 5. und 4. Jhs. v. Chr.外部サイトRoman weapons, tools, bronze equipment and brooches from Neuss-Novaesium excavations, 1955-1972外部サイトThe archaeology of Central Darfur (Sudan) in the 1st millennium A.D.外部サイトCeramic change and the Maya Collapse : a study of pottery technology, manufacture and consumption at Lamanai, Belize外部サイトLes petits bovidés (Caprini et Rupicaprini) pléistocènes dans le bassin méditerranéen et le Caucase : etude paléontologique, biostratigraphique, archéozoologique et paléoécologique外部サイトStudien zu vertikalen sozialen Strukturen : eine Analyse der Grabfunde der jüngeren Bronzezeit in Dänemark外部サイトGrumento e il suo territorio nell'antichità外部サイトThe UCL Lahun papyri : letters外部サイトThe Upper Tisza Project : studies in Hungarian landscape archaeology外部サイトPrehistoria reciente y territorio en la Depresión de Vera y el río Almanzora (Almería) : las formaciones sociales entre finales del VI y mediados del III milenio ANE外部サイトAlexandrian and Alexandria-influenced mould-made lamps of the Hellenistic period外部サイトEl catálogo de las naves de occidente : embarcaciones de la península Ibérica, Marruecos y archipiélagos aledaños hasta el principado de Augusto外部サイトCrusader art in the twelfth century外部サイトLe site de Bey-144 : fouilles et étude de la céramique (période hellénistique - début de l'ère romaine)外部サイトThe Minoan pantheon : towards an understanding of its nature and extent外部サイトHazor, Israel : an urban community of the 8th century B.C.E.外部サイトDefensive architecture of prehistoric Crete外部サイトTașkun Kale : Keban rescue excavations : Eastern Anatolia外部サイトN-TAG TEN : Proceedings of the 10th Nordic TAG conference at Stiklestad, Norway 2009外部サイトPotrero de Guadalupe : anthropologie funéraire d'une communauté pré-tarasque du nord du Michoacán, Mexique外部サイトArchaeological investigations in the Río Huamelula Valley : settlement history and material culture in south-eastern Oaxaca, Mexico外部サイトArchaeological heritage : methods of education and popularization外部サイトNeolithic and Chalcolithic archaeology in Eurasia : building techniques and spatial organisation外部サイトPastoralists, warriors and colonists : the archaeology of Southern Madagascar外部サイトMethod in microwear analysis : prehistoric sickles and other stone tools from Arjoune, Syria外部サイトMétallurgie des dépôts de bronzes à la fin de l'age du bronze final (IXe-VIIIe av. J.-C.) dans le domaine Sarre-Lorraine : essai de caractérisation d'une production bronziére au travers des études techniques : formage et analyses élémentaires外部サイトDigging in the dirt : excavation in a new millennium : session proceedings外部サイトInvestigating prehistoric hunter-gatherer identities : case studies from Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Europe外部サイトYortan Cemetery in the early Bronze Age of western Anatolia外部サイトArcheologia dell'acqua potabile a Milano : dagli antichi pozzi ordinari al moderno sistema di acquedotto urbano外部サイトArchitecture, economics, and identity in Romano-British "small towns"外部サイトNestor's wine cups : investigating ceramic manufacture and exchange in a late Bronze Age "Mycenaean" state外部サイトLes industries lithiques du Chasséen en Languedoc oriental : caractérisation par l'analyse technologique外部サイトArqueología e historia del mundo antiguo : contribuciones brasileñas y españolas外部サイトEl vaso de largo bordo horizontal : un trazador cultural del noroeste de la Península Ibérica en el II Milenio BC外部サイトAhlat 2008 : seconda campagna di indagini sulle strutture rupestri = second campaign of surveys on the underground structures外部サイトCoinage in the Low Counties (880-1500) : the Third Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History外部サイトExcavations at Old Kandahar in Afghanistan 1976-1978 : conducted on behalf of the Society for South Asian Studies (Society for Afghan Studies) : stratigraphy, pottery and other finds外部サイトDie räumliche Organisation der linearbandkeramischen Rinderhaltung : naturwissenschaftliche und archäologische Untersuchungen外部サイトPharos the Parian settlement in Dalmatia : a study of a Greek colony in the Adriatic外部サイトThe East European Plain on the eve of agriculture外部サイトKult bei der Arena : Nemesis-Heiligtümer im Kontext römischer Amphitheater外部サイトEstudio introductorio del léxico de las inscripciones de Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México外部サイトTraditional weapons of Africa (billhooks, sickles and scythes) : a regional approach with technical, morphological, and aesthetic classifications外部サイトExcavations at Kandahar 1974 and 1975 : the first two seasons at Shahr-i Kohna (Old Kandahar) conducted by the British Institute of Afghan Studies外部サイトHolocene settlement in the Western Cape, South Africa外部サイトFaces from the past : diachronic patterns in the biology of human populations from the eastern Mediterranean : papers in honour of Patricia Smith外部サイトThe past in the past : the significance of memory and tradition in the transmission of culture外部サイトLa colonización griega en Sicilia : Griegos, Indígenas y Púnicos en la Sicilia arcaica : interacción y aculturación外部サイトLower Palaeolithic small tools in Europe and the Levant外部サイトThe Horace's Villa Project, 1997-2003 : report on new fieldwork and research外部サイトProceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology : Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge 2010外部サイトStudies in the Upper Palaeolithic of Britain and northwest Europe外部サイトMesolithic forest hunters in Ukrainian Polessye外部サイトGraphical markers and megalith builders in the international Tagus, Iberian Peninsula外部サイトCretan locations : discerning site variations in Iron Age and Archaic Crete (800-500 B.C.)外部サイトEl arte parietal en monumentos megalíticos del noroeste ibérico : valoración, diagnóstico, conservación外部サイトThe East Carpathian area of Romania in the V-XI centuries A.D.外部サイトLexique animalier égyptien : les caprins, les ovins et les bovins外部サイトEstructura demográfica, estilo de vida y relaciones biológicas de cazadores recolectores en un ambiente de desierto : sitio Chenque I (Parque Nacional Lihué Calel, provincia de La Pampa, Argentina)外部サイトBeyond the Movius Line : hominin occupation and technological evolution in the Imjin-Hantan river area, Korea外部サイトPottery in the Iron age in the Basque country = La ceramica de la edad del hierro en el País Vasco外部サイトForum iulium : l'area del foro di cesare alla luce delle campagne di scavo 2005-2008 : Le fasi arcaica, repubblicana e cesariano-augustea外部サイトLa explotación de las materias óseas en el Auriñaciense : caracterización tecnoeconómica de las producciones del Paleolítico superior inicial en la Península Ibérica外部サイトBefestigungsanlagen im griechischen Raum in der Bronzezeit und ihre Entwicklung von neolithischer bis in archaische Zeit外部サイトOtium cum dignitate : Festschrift für Angelika Geyer zum 65. Geburtstag : Studien zur Archäologie und Rezeptionsgeschichte der Antike外部サイトThe Tihamah coastal plain of South-West Arabia in its regional context, c.6000 BC-AD 600外部サイトLes premières expressions du Solutréen dans le Sud-Ouest français : evolution techno-économique des équipements lithiques au cours du Dernier Maximum Glaciaire外部サイトSolomon and Shishak : current perspectives from archaeology, epigraphy, history and chronology : Proceedings of the Third BICANE Colloquium held at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge 26-27 March, 2011外部サイトThe Orthodox Christian sakkos : ecclesiastical garments dating from the 15th to the 20th centuries from the Holy Mountain of Athos : collection survey, scientific analysis and preventive conservation外部サイトBurgerroth : eine spätneolithische Höhensiedlung in Unterfranken外部サイトGemstones in Mycenaean Greece : their use and significance外部サイトVergleichen als archäologische Methode : Analogien in den Archäologien : mit Beiträgen einer Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theorie (T-AG) und einer kommentierten Bibliographie外部サイトAnimals and archaeology外部サイトComputer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1993外部サイトModeling socioeconomic evolution and continuity in ancient Egypt : the value and limitations of zooarchaeological analyses外部サイトLate holocene indigenous economies of the tropical Australian coast : an archaeological study of the Darwin region外部サイトWeapons, warriors and warfare in early Egypt外部サイトVisigodos, Hispano-Romanos y bizantinos en la zona valenciana en el siglo VI (España)外部サイトApiculture in the prehistoric Aegean : Minoan and Mycenaean symbols revisited外部サイトSocial interaction in the prehistoric Natufian : generating an interactive agency model using GIS外部サイトApplications of tree-ring studies : current research in dendrochronology and related subjects外部サイトIl monumento dei Lucilii sulla via Salaria, Roma外部サイトVulvae, eyes, snake heads : archaeological finds of cowrie amulets外部サイトCeltic improvisations : an art historical analysis of Coriosolite coins外部サイトIl Sahara centro-orientale dalla preistoria ai tempi dei nomadi Tubu = The central-oriental Sahara from prehistory to the times of the nomadic Tubus外部サイトArchaeology of the Roman Empire : a tribute to the life and works of Professor Barri Jones外部サイトIl tesoro di desana : una fonte per lo studio della società romano-ostrogota in Italia外部サイトArchaeology and history in Ìlàrè District (Central Yorubaland, Nigeria), 1200-1900 A.D.外部サイトThe 'Crescent-shaped cultural-communication belt' : Tong Enzheng's model in retrospect : an examination of methodological, theoretical and material concerns of long-distance interactions in East Asia外部サイトSafeguarding Africa's archaeological past : selected papers from a workshop held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 2001外部サイトArchaeology and clays外部サイトOriental influence in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean helmet traditions in the 9th-7th centuries B.C. : the patterns of orientalization外部サイトWhich past, whose future? : treatments of the past at the start of the 21st century : an international perspective : proceedings of a conference held at the University of York, 20-21st May 2005外部サイトDépôts et production métallique du Bronze moyen en France nord-occidentale外部サイトAn expatriate community in Tunis, 1648-1885 : St. George's Protestant Cemetery and its inscriptions外部サイトThe people before : the geology, paleoecology and archaeology of Adak Island, Alaska外部サイトLes derniers "Sauvages" : territoires économiques et systèmes techno-fonctionnels mésolithiques外部サイトEnter the past : the E-way into the four dimensions of cultural heritage : CAA 2003, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the 31st conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2003外部サイトThe Comparative history of urban origins in non-Roman Europe : Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Russia from the ninth to the thirteenth century外部サイトThe archaeology of water supply外部サイトArchaeological approaches to breaking boundaries : interaction, integration and division : proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conferences 2015-2016外部サイトHistoire des paysages méditerranéens terrassés : aménagements et agriculture外部サイトAnálisis de los procesos de uso de artefactos líticos en sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras : ocupaciones correspondientes a la transición Pleistoceno/Holoceno, Meseta Central de Santa Cruz外部サイトUntersuchungen zur Pfeiler-Nischen-Architektur in Mesopotamien und Syrien von ihren Anfängen im 6. Jahrtausend bis zum Ende der frühdynastischen Zeit : Form, Funktion und Kontext外部サイトScience, style and the study of community structure : an example from the central Mississippi River Valley外部サイトSoutheast Asian archaeology 1986 : proceedings of the first Conference of the Assciation of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 8th-10th September 1986外部サイトEspacio gráfico, visibilidad y tránsito cavernario : el uso de las cavidades con arte paleolítico en la Región Cantábrica = Graphic space, visibility and cave transit : the use of caves with Palaeolithic art in the Cantabrian region外部サイトGli Shardana nell'Egitto ramesside外部サイトSociedad y territorio en la alta edad media castellana : la formación del Alfoz de Lara外部サイトLes armatures de sagaies magdaléniennes en matière dure animale dans les Pyrénées外部サイトComputer and quantitative methods in archaeology 1988外部サイトLegio XX Valeria Victrix : prosopography, archaeology and history外部サイトArchaeology of an Andean pacarina : settlement patterns and rituality around Lake Puruhuay, Ancash, Peru外部サイトA zooarchaeological study of the Haimenkou Site, Yunnan Province, China外部サイトFlint mining in prehistoric Europe : interpreting the archaeological records外部サイトState-periphery relations and sociopolitical development in Igbominaland, North-Central Yoruba, Nigeria : oral-ethnohistorical and archaeological perspectives外部サイトPolitical economy and settlement systems of medieval northern Morocco : an archaeological-historical approach外部サイトHöhlenfundplätze im Raum Peggau--Deutschfeistritz, Steiermark, Österreich : Tropfsteinhöhle, Kat. Nr. 2784/3 Grabungen 1986-87外部サイトSkeletons and social composition : Bahrain 300 BC - AD 250外部サイトAn integration of the use-wear and residue analysis for the identification of the function of archaeological stone tools : proceedings of the international workshop, Rome, March 5th-7th, 2012外部サイトStones and bones : formal disposal of the dead in Atlantic Europe during the Mesolithic-Neolithic interface 6000-3000 BC : archaeological conference in honour of the Late Professor Michael J. O'Kelly : proceedings of the Stones and Bones Conference in Sligo, Ireland, May 1-5, 2002外部サイトThe lower palaeolithic of the Maghreb : excavations and analyses at Ain Hanech, Algeria外部サイトGraves and funerary rituals during the late neolithic and the early Bronze Age in Europe (2700-2000 BC) : proceedings of the international conference held at the Cantonal Archaeological Museum, Sion (Switzerland) October 4th-7th 2001外部サイトBlade and microblade technology : selected assemblages from the North American Arctic and the upper paleolithic of Southwest Germany外部サイトJerusalem before Islam外部サイトThe final analysis of weights from Port Royal, Jamaica外部サイトThe eagle, the cactus, the rock : the roots of Mexico-Tenochtitlan's foundation myth and symbol外部サイトThe UCL Lahun papyri : letters外部サイトA technological study of the earlier upper Paleolithic levels of Ksar Akil : level XXV-XIV外部サイトPrehistoric Sri Lanka : late Pleistocene rockshelters and an open-air site外部サイトThe Waterberg Plateau in the Northern Province, Republic of South Africa, in the Later Stone Age外部サイトPylai Aidao : un percorso iconografico e letterario sulla diffusione del tema delle porte dell'Ade da Oriente a Occidente外部サイトPietralunga 1744 : archeologia di una battaglia e delle due fortificazioni sulle Alpi fra Piemonte e Delfinato, Italia nord-occidentale外部サイトGeospatial analysis and data integration for cultural resources evaluation : a collection of articles on analytical geomatics and their applications外部サイトStone age traditions of Meghalaya : a study of variation and continuity外部サイトRoman military equipment : the accoutrements of war : proceedings of the Third Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar外部サイトThe early Neolithic funnel-beaker culture in south-west Scania, Sweden : social and economic change, 3000-2500 B.C.外部サイトThe Inkas : last stage of stone masonry development in the Andes外部サイトTîrpești : from prehistory to history in Eastern Romania外部サイトPaysage socioculturel et architecture dans la culture Chimú : l'implantation humaine à l'intermédiare recent (1000-1470 apr. J.-C.) dans la vallée de Chicama (côte nord de Pérou)外部サイトClassicism to neo-classicism : essays dedicated to Gertrud Seidmann外部サイトPre-Islamic South Arabia and its neighbours : new developments of research : proceedings of the 17th Rencontres sabéennes held in Paris, 6-8 June 2013外部サイトEarly Neolithic sites on the territory of Bulgaria外部サイトJebel Bishri in context : introduction to the archaeological studies and the neighbourhood of Jebel Bishri in central Syria : Proceedings of a Nordic research training seminar in Syria, May 2004外部サイトComparative island archaeologies外部サイトMoated sites in early North East Thailand外部サイトJew's harps in European archaeology外部サイトAncient society and metallurgy : a comparative study of Bronze Age societies in Central Eurasia and North China外部サイトArtefactos líticos, movilidad y funcionalidad de sitios : problemas y perspectivas = Lithic artefacts, mobility and site functionality : problems and perspectives外部サイトObsidian im nordwestmediterranen Raum : seine Verbreitung und Nutzung im Neolithikum und Äneolithikum外部サイトPlant environment of man between 6000 and 2000 B.C. in Bulgaria外部サイトFunus hispaniense : espacios, usos y costumbres funerarias en la Hispania Romana外部サイトHuman and faunal relationships reviewed : an archaeozoological approach外部サイトLa guerra de Corinto : fuentes antiguas e historiografía moderna外部サイトMiddle Helladic and early Mycenaean mortuary practices in the southern and western Peloponnese外部サイトPrehistoric periods外部サイトExcavations at Non Pa Kluay, Northeast Thailand外部サイトKommunikation und Austausch im Hochland zwischen Kaukasus und Taurus, ca. 2500-1500 v. Chr.外部サイトPrehispanic metallurgy and votive offerings in the Eastern Cordillera Colombia外部サイトBronze priests of ancient Egypt from the Middle Kingdom to the Graeco-Roman period外部サイトExcavating classical culture : recent archaeological discoveries in Greece外部サイトProduction et signification de la céramique campaniforme à la fin du 3ème millénaire av. J.-C. dans le sud et le centre-ouest de la France et en Suisse occidentale外部サイトPatrios nomos, public burial in Athens during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. : the archaeological, epigraphic-literary and historical evidence外部サイトLandscape and the state in Medieval Anatolia : Seljuk gardens and pavilions of Alanya, Turkey外部サイトMaterial images of humans from the Natufian to Pottery Neolithic periods in the Levant外部サイトDeath as archaeology of transition : thoughts and materials : papers from the II international conference of transition archaeology : death archaeology 29th april-1st may 2013外部サイトStone rows and standing stones : Britain, Ireland, and Brittany外部サイトSOMA 2010 : proceedings of 14th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology : Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine, 23-25 April 2010外部サイトArchaeological survey and excavations at Mikindani, southern Tanzania : finding their place in the Swahili world外部サイトThe kaolin clay tobacco pipe collection from Port Royal, Jamaica外部サイトIdentification of ancient olive oil processing methods based on olive remains外部サイトThe Early upper Paleolithic : evidence from Europe and the Near East外部サイトOrganisation techno-économique des industries du paléolithique moyen récent dans le nord-est aquitain外部サイトThe Jastorf Culture in Poland外部サイトMiscellanies about the Buddha image外部サイトLa necropoli di Campovalano外部サイトLuoghi e architetture del secondo conflitto mondiale : 1939-1945 : sistemi difensivi e cemento armato : archeologia, architettura e porgettazione per il riuso = Sites and architectural structures of the second world war : 1939-1945 : defence systems and reinforced concrete : archaeology, architecture and reuse project外部サイトArchaeological sciences 1999 : proceedings of the Archaeological Sciences Conference, University of Bristol, 1999外部サイトHellenistic, Roman and Byzantine settlement patterns of the coast lands of the Western Rough Cilicia外部サイトProduzione e commercio dei tessuti nell'Occidente romano外部サイトArchaeoseismology in the Atalanti Region, Central Mainland Greece : theories, methods and practice外部サイトThe evolution of the built environment : complexity, human agency and thermal performance外部サイトHunters and their Prey外部サイトFrom tool use to site function : use-wear analysis in some final upper palaeolithic sites in the Basque country外部サイトThe copper age in south-west Spain : a bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric social organisation外部サイトThe archaeology of the coastal desert of Namaqualand, South Africa : a regional synthesis外部サイトThe church and the cemetery ; The history of Meinarti : an interpretive overview外部サイトVariación geográfica en la morfología del esqueleto postcraneal de las poblaciones humanas de Pampa y Patagonia durante el Holoceno Tardío : una aproximación morfométrica外部サイトConceptualization of 'xihuitl' : history, environment and cultural dynamics in postclassic Mexica cognition外部サイトPapers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997外部サイトIntaglios, cameos, rings, and related objects from Burma and Java : the White collection and a further small private collection外部サイトExcavations in the Locality 6 cemetery at Hierakonpolis, 1979-1985外部サイトMethodological aspects of Iranian archaeology : past and present外部サイトHolocene settlement in north Syria : résultats de deux prospections archéologiques effectuées dans la région du nahr Sajour et sur le haut Euphrate syrien外部サイトIndagine topografica sulle aree di pertinenza dell'abbazia di San Salvatore al monte Amiata nella Tuscia meridionale, secoli VI-XIV : l'apporto della fotointerpretazione e dei documenti d'archivio alla ricerca archeologica外部サイトArchaeological techniques and technology外部サイトBaths and bathing : the culture of bathing and the baths and thermae in Palestine from the Hasmoneans to the Moslem conquest, with an appendix on Jewish rituals baths (miqvaʿot)外部サイトThe hunter-gatherer use of caves and rockshelters in the American Midsouth : a geoarchaeological and spatial analysis of archaeological features at Dust Cave外部サイトLa transcaucasie au néolithique et au chalcolithique外部サイトLes armées du Proche-Orient ancien (IIIe-Ier mill. av. J.-C.) : actes du colloque international organisé à Lyons les 1er et 2 décembre 2006, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée外部サイトCurrent issues in archaeological computing外部サイトMillets, rice and farmers : phytoliths as indicators of agricultural, social and ecological change in Neolithic and Bronze Age central China外部サイトThe physical anthropology外部サイトBelow the Temple Mount in Jerusalem : a sourcebook on the cisterns, subterranean chambers and conduits of the Ḥaram al-Sharīf外部サイトThe positioning of the Roman Imperial legions外部サイトDevelopment of a field petrographic analysis system and its application to the study of socioeconomic interaction networks of the early Harappan Northwestern Indus Valley of Pakistan外部サイトLatium Vetus in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age = Il Latium Vetus nell'età del Bronzo e nella prima etá del Ferro外部サイトThe Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Central Europe : the record from the Bükk Mountain region外部サイトPerspectives in landscape archaeology : papers presented at Oxford 2003-5外部サイトLe tzompantli et le jeu de balle : relation entre deux espaces rituels外部サイトShaping community : the art and archaeology of monasticism : papers from a symposium held at the Frederick R. Weisman Museum, University of Minnesota, March 10-12, 2000外部サイトWoodland and forests in medieval Hungary外部サイトMegalithic quarrying : sourcing, extracting and manipulating the stones外部サイトThe Beaker culture of the Balearic Islands : an inventory of evidence from caves, rock shelters, settlements and ritual sites外部サイトLRCW 2 : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry外部サイトArchaic Greek culture : history, archaeology, art and museology : proceedings of the international Round-Table conference, June 2005, St-Petersburg, Russia外部サイトResearch papers and technical reports外部サイトNeolithization in Ukraine外部サイトHotel Grønland : human use of caves and rock shelters in West Greenland外部サイトA million years of hominin sociality and cognition : Acheulean bifaces in the Hunsgi-Baichbal Valley, India外部サイトEdictum, municipium y lex : Hispania en época flavia (69-96 d.C.)外部サイトSociabilidad y alimentación : estudio de casos en la transición al siglo XIX en el Virreinato del Río de la Plata外部サイトWaffengräber im Alten Orient : zum Problem der Wertung von Waffen in Gräbern des 3. und frühen 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in Mesopotamien und Syrien外部サイトArgos paléochrétienne : contribution à l'étude du Péloponnèse Byzantin外部サイトLand tenure and social stratification in ancient Mesopotamia : third millennium Sumer before the Ur III Dynasty外部サイトDecorated Philistine pottery : an archaeological and archaeometric study外部サイトThe evolutionary archaeology of ceramic diversity in ancient Fiji外部サイトIl funerario in Friuli e nelle regioni contermini tra l'età del ferro e l'età tardoantica : atti del convegno internazionale, San Vito al Tagliamento, 14 febbraio 2013 = The funerary in Friuli and surrounding regions between Iron age and late antiquity : proceedings of the international conference, San Vito al Tagliamento, 14 febbraio 2013外部サイトA re-examination of the palaeolithic archaeological record of northern Tamil Nadu, South India外部サイトConservation approaches to earthen architecture in archaeological contexts外部サイトTraditions and transformations : approaches to Eneolithic (Copper age) and Bronze age metalworking and society in eastern Central Europe and the Carpathian basin外部サイトSistemas de información para arqueología : teoría, metodología y tecnologías外部サイトEarly symbolic systems for communication in Southeast Europe外部サイトLe thème symbolique de "la paire de dragons" sur les fourreaux celtiques (IVe-IIe siècles avant J.-C.) : etude iconographique et typologie外部サイトLa Alfarería Romana del Collet Est (Calonge, Girona)外部サイトCommunities and settlements from the Neolithic to the early Medieval period : proceedings of the 6th Conference of Italian Archaeology held at the University of Groningen, Groningen Institute of Archaeology, the Netherlands, April 15-17, 2003外部サイトThe Morocco Maritime Survey : an archaeological contribution to the history of the Tangier peninsula外部サイトLe problème de l'étain à l'origine de la métallurgie, Section 11 : Âge du Bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée, colloque 11.2 = The problem of early tin. Section 11 : Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean, symposium 11.2外部サイトFrom Xerxes' murder (465) to Arridaios' execution (317) : updates to Achaemenid chronology (including errata in past reports)外部サイトRethinking the Indus : a comparative re-evaluation of the Indus civilisation as an alternative paradigm in the organisation and structure of early complex societies外部サイトChariots in early China : origins, cultural interaction, and identity外部サイトArchaeology, conservation and the city : post-conflict redevelopment in London, Berlin and Beirut外部サイトMortuary practices in the process of Levantine Neolithisation外部サイトThe Eastern frontier of the Roman Empire : proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988外部サイトEnterramientos de Balberta un sitio en la Costa Sur de Guatemala : algunas comparaciones con otros sitios e inferencias sobre su organización social外部サイトRegional perspectives in archaeology : from strategy to narrative外部サイトLe premier nome du sud de l'Égypte au Moyen Empire : fouilles de la mission espagnole à Qoubbet el-Haoua (Assouan) 2008-2018外部サイトCombining the past and the present : archaeological perspectives on society : proceedings from the conference 'pre-history in a global perspective' held in Bergen, August 31st-September 2nd 2001, in honour of Professor Randi Haaland's 60th anniversary外部サイトThe End of the Paleolithic in the Old World外部サイトThe eneolithic period in Bulgaria in the fifth millennium B.C.外部サイトThe archaeology of the Meroitic state : new perspectives on its social and political organisation外部サイトLes astres dans les textes religieux en Égypte antique et dans les hymnes orphiques外部サイト3D recording and modelling in archaeology and cultural heritage : theory and best practices外部サイトProceedings of the 4th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry : National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 28-31 May 2003外部サイトA Cretan landscape through time : Priniatikos Pyrgos and environs外部サイトTecniche di rilevamento e metodi di rappresentazione per l'architettura rupestre : il Monastero Benedettino di Subiaco外部サイトLe gisement gravettien de la Vigne-Brun (Loire, France) : étude de l'industrie lithique de l'Unité KL19外部サイトPrehistoric settlement and subsistence in the Kaduna Valley, Nigeria外部サイトRoman domestic wood : analysis of the morphology, manufacture and use of selected categories of domestic wooden artefacts with particular reference to the material from Roman Britain外部サイトTown and country in early-medieval Bavaria : two studies in urban and comital structure外部サイトThe architecture of Hagia Sophia, Thessaloniki : from its erection up to the Turkish conquest外部サイトPredictive modeling and the ecology of hunter-gatherers of the boreal forest of Manitoba外部サイトEmergent social complexity in the Yangshao culture : analyses of settlement patterns and faunal remains from Lingbao, Western Henan, China (c. 4900-3000 BC)外部サイトElites y organización de la religión en las provincias romanas de la Bética y las Mauritanias : sacerdotes y sacerdocios外部サイトUshabti di militari del Museo egizio di Firenze外部サイトDifferential persistence of variation in prehistoric milling tools from the Middle Rio Puerco Valley, New Mexico外部サイトLa caracterización y el aprovisionamiento de los recursos abióticos en la Prehistoria de Catalűna : las materias primas silíceas del Paleolítico Superior Final y el Epipaleolítico外部サイトProblemi di urbanistica giustinianea : le città della Siria e della Mesopotamia外部サイトThe Acheulean of the Yiron Plateau, Israel外部サイトPeuplements humains et variations environnementales au Quaternaire : colloque de Poitiers (18-20 septembre 2000)外部サイトEl uso de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) en arqueología sudamericana外部サイトSocial inequality in Iberian late prehistory外部サイトArchaeological site formation : understanding Lake Margin contexts外部サイトEgyptian tomb architecture : the archaeological facts of pharaonic circular symbolism外部サイトEl asentamiento rural ibérico de Saus (Girona) : un ejemplo de explotación agrícola en el territorio de Emporion外部サイトImaging adornos : classification and iconography of Saladoid adornos from St. Vincent, West Indies外部サイトZooarqueología de la Península Ibérica : implicaciones tafonómicas y paleoecológicas en el debate de los homínidos del Pleisticeno Medio-Superior外部サイトAla-jalve : spatial, technological, and behavioral analyses of the lithic assemblage from a Stone-Age-Early Metal Age site in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland外部サイトPuertos y navegación en las costas valencianas meridionales (s. I-X d. C.)外部サイトThe prehistoric rock art of Morocco : a study of its extension, environment and meaning外部サイトThe early medieval pottery industry at al-Basra, Morocco外部サイトGinecología y patología sexual femenina en las Colecciones médicas de Oribasio外部サイトEgipto y el Egeo a comienzos de la XVIII dinastía : una visión de sus relaciones, antecedentes e influencia iconográfica外部サイトLes industries lithiques aurignaciennes de l'abri Pataud, Dordogne, France : les fouilles de Hallam L. Movius Jr.外部サイトThe history of early medieval towns of north and central Italy : the contributions of archaeological evidence外部サイトHadrianopolis III : ceramic finds from southwestern Paphlagonia外部サイトCeramic and other specialist studies外部サイトMycenaean trade and interaction in the West Central Mediterranean 1600-1000 B.C.外部サイトReconocimiento arqueológico en el sureste del estado de Campeche, México : 1996-2005外部サイトLe denticulé, cet inconnu : les assemblages lithiques à denticulés du Paléolithique moyen en Europe外部サイトThe taxonomy of ground stone woodworking tools外部サイトThe fifth phase of the Iron Age of Liburnia and the cemetery of the hillfort of Dragišić外部サイトArchaeological informatics : pushing the envelope CAA 2001 : Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, proceedings of the 29th conference, Gotland, April 2001外部サイトRhadamanthys : studi di archeologia minoica in onore di Filippo Carinci per il suo 70° compleanno = Studies in Minoan archaeology in honour of Filippo Carinci on the occasion of his 70th birthday外部サイトThe Maglemose culture : the reconstruction of the social organization of a mesolithic culture in Northern Europe外部サイトPottery manufacturing processes : reconstitution and interpretation外部サイトCopper and trade in the south-eastern Mediterranean : trade routes of the Near East in antiquity外部サイトThe genesis of early Christian art : syncretic juxtaposition in the Roman world外部サイトDie Funktion von Hypokausten und Tubuli in antiken römischen Bauten, insbesondere in Thermen : Erklärungen und Berechnungen外部サイトRegional approaches to adaptation in late Pleistocene Western Europe外部サイトSite structure and ceramic behaviour of a protohistoric Cree aggregation campsite外部サイトInter duos fluvios : il popolamento del Piceno tra Tenna e Tronto dal V al I sec. a.C.外部サイトDiscurso de fragmentos : arqueometría aplicada al entendimiento sobre la práctica de la alfarería : procedencia de materia prima y caracterización de cerámica del preclásico de Cuicuilco "C"外部サイトNatural resources and cultural connections of the Red Sea外部サイトDie eisernen eisenzeitlichen Erntegeräte im freien Germanien外部サイトMaritime trade between China and the West : an archaeological study of the ceramics from Siraf (Persian Gulf), 8th to 15th centuries A.D.外部サイトRebirth and afterlife : a study of the transmutation of some pagan imagery in early Christian funerary art外部サイトEmergence and development of ancestral polynesian society in Tonga外部サイトLenguajes visuales de los incas外部サイトNorth Sea and Channel connectivity during the Late Iron Age and Roman period : (175/150 BC - AD 409)外部サイトThe annexes at the early Christian basilicas of Greece (4th-6th c.) : architecture and function外部サイトArchaeological investigations of marae structures in Huahine, Society Islands, French Polynesia : report and discussions外部サイトLa cerámica medieval sevillana (siglos XII al XIV) : la producción trianera外部サイトLa transición de las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras a pastoras-agricultoras en el mediodía peninsular a través de los restos óseos : los modos de vida y de trabajo de las sociedades cazadoras y productoras外部サイトDesert boats : predynastic and pharaonic era rock-art in Egypt's central Eastern Desert : distribution, dating and interpretation外部サイトThe 'weather-god' in Hittite Anatolia : an examination of the archaeological and textual sources外部サイトThe late Chalcolithic to early Bronze I transition in Palestine and Transjordan外部サイトMigration and invasions in archaeological explanation外部サイトCultural change on a temporal and spatial frontier : ceramics of the terminal Classic to Postclassic transition in the Upper Belize River Valley外部サイトLa Villa de Tolegassos : una explotación agricola de época romana en el territorio de Ampurias外部サイトCazadores-recolectores de altura en los Andes meridionales : el alto valle del río Atuel, Argentina外部サイトThe human landscape外部サイトMouvements ou déplacements de populations animales en Méditerranée au cours de l'Holocène : Séminaire de recherche du thème 15 Archéologie de l'animal (UMR 154 - CNRS), Lattes-Montpellier (France), 29 Septembre 2000外部サイトCorduba durante la Antigüedad tardía : las necrópolis urbanas外部サイトHunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert : people of the Salt Puna : Northwest Argentina外部サイトCAA2010 : Fusion of cultures : proceedings of the 38th annual conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Granada, Spain, April 2010外部サイトProcesos de formación de sitios arqueológicos : tres casos de estudio en la Puna meridional catamarqueña argentina外部サイトMesopotamian furniture : from the mesolithic to the Neo-Assyrian period (ca. 10,000 B.C.-600 B.C.)外部サイトInvestigating ancient tillage : an experimental and soil micromorphological study外部サイトThe bioarchaeology of continental Croatia : an analysis of human skeletal remains from the prehistoric to post-medieval periods外部サイトProceedings of the general session of the 11th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference (Paris, 23-28 August 2010)外部サイトLe Nord de Belize et la côte orientale du Quintana Roo, Mexique : deux évolutions de l'occupation maya à la période préhispanique外部サイトThe chipped stone tool production/use cycle : its potential in activity analysis of disturbed sites外部サイトHistoric mosques and shrines of Oman外部サイトIdeología y realidad en las primeras sociedades sedentarias (1400 ANE - 350 DNE) de la cuenca norte del Titicaca, Perú外部サイトProfessional ranks in the Roman Army of Dacia外部サイトCiudad y territorio entre los Mayas : historia de las teorías sobre el espacio urbano外部サイトPostmesolithische Funde aus Höhlen und Abris am Beispiel des Südlichen Riesrandgebiets外部サイトIn the wake of the ya'áats' xaatgáay ['iron people'] : a study of changing settlement strategies among the Kunghit Haida外部サイトProvenance et circulation des objets en roches noires (《lignite》) á l'âge du Fer en Europe celtique (VIIIème-Ier s. av. J.-C)外部サイトLa jerarquización social en la Edad del Bronce del Alto Guadalquivir (España) : el poblado de Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén)外部サイトBronze age anthropomorphic figurines from Umm el-Marra, Syria : chronology, visual analysis and function外部サイトThe spatial structure of Kom el-Hisn : an old kingdom town in the Western Nile Delta, Egypt外部サイトThe architectural ornament of Diocletian's Palace at Split外部サイトAn outline of the neolithic culture of the Khasi-Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, India : an archaeological investigation外部サイトCasting experiments and microstructure of archaeologically relevant bronzes外部サイトStudies in the Neolithic and urban revolutions : the V. Gordon Childe Colloquium, Mexico, 1986外部サイトEarly Neolithic subsistence and settlement in the Polish Lowlands外部サイトThe contexts of painted pottery in the ancient Mediterranean world (seventh-fourth centuries BCE)外部サイトTechnologie de l'ivoire au Paléolithique supérieur : caractérisation physico-chimique du matériau et analyse fonctionnelle des outils de transformation外部サイトLa investigación de la actividad metalúrgica durante el III milenio A.N.E. en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica : la arqueometalurgia y la aplicación de análisis metalográficos y composicionales en el estudio de la producción de objetos de metal外部サイトThe archaeological heritage of Hvar, Croatia外部サイトEarly human adaptation in the Northern Hemisphere and the implications of taphonomy外部サイトLa statio romana de Mas Gusó : vigilancia y control del territorio de Ampurias, Hispania Citerior, desde el siglo II a.C. al siglo III d.C. Estructura, secuencias e interpretación外部サイトSpätmykenische Stadtheiligtümer : systematische Analyse und vergleichende Auswertung der archäologischen Befunde外部サイトLate Bronze Age Tell Atchana (Alalakh) : stratigraphy, chronology, history外部サイトObsidians in the Valley of the Volcanoes, Peru : a geoarchaeological analysis外部サイトReading space : social interaction and identity in the houses of Roman Pompeii : a syntactical approach to the analysis and interpretation of built space外部サイトEl paleolítico inferior en la Meseta Norte, España : Sierra de Atapuerca, La Maya, El Basalito, San Quirce y Ambrona : estudio tecnológico y experimental外部サイトWater folk : reconstructing an ancient aquatic lifeway in Michoacán, western Mexico外部サイトViolent interactions in the Mesolithic : evidence and meaning外部サイトTechnology and experimentation in archaeology外部サイトExploring the hospitable sea : proceedings of the international workshop on the Black Sea in antiquity held in Thessaloniki, 21-23 September 2012外部サイトCoins and samian ware : a study of the dating of coin-loss and the deposition of samian ware (terra sigillata), with a discussion of the decline of samian ware manufacture in the NW provinces of the Roman Empire, late 2nd to mid 3rd centuries AD外部サイトWorld islands in prehistory : international insular investigations : V Deia International Conference of Prehistory外部サイトL'habitat prédynastique de la vallée du Nil : vivre sur les rives du Nil aux Ve et IVe millénaires外部サイトPaleolithic zooarchaeology in practice外部サイトTrassologie an römischem Silber : herstellungstechnische Untersuchungen am Hildesheimer Silberfund外部サイトNew approaches to the study of surface palaeolithic artefacts : a pilot project at Zebra river, Western Namibia外部サイトAinu archaeology as ethnohistory : iron technology among the Saru Ainu of Hokkaido, Japan, in the 17th century外部サイトCaracterización arqueométrica de la producción cerámica numantina外部サイトMunicipium S() : a Roman town in the central Balkans, Komini near Pljevlja, Montenegro外部サイトLes premiers temples de Mésopotamie (4e et 3e millénaires)外部サイトRoman Republican castrametation : a reappraisal of historical and archaeological sources外部サイトArchaeology and entomology in the eastern Mediterranean : research into the history of insect synanthropy in Greece and Egypt外部サイトSyro-Palestinian deities in New Kingdom Egypt : the hermeneutics of their existence外部サイトThe castellieri of Venezia Giulia, north-eastern Italy (2nd-1st millennium B.C.)外部サイトEl Chagüite, Jalapa : el período formativo en el Oriente de Guatemala外部サイトPre-Hispanic agricultural fields in the Andean Region : proceedings, 45 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, International Congress of Americanists, Bogotá, Colombia, 1985外部サイトLes coquillages marins en Gaule romaine : approche socio-économique et socio-culturelle外部サイトExploitation du milieu animal par les Néanderthaliens dans le Sud-Est de la France外部サイトThe archaeology of an ancient seaside town : performance and community at Samanco, Nepeña Valley, Peru (ca. 500-1 BC)外部サイトNative evidence of non-ferrous metalworking in early historic Ireland外部サイトThe archaeology and epigraphy of Hellenistic and Roman Megaris, Greece外部サイトLes rhinocéros fossiles des sites préhistoriques de l'Europe méditerranéenne et du Massif Central : paléontologie et implications biochronologiques外部サイトFire as an instrument : the archaeology of pyrotechnologies外部サイトPrehistoric hunter-fishers of Varangerfjord, Northeastern Norway : reconstruction of settlement and subsistence during the Younger Stone Age外部サイトModels of Mesopotamian landscapes : how small-scale processes contributed to the growth of early civilizations外部サイトThe power and performance of Roman water-mills : hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-mills外部サイトArtefactos domésticos de casas posclásicas en Cuexcomate y Capilco, Morelos外部サイトGallia e Hispania en el contexto de la presencia 'germánica' (ss. V-VII) : balances y perspectivas : actas de la Mesa Redonda hispano-francesca celebrada en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (MAR) 19/20 Diciembre 2005外部サイトMiscellania : theory, rock art and heritage外部サイトDer kontextuelle Raum im vorderasiatischen Neolithikum : die Entwicklung der Lehmarchitektur, die Sozio-Ökonomie des Bauens und Wohnens und die kulturelle Organisation des architektonischen Raums外部サイトGreeks and natives in the Cimmerian Bosporus, 7th-1st centuries BC : proceedings of the international conferenece , October 2000, Taman, Russia外部サイトMinoan Kato Zakro : a pastoral economy外部サイトA fundamental basalt flake analysis : based on experimentally-produced and used flakes as well as the prehistoric Waikalua material外部サイトSouthern Iberia in the early Iron Age外部サイトProceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology : Department of Archaeology, University of Reading 2007外部サイトA report on the archaeological assemblages from excavations by Peter Beaumont at Canteen Koppie, Northern Cape, South Africa外部サイトSOMA 2007 : proceedings of the XI symposium on Mediterranean archaeology, Istanbul Technical University, 24-27 April 2007外部サイトManagement of archaeological sites and the public of Argentina外部サイトContribution à l'étude de l'Atérien du nord mauritanien外部サイトThe northern Mycenaean border in Thessaly外部サイトThe social archaeology of residential sites : Hungarian noble residences and their social context from the thirteenth through to the sixteenth century : an outline for methodology外部サイトForest bioresource utilisation in the Eastern Mediterranean since antiquity : a case study of the Makheras, Cyprus外部サイトFitting rocks : lithic refitting examined外部サイトInterpreting long-term trends in the transition to farming : reconsidering the Nodwell Site, Ontario, Canada外部サイトHunter-gatherers and farmers : an enduring frontier in the Caledon Valley, South Africa外部サイトBronze age rural ecology and village life at Tell el-Hayyat, Jordan外部サイトEarly and middle Pleistocene hominid behaviour in northern China外部サイトZur Theoriediskussion in der prähistorischen Archäologie Großbritanniens : ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick über die Jahre 1968-1982外部サイトHadrian as builder and benefactor in the western provinces外部サイトRelational cohesion in palaeolithic Europe : hominin-cave bear interactions in Moravia and Silesia, Czech Republic, during OIS3外部サイトSouthern Turkmenistan in the Neolithic : a petrographic case study外部サイトNetworks in the Hellenistic world : according to the pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond外部サイトLa construction d'un paysage fluvial : étude d'un méandre de rivière au Moyen Age la Boucle de Marne (VIIIe siècle-XVIIIe siècle)外部サイトDispute management in heritage conservation : the case of in situ museums外部サイトThe Portuguese city of Braga during the modern era : landscape and identity from the late Middle Ages to the Enlightenment外部サイトFrom Illahun to Djeme : papers presented in honour of Ulrich Luft外部サイトAutochthon : papers presented to O.T.P.K. Dickinson on the occasion of his retirement : Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, 9 November 2005外部サイトPorts of trade, Al Mina and geometric Greek pottery in the Levant外部サイトSettlement and economy in later Scandinavian prehistory外部サイトPatrimonio tangible e intangible mexicano : una reflexión外部サイトLateglacial and postglacial pioneers in Northern Europe外部サイトSpoleto romana : topografia e urbanistica外部サイトPaisajes mentales y religiosos : la frontera suroeste arcadia en épocas arcaica y clásica外部サイトMultifaceted studies in South Asian archaeology : arpitam : festschrift for Professor Vidula Jayaswal外部サイトThe Minnesota Pylos Project, 1990-98外部サイトBeyond illustration : 2d and 3d digital technologies as tools for discovery in archaeology外部サイトLa necrópolis de Las Cogotas : Ajuares : revisión de los materiales de la necrópolis de la segunda edad del hierro en la Cuenca del Duero (España)外部サイトCognitive archaeology as symbolic archaeology外部サイトEnthésopathies et activités des hommes préhistoriques : recherche méthodologique et application aux fossiles européens du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique外部サイトAncient Maya ceramic economy in the Belize River Valley Region : petrographic analyses外部サイトStyles, techniques et expression graphique dans l'art sur paroi rocheuse : actes de la session A11d du 17e Congrès mondial de l'UISPP = Styles, techniques and graphic expression in rock art : proceedings of session A11d of the 17th World Congress of the IUPPS : Burgos 1-7 September 2014外部サイトMemory and the mountain : environmental relations of the Wachagga of Kilimanjaro and implications for landscape archaeology外部サイトRecherches sur le paléolithique supérieur外部サイトSOMA 2002 : Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology : proceedings of the sixth annual meeting of postgraduate researchers, University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, 15-17 February, 2002外部サイトAn appraisal of the skulls and dentition of ancient Egyptians : highlighting the pathology and speculating on the influence of diet and environment外部サイトLe bassin du Rio Grande de Nazca, Pérou : archéologie d'un État andin 200 av. J.-C.-650 ap. J.-C.外部サイトThe lithic production system of the Princess Point Complex during the transition to agriculture in southwestern Ontario, Canada外部サイトThe Legio-Scythopolis road外部サイトA collection of classical and Eastern intaglios, rings, and cameos外部サイトFaces from the past : a study of Roman face pots from Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire外部サイトCult and death : proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Researchers, the University of Liverpool, May 2002外部サイトComparative archaeology and paleoclimatology : socio-cultural responses to a changing world外部サイトCraft production in the western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771BC) : a case study of a jue-earrings workshop at the predynastic capital site, Zhouyuan, China外部サイトChisalin : late postclassic Maya settlement in highland Guatemala外部サイトIncastellamento e signorie rurali nell'alta Valle del Tevere tra Alto e Basso Medioevo : il territorio di Umbertide (Perugia, Italia)外部サイトPalaeobiological investigations : research design, methods, and data analysis外部サイトScanning electron microscopy in archaeology外部サイトArchaeology at the interface : studies in archaeology's relationships with history, geography, biology, and physical science外部サイトToward modern humans : the Yabrudian and Micoquian 400-50 k-years ago : proceedings of a congress held at the University of Haifa, November 3-9, 1996外部サイトDes dernières industries à trapèzes à l'affirmation du Néolithique en Bretagne occidentale (5500-3500 av. J.-C.)外部サイトNatural catastrophes during Bronze Age civilisations : archaeological, geological, astronomical and cultural perspectives外部サイトThe archaeology of Montebello Islands, North-West Australia : late Quaternary foragers on an arid coastline外部サイトAustralia and the origins of agriculture外部サイトGrave matters : eight studies of First Millennium AD burials in Crimea, England and southern Scandinavia : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fourth Annual Meeting in Göteborg 1998外部サイトThe funerary landscape at Knossos : a diachronic study of Minoan burial customs with special reference to the warrior graves外部サイトLa Néolithisation = The Neolithisation process外部サイトHealth and disease in the prehistoric Pacific Islands外部サイトSocial dimensions of medieval disease and disability外部サイトExcavations at Tel Zahara (2006-2009) : final report : the Hellenistic and Roman strata外部サイトLes extrêmes distincts : la configuration de l'espace dans les sociétés ayant bâti des tertres funéraires dans le Nord-Ouest ibérique外部サイトTeeth and anthropology外部サイトPortuguese faience in England and Ireland外部サイトPrivate religion at Amarna : the material evidence外部サイトPrehistoric pottery : some recent research外部サイトRelations between red-figured and black-glazed vases in Athens of the 4th century B.C.外部サイトThe Mamasani Archaeological Project stage one : a report on the first two seasons of the ICAR-University of Sydney expedition to the Mamasani District, Fars Province, Iran外部サイトExploring the limits : frontiers and boundaries in prehistory外部サイトPOCA 2005 : Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology : proceedings of the fifth annual Meeting of Young Researchers on Cypriot Archaeology, Department of Classics, Trinity College, Dublin, 21-22 October 2005外部サイトDeath ritual and Germanic social structure (c. AD 200-600)外部サイトCentral Inuit household economies : zooarchaeological, environmental, and historical evidence from outer Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, Canada外部サイトMessina 1860-1943 : storia e archeologia militare di una piazzaforte contesa外部サイトLate Roman villas in the Danube-Balkan region外部サイトLes styles céramiques du Chasséen de Villeneuve-Tolosane : évolution et comparaisons外部サイトEarly medieval dwellings and settlements in Ireland, AD 400-1100外部サイトNelson Bay Cave, Cape Province, South Africa : the Holocene levels外部サイトThe middle and later Stone Ages in the Mukogodo Hills of Central Kenya : a comparative analysis of lithic artefacts from Shurmai (GnJm1) and Kakwa Lelash (GnJm2) rockshelters外部サイトUrbanisation in early historic India外部サイトPaisaje y arte rupestre : patrones de localización de la pintura levantina外部サイトArchaeological approaches to dance performance外部サイトSelf-sufficiency and trade in Bracara Augusta during the Early Empire : a contribution to the economic study of the city外部サイトThe glass (1987-1997)外部サイトQuantitative identities : a statistical summary and analysis of Iron Age cemeteries in North-Eastern France, 600-130 BC外部サイトHoards from the Neolithic to the metal ages : technical and codified practices : session of the XIth Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists外部サイトThe last hunter-gatherers in the Near East外部サイトDie Ausgrabungen von 1979/80 beim Hafentempel (Insula 37) der Colonia Ulpia Traiana外部サイトApproches du comportement au Moustérien外部サイトSettlements and cult sites on Mount Hermon, Israel : Ituraean culture in the Hellenistic and Roman periods外部サイトDomesticación del bosque en el Cauca medio colombiano entre el Pleistoceno final y el Holoceno medio外部サイトProtohistoire de l'oasis d'al-Aïn, travaux de la mission archéologique française à Abou Dhabi (Emirats arabes unis) : les sépultures de l'âge du Bronze外部サイトThe Poseidonian Chora : archaic Greeks in the Italic hinterland外部サイトSocial and religious organization in Bronze Age Denmark : an analysis of ritual hoard finds外部サイトEl Geili : the history of a Middle Nile environment 7000 B.C.-A.D. 1500外部サイトRecherches sur les instruments aratoires et le travail du sol en Gaule Belgique外部サイトEl ritual funerario en la prehistoria reciente en el sur de la Península Ibérica外部サイトLa memoria de Roma : oralidad, escritura e historia en la república romana外部サイトCalendars in Mesoamerica and Peru : native American computations of time : proceedings, International Congress of Americanists, Manchester 1982外部サイトRecycling ideas : Bronze Age metal production in southern Norway外部サイトWarfare in the Late Bronze Age of North Europe外部サイトDie Befunde der Insula 39 in der Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten)外部サイトThe prehistoric buildings of Chalcolithic Cyprus : the Lemba Experimental Village外部サイトPottery production, settlement patterns and development of social complexity in the Yuanqu Basin, north-central China外部サイトCultos marítimos y religiosidad de navegantes en el mundo griego antiguo外部サイトThe Beginnings of agriculture外部サイトUntersuchungen zu den Edelmetallfunden der römischen Kaiserzeit zwischen Limes, Nord- und Ostsee外部サイトGéoarchéologie de la transition Pléistocène-Holocène dans le nord-est pampéen (Buenos Aires, Argentine) : révision historique, stratigraphique et taphonomique. Perspectives pour le peuplement pré-LGM外部サイトProceedings of the eighth annual conference of the British Association for biological anthropology and osteoarchaeology外部サイトSpace and time : which diachronies, which synchronies, which scales? ; Typology vs. technology外部サイトDe la Puna a las Sierras : avances y perspectivas en zooarqueología andina外部サイトLa Néolithisation de l'ouest de la France : caractérisation des industries lithiques外部サイトThe origins of artificial cranial formation in Eurasia from the sixth millennium B.C. to the seventh century A.D.外部サイトThe ecology and evolution of Hominin geographic ranges : setting a context for archaeological interpretation using comparative analysis外部サイトLandscape in mind : dialogue on space between anthropology and archaeology外部サイトLa faune du site néolithique de Sion-Avenue Ritz (Valais, Suisse) : histoire d'un élevage villageois il y a 5000 ans外部サイトEl poblamiento de montaña en el sector central de la cordillera Cantábrica (España) : fuentes, escritas y arqueológicas : el ejemplo de la comarca de la Braña (Palencia)外部サイトThe same under a different sky? : a country estate in nineteenth-century New South Wales外部サイトRoman military brick stamps : a comparison of methodology外部サイトTrade and travel in the Red Sea Region : proceedings of Red Sea project I held in the British Museum, October 2002外部サイトSeals of unknown provenience外部サイトÉtude archéozoologique des grands mammifères du gisement Paléolithique moyen d'Érd (Hongrie)外部サイトEthnoarchäologische Studien zum Neolithikum Südwesteuropas外部サイトThe Zeebrugge shipwreck : a forgotten early sixteenth-century merchantman discovered off the Belgian coast外部サイトHousehold ceramics at Port Royal, Jamaica, 1655-1692外部サイトThe conservation of archaeological materials : current trends and future directions外部サイトLa "Chronique X" : reconstitution et analyse d'une source perdue fondamentale sur la civilisation Aztèque, d'après l'Historia de las Indias de Nueva España de D. Durán (1581) et la Crónica Mexicana de F.A. Tezozomoc (ca. 1598)外部サイトPlants and people in late Neolithic and early Bronze Age Northern Greece : an archaeobotanical investigation外部サイトLimatambo : archaeology, history and the regional societies of Inca Cusco外部サイトUrbanism and settlement in the Roman province of Moesia Superior外部サイトLithic production strategies at the early pleistocene site of Bizat Ruhama, Israel外部サイトExcavating waves and winds of (ex)change : a study of maritime trade in early Bengal外部サイトThe nature of Wari : a reappraisal of the Middle Horizon period in Peru外部サイトMountain environments in prehistoric Europe : settlement and mobility strategies from the Palaeolithic to the early Bronze Age外部サイトWar and Castros : new approaches to the northwestern Portuguese Iron Age外部サイトTime and calendars in the Inca Empire外部サイトSpanish medieval ceramics in Spain and the British Isles = Cerámica medieval española en España y las Islas Británicas外部サイトOn the margins of sustainability : prehistoric settlement of Utrōk Atoll, Northern Marshall Islands外部サイトLucernas romanas en el extremo nordeste de la Península Ibérica外部サイトApproche archéozoologique des modes d'acquisition, de transformation et de consommation des ressources animales dans le contexte urbain gallo-romain de Lutèce (Paris, France)外部サイトThe Middle Palaeolithic leaf points of Europe : ecology, knowledge and scale外部サイトThe evolution of long distance trading relationships across the LBA : Iron age transition on the northern Levantine coast : crisis, continuity and change : a study based on imported ceramics, bronze and its constituent metals外部サイトFluvial dynamics and cultural landscape evolution in the Rio Grande de Nazca drainage basin, Southern Peru外部サイトEspacios de producción y uso de los útiles de piedra tallada del Neolítico : el poblado de "Los Castillejos de Las Peñas de Los Gitanos" (Granada, España)外部サイトDas ägyptische Investiturritual外部サイトBoksee 1 A (Schleswig-Holstein) : ein mesolithischer Fundplatz an der Wende Boreal/Atlantikum外部サイトThe historical archaeology of pottery supply and demand in the Lower Rhineland, AD 1400-1800 : an archaeological study of ceramic production, distribution and use in the city of Duisburg and its hinterland外部サイトThe seigneurial residence in Western Europe, AD c800-1600外部サイトThe role of the chantress (šmʹyt) in ancient Egypt外部サイトThe management of estates and their resources in the Egyptian Old Kingdom外部サイトCounterpoint : essays in archaeology and heritage studies in honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen外部サイトMaya ceramic technology and ceramic socio-economy : a multifaceted analysis of late postclassic ceramic production and distribution in northern Yucatán, Mexico外部サイトTipologia sepolcrale delle catacombe romane : i cimiteri ipogei delle vie Ostiense, Ardeatina e Appia外部サイトLao Pako : a late prehistoric site on the Nâm Ngum River in Laos外部サイトLos primeros grupos neolíticos de la cuenca extremeña del Tajo外部サイトArchaeolgical aspects of woodland ecology外部サイトUpper Palaeolithic faunas from south-west France : a zoogeographic perspective外部サイトThe origins of hereditary social stratification : a study focusing on early prehistoric Europe and modern ethnographic accounts外部サイトThe illusion of riches : scale, resolution and explanation in tasmanian pleistocene human behaviour外部サイトShip iconography in mosaics : an aid to understanding ancient ships and their construction外部サイトBread for the people : the archaeology of mills and milling : proceedings of a colloquium held in the British School at Rome 4th - 7th November 2009外部サイトMetodi e approcci archeologici : l'industria e il commercio nell'Italia antica = Archaeological methods and approaches : industry and commerce in ancient Italy外部サイトLewan and the Bannu Basin : excavation and survey of sites and environments in North West Pakistan外部サイトConnected Hinterlands : proceedings of Red Sea project IV held at the Universtiy of Southampton, September 2008外部サイトA permeability of boundaries? : new approaches to the archaeology of art, religion, and folklore外部サイトArqueología de los paisajes forestales del norte de Mendoza, centro-oeste Argentina (siglos VIII-XIX) : (siglos VIII-XIX)外部サイトThe Neolithic pottery of Ulucak in Aegean Turkey : organization of production, interregional comparisons and relative chronology外部サイトThe archaeological excavation of the 10th century : Intan shipwreck外部サイトThe foreign relations of the "Hyksos" : a neutron activation study of Middle Bronze Age pottery from the Eastern Mediterranean外部サイトEvolving Egypt : innovation, appropriation, and reinterpretation in ancient Egypt外部サイトBronze age warfare : manufacture and use of weaponry外部サイトEn quête de la lumière : In quest of light : mélanges in honorem Ashraf A. Sadek外部サイトLes salines préhispaniques du bassin de Sayula (occident du Mexique) : milieu et techniques外部サイトBreaking the mould : challenging the past through pottery外部サイトFrom funeral monuments to household pottery : current advances in funnel beaker culture (TRB/TBK) research ; proceedings of the Borger Meetings 2009, The Netherlands外部サイトMedical care for the Roman army on the Rhine, Danube and British frontiers in the first, second and early third centuries AD外部サイトArchaeometry 98 : proceedings of the 31st symposium, Budapest, April 26 - May 3 1998外部サイトEconomie animale et gestion des troupeaux au Néolithique final en Provence : approche archéozoologique et contribution des analyses isotopiques de l'émail dentaire外部サイトStone Age sites in the making : experiments in the formation and transformation of archaeological occurrences外部サイトArchaeological investigations at Yaxuná, 1986-1996 : results of the Selz Foundation Yaxuna Project外部サイトLa configuración urbana de la Hispania tardoantigua : transformaciones y pervivencias de los espacios públicos romanos (s. III-VI d. C.)外部サイトSociedad y mundo funerario en el III y II milenio a.C. en la región del Jarama外部サイトTurquoise in ancient Egypt : concept and role外部サイトHadrianopolis IV : early Byzantine mosaics and frescoes from northwestern central Turkey外部サイトThe role of chemical markers and chemometrics in the identification of grasses used as food in pre-agrarian South West Asia外部サイトIntellectual and Spiritual Expression of Non-literate Societies外部サイトAstronomy and power : how worlds are structured : proceedings of the SEAC 2010 conference外部サイトL'archéologie et l'éducation : de l'école primaire à l'université = Archaeology and education : from primary school to university外部サイトNavigated spaces, connected places : proceedings of Red Sea Project V : held at the University of Exeter, 16-19 September 2010外部サイトAnalysis of the early Bronze Age graves in Tell Biʻa (Syria)外部サイトRock art in the Americas : mythology, cosmogony and rituals : Proceedings of the 2nd REEA Conference, Ritual Americas: configurations and recombining of the ritual devices and behaviors in the New World, in historical and contemporary societies, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), April 2-5, 2008外部サイトThe archaeology of public policy in late Roman Greece外部サイトArchaeological investigations in central Colombia外部サイトArqueozoología y romanización : producción, distribución y consumo de animales en el nordeste de la Península Ibérica entre los siglos V ane-V dne外部サイトThe Urnfield Culture in continental Croatia外部サイトOccupation and abandonment of Middle Bronze Age Zahrat adh-Dhra' 1, Jordan : the behavioural implications of quantitative ceramic analyses外部サイトIl Mediterraneo Occidentale fra XIV ed VIII secolo a.C. : cerchie minerarie e metallurgiche = The West Mediterranean between the 14th and 8th centuries B.C. : mining and metallurgical spheres外部サイトComunidades Neolíticas del Noreste de la Península Ibérica : una aproximación socio-económica a partir del estudio de la función de los útiles líticos外部サイトClassical Phoenician scarabs : a catalogue and study外部サイトThe suburban villas of Campania and their social function外部サイトTechnologie du débitage à Mureybet, Syrie : 9e-8e millénaire外部サイトDynamics of settlement patterns in the Shekhawati region of Rajasthan : prehistoric to early historic periods with special reference to ancient mining and metal processing activities外部サイトMoche burial patterns : an investigation into prehispanic social structure外部サイトArqueología de La Boca del Riachuelo puerto urbano de Buenos Aires, Argentina外部サイトRecords of traditional watercraft from south and west Sri Lanka外部サイトIntra-site obsidian distribution and consumption patterns in Northern Belize and the North-Eastern Peten外部サイトEcología de cazadores-recolectores del sector central de las Sierras de Córdoba (Rep. Argentina)外部サイトLe Capsien typique et le Capsien supérieur : évolution ou contemporanéité : les données technologiques外部サイトThe Roman Empire and beyond : archaeological and historical research on the Romans and native cultures in Central Europe外部サイトSymbolic notation of Teotihuacan : elements of writing in a Mesoamerican culture of the classic period外部サイトInterchange in pre- and protohistory : case studies in Iberia, Romania, Turkey and Israel外部サイトDogs through time : an archaeological perspective : proceedings of the 1st ICAZ Symposium on the History of the Domestic Dog : Eighth Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ98), August 23-29, 1998, Victoria, B.C., Canada外部サイトArchaeological investigations in the Yap Islands, Micronesia : first millennium B.C. to the present day外部サイトHuman skeletal remains from the medieval site of Sanjan : osteobiographic analysis外部サイトCylinder seal glyptic in predynastic Egypt and neighboring regions外部サイトChipped stone tool use in the Maya coastal economies of Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize外部サイトSex, metaphor, and ideology in moche pottery of ancient Peru外部サイトThe topography and the landscape of Roman Dacia.外部サイトArchaeology and anthropology of salt : a diachronic approach : proceedings of the international colloquium, 1-5 October 2008, Al. I. Cuza University (Iași, Romani)外部サイトUsing stone tools : the evidence from Aksum, Ethiopia外部サイトBehinderungen und Beeinträchtigungen = disability and impairment in antiquity外部サイトShahr-i Zohak and the history of the Bamiyan Valley, Afghanistan外部サイトRoman lamps of Scallabis (Santarém, Portugal)外部サイトAn analysis of classic lowland Maya burials外部サイトCerámica prehispánica norperuana : estudio de la cerámica chimú de la colección del Museo de América de Madrid外部サイトTraceology today : methodological issues in the Old World and the Americas外部サイト'The missing period' : Middle Bronze Age lake-dwellings in the Alps外部サイトRömische Villen in Nordafrika : Untersuchungen zu Architektur und Wirtschaftsweise外部サイトDawn of discovery : the early British travellers to Crete : Richard Pocoke, Robert Pashley and Thomas Spratt, and their contributions to the island's Bronze Age archaeological heritage外部サイトL'immagine del potere nell'egitto tolemaico : revisione critica dell'iconografia di Cleopatra VII Philopator外部サイトWar and rumours of war : the evidential base for the recognition of warfare in prehistory外部サイトLithic analysis of Acheulean assemblages from the Avivim sites, Israel外部サイトTrade and market in New Kingdom Egypt : internal socio-economic processes and transformations外部サイトSpheroids and battered stones in the African early and middle Stone Age外部サイトL'area aurunca nel quadro dell'Italia centromeridionale : testimonianze archeologiche di età arcaica外部サイトΦιλική συναυλία : studies in Mediterranean archaeology for Mario Benzi外部サイトSymbolism in the representation of royal children during the New Kingdom外部サイトThe use of clay in the Upper Palaeolithic of Europe : symbolic applications of a material外部サイトCaesarea reports and studies : excavations 1995-2007 within the old city and the ancient harbor外部サイトAegyptiaca et Coptica : studi in onore di Sergio Pernigotti外部サイトAspects of the relationship between the Central and Gallic empires in the mid to late third century AD with special reference to coinage studies外部サイトVici in Roman Gaul外部サイトThe archaeology of pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela : a landscape perspective外部サイトSir Aurel Stein's Limes report : the full text of M.A. Stein's unpublished Limes report (his aerial and ground reconnaissances in Iraq and Transjordan in 1938-39) edited and with a commentary and bibliography外部サイトPompeii, latrines and down pipes : a general discussion and photographic record of toilet facilities in Pompeii外部サイトSpanish medieval ceramics in Spain and the British Isles = Cerámica medieval española en España y en las Islas Británicas外部サイトThe UCL Lahun Papyri : accounts外部サイトRoman Delphi and its Pythian Games外部サイトPatterns and process in late Roman Republican coin hoards, 157-2 BC外部サイトVentidue secoli a parma : lo scavo sotto la sede centrale della Cassa di Risparmio in piazza Garibaldi外部サイトThe later Stone Age of southernmost Africa外部サイトLocal and imported ceramics in the Roman province of Scythia (4th-6th centuries AD) : aspects of economic life in the province of Scythia外部サイトSolutrean points of the Iberian Peninsula : tool making and using behaviour of hunter-gatherers during the Last Glacial Maximum外部サイトIran : Iron Age I外部サイトQuatre cimetières mérovingiens de l'Est de la France : Lavoye, Dieue-sur-Meuse, Mézières-Manchester et Mazerny : étude quantitative et qualitative des pratiques funéraires外部サイトTerritories, boundaries and cultures in the Neolithic Near East外部サイトIslam, archaeology and history : Gao region (Mali) ca. AD 900-1250外部サイトEstrategias y formas de uso del espacio en poblaciones cazadoras recolectoras de la Puna meridional argentina外部サイト'Out of Africa' : an investigation into the earliest occupation of the Old World外部サイトAnimals and Otherness in the Middle Ages : Perspectives Across Disciplines外部サイトIn dialogue : tradition and interaction in the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition外部サイトThe role of the traditional Mediterranean diet in the development of Minoan Crete : archaeological, nutritional and biochemical evidence外部サイトEl hábitat mesolítico en el Cantábrico occidental : transformaciones ambientales y medio físico durante el Holoceno antiguo外部サイトRitual scenes on the two coffins of P3-dj-imn in Cairo Museum外部サイトSocial organisation and settlement : contributions from anthropology, archaeology and geography外部サイトThe history of medicine in Jerusalem外部サイトCivita di Tarquinia : indagini speleologiche, catalogazione e studio delle cavità artificiali rinvenute presso il Pian di Civita e il Pian della Regina外部サイトLearning technology : cultural inheritance and Neolithic pottery production in the Alcoi Basin, Alicante, Spain外部サイトZeus in early Geek mythology and religion : from prehistoric times to the early archaic period外部サイトLa escuela de pintura de Sición y su fortuna crítica外部サイトSocio-economic aspects of late Roman mosaic pavements in Phoenicia and Northern Palestine外部サイトThe large Egyptian pyramids : modelling a complex engineering project外部サイトThe prehistory of the Upper Churchill River Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada外部サイトChildren, childhood and society外部サイトAurignacian clay hearths from Klissoura cave 1 : an experimental approach外部サイトThe pottery figurines of pre-Columbian Peru外部サイトAncient Egypt and antique Europe : two parts of the Mediterranean world : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Seventh Annual Meeting in Esslingen 2001外部サイトFenicios en Tartesos : nuevas perspectivas外部サイトL'art paléolithique de la grotte de Nerja (Malaga, Espagne)外部サイトAncient synagogues in Israel : third-seventh century C.E. : proceedings of symposium, University of Hafia [i.e. Haifa], May 1987外部サイトThe significance of trees : an archaeological perspective外部サイトThe organization of lithic technology in late glacial and early postglacial Europe外部サイトCerámica tardorromana de cocina de las Islas Baleares : estudio arqueométrico外部サイトShellfish in prehistoric diet : Elands Bay, S.W. Cape Coast, South Africa外部サイトLimes XVIII : proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000) : a conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaeology at the University of Liverpool外部サイトThe north coast prehistory project excavations in Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia : the artifacts外部サイトLa Prehistoria Reciente del entorno de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, España) : catálogo de sitios del VI al II milenio cal. BC, análisis tecno-tipológico de las industrias líticas y cerámicas, y organización funcional del poblamiento外部サイトThe lake of knives and the lake of fire : studies in the topography of passage in ancient Egyptian religious literature外部サイトBaluchistan : terra incognita : a new methodological approach combining archaeological, historical, anthropological and architectural studies外部サイトArchaeological field survey of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement sites in Kyrenia District, North Cyprus : systematic surafce collection and the interpretation of artefact scatters外部サイトMan-made soils外部サイトCurrent research in Chinese Pleistocene archaeology外部サイトThe history of archaeological research in the Melfese : a bibliography from the sites of Lavello, Melfi and Ripacandida外部サイトFrom space to place : 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology : proceedings of the 2nd international workshop, CNR, Rome, Italy, December 4-7, 2006外部サイトSettlement and social trends in the Argolid and the Methana Peninsula, 1200-900 BC外部サイトTechnology and methodology for archaeological practice : practical applications for the past reconstruction = Technologie et méthodologie pour la pratique en archéologie : applications pratiques pour la reconstruction du passé外部サイトKurgan studies : an environmental and archaeological multiproxy study of burial mounds in the Eurasian steppe zone外部サイトIl Trou de Touilles in Val di Susa, Piemonte, Italia : indagini archeologiche in un acquedotto Alpino del XVI Sec.