
University of California publications in zoology v.1 1902-1905 v.1 1902-05 v.2 1905-1906 v.1 v.2 1905-06 v.3 (1906-1907) v.3 1906-1907 v.3 1906-07 v.3 (1906-07) v.4 1907-1908 v.4 1907-08 v.3-4 1906-08 v.5 (1908-1910) v.5 1908-1910 v.5 1908-10 v.5 (1908-10) v.8 (1911) v.6 1908-1911 v.8 1911 v.6 1908-11 v.7 (1910-1912) v.7 1910-1912 v.7 1910-12 v.5-7 1908-1912 v.7 1911-1912 v.10 (1912-1913) v.9 1911-1913 v.10 1912-1913 v.10 no.1-10 1912-13 v.9-10 1911-13 v.10(1913) v.9 (1911-13) v.9 1911-13 v.10 1912-13 v.11 (1912-1914) v.11 1912-1914 v.11 1912-14 v.10-11 1912-1914 v.11 no.1-15 Nov. 1912-Feb. 1914 v.11 (1912-14) v.15 (1915-1916) v.12 (1913-1916) v.12 1913-1916 v.13 1914-1916 v.15 1915-1916 v.12 1913-16 v.15 1915-16 v.13(1916) v.15(1916) v.12 (1913-16) v.13 (1914-16) v.15 (1915-16) v.13 1914-16 v.16 1915-1917 v.16 1915-17 v.16(1917) v.17 (1916-1918) v.14 (1914-1918) v.14 1914-1918 v.17 1916-1918 v.14 no.1-2 1914-18 v.17 1916-18 v.17(1918) v.14 (1914-18) v.17 (1916-18) v.14 1914-18 v.18 (1917-1919) v.18 1917-1919 v.18 1917-19 v.19 (1919-1920) v.19 1919-1920 v.19 1919-20 v.19 (1919-20) v.23 1921 v.23 (1921) v.20 1919-1923 v.22 1921-1923 v.22 1921-23 v.20 (1919-1923) v.20 (1919-23) v.20 1919-23 v.25 1924 v.20 1919-24 v.22 1920-24 v.26 1923-1925 v.27 1925 v.26 1923-25 v.21 1918-1926 v.24 1922-1926 v.28 1925-1926 v.21 1918-26 v.24 1922-26 v.28 1925-26 v.17-24 1916-1926 v.24 (1922-26) v.29 1926-1927 v.31 1927 v.29 1926-27 v.30:1-3 1926-1927


University of California publications in zoology v.1 1902-1905

University of California Press


A new pocket gopher from southeastern California外部サイトThe life cycle of Oithona nana, reared experimentally外部サイトDevelopment of Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae) in the intermediate host Tribolium confusum外部サイトA report upon the physical conditions in San Francisco bay, based upon the operations of the United States fisheries steamer "Albatross" during the years 1912 and 1913外部サイトSystematic review of the Pacific coast brown towhees外部サイトAdaptive modifications for tree-trunk foraging in birds外部サイトA miocene sea lion from Lomita, California外部サイトComparative morphology of the body skeleton in recent canidae外部サイトViability of cysts of human intestinal amoebas as determined by exposure to various substances and subsequent staining in haematoxylin外部サイトThe effect of diet upon the intestinal fauna of Termopsis外部サイトImproved micromanipulation apparatus外部サイトLechriopyla mystax, gen. nov., sp. nov.外部サイトCalifornia isopods of the genus Porcellio with descriptions of a new species and a new subspecies外部サイトThe muscular anatomy of three mustelid mammals, Mephitis, Spilogale, and Martes外部サイトOn the morphology and mitosis of Trichomonas buccalis (Goodey) Kofoid外部サイトExperiments on the action of various endocrine substances, of liver, and of glycogen on the division rate of Paramecium ; The behavior of a conjugating race of Paramecium caudatum外部サイトSpeciation in wrens of the genus Campylorhynchus外部サイトMitochondria in Euglena gracilis Klebs ; Mitochondria in Noctiluca scintillans (Macartney 1810) ; Mitochondria in ciliates with especial reference to Paramecium caudatum ehr.外部サイトSinging behavior and its development in the song sparrow : Melospiza melodia外部サイトThe cycle in the Gambel Sparrow外部サイトOn a collection of Mysidae from La Jolla, California ; and The Mysidacea collected during the survey of San Francisco Bay by the U.S.S. "Albatross" in 1914外部サイトSnyderella and Coronympha, two new genera of multinucleate flagellates from termites外部サイトThe Pleistocene birds of San Josecito Cavern, Mexico外部サイトThe pinyon mouse (Peromyscus truei) in Nevada, with description of a new subspecies外部サイトDifferentiation and growth of gastrular anlagen implanted homoplastically into tadpoles of Hyla regilla外部サイトSpirotrichonympha polygyra sp. nov. from Neotermes simplicicornis Banks外部サイトBinary fission in Collodictyon triciliatum