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- NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series
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- Observation, prediction and simulation of phase transitions in complex fluidsProbabilistic methods in quantum field theory and quantum gravityTrends in interfacial electrochemistryDelivery systems for peptide drugsStructure and dynamics of RNACarbon dioxide as a source of carbon : biochemical and chemical usesSensory-motor organizations and development in infancy and early childhoodEicosanoids : from biotechnology to therapeutic applicationsEvolutionary biogeography of the marine algae of the North AtlanticThe impact of processing techniques on communicationsStrong ground motion seismologyHeavy crude oil recoveryAstrophysical jets and their enginesA multidisciplinary approach to myelin diseasesConvective heat and mass transfer in porous mediaPrediction of interannual climate variationsBiological effects and physics of solar and galactic cosmic radiationMathematical modelling courses for engineering educationAtmospheric ozone as a climate gas : general circulation model simulationsAdvances in molecular plant nematologyStatus and future developments in the study of transport propertiesEngineering ceramics '96 : higher reliability through processingThe Global carbon cycleCerebral blood flow : mathematical models, instrumentation, and imaging techniquesOptical resonators - science and engineeringDiachronic climatic impacts on water resources : with emphasis on the Mediterranean RegionThe impact of long-term monitoring on variable star research : astrophysics, instrumentation, data handling, archivingScientific uncertainty and its influence on the public communication processPhysics and chemistry of finite systems : from clusters to crystalsDNA and RNA cleavers and chemotherapy of cancer and viral diseasesPhysics and engineering of medical imagingThe physics of superionic conductors and electrode materialsAlgebraic model theoryQuantum chaos-quantum measurementActivation and desensitization of transducing pathwaysPlant molecular biologyHydrogen energy system : production and utilization of hydrogen and future aspectsElectrical Breakdown and Discharges in Gases : Part A Fundamental Processes and BreakdownComputer integrated production systems and organizations : the human-centred approachFractal geometry and analysis : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute and Séminaire de mathématiques supérieures on Fractal Geometry and Analysis, Montréal, Canada, July 3-21, 1989Equilibrium structure and properties of surfaces and interfacesRadiative corrections : results and perspectivesAdvanced light alloys and composites : proceedings of the NATO advanced study institute, Zakopane, Poland, September 5-15, 1997Prions and brain diseases in animals and humansNumerical integration : recent developments, software and applicationsChemical synthesis : gnosis to prognosisShort-distance phenomena in nuclear physicsIon exchange: science and technologySpeech recognition and coding : new advances and trendsStructure and function of the genetic apparatusNonequilibrium phonon dynamicsMathematical aspects of superspaceSimulation and model-based methodologies : an integrative viewCognitive and linguistic aspects of geographic spaceMetal speciation in the environmentMathematical modeling in combustion and related topicsParallels in cell to cell junctions in plants and animalsEtiology of Hodgkin's diseaseLogic of computationPopulation biology of passerine birds : an integrated approachModular chemistry : NATO ARW, September 9-12, 1995, Estes Park, Colorado, U.S.A.Iron in soils and clay mineralsChemical exchange between the atmosphere and polar snowStrategies and advanced techniques for marine pollution studies : Mediterranean SeaIntegrated optics : physics and applicationsAdvances in superconductivityResearch in congenital hypothyroidismModelling, robustness and sensitivity reduction in control systemsIrreversible phenomena and dynamical systems analysis in geosciencesNuclear magnetic resonance of paramagnetic macromoleculesElectron crystallographyFundamentals of the physical-chemistry of pulverized coal combustionThe Development of sex differences and similarities in behaviorScience and technology of rapid solidification and processingDirect methods of solving crystal structuresPhospholipids and signal transmissionThe research system in transitionGlobal environmental change science : education and trainingPositron scattering in gasesPhysical properties and thermodynamic behaviour of mineralsElectronic properties of multilayers and low-dimensional semiconductor structuresStructures and conformations of non-rigid moleculesDynamics of magnetic fluctuations in high-temperature superconductorsSensor-based robots : algorithms and architecturesPhotoelectrochemistry, photocatalysis, and photoreactors : fundamentals and developmentsAdsorption, science and technologyPsychobiology of stressInnovation and structural change in post-socialist countries : a quantitative approachPlasma-surface interactions and processing of materialsHeterostructure epitaxy and devicesRadiative processes in discharge plasmasThe physics and parameterization of moist atmospheric convectionFine particles science and technology : from micro to nanoparticlesSupramolecular stereochemistryEnvironmental infrastructure managementGenerators and relations in groups and geometries : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Generators and Relations in Groups and Geometries, Castelvecchio Pascoli (Lucca), Italy, April 1-14, 1990]Linear algebra for large scale and real-time applicationsScanning tunneling microscopy and related methods : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Basic Concepts and Applications of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Erice, Italy, April 17-29, 1989]Crystallization of polymersThe Origin of structure in the universeCognitive aspects of human-computer interaction for geographic information systemsNational parks and protected areas : keystones to conservation and sustainable developmentFuture directions in polymer colloidsNervous systems in invertebratesAlgebraic groups and their representationsEarthquakes induced by underground nuclear explosions : environmental and ecological problemsEngineering of/with lipasesEnzymes in action : green solutions for chemical problemsBiomechanics of active movement and deformation of cellsThe Aral Sea BasinEnergetics of organometallic speciesSludge characteristics and behaviorSensory robotics for the handling of limp materialsInformation technology and the computer networkPercolation, localization, and superconductivityDiamond and diamond-like films and coatingsThe stratosphere and its role in the climate systemThe electronic structure of complex systemsCharacterization, stabilization and application propertiesPlant hormone receptorsRobots and biological systems : towards a new bionics?The Role of cell interactions in early neurogenesis : Cargèse 1983Nonequilibrium cooperative phenomena in physics and related fieldsSpectroscopic and diffraction techniques in interfacial electrochemistryEmulsions--a fundamental and practical approachDynamics of membrane assemblyRegulatory mechanisms of neuron to vessel communication in the brainApplication of fracture mechanics to cementitious compositesHybrid formulation of wave propagation and scatteringMaterials and processes for surface and interface engineeringSoftware system design methods : the challenge of advanced computing technologyThe Role of regional organizations in the context of climate changeDavydov's soliton revisited : self-trapping of vibrational energy in proteinThe behavior of systems in the space environmentBiology of invertebrate and lower vertebrate collagensConfined electrons and photons : new physics and applicationsDevelopment of the central nervous system in vertebratesTheoretical and computational models for organic chemistrySynthetic membranes : science, engineering, and applicationsPolymer blends and mixturesErosion and growth of solids stimulated by atom and ion beamsInteractions at the soil colloid-soil solution interfaceModelling and analysis in arms controlBivalve filter feeders in estuarine and coastal ecosystem processesDecadal climate variability : dynamics and predictabilityRandom surfaces and quantum gravityApplications of picosecond spectroscopy to chemistryRadiofrequency radiation standards : biological effects, dosimetry, epidemiology, and public health policyComputations for the nano-scaleThe self in European and North American culture : development and processesPhotochemical probes in biochemistry : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Photochemical Probes in Biochemistry, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 14-19, 1988ToxoplasmosisSupercomputer algorithms for reactivity, dynamics and kinetics of small moleculesInorganic and organometallic polymers with special propertiesFrontier topics in nuclear physicsDialogue and instruction : modeling interaction in intelligent tutoring systemsThermodynamics and fluid mechanics of turbomachineryApplications of analytic and geometric methods to nonlinear differential equationsParticle production in highly excited matterBacteriocins, microcins and lantibioticsChild abuse and neglect : research and innovationLaser systems for photobiology and photomedicineCosmic gamma rays, neutrinos, and related astrophysicsRole of melatonin and pineal peptides in neuroimmunomodulationVibration and wear in high speed rotating machinerySupramolecular engineering of synthetic metallic materials : conductors and magnetsLow-dimensional applications of Quantum field theoryClassical marble : geochemistry, technology, tradeNanoscale science and technologyOptimization of large structural systemsMethods in ring theoryOptical properties of low dimensional silicon structuresMetallization and metal-semiconductor interfacesBehavioral epidemiology and disease preventionPhysiological ecology of harmful algal bloomsNATO Advanced Research Workshop on Molecular astrophysics : State of the art and future directionsStructure-based drug design : experimental and computational approachesSupersymmetry and trace formulae : chaos and disorderRegulation of enzymatic systems detoxifying xenobiotics in plantsPolytopes : abstract, convex and computationalNMR in the life sciencesThe Application of polymeric reinforcement in soil retaining structuresVascular endothelium : receptors and transduction mechanismsAdvances in nonradiative processes in solidsSingle charge tunneling : Coulomb blockade phenomena in nanostructuresNew trends in pharmacokineticsDeterministic chaos in general relativityThe future of the defence firm : new challenges, new directionsAcoustic signal processing for ocean explorationNew vistas in nuclear dynamicsDevelopmental patterning of the vertebrate limbStability of the solar system and its minor natural and artificial bodiesVascular wilt diseases of plants : basic studies and controlUnderwater acoustic data processingProgram transformation and programming environments : report on a workshop directed by F.L. Bauer and H. RemusThe New superconducting electronicsCrashworthiness of transportation systems : structural impact and occupant protectionBiomolecular structure and dynamicsAlloy phase stabilityMachine intelligence and knowledge engineering for robotic applicationsHigh pressure chemistry, biochemistry, and materials scienceImpact of electron and scanning probe microscopy on materials researchTransformations through space and time : an analysis of nonlinear structures, bifurcation points and autoregressive dependenciesOptical phenomena in semiconductor structures of reduced dimensionsThe theory of chemical reaction dynamicsCancer of the prostate and kidneySpontaneous formation of space-time structures and criticalityScience policy : new mechanisms for scientific collaboration between East and WestDistributed operating systems : theory and practiceNicotinic acetylcholine receptor : structure and functionVascular endothelium : pharmacologic and genetic manipulationsUrban water infrastructureQuantum dynamics of submicron structuresMonopole '83Conjugated polymeric materials : opportunities in electronics, optoelectronics and molecular electronicsMechanisms of reactions of organometallic compounds with surfacesPeriodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems and related topicsBehavioral adaptation to intertidal lifeAngiogenesis : models, modulators, and clinical applicationsProgram design calculiThe psychophysics of speech perceptionCrosslinking and scission in polymersAdvances in quantum phenomenaRegulation of gene expression in animal virusesLow-temperature chemistry of the atmosphereTin-based antitumour drugsTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics IITiming neutron starsPhotoprocesses in transition metal complexes, biosystems, and other molecules : experiment and theoryNuclear magnetic resonance of liquid crystalsDeformation theory of algebras and structures and applicationsAdvanced physical oceanographic numerical modellingRemote sensing and global climate changeChemical, structural, and