外部サイトPots, people, and politics : a reconsideration of the role of ceramics in reconstructions of the Iron Age Northern Levant外部サイトProspection archéologique de la vallée laotienne du fleuve Mékong外部サイトA typology of seventeenth-century Dutch ceramics : and its implications for American historical archaeology外部サイトMetals in antiquity外部サイトReligious motifs and Meroitic painted and stamped pottery外部サイトThe Neolithic settlement at Rast : (south-west Oltenia, Romania)外部サイトPaleoethnobotany on the Northern Plains : the Tuscany Archaeological Site (EgPn-377), Calgary外部サイトLake Mareotis : reconstructing the past : proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008外部サイトArchäologie, Naturwissenschaften, Umwelt : Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Römische Archäologie" auf dem 3. Deutschen Archäologenkongreß in Heidelberg 25.5.-30.5.1999外部サイトMortuary practices and ritual associations : shamanic elements in prehistoric funerary contexts in South America外部サイトDistinctive beads in ancient India外部サイトLes stratégies de production des outils au paléolithique moyen : contribution à la compréhension du comportement des Néandertaliens外部サイトLes pétroglyphes des Petites Antilles méridionales : contextes physique et culturel外部サイトSocio-political strategies among the Maya from the Classic Period to the present外部サイトUpper Paleolithic land use in the Périgord : a topographic approach to subsistence and settlement外部サイトCoins and archaeology : MARG, Medieval Archaeology Research Group : proceedings of the first meeting at Isegran, Norway, 1988外部サイトCharcoal analysis : new analytical tools and methods for archaeology : papers from the table-ronde held in Basel 2004外部サイトPrehistoric intensive agriculture in the tropics外部サイトRecent discoveries and perspectives in human evolution : papers arising from 'Exploring human origins: exciting discoveries at the start of the 21st century' Manchester 2013外部サイトImage and ritual in the Aztec world : selected papers of the 'Ritual Americas' conferences外部サイトPrehistoric circular earthworks of Cambodia外部サイトWars and conflicts in prehispanic Mesoamerica and the Andes : selected proceedings of the conference organized by the Société des Américanistes de Belgique with the collaboration of Wayleb (European Association of Mayanists) : Brussels, 16-17 November 2002外部サイトHellenistic and Roman relief pottery in Liburnia : North-East Adriatic, Croatia外部サイトOrganic residue analysis and the first uses of pottery in the ancient Middle East外部サイトCities on hills : classic society in Mesoamerica's Mixteca Alta外部サイトTell Rijim, Iraq : the Middle Bronze Age layers外部サイトDie Siegelabrollungen und Rollsiegel der Stadt Elephantine im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. : Spurensicherung eines archäologischen Artefaktes外部サイトAgricultura y comercio púnico-turdetano en el Bajo Guadalquivir : el inicio de las explotaciones oleícolas peninsulares (siglos IV-II a.C.)外部サイトBallgames and ballcourts in prehispanic Mesoamerica : a bibliography外部サイトPor una arqueología agraria : perspecivas de investigación sobre espacios de cultivo en las sociedades medievales hispánicas外部サイトDress and identity外部サイトArcheologia dell'insediamento protostorico di Mursia (Pantelleria, Italia) : studio dei reperti di fauna marina外部サイトChalcolithic and Early Bronze Age hydrostrategies外部サイトPrés du bord d'un abri : les histories, théories et méthodes de recherches sur les abris sous roche = On shelter's ledge : histories, theories and methods of rockshelter research外部サイトPopulation and economy of the eastern part of the Roman province of Dalmatia外部サイトTumuli graves - status symbol of the dead in the Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe = Les tombes tumulaires - symboles du statut des défunts dans les âges du Bronze et du Fer en Europe外部サイトContemporary and historical archaeology in theory : papers from the 2003 and 2004 CHAT conferences外部サイトThe representation of monkeys in the art and thought of Mediterranean cultures : a new perspective on ancient primates外部サイトThe emergence of social and political complexity in the Shashi-Limpopo Valley of Southern Africa, AD 900 to 1300 : ethnicity, class, and polity外部サイトThe pottery from Petra : a neutron activation analysis study外部サイトIl Martyrion di Hierapolis di Frigia (Turchia) : analisi archeologica e architettonica外部サイトMetalworking technology and deterioration of Jin bronzes from the Tianma-Qucun site, Shanxi, China外部サイトMuseums, archaeologists and indigenous people : archaeology and the public in Nigeria外部サイトThe paleoecology of lower Magdalenian Cantabrian Spain外部サイトL'art pariétal de la grotte du Roc Saint-Cirq外部サイトRömische Bronzebalsamarien mit Reliefdekor外部サイトPatterns and corporeality : neolithic visual culture from the Republic of Macedonia外部サイトEstudios recientes de arqueología gaditana : actas de las Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores Prehistoria & Arqueología (Cádiz, abril 2008)外部サイトA bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric cemetery populations from Central and Western Greek Macedonia外部サイトFrom Stone Age to Iron Age : a study from Sogn, western Norway外部サイトCurrent research on the Romanization of the western provinces外部サイトA connecting sea : maritime interaction in Adriatic prehistory外部サイトPeople and wildlife in Northern North America : essays in honor of R. Dale Guthrie外部サイトUrban continuity in the Andes : a pre-historical planning tradition外部サイトOf things gone but not forgotten : essays in archaeology for Joan Taylor外部サイトTough times : the archaeology of crisis and recovery ; proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford conferences in 2010 and 2011外部サイトKontinuitätsfragen Mittlere Kaiserzeit - Spätantike, Spätantike - Frühmittelalter : Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Römische Archäologie" auf der Jahrestagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung in Trier 05. - 10. 06. 2001外部サイトThe representation of Islam in British museums外部サイトMollusk shells in Troia, Yenibademli, and Ulucak : an archaeomalacological approach to the environment and economy of the Aegean外部サイトArchaeological and historical background and the excavations at Jenne-jeno外部サイトVariación esqueletal humana y contexto arqueológico : evaluación de marcadores de edad y sexo en colecciones osteológicas del Noroeste Argentino外部サイトThe Middle Palaeolithic geography of Southern France : resources and site location外部サイトLe pietre del re : archeologia, trattatistica e tipologia delle fortificazioni campali moderne fra Piemonte, Savoia e Delfinato外部サイトLa Sociedad de los Campos de Urnas en el nordeste de la Peninsula Iberica : la necropolis de El Calvari (el Molar, Priorat, Tarragona)外部サイトLe Paléolithique de la vallée moyenne de l'Oronte (Syrie) : peuplement et environnement外部サイトThe role of foreigners in Ancient Egypt : a study of non-stereotypical artistic representations外部サイトIl Mesolitico in Emilia e il complesso culturale castelnoviano : dinamiche insediative e sistemi tecnici litici外部サイトThe Akko marina archaeological project外部サイトEurope, Hellas and Egypt : complementary antipodes during late antiquity : papers from session IV. 3, held at the European Association of Archaeologists Eighth Annual Meeting in Thessaloniki 2002外部サイトThe dislocation of the Roman Army in Raetia外部サイトThe sea in antiquity外部サイトRock art as social representation : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fourth Annual Meeting in Göteborg 1998外部サイトAustralia's eastern regional sequence revisited : technology and change at Capertee 3外部サイトThe burial of the urban poor in Italy in the late Roman Republic and early Empire外部サイトRitual practice between the late bronze age and protogeometric periods of Greece外部サイトThe prehistoric multicultural settlement of Hajná Nová Ves (Slovakia) : cultural-historical, settlement-archaeological and archaeo-environmental contexts in western Carpathia at the end of the early prehistoric and in the late prehistoric periods外部サイトLa Edad del Hierro en el Sistema Ibérico Central, España外部サイトHellenistic gold Eros jewellery : technique, style and chronology外部サイトNatalità, mortalità e demografia dell'Italia medievale sulla base dei dati archeologici外部サイトLife and death in the Korean Bronze Age (c. 1500-400 BC) : an analysis of settlements and monuments in the mid-Korean peninsula外部サイトImaging applied to animal mummification in ancient Egypt外部サイトLes industries lithiques taillées des IVe et IIIe millénaires en Europe occidentale : colloque international, Toulouse 7-9 avril 2005外部サイトEl Inkario en los valles del Sur Andino Boliviano : los yamparas entre la arqueología y etnohistoria外部サイトArchaeological survey in the Lower Liri Valley, Central Italy外部サイトTypologie des armatures lithiques gravettiennes de la grotte d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France)外部サイトLithic raw material economies in late glacial and early postglacial Europe外部サイトLes instruments aratoires des Gaules et de Germanie superieure : catalogue des pièces métalliques外部サイトEstudio historiográfico de las investigaciones dobre cerámica arqueológica en el noroeste Argentino外部サイトArchitettura militare di fine Ottocento : la difesa costiera e l'impiego delle batterie dello Stretto di Messina外部サイトLos paisajes culturales de la ciudad de Toledo : los cigarrales : dehesas, espacios irrigados, torres, cigarrales y trincheras外部サイトA step to a global world : historical archaeology in Panamá : German researches on the first Spanish city on the Pacific Ocean外部サイトSlavery from known to unknown : a comparative study of slavery in ancient Greek poleis and ancient Sri Lanka外部サイトEmbodying value? : the transformation of objects in and from the ancient world外部サイトEvolution de l'économie alimentaire et des pratiques d'élevage de l'Antiquité au haut Moyen Age en Gaul du nord : une étude régionale sur la zone limoneuse de la moyenne Belgique et du sud des Pays-Bas外部サイトComplex hunter-gatherers : a late holocene example from temperate Australia外部サイトOn the structure and terminology of the Gaulish calendar外部サイトDetermining the antiquity of dog origins : canine domestication as a model for the consilience between molecular genetics and archaeology外部サイトIl caso studio delle necropoli longobarde in area danubiana : un contributo archeologico alla questione storica dell' etnogenesi外部サイトThe collapse of palatial society in LBA Greece and the postpalatial period外部サイトPaléolithique inférieur du bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (SW du Maroc) : analyse techno-typologique外部サイトMesolithic adaptations on the Lower Danube : Vlasac and the Iron Gates Gorge外部サイトThe Bosporus : gateway between the ancient west and east (1st millennium BC-5th century AD) : proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Istanbul, 14th-18th September 2009外部サイトThe gendered landscape : a discussion on gender, status and power in the Norwegian Viking Age landscape外部サイトThe role of the chantress (šmʹyt) in ancient Egypt外部サイトThe Aegean Sea peoples and religious architecture in the Eastern Mediterranean at the close of the Late Bronze Age外部サイトLate Republican-Early Imperial regional Italian landscapes and demography外部サイトEthnoarchaeology and hunter-gatherers : pictures at an exhibition外部サイトIron age pottery production in the Hunsrück-Eifel-Kultur of Germany : a world-system perspective外部サイトLes débuts du Paléolithique supérieur dans l'Est des Balkans : réflexion à partir de l'étude taphonomique et techno-économique des ensembles lithiques des sites de Bacho Kiro (couche 11), Temnata (couches VI et 4) et Kozarnika (niveau VII)外部サイトThe Roman villas of Buccino : Wesleyan University excavation in Buccino, Italy 1969-1972外部サイトCaractérisation et gestion du silex des sites mésolithiques et néolithiques du Nord-Ouest de l'arc alpin : une approche pétrographique at [i.e. et] géochimique外部サイトHispania en el siglo II d.C. : circulación y perduración de la moneda外部サイトArchaeology of the Mimbres region, Southwestern New Mexico, U.S.A.外部サイトComplexity and diversity in the late Iron Age Southern Levant : the investigations of 'Edomite' archaeology and scholarly discourse外部サイトLe site de Loma Alta, Lac de Zacapu, Michoacan, Mexique外部サイトClassification and interpretation of marine shell artifacts from Western Mexico外部サイトEconomy and technology in the late Stone Age of southern Natal外部サイトPolítica y religión en Atenas arcaica : la reorganización de la polis en época de Solón, una revisión de la documentación arqueológica, literaria y religiosa外部サイトDefining moments : dramatic archaeologies of the twentieth-century外部サイトDance, dancers and the performance cohort in the Old Kingdom外部サイトEl yacimiento y el santuario de Torreparedones : un lugar arqueológico preferente en la campiña de Córdoba外部サイトDie Keramik von Xkipché外部サイトNumismatic and archaeological collecting in northern Sicily during the first half of the nineteenth century外部サイトUne histoire des premières communautés mésolithiques au Portugal外部サイトThe coin evidence as a source for the history of Classe (Ravenna) : excavations of the harbour area (2001-2005) and the Basilica of San Severo (2006-2010)外部サイトA comparison of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene burials of North Africa and Western Europe : grim investigations: reaping the dead外部サイトCatalogue of Palaeolithic artefacts from Egypt in the Pitt Rivers Museum外部サイトThe rock paintings of Arnhem Land, Australia : social, ecological and material culture change in the Post-Glacial period外部サイトRecent developments in environmental analysis in old and new world archaeology外部サイトFunerary ritual and symbolism : an interdisciplinary interpretation of burial practices in Late Iron Age Finland外部サイトDiseños geométricos en los mosaicos de Écija (Sevilla)外部サイトGames and festivals in classical antiquity : proceedings of the conference held in Edinburgh 10-12 July 2000外部サイトBetween river and barrow : a reappraisal of Bronze Age metalwork found in the province of East-Flanders (Belgium)外部サイトIntegrating archaeology and ethnohistory : the development of exchange between Yap and Ulithi, Western Caroline Islands外部サイトThe significance of choice in Late Dorset : the technology of domestic architecture in the Eastern North American Arctic c.1500 B.P.-500 B.P.外部サイトCivitella d'Arna (Perugia, Italia) e il suo territorio : carta archeologica外部サイトCulture contact in Southern Mediterranean France : 7th to 2nd centuries BC外部サイトNouveau regard sur Choqek'iraw (Choque Quirao) : un site Inca au coeur de la cordillere de Vilcabamba au Perou外部サイトThe Imagination of matter : religion and ecology in Mesoamerican traditions外部サイトBirds of a feather : osteological and archaeological papers from the South Pacific in honour of R.J. Scarlett外部サイトSemiotics of landscape : archaeology of mind外部サイトLes sépultures de catastrophe : approche anthropologique des sites d'inhumations en relation avec des épidémies, de peste, des massacres de population et des charniers militaires外部サイトSasanian and Islamic pottery from Ras al-Khaimah : classification, chronology, and analysis of trade in the Western Indian Ocean外部サイトEarly medieval agriculture, livestock and cereal production in Ireland, AD 400-1100外部サイトChinese porcelain marks from coastal sites in Kenya : aspects of trade in the Indian Ocean, XIV-XIX centuries外部サイトSeals of known provenance外部サイトLate Bronze and Iron Age chalices in Canaan and ancient Israel外部サイトCeramic studies : papers on the social and cultural significance of ceramics in Europe and Eurasia from prehistoric to historic times外部サイトRecent studies in Pre-Columbian archaeology外部サイトLandscape, material culture and society in prehistoric south east Bulgaria外部サイトEin Töpferort in Nordwest-Marokko aus ethnoarchäologischer Perspektive外部サイトHillat el-Arab : the joint Sudanese-Italian expedition in the Napatan region, Sudan外部サイトSection 11, L'âge du bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée : sessions générales et posters = The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean : general sessions and posters外部サイトEl mundo en movimiento : circulación de bienes, recursos e ideas en el valle Calchaquí, Salta (Noroeste Argentina) : una visión desde La Paya外部サイトRoma Nova : la refundación de la República en los siglos IV y III AC外部サイトThe rock art of Ometepe Island, Nicaragua : motif classification, quantification and regional comparisons外部サイトAnimals and people : archaeozoological papers in honour of Ina Plug外部サイトDie Gesichtskrüge : der römischen Nordwestprovinzen外部サイトSexually ambiguous imagery in Cyprus from the Neolithic to the Cypro-Archaic period外部サイトLas tumbas reales egipcias del Tercer Período Intermedio, dinastías XXI-XXV : tradición y cambios外部サイトOkinawa : the rise of an island kingdom : archaeological and cultural perspectives外部サイトCyber-archaeology外部サイトTerra and silva in the Pannonian Plain : Opovo agro-gathering in the late Neolithic外部サイトCrânes trophées, crânes d'ancêtres et autres pratiques autour de la tête: problèmes d'interprétation en archéologie : actes de la table ronde pluridisciplinaire, musée national de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac (Dordogne, France), 14-16 octobre 2010外部サイトVida y muerte en el asentamiento del Neolítico Antiguo de El Prada (Pancorbo, Burgos) : construyendo el Neolítico en la Península Ibérica = Life and death in the early Neolithic settlement of El Prado (Pancorbo, Burgos) : constructing the Neolithic in Iberia外部サイトAiraq al-Amir : the architecture of the Tobiads外部サイトSocial, economic and symbolic perspectives at the dawn of metal production外部サイトA new interpretation of the cone on the head in New Kingdom Egyptian tomb scenes外部サイトCavidades en Extremadura (España) : patrimonio natural y arqueológico外部サイトLate Magdalenian chronology and faunal exploitation in the north-western Ardennes外部サイトDeconstructing the Celts : a skeptic's guide to the archaeology of the Auvergne外部サイトNabataean clay lamps : an analytical study of art and myths外部サイトCharcoals from the past : cultural and palaeoenvironmental implications : proceedings of the third international meeting of anthracology, Cavallino, Lecce (Italy), June 28th - July 1st 2004外部サイトThe early Roman cities of Lusitania外部サイトL'etá del bronzo media e recente in Liguria (Italia nord occidentale) : percorsi tecnologici e culturali外部サイトTripolye culture during the beginning of the middle period (BI) : the relative chronology and local grouping of sites外部サイトThe LMIII cemetery at Tourloti, Siteia : the 'Xanthoudidis Master' and the octopus style in east Crete外部サイトÉtudes palynologique et paléoenvironnementale de sondages holocènes dans les Gunung Sewu (Java, Indonésie) : reconstitution de l'environnement, impacts climatiques et anthropiques : mise en évidence de la néolithisation外部サイトA composite view to the past : a methodological integration of zooarchaeology and archaeological geophysics at the Magdalenian site of Verberie le Buisson-Campin外部サイトUnearthing prehistory : the archaeology of northeastern Luzon, Philippine Islands外部サイトA zooarchaeological study of the Roman north-western provinces外部サイトDes les goths aux huns : le nord de la mer noire au Bas -empire et a l'epoque des grandes migrations外部サイトLater Pleistocene cultural adaptations in Sudanese Nubia外部サイトL'Acheuléen récent évolué de Syrie外部サイトLa brocca d'oro dalla Tomba Reale III a Nimrud : un caso di studio外部サイトLa aparición de la tecnología cerámica en la región cantábrica外部サイトCoastal hinterlands : site patterns, microregions and coast-inland interconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c. 600-300 BC外部サイト'Uyuni préhispanique' : archéologie de la Cordillère Intersalar (Sud-Ouest Bolivien)外部サイトCase studies in archaeology and world religion : the proceedings of the Cambridge Conference外部サイトSon Fornés, la Fase Talayótica : ensayo de reconstrucción socio-económica de una comunidad prehistórica de la isla de Mallorca外部サイトThe distribution of bronze drums in early Southeast Asia : trade routes and cultural spheres外部サイトArcheologia del rifugio antiaereo : utilizzo di opere ipogee antiche e moderne per la protezione dei civili : atti III Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia del Sottosuolo : Massa, 5-7 Ottobre 2007外部サイトL'exploitation de l'espace et la mobilité des groupes humains au travers des assemblages lithiques à la fin du Pléistocène moyen et au début du Pléistocène supérieur : la moyenne vallée du Rhône entre Drôme et Ardèche, France外部サイトNear Eastern helmets of the Iron Age外部サイトArchaeology, soil- and life-sciences applied to enclosures and fields : proceedings of the session 'From microprobe to spatial analysis - Enclosed and buried surfaces as key sources in Archaeology and Pedology', European Association of Archaeologists 12th Annual Meeting, Krakow, Poland, 19th to 24th September 2006外部サイトDevelopment of social complexity in the Liaoxi area, northeast China外部サイトSumaqa : a Roman and Byzantine Jewish village on Mount Carmel, Israel外部サイトRituales de armas y de victoria : lugares de culto y armamento en el mundo griego外部サイトL'Amérique du Sud : des chasseurs-ceuilleurs à l'Empire Inca : actes des journées d'étude d'archéologie précolombienne, Genève, 10-11 octobre 1997外部サイトEgyptology in Australia and New Zealand 2009 : proceedings of the Conference held in Melbourne, September 4th-6th外部サイトEl proceso de urbanización de la Meseta Norte en la protohistoria y la antigüedad : la ciudad celtibérica y romana de Termes (s. VI a.C. -- p.C.)外部サイトThe Roman temple complex at Horvat Omrit : an interim report外部サイトLa piraterie en Europe du nord-ouest à l'époque romaine外部サイトKarystian cipollino marble : its export from Euboea and distribution外部サイトModern materials : the proceedings of CHAT Oxford, 2009外部サイトKhashabian : a late paleolithic industry from Dhofar, Southern Oman外部サイトLa préhistoire du Yémen : diffusions et diversités locales, à travers l'étude d'industries lithiques du Hadramawt外部サイトA K-means approach to the analysis of spatial structure in Upper Paleolithic habitation sites : Le Flageolet I and Pincevent section 36外部サイトMoral e imperio : (siglos II-I a.C.) : la tradición romana sobre el estado外部サイトCurrent trends in archaeological heritage preservation : national and international perspectives : proceedings of the international conference, Iaş̦i, Romania, November 6-10, 2013外部サイトLes productions céramiques du Québec méridional, c. 1680-1890 : analyses, caractérisation et provenances外部サイトPit and groove work among the Olmec-style monuments of the Gulf Coast lowlands外部サイトRoles for men and women in Roman epigraphic culture and beyond : gender, social identity and cultural practice in private Latin inscriptions and the literary record外部サイトLa cerámica importada de Tell el-Ghaba, norte de Sinai : interacciones locales y regionales durante la época saíta (siglos VII-VI a.C.)外部サイトCavum antrum Phrygiae : the organization and operations of the Roman imperial marble quarries in Phrygia外部サイトTown planning and architecture in Provincia Arabia : the cities along the Via Traiana Nova in the 1st-3rd centuries C.E.外部サイトLe Gravettien final de l'abri Pataud (Dordogne, France) : fouilles et études 2005-2009外部サイトProceedings of the fifth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology外部サイトArchitettura e potere in una terra di confine : edilizia vescovile nella Diocesi di Luni fra XI e XIV secolo外部サイトFrom Pella to Gandhara : hybridisation and identity in the art and architecture of the Hellenistic East外部サイトÉtude du matériel de Hulbuk (Mā wārāʾ al-nahr-K̲h̲uttal), de la conquête islamique jusqu'au milieu du XIe siècle (90/712-441/1050) : contribution à l'étude de la céramique islamique d'Asie centrale外部サイトRecent developments in the history and archaeology of central Greece : proceedings of the 6th International Boeotian Conference外部サイトCanoes of the Grand Ocean外部サイトPatterns of imports in Iron Age Italy外部サイトGIS simulation of the earliest hominid colonisation of Eurasia外部サイトLos altares de las iglesias hispanas tardoantiguas y altomedievales : estudio arqueológico外部サイトFrom Ichcanzihoo to Mérida : documenting cultural transition through contact archaeology in Tíhoo, Mérida, Yucatán外部サイトDress and cultural identity in the Rhine-Moselle Region of the Roman Empire外部サイトThe dispersal of the Neolithic over the Arabian Peninsula外部サイトThe finds and the ship外部サイトIncisioni rupestri nell'Alto Lario外部サイトPatrimonio cultural Mexicano : modelos explicativos外部サイトPaleolithic landscapes of Iran外部サイトThe Ubaid period in Iraq : recent excavations in the Hamrin region外部サイトSocial aspects of ancient Egyptian domestic architecture外部サイトLa eboraria andalusí del califato omeya a la Granada nazarí外部サイトExcavations in Akhmīm, Egypt : continuity and change in city life from late antiquity to the present : First report外部サイトLa II Edad del Hierro en Segovia (España) : estudio arqueológico del territorio y la cultura material de los pueblos preromanos外部サイトPrehistoria de la navegación : origen y desarrollo de la arquitectura naval primigenia外部サイトSpondylus in prehistory : new data and approaches : contributions to the archaeology of shell technologies外部サイトNómadas en la encrucijada : sociedad, ideología y poder en los márgenes áridos del Levante meridional durante el primer milenio a.C.外部サイトThe Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East : proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986外部サイトWine in ancient Egypt : a cultural and analytical study外部サイトAn index of ancient Egyptian titles, epithets and phrases of the Old Kingdom外部サイトPrehistoric ceramics of Northeastern Thailand : with special reference to Ban Na Di外部サイトElements of being : mentalities, identities and movements外部サイトExchange and cultural interactions : a study of long-distance trade and cross-cultural contacts in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in central and eastern Europe外部サイトObtención de metales en la prehistoria de la Península Ibérica外部サイトArchaeology of mound-clusters in West Africa外部サイトFrom tribe to province to state : an historical-ethnographic and archaeological perspective for reinterpreting the settlement processes of the Germanic populations in western Europe between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages外部サイトExplorations of variability in Australian prehistoric rock engravings外部サイトThe assemblage of bone and ivory artifacts from Caesarea Maritima, Israel 1st-13th centuries CE外部サイトCeramic production and distribution in the Chavín sphere of influence (north-central Andes)外部サイトRendering death : ideological and archaeological narratives from recent prehistory (Iberia), proceedings of the conference held in Abrantes, Portugal, 11 May 2013外部サイトLes industries lithiques campaniformes du sud-est de la France外部サイトUnit sizes in the late Roman army外部サイトLe fortificazioni di Iasos di Caria : rilievi e analisi architettoniche外部サイトLe fortificazioni campali dei colli di Finestre e fattieres : archeologia e storia di un sito militare d'età moderna sulle Alpi Occidentali外部サイトConimbriga tardo-antigua y medieval : excavaciones arqueológicas en la domus tancinus (2004-2008) (Condeixa-a-Velha, Portugal)外部サイトThe chemical analysis of prehistoric bones : a paleodietary and ecoarcheological study of Bronze Age West-Friesland外部サイトThe complex of Tumuli 9, 10 and 11 in the Necropolis of Apollnia (Albania)外部サイトPrecious commodities : the socio-economic implications of the distribution of juglets in the eastern Mediterranean during the Middle and Late Bronze Age外部サイトOn the fringe of society : archaeological and ethnoarchaeological perspectives on pastoral and agricultural societies外部サイトA landscape of pilgrimage and trade in Wadi Masila, Yemen : al-Qisha and Qabr Hud in the Islamic period外部サイトFrauen und römisches Militär : Beiträge eines runden Tisches in Xanten vom 7. bis 9. Juli 2005外部サイトHuman sacrifices for cosmic order and regeneration : structure and meaning in Moche iconography, Peru, AD 100-800外部サイトDie Bildsteine Gotlands der Völkerwanderungs- und Vendelzeit als Spiegel frühgeschichtlicher Lebenswelten外部サイトThe archaeology of verbal and nonverbal meaning : Mesopotamian domestic architecture and its textual dimension外部サイトThe archaeology of complex societies in southeastern Pacific coastal Guatemala : a regional GIS approach外部サイトThe art of Hellenistic Palestine外部サイトSite interaction and political geography in the Upper Usumacinta region during the Late Classic : a GIS approach外部サイトPrehistoric Maya community and settlement at Nohmul, Belize外部サイトFishing sites of North and East Africa in the late Pleistocene and Holocene : environmental change and human adaptation外部サイトStatus of prehistoric studies in the twenty-first century in India = État de l'art d'études préhistoriques au XXIe siècle en Inde外部サイトExcavations on the mound 1977-1981 : field I外部サイトObjects in motion : the circulation of religion and sacred objects in the late antique and Byzantine world外部サイトThe archaeology of the West coast of South Africa外部サイトLas presas romanas en España外部サイトWooden mosques of the Samsun Region, Turkey : from past to the present : in the light of surveys carried out in the years 2001-2003外部サイトReconstructing the past : studies in Mesoamerican and Central American prehistory外部サイトWhen did antiquity end? : archaeological case studies in three continents : the proceedings of an international seminar held at the University of Trento on April 29-30, 2005 on late antique societies, religion, pottery and trade in Germanica, northern Africa, Greece, and Asia Minor外部サイトCrossing the straits : prehistoric obsidian source exploitation in the North Pacific Rim外部サイトChert availability and prehistoric exploitation in the Near East外部サイトPersepolis West (Fars, Iran) : report on the field work carried out by the Iranian-Italian joint archaeological mission in 2008-2009外部サイトEconomic prehistory of the Central Andes外部サイトNew perspectives on the ancient world : modern perceptions, ancient representations外部サイトRomans in the middle and lower Danube Valley, 1st century BC-5th century AD : case studies in archaeology, epigraphy and history外部サイトMaritime Tel Michal and Apollonia : results of the underwater survey 1989-1996外部サイトContesti ceramici dai fori Imperiali外部サイトSocial differentiation in the late Copper Age and early Bronze Age in South Moravia (Czech Republic)外部サイトL'area ionico-tarantina nel quadro della diffusione neolitica : problematiche e analisi dei rapporti con le culture coeve dell'Italia sud-orientale e del Vicino Oriente外部サイトLes mégaherbivores (éléphantidés et rhinocérotidés) au Paléolithique moyen en Europe du nord-ouest : paléoécologie, taphonomie et aspects palethnographiques外部サイトThe earlier palaeolithic of Syria : reinvestigating the evidence from the Orontes and Euphrates valleys外部サイトLa religión del poder : el culto imperial en Atenas en época de Augusto y los emperadores Julio-Claudios外部サイトArchaeotecture: second floor : papers from the archaeology of architecture sessions held at the EAA meetings in St Petersburg (2003) and Lyon (2004)外部サイトAn ethnoarchaeological study of iron-smelting practices among the Pangwa and Fipa in Tanzania外部サイトTraditions céramiques, identités et peuplement en Sénégambie : ethnographie comparée et essai de reconstitution historique外部サイトAspects of Roman pottery in Canton Ticino (Switzerland)外部サイトHearts and bones : bone raw material exploitation in Tierra del Fuego外部サイトThe later Stone Age of the Drakensberg Range and its foothills外部サイトInstrumental de hierro de época romana y de la antigüedad tardía en el N.E. de la Península Ibérica外部サイトEcology, settlement and history in the Osmore drainage, Peru外部サイトArchaeozoological approaches to medieval Moldavia外部サイトLa structure de l'habitat du site maya classique de la Joyanca (Petén nord-ouest, Guatemala) dans son environment local外部サイトThe collecting of origins : collectors and collections of Italian prehistory and the cultural transformation of value : 1550-1999外部サイトSocio-economic differentiation in the Neolithic Sudan外部サイトThe Miwa project : survey, coring and excavation at the Miwa site, Nara, Japan外部サイトLa isla de Malta en época fenicia y púnica外部サイトKhor Abu Anga and Magendohli : Stone Age sites on the Sudanese Nile外部サイトMemorie suessane di matidia : suessa : città e territorio dagli Aurunci all' età romana : soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici di Salerno, Avellino, Benevento e Caserta外部サイトModelling hunter-gatherer settlement patterns : an Australian case study外部サイトL'homme, le bois et la forêt dans la France du Nord entre le Mésolithique et le haut Moyen-Age外部サイトThe coinage of the Kingdom of Bosporus, A.D. 69-238外部サイトRhyta e corni potori dall'Età del ferro all'epoca sasanide : libagioni pure e misticismo tra la Grecia e il mondo iranico外部サイトInter-regional ties in Costa Rican prehistory : papers presented at a symposium at Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, April 27, 1983外部サイトLod (Lydda), Israel : from its origins through the Byzantine period, 5600 B.C.E.-640 C.E.外部サイトII jornadas predoctorales en estudios de la antigüedad y de la edad media. Κτῆμα ἐς αἰεὶ: el texto como herramienta común para estudiar el pasado : proceedings of the Second Postgraduate Conference in Studies of Antiquity and Middle Ages, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 19-21st November 2014外部サイトBioestratinomía de macromamíferos terrestres de Doñana : inferencias ecológicas en los yacimientos arqueológicos del S.O. de Andalucía外部サイトThe Anra scarab : an archaeological and historical approach外部サイトEnvironmental aspects of coasts and islands外部サイトGroup statues of private individuals in the New Kingdom外部サイトKeeping your edge : recent approaches to the organisation of stone artefact technology外部サイトActs of discovery : an ethnography of archaeological practice外部サイトL'axe rhodano-jurassien dans le problème des relations sud-nord au Néolithique ancien外部サイトIron making during the migration period : the case of the Lombards外部サイトRock art data base : new methods and guidelines in archiving and cataloguing = Base de données en art rupestre : nouvelles méthodes et lignes guide enarchivage et catalogage外部サイトL'occupazione costiera protostorica del Lazio centromeridionale外部サイトHolocene foragers, fishers and herders of Western Kenya外部サイトLBK dialogues : studies in the formation of the Linear Pottery Culture外部サイトManuscript catalogues of the early museum collections, 1683-1886外部サイトBronze and iron age tombs at Tel Gezer, Israel : finds from Raymond-Charles Weill's excavations in 1914 and 1921外部サイトPaysages et climats des premiers hominidés en Italie外部サイトKultureller Wandel und die Grabsitte im Frühneolithikum des Mittelmeerraumes外部サイトHorses and humans : the evolution of human-equine relationships外部サイトWadi Araba in classical and late antiquity : an historical geography外部サイトUntersuchungen zu den urnenfelderzeitlichen Gräbern mit Waffenbeigaben vom Alpenkamm bis zur Südzone des Nordischen Kreises : eine Analyse ihrer Grabinventare und Grabformen外部サイトMexica buried offerings : a historical and contextual analysis外部サイトCronología de la prehistoria reciente de la Península Ibérica y Baleares (c.2800-900 cal ANE)外部サイトGlass beads in ancient India : an ethnoarchaeological approach外部サイトInvestigating upper Mesopotamian households using micro-archaeological techniques外部サイトOutside archaeology : material culture and poetic imagination外部サイトExpressions esthétiques et comportements techniques au paléolithique = Aesthetic expressions and technical behaviours in the palaeolithic age外部サイトThe presence of Teotihuacan in the Cuitzeo Basin, Michoacán, Mexico : a world-system perspective外部サイトGreek settlements in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea外部サイトThe scale and nature of the Late Bronze Age economies of Egypt and Cyprus外部サイトMarine craft in ancient mosaics of the Levant外部サイトWhodunnit? Grave robbery in Anglo-Saxon England and the Merovingian kingdoms外部サイトCorpus of inscriptions of the Herakleopolitan period from the Memphite necropolis : translation, commentary and analyses外部サイトEastern desert ware : traces of the inhabitants of the eastern deserts in Egypt and Sudan during the 4th-6th centuries CE外部サイトArchaeology and history in southern Nigeria : the ancient linear earthworks of Benin and Ishan外部サイトThe Mousterian site of Ras el-Kelb, Lebanon外部サイトLe rôle de l'environnement dans les comportements des chasseurs-cueilleurs préhistoriques外部サイトConstructing identity : the Roman funerary monuments of Aquileia, Mainz and Nîmes外部サイトUpper paleolithic burins : type, form and function外部サイトEgyptian and Græco-Roman wall plasters and mortars : a comparative scientific study外部サイトArchaeological investigations of Iron Age sites in the Mema Region, Mali (West Africa)外部サイトHellenic colonization in Euxeinos Pontos : penetration, early establishment, and the problem of the "emporion" revisited外部サイトAnimals, gods and men from East to West : papers on archaeology and history in honour of Roberta Venco Ricciardi外部サイトFresh approaches to brick production and use in the Middle Ages : proceedings of the session 'Utilization of brick in the Medieval period - production, construction, destruction', held at the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Meeting, 29 August to 1 September 2012 in Helsinki, Finland外部サイトLater Stone Age settlement patterns in the Sandveld of the south-western Cape Province, South Africa外部サイトMesopotamian dimātu of the second millennium BC外部サイトNabataean Aila (Aqaba, Jordan) from a ceramic perspective : local and intra-regional trade in Aqaba ware during the first and second centuries AD : evidence from the Roman Aqaba Project外部サイトL'obsidienne au Proche et Moyen Orient : du volcan à l'outil外部サイトThe materials and technology of glazed ceramics from the Deh Luran plain, southwestern Iran : a study in innovation外部サイトMaterials of manufacture : the choice of materials in the working of bone and antler in northern and central Europe during the first millennium AD外部サイトArchaeological typology外部サイトCappadocia : schede dei siti sotterranei = records of the underground sites外部サイトThe economic exploitation of the Swiss area in the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods外部サイトA study through skull morphology on the diversity of holocene African populations in a historical perspective外部サイトOsteometry, and osteological age and sex determination of the Sisimiut reindeer population (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus)外部サイトPhysical, chemical and biological markers in Argentine archaeology : theory, methods and applicatons外部サイトHaithabu-Schleswig-Danewerk : Aspekte einer Forschungsgeschichte mittelalterlicher Anlagen in Schleswig-Holstein外部サイトLampes antiques de Méditerranée : la collection Rivel外部サイトSmoke and mist : Mesoamerican studies in memory of Thelma D. Sullivan外部サイトAcque sorgive salutari e sacre in Etruria (Italiae Regio VII) : ricerche archeologiche e di topografia antica外部サイトNovgorod in the early Middle Ages : the rise and growth of an urban community外部サイトLinks between megalithism and hypogeism in western Mediterranean Europe外部サイトInvestigation into dynamics of ancient Egyptian pharmacology : a statistical analysis of papyrus ebers and cross-cultural medical thinking外部サイトAncient Abila : an archaeological history外部サイトNative religion under Roman domination : deities, springs, and mountains in the north-west of the Iberian peninsula外部サイトTecnología lítica experimental : introducción a la talla de utillaje prehistórico外部サイトLandscapes of gender, age and cosmology : burial perceptions in Viking Age Iceland外部サイトSphragides : die gravierten Fingerringe des Hellenismus外部サイトPaleoethnobotanical study of ancient food crops and the environmental context in North-East Africa, 6000 BC-AD 200/300外部サイトPachacamac durant l'intermédiaire récent : étude d'un site monumental préhispanique de la Côte centrale du Pérou外部サイトFrom the ground up : beyond gender theory in archaeology : proceedings of the Fifth Gender and Archaeology Conference, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, October 1998外部サイトWild signs : graffiti in archaeology and history外部サイトAspects méthodologiques外部サイトTwo treasurers of the late Middle Kingdom外部サイトFormal variation in Australian spear and spearthrower technology外部サイトDalla villa al monastero : nuovi dati archeologici da S. Maria di Grottaferrata外部サイトThe Ahar culture and beyond : settlements and frontiers of "Mesolithic" and early agricultural sites in South-Eastern Rajasthan c. 3rd-2nd Millennia B.C.外部サイトRoman period oil lamps in the Holy Land : collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority外部サイトRecursos forestales y el proceso de diferenciación social en tiempos prehispánicos en el Valle de Ambato, Catamara, Argentina外部サイトThe Roman domestic architecture of northern Italy外部サイトKay Pacha : cultivating earth and water in the Andes外部サイトMedieval and post-medieval Greece : the Corfu papers外部サイトReception of classical art : an introduction外部サイトProtohistoria y antigüedad en el sureste peninsular : el poblamiento de la depresión de Vera y valle del río Almanzora (Almería)外部サイトThe hunters of Combe Grenal : approaches to Middle Paleolithic subsistence in Europe外部サイトArchaeology in the age of the internet : CAA 97 Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the 25th anniversary conference University of Birmingham, April 1997外部サイトTextile-making in central Tyrrhenian Italy from the final Bronze Age to the Republican Period外部サイトRoyal festivals in the Late Predynastic period and the First Dynasty外部サイトRoman pottery research in Britain and North-West Europe : papers presented to Graham Webster外部サイトThe lithic industries of Zahrat adh-Dhraʿ 2 and the pre-pottery Neolithic period of the Southern Levant外部サイトGardens of Italy and the western provinces of the Roman Empire : from the 4th century BC to the 4th century AD外部サイトSteatite vessel manufacture in eastern North America外部サイトRomanesque chevron ornament : the language of British, Norman and Irish sculpture in the twelfth century外部サイトMiddle palaeolithic occupation and technology in northwestern Greece : the evidence from open-air sites外部サイトArquitectura, urbanismo y espacios domésticos en "El Castro", Pendia (Asturias, España). Siglos IV a. C.-II d. C.外部サイトNatufian and protoneolithic bone tools : the manufacture and use of bone implements in the Zagros and the Levant外部サイトThe zooarchaeology of medieval Alava in its Iberian context外部サイトThe archaeology of the roman rural economy in the Central Balkan Provinces : rural settlements and store buildings外部サイトZenobia between reality and legend外部サイトAmun temples in Nubia : a typological study of New Kingdom, Napatan and Meroitic temples外部サイトByzantine Libya and the march of the Arabs towards the west of North Africa外部サイトSurvey above the Fourth Nile Cataract外部サイトUnravelling the Palaeolithic : ten years of research at the Centre for the Archaeology of Human Origins (CAHO, University of Southampton)外部サイトGurudakshina : facets of Indian archaeology : essays presented to Prof. V.N. Misra外部サイトTransforming historical landscapes in the ancient empires : proceedings of the first workshop, December 16-19th 2007外部サイトRock of ages : South Molle Island quarry, Whitsunday Islands : use and distribution of stone through space and time外部サイトVariabilité de l'industrie lithique au Moustérien : approche fonctionnelle sur quelques gisements français外部サイトCultural and visual flux at early historical Bagh in central India外部サイトRecherches à la grotte Walou à Trooz (Belgique) : second rapport de fouille : Studies in Walou Cave in Trooz (Belgium) : second excavation report外部サイトProduction and exchange of bifacial flaked stone artifacts during the Portuguese Chalcolithic外部サイトThe archaeology of Guyana外部サイトRitual, rites and religion in prehistory : IIIrd Deya International Conference of prehistory外部サイトPharmacy and medicine in ancient Egypt : proceedings of the conferences held in Cairo (2007) and Manchester (2008)外部サイトRice bowls and dinner plates : ceramic artefacts from Chinese gold mining sites in southeast New South Wales, mid 19th to early 20th century外部サイトLa fatica del bello : tecniche decorative dell'acciaio e del ferro su armi e armature in Europa tra Basso Medioevo ed Età Moderna外部サイトRepresentations of the family in the Egyptian Old Kingdom : women and marriage外部サイトCeramic ecology revisited, 1987 : the technology and socioeconomics of pottery外部サイトThe urban dialogue : an analysis of the use of space in the Roman city of Empúries, Spain外部サイトLas primeras sociedades neandertales de la región Cantábrica外部サイトDie Bildlampen römischer Zeit aus der Idäischen Zeusgrotte auf Kreta外部サイトFields of conflict : progress and prospect in battlefield archaeology : proceedings of a conference held in the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, April 2000外部サイトThe Vanishing past : studies of medieval art, liturgy and metrology presented to Christopher Hohler外部サイトReading the landscapes of the rural Peloponnese : landscape change and regional variation in an early 'provincial' setting外部サイトManagement analysis of municipal castles in the province of Alicante (Spain)外部サイトOut of Etruria : Etruscan influence north and south外部サイトCastillo de Doña Blanca : archaeo-environmental investigations in the Bay of Cádiz, Spain (750-500 B.C.)外部サイトA glimpse into Ancient Thebes : excavations at South Karnak (2004-2006)外部サイトPrehistoric culture change on southern Vancouver Island : the applicability of current explanations of the Marpole transition外部サイトLa cerámica medieval de la Basílica de Santa María de Alicante : arqueología, arquitectura y cerámica de una excavación arqueológica insólita en España外部サイトEl paisaje del valle del Asón (Cantabria) a finales del Tardiglaciar : un modelo predictivo de vegetación arbórea mediante SIG = Landscape in the Asón river valley (Spain) during the final late glacial : a predictive vegetation model using GIS外部サイトEarly hominin landscapes in Northern Pakistan : investigations in the Pabbi Hills外部サイトThe fortifications of Nevis, West Indies, from the 17th century to the present day : protected interests?外部サイトPlace as occupational histories : an investigation of the deflated surface archaeological record of Pine Point and Langwell Stations, Western New South Wales, Australia外部サイトInvestigations at Pichao : introduction to studies in the Santa María Valley, north-western Argentina外部サイトUntermassfeld : a late early Pleistocene (Epivillafranchian) fossil site near Meiningen (Thuringia, Germany) and its position in the development of the European mammal fauna外部サイトRomanisierung : theoretische Modelle und praktische Fallbeispiele = Romanisation外部サイトArchaeological technology and theory外部サイトDefining a methodological approach to interpret structural evidence . Archaeometry外部サイトProducción tecnológica y cambio social en sociedades agrícolas prehispánicas (Valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina)外部サイトThe iron gates in prehistory : new perspectives外部サイトEthnoarchaeology in the Zinder region, Republic of Niger : the site of Kufan Kanawa外部サイトSpätrömische Befestigungsanlagen in den Rhein- und Donauprovinzen : Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft 'Römische Archäologie' bei der Tagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes der Altertumsforschung in Kempten 08.06.-09.06.1995外部サイトLa villa rustica di C. Olius Ampliatus : suburbio sud-orientale di Napoli (Ponticelli)外部サイトHidden landscapes of Mediterranean Europe : cultural and methodological biases in pre- and protohistoric landscape studies : proceedings of the international meeting, Siena, Italy, May 25-27, 2007外部サイトThe UCL Lahun papyri : religious, literary, legal, mathematical and medical外部サイトBefore the revolution : epipaleolithic subsistence in the western Taurus Mountains, Turkey外部サイトArtistic expressions in Maya architecture : analysis and documentation techniques = Expresiones artísticas en la arquitectura maya : técnicas de análisis y documentación外部サイトUK Chapter of computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology : proceedings of the CAA UK Chapter meeting University of Liverpool, 6th and 7th February 2009外部サイトMateria prima, cerámica y sociedad : la gestión de los recursos minerales para manufacturar cerámicas del 3100 al 1500 ANE en el noreste de la Península Ibérica外部サイトPrehistoric pottery-making of the Russian Far East外部サイトMøllegabet II : a submerged Mesolithic settlement in southern Denmark外部サイトWarfare and violence in the Iron Age of southern France外部サイトCultural landscapes : metodi, strumenti e analisi del paesaggio fra archeologia, geologia, e storia in contesti di studio del Lazio e della Basilicata (Italia)外部サイトUsque ad flumen Danuvium : testimonianze di artigianato artistico sul Danubio nella media e tarda età imperiale外部サイトLRCW3 : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry : conparison between western and eastern Mediterranean外部サイトHill of prosperity : excavations at Khok Charoen, Thailand : a burial site at the stone-metal junction外部サイトRoman amphitheatres and Spectacula, a 21st -century perspective : papers from an international conference held at Chester, 16th-18th February, 2007外部サイトTechnological analysis on quartzite exploitation = Études technologiques sur l'exploitation du quartzite外部サイトIl Tardiglaciale in Italia : lavori in corso外部サイトPrimitive surgery : an overview外部サイトThe human use of caves外部サイトCalcolítico en la cuenca media del Arlanzón (Burgos, España) : comunidades campesinas, procesos históricos y transformaciones外部サイトForests and fires : a paleoethnobotanical assessment of craft production sustainability on the Peruvian north coast (950-1050 C.E.)外部サイトExcavations in the Western Negev Highlands : results of the Negev Emergency Survey 1978-89外部サイトDollkeim-Kovrovo, Kaliningrad Region, Russia : research on the cemetery conducted in 1879 and 1992-2002外部サイトHomesteads on the Khabur : Tell Ziyadeh and other settlements外部サイトEl estudio arqueológico del proceso coevolutivo entre las poblaciones humanas y las poblaciones de guanaco en Patagonia meridional y norte de Tierra del Fuego外部サイトPaliochora on Kythera : survey and interpretation : studies in medieval and post-medieval settlements外部サイトHealth among the Maya : an osteoarchaeological comparison of sites in the northern Three Rivers Region, Belize外部サイトThe late Meroitic, Ballaña and transitional occupation外部サイトThe production and distribution of Roman military equipment : proceedings of the second Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar外部サイトMilitary equipment and the identity of Roman soldiers : proceedings of the Fourth Roman Military Equipment Conference外部サイトComputer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1989外部サイトSailing the wine-dark sea : international trade and the Late Bronze Age Aegean外部サイトLithics 'down under' : Australian perspectives on lithic reduction, use and classification外部サイトHuman remains : conservation, retrieval, and analysis : proceedings of a conference held in Williamsburg, VA, Nov. 7-11th, 1999外部サイトMiddle Dorset variability and regional cultural traditions : a case study from Newfoundland and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon外部サイトThe Lower Palaeolithic colonisation of Europe : antiquity, magnitude, permanency and cognition外部サイトThe settlement patterns in the Jordan Valley in the mid- to late Islamic period外部サイトLa "nécropole énéolithique" de Byblos : nouvelle interprétations外部サイトShell middens, fishes and birds外部サイトBuilding identities : socio-political implications of ancient Maya city plans外部サイトThe military architecture of Jordan during the Middle Bronze Age : new evidence from Pella and Rukeis外部サイトRingschmuck mit Tierkopfenden in der Germania Libera外部サイトInterpreting the function of stone tools : the quantification and computerisation of microwear analysis外部サイトNeolithic and Chalcolithic architecture in Eurasia : building techniques and spatial organisation外部サイトInfantry combat in Livy's battle narratives外部サイトPrácticas alimentarias en el mundo ibérico : el ejemplo de la fosa FS362 de Mas Castellarde Pontós (Empordà-España)外部サイトWater management : the use of stars in Oman外部サイトSan Vincenzo al Volturno : the archaeology, art and territory of an early medieval monastery外部サイトCoinage in the Latin East : the Fourth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History外部サイトEquids and wheeled vehicles in the ancient world : essays in memory of Mary A. Littauer外部サイトStudies in the Auxilia of the Roman Army from Augustus to Trajan外部サイトThe rural history of ancient Greek city-states : the Oropos Survey Project外部サイトBronze weapons of the Qin terracotta warriors : standardisation, craft specialisation and labour organisation外部サイトThe origin of cattle in China from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age外部サイトPrehistoric periods外部サイトArcheologia rupestre nel territorio di Siracusa : con la prefazione di Paul Arthur e la presentazione di Philippe Pergola外部サイトEgypt's Christian heritage : cultural heritage management and Egypt's Coptic monuments外部サイトA consideration of gender roles and relations in the Aegean Bronze Age interpreted from gestures and proxemics in art外部サイトThe Mortella III wreck : a spotlight on Mediterranean shipbuilding of the 16th century外部サイトOn the hunt for medieval whales : zooarchaeological, historical and social perspectives on cetacean exploitation in medieval northern and western Europe外部サイト¡El yunque se levanta! : interdisciplinarity and activism at the La Mina petroglyph site外部サイトLa domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia : Rricerche archeologiche dell'Università di Verona外部サイトDrawn and written in stone : an inventory of stepped structures and inscriptions on rock surfaces in Upper Tibet (ca. 100 BCE to 1400 CE)外部サイトArchaeology of a world of changes : late Roman and early Byzantine architecture, sculpture and landscapes : selected papers from the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016) in memoriam Claudiae Barsanti外部サイトLos artiodáctilos de Fuego-Patagonia (Chile) : explotación alimenticia y su importancia en la tecnología ósea de los cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno medio y tardío外部サイトAl-Ándalus desde el mar : una aproximación al sistema portuario de la Almería andalusí外部サイトBeyond paradigms in cultural astronomy : proceedings of the 27th SEAC Conference held together with the EAA外部サイトTalleres de escultura cristiana en la Península Ibérica (siglos VI-X) : análisis arqueológico外部サイトL'ideologia degli archeologi : egemonie e tradizioni epistemologiche alla fine del postmoderno外部サイトMaya and environmental stress from past to present : human response and adaptation to climate change in the Maya lowlands外部サイトCarved in stone : the archaeology of rock-cut sites and stone quarries外部サイトSettlement and subsistence in Tikal : the assembled work of Dennis E. Puleston (field research 1961-1972)外部サイトBroyage et abrasion au Néolithique ancien : caractérisation technique et fonctionnelle des outillages en grès du Bassin parisien外部サイトDesert boats : predynastic and pharaonic era rock-art in Egypt's central Eastern Desert : distribution, dating and interpretation外部サイトThe collapse of palatial society in LBA Greece and the postpalatial period外部サイトThe management of estates and their resources in the Egyptian Old Kingdom外部サイトShips, boats, ports, trade and war in the Mediterranean and beyond : proceedings of the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium 2018外部サイトDanorum regum heroumque historia, books X-XVI : the text of the first edition with translation and commentary in three volumes外部サイトLate Antiquity and early Christianity in the Roman provinces of Moesia Prima and Dacia Ripensis外部サイトRock art research in the digital era : case studies from the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018, Valcamonica (Italy)外部サイトSpace and function : Buddhist state monasteries in early medieval China and their impact on East Asia外部サイトLa producción de ánforas en el territorium de Neapolis durante la antigüedad tardía : El taller de Sidi Zahruni (Nabeul, Túnez)外部サイトUn' area di frontiera : la Bitinia dall'età arcaica all' età ellenistica外部サイトThe sequence of late formative ceremonial structures at Salango, coastal Ecuador : a reconstruction and interpretation外部サイトGenova 1746-1748 : fortificazioni, topografia, poliorcetica, vicende e uomini del grande assedio外部サイトTechnological knowledge in the production of Neolithic Majiayao pottery in Gansu and Qinghai外部サイトDomesticidad y vida cotidiana urbana en una capital del Norte de Yucatán : la ocupación de un conjunto habitacional del Preclásico Tardío a la época Colonial en Dzibilchaltún外部サイトAgropastoralism and languages across Eurasia : expansion, exchange, environment外部サイトTorregarcía, purpura y agua : aplicación histórica de metodología no invasiva en una officina purpuraria en el litoral Almeriense (España)外部サイトPicturing Roman belief systems : the iconography of coins in the Republic and empire外部サイトUrbanism and its impact on human health : a long-term study at Knossos, Crete外部サイトIl Patrimonio Sotterraneo Lombardo外部サイトKouklia : Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age tombs at Palaepaphos 1951-1954 : excavations of the Liverpool City Museum and St Andrews University expedition to Palaepaphos外部サイトDynastic deeds : hunt scenes in the funerary imagery of the Achaemenid Eastern Mediterranean外部サイトIl Foro di Traiano nell'Antichità : I risultati degli scavi 1991-2007外部サイトRömische Großbronzen am Limes : Fragmente im raetischen Raum外部サイトLa cerámica "blanca lisa" del convento franciscano de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria外部サイトThe 'woman at the window' came from Egypt : new interpretations of the Phoenician ivories from the Assyrian palaces of Nimrud and Khorsabad外部サイトThe Norman conquest : a zooarchaeological perspective外部サイトTopografia delle Tabulae Halaesinae : una assegnazione di terre comuni nella Sicilia ellenistico-romana外部サイトIl riparo di Vallone inferno (Madonie, Sicilia) : attività umana, ambiente e paesaggio negli ultimi settemila anni外部サイトHeroenkulte in homerischer Zeit外部サイトErimi-Pamboula : a Chalcolithic settlement in Cyprus外部サイトEconomie du bois, alimentation végétale et structures de stockage en Limousin de l'âge du Fer à la fin du Moyen Âge外部サイトGender and the social function of Athenian tragedy外部サイトPunctuated insularity : the archaeology of 4th and 3rd millennium Sardinia外部サイトFrühkretische Siegel : Ansätze für eine Interpretation der sozial-politischen Entwicklung auf Kreta während der Frühbronzezeit外部サイトArqueología de la puna Argentina : perspectivas actuales en el estudio de la diversidad y el cambio cultural外部サイトArchaeology of the Russian Far East : essays in Stone Age prehistory外部サイトExplaining change in the matt-painted pottery of southern Italy : cultural and social explanations for ceramic development from the 11th to the 4th centuries B.C.外部サイトInvisible people : pastoral life in proto-historic Gujarat外部サイトEstudio geoarqueológico de los asentamientos prehistóricos del Pleistoceno Superior y el Holoceno inicial en Catalunya外部サイトVon der Rundhütte zum Kaufmannshaus : kulturhistorische Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung prähistorischer Wohnhäuser in Zentral-, Ost- und Südostanatolien外部サイトExcavations at Tell Sabi Abyad : prehistoric investigations in the Balikh Valley, northern Syria外部サイトDarfur (Sudan) in the age of stone architecture, c. AD1000-1750 : problems in historical reconstruction外部サイトNeolithic and Copper age monuments : emergence, function and the social construction of the landscape外部サイトThe aryballos as an example : the Corinthian aryballos as a mirror of the artistic connections between East and West in the 8th-6th Centuries BC - an artistic analysis外部サイトArqueometalurgia de un naufragio del siglo XVIII : la corbeta de guerra HMS Swift (1770), Puerto Deseado, provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia)外部サイトLas poblaciones de la prehistoria reciente (VIo - IIo milenio a.n.e.) en la Campiña Litoral y Banda Atlántica de Cádiz : un análisis a través de la antropología física y la arqueología外部サイトPalaeo-environmental change and the persistence of human occupation in south-western Australian forests外部サイトBuilt chamber tombs of Middle and Late Bronze Age date in mainland Greece and the islands外部サイトIncremental structures and wear patterns of teeth for age assessment of red deer外部サイトBlack-gloss ware in Italy : production management and local histories外部サイトL'architettura religiosa nella diocesi medievale di Lucca a sud dell'Arno (secoli XI-XIV)外部サイトBibliografia archeologica, speleologica e tecnica delle cavità artificiali italiane ed estere : primo contributo (2000 titoli con abstract)外部サイトClasificación tipológica de la cerámica del yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce de la Motilla del Azuer (Ciudad Real, España)外部サイトA new dawn for the Dark Age? : shifting paradigms in Mediterranean Iron Age chronology = L'âge obscur se fait-il jour de nouveau? : les paradigmes changeants de la chronologie de l'âge du fer en Méditerranée外部サイトThe Roman auxiliary fort at Buciumi (Roman Dacia, Romania) : coins in archaeological context外部サイトEarly and Middle Bronze Age pottery from the Volga-Don steppe : a catalogue of pottery from the Volgograd Regional History and Cultural Museum外部サイトFunerary landscapes east of Lasithi, Crete, in the Bronze Age外部サイトThe urban economy during the early dominate : pottery evidence from the Palatine Hill外部サイトLife on the desert edge : seven thousand years of settlement in the Northern Dongola Reach, Sudan外部サイトVectigal incertum : economía de guerra y fiscalidad republicana en el occidente romano : su impacto histórico en el territorio (218-133 a.C.)外部サイトStable places and changing perceptions : cave archaeology in Greece外部サイトAgricultural production in the Roman economy, A.D. 200-400外部サイトNeolithic mortuary practices in Greece外部サイトThe early Roman frontier in the upper Rhine area : assimilation and acculturation on a Roman frontier外部サイトHealth and medicine in ancient Egypt : magic and science外部サイトConsumo y representación en el sur de los valles Calchaquíes (Noroeste argentino) : los conjuntos cerámicos de la aldeas del primer milenio A.D.外部サイトAn archaeometallurgical survey for ancient tin mines and smelting sites in Spain and Portugal : mid-central western Iberian geographical region, 1990-1995外部サイトThe Lewes House collection of ancient gems : now at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston外部サイトShaping culture : making pots and constructing households : an ethnoarchaeological study of pottery production, trade and use in the Andes外部サイトRafid on the Golan : a profile of a late Roman and Byzantine village外部サイトTaphonomy and zooarchaeology in Argentina外部サイトThe Alalakh cylinder seals : a new catalogue of the actual seals excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley at Tell Atchana, and from neighbouring sites on the Syrian-Turkish border外部サイトIron Age archaeology and trauma from Aymyrlyg, South Siberia外部サイトGlass beads in ancient India : an ethnoarchaeological approach外部サイトEgyptian watercraft models from the predynastic to third intermediate periods外部サイトRoyal authority in Egypt's eighteenth dynasty外部サイトPrehistoric fish catches in New Zealand外部サイトPrehistoric pottery across the Baltic : regions, influences and methods外部サイトModern trends in European Egyptology : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Ninth Annual Meeting in St. Petersburg 2003外部サイトThe materiality of death : bodies, burials, beliefs外部サイトLocal boats : fourth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Porto 1985外部サイトSOMA 2004 : symposium on Mediterranean archaeology : proceedings of the eighth annual meeting of postgraduate researchers外部サイトSettlement dynamics in the middle Jordan Valley during Iron Age II外部サイトEthnic boundaries in neolithic Norway外部サイトDivine headdresses of Mesopotamia in the early dynastic period外部サイトÉtude sur les Canidæ des temps pré-pharaoniques en Égypte et au Soudan外部サイトGreek and Hellenistic wheel- and mould-made closed oil lamps in the Holy Land : collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority外部サイトProduction and management of lithic materials in the European Linearbandkeramik = Gestion des matériaux lithiques dans le Rubané européen外部サイトEl poblamiento en la periferia de la cuenca del Duero : el nordeste de la provincia de Segovia, España (XVII cal.A.C.-V. d.C.)外部サイトThe Romano-African Domus : studies in space, decoration, and function外部サイトTracing mobility and identity : bioarchaeology and bone chemistry of the Bronze Age Sant' Abbondio cemetery (Pompeii, Italy)外部サイトSeth - a misrepresented God in the ancient egyptian pantheon?外部サイトAd Astra per Aspera et per Ludum : European archaeoastronomy and the orientation of monuments in the Mediterranean Basin : papers from Session I.13, held at the European Association of Archaeologists Eighth Annual Meeting in Thessaloniki 2002外部サイトPreclassic Maya architecture at Cuello, Belize外部サイトEl comercio de terra sigillata altoimperial en el círculo del estrecho : balance historiográfico y líneas de investigación外部サイトEarly Eneolithic in the Pontic Steppes外部サイトThe archaeology of the Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea : excavation season 1999外部サイトPatrimonio culturale, paesaggi e personaggi dell'altopiano ibleo : scritti di archeologia e museologia della Sicilia sud-orientale外部サイトReconstructing Late Pleistocene human behavior in the Jordan Rift Valley : the Middle Paleolithic stone tool assemblage from Ar Rasfa外部サイトThe early microlithic assemblages of Southern Africa外部サイトUrbanism, archaeology and trade : further observations on the Gao Region (Mali), the 1996 fieldseason results外部サイトFrom Constantine the Great to Kandinsky : studies in Byzantine and post-Byzantine art and architecture外部サイトMaya dwellings in hieroglyphs and archaeology : an integrative approach to ancient architecture and spatial cognition外部サイトIl molise in età tardo-antica : città e campagne tra il III e il VI secolo d.c外部サイトVariabilité et signification des productions lithiques au Paléolithique moyen ancien : l'exemple de trois gisements de plein-air du Bergeracois (Dordogne, France)外部サイトArchéologie de l'art rupestre : analyse du bestiaire gravé du Présahara marocain外部サイトSymbolism in rock art外部サイトStatues et statuettes en bronze de Cilicie : avec deux annexes sur la main de Comana et les figurines en bronze du Musée de Hatay外部サイトArt et archéologie du Proche-Orient hellénistique et romain : les circulations artistiques entre Orient et Occident外部サイトSEAC 2011 stars and stones : voyages in archaeoastronomy and cultural astronomy : proceedings of the SEAC 2011 conference外部サイトL'ensemble funéraire du site de Caseta, Jalisco, Mexique : une approche archéo-anthropologique外部サイトPredicting archaeological sites from environmental variables : a mathematical model for the Sierra Nevada foothills, California外部サイトThe rural landscape of ancient Israel外部サイトLa musealización del patrimonio arqueológico in situ : el caso español en el contexto europeo外部サイトPerspectives on hominid behaviour and settlement patterns : a study of the lower Palaeolithic sites in the Luonan Basin, China外部サイトInterdisciplinarity research in archaeology : proceedings of the First Arheoinvest Congress, 10-11 June 2011, Ias̥i, Romania外部サイトLiving in the suburbs of Roman Italy : space and social contact外部サイトComposantes culturelles et premières productions céramiques du Bronze ancien dans le Sud-Est de la France : résultats du projet collectif de recherche 1999-2009外部サイトDas Tholosgrab E von Phourni bei Archanes : Studien zu einem frühkretischen Grabfund und seinem kulturellen Kontext外部サイトSettlement and pottery in the Vinalopó Valley : Alicante, Spain : A.D. 400-700外部サイトArqueología de cazadores y pastores en tierras altas : ocupaciones humanas a lo largo del Holoceno en Pastos Grandes, Puna de Salta, Argentina外部サイトComb-making in medieval Novgorod (950-1450) : an industry in transition外部サイトThe development of cultural regions in the Neolithic of the Near East : the dark faced burnished ware horizon外部サイトLes structures de l'habitat rural protohistorique dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre et le nord-ouest de la France外部サイトMethods of art history tested against prehistory : session C74 . Spiral and circular forms : the most common rock art in the world? : session C81 . European cave art : session C85 . Euro-Mediterranean rock art studies : session S02 . Global state of the art : session S07 . Current state of North American rock art : session WS37外部サイトFrom the river to the sea : the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic on the Euphrates and in the Northern Levant : studies in honour of Lorraine Copeland外部サイトThe heart of wisdom : studies on the heart amulet in ancient Egypt外部サイトEconomic archaeology : towards an integration of ecological and social approaches外部サイトState formation in Egypt : chronology and society外部サイトCETARIAE 2005 : salsas y salazones de pescado en occidente durante la Antigüedad : actas del congreso internacional (Cádiz, 7-9 noviembre de 2005)外部サイトErnährungsmöglichkeiten und Ernährungsgewohnheiten prähistorischer Bevölkerungen外部サイトRohstoff, Form und Funktion : fünf Studien zum Neolithikum Mitteleuropas外部サイトLuoghi e architetture della Grande Guerra in Europa : i sistemi difensivi dalle teorizzazioni di Karl von Clausewitz alla realtà della Prima Guerra Mondiale外部サイトLithics in the Scandinavian late Bronze Age : sociotechnical change and persistence外部サイトIron and steel in ancient Greece : artefacts, technology and social change in Aegean Thrace from Classical to Roman times外部サイトLes premiers chasseurs maritimes et les chasseurs terrestres de Patagonie australe : comportements techno-économiques et identité culturelle : contribution de la technologie lithique外部サイトDiversificacion morfologica craniofacial y diversdidad [i.e. diversidad] en la dieta : el caso de la región Centro-Oeste de Argentina durante el Holoceno tardío外部サイトHiérarchie et fiabilité des liaisons ostéologiques (par symétrie et par contiguïté articulaire) dans l'étude des sépultures anciennes外部サイトLes au-delàs aztèques外部サイトSites and pots : settlement and economy in southern Tuscany (AD 300-900)外部サイトAnthropomorphic figurines from the Neolithic and early Bronze Age Agean : gender dynamics and implications for the understanding of early Aegean prehistory外部サイトThe Eastern Wing of the Fertile Crescent : late prehistory of Greater Mesopotamian lithic industries外部サイトEl registro arqueológico del valle de Miera外部サイトIntegrating the subsistence economy外部サイトBeyond Ibn Hawqal's Bahr al-Fārs : 10th-13th centuries AD : Sindh and the Kīj-u-Makrān region, hinge of an international network of religious, political, institutional and economic affairs外部サイトProceedings of the first zooarchaeology conference in Portugal : held at the Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, 8th-9th March 2012外部サイトThe old wrecks of the Baltic Sea : archaeological recording of the wrecks of carvel-built ships外部サイトPleistocene palaeoart of the world外部サイトBahr ʿas Shâm : la presenza Musulmana nel Tirreno centrale e settentrionale nell'alto medioevo外部サイトMode de vie au Magdalénien : apports de l'archéozoologie = Zooarchaeological insights into Magdalenian lifeways外部サイトWinding Dali's clock : the construction of a fuzzy temporal-GIS for archaeology外部サイトMetals and society : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists sixth Annual Meeting in Lisbon 2000外部サイトDressing for dinner : butchery and bone deposition at late Neolithic Toumba Kremastis-Koiladas, Northern Greece外部サイトToponimi in archeologia : la Provincia di Latina, Italia外部サイトMinotaur and centaur : studies in the archaeology of Crete and Euboea presented to Mervyn Popham外部サイトThe archaeology of infancy and infant death外部サイトArchaeotecture : archaeology of architecture外部サイトThe prehistory and early history of Atlantic Europe : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fourth Annual Meeting in Göteborg 1998外部サイトCharacterising local southeastern Spanish populations of 3000-1500 B.C.