Carter外部サイトDivision and conjugation in Euplotes patella Ehrenberg with special reference to the nuclear phenomena外部サイトDistribution and variation of the horned larks (Otocoris alpestris) of western North America外部サイトDistribution and variation of the brown towhees外部サイトRevision of the avian genus Passerella, with special reference to the distribution and migration of the races in California外部サイトA study of the Californian forms of the Microtus montanus group of meadow mice ; A synopsis of the Microtus mordax group of meadow mice in California外部サイトA comparative study of the behavior of red-winged, tricolored, and yellow-headed blackbirds外部サイトOn Oxyphysis Oxytoxoides gen. nov., sp. nov. : a Dinophysoid dinoflagellate convergent toward the Peridinioid type外部サイトPatterns of reproduction of four species of Vespertilionid bats in Paraguay外部サイトA systematic study of some pocket gophers from western Nevada外部サイトDifferentiation in pocket gophers of the Thomomys bottae group in northern California and southern Oregon外部サイトA correlation of the silverline and neuromotor systems of Paramecium外部サイトA new pika (mammalian genus Ochotona) from southeastern Idaho with notes on near-by subspecies外部サイトSome new and some previously unreported hydroids, mainly from the Californian coast外部サイトGeographic variation and the species problem in the shore-bird genus Limnodromus外部サイトNew subspecies of birds (Penthestes, Baeolophus, Psaltriparus, Chamaea) from the Pacific coast of North America外部サイトPhylogenetic relationships among advanced snakes : a molecular perspective外部サイトThe molts of the loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus linnaeus外部サイトSurface catches of marine diatoms and dinoflagellates made by U.S.S. Pioneer between San Diego and Seattle in 1923外部サイトTwo new pocket mice, Genus Perognathus, from the Californias外部サイトA systematic list of the mammals of California外部サイトMovement and localization of the presumptive epidermis in Triturus torosus (Rathke)外部サイトA new race of wood rat (Neotoma lepida)外部サイトThe cytology of Tintinnopsis nucula (Fol) Laackmann with an account of its neuromotor apparatus, division, and a new intranuclear parasite ; On Tintinnus neriticus sp. nov., from San Francisco Bay外部サイトA conspectus of the marine and fresh-water ciliata belonging to suborder Tintinnoinea, with descriptions of new species principally from the Agassiz expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific 1904-1905外部サイトThe morphology, division, and conjugation of the salt-marsh ciliate Fabrea salina Henneguy外部サイトPhylogenetic systematics of iguanine lizards : a comparative osteological study外部サイトReview of the recent mammal fauna of California外部サイトFatal effects of the removal of the micronucleus in Euplotes外部サイトTwo new races of the pine marten from the Pacific coast of North America外部サイトThe Hydroida of the Pacific coast of North America外部サイトThe avifauna of Emeryville shellmound外部サイトThe life cycle and affinities of the colonial ascidian Pycnoclavella stanleyi外部サイトGeographic variation and speciation in the Torrent salamanders of the genus Rhyacotriton (Caudata: Rhyacotritonidae)外部サイトOsteology of the California road-runner Recent and Pleistocene外部サイトThe ecology and behavior of the Lewis woodpecker (Asyndesmus lewis)外部サイトPterylography of certain North American woodpeckers外部サイトThe genera Foaina and Parajoenia外部サイトMammals collected by Charles D. Brower at point Barrow, Alaska外部サイトOn Balandidium coli (Malmsten) and Balantidium suis (sp. nov.), with an account of their neuromotor apparatus外部サイトA new race of salamander, Ensatina eschscholtzii picta, from northern California and southern Oregon外部サイトAge at parenthood, order of birth, and parental longevity in relation to the longevity of offspring外部サイトThe ecology and social behavior of the chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus obesus Baird外部サイトVariability in weight in the golden-crowned