electronic analysis of heterogeneous surfaces on nanometer scaleThe mathematics of models for climatology and environmentRefractory metals in molten salts : their chemistry, electrochemistry and technologyCellular automata and cooperative systemsPerspectives in biotechnologySystematics and the properties of the lanthanidesInformation and collaboration models of integrationIn vitro effects of mineral dusts : third international workshopAtmospheric methane : sources, sinks, and role in global changeBone regulatory factors : morphology, biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacologyStudent modelling : the Key to individualized knowledge-based instructionIonization of solids by heavy particlesAdvances in berthing and mooring of ships and offshore structuresNucleosynthesis and its implications on nuclear and particle physicsPicture archiving and communication systems (PACS) in medicineIntegrated approach to environmental data management systemsTime-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy in biochemistry and biologyCellular and molecular biology of myelinationVery high energy gamma ray astronomyIces in the solar systemSoftware for parallel computationExpert judgment and expert systemsModern concepts in penicillium and aspergillus classificationFoundations of personalityFundamental issues in control of carbon gasification reactivityParticle physics : Cargèse 1985Reliability theory and its application in structural and soil mechanicsWide band gap electronic materialsThe tropospheric chemistry of ozone in the polar regionsDensity functional theoryChemical physics of intercalationBrain mechanisms and spatial visionSoil responses to climate changeBeam shaping and control with nonlinear opticsFundamental algorithms for computer graphicsCognitive perspectives on emotion and motivationPhysics, geometry, and topologyIntelligent decision support in process environmentsModulation of synaptic transmission and plasticity in nervous systemsThe Deep Proterozoic crust in the North Atlantic provincesGrowth and optical properties of wide-gap II-VI low-dimensional semiconductorsAdvances in object-oriented database systemsFundamentals and applications of ion exchangeItinerant electron magnetism : fluctuation effectsTopics in atomic and nuclear collisionsMicrowave discharges : fundamentals and applicationsHost-parasite cellular and molecular interactions in protozoal infectionsHamiltonian mechanics : integrability and chaotic behaviorMolecular, cellular, and clinical aspects of angiogenesisVascular endothelium : responses to injuryMetathesis polymerization of olefins and polymerization of alkynesComputer modelling of fluids polymers and solidsLearning electricity and electronics with advanced educational technologyRecent developments in decision support systemsFundamental processes of atomic dynamicsBoundary element techniques in computer aided engineeringDesmopressin in bleeding disordersMechanisms in fibre carcinogenesisMesoscale meteorology : theories, observations, and modelsBiology of salmonellaPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and astrophysicsRelativistic and electron correlation effects in molecules and solidsThermonuclear supernovaeNonlinear coherent structures in physics and biologyMineral processing at a crossroads : problems and prospectsThe Role of the stratosphere in global changeTargeting of drugs with synthetic systemsEndocytosis : from cell biology to health, disease and therapySupermagnets, hard magnetic materialsDynamical properties of unconventional magnetic systemsFluctuation phenomena in high temperature superconductorsOptics at the nanometer scale : imaging and storing with photonic near fieldsEthical issues in preventive medicineSurface organometallic chemistry : molecular approaches to surface catalysisFuture directions of nonlinear dynamics in physical and biological systemsInverse methods in electromagnetic imagingFuzzy sets theory and applicationsClimate and geo-sciences : a challenge for science and society in the 21st centuryThree-phase systemsProbamat-21st century : probabilities and materials ; tests, models, and applications for the 21st centuryAcquired aphasia in children : acquisition and breakdown of language in the developing brainHeart perfusion, energetics, and ischemiaSignal perception and transduction in higher plantsWater supply systems : new technologiesCognitive modelling and interactive environments in language learningAdvances in metabolic mapping techniques for brain imaging of behavioral and learning functionsLiver, nutrition, and bile acidsDynamics, transport, and photochemistry in the middle atmosphere of the Southern HemisphereMolecular modeling and dynamics of bioinorganic systemsThe biology and technology of intelligent autonomous agentsBiological control of plant diseases : progress and challenges for the futureConservation of the biological diversity as a prerequisite for sustainable development in the Black Sea RegionPhysical and chemical weathering in geochemical cyclesInterstitial intermetallic alloysSuper field theoriesPolydiacetylenes : synthesis, structure and electronic propertiesNumber theory and applicationsOrganizational learning and technological changeGene therapyPhotoreceptorsNumerical determination of the electronic structure of atoms, diatomic and polyatomic moleculesSolid state microbatteriesVigilance and performance in automatized systems = Vigilance et performance de l'homme dans les systèmes automatisésCollaborative learning through computer conferencing : the Najaden papersPulsed metal vapour lasersElectromagnetic coupling in the polar clefts and capsChaos in biological systemsSpectroscopy of semiconductor microstructuresComputer simulation in materials science : nano/meso/macroscopic space & time scalesProtein structure and engineeringMacroscopic processes and dischargesMagnetic resonance : introduction, advanced topics, and applications to fossil energyComputer integrated manufacturing : current status and challengesLow power design in deep submicron electronicsPhysics and materials science of high temperature superconductors, IVComputer architectures for spatially distributed dataGeomagnetism and palaeomagnetismExperimental and theoretical advances in biological pattern formationPhysics of biomaterials : fluctuations, selfassembly and evolutionInformation dynamicsFractal image encoding and analysisReal-time integration methods for mechanical system simulationMicrolocal analysis and spectral theoryPhysics of strong fieldsAsymmetric catalysisSolar and stellar granulationTechnological risk assessmentThe molecular biology of autoimmune diseaseGlobal environmental changeFrom Newton to chaos : modern techniques for understanding and coping with chaos in n-body dynamical systemsDesigning computer-based learning materialsAdvances in microlocal analysisAtomic and molecular wiresHigh pressure molecular scienceCancer therapy : differentiation, immunomodulation and angiogenesisFundamental processes in energetic atomic collisionsNeural computersOceanic circulation models : combining data and dynamicsRadiolabeled blood elements : recent advances in techniques and applicationsRestorative justice on trial : pitfalls and potentials of victim-offender mediation : international research perspectivesGeneral and applied aspects of halophilic microorganismsFractals, quasicrystals, chaos, knots and algebraic quantum mechanicsCurrents in high-energy astrophysicsModern perspectives in inorganic crystal chemistryGenetics of translation : new approachesQuantitative particle physics : Cargèse 1992Fundamental aspects of quantum theoryAdvances in rapid thermal and integrated processingFeldspars and their reactionsThe state as parent : international research perspectives on interventions with young personsAdvances in high-performance computingEnvironmental impact assessment, technology assessment, and risk analysis : contributions from the psychological and decision sciencesModelling soil erosion by waterLight scattering in semiconductor structures and superlatticesSensory perception and transduction in aneural organismsPhysics of dry granular mediaGeometrical derivatives of energy surfaces and molecular propertiesRecent advances in the development and germination of seedsSpeechreading by humans and machines : models, systems, and applicationsActinides and the environmentRecombination of atomic ionsMicrobial degradation processes in radioactive waste repository and in nuclear fuel storage areasSunspots : theory and observationsApproximation by solutions of partial differential equationsEnvironmental social psychologyInteracting stresses on plants in a changing climateLow-dimensional applications of quantum field theoryThe changing visual system : maturation and aging in the central nervous systemApplications of superconductivityBehavioural mechanisms of food selectionFrontiers in particle physics : Cargèse 1994Groundwater flow and quality modellingTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics IXCross-national longitudinal research on human development and criminal behaviorExperimental embryology in aquatic plants and animalsGlacial isostasy, sea-level and mantle rheologyDissociative recombination : theory, experiment, and applicationsShape in picture : mathematical description of shape in grey-level imagesMicrobiology of atmospheric trace gases : sources, sinks and global change processesPhysics and applications of non-crystalline semiconductors in optoelectronicsMolecular biology and its application to medical mycologyInterfaces, quantum wells, and superlatticesFinite and locally finite groupsMicroscopic aspects of nonlinearity in condensed matterFlow control of congested networksHypermedia courseware : structures of communication and intelligent helpCombinatorial optimization : new frontiers in theory and practicePhenomena induced by intermolecular interactionsDifferential geometrical methods in theoretical physicsNanomagnetismMethods in computational molecular physicsAdvanced educational technologies for mathematics and scienceEngineering reliability and risk in water resourcesAstrophysical radiation hydrodynamicsMass transfer and kinetics of ion exchangeInternational calibration study of traffic conflict techniquesStructure and dynamics of partially solidified systemsTropospheric ozone : regional and global scale interactionsProvenance of arenitesComplexity, chaos, and biological evolutionCerebellum and neuronal plasticityPhysics of new laser sourcesAlgebraic K-theory : connections with geometry and topologyProtective coatings and thin films : synthesis, characterization, and applicationsApplications of statistical and field theory methods to condensed matterMedical images : formation, handling, and evaluationSediment records of biomass burning and global changeChemical instabilities : applications in chemistry, engineering, geology, and materials scienceBioorganic chemistry in healthcare and technologyNew developments in lipid-protein interactions and receptor functionComputational intelligence : soft computing and fuzzy-neuro integration with applicationsThe long-range atmospheric transport of natural and contaminant substancesMagnetism : a supramolecular functionSemiconductor interfaces at the sub-nanometer scaleChemical reactor design and technology : overview of the new developments of energy and petrochemical reactor technologies : projections for the 90'sReal-time object measurement and classificationChemical transport in metasomatic processesCoupling processes in the lower and middle atmosphereComputational approaches in supramolecular chemistryThe molecular basis of B-cell differentiation and functionCollision- and interaction-induced spectroscopyPlasma membrane oxidoreductases in control of animal and plant growthInstrumentation for combustion and flow in enginesCell and molecular biology of artemia developmentBiofilms--science and technologyManagement, technology, and human resources policy in the Arctic (the North)Measures of complexity and chaosPlasma processing of semiconductorsBaryonic dark matterFundamentals in handwriting recognitionThe early universeMolecular evolution of the major histocompatibility complexFat production and consumption : technologies and nutritional implicationsH-2 antigens : genes, molecules, functionMicroelectronic materials and processesComposition and origin of cosmic raysAlgebras and ordersOn three levels : micro-, meso-, and macro-approaches in physicsMembrane receptors, dynamics, and energeticsOcular radiation risk assessment in populations exposed to environmental radiation contaminationThe Geophysics of sea iceUrban air pollution : monitoring and control strategiesRifted ocean-continent boundariesComputational mathematical programmingMass transport in solidsControl of metabolic processesDirect and inverse methods in radar polarimetryAlgorithms for large scale linear algebraic systems : applications in science and engineeringTurbulence : a tentative dictionaryVascular dynamics : physiological perspectivesTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics VIIIReliability-based design of engineered wood structuresThermal shock and thermal fatigue behavior of advanced ceramicsBiodegradability predictionChaotic