外部サイトPaléoparasitologie : contribution à l'étude des paléoenvironments de sites pléistocènes et holocènes du littoral méditerranéen français外部サイトHouse and household economies in 3rd millennium B.C.E. Syro-Mesopotamia外部サイトAncient cultural landscapes in South Europe - their ecological setting and evolution : session C11 . Gardeners from South America : session C22 . Agro-pastoralism and early metallurgy sessions : session S04 . The idea of enclosure in recent Iberian prehistory : session WS29 . Rhytmes et causalites des dynamiques de l'anthropisation en Europe entre 6500 ET 500 BC : hypotheses socio-culturelles et/ou climatiques : session C88外部サイトFrom state to empire in the prehistoric Jequetepeque Valley, Peru外部サイトAni 2004 : indagini sugli insediamenti sotterranei = surveys on the underground settlements外部サイトBronze and Early Iron Age archaeological sites in Armenia外部サイトA place in Europe : Bulgaria and its museums in 'New' Europe外部サイトHomines, funera, astra : proceedings of the international symposium on funerary anthropology : 5-8 June 2011 '1 Decembrie 1918' University (Alba Iulia, Romania)外部サイトBroyage et abrasion au Néolithique ancien : caractérisation technique et fonctionnelle des outillages en grès du Bassin parisien外部サイトCampfires in context : hunter-gatherer fire technology and the archaeological record of the Southern High Plains, USA外部サイトLate Roman precious metal deposits, c. AD 200-700 : changes over time and space外部サイトVivre au-dela du fleuve de L'Oubli : Portrait de la communauté villageoise du Castro de Vieto au moment de lintégration du Nord-Ouest de la péninsule ibérique dans l'orbis Romanum (estuaire du Rio Lima, NO du Portugal)外部サイトDe clasificaciones y categorizaciones : los objetos de metal del valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina (600-1200 d.C.)外部サイトPerformance, power and the art of the Aegean Bronze Age外部サイトLiving with animals : a zooarchaeological study of urban human-animal relationships in early modern Tornio, 1621-1800外部サイト'Qasr al-Buleida' : a late Roman-Byzantine fortified settlement on the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan外部サイトEl clásico medio en el Noroccidente de Yucatán : la fase Oxkintok regional en Oxkintok (Yukatán) como paradigma外部サイトLas importaciones de vajilla fina de barniz negro en la Cataluña sur y occidental durante el siglo III aC : comercio dinámica de adquisición en las sociedades indígenas外部サイトExcavaciones de un sitio preclásico en San Mateo Etlatongo, Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, México外部サイトPeople and culture in change : proceedings of the Second Symposium on Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin外部サイトÚrsidos en medios kársticos de la Cornisa Cantábrica (País Vasco y Navarra) : estudio tafonómico de conjuntos arqueológicos y paleontológicos del Pleistoceno Superior y Holoceno外部サイトThe divine rider in the art of the western Roman empire外部サイトProvincia maritima Italorum : fortificazioni altomedievali in Liguria外部サイトPithoi : technology and history of storage vessels through the ages外部サイトThe road inns (Khāns) in Bilād al-Shām外部サイトNon-flint stone tools and the Palaeolithic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula外部サイトAn introduction to the neolithic revolution of the Central Zagros, Iran外部サイトWho are these dead? : the anthropology of violence, pit structures, power and symbolism : death in the Anasazi culture of the American southwest外部サイトPaleoindian subsistence dynamics on the Northwestern Great Plains : zooarchaeology of the Agate Basin and Clary Ranch sites外部サイトHunters vs. pastoralists in the Sahara : material culture and symbolic aspects : colloque/symposium 15.1, commission XXV外部サイトHolocene morphogenesis and anthropisation of a semi-arid watershed, Gialias River, Cyprus外部サイトWarfare and society in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean : papers arising from a colloquium held at the University of Liverpool, 13th June 2008外部サイトSpace, hierarchy, and society : interdisciplinary studies in social area analysis外部サイトDinamiche insediative nel territorio di canicattini Bagni e nel bacino di alimentazione del torrente Cavadonna (Siracusa) tra antichità e medioevo外部サイトSpätbronzezeitliche Bestattungen auf Kreta外部サイトEthnoarchaeological perspectives of prehistoric settlement patterns of south-central Ganga Valley外部サイトThe silk roads of the Northern Tibetan Plateau during the Early Middle Ages (from the Han to Tang Dynasty) : as reconstructed from archaeological and written sources外部サイトNazlet Tuna : an archaeological survey in middle Egypt外部サイトToward an archaeology of buildings : contexts and concepts外部サイトIntroduction and overview excavations at Siyana Ulya, Khirbet Shireena, Khirbet Karhasan, Seh Qubba, Tell Gir Matbakh and Tell Shelgiyya, and other recorded sites外部サイトShells in Aegean prehistory外部サイトMobility, transition and change in prehistory and classical antiquity : proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Organisation Conference on the Fourth and Fifth of April 2008 at Hertford College, Oxford, UK外部サイトTopografía cristiana de las ciudades hispanas durante la Antigüedad tardía外部サイトNorth-western Thrace from the fifth to first centuries BC外部サイトMariners and merchants : a study of the ceramics from Sanjan (Gujarat)外部サイトThe Caucasian region in the early Bronze Age外部サイトReligious architecture in the Czech Republic in the light of geophysical prospection and archaeological excavation外部サイトPaléoanthropologie et pratiques funéraires en Corse, du Mésolithique à l'âge du fer外部サイトThe archaeology of Tanzanian coastal landscapes in the 6th to 15th centuries AD : the Middle Iron Age of the region外部サイトA study of Scythian gold jewellery manufacturing technology and its comparison to Greek techniques from the 7th to 5th centuries BC外部サイトThe middle horizon in the valley of Cuzco, Peru : the impact of the Wari occupation of the Lucre Basin外部サイトLieux de culte et parcours cérémoniels dans les fêtes des vingtaines à Mexico - Tenochtitlan外部サイトThe familia urbana during the early Empire : a study of Columbaria inscriptions外部サイトBoeotian landscapes : a GIS-based study for the reconstruction and interpretation of the archaeological datasets of ancient Boeotia外部サイトThe image of Orpheus in Roman mosaic : an exploration of the figure of Orpheus in Graeco-Roman art and culture with special reference to its expression in the medium of mosaic in late antiquity外部サイトTecnología lítica del Pleistoceno final : Holoceno medio : un estudio de los cazadores-recolectores de la Patagonia Austral (Argentina)外部サイトBelief in the past : the proceedings of the 2002 Manchester Conference on Archaeology and Religion外部サイトCollectanea antiqua : essays in memory of Sonia Chadwick Hawkes外部サイトA bibliography of the city coinage of Palestine : from the 2nd century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D.外部サイトThe Brauron clothing catalogues : text, analysis, glossary and translation外部サイトTechniques d'échantillonnage et analyse spatiale : le campement épipaléolithique de Nadaouiyeh 2 (El Kowm, Syrie)外部サイトFunerary practices in the Iberian Peninsula from the Mesolithic to the Chalcolithic外部サイトByzantium in the mirror : the Message of Skylitzes Matritensis and Hagia Sophia in Constantinople外部サイトFire, light and light equipment in the Graeco-Roman world外部サイトThe prehistoric archaeology of Jordan外部サイトLater Stone Age hunters and gatherers of the southern Transvaal : social and ecological interpretation外部サイトStorie di paesaggi e uomini alle pendici del Mont Fallère nell'Olocene antico e medio (Saint-Pierre, Valle d'Aosta, Italia)外部サイトStable isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen as an indicator of paleodietary change among pre-state metal age societies in Northeast Thailand外部サイトLes pavements d'opus signinum : technique, décor, fonction architecturale外部サイトJust skin and bones? : new perspectives on human-animal relations in the historical past外部サイトEstudios arqueológicos del Área Vesubiana = Archaeological studies of the Vesuvian Area外部サイトVessels explored : applying archaeometry to South American ceramics and their production外部サイトEssays in classical archaeology for Eleni Hatzivassiliou 1977-2007外部サイトRiparia dans l'Empire romain : pour la définition du concept : actes des journées d'étude de Québec, 29-31 octobre 2009外部サイトL'industrie lithique des populations blicquiennes (Néolithique ancien, Belgique) : organisation des productions et réseaux de diffusion : petits échanges en famille外部サイトThe responsibilities of archaeologists : archaeology and ethics : Lampeter Workshop in Archaeology 4外部サイトExcavations at Kasteelberg and the origins of the Khoekhoen in the Western Cape, South Africa外部サイトPrehistoric agriculture in Southern Spain during the Neolithic and the Bronze Age : the application of ethnographic models外部サイトTang-e Bolaghi (Fars), sites TB76 and TB77 : rural settlements of the achaemenid and post-achaemenid periods : report of the archaeological rescue excavations carried out in 2005 and 2006 by the joint Iranian-Italian mission of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research and the University of Bologna, with the collaboration of IsIAO, Italy外部サイトArchaeological invisibility and forgotten knowledge : conference proceedings, Łódz, Poland, 5th-7th September 2007外部サイトSimboli e associazioni astrali nella glittica mesopotamica del Bronzo Tardo外部サイトSOMA 2001 : Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology : proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of postgraduate researchers, the University of Liverpool, 23-25 February 2001外部サイトA sign catalog : Glyphs in selected text-like layouts at Teotihuacan外部サイトThe Early Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula : regional and transregional components = Le Néolithique ancien dans la péninsule Ibérique : les éléments regionaux et transregionaux外部サイトExploratory human craniometry of recent Eskaleutian regional groups from the western Arctic and Subarctic of North America : a new approach to population historical reconstruction外部サイトThe Neolithic pottery sequence in southern Greece外部サイトCharles the Bald : court and kingdom : papers based on a colloquium held in London in April 1979外部サイトAn evolutionary study of some archaeologically significant avian taxa in the quaternary of the western Palaearctic外部サイトBroadening horizons 4 : a conference of young researchers working in the ancient Near East, Egypt and Central Asia, University of Torino, October 2011外部サイトPONTIKA 2008 : recent research on the northern and eastern Black Sea in ancient times : proceedings of the International Conference, 21st-26th April 2008, Kraków外部サイトHusbandry in Europe外部サイトPrehistoric stress in Australian aborigines : a palaeopathological study of a hunter-gatherer population外部サイトNorse in Newfoundland : a critical examination of archaeological research at the Norse site at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland外部サイトThe interpretive archaeology外部サイトA postcranial guide to domestic neo-natal and juvenile mammals : the identification and aging of old world species外部サイトCohors[2] : the evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the imperial Roman army外部サイトBodies of knowledge : cultural interpretations of illness and medicine in medieval Europe外部サイトFrom forager to farmer in the Boreal zone : reconstructing economic patterns through catchment analysis in prehistoric Finland外部サイトL'architecture et les pratiques funéraires dans l'Égypte romaine外部サイトAuf der Suche nach Identitäten : Volk, Stamm, Kultur, Ethnos : Internationale Tagung der Universität Leipzig vom 8.-9. Dezember 2000 im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereiches 417 "Regionenbezogene Identifikationsprozesse, das Beispiel Sachsen" und des Teilprojektes A5 der Professur für Ur- und Frühgeschichte "Ethnogenese und Traditionskonstruktion : archäologische Quellen und ihre Deutungen in der Historiographie des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts"外部サイトRaising the eyebrow : John Onians and World Art Studies : an album amicorum in his honour外部サイトTell el-Ghaba III : a third intermediate-early Saite Period site in the Egyptian eastern delta : excavations 1995-1999 and 2010 in areas I, II, VI and VIII外部サイトLo stato egiziano nelle fonti scritte del periodo tinita外部サイトHadrianopolis I : Inschriften aus Paphlagonia外部サイトThe rural history of ancient Greek city-states : the Oropos Survey Project外部サイトModeling time and transition in prehistory : the Jordan Valley Chalcolithic (5500-3500 BC)外部サイトFrom Nabataea to Roman Arabia : acquisition or conquest外部サイトLe Mésolithique Moyen du Nord-Cotentin, Basse-Normandie, France外部サイトThe spread of the Roman domus-type in Gaul外部サイトThe spatial analysis of radiocarbon databases : the spread of the first farmers in Europe and of the fat-tailed sheep in southern Africa外部サイトPrehistoric village archaeology in south-eastern Turkey : the eighth millenium B.C. site at Çayönü, its chipped and ground stone industries and faunal remains外部サイトThe human canopy : Homo erectus, Homo soloensis, Homo pekinensis, and Homo floresiensis外部サイトLate Helladic simple graves : a study of Mycenaean burial customs外部サイトLes sépultures simples et plurielles du Campaniforme et du Bronze ancien dans le bassin rhodanien et ses zones d'influences外部サイトNew perspectives on formative Mesoamerican cultures外部サイトFunerary sacrifice of animals in the Egyptian predynastic period外部サイトAnálisis paleobiológico de los ungulados del Pleistoceno Superior de Castilla y León (España)外部サイトAn archaeology of the oasis : domesticity, interaction, and identity in Antofalla, Puna de Atacama, Argentina : first and second millennia B.P.外部サイトDie urnenfelderzeitliche Siedlung von Dietfurt/Oberpfalz外部サイトNetworks and netwars : new perspectives on the late Copper Age and early Bronze Age : typo-chronological relationships of the Boleraz/Baden/Kostolac finds at the site of Balatonőszöd-Temetői dűlő, Hungary外部サイトA study of microscopic polish on flint implements外部サイトPréhistoire de Patagonie : l'industrie 'Nivel 11' de la province de Santa Cruz (Argentine) : technologie lithique et traces d'utilisation外部サイトA sixth-century AD shipwreck off the Carmel coast, Israel : Dor D and Holy Land wine trade外部サイトAgriculture and pastoralism in the Late Bronze and Iron Age, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan : an integrated study of the archaeological plant and animal remains from rural and urban sites, using modern ethnographic information to develop a model of economic organisation and contact外部サイトAn early pottery Neolithic occurrence at Beisamoun, the Hula valley, northern Israel : the results of the 2007 salvage excavation外部サイトMétallurgie du fer et sociétés africaines : bilans et nouveaux paradigmes dans la recherche anthropologique et archéologique外部サイトPaisajes arqueológicos : un estudio comparativo de diferentes ambientes patagónicos外部サイトSoutheast Asia in the ancient Indian Ocean world外部サイトIn memoriam : Fr Michele Piccirillo, ofm (1944-2008) : celebrating his life and work外部サイトMobility and transitions in the holocene外部サイトTechnical systems of lithic production in the lower and middle Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula : technological variability between northeastern sites and Sierra de Atapuerca sites外部サイトPapers in Iberian archaeology外部サイトGuam's hidden gem : archaeological and historical studies at Ritidian外部サイトSulle spalle dei saccarii : le rappresentazioni di facchini e il trasporto di derrate nel porto di Ostia in epoca imperiale外部サイトMoving heaven and earth : landscape, death and memory in the Aceramic Neolithic of Cyprus外部サイトLe site néolithique de Tell Mureybet (Syrie du Nord) : en hommage à Jacques Cauvin外部サイトInnovation and imitation : stone skeuomorphs of metal from 4th-2nd millennia BC northwest Europe外部サイトUnderwater archaeology, coastal and lakeside外部サイトPilgrims in stone : stone images from the Gallo-Roman sanctuary of Fontes Sequanae外部サイトThe environmental and economic archaeology of South Thailand外部サイトAnimal production systems in Neolithic Central Europe外部サイトL'eau dans les espaces et les pratiques funéraires d'Alexandrie aux époques grecque et romaine : (IVe siècle av. J.-C. - IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.)外部サイトInterrogating pedagogies : archaeology in higher education : Lampeter Workshop in Archaeology 3外部サイトAtti I Congresso nazionale di archeologia del sottosuolo: Bolsena 8-11 dicembre 2005 : Archeologia del sottosuolo : metodologie a confronto外部サイトEtude iconographique des sculptures du nord de la péninsule du Yucatán à l'époque classique外部サイトThe middle Neolithic in southern France : chasséen farming and culture process外部サイトTheoretical and quantitative approaches to the study of mortuary practice外部サイトGeoarchaeology of Lebanon's ancient harbours外部サイトRural landscapes along the Vardar Valley : two site-less surveys near Veles and Skopje, Republic of Macedonia外部サイトLas admoniciones de Ipuwer : literatura política y sociedad en el Reino Medio egipcio外部サイトNew directions in American archaeoastronomy : proceedings, 46 International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1988外部サイトKbor Klib and the Battle of Zama外部サイトEarly Enkomi : regionalism, trade and society at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age on Cyprus外部サイトProvincial Cilicia and the archaeology of temple conversion外部サイトSiliceous rocks and prehistory : bibliography on geo-archaeological approaches to chert sourcing and prehistoric exploitation外部サイトThe ancient harbour and anchorage at Dor, Israel : results of the underwater surveys 1976 - 1991外部サイトEnvironnement vegetal de l'homme fossile et climats en ligurie pendant le dernier cycle climatique et le postglaciaire外部サイトUn poblado de la Edad del Bronce en El Castillo (Frías de Albarracín, Teruel)外部サイトA chalcolithic marble workshop at Kulaksızlar in western Anatolia : an analysis of production and craft specialization外部サイトZooarqueología de sitios a cielo abierto en el Lago Cardiel (Patagonia, Argentina) : fragmentación ósea y consumo de grasa animal en grupos cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno Tardío外部サイトLa cerámica arqueológica en la materialización de la sociedad : transformaciones, metáforas y reproducción social : IV Reunión Internacional de Teoría Arqueológica Sudamericana, Inter-Congreso del WAC 3-7 de julio de 2007, Catamarca, Argentina外部サイトExcavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991-2004 : matt-painted pottery from the Timpone della Motta外部サイトL'urbanisation de la Palestine à l'âge du Bronze ancien : bilan et perspectives des recherches actuelles : actes du colloque d'Emmaüs (20-24 octobre 1986)外部サイトSeward Peninsula, Alaska : Trail Creek Caves 2 and 9 revisited ; the skeletal remains外部サイトThe ethnoarchaeology of the Zaghawa of Darfur (Sudan) : settlement and transcience外部サイトUnderstanding landscapes, from land discovery to their spatial organization = Comprendre l'espace de peuplement, de la découverte des territoires à leur organisation spatiale外部サイトNavigated spaces, connected places : proceedings of Red Sea Project V : held at the University of Exeter, 16-19 September 2010外部サイトProceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry外部サイトProduction and distribution : a ceramic viewpoint外部サイトThe late and terminal Christian phases外部サイトMonumental questions : prehistoric megaliths, mounds, and enclosures : session C68外部サイトI mitrei della Britannia romana nelle testimonianze architettoniche, scultoree ed epigrafiche外部サイトChalcolithic and Bronze Age pottery from the field survey in northwestern Cyprus, 1992-1999外部サイトCrops, culture, and contact in prehistoric Cyprus外部サイトDeath in the Bolivian High Plateau : burials and Tiwanaku society外部サイトRaqit : Marinus' estate on the Carmel, Israel外部サイトA history of the study of South Italian black- and red-figure pottery外部サイトThe Judean Pillar-Figurines and the archaeology of Asherah外部サイトDas Totenritual, geprägt durch Jenseitsvorstellungen und Gesellschaftsrealität : Theorie des Totenrituals eines kupferzeitlichen Friedhofs zu Tiszapolgár-Basatanya (Ungarn)外部サイトArqueología de La Payunia (Mendoza, Argentina) : el poblamiento humano en los márgenes de la agricultura外部サイトButua and the end of an era : the effect of the collapse of the Kalanga state on ordinary citizens : an analysis of behaviour under stress外部サイトCultural interactions in Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Bronze Age (3000-500 BC) : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists sixth annual meeting in Lisbon 2000外部サイトThe end of Paganism in the North-Western provinces of the Roman Empire : the example of the Mithras cult外部サイトThe excavations of Maresha subterranean complex 57 : the 'Heliodorus' cave外部サイトEl hábitat fenicio-púnico de Cádiz en el entorno de la Bahía外部サイトOne land, many landscapes : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists fifth annual meeting in Bournemouth 1999外部サイトHerkunftsbestimmung archaischer Keramik am Beispiel von Amphoren aus Milet外部サイトNon-flint raw material use in prehistory : old prejudices and new directions = L'utilisation préhistorique de matières premières lithiques alternatives : anciens préjugés, nouvelles perspectives外部サイトTheory and practice of archaeological residue analysis外部サイトInvestigating restricted knowledge in lithic craft traditions among the pre-contact Coast Salish of the the Pacific northwest coast of North America外部サイトAspects of Inca architecture : description, function, and chronology外部サイトB'aakal : arqueología de la región de Palenque, Chiapas, México : temporadas 1996-2006外部サイトArchaeology of coastal changes : proceedings of the First International Symposium "Cities on the Sea-Past and Present", Haifa, Israel, September 22-29, 1986外部サイトLa rappresentazione dell'edificio teatrale nella ceramica italiota外部サイトTaille et conformation crânienne chez les Hominidés de la fin du Pléistocène : contributions de la morphométrie géométrique au débat sur l'origine de l'Homme moderne外部サイトGabati : a Meroitic, post-Meroitic and medieval cemetery in central Sudan外部サイトThe excavations of Khirbet er-Rasm, Israel : the changing faces of the countryside外部サイトExperiments with past materialities外部サイトPrehistoric human-environment interactions : people, fire, climate, and vegetation on the Columbia Plateau, USA外部サイトThe Minoan double axe : an experimental study of production and use外部サイトSOMA 2003 : Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology : proceedings of the seventh meeting of postgraduate researchers at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 21st-23rd February 2003外部サイト"Home is where the hearth is" : the spatial organisation of the Upper Palaeolithic rockshelter occupations at Klithi and Kastritsa in Northwest Greece外部サイトEthnoarchaeology: current research and field methods : conference proceedings, Rome, Italy, 13th-14th May 2010外部サイトArmies and frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia : proceedings of a colloquium held at University College, Swansea, in April 1981外部サイトThe significance of portages : proceeding of the first international conference on the significance of portages, 29 Sept-2nd Oct 2004, in Lyngdal, Vest-Agder, Norway, arranged by the County Municipality of Vest-Agder, Kristiansand外部サイトThe Mesolithic in northwestern Belgium : recent excavations and surveys外部サイトHow Petra was built : an analysis of the construction techniques of the Nabataean freestanding buildings and rock-cut monuments in Petra, Jordan外部サイトLes industries à galets aménagés du littoral sud-armoricain (France) au Paléolithique inférieur : étude techno-typologique, rapports avec l'Acheuléen et comparaisons avec des sites similaires en Europe外部サイトThe role of the religious sector in the economy of late bronze age Mycenaean Greece外部サイトThe archaeology of gender, love and sexuality in Pompeii外部サイトFrom Stonehenge to the Baltic : living with cultural diversity in the third millennium BC外部サイトAnálisis funcional : su aplicación al estudio de sociedades prehistóricas外部サイトRoman roads and milestones of Asia Minor = Roma çağında Küçük Asya'daki yollar ve mil taşları外部サイトCacela, (Algarbe-Portugal), en el siglo XIII : sociedad y cultura material外部サイトThe palaeolithic of the Balkans外部サイトFish-eating in Greece from the fifth century B.C. to the seventh century A.D. : a story of impoverished fishermen or luxurious fish banquets?外部サイトProceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, University of Bristol外部サイトIn concavis petrarum habitaverunt : el fenómeno rupestre en el Mediterráneo medieval : de la investigación a la puesta en valor外部サイトSafonfok, Kosrae : emergence of complexity : an archaeological investigation of prehistoric settlement in East Micronesia外部サイトRain harvesting in the rainforest : the ancient Maya agricultural landscape of Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico外部サイトLate Paleolithic environments and cultural relations around the Adriatic = Environements du Paléolithique final et rapports culturels autour de l'Adriatique外部サイトThe chiming of crack'd bells : recent approaches to the study of artefacts in archaeology外部サイトForging identities : the mobility of culture in Bronze Age Europe : report from a Marie Curie project 2009-2012 with concluding conference at Aarhus University, Moesgaard 2012外部サイトSOMA 2008 : proceedings of the XII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 5-8 March 2008外部サイトConchas prehispánicas en México外部サイトA tradition and originality : a study of Exekias外部サイトThe cemeteries外部サイトEthnicity in Mediterranean protohistory外部サイトTransition from foraging to farming in northeast China外部サイトMedicinal substances in Jerusalem from early times to the present day外部サイトSome new approaches to the bell beaker "phenomenon" : lost paradise--? : proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the "Association archéologie et gobelets" Feldberg (Germany), 18th-20th April 1997外部サイトThe road to Rome : travel and travellers between England and Italy in the Anglo-Saxon centuries外部サイトEl proceso de neolitización en la fachada mediterránea de la península Ibérica : technología y tipología de la piedra tallada外部サイトHow much of the Florence Baptistery is a surviving Roman building? : a re-evaluation of the archaeological, architectural and artistic evidence外部サイトPrivate religion at Amarna : the material evidence外部サイトGestion des combustibles au paléolithique et au mésolithique : nouveaux outils, nouvelles interprétations = Fuel management during the palaeolithic and mesolithic periods : new tools, new interpretations外部サイトRural settlement in Hellenistic and Roman Crete : the Akrotiri peninsula外部サイトRoman pottery in context : fine and coarse wares from five sites in north-eastern Greece外部サイトMake-do and mend : archaeologies of compromise, repair and reuse外部サイトThe churches of Nobadia外部サイトLate Roman amphorae in the western Mediterranean : a typology and economic study : the Catalan evidence外部サイトExploitation de l'analyse quantitative des retouches pour la caractérisation des industries lithiques du Moustérien : application au faciès Quina de la Vallée du Rhône外部サイトEarly farming in Central Anatolia : an archaeobotanical study of crop husbandry, animal diet and land use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük外部サイトSkarabäen außerhalb Ägyptens : lokale Produktion oder Import? : Workshop an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, November 1999外部サイトDe Pesués a Pejanda : arqueología de la cuenca del Nansa (Cantabria, España)外部サイトThe city and complexity : Volterra, Italy : pottery production during the Hellenistic Etruscan period and the Late Roman to Late Antique period外部サイトSewn plank boats : archaeological and ethnographic papers based on those presented to a conference at Greenwich in November, 1984外部サイトARCHAIA : case studies on research planning, characterisation, conservation and management of archaeological sites外部サイトHaftavan, period VI外部サイトPot/potter entanglements and networks of agency in Late Woodland period (c. AD 900-1300) southwestern Ontario, Canada外部サイトDie Funktionsinterpretation von Steinartefakten : Stand und Perspektiven外部サイトRoman roads in Judaea II : the Jaffa-Jerusalem roads外部サイトArchaeology, societies and environments in Africa外部サイトNew approaches to the study of Early Upper Paleolithic 'transitional' industries in Western Eurasia : transitions great and small外部サイトTeotihuacan art abroad : a study of metropolitan style and provincial transformation in incensario workshops外部サイトDomestic animals and stability in pre-state farming societies外部サイトCapuanische Grabsteine : Untersuchungen zu den Grabsteinen römischer Freigelassener aus Capua外部サイトThe transition from foraging to farming and the origin of agriculture in China外部サイトDivine kings and sacred spaces : power and religion in Hellenistic Syria (301-64 BC)外部サイトGreek and Latin inscriptions from Halmyris : inscriptions on stone, signa, and instrumenta found between 1981 and 2010外部サイトLa paleovegetación en el norte de Grecia desde el Tardiglaciar hasta el Atlántico : formaciones vegetales, recursos y usos外部サイトSection 12, Âge du Fer en Europe : sessions générales et posters = The Iron Age in Europe : general sessions and posters外部サイトModern trends in scientific studies on ancient ceramics : papers presented at the 5th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Athens 1999外部サイトTlatilco : los herederos de la cultura Tenocelome外部サイトA history of the Greek city外部サイトUntersuchungen zur schiffsgestützten Grenzsicherung auf der spätantiken Donau (3. - 6. Jh. n.Chr.)外部サイトDie Stadtgeschichte des römischen Salzburg : Befunde und Funde bis 1987外部サイトThe Ekven settlement : Eskimo beginnings on the Asian shore of Bering Strait外部サイトExcavations at Xunantunich and Pomona, Belize, in 1959-60 : a ceremonial centre and an earthen mound of the Maya Classic period外部サイトPlant processing from a prehistoric and ethnographic perspective = Préhistoire et ethnographie du travail des plantes外部サイトConstructing 'commoner' identity in an Ancient Maya village : class, status, and ritual at the Northeast Group, Chan Belize外部サイトThe archaeology of Roman southern Pannonia : the state of research and selected problems in the Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia外部サイトBabies reborn : infant-child burials in pre- and protohistory外部サイトArchaeology and settlement in Upper Nubia in the 1st millennium A.D.外部サイトEngraved Magdalenian plaquettes : a regional and stylistic analysis of stone, bone, and antler plaquettes from Upper Palaeolithic sites in France and Cantabric Spain外部サイトLa arquitectura monástica hispana entre la Tardoantigüedad y la Alta Edad Media外部サイトDe antiguos pueblos y culturas botánicas en el Puerto Rico indígena : el archipiélago borincano y la llegada de los primeros pobladores agroceramistas外部サイトLa segunda edad del hierro en el centro de la península ibérica : un estudio de arqueología espacial en la Mesa de Ocaña, Toledo, España外部サイトTsibilium : la nécropole apsile de Tsibilium (VIIe av. J.-C.-VIIe ap. J.-C), (Abkhazie, Caucase)外部サイトThe late Neolithic tell settlement at Polgár-Csoszhalom, Hungary : the 1957 excavation外部サイトFondi ed il suo territorio in età romana : profilo di storia economica e sociale外部サイトThe values of community archaeology : a comparative assessment between the UK and US外部サイトLe Bronze Ancien dans les Cyclades et en Crète : les relations entre les deux régions : influence de la Grèce continentale外部サイトHistorical archaeologies of nineteenth-century colonial Tanzania : a comparative study外部サイトEarly microlithic technologies and behavioural variability in southern Africa and south Asia外部サイトArchaeology and history in North-Western Benin外部サイトTaphonomie des petits vertébrés : référentiels et transferts aux fossiles : actes de la table ronde du RTP taphonomie, Talence 20-21 octobre 2009外部サイトPottery and social dynamics in the Mediterranean and beyond in medieval and post-medieval times外部サイトThe obsidian evidence for the scale of social life during the palaeolithic外部サイトLa fortificazione della piazza di Messina e le Martello tower : il piano difensivo anglo siciliano nel 1810外部サイトArqueología del contacto hispano indígena : un estudio de cambios y continuidades en las Sierras Centrales de Argentina外部サイトUn estudio acerca del uso del espacio en arqueología de sitios históricos : 'corrales de indios' y rastrilladas, un análisis interregional, provincias de Buenos Aires y Mendoza, Argentina外部サイトKaria and the Hekatomnids : the creation of a dynasty外部サイトThe architectural form of the mosque in the central Arab lands, from the Hijra to the end of the Umayyad period, 1/622-133/750外部サイト"The true and exact dresses and fashion" : archaeological clothing remains and their social contexts in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Hungary外部サイトFrom the origins : the prehistory of the inner Tagus region外部サイトThe defence of Byzantine Africa from Justinian to the Arab Conquest : an account of the military history and archaeology of the African provinces in the sixth and seventh centuries外部サイトLa cerámica con decoración acanalada y bruñida en el contexto pre-campaniforme del Calcolítico de la Extremadura Portuguesa : nuevos aportes a la comprensión del proceso de producción de cerámicas en la Prehistoria Reciente de Portugal外部サイトA technological and typological analysis of the transitional and early upper Paleolithic levels of Ksar Akil and Abu Halka : level XXV-XII外部サイトExchange and production systems in Californian prehistory : the results of hydration dating and chemical characterization of obsidian sources外部サイトWar and territory in the Roman world : Guerra y territorio en el mundo romano外部サイトLa cerámica protohistórica a torno de Mallorca (s. VI-I a.C.)外部サイトOil and wine presses in Israel from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods外部サイトPottery production, distribution and consumption in early Minoan west Crete : an analytical perspective外部サイトPeopling the Mesolithic in a northern environment外部サイトThe architectural remains外部サイトI processi formativi ed evolutivi della città in area adriatica外部サイトThe creation, composition, service and settlement of Roman auxiliary units raised on the Iberian Peninsula外部サイトThinking beyond the tool : archaeological computing and the interpretive process外部サイトLa Necropoli di Campovalano外部サイトEl sitio ceremonial La Rinconada : organización socioespacial y religión en Ambato (Catamarca, Argentina)外部サイトHenry's mill : the historical archaeology of a forest community : life around a timber mill in south-west Victoria, Australia, in the early twentieth century外部サイトA gazetteer of archaeological sites in Lesbos外部サイトLa bonne pierre : définition, nature et vertus du jade, gisements et techniques dans les textes anciens de la Chine外部サイトNatural formation processes and the archaeological record外部サイトThe harbour of Sebastos (Caesarea Maritima) in its Roman Mediterranean context外部サイトSkull collection, modification and decoration外部サイトPagans and Christians : from Antiquity to the Middle Ages : papers in honour of Martin Henig, presented on the occasion of his 65th birthday外部サイトNicopolis d'Epiro : nuovi studi sulla zecca e sulla produzione monetale外部サイトThe Roman frontier in central Jordan : interim report on the Limes Arabicus Project, 1980-1985外部サイトThe Iron Age settlement at ʿAin Dara, Syria : survey and soundings外部サイトArchitectural decoration in Byzantine Shivta, Negev Desert, Israel外部サイトSociétés préhistoriques et mégalithes dans le nord-ouest de la République centrafricaine外部サイトCruelty and sentimentality : Greek attitudes to animals, 600-300 BC外部サイトSocial pluralism and lithic economy at Cerro Baúl, Peru外部サイトRuissellement et formation des sites préhistoriques : référentiel actualiste et exemples d'application au fossile外部サイトL'outillage lithique en contextes ethnoarchéologiques = Lithic toolkits in ethnoarchaeological contexts外部サイトLes premières occupations agricoles de l'arc antillais, migration et insularité : le cas de l'occupation saladoïde ancienne de la Martinique外部サイトThe Nabataean terracotta figurines外部サイトL'introduction et la diffusion de la technologie du bronze en Syrie-Mésopotamie : genèse d'un artisanat外部サイトL'età del ferro a Capua : aspetti distintivi del contesto culturale e suo inquadramento nelle dinamiche di sviluppo dell'Italia protostorica外部サイトBucket-shaped pots : style, chronology and regional diversity in Norway in the late Roman and migration periods外部サイトCultural change and the epipalaeolithic of Palestine外部サイトLos sumos sacerdotes de Amón tebanos de la wḥm mswt y dinastía XXI (ca. 1083-945 a.C.)外部サイトLa representación del cuerpo femenino : mujeres y arte rupestre levantino del arco mediterráneo de la Península Ibérica外部サイトZooarqueología del sur de los valles Calchaquíes (Provincias de Catamarca y Tucumán, República Argentina) : análisis de conjuntos faunísticos del primer milenio A.D.外部サイトArchaeometric and archaeological approaches to ceramics : papers presented at EMAC '05, 8th European meeting on ancient ceramics, Lyon 2005外部サイトBones as tools : current methods and interpretations in worked bone studies外部サイトEarly settlement in the western Mediterranean islands and the peripheral areas外部サイトThe secondary products revolution in Macedonia : the zooarchaeological remains from Megalo Nisi Galanis, a late neolithic-early bronze age site in Greek Macedonia外部サイトDeath and life-giving waters : cremation, caste, and cosmogony in karmic traditions外部サイトEarly herders and their flocks外部サイトWarfare, violence and slavery in prehistory : proceedings of a Prehistoric Society conference at Sheffield University外部サイトA thousand years of farming : late Chalcolithic agricultural practices at Tell Brak in northern Mesopotamia外部サイトTying headbands or Venus appearing : new translations of k'al, the Dresden codex Venus pages and classic period royal 'binding' rituals外部サイトExploring the role of analytical scale in archaeological interpretation外部サイトComputing archaeology for understanding the past : CAA 2000 : Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the 28th conference, Ljubljana, April 2000外部サイトBarley, malt and ale in the Neolithic外部サイトWhat are these queer stones? : baetyls : epistemology of a Minoan fetish外部サイトPrehistoric chipped stone assemblages from eastern Thrace and the south Marmara Region 7th-5th mill. B.C.外部サイトRecent studies on the archaeology of Anatolia外部サイトMaterial knowledges, thermodynamic spaces and the Moloko sequence of the late Iron Age (AD 1300-1840) in Southern Africa外部サイトDas Rohmaterial der Steinartefakte von Andernach : ein Beitrag zur Anwendung naturwissenschaftlicher Verfahren in der Archäologie外部サイトStability and change : socio-political development in North Mesopotamia and South-East Anatolia 4000 - 2700 B.C.外部サイトLa Palestine byzantine : peuplement et populations外部サイトSauromatisches und sarmatisches Fundgut nordöstlich und östlich des Kaspischen Meeres : eine Bestandsaufnahme bisheriger Forschungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Waffengräber外部サイトLa ceramica a tenda : diffusione e centri di produzione外部サイトFire in archaeology : papers from a session held at the European association of archaeologists sixth annual meeting in Lisbon 2000外部サイトThe social organization of early Copper Age tribes on the great Hungarian plain外部サイトZvejnieki (Northern Latvia) Stone Age cemetery外部サイトReligious communities in Byzantine Palestina : the relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, AD 400-700外部サイトCatalogue of medieval sites in Continental Croatia外部サイトArchitecture rupestre et décor sculpté en Cappadoce (Ve-IXe siècle)外部サイトThe site外部サイトThe Bronze Age and early Iron Age in the Margiana Lowlands : facts and methodological proposals for a redefinition of the research strategies外部サイトThe initial Magdalenian in France外部サイトAbhijñān : studies in South Asian archaeology and art history of artefacts外部サイトThe Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition in Israel : technological analysis外部サイトThe late Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in the southern Levant : new data from the site of Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan外部サイトDe l'Altiplano mexicain à la Patagonie : travaux de recherches à l'Université de Paris I外部サイトResidencias y estructuras civico-ceremoniales posclásicas Tarascas de la Región de Zacapu (Michoacán, México)外部サイトBronze lamps in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum : an illustrated catalogue外部サイトSantuarios y rituales en la Hispania céltica外部サイトAhlat 2009 : terza campagna di indagini sulle strutture rupestri = third campaign of surveys on the underground structures外部サイト"Somewhere beyond the sea" : les îles bretonnes (France) : perspectives archéologiques, géographiques et historiques : Actes du Séminaire Archéologique de l'Ouest, 1er avril 2014, Rennes = "Somewhere beyond the sea" : the islands of Brittany (France) : an archaeological, geographical and historical point of view : Acts of the Seminar on the Archaeology of Western France, 1st April 2014, Rennes外部サイトSwahili urbanisation, trade and food production : botanical perspectives from Pemba Island, Tanzania, AD 600-1500外部サイトVolcanic eruptions, tree rings and multielemental chemistry : an investigation of dendrochemical potential for the absolute dating of past volcanism外部サイトSocial and economic organization in the prehispanic andes : proceedings, 44 International Congress of Americanists, Manchester 1982外部サイトLa organización tecnológica en grupos cazadores recolectores desde las ocupaciones del Pleistoceno final al Holoceno tardió, en la Meseta Central de Santa Cruz, Patagonia外部サイトDeath management and virtual pursuits : a virtual reconstruction of the Minoan cemetery at Phourni, Archanes : examining the use of Tholos Tomb C and Burial Building 19 and the role of illumination in relation to mortuary practices and the perception of life and death by the living外部サイトLe paléolithique moyen du massif du Vercors (préalpes du nord) : etude des systèmes techniques en milieu de moyenne montagne外部サイトInvestigations in South Levantine prehistory = Préhistoire du Sud-Levant外部サイトColonia - municipium - vicus : Struktur und Entwicklung städtischer Siedlungen in Noricum, Rätien und Obergermanien : Beiträge der Arbietsgemeinschaft 'Römische Archäologie' bei der Tagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes der Altertumsforschung in Wien, 21.-23. 5. 1997外部サイトArchaeological investigations at Ñawinpukyo : change and continuity in an early intermediate period and middle horizon community in Ayacucho, Peru外部サイトOrigine et diffusion de l'équipement défensif corporel en Méditerranée orientale (IVe-VIIIe s.) : contribution à l'étude historique et archéologique des armées antiques et médiévales外部サイトTime to quarry : the archaeology of stone procurement in Northwestern New South Wales, Australia外部サイトLos huesos humanos en el contexto arqueológico : consideraciones metodológicas sobre su excavación y registro desde las características de depósitos del S.O. de la Península Ibérica外部サイトLandscape and identity : archaeology and human geography外部サイトNägel, Stifte, Niete : Befestigungstechnik im samischen Heraion外部サイトFolk beliefs and practice in medieval lives外部サイトNew techniques for old times CAA 98 : Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the 26th conference, Barcelona, March 1998外部サイトVers une etude de la dynamique du peuplement en Tunisie de la Protohistoire jusqu'au Haut Moyen Âge : etude comparative de deux régions : Béja (Nord-Ouest) et Qlibya (Nord-Est)外部サイトGestion des matières premières et comportements techniques dans le Middle Stone Age africain : les assemblages lithiques de la grotte du Porc-Épic (Dire Dawa, Éthiopie)外部サイトArchaeoastronomy in archaeology and ethnography : papers from the annual meeting of SEAC (European Society for Astronomy in Culture), held in Kecskemét in Hungary in 2004外部サイトContribution des matériaux lithiques dans la chronologie du Néolithique ancien et moyen en France et dans les régions limitrophes = Contributions of lithics to early and middle neolithic chronology in France and neighbouring regions外部サイトLes premiers peuplements en Europe外部サイトTheoretical aspects of Roman camp and fort design外部サイト'A hybrid burial practice' : situated practices and the production of situated knowledges in the archaeology of the Vestland Cauldron外部サイトHumans : evolution and environment外部サイトLes éléments métalliques du costume masculin dans les provinces romaines de la mer Noire : IIIe-Ve s. ap. J.-C.外部サイトEconomia e Territorio : l'Adriatico centrale tra tarda Antichità e alto Medioevo外部サイトChaupisawakasi y la formación del estado pukara (400 a.C.-350 d.C.) en la cuenca norte del Titicaca, Perú外部サイトZur inneren Gliederung und Verbreitung neolithischer Gruppen im südlichen Niederelbegebeit [i.e. Niederelbegebiet]外部サイトAprovisionamiento e intercambio : análisis petrológico del utillaje pulimentado en la prehistoria reciente del País Valenciano (España)外部サイトAncient German identity in the shadow of the Roman Empire : the impact of Roman trade and contact along the middle Danube frontier, 10 BC - AD 166外部サイトArchitecture and material culture from the earthquake house at Kourion, Cyprus : a late Roman non-elite house destroyed in the 4th century AD外部サイトIntercultural relations between south and southwest Asia : studies in commemoration of E.C.L. During Caspers (1934-1996)外部サイトThe Niger Delta : aspects of its prehistoric economy and culture外部サイトThe Mycenaean Cemetery at Pylona on Rhodes外部サイトExcavations at Arjoune, Syria外部サイトLe iscrizioni nord-umbre antiromane della valle di Ospitale (Appennino modenese)外部サイトDigging for words : archaeolinguistic case studies from the XV Nordic TAG conference held at the University of Copenhagen, 16-18 April 2015外部サイトCommunication and commerce along the western sealanes AD 400-800外部サイトThe Aegean and its cultures : proceedings of the first Oxford-Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, 22-23 April 2005外部サイトPrevalence and patterns of disease in early medieval populations : a comparison of skeletal samples of the 5th-8th centuries A.D. from Britain and southwestern Germany外部サイトLes pipes de la quarantaine : fouilles du port antique de Pomègues (Marseille)外部サイトDeath, decay and reconstruction : an osteological analysis of Effigy Mound material from Wisconsin外部サイトMaking history interactive : computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology (CAA) : proceedings of the 37th international conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States of America, March 22-26, 2009外部サイトArchéologie du Diamaré au Cameroun septentrional : milieux et peuplements entre Mandara, Logone, Bénoué et Tchad pendant les deux derniers millénaires外部サイトDalmatia : research in the Roman province 1970-2001 : papers in honour of J.J. Wilkes外部サイトCeltic coinage : new discoveries, new discussion外部サイトPollentia : a Roman colony on the island of Mallorca外部サイトComputer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1991外部サイトAnatomy of a medieval Islamic town : Al-Basra, Morocco外部サイトSailing the wine-dark sea : international trade and the Late Bronze Age Aegean外部サイトLa malacofaune de sites mésolithiques et néolithiques de la façade atlantique de la France : contribution à l'économie et à l'identité culturelle des groupes concernés外部サイトChichén Itzá, Yucatán, México : Sylvanus G. Morley 1946外部サイトThe towns of Palestine under Muslim rule : AD 600-1600外部サイトSacred landscapes in Anatolia and neighboring regions外部サイトText and image in pre-Columbian art : essay on the interrelationship of the verbal and visual arts外部サイトCelts, flakes, and bifaces : the Garo Hills story外部サイトExperiments in lithic technology外部サイトAcheulian large flake industries : technology, chronology and significance外部サイトDereivka, a settlement and cemetery of Copper Age horse keepers on the middle Dnieper外部サイトFabbri e ferri : Italia, XII-XVI secolo外部サイトGreek bronze hand-mirrors in south Italy : with special reference to Calabria外部サイトContemporary issues in historical archaeology : session C32 . Romanization and indigenous societies : rhythms, ruptures and continuities : session C55 . History, archaeology and society : session S01 . Public archaeology : session WS07外部サイトJebel Bishri in focus : remote sensing, archaeological surveying, mapping and GIS studies of Jebel Bishri in central Syria by the Finnish project SYGIS外部サイトThe Gilund project : excavations in regional context外部サイトSettlement patterns, production and trades from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages : ArchaeDyn, seven millennia of territorial dynamics : final conference, University of Burgundy, Dijon, 23-25 June 2008外部サイトMarine shell trade and classic Teotihuacan, Mexico外部サイトLa guerra contro Dolcino "perfido eresiarca" : descrizione e studio di un assedio medievale外部サイトPaisaje y arqueología en el Alto Asón (Cantabria, España) : resultados del proyecto de prospección arqueológica del Alto Asón外部サイトSiedlungsgenese im Bereich des Hambacher Forstes 1.-4. Jh. n. Chr. : Hambach 512 und Hambach 516外部サイトSocial complexity in the southern Levantine PPNB as reflected through lithic studies : the bidirectional blade industries外部サイトRecent prehistoric enclosures and funerary practices in Europe : proceedings of the international meeting held at the Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal, November 2012)外部サイトLa Costa Norte de Michoacán en la época prehispánica外部サイトVillas, farms and the late Roman rural economy (third to fifth centuries AD)外部サイトVirtual archaeology : proceedings of the VAST Euroconference, Arezzo 24-25 November 2000外部サイトAffluent foragers of the North American plains : landscape archaeology of the Black Hills外部サイトOberitalische Grabaltäre : ein Beitrag zur Sepulkralkunst der römischen Kaiserzeit外部サイトMinoischer Schmuck外部サイトEarly iron age pottery : a quantitative approach : proceedings of the International Round Table organized by the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece (Athens, November 28-30, 2008)外部サイトL'expansion médio-assyrienne : approche archéologique外部サイトPrehistoria de las Islas Baleares : registro arqueológico y evolución social antes de la Edad de Hierro = Prehistory of the Balearic Islands : archaeological record and social evolution before the Iron Age外部サイトArchitectural development in the earliest settled agricultural phases of Azerbaijan外部サイトThe archaeological heritage of the Island of Brač, Croatia外部サイトPeople of the Red Sea : proceedings of Red Sea Project II, held in the British Museum, October 2004外部サイトSinai : excavations and studies外部サイトTheoretical and methodological issues in evolutionary archaeology : toward an unified Darwinian paradigm = Questions théorétiques et méthodologiques en archéologie évolutive : vers un paradigme Darwinien unifié外部サイトHuman-induced changes in the environment and landscape of the Maltese Islands from the Neolithic to the 15th century AD, as inferred from a scientific study of sediments from Marsa, Malta外部サイトLate Roman glazed pottery in Carlino and in central-east Europe : production, function and distribution : proceedings of the Second International Meeting of Arcaheology in Carlino (March 2009)外部サイトArmes traditionnelles d'Afrique : dagues, poignards, glaives, épées, tranchets et couperets : approche régionale et classification technique, morphologique et esthétique外部サイトMinoan glyptic : typology, deposits and iconography from the Early Minoan period to the Late Minoan IB destruction in Crete外部サイトAspects of the cult of Cybele and Attis on the monuments from the Republic of Croatia外部サイトLos puñales de tipo Mte. Bernorio-Miraveche : un arma de la segunda edad del hierro en Cuenca del Duero外部サイトTempli Capitolini Nella Regio I (Latium Et Campania)外部サイトMesolithic : Neolithic interactions in the Balkans and in the Middle Danube Basin外部サイトTheoretical and methodological considerations in Central European Neolithic archaeology : proceedings of the 'Theory and Method in Archaeology of the Neolithic (7th-3rd millennium BC)' conference held in Mikulov, Czech Republic, 26-28th of October 2010外部サイトPlant processing from a prehistoric and ethnographic perspective = Préhistoire et ethnographie du travail des plantes外部サイトRoman imports in the Lower Don basin外部サイトPolitics, religion, and cylinder seals : a study of Mesopotamian symbolism in the second millennium B.C.外部サイトPiedra a piedra : historia de la construcción del Paleolítico en la Península Ibérica外部サイトMirobriga : investigations at an Iron Age and Roman site in Southern Portugal by the University of Missouri--Columbia, 1981-1986外部サイトThe archaeology of semiotics and the social order of things外部サイトIl piombo dell'imperatore : il relitto di Rena Maiore e le miniere del princeps in età augustea外部サイトStamp seals from the collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic外部サイトThe archaeology of medicine : papers given at a session of the annual conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group held at the University of Birmingham on 20 December 1998外部サイトDomus Tiberiana : analyses stratigraphiques et céramologiques外部サイトArchaeofaunal remains from the past 4000 years in Sahelian West Africa : domestic livestock, subsistence strategies and environmental changes外部サイトThe relief plaques of eastern Eurasia and China : the 'Ordos bronzes', Peter the Great's treasure, and their kin外部サイトEarly Byzantine vaulted construction in churches of the western coastal plains and river valleys of Asia Minor外部サイトAn examination of roman bronze coin distribution in the Western Empire, A.D. 81-192外部サイトChasser les chevaux à la fin du Paléolitique dans le Bassin parisien : stratégie cynégétique et mode de vie au Magdalénien et à l'Azilien ancien外部サイトLos Templos Coloniales como Estructuras Funerarias : Arqueología en la iglesia jesuita de Mendoza外部サイトA changing place : the Galgenberg in Lower Bavaria from the fifth to the first millennium BC外部サイトEstabilidad y conflicto civil en la guerra del Peloponeso : las sociedades corintia y argiva外部サイトEarly burial customs in Northern Egypt : evidence from the Pre-, Proto-, and Early dynastic periods外部サイトGeographies of power : understanding the nature of terminal classic pottery in the Maya lowlands外部サイトConservation of classical monuments in the Mediterranean region : a study of anastylosis with case studies from Greece and Turkey外部サイトGeomatics for cultural and natural heritage conservation and valorisation外部サイトEntangled identities and otherness in late antique and early medieval Europe : historical, archaeological and bioarchaeological approaches外部サイトMigdol : ricerche su modelli di architettura militare di età ramesside (Medinet Habu)外部サイトZabid Project pottery manual 1995 : pre-Islamic and Islamic ceramics from the Zabid area, North Yemen外部サイトClassic Maya polychrome stucco sculptures from Louisville, Belize外部サイトNatural processes in the degradation of open-air rock-art sites : an urgency intervention scale to inform conservation : the case of the Côa Valley world heritage site, Portugal外部サイトThe Norman conquest : a zooarchaeological perspective外部サイトPrehistory外部サイトThe Vinča culture of south-east Europe : studies in chronology, economy and society外部サイトTemplo I de Tikal : arquitectura y restauración外部サイトMédecine et médecins au Proche-Orient ancien : actes du colloque international organisé à Lyon les 8 et 9 novembre 2002, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée外部サイトPottery production technology and long-distance exchange in late neolithic Makrygialos, northern Greece外部サイトThe Butana Group ceramics and their place in the Neolithic and post-Neolithic of Northeast Africa外部サイトA microscopic analysis of use-wear and polish formation on experimental quartz tools外部サイトSocial dynamics of ceramic analysis : new techniques and interpretations : papers in honour of Charles C. Kolb外部サイトEvidence for Christianity in Roman Southern Pannonia (Northern Croatia) : a catalogue of finds and sites外部サイトRadiocarbon dating New Zealand prehistory using marine shell外部サイトEthno-archaeology in Jenné, Mali : craft and status among smiths, potters and masons外部サイトSiscia, Pannonia Superior : old and new finds外部サイトMeasuring complexity in early Bronze Age Greece : the pig as a proxy indicator of socio-economic structures外部サイトPrehistoric mining and metallurgy in south west Iberian Peninsula外部サイトEx figlinis : the network dynamics of the Tiber Valley brick industry in the hinterland of Rome外部サイトTrade and economic contacts between the Volga and Kama Rivers region and the classical world外部サイトThe origins of transhumant pastoralism in temperate southeastern Europe : a zooarchaeological perspective from the central Balkans外部サイトLithic raw material resources and procurement in pre- and protohistoric times : proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times (Paris, 10-11 September 2012)外部サイトArthur Evans's travels in Crete, 1894-1899外部サイトMaterial, virtual and temporal compositions : on the relationships between objects : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists fifth annual meeting in Bournemouth 1999外部サイトMedial mandibular ramus : ontogenetic, idiosyncratic, and geographic variation in recent Homo, great apes, and fossil hominids外部サイトThe illuminated ark : interrogating evidence from manuscript illuminations and archaeological remains for medieval vessels外部サイトMiscellania外部サイトCéramique et occupation égyptienne en Canaan au 13e siècle av. J.C. : études de cas de Hazor, Megiddo et Lachish外部サイトSignifying place and space : world perspectives of rock art and landscape外部サイトVirtual reality in archaeology外部サイトAn ancient Roman spa at Mezzomiglio : Chianciano Terme, Tuscany = Antiche terme romane a Mezzomiglio : Chianciano Terme, Toscana外部サイトLa grotte ouest du Portel, Ariège, France : restes fauniques et sratégies de chasse dans le pléistocène supérieur purénnéen外部サイトTheoretical approaches to artefacts, settlement and society : studies in honour of Mats P. Malmer外部サイトCeramic production and distribution in the southeastern Maya periphery : late classic painted serving vessels外部サイトThe biological affinities of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age : a regional dental non-metric approach外部サイトThe culture of Thracians and their neighbours : proceedings of the international symposium in memory of Prof. Mieczysław Domaradzki, with a round table "Archaeological map of Bulgaria"外部サイトAgricultural changes at Euphrates and steppe sites in the mid-8th to the 6th millenium B.C.外部サイトThe Mycenaean cult of the dead外部サイトEstudiar el pasado: aspectos metodológicos de la investigación en Ciencias de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media : proceedings of the first postgraduate conference on studies of antiquity and Middle Ages : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 26-28th October 2010外部サイトLithic technology and regional variation in late Neolithic Jordan外部サイトMaking visible : three-dimensional GIS in archaeological excavation外部サイトEtruscan settlement, society and material culture in central coastal Etruria外部サイトEl centro ceremonial de Caguana, Puerto Rico : simbolismo iconográfico, cosmovisión y el poderío caciquil taíno de Boriquén外部サイトA technological and typological analysis of Upper Palaeolithic stone industries of Epirus, Northwestern Greece外部サイトTransformation du cuivre au Moyen-Orient du Néolithique à la fin du 3ème millénaire : etude d'une chaîne technologique外部サイトPopulation, land use and settlement on Punic Malta : a contextual analysis of the burial evidence外部サイトWorld heritage : global challenges, local solutions : proceedings of a conference at Coalbrookdale, 4-7 May 2006 hosted by the Ironbridge Institute外部サイトEurope between late antiquity and the Middle Ages : recent archaeological and historical research in Western and Southern Europe外部サイトAt the edge : terminal Pleistocene hunter-gatherers in the Negev and Sinai外部サイトSocio-economic aspects of Chalcolithic (4500-3500 BC) societies in the Southern Levant : a lithic perspective外部サイトLate Bronze Age Mycenaean and Italic products in the West Mediterranean : a social and economic analysis外部サイトReconnaître des tactiques d'exploitation du milieu au paléolithique moyen : la contribution de l'analyse fonctionnelle : etude fonctionnelle des industries lithiques de Grotta Breuil (Latium, Italie) et de La Combette (Bonnieux, Vaucluse, France)外部サイトApproche taphonomique des restes humains : le cas des Mésolithiques de la grotte des Perrats et le problème du cannibalisme en préhistoire récente européenne外部サイトAncient Maya cityscapes : insights from Lagartera and Margarita, Quintana Roo, Mexico外部サイトEl incastellamento en el territorio de la ciudad de Luca (Toscana) : poder y territorio entre la Alta Edad Media y el siglo XII外部サイトDominio del cuerpo femenino como ejercicio de poder a través de textos médicos clásicos y medievales外部サイトRecent approaches to the archaeology of land allotment外部サイトChristianity in Roman Pannonia : an evaluation of early Christian finds and sites from Hungary外部サイトThe impact of Rome on settlement in the Northwestern and Danube provinces : lectures held at the Wincklemann-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in winter 1998/99外部サイトLes terres cuites architecturales des églises du haut Moyen Age dans le nord-ouest de la France et le sud-est de l'Angleterre : application de la datation par luminescence à l'archéologie du bâti外部サイトLes princes martyrs Boris et Gleb : iconographie et canonisation外部サイトLa cueva del Valle, Rasines, Cantabria, España外部サイトAn Ahrensburgian site at Zonhoven-Molenheide (Belgium)外部サイトClassical engraved gems from Turkey and elsewhere : the Wright collection外部サイトAtti del 3 Convegno Nazionale dei Etnoarcheologia, Mondaino, 17-19 marzo 2004 = Proceedings of the 3rd Italian Congress of Ethnoarchaeology, Mondaino (Italy), 17-19 March, 2004外部サイトA sense of the past : studies in current archaeological applications of remote sensing and non-invasive prospection methods外部サイトThree-dimensional imaging in paleoanthropology and prehistoric Archaeology外部サイトLe crâne d'Homo sapiens en Eurasie : croissance et variation depuis 100 000 ans外部サイトThe Roman settlement patterns in the western façade of the Conventus Bracarensis外部サイトAnciens peuplements littoraux et relations Homme/Milieu sur les côtes de l'Europe Atlantique = Ancient maritime communities and the relationship between people and environment along the European Atlantic coasts外部サイトEtude anthropologique de crises démographiques en contexte épidémique : aspects paléo- et biodémographiques de la peste en Provence外部サイトChalcolithic cult and risk management at Teleilat Ghassul : the Area E Sanctuary外部サイトThe archaeology of value : essays on prestige and the processes of valuation外部サイトVillages, fields and frontiers : studies in European rural settlement in the medieval and early modern periods : papers presented at the meeting of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, held at Durham and Cambridge, England, 10-17 September 1981外部サイトHistoric periods外部サイトMehtelek : the first excavated site of the Mehtelek Group of early Neolithic Koros culture in the Carpathian Basin外部サイトItalian cadastre of artificial cavities外部サイトHallstatt textiles : technical analysis, scientific investigation and experiment on Iron Age textiles外部サイトCampaniforme y rituales estratégicos en la cuenca media y baja del Guadiana (suroeste de la Península Ibérica)外部サイトThe Hongshan papers : collected studies on the archaeology of Northern China外部サイトA critical exploration of frameworks for assessing the significance of New Zealand's historic heritage外部サイトCities in transition : urbanism in Byzantium between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages (500-900 A.D.)外部サイトTecnología y sociedad : biografía e historia social de las palas del oasis de Tebenquiche Chico, Puna de Atacama, primer milenio d.C.外部サイトHomosexualité et imaginaire sexuel chez les Aztèques外部サイトAnother Tasmanian paradox : clothing and thermal adaptations in aboriginal Australia外部サイトDediche votive private attiche del IV secolo a.C. : il culto di Atena e delle divinità mediche外部サイトLa pesca en el reino de Toledo : la cuenca alta y media del Tajo en los siglos XII al XVI外部サイトWater and technology in Levantine society, 1300-1900 : an historical, archaeological and architectural analysis外部サイトArchaeobotanical investigations of plant cultivation and husbandry practices at the early Bronze Age settlement Küllüoba in west-central Turkey : considerations on environment, climate and economy外部サイトThe nature of difference : history and lithic use-wear at two Upper Palaeolithic sites in Central Europe外部サイトThe emergence of food production in Ethiopia外部サイトHealth in past societies : biocultural interpretations of human skeletal remains in archaeological contexts外部サイトCompetitive advantage strategy in cultural heritage management : a case-study of the Mani area in the southern Peloponnese, Greece外部サイトThe Scythian Neapolis (2nd century BC to 3rd century AD) : investigations into the Graeco-barbarian city on the northern Black Sea Coast外部サイトScythians is a name given them by the Greeks : an analysis of six barrow burials on the West Eurasian Steppe外部サイトWorshippers and warriors : reconstructing gender and gender relations in the prehistoric rock art of Naquane National Park, Valcamonica, Brescia, northern Italy外部サイトPrehistoric pottery : people, pattern and purpose外部サイトComputer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1994外部サイトWomen in pre-Islamic Arabia : Nabataea外部サイトAncient settlement patterns in the area of Aksum (Tigray, northern Ethiopia) -- Ca. 900 BCE-800/850 CE外部サイトPlant exploitation on Epipalaeolithic and early Neolithic sites in the Levant外部サイトEarly hominid scavenging opportunities : implications of carcass availability in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro ecosystems外部サイトGrabados rupestres de la fachada atlántica europea y africana : Rock carvings of the European and African Atlantic faç ade外部サイトThe Early and Middle Neolithic in Macedonia : links with the neighbouring areas外部サイトLa ceramica, l'alimentazione, l'artigianato e le vie di commercio tra VIII e XIV secolo : il caso della Toscana meridionale外部サイトAnimals in the Steppe : a zooarchaeological analysis of later neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria外部サイトArchaeology of Mother Earth sites and sanctuaries through the ages : rethinking symbols and images, art and artefacts from history and prehistory外部サイトThe city and the coin in the ancient and early medieval worlds外部サイトPrey movements and settlement patterns during the upper palaeolithic in Southwestern France外部サイトCrafting bone : skeletal technologies through time and space : proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group, Budapest, 31 August-5 September 1999外部サイトItinerari del sacro nelle forme del bere : articolazioni morfologiche e funzionali della ceramica greca ad uso potorio in ambito rituale外部サイトSection 14, Archéologie et histoire du moyen âge : sessions générales et posters = Archaeology and history of the Middle Ages : general sessions and posters外部サイトRömer und Germanen-Nachbarn über Jahrhunderte : Beiträge der gemeinsamen Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaften 'Römische Archäologie' und 'Römische Kaiserzeit im Barbaricum' auf dem 2. Deutschen Archäologen-Kongress, Leipzig, 30.09.-4.10.1996外部サイトPalaeoethnobotany of Princess Point, Lower Great Lakes Region, Southern Ontario, Canada外部サイトA multidisciplinary approach to Alexandria's economic past : the Lake Mareotis research project外部サイトLa piazzaforte di Casale Monferrato durante la Guerra di Successione Spagnola 1701-1706外部サイトZooarchaeology of the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary : proceedings of a symposium held at the 8th Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, August 1998外部サイトCurrent research in animal palaeopathology : proceedings of the Second ICAZ Animal Palaeopathology Working Group Conference外部サイトFont-Rase à Barbezieux et Font-Belle à Segonzac (Charente) : deux sites du néolithique récent saintongeais Matignons/Peu-Richard外部サイトProducer of the living, eater of the dead : revealing Tlaltecuhtli, the two-faced Aztec Earth外部サイトUpper Palaeolithic osseous artifacts from Britain and Belgium : an inventory and technological description外部サイトPeinture murale en Gaule : actes des séminaires AFPMA 1982-1983, 1er et 2 mai 1982 à Lisieux, 21 et 22 mai 1983 à Bordeaux外部サイトLes archives fluviales du bassin-versant de la Beuvronne (Seine-et-Marne, Bassin parisien, France) : perception et impacts des modifications climatiques et des occupations humaines depuis 15 000 ans外部サイトHistory and ethnoarchaeology in Eastern Nigeria : a study of Igbo-Igala relations with special reference to the Anambra Valley外部サイトExperimental archaeology : replicating past objects, behaviors, and processes外部サイトThe Körös culture in Eastern Hungary外部サイト'My life is like the summer rose' Maurizio Tosi e l'archeologia come modo di vivere : papers in honour of Maurizio Tosi for his 70th birthday外部サイトThe archaeology of coastal Belize外部サイトThe organization of production among sedentary foragers of the southern Pacific northwest coast外部サイトUne anthropologie des manifestations esthétiques du Mésolithique européen de la fin du Tardiglaciaire et durant le Postglaciaire外部サイトIl ginnasio greco : genesi, topografia e culti dei luoghi della paideia外部サイトEl campaniforme en la Meseta central de la Península Ibérica : c. 2500-2000 AC.外部サイトL'homme et le précieux : matièrales minérales précieuses外部サイトDifferent Iron ages : studies on the Iron age in temperate Europe外部サイトThe development of pottery technology from the late sixth to the fifth millennium B.C. in northern Jordan : ethno- and archaeological studies: Abu Hamid as a key site外部サイトMovilidad y uso del espacio de cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno tardío : estudio de la variabilidad del registro tecnológico en distintos ambientes del noroeste de la provincia de Santa Cruz (Argentina)外部サイトLa producción alfarera gadirita durante los siglos -III y -II外部サイトCommunautés villageoises néolithiques des Dhars Tichitt et Oualata (Mauritanie)外部サイトAnimaltown : beasts in medieval urban space外部サイトOil-lamps in the Holy Land : saucer lamps : from the beginning to the Hellenistic period : collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority外部サイトThe pagan image of Greco-Roman Palestine and surrounding lands外部サイトDe la Loire à l'Oder : les civilisations du paléolithique final dans le nord-ouest européen : actes du colloque de Liège, décembre 1985外部サイトFormation and change in individual identity between the Bell Beaker Culture and the Early Bronze Age in Bavaria, South Germany外部サイトCharcoal analysis : methodological approaches, palaeoecological results and wood uses : proceedings of the Second International Meeting of Anthracology, Paris, September 2000外部サイトHolocene foragers of North India : the bioarchaeology of Mesolithic Damdama外部サイトChairs, stools, and footstools in the New Kingdom : production, typology, and social analysis外部サイトAspects archéologiques外部サイトFisher-hunters and Neolithic pastoralists in east Turkana, Kenya外部サイトBell beaker copper use in central Europe : a distinctive tradition?