
Key contemporary thinkers


Key contemporary thinkers

Polity Press in association with B. Blackwell


Daniel Dennett : reconciling science and our self-conception外部サイトZygmunt Bauman : prophet of postmodernity外部サイトBruno Latour外部サイトQuentin Skinner : history, politics, rhetoric外部サイトAxel Honneth : a critical theory of the social外部サイトFoucault : a critical introduction外部サイトAgamben外部サイトBrandom外部サイトCornel West : the politics of redemption外部サイトStanley Cavell : skepticism, subjectivity, and the ordinary外部サイトCharles Taylor : meaning, morals and modernity外部サイトLevinas : an introduction外部サイトRené Girard : violence and mimesis外部サイトErving Goffman and modern sociology外部サイトJohn McDowell外部サイトJean Baudrillard : from Marxism to postmodernism and beyond外部サイトHélène Cixous : authorship, autobiography and love外部サイトAmartya Sen外部サイトHarvey Sacks : social science and conversation analysis外部サイトEdmund Husserl : founder of phenomenology外部サイトEdward Said : a critical introduction外部サイトMinsky外部サイトKuhn : philosopher of scientific revolution外部サイトUmberto Eco : philosophy, semiotics, and the work of fiction外部サイトJacques Rancière外部サイトKristeva : thresholds外部サイトSaul Kripke : puzzles and mysteries外部サイトGayatri Spivak : ethics, subalternity and the critique of postcolonial reason外部サイトClifford Geertz : culture, custom and ethics外部サイトSimone de Beauvoir : a critical introduction外部サイトWittgenstein : the way out of the fly-bottle外部サイトQuine : language, experience and reality外部サイトBadiou : a philosophy of the new外部サイトJean-Luc Nancy外部サイトDu Bois : a critical introduction外部サイトAgamben外部サイトDerrida : deconstruction from phenomenology to ethics外部サイトRichard Rorty : liberalism, irony and the ends of philosophy外部サイトIsaiah Berlin : liberty and pluralism外部サイトAntonio Negri : modernity and the multitude外部サイトFodor : language, mind, and philosophy外部サイトHayden White : the historical imagination外部サイトManuel Castells : the theory of the network society外部サイトH.L.A. Hart : the nature of law外部サイトWalter Benjamin : critical constellations外部サイトHabermas : a critical introduction外部サイトDonald Davidson外部サイトStuart Hall外部サイトSiegfried Kracauer : our companion in misfortune外部サイトG.H. Mead : a critical introduction外部サイトAdorno : a critical introduction外部サイトMichel de Certeau : interpretation and its other外部サイトHans Morgenthau : realism and beyond外部サイトChomsky : language, mind, politics外部サイトGadamer : hermeneutics, tradition and reason外部サイトCanguilhem外部サイトChomsky : language, mind, and politics外部サイトFanon : the postcolonial imagination外部サイトHannah Arendt : politics, history and citizenship外部サイトDeleuze外部サイトDummett : philosophy of language外部サイトFeyerabend : philosophy, science and society外部サイトFrege : a critical introduction外部サイトWilfrid Sellars : naturalism with a normative turn外部サイトHabermas : a critical introduction外部サイトHeidegger : thinking of being外部サイトKarl Polanyi : the limits of the market外部サイトJudith Butler : from norms to politics外部サイトRawls : a theory of justice and its critics外部サイトRobert Nozick : property, justice and the minimal state外部サイトŽižek : a critical introduction外部サイトTerry Eagleton : a critical introduction外部サイトThe French historical revolution : the Annales school, 1929-89外部サイトHayek : the iron cage of liberty外部サイトRoland Barthes外部サイトJohn Maynard Keynes : the art of choosing the right model外部サイトMichael Walzer外部サイトG.A. Cohen : liberty, justice and equality外部サイトG. A. Cohen : liberty, justice and equality外部サイトMichael Walzer外部サイトLeo Strauss : an introduction外部サイトLeo Strauss : an introduction外部サイト






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Key contemporary thinkers series
Daniel Dennett : reconciling science and our self-conception
Zygmunt Bauman : prophet of postmodernity
Bruno Latour
Quentin Skinner : history, politics, rhetoric
Axel Honneth : a critical theory of the social
Foucault : a critical introduction
Cornel West : the politics of redemption
Stanley Cavell : skepticism, subjectivity, and the ordinary
Charles Taylor : meaning, morals and modernity
Levinas : an introduction
René Girard : violence and mimesis
Erving Goffman and modern sociology
John McDowell
Jean Baudrillard : from Marxism to postmodernism and beyond
Hélène Cixous : authorship, autobiography and love
Amartya Sen
Harvey Sacks : social science and conversation analysis
Edmund Husserl : founder of phenomenology
Edward Said : a critical introduction
Kuhn : philosopher of scientific revolution
Umberto Eco : philosophy, semiotics, and the work of fiction
Jacques Rancière
Kristeva : thresholds
Saul Kripke : puzzles and mysteries
Gayatri Spivak : ethics, subalternity and the critique of postcolonial reason
Clifford Geertz : culture, custom and ethics
Simone de Beauvoir : a critical introduction
Wittgenstein : the way out of the fly-bottle
Quine : language, experience and reality
Badiou : a philosophy of the new
Jean-Luc Nancy
Du Bois : a critical introduction
Derrida : deconstruction from phenomenology to ethics
Richard Rorty : liberalism, irony and the ends of philosophy
Isaiah Berlin : liberty and pluralism
Antonio Negri : modernity and the multitude
Fodor : language, mind, and philosophy
Hayden White : the historical imagination
Manuel Castells : the theory of the network society
H.L.A. Hart : the nature of law
Walter Benjamin : critical constellations
Habermas : a critical introduction
Donald Davidson
Stuart Hall
Siegfried Kracauer : our companion in misfortune
G.H. Mead : a critical introduction
Adorno : a critical introduction
Michel de Certeau : interpretation and its other
Hans Morgenthau : realism and beyond
Chomsky : language, mind, politics
Gadamer : hermeneutics, tradition and reason
Chomsky : language, mind, and politics
Fanon : the postcolonial imagination
Hannah Arendt : politics, history and citizenship
Dummett : philosophy of language
Feyerabend : philosophy, science and society
Frege : a critical introduction
Wilfrid Sellars : naturalism with a normative turn
Habermas : a critical introduction
Heidegger : thinking of being
Karl Polanyi : the limits of the market
Judith Butler : from norms to politics
Rawls : a theory of justice and its critics
Robert Nozick : property, justice and the minimal state
Žižek : a critical introduction
Terry Eagleton : a critical introduction
The French historical revolution : the Annales school, 1929-89
Hayek : the iron cage of liberty
Roland Barthes
John Maynard Keynes : the art of choosing the right model
Michael Walzer
G.A. Cohen : liberty, justice and equality
G. A. Cohen : liberty, justice and equality
Michael Walzer
Leo Strauss : an introduction
Leo Strauss : an introduction
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books