behavior in quantum systems : theory and applicationsPhysical methods on biological membranes and their model systemsMolecular and cellular aspects of erythropoietin and erythropoiesisNovel silicon based technologies : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Novel Sillicon Based Technologies, Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A., 17-28 July 1989Interacting electrons in reduced dimensionsNematode identification and expert system technologyAssessing the risks of nuclear and chemical contamination in the former Soviet UnionActive perception and robot visionDensity functional methods in physicsThe enzyme catalysis process : energetics, mechanism, and dynamicsMethodology for genetic studies of twins and familiesFrom pigments to perception : advances in understanding visual processesQuantum well intersubband transition physics and devicesChemistry and physics of fractureSolvents and self-organization of polymersMicrowave physics and techniquesCognitive and neuropsychological approaches to mental imageryHuman-machine communication for educational systems designExamining the submicron worldTransportation infrastructure : environmental challenges in Poland and neighboring countriesOptical spectroscopy of low dimensional semiconductorsPyramidal systems for computer visionFree radicals, lipoproteins, and membrane lipidsChromosome segregation and aneuploidyCyst nematodesMetal-ligand interactions : from atoms, to clusters, to surfacesSkin pharmacology and toxicology : recent advancesNew vistas in electro-nuclear physicsBioelectrochemistry IV : nerve muscle function : bioelectrochemistry, mechanisms, bioenergetics, and controlEmerging technologies for in situ processingNew methods in quantum theoryPhysiology of cold adaptation in birdsNonlinear microwave signal processing : towards a new range of devices : proceedings of the III international workshop, nonlinear microwave magnetic and magnetooptic information processingBiomembranes : dynamics and biologyDynamics of biochemical systemsThe physics and chemistry of aqueous ionic solutionsCardiorespiratory and cardiosomatic psychophysiologyPolice selection and training : the role of psychologyIntelligent systems : safety, reliability, and maintainability issuesLate Quaternary sea-level correlation and applicationsThe gap symmetry and fluctuations in high-T[c] superconductorsAdvances in morphometricsQuantum uncertainties : recent and future experiments and interpretationsRecognition in microbe-plant symbiotic and pathogenic interactionsPolynomial and spline approximation : theory and applications : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Calgary, Canada, August 26-September 2, 1978Cohesive properties of semiconductors under laser irradiationTransboundary water resources management : institutional and engineering approachesTwo-phase systemsInteractive learning technology for the deafOptical metrology : coherent and incoherent optics for metrology, sensing and control in science, industry, and biomedicineAngiogenesis : molecular biology, clinical aspectsTargets for the design of antiviral agentsIodine deficiency in Europe : a continuing concernGenesis and propagation of cosmic raysAsymptotics beyond all ordersNonlinear functional analysis and its applicationsKinetics of ordering and growth at surfacesHalide glasses for infrared fiberopticsIntracellular regulation of ion channelsPhonons in semiconductor nanostructuresNew trends in coal scienceDynamics of infinite dimensional systemsApplied laser spectroscopyElementary reaction steps in heterogeneous catalysisDrug epidemiology and post-marketing surveillanceLanguage origin : a multidisciplinary approachItem banking : interactive testing and self-assessmentProgress in nitrogen ceramicsPhotophysical and photochemical tools in polymer science : conformation, dynamics, morphologyThe Hubbard model : its physics and mathematical physicsTargeting of drugs 5 : strategies for oligonucleotide and gene delivery in therapySurface diffusion : atomistic and collective processesEffluents from alternative demilitarization technologiesBiology and biotechnology of the plant hormone ethyleneMagneto-structural correlations in exchange coupled systemsFormation and evolution of galaxies and large structures in the universe : third Moriond astrophysics meetingAdvances in two-phase flow and heat transfer : fundamentals and applicationsOncogene and transgenics correlates of cancer risk assessmentsSoft order in physical systemsMicrocomputer-based labs : educational research and standardsStart of a glacialFundamentals of friction : macroscopic and microscopic processesNonlinear stochastic problemsClassical and modern potential theory and applicationsExperimental animal psychology and ethologyModulated structure materialsUltimate limits of fabrication and measurementDesigning hypermedia for learningFuture trends in microelectronics : reflections on the road to nanotechnologyTheoretical and observational problems related to solar eclipsesStochasticity and intramolecular redistribution of energySynchrotron techniques in interfacial electrochemistryScience and technology of fast ion conductorsPhotosensitisation : molecular, cellular, and medical aspectsRecent evolution and seismicity of the Mediterranean regionSqueezed and nonclassical lightMathematical and statistical developments of evolutionary theory : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute and Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures on Mathematical and Statistical Developments of Evolutionary Theory, Montréal, Canada, August 3-21, 1987Evaluating and monitoring the health of large-scale ecosystemsActivation of hormone and growth factor receptors : molecular mechanisms and consequencesUnderground storage of natural gas : theory and practiceComputer aided optimal design : structural and mechanical systemsBiotechnology for waste management and site restoration : technological, educational, business, political aspectsSemiconductor device reliabilityQuantum fields and quantum space timePartially integrable evolution equations in physicsConfluence of computer vision and computer graphicsGenesis and properties of collapsible soilsBlack Sea oceanographyPhysics and chemistry of electrons and ions in condensed matterIron, Siderophores, and plant diseasesEarly influences shaping the individualAdvances in high performance computingDark matter in the universeAdvances in bacterial paracrystalline surface layersNeurotransmitter release and uptakeEnzymes as catalysts in organic synthesisSupercomputingForest ecosystems, forest management and the global carbon cycleCoherent optical interactions in semiconductorsRestoration of forests : environmental challenges in Central and Eastern EuropeMechanics of swelling : from clays to living cells and tissuesEnergetics and human information processingLow-dimensional structures in semiconductors : from basic physics to applicationsAngular momentum and mass loss for hot starsPrader-Willi syndrome and other chromosome 15q deletion disordersUnsaturated flow in hydrologic modeling : theory and practiceFundamentals and applications of gas phase ion chemistryThe nuclei of normal galaxies : lessons from the Galactic CenterToxicology of pesticides : experimental, clinical, and regulatory perspectivesThe physics of star formation and early stellar evolutionGenetic differentiation and dispersal in plantsWater resources engineering risk assessmentTwo-phase flow heat exchangers : thermal-hydraulic fundamentals and designLow temperature molecular spectroscopySuperconducting electronicsStatistical extremes and applicationsSubstituent effects in radical chemistryRelativistic channelingQuantum transport in semiconductor submicron structuresAzospirillum VI and related microorganisms : genetics, physiology, ecologyTransition metal sulphides : chemistry and catalysisGenome structure and function : from chromosomes characterization to genes technologyAdvances in transport phenomena in porous mediaTheory of accretion disks--2Playback and studies of animal communicationSuperstringsMixing : chaos and turbulenceComposition, geochemistry, and conversion of oil shalesReceptors, membrane transport, and signal transductionOperations research and decision aid methodologies in traffic and transportation managementSensor devices and systems for roboticsBone circulation and vascularization in normal and pathological conditionsFundamental aspects of heterogeneous catalysis studied by particle beamsQCD hard hadronic processesKinematic and dynamic issues in sensor based controlLight scattering and photon correlation spectroscopyRandom fluctuations and pattern growth : experiments and modelsHealth related effects of phyllosilicatesLand surface processes in hydrology : trials and tribulations of modeling and measuringIntercalation in layered materialsActinides and the environmentPhotocatalysis and environment : trends and applicationsLarge-scale transport processes in oceans and atmosphereMonitoring a comprehensive test ban treatyTargeting of drugs 3 : the challenge of peptides and proteinsRadiolabeled cellular blood elements : pathophysiology, techniques, and scintigraphic applicationsFundamentals of transport phenomena in porous mediaDisposal of weapon plutonium : approaches and prospectsAtomic physics of highly ionized atomsFundamental problems of gauge field theoryTerrestrial space radiation and its biological effectsComputer supported collaborative learningThe sun : a laboratory for astrophysicsRheological fundamentals of polymer processingCrucial issues in semiconductor materials and processing technologiesFormation and evolution of solids in spaceRecent advances in hydraulic physical modellingAtoms in unusual situationsParticle physics : Cargèse 1989Approximation theory and spline functionsScience and engineering of one- and zero-dimensional semiconductorsThird Millennium BC climate change and old world collapseGeostatistics for natural resources characterizationBand structure engineering in semiconductor microstructuresChemistry in spaceConcurrent engineering : tools and technologies for mechanical system designMobile particulate systemsAsymptotic and numerical methods for partial differential equations with critical parametersCell transformationCross-national research in self-reported crime and delinquencyThe liquid state and its electrical propertiesDiffraction-limited imaging with very large telescopesDeep-sea food chains and the global carbon cycleDiffusion in materialsInteractions between electromagnetic fields and cellsAdvances in fatigue science and technologySimple molecular systems at very high densitySea surface sound : natural mechanisms of surface generated noise in the oceanProtozoa and their role in marine processesAdvanced research on animal cell technologyVaccines : new generation immunological adjuvantsMolten salt chemistry : an introduction and selected applicationsSelf-production of supramolecular structures : from synthetic structures to models of minimal living systemsCurrent topics in astrofundamental physics : primordial cosmologySupramolecular photochemistryReading disabilities : diagnosis and component processesIntegrable quantum field theoriesConstraint programmingStochastic analysis and applications in physicsPolicy implementation in federal and unitary systems : questions of analysis and designSystems approaches to developmental neurobiologyEveryday conceptions of emotion : an introduction to the psychology, anthropology, and linguistics of emotionCollective excitations in solidsGlobal climate and ecosystem changeFundamentals of gas phase ion chemistryParamagnetic organometallic species in activation/selectivity, catalysisNonlinear waves in solid state physicsAdvances in chemical reaction dynamicsGauge theory and symplectic geometryProtecting Danube River Basin resources : ensuring access to water quality data and informationMolecular biology of neuroreceptors and ion channelsInteracting protein domains : their role in signal and energy transductionMigration and fate of pollutants in soils and subsoilsMathematical problem solving and new information technologies : research in contexts of practiceCochlear mechanisms : structure, function, and modelsZ[0] physics : Cargèse, 1990Pharmacokinetics : mathematical and statistical approaches to metabolism and distribution of chemicals and drugsAtoms in strong fieldsMethods in computational molecular physicsExcitations in two-dimensional and three-dimensional quantum fluidsMicrobial reagents in organic synthesisPhysics and engineering of medical imagingSpeech production and speech modellingFrontiers of chemical dynamicsThrips biology and managementNew trends in instrumentation for hypersonic researchDeductive program designOptical properties of narrow-gap low-dimensional structuresGranulites and crustal evolutionForest development in cold climatesRemote sensing applications in meteorology and climatologyExploiting mental imagery with computers in mathematics educationStratospheric ozone reduction, solar ultraviolet radiation, and plant lifeIssues in urban earthquake riskLarge clusters of atoms and moleculesBiosensors for direct monitoring of environmental pollutants in fieldCosmological aspects of x-ray