外部サイトEl conjunto arquitectónico del Olivar外部サイトRecent developments in Isthmian archaeology : advances in the prehistory of lower Central America : proceedings, 44 International Congress of Americanists, Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Manchester 1982外部サイトStone Age living spaces in western Norway外部サイトThe early farmers of Transkei, Southern Africa, before A.D. 1870外部サイトDescription typo-technologique des industries lithiques taillées de Corse du Mésolithique au Chalcolithique外部サイト"Prehistoric technology" 40 years later : functional studies and the Russian legacy外部サイトIdentifying domestic space in the Neolithic Eastern Mediterranean : method and theory in spatial studies外部サイトA view from the air : aerial archaeology and remote sensing techniques : results and opportunities外部サイトLate Roman African cookware of the Palatine East excavations, Rome : a holistic approach外部サイトThe protoclassic in the Maya lowlands外部サイトBeyond the bloom : bloom refining and iron artifact production in the Roman world外部サイトOrte (Viterbo) e il suo territorio : scavi e ricerche in Etruria meridionale fra antichità e Medioevo外部サイトDie Bildersprache minoischer und mykenischer Siegel外部サイトSargonic and presargonic texts in the World Museum Liverpool外部サイトLithic raw material variability and the reduction of short-term-use implements : an example from northwestern New Mexico外部サイトChanging settlement patterns in the Aksum-Yeha region of Ethiopia : 700 BC-AD 850外部サイトThe River Qoueiq, Northern Syria, and its catchment : studies arising from the Tell Rifa'at Survey 1977-79外部サイトAmbiente, sussistenza e articolazione sociale nell'Italia centrale tra Bronzo medio e Primo Ferro外部サイトThe early and classic Christian phases外部サイトPiecing together the past : applications of refitting studies in archaeology外部サイトCharsadda : the British-Pakistani excavations at the Bala Hisar外部サイトThe archaeology of the Matienzo depression, north Spain外部サイトWest African archaeology : new developments, new perspectives外部サイトLe Campaniforme en France : analyse de la céramique d'accompagnement外部サイトEl análisis de la relación forma-contenido de los conjuntos cerámicos del yacimiento arqueológico del Cerro de la Encina (Granada, España)外部サイトFrühmittelalterliche Grabfunde beiderseits der unteren Mosel外部サイトAzdud (Ashdod-Yam) : an early Islamic fortress on the Mediterranean Coast外部サイトCostume et insignes d'un gouvernant maya : K'inich Janaab' Pakal de Palenque外部サイトLe Mésolithique en Haute-Normandie (France) : l'exemple du site d'Acquigny "l'Onglais" (Eure) et sa contribution à l'étude des gisements mésolithiques de plein air外部サイトDeath and burial in Arabia and beyond : multidisciplinary perspectives外部サイトLa arquitectura sagrada ibérica : orígenes, desarrollos y contextos外部サイトSecuencias de cambio social en una región mediterránea : análisis arqueológico de la depresión de Vera (Almería) entre los siglos V y XI外部サイトEl Neolítico en el Bajo Vinalopó (Alicante, España)外部サイトAncient and modern bone artefacts from America to Russia : cultural, technological and functional signature外部サイトTerritorio neolítico : las primeras comunidades campesinas en la fachada oriental de la península Ibérica (ca. 5600-2800 cal BC)外部サイトLa elaboración del círculo productivo romano como imperio mediterráneo (348-218 AC) : materiales arqueológicos para una historia crítica del período medio-republicano外部サイトMethodology of geophysical research in archaeology外部サイトTools of the mammoth hunters : the application of use-wear analysis on the Czech Upper Palaeolithic chipped industry外部サイトPassage, transformation et art schematique : l'exemple des peintures neolithiques du sud de la France外部サイトSpiral decoration in early Bronze Age Scandinavia : a technical and qualitative analysis and study of production外部サイトcura riparum alvei tiberis : storiografia, prosopografia e fonti epigrafiche外部サイトTecnología lítica del paleolítico inferior del noreste de la Península Ibérica y sureste de Francia外部サイトArchitectural terracottas at the sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia : genesis, problems, developments外部サイトDiscoid lithic technology : advances and implications外部サイトIl territorio calatino nella Sicilia imperiale e tardoromana外部サイトThe final feast : an examination of the significant Iron Age amphora burials in north-west Europe in relation to the Mediterranean symposium and feasting ritual外部サイトArqueología durante la transición pleistoceno-holoceno en Uruguay : componentes paleoindios, organización de la tecnología lítica y movilidad de los primeros Americanos外部サイトThe Uruk phenomenon : the role of social ideology in the expansion of the Uruk culture during the fourth millennium BC外部サイトActes du XIVème Congrès UISPP : sessions générales et posters = Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress : general sessions and posters外部サイトPerceived landscapes and built environments : the cultural geography of Late Paleolithic Eurasia外部サイトA circumpolar reappraisal : the legacy of Gutorm Gjessing (1906-1979) : proceedings of an international conference held in Trondheim, Norway, 10th-12th October 2008, arranged by the Institute of Archaeology and Religious Studies, and the SAK department of the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)外部サイトThe agricultural homestead in Moravian mediaeval villages外部サイトPortable shrine models : ancient architectural clay models from the Levant外部サイトIntegrating social and environmental archaeologies : reconsidering deposition外部サイトProceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times (Madrid, 14-17 October 2009)外部サイトRock art and museum = Art rupestre et musée外部サイトZooarchaeology of South America外部サイトThe Nordic scimitar : external relations and the creation of elite ideology外部サイトThe elite late period Egyptian tombs of Memphis外部サイトVitreous materials at Amarna : the production of glass and faience in 18th Dynasty Egypt外部サイトL'habitat privé en Palestine au Bronze Moyen et au Bronze Récent外部サイトPietre da macina, macine per mulini : definizione e sviluppo delle tecniche per la macinazione nell'area del Vicino Oriente e del Mediterraneo orientale antico外部サイトChemical arts and technologies of indigenous Americans外部サイトThe Transition from Lower to Middle Palaeolithic and the origin of modern man : international symposium to commemorate the 50th anniversary of excavations in the Mount Carmel Caves by D.A.E. Garrod, University of Haifa, 6-14 October 1980外部サイトThe UCL Lahun Papyri : accounts外部サイトCatalogo delle Lucerne di Tolemaide (Circenaica)外部サイトOut of place : human skeletal remains from non-funerary contexts ; Northern Italy during the 1st millennium BC外部サイトDas 'Harpyien-Monument' von Xanthos : seine Bedeutung innerhalb der spätarchaischen Plastik外部サイトPhasenkartierung des mitteleuropäischen Neolithikums : Chronologie und Chorologie外部サイトAn investigation of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule (L)) : collection practices at the kitchen midden sites of Norsminde and Krabbesholm, Denmark外部サイトLes outillages néolithiques en Syrie du Nord : méthode de débitage et gestion laminaire durant le PPNB外部サイトThe functional analysis of flint implements : Pincevent and Pont d'Ambon : two case studies from the French final palaeolithic外部サイトUna fundación de Valencia (Hispania) : antítesis de la tesis actual外部サイトFormes et fonctions au sein des industries lithiques de la fin du Pléistocène et du début de l'Holocène en Asie du Sud-Est : un nouvel apport à la comprehénsion des comportements humains外部サイトThe Kintampo Complex : the late Holocene on the Gambaga Escarpment, Northern Ghana外部サイトThe Mousterian legacy : human biocultural change in the upper Pleistocene外部サイトMonasteria et territoria : elites, edilicia y territorio en el Mediterráneo medieval (siglos V-XI) : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (MAR), Museo de San Isidro (Madrid), 18/20 Diciembre 2006外部サイトReconstruction of the Bronze age of the Caspian Steppes : life styles and life ways of pastoral nomads外部サイトArchaeological sciences '97 : proceedings of the conference held at the University of Durham, 2nd-4th September 1997外部サイトAyyubid Jerusalem (1187-1250) : an architectural and archaeological study外部サイトHealth in late prehistoric Thailand外部サイトUpper Palaeolithic dwellings of mammoth bones in the Ukraine : Kiev-Kirillovskii, Gontsy, Dobranichevka, Mezin and Mezhirich外部サイトThe Hammer on the rock : studies in the early palaeolithic of Azraq, Jordan外部サイトLe camp à Challignac (Charente) au IIIe millénaire av. J.-C. : un établissement complexe de la culture d'Artenac dans le centre-ouest de la France外部サイトA neolithic cemetery in the northern Dongola Reach : excavations at Site R12外部サイトThe regional survey and conclusions外部サイトAdlun in the Stone Age : the excavations of D.A.E. Garrod in the Lebanon, 1958-1963外部サイトThe bath in Greece in classical antiquity : the Peloponnese外部サイトHunter-gatherers in north and central India : an ethnoarchaeological study外部サイトThe Canaanite cultic milieu : the zooarchaeological evidence from Tel Haror, Israel外部サイトEarly ceramic population lifeways and adaptive strategies in the Caribbean外部サイトLe bourg abbatial de Villemagne-l'Argentière (Hérault) : dynamique économique et commande monumentale XIe-XIVe siècles外部サイトEarly Medieval pottery in northern Croatia : typological and chronological pottery analyses as indicators of the settlement of the territory between the rivers Drava and Sava from the 10th to 13th centuries AD外部サイトIconografía náutica de la Península Ibérica en la protohistoria外部サイトExamining the Levallois reduction strategy from a design theory point of view外部サイトThe Aegean Bronze Age in relation to the wider European context : papers from a session at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Cork, 5-11 September 2005外部サイトDance, dancers and the performance cohort in the Old Kingdom外部サイトEarly human impact on megamolluscs外部サイトIdeología aristocrática en los orígenes del arcaísmo griego : estrategias de alteridad en la Ilíada外部サイトIslamic art, architecture and material culture : new perspectives外部サイトAttic pinakes : votive images in clay外部サイトArchaeomalacology : shells in the archaeological record外部サイトThe Stone Age of South India and Sri Lanka : a critical review外部サイトSeafaring on the ancient Mediterranean : new thoughts on triremes and other ancient ships外部サイトInterpreting stratigraphy : site evaluation, recording procedures and stratigraphic analysis : papers presented to the Interpreting Stratigraphy Conferences, 1993-1997外部サイトPrehistoric investigations in Northeast Thailand : excavations at Ban Na Di, Non Kao Noi, Ban Muang Phruk, Ban Chiang Hian, Non Noi, Ban Kho Noi, and site surveys in the Upper Songkhram and Middle Chi Valleys外部サイトSites of Early Nubian, Middle Nubian and Pharaonic Age外部サイトLa explotación inglesa de la Minas de Cerro Muriano (Córdoba, España) : una historia de colonialismo económico de principios del siglo XX外部サイトClassical and medieval archaeology外部サイトArt, death and social order : the mortuary arts of pre-Conquest Central Panama外部サイトThe role of American archeologists in the study of the European Upper Paleolithic外部サイトZur Neolithisierung des Mittleren Niltals und angrenzender Regionen : kultureller Wandel vom Mesolithikum zum Neolithikum im Nord- und Zentralsudan外部サイトAttachment to abandoned heritage : the case of Suakin, Sudan外部サイトA study of prehistoric soapstone vessels of the middle Atlantic region of the United States外部サイトTranscaucasian bronze belts外部サイトSection 13, Époque romaine : sessions générales et posters = The Roman age : general sessions and posters外部サイトA categorisation and examination of Egyptian ships and boats from the rise of the Old to the end of the Middle Kingdoms外部サイトL'étude de la transition du Bronze récent II au Fer I en Palestine méridionale外部サイトArquelogía colonial Latinoamericana : modelos de estudio外部サイトIran palaeolithic : Le paléolithique d'Iran外部サイトIn the land of the ichthyophagi : modelling fish exploitation in the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman from the 5th millennium BC to the Late Islamic period外部サイトFishermen, hunters and herders : zooarchaeology in the Fayum, Egypt (ca.8200-5000 bp)外部サイトArchaeological excavations at the Uxbridge Almshouse Burial Ground in Uxbridge, Massachusetts外部サイトL'habitat traditionnel à ‛Aima : enquête ethnoarchéologique dans un village jordanien外部サイトLe chalcolitique moyen entre la Seine et le Rhin inférieur : étude synthétique du rituel funéraire外部サイトProceedings of the 1st Italy-United States workshop, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 1-3, 2001外部サイトTown-planning and population in Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa外部サイトMan and animal relationship in early farming communities of western India, with special reference to Inamgaon外部サイトFood, culture and identity in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age外部サイトArchaeological survey in the Mediterranean area外部サイトLate Pleistocene deer fossils from Corbeddu Cave : implications for human colonization of the island of Sardinia外部サイトDendrochronology in Europe : principles, interpretations and applications to archaeology and history : based on the symposium held at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, July 1977外部サイトLa campagna gallispana del 1744 Storia e Archeologia Militare di un anno di guerra fra Piemonte e Delfinato外部サイトThe archaeology of the clay tobacco pipe外部サイトA bioarchaeological analysis of Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave, Greece外部サイトBronze Age landscape and society in Southern Epirus, Greece外部サイトThe stone age of Chukotka, Northeastern Siberia (new materials)外部サイトThe late Roman Army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest : proceedings of a colloquium held at Potenza, Acerenza and Matera, Italy (May 2005)外部サイトDental microwear in Natufian hunter-gatherers and pre-pottery neolithic agriculturalists from northern Israel外部サイトU.K. Chapter of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the fourth meeting Cardiff University, 27 and 28 February 1999外部サイトThe periphery in the center : Sardinia in the ancient and medieval worlds外部サイトThe technological study of books and manuscripts as artefacts : research questions and analytical solutions外部サイトDesign analysis of Chihuahuan polychrome jars from North American museum collections外部サイトLes structures d'habitat enclos de la protohistoire du Japon : période de Yayoi 350BC-300AD外部サイトArchaeologists without boundaries : towards a history of international archaeological congresses (1866-2006) = Archéologues sans frontières : pour une histoire des congrès archéologiques innationaux (1866-2006)外部サイトSehonghong : the middle and later Stone Age industrial sequence at a Lesotho Rock-shelter外部サイトToolkit structure and site use : results of high-power use-wear analysis of lithic assemblages from Solutré (Saône-et-Loire), France外部サイトHunting strategies in central Europe during the last glacial maximum外部サイトOtters and urchins : continuity and change in Haida economy during the late Holocene and maritime fur trade periods外部サイトPlants and diet in Greece from Neolithic to Classic periods : the archaeobotanical remains外部サイトLate Roman African urbanism : continuity and transformation in the city外部サイトNohmul : a prehistoric Maya community in Belize : excavations 1973-1983外部サイトMujeres y hombres en espacios domèsticos : trabajo y vida social en la prehistoria de Mallorca (c. 700-500 cal ANE) : el edificio Alfa del Puig Morter de Son Ferragut (Sineu, Mallorca)外部サイトPrehistoric occupation of a marginal environment : an archaeological survey near Kharga Oasis in the western desert of Egypt外部サイトThe classic Maya western region : a history外部サイトRoman art, religion, and society : new studies from the Roman Art Seminar, Oxford 2005外部サイトLas producciones metálicas del III y II milenio cal ANE en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica外部サイトHuman skeletal remains from Chalcolithic Nevasa : osteobiographic analysis外部サイトCeramic ecology, 1988 : current research on ceramic materials外部サイトPersonal identity and social power in new kingdom and Coptic Egypt外部サイトLa ceramica a decorazione geometrica dipinta da Segesta nel quadro delle produzioni della Sicilia occidentale外部サイトEthnohistoric archaeology of the Mukogodo in north-central Kenya : hunter-gatherer subsistence and the transition to pastoralism in secondary settings外部サイトThe monumental earthworks of Palau, Micronesia : a landscape perspective外部サイトThe development and traditions of pottery in the Neolithic of the Anatolian Plateau : evidence from Çatalhöyük, Süberde and Erbaba外部サイトContextos cerámicos de la Antigüedad Tardía y Alta Edad Media (siglos IV-VIII d. C.) en los asentamientos rurales de la Lusitania Septentrional (Provincia de Salamanca, España)外部サイトFormative settlement patterns on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala : a spatial analysis of complex societal evolution外部サイトThe Lower Maeander flood plain : a regional settlement study外部サイトCentral Asia in antiquity : interdisciplinary approaches外部サイトMaya civilization at the millennium : a research guide外部サイトEarly medieval Sanjan : aspects and analysis外部サイトIdentity and reciprocity in 15th century Philippines外部サイトInvestigating ethnic and gender identities as expressed on wooden funerary stelae from the Libyan Period (c. 1069-715 B.C.E.) in Egypt外部サイトEntre la marina y la montaña : arqueología del medio Asón (Cantabria, Espańa)外部サイトChronologie détaillée et révisée des éponymes amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. environ : premier bilan外部サイトL'art rupestre préhistorique des massifs centraux sahariens外部サイトAnálisis tecnológico y funcional del registro cerámico del Valle de Salsacate y pampas de altura adyacentes (Provincia de Córdoba, República Argentina)外部サイトIncremental growth of the European oyster Ostrea edulis : seasonality information from Danish kitchenmiddens外部サイトArte, arquitectura y arqueología en el grupo ah canul de la ciudad maya yucateca de Oxkintok外部サイトLa producción de instrumental lítico en Tiwanaku : el impacto del surgimiento y expansión del estado en las unidades domésticas locales = Stone tool production in the Tiwanaku heartland : the impact of state emergence and expansion on local households外部サイトCurrent research in Sasanian archaeology, art and history : proceedings of a conference held at Durham University, November 3rd and 4th, 2001外部サイトMeroitic settlement in the central Sudan : an analysis of sites in the Nile Valley and the western Butana外部サイトEnvironmental changes and human occupation in East Asia during OIS3 and OIS2外部サイトLes enceintes pré- et protohistoriques de Corse : essai de comparison avec quelques sites de Toscane外部サイトThe Mesolithic hunters of the Trentino : a case study in hunter-gatherer settlement and subsistence from northern Italy外部サイトTrade in the Western Mediterranean, AD 400-700 : the ceramic evidence外部サイトMeasured on stone : stone artefact reduction, residential mobility and Aboriginal land use in arid Central Australia外部サイトAltenglische Terminologie für Schiffe und Schiffsteile : Archäologie und Sprachgeschichte 500-1100外部サイトUn approccio integrato al problema della ricostruzione della viabilità romana in Sicilia : la via Catania-Agrigento外部サイトCulturas en contacto : conflicto, asimilación e intercambio : proceedings of the Third Postgraduate Conference in Studies of Antiquity and Middles Ages, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 23-25th November 2016外部サイトThe Mousterian in Mediterranean France : a regional, integrative and comparative perspective外部サイトUne approche des enclos du nord de la Bretagne : analyse et comparaison des sites protohistoriques外部サイトEgypt in its African context : proceedings of the conference held at the Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, 2-4 October 2009外部サイトUn complément des données sur les sociétés rubanées : l'industrie osseuse à Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes外部サイトLe concept de territoires dans le paléolithique supérieur Européen外部サイトArchives et bibliothèques dans le monde grec : édifices et organisation : V [superscript e] siècle avant notre ère - II [superscript e] siècle de notre ère外部サイトLos territorios septentrionales del Conventus Carthaginensis durante el imperio romano : estudio de la romanización de Carpetania外部サイトPugio-gladius brevis est : history and technology of the Roman battle dagger外部サイトClose encounters : sea- and riverborne trade, ports and hinterlands, ship construction and navigation in antiquity, the Middle Ages and in modern time外部サイトHousing in medieval and post-medieval Greece外部サイトBlack Cilicia : a study of the plain of Issus during the Roman and late Roman periods外部サイトThe garden of the world : an historical archaeology of sugar landscapes in the eastern Caribbean外部サイトÉchanges et contacts le long du Nil et de la Mer Rouge dans l'époque protohistorique (IIIe et IIe millénaires avant J.-C.) : une synthèse préliminaire外部サイトIncipient globalization? : long-distance contacts in the sixth century外部サイトBeyond the palace : Mycenaean East Lokris外部サイトLa necrópolis de Sa Carrotja y la romanización del sur de la isla de Mallorca外部サイトLos alfares medievales de la Calle Hospital Viejo de Logroño (La Rioja, España) : sistematización de sus producciones (siglos XIII-XV)外部サイトLa ceramica eoliana della facies del Milazzese : studio crono-tipologico e culturale sulla base dei dati editi da Filicudi, Lipari, Panarea, Salina外部サイトLuoghi e architetture della transizione : 1919-1939 : i sistemi difensivi di confine e la protezione antiaerea nelle città : storia, conservazione, riuso = Sites and architectural structures of the transition period : 1919-1939 : border defense system and air raid protection in the cities : history, conservation, reuse外部サイトAspects of gender identity and craft production in the European migration period : iron weaving beaters and associated textile making tools from England, Norway and Alamannia外部サイトMaterials and manufacture in ancient Mesopotamia : the evidence of archaeology and art : metals and metalwork, glazed materials and glass外部サイトGli incroci pericolosi : storia e archeologia della Strada di Fiandra in Italia e Savoia, 1561-1659外部サイトDer neolithische Fundplatz Hamburg-Curslack 55外部サイトLas cecas ibéricas meridionales de la Hispania Ulterior y su circulación monetaria : acuñaciones y dispersión monetal de las ciudades ibéricas del sur peninsular外部サイトThe neolithic and early Chalcolithic farmers of central and southwest Anatolia : household, community and the changing use of space外部サイトCyrenaica in antiquity外部サイトThe later prehistory of Anatolia : the late Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age外部サイトMicrowear patterns on experimental basalt tools外部サイトPorts and political power in the Periplus : complex societies and maritime trade on the Indian Ocean in the first century AD外部サイトThe hinterland外部サイトVictory of propaganda : the dynastic aspect of the imperial propaganda of the Severi : the literary and archaeological evidence AD 193-235外部サイトStories from the landscape : archaeologies of inhabitation外部サイトDes morts sans tombe? : le cas des ossements humains en contexte non sépulcral en Europe tempérée entre les 6e et 3e millénaires av. J.-C.外部サイトAnneaux et cultures du Néolithique ancien : production, circulation et utilisation entre massifs ardennais et armoricain外部サイトCaribou Inuit traders of the Kivalliq Nunavut, Canada外部サイトThe Roman Fort at Ács-Vaspuszta (Hungary) on the Danubian limes外部サイトEthno-archaeology and its transfers : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists fifth annual meeting in Bournemouth 1999外部サイトOccupation de l'espace et gestion des ressources à l'interface entre massifs primaires et bassins secondaires et tertiaires au Néolithique : l'exemple du Massif armoricain et de ses marges外部サイトStudies into the Balts' sacred places外部サイトThe archaeological heritage of Vis, Biševo, Svetac, Palagruža and Šolta外部サイトRoman stone fortifications : variation and change from the first century A.D. to the fourth外部サイトMinería y metalurgia romana en el sur de la Península Ibérica : Sierra Morena oriental外部サイトFood, fire and fragrance : a paleoethnobotanical perspective on classic Maya cave rituals外部サイトRelation entre espaces publics et privés dans les cités mayas des basses terres centrales et méridionales du Préclassique au Classique terminal外部サイトProceedings of the seventh annual conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology外部サイトDiving up the human past : perspectives of maritime archaeology, with specific reference to developments in South Africa until 1996外部サイトRiparia, un patrimoine culturel : la gestion intégrée des bords de l'eau : proceedings of the Sudbury workshop, April 12-14, 2012 = Actes de l'Atelier savoirs et pratiques de gestion intégrée des bords de l'eau - Riparia, Sudbury, 12-14 avril 2012外部サイトSettlement patterns, development and cultural change in the northern Oman Peninsula : a multi-tiered approach to the analysis of long-term settlement trends外部サイトViolence in the service of order : the religious framework for sanctioned killing in Ancient Egypt外部サイトThe towers of Ras al-Khaimah外部サイトThe North Syrian late Epipaleolithic : the earliest occupation at Tell Abu Hureyra in the context of the Levantine late Epipaleolithic外部サイト"Sein Zum Tode ..." : Untersuchungen zu den gesellschaftlichen Strukturen anhand der Nekropolen und Gräber der protogeometrischen und geometrischen Epoche aus Mittel-und Ostkreta外部サイトThe native pottery of Roman Dacia外部サイトFrom archaeology to archaeologies : the 'other' past外部サイトTo the west of Spanish Cantabria : the palaeolithic settlement of Galicia外部サイトEarly Paleolithic technology in Eastern and Southern Asia外部サイトFrom the Arctic to Avalon : papers in honour of Jim Tuck外部サイトThe capsian of North Africa : stylistic variation in stone tool assemblages外部サイトPrehistoric art and ideology外部サイトTypologische Untersuchungen zur Dichter- und Denkerikonographie in römischen Darstellungen von der mittleren Kaiserzeit bis in die Spätantike外部サイトPierres levées, stèles anthropomorphes et dolmens = Standing stones, anthropomorphic stelae and dolmens外部サイトSOMA 2011 : proceedings of the 15th symposium on Mediterranean archaeology, held at the University of Catania 3-5 March 2011外部サイトExcavaciones en la necrópolis ibérica del Estacar de Robarinas (s.IV a.C)外部サイトThe middle to upper palaeolithic transition in Iberia : turning data into information外部サイトSurvey of medieval castles of Anatolia外部サイトHorus' eye and Osiris' efflux : the Egyptian civilisation of inundation c. 3000-2000 BCE外部サイトGender locales and local genders in archaeology外部サイトTechnology, style and society : contributions to the innovations between the Alps and the Black Sea in prehistory外部サイトArcheologia del sottosuolo : lettura e studio delle cavità artificiali外部サイトJewellery revealed in the burial contexts of the Greek Bronze Age外部サイトLe strutture di servizio del cursus publicus in Italia : ricerche topografiche ed evidenze archeologiche外部サイトTall Zarʻa in Jordan : report on the sondage at Tall Zarʻa 2001-2002 (Gadara region project: Tall Ziraʻa)外部サイトÉtude de la polychromie des reliefs sur terre crue de la Huaca de la Luna Trujillo, Pérou外部サイトLithic production and early urbanism in China : a case study of the lithic production at the Neolithic Taosi Site (ca. 2500-1900BCE)外部サイトDie Privatgräber von Amarna : zum Wandel des Grabgedankens in Zeiten eines religiösen Umbruchs外部サイトThe late Chalcolithic to early Bronze I transition in Palestine and Transjordan外部サイトThe Taíno settlement at Guayguata : excavations in St Mary Parish, Jamaica外部サイトDer Silberschatz von Brusa/Bursa im British Museum外部サイトA study of the relationship between style I art and socio-political change in early mediaeval Europe外部サイトIndigenous archaeology in India : prospects for an archaeology of the Subaltern外部サイトArchitecture and linear measurement during the Ubaid period in Mesopotamia外部サイトLa antigüedad tardía en el Alto Valle del Duero外部サイトQuestioning the answers : re-solving fundamental problems of the Early Upper Paleolithic外部サイトDescifre de las escrituras mesoamericanas : códices, pinturas, estatuas, cerámica : proceedings外部サイトEl Cerro de San Cristobal, Logrosan, Extremadura, Spain : the archaeometallurgical excavation of a late Bronze Age tin-mining and metalworking site : first excavation season 1998外部サイトSpace, time, place : Third International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology : 17th-21st August 2009, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India外部サイトComputer-generated 3D-visualisations in archaeology : between added value and deception外部サイトCultural succession and continuity in S.E. Nigeria : excavations at Afikpo外部サイトRed deer hunting in the Upper Paleolithic of south-west France : a study in seasonality外部サイトPrimi interventi di conservazione sui reperti mobili nello scavo archeologico外部サイトProceedings of the 2nd Italy-United States workshop, Rome, Italy, November 3-5, 2003, Berkeley, USA, May 2005外部サイトLes timbres amphoriques de l'Apulie républicaine : documents pour une histoire économique et sociale外部サイトAn application of the linear regression technique for determining length and weight of six fish taxa : the role of selected fish species in Aleut paleodiet外部サイトL'économie des matières premières de la pierre taillée d'Anatolie centrale au Chalcolithique ancien (6000-5500 cal. BC/ECA IV) : l'étude de cas de C̜atalhöyük-Ouest外部サイトArqueología experimental : la manufactura de terracotas en época romana外部サイトEarly medieval crafts and production in Ireland, AD 400-1100 : the evidence from rural settlements外部サイトL'espace domestique Maya : une approche ethnoarchéologique au Yucatan (Mexique)外部サイトEl IV milenio ANE en el Guadalquivir Medio : intensificadión agrícola y fragua de la comunidad doméstica aldeana外部サイトThe past and present of leprosy : archaeological, historical, palaeopathological and clinical approaches : proceedings of the International Congress on the Evolution and Palaeoepidemiology of the Infectious Diseases 3 (ICEPID), University of Bradford, 26th-31st July 1999 (under the presidency of Professor Yves Coppens)外部サイトThe artefacts外部サイトPre-classical pottery of Eastern Anatolia : based on a survey by Charles Burney of sites along the Euphrates and around Lake Van外部サイトNew light on the Bronze Age ceramics from H. Schliemann's excavations at Troy : studies on the Munich and Poznań collections within the Anatolian-Aegean cultural context外部サイトRestos óseos de necrópolis tardorromanas del Puerto de Mazarrón, Murcia外部サイトLes industries à bifaces de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest au Pléistocène moyen : l'apport des données des gisements du bassin de la Somme, de l'Escaut et de la Baie de St-Brieuc外部サイトHoly ground : theoretical issues relating to the landscape and material culture of ritual space : papers from a session held at the Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, Cardiff 1999外部サイトApproaches to healing in Roman Egypt外部サイトRecorded places, experienced places : the holocene rock art of the Iberian Atlantic north-west外部サイトThe architectural decoration of Marina el-Alamein外部サイトEn Shadud : salvage excavations at a farming community in the Jezreel Valley, Israel外部サイトThe Balkans in later prehistory : periodization, chronology and cultural development in the Final Copper and Early Bronze Age (fourth and third millennia BC)外部サイトCuando el paisaje se convierte en territorio : aproximación al proceso de territorialización íbero en La Plana d'Utiel, València (ss. VI-II ane)外部サイトMaterializing memory : archaeological material culture and the semantics of the past外部サイトGenèse et évolution du deuxième royaume burgonde (443-534) : les témoins archéologiques外部サイトProceedings of the Fourth International Meeting of Anthracology : Brussels, 18-13 September 2008, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences外部サイトThe significance of votive offerings in selected Hera sanctuaries in the Peloponnese, Ionia, and Western Greece外部サイトChronologies du Proche Orient = Chronologies in the Near East : relative chronologies and absolute chronology 16,000-4,000 B.P. : C.N.R.S. International Symposium, Lyon (France), 24-28 November 1986外部サイトThe native sources and the history of the Valley of Mexico : proceedings外部サイトInkawasi, the New Cuzco : Cañete, Lunahuaná, Peru外部サイトSpatial and religious transformations in the late antique polis : a multi-disciplinary analysis with a case-study of the city of Gerasa外部サイトMortuary practice in ancient Iran from the Achaemenid to the Sasanian period外部サイトThe archaeology of the Hellenistic Far East : a survey外部サイトTepe Abdul Hosein : a Neolithic site in western Iran : excavations 1978外部サイトClassification des sépultures à superstructure lithique dans le Levant et l'Arabie occidentale : (IVe et IIIe millénaires avant J.-C.)外部サイトEn route vers l'Ouest : les débuts de l'Aurignacien en Europe外部サイトFähren, Frachter, Fischerboote : antike Kleinschiffe in Wort und Bild外部サイトLiving on the margin : Chryssi Island and the settlement patterns of the Ierapetra area (Crete)外部サイトSpatial patterns in Magdalenian open air sites from the Isle Valley, southwestern France外部サイトChange in the Andes : origins of social complexity, pastoralism and agriculture . Sessions générales = General sessions外部サイトLa cronología cerámica de La Joyanca, noroeste del Petén, Guatemala外部サイトImports of post-archaic Greek pottery into Cyrenaica : from the end of the Archaic to the beginning of the Hellenistic period外部サイトThe funerary monuments of Rough Cilicia and Isauria外部サイトExcavations at Kranka Dada : an examination of daily life, trade, and ritual in the Bono Manso region外部サイトSOMA 2009 : proceedings of the XIII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Selcuk University of Konya, Turkey, 23-24 April 2009外部サイトPostmedieval boat and ship archaeology : papers based on those presented to an International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology in Stockholm in 1982外部サイトThe making of the Tuoba Northern Wei : constructing material cultural expressions in the Northern Wei Pingcheng Period (398 - 494 CE)外部サイトThe prehistory of Kharagpur Hills, South Bihar (India)外部サイトPlant domestication in the Middle Nile Basin : an archaeoethnobotanical case study外部サイトLas unidades domésticas del preclásico superior en la Mixteca Alta外部サイトComputer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1990外部サイトBioarchaeology of ancient northern Vietnam外部サイトLes hommes préhistoriques et les Alpes外部サイトThe Theodosian age (A.D. 379-455) : power, place belief and learning at the end of the western empire外部サイトY Dioniso desposó a la rubia Ariadna : estudio iconográfico de la cerámica ática (575-300 a.C.)外部サイトLRCW I : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry外部サイトAnalisi tecnologica e funzionale dell'industria in pietra non scheggiata del Neolitico medio dell'Italia settentrionale : tre casi studio dell'area Veneta外部サイトThe Amber Lands in the time of the Roman Empire外部サイトThe deceased's life cycle rituals in Nepal : present cremation burials for the interpretations of the past外部サイトLos orígenes de la estratificación social : patrones de desigualdad en la Edad del Bronce del suroeste de la Península Ibérica : Sierra Morena Occidental c. 1700-1100 a.n.e./2100-1300 A.N.E.外部サイトMúsica y arqueología en América precolombina : estudio de una colección de instrumentos y escenas musicales外部サイトIntervenciones arqueológicas en Mas Gusó (Gerona) : del asentamiento precolonial a la villa romana外部サイトThe scale and nature of the Late Bronze Age economies of Egypt and Cyprus外部サイトRécentes recherches en archéologie galloromaine et paléochrétienne sur Lyon et sa région外部サイトReflecting on the grave and the bones within : a locus for individual will, action and identity外部サイトArchaeozoological analysis of the fortified settlement of sand (10th century AD, Lower Austria) : early Medieval faunal remains from Sand an der Thaya外部サイトSacred and civic stone monuments of the northwest Roman provinces外部サイトGenus ionicum : forme, storia e modelli del capitello ionico-italico外部サイトThe ancient Red Sea port of Adulis and the Eritrean coastal region : previous investigations and museum collections外部サイトHolocene prehistory of the Southern Cape, South Africa : excavations at Blombos Cave and the Blombosfontein Nature Reserve外部サイトAfter Eden : the behavioral ecology of early food production in the Near East and North Africa外部サイトArqueologia colonial en el área maya : siglos XVI y XVII : Tecoh (Yucatán, México) : un modelo de estudio del sincretismo cultural : registro material y documentación escrita外部サイトCAA 96 : Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology外部サイトArchaeology and environment in the Libyan Sahara : the excavations in the Tadrart Acacus, 1978-1983外部サイトRomanización y producción de cerámicas finas en las áreas periféricas de la provincia Bética : factores de implantación, comercio y desarrollo técnico en el suburbium artesanal de Isturgi Triumphale (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén) (ss. I-II d.n.e)外部サイトSymbolism in the representation of royal children during the New Kingdom外部サイトContinuity and destruction in the Greek East : the transformation of monumental space from the Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity外部サイトLoros and sakkos : studies in Byzantine imperial garment and ecclesiastical vestment外部サイトThe christianisation of Malta : catacombs, cult centres, and churches in Malta to 1530外部サイトRitual change at the end of the Maya classic period : a study of incense burners from the southern lowlands外部サイトUpper Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic Lithic technologies at Raqefet Cave, Mount Carmel East, Israel外部サイトLe mégalithisme atlantique = The Atlantic megaliths外部サイトPrehistoric human occupation on Rote and Sawu Islands, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia外部サイトThapsos-class ware reconsidered : the case of achaea in the northern peloponnese : pottery workshop or pottery style?外部サイトLes plaquettes de schiste gravées du Saut-du-Perron外部サイトExcalibur : essays on antiquity and the history of collecting in honour of Arthur MacGregor外部サイトMorir en el mediterráneo medieval : actas del III Congreso Internacional de Arqueología, Arte e Historia de la Antigüedad Tardía y Alta Edad Media peninsular celebrado en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y en el Museo de los Orígenes de Madrid (Casa de San Isidro) - 17 y 18 Diciembre de 2007外部サイトPaesaggi etruschi in terra di Siena : l'agro tra Volterra e Chiusi dall' età del ferro all' età romana外部サイトThe Black Sea, Paphlagonia, Pontus and Phrygia in antiquity : aspects of archaeology and ancient history外部サイトStudies concerning Chalcolithic Societies in the northern Negev Desert, Israel (1982-1984)外部サイトBison ethology and native settlement patterns during the old women's phase on the northwestern plains外部サイトArchaeology and buildings : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists fifth annual meeting in Bournemouth, 1999外部サイトThe years without summer : tracing A.D. 536 and its aftermath外部サイトSense and nonsense in Homer : a consideration of the inconsistencies and incoherencies in the texts of the Iliad and the Odyssey外部サイトLate ceramic age societies in the Eastern Caribbean外部サイトMethodological issues for characterisation and provenance studies of obsidian in Northeast Asia外部サイトDraupnir's sweat and Mardöll's tears : an archaeology of jewellery, gender and identity in Viking age Iceland外部サイトMetal weapons of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in Syria-Palestine外部サイトRome and the social role of élite villas in its suburbs外部サイトTafonomía regional y estudios arqueofaunísticos de cetáceos en Tierra del Fuego y Patagonia meridional外部サイトTime, space and innovation : an archaeological case study on the romanization of the north-western provinces (50 BC to AD 50)外部サイトDie Felsreliefs im rauhen Kilikien外部サイトThe Cave of Hearths : Makapan middle pleistocene research project : field research by Anthony Sinclair and Patrick Quinney, 1996-2001外部サイトPleistocene and palaeolithic investigations in the Soan Valley, Northern Pakistan外部サイトPalaeoenvironmental investigations : research design, methods, and data analysis外部サイトAncient shipwrecks of the Adriatic : maritime transport during the first and second centuries AD外部サイトFiglinae baeticae : talleres alfareros y producciones cerámicas en la Bética romana (ss. II a.C.-VII d.C.) : actas del congreso internacional (Cádiz, 12-14 de noviembre de 2003)外部サイトChalcolithic anthropomorphic figurines from Ilgynly-depe, southern Turkmenistan : classification, analysis and catalogue外部サイトA morphometric investigation into the origin(s) of anatomically modern humans外部サイトComputer and quantitative methods in archaeology 1987外部サイトSessions générales et posters = General sessions and posters外部サイトLes outils et les armes en pierre dans le rituel funéraire du Néolithique danubien外部サイトTechnological choices and material meanings in Early and Middle Bronze Age Hungary : understanding the active role of material culture through ceramic analysis外部サイトLater mesolithic fishing strategies and practices in Denmark外部サイトCuatro estudios sobre el AE2 teodosiano y su circulación en Hispania外部サイトPerviae paucis Alpes : viabilità romana attraverso i valichi delle Alpi Centrali外部サイトKurgans, ritual sites, and settlements : Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age外部サイトDu couteau au sabre : From knife to sabre : armes traditionnelles d'Afrique 2外部サイトThe good, the bad and the unbuilt : handling the heritage of the recent past外部サイトGermanien an der Zeitenwende : Studien zum Kulturwandel beim Übergang von der vorrömischen Eisenzeit zur älteren römischen Kaiserzeit in der Germania Magna外部サイトA technological and typological analysis of the later Paleolithic levels of Ksar Akil : level XIII-VI外部サイトMaking pots : el modelado de la cerámica a mano y su potencial interpretativo外部サイトThe development of prehistoric mining and metallurgy in Anatolia外部サイトArchaeology and geoarchaeology of the Mukogodo Hills and Ewaso Ng'iro Plains, Central Kenya外部サイトSection 18, Muséographie et société contemporaine : sessions générales et posters = Museum studies and modern society : general sessions and posters外部サイトOf men and reindeer herds in French Magdalenian prehistory外部サイトThe northern rock art tradition in central Norway外部サイトAnimals in the urban landscape in the wake of the Middle Ages : a case study from Vác, Hungary外部サイトIn search of the Samnites : adornment and identity in archaic central Italy, 750-350 B.C.外部サイトThe Bronze Age necropolis at Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel外部サイトAgricultura, regadío y molienda en una capital inkaica : los sitios El Shincal y Los Colorados, Noroeste Argentino外部サイトCulture, history, and identity : landscapes of inhabitation in the Mount Kilimanjaro area, Tanzania : essays in honour of Paramount Chief Thomas Lenana Mlanga Marealle II (1915-2007)外部サイトApproaches to Swedish prehistory : a spectrum of problems and perspectives in contemporary research外部サイトLa arqueología social en el Perú外部サイトUnconformist archaeology : papers in honour of Paolo Biagi外部サイトDerecho e historia en la sociedad clásica : memoria y reconstrucción外部サイトAntiquarians at the megaliths外部サイトEl pensamiento europeo y el concepto de celtíbero, 1821-1939外部サイトUnderstanding the past : a matter of surface-area : acts of the XIIIth session of the EAA Congress, Zadar 2007外部サイトThe romanesque cathedral of Santiago de Compostela : a reassessment外部サイトThe festival cycle of the Aztec Codex Borbonicus外部サイトSoma 2005 : proceedings of the IX symposium on mediterranean archaeology, Chieti (Italy), 24-26 February 2005外部サイトDonnées récentes sur les pratiques funéraires néolithiques de la Plaine du Rhin supérieur外部サイトNew developments in Italian landscape archaeology : theory and methodology of field survey, land evaluation and landscape perception, pottery production and distribution : proceedings of a three-day conference held at the University of Groningen, April 13-15, 2000外部サイトBasal-looped spearheads : typology, chronology, context and use外部サイトSettlement ecology of the early and middle Neolithic Körös and linear pottery cultures in Hungary外部サイトMöglichkeiten und Grenzen funktionaler Interpretation an Keramik Experimente, Beobachtungen, Analysen外部サイトSoils and Archaeology : papers of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százhalombatta, Hungary, 30 May-3 June 2001外部サイトRecherches sur le site fortifié de Strasbourg durant l'antiquité tardive : le castrum d'Argentoratum外部サイトRock art of the eastern desert of Egypt : content, comparisons, dating and significance外部サイトLithic analysis in southwestern France : Middle Paleolithic assemblages from the site of La Quina外部サイトDaily activities, diet and resource use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük : microstratigraphic and biomolecular evidence from middens外部サイトLe acque del passato : opere idrauliche dall'antichità al XX secolo : IV Congresso di Archeologia del Sottosuolo外部サイトPatterns in protohistory外部サイトLa Frontera del Estado Inca : proceedings [of the] 45 International Congress of Americanists, Bogotá, Colombia, 1985外部サイトGreek vases in the Imperial Hermitage Museum : the history of the collection, 1816-69 : with addenda et corrigenda to Ludolf Stephani, Die Vasen-Sammlung der kaiserlichen Ermitage (1869)外部サイトLa mesure du passé : contributions à la recherche en archéométrie : 2000-2006外部サイトThe Aeolian Islands : crossroads of Mediterranean maritime routes : a survey on their maritime archaeology and topography from the prehistoric to the Roman periods外部サイトAnálisis y clasificación de la cerámica de un sitio maya del clásico : Yaxchilán, México外部サイトThe Neolithic settlement of southern Poland外部サイトFrayer la route d'un monde inversé : sacrifice et offrandes animales dans la culture Mochica (100-800 apr. J.-C.), côte nord du Pérou外部サイトUse wear analysis on bone and antler tools of the Mackenzie Inuit外部サイトMetalurgia y sociedad en el nordeste de la Peninsula Ibérica : finales del IV - II milenio cal ANE外部サイトThe myth of Marsyas in the Roman visual arts : an iconographic study外部サイトGurudakshina : facets of Indian archaeology : essays presented to Prof. V.N. Misra外部サイトMerry and jovial: reconsidering the effigies immortalis and the commemoration of Roman boys外部サイトThe salt of the earth : ethnoarchaeology of salt production in Michoacán, Western Mexico外部サイトLa Signification culturelle des industries lithiques : actes du colloque de Liège du 3 au 7 octobre 1984外部サイトThe historical archaeology of northern Caria : a study in cultural adaptations外部サイトDioskouroi : studies presented to W.G. Cavanagh and C.B. Mee on the anniversary of their 30-year joint contribution to Aegean archaeology外部サイトEl poblado arévaco de Los Castillejos de Pelegrina, Guadalajara (España) : evolución de sus fases外部サイトSOMA 2012 : identity and connectivity: proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1 - 3 March 2012外部サイトTierdarstellungen der prähistorischen Metallzeiten in Bayern外部サイトCommerce and economy in ancient Egypt : proceedings of the Third International Congress for Young Egyptologists, 25-27 September 2009, Budapest外部サイトCurrent archaeological research in Ghana外部サイトComparative studies in the archaeology of colonialism外部サイトLe traitement thermique des matières premières lithiques : que se passe-t-il lors de la chauffe?外部サイトLa Annona y la política agraria durante el Alto Imperio romano外部サイトLa necropoli di Campovalano外部サイトAn index of ancient Egyptian titles, epithets and phrases of the Old Kingdom外部サイト(Re)thinking the little ancestor : new perspectives on the archaeology of infancy and childhood外部サイトInteraction on the southeast Mesoamerican frontier : prehistoric and historic Honduras and El Salvador外部サイトUnidad y diversidad en el Arco Atlántico en época romana : III Coloquio Internacional de Arqueología en Gijón, Gijón, 28, 29 y 30 septiembre 2002外部サイトThe economy of the ringfort and contemporary settlement in early medieval Ireland外部サイトCoroplastica neolitica antropomorfa d'Italia : simboli ed iconografie dell'arte mobiliare quaternaria post-glaciale外部サイトSailing rock art boats : a reassessment of seafaring abilities in Bronze Age Scandinavia and the introduction of the sail in the North外部サイトThe archaeology of community emergence and development on Mabuyag in the Western Torres Strait外部サイトPhytolith analysis applied to Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sites in the Australian arid zone外部サイトL'espace domestique en Mésopotamie de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur à l'époque paléo-babylonienne外部サイトArchaeoentomological and archaeoparasitological reconstructions at Îlot Hunt (CeEt-110) : new perspectives in historical archaeology (1850-1900)外部サイトLa parure en coquille à Sayula, Occident du Mexique : approche techno-stylistique et rôle dans la dynamique socioculturelle entre 450 et 1000 appr. J.-C.外部サイトMetals from K2 and Mapungubwe, middle Limpopo Valley : a technological study of early second millennium material culture, with an emphasis on conservation外部サイトShallale : ancient city of the Carmel外部サイトConceptualising space and place : on the role of agency, memory and identity in the construction of space from the upper palaeolithic to the Iron Age in Europe外部サイトBronzeworking on late Minoan Crete : a diachronic study外部サイトPrehistoric settlements of Eastern Thrace : a reconsideration外部サイトReligious acculturation and assimilation in Belgic Gaul and Aquitania from the Roman Conquest until the end of the second century CE外部サイトThe development of the settlement pattern in the basin of the Lower Vltava (Central Bohemia) 200-1200 A.D.外部サイトThe Art of citizens, soldiers and freedmen in the Roman world外部サイトBalearic prehistoric ecology and culture : the excavation and study of certain caves, rock shelters and settlements外部サイトEngendering Northern Plains Paleoindian archaeology : decision-making and gender roles in subsistence and settlement strategies外部サイトThe use of living space in prehistory : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Sixth Annual Meeting in Lisbon 2000外部サイトNW Europe in transition : the early Neolithic in Britain and South Sweden外部サイトA Roman hoard of silver jewellery found in the Lower Danube region : objects from a Zagreb private collection外部サイトNegotiating African-American ethnicity in the 17th century Chesapeake : Colono tobacco pipes and the ethnic uses of style外部サイトPrélude à l'agriculture dans le Nord-Est américain : le site Hector Trudel et les stratégies de subsistance entre 500 et 1000 de notre ère dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada外部サイトIl paesaggio di Nora (Cagliari -- Sud Sardegna) : studio dei materiali romani e tardoantichi外部サイトRelaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pácifico durante la época precolombina : proceedings, 46 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1988外部サイトChronological problems of the IIIrd Egyptian dynasty : a re-examination of the archaeological documents外部サイトPhoenician amphora production and distribution in the southern Levant : a multi-disciplinary investigation into carinated-shoulder amphorae of the Persian period (539-332 BC)外部サイトDie hallstattzeitliche Besiedlung im Maindreieck : GIS-gestützte Fundstellenanalysen外部サイトDer bunte Himmel : Untersuchungen zu den Tondächern westgriechischer Typologie外部サイトRomanization in Palestine : a study of urban development from Herod the Great to AD 70外部サイトL'insediamento medievale Nelle Colline Metallifere (Toscana, Italia) : il sito minerario di Rocchette Pannocchieschi dall'VIII al XIV secolo外部サイトThe Neolithic period in the Sudan c.6000-2500 B.C.外部サイトMycenaean art : a psychological approach外部サイトDinámica del cambio cultural en Teotihuacan durante el Epiclásico (650-900 dC)外部サイトBurning bulls, broken bones : sacrificial ritual in context of Palace Period Minoan religion外部サイトEtudes sur la céramique romaine tardive d'Afrique外部サイトThe archaeology of an early historic town in central India外部サイトAnálisis de la producción y distribución de la cerámica leonesa durante la Edad Media外部サイトLRCW 4 : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry : The Mediterranean: a market without frontiers外部サイトCatalogue et étude des faux et des outils agricoles de coupe à lame et à manche entiers en Gaule外部サイトQumran revisited : a reassessment of the archaeology of the site and its texts外部サイトQuantitative aspects of Bronze Age metalwork in western Poland : long-distance exchange and social organization外部サイトLe phénomène campaniforme dans l'Europe du 3ème millénaire avant notre ère : synthèse et nouvelles perspectives外部サイトThe prehistory of Jordan : the state of research in 1986外部サイトCurrent research in Egyptology外部サイトMysterious cup marks : proceedings of the First International Cupule Conference外部サイトThe Byzantine aristocracy, IX to XIII centuries外部サイトRoman farm buildings in Italy外部サイトImperial revenue, expenditure and monetary policy in the fourth century A.D. : the Fifth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History外部サイトRepresentations of the family in the Egyptian Old Kingdom : women and marriage外部サイトTemple deposits in early dynastic Egypt : the case of Tell Ibrahim Awad外部サイトLater village period settlement development in the Karun River basin, upper Khuzestan plain, Greater Susiana, Iran外部サイトMifsas Baḥri : a Late Aksumite frontier community in the mountains of Southern Tigray : survey, excavation and analysis, 2013-16外部サイトThe diffusion of Neolithic practices from Anatolia to Europe : a contextual study of residential construction, 8,500-5,500 BC cal.外部サイトUse-wear analyses of polished and bevelled stone artefacts during the Sepulcres de Fossa/Pit Burials Horizon (NE Iberia, c. 4000-3400 cal B.C.)外部サイトPaisajes mineros y modos de vida en el norte de Mendoza, Argentina (S. XIX-XX)外部サイトArqueología de la dictadura en Latinoamérica y Europa : violencia, resistensia, resiliencia = Archaeology of dictatorship in Latin America and Europe : violence, resistance, resilience外部サイトThe origins and evolution of pig domestication in Italy : a regional and diachronic study of husbandry practices外部サイトSettlement change, urbanism, and human and environment interaction at Lamanai and Ka'kabish : two Precolumbian Maya sites in Northern Belize外部サイトAd Solaria, identificazione di una stazione di sosta : nuove prospettive dallo scavo di un complesso romano a Calenzano (Firenze)外部サイト13th International Council of Archaeozoology Conference, 2018 : archaeological, biological and historical approaches in archaeozoological research外部サイトMaking spaces to places : the North Aegean, the Balkans and Western Anatolia in the Neolithic外部サイトWorld of figurines in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Aegean : the case of Uğurlu Höyük on Gökçeada (Imbros)外部サイトLa navegación prehispánica en Mesoamérica : modelo de conectividad entre la costa del Pacífico y el alti-plano central (1200-1521 d.C.)外部サイトPreservación ósea diferencial en un ambiente subtropical del centro-este de Argentina : tafonomía regional perspectiva arqueológica外部サイトAnimal classification in Central China : from the late Neolithic to the early Bronze Age外部サイトSounds of laughter, shades of life : Pleistocene to modern hominin occupations of the Bau de l'Aubesier rock shelter, Vaucluse, France外部サイトTalleres de escultura cristiana en la Península Ibérica (siglos VI-X) : análisis arqueológico外部サイトIl paesaggio medievale nella Basilicata meridionale : le forme del potere laico ed ecclesiastico nella media valle del Sinni tra X e XV secolo d.C.外部サイトForming identities : technological experimentation in archaic Corinthian workshops and the origins of the Black Figure pottery style外部サイトTecniche digitali e geoarcheologia per lo studio del paesaggio medievale : uno studio interdisciplinare in Pianura Padana centrale外部サイトLandscape : una sintesi di elementi diacronici : metodologie a confronto per l'analisi del territorio外部サイトLate Pleistocene and early Holocene microblade-based industries in Northeastern Asia : a macroecological approach to foraging societies外部サイトThe Aegean Bronze Age in relation to the wider European context : papers from a session at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Cork, 5-11 September 2005外部サイトCoastal hinterlands : site patterns, microregions and coast-inland interconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c. 600-300 BC外部サイトDanorum regum heroumque historia, books X-XVI : the text of the first edition with translation and commentary in three volumes外部サイトThe origin of white porcelain : transformation of ceramic technology in sixth century north China外部サイトLa casa arqueológica : estudios de caso en la antigüedad外部サイトProjectile points, hunting and identity at the Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey外部サイトCultural identity, transition, and interaction at Salango, Coastal Ecuador : a study of pottery from the Early Regional Development funerary precinct外部サイトBeyond death : beliefs, practice, and material expression外部サイトLa cultura material de la Edad del Hierro en Cantabria (España)外部サイトDown by the water : interdisciplinary studies in human-environment interactions in watery spaces外部サイトInteractions, trade, and mobility in archaeology : proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Oxford (GAO) Conference 2021外部サイトLa cultura de los Silos en los yacimientos de "El Trobal" y "La Esparragosa" (Cádiz, España)外部サイトHow leaded bronze transformed China, 2000-1000 BCE外部サイトLand Use Among Prehistoric Steppe Societies on the South Mongolian Plateau外部サイトThe Paiján people : burials and paleoindian human remains from coastal Peru外部サイトThe exploitation of fishing resources and the maritime skills of early modern humans in island Southeast Asia外部サイトArcheologia nei Monti Lucretili : nuove ricerche e prospettive di indagine in un paesaggio montano del Lazio外部サイトNeanderthal resilience in two hotspot zones of Iberia (Cantabrian and Betic regions)外部サイトChariots in early China : origins, cultural interaction, and identity外部サイトAmenemhat IV and the end of the twelfth dynasty : between the end and the beginning外部サイトThe clay world of Çatalhöyük : a fine-grained perspective外部サイトProceedings of the XXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes : resource, reconstruction, representation, role外部サイトRemote sensing the margins of the gold trade : ethnohistorical archaeology and GIS analysis of five gold trade networks in Luzon, Philippines, in the last millennium BP外部サイトLater village period settlement development in the Karun River basin, upper Khuzestan plain, Greater Susiana, Iran外部サイトLa desigualdad de género en la Prehistoria ibérica : una aproximación multi-variable外部サイトThe edge of Europe : heritage, landscape and conflict archaeology : First World War material culture in Romanian conflictual landscapes外部サイトNuove epigrafi greche da Halaesa Archonidea : dati inediti sulle Tabulae Halaesinae e su una città della Sicilia tardo-ellenistica外部サイトThe amphorae of the Kerameikos cemetery at Athens from the Submycenaean to the Protogeometric period : pottery, grave assemblages and the rite of cremation外部サイトLes Ovibovini, Caprini et Ovini (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Caprinae) du Plio-Pléistocène d'Europe : Systématique, évolution et biochronologie外部サイトPaleoetnología de la hispania céltica : etnoarqueología, etnohistoria y folklore外部サイトResilience of the Roman Empire : regional case studies on the relationship between population and food resources外部サイトÉtat sanitaire entre ancien régime et révolution industrielle : étude paléoépidemiologique de deux populations provençales外部サイトShepherds who write : pastoral graffiti in the uplands of Europe from prehistory to the modern age外部サイトEl servidor del ka en el Reino Antiguo : funciones y espacios de actuación外部サイトL'incastellamento nei Monti Lucretili : dinamiche insediative e paesaggio rurale tra alto e basso medioevo外部サイトLithic residue analysis : a review and guide to techniques外部サイトLa viticultura Romana en el estuario del Guadalquivir : las prácticas de cultivo, producción, distribución y modelado SIG en la colonia Hasta Regia外部サイトBlame it on the gender : identities and transgressions in antiquity外部サイトNuragic settlement dynamics : the east coast of Sardinia外部サイトMateriality of remembering : an ethnographic study of the living spaces in a Nahua municipality in Veracruz, Mexico外部サイトRock art, water, and ancestors : the semiotic construction of a sacred landscape in the central Andes (1800 BCE - CE 1820)外部サイトUkek : the Golden Horde city and its periphery外部サイトLe miniere delle Alpi Apuane (Toscana) : storia dello sfruttamento minerario dall'antichità al XX secolo外部サイトTrade and market in New Kingdom Egypt : internal socio-economic processes and transformations外部サイトKom Tuman II : Late Period to Graeco-Roman pottery外部サイトKom Tuman II : Late Period to Graeco-Roman pottery外部サイトPoteri e strategie familiari di Volterra : il caso di una comunità etrusca nel mondo romano外部サイトLa Calabria dalla tarda antichità al medioevo : ricostruzione del paesaggio rurale dell'Altopiano del Poro, Vibo Valentia外部サイトArt and archaeology in Byzantium and beyond : essays in honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti and Maria Panayotidi-Kesisoglou外部サイトLa stipe votiva di monticchio bagni (rionero in Vulture, Italia) : natura e sacro sul monte vulture nel contesto italico外部サイトLatin lexicon of textiles : clothes, adornments, materials and techniques of ancient Rome外部サイトGli Shardana nell'Egitto ramesside外部サイトTerritorial appropriation during the Old Kingdom (XXVIIIth-XXIIIrd centuries BC) : the royal necropolises and the pyramid towns in Egypt外部サイトExperiencing the landscape in antiquity外部サイトArchaeology as festival : virtual wanderings through festivalCHAT during COVID-19外部サイトTell Timai, (Egypt) 2009-2020 : the Ptolemaic-Roman north western temple zone and Roman city excavations外部サイトPharmacy and medicine in ancient Egypt : proceedings of the conferences held in Cairo (2007) and Manchester (2008)外部サイトHealth and medicine in ancient Egypt : magic and science外部サイトKouklia : Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age tombs at Palaepaphos 1951-1954 : excavations of the Liverpool City Museum and St Andrews University expedition to Palaepaphos外部サイトShip timbers from the Islamic site of al-Balid and Qalhat, Oman : sewn-plank technology in the Indian Ocean during the 10-16th centuries CE外部サイトThe afterlife in Akhmim : exploring El-Salamuni Tombs C1 and C3外部サイトPublic toilets (foricae) and sanitation in the Ancient Roman world : case studies in Greece and North Africa外部サイトThe Toquaht Archaeological Project : research at T'ukw'aa, a Nuu-chah-nulth village and defensive site in Barkley Sound, western Vancouver Island外部サイトGIS applications in Roman landscape and territory : methodologies and models in Hispania外部サイトPortable and parietal art of Kamyana Mohyla, Ukraine外部サイトIl Sahara centro-orientale dalla preistoria ai tempi dei nomadi Tubu = The central-oriental Sahara from prehistory to the times of the nomadic Tubus外部サイトAncient Greek colonies in the Black Sea 2外部サイトFabrication et utilisation de l'outillage en matières osseuses du Néolithique de Chypre : Khirokitia et Cap Andreas-Kastros外部サイトWhen East meets West : Chichen Itza, Tula, and the postclassic Mesoamerican world外部サイトTheatres of imagery : a performance theory approach to rock art research外部サイトA village from the Roman and Islamic periods in the Eastern Jordan valley : excavations at Tell Abu Sarbut 2012-2015外部サイトChariots in Antiquity : essays in honour of Joost Crouwel外部サイトThe defence of Byzantine Africa from Justinian to the Arab Conquest : an account of the military history and archaeology of the African provinces in the sixth and seventh centuries外部サイトDe rebus bellicis外部サイトThe terracotta figurines from Tell Timai : 2009-2013外部サイトRoman frontier studies 1979 : papers presented to the 12th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies外部サイトLa campagne à l'époque romaine dans le centre de la Gaule : villas, vici et sanctuaires dans la Cité des Bituriges Cubi = Rural settlement in Central Gaul in the Roman period : villas, vici and sanctuaries in the civitas of the Bituriges Cubi外部サイトBeyond the Movius Line : hominin occupation and technological evolution in the Imjin-Hantan River area, Korea外部サイト"Yellow" coffins from Thebes : recording and decoding complexity in Egyptian funerary arts (21st-22nd dynasties)外部サイトTibetan silver, gold and bronze objects and the aesthetics of animals in the era before empire : cross-cultural reverberations on the Tibetan plateau and soundings from other parts of Eurasia外部サイトPaleoclima y aprovechamiento de recursos costeros durante el Mesolítico en la región cantábrica (N de Iberia)外部サイトRanutovac, an early Bronze Age necropolis in southeastern Serbia外部サイトExploitation and management of animal resources during the Middle Iron Age : Northern Limpopo Province, South Africa外部サイトSocioeconomic networks and the rise of Maya civilization : the web of complexity at Middle Preclassic Cahal Pech, Belize外部サイトExperiencing the landscape in antiquity : I Convegno Internazionale di Antichità, Università degli studi di roma 'Tor Vergata'外部サイトPaleoetnología de la hispania céltica : etnoarqueología, etnohistoria y folklore外部サイトDwelling models of Umayyad Madā'in and Quṣūr in Greater Syria外部サイトThe final Bronze Age settlement of Casalmoro (Mantua, Italy) : finds and chronology外部サイトPratiche funerarie e cultuali in Italia meridionale fra VI e V sec. a.C. : il centro indigeno di Garaguso tra tradizione e innovazione外部サイトCastles of Mallorca : fortification and state-formation during the Islamic period外部サイトI coltelli degli ultimi neandertal : strategie tecnologiche e comportamentali alla fine del paleolitico medio外部サイトEl paisaje urbano maya : del Preclásico al Virreinato外部サイトFour economic topics for studies of antiquity : agriculture, trade, population, and the behavior of aggregate economies外部サイトThe last horizons of Roman Gaul : communication, coin circulation, and the limits of the Second Burgundian kingdom : a prosopographical, numismatic, and ceramic synthesis (ca. 395-550 CE)外部サイトLes Ovibovini, Caprini et Ovini (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Caprinae) du Plio-Pléistocène d'Europe : Systématique, évolution et biochronologie外部サイトA river in 'drought'? : environment and cultural ramifications of Old Kingdom climate change外部サイトGreek, Roman, and Byzantine bronzes from Anatolia and neighbouring regions外部サイトLand of the solstices : myth, geography and astronomy in ancient Greece外部サイトPainted pottery production and social complexity in Neolithic Northwest China外部サイト3D and 4D cartography of archaeological stratigraphy : a case study at the Western Forum in Ostia Antica外部サイトAfrica, Egypt and the Danubian provinces of the Roman Empire : population, military and religious interactions (2nd-3rd centuries AD)外部サイトThe vice-chancellor's consolidated catalogue, 1695外部サイトUntermassfeld : a late early Pleistocene (Epivillafranchian) fossil site near Meiningen (Thuringia, Germany) and its position in the development of the European mammal fauna外部サイトBronze age rural ecology and village life at Tell el-Hayyat, Jordan外部サイトLa cronología cerámica de La Joyanca, noroeste del Petén, Guatemala外部サイトKhashabian : a late paleolithic industry from Dhofar, Southern Oman外部サイトSettlement patterns, development and cultural change in the northern Oman Peninsula : a multi-tiered approach to the analysis of long-term settlement trends外部サイトKilns in East and North Asia : the adoption of ceramic industries外部サイトThe Hellenistic and Roman harbours of Delos and Kenchreai : their construction, use and evolution外部サイトSepolture, rituali e comunità nei secoli IV-VI d.C : il cimitero paleocristiano e bizantino di Vaste (Puglia meridionale)外部サイトLife and death in early rural Otago : the archaeology and bioarchaeology of St. John's burial ground, Milton, Otago, New Zealand外部サイトCerámica común en la Gallaecia romana : estudio y sistematización crono-tipológica basada en tres yacimientos del área de Lugo外部サイトInnovative approaches to archaeology : proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conference 2020外部サイトRepresentaciones sociales, registro arqueológico y patrimonialización del pasado indígena : el área de Ventania de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) como caso de estudio外部サイトXoclán : reconstrucción urbana de una ciudad Maya en un contexto urbanizado外部サイトViolence and crisis in the pre-Hispanic Peruvian central coast外部サイトFood behaviors, nutrition and identity under the Inka Empire : the Caringa people of Pueblo Viejo-Pucara, Peru外部サイトEconomy and cultural change in the pre-Roman Iron Age in Northern Central Europe : tracing the La Tène factor by the River Oder外部サイトMigdol : ricerche su modelli di architettura militare di età ramesside (Medinet Habu)外部サイトRochelongue shipwreck : maritime network and cultural interaction in west Languedoc, France during 7th-6th B.C外部サイトAegypto adiecta : forme e caratterizzazioni dell'autorita imperiale tra le dinamiche amministrative e fiscali della provincia d'Egitto sotto i Giulio-Claudii外部サイトCeltiform pendants from pre-Columbian Costa Rica : production, distribution, and experimental replication外部サイトArqueología urbana en San Salvador Nextengo : excavación y análisis de materiales de un predio en Azcapotzalco, México外部サイトShiqmim II : the phase II excavations at a Chalcolithic settlement center in the northern Negev desert, Israel (1987-1993)外部サイトCatalogue of the Ancient Egyptian stone sculpture in the round : Allard Pierson – the collections of the University of Amsterdam外部サイトAncient Greek colonies in the Black Sea 2外部サイトWhen East meets West : Chichen Itza, Tula, and the postclassic Mesoamerican world外部サイトLucca Romana e Tardoantica : analisi spaziali e modelli computazionali per lo studio dei paesaggi urbani e rurali外部サイトRituali e riti funerari della Civiltà celtica di Golasecca外部サイトPreparing for eternity : funerary models and wall scenes from the Egyptian Old and Middle Kingdoms外部サイトHadrian as builder and benefactor in the western provinces外部サイトBeyond Ibn Hawqal's Bahr al-Fārs : 10th-13th centuries AD : Sindh and the Kīj-u-Makrān region, hinge of an international network of religious, political, institutional and economic affairs外部サイトLa Néolithisation = The Neolithisation process外部サイトFondi ed il suo territorio in età romana : profilo di storia economica e sociale外部サイトNuovi dati da città e territorio : atti del X Convegno di Archeologia Cirenaica, Chieti 24-26 Novembre 2003外部サイト



  • Exchange, status and mobility : Mesolithic portable art of southern Scandinavia

  • Die Frauen im Gefolge des Dionysos auf den attischen Vasenbildern des 6. und 5. Jhs. v. Chr. als Spiegel des weiblichen Idealbildes

  • Settlement archaeology in a Fjordland archipelago : network analysis, social practice and the built environment of Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Cananda since 2,000 BP

  • Prehistoric cultures and environments in the late Quaternary of Africa

  • Islamic archaeology in the Sudan





  • CiNii Research

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B.A.R. international series
International series of British archaeological reports
Exchange, status and mobility : Mesolithic portable art of southern Scandinavia
Die Frauen im Gefolge des Dionysos auf den attischen Vasenbildern des 6. und 5. Jhs. v. Chr. als Spiegel des weiblichen Idealbildes
Settlement archaeology in a Fjordland archipelago : network analysis, social practice and the built environment of Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Cananda since 2,000 BP
Prehistoric cultures and environments in the late Quaternary of Africa
Islamic archaeology in the Sudan
La ceramica geometrica bicroma dell'Incoronata di Metaponto : scavi 1974-1995
L'attività mineraria e metallurgica nelle Alpi occidentali italiane nel Medioevo : Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta : fonti scritte e materiali
La prehistoria del Bajo Asón : registro arqueológico e interpretación cultural (Cantabria, España)
Ancient shipwrecks of the Mediterranean & the Roman provinces
La vallée de Bithnah au cours de l'Age du Fer
Current archaeological projects in the central Andes : some approaches and results : proceedings, 44 International Congress of Americanists, Manchester 1982
The economic organization of early camelid pastoralism in the Andean highlands of Bolivia
Go your own least cost path : spatial technology and archaeological interpretation : proceedings of the GIS session at EAA 2009, Riva del Garda
Archaeology and biogeography of prehistoric freshwater mussel shell in Mississippi
The Çatalhöyük flint and obsidian industry : technology and typology in context
Gem mounts and the classical tradition : supplement to A collection of classical and eastern intaglios, rings and cameos (2003)
Fabrication et utilisation de l'outillage ne matières osseuses du Néolithique de Chypre : Khirokitia et Cap Andreas-Kastros
Hunter-gatherer specialised subsistence strategies in Greece during the Upper Palaeolithic from the perspective of lithic technology
Gadir y los fenicios occidentales federados V-III AC : dialéctica aplicada al territorio productivo turdetano
Industria y artesanado cerámico de época romana en el nordeste de Cataluña :época augústea y altoimperial
Ειδωλια : figurines et miniatures du néolithique récent et du bronze ancien en Grèce
The Indian Ocean in the Ancient Period : definite places, translocal exchange
Early farming in South Bulgaria from the VI to the III millennia B.C.