clusters of galaxiesWater wave kinematicsThe role of water and the hydrological cycle in global changeRemediation and management of degraded river basins : with emphasis on Central and Eastern EuropeCell separation in plants : physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biologyDevelopments in numerical ecologyMesenchymal-epithelial interactions in neural developmentProbability and phase transitionFormation and differentiation of early embryonic mesodermTopology design of structuresCore level spectroscopies for magnetic phenomena : theory and experimentInterwar unemployment in international perspectiveMolecular design and bioorganic catalysisNumerical grid methods and their application to Schrödinger's equationPainlevé transcendents : their asymptotics and physical applicationsTransport processes in porous mediaMolecular engineering for advanced materialsElectronic spatial sensing for the blind : contributions from perception, rehabilitation, and computer visionHigh pressure chemistry and biochemistryPest control : operations and systems analysis in fruit fly managementReliability and maintenance of complex systemsChemometrics, mathematics and statistics in chemistryMineral processing and the environmentStrongly coupled plasma physicsRecent advances in nervous system toxicologyNew directions in educational technologyGeological history of the polar oceans : Arctic versus AntarcticActive close binariesMolecular dynamics of biomembranesDynamics and biogenesis of membranesPhotonic band gap materialsStudent modelling : the key to individualized knowledge-based instructionRecognition and response in plant-virus interactionsRights based fishingToughening mechanisms in quasi-brittle materialsControl and fate of atmospheric trace metalsBiochemical cycling and sediment ecologyThe nuclear equation of stateMobile alternative demilitarization technologiesAdvances in laser spectroscopyProperties of impurity states in superlattice semiconductorsElectromagnetic modelling and measurements for analysis and synthesis problemsQuantum electrodynamics and quantum opticsNeurocomputing : algorithms, architectures and applicationsPictorial information systems in medicineLaser applications for mechanical industryCell to cell signals in mammalian developmentMaterials sciences and implant orthopedic surgeryMicroscopic simulations of complex flowsHydrogen bond networksNMR of biological macromoleculesSea-dumped chemical weapons : aspects, problems, and solutionsMechanical behaviour of materials at high temperatureNatural language generation : new results in artificial intelligence, psychology, and linguisticsIntelligent learning environments and knowledge acquisition in physicsFundamental processes in atomic collision physicsDefence from floods and floodplain managementBasic mechanisms of physiologic and aberrant lymphoproliferation in the skinAqueous organometallic chemistry and catalysisSpectroscopy and dynamics of collective excitations in solidsScience and innovation as strategic tools for industrial and economic growthDynamics and the problem of recognition in biological macromoleculesTransport processes in the middle atmosphereNuclear magnetic shieldings and molecular structureMultifunctional mesoporous inorganic solidsObesity treatment : establishing goals, improving outcomes, and reviewing the research agendaModern aspects of small-angle scatteringAir-sea exchange of gases and particlesPattern recognition theory and applicationsSurface mobilities on solid materials : fundamental concepts and applicationsStrategic stability in the post-cold war world and the future of nuclear disarmamentOrthogonal polynomials : theory and practiceReliability assessment of cyclically loaded engineering structures : proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Reliability Assessment of Cyclically Loaded Engineering Structures, Varna, Bulgaria, June 6-8, 1996Durable resistance in cropsChemical reactor technology for environmentally safe reactors and productsLarge-scale molecular systems : quantum and stochastic aspects--beyond the simple molecular pictureNew developments in quantum field theoryRobotics and artificial intelligenceEnzymes of lipid metabolism IIStructure, spectroscopy, and dynamicsBiodiversity, temperate ecosystems, and global changeSustainable development of the Lake Baikal region : a model territory for the worldClimatic variations and forcing mechanisms of the last 2000 yearsSolar ultraviolet radiation : modelling, measurements, and effectsFormation and interactions of topological defectsStatics and dynamics of alloy phase transformationsConstructive methods in computing science : international summer school directed by F.L. Bauer ... [et al.]Predictability, stability, and chaos in N-body dynamical systemsRadioecology and the restoration of radioactive-contaminated sitesTectonic evolution of the Tethyan RegionRegional approaches to water pollution in the environmentSelectivity in chemical reactions : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Selectivity in Chemical Reactions, Bowness-on-Windermere, U.K., 7-11 September 1987]Logics and models of concurrent systemsSolar energy utilizationIntegrable systems, quantum groups, and quantum field theoriesBiocompatibility of Co-Cr-Ni alloysRandom surfaces and quantum gravityMolecular and applied aspects of oxidative drug metabolizing enzymesQuantum mechanics in curved space-timeEast-West technology transfer : new perspectives and human resourcesDiscovery of nuclear shock waves and the EOSNeurobiology : ionic channels, neurons, and the brainDiscourse, tools, and reasoning : essays on situated cognitionCombinatorial algorithms on wordsUpper mantle heterogeneities from active and passive seismologyThe organization of cell metabolismGeometry and thermodynamics : common problems of quasi-crystals, liquid crystals, and incommensurate systemsAlgorithms and orderNew trends in materials chemistryAcid deposition at high elevation sitesNew systems and architectures for automatic speech recognition and synthesisVascular endothelium : physiological basis of clinical problems IIRegression of atherosclerotic lesions : experimental studies and observations in humansAtomic processes in electron-ion and ion-ion collisionsDevelopment and organization of the retina : from molecules to functionElectron theory and quantum electrodynamics : 100 years laterBiological membranes : structure, biogenesis, and dynamicsClimate change and world food securityHighlights in condensed matter physics and future prospectsQuarks, leptons, and beyondZeolite microporous solids : synthesis, structure, and reactivityTumor biology : regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and genetics in cancerTheoretical and experimental insights into immunologyFrontiers in the science and technology of polymer recyclingMolecular aspects of monooxygenases and bioactivation of toxic compoundsIntelligence and cognition : contemporary frames of referenceLower-dimensional systems and molecular electronicsSQUID sensors : fundamentals, fabrication, and applicationsArtificial intelligence in civil and structural engineeringBiomedical optical instrumentation and laser-assisted biotechnologySediment diagenesisDiagnostic imaging in medicineProperties of water in foods : in relation to quality and stabilityComputer simulation in materials science : interatomic potentials, simulation techniques and applicationsPhotobiology in medicineModern electrical drivesNumerical taxonomyNonlinear model based process controlBifurcations and periodic orbits of vector fieldsThe post-recombination universeA reappraisal of the efficiency of financial marketsCellular integration of signalling pathways in plant developmentSingular limits of dispersive wavesCollision theory for atoms and moleculesChemosensors of ion and molecule recognitionThe cosmic dust connectionEpidemiology and quantitation of environmental risk in humans from radiation and other agentsMapping and spatial modelling for navigationPerspectives in ring theoryComputational logicLearning from computers : mathematics education and technologyCrystal growth in science and technologySensory abilities of cetaceans : laboratory and field evidenceOperator algebras and applicationsCorrosion of advanced ceramics : measurement and modellingSignal molecules in plants and plant-microbe interactionsData assimilation : tools for modelling the ocean in a global change perspectiveConfinement, duality, and nonperturbative aspects of QCDPerspectives in the structure of hadronic systemsEnergy storage systemsWaveguide optoelectronicsHigh energy phenomena around collapsed starsComputer algorithms for solving linear algebraic equations : the state of the artThe lives of the neutron starsResonant tunneling in semiconductors : physics and applicationsRestoration of degraded rivers : challenges, issues and experiencesOperators and function theoryThe new role of the academies of sciences in the Balkan countriesPlasma processing of polymers : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Plasma Treatments and Deposition of Polymers, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, May 19-June 2, 1996Gravitation in astrophysics, Cargèse, 1986Advanced theories and computational approaches to the electronic structure of moleculesOn geopolitics : classical and nuclearPhysics and technology of hyperthermiaNanoparticles in solids and solutionsMicroarchitecture of VLSI computersHigh-temperature superconductors and novel inorganic materials : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on High Temperature Superconductors and Novel Inorganic Materials Engineering MSU-HTSC V, Moscow, Russia, March 24-29 (1998)Problem solving in computational molecular science : molecules in different environmentsNew generation vaccines : the role of basic immunologyGenetic and environmental factors during the growth periodMolecular and cellular mechanisms of H[+] transportTesting and diagnosis of VLSI and ULSIRecollections of trauma : scientific evidence and clinical practiceNonlinear wave processes in excitable mediaDevelopmental neurocognition : speech and face processing in the first year of lifeThe guanine-nucleotide binding proteins : common structural and functional propertiesAsthma treatment : a multidisciplinary approachCellular and molecular control of direct cell interactionsThe pineal gland and its endocrine roleSocial competence in developmental perspectiveComputer simulation in chemical physicsRecent advances in the modeling of hydrologic systemsUltrasonic methods in evaluation of inhomogeneous materialsFinite dimensional algebras and related topicsMediterranean marine avifauna : population studies and conservationStochastic hydrology and its use in water resources systems simulation and optimizationSocial responses to large technical systems : control or anticipationThe polar cuspAdvances in two-phase flow and heat transfer : fundamentals and applicationsIntelligent tutoring systems for foreign language learning : the bridge to international communicationMolecular aspects of oxidative drug metabolizing enzymes : their significance in environmental toxicology, chemical carcinogenesis, and healthSulfur-centered reactive intermediates in chemistry and biologyVectors as tools for the study of normal and abnormal growth and differentiationPolymeric dispersions : principles and applicationsQuantum field theory and string theoryBiomagnetism : an interdisciplinary approachMolecular microbiologyApproximation theory, spline functions and applicationsSensors and sensory systems for advanced robotsThe changing university : how increased demand for scientists and technology is transforming academic institutions internationallyHigh-speed computationOptical properties of semiconductorsChromatographic and membrane processes in biotechnologyNear-infrared dyes for high technology applicationsOptimization in civil and structural engineeringAlcoholism : a molecular perspectiveChaos, order, and patternsElectron crystallography of organic moleculesConflict and the environmentExpert systems and roboticsComputers and exploratory learningMorphogenesis in plants : molecular approachesLow-dimensional conductors and superconductorsPhysical properties and thermodynamic behaviour of mineralsInterwar unemployment in international perspectiveComputer aided analysis and optimization of mechanical system dynamicsSuper-intense laser-atom physicsThird Millennium BC climate change and old world collapseGuidelines for mastering the properties of molecular sieves : relationship between the physicochemical properties of zeolitic systems and their low dimensionalityHistorical and prehistorical earthquakes in the CaucasusAdvanced information technologies for industrial material flow systemsNuclear tests : long-term consequences in the Semipalatinsk/Altai regionVibrations and audible noise in alternating current machinesAsymptotic combinatorics with application to mathematical physicsNeural computersFundamental processes and breakdownGrazing research at northern latitudesPhase transitions and relaxation in systems with competing energy scalesPseudomorphic HEMT technology and applicationsScience and technology of nanostructured magnetic materialsNonlinear evolution of spatio-temporal structures in dissipative continuous systemsNanostructured materials : science & technologyTargeting of drugs 2 : optimization strategiesVentilation and indoor air quality in hospitalsComputational advances in organic chemistry : molecular structure and reactivityTopics in knot theoryMesoscopic electron transportTyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation and downstream signallingTime, action, and cognition : towards bridging the gapAdvances in Penicillium and Aspergillus systematicsIncommensurate crystals, liquid crystals, and quasi-crystalsPerspectives in bioremediation : technologies for environmental improvementRadiolabeled monoclonal antibodies for imaging and therapyEstimation of natural groundwater rechargeBuoyant convection in geophysical flowsScientific and technological achievements related to the development of European citiesTransformation, co-operation, and conversionHydroinformatics tools for planning, design, operation, and rehabilitation of sewer systemsParallel computing on distributed memory multiprocessorsDNA-ligand interactions : from drugs to proteinsNeural networks and machine learningManaging and modelling complex projectsNoncompact Lie groups and some of their applicationsCellular and molecular basis of synaptic transmissionThe pineal gland and its hormones : fundamentals and clinical perspectivesScience and technology of electroceramic thin filmsProbabilistic and stochastic methods in analysis, with applicationsMicroelectrodes : theory and applicationsIon flux in pulmonary vascular controlInformation systems : failure analysisProbabilities and materials : tests, models and applicationsAtherosclerotic plaques : advances in imaging for sequential quantitative evaluationRecent advances in biotechnologyBehavioural brain research in naturalistic and semi-naturalistic settingsTargeting of drugs : anatomical and physiological considerationsVerification of the biological and toxin weapons conventionIndustrial aspects of biochemistry and geneticsScientific, environmental, and political issues in the Circum-Caspian regionStatistical mechanics, protein structure, and protein substrate interactionsUnsteady combustionPhysics and applications of pseudosparksForces in scanning probe methodsParticle analysis in oceanographyRecent advances in mechanistic and synthetic aspects of polymerizationDavydov's soliton revisited : self-trapping of vibrational energy in proteinMagnetic hysteresis in novel magnetic materialsPictorial data analysisHuman apolipoprotein mutants 2 : from gene structure to phenotypic expressionBiomass utilizationTargeting of drugs 4 : advances in system constructsSurface properties and catalysis by non-metalsImmunotoxicology : a current perspective of principles and practiceCombusting flow diagnosticsElectron Kinetics and applications of glow dischargesTheoretical foundations of computer graphics and CADMonte Carlo methods in quantum problemsCluster models for surface and bulk phenomenaA Multidisciplinary approach to myelin diseases IIApplied magnetismEnvironmentally devastated areas in river basins in Eastern EuropePolarized spectroscopy of ordered systems : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Developments in Polarized Spectroscopy of Ordered Systems, Rimini, Italy, October 11-23, 1987Glial-neuronal communication in development and regenerationAbrupt climatic change : evidence and implicationsScience and technology of the undercooled melt : rapid solidification materials and technologiesApplications of organometallic chemistry in the preparation and processing of advanced materialsOrigins of igneous layeringAdvances in groundwater pollution control and remediationCarbon cycling in the glacial ocean : constraints on the ocean's role in global change : quantitative approaches in paleoceanographyFree radicals in synthesis and biologyReliability and safety assessment of dynamic process systemsCurrent topics in astrofundamental physics : the cosmic microwave backgroundClean-up of former Soviet military installations : identification and selection of environmental technologies for use in Central and Eastern EuropeAdvanced models of cognition for medical training and practiceExploiting Mental Imagery with Computers in Mathematics EducationPhysics and chemistry of the fullerenesCosmic rays, supernovae, and the interstellar mediumNew directions in terahertz technologyLight, lasers, and synchrotron radiation : a health risk assessmentWheat growth and modellingClusters and superclusters of galaxiesStandardizaion of epidemiological studies of host susceptibilityElectroweak physics and the early universeHighly redundant sensing in robotic systemsNew trends in nonlinear dynamics and pattern-forming phenomena : the geometry of nonequilibriumLogic and algebra of specificationMolecular astrophysics : state of the art and future directionsZeolites : science and technologyLaser applications in chemistryCredibility assessmentSurface and interface characterization by electron optical methodsRecent advances in speech understanding and dialog systemsNuclear shapes and nuclear structure at low excitation energiesT Lymphocytes : structure, functions, choicesQuantum transport in ultrasmall devicesEvolutionary processes in binary starsLow dimensional structures prepared by epitaxial growth or regrowth on patterned substratesFlash reaction processes : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Flash Reaction Processes, Istanbul, Turkey, May 6-8, 1994The Interfacial interactions in polymeric compositesDesulfurization of hot coal gasOperation of complex water systems : operation, planning, and analysis of already developed water systemsParticle astrophysics and cosmologyTraditional and non-traditional robotic sensorsAtmospheric nuclear tests : environmental and human consequencesControl technology in elementary educationDrugs affecting leukotrienes and other eicosanoid pathwaysPatterns, defects and microstructures in nonequilibrium systems : applications in materials scienceDiamond based composites and related materialsNanolithography : a borderland between STM, EB, IB, and X-ray lithographiesCell to cell signals in plants and animals : progress reportNumerical integration : recent developments, software, and applicationsOptical switching in low-dimensional systemsApplied computational electromagnetics : state of the art and future trendsPerspectives in particles and fields, Cargèse 1983Diffusion of new technologies in the post-communist worldSignalling mechanisms - from transcription factors to oxidative stressClimate sensitivity to radiative perturbations : physical mechanisms and their validationReflection high-energy electron diffraction and reflection electron imaging of surfacesCorrelations and clustering phenomena in subatomic physicsPlant molecular biology : molecular genetic analysis of plant development and metabolismPhotonic band gaps and localizationCondensed matter research using neutrons--today and tomorrowSuper-intense laser-atom physicsSpectroscopy of inorganic bioactivators : theory and applications--chemistry, physics, biology, and medicineDiffuse matter in galaxies, Cargèse, 1982Sensors and sensory systems for an electronic noseMolecular mechanisms of membrane trafficGlacial isostasy, sea-level and mantle rheologyEarth rotation : solved and unsolved problemsThe role of air-sea exchange in geochemical cyclingDemand-side management and electricity end-use efficiencyCell to cell signals in plant, animal, and microbial symbiosisSingle charge tunneling : Coulomb blockade phenomena in nanostructuresThe use of human cells for the evaluation of risk from physical and chemical agentsHigh spectral resolution infrared remote sensing for earth's weather and climate studiesConversion of military enterprises : a practical approach of industry and scienceProtein dynamics, function, and designModulation of cellular responses in toxicityThe Mathematics of long-range aperiodic orderGlass-- current issuesNonlinear spectroscopy of solids : advances and applicationsCentral and peripheral mechanisms of cardiovascular regulationRemote sensing applications in marine science and technologyCellular and molcular effects of mineral and synthetic dusts and fibresOrganizing principles of neural development : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Organizing Principles of Neural Development, held June 1-12, 1982, in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal]The translational apparatus of photosynthetic organellesWavelets and their applicationsThemes in motor developmentMolecular electrochemistry of inorganic, bioinorganic and organometallic compoundsComplex potential theorySolar and astrophysical magnetohydrodynamic flowsStellar atmospheres : beyond classical modelsSupramolecular science : where it is and where it is goingMechanism of fertilization : plants to humansWhite dwarfsMolecular form and function of the plant genomeEast-West life expectancy gap in Europe : environmental and non-environmental determinantsFree radicals, oxidative stress, and antioxidants : pathological and physiological significanceOperations research and management in fishingGlobal precipitations and climate changeReal and complex dynamical systems3D imaging in medicine : algorithms, systems, applicationsCrystallography in molecular biologyNonlinear optical materials and devices for applications in information technologyNanoscale probes of the solid/liquid interfacePhase transitions in soft condensed matterMicro/nanotribology and its applicationsAtomic and molecular physics of controlled thermonuclear fusionBridge Evaluation, Repair and Rehabilitation : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Bridge Evaluation, Repair and Rehabilitation, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, April 30-May 2, 1990]Topological properties and global structure of space-timeKnowledge acquisition, organization, and use in biologyPolarons and excitons in polar semiconductors and ionic crystalsStructure and dynamics of weakly bound molecular complexesNegative differential resistance and instabilities in 2-D semiconductorsInteracting binariesSoil colloids and their associations in aggregatesDecision support systems : theory and applicationTechnosophy : strategic approaches to the assessment and management of manufacturing technology innovationMethods of model based process controlThe opacity of spiral disksPolymeric biomaterialsLipid storage disorders : biological and medical aspectsEast-West scientific co-operation : science and technology policy of the Baltic States and international co-operationIntegrated electricity resource planningIntelligence and evolutionary biologyMagnetic molecular materialsBiomarkers : research and application in the assessment of environmental healthStellar atmospheres : beyond classical modelsTrafficking of intracellular membranes : from molecular sorting to membrane fusionReceptor-mediated targeting of drugsSignal transduction and protein phosphorylationMolecular basis of human cancerCross-language studies of learning to read and spell : phonologic and orthographic processingBlack hole physicsOrganic molecules for nonlinear optics and photonicsGraph symmetry : algebraic methods and applicationsNovel biodegradable microbial polymersThe application of laser light scattering to the study of biological motionOcean processes in climate dynamics : global and mediterranean examplesThe superfamily of ras-related genesPost-transcriptional control of gene expressionNeutron stars : theory and observationFundamental aspects of inert gases in solidsThe neocortex : ontogeny and phylogenyDevelopmental neuropathology of schizophreniaIndividual differences in hemispheric specializationAir pollutants and the leaf cuticleSpectroscopy of biological molecules : theory and applications--chemistry, physics, biology, and medicineLarge-scale oceanographic experiments and satellitesGene expression in normal and transformed cellsProof and computationDefense conversion strategiesCognitive tools for learningQuantitative assessment in epilepsy careLeishmaniasis : the current status and new strategies for controlHigh-brightness acceleratorsInterfaces under laser irradiationChemistry and physics of energetic materialsIdentification, adaptation, learning : the science of learning models from dataBiological electron transfer chains : genetics, composition, and mode of operation : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Biological Electron Transfer Chains : Genetics, Composition, and Mode of Operation, Tomar, Portugal, May 3-7, 1997Ascomycete systematics : problems and perspectives in the ninetiesFrontiers of nonequilibrium statistical physicsGuided wave nonlinear opticsModelling aqueous corrosion : from individual pits to system managementDifferential geometric methods in theoretical physics : physics and geometryInstructional models in computer-based learning environmentsAdvances in DNA damage and repair : oxygen radical effects, cellular protection, and biological consequencesPhase transitions in surface films 2Fungal cell wall and immune responseQuantitative analysis of mineral and energy resourcesAmino acid availability and brain function in health and diseaseChemosensory