Arqueología ambiental del Holoceno Temprano y Medio en la Puna Seca argentina : modelos paleoambientales multi-escalas y sus implicancias para la arqueología de cazadores-recolectores
Atti del 4° Convegno nazionale di etnoarcheologia, Roma, 17-19 maggio 2006 = Proceedings of the 4th Italian Congress of Ethnoarchaeology, Rome, 17-19 May, 2006
Houlouf I : archéologie des sociétés protohistoriques du Nord-Cameroun
The Roman stamped tiles of Vindonissa : (1st Century A.D., Northern Switzerland) : provenance and technology of production - an archaeometric study
Household ceramic economies : production and consumption of household ceramics among the Maros villagers of Bronze Age Hungary
The final revival of the Aegean Bronze Age : a case study of the Argolid, Corinthia, Attica, Euboea, the Cyclades and the Dodecanese during LH IIIC Middle
Implantation territoriale des Terramares : analyses géomorphologiques et spatiales : Italie, provinces de Parme et Plaisance XVIIe-XIIe siècles av. n. ère
Territorial appropriation during the Old Kingdom (XXVIIIth-XXIIIrd centuries BC) : the royal necropolises and the pyramid towns in Egypt
Archaeological settlement patterns and mobility strategies : lower Adelaide River, Northern Australia
Ptolemaic royal sculpture from Egypt : the interaction between Greek and Egyptian traditions
L'évolution des sites mayas du sud de l'état du Campeche, Mexique
Un estilo y su época : el caso de la cerámica Famabalasto Negro Grabado del noroeste Argentino
The early Iron Age of Slovenia
Lithic variability and middle Paleolithic behaviour : new evidence from the Iberian Peninsula
Performance and agency : the DGB sites of Northern Cameroon
Siscia Pannonia superior
Ayios Dhimitrios, a prehistoric settlement in the Southwestern Peloponnese : the Neolithic and Early Helladic periods
Lithic technology of Neolithic Syria
Analysis of lithic artefact microdebitage for chronological determination of archaeological sites
Charlemagne's months and their Bavarian labors : the politics of the seasons in the Carolingian Empire
Canibalismo en la cueva de Malamuerzo : identificación de huellas de manipulación intencional en restos óseos humanos de origen arqueológico, Granada, España
Early Bronze and Iron Age animal exploitation in Northeastern Anatolia : the faunal remains from Sos Höyük and Büyüktepe Höyük
Fish and Archaeology : studies in osteometry, taphonomy, seasonality, and fishing methods
Prehistoric imagery and landscapes : rock art in Stjørdal, Trøndelag, Norway
Local organizational adaptations to climatic change : the last glacial maximum in Central Europe and the case of Grubgraben (Lower Austria)
On the edge of empire? : settlement changes in Chacalapan, Southern Veracruz, Mexico, during the Classic and Postclassic periods
Techniques et sociétés néolithiques : le sciage des roches tenaces au nord-ouest des Alpes (4300-2450 av. J.-C.)
Rural sanctuaries in Roman Syria : the creation of a sacred landscape
Nabataean settlement and self-organized economy in the Central Negev : crisis and renewal
A summary catalogue of the continental archaeological collections (Roman Iron Age, Migration Period, Early Medieval)
Sefunim prehistoric sites Mount Carmel. Israel
Fortificazioni tardo classiche e ellenistiche in Magna Grecia : I casi esemplari nell'Italia del Sud
Functional analysis of space in Syro-Hittite architecture
Ahlat 2010 : Quarta campagna di indagini sulle strutture rupestri = Fourth campaign of surveys on the underground structure
Germanic equal arm brooches of the migration period : a study of style, chronology and distribution, including a full catalogue of finds and contexts
From Classical to Byzantine : social evolution in late antiquity and the fortress at Isthmia, Greece
De la taphonomie pollinique à la reconstitution de l'environnement : l'exemple de la région cantabrique
Architecture and archaeology in the Cyclades : papers in honour of J.J. Coulton
Consideraciones acerca del origen y la naturaleza de la ciudad planificada en las colonias griegas de Occidente
Ornament und Bedeutung : zur Motivik mittelminoischer Feinkeramik
Enclosing the neolithic : recent studies in Britain and Europe
Behind wooden walls : Neolithic palisaded enclosures in Europe
Recherches archéologiques sur la capitale de l'empire de Ghana : etude d'un secteur d'habitat à Koumbi Saleh, Mauritanie : campagnes II-III-IV-V, (1975-1976)-(1980-1981)
Un conjunto ceremonial subterráneo en Teotihuacan
Lo que vino de Oriente : horizontes, praxis y dimensión material de los sistemas de dominación fiscal en Al-Andalus (ss. VII-IX)
Die silbernen Halbkugelbecher vom Typ Leuna : Fundkomplexe und Interpretationen, Herstellungstechnik und Datierung
Caesarea Maritima, the late periods (700 - 1291 CE)
Neolithic cemeteries and populations in the Dnieper Basin
Plinio y los 'oppida de antiguo Lacio' : el proceso de difusión del Latium en Hispania Citerior
Asine and the Argolid in the Late Helladic III Period : a socio-economic study
Mas Gusó. Evolución de un asentamiento rural en el territorio de Ampurias : del neolítico final a época ibérica
Chasse et élevage dans la Corne de l'Afrique entre le Néolithique et les temps historiques
Regional variation in the material culture of hunter gatherers : social and ecological approaches to ethnographic objects from Queensland, Australia
Imperialist archaeology in the Canary Islands : French and German studies on prehistoric colonization at the end of the 19th century
A catalog of glass vessels in Afyon Museum = Afyon Müzesindeki cam eserler kataloğu
The cemeteries at Marki : using a looted landscape to investigate prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus
Recent developments in Yugoslav archaeology
Chlemoutsi Castle (Clermont, Castel Tornese), NW Peloponnese : its pottery and its relations with the west (13th-early 19th centuries)
Giovanni Pietro Campana : 1808-1880 : the man and his collection
Prehistory of the Southern Manabí Coast, Ecuador. López Viejo
Archaeological ceramics : a review of current research
Symbolic spaces in prehistoric art : territories, travels and site locations = Espaces symboliques dans l'art préhistorique : territoires, déplacements et localisation des sites
La Cueva de Ambrosio (Almería, Spain) y su posicion cronoestratigráfica en el Mediterraneo Occidental
Copper and bronze metallurgy in late prehistoric Xinjiang : its cultural context and relationship with neighbouring regions
Archaeology, art and ethnography of bronzes of Nepal
Die Funktion und Bedeutung der Reiter- und Pferdeführerdarstellungen auf attischen Grab- und Weihreliefs des 5. und 4. Jhs. v. Chr.
Roman weapons, tools, bronze equipment and brooches from Neuss-Novaesium excavations, 1955-1972
The archaeology of Central Darfur (Sudan) in the 1st millennium A.D.
Ceramic change and the Maya Collapse : a study of pottery technology, manufacture and consumption at Lamanai, Belize
Les petits bovidés (Caprini et Rupicaprini) pléistocènes dans le bassin méditerranéen et le Caucase : etude paléontologique, biostratigraphique, archéozoologique et paléoécologique
Studien zu vertikalen sozialen Strukturen : eine Analyse der Grabfunde der jüngeren Bronzezeit in Dänemark
Grumento e il suo territorio nell'antichità
The UCL Lahun papyri : letters
The Upper Tisza Project : studies in Hungarian landscape archaeology
Prehistoria reciente y territorio en la Depresión de Vera y el río Almanzora (Almería) : las formaciones sociales entre finales del VI y mediados del III milenio ANE
Alexandrian and Alexandria-influenced mould-made lamps of the Hellenistic period
El catálogo de las naves de occidente : embarcaciones de la península Ibérica, Marruecos y archipiélagos aledaños hasta el principado de Augusto
Crusader art in the twelfth century
Le site de Bey-144 : fouilles et étude de la céramique (période hellénistique - début de l'ère romaine)
The Minoan pantheon : towards an understanding of its nature and extent
Hazor, Israel : an urban community of the 8th century B.C.E.
Defensive architecture of prehistoric Crete
Tașkun Kale : Keban rescue excavations : Eastern Anatolia
N-TAG TEN : Proceedings of the 10th Nordic TAG conference at Stiklestad, Norway 2009
Potrero de Guadalupe : anthropologie funéraire d'une communauté pré-tarasque du nord du Michoacán, Mexique
Archaeological investigations in the Río Huamelula Valley : settlement history and material culture in south-eastern Oaxaca, Mexico
Archaeological heritage : methods of education and popularization
Neolithic and Chalcolithic archaeology in Eurasia : building techniques and spatial organisation
Pastoralists, warriors and colonists : the archaeology of Southern Madagascar
Method in microwear analysis : prehistoric sickles and other stone tools from Arjoune, Syria
Métallurgie des dépôts de bronzes à la fin de l'age du bronze final (IXe-VIIIe av. J.-C.) dans le domaine Sarre-Lorraine : essai de caractérisation d'une production bronziére au travers des études techniques : formage et analyses élémentaires
Digging in the dirt : excavation in a new millennium : session proceedings
Investigating prehistoric hunter-gatherer identities : case studies from Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Europe
Yortan Cemetery in the early Bronze Age of western Anatolia
Archeologia dell'acqua potabile a Milano : dagli antichi pozzi ordinari al moderno sistema di acquedotto urbano
Architecture, economics, and identity in Romano-British "small towns"
Nestor's wine cups : investigating ceramic manufacture and exchange in a late Bronze Age "Mycenaean" state
Les industries lithiques du Chasséen en Languedoc oriental : caractérisation par l'analyse technologique
Arqueología e historia del mundo antiguo : contribuciones brasileñas y españolas
El vaso de largo bordo horizontal : un trazador cultural del noroeste de la Península Ibérica en el II Milenio BC
Ahlat 2008 : seconda campagna di indagini sulle strutture rupestri = second campaign of surveys on the underground structures
Coinage in the Low Counties (880-1500) : the Third Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History
Excavations at Old Kandahar in Afghanistan 1976-1978 : conducted on behalf of the Society for South Asian Studies (Society for Afghan Studies) : stratigraphy, pottery and other finds
Die räumliche Organisation der linearbandkeramischen Rinderhaltung : naturwissenschaftliche und archäologische Untersuchungen
Pharos the Parian settlement in Dalmatia : a study of a Greek colony in the Adriatic
The East European Plain on the eve of agriculture
Kult bei der Arena : Nemesis-Heiligtümer im Kontext römischer Amphitheater
Estudio introductorio del léxico de las inscripciones de Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México
Traditional weapons of Africa (billhooks, sickles and scythes) : a regional approach with technical, morphological, and aesthetic classifications
Excavations at Kandahar 1974 and 1975 : the first two seasons at Shahr-i Kohna (Old Kandahar) conducted by the British Institute of Afghan Studies
Holocene settlement in the Western Cape, South Africa
Faces from the past : diachronic patterns in the biology of human populations from the eastern Mediterranean : papers in honour of Patricia Smith
The past in the past : the significance of memory and tradition in the transmission of culture
La colonización griega en Sicilia : Griegos, Indígenas y Púnicos en la Sicilia arcaica : interacción y aculturación
Lower Palaeolithic small tools in Europe and the Levant
The Horace's Villa Project, 1997-2003 : report on new fieldwork and research
Proceedings of the twelfth annual conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology : Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge 2010
Studies in the Upper Palaeolithic of Britain and northwest Europe
Mesolithic forest hunters in Ukrainian Polessye
Graphical markers and megalith builders in the international Tagus, Iberian Peninsula
Cretan locations : discerning site variations in Iron Age and Archaic Crete (800-500 B.C.)
El arte parietal en monumentos megalíticos del noroeste ibérico : valoración, diagnóstico, conservación
The East Carpathian area of Romania in the V-XI centuries A.D.
Lexique animalier égyptien : les caprins, les ovins et les bovins
Estructura demográfica, estilo de vida y relaciones biológicas de cazadores recolectores en un ambiente de desierto : sitio Chenque I (Parque Nacional Lihué Calel, provincia de La Pampa, Argentina)
Beyond the Movius Line : hominin occupation and technological evolution in the Imjin-Hantan river area, Korea
Pottery in the Iron age in the Basque country = La ceramica de la edad del hierro en el País Vasco
Forum iulium : l'area del foro di cesare alla luce delle campagne di scavo 2005-2008 : Le fasi arcaica, repubblicana e cesariano-augustea
La explotación de las materias óseas en el Auriñaciense : caracterización tecnoeconómica de las producciones del Paleolítico superior inicial en la Península Ibérica
Befestigungsanlagen im griechischen Raum in der Bronzezeit und ihre Entwicklung von neolithischer bis in archaische Zeit
Otium cum dignitate : Festschrift für Angelika Geyer zum 65. Geburtstag : Studien zur Archäologie und Rezeptionsgeschichte der Antike
The Tihamah coastal plain of South-West Arabia in its regional context, c.6000 BC-AD 600
Les premières expressions du Solutréen dans le Sud-Ouest français : evolution techno-économique des équipements lithiques au cours du Dernier Maximum Glaciaire
Solomon and Shishak : current perspectives from archaeology, epigraphy, history and chronology : Proceedings of the Third BICANE Colloquium held at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge 26-27 March, 2011
The Orthodox Christian sakkos : ecclesiastical garments dating from the 15th to the 20th centuries from the Holy Mountain of Athos : collection survey, scientific analysis and preventive conservation
Burgerroth : eine spätneolithische Höhensiedlung in Unterfranken
Gemstones in Mycenaean Greece : their use and significance
Vergleichen als archäologische Methode : Analogien in den Archäologien : mit Beiträgen einer Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theorie (T-AG) und einer kommentierten Bibliographie
Animals and archaeology
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1993
Modeling socioeconomic evolution and continuity in ancient Egypt : the value and limitations of zooarchaeological analyses
Late holocene indigenous economies of the tropical Australian coast : an archaeological study of the Darwin region
Weapons, warriors and warfare in early Egypt
Visigodos, Hispano-Romanos y bizantinos en la zona valenciana en el siglo VI (España)
Apiculture in the prehistoric Aegean : Minoan and Mycenaean symbols revisited
Social interaction in the prehistoric Natufian : generating an interactive agency model using GIS
Applications of tree-ring studies : current research in dendrochronology and related subjects
Il monumento dei Lucilii sulla via Salaria, Roma
Vulvae, eyes, snake heads : archaeological finds of cowrie amulets
Celtic improvisations : an art historical analysis of Coriosolite coins
Il Sahara centro-orientale dalla preistoria ai tempi dei nomadi Tubu = The central-oriental Sahara from prehistory to the times of the nomadic Tubus
Archaeology of the Roman Empire : a tribute to the life and works of Professor Barri Jones
Il tesoro di desana : una fonte per lo studio della società romano-ostrogota in Italia
Archaeology and history in Ìlàrè District (Central Yorubaland, Nigeria), 1200-1900 A.D.
The 'Crescent-shaped cultural-communication belt' : Tong Enzheng's model in retrospect : an examination of methodological, theoretical and material concerns of long-distance interactions in East Asia
Safeguarding Africa's archaeological past : selected papers from a workshop held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 2001
Archaeology and clays
Oriental influence in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean helmet traditions in the 9th-7th centuries B.C. : the patterns of orientalization
Which past, whose future? : treatments of the past at the start of the 21st century : an international perspective : proceedings of a conference held at the University of York, 20-21st May 2005
Dépôts et production métallique du Bronze moyen en France nord-occidentale
An expatriate community in Tunis, 1648-1885 : St. George's Protestant Cemetery and its inscriptions
The people before : the geology, paleoecology and archaeology of Adak Island, Alaska
Les derniers "Sauvages" : territoires économiques et systèmes techno-fonctionnels mésolithiques
Enter the past : the E-way into the four dimensions of cultural heritage : CAA 2003, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the 31st conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2003
The Comparative history of urban origins in non-Roman Europe : Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Russia from the ninth to the thirteenth century
The archaeology of water supply
Archaeological approaches to breaking boundaries : interaction, integration and division : proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conferences 2015-2016
Histoire des paysages méditerranéens terrassés : aménagements et agriculture
Análisis de los procesos de uso de artefactos líticos en sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras : ocupaciones correspondientes a la transición Pleistoceno/Holoceno, Meseta Central de Santa Cruz
Untersuchungen zur Pfeiler-Nischen-Architektur in Mesopotamien und Syrien von ihren Anfängen im 6. Jahrtausend bis zum Ende der frühdynastischen Zeit : Form, Funktion und Kontext
Science, style and the study of community structure : an example from the central Mississippi River Valley
Southeast Asian archaeology 1986 : proceedings of the first Conference of the Assciation of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 8th-10th September 1986
Espacio gráfico, visibilidad y tránsito cavernario : el uso de las cavidades con arte paleolítico en la Región Cantábrica = Graphic space, visibility and cave transit : the use of caves with Palaeolithic art in the Cantabrian region
Gli Shardana nell'Egitto ramesside
Sociedad y territorio en la alta edad media castellana : la formación del Alfoz de Lara
Les armatures de sagaies magdaléniennes en matière dure animale dans les Pyrénées
Computer and quantitative methods in archaeology 1988
Legio XX Valeria Victrix : prosopography, archaeology and history
Archaeology of an Andean pacarina : settlement patterns and rituality around Lake Puruhuay, Ancash, Peru
A zooarchaeological study of the Haimenkou Site, Yunnan Province, China
Flint mining in prehistoric Europe : interpreting the archaeological records
State-periphery relations and sociopolitical development in Igbominaland, North-Central Yoruba, Nigeria : oral-ethnohistorical and archaeological perspectives
Political economy and settlement systems of medieval northern Morocco : an archaeological-historical approach
Höhlenfundplätze im Raum Peggau--Deutschfeistritz, Steiermark, Österreich : Tropfsteinhöhle, Kat. Nr. 2784/3 Grabungen 1986-87
Skeletons and social composition : Bahrain 300 BC - AD 250
An integration of the use-wear and residue analysis for the identification of the function of archaeological stone tools : proceedings of the international workshop, Rome, March 5th-7th, 2012
Stones and bones : formal disposal of the dead in Atlantic Europe during the Mesolithic-Neolithic interface 6000-3000 BC : archaeological conference in honour of the Late Professor Michael J. O'Kelly : proceedings of the Stones and Bones Conference in Sligo, Ireland, May 1-5, 2002
The lower palaeolithic of the Maghreb : excavations and analyses at Ain Hanech, Algeria
Graves and funerary rituals during the late neolithic and the early Bronze Age in Europe (2700-2000 BC) : proceedings of the international conference held at the Cantonal Archaeological Museum, Sion (Switzerland) October 4th-7th 2001
Blade and microblade technology : selected assemblages from the North American Arctic and the upper paleolithic of Southwest Germany
Jerusalem before Islam
The final analysis of weights from Port Royal, Jamaica
The eagle, the cactus, the rock : the roots of Mexico-Tenochtitlan's foundation myth and symbol
The UCL Lahun papyri : letters
A technological study of the earlier upper Paleolithic levels of Ksar Akil : level XXV-XIV
Prehistoric Sri Lanka : late Pleistocene rockshelters and an open-air site
The Waterberg Plateau in the Northern Province, Republic of South Africa, in the Later Stone Age
Pylai Aidao : un percorso iconografico e letterario sulla diffusione del tema delle porte dell'Ade da Oriente a Occidente
Pietralunga 1744 : archeologia di una battaglia e delle due fortificazioni sulle Alpi fra Piemonte e Delfinato, Italia nord-occidentale
Geospatial analysis and data integration for cultural resources evaluation : a collection of articles on analytical geomatics and their applications
Stone age traditions of Meghalaya : a study of variation and continuity
Roman military equipment : the accoutrements of war : proceedings of the Third Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar
The early Neolithic funnel-beaker culture in south-west Scania, Sweden : social and economic change, 3000-2500 B.C.
The Inkas : last stage of stone masonry development in the Andes
Tîrpești : from prehistory to history in Eastern Romania
Paysage socioculturel et architecture dans la culture Chimú : l'implantation humaine à l'intermédiare recent (1000-1470 apr. J.-C.) dans la vallée de Chicama (côte nord de Pérou)
Classicism to neo-classicism : essays dedicated to Gertrud Seidmann
Pre-Islamic South Arabia and its neighbours : new developments of research : proceedings of the 17th Rencontres sabéennes held in Paris, 6-8 June 2013
Early Neolithic sites on the territory of Bulgaria
Jebel Bishri in context : introduction to the archaeological studies and the neighbourhood of Jebel Bishri in central Syria : Proceedings of a Nordic research training seminar in Syria, May 2004
Comparative island archaeologies
Moated sites in early North East Thailand
Jew's harps in European archaeology
Ancient society and metallurgy : a comparative study of Bronze Age societies in Central Eurasia and North China
Artefactos líticos, movilidad y funcionalidad de sitios : problemas y perspectivas = Lithic artefacts, mobility and site functionality : problems and perspectives
Obsidian im nordwestmediterranen Raum : seine Verbreitung und Nutzung im Neolithikum und Äneolithikum
Plant environment of man between 6000 and 2000 B.C. in Bulgaria
Funus hispaniense : espacios, usos y costumbres funerarias en la Hispania Romana
Human and faunal relationships reviewed : an archaeozoological approach
La guerra de Corinto : fuentes antiguas e historiografía moderna
Middle Helladic and early Mycenaean mortuary practices in the southern and western Peloponnese
Prehistoric periods
Excavations at Non Pa Kluay, Northeast Thailand
Kommunikation und Austausch im Hochland zwischen Kaukasus und Taurus, ca. 2500-1500 v. Chr.
Prehispanic metallurgy and votive offerings in the Eastern Cordillera Colombia
Bronze priests of ancient Egypt from the Middle Kingdom to the Graeco-Roman period
Excavating classical culture : recent archaeological discoveries in Greece
Production et signification de la céramique campaniforme à la fin du 3ème millénaire av. J.-C. dans le sud et le centre-ouest de la France et en Suisse occidentale
Patrios nomos, public burial in Athens during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. : the archaeological, epigraphic-literary and historical evidence
Landscape and the state in Medieval Anatolia : Seljuk gardens and pavilions of Alanya, Turkey
Material images of humans from the Natufian to Pottery Neolithic periods in the Levant
Death as archaeology of transition : thoughts and materials : papers from the II international conference of transition archaeology : death archaeology 29th april-1st may 2013
Stone rows and standing stones : Britain, Ireland, and Brittany
SOMA 2010 : proceedings of 14th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology : Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine, 23-25 April 2010
Archaeological survey and excavations at Mikindani, southern Tanzania : finding their place in the Swahili world
The kaolin clay tobacco pipe collection from Port Royal, Jamaica
Identification of ancient olive oil processing methods based on olive remains
The Early upper Paleolithic : evidence from Europe and the Near East
Organisation techno-économique des industries du paléolithique moyen récent dans le nord-est aquitain
The Jastorf Culture in Poland
Miscellanies about the Buddha image
La necropoli di Campovalano
Luoghi e architetture del secondo conflitto mondiale : 1939-1945 : sistemi difensivi e cemento armato : archeologia, architettura e porgettazione per il riuso = Sites and architectural structures of the second world war : 1939-1945 : defence systems and reinforced concrete : archaeology, architecture and reuse project
Archaeological sciences 1999 : proceedings of the Archaeological Sciences Conference, University of Bristol, 1999
Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine settlement patterns of the coast lands of the Western Rough Cilicia
Produzione e commercio dei tessuti nell'Occidente romano
Archaeoseismology in the Atalanti Region, Central Mainland Greece : theories, methods and practice
The evolution of the built environment : complexity, human agency and thermal performance
Hunters and their Prey
From tool use to site function : use-wear analysis in some final upper palaeolithic sites in the Basque country
The copper age in south-west Spain : a bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric social organisation
The archaeology of the coastal desert of Namaqualand, South Africa : a regional synthesis
The church and the cemetery ; The history of Meinarti : an interpretive overview
Variación geográfica en la morfología del esqueleto postcraneal de las poblaciones humanas de Pampa y Patagonia durante el Holoceno Tardío : una aproximación morfométrica
Conceptualization of 'xihuitl' : history, environment and cultural dynamics in postclassic Mexica cognition
Papers from the EAA Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna 1997
Intaglios, cameos, rings, and related objects from Burma and Java : the White collection and a further small private collection
Excavations in the Locality 6 cemetery at Hierakonpolis, 1979-1985
Methodological aspects of Iranian archaeology : past and present
Holocene settlement in north Syria : résultats de deux prospections archéologiques effectuées dans la région du nahr Sajour et sur le haut Euphrate syrien
Indagine topografica sulle aree di pertinenza dell'abbazia di San Salvatore al monte Amiata nella Tuscia meridionale, secoli VI-XIV : l'apporto della fotointerpretazione e dei documenti d'archivio alla ricerca archeologica
Archaeological techniques and technology
Baths and bathing : the culture of bathing and the baths and thermae in Palestine from the Hasmoneans to the Moslem conquest, with an appendix on Jewish rituals baths (miqvaʿot)
The hunter-gatherer use of caves and rockshelters in the American Midsouth : a geoarchaeological and spatial analysis of archaeological features at Dust Cave
La transcaucasie au néolithique et au chalcolithique
Les armées du Proche-Orient ancien (IIIe-Ier mill. av. J.-C.) : actes du colloque international organisé à Lyons les 1er et 2 décembre 2006, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée
Current issues in archaeological computing
Millets, rice and farmers : phytoliths as indicators of agricultural, social and ecological change in Neolithic and Bronze Age central China
The physical anthropology
Below the Temple Mount in Jerusalem : a sourcebook on the cisterns, subterranean chambers and conduits of the Ḥaram al-Sharīf
The positioning of the Roman Imperial legions
Development of a field petrographic analysis system and its application to the study of socioeconomic interaction networks of the early Harappan Northwestern Indus Valley of Pakistan
Latium Vetus in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age = Il Latium Vetus nell'età del Bronzo e nella prima etá del Ferro
The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Central Europe : the record from the Bükk Mountain region
Perspectives in landscape archaeology : papers presented at Oxford 2003-5
Le tzompantli et le jeu de balle : relation entre deux espaces rituels
Shaping community : the art and archaeology of monasticism : papers from a symposium held at the Frederick R. Weisman Museum, University of Minnesota, March 10-12, 2000
Woodland and forests in medieval Hungary
Megalithic quarrying : sourcing, extracting and manipulating the stones
The Beaker culture of the Balearic Islands : an inventory of evidence from caves, rock shelters, settlements and ritual sites
LRCW 2 : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry
Archaic Greek culture : history, archaeology, art and museology : proceedings of the international Round-Table conference, June 2005, St-Petersburg, Russia
Research papers and technical reports
Neolithization in Ukraine
Hotel Grønland : human use of caves and rock shelters in West Greenland
A million years of hominin sociality and cognition : Acheulean bifaces in the Hunsgi-Baichbal Valley, India
Edictum, municipium y lex : Hispania en época flavia (69-96 d.C.)
Sociabilidad y alimentación : estudio de casos en la transición al siglo XIX en el Virreinato del Río de la Plata
Waffengräber im Alten Orient : zum Problem der Wertung von Waffen in Gräbern des 3. und frühen 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in Mesopotamien und Syrien
Argos paléochrétienne : contribution à l'étude du Péloponnèse Byzantin
Land tenure and social stratification in ancient Mesopotamia : third millennium Sumer before the Ur III Dynasty
Decorated Philistine pottery : an archaeological and archaeometric study
The evolutionary archaeology of ceramic diversity in ancient Fiji
Il funerario in Friuli e nelle regioni contermini tra l'età del ferro e l'età tardoantica : atti del convegno internazionale, San Vito al Tagliamento, 14 febbraio 2013 = The funerary in Friuli and surrounding regions between Iron age and late antiquity : proceedings of the international conference, San Vito al Tagliamento, 14 febbraio 2013
A re-examination of the palaeolithic archaeological record of northern Tamil Nadu, South India
Conservation approaches to earthen architecture in archaeological contexts
Traditions and transformations : approaches to Eneolithic (Copper age) and Bronze age metalworking and society in eastern Central Europe and the Carpathian basin
Sistemas de información para arqueología : teoría, metodología y tecnologías
Early symbolic systems for communication in Southeast Europe
Le thème symbolique de "la paire de dragons" sur les fourreaux celtiques (IVe-IIe siècles avant J.-C.) : etude iconographique et typologie
La Alfarería Romana del Collet Est (Calonge, Girona)
Communities and settlements from the Neolithic to the early Medieval period : proceedings of the 6th Conference of Italian Archaeology held at the University of Groningen, Groningen Institute of Archaeology, the Netherlands, April 15-17, 2003
The Morocco Maritime Survey : an archaeological contribution to the history of the Tangier peninsula
Le problème de l'étain à l'origine de la métallurgie, Section 11 : Âge du Bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée, colloque 11.2 = The problem of early tin. Section 11 : Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean, symposium 11.2
From Xerxes' murder (465) to Arridaios' execution (317) : updates to Achaemenid chronology (including errata in past reports)
Rethinking the Indus : a comparative re-evaluation of the Indus civilisation as an alternative paradigm in the organisation and structure of early complex societies
Chariots in early China : origins, cultural interaction, and identity
Archaeology, conservation and the city : post-conflict redevelopment in London, Berlin and Beirut
Mortuary practices in the process of Levantine Neolithisation
The Eastern frontier of the Roman Empire : proceedings of a colloquium held at Ankara in September 1988
Enterramientos de Balberta un sitio en la Costa Sur de Guatemala : algunas comparaciones con otros sitios e inferencias sobre su organización social
Regional perspectives in archaeology : from strategy to narrative
Le premier nome du sud de l'Égypte au Moyen Empire : fouilles de la mission espagnole à Qoubbet el-Haoua (Assouan) 2008-2018
Combining the past and the present : archaeological perspectives on society : proceedings from the conference 'pre-history in a global perspective' held in Bergen, August 31st-September 2nd 2001, in honour of Professor Randi Haaland's 60th anniversary
The End of the Paleolithic in the Old World
The eneolithic period in Bulgaria in the fifth millennium B.C.
The archaeology of the Meroitic state : new perspectives on its social and political organisation
Les astres dans les textes religieux en Égypte antique et dans les hymnes orphiques
3D recording and modelling in archaeology and cultural heritage : theory and best practices
Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry : National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 28-31 May 2003
A Cretan landscape through time : Priniatikos Pyrgos and environs
Tecniche di rilevamento e metodi di rappresentazione per l'architettura rupestre : il Monastero Benedettino di Subiaco
Le gisement gravettien de la Vigne-Brun (Loire, France) : étude de l'industrie lithique de l'Unité KL19
Prehistoric settlement and subsistence in the Kaduna Valley, Nigeria
Roman domestic wood : analysis of the morphology, manufacture and use of selected categories of domestic wooden artefacts with particular reference to the material from Roman Britain
Town and country in early-medieval Bavaria : two studies in urban and comital structure
The architecture of Hagia Sophia, Thessaloniki : from its erection up to the Turkish conquest
Predictive modeling and the ecology of hunter-gatherers of the boreal forest of Manitoba
Emergent social complexity in the Yangshao culture : analyses of settlement patterns and faunal remains from Lingbao, Western Henan, China (c. 4900-3000 BC)
Elites y organización de la religión en las provincias romanas de la Bética y las Mauritanias : sacerdotes y sacerdocios
Ushabti di militari del Museo egizio di Firenze
Differential persistence of variation in prehistoric milling tools from the Middle Rio Puerco Valley, New Mexico
La caracterización y el aprovisionamiento de los recursos abióticos en la Prehistoria de Catalűna : las materias primas silíceas del Paleolítico Superior Final y el Epipaleolítico
Problemi di urbanistica giustinianea : le città della Siria e della Mesopotamia
The Acheulean of the Yiron Plateau, Israel
Peuplements humains et variations environnementales au Quaternaire : colloque de Poitiers (18-20 septembre 2000)
El uso de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) en arqueología sudamericana
Social inequality in Iberian late prehistory
Archaeological site formation : understanding Lake Margin contexts
Egyptian tomb architecture : the archaeological facts of pharaonic circular symbolism
El asentamiento rural ibérico de Saus (Girona) : un ejemplo de explotación agrícola en el territorio de Emporion
Imaging adornos : classification and iconography of Saladoid adornos from St. Vincent, West Indies
Zooarqueología de la Península Ibérica : implicaciones tafonómicas y paleoecológicas en el debate de los homínidos del Pleisticeno Medio-Superior
Ala-jalve : spatial, technological, and behavioral analyses of the lithic assemblage from a Stone-Age-Early Metal Age site in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland
Puertos y navegación en las costas valencianas meridionales (s. I-X d. C.)
The prehistoric rock art of Morocco : a study of its extension, environment and meaning
The early medieval pottery industry at al-Basra, Morocco
Ginecología y patología sexual femenina en las Colecciones médicas de Oribasio
Egipto y el Egeo a comienzos de la XVIII dinastía : una visión de sus relaciones, antecedentes e influencia iconográfica
Les industries lithiques aurignaciennes de l'abri Pataud, Dordogne, France : les fouilles de Hallam L. Movius Jr.
The history of early medieval towns of north and central Italy : the contributions of archaeological evidence
Hadrianopolis III : ceramic finds from southwestern Paphlagonia
Ceramic and other specialist studies
Mycenaean trade and interaction in the West Central Mediterranean 1600-1000 B.C.
Reconocimiento arqueológico en el sureste del estado de Campeche, México : 1996-2005
Le denticulé, cet inconnu : les assemblages lithiques à denticulés du Paléolithique moyen en Europe
The taxonomy of ground stone woodworking tools
The fifth phase of the Iron Age of Liburnia and the cemetery of the hillfort of Dragišić
Archaeological informatics : pushing the envelope CAA 2001 : Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, proceedings of the 29th conference, Gotland, April 2001
Rhadamanthys : studi di archeologia minoica in onore di Filippo Carinci per il suo 70° compleanno = Studies in Minoan archaeology in honour of Filippo Carinci on the occasion of his 70th birthday
The Maglemose culture : the reconstruction of the social organization of a mesolithic culture in Northern Europe
Pottery manufacturing processes : reconstitution and interpretation
Copper and trade in the south-eastern Mediterranean : trade routes of the Near East in antiquity
The genesis of early Christian art : syncretic juxtaposition in the Roman world
Die Funktion von Hypokausten und Tubuli in antiken römischen Bauten, insbesondere in Thermen : Erklärungen und Berechnungen
Regional approaches to adaptation in late Pleistocene Western Europe
Site structure and ceramic behaviour of a protohistoric Cree aggregation campsite
Inter duos fluvios : il popolamento del Piceno tra Tenna e Tronto dal V al I sec. a.C.
Discurso de fragmentos : arqueometría aplicada al entendimiento sobre la práctica de la alfarería : procedencia de materia prima y caracterización de cerámica del preclásico de Cuicuilco "C"
Natural resources and cultural connections of the Red Sea
Die eisernen eisenzeitlichen Erntegeräte im freien Germanien
Maritime trade between China and the West : an archaeological study of the ceramics from Siraf (Persian Gulf), 8th to 15th centuries A.D.
Rebirth and afterlife : a study of the transmutation of some pagan imagery in early Christian funerary art
Emergence and development of ancestral polynesian society in Tonga
Lenguajes visuales de los incas
North Sea and Channel connectivity during the Late Iron Age and Roman period : (175/150 BC - AD 409)
The annexes at the early Christian basilicas of Greece (4th-6th c.) : architecture and function
Archaeological investigations of marae structures in Huahine, Society Islands, French Polynesia : report and discussions
La cerámica medieval sevillana (siglos XII al XIV) : la producción trianera
La transición de las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras a pastoras-agricultoras en el mediodía peninsular a través de los restos óseos : los modos de vida y de trabajo de las sociedades cazadoras y productoras
Desert boats : predynastic and pharaonic era rock-art in Egypt's central Eastern Desert : distribution, dating and interpretation
The 'weather-god' in Hittite Anatolia : an examination of the archaeological and textual sources
The late Chalcolithic to early Bronze I transition in Palestine and Transjordan
Migration and invasions in archaeological explanation
Cultural change on a temporal and spatial frontier : ceramics of the terminal Classic to Postclassic transition in the Upper Belize River Valley
La Villa de Tolegassos : una explotación agricola de época romana en el territorio de Ampurias
Cazadores-recolectores de altura en los Andes meridionales : el alto valle del río Atuel, Argentina
The human landscape
Mouvements ou déplacements de populations animales en Méditerranée au cours de l'Holocène : Séminaire de recherche du thème 15 Archéologie de l'animal (UMR 154 - CNRS), Lattes-Montpellier (France), 29 Septembre 2000
Corduba durante la Antigüedad tardía : las necrópolis urbanas
Hunter-gatherers from a high-elevation desert : people of the Salt Puna : Northwest Argentina
CAA2010 : Fusion of cultures : proceedings of the 38th annual conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Granada, Spain, April 2010
Procesos de formación de sitios arqueológicos : tres casos de estudio en la Puna meridional catamarqueña argentina
Mesopotamian furniture : from the mesolithic to the Neo-Assyrian period (ca. 10,000 B.C.-600 B.C.)
Investigating ancient tillage : an experimental and soil micromorphological study
The bioarchaeology of continental Croatia : an analysis of human skeletal remains from the prehistoric to post-medieval periods
Proceedings of the general session of the 11th International Council for Archaeozoology Conference (Paris, 23-28 August 2010)
Le Nord de Belize et la côte orientale du Quintana Roo, Mexique : deux évolutions de l'occupation maya à la période préhispanique
The chipped stone tool production/use cycle : its potential in activity analysis of disturbed sites
Historic mosques and shrines of Oman
Ideología y realidad en las primeras sociedades sedentarias (1400 ANE - 350 DNE) de la cuenca norte del Titicaca, Perú
Professional ranks in the Roman Army of Dacia
Ciudad y territorio entre los Mayas : historia de las teorías sobre el espacio urbano
Postmesolithische Funde aus Höhlen und Abris am Beispiel des Südlichen Riesrandgebiets
In the wake of the ya'áats' xaatgáay ['iron people'] : a study of changing settlement strategies among the Kunghit Haida
Provenance et circulation des objets en roches noires (《lignite》) á l'âge du Fer en Europe celtique (VIIIème-Ier s. av. J.-C)
La jerarquización social en la Edad del Bronce del Alto Guadalquivir (España) : el poblado de Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén)
Bronze age anthropomorphic figurines from Umm el-Marra, Syria : chronology, visual analysis and function
The spatial structure of Kom el-Hisn : an old kingdom town in the Western Nile Delta, Egypt
The architectural ornament of Diocletian's Palace at Split
An outline of the neolithic culture of the Khasi-Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, India : an archaeological investigation
Casting experiments and microstructure of archaeologically relevant bronzes
Studies in the Neolithic and urban revolutions : the V. Gordon Childe Colloquium, Mexico, 1986
Early Neolithic subsistence and settlement in the Polish Lowlands
The contexts of painted pottery in the ancient Mediterranean world (seventh-fourth centuries BCE)
Technologie de l'ivoire au Paléolithique supérieur : caractérisation physico-chimique du matériau et analyse fonctionnelle des outils de transformation
La investigación de la actividad metalúrgica durante el III milenio A.N.E. en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica : la arqueometalurgia y la aplicación de análisis metalográficos y composicionales en el estudio de la producción de objetos de metal
The archaeological heritage of Hvar, Croatia
Early human adaptation in the Northern Hemisphere and the implications of taphonomy
La statio romana de Mas Gusó : vigilancia y control del territorio de Ampurias, Hispania Citerior, desde el siglo II a.C. al siglo III d.C. Estructura, secuencias e interpretación
Spätmykenische Stadtheiligtümer : systematische Analyse und vergleichende Auswertung der archäologischen Befunde
Late Bronze Age Tell Atchana (Alalakh) : stratigraphy, chronology, history
Obsidians in the Valley of the Volcanoes, Peru : a geoarchaeological analysis
Reading space : social interaction and identity in the houses of Roman Pompeii : a syntactical approach to the analysis and interpretation of built space
El paleolítico inferior en la Meseta Norte, España : Sierra de Atapuerca, La Maya, El Basalito, San Quirce y Ambrona : estudio tecnológico y experimental
Water folk : reconstructing an ancient aquatic lifeway in Michoacán, western Mexico
Violent interactions in the Mesolithic : evidence and meaning
Technology and experimentation in archaeology
Exploring the hospitable sea : proceedings of the international workshop on the Black Sea in antiquity held in Thessaloniki, 21-23 September 2012
Coins and samian ware : a study of the dating of coin-loss and the deposition of samian ware (terra sigillata), with a discussion of the decline of samian ware manufacture in the NW provinces of the Roman Empire, late 2nd to mid 3rd centuries AD
World islands in prehistory : international insular investigations : V Deia International Conference of Prehistory
L'habitat prédynastique de la vallée du Nil : vivre sur les rives du Nil aux Ve et IVe millénaires
Paleolithic zooarchaeology in practice
Trassologie an römischem Silber : herstellungstechnische Untersuchungen am Hildesheimer Silberfund
New approaches to the study of surface palaeolithic artefacts : a pilot project at Zebra river, Western Namibia
Ainu archaeology as ethnohistory : iron technology among the Saru Ainu of Hokkaido, Japan, in the 17th century
Caracterización arqueométrica de la producción cerámica numantina
Municipium S() : a Roman town in the central Balkans, Komini near Pljevlja, Montenegro
Les premiers temples de Mésopotamie (4e et 3e millénaires)
Roman Republican castrametation : a reappraisal of historical and archaeological sources
Archaeology and entomology in the eastern Mediterranean : research into the history of insect synanthropy in Greece and Egypt
Syro-Palestinian deities in New Kingdom Egypt : the hermeneutics of their existence
The castellieri of Venezia Giulia, north-eastern Italy (2nd-1st millennium B.C.)
El Chagüite, Jalapa : el período formativo en el Oriente de Guatemala
Pre-Hispanic agricultural fields in the Andean Region : proceedings, 45 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, International Congress of Americanists, Bogotá, Colombia, 1985
Les coquillages marins en Gaule romaine : approche socio-économique et socio-culturelle
Exploitation du milieu animal par les Néanderthaliens dans le Sud-Est de la France
The archaeology of an ancient seaside town : performance and community at Samanco, Nepeña Valley, Peru (ca. 500-1 BC)
Native evidence of non-ferrous metalworking in early historic Ireland
The archaeology and epigraphy of Hellenistic and Roman Megaris, Greece
Les rhinocéros fossiles des sites préhistoriques de l'Europe méditerranéenne et du Massif Central : paléontologie et implications biochronologiques
Fire as an instrument : the archaeology of pyrotechnologies
Prehistoric hunter-fishers of Varangerfjord, Northeastern Norway : reconstruction of settlement and subsistence during the Younger Stone Age
Models of Mesopotamian landscapes : how small-scale processes contributed to the growth of early civilizations
The power and performance of Roman water-mills : hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-mills
Artefactos domésticos de casas posclásicas en Cuexcomate y Capilco, Morelos
Gallia e Hispania en el contexto de la presencia 'germánica' (ss. V-VII) : balances y perspectivas : actas de la Mesa Redonda hispano-francesca celebrada en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (MAR) 19/20 Diciembre 2005
Miscellania : theory, rock art and heritage
Der kontextuelle Raum im vorderasiatischen Neolithikum : die Entwicklung der Lehmarchitektur, die Sozio-Ökonomie des Bauens und Wohnens und die kulturelle Organisation des architektonischen Raums
Greeks and natives in the Cimmerian Bosporus, 7th-1st centuries BC : proceedings of the international conferenece , October 2000, Taman, Russia
Minoan Kato Zakro : a pastoral economy
A fundamental basalt flake analysis : based on experimentally-produced and used flakes as well as the prehistoric Waikalua material
Southern Iberia in the early Iron Age
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology : Department of Archaeology, University of Reading 2007
A report on the archaeological assemblages from excavations by Peter Beaumont at Canteen Koppie, Northern Cape, South Africa
SOMA 2007 : proceedings of the XI symposium on Mediterranean archaeology, Istanbul Technical University, 24-27 April 2007
Management of archaeological sites and the public of Argentina
Contribution à l'étude de l'Atérien du nord mauritanien
The northern Mycenaean border in Thessaly
The social archaeology of residential sites : Hungarian noble residences and their social context from the thirteenth through to the sixteenth century : an outline for methodology
Forest bioresource utilisation in the Eastern Mediterranean since antiquity : a case study of the Makheras, Cyprus
Fitting rocks : lithic refitting examined
Interpreting long-term trends in the transition to farming : reconsidering the Nodwell Site, Ontario, Canada
Hunter-gatherers and farmers : an enduring frontier in the Caledon Valley, South Africa
Bronze age rural ecology and village life at Tell el-Hayyat, Jordan
Early and middle Pleistocene hominid behaviour in northern China
Zur Theoriediskussion in der prähistorischen Archäologie Großbritanniens : ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick über die Jahre 1968-1982
Hadrian as builder and benefactor in the western provinces
Relational cohesion in palaeolithic Europe : hominin-cave bear interactions in Moravia and Silesia, Czech Republic, during OIS3
Southern Turkmenistan in the Neolithic : a petrographic case study
Networks in the Hellenistic world : according to the pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond
La construction d'un paysage fluvial : étude d'un méandre de rivière au Moyen Age la Boucle de Marne (VIIIe siècle-XVIIIe siècle)
Dispute management in heritage conservation : the case of in situ museums
The Portuguese city of Braga during the modern era : landscape and identity from the late Middle Ages to the Enlightenment
From Illahun to Djeme : papers presented in honour of Ulrich Luft
Autochthon : papers presented to O.T.P.K. Dickinson on the occasion of his retirement : Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, 9 November 2005
Ports of trade, Al Mina and geometric Greek pottery in the Levant
Settlement and economy in later Scandinavian prehistory
Patrimonio tangible e intangible mexicano : una reflexión
Lateglacial and postglacial pioneers in Northern Europe
Spoleto romana : topografia e urbanistica
Paisajes mentales y religiosos : la frontera suroeste arcadia en épocas arcaica y clásica
Multifaceted studies in South Asian archaeology : arpitam : festschrift for Professor Vidula Jayaswal
The Minnesota Pylos Project, 1990-98
Beyond illustration : 2d and 3d digital technologies as tools for discovery in archaeology
La necrópolis de Las Cogotas : Ajuares : revisión de los materiales de la necrópolis de la segunda edad del hierro en la Cuenca del Duero (España)
Cognitive archaeology as symbolic archaeology
Enthésopathies et activités des hommes préhistoriques : recherche méthodologique et application aux fossiles européens du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique
Ancient Maya ceramic economy in the Belize River Valley Region : petrographic analyses
Styles, techniques et expression graphique dans l'art sur paroi rocheuse : actes de la session A11d du 17e Congrès mondial de l'UISPP = Styles, techniques and graphic expression in rock art : proceedings of session A11d of the 17th World Congress of the IUPPS : Burgos 1-7 September 2014
Memory and the mountain : environmental relations of the Wachagga of Kilimanjaro and implications for landscape archaeology
Recherches sur le paléolithique supérieur
SOMA 2002 : Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology : proceedings of the sixth annual meeting of postgraduate researchers, University of Glasgow, Department of Archaeology, 15-17 February, 2002
An appraisal of the skulls and dentition of ancient Egyptians : highlighting the pathology and speculating on the influence of diet and environment
Le bassin du Rio Grande de Nazca, Pérou : archéologie d'un État andin 200 av. J.-C.-650 ap. J.-C.
The lithic production system of the Princess Point Complex during the transition to agriculture in southwestern Ontario, Canada
The Legio-Scythopolis road
A collection of classical and Eastern intaglios, rings, and cameos
Faces from the past : a study of Roman face pots from Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire
Cult and death : proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Researchers, the University of Liverpool, May 2002
Comparative archaeology and paleoclimatology : socio-cultural responses to a changing world
Craft production in the western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771BC) : a case study of a jue-earrings workshop at the predynastic capital site, Zhouyuan, China
Chisalin : late postclassic Maya settlement in highland Guatemala
Incastellamento e signorie rurali nell'alta Valle del Tevere tra Alto e Basso Medioevo : il territorio di Umbertide (Perugia, Italia)
Palaeobiological investigations : research design, methods, and data analysis
Scanning electron microscopy in archaeology
Archaeology at the interface : studies in archaeology's relationships with history, geography, biology, and physical science
Toward modern humans : the Yabrudian and Micoquian 400-50 k-years ago : proceedings of a congress held at the University of Haifa, November 3-9, 1996
Des dernières industries à trapèzes à l'affirmation du Néolithique en Bretagne occidentale (5500-3500 av. J.-C.)
Natural catastrophes during Bronze Age civilisations : archaeological, geological, astronomical and cultural perspectives
The archaeology of Montebello Islands, North-West Australia : late Quaternary foragers on an arid coastline
Australia and the origins of agriculture
Grave matters : eight studies of First Millennium AD burials in Crimea, England and southern Scandinavia : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fourth Annual Meeting in Göteborg 1998
The funerary landscape at Knossos : a diachronic study of Minoan burial customs with special reference to the warrior graves
La Néolithisation = The Neolithisation process
Health and disease in the prehistoric Pacific Islands
Social dimensions of medieval disease and disability
Excavations at Tel Zahara (2006-2009) : final report : the Hellenistic and Roman strata
Les extrêmes distincts : la configuration de l'espace dans les sociétés ayant bâti des tertres funéraires dans le Nord-Ouest ibérique
Teeth and anthropology
Portuguese faience in England and Ireland
Private religion at Amarna : the material evidence
Prehistoric pottery : some recent research
Relations between red-figured and black-glazed vases in Athens of the 4th century B.C.
The Mamasani Archaeological Project stage one : a report on the first two seasons of the ICAR-University of Sydney expedition to the Mamasani District, Fars Province, Iran
Exploring the limits : frontiers and boundaries in prehistory
POCA 2005 : Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology : proceedings of the fifth annual Meeting of Young Researchers on Cypriot Archaeology, Department of Classics, Trinity College, Dublin, 21-22 October 2005
Death ritual and Germanic social structure (c. AD 200-600)
Central Inuit household economies : zooarchaeological, environmental, and historical evidence from outer Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, Canada
Messina 1860-1943 : storia e archeologia militare di una piazzaforte contesa
Late Roman villas in the Danube-Balkan region
Les styles céramiques du Chasséen de Villeneuve-Tolosane : évolution et comparaisons
Early medieval dwellings and settlements in Ireland, AD 400-1100
Nelson Bay Cave, Cape Province, South Africa : the Holocene levels
The middle and later Stone Ages in the Mukogodo Hills of Central Kenya : a comparative analysis of lithic artefacts from Shurmai (GnJm1) and Kakwa Lelash (GnJm2) rockshelters
Urbanisation in early historic India
Paisaje y arte rupestre : patrones de localización de la pintura levantina
Archaeological approaches to dance performance
Self-sufficiency and trade in Bracara Augusta during the Early Empire : a contribution to the economic study of the city
The glass (1987-1997)
Quantitative identities : a statistical summary and analysis of Iron Age cemeteries in North-Eastern France, 600-130 BC
Hoards from the Neolithic to the metal ages : technical and codified practices : session of the XIth Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
The last hunter-gatherers in the Near East
Die Ausgrabungen von 1979/80 beim Hafentempel (Insula 37) der Colonia Ulpia Traiana
Approches du comportement au Moustérien
Settlements and cult sites on Mount Hermon, Israel : Ituraean culture in the Hellenistic and Roman periods
Domesticación del bosque en el Cauca medio colombiano entre el Pleistoceno final y el Holoceno medio
Protohistoire de l'oasis d'al-Aïn, travaux de la mission archéologique française à Abou Dhabi (Emirats arabes unis) : les sépultures de l'âge du Bronze
The Poseidonian Chora : archaic Greeks in the Italic hinterland
Social and religious organization in Bronze Age Denmark : an analysis of ritual hoard finds
El Geili : the history of a Middle Nile environment 7000 B.C.-A.D. 1500
Recherches sur les instruments aratoires et le travail du sol en Gaule Belgique
El ritual funerario en la prehistoria reciente en el sur de la Península Ibérica
La memoria de Roma : oralidad, escritura e historia en la república romana
Calendars in Mesoamerica and Peru : native American computations of time : proceedings, International Congress of Americanists, Manchester 1982
Recycling ideas : Bronze Age metal production in southern Norway
Warfare in the Late Bronze Age of North Europe
Die Befunde der Insula 39 in der Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten)
The prehistoric buildings of Chalcolithic Cyprus : the Lemba Experimental Village
Pottery production, settlement patterns and development of social complexity in the Yuanqu Basin, north-central China
Cultos marítimos y religiosidad de navegantes en el mundo griego antiguo
The Beginnings of agriculture
Untersuchungen zu den Edelmetallfunden der römischen Kaiserzeit zwischen Limes, Nord- und Ostsee
Géoarchéologie de la transition Pléistocène-Holocène dans le nord-est pampéen (Buenos Aires, Argentine) : révision historique, stratigraphique et taphonomique. Perspectives pour le peuplement pré-LGM
Proceedings of the eighth annual conference of the British Association for biological anthropology and osteoarchaeology
Space and time : which diachronies, which synchronies, which scales? ; Typology vs. technology
De la Puna a las Sierras : avances y perspectivas en zooarqueología andina
La Néolithisation de l'ouest de la France : caractérisation des industries lithiques
The origins of artificial cranial formation in Eurasia from the sixth millennium B.C. to the seventh century A.D.