information processingChemisorption and reactivity on supported clusters and thin films : towards an understanding of microscopic processes in catalysisObservational tests of cosmological inflationFlood risk management : hazards, vulnerability and mitigation measuresApproximation theory, wavelets and applicationsHardware/software co-designSystems of nonlinear partial differential equationsGravitational measurements, fundamental metrology and constantsSeismic activity in Western Europe : with particular consideration to the Liège earthquake of November 8, 1983Biology and molecular biology of plant-pathogen interactionsMechanical properties and deformation behavior of materials having ultra-fine microstructuresStructure-property relationships in surface-modified ceramicsCoherence phenomena in atoms and molecules in laser fieldsMilankovitch and climate : understanding the response to astronomical forcingMobile source emissions, including polycyclic organic speciesMolecular liquids : dynamics and interactionsAmorphous and liquid materialsInformation science in action : system designAdvances in the theory of Fréchet spaces : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Advances in the Theory of Fréchet Spaces, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, August 15-19, 1988]Selective activation of drugs by redox processesHot hadronic matter : theory and experimentTransformation of organometallics into common and exotic materials : design and activationStability of materialsMultisensor fusion for computer visionSolar surface magnetismPhotons and local probesSurface engineering : surface modification of materialsNeural circuits and networksNew directions in research with third-generation soft x-ray synchrotron radiation sourcesAngular momentum evolution of young starsFrontiers of laser spectroscopy of gasesBatch processing systems engineering : fundamentals and applications for chemical engineeringJoint interpretation of geophysical and geological data applied to lithospheric studiesTheoretical challenges in the dynamics of complex fluidsTechniques and new developments in photosynthesis researchPositron emission tomography : a critical assessment of recent trendsSelf-organization, emerging properties, and learningThe Structure, dynamics and equilibrium properties of colloidal systemsThe GalaxyCollaborative dialogue technologies in distance learningAdaptive learning environments : foundations and frontiersDNA polymorphisms as disease markersMilitary R & D after the cold war : conversion and technology transfer in Eastern and Western EuropeContribution of clusters physics to materials science and technology : from isolated clusters to aggregated materialsHot thin plasmas in astrophysicsAir pollution in the Ural Mountains : environmental, health and policy aspectsMolecular biology of mitochondrial transport systemsHeavy ion collisions : Cargèse 1984Very long baseline interferometry : techniques and applicationsPrimary photo-processes in biology and medicinePhysics with multiply charged ionsUltrashort processes in condensed matterAdvanced computing concepts and techniques in control engineeringOrdered intermetallics--physical metallurgy and mechanical behaviourFluctuation phenomena in high temperature superconductorsRadiation and water in the climate system : remote measurementsBacteria, complement, and the phagocytic cellPhytotoxins and plant pathogenesisCycles and raysDeep-water fisheries of the North Atlantic oceanic slopeThe biophysics of organ cryopreservationLogic, algebra, and computation(e,2e) & related processesMembrane processes in separation and purificationLearning in graphical modelsLinking the gaseous and condensed phases of matter : the behavior of slow electronsMovable bed physical modelsQuantum measurement and chaosTowards a model of ocean biogeochemical processesCellular and humoral immunological components of cerebrospinal fluid in multiple sclerosisExcimer lasersDecision support systems : water resources planningMolecular beam epitaxy and heterostructuresPhysics of highly-ionized atomsHistory of original ideas and basic discoveries in particle physicsFundamentals and standards in hardware description languagesTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics IVLanguages for sensor-based control in roboticsChemical crystallography with pulsed neutrons and synchrotron X-raysTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics VUse of biomarkers in assessing health and environmental impacts of chemical pollutantsElectrical and related properties of organic solidsAutomation and systems issues in air traffic controlPlant cell biotechnologyProgress in stellar spectral line formation theoryLactic acid bacteria : current advances in metabolism, genetics and applicationsAlgorithms and model formulations in mathematical programmingElectrochemical and optical techniques for the study and monitoring of metallic corrosionTime-dependent effects in disordered materialsPlant vacuoles : their importance in solute compartmentation in cells and their applications in plant biotechnologyOptical fiber sensorsQuantitative diagenesis : recent developments and applications to reservoir geologyQuantum measurements in opticsDevices based on low-dimensional semiconductor structuresAcidity and basicity of solids : theory, assessment, and utilityHomogeneous and heterogeneous photocatalysisThe cell surface in signal transductionMolecular mechanisms of desensitization to signal moleculesAdvanced technologies based on wave and beam generated plasmasVerification and validation of complex systems : human factors issuesSustainability of irrigated agricultureQuantum optics of confined systemsStratospheric ozone depletion/UV-B radiation in the biosphereSolid state lasers : new developments and applicationsScientific methods for the study of polymer colloids and their applicationsCurrent and voltage measurementsThe solar engine and its influence on terrestrial atmosphere and climateMagnetic monopolesRepresentation theories and algebraic geometryAnalysis and design of bridgesGas lasers--recent developments and future prospectsFrom central state to free global market economyMathematical methods in program developmentNarrow-band phenomena : influence of electrons with both band and localized characterDietary [omega] 3 and [omega] 6 fatty acids : biological effects and nutritional essentialityEvolution of the first nervous systemsBiologically based methods for cancer risk assessmentDesign systems for VLSI circuits : logic synthesis and silicon compilationMicrocavities and photonic bandgaps : physics and applicationsUrban runoff pollutionThe scientific basis of flotationMembrane biogenesisInteractive multimedia learning environments : human factors and technical considerations on design issuesCellular mechanisms of sensory processing : the somatosensory systemPrinciples and methods in receptor bindingVerification of digital and hybrid systemsProcessing of sensory information in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cordLyme borreliosisAdvanced agricultural instrumentation : design and useHeterostructures on silicon : one step further with siliconRegular and chaotic motions in dynamic systemsSurvey reportsRhythms in fishesRegulation of chloroplast biogenesisCoping with floodsMechanisms of secondary brain damageThe physics and parameterization of moist atmospheric convectionDefence nuclear waste disposal in Russia : international perspectiveThe ethological roots of cultureIntrinsically conducting polymers : an emerging technologyHadrons and hadronic matterStructure/reactivity and thermochemistry of ionsProgramming and mathematical methodBiomechanics of active movement and division of cellsBiochemical and biological markers of neoplastic transformationX-ray and neutron dynamical diffraction : theory and applicationsTheoretical perspectives on autobiographical memoryMasses of fundamental particles : Cargèse 1996Motor development in children : aspects of coordination and controlSemigroups, formal languages, and groupsReactive oxygen species in chemistry, biology, and medicineSynthesis of the Caledonian rocks of BritainThe last deglaciation : absolute and radiocarbon chronologiesTopological methods in differential equations and inclusionsDatabase machines : modern trends and applicationsThe biogeochemical cycling of sulfur and nitrogen in the remote atmosphereGravitational wave data analysisBiomass production by fast-growing treesThe early effects of radiation on DNAMineral processing designMagnet-structural correlations in exchange coupled systemsComputer-based learning environments and problem solvingHuman apolipoprotein mutants III : diagnosis and treatmentFlow cytometry : new developmentsAnalytical uses of immobilized biological compounds for detection, medical, and industrial usesBehavioral medicine : work, stress, and healthThe dynamics of small bodies in the solar system : a major key to solar system studiesRecent advances in Fourier analysis and its applications : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Fourier Analysis and Its Applications, Il Ciocco, Italy, July 16-29, 1989]Performance limits in communication theory and practicePremium calculation in insuranceNuclear magnetic resonance of liquid crystalsEvolutionary tinkering in gene expressionUltrafast dynamics of quantum systems : physical processes and spectroscopic techniquesFundamental and technological aspects of organo-f-element chemistryDisordered systems and biological organizationManagement training in high-tech and R&D : concept for enterprises under transitionCalifornium-252, isotope for 21st century radiotherapyChromosomal proteins and gene expressionNeurobiology of the inner retinaEsterases, lipases, and phospholipases : from structure to clinical significanceKnowledge, data, and computer-assisted decisionsLipid mediators in the immunology of shockGraphs and order : the role of graphs in the theory of ordered sets and its applicationsSomites in developing embryosThe molecular biology of Physarum polycephalumIndigenous cognition : functioning in cultural contextNeutron stars and their birth eventsPlant aging : basic and applied approachesNew aspects of nuclear dynamicsEconomics of atmospheric pollutionNew directions for intelligent tutoring systemsPlanets outside the solar system : theory and observationsQuantum coherence in mesoscopic systemsStrings, branes and dualitiesLaser interactions with atoms, solids, and plasmasThe Management of uncertainty : approaches, methods, and applicationsDeformation theory of algebras and structures and applicationsX-ray binaries and recycled pulsarsMoment formation in solidsNuclear materials safety managementNew directions in guided wave and coherent opticsEmergent computing methods in engineering design : applications of genetic algorithms and neural networksWind climate in citiesPhysical signatures of magnetospheric boundary layer processesDisorder and mixing : convection, diffusion, and reaction in random materials and processes : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Disorder and Mixing", Cargèse, Corsica, France, June 15-27, 1987Galaxy distances and deviations from universal expansionThe photosynthetic bacterial reaction center : structure and dynamicsEnvironmental impact assessmentPhysics of plasma-wall interactions in controlled fusionMolecular mechanisms of signalling and membrane transportSolid state batteriesPharmaceutical applications of cell and tissue culture to drug transportCarbon and coal gasification : science and technologyNumerical linear algebra : digital signal processing and parallel algorithmsNeurophysiology and developmental aspectsComputer and information science applications in bioprocess engineeringAdaptive optics for astronomyInteractive dynamics of convection and solidificationPhotoreception and vision in invertebratesRas oncogenesTransition metal carbyne complexesBiochemical and cellular mechanisms of stress tolerance in plantsComprehensive systems design : a new educational technologyChaos in astrophysicsAmorphous insulators and semiconductorsRecent advances in biological membrane studies : structure and biogenesis, oxidation and energeticsAdvances in rockfill structuresInterfacial science in ceramic joiningFluid movements : element transport and the composition of the deep crustSocial support : theory, research and applicationsMolecular ions : geometric and electronic structuresSeasonal snowpacks : processes of compositional changeUses of immobilized biological compoundsGrowth patterns in physical sciences and biologyStructure and function of plant genomesTheory of accretion disksThe chemistry of life's originsVortex flows and related numerical methodsCytotoxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic potential of heavy metals related to human environmentClouds, chemistry and climateNitrate contamination : exposure, consequence, and controlOcean processes in climate dynamics : global and mediterranean examplesThe relations between defence and civil technologiesGauge theory and the early universeSupramolecular chemistryGravity wave processes : their parameterization in global climate modelsLattice gauge theory '86Physics and chemistry of small clustersBiological fixation