The ecology and evolution of Hominin geographic ranges : setting a context for archaeological interpretation using comparative analysis
Landscape in mind : dialogue on space between anthropology and archaeology
La faune du site néolithique de Sion-Avenue Ritz (Valais, Suisse) : histoire d'un élevage villageois il y a 5000 ans
El poblamiento de montaña en el sector central de la cordillera Cantábrica (España) : fuentes, escritas y arqueológicas : el ejemplo de la comarca de la Braña (Palencia)
The same under a different sky? : a country estate in nineteenth-century New South Wales
Roman military brick stamps : a comparison of methodology
Trade and travel in the Red Sea Region : proceedings of Red Sea project I held in the British Museum, October 2002
Seals of unknown provenience
Étude archéozoologique des grands mammifères du gisement Paléolithique moyen d'Érd (Hongrie)
Ethnoarchäologische Studien zum Neolithikum Südwesteuropas
The Zeebrugge shipwreck : a forgotten early sixteenth-century merchantman discovered off the Belgian coast
Household ceramics at Port Royal, Jamaica, 1655-1692
The conservation of archaeological materials : current trends and future directions
La "Chronique X" : reconstitution et analyse d'une source perdue fondamentale sur la civilisation Aztèque, d'après l'Historia de las Indias de Nueva España de D. Durán (1581) et la Crónica Mexicana de F.A. Tezozomoc (ca. 1598)
Plants and people in late Neolithic and early Bronze Age Northern Greece : an archaeobotanical investigation
Limatambo : archaeology, history and the regional societies of Inca Cusco
Urbanism and settlement in the Roman province of Moesia Superior
Lithic production strategies at the early pleistocene site of Bizat Ruhama, Israel
Excavating waves and winds of (ex)change : a study of maritime trade in early Bengal
The nature of Wari : a reappraisal of the Middle Horizon period in Peru
Mountain environments in prehistoric Europe : settlement and mobility strategies from the Palaeolithic to the early Bronze Age
War and Castros : new approaches to the northwestern Portuguese Iron Age
Time and calendars in the Inca Empire
Spanish medieval ceramics in Spain and the British Isles = Cerámica medieval española en España y las Islas Británicas
On the margins of sustainability : prehistoric settlement of Utrōk Atoll, Northern Marshall Islands
Lucernas romanas en el extremo nordeste de la Península Ibérica
Approche archéozoologique des modes d'acquisition, de transformation et de consommation des ressources animales dans le contexte urbain gallo-romain de Lutèce (Paris, France)
The Middle Palaeolithic leaf points of Europe : ecology, knowledge and scale
The evolution of long distance trading relationships across the LBA : Iron age transition on the northern Levantine coast : crisis, continuity and change : a study based on imported ceramics, bronze and its constituent metals
Fluvial dynamics and cultural landscape evolution in the Rio Grande de Nazca drainage basin, Southern Peru
Espacios de producción y uso de los útiles de piedra tallada del Neolítico : el poblado de "Los Castillejos de Las Peñas de Los Gitanos" (Granada, España)
Das ägyptische Investiturritual
Boksee 1 A (Schleswig-Holstein) : ein mesolithischer Fundplatz an der Wende Boreal/Atlantikum
The historical archaeology of pottery supply and demand in the Lower Rhineland, AD 1400-1800 : an archaeological study of ceramic production, distribution and use in the city of Duisburg and its hinterland
The seigneurial residence in Western Europe, AD c800-1600
The role of the chantress (šmʹyt) in ancient Egypt
The management of estates and their resources in the Egyptian Old Kingdom
Counterpoint : essays in archaeology and heritage studies in honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen
Maya ceramic technology and ceramic socio-economy : a multifaceted analysis of late postclassic ceramic production and distribution in northern Yucatán, Mexico
Tipologia sepolcrale delle catacombe romane : i cimiteri ipogei delle vie Ostiense, Ardeatina e Appia
Lao Pako : a late prehistoric site on the Nâm Ngum River in Laos
Los primeros grupos neolíticos de la cuenca extremeña del Tajo
Archaeolgical aspects of woodland ecology
Upper Palaeolithic faunas from south-west France : a zoogeographic perspective
The origins of hereditary social stratification : a study focusing on early prehistoric Europe and modern ethnographic accounts
The illusion of riches : scale, resolution and explanation in tasmanian pleistocene human behaviour
Ship iconography in mosaics : an aid to understanding ancient ships and their construction
Bread for the people : the archaeology of mills and milling : proceedings of a colloquium held in the British School at Rome 4th - 7th November 2009
Metodi e approcci archeologici : l'industria e il commercio nell'Italia antica = Archaeological methods and approaches : industry and commerce in ancient Italy
Lewan and the Bannu Basin : excavation and survey of sites and environments in North West Pakistan
Connected Hinterlands : proceedings of Red Sea project IV held at the Universtiy of Southampton, September 2008
A permeability of boundaries? : new approaches to the archaeology of art, religion, and folklore
Arqueología de los paisajes forestales del norte de Mendoza, centro-oeste Argentina (siglos VIII-XIX) : (siglos VIII-XIX)
The Neolithic pottery of Ulucak in Aegean Turkey : organization of production, interregional comparisons and relative chronology
The archaeological excavation of the 10th century : Intan shipwreck
The foreign relations of the "Hyksos" : a neutron activation study of Middle Bronze Age pottery from the Eastern Mediterranean
Evolving Egypt : innovation, appropriation, and reinterpretation in ancient Egypt
Bronze age warfare : manufacture and use of weaponry
En quête de la lumière : In quest of light : mélanges in honorem Ashraf A. Sadek
Les salines préhispaniques du bassin de Sayula (occident du Mexique) : milieu et techniques
Breaking the mould : challenging the past through pottery
From funeral monuments to household pottery : current advances in funnel beaker culture (TRB/TBK) research ; proceedings of the Borger Meetings 2009, The Netherlands
Medical care for the Roman army on the Rhine, Danube and British frontiers in the first, second and early third centuries AD
Archaeometry 98 : proceedings of the 31st symposium, Budapest, April 26 - May 3 1998
Economie animale et gestion des troupeaux au Néolithique final en Provence : approche archéozoologique et contribution des analyses isotopiques de l'émail dentaire
Stone Age sites in the making : experiments in the formation and transformation of archaeological occurrences
Archaeological investigations at Yaxuná, 1986-1996 : results of the Selz Foundation Yaxuna Project
La configuración urbana de la Hispania tardoantigua : transformaciones y pervivencias de los espacios públicos romanos (s. III-VI d. C.)
Sociedad y mundo funerario en el III y II milenio a.C. en la región del Jarama
Turquoise in ancient Egypt : concept and role
Hadrianopolis IV : early Byzantine mosaics and frescoes from northwestern central Turkey
The role of chemical markers and chemometrics in the identification of grasses used as food in pre-agrarian South West Asia
Intellectual and Spiritual Expression of Non-literate Societies
Astronomy and power : how worlds are structured : proceedings of the SEAC 2010 conference
L'archéologie et l'éducation : de l'école primaire à l'université = Archaeology and education : from primary school to university
Navigated spaces, connected places : proceedings of Red Sea Project V : held at the University of Exeter, 16-19 September 2010
Analysis of the early Bronze Age graves in Tell Biʻa (Syria)
Rock art in the Americas : mythology, cosmogony and rituals : Proceedings of the 2nd REEA Conference, Ritual Americas: configurations and recombining of the ritual devices and behaviors in the New World, in historical and contemporary societies, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), April 2-5, 2008
The archaeology of public policy in late Roman Greece
Archaeological investigations in central Colombia
Arqueozoología y romanización : producción, distribución y consumo de animales en el nordeste de la Península Ibérica entre los siglos V ane-V dne
The Urnfield Culture in continental Croatia
Occupation and abandonment of Middle Bronze Age Zahrat adh-Dhra' 1, Jordan : the behavioural implications of quantitative ceramic analyses
Il Mediterraneo Occidentale fra XIV ed VIII secolo a.C. : cerchie minerarie e metallurgiche = The West Mediterranean between the 14th and 8th centuries B.C. : mining and metallurgical spheres
Comunidades Neolíticas del Noreste de la Península Ibérica : una aproximación socio-económica a partir del estudio de la función de los útiles líticos
Classical Phoenician scarabs : a catalogue and study
The suburban villas of Campania and their social function
Technologie du débitage à Mureybet, Syrie : 9e-8e millénaire
Dynamics of settlement patterns in the Shekhawati region of Rajasthan : prehistoric to early historic periods with special reference to ancient mining and metal processing activities
Moche burial patterns : an investigation into prehispanic social structure
Arqueología de La Boca del Riachuelo puerto urbano de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Records of traditional watercraft from south and west Sri Lanka
Intra-site obsidian distribution and consumption patterns in Northern Belize and the North-Eastern Peten
Ecología de cazadores-recolectores del sector central de las Sierras de Córdoba (Rep. Argentina)
Le Capsien typique et le Capsien supérieur : évolution ou contemporanéité : les données technologiques
The Roman Empire and beyond : archaeological and historical research on the Romans and native cultures in Central Europe
Symbolic notation of Teotihuacan : elements of writing in a Mesoamerican culture of the classic period
Interchange in pre- and protohistory : case studies in Iberia, Romania, Turkey and Israel
Dogs through time : an archaeological perspective : proceedings of the 1st ICAZ Symposium on the History of the Domestic Dog : Eighth Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ98), August 23-29, 1998, Victoria, B.C., Canada
Archaeological investigations in the Yap Islands, Micronesia : first millennium B.C. to the present day
Human skeletal remains from the medieval site of Sanjan : osteobiographic analysis
Cylinder seal glyptic in predynastic Egypt and neighboring regions
Chipped stone tool use in the Maya coastal economies of Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize
Sex, metaphor, and ideology in moche pottery of ancient Peru
The topography and the landscape of Roman Dacia.
Archaeology and anthropology of salt : a diachronic approach : proceedings of the international colloquium, 1-5 October 2008, Al. I. Cuza University (Iași, Romani)
Using stone tools : the evidence from Aksum, Ethiopia
Behinderungen und Beeinträchtigungen = disability and impairment in antiquity
Shahr-i Zohak and the history of the Bamiyan Valley, Afghanistan
Roman lamps of Scallabis (Santarém, Portugal)
An analysis of classic lowland Maya burials
Cerámica prehispánica norperuana : estudio de la cerámica chimú de la colección del Museo de América de Madrid
Traceology today : methodological issues in the Old World and the Americas
'The missing period' : Middle Bronze Age lake-dwellings in the Alps
Römische Villen in Nordafrika : Untersuchungen zu Architektur und Wirtschaftsweise
Dawn of discovery : the early British travellers to Crete : Richard Pocoke, Robert Pashley and Thomas Spratt, and their contributions to the island's Bronze Age archaeological heritage
L'immagine del potere nell'egitto tolemaico : revisione critica dell'iconografia di Cleopatra VII Philopator
War and rumours of war : the evidential base for the recognition of warfare in prehistory
Lithic analysis of Acheulean assemblages from the Avivim sites, Israel
Trade and market in New Kingdom Egypt : internal socio-economic processes and transformations
Spheroids and battered stones in the African early and middle Stone Age
L'area aurunca nel quadro dell'Italia centromeridionale : testimonianze archeologiche di età arcaica
Φιλική συναυλία : studies in Mediterranean archaeology for Mario Benzi
Symbolism in the representation of royal children during the New Kingdom
The use of clay in the Upper Palaeolithic of Europe : symbolic applications of a material
Caesarea reports and studies : excavations 1995-2007 within the old city and the ancient harbor
Aegyptiaca et Coptica : studi in onore di Sergio Pernigotti
Aspects of the relationship between the Central and Gallic empires in the mid to late third century AD with special reference to coinage studies
Vici in Roman Gaul
The archaeology of pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela : a landscape perspective
Sir Aurel Stein's Limes report : the full text of M.A. Stein's unpublished Limes report (his aerial and ground reconnaissances in Iraq and Transjordan in 1938-39) edited and with a commentary and bibliography
Pompeii, latrines and down pipes : a general discussion and photographic record of toilet facilities in Pompeii
Spanish medieval ceramics in Spain and the British Isles = Cerámica medieval española en España y en las Islas Británicas
The UCL Lahun Papyri : accounts
Roman Delphi and its Pythian Games
Patterns and process in late Roman Republican coin hoards, 157-2 BC
Ventidue secoli a parma : lo scavo sotto la sede centrale della Cassa di Risparmio in piazza Garibaldi
The later Stone Age of southernmost Africa
Local and imported ceramics in the Roman province of Scythia (4th-6th centuries AD) : aspects of economic life in the province of Scythia
Solutrean points of the Iberian Peninsula : tool making and using behaviour of hunter-gatherers during the Last Glacial Maximum
Iran : Iron Age I
Quatre cimetières mérovingiens de l'Est de la France : Lavoye, Dieue-sur-Meuse, Mézières-Manchester et Mazerny : étude quantitative et qualitative des pratiques funéraires
Territories, boundaries and cultures in the Neolithic Near East
Islam, archaeology and history : Gao region (Mali) ca. AD 900-1250
Estrategias y formas de uso del espacio en poblaciones cazadoras recolectoras de la Puna meridional argentina
'Out of Africa' : an investigation into the earliest occupation of the Old World
Animals and Otherness in the Middle Ages : Perspectives Across Disciplines
In dialogue : tradition and interaction in the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition
The role of the traditional Mediterranean diet in the development of Minoan Crete : archaeological, nutritional and biochemical evidence
El hábitat mesolítico en el Cantábrico occidental : transformaciones ambientales y medio físico durante el Holoceno antiguo
Ritual scenes on the two coffins of P3-dj-imn in Cairo Museum
Social organisation and settlement : contributions from anthropology, archaeology and geography
The history of medicine in Jerusalem
Civita di Tarquinia : indagini speleologiche, catalogazione e studio delle cavità artificiali rinvenute presso il Pian di Civita e il Pian della Regina
Learning technology : cultural inheritance and Neolithic pottery production in the Alcoi Basin, Alicante, Spain
Zeus in early Geek mythology and religion : from prehistoric times to the early archaic period
La escuela de pintura de Sición y su fortuna crítica
Socio-economic aspects of late Roman mosaic pavements in Phoenicia and Northern Palestine
The large Egyptian pyramids : modelling a complex engineering project
The prehistory of the Upper Churchill River Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada
Children, childhood and society
Aurignacian clay hearths from Klissoura cave 1 : an experimental approach
The pottery figurines of pre-Columbian Peru
Ancient Egypt and antique Europe : two parts of the Mediterranean world : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Seventh Annual Meeting in Esslingen 2001
Fenicios en Tartesos : nuevas perspectivas
L'art paléolithique de la grotte de Nerja (Malaga, Espagne)
Ancient synagogues in Israel : third-seventh century C.E. : proceedings of symposium, University of Hafia [i.e. Haifa], May 1987
The significance of trees : an archaeological perspective
The organization of lithic technology in late glacial and early postglacial Europe
Cerámica tardorromana de cocina de las Islas Baleares : estudio arqueométrico
Shellfish in prehistoric diet : Elands Bay, S.W. Cape Coast, South Africa
Limes XVIII : proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, held in Amman, Jordan (September 2000) : a conference held under the auspices of the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Council for British Research in the Levant and the Department of Archaeology at the University of Liverpool
The north coast prehistory project excavations in Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia : the artifacts
La Prehistoria Reciente del entorno de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, España) : catálogo de sitios del VI al II milenio cal. BC, análisis tecno-tipológico de las industrias líticas y cerámicas, y organización funcional del poblamiento
The lake of knives and the lake of fire : studies in the topography of passage in ancient Egyptian religious literature
Baluchistan : terra incognita : a new methodological approach combining archaeological, historical, anthropological and architectural studies
Archaeological field survey of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement sites in Kyrenia District, North Cyprus : systematic surafce collection and the interpretation of artefact scatters
Man-made soils
Current research in Chinese Pleistocene archaeology
The history of archaeological research in the Melfese : a bibliography from the sites of Lavello, Melfi and Ripacandida
From space to place : 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology : proceedings of the 2nd international workshop, CNR, Rome, Italy, December 4-7, 2006
Settlement and social trends in the Argolid and the Methana Peninsula, 1200-900 BC
Technology and methodology for archaeological practice : practical applications for the past reconstruction = Technologie et méthodologie pour la pratique en archéologie : applications pratiques pour la reconstruction du passé
Kurgan studies : an environmental and archaeological multiproxy study of burial mounds in the Eurasian steppe zone
Il Trou de Touilles in Val di Susa, Piemonte, Italia : indagini archeologiche in un acquedotto Alpino del XVI Sec.
Pots, people, and politics : a reconsideration of the role of ceramics in reconstructions of the Iron Age Northern Levant
Prospection archéologique de la vallée laotienne du fleuve Mékong
A typology of seventeenth-century Dutch ceramics : and its implications for American historical archaeology
Metals in antiquity
Religious motifs and Meroitic painted and stamped pottery
The Neolithic settlement at Rast : (south-west Oltenia, Romania)
Paleoethnobotany on the Northern Plains : the Tuscany Archaeological Site (EgPn-377), Calgary
Lake Mareotis : reconstructing the past : proceedings of the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Mareotic Region held at Alexandria University, Egypt, 5th-6th April 2008
Archäologie, Naturwissenschaften, Umwelt : Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Römische Archäologie" auf dem 3. Deutschen Archäologenkongreß in Heidelberg 25.5.-30.5.1999
Mortuary practices and ritual associations : shamanic elements in prehistoric funerary contexts in South America
Distinctive beads in ancient India
Les stratégies de production des outils au paléolithique moyen : contribution à la compréhension du comportement des Néandertaliens
Les pétroglyphes des Petites Antilles méridionales : contextes physique et culturel
Socio-political strategies among the Maya from the Classic Period to the present
Upper Paleolithic land use in the Périgord : a topographic approach to subsistence and settlement
Coins and archaeology : MARG, Medieval Archaeology Research Group : proceedings of the first meeting at Isegran, Norway, 1988
Charcoal analysis : new analytical tools and methods for archaeology : papers from the table-ronde held in Basel 2004
Prehistoric intensive agriculture in the tropics
Recent discoveries and perspectives in human evolution : papers arising from 'Exploring human origins: exciting discoveries at the start of the 21st century' Manchester 2013
Image and ritual in the Aztec world : selected papers of the 'Ritual Americas' conferences
Prehistoric circular earthworks of Cambodia
Wars and conflicts in prehispanic Mesoamerica and the Andes : selected proceedings of the conference organized by the Société des Américanistes de Belgique with the collaboration of Wayleb (European Association of Mayanists) : Brussels, 16-17 November 2002
Hellenistic and Roman relief pottery in Liburnia : North-East Adriatic, Croatia
Organic residue analysis and the first uses of pottery in the ancient Middle East
Cities on hills : classic society in Mesoamerica's Mixteca Alta
Tell Rijim, Iraq : the Middle Bronze Age layers
Die Siegelabrollungen und Rollsiegel der Stadt Elephantine im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. : Spurensicherung eines archäologischen Artefaktes
Agricultura y comercio púnico-turdetano en el Bajo Guadalquivir : el inicio de las explotaciones oleícolas peninsulares (siglos IV-II a.C.)
Ballgames and ballcourts in prehispanic Mesoamerica : a bibliography
Por una arqueología agraria : perspecivas de investigación sobre espacios de cultivo en las sociedades medievales hispánicas
Dress and identity
Archeologia dell'insediamento protostorico di Mursia (Pantelleria, Italia) : studio dei reperti di fauna marina
Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age hydrostrategies
Prés du bord d'un abri : les histories, théories et méthodes de recherches sur les abris sous roche = On shelter's ledge : histories, theories and methods of rockshelter research
Population and economy of the eastern part of the Roman province of Dalmatia
Tumuli graves - status symbol of the dead in the Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe = Les tombes tumulaires - symboles du statut des défunts dans les âges du Bronze et du Fer en Europe
Contemporary and historical archaeology in theory : papers from the 2003 and 2004 CHAT conferences
The representation of monkeys in the art and thought of Mediterranean cultures : a new perspective on ancient primates
The emergence of social and political complexity in the Shashi-Limpopo Valley of Southern Africa, AD 900 to 1300 : ethnicity, class, and polity
The pottery from Petra : a neutron activation analysis study
Il Martyrion di Hierapolis di Frigia (Turchia) : analisi archeologica e architettonica
Metalworking technology and deterioration of Jin bronzes from the Tianma-Qucun site, Shanxi, China
Museums, archaeologists and indigenous people : archaeology and the public in Nigeria
The paleoecology of lower Magdalenian Cantabrian Spain
L'art pariétal de la grotte du Roc Saint-Cirq
Römische Bronzebalsamarien mit Reliefdekor
Patterns and corporeality : neolithic visual culture from the Republic of Macedonia
Estudios recientes de arqueología gaditana : actas de las Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores Prehistoria & Arqueología (Cádiz, abril 2008)
A bioarchaeological approach to prehistoric cemetery populations from Central and Western Greek Macedonia
From Stone Age to Iron Age : a study from Sogn, western Norway
Current research on the Romanization of the western provinces
A connecting sea : maritime interaction in Adriatic prehistory
People and wildlife in Northern North America : essays in honor of R. Dale Guthrie
Urban continuity in the Andes : a pre-historical planning tradition
Of things gone but not forgotten : essays in archaeology for Joan Taylor
Tough times : the archaeology of crisis and recovery ; proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford conferences in 2010 and 2011
Kontinuitätsfragen Mittlere Kaiserzeit - Spätantike, Spätantike - Frühmittelalter : Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Römische Archäologie" auf der Jahrestagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung in Trier 05. - 10. 06. 2001
The representation of Islam in British museums
Mollusk shells in Troia, Yenibademli, and Ulucak : an archaeomalacological approach to the environment and economy of the Aegean
Archaeological and historical background and the excavations at Jenne-jeno
Variación esqueletal humana y contexto arqueológico : evaluación de marcadores de edad y sexo en colecciones osteológicas del Noroeste Argentino
The Middle Palaeolithic geography of Southern France : resources and site location
Le pietre del re : archeologia, trattatistica e tipologia delle fortificazioni campali moderne fra Piemonte, Savoia e Delfinato
La Sociedad de los Campos de Urnas en el nordeste de la Peninsula Iberica : la necropolis de El Calvari (el Molar, Priorat, Tarragona)
Le Paléolithique de la vallée moyenne de l'Oronte (Syrie) : peuplement et environnement
The role of foreigners in Ancient Egypt : a study of non-stereotypical artistic representations
Il Mesolitico in Emilia e il complesso culturale castelnoviano : dinamiche insediative e sistemi tecnici litici
The Akko marina archaeological project
Europe, Hellas and Egypt : complementary antipodes during late antiquity : papers from session IV. 3, held at the European Association of Archaeologists Eighth Annual Meeting in Thessaloniki 2002
The dislocation of the Roman Army in Raetia
The sea in antiquity
Rock art as social representation : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fourth Annual Meeting in Göteborg 1998
Australia's eastern regional sequence revisited : technology and change at Capertee 3
The burial of the urban poor in Italy in the late Roman Republic and early Empire
Ritual practice between the late bronze age and protogeometric periods of Greece
The prehistoric multicultural settlement of Hajná Nová Ves (Slovakia) : cultural-historical, settlement-archaeological and archaeo-environmental contexts in western Carpathia at the end of the early prehistoric and in the late prehistoric periods
La Edad del Hierro en el Sistema Ibérico Central, España
Hellenistic gold Eros jewellery : technique, style and chronology
Natalità, mortalità e demografia dell'Italia medievale sulla base dei dati archeologici
Life and death in the Korean Bronze Age (c. 1500-400 BC) : an analysis of settlements and monuments in the mid-Korean peninsula
Imaging applied to animal mummification in ancient Egypt
Les industries lithiques taillées des IVe et IIIe millénaires en Europe occidentale : colloque international, Toulouse 7-9 avril 2005
El Inkario en los valles del Sur Andino Boliviano : los yamparas entre la arqueología y etnohistoria
Archaeological survey in the Lower Liri Valley, Central Italy
Typologie des armatures lithiques gravettiennes de la grotte d'Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France)
Lithic raw material economies in late glacial and early postglacial Europe
Les instruments aratoires des Gaules et de Germanie superieure : catalogue des pièces métalliques
Estudio historiográfico de las investigaciones dobre cerámica arqueológica en el noroeste Argentino
Architettura militare di fine Ottocento : la difesa costiera e l'impiego delle batterie dello Stretto di Messina
Los paisajes culturales de la ciudad de Toledo : los cigarrales : dehesas, espacios irrigados, torres, cigarrales y trincheras
A step to a global world : historical archaeology in Panamá : German researches on the first Spanish city on the Pacific Ocean
Slavery from known to unknown : a comparative study of slavery in ancient Greek poleis and ancient Sri Lanka
Embodying value? : the transformation of objects in and from the ancient world
Evolution de l'économie alimentaire et des pratiques d'élevage de l'Antiquité au haut Moyen Age en Gaul du nord : une étude régionale sur la zone limoneuse de la moyenne Belgique et du sud des Pays-Bas
Complex hunter-gatherers : a late holocene example from temperate Australia
On the structure and terminology of the Gaulish calendar
Determining the antiquity of dog origins : canine domestication as a model for the consilience between molecular genetics and archaeology
Il caso studio delle necropoli longobarde in area danubiana : un contributo archeologico alla questione storica dell' etnogenesi
The collapse of palatial society in LBA Greece and the postpalatial period
Paléolithique inférieur du bassin Côtier de Tarfaya (SW du Maroc) : analyse techno-typologique
Mesolithic adaptations on the Lower Danube : Vlasac and the Iron Gates Gorge
The Bosporus : gateway between the ancient west and east (1st millennium BC-5th century AD) : proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Istanbul, 14th-18th September 2009
The gendered landscape : a discussion on gender, status and power in the Norwegian Viking Age landscape
The role of the chantress (šmʹyt) in ancient Egypt
The Aegean Sea peoples and religious architecture in the Eastern Mediterranean at the close of the Late Bronze Age
Late Republican-Early Imperial regional Italian landscapes and demography
Ethnoarchaeology and hunter-gatherers : pictures at an exhibition
Iron age pottery production in the Hunsrück-Eifel-Kultur of Germany : a world-system perspective
Les débuts du Paléolithique supérieur dans l'Est des Balkans : réflexion à partir de l'étude taphonomique et techno-économique des ensembles lithiques des sites de Bacho Kiro (couche 11), Temnata (couches VI et 4) et Kozarnika (niveau VII)
The Roman villas of Buccino : Wesleyan University excavation in Buccino, Italy 1969-1972
Caractérisation et gestion du silex des sites mésolithiques et néolithiques du Nord-Ouest de l'arc alpin : une approche pétrographique at [i.e. et] géochimique
Hispania en el siglo II d.C. : circulación y perduración de la moneda
Archaeology of the Mimbres region, Southwestern New Mexico, U.S.A.
Complexity and diversity in the late Iron Age Southern Levant : the investigations of 'Edomite' archaeology and scholarly discourse
Le site de Loma Alta, Lac de Zacapu, Michoacan, Mexique
Classification and interpretation of marine shell artifacts from Western Mexico
Economy and technology in the late Stone Age of southern Natal
Política y religión en Atenas arcaica : la reorganización de la polis en época de Solón, una revisión de la documentación arqueológica, literaria y religiosa
Defining moments : dramatic archaeologies of the twentieth-century
Dance, dancers and the performance cohort in the Old Kingdom
El yacimiento y el santuario de Torreparedones : un lugar arqueológico preferente en la campiña de Córdoba
Die Keramik von Xkipché
Numismatic and archaeological collecting in northern Sicily during the first half of the nineteenth century
Une histoire des premières communautés mésolithiques au Portugal
The coin evidence as a source for the history of Classe (Ravenna) : excavations of the harbour area (2001-2005) and the Basilica of San Severo (2006-2010)
A comparison of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene burials of North Africa and Western Europe : grim investigations: reaping the dead
Catalogue of Palaeolithic artefacts from Egypt in the Pitt Rivers Museum
The rock paintings of Arnhem Land, Australia : social, ecological and material culture change in the Post-Glacial period
Recent developments in environmental analysis in old and new world archaeology
Funerary ritual and symbolism : an interdisciplinary interpretation of burial practices in Late Iron Age Finland
Diseños geométricos en los mosaicos de Écija (Sevilla)
Games and festivals in classical antiquity : proceedings of the conference held in Edinburgh 10-12 July 2000
Between river and barrow : a reappraisal of Bronze Age metalwork found in the province of East-Flanders (Belgium)
Integrating archaeology and ethnohistory : the development of exchange between Yap and Ulithi, Western Caroline Islands
The significance of choice in Late Dorset : the technology of domestic architecture in the Eastern North American Arctic c.1500 B.P.-500 B.P.
Civitella d'Arna (Perugia, Italia) e il suo territorio : carta archeologica
Culture contact in Southern Mediterranean France : 7th to 2nd centuries BC
Nouveau regard sur Choqek'iraw (Choque Quirao) : un site Inca au coeur de la cordillere de Vilcabamba au Perou
The Imagination of matter : religion and ecology in Mesoamerican traditions
Birds of a feather : osteological and archaeological papers from the South Pacific in honour of R.J. Scarlett
Semiotics of landscape : archaeology of mind
Les sépultures de catastrophe : approche anthropologique des sites d'inhumations en relation avec des épidémies, de peste, des massacres de population et des charniers militaires
Sasanian and Islamic pottery from Ras al-Khaimah : classification, chronology, and analysis of trade in the Western Indian Ocean
Early medieval agriculture, livestock and cereal production in Ireland, AD 400-1100
Chinese porcelain marks from coastal sites in Kenya : aspects of trade in the Indian Ocean, XIV-XIX centuries
Seals of known provenance
Late Bronze and Iron Age chalices in Canaan and ancient Israel
Ceramic studies : papers on the social and cultural significance of ceramics in Europe and Eurasia from prehistoric to historic times
Recent studies in Pre-Columbian archaeology
Landscape, material culture and society in prehistoric south east Bulgaria
Ein Töpferort in Nordwest-Marokko aus ethnoarchäologischer Perspektive
Hillat el-Arab : the joint Sudanese-Italian expedition in the Napatan region, Sudan
Section 11, L'âge du bronze en Europe et en Méditerranée : sessions générales et posters = The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean : general sessions and posters
El mundo en movimiento : circulación de bienes, recursos e ideas en el valle Calchaquí, Salta (Noroeste Argentina) : una visión desde La Paya
Roma Nova : la refundación de la República en los siglos IV y III AC
The rock art of Ometepe Island, Nicaragua : motif classification, quantification and regional comparisons
Animals and people : archaeozoological papers in honour of Ina Plug
Die Gesichtskrüge : der römischen Nordwestprovinzen
Sexually ambiguous imagery in Cyprus from the Neolithic to the Cypro-Archaic period
Las tumbas reales egipcias del Tercer Período Intermedio, dinastías XXI-XXV : tradición y cambios
Okinawa : the rise of an island kingdom : archaeological and cultural perspectives
Terra and silva in the Pannonian Plain : Opovo agro-gathering in the late Neolithic
Crânes trophées, crânes d'ancêtres et autres pratiques autour de la tête: problèmes d'interprétation en archéologie : actes de la table ronde pluridisciplinaire, musée national de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac (Dordogne, France), 14-16 octobre 2010
Vida y muerte en el asentamiento del Neolítico Antiguo de El Prada (Pancorbo, Burgos) : construyendo el Neolítico en la Península Ibérica = Life and death in the early Neolithic settlement of El Prado (Pancorbo, Burgos) : constructing the Neolithic in Iberia
Airaq al-Amir : the architecture of the Tobiads
Social, economic and symbolic perspectives at the dawn of metal production
A new interpretation of the cone on the head in New Kingdom Egyptian tomb scenes
Cavidades en Extremadura (España) : patrimonio natural y arqueológico
Late Magdalenian chronology and faunal exploitation in the north-western Ardennes
Deconstructing the Celts : a skeptic's guide to the archaeology of the Auvergne
Nabataean clay lamps : an analytical study of art and myths
Charcoals from the past : cultural and palaeoenvironmental implications : proceedings of the third international meeting of anthracology, Cavallino, Lecce (Italy), June 28th - July 1st 2004
The early Roman cities of Lusitania
L'etá del bronzo media e recente in Liguria (Italia nord occidentale) : percorsi tecnologici e culturali
Tripolye culture during the beginning of the middle period (BI) : the relative chronology and local grouping of sites
The LMIII cemetery at Tourloti, Siteia : the 'Xanthoudidis Master' and the octopus style in east Crete
Études palynologique et paléoenvironnementale de sondages holocènes dans les Gunung Sewu (Java, Indonésie) : reconstitution de l'environnement, impacts climatiques et anthropiques : mise en évidence de la néolithisation
A composite view to the past : a methodological integration of zooarchaeology and archaeological geophysics at the Magdalenian site of Verberie le Buisson-Campin
Unearthing prehistory : the archaeology of northeastern Luzon, Philippine Islands
A zooarchaeological study of the Roman north-western provinces
Des les goths aux huns : le nord de la mer noire au Bas -empire et a l'epoque des grandes migrations
Later Pleistocene cultural adaptations in Sudanese Nubia
L'Acheuléen récent évolué de Syrie
La brocca d'oro dalla Tomba Reale III a Nimrud : un caso di studio
La aparición de la tecnología cerámica en la región cantábrica
Coastal hinterlands : site patterns, microregions and coast-inland interconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c. 600-300 BC
'Uyuni préhispanique' : archéologie de la Cordillère Intersalar (Sud-Ouest Bolivien)
Case studies in archaeology and world religion : the proceedings of the Cambridge Conference
Son Fornés, la Fase Talayótica : ensayo de reconstrucción socio-económica de una comunidad prehistórica de la isla de Mallorca
The distribution of bronze drums in early Southeast Asia : trade routes and cultural spheres
Archeologia del rifugio antiaereo : utilizzo di opere ipogee antiche e moderne per la protezione dei civili : atti III Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia del Sottosuolo : Massa, 5-7 Ottobre 2007
L'exploitation de l'espace et la mobilité des groupes humains au travers des assemblages lithiques à la fin du Pléistocène moyen et au début du Pléistocène supérieur : la moyenne vallée du Rhône entre Drôme et Ardèche, France
Near Eastern helmets of the Iron Age
Archaeology, soil- and life-sciences applied to enclosures and fields : proceedings of the session 'From microprobe to spatial analysis - Enclosed and buried surfaces as key sources in Archaeology and Pedology', European Association of Archaeologists 12th Annual Meeting, Krakow, Poland, 19th to 24th September 2006
Development of social complexity in the Liaoxi area, northeast China
Sumaqa : a Roman and Byzantine Jewish village on Mount Carmel, Israel
Rituales de armas y de victoria : lugares de culto y armamento en el mundo griego
L'Amérique du Sud : des chasseurs-ceuilleurs à l'Empire Inca : actes des journées d'étude d'archéologie précolombienne, Genève, 10-11 octobre 1997
Egyptology in Australia and New Zealand 2009 : proceedings of the Conference held in Melbourne, September 4th-6th
El proceso de urbanización de la Meseta Norte en la protohistoria y la antigüedad : la ciudad celtibérica y romana de Termes (s. VI a.C. -- p.C.)
The Roman temple complex at Horvat Omrit : an interim report
La piraterie en Europe du nord-ouest à l'époque romaine
Karystian cipollino marble : its export from Euboea and distribution
Modern materials : the proceedings of CHAT Oxford, 2009
Khashabian : a late paleolithic industry from Dhofar, Southern Oman
La préhistoire du Yémen : diffusions et diversités locales, à travers l'étude d'industries lithiques du Hadramawt
A K-means approach to the analysis of spatial structure in Upper Paleolithic habitation sites : Le Flageolet I and Pincevent section 36
Moral e imperio : (siglos II-I a.C.) : la tradición romana sobre el estado
Current trends in archaeological heritage preservation : national and international perspectives : proceedings of the international conference, Iaş̦i, Romania, November 6-10, 2013
Les productions céramiques du Québec méridional, c. 1680-1890 : analyses, caractérisation et provenances
Pit and groove work among the Olmec-style monuments of the Gulf Coast lowlands
Roles for men and women in Roman epigraphic culture and beyond : gender, social identity and cultural practice in private Latin inscriptions and the literary record
La cerámica importada de Tell el-Ghaba, norte de Sinai : interacciones locales y regionales durante la época saíta (siglos VII-VI a.C.)
Cavum antrum Phrygiae : the organization and operations of the Roman imperial marble quarries in Phrygia
Town planning and architecture in Provincia Arabia : the cities along the Via Traiana Nova in the 1st-3rd centuries C.E.
Le Gravettien final de l'abri Pataud (Dordogne, France) : fouilles et études 2005-2009
Proceedings of the fifth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
Architettura e potere in una terra di confine : edilizia vescovile nella Diocesi di Luni fra XI e XIV secolo
From Pella to Gandhara : hybridisation and identity in the art and architecture of the Hellenistic East
Étude du matériel de Hulbuk (Mā wārāʾ al-nahr-K̲h̲uttal), de la conquête islamique jusqu'au milieu du XIe siècle (90/712-441/1050) : contribution à l'étude de la céramique islamique d'Asie centrale
Recent developments in the history and archaeology of central Greece : proceedings of the 6th International Boeotian Conference
Canoes of the Grand Ocean
Patterns of imports in Iron Age Italy
GIS simulation of the earliest hominid colonisation of Eurasia
Los altares de las iglesias hispanas tardoantiguas y altomedievales : estudio arqueológico
From Ichcanzihoo to Mérida : documenting cultural transition through contact archaeology in Tíhoo, Mérida, Yucatán
Dress and cultural identity in the Rhine-Moselle Region of the Roman Empire
The dispersal of the Neolithic over the Arabian Peninsula
The finds and the ship
Incisioni rupestri nell'Alto Lario
Patrimonio cultural Mexicano : modelos explicativos
Paleolithic landscapes of Iran
The Ubaid period in Iraq : recent excavations in the Hamrin region
Social aspects of ancient Egyptian domestic architecture
La eboraria andalusí del califato omeya a la Granada nazarí
Excavations in Akhmīm, Egypt : continuity and change in city life from late antiquity to the present : First report
La II Edad del Hierro en Segovia (España) : estudio arqueológico del territorio y la cultura material de los pueblos preromanos
Prehistoria de la navegación : origen y desarrollo de la arquitectura naval primigenia
Spondylus in prehistory : new data and approaches : contributions to the archaeology of shell technologies
Nómadas en la encrucijada : sociedad, ideología y poder en los márgenes áridos del Levante meridional durante el primer milenio a.C.
The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East : proceedings of a colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986
Wine in ancient Egypt : a cultural and analytical study
An index of ancient Egyptian titles, epithets and phrases of the Old Kingdom
Prehistoric ceramics of Northeastern Thailand : with special reference to Ban Na Di
Elements of being : mentalities, identities and movements
Exchange and cultural interactions : a study of long-distance trade and cross-cultural contacts in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in central and eastern Europe
Obtención de metales en la prehistoria de la Península Ibérica
Archaeology of mound-clusters in West Africa
From tribe to province to state : an historical-ethnographic and archaeological perspective for reinterpreting the settlement processes of the Germanic populations in western Europe between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Explorations of variability in Australian prehistoric rock engravings
The assemblage of bone and ivory artifacts from Caesarea Maritima, Israel 1st-13th centuries CE
Ceramic production and distribution in the Chavín sphere of influence (north-central Andes)
Rendering death : ideological and archaeological narratives from recent prehistory (Iberia), proceedings of the conference held in Abrantes, Portugal, 11 May 2013
Les industries lithiques campaniformes du sud-est de la France
Unit sizes in the late Roman army
Le fortificazioni di Iasos di Caria : rilievi e analisi architettoniche
Le fortificazioni campali dei colli di Finestre e fattieres : archeologia e storia di un sito militare d'età moderna sulle Alpi Occidentali
Conimbriga tardo-antigua y medieval : excavaciones arqueológicas en la domus tancinus (2004-2008) (Condeixa-a-Velha, Portugal)
The chemical analysis of prehistoric bones : a paleodietary and ecoarcheological study of Bronze Age West-Friesland
The complex of Tumuli 9, 10 and 11 in the Necropolis of Apollnia (Albania)
Precious commodities : the socio-economic implications of the distribution of juglets in the eastern Mediterranean during the Middle and Late Bronze Age
On the fringe of society : archaeological and ethnoarchaeological perspectives on pastoral and agricultural societies
A landscape of pilgrimage and trade in Wadi Masila, Yemen : al-Qisha and Qabr Hud in the Islamic period
Frauen und römisches Militär : Beiträge eines runden Tisches in Xanten vom 7. bis 9. Juli 2005
Human sacrifices for cosmic order and regeneration : structure and meaning in Moche iconography, Peru, AD 100-800
Die Bildsteine Gotlands der Völkerwanderungs- und Vendelzeit als Spiegel frühgeschichtlicher Lebenswelten
The archaeology of verbal and nonverbal meaning : Mesopotamian domestic architecture and its textual dimension
The archaeology of complex societies in southeastern Pacific coastal Guatemala : a regional GIS approach
The art of Hellenistic Palestine
Site interaction and political geography in the Upper Usumacinta region during the Late Classic : a GIS approach
Prehistoric Maya community and settlement at Nohmul, Belize
Fishing sites of North and East Africa in the late Pleistocene and Holocene : environmental change and human adaptation
Status of prehistoric studies in the twenty-first century in India = État de l'art d'études préhistoriques au XXIe siècle en Inde
Excavations on the mound 1977-1981 : field I
Objects in motion : the circulation of religion and sacred objects in the late antique and Byzantine world
The archaeology of the West coast of South Africa
Las presas romanas en España
Wooden mosques of the Samsun Region, Turkey : from past to the present : in the light of surveys carried out in the years 2001-2003
Reconstructing the past : studies in Mesoamerican and Central American prehistory
When did antiquity end? : archaeological case studies in three continents : the proceedings of an international seminar held at the University of Trento on April 29-30, 2005 on late antique societies, religion, pottery and trade in Germanica, northern Africa, Greece, and Asia Minor
Crossing the straits : prehistoric obsidian source exploitation in the North Pacific Rim
Chert availability and prehistoric exploitation in the Near East
Persepolis West (Fars, Iran) : report on the field work carried out by the Iranian-Italian joint archaeological mission in 2008-2009
Economic prehistory of the Central Andes
New perspectives on the ancient world : modern perceptions, ancient representations
Romans in the middle and lower Danube Valley, 1st century BC-5th century AD : case studies in archaeology, epigraphy and history
Maritime Tel Michal and Apollonia : results of the underwater survey 1989-1996
Contesti ceramici dai fori Imperiali
Social differentiation in the late Copper Age and early Bronze Age in South Moravia (Czech Republic)
L'area ionico-tarantina nel quadro della diffusione neolitica : problematiche e analisi dei rapporti con le culture coeve dell'Italia sud-orientale e del Vicino Oriente
Les mégaherbivores (éléphantidés et rhinocérotidés) au Paléolithique moyen en Europe du nord-ouest : paléoécologie, taphonomie et aspects palethnographiques
The earlier palaeolithic of Syria : reinvestigating the evidence from the Orontes and Euphrates valleys
La religión del poder : el culto imperial en Atenas en época de Augusto y los emperadores Julio-Claudios
Archaeotecture: second floor : papers from the archaeology of architecture sessions held at the EAA meetings in St Petersburg (2003) and Lyon (2004)
An ethnoarchaeological study of iron-smelting practices among the Pangwa and Fipa in Tanzania
Traditions céramiques, identités et peuplement en Sénégambie : ethnographie comparée et essai de reconstitution historique
Aspects of Roman pottery in Canton Ticino (Switzerland)
Hearts and bones : bone raw material exploitation in Tierra del Fuego
The later Stone Age of the Drakensberg Range and its foothills
Instrumental de hierro de época romana y de la antigüedad tardía en el N.E. de la Península Ibérica
Ecology, settlement and history in the Osmore drainage, Peru
Archaeozoological approaches to medieval Moldavia
La structure de l'habitat du site maya classique de la Joyanca (Petén nord-ouest, Guatemala) dans son environment local
The collecting of origins : collectors and collections of Italian prehistory and the cultural transformation of value : 1550-1999
Socio-economic differentiation in the Neolithic Sudan
The Miwa project : survey, coring and excavation at the Miwa site, Nara, Japan
La isla de Malta en época fenicia y púnica
Khor Abu Anga and Magendohli : Stone Age sites on the Sudanese Nile
Memorie suessane di matidia : suessa : città e territorio dagli Aurunci all' età romana : soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici di Salerno, Avellino, Benevento e Caserta
Modelling hunter-gatherer settlement patterns : an Australian case study
L'homme, le bois et la forêt dans la France du Nord entre le Mésolithique et le haut Moyen-Age
The coinage of the Kingdom of Bosporus, A.D. 69-238
Rhyta e corni potori dall'Età del ferro all'epoca sasanide : libagioni pure e misticismo tra la Grecia e il mondo iranico
Inter-regional ties in Costa Rican prehistory : papers presented at a symposium at Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, April 27, 1983
Lod (Lydda), Israel : from its origins through the Byzantine period, 5600 B.C.E.-640 C.E.
II jornadas predoctorales en estudios de la antigüedad y de la edad media. Κτῆμα ἐς αἰεὶ: el texto como herramienta común para estudiar el pasado : proceedings of the Second Postgraduate Conference in Studies of Antiquity and Middle Ages, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 19-21st November 2014
Bioestratinomía de macromamíferos terrestres de Doñana : inferencias ecológicas en los yacimientos arqueológicos del S.O. de Andalucía
The Anra scarab : an archaeological and historical approach
Environmental aspects of coasts and islands
Group statues of private individuals in the New Kingdom
Keeping your edge : recent approaches to the organisation of stone artefact technology
Acts of discovery : an ethnography of archaeological practice
L'axe rhodano-jurassien dans le problème des relations sud-nord au Néolithique ancien
Iron making during the migration period : the case of the Lombards
Rock art data base : new methods and guidelines in archiving and cataloguing = Base de données en art rupestre : nouvelles méthodes et lignes guide enarchivage et catalogage
L'occupazione costiera protostorica del Lazio centromeridionale
Holocene foragers, fishers and herders of Western Kenya
LBK dialogues : studies in the formation of the Linear Pottery Culture
Manuscript catalogues of the early museum collections, 1683-1886
Bronze and iron age tombs at Tel Gezer, Israel : finds from Raymond-Charles Weill's excavations in 1914 and 1921
Paysages et climats des premiers hominidés en Italie
Kultureller Wandel und die Grabsitte im Frühneolithikum des Mittelmeerraumes
Horses and humans : the evolution of human-equine relationships
Wadi Araba in classical and late antiquity : an historical geography
Untersuchungen zu den urnenfelderzeitlichen Gräbern mit Waffenbeigaben vom Alpenkamm bis zur Südzone des Nordischen Kreises : eine Analyse ihrer Grabinventare und Grabformen
Mexica buried offerings : a historical and contextual analysis
Cronología de la prehistoria reciente de la Península Ibérica y Baleares (c.2800-900 cal ANE)
Glass beads in ancient India : an ethnoarchaeological approach
Investigating upper Mesopotamian households using micro-archaeological techniques
Outside archaeology : material culture and poetic imagination
Expressions esthétiques et comportements techniques au paléolithique = Aesthetic expressions and technical behaviours in the palaeolithic age
The presence of Teotihuacan in the Cuitzeo Basin, Michoacán, Mexico : a world-system perspective
Greek settlements in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea
The scale and nature of the Late Bronze Age economies of Egypt and Cyprus
Marine craft in ancient mosaics of the Levant
Whodunnit? Grave robbery in Anglo-Saxon England and the Merovingian kingdoms
Corpus of inscriptions of the Herakleopolitan period from the Memphite necropolis : translation, commentary and analyses
Eastern desert ware : traces of the inhabitants of the eastern deserts in Egypt and Sudan during the 4th-6th centuries CE
Archaeology and history in southern Nigeria : the ancient linear earthworks of Benin and Ishan
The Mousterian site of Ras el-Kelb, Lebanon
Le rôle de l'environnement dans les comportements des chasseurs-cueilleurs préhistoriques
Constructing identity : the Roman funerary monuments of Aquileia, Mainz and Nîmes
Upper paleolithic burins : type, form and function
Egyptian and Græco-Roman wall plasters and mortars : a comparative scientific study
Archaeological investigations of Iron Age sites in the Mema Region, Mali (West Africa)
Hellenic colonization in Euxeinos Pontos : penetration, early establishment, and the problem of the "emporion" revisited
Animals, gods and men from East to West : papers on archaeology and history in honour of Roberta Venco Ricciardi
Fresh approaches to brick production and use in the Middle Ages : proceedings of the session 'Utilization of brick in the Medieval period - production, construction, destruction', held at the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Meeting, 29 August to 1 September 2012 in Helsinki, Finland
Later Stone Age settlement patterns in the Sandveld of the south-western Cape Province, South Africa
Mesopotamian dimātu of the second millennium BC
Nabataean Aila (Aqaba, Jordan) from a ceramic perspective : local and intra-regional trade in Aqaba ware during the first and second centuries AD : evidence from the Roman Aqaba Project
L'obsidienne au Proche et Moyen Orient : du volcan à l'outil
The materials and technology of glazed ceramics from the Deh Luran plain, southwestern Iran : a study in innovation
Materials of manufacture : the choice of materials in the working of bone and antler in northern and central Europe during the first millennium AD
Archaeological typology
Cappadocia : schede dei siti sotterranei = records of the underground sites
The economic exploitation of the Swiss area in the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods
A study through skull morphology on the diversity of holocene African populations in a historical perspective
Osteometry, and osteological age and sex determination of the Sisimiut reindeer population (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus)
Physical, chemical and biological markers in Argentine archaeology : theory, methods and applicatons
Haithabu-Schleswig-Danewerk : Aspekte einer Forschungsgeschichte mittelalterlicher Anlagen in Schleswig-Holstein
Lampes antiques de Méditerranée : la collection Rivel
Smoke and mist : Mesoamerican studies in memory of Thelma D. Sullivan
Acque sorgive salutari e sacre in Etruria (Italiae Regio VII) : ricerche archeologiche e di topografia antica
Novgorod in the early Middle Ages : the rise and growth of an urban community
Links between megalithism and hypogeism in western Mediterranean Europe
Investigation into dynamics of ancient Egyptian pharmacology : a statistical analysis of papyrus ebers and cross-cultural medical thinking
Ancient Abila : an archaeological history
Native religion under Roman domination : deities, springs, and mountains in the north-west of the Iberian peninsula
Tecnología lítica experimental : introducción a la talla de utillaje prehistórico
Landscapes of gender, age and cosmology : burial perceptions in Viking Age Iceland
Sphragides : die gravierten Fingerringe des Hellenismus
Paleoethnobotanical study of ancient food crops and the environmental context in North-East Africa, 6000 BC-AD 200/300
Pachacamac durant l'intermédiaire récent : étude d'un site monumental préhispanique de la Côte centrale du Pérou
From the ground up : beyond gender theory in archaeology : proceedings of the Fifth Gender and Archaeology Conference, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, October 1998
Wild signs : graffiti in archaeology and history
Aspects méthodologiques
Two treasurers of the late Middle Kingdom
Formal variation in Australian spear and spearthrower technology
Dalla villa al monastero : nuovi dati archeologici da S. Maria di Grottaferrata
The Ahar culture and beyond : settlements and frontiers of "Mesolithic" and early agricultural sites in South-Eastern Rajasthan c. 3rd-2nd Millennia B.C.
Roman period oil lamps in the Holy Land : collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority
Recursos forestales y el proceso de diferenciación social en tiempos prehispánicos en el Valle de Ambato, Catamara, Argentina
The Roman domestic architecture of northern Italy
Kay Pacha : cultivating earth and water in the Andes
Medieval and post-medieval Greece : the Corfu papers
Reception of classical art : an introduction
Protohistoria y antigüedad en el sureste peninsular : el poblamiento de la depresión de Vera y valle del río Almanzora (Almería)
The hunters of Combe Grenal : approaches to Middle Paleolithic subsistence in Europe
Archaeology in the age of the internet : CAA 97 Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the 25th anniversary conference University of Birmingham, April 1997
Textile-making in central Tyrrhenian Italy from the final Bronze Age to the Republican Period
Royal festivals in the Late Predynastic period and the First Dynasty
Roman pottery research in Britain and North-West Europe : papers presented to Graham Webster
The lithic industries of Zahrat adh-Dhraʿ 2 and the pre-pottery Neolithic period of the Southern Levant
Gardens of Italy and the western provinces of the Roman Empire : from the 4th century BC to the 4th century AD
Steatite vessel manufacture in eastern North America
Romanesque chevron ornament : the language of British, Norman and Irish sculpture in the twelfth century
Middle palaeolithic occupation and technology in northwestern Greece : the evidence from open-air sites
Arquitectura, urbanismo y espacios domésticos en "El Castro", Pendia (Asturias, España). Siglos IV a. C.-II d. C.
Natufian and protoneolithic bone tools : the manufacture and use of bone implements in the Zagros and the Levant
The zooarchaeology of medieval Alava in its Iberian context
The archaeology of the roman rural economy in the Central Balkan Provinces : rural settlements and store buildings
Zenobia between reality and legend
Amun temples in Nubia : a typological study of New Kingdom, Napatan and Meroitic temples
Byzantine Libya and the march of the Arabs towards the west of North Africa
Survey above the Fourth Nile Cataract
Unravelling the Palaeolithic : ten years of research at the Centre for the Archaeology of Human Origins (CAHO, University of Southampton)
Gurudakshina : facets of Indian archaeology : essays presented to Prof. V.N. Misra
Transforming historical landscapes in the ancient empires : proceedings of the first workshop, December 16-19th 2007
Rock of ages : South Molle Island quarry, Whitsunday Islands : use and distribution of stone through space and time
Variabilité de l'industrie lithique au Moustérien : approche fonctionnelle sur quelques gisements français
Cultural and visual flux at early historical Bagh in central India
Recherches à la grotte Walou à Trooz (Belgique) : second rapport de fouille : Studies in Walou Cave in Trooz (Belgium) : second excavation report
Production and exchange of bifacial flaked stone artifacts during the Portuguese Chalcolithic
The archaeology of Guyana
Ritual, rites and religion in prehistory : IIIrd Deya International Conference of prehistory
Pharmacy and medicine in ancient Egypt : proceedings of the conferences held in Cairo (2007) and Manchester (2008)
Rice bowls and dinner plates : ceramic artefacts from Chinese gold mining sites in southeast New South Wales, mid 19th to early 20th century
La fatica del bello : tecniche decorative dell'acciaio e del ferro su armi e armature in Europa tra Basso Medioevo ed Età Moderna
Representations of the family in the Egyptian Old Kingdom : women and marriage
Ceramic ecology revisited, 1987 : the technology and socioeconomics of pottery
The urban dialogue : an analysis of the use of space in the Roman city of Empúries, Spain
Las primeras sociedades neandertales de la región Cantábrica
Die Bildlampen römischer Zeit aus der Idäischen Zeusgrotte auf Kreta
Fields of conflict : progress and prospect in battlefield archaeology : proceedings of a conference held in the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, April 2000
The Vanishing past : studies of medieval art, liturgy and metrology presented to Christopher Hohler
Reading the landscapes of the rural Peloponnese : landscape change and regional variation in an early 'provincial' setting
Management analysis of municipal castles in the province of Alicante (Spain)
Out of Etruria : Etruscan influence north and south
Castillo de Doña Blanca : archaeo-environmental investigations in the Bay of Cádiz, Spain (750-500 B.C.)
A glimpse into Ancient Thebes : excavations at South Karnak (2004-2006)
Prehistoric culture change on southern Vancouver Island : the applicability of current explanations of the Marpole transition
La cerámica medieval de la Basílica de Santa María de Alicante : arqueología, arquitectura y cerámica de una excavación arqueológica insólita en España
El paisaje del valle del Asón (Cantabria) a finales del Tardiglaciar : un modelo predictivo de vegetación arbórea mediante SIG = Landscape in the Asón river valley (Spain) during the final late glacial : a predictive vegetation model using GIS
Early hominin landscapes in Northern Pakistan : investigations in the Pabbi Hills
The fortifications of Nevis, West Indies, from the 17th century to the present day : protected interests?
Place as occupational histories : an investigation of the deflated surface archaeological record of Pine Point and Langwell Stations, Western New South Wales, Australia
Investigations at Pichao : introduction to studies in the Santa María Valley, north-western Argentina
Untermassfeld : a late early Pleistocene (Epivillafranchian) fossil site near Meiningen (Thuringia, Germany) and its position in the development of the European mammal fauna
Romanisierung : theoretische Modelle und praktische Fallbeispiele = Romanisation
Archaeological technology and theory
Defining a methodological approach to interpret structural evidence . Archaeometry
Producción tecnológica y cambio social en sociedades agrícolas prehispánicas (Valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina)
The iron gates in prehistory : new perspectives
Ethnoarchaeology in the Zinder region, Republic of Niger : the site of Kufan Kanawa
Spätrömische Befestigungsanlagen in den Rhein- und Donauprovinzen : Beiträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft 'Römische Archäologie' bei der Tagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes der Altertumsforschung in Kempten 08.06.-09.06.1995
La villa rustica di C. Olius Ampliatus : suburbio sud-orientale di Napoli (Ponticelli)
Hidden landscapes of Mediterranean Europe : cultural and methodological biases in pre- and protohistoric landscape studies : proceedings of the international meeting, Siena, Italy, May 25-27, 2007
The UCL Lahun papyri : religious, literary, legal, mathematical and medical
Before the revolution : epipaleolithic subsistence in the western Taurus Mountains, Turkey
Artistic expressions in Maya architecture : analysis and documentation techniques = Expresiones artísticas en la arquitectura maya : técnicas de análisis y documentación
UK Chapter of computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology : proceedings of the CAA UK Chapter meeting University of Liverpool, 6th and 7th February 2009
Materia prima, cerámica y sociedad : la gestión de los recursos minerales para manufacturar cerámicas del 3100 al 1500 ANE en el noreste de la Península Ibérica
Prehistoric pottery-making of the Russian Far East
Møllegabet II : a submerged Mesolithic settlement in southern Denmark
Warfare and violence in the Iron Age of southern France
Cultural landscapes : metodi, strumenti e analisi del paesaggio fra archeologia, geologia, e storia in contesti di studio del Lazio e della Basilicata (Italia)
Usque ad flumen Danuvium : testimonianze di artigianato artistico sul Danubio nella media e tarda età imperiale
LRCW3 : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry : conparison between western and eastern Mediterranean
Hill of prosperity : excavations at Khok Charoen, Thailand : a burial site at the stone-metal junction
Roman amphitheatres and Spectacula, a 21st -century perspective : papers from an international conference held at Chester, 16th-18th February, 2007
Technological analysis on quartzite exploitation = Études technologiques sur l'exploitation du quartzite
Il Tardiglaciale in Italia : lavori in corso
Primitive surgery : an overview
The human use of caves
Calcolítico en la cuenca media del Arlanzón (Burgos, España) : comunidades campesinas, procesos históricos y transformaciones
Forests and fires : a paleoethnobotanical assessment of craft production sustainability on the Peruvian north coast (950-1050 C.E.)
Excavations in the Western Negev Highlands : results of the Negev Emergency Survey 1978-89
Dollkeim-Kovrovo, Kaliningrad Region, Russia : research on the cemetery conducted in 1879 and 1992-2002
Homesteads on the Khabur : Tell Ziyadeh and other settlements
El estudio arqueológico del proceso coevolutivo entre las poblaciones humanas y las poblaciones de guanaco en Patagonia meridional y norte de Tierra del Fuego
Paliochora on Kythera : survey and interpretation : studies in medieval and post-medieval settlements
Health among the Maya : an osteoarchaeological comparison of sites in the northern Three Rivers Region, Belize
The late Meroitic, Ballaña and transitional occupation
The production and distribution of Roman military equipment : proceedings of the second Roman Military Equipment Research Seminar
Military equipment and the identity of Roman soldiers : proceedings of the Fourth Roman Military Equipment Conference
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1989
Sailing the wine-dark sea : international trade and the Late Bronze Age Aegean
Lithics 'down under' : Australian perspectives on lithic reduction, use and classification
Human remains : conservation, retrieval, and analysis : proceedings of a conference held in Williamsburg, VA, Nov. 7-11th, 1999
Middle Dorset variability and regional cultural traditions : a case study from Newfoundland and Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
The Lower Palaeolithic colonisation of Europe : antiquity, magnitude, permanency and cognition
The settlement patterns in the Jordan Valley in the mid- to late Islamic period
La "nécropole énéolithique" de Byblos : nouvelle interprétations
Shell middens, fishes and birds
Building identities : socio-political implications of ancient Maya city plans
The military architecture of Jordan during the Middle Bronze Age : new evidence from Pella and Rukeis
Ringschmuck mit Tierkopfenden in der Germania Libera
Interpreting the function of stone tools : the quantification and computerisation of microwear analysis
Neolithic and Chalcolithic architecture in Eurasia : building techniques and spatial organisation
Infantry combat in Livy's battle narratives
Prácticas alimentarias en el mundo ibérico : el ejemplo de la fosa FS362 de Mas Castellarde Pontós (Empordà-España)
Water management : the use of stars in Oman
San Vincenzo al Volturno : the archaeology, art and territory of an early medieval monastery
Coinage in the Latin East : the Fourth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History
Equids and wheeled vehicles in the ancient world : essays in memory of Mary A. Littauer
Studies in the Auxilia of the Roman Army from Augustus to Trajan
The rural history of ancient Greek city-states : the Oropos Survey Project
Bronze weapons of the Qin terracotta warriors : standardisation, craft specialisation and labour organisation
The origin of cattle in China from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age
Prehistoric periods
Archeologia rupestre nel territorio di Siracusa : con la prefazione di Paul Arthur e la presentazione di Philippe Pergola
Egypt's Christian heritage : cultural heritage management and Egypt's Coptic monuments
A consideration of gender roles and relations in the Aegean Bronze Age interpreted from gestures and proxemics in art
The Mortella III wreck : a spotlight on Mediterranean shipbuilding of the 16th century
On the hunt for medieval whales : zooarchaeological, historical and social perspectives on cetacean exploitation in medieval northern and western Europe
¡El yunque se levanta! : interdisciplinarity and activism at the La Mina petroglyph site
La domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia : Rricerche archeologiche dell'Università di Verona
Drawn and written in stone : an inventory of stepped structures and inscriptions on rock surfaces in Upper Tibet (ca. 100 BCE to 1400 CE)
Archaeology of a world of changes : late Roman and early Byzantine architecture, sculpture and landscapes : selected papers from the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016) in memoriam Claudiae Barsanti
Los artiodáctilos de Fuego-Patagonia (Chile) : explotación alimenticia y su importancia en la tecnología ósea de los cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno medio y tardío
Al-Ándalus desde el mar : una aproximación al sistema portuario de la Almería andalusí
Beyond paradigms in cultural astronomy : proceedings of the 27th SEAC Conference held together with the EAA
Talleres de escultura cristiana en la Península Ibérica (siglos VI-X) : análisis arqueológico
L'ideologia degli archeologi : egemonie e tradizioni epistemologiche alla fine del postmoderno
Maya and environmental stress from past to present : human response and adaptation to climate change in the Maya lowlands
Carved in stone : the archaeology of rock-cut sites and stone quarries
Settlement and subsistence in Tikal : the assembled work of Dennis E. Puleston (field research 1961-1972)
Broyage et abrasion au Néolithique ancien : caractérisation technique et fonctionnelle des outillages en grès du Bassin parisien
Desert boats : predynastic and pharaonic era rock-art in Egypt's central Eastern Desert : distribution, dating and interpretation
The collapse of palatial society in LBA Greece and the postpalatial period
The management of estates and their resources in the Egyptian Old Kingdom
Ships, boats, ports, trade and war in the Mediterranean and beyond : proceedings of the Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium 2018
Danorum regum heroumque historia, books X-XVI : the text of the first edition with translation and commentary in three volumes
Late Antiquity and early Christianity in the Roman provinces of Moesia Prima and Dacia Ripensis
Rock art research in the digital era : case studies from the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018, Valcamonica (Italy)
Space and function : Buddhist state monasteries in early medieval China and their impact on East Asia
La producción de ánforas en el territorium de Neapolis durante la antigüedad tardía : El taller de Sidi Zahruni (Nabeul, Túnez)
Un' area di frontiera : la Bitinia dall'età arcaica all' età ellenistica
The sequence of late formative ceremonial structures at Salango, coastal Ecuador : a reconstruction and interpretation
Genova 1746-1748 : fortificazioni, topografia, poliorcetica, vicende e uomini del grande assedio
Technological knowledge in the production of Neolithic Majiayao pottery in Gansu and Qinghai
Domesticidad y vida cotidiana urbana en una capital del Norte de Yucatán : la ocupación de un conjunto habitacional del Preclásico Tardío a la época Colonial en Dzibilchaltún
Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia : expansion, exchange, environment
Torregarcía, purpura y agua : aplicación histórica de metodología no invasiva en una officina purpuraria en el litoral Almeriense (España)
Picturing Roman belief systems : the iconography of coins in the Republic and empire
Urbanism and its impact on human health : a long-term study at Knossos, Crete
Il Patrimonio Sotterraneo Lombardo
Kouklia : Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age tombs at Palaepaphos 1951-1954 : excavations of the Liverpool City Museum and St Andrews University expedition to Palaepaphos
Dynastic deeds : hunt scenes in the funerary imagery of the Achaemenid Eastern Mediterranean
Il Foro di Traiano nell'Antichità : I risultati degli scavi 1991-2007
Römische Großbronzen am Limes : Fragmente im raetischen Raum
La cerámica "blanca lisa" del convento franciscano de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
The 'woman at the window' came from Egypt : new interpretations of the Phoenician ivories from the Assyrian palaces of Nimrud and Khorsabad
The Norman conquest : a zooarchaeological perspective
Topografia delle Tabulae Halaesinae : una assegnazione di terre comuni nella Sicilia ellenistico-romana
Il riparo di Vallone inferno (Madonie, Sicilia) : attività umana, ambiente e paesaggio negli ultimi settemila anni
Heroenkulte in homerischer Zeit
Erimi-Pamboula : a Chalcolithic settlement in Cyprus
Economie du bois, alimentation végétale et structures de stockage en Limousin de l'âge du Fer à la fin du Moyen Âge
Gender and the social function of Athenian tragedy
Punctuated insularity : the archaeology of 4th and 3rd millennium Sardinia
Frühkretische Siegel : Ansätze für eine Interpretation der sozial-politischen Entwicklung auf Kreta während der Frühbronzezeit
Arqueología de la puna Argentina : perspectivas actuales en el estudio de la diversidad y el cambio cultural
Archaeology of the Russian Far East : essays in Stone Age prehistory
Explaining change in the matt-painted pottery of southern Italy : cultural and social explanations for ceramic development from the 11th to the 4th centuries B.C.