of nitrogen for ecology and sustainable agricultureStructure and properties of ionomersElectronic structure, dynamics, and quantum structural properties of condensed matterAnalytical use of fluorescent probes in oncologyMagnetism and structure in systems of reduced dimensionAcute respiratory distress syndrome : cellular and molecular mechanisms and clinical managementVascular endothelium : physiological basis of clinical problemsMass spectrometry in the biological sciences : a tutorialMicrowave remote sensing for oceanographic and marine weather forecast modelsMathematical models for decision supportDesigning environments for constructive learningKnowledge, technology transfer and foresightFoams and emulsionsEffects of mineral dusts on cellsGenetic engineering in eukaryotesEnergy transfer processes in condensed matterRelaxation in complex systems and related topicsAtomic and nanometer-scale modification of materials : fundamentals and applicationsThe gamma ray sky with Compton GRO and SIGMAEvolutionary relationships among rodents : a multidisciplinary analysisLeukotrienes and prostacyclinNonlinear optical effects in organic polymersNew developments in industrial wastewater treatmentMammalian Cochlear Nuclei : Organization and FunctionTrends in optical fibre metrology and standardsEvaluation of advanced semiconductor materials by electron microscopySyntactic and structural pattern recognitionPhysics and materials science of high temperature superconductorsChaotic dynamics : theory and practiceSuper-intense laser-atom physics IVFlow and creep in the solar system : observations, modeling, and theoryQuantum tunneling of magnetization - QTM '94Computational aspects of the study of biological macromolecules by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopySemiotics and international scholarship : towards a language of theoryMultinuclear magnetic resonance in liquids and solids, chemical applicationsHigh power lasers : science and engineeringDecommissioned submarines in the Russian Northwest : assessing and eliminating risksGiant resonances in atoms, molecules, and solidsSeismic hazard and building vulnerability in post-Soviet Central Asian RepublicsHydrogen-bonded liquidsThe many faces of neutron starsClifford algebras and their applications in mathematical physicsConstructive quantum field theory IIHigh performance computing in the geosciencesEvaluation of soil organic matter models : using existing long-term datasetsMultimedia interface design in educationBiologically inspired physicsPaleomagnetic rotations and continental deformationRegional trends in the geology of the Appalachian-Caledonian-Hercynian-Mauritanide orogenMolecular ecology of aquatic microbesThe synergy between dynamics and reactivity at clusters and surfacesScale invariance, interfaces, and non-equilibrium dynamicsEngineering risk in natural resources management : with special references to hydrosystems under changes of physical or climatic environmentModification of cell to cell signals during normal and pathological agingNanowiresCrystallography of supramolecular compoundsNuclear physics applications on materials scienceVaccines : recent trends and progressDynamics, bifurcation and symmetry : new trends and new toolsIntegrating advanced technology into technology educationTechnology-based learning environments : psychological and educational foundationsCooling of electronic systemsFormation and evolution of low mass starsCretaceous resources, events, and rhythms : background and plans for researchAdvanced educational technology : research issues and future potentialRemediation of soil and groundwater : opportunities in Eastern EuropeItem banking : interactive testing and self-assessmentThe inter-relationship between irrigation, drainage, and the environment in the Aral Sea BasinEconometric modelling of the world trade in groundfishThe application of charge density research to chemistry and drug designAdvanced nuclear systems consuming excess plutoniumLow-dimensional topology and quantum field theoryNew theoretical concepts for understanding organic reactionsIssues in acoustic signal/image processing and recognitionApplications of superconductivityAdvanced educational technology in technology educationAtmospheric ozone dynamics : observations in the Mediterranean RegionEuropean Neogene mammal chronologyIonic processes in the gas phaseString gravity and physics at the Planck energy scaleEnvironmental stress in plants : biochemical and physiological mechanismsFast ion transport in solidsScaling phenomena in disordered systemsMechatronic design in textile engineeringReliability and safety assessment of dynamic process systemsPreparation and reaction engineeringApplication of particle and laser beams in materials technologyPhysical processes in interstellar cloudsCrust/mantle recycling at convergence zonesAtaxia-telangiectasiaConfined electrons and photons : new physics and applicationsThe chemical physics of fullerenes 10 (and 5) years later : the far-reaching impact of the discovery of C60Cooperation : game-theoretic approachesGame-theoretic methods in general equilibrium analysisMeasuring the unmeasurableNeural bases of motor behaviourContinuation and bifurcations : numerical techniques and applicationsChemical physics of intercalation IIMetallic alloys : experimental and theoretical perspectivesPoint and extended defects in semiconductorsExtreme stress and communities : impact and interventionTutorials in motor neurosciencePlant molecular biology 2Nonlinear evolution and chaotic phenomenaDevelopments in dynamic soil-structure interaction : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Developments in Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey, July 8-16, 1992]Biological signal transductionDynamics of polyatomic Van der Waals complexesMaterials and crystallographic aspects of HT[c]-superconductivityReactive and flexible molecules in liquidsGangliosides and modulation of neuronal functionsNoise and nonlinear phenomena in nuclear systemsSerine proteases and their serpin inhibitors in the nervous system : regulation in development and in degenerative and malignant diseaseSimulation-based experiential learningAdvances in materials science and implant orthopedic surgeryNew experimental modalities in the control of neoplasiaThe physics and chemistry of carbides, nitrides, and borides : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of Carbides, Nitrides, and Borides, Manchester, U.K., 18-22 September, 1989Microbial mats : structure, development, and environmental significancePhotobiological techniquesLipid and protein traffic : pathways and molecular mechanismsMolecular magnetism : from molecular assemblies to the devicesProton transfer in hydrogen-bonded systemsCAD based programming for sensory robotsPast and future rapid environmental changes : the spatial and evolutionary responses of terrestrial biotaAnalytical laser spectroscopyAdvances in complex electromagnetic materialsTailoring of mechanical properties of Si[3]N[4] ceramicsOptical measurementsAdaptive methods in underwater acousticsAggression in children and youth : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Aggression in Children and Youth, Maratea, Italy, June 17-28, 1981]Technology education in school and industry : emerging didactics for human resource developmentQuantum metrology and fundamental physical constantsGene technology : stem cell and leukemia researchPhysical adsorption : experiment, theory, and applicationsDisorder and fractureLaser surface treatment of metalsAdvances in cardiovascular engineeringPost-transcriptional control of gene expressionSurfaces and interfaces of ceramic materialsComputation of curves and surfacesDiffusion and use of geographic information technologiesRadiation carcinogenesis and DNA alternationsCalcium transport and intracellular calcium homeostasisBiological contributions to crime causationMathematical models and design methods in solid-liquid separationX-ray spectroscopy in atomic and solid state physicsMass spectrometry in biomolecular sciencesNear field opticsThe molecular dynamics of liquid crystalsQuantum optics, experimental gravity, and measurement theoryThe time domain in surface and structural dynamicsPhysics and applications of quantum wells and superlatticesCognitive models and intelligent environments for learning programmingMetal-ligand interactions : structure and reactivityFood properties and computer-aided engineering of food processing systemsAutomating instructional design : computer-based development and delivery toolsOscillatory event-related brain dynamicsComputational and conversational discourse : burning issues, an interdisciplinary accountEnvironmental engineering and pollution prevention : European network of excellence and partnershipPhysics and chemistry of low-dimensional inorganic conductorsNicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous systemOverview, fundamentals and supporting technologiesAdvanced multilayered and fibre-reinforced compositesStructure and dynamics of biopolymersDirect methods for solving macromolecular structuresCosmology and particle physicsMethods for mycological examination of foodTransport in nonstoichiometric compoundsAtomic and molecular processes with short intense laser pulsesAtomic physics with positronsRings and geometryGranular nanoelectronicsAlgorithms for continuous optimization : the state of the artFrontiers of high-pressure researchAutoimmunity : experimental aspectsBiomechanical transport processesMarine pelagic cyanobacteria : Trichodesmium and other diazotrophsHigh-capacity local and Metropolitan area networks : architecture and performance issuesAntiviral drug development : a multidisciplinary approachComputer aided analysis and optimization of mechanical system dynamicsMolecular techniques in taxonomyAngiogenesis in health and diseaseMolecular liquids : new perspectives in physics and chemistryGlobal and regional mercury cycles : sources, fluxes and mass balancesQCD and the formation of the quark-gluon plasmaArterial pollution : an integrated view on atherosclerosisSensorimotor impairment in the elderlyIntersubband transitions in quantum wellsProgress in electrodermal researchHigh angular resolution in astrophysicsGenetic conservation of salmonid fishesAnimal sonar : processes and performanceMulticomponent and multilayered thin films for advanced microtechnologies : techniques, fundamentals, and devicesThe Modelling of microstructure and its potential for studying transport properties and durabilityArsenic and old mustard : chemical problems in the destruction of old arsenical and 'mustard' munitionsNuclear magnetic resonance in modern technologyPhysicochemical hydrodynamics : interfacial phenomenaModelling oceanic climate interactionsReading and writing disorders in different orthographic systemsThe vortex stateFouling science and technologyBiomechanics of cell divisionThe physiology of thirst and sodium appetiteProgress in gauge field theoryDefects and disorder in crystalline and amorphous solidsPatterns, defects and materials instabilitiesWoody plant biotechnologyThin film growth techniques for low-dimensional structuresEthoexperimental approaches to the study of behaviorFeldspars and feldspathoids, structures, properties, and occurrencesCenozoic plants and climates of the ArcticTools and methods for pollution preventionThe role of freshwater outflow in coastal marine ecosystemsAdvanced photonics with second-order optically nonlinear processesAdvances in signal processing for nondestructive evaluation of materialsMolecular and cellular aspects of calcium in plant developmentFunctional integration : basics and applicationsPhotoactive organic materials : science and applications : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Photoactive Organic Materials: Science and Applications, Avignon, France, June 25-30, 1995Long-term dynamical behaviour of natural and artificial n-body systemsTime-dependent quantum molecular dynamicsMultiple criteria decision making and risk analysis using microcomputersThe physical oceanography of sea straitsCosmic radiation in contemporary astrophysicsHydrogen in disordered and amorphous solidsSingularities in fluids, plasmas and opticsVaccine design : the role of cytokine networksElectrified interfaces in physics, chemistry and biologyPhysics and materials science of high temperature superconductors, IIEcosystem modeling as a management tool for the Black SeaAdvanced electronic technologies and systems based on low-dimensional quantum devicesWater saving techniques for plant growthNanosources and manipulation of atoms under high fields and temperatures : applicationsNeurocytochemical methodsSecular solar and geomagnetic variations in the last 10,000 yearsNew promising electrochemical systems for rechargeable batteriesInstabilities and chaos in quantum optics IIWhite dwarfs : advances in observation and theoryFinite and infinite combinatorics in sets and logic : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Finite and Infinite Combinatorics in Sets and Logic, Banff, Alberta, Canada, April 21-May 4, 1991]Nonstandard analysis : theory and applicationsFace recognition : from theory to applicationsFree radicals in biology