Invisible people : pastoral life in proto-historic Gujarat
Estudio geoarqueológico de los asentamientos prehistóricos del Pleistoceno Superior y el Holoceno inicial en Catalunya
Von der Rundhütte zum Kaufmannshaus : kulturhistorische Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung prähistorischer Wohnhäuser in Zentral-, Ost- und Südostanatolien
Excavations at Tell Sabi Abyad : prehistoric investigations in the Balikh Valley, northern Syria
Darfur (Sudan) in the age of stone architecture, c. AD1000-1750 : problems in historical reconstruction
Neolithic and Copper age monuments : emergence, function and the social construction of the landscape
The aryballos as an example : the Corinthian aryballos as a mirror of the artistic connections between East and West in the 8th-6th Centuries BC - an artistic analysis
Arqueometalurgia de un naufragio del siglo XVIII : la corbeta de guerra HMS Swift (1770), Puerto Deseado, provincia de Santa Cruz (Patagonia)
Las poblaciones de la prehistoria reciente (VIo - IIo milenio a.n.e.) en la Campiña Litoral y Banda Atlántica de Cádiz : un análisis a través de la antropología física y la arqueología
Palaeo-environmental change and the persistence of human occupation in south-western Australian forests
Built chamber tombs of Middle and Late Bronze Age date in mainland Greece and the islands
Incremental structures and wear patterns of teeth for age assessment of red deer
Black-gloss ware in Italy : production management and local histories
L'architettura religiosa nella diocesi medievale di Lucca a sud dell'Arno (secoli XI-XIV)
Bibliografia archeologica, speleologica e tecnica delle cavità artificiali italiane ed estere : primo contributo (2000 titoli con abstract)
Clasificación tipológica de la cerámica del yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce de la Motilla del Azuer (Ciudad Real, España)
A new dawn for the Dark Age? : shifting paradigms in Mediterranean Iron Age chronology = L'âge obscur se fait-il jour de nouveau? : les paradigmes changeants de la chronologie de l'âge du fer en Méditerranée
The Roman auxiliary fort at Buciumi (Roman Dacia, Romania) : coins in archaeological context
Early and Middle Bronze Age pottery from the Volga-Don steppe : a catalogue of pottery from the Volgograd Regional History and Cultural Museum
Funerary landscapes east of Lasithi, Crete, in the Bronze Age
The urban economy during the early dominate : pottery evidence from the Palatine Hill
Life on the desert edge : seven thousand years of settlement in the Northern Dongola Reach, Sudan
Vectigal incertum : economía de guerra y fiscalidad republicana en el occidente romano : su impacto histórico en el territorio (218-133 a.C.)
Stable places and changing perceptions : cave archaeology in Greece
Agricultural production in the Roman economy, A.D. 200-400
Neolithic mortuary practices in Greece
The early Roman frontier in the upper Rhine area : assimilation and acculturation on a Roman frontier
Health and medicine in ancient Egypt : magic and science
Consumo y representación en el sur de los valles Calchaquíes (Noroeste argentino) : los conjuntos cerámicos de la aldeas del primer milenio A.D.
An archaeometallurgical survey for ancient tin mines and smelting sites in Spain and Portugal : mid-central western Iberian geographical region, 1990-1995
The Lewes House collection of ancient gems : now at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Shaping culture : making pots and constructing households : an ethnoarchaeological study of pottery production, trade and use in the Andes
Rafid on the Golan : a profile of a late Roman and Byzantine village
Taphonomy and zooarchaeology in Argentina
The Alalakh cylinder seals : a new catalogue of the actual seals excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley at Tell Atchana, and from neighbouring sites on the Syrian-Turkish border
Iron Age archaeology and trauma from Aymyrlyg, South Siberia
Glass beads in ancient India : an ethnoarchaeological approach
Egyptian watercraft models from the predynastic to third intermediate periods
Royal authority in Egypt's eighteenth dynasty
Prehistoric fish catches in New Zealand
Prehistoric pottery across the Baltic : regions, influences and methods
Modern trends in European Egyptology : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Ninth Annual Meeting in St. Petersburg 2003
The materiality of death : bodies, burials, beliefs
Local boats : fourth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Porto 1985
SOMA 2004 : symposium on Mediterranean archaeology : proceedings of the eighth annual meeting of postgraduate researchers
Settlement dynamics in the middle Jordan Valley during Iron Age II
Ethnic boundaries in neolithic Norway
Divine headdresses of Mesopotamia in the early dynastic period
Étude sur les Canidæ des temps pré-pharaoniques en Égypte et au Soudan
Greek and Hellenistic wheel- and mould-made closed oil lamps in the Holy Land : collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority
Production and management of lithic materials in the European Linearbandkeramik = Gestion des matériaux lithiques dans le Rubané européen
El poblamiento en la periferia de la cuenca del Duero : el nordeste de la provincia de Segovia, España (XVII cal.A.C.-V. d.C.)
The Romano-African Domus : studies in space, decoration, and function
Tracing mobility and identity : bioarchaeology and bone chemistry of the Bronze Age Sant' Abbondio cemetery (Pompeii, Italy)
Seth - a misrepresented God in the ancient egyptian pantheon?
Ad Astra per Aspera et per Ludum : European archaeoastronomy and the orientation of monuments in the Mediterranean Basin : papers from Session I.13, held at the European Association of Archaeologists Eighth Annual Meeting in Thessaloniki 2002
Preclassic Maya architecture at Cuello, Belize
El comercio de terra sigillata altoimperial en el círculo del estrecho : balance historiográfico y líneas de investigación
Early Eneolithic in the Pontic Steppes
The archaeology of the Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea : excavation season 1999
Patrimonio culturale, paesaggi e personaggi dell'altopiano ibleo : scritti di archeologia e museologia della Sicilia sud-orientale
Reconstructing Late Pleistocene human behavior in the Jordan Rift Valley : the Middle Paleolithic stone tool assemblage from Ar Rasfa
The early microlithic assemblages of Southern Africa
Urbanism, archaeology and trade : further observations on the Gao Region (Mali), the 1996 fieldseason results
From Constantine the Great to Kandinsky : studies in Byzantine and post-Byzantine art and architecture
Maya dwellings in hieroglyphs and archaeology : an integrative approach to ancient architecture and spatial cognition
Il molise in età tardo-antica : città e campagne tra il III e il VI secolo d.c
Variabilité et signification des productions lithiques au Paléolithique moyen ancien : l'exemple de trois gisements de plein-air du Bergeracois (Dordogne, France)
Archéologie de l'art rupestre : analyse du bestiaire gravé du Présahara marocain
Symbolism in rock art
Statues et statuettes en bronze de Cilicie : avec deux annexes sur la main de Comana et les figurines en bronze du Musée de Hatay
Art et archéologie du Proche-Orient hellénistique et romain : les circulations artistiques entre Orient et Occident
SEAC 2011 stars and stones : voyages in archaeoastronomy and cultural astronomy : proceedings of the SEAC 2011 conference
L'ensemble funéraire du site de Caseta, Jalisco, Mexique : une approche archéo-anthropologique
Predicting archaeological sites from environmental variables : a mathematical model for the Sierra Nevada foothills, California
The rural landscape of ancient Israel
La musealización del patrimonio arqueológico in situ : el caso español en el contexto europeo
Perspectives on hominid behaviour and settlement patterns : a study of the lower Palaeolithic sites in the Luonan Basin, China
Interdisciplinarity research in archaeology : proceedings of the First Arheoinvest Congress, 10-11 June 2011, Ias̥i, Romania
Living in the suburbs of Roman Italy : space and social contact
Composantes culturelles et premières productions céramiques du Bronze ancien dans le Sud-Est de la France : résultats du projet collectif de recherche 1999-2009
Das Tholosgrab E von Phourni bei Archanes : Studien zu einem frühkretischen Grabfund und seinem kulturellen Kontext
Settlement and pottery in the Vinalopó Valley : Alicante, Spain : A.D. 400-700
Arqueología de cazadores y pastores en tierras altas : ocupaciones humanas a lo largo del Holoceno en Pastos Grandes, Puna de Salta, Argentina
Comb-making in medieval Novgorod (950-1450) : an industry in transition
The development of cultural regions in the Neolithic of the Near East : the dark faced burnished ware horizon
Les structures de l'habitat rural protohistorique dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre et le nord-ouest de la France
Methods of art history tested against prehistory : session C74 . Spiral and circular forms : the most common rock art in the world? : session C81 . European cave art : session C85 . Euro-Mediterranean rock art studies : session S02 . Global state of the art : session S07 . Current state of North American rock art : session WS37
From the river to the sea : the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic on the Euphrates and in the Northern Levant : studies in honour of Lorraine Copeland
The heart of wisdom : studies on the heart amulet in ancient Egypt
Economic archaeology : towards an integration of ecological and social approaches
State formation in Egypt : chronology and society
CETARIAE 2005 : salsas y salazones de pescado en occidente durante la Antigüedad : actas del congreso internacional (Cádiz, 7-9 noviembre de 2005)
Ernährungsmöglichkeiten und Ernährungsgewohnheiten prähistorischer Bevölkerungen
Rohstoff, Form und Funktion : fünf Studien zum Neolithikum Mitteleuropas
Luoghi e architetture della Grande Guerra in Europa : i sistemi difensivi dalle teorizzazioni di Karl von Clausewitz alla realtà della Prima Guerra Mondiale
Lithics in the Scandinavian late Bronze Age : sociotechnical change and persistence
Iron and steel in ancient Greece : artefacts, technology and social change in Aegean Thrace from Classical to Roman times
Les premiers chasseurs maritimes et les chasseurs terrestres de Patagonie australe : comportements techno-économiques et identité culturelle : contribution de la technologie lithique
Diversificacion morfologica craniofacial y diversdidad [i.e. diversidad] en la dieta : el caso de la región Centro-Oeste de Argentina durante el Holoceno tardío
Hiérarchie et fiabilité des liaisons ostéologiques (par symétrie et par contiguïté articulaire) dans l'étude des sépultures anciennes
Les au-delàs aztèques
Sites and pots : settlement and economy in southern Tuscany (AD 300-900)
Anthropomorphic figurines from the Neolithic and early Bronze Age Agean : gender dynamics and implications for the understanding of early Aegean prehistory
The Eastern Wing of the Fertile Crescent : late prehistory of Greater Mesopotamian lithic industries
El registro arqueológico del valle de Miera
Integrating the subsistence economy
Beyond Ibn Hawqal's Bahr al-Fārs : 10th-13th centuries AD : Sindh and the Kīj-u-Makrān region, hinge of an international network of religious, political, institutional and economic affairs
Proceedings of the first zooarchaeology conference in Portugal : held at the Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, 8th-9th March 2012
The old wrecks of the Baltic Sea : archaeological recording of the wrecks of carvel-built ships
Pleistocene palaeoart of the world
Bahr ʿas Shâm : la presenza Musulmana nel Tirreno centrale e settentrionale nell'alto medioevo
Mode de vie au Magdalénien : apports de l'archéozoologie = Zooarchaeological insights into Magdalenian lifeways
Winding Dali's clock : the construction of a fuzzy temporal-GIS for archaeology
Metals and society : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists sixth Annual Meeting in Lisbon 2000
Dressing for dinner : butchery and bone deposition at late Neolithic Toumba Kremastis-Koiladas, Northern Greece
Toponimi in archeologia : la Provincia di Latina, Italia
Minotaur and centaur : studies in the archaeology of Crete and Euboea presented to Mervyn Popham
The archaeology of infancy and infant death
Archaeotecture : archaeology of architecture
The prehistory and early history of Atlantic Europe : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Fourth Annual Meeting in Göteborg 1998
Characterising local southeastern Spanish populations of 3000-1500 B.C.
Paléoparasitologie : contribution à l'étude des paléoenvironments de sites pléistocènes et holocènes du littoral méditerranéen français
House and household economies in 3rd millennium B.C.E. Syro-Mesopotamia
Ancient cultural landscapes in South Europe - their ecological setting and evolution : session C11 . Gardeners from South America : session C22 . Agro-pastoralism and early metallurgy sessions : session S04 . The idea of enclosure in recent Iberian prehistory : session WS29 . Rhytmes et causalites des dynamiques de l'anthropisation en Europe entre 6500 ET 500 BC : hypotheses socio-culturelles et/ou climatiques : session C88
From state to empire in the prehistoric Jequetepeque Valley, Peru
Ani 2004 : indagini sugli insediamenti sotterranei = surveys on the underground settlements
Bronze and Early Iron Age archaeological sites in Armenia
A place in Europe : Bulgaria and its museums in 'New' Europe
Homines, funera, astra : proceedings of the international symposium on funerary anthropology : 5-8 June 2011 '1 Decembrie 1918' University (Alba Iulia, Romania)
Broyage et abrasion au Néolithique ancien : caractérisation technique et fonctionnelle des outillages en grès du Bassin parisien
Campfires in context : hunter-gatherer fire technology and the archaeological record of the Southern High Plains, USA
Late Roman precious metal deposits, c. AD 200-700 : changes over time and space
Vivre au-dela du fleuve de L'Oubli : Portrait de la communauté villageoise du Castro de Vieto au moment de lintégration du Nord-Ouest de la péninsule ibérique dans l'orbis Romanum (estuaire du Rio Lima, NO du Portugal)
De clasificaciones y categorizaciones : los objetos de metal del valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina (600-1200 d.C.)
Performance, power and the art of the Aegean Bronze Age
Living with animals : a zooarchaeological study of urban human-animal relationships in early modern Tornio, 1621-1800
'Qasr al-Buleida' : a late Roman-Byzantine fortified settlement on the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan
El clásico medio en el Noroccidente de Yucatán : la fase Oxkintok regional en Oxkintok (Yukatán) como paradigma
Las importaciones de vajilla fina de barniz negro en la Cataluña sur y occidental durante el siglo III aC : comercio dinámica de adquisición en las sociedades indígenas
Excavaciones de un sitio preclásico en San Mateo Etlatongo, Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, México
People and culture in change : proceedings of the Second Symposium on Upper Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Populations of Europe and the Mediterranean Basin
Úrsidos en medios kársticos de la Cornisa Cantábrica (País Vasco y Navarra) : estudio tafonómico de conjuntos arqueológicos y paleontológicos del Pleistoceno Superior y Holoceno
The divine rider in the art of the western Roman empire
Provincia maritima Italorum : fortificazioni altomedievali in Liguria
Pithoi : technology and history of storage vessels through the ages
The road inns (Khāns) in Bilād al-Shām
Non-flint stone tools and the Palaeolithic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula
An introduction to the neolithic revolution of the Central Zagros, Iran
Who are these dead? : the anthropology of violence, pit structures, power and symbolism : death in the Anasazi culture of the American southwest
Paleoindian subsistence dynamics on the Northwestern Great Plains : zooarchaeology of the Agate Basin and Clary Ranch sites
Hunters vs. pastoralists in the Sahara : material culture and symbolic aspects : colloque/symposium 15.1, commission XXV
Holocene morphogenesis and anthropisation of a semi-arid watershed, Gialias River, Cyprus
Warfare and society in the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean : papers arising from a colloquium held at the University of Liverpool, 13th June 2008
Space, hierarchy, and society : interdisciplinary studies in social area analysis
Dinamiche insediative nel territorio di canicattini Bagni e nel bacino di alimentazione del torrente Cavadonna (Siracusa) tra antichità e medioevo
Spätbronzezeitliche Bestattungen auf Kreta
Ethnoarchaeological perspectives of prehistoric settlement patterns of south-central Ganga Valley
The silk roads of the Northern Tibetan Plateau during the Early Middle Ages (from the Han to Tang Dynasty) : as reconstructed from archaeological and written sources
Nazlet Tuna : an archaeological survey in middle Egypt
Toward an archaeology of buildings : contexts and concepts
Introduction and overview excavations at Siyana Ulya, Khirbet Shireena, Khirbet Karhasan, Seh Qubba, Tell Gir Matbakh and Tell Shelgiyya, and other recorded sites
Shells in Aegean prehistory
Mobility, transition and change in prehistory and classical antiquity : proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Organisation Conference on the Fourth and Fifth of April 2008 at Hertford College, Oxford, UK
Topografía cristiana de las ciudades hispanas durante la Antigüedad tardía
North-western Thrace from the fifth to first centuries BC
Mariners and merchants : a study of the ceramics from Sanjan (Gujarat)
The Caucasian region in the early Bronze Age
Religious architecture in the Czech Republic in the light of geophysical prospection and archaeological excavation
Paléoanthropologie et pratiques funéraires en Corse, du Mésolithique à l'âge du fer
The archaeology of Tanzanian coastal landscapes in the 6th to 15th centuries AD : the Middle Iron Age of the region
A study of Scythian gold jewellery manufacturing technology and its comparison to Greek techniques from the 7th to 5th centuries BC
The middle horizon in the valley of Cuzco, Peru : the impact of the Wari occupation of the Lucre Basin
Lieux de culte et parcours cérémoniels dans les fêtes des vingtaines à Mexico - Tenochtitlan
The familia urbana during the early Empire : a study of Columbaria inscriptions
Boeotian landscapes : a GIS-based study for the reconstruction and interpretation of the archaeological datasets of ancient Boeotia
The image of Orpheus in Roman mosaic : an exploration of the figure of Orpheus in Graeco-Roman art and culture with special reference to its expression in the medium of mosaic in late antiquity
Tecnología lítica del Pleistoceno final : Holoceno medio : un estudio de los cazadores-recolectores de la Patagonia Austral (Argentina)
Belief in the past : the proceedings of the 2002 Manchester Conference on Archaeology and Religion
Collectanea antiqua : essays in memory of Sonia Chadwick Hawkes
A bibliography of the city coinage of Palestine : from the 2nd century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D.
The Brauron clothing catalogues : text, analysis, glossary and translation
Techniques d'échantillonnage et analyse spatiale : le campement épipaléolithique de Nadaouiyeh 2 (El Kowm, Syrie)
Funerary practices in the Iberian Peninsula from the Mesolithic to the Chalcolithic
Byzantium in the mirror : the Message of Skylitzes Matritensis and Hagia Sophia in Constantinople
Fire, light and light equipment in the Graeco-Roman world
The prehistoric archaeology of Jordan
Later Stone Age hunters and gatherers of the southern Transvaal : social and ecological interpretation
Storie di paesaggi e uomini alle pendici del Mont Fallère nell'Olocene antico e medio (Saint-Pierre, Valle d'Aosta, Italia)
Stable isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen as an indicator of paleodietary change among pre-state metal age societies in Northeast Thailand
Les pavements d'opus signinum : technique, décor, fonction architecturale
Just skin and bones? : new perspectives on human-animal relations in the historical past
Estudios arqueológicos del Área Vesubiana = Archaeological studies of the Vesuvian Area
Vessels explored : applying archaeometry to South American ceramics and their production
Essays in classical archaeology for Eleni Hatzivassiliou 1977-2007
Riparia dans l'Empire romain : pour la définition du concept : actes des journées d'étude de Québec, 29-31 octobre 2009
L'industrie lithique des populations blicquiennes (Néolithique ancien, Belgique) : organisation des productions et réseaux de diffusion : petits échanges en famille
The responsibilities of archaeologists : archaeology and ethics : Lampeter Workshop in Archaeology 4
Excavations at Kasteelberg and the origins of the Khoekhoen in the Western Cape, South Africa
Prehistoric agriculture in Southern Spain during the Neolithic and the Bronze Age : the application of ethnographic models
Tang-e Bolaghi (Fars), sites TB76 and TB77 : rural settlements of the achaemenid and post-achaemenid periods : report of the archaeological rescue excavations carried out in 2005 and 2006 by the joint Iranian-Italian mission of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research and the University of Bologna, with the collaboration of IsIAO, Italy
Archaeological invisibility and forgotten knowledge : conference proceedings, Łódz, Poland, 5th-7th September 2007
Simboli e associazioni astrali nella glittica mesopotamica del Bronzo Tardo
SOMA 2001 : Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology : proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of postgraduate researchers, the University of Liverpool, 23-25 February 2001
A sign catalog : Glyphs in selected text-like layouts at Teotihuacan
The Early Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula : regional and transregional components = Le Néolithique ancien dans la péninsule Ibérique : les éléments regionaux et transregionaux
Exploratory human craniometry of recent Eskaleutian regional groups from the western Arctic and Subarctic of North America : a new approach to population historical reconstruction
The Neolithic pottery sequence in southern Greece
Charles the Bald : court and kingdom : papers based on a colloquium held in London in April 1979
An evolutionary study of some archaeologically significant avian taxa in the quaternary of the western Palaearctic
Broadening horizons 4 : a conference of young researchers working in the ancient Near East, Egypt and Central Asia, University of Torino, October 2011
PONTIKA 2008 : recent research on the northern and eastern Black Sea in ancient times : proceedings of the International Conference, 21st-26th April 2008, Kraków
Husbandry in Europe
Prehistoric stress in Australian aborigines : a palaeopathological study of a hunter-gatherer population
Norse in Newfoundland : a critical examination of archaeological research at the Norse site at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland
The interpretive archaeology
A postcranial guide to domestic neo-natal and juvenile mammals : the identification and aging of old world species
Cohors[2] : the evidence for and a short history of the auxiliary infantry units of the imperial Roman army
Bodies of knowledge : cultural interpretations of illness and medicine in medieval Europe
From forager to farmer in the Boreal zone : reconstructing economic patterns through catchment analysis in prehistoric Finland
L'architecture et les pratiques funéraires dans l'Égypte romaine
Auf der Suche nach Identitäten : Volk, Stamm, Kultur, Ethnos : Internationale Tagung der Universität Leipzig vom 8.-9. Dezember 2000 im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereiches 417 "Regionenbezogene Identifikationsprozesse, das Beispiel Sachsen" und des Teilprojektes A5 der Professur für Ur- und Frühgeschichte "Ethnogenese und Traditionskonstruktion : archäologische Quellen und ihre Deutungen in der Historiographie des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts"
Raising the eyebrow : John Onians and World Art Studies : an album amicorum in his honour
Tell el-Ghaba III : a third intermediate-early Saite Period site in the Egyptian eastern delta : excavations 1995-1999 and 2010 in areas I, II, VI and VIII
Lo stato egiziano nelle fonti scritte del periodo tinita
Hadrianopolis I : Inschriften aus Paphlagonia
The rural history of ancient Greek city-states : the Oropos Survey Project
Modeling time and transition in prehistory : the Jordan Valley Chalcolithic (5500-3500 BC)
From Nabataea to Roman Arabia : acquisition or conquest
Le Mésolithique Moyen du Nord-Cotentin, Basse-Normandie, France
The spread of the Roman domus-type in Gaul
The spatial analysis of radiocarbon databases : the spread of the first farmers in Europe and of the fat-tailed sheep in southern Africa
Prehistoric village archaeology in south-eastern Turkey : the eighth millenium B.C. site at Çayönü, its chipped and ground stone industries and faunal remains
The human canopy : Homo erectus, Homo soloensis, Homo pekinensis, and Homo floresiensis
Late Helladic simple graves : a study of Mycenaean burial customs
Les sépultures simples et plurielles du Campaniforme et du Bronze ancien dans le bassin rhodanien et ses zones d'influences
New perspectives on formative Mesoamerican cultures
Funerary sacrifice of animals in the Egyptian predynastic period
Análisis paleobiológico de los ungulados del Pleistoceno Superior de Castilla y León (España)
An archaeology of the oasis : domesticity, interaction, and identity in Antofalla, Puna de Atacama, Argentina : first and second millennia B.P.
Die urnenfelderzeitliche Siedlung von Dietfurt/Oberpfalz
Networks and netwars : new perspectives on the late Copper Age and early Bronze Age : typo-chronological relationships of the Boleraz/Baden/Kostolac finds at the site of Balatonőszöd-Temetői dűlő, Hungary
A study of microscopic polish on flint implements
Préhistoire de Patagonie : l'industrie 'Nivel 11' de la province de Santa Cruz (Argentine) : technologie lithique et traces d'utilisation
A sixth-century AD shipwreck off the Carmel coast, Israel : Dor D and Holy Land wine trade
Agriculture and pastoralism in the Late Bronze and Iron Age, North West Frontier Province, Pakistan : an integrated study of the archaeological plant and animal remains from rural and urban sites, using modern ethnographic information to develop a model of economic organisation and contact
An early pottery Neolithic occurrence at Beisamoun, the Hula valley, northern Israel : the results of the 2007 salvage excavation
Métallurgie du fer et sociétés africaines : bilans et nouveaux paradigmes dans la recherche anthropologique et archéologique
Paisajes arqueológicos : un estudio comparativo de diferentes ambientes patagónicos
Southeast Asia in the ancient Indian Ocean world
In memoriam : Fr Michele Piccirillo, ofm (1944-2008) : celebrating his life and work
Mobility and transitions in the holocene
Technical systems of lithic production in the lower and middle Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula : technological variability between northeastern sites and Sierra de Atapuerca sites
Papers in Iberian archaeology
Guam's hidden gem : archaeological and historical studies at Ritidian
Sulle spalle dei saccarii : le rappresentazioni di facchini e il trasporto di derrate nel porto di Ostia in epoca imperiale
Moving heaven and earth : landscape, death and memory in the Aceramic Neolithic of Cyprus
Le site néolithique de Tell Mureybet (Syrie du Nord) : en hommage à Jacques Cauvin
Innovation and imitation : stone skeuomorphs of metal from 4th-2nd millennia BC northwest Europe
Underwater archaeology, coastal and lakeside
Pilgrims in stone : stone images from the Gallo-Roman sanctuary of Fontes Sequanae
The environmental and economic archaeology of South Thailand
Animal production systems in Neolithic Central Europe
L'eau dans les espaces et les pratiques funéraires d'Alexandrie aux époques grecque et romaine : (IVe siècle av. J.-C. - IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.)
Interrogating pedagogies : archaeology in higher education : Lampeter Workshop in Archaeology 3
Atti I Congresso nazionale di archeologia del sottosuolo: Bolsena 8-11 dicembre 2005 : Archeologia del sottosuolo : metodologie a confronto
Etude iconographique des sculptures du nord de la péninsule du Yucatán à l'époque classique
The middle Neolithic in southern France : chasséen farming and culture process
Theoretical and quantitative approaches to the study of mortuary practice
Geoarchaeology of Lebanon's ancient harbours
Rural landscapes along the Vardar Valley : two site-less surveys near Veles and Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Las admoniciones de Ipuwer : literatura política y sociedad en el Reino Medio egipcio
New directions in American archaeoastronomy : proceedings, 46 International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1988
Kbor Klib and the Battle of Zama
Early Enkomi : regionalism, trade and society at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age on Cyprus
Provincial Cilicia and the archaeology of temple conversion
Siliceous rocks and prehistory : bibliography on geo-archaeological approaches to chert sourcing and prehistoric exploitation
The ancient harbour and anchorage at Dor, Israel : results of the underwater surveys 1976 - 1991
Environnement vegetal de l'homme fossile et climats en ligurie pendant le dernier cycle climatique et le postglaciaire
Un poblado de la Edad del Bronce en El Castillo (Frías de Albarracín, Teruel)
A chalcolithic marble workshop at Kulaksızlar in western Anatolia : an analysis of production and craft specialization
Zooarqueología de sitios a cielo abierto en el Lago Cardiel (Patagonia, Argentina) : fragmentación ósea y consumo de grasa animal en grupos cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno Tardío
La cerámica arqueológica en la materialización de la sociedad : transformaciones, metáforas y reproducción social : IV Reunión Internacional de Teoría Arqueológica Sudamericana, Inter-Congreso del WAC 3-7 de julio de 2007, Catamarca, Argentina
Excavations at Francavilla Marittima 1991-2004 : matt-painted pottery from the Timpone della Motta
L'urbanisation de la Palestine à l'âge du Bronze ancien : bilan et perspectives des recherches actuelles : actes du colloque d'Emmaüs (20-24 octobre 1986)
Seward Peninsula, Alaska : Trail Creek Caves 2 and 9 revisited ; the skeletal remains
The ethnoarchaeology of the Zaghawa of Darfur (Sudan) : settlement and transcience
Understanding landscapes, from land discovery to their spatial organization = Comprendre l'espace de peuplement, de la découverte des territoires à leur organisation spatiale
Navigated spaces, connected places : proceedings of Red Sea Project V : held at the University of Exeter, 16-19 September 2010
Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry
Production and distribution : a ceramic viewpoint
The late and terminal Christian phases
Monumental questions : prehistoric megaliths, mounds, and enclosures : session C68
I mitrei della Britannia romana nelle testimonianze architettoniche, scultoree ed epigrafiche
Chalcolithic and Bronze Age pottery from the field survey in northwestern Cyprus, 1992-1999
Crops, culture, and contact in prehistoric Cyprus
Death in the Bolivian High Plateau : burials and Tiwanaku society
Raqit : Marinus' estate on the Carmel, Israel
A history of the study of South Italian black- and red-figure pottery
The Judean Pillar-Figurines and the archaeology of Asherah
Das Totenritual, geprägt durch Jenseitsvorstellungen und Gesellschaftsrealität : Theorie des Totenrituals eines kupferzeitlichen Friedhofs zu Tiszapolgár-Basatanya (Ungarn)
Arqueología de La Payunia (Mendoza, Argentina) : el poblamiento humano en los márgenes de la agricultura
Butua and the end of an era : the effect of the collapse of the Kalanga state on ordinary citizens : an analysis of behaviour under stress
Cultural interactions in Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Bronze Age (3000-500 BC) : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists sixth annual meeting in Lisbon 2000
The end of Paganism in the North-Western provinces of the Roman Empire : the example of the Mithras cult
The excavations of Maresha subterranean complex 57 : the 'Heliodorus' cave
El hábitat fenicio-púnico de Cádiz en el entorno de la Bahía
One land, many landscapes : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists fifth annual meeting in Bournemouth 1999
Herkunftsbestimmung archaischer Keramik am Beispiel von Amphoren aus Milet
Non-flint raw material use in prehistory : old prejudices and new directions = L'utilisation préhistorique de matières premières lithiques alternatives : anciens préjugés, nouvelles perspectives
Theory and practice of archaeological residue analysis
Investigating restricted knowledge in lithic craft traditions among the pre-contact Coast Salish of the the Pacific northwest coast of North America
Aspects of Inca architecture : description, function, and chronology
B'aakal : arqueología de la región de Palenque, Chiapas, México : temporadas 1996-2006
Archaeology of coastal changes : proceedings of the First International Symposium "Cities on the Sea-Past and Present", Haifa, Israel, September 22-29, 1986
La rappresentazione dell'edificio teatrale nella ceramica italiota
Taille et conformation crânienne chez les Hominidés de la fin du Pléistocène : contributions de la morphométrie géométrique au débat sur l'origine de l'Homme moderne
Gabati : a Meroitic, post-Meroitic and medieval cemetery in central Sudan
The excavations of Khirbet er-Rasm, Israel : the changing faces of the countryside
Experiments with past materialities
Prehistoric human-environment interactions : people, fire, climate, and vegetation on the Columbia Plateau, USA
The Minoan double axe : an experimental study of production and use
SOMA 2003 : Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology : proceedings of the seventh meeting of postgraduate researchers at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 21st-23rd February 2003
"Home is where the hearth is" : the spatial organisation of the Upper Palaeolithic rockshelter occupations at Klithi and Kastritsa in Northwest Greece
Ethnoarchaeology: current research and field methods : conference proceedings, Rome, Italy, 13th-14th May 2010
Armies and frontiers in Roman and Byzantine Anatolia : proceedings of a colloquium held at University College, Swansea, in April 1981
The significance of portages : proceeding of the first international conference on the significance of portages, 29 Sept-2nd Oct 2004, in Lyngdal, Vest-Agder, Norway, arranged by the County Municipality of Vest-Agder, Kristiansand
The Mesolithic in northwestern Belgium : recent excavations and surveys
How Petra was built : an analysis of the construction techniques of the Nabataean freestanding buildings and rock-cut monuments in Petra, Jordan
Les industries à galets aménagés du littoral sud-armoricain (France) au Paléolithique inférieur : étude techno-typologique, rapports avec l'Acheuléen et comparaisons avec des sites similaires en Europe
The role of the religious sector in the economy of late bronze age Mycenaean Greece
The archaeology of gender, love and sexuality in Pompeii
From Stonehenge to the Baltic : living with cultural diversity in the third millennium BC
Análisis funcional : su aplicación al estudio de sociedades prehistóricas
Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor = Roma çağında Küçük Asya'daki yollar ve mil taşları
Cacela, (Algarbe-Portugal), en el siglo XIII : sociedad y cultura material
The palaeolithic of the Balkans
Fish-eating in Greece from the fifth century B.C. to the seventh century A.D. : a story of impoverished fishermen or luxurious fish banquets?
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, University of Bristol
In concavis petrarum habitaverunt : el fenómeno rupestre en el Mediterráneo medieval : de la investigación a la puesta en valor
Safonfok, Kosrae : emergence of complexity : an archaeological investigation of prehistoric settlement in East Micronesia
Rain harvesting in the rainforest : the ancient Maya agricultural landscape of Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico
Late Paleolithic environments and cultural relations around the Adriatic = Environements du Paléolithique final et rapports culturels autour de l'Adriatique
The chiming of crack'd bells : recent approaches to the study of artefacts in archaeology
Forging identities : the mobility of culture in Bronze Age Europe : report from a Marie Curie project 2009-2012 with concluding conference at Aarhus University, Moesgaard 2012
SOMA 2008 : proceedings of the XII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 5-8 March 2008
Conchas prehispánicas en México
A tradition and originality : a study of Exekias
The cemeteries
Ethnicity in Mediterranean protohistory
Transition from foraging to farming in northeast China
Medicinal substances in Jerusalem from early times to the present day
Some new approaches to the bell beaker "phenomenon" : lost paradise--? : proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the "Association archéologie et gobelets" Feldberg (Germany), 18th-20th April 1997
The road to Rome : travel and travellers between England and Italy in the Anglo-Saxon centuries
El proceso de neolitización en la fachada mediterránea de la península Ibérica : technología y tipología de la piedra tallada
How much of the Florence Baptistery is a surviving Roman building? : a re-evaluation of the archaeological, architectural and artistic evidence
Private religion at Amarna : the material evidence
Gestion des combustibles au paléolithique et au mésolithique : nouveaux outils, nouvelles interprétations = Fuel management during the palaeolithic and mesolithic periods : new tools, new interpretations
Rural settlement in Hellenistic and Roman Crete : the Akrotiri peninsula
Roman pottery in context : fine and coarse wares from five sites in north-eastern Greece
Make-do and mend : archaeologies of compromise, repair and reuse
The churches of Nobadia
Late Roman amphorae in the western Mediterranean : a typology and economic study : the Catalan evidence
Exploitation de l'analyse quantitative des retouches pour la caractérisation des industries lithiques du Moustérien : application au faciès Quina de la Vallée du Rhône
Early farming in Central Anatolia : an archaeobotanical study of crop husbandry, animal diet and land use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük
Skarabäen außerhalb Ägyptens : lokale Produktion oder Import? : Workshop an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, November 1999
De Pesués a Pejanda : arqueología de la cuenca del Nansa (Cantabria, España)
The city and complexity : Volterra, Italy : pottery production during the Hellenistic Etruscan period and the Late Roman to Late Antique period
Sewn plank boats : archaeological and ethnographic papers based on those presented to a conference at Greenwich in November, 1984
ARCHAIA : case studies on research planning, characterisation, conservation and management of archaeological sites
Haftavan, period VI
Pot/potter entanglements and networks of agency in Late Woodland period (c. AD 900-1300) southwestern Ontario, Canada
Die Funktionsinterpretation von Steinartefakten : Stand und Perspektiven
Roman roads in Judaea II : the Jaffa-Jerusalem roads
Archaeology, societies and environments in Africa
New approaches to the study of Early Upper Paleolithic 'transitional' industries in Western Eurasia : transitions great and small
Teotihuacan art abroad : a study of metropolitan style and provincial transformation in incensario workshops
Domestic animals and stability in pre-state farming societies
Capuanische Grabsteine : Untersuchungen zu den Grabsteinen römischer Freigelassener aus Capua
The transition from foraging to farming and the origin of agriculture in China
Divine kings and sacred spaces : power and religion in Hellenistic Syria (301-64 BC)
Greek and Latin inscriptions from Halmyris : inscriptions on stone, signa, and instrumenta found between 1981 and 2010
La paleovegetación en el norte de Grecia desde el Tardiglaciar hasta el Atlántico : formaciones vegetales, recursos y usos
Section 12, Âge du Fer en Europe : sessions générales et posters = The Iron Age in Europe : general sessions and posters
Modern trends in scientific studies on ancient ceramics : papers presented at the 5th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Athens 1999
Tlatilco : los herederos de la cultura Tenocelome
A history of the Greek city
Untersuchungen zur schiffsgestützten Grenzsicherung auf der spätantiken Donau (3. - 6. Jh. n.Chr.)
Die Stadtgeschichte des römischen Salzburg : Befunde und Funde bis 1987
The Ekven settlement : Eskimo beginnings on the Asian shore of Bering Strait
Excavations at Xunantunich and Pomona, Belize, in 1959-60 : a ceremonial centre and an earthen mound of the Maya Classic period
Plant processing from a prehistoric and ethnographic perspective = Préhistoire et ethnographie du travail des plantes
Constructing 'commoner' identity in an Ancient Maya village : class, status, and ritual at the Northeast Group, Chan Belize
The archaeology of Roman southern Pannonia : the state of research and selected problems in the Croatian part of the Roman province of Pannonia
Babies reborn : infant-child burials in pre- and protohistory
Archaeology and settlement in Upper Nubia in the 1st millennium A.D.
Engraved Magdalenian plaquettes : a regional and stylistic analysis of stone, bone, and antler plaquettes from Upper Palaeolithic sites in France and Cantabric Spain
La arquitectura monástica hispana entre la Tardoantigüedad y la Alta Edad Media
De antiguos pueblos y culturas botánicas en el Puerto Rico indígena : el archipiélago borincano y la llegada de los primeros pobladores agroceramistas
La segunda edad del hierro en el centro de la península ibérica : un estudio de arqueología espacial en la Mesa de Ocaña, Toledo, España
Tsibilium : la nécropole apsile de Tsibilium (VIIe av. J.-C.-VIIe ap. J.-C), (Abkhazie, Caucase)
The late Neolithic tell settlement at Polgár-Csoszhalom, Hungary : the 1957 excavation
Fondi ed il suo territorio in età romana : profilo di storia economica e sociale
The values of community archaeology : a comparative assessment between the UK and US
Le Bronze Ancien dans les Cyclades et en Crète : les relations entre les deux régions : influence de la Grèce continentale
Historical archaeologies of nineteenth-century colonial Tanzania : a comparative study
Early microlithic technologies and behavioural variability in southern Africa and south Asia
Archaeology and history in North-Western Benin
Taphonomie des petits vertébrés : référentiels et transferts aux fossiles : actes de la table ronde du RTP taphonomie, Talence 20-21 octobre 2009
Pottery and social dynamics in the Mediterranean and beyond in medieval and post-medieval times
The obsidian evidence for the scale of social life during the palaeolithic
La fortificazione della piazza di Messina e le Martello tower : il piano difensivo anglo siciliano nel 1810
Arqueología del contacto hispano indígena : un estudio de cambios y continuidades en las Sierras Centrales de Argentina
Un estudio acerca del uso del espacio en arqueología de sitios históricos : 'corrales de indios' y rastrilladas, un análisis interregional, provincias de Buenos Aires y Mendoza, Argentina
Karia and the Hekatomnids : the creation of a dynasty
The architectural form of the mosque in the central Arab lands, from the Hijra to the end of the Umayyad period, 1/622-133/750
"The true and exact dresses and fashion" : archaeological clothing remains and their social contexts in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Hungary
From the origins : the prehistory of the inner Tagus region
The defence of Byzantine Africa from Justinian to the Arab Conquest : an account of the military history and archaeology of the African provinces in the sixth and seventh centuries
La cerámica con decoración acanalada y bruñida en el contexto pre-campaniforme del Calcolítico de la Extremadura Portuguesa : nuevos aportes a la comprensión del proceso de producción de cerámicas en la Prehistoria Reciente de Portugal
A technological and typological analysis of the transitional and early upper Paleolithic levels of Ksar Akil and Abu Halka : level XXV-XII
Exchange and production systems in Californian prehistory : the results of hydration dating and chemical characterization of obsidian sources
War and territory in the Roman world : Guerra y territorio en el mundo romano
La cerámica protohistórica a torno de Mallorca (s. VI-I a.C.)
Oil and wine presses in Israel from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods
Pottery production, distribution and consumption in early Minoan west Crete : an analytical perspective
Peopling the Mesolithic in a northern environment
The architectural remains
I processi formativi ed evolutivi della città in area adriatica
The creation, composition, service and settlement of Roman auxiliary units raised on the Iberian Peninsula
Thinking beyond the tool : archaeological computing and the interpretive process
La Necropoli di Campovalano
El sitio ceremonial La Rinconada : organización socioespacial y religión en Ambato (Catamarca, Argentina)
Henry's mill : the historical archaeology of a forest community : life around a timber mill in south-west Victoria, Australia, in the early twentieth century
A gazetteer of archaeological sites in Lesbos
La bonne pierre : définition, nature et vertus du jade, gisements et techniques dans les textes anciens de la Chine
Natural formation processes and the archaeological record
The harbour of Sebastos (Caesarea Maritima) in its Roman Mediterranean context
Skull collection, modification and decoration
Pagans and Christians : from Antiquity to the Middle Ages : papers in honour of Martin Henig, presented on the occasion of his 65th birthday
Nicopolis d'Epiro : nuovi studi sulla zecca e sulla produzione monetale
The Roman frontier in central Jordan : interim report on the Limes Arabicus Project, 1980-1985
The Iron Age settlement at ʿAin Dara, Syria : survey and soundings
Architectural decoration in Byzantine Shivta, Negev Desert, Israel
Sociétés préhistoriques et mégalithes dans le nord-ouest de la République centrafricaine
Cruelty and sentimentality : Greek attitudes to animals, 600-300 BC
Social pluralism and lithic economy at Cerro Baúl, Peru
Ruissellement et formation des sites préhistoriques : référentiel actualiste et exemples d'application au fossile
L'outillage lithique en contextes ethnoarchéologiques = Lithic toolkits in ethnoarchaeological contexts
Les premières occupations agricoles de l'arc antillais, migration et insularité : le cas de l'occupation saladoïde ancienne de la Martinique
The Nabataean terracotta figurines
L'introduction et la diffusion de la technologie du bronze en Syrie-Mésopotamie : genèse d'un artisanat
L'età del ferro a Capua : aspetti distintivi del contesto culturale e suo inquadramento nelle dinamiche di sviluppo dell'Italia protostorica
Bucket-shaped pots : style, chronology and regional diversity in Norway in the late Roman and migration periods
Cultural change and the epipalaeolithic of Palestine
Los sumos sacerdotes de Amón tebanos de la wḥm mswt y dinastía XXI (ca. 1083-945 a.C.)
La representación del cuerpo femenino : mujeres y arte rupestre levantino del arco mediterráneo de la Península Ibérica
Zooarqueología del sur de los valles Calchaquíes (Provincias de Catamarca y Tucumán, República Argentina) : análisis de conjuntos faunísticos del primer milenio A.D.
Archaeometric and archaeological approaches to ceramics : papers presented at EMAC '05, 8th European meeting on ancient ceramics, Lyon 2005
Bones as tools : current methods and interpretations in worked bone studies
Early settlement in the western Mediterranean islands and the peripheral areas
The secondary products revolution in Macedonia : the zooarchaeological remains from Megalo Nisi Galanis, a late neolithic-early bronze age site in Greek Macedonia
Death and life-giving waters : cremation, caste, and cosmogony in karmic traditions
Early herders and their flocks
Warfare, violence and slavery in prehistory : proceedings of a Prehistoric Society conference at Sheffield University
A thousand years of farming : late Chalcolithic agricultural practices at Tell Brak in northern Mesopotamia
Tying headbands or Venus appearing : new translations of k'al, the Dresden codex Venus pages and classic period royal 'binding' rituals
Exploring the role of analytical scale in archaeological interpretation
Computing archaeology for understanding the past : CAA 2000 : Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the 28th conference, Ljubljana, April 2000
Barley, malt and ale in the Neolithic
What are these queer stones? : baetyls : epistemology of a Minoan fetish
Prehistoric chipped stone assemblages from eastern Thrace and the south Marmara Region 7th-5th mill. B.C.
Recent studies on the archaeology of Anatolia
Material knowledges, thermodynamic spaces and the Moloko sequence of the late Iron Age (AD 1300-1840) in Southern Africa
Das Rohmaterial der Steinartefakte von Andernach : ein Beitrag zur Anwendung naturwissenschaftlicher Verfahren in der Archäologie
Stability and change : socio-political development in North Mesopotamia and South-East Anatolia 4000 - 2700 B.C.
La Palestine byzantine : peuplement et populations
Sauromatisches und sarmatisches Fundgut nordöstlich und östlich des Kaspischen Meeres : eine Bestandsaufnahme bisheriger Forschungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Waffengräber
La ceramica a tenda : diffusione e centri di produzione
Fire in archaeology : papers from a session held at the European association of archaeologists sixth annual meeting in Lisbon 2000
The social organization of early Copper Age tribes on the great Hungarian plain
Zvejnieki (Northern Latvia) Stone Age cemetery
Religious communities in Byzantine Palestina : the relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, AD 400-700
Catalogue of medieval sites in Continental Croatia
Architecture rupestre et décor sculpté en Cappadoce (Ve-IXe siècle)
The site
The Bronze Age and early Iron Age in the Margiana Lowlands : facts and methodological proposals for a redefinition of the research strategies
The initial Magdalenian in France
Abhijñān : studies in South Asian archaeology and art history of artefacts
The Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition in Israel : technological analysis
The late Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in the southern Levant : new data from the site of Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan
De l'Altiplano mexicain à la Patagonie : travaux de recherches à l'Université de Paris I
Residencias y estructuras civico-ceremoniales posclásicas Tarascas de la Región de Zacapu (Michoacán, México)
Bronze lamps in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum : an illustrated catalogue
Santuarios y rituales en la Hispania céltica
Ahlat 2009 : terza campagna di indagini sulle strutture rupestri = third campaign of surveys on the underground structures
"Somewhere beyond the sea" : les îles bretonnes (France) : perspectives archéologiques, géographiques et historiques : Actes du Séminaire Archéologique de l'Ouest, 1er avril 2014, Rennes = "Somewhere beyond the sea" : the islands of Brittany (France) : an archaeological, geographical and historical point of view : Acts of the Seminar on the Archaeology of Western France, 1st April 2014, Rennes
Swahili urbanisation, trade and food production : botanical perspectives from Pemba Island, Tanzania, AD 600-1500
Volcanic eruptions, tree rings and multielemental chemistry : an investigation of dendrochemical potential for the absolute dating of past volcanism
Social and economic organization in the prehispanic andes : proceedings, 44 International Congress of Americanists, Manchester 1982
La organización tecnológica en grupos cazadores recolectores desde las ocupaciones del Pleistoceno final al Holoceno tardió, en la Meseta Central de Santa Cruz, Patagonia
Death management and virtual pursuits : a virtual reconstruction of the Minoan cemetery at Phourni, Archanes : examining the use of Tholos Tomb C and Burial Building 19 and the role of illumination in relation to mortuary practices and the perception of life and death by the living
Le paléolithique moyen du massif du Vercors (préalpes du nord) : etude des systèmes techniques en milieu de moyenne montagne
Investigations in South Levantine prehistory = Préhistoire du Sud-Levant
Colonia - municipium - vicus : Struktur und Entwicklung städtischer Siedlungen in Noricum, Rätien und Obergermanien : Beiträge der Arbietsgemeinschaft 'Römische Archäologie' bei der Tagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes der Altertumsforschung in Wien, 21.-23. 5. 1997
Archaeological investigations at Ñawinpukyo : change and continuity in an early intermediate period and middle horizon community in Ayacucho, Peru
Origine et diffusion de l'équipement défensif corporel en Méditerranée orientale (IVe-VIIIe s.) : contribution à l'étude historique et archéologique des armées antiques et médiévales
Time to quarry : the archaeology of stone procurement in Northwestern New South Wales, Australia
Los huesos humanos en el contexto arqueológico : consideraciones metodológicas sobre su excavación y registro desde las características de depósitos del S.O. de la Península Ibérica
Landscape and identity : archaeology and human geography
Nägel, Stifte, Niete : Befestigungstechnik im samischen Heraion
Folk beliefs and practice in medieval lives
New techniques for old times CAA 98 : Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the 26th conference, Barcelona, March 1998
Vers une etude de la dynamique du peuplement en Tunisie de la Protohistoire jusqu'au Haut Moyen Âge : etude comparative de deux régions : Béja (Nord-Ouest) et Qlibya (Nord-Est)
Gestion des matières premières et comportements techniques dans le Middle Stone Age africain : les assemblages lithiques de la grotte du Porc-Épic (Dire Dawa, Éthiopie)
Archaeoastronomy in archaeology and ethnography : papers from the annual meeting of SEAC (European Society for Astronomy in Culture), held in Kecskemét in Hungary in 2004
Contribution des matériaux lithiques dans la chronologie du Néolithique ancien et moyen en France et dans les régions limitrophes = Contributions of lithics to early and middle neolithic chronology in France and neighbouring regions
Les premiers peuplements en Europe
Theoretical aspects of Roman camp and fort design
'A hybrid burial practice' : situated practices and the production of situated knowledges in the archaeology of the Vestland Cauldron
Humans : evolution and environment
Les éléments métalliques du costume masculin dans les provinces romaines de la mer Noire : IIIe-Ve s. ap. J.-C.
Economia e Territorio : l'Adriatico centrale tra tarda Antichità e alto Medioevo
Chaupisawakasi y la formación del estado pukara (400 a.C.-350 d.C.) en la cuenca norte del Titicaca, Perú
Zur inneren Gliederung und Verbreitung neolithischer Gruppen im südlichen Niederelbegebeit [i.e. Niederelbegebiet]
Aprovisionamiento e intercambio : análisis petrológico del utillaje pulimentado en la prehistoria reciente del País Valenciano (España)
Ancient German identity in the shadow of the Roman Empire : the impact of Roman trade and contact along the middle Danube frontier, 10 BC - AD 166
Architecture and material culture from the earthquake house at Kourion, Cyprus : a late Roman non-elite house destroyed in the 4th century AD
Intercultural relations between south and southwest Asia : studies in commemoration of E.C.L. During Caspers (1934-1996)
The Niger Delta : aspects of its prehistoric economy and culture
The Mycenaean Cemetery at Pylona on Rhodes
Excavations at Arjoune, Syria
Le iscrizioni nord-umbre antiromane della valle di Ospitale (Appennino modenese)
Digging for words : archaeolinguistic case studies from the XV Nordic TAG conference held at the University of Copenhagen, 16-18 April 2015
Communication and commerce along the western sealanes AD 400-800
The Aegean and its cultures : proceedings of the first Oxford-Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, 22-23 April 2005
Prevalence and patterns of disease in early medieval populations : a comparison of skeletal samples of the 5th-8th centuries A.D. from Britain and southwestern Germany
Les pipes de la quarantaine : fouilles du port antique de Pomègues (Marseille)
Death, decay and reconstruction : an osteological analysis of Effigy Mound material from Wisconsin
Making history interactive : computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology (CAA) : proceedings of the 37th international conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States of America, March 22-26, 2009
Archéologie du Diamaré au Cameroun septentrional : milieux et peuplements entre Mandara, Logone, Bénoué et Tchad pendant les deux derniers millénaires
Dalmatia : research in the Roman province 1970-2001 : papers in honour of J.J. Wilkes
Celtic coinage : new discoveries, new discussion
Pollentia : a Roman colony on the island of Mallorca
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1991
Anatomy of a medieval Islamic town : Al-Basra, Morocco
Sailing the wine-dark sea : international trade and the Late Bronze Age Aegean
La malacofaune de sites mésolithiques et néolithiques de la façade atlantique de la France : contribution à l'économie et à l'identité culturelle des groupes concernés
Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México : Sylvanus G. Morley 1946
The towns of Palestine under Muslim rule : AD 600-1600
Sacred landscapes in Anatolia and neighboring regions
Text and image in pre-Columbian art : essay on the interrelationship of the verbal and visual arts
Celts, flakes, and bifaces : the Garo Hills story
Experiments in lithic technology
Acheulian large flake industries : technology, chronology and significance
Dereivka, a settlement and cemetery of Copper Age horse keepers on the middle Dnieper
Fabbri e ferri : Italia, XII-XVI secolo
Greek bronze hand-mirrors in south Italy : with special reference to Calabria
Contemporary issues in historical archaeology : session C32 . Romanization and indigenous societies : rhythms, ruptures and continuities : session C55 . History, archaeology and society : session S01 . Public archaeology : session WS07
Jebel Bishri in focus : remote sensing, archaeological surveying, mapping and GIS studies of Jebel Bishri in central Syria by the Finnish project SYGIS
The Gilund project : excavations in regional context
Settlement patterns, production and trades from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages : ArchaeDyn, seven millennia of territorial dynamics : final conference, University of Burgundy, Dijon, 23-25 June 2008
Marine shell trade and classic Teotihuacan, Mexico
La guerra contro Dolcino "perfido eresiarca" : descrizione e studio di un assedio medievale
Paisaje y arqueología en el Alto Asón (Cantabria, España) : resultados del proyecto de prospección arqueológica del Alto Asón
Siedlungsgenese im Bereich des Hambacher Forstes 1.-4. Jh. n. Chr. : Hambach 512 und Hambach 516
Social complexity in the southern Levantine PPNB as reflected through lithic studies : the bidirectional blade industries
Recent prehistoric enclosures and funerary practices in Europe : proceedings of the international meeting held at the Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal, November 2012)
La Costa Norte de Michoacán en la época prehispánica
Villas, farms and the late Roman rural economy (third to fifth centuries AD)
Virtual archaeology : proceedings of the VAST Euroconference, Arezzo 24-25 November 2000
Affluent foragers of the North American plains : landscape archaeology of the Black Hills
Oberitalische Grabaltäre : ein Beitrag zur Sepulkralkunst der römischen Kaiserzeit
Minoischer Schmuck
Early iron age pottery : a quantitative approach : proceedings of the International Round Table organized by the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece (Athens, November 28-30, 2008)
L'expansion médio-assyrienne : approche archéologique
Prehistoria de las Islas Baleares : registro arqueológico y evolución social antes de la Edad de Hierro = Prehistory of the Balearic Islands : archaeological record and social evolution before the Iron Age
Architectural development in the earliest settled agricultural phases of Azerbaijan
The archaeological heritage of the Island of Brač, Croatia
People of the Red Sea : proceedings of Red Sea Project II, held in the British Museum, October 2004
Sinai : excavations and studies
Theoretical and methodological issues in evolutionary archaeology : toward an unified Darwinian paradigm = Questions théorétiques et méthodologiques en archéologie évolutive : vers un paradigme Darwinien unifié
Human-induced changes in the environment and landscape of the Maltese Islands from the Neolithic to the 15th century AD, as inferred from a scientific study of sediments from Marsa, Malta
Late Roman glazed pottery in Carlino and in central-east Europe : production, function and distribution : proceedings of the Second International Meeting of Arcaheology in Carlino (March 2009)
Armes traditionnelles d'Afrique : dagues, poignards, glaives, épées, tranchets et couperets : approche régionale et classification technique, morphologique et esthétique
Minoan glyptic : typology, deposits and iconography from the Early Minoan period to the Late Minoan IB destruction in Crete
Aspects of the cult of Cybele and Attis on the monuments from the Republic of Croatia
Los puñales de tipo Mte. Bernorio-Miraveche : un arma de la segunda edad del hierro en Cuenca del Duero
Templi Capitolini Nella Regio I (Latium Et Campania)
Mesolithic : Neolithic interactions in the Balkans and in the Middle Danube Basin
Theoretical and methodological considerations in Central European Neolithic archaeology : proceedings of the 'Theory and Method in Archaeology of the Neolithic (7th-3rd millennium BC)' conference held in Mikulov, Czech Republic, 26-28th of October 2010
Plant processing from a prehistoric and ethnographic perspective = Préhistoire et ethnographie du travail des plantes
Roman imports in the Lower Don basin
Politics, religion, and cylinder seals : a study of Mesopotamian symbolism in the second millennium B.C.
Piedra a piedra : historia de la construcción del Paleolítico en la Península Ibérica
Mirobriga : investigations at an Iron Age and Roman site in Southern Portugal by the University of Missouri--Columbia, 1981-1986
The archaeology of semiotics and the social order of things
Il piombo dell'imperatore : il relitto di Rena Maiore e le miniere del princeps in età augustea
Stamp seals from the collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic
The archaeology of medicine : papers given at a session of the annual conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group held at the University of Birmingham on 20 December 1998
Domus Tiberiana : analyses stratigraphiques et céramologiques
Archaeofaunal remains from the past 4000 years in Sahelian West Africa : domestic livestock, subsistence strategies and environmental changes
The relief plaques of eastern Eurasia and China : the 'Ordos bronzes', Peter the Great's treasure, and their kin
Early Byzantine vaulted construction in churches of the western coastal plains and river valleys of Asia Minor
An examination of roman bronze coin distribution in the Western Empire, A.D. 81-192
Chasser les chevaux à la fin du Paléolitique dans le Bassin parisien : stratégie cynégétique et mode de vie au Magdalénien et à l'Azilien ancien
Los Templos Coloniales como Estructuras Funerarias : Arqueología en la iglesia jesuita de Mendoza
A changing place : the Galgenberg in Lower Bavaria from the fifth to the first millennium BC
Estabilidad y conflicto civil en la guerra del Peloponeso : las sociedades corintia y argiva
Early burial customs in Northern Egypt : evidence from the Pre-, Proto-, and Early dynastic periods
Geographies of power : understanding the nature of terminal classic pottery in the Maya lowlands
Conservation of classical monuments in the Mediterranean region : a study of anastylosis with case studies from Greece and Turkey
Geomatics for cultural and natural heritage conservation and valorisation
Entangled identities and otherness in late antique and early medieval Europe : historical, archaeological and bioarchaeological approaches
Migdol : ricerche su modelli di architettura militare di età ramesside (Medinet Habu)
Zabid Project pottery manual 1995 : pre-Islamic and Islamic ceramics from the Zabid area, North Yemen
Classic Maya polychrome stucco sculptures from Louisville, Belize
Natural processes in the degradation of open-air rock-art sites : an urgency intervention scale to inform conservation : the case of the Côa Valley world heritage site, Portugal
The Norman conquest : a zooarchaeological perspective
The Vinča culture of south-east Europe : studies in chronology, economy and society
Templo I de Tikal : arquitectura y restauración
Médecine et médecins au Proche-Orient ancien : actes du colloque international organisé à Lyon les 8 et 9 novembre 2002, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée
Pottery production technology and long-distance exchange in late neolithic Makrygialos, northern Greece
The Butana Group ceramics and their place in the Neolithic and post-Neolithic of Northeast Africa
A microscopic analysis of use-wear and polish formation on experimental quartz tools
Social dynamics of ceramic analysis : new techniques and interpretations : papers in honour of Charles C. Kolb
Evidence for Christianity in Roman Southern Pannonia (Northern Croatia) : a catalogue of finds and sites
Radiocarbon dating New Zealand prehistory using marine shell
Ethno-archaeology in Jenné, Mali : craft and status among smiths, potters and masons
Siscia, Pannonia Superior : old and new finds
Measuring complexity in early Bronze Age Greece : the pig as a proxy indicator of socio-economic structures
Prehistoric mining and metallurgy in south west Iberian Peninsula
Ex figlinis : the network dynamics of the Tiber Valley brick industry in the hinterland of Rome
Trade and economic contacts between the Volga and Kama Rivers region and the classical world
The origins of transhumant pastoralism in temperate southeastern Europe : a zooarchaeological perspective from the central Balkans
Lithic raw material resources and procurement in pre- and protohistoric times : proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times (Paris, 10-11 September 2012)
Arthur Evans's travels in Crete, 1894-1899
Material, virtual and temporal compositions : on the relationships between objects : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists fifth annual meeting in Bournemouth 1999
Medial mandibular ramus : ontogenetic, idiosyncratic, and geographic variation in recent Homo, great apes, and fossil hominids
The illuminated ark : interrogating evidence from manuscript illuminations and archaeological remains for medieval vessels
Céramique et occupation égyptienne en Canaan au 13e siècle av. J.C. : études de cas de Hazor, Megiddo et Lachish
Signifying place and space : world perspectives of rock art and landscape
Virtual reality in archaeology
An ancient Roman spa at Mezzomiglio : Chianciano Terme, Tuscany = Antiche terme romane a Mezzomiglio : Chianciano Terme, Toscana
La grotte ouest du Portel, Ariège, France : restes fauniques et sratégies de chasse dans le pléistocène supérieur purénnéen
Theoretical approaches to artefacts, settlement and society : studies in honour of Mats P. Malmer
Ceramic production and distribution in the southeastern Maya periphery : late classic painted serving vessels
The biological affinities of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age : a regional dental non-metric approach
The culture of Thracians and their neighbours : proceedings of the international symposium in memory of Prof. Mieczysław Domaradzki, with a round table "Archaeological map of Bulgaria"
Agricultural changes at Euphrates and steppe sites in the mid-8th to the 6th millenium B.C.
The Mycenaean cult of the dead
Estudiar el pasado: aspectos metodológicos de la investigación en Ciencias de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media : proceedings of the first postgraduate conference on studies of antiquity and Middle Ages : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 26-28th October 2010
Lithic technology and regional variation in late Neolithic Jordan
Making visible : three-dimensional GIS in archaeological excavation
Etruscan settlement, society and material culture in central coastal Etruria
El centro ceremonial de Caguana, Puerto Rico : simbolismo iconográfico, cosmovisión y el poderío caciquil taíno de Boriquén
A technological and typological analysis of Upper Palaeolithic stone industries of Epirus, Northwestern Greece
Transformation du cuivre au Moyen-Orient du Néolithique à la fin du 3ème millénaire : etude d'une chaîne technologique
Population, land use and settlement on Punic Malta : a contextual analysis of the burial evidence
World heritage : global challenges, local solutions : proceedings of a conference at Coalbrookdale, 4-7 May 2006 hosted by the Ironbridge Institute
Europe between late antiquity and the Middle Ages : recent archaeological and historical research in Western and Southern Europe
At the edge : terminal Pleistocene hunter-gatherers in the Negev and Sinai
Socio-economic aspects of Chalcolithic (4500-3500 BC) societies in the Southern Levant : a lithic perspective
Late Bronze Age Mycenaean and Italic products in the West Mediterranean : a social and economic analysis
Reconnaître des tactiques d'exploitation du milieu au paléolithique moyen : la contribution de l'analyse fonctionnelle : etude fonctionnelle des industries lithiques de Grotta Breuil (Latium, Italie) et de La Combette (Bonnieux, Vaucluse, France)
Approche taphonomique des restes humains : le cas des Mésolithiques de la grotte des Perrats et le problème du cannibalisme en préhistoire récente européenne
Ancient Maya cityscapes : insights from Lagartera and Margarita, Quintana Roo, Mexico
El incastellamento en el territorio de la ciudad de Luca (Toscana) : poder y territorio entre la Alta Edad Media y el siglo XII
Dominio del cuerpo femenino como ejercicio de poder a través de textos médicos clásicos y medievales
Recent approaches to the archaeology of land allotment
Christianity in Roman Pannonia : an evaluation of early Christian finds and sites from Hungary
The impact of Rome on settlement in the Northwestern and Danube provinces : lectures held at the Wincklemann-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in winter 1998/99
Les terres cuites architecturales des églises du haut Moyen Age dans le nord-ouest de la France et le sud-est de l'Angleterre : application de la datation par luminescence à l'archéologie du bâti
Les princes martyrs Boris et Gleb : iconographie et canonisation
La cueva del Valle, Rasines, Cantabria, España
An Ahrensburgian site at Zonhoven-Molenheide (Belgium)
Classical engraved gems from Turkey and elsewhere : the Wright collection
Atti del 3 Convegno Nazionale dei Etnoarcheologia, Mondaino, 17-19 marzo 2004 = Proceedings of the 3rd Italian Congress of Ethnoarchaeology, Mondaino (Italy), 17-19 March, 2004
A sense of the past : studies in current archaeological applications of remote sensing and non-invasive prospection methods
Three-dimensional imaging in paleoanthropology and prehistoric Archaeology
Le crâne d'Homo sapiens en Eurasie : croissance et variation depuis 100 000 ans
The Roman settlement patterns in the western façade of the Conventus Bracarensis
Anciens peuplements littoraux et relations Homme/Milieu sur les côtes de l'Europe Atlantique = Ancient maritime communities and the relationship between people and environment along the European Atlantic coasts
Etude anthropologique de crises démographiques en contexte épidémique : aspects paléo- et biodémographiques de la peste en Provence
Chalcolithic cult and risk management at Teleilat Ghassul : the Area E Sanctuary
The archaeology of value : essays on prestige and the processes of valuation
Villages, fields and frontiers : studies in European rural settlement in the medieval and early modern periods : papers presented at the meeting of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, held at Durham and Cambridge, England, 10-17 September 1981
Historic periods
Mehtelek : the first excavated site of the Mehtelek Group of early Neolithic Koros culture in the Carpathian Basin
Italian cadastre of artificial cavities
Hallstatt textiles : technical analysis, scientific investigation and experiment on Iron Age textiles
Campaniforme y rituales estratégicos en la cuenca media y baja del Guadiana (suroeste de la Península Ibérica)
The Hongshan papers : collected studies on the archaeology of Northern China
A critical exploration of frameworks for assessing the significance of New Zealand's historic heritage
Cities in transition : urbanism in Byzantium between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages (500-900 A.D.)
Tecnología y sociedad : biografía e historia social de las palas del oasis de Tebenquiche Chico, Puna de Atacama, primer milenio d.C.
Homosexualité et imaginaire sexuel chez les Aztèques
Another Tasmanian paradox : clothing and thermal adaptations in aboriginal Australia
Dediche votive private attiche del IV secolo a.C. : il culto di Atena e delle divinità mediche
La pesca en el reino de Toledo : la cuenca alta y media del Tajo en los siglos XII al XVI
Water and technology in Levantine society, 1300-1900 : an historical, archaeological and architectural analysis
Archaeobotanical investigations of plant cultivation and husbandry practices at the early Bronze Age settlement Küllüoba in west-central Turkey : considerations on environment, climate and economy
The nature of difference : history and lithic use-wear at two Upper Palaeolithic sites in Central Europe
The emergence of food production in Ethiopia
Health in past societies : biocultural interpretations of human skeletal remains in archaeological contexts
Competitive advantage strategy in cultural heritage management : a case-study of the Mani area in the southern Peloponnese, Greece
The Scythian Neapolis (2nd century BC to 3rd century AD) : investigations into the Graeco-barbarian city on the northern Black Sea Coast
Scythians is a name given them by the Greeks : an analysis of six barrow burials on the West Eurasian Steppe
Worshippers and warriors : reconstructing gender and gender relations in the prehistoric rock art of Naquane National Park, Valcamonica, Brescia, northern Italy
Prehistoric pottery : people, pattern and purpose
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1994
Women in pre-Islamic Arabia : Nabataea
Ancient settlement patterns in the area of Aksum (Tigray, northern Ethiopia) -- Ca. 900 BCE-800/850 CE
Plant exploitation on Epipalaeolithic and early Neolithic sites in the Levant
Early hominid scavenging opportunities : implications of carcass availability in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro ecosystems
Grabados rupestres de la fachada atlántica europea y africana : Rock carvings of the European and African Atlantic faç ade
The Early and Middle Neolithic in Macedonia : links with the neighbouring areas
La ceramica, l'alimentazione, l'artigianato e le vie di commercio tra VIII e XIV secolo : il caso della Toscana meridionale
Animals in the Steppe : a zooarchaeological analysis of later neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria
Archaeology of Mother Earth sites and sanctuaries through the ages : rethinking symbols and images, art and artefacts from history and prehistory
The city and the coin in the ancient and early medieval worlds
Prey movements and settlement patterns during the upper palaeolithic in Southwestern France
Crafting bone : skeletal technologies through time and space : proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group, Budapest, 31 August-5 September 1999
Itinerari del sacro nelle forme del bere : articolazioni morfologiche e funzionali della ceramica greca ad uso potorio in ambito rituale
Section 14, Archéologie et histoire du moyen âge : sessions générales et posters = Archaeology and history of the Middle Ages : general sessions and posters
Römer und Germanen-Nachbarn über Jahrhunderte : Beiträge der gemeinsamen Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaften 'Römische Archäologie' und 'Römische Kaiserzeit im Barbaricum' auf dem 2. Deutschen Archäologen-Kongress, Leipzig, 30.09.-4.10.1996
Palaeoethnobotany of Princess Point, Lower Great Lakes Region, Southern Ontario, Canada
A multidisciplinary approach to Alexandria's economic past : the Lake Mareotis research project
La piazzaforte di Casale Monferrato durante la Guerra di Successione Spagnola 1701-1706
Zooarchaeology of the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary : proceedings of a symposium held at the 8th Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, August 1998
Current research in animal palaeopathology : proceedings of the Second ICAZ Animal Palaeopathology Working Group Conference
Font-Rase à Barbezieux et Font-Belle à Segonzac (Charente) : deux sites du néolithique récent saintongeais Matignons/Peu-Richard
Producer of the living, eater of the dead : revealing Tlaltecuhtli, the two-faced Aztec Earth
Upper Palaeolithic osseous artifacts from Britain and Belgium : an inventory and technological description
Peinture murale en Gaule : actes des séminaires AFPMA 1982-1983, 1er et 2 mai 1982 à Lisieux, 21 et 22 mai 1983 à Bordeaux
Les archives fluviales du bassin-versant de la Beuvronne (Seine-et-Marne, Bassin parisien, France) : perception et impacts des modifications climatiques et des occupations humaines depuis 15 000 ans
History and ethnoarchaeology in Eastern Nigeria : a study of Igbo-Igala relations with special reference to the Anambra Valley
Experimental archaeology : replicating past objects, behaviors, and processes
The Körös culture in Eastern Hungary
'My life is like the summer rose' Maurizio Tosi e l'archeologia come modo di vivere : papers in honour of Maurizio Tosi for his 70th birthday
The archaeology of coastal Belize
The organization of production among sedentary foragers of the southern Pacific northwest coast
Une anthropologie des manifestations esthétiques du Mésolithique européen de la fin du Tardiglaciaire et durant le Postglaciaire
Il ginnasio greco : genesi, topografia e culti dei luoghi della paideia
El campaniforme en la Meseta central de la Península Ibérica : c. 2500-2000 AC.
L'homme et le précieux : matièrales minérales précieuses
Different Iron ages : studies on the Iron age in temperate Europe
The development of pottery technology from the late sixth to the fifth millennium B.C. in northern Jordan : ethno- and archaeological studies: Abu Hamid as a key site
Movilidad y uso del espacio de cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno tardío : estudio de la variabilidad del registro tecnológico en distintos ambientes del noroeste de la provincia de Santa Cruz (Argentina)
La producción alfarera gadirita durante los siglos -III y -II
Communautés villageoises néolithiques des Dhars Tichitt et Oualata (Mauritanie)
Animaltown : beasts in medieval urban space
Oil-lamps in the Holy Land : saucer lamps : from the beginning to the Hellenistic period : collections of the Israel Antiquities Authority
The pagan image of Greco-Roman Palestine and surrounding lands
De la Loire à l'Oder : les civilisations du paléolithique final dans le nord-ouest européen : actes du colloque de Liège, décembre 1985
Formation and change in individual identity between the Bell Beaker Culture and the Early Bronze Age in Bavaria, South Germany
Charcoal analysis : methodological approaches, palaeoecological results and wood uses : proceedings of the Second International Meeting of Anthracology, Paris, September 2000
Holocene foragers of North India : the bioarchaeology of Mesolithic Damdama
Chairs, stools, and footstools in the New Kingdom : production, typology, and social analysis
Aspects archéologiques
Fisher-hunters and Neolithic pastoralists in east Turkana, Kenya
Bell beaker copper use in central Europe : a distinctive tradition?
El conjunto arquitectónico del Olivar
Recent developments in Isthmian archaeology : advances in the prehistory of lower Central America : proceedings, 44 International Congress of Americanists, Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Manchester 1982
Stone Age living spaces in western Norway
The early farmers of Transkei, Southern Africa, before A.D. 1870
Description typo-technologique des industries lithiques taillées de Corse du Mésolithique au Chalcolithique
"Prehistoric technology" 40 years later : functional studies and the Russian legacy
Identifying domestic space in the Neolithic Eastern Mediterranean : method and theory in spatial studies
A view from the air : aerial archaeology and remote sensing techniques : results and opportunities
Late Roman African cookware of the Palatine East excavations, Rome : a holistic approach
The protoclassic in the Maya lowlands
Beyond the bloom : bloom refining and iron artifact production in the Roman world
Orte (Viterbo) e il suo territorio : scavi e ricerche in Etruria meridionale fra antichità e Medioevo
Die Bildersprache minoischer und mykenischer Siegel
Sargonic and presargonic texts in the World Museum Liverpool
Lithic raw material variability and the reduction of short-term-use implements : an example from northwestern New Mexico
Changing settlement patterns in the Aksum-Yeha region of Ethiopia : 700 BC-AD 850
The River Qoueiq, Northern Syria, and its catchment : studies arising from the Tell Rifa'at Survey 1977-79
Ambiente, sussistenza e articolazione sociale nell'Italia centrale tra Bronzo medio e Primo Ferro
The early and classic Christian phases
Piecing together the past : applications of refitting studies in archaeology
Charsadda : the British-Pakistani excavations at the Bala Hisar
The archaeology of the Matienzo depression, north Spain
West African archaeology : new developments, new perspectives
Le Campaniforme en France : analyse de la céramique d'accompagnement
El análisis de la relación forma-contenido de los conjuntos cerámicos del yacimiento arqueológico del Cerro de la Encina (Granada, España)
Frühmittelalterliche Grabfunde beiderseits der unteren Mosel
Azdud (Ashdod-Yam) : an early Islamic fortress on the Mediterranean Coast
Costume et insignes d'un gouvernant maya : K'inich Janaab' Pakal de Palenque
Le Mésolithique en Haute-Normandie (France) : l'exemple du site d'Acquigny "l'Onglais" (Eure) et sa contribution à l'étude des gisements mésolithiques de plein air
Death and burial in Arabia and beyond : multidisciplinary perspectives
La arquitectura sagrada ibérica : orígenes, desarrollos y contextos
Secuencias de cambio social en una región mediterránea : análisis arqueológico de la depresión de Vera (Almería) entre los siglos V y XI
El Neolítico en el Bajo Vinalopó (Alicante, España)
Ancient and modern bone artefacts from America to Russia : cultural, technological and functional signature
Territorio neolítico : las primeras comunidades campesinas en la fachada oriental de la península Ibérica (ca. 5600-2800 cal BC)
La elaboración del círculo productivo romano como imperio mediterráneo (348-218 AC) : materiales arqueológicos para una historia crítica del período medio-republicano
Methodology of geophysical research in archaeology
Tools of the mammoth hunters : the application of use-wear analysis on the Czech Upper Palaeolithic chipped industry
Passage, transformation et art schematique : l'exemple des peintures neolithiques du sud de la France
Spiral decoration in early Bronze Age Scandinavia : a technical and qualitative analysis and study of production
cura riparum alvei tiberis : storiografia, prosopografia e fonti epigrafiche
Tecnología lítica del paleolítico inferior del noreste de la Península Ibérica y sureste de Francia
Architectural terracottas at the sanctuary of Punta Stilo at Kaulonia : genesis, problems, developments
Discoid lithic technology : advances and implications
Il territorio calatino nella Sicilia imperiale e tardoromana
The final feast : an examination of the significant Iron Age amphora burials in north-west Europe in relation to the Mediterranean symposium and feasting ritual
Arqueología durante la transición pleistoceno-holoceno en Uruguay : componentes paleoindios, organización de la tecnología lítica y movilidad de los primeros Americanos
The Uruk phenomenon : the role of social ideology in the expansion of the Uruk culture during the fourth millennium BC
Actes du XIVème Congrès UISPP : sessions générales et posters = Acts of the XIVth UISPP Congress : general sessions and posters
Perceived landscapes and built environments : the cultural geography of Late Paleolithic Eurasia
A circumpolar reappraisal : the legacy of Gutorm Gjessing (1906-1979) : proceedings of an international conference held in Trondheim, Norway, 10th-12th October 2008, arranged by the Institute of Archaeology and Religious Studies, and the SAK department of the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
The agricultural homestead in Moravian mediaeval villages
Portable shrine models : ancient architectural clay models from the Levant
Integrating social and environmental archaeologies : reconsidering deposition
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times (Madrid, 14-17 October 2009)
Rock art and museum = Art rupestre et musée
Zooarchaeology of South America
The Nordic scimitar : external relations and the creation of elite ideology
The elite late period Egyptian tombs of Memphis
Vitreous materials at Amarna : the production of glass and faience in 18th Dynasty Egypt
L'habitat privé en Palestine au Bronze Moyen et au Bronze Récent
Pietre da macina, macine per mulini : definizione e sviluppo delle tecniche per la macinazione nell'area del Vicino Oriente e del Mediterraneo orientale antico
Chemical arts and technologies of indigenous Americans
The Transition from Lower to Middle Palaeolithic and the origin of modern man : international symposium to commemorate the 50th anniversary of excavations in the Mount Carmel Caves by D.A.E. Garrod, University of Haifa, 6-14 October 1980
The UCL Lahun Papyri : accounts
Catalogo delle Lucerne di Tolemaide (Circenaica)
Out of place : human skeletal remains from non-funerary contexts ; Northern Italy during the 1st millennium BC
Das 'Harpyien-Monument' von Xanthos : seine Bedeutung innerhalb der spätarchaischen Plastik
Phasenkartierung des mitteleuropäischen Neolithikums : Chronologie und Chorologie
An investigation of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule (L)) : collection practices at the kitchen midden sites of Norsminde and Krabbesholm, Denmark
Les outillages néolithiques en Syrie du Nord : méthode de débitage et gestion laminaire durant le PPNB
The functional analysis of flint implements : Pincevent and Pont d'Ambon : two case studies from the French final palaeolithic
Una fundación de Valencia (Hispania) : antítesis de la tesis actual
Formes et fonctions au sein des industries lithiques de la fin du Pléistocène et du début de l'Holocène en Asie du Sud-Est : un nouvel apport à la comprehénsion des comportements humains
The Kintampo Complex : the late Holocene on the Gambaga Escarpment, Northern Ghana
The Mousterian legacy : human biocultural change in the upper Pleistocene
Monasteria et territoria : elites, edilicia y territorio en el Mediterráneo medieval (siglos V-XI) : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (MAR), Museo de San Isidro (Madrid), 18/20 Diciembre 2006
Reconstruction of the Bronze age of the Caspian Steppes : life styles and life ways of pastoral nomads
Archaeological sciences '97 : proceedings of the conference held at the University of Durham, 2nd-4th September 1997
Ayyubid Jerusalem (1187-1250) : an architectural and archaeological study
Health in late prehistoric Thailand
Upper Palaeolithic dwellings of mammoth bones in the Ukraine : Kiev-Kirillovskii, Gontsy, Dobranichevka, Mezin and Mezhirich
The Hammer on the rock : studies in the early palaeolithic of Azraq, Jordan
Le camp à Challignac (Charente) au IIIe millénaire av. J.-C. : un établissement complexe de la culture d'Artenac dans le centre-ouest de la France
A neolithic cemetery in the northern Dongola Reach : excavations at Site R12
The regional survey and conclusions
Adlun in the Stone Age : the excavations of D.A.E. Garrod in the Lebanon, 1958-1963
The bath in Greece in classical antiquity : the Peloponnese
Hunter-gatherers in north and central India : an ethnoarchaeological study
The Canaanite cultic milieu : the zooarchaeological evidence from Tel Haror, Israel
Early ceramic population lifeways and adaptive strategies in the Caribbean
Le bourg abbatial de Villemagne-l'Argentière (Hérault) : dynamique économique et commande monumentale XIe-XIVe siècles
Early Medieval pottery in northern Croatia : typological and chronological pottery analyses as indicators of the settlement of the territory between the rivers Drava and Sava from the 10th to 13th centuries AD
Iconografía náutica de la Península Ibérica en la protohistoria
Examining the Levallois reduction strategy from a design theory point of view
The Aegean Bronze Age in relation to the wider European context : papers from a session at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Cork, 5-11 September 2005
Dance, dancers and the performance cohort in the Old Kingdom
Early human impact on megamolluscs
Ideología aristocrática en los orígenes del arcaísmo griego : estrategias de alteridad en la Ilíada
Islamic art, architecture and material culture : new perspectives
Attic pinakes : votive images in clay
Archaeomalacology : shells in the archaeological record
The Stone Age of South India and Sri Lanka : a critical review
Seafaring on the ancient Mediterranean : new thoughts on triremes and other ancient ships
Interpreting stratigraphy : site evaluation, recording procedures and stratigraphic analysis : papers presented to the Interpreting Stratigraphy Conferences, 1993-1997
Prehistoric investigations in Northeast Thailand : excavations at Ban Na Di, Non Kao Noi, Ban Muang Phruk, Ban Chiang Hian, Non Noi, Ban Kho Noi, and site surveys in the Upper Songkhram and Middle Chi Valleys
Sites of Early Nubian, Middle Nubian and Pharaonic Age
La explotación inglesa de la Minas de Cerro Muriano (Córdoba, España) : una historia de colonialismo económico de principios del siglo XX
Classical and medieval archaeology
Art, death and social order : the mortuary arts of pre-Conquest Central Panama
The role of American archeologists in the study of the European Upper Paleolithic
Zur Neolithisierung des Mittleren Niltals und angrenzender Regionen : kultureller Wandel vom Mesolithikum zum Neolithikum im Nord- und Zentralsudan
Attachment to abandoned heritage : the case of Suakin, Sudan
A study of prehistoric soapstone vessels of the middle Atlantic region of the United States
Transcaucasian bronze belts
Section 13, Époque romaine : sessions générales et posters = The Roman age : general sessions and posters
A categorisation and examination of Egyptian ships and boats from the rise of the Old to the end of the Middle Kingdoms
L'étude de la transition du Bronze récent II au Fer I en Palestine méridionale
Arquelogía colonial Latinoamericana : modelos de estudio
Iran palaeolithic : Le paléolithique d'Iran
In the land of the ichthyophagi : modelling fish exploitation in the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman from the 5th millennium BC to the Late Islamic period
Fishermen, hunters and herders : zooarchaeology in the Fayum, Egypt (ca.8200-5000 bp)
Archaeological excavations at the Uxbridge Almshouse Burial Ground in Uxbridge, Massachusetts
L'habitat traditionnel à ‛Aima : enquête ethnoarchéologique dans un village jordanien
Le chalcolitique moyen entre la Seine et le Rhin inférieur : étude synthétique du rituel funéraire
Proceedings of the 1st Italy-United States workshop, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 1-3, 2001
Town-planning and population in Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
Man and animal relationship in early farming communities of western India, with special reference to Inamgaon
Food, culture and identity in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age
Archaeological survey in the Mediterranean area
Late Pleistocene deer fossils from Corbeddu Cave : implications for human colonization of the island of Sardinia
Dendrochronology in Europe : principles, interpretations and applications to archaeology and history : based on the symposium held at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, July 1977
La campagna gallispana del 1744 Storia e Archeologia Militare di un anno di guerra fra Piemonte e Delfinato
The archaeology of the clay tobacco pipe
A bioarchaeological analysis of Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave, Greece
Bronze Age landscape and society in Southern Epirus, Greece
The stone age of Chukotka, Northeastern Siberia (new materials)
The late Roman Army in the Near East from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest : proceedings of a colloquium held at Potenza, Acerenza and Matera, Italy (May 2005)
Dental microwear in Natufian hunter-gatherers and pre-pottery neolithic agriculturalists from northern Israel
U.K. Chapter of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology : proceedings of the fourth meeting Cardiff University, 27 and 28 February 1999
The periphery in the center : Sardinia in the ancient and medieval worlds
The technological study of books and manuscripts as artefacts : research questions and analytical solutions
Design analysis of Chihuahuan polychrome jars from North American museum collections
Les structures d'habitat enclos de la protohistoire du Japon : période de Yayoi 350BC-300AD
Archaeologists without boundaries : towards a history of international archaeological congresses (1866-2006) = Archéologues sans frontières : pour une histoire des congrès archéologiques innationaux (1866-2006)
Sehonghong : the middle and later Stone Age industrial sequence at a Lesotho Rock-shelter
Toolkit structure and site use : results of high-power use-wear analysis of lithic assemblages from Solutré (Saône-et-Loire), France
Hunting strategies in central Europe during the last glacial maximum
Otters and urchins : continuity and change in Haida economy during the late Holocene and maritime fur trade periods
Plants and diet in Greece from Neolithic to Classic periods : the archaeobotanical remains
Late Roman African urbanism : continuity and transformation in the city
Nohmul : a prehistoric Maya community in Belize : excavations 1973-1983
Mujeres y hombres en espacios domèsticos : trabajo y vida social en la prehistoria de Mallorca (c. 700-500 cal ANE) : el edificio Alfa del Puig Morter de Son Ferragut (Sineu, Mallorca)
Prehistoric occupation of a marginal environment : an archaeological survey near Kharga Oasis in the western desert of Egypt
The classic Maya western region : a history
Roman art, religion, and society : new studies from the Roman Art Seminar, Oxford 2005
Las producciones metálicas del III y II milenio cal ANE en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica
Human skeletal remains from Chalcolithic Nevasa : osteobiographic analysis
Ceramic ecology, 1988 : current research on ceramic materials
Personal identity and social power in new kingdom and Coptic Egypt
La ceramica a decorazione geometrica dipinta da Segesta nel quadro delle produzioni della Sicilia occidentale
Ethnohistoric archaeology of the Mukogodo in north-central Kenya : hunter-gatherer subsistence and the transition to pastoralism in secondary settings
The monumental earthworks of Palau, Micronesia : a landscape perspective
The development and traditions of pottery in the Neolithic of the Anatolian Plateau : evidence from Çatalhöyük, Süberde and Erbaba
Contextos cerámicos de la Antigüedad Tardía y Alta Edad Media (siglos IV-VIII d. C.) en los asentamientos rurales de la Lusitania Septentrional (Provincia de Salamanca, España)
Formative settlement patterns on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala : a spatial analysis of complex societal evolution
The Lower Maeander flood plain : a regional settlement study
Central Asia in antiquity : interdisciplinary approaches
Maya civilization at the millennium : a research guide
Early medieval Sanjan : aspects and analysis
Identity and reciprocity in 15th century Philippines
Investigating ethnic and gender identities as expressed on wooden funerary stelae from the Libyan Period (c. 1069-715 B.C.E.) in Egypt
Entre la marina y la montaña : arqueología del medio Asón (Cantabria, Espańa)
Chronologie détaillée et révisée des éponymes amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. environ : premier bilan
L'art rupestre préhistorique des massifs centraux sahariens
Análisis tecnológico y funcional del registro cerámico del Valle de Salsacate y pampas de altura adyacentes (Provincia de Córdoba, República Argentina)
Incremental growth of the European oyster Ostrea edulis : seasonality information from Danish kitchenmiddens
Arte, arquitectura y arqueología en el grupo ah canul de la ciudad maya yucateca de Oxkintok
La producción de instrumental lítico en Tiwanaku : el impacto del surgimiento y expansión del estado en las unidades domésticas locales = Stone tool production in the Tiwanaku heartland : the impact of state emergence and expansion on local households
Current research in Sasanian archaeology, art and history : proceedings of a conference held at Durham University, November 3rd and 4th, 2001
Meroitic settlement in the central Sudan : an analysis of sites in the Nile Valley and the western Butana
Environmental changes and human occupation in East Asia during OIS3 and OIS2
Les enceintes pré- et protohistoriques de Corse : essai de comparison avec quelques sites de Toscane
The Mesolithic hunters of the Trentino : a case study in hunter-gatherer settlement and subsistence from northern Italy
Trade in the Western Mediterranean, AD 400-700 : the ceramic evidence
Measured on stone : stone artefact reduction, residential mobility and Aboriginal land use in arid Central Australia
Altenglische Terminologie für Schiffe und Schiffsteile : Archäologie und Sprachgeschichte 500-1100
Un approccio integrato al problema della ricostruzione della viabilità romana in Sicilia : la via Catania-Agrigento
Culturas en contacto : conflicto, asimilación e intercambio : proceedings of the Third Postgraduate Conference in Studies of Antiquity and Middles Ages, Autonomous University of Barcelona, 23-25th November 2016
The Mousterian in Mediterranean France : a regional, integrative and comparative perspective
Une approche des enclos du nord de la Bretagne : analyse et comparaison des sites protohistoriques
Egypt in its African context : proceedings of the conference held at the Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, 2-4 October 2009
Un complément des données sur les sociétés rubanées : l'industrie osseuse à Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes
Le concept de territoires dans le paléolithique supérieur Européen
Archives et bibliothèques dans le monde grec : édifices et organisation : V [superscript e] siècle avant notre ère - II [superscript e] siècle de notre ère
Los territorios septentrionales del Conventus Carthaginensis durante el imperio romano : estudio de la romanización de Carpetania
Pugio-gladius brevis est : history and technology of the Roman battle dagger
Close encounters : sea- and riverborne trade, ports and hinterlands, ship construction and navigation in antiquity, the Middle Ages and in modern time
Housing in medieval and post-medieval Greece
Black Cilicia : a study of the plain of Issus during the Roman and late Roman periods
The garden of the world : an historical archaeology of sugar landscapes in the eastern Caribbean
Échanges et contacts le long du Nil et de la Mer Rouge dans l'époque protohistorique (IIIe et IIe millénaires avant J.-C.) : une synthèse préliminaire
Incipient globalization? : long-distance contacts in the sixth century
Beyond the palace : Mycenaean East Lokris
La necrópolis de Sa Carrotja y la romanización del sur de la isla de Mallorca
Los alfares medievales de la Calle Hospital Viejo de Logroño (La Rioja, España) : sistematización de sus producciones (siglos XIII-XV)
La ceramica eoliana della facies del Milazzese : studio crono-tipologico e culturale sulla base dei dati editi da Filicudi, Lipari, Panarea, Salina
Luoghi e architetture della transizione : 1919-1939 : i sistemi difensivi di confine e la protezione antiaerea nelle città : storia, conservazione, riuso = Sites and architectural structures of the transition period : 1919-1939 : border defense system and air raid protection in the cities : history, conservation, reuse
Aspects of gender identity and craft production in the European migration period : iron weaving beaters and associated textile making tools from England, Norway and Alamannia
Materials and manufacture in ancient Mesopotamia : the evidence of archaeology and art : metals and metalwork, glazed materials and glass
Gli incroci pericolosi : storia e archeologia della Strada di Fiandra in Italia e Savoia, 1561-1659
Der neolithische Fundplatz Hamburg-Curslack 55
Las cecas ibéricas meridionales de la Hispania Ulterior y su circulación monetaria : acuñaciones y dispersión monetal de las ciudades ibéricas del sur peninsular
The neolithic and early Chalcolithic farmers of central and southwest Anatolia : household, community and the changing use of space
Cyrenaica in antiquity
The later prehistory of Anatolia : the late Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age
Microwear patterns on experimental basalt tools
Ports and political power in the Periplus : complex societies and maritime trade on the Indian Ocean in the first century AD
The hinterland
Victory of propaganda : the dynastic aspect of the imperial propaganda of the Severi : the literary and archaeological evidence AD 193-235
Stories from the landscape : archaeologies of inhabitation
Des morts sans tombe? : le cas des ossements humains en contexte non sépulcral en Europe tempérée entre les 6e et 3e millénaires av. J.-C.
Anneaux et cultures du Néolithique ancien : production, circulation et utilisation entre massifs ardennais et armoricain
Caribou Inuit traders of the Kivalliq Nunavut, Canada
The Roman Fort at Ács-Vaspuszta (Hungary) on the Danubian limes
Ethno-archaeology and its transfers : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists fifth annual meeting in Bournemouth 1999
Occupation de l'espace et gestion des ressources à l'interface entre massifs primaires et bassins secondaires et tertiaires au Néolithique : l'exemple du Massif armoricain et de ses marges
Studies into the Balts' sacred places
The archaeological heritage of Vis, Biševo, Svetac, Palagruža and Šolta
Roman stone fortifications : variation and change from the first century A.D. to the fourth
Minería y metalurgia romana en el sur de la Península Ibérica : Sierra Morena oriental
Food, fire and fragrance : a paleoethnobotanical perspective on classic Maya cave rituals
Relation entre espaces publics et privés dans les cités mayas des basses terres centrales et méridionales du Préclassique au Classique terminal
Proceedings of the seventh annual conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
Diving up the human past : perspectives of maritime archaeology, with specific reference to developments in South Africa until 1996
Riparia, un patrimoine culturel : la gestion intégrée des bords de l'eau : proceedings of the Sudbury workshop, April 12-14, 2012 = Actes de l'Atelier savoirs et pratiques de gestion intégrée des bords de l'eau - Riparia, Sudbury, 12-14 avril 2012
Settlement patterns, development and cultural change in the northern Oman Peninsula : a multi-tiered approach to the analysis of long-term settlement trends
Violence in the service of order : the religious framework for sanctioned killing in Ancient Egypt
The towers of Ras al-Khaimah
The North Syrian late Epipaleolithic : the earliest occupation at Tell Abu Hureyra in the context of the Levantine late Epipaleolithic
"Sein Zum Tode ..." : Untersuchungen zu den gesellschaftlichen Strukturen anhand der Nekropolen und Gräber der protogeometrischen und geometrischen Epoche aus Mittel-und Ostkreta
The native pottery of Roman Dacia
From archaeology to archaeologies : the 'other' past
To the west of Spanish Cantabria : the palaeolithic settlement of Galicia
Early Paleolithic technology in Eastern and Southern Asia
From the Arctic to Avalon : papers in honour of Jim Tuck
The capsian of North Africa : stylistic variation in stone tool assemblages
Prehistoric art and ideology
Typologische Untersuchungen zur Dichter- und Denkerikonographie in römischen Darstellungen von der mittleren Kaiserzeit bis in die Spätantike
Pierres levées, stèles anthropomorphes et dolmens = Standing stones, anthropomorphic stelae and dolmens
SOMA 2011 : proceedings of the 15th symposium on Mediterranean archaeology, held at the University of Catania 3-5 March 2011
Excavaciones en la necrópolis ibérica del Estacar de Robarinas (s.IV a.C)
The middle to upper palaeolithic transition in Iberia : turning data into information
Survey of medieval castles of Anatolia
Horus' eye and Osiris' efflux : the Egyptian civilisation of inundation c. 3000-2000 BCE
Gender locales and local genders in archaeology
Technology, style and society : contributions to the innovations between the Alps and the Black Sea in prehistory
Archeologia del sottosuolo : lettura e studio delle cavità artificiali
Jewellery revealed in the burial contexts of the Greek Bronze Age
Le strutture di servizio del cursus publicus in Italia : ricerche topografiche ed evidenze archeologiche
Tall Zarʻa in Jordan : report on the sondage at Tall Zarʻa 2001-2002 (Gadara region project: Tall Ziraʻa)
Étude de la polychromie des reliefs sur terre crue de la Huaca de la Luna Trujillo, Pérou
Lithic production and early urbanism in China : a case study of the lithic production at the Neolithic Taosi Site (ca. 2500-1900BCE)
Die Privatgräber von Amarna : zum Wandel des Grabgedankens in Zeiten eines religiösen Umbruchs
The late Chalcolithic to early Bronze I transition in Palestine and Transjordan
The Taíno settlement at Guayguata : excavations in St Mary Parish, Jamaica
Der Silberschatz von Brusa/Bursa im British Museum
A study of the relationship between style I art and socio-political change in early mediaeval Europe
Indigenous archaeology in India : prospects for an archaeology of the Subaltern
Architecture and linear measurement during the Ubaid period in Mesopotamia
La antigüedad tardía en el Alto Valle del Duero
Questioning the answers : re-solving fundamental problems of the Early Upper Paleolithic
Descifre de las escrituras mesoamericanas : códices, pinturas, estatuas, cerámica : proceedings
El Cerro de San Cristobal, Logrosan, Extremadura, Spain : the archaeometallurgical excavation of a late Bronze Age tin-mining and metalworking site : first excavation season 1998
Space, time, place : Third International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology : 17th-21st August 2009, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Computer-generated 3D-visualisations in archaeology : between added value and deception
Cultural succession and continuity in S.E. Nigeria : excavations at Afikpo
Red deer hunting in the Upper Paleolithic of south-west France : a study in seasonality
Primi interventi di conservazione sui reperti mobili nello scavo archeologico
Proceedings of the 2nd Italy-United States workshop, Rome, Italy, November 3-5, 2003, Berkeley, USA, May 2005
Les timbres amphoriques de l'Apulie républicaine : documents pour une histoire économique et sociale
An application of the linear regression technique for determining length and weight of six fish taxa : the role of selected fish species in Aleut paleodiet
L'économie des matières premières de la pierre taillée d'Anatolie centrale au Chalcolithique ancien (6000-5500 cal. BC/ECA IV) : l'étude de cas de C̜atalhöyük-Ouest
Arqueología experimental : la manufactura de terracotas en época romana
Early medieval crafts and production in Ireland, AD 400-1100 : the evidence from rural settlements
L'espace domestique Maya : une approche ethnoarchéologique au Yucatan (Mexique)
El IV milenio ANE en el Guadalquivir Medio : intensificadión agrícola y fragua de la comunidad doméstica aldeana
The past and present of leprosy : archaeological, historical, palaeopathological and clinical approaches : proceedings of the International Congress on the Evolution and Palaeoepidemiology of the Infectious Diseases 3 (ICEPID), University of Bradford, 26th-31st July 1999 (under the presidency of Professor Yves Coppens)
The artefacts
Pre-classical pottery of Eastern Anatolia : based on a survey by Charles Burney of sites along the Euphrates and around Lake Van
New light on the Bronze Age ceramics from H. Schliemann's excavations at Troy : studies on the Munich and Poznań collections within the Anatolian-Aegean cultural context
Restos óseos de necrópolis tardorromanas del Puerto de Mazarrón, Murcia
Les industries à bifaces de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest au Pléistocène moyen : l'apport des données des gisements du bassin de la Somme, de l'Escaut et de la Baie de St-Brieuc
Holy ground : theoretical issues relating to the landscape and material culture of ritual space : papers from a session held at the Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, Cardiff 1999
Approaches to healing in Roman Egypt
Recorded places, experienced places : the holocene rock art of the Iberian Atlantic north-west
The architectural decoration of Marina el-Alamein
En Shadud : salvage excavations at a farming community in the Jezreel Valley, Israel
The Balkans in later prehistory : periodization, chronology and cultural development in the Final Copper and Early Bronze Age (fourth and third millennia BC)
Cuando el paisaje se convierte en territorio : aproximación al proceso de territorialización íbero en La Plana d'Utiel, València (ss. VI-II ane)
Materializing memory : archaeological material culture and the semantics of the past
Genèse et évolution du deuxième royaume burgonde (443-534) : les témoins archéologiques
Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting of Anthracology : Brussels, 18-13 September 2008, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
The significance of votive offerings in selected Hera sanctuaries in the Peloponnese, Ionia, and Western Greece
Chronologies du Proche Orient = Chronologies in the Near East : relative chronologies and absolute chronology 16,000-4,000 B.P. : C.N.R.S. International Symposium, Lyon (France), 24-28 November 1986
The native sources and the history of the Valley of Mexico : proceedings
Inkawasi, the New Cuzco : Cañete, Lunahuaná, Peru
Spatial and religious transformations in the late antique polis : a multi-disciplinary analysis with a case-study of the city of Gerasa
Mortuary practice in ancient Iran from the Achaemenid to the Sasanian period
The archaeology of the Hellenistic Far East : a survey
Tepe Abdul Hosein : a Neolithic site in western Iran : excavations 1978
Classification des sépultures à superstructure lithique dans le Levant et l'Arabie occidentale : (IVe et IIIe millénaires avant J.-C.)
En route vers l'Ouest : les débuts de l'Aurignacien en Europe
Fähren, Frachter, Fischerboote : antike Kleinschiffe in Wort und Bild
Living on the margin : Chryssi Island and the settlement patterns of the Ierapetra area (Crete)
Spatial patterns in Magdalenian open air sites from the Isle Valley, southwestern France
Change in the Andes : origins of social complexity, pastoralism and agriculture . Sessions générales = General sessions
La cronología cerámica de La Joyanca, noroeste del Petén, Guatemala
Imports of post-archaic Greek pottery into Cyrenaica : from the end of the Archaic to the beginning of the Hellenistic period
The funerary monuments of Rough Cilicia and Isauria
Excavations at Kranka Dada : an examination of daily life, trade, and ritual in the Bono Manso region
SOMA 2009 : proceedings of the XIII Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Selcuk University of Konya, Turkey, 23-24 April 2009
Postmedieval boat and ship archaeology : papers based on those presented to an International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology in Stockholm in 1982
The making of the Tuoba Northern Wei : constructing material cultural expressions in the Northern Wei Pingcheng Period (398 - 494 CE)
The prehistory of Kharagpur Hills, South Bihar (India)
Plant domestication in the Middle Nile Basin : an archaeoethnobotanical case study
Las unidades domésticas del preclásico superior en la Mixteca Alta
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 1990
Bioarchaeology of ancient northern Vietnam
Les hommes préhistoriques et les Alpes
The Theodosian age (A.D. 379-455) : power, place belief and learning at the end of the western empire
Y Dioniso desposó a la rubia Ariadna : estudio iconográfico de la cerámica ática (575-300 a.C.)
LRCW I : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry
Analisi tecnologica e funzionale dell'industria in pietra non scheggiata del Neolitico medio dell'Italia settentrionale : tre casi studio dell'area Veneta
The Amber Lands in the time of the Roman Empire
The deceased's life cycle rituals in Nepal : present cremation burials for the interpretations of the past
Los orígenes de la estratificación social : patrones de desigualdad en la Edad del Bronce del suroeste de la Península Ibérica : Sierra Morena Occidental c. 1700-1100 a.n.e./2100-1300 A.N.E.
Música y arqueología en América precolombina : estudio de una colección de instrumentos y escenas musicales
Intervenciones arqueológicas en Mas Gusó (Gerona) : del asentamiento precolonial a la villa romana
The scale and nature of the Late Bronze Age economies of Egypt and Cyprus
Récentes recherches en archéologie galloromaine et paléochrétienne sur Lyon et sa région
Reflecting on the grave and the bones within : a locus for individual will, action and identity
Archaeozoological analysis of the fortified settlement of sand (10th century AD, Lower Austria) : early Medieval faunal remains from Sand an der Thaya
Sacred and civic stone monuments of the northwest Roman provinces
Genus ionicum : forme, storia e modelli del capitello ionico-italico
The ancient Red Sea port of Adulis and the Eritrean coastal region : previous investigations and museum collections
Holocene prehistory of the Southern Cape, South Africa : excavations at Blombos Cave and the Blombosfontein Nature Reserve
After Eden : the behavioral ecology of early food production in the Near East and North Africa
Arqueologia colonial en el área maya : siglos XVI y XVII : Tecoh (Yucatán, México) : un modelo de estudio del sincretismo cultural : registro material y documentación escrita
CAA 96 : Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
Archaeology and environment in the Libyan Sahara : the excavations in the Tadrart Acacus, 1978-1983
Romanización y producción de cerámicas finas en las áreas periféricas de la provincia Bética : factores de implantación, comercio y desarrollo técnico en el suburbium artesanal de Isturgi Triumphale (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén) (ss. I-II d.n.e)
Symbolism in the representation of royal children during the New Kingdom
Continuity and destruction in the Greek East : the transformation of monumental space from the Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity
Loros and sakkos : studies in Byzantine imperial garment and ecclesiastical vestment
The christianisation of Malta : catacombs, cult centres, and churches in Malta to 1530
Ritual change at the end of the Maya classic period : a study of incense burners from the southern lowlands
Upper Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic Lithic technologies at Raqefet Cave, Mount Carmel East, Israel
Le mégalithisme atlantique = The Atlantic megaliths
Prehistoric human occupation on Rote and Sawu Islands, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia
Thapsos-class ware reconsidered : the case of achaea in the northern peloponnese : pottery workshop or pottery style?
Les plaquettes de schiste gravées du Saut-du-Perron
Excalibur : essays on antiquity and the history of collecting in honour of Arthur MacGregor
Morir en el mediterráneo medieval : actas del III Congreso Internacional de Arqueología, Arte e Historia de la Antigüedad Tardía y Alta Edad Media peninsular celebrado en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y en el Museo de los Orígenes de Madrid (Casa de San Isidro) - 17 y 18 Diciembre de 2007
Paesaggi etruschi in terra di Siena : l'agro tra Volterra e Chiusi dall' età del ferro all' età romana
The Black Sea, Paphlagonia, Pontus and Phrygia in antiquity : aspects of archaeology and ancient history
Studies concerning Chalcolithic Societies in the northern Negev Desert, Israel (1982-1984)
Bison ethology and native settlement patterns during the old women's phase on the northwestern plains
Archaeology and buildings : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists fifth annual meeting in Bournemouth, 1999
The years without summer : tracing A.D. 536 and its aftermath
Sense and nonsense in Homer : a consideration of the inconsistencies and incoherencies in the texts of the Iliad and the Odyssey
Late ceramic age societies in the Eastern Caribbean
Methodological issues for characterisation and provenance studies of obsidian in Northeast Asia
Draupnir's sweat and Mardöll's tears : an archaeology of jewellery, gender and identity in Viking age Iceland
Metal weapons of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in Syria-Palestine
Rome and the social role of élite villas in its suburbs
Tafonomía regional y estudios arqueofaunísticos de cetáceos en Tierra del Fuego y Patagonia meridional
Time, space and innovation : an archaeological case study on the romanization of the north-western provinces (50 BC to AD 50)
Die Felsreliefs im rauhen Kilikien
The Cave of Hearths : Makapan middle pleistocene research project : field research by Anthony Sinclair and Patrick Quinney, 1996-2001
Pleistocene and palaeolithic investigations in the Soan Valley, Northern Pakistan
Palaeoenvironmental investigations : research design, methods, and data analysis
Ancient shipwrecks of the Adriatic : maritime transport during the first and second centuries AD
Figlinae baeticae : talleres alfareros y producciones cerámicas en la Bética romana (ss. II a.C.-VII d.C.) : actas del congreso internacional (Cádiz, 12-14 de noviembre de 2003)
Chalcolithic anthropomorphic figurines from Ilgynly-depe, southern Turkmenistan : classification, analysis and catalogue
A morphometric investigation into the origin(s) of anatomically modern humans
Computer and quantitative methods in archaeology 1987
Sessions générales et posters = General sessions and posters
Les outils et les armes en pierre dans le rituel funéraire du Néolithique danubien
Technological choices and material meanings in Early and Middle Bronze Age Hungary : understanding the active role of material culture through ceramic analysis
Later mesolithic fishing strategies and practices in Denmark
Cuatro estudios sobre el AE2 teodosiano y su circulación en Hispania
Perviae paucis Alpes : viabilità romana attraverso i valichi delle Alpi Centrali
Kurgans, ritual sites, and settlements : Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age
Du couteau au sabre : From knife to sabre : armes traditionnelles d'Afrique 2
The good, the bad and the unbuilt : handling the heritage of the recent past
Germanien an der Zeitenwende : Studien zum Kulturwandel beim Übergang von der vorrömischen Eisenzeit zur älteren römischen Kaiserzeit in der Germania Magna
A technological and typological analysis of the later Paleolithic levels of Ksar Akil : level XIII-VI
Making pots : el modelado de la cerámica a mano y su potencial interpretativo
The development of prehistoric mining and metallurgy in Anatolia
Archaeology and geoarchaeology of the Mukogodo Hills and Ewaso Ng'iro Plains, Central Kenya
Section 18, Muséographie et société contemporaine : sessions générales et posters = Museum studies and modern society : general sessions and posters
Of men and reindeer herds in French Magdalenian prehistory
The northern rock art tradition in central Norway
Animals in the urban landscape in the wake of the Middle Ages : a case study from Vác, Hungary
In search of the Samnites : adornment and identity in archaic central Italy, 750-350 B.C.
The Bronze Age necropolis at Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel
Agricultura, regadío y molienda en una capital inkaica : los sitios El Shincal y Los Colorados, Noroeste Argentino
Culture, history, and identity : landscapes of inhabitation in the Mount Kilimanjaro area, Tanzania : essays in honour of Paramount Chief Thomas Lenana Mlanga Marealle II (1915-2007)
Approaches to Swedish prehistory : a spectrum of problems and perspectives in contemporary research
La arqueología social en el Perú
Unconformist archaeology : papers in honour of Paolo Biagi
Derecho e historia en la sociedad clásica : memoria y reconstrucción
Antiquarians at the megaliths
El pensamiento europeo y el concepto de celtíbero, 1821-1939
Understanding the past : a matter of surface-area : acts of the XIIIth session of the EAA Congress, Zadar 2007
The romanesque cathedral of Santiago de Compostela : a reassessment
The festival cycle of the Aztec Codex Borbonicus
Soma 2005 : proceedings of the IX symposium on mediterranean archaeology, Chieti (Italy), 24-26 February 2005
Données récentes sur les pratiques funéraires néolithiques de la Plaine du Rhin supérieur
New developments in Italian landscape archaeology : theory and methodology of field survey, land evaluation and landscape perception, pottery production and distribution : proceedings of a three-day conference held at the University of Groningen, April 13-15, 2000
Basal-looped spearheads : typology, chronology, context and use
Settlement ecology of the early and middle Neolithic Körös and linear pottery cultures in Hungary
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen funktionaler Interpretation an Keramik Experimente, Beobachtungen, Analysen
Soils and Archaeology : papers of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százhalombatta, Hungary, 30 May-3 June 2001
Recherches sur le site fortifié de Strasbourg durant l'antiquité tardive : le castrum d'Argentoratum
Rock art of the eastern desert of Egypt : content, comparisons, dating and significance
Lithic analysis in southwestern France : Middle Paleolithic assemblages from the site of La Quina
Daily activities, diet and resource use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük : microstratigraphic and biomolecular evidence from middens
Le acque del passato : opere idrauliche dall'antichità al XX secolo : IV Congresso di Archeologia del Sottosuolo
Patterns in protohistory
La Frontera del Estado Inca : proceedings [of the] 45 International Congress of Americanists, Bogotá, Colombia, 1985
Greek vases in the Imperial Hermitage Museum : the history of the collection, 1816-69 : with addenda et corrigenda to Ludolf Stephani, Die Vasen-Sammlung der kaiserlichen Ermitage (1869)
La mesure du passé : contributions à la recherche en archéométrie : 2000-2006
The Aeolian Islands : crossroads of Mediterranean maritime routes : a survey on their maritime archaeology and topography from the prehistoric to the Roman periods
Análisis y clasificación de la cerámica de un sitio maya del clásico : Yaxchilán, México
The Neolithic settlement of southern Poland
Frayer la route d'un monde inversé : sacrifice et offrandes animales dans la culture Mochica (100-800 apr. J.-C.), côte nord du Pérou
Use wear analysis on bone and antler tools of the Mackenzie Inuit
Metalurgia y sociedad en el nordeste de la Peninsula Ibérica : finales del IV - II milenio cal ANE
The myth of Marsyas in the Roman visual arts : an iconographic study
Gurudakshina : facets of Indian archaeology : essays presented to Prof. V.N. Misra
Merry and jovial: reconsidering the effigies immortalis and the commemoration of Roman boys
The salt of the earth : ethnoarchaeology of salt production in Michoacán, Western Mexico
La Signification culturelle des industries lithiques : actes du colloque de Liège du 3 au 7 octobre 1984
The historical archaeology of northern Caria : a study in cultural adaptations
Dioskouroi : studies presented to W.G. Cavanagh and C.B. Mee on the anniversary of their 30-year joint contribution to Aegean archaeology
El poblado arévaco de Los Castillejos de Pelegrina, Guadalajara (España) : evolución de sus fases
SOMA 2012 : identity and connectivity: proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1 - 3 March 2012
Tierdarstellungen der prähistorischen Metallzeiten in Bayern
Commerce and economy in ancient Egypt : proceedings of the Third International Congress for Young Egyptologists, 25-27 September 2009, Budapest
Current archaeological research in Ghana
Comparative studies in the archaeology of colonialism
Le traitement thermique des matières premières lithiques : que se passe-t-il lors de la chauffe?
La Annona y la política agraria durante el Alto Imperio romano
La necropoli di Campovalano
An index of ancient Egyptian titles, epithets and phrases of the Old Kingdom
(Re)thinking the little ancestor : new perspectives on the archaeology of infancy and childhood
Interaction on the southeast Mesoamerican frontier : prehistoric and historic Honduras and El Salvador
Unidad y diversidad en el Arco Atlántico en época romana : III Coloquio Internacional de Arqueología en Gijón, Gijón, 28, 29 y 30 septiembre 2002
The economy of the ringfort and contemporary settlement in early medieval Ireland
Coroplastica neolitica antropomorfa d'Italia : simboli ed iconografie dell'arte mobiliare quaternaria post-glaciale
Sailing rock art boats : a reassessment of seafaring abilities in Bronze Age Scandinavia and the introduction of the sail in the North
The archaeology of community emergence and development on Mabuyag in the Western Torres Strait
Phytolith analysis applied to Pleistocene-Holocene archaeological sites in the Australian arid zone
L'espace domestique en Mésopotamie de la IIIe dynastie d'Ur à l'époque paléo-babylonienne
Archaeoentomological and archaeoparasitological reconstructions at Îlot Hunt (CeEt-110) : new perspectives in historical archaeology (1850-1900)
La parure en coquille à Sayula, Occident du Mexique : approche techno-stylistique et rôle dans la dynamique socioculturelle entre 450 et 1000 appr. J.-C.
Metals from K2 and Mapungubwe, middle Limpopo Valley : a technological study of early second millennium material culture, with an emphasis on conservation
Shallale : ancient city of the Carmel
Conceptualising space and place : on the role of agency, memory and identity in the construction of space from the upper palaeolithic to the Iron Age in Europe
Bronzeworking on late Minoan Crete : a diachronic study
Prehistoric settlements of Eastern Thrace : a reconsideration
Religious acculturation and assimilation in Belgic Gaul and Aquitania from the Roman Conquest until the end of the second century CE
The development of the settlement pattern in the basin of the Lower Vltava (Central Bohemia) 200-1200 A.D.
The Art of citizens, soldiers and freedmen in the Roman world
Balearic prehistoric ecology and culture : the excavation and study of certain caves, rock shelters and settlements
Engendering Northern Plains Paleoindian archaeology : decision-making and gender roles in subsistence and settlement strategies
The use of living space in prehistory : papers from a session held at the European Association of Archaeologists Sixth Annual Meeting in Lisbon 2000
NW Europe in transition : the early Neolithic in Britain and South Sweden
A Roman hoard of silver jewellery found in the Lower Danube region : objects from a Zagreb private collection
Negotiating African-American ethnicity in the 17th century Chesapeake : Colono tobacco pipes and the ethnic uses of style
Prélude à l'agriculture dans le Nord-Est américain : le site Hector Trudel et les stratégies de subsistance entre 500 et 1000 de notre ère dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada
Il paesaggio di Nora (Cagliari -- Sud Sardegna) : studio dei materiali romani e tardoantichi
Relaciones interculturales en el área ecuatorial del Pácifico durante la época precolombina : proceedings, 46 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1988
Chronological problems of the IIIrd Egyptian dynasty : a re-examination of the archaeological documents
Phoenician amphora production and distribution in the southern Levant : a multi-disciplinary investigation into carinated-shoulder amphorae of the Persian period (539-332 BC)
Die hallstattzeitliche Besiedlung im Maindreieck : GIS-gestützte Fundstellenanalysen
Der bunte Himmel : Untersuchungen zu den Tondächern westgriechischer Typologie
Romanization in Palestine : a study of urban development from Herod the Great to AD 70
L'insediamento medievale Nelle Colline Metallifere (Toscana, Italia) : il sito minerario di Rocchette Pannocchieschi dall'VIII al XIV secolo
The Neolithic period in the Sudan c.6000-2500 B.C.
Mycenaean art : a psychological approach
Dinámica del cambio cultural en Teotihuacan durante el Epiclásico (650-900 dC)
Burning bulls, broken bones : sacrificial ritual in context of Palace Period Minoan religion
Etudes sur la céramique romaine tardive d'Afrique
The archaeology of an early historic town in central India
Análisis de la producción y distribución de la cerámica leonesa durante la Edad Media
LRCW 4 : late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry : The Mediterranean: a market without frontiers
Catalogue et étude des faux et des outils agricoles de coupe à lame et à manche entiers en Gaule
Qumran revisited : a reassessment of the archaeology of the site and its texts
Quantitative aspects of Bronze Age metalwork in western Poland : long-distance exchange and social organization
Le phénomène campaniforme dans l'Europe du 3ème millénaire avant notre ère : synthèse et nouvelles perspectives
The prehistory of Jordan : the state of research in 1986
Current research in Egyptology
Mysterious cup marks : proceedings of the First International Cupule Conference
The Byzantine aristocracy, IX to XIII centuries
Roman farm buildings in Italy
Imperial revenue, expenditure and monetary policy in the fourth century A.D. : the Fifth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History
Representations of the family in the Egyptian Old Kingdom : women and marriage
Temple deposits in early dynastic Egypt : the case of Tell Ibrahim Awad
Later village period settlement development in the Karun River basin, upper Khuzestan plain, Greater Susiana, Iran
Mifsas Baḥri : a Late Aksumite frontier community in the mountains of Southern Tigray : survey, excavation and analysis, 2013-16
The diffusion of Neolithic practices from Anatolia to Europe : a contextual study of residential construction, 8,500-5,500 BC cal.
Use-wear analyses of polished and bevelled stone artefacts during the Sepulcres de Fossa/Pit Burials Horizon (NE Iberia, c. 4000-3400 cal B.C.)
Paisajes mineros y modos de vida en el norte de Mendoza, Argentina (S. XIX-XX)
Arqueología de la dictadura en Latinoamérica y Europa : violencia, resistensia, resiliencia = Archaeology of dictatorship in Latin America and Europe : violence, resistance, resilience
The origins and evolution of pig domestication in Italy : a regional and diachronic study of husbandry practices
Settlement change, urbanism, and human and environment interaction at Lamanai and Ka'kabish : two Precolumbian Maya sites in Northern Belize
Ad Solaria, identificazione di una stazione di sosta : nuove prospettive dallo scavo di un complesso romano a Calenzano (Firenze)
13th International Council of Archaeozoology Conference, 2018 : archaeological, biological and historical approaches in archaeozoological research
Making spaces to places : the North Aegean, the Balkans and Western Anatolia in the Neolithic
World of figurines in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Aegean : the case of Uğurlu Höyük on Gökçeada (Imbros)
La navegación prehispánica en Mesoamérica : modelo de conectividad entre la costa del Pacífico y el alti-plano central (1200-1521 d.C.)
Preservación ósea diferencial en un ambiente subtropical del centro-este de Argentina : tafonomía regional perspectiva arqueológica
Animal classification in Central China : from the late Neolithic to the early Bronze Age
Sounds of laughter, shades of life : Pleistocene to modern hominin occupations of the Bau de l'Aubesier rock shelter, Vaucluse, France
Talleres de escultura cristiana en la Península Ibérica (siglos VI-X) : análisis arqueológico
Il paesaggio medievale nella Basilicata meridionale : le forme del potere laico ed ecclesiastico nella media valle del Sinni tra X e XV secolo d.C.
Forming identities : technological experimentation in archaic Corinthian workshops and the origins of the Black Figure pottery style
Tecniche digitali e geoarcheologia per lo studio del paesaggio medievale : uno studio interdisciplinare in Pianura Padana centrale
Landscape : una sintesi di elementi diacronici : metodologie a confronto per l'analisi del territorio
Late Pleistocene and early Holocene microblade-based industries in Northeastern Asia : a macroecological approach to foraging societies
The Aegean Bronze Age in relation to the wider European context : papers from a session at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Cork, 5-11 September 2005
Coastal hinterlands : site patterns, microregions and coast-inland interconnections by the Corinthian Gulf, c. 600-300 BC
Danorum regum heroumque historia, books X-XVI : the text of the first edition with translation and commentary in three volumes
The origin of white porcelain : transformation of ceramic technology in sixth century north China
La casa arqueológica : estudios de caso en la antigüedad
Projectile points, hunting and identity at the Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey
Cultural identity, transition, and interaction at Salango, Coastal Ecuador : a study of pottery from the Early Regional Development funerary precinct
Beyond death : beliefs, practice, and material expression
La cultura material de la Edad del Hierro en Cantabria (España)
Down by the water : interdisciplinary studies in human-environment interactions in watery spaces
Interactions, trade, and mobility in archaeology : proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology Oxford (GAO) Conference 2021
La cultura de los Silos en los yacimientos de "El Trobal" y "La Esparragosa" (Cádiz, España)
How leaded bronze transformed China, 2000-1000 BCE
Land Use Among Prehistoric Steppe Societies on the South Mongolian Plateau
The Paiján people : burials and paleoindian human remains from coastal Peru
The exploitation of fishing resources and the maritime skills of early modern humans in island Southeast Asia
Archeologia nei Monti Lucretili : nuove ricerche e prospettive di indagine in un paesaggio montano del Lazio
Neanderthal resilience in two hotspot zones of Iberia (Cantabrian and Betic regions)
Chariots in early China : origins, cultural interaction, and identity
Amenemhat IV and the end of the twelfth dynasty : between the end and the beginning
The clay world of Çatalhöyük : a fine-grained perspective
Proceedings of the XXth International Congress on Ancient Bronzes : resource, reconstruction, representation, role
Remote sensing the margins of the gold trade : ethnohistorical archaeology and GIS analysis of five gold trade networks in Luzon, Philippines, in the last millennium BP
Later village period settlement development in the Karun River basin, upper Khuzestan plain, Greater Susiana, Iran
La desigualdad de género en la Prehistoria ibérica : una aproximación multi-variable
The edge of Europe : heritage, landscape and conflict archaeology : First World War material culture in Romanian conflictual landscapes
Nuove epigrafi greche da Halaesa Archonidea : dati inediti sulle Tabulae Halaesinae e su una città della Sicilia tardo-ellenistica
The amphorae of the Kerameikos cemetery at Athens from the Submycenaean to the Protogeometric period : pottery, grave assemblages and the rite of cremation
Les Ovibovini, Caprini et Ovini (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Caprinae) du Plio-Pléistocène d'Europe : Systématique, évolution et biochronologie
Paleoetnología de la hispania céltica : etnoarqueología, etnohistoria y folklore
Resilience of the Roman Empire : regional case studies on the relationship between population and food resources
État sanitaire entre ancien régime et révolution industrielle : étude paléoépidemiologique de deux populations provençales
Shepherds who write : pastoral graffiti in the uplands of Europe from prehistory to the modern age
El servidor del ka en el Reino Antiguo : funciones y espacios de actuación
L'incastellamento nei Monti Lucretili : dinamiche insediative e paesaggio rurale tra alto e basso medioevo
Lithic residue analysis : a review and guide to techniques
La viticultura Romana en el estuario del Guadalquivir : las prácticas de cultivo, producción, distribución y modelado SIG en la colonia Hasta Regia
Blame it on the gender : identities and transgressions in antiquity
Nuragic settlement dynamics : the east coast of Sardinia
Materiality of remembering : an ethnographic study of the living spaces in a Nahua municipality in Veracruz, Mexico
Rock art, water, and ancestors : the semiotic construction of a sacred landscape in the central Andes (1800 BCE - CE 1820)
Ukek : the Golden Horde city and its periphery
Le miniere delle Alpi Apuane (Toscana) : storia dello sfruttamento minerario dall'antichità al XX secolo
Trade and market in New Kingdom Egypt : internal socio-economic processes and transformations
Kom Tuman II : Late Period to Graeco-Roman pottery
Kom Tuman II : Late Period to Graeco-Roman pottery
Poteri e strategie familiari di Volterra : il caso di una comunità etrusca nel mondo romano
La Calabria dalla tarda antichità al medioevo : ricostruzione del paesaggio rurale dell'Altopiano del Poro, Vibo Valentia
Art and archaeology in Byzantium and beyond : essays in honour of Sophia Kalopissi-Verti and Maria Panayotidi-Kesisoglou
La stipe votiva di monticchio bagni (rionero in Vulture, Italia) : natura e sacro sul monte vulture nel contesto italico
Latin lexicon of textiles : clothes, adornments, materials and techniques of ancient Rome
Gli Shardana nell'Egitto ramesside
Territorial appropriation during the Old Kingdom (XXVIIIth-XXIIIrd centuries BC) : the royal necropolises and the pyramid towns in Egypt
Experiencing the landscape in antiquity
Archaeology as festival : virtual wanderings through festivalCHAT during COVID-19
Tell Timai, (Egypt) 2009-2020 : the Ptolemaic-Roman north western temple zone and Roman city excavations
Pharmacy and medicine in ancient Egypt : proceedings of the conferences held in Cairo (2007) and Manchester (2008)
Health and medicine in ancient Egypt : magic and science
Kouklia : Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age tombs at Palaepaphos 1951-1954 : excavations of the Liverpool City Museum and St Andrews University expedition to Palaepaphos
Ship timbers from the Islamic site of al-Balid and Qalhat, Oman : sewn-plank technology in the Indian Ocean during the 10-16th centuries CE
The afterlife in Akhmim : exploring El-Salamuni Tombs C1 and C3
Public toilets (foricae) and sanitation in the Ancient Roman world : case studies in Greece and North Africa
The Toquaht Archaeological Project : research at T'ukw'aa, a Nuu-chah-nulth village and defensive site in Barkley Sound, western Vancouver Island
GIS applications in Roman landscape and territory : methodologies and models in Hispania
Portable and parietal art of Kamyana Mohyla, Ukraine
Il Sahara centro-orientale dalla preistoria ai tempi dei nomadi Tubu = The central-oriental Sahara from prehistory to the times of the nomadic Tubus
Ancient Greek colonies in the Black Sea 2
Fabrication et utilisation de l'outillage en matières osseuses du Néolithique de Chypre : Khirokitia et Cap Andreas-Kastros
When East meets West : Chichen Itza, Tula, and the postclassic Mesoamerican world
Theatres of imagery : a performance theory approach to rock art research
A village from the Roman and Islamic periods in the Eastern Jordan valley : excavations at Tell Abu Sarbut 2012-2015
Chariots in Antiquity : essays in honour of Joost Crouwel
The defence of Byzantine Africa from Justinian to the Arab Conquest : an account of the military history and archaeology of the African provinces in the sixth and seventh centuries
De rebus bellicis
The terracotta figurines from Tell Timai : 2009-2013
Roman frontier studies 1979 : papers presented to the 12th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies
La campagne à l'époque romaine dans le centre de la Gaule : villas, vici et sanctuaires dans la Cité des Bituriges Cubi = Rural settlement in Central Gaul in the Roman period : villas, vici and sanctuaries in the civitas of the Bituriges Cubi
Beyond the Movius Line : hominin occupation and technological evolution in the Imjin-Hantan River area, Korea
"Yellow" coffins from Thebes : recording and decoding complexity in Egyptian funerary arts (21st-22nd dynasties)
Tibetan silver, gold and bronze objects and the aesthetics of animals in the era before empire : cross-cultural reverberations on the Tibetan plateau and soundings from other parts of Eurasia
Paleoclima y aprovechamiento de recursos costeros durante el Mesolítico en la región cantábrica (N de Iberia)
Ranutovac, an early Bronze Age necropolis in southeastern Serbia
Exploitation and management of animal resources during the Middle Iron Age : Northern Limpopo Province, South Africa
Socioeconomic networks and the rise of Maya civilization : the web of complexity at Middle Preclassic Cahal Pech, Belize
Experiencing the landscape in antiquity : I Convegno Internazionale di Antichità, Università degli studi di roma 'Tor Vergata'
Paleoetnología de la hispania céltica : etnoarqueología, etnohistoria y folklore
Dwelling models of Umayyad Madā'in and Quṣūr in Greater Syria
The final Bronze Age settlement of Casalmoro (Mantua, Italy) : finds and chronology
Pratiche funerarie e cultuali in Italia meridionale fra VI e V sec. a.C. : il centro indigeno di Garaguso tra tradizione e innovazione
Castles of Mallorca : fortification and state-formation during the Islamic period
I coltelli degli ultimi neandertal : strategie tecnologiche e comportamentali alla fine del paleolitico medio
El paisaje urbano maya : del Preclásico al Virreinato
Four economic topics for studies of antiquity : agriculture, trade, population, and the behavior of aggregate economies
The last horizons of Roman Gaul : communication, coin circulation, and the limits of the Second Burgundian kingdom : a prosopographical, numismatic, and ceramic synthesis (ca. 395-550 CE)
Les Ovibovini, Caprini et Ovini (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Caprinae) du Plio-Pléistocène d'Europe : Systématique, évolution et biochronologie
A river in 'drought'? : environment and cultural ramifications of Old Kingdom climate change
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine bronzes from Anatolia and neighbouring regions
Land of the solstices : myth, geography and astronomy in ancient Greece
Painted pottery production and social complexity in Neolithic Northwest China
3D and 4D cartography of archaeological stratigraphy : a case study at the Western Forum in Ostia Antica
Africa, Egypt and the Danubian provinces of the Roman Empire : population, military and religious interactions (2nd-3rd centuries AD)
The vice-chancellor's consolidated catalogue, 1695
Untermassfeld : a late early Pleistocene (Epivillafranchian) fossil site near Meiningen (Thuringia, Germany) and its position in the development of the European mammal fauna
Bronze age rural ecology and village life at Tell el-Hayyat, Jordan
La cronología cerámica de La Joyanca, noroeste del Petén, Guatemala
Khashabian : a late paleolithic industry from Dhofar, Southern Oman
Settlement patterns, development and cultural change in the northern Oman Peninsula : a multi-tiered approach to the analysis of long-term settlement trends
Kilns in East and North Asia : the adoption of ceramic industries
The Hellenistic and Roman harbours of Delos and Kenchreai : their construction, use and evolution
Sepolture, rituali e comunità nei secoli IV-VI d.C : il cimitero paleocristiano e bizantino di Vaste (Puglia meridionale)
Life and death in early rural Otago : the archaeology and bioarchaeology of St. John's burial ground, Milton, Otago, New Zealand
Cerámica común en la Gallaecia romana : estudio y sistematización crono-tipológica basada en tres yacimientos del área de Lugo
Innovative approaches to archaeology : proceedings of the Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conference 2020
Representaciones sociales, registro arqueológico y patrimonialización del pasado indígena : el área de Ventania de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) como caso de estudio
Xoclán : reconstrucción urbana de una ciudad Maya en un contexto urbanizado
Violence and crisis in the pre-Hispanic Peruvian central coast
Food behaviors, nutrition and identity under the Inka Empire : the Caringa people of Pueblo Viejo-Pucara, Peru
Economy and cultural change in the pre-Roman Iron Age in Northern Central Europe : tracing the La Tène factor by the River Oder
Migdol : ricerche su modelli di architettura militare di età ramesside (Medinet Habu)
Rochelongue shipwreck : maritime network and cultural interaction in west Languedoc, France during 7th-6th B.C
Aegypto adiecta : forme e caratterizzazioni dell'autorita imperiale tra le dinamiche amministrative e fiscali della provincia d'Egitto sotto i Giulio-Claudii
Celtiform pendants from pre-Columbian Costa Rica : production, distribution, and experimental replication
Arqueología urbana en San Salvador Nextengo : excavación y análisis de materiales de un predio en Azcapotzalco, México
Shiqmim II : the phase II excavations at a Chalcolithic settlement center in the northern Negev desert, Israel (1987-1993)
Catalogue of the Ancient Egyptian stone sculpture in the round : Allard Pierson – the collections of the University of Amsterdam
Ancient Greek colonies in the Black Sea 2
When East meets West : Chichen Itza, Tula, and the postclassic Mesoamerican world
Lucca Romana e Tardoantica : analisi spaziali e modelli computazionali per lo studio dei paesaggi urbani e rurali
Rituali e riti funerari della Civiltà celtica di Golasecca
Preparing for eternity : funerary models and wall scenes from the Egyptian Old and Middle Kingdoms
Hadrian as builder and benefactor in the western provinces
Beyond Ibn Hawqal's Bahr al-Fārs : 10th-13th centuries AD : Sindh and the Kīj-u-Makrān region, hinge of an international network of religious, political, institutional and economic affairs
La Néolithisation = The Neolithisation process
Fondi ed il suo territorio in età romana : profilo di storia economica e sociale
Nuovi dati da città e territorio : atti del X Convegno di Archeologia Cirenaica, Chieti 24-26 Novembre 2003
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books