and environmentThe cosmic microwave backgroundEffects of atmospheric pollutants on forests, wetlands, and agricultural ecosystemsPrehistoric gold in Europe : mines, metallurgy, and manufactureComputational methods in mechanical systems : mechanism analysis, synthesis, and optimizationNew symmetry principles in quantum field theoryThe physics of submicron semiconductor devicesTargeting of drugs 6 : strategies for stealth therapeutic systemsPhase transitions in liquid crystalsStructure development during polymer processingSensory transductionNMR in living systemsAuditory frequency selectivityHigh density digital recordingBarriers to international technology transferNanophase materials, synthesis-properties-applications : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Nanophase Materials, Synthesis- Properties-Applications, Corfu, Greece, June 20-July 2, 1993]Greenhouse effect, sea level and droughtFrom statistical physics to statistical inference and backParticle physics : Cargèse 1987Theromodynamic optimization of complex energy systemsThe molecular basis of viral replicationClean utilization of coal : coal structure and reactivity, cleaning and environmental aspectsIonic polymerizations and related processesOrganic and inorganic low-dimensional crystalline materialsSelected topics in mass spectrometry in the biomolecular sciencesEnergy and water cycles in the climate systemAdvances in the biomechanics of the hand and wristHadron spectroscopy and the confinement problemFabrication, properties, and applications of low-dimensional semiconductorsQuantum chemistry : the challenge of transition metals and coordination chemistryThree-dimensional modeling with geoscientific information systemsTechnology transfer : from invention to innovationChemistry of multiphase atmospheric systemsEnvironmental reconstruction in headwater areasDialogue and instruction : modelling interaction in intelligent tutoring systemsProcess and device simulation for MOS-VLSI circuitsEast-West technology transfer : new perspectives and human resourcesFrom statistics to neural networks : theory and pattern recognition applicationsMathematics and computer science in medical imagingSixty-two years of uncertainty : historical, philosophical, and physical inquiries into the foundations of quantum mechanicsFlow and image cytometryThe evolution of galactic X-ray binariesFundamental algorithms for computer graphicsTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics IIIProblems in service life prediction of building and construction materialsCleaner technologies and cleaner products for sustainable developmentThe Midbrain periaqueductal gray matter : functional, anatomical, and neurochemical organizationMethods and mechanisms for producing ions from large moleculesAspects of face processingFrontiers in nanoscale science of micron/submicron devicesChemical reactions in organic and inorganic constrained systemsRelativistic effects in atoms, molecules, and solidsSonochemistry and sonoluminescenceRecent experimental and computational advances in molecular spectroscopyInnovations in flotation technologyManagement of lakes and reservoirs during global climate changeNonequilibrium processes in partially ionized gasesHuman assessment : cognition and motivationBiosocial bases of violenceOlefin metathesis and polymerization catalysts : synthesis, mechanism, and utilizationNew frontiers in quantum electrodynamics and quantum opticsStrain and its implications in organic chemistry : organic stress and reactivityNon-stoichiometric compounds : surfaces, grain boundaries, and structural defectsPolar cap boundary phenomenaGalactic and extragalactic star formationDismantlement and destruction of chemical, nuclear, and conventional weaponsIce physics and the natural environmentPhysically-based modelling and simulation of climate and climatic changeCondensed systems of low dimensionalityOrdered and turbulent patterns in Taylor-Couette flowAdvanced educational technology in technology educationComputer modeling of free-surface and pressurized flowsMolecular models of photoresponsivenessCosmical magnetismScience policy and research management in the Balkan countriesExposed cross-sections of the continental crustAdvances in metal carbene chemistryQuantum chemistry of polymers--solid state aspectsNonperturbative quantum field theoryIntelligent learning environments : the case of geometrySpeech recognition and understanding : recent advances, trends and applicationsSymmetries in nuclear structureProblems of collapse and numerical relativityLight as an energy source and information carrier in plant physiologyPhotophysics and photochemistry in the vacuum ultravioletPhysics, fabrication, and applications of multilayered structuresRemote sensing applications in meteorology and climatologyMulticritical phenomenaEvolutionary biology of primitive fishesThermochemistry and its applications to chemical and biochemical systems : the thermochemistry of molecules, ionic species, and free radicals in relation to the understanding of chemical and biochemical systemsDevelopment with sustainable use of electricityThe Mount Pinatubo eruption : effects on the atmosphere and climateLiver carcinogenesis : the molecular pathwaysInteractions of C, N, P and S biogeochemical cycles and global changeThe Numerical modelling of nonlinear stellar pulsations : problems and prospectsThe physics of the two-dimensional electron gasIce in the climate systemAutomating instructional design, development, and deliveryPhysics of sliding frictionEnergetics of stable molecules and reactive intermediatesDefects in solids : modern techniquesPaleoecology, biostratigraphy, paleoceanography and taxonomy of agglutinated foraminiferaInteraction of charged particles with solids and surfacesPsychopathy : theory, research, and implications for societyNeural development and regeneration : cellular and molecular aspectsComputer-aided analysis of rigid and flexible mechanical systems : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study institute on Computer-Aided Analysis of Rigid and Flexible Mechanical Systems, Tróia, Portugal, 27 June-9 July, 1993]Biophysics of photoreceptors and photomovements in microorganismsEvolving geographical structures : mathematical models and theories for space-time processesRecent research advances in the fluid mechanics of turbulent jets and plumesSlow potential changes in the human brainReduced thermal processing for ULSILinear and nonlinear electron transport in solids : [lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Linear and Nonlinear Electronic Transport in Solids held at the State University of Antwerp (RUCA), Antwerp, Belgium, July 21-August 2, 1975]Optical properties of excited states in solidsMeasurement of residual and applied stress using neutron diffractionDyslexia : a global issueTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics VIInsurance and risk theoryHuman apolipoprotein mutants : impact on atherosclerosis and longevitySeasonal snowcovers : physics, chemistry, hydrologyEarthquakes at North-Atlantic passive margins : neotectonics and postglacial reboundCellular regulation by protein phosphorylationVibronic processes in inorganic chemistryEnzymatic and model carboxylation and reduction reactions for carbon dioxide utilization : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Enzymatic and Model Carboxylation and Reduction Reactions for Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Riva dei Tessali, Italy, June 17-28, 1989Molecular physics and hypersonic flowsComputational models of speech pattern processingBasic and applied aspects of noise-induced hearing lossMaterials modification by high-fluence ion beamsComputer modelling of electronic and atomic processes in solidsLong-term climatic variations : data and modellingPhysical supramolecular chemistryDesign methodology and relationships with scienceLaser processing : surface treatment and film depositionTransition metals in supramolecular chemistryTechnical advances in biomedical physicsBioinorganic chemistry : an inorganic perspective of lifeTopological aspects of the dynamics of fluids and plasmasHeterostructure epitaxy and devices--HEAD '97Shape optimization and free boundariesElectronic systems effectiveness and life cycle costingDNA repair mechanisms and their biological implications in mammalian cellsSurvival analysis : state of the artTaxonomy of Porifera : from the N.E. Atlantic and Mediterranean SeaNMR in supramolecular chemistryIce core studies of global biogeochemical cyclesCurrent topics in astrofundamental physics : the early universeMarine minerals : advances in research and resource assessment : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Marine Minerals: Resource Assessment Strategies, Gregynog, Wales, June 10-16, 1985]Hot and dense nuclear matterNonparametric functional estimation and related topicsBiomechanics of normal and pathological human articulating jointsGrowth and form : nonlinear aspectsMechanisms of gastrointestinal motility and secretionMagnetic resonance scanning and epilepsyNeural development and schizophrenia : theory and researchThermochemistry of alloys : recent developments of experimental methodsPhytochrome properties and biological actionUser-centred requirements for software engineering environmentsRecent theoretical and experimental advances in hydrogen bonded clustersSupersymmetrySignal processing and pattern recognition in nondestructive evaluation of materialsVacuum structure in intense fieldsRecent trends in regeneration researchThe role of the oceans as a waste disposal optionLattice gauge theory : a challenge in large-scale computingIndustrial air pollution : assessment and controlStructure and dynamics of strongly interacting colloids and supramolecular aggregates in solutionThe chemistry of weatheringCommunication from an artificial intelligence perspective : theoretical and applied issuesHamiltonian systems with three or more degrees of freedomImmunogenetics : advances and education : the First Congress of Slovak FoundationControl flow and data flow : concepts of distributed programming : international summer schoolThe epoch of galaxy formationHigh-Tc superconductivity 1996 : ten years after the discoveryFrontiers in magnetism of reduced dimension systemsEarly stages of oxygen precipitation in siliconGeothermal reservoir engineeringSupercritical fluids : fundamentals for applicationTheoretical advancement in chromatography and related separation techniquesMechanics and related processes in structured agricultural soilsPlant response to stress : functional analysis in Mediterranean ecosystemsChronobiotechnology and chronobiological engineeringThe multinuclear approach to NMR spectroscopyThe Global geometry of turbulence : impact of nonlinear dynamicsImage sequence processing and dynamic scene analysisSelectivities in Lewis acid promoted reactionsPhysical processes in hot cosmic plasmasSafety assurance for environmental introductions of genetically-engineered organismsOrganization of the early vertebrate embryoGlobalization of science and technology : a way for C.I.S. countries to new marketsThe semiotics of cellular communication in the immune systemCorrelations and connectivity : geometric aspects of physics, chemistry, and biologyGeneration of cosmological large-scale structureProstanoids and drugsLogic of programming and calculi of discrete design : International Summer School directed by F.L. Bauer, M. Broy, E.W. Dijkstra, C.A.R. HoareImmunological adjuvants and vaccinesMixed valency systems : applications in chemistry, physics, and biologyCurrent challenges on large supramolecular assembliesAdvances in vertebrate neuroethologyReal time computingTechniques and concepts of high-energy physics VIIElectron beam and electrical discharge processingAlgebraic K-theory and algebraic topologyAdvances and challenges in the Catalytic activation and functionalisation of light alkanes : Advances and challengesCarbon sequestration in the biosphere : processes and prospectsMineral processing and the environmentCooling flows in clusters and galaxiesOn growth and form : fractal and non-fractal patterns in physicsNematics : mathematical and physical aspectsThe Infrared and submillimetre sky after COBECarbon fibers, filaments, and compositesNuclear matter and heavy ion collisionsPaleoclimatology and paleometeorology : modern and past patterns of global atmospheric transportMicroscopic simulations of complex hydrodynamic phenomenaWorkflow management systems and interoperabilitySeismology of the sun and the distant starsProtein synthesis and targeting in yeastMolecular aspects of biotechnology : Computational models and theoriesPrepared DiscussionToward a theory on biological-physical interactions in the world oceanBioindicator systems for soil pollutionNew methods for the study of biomolecular complexesStrategies and advanced techniques for marine pollution studies : Mediterranean SeaMonte Carlo methods in quantum problemsSensory abilities of cetaceans : laboratory and field evidenceCognitive modelling and interactive environments in language learningStructure and properties of ionomersProton transfer in hydrogen-bonded systems
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