sparrow外部サイトThe early embryology of Triturus torosus外部サイトNew mammals from St. Lawrence Island, Bering Sea, Alaska外部サイトBehavior and ecology of the American kestrel (Falco sparverius L.) in the Sierra Nevada of California外部サイトDetermination and regulation of polarity in the retina of Hyla regilla外部サイトThe functional morphology of the fore-guts of the Thalassinid crustaceans : Callianassa californiensis and Upogebia pugettensis外部サイトMolluscan fauna from San Francisco Bay外部サイトOn the skeletal morphology of two new species, Gonyaulax catenella and G. acatenella外部サイトGeographic variation in bushy-tailed wood rats外部サイトBrackish and fresh-water nereidae from the northeast Pacific, with the description of a new species from central California外部サイトThe podoptera effect in Drosophila melanogaster外部サイトPostcranial descriptions of Ilaria and Ngapakaldia (Vombatiformes, Marsupialia) and the phylogeny of the vombatiforms based on postcranial morphology外部サイトOn the morphology of Pyrsonympha with a description of three new species from Reticulitermes hesperus Banks外部サイトThe circulation of blood in Ammocoetes外部サイトA distributional summation of the ornithology of Lower California外部サイトThe micro-injection of Paramaecium外部サイトOn Staurojoenina assimilis sp. nov., an intestinal flagellate from the termite, Kalotermes minor Hagen ; The intestinal flagellates of the termite, Cryptotermes hermsi Kirby外部サイトThe trout of the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Lower California外部サイトOn the cestode genus Dipylidium from cats and dogs外部サイトA new species of isopod from Potter Creek Cave, California外部サイトVertebrate natural history of a section of northern California through the Lassen Peak region外部サイトRegulation in the entoderm of the tree frog Hyla regilla外部サイトGigantomonas herculea Dogiel, a polymastigote flagellate with flagellated and amoeboid phases of development外部サイトRevision of the genus Lynx in California外部サイトStudies on the cytology and life history of a Giardia from the laboratory rat外部サイトThe structure of the interrenal gland in teleost fishes外部サイトMorphology and binary fission of Menoidium incurvum (Fres.) Klebs外部サイトThe development of the heart in the rat外部サイトThe fossil birds of California : an avifauna and bibliography with annotations外部サイトA biogeographical study of the Ordinoides artenkreis of garter snakes (genus Thamnophis)外部サイトThe evolutionary dynamics of the pocket gopher Thomomys bottae, with emphasis on California populations外部サイトFlagellates of the genus Trichonympha in termites外部サイトThe cultivation of Endamoeba gingivalis (Gros)外部サイトEndemism in fishes of the Clear Lake region of central California外部サイトOn the free, encysted, and budding stages of Councilmania lafleuri, a parasitic amoeba of the human intestine外部サイトA new lake-side pocket gopher from south-central California . A new pocket gopher from New Mexico外部サイトParasites of the fresh-water fishes of northern California外部サイトHydrographic, plankton, and dredging records of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California 1901 to 1912外部サイトA new race of black bear from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, with remarks on other northwest coast forms of Euarctos ; and Records of supernumerary teeth in bears外部サイトThe two races of black bear in California外部サイトThe origin and differentiation of the larval head musculature of Triturus torosus (Rathke)外部サイトStructural adaptations in thrashers (Mimidae: genus Toxostoma) with comments on interspecific relationships外部サイトThe origin and development of the blood island of Hyla regilla外部サイトSpecies formation in the red-eyed towhees of Mexico外部サイトMammals of the Pocatello region of southeastern Idaho外部サイトA comparison of variation, behavior and evolution in the sea bird genera Uria and Cepphus外部サイトQuantitative studies on marine phytoplankton at La Jolla in 1919外部サイトVertebrate animals of the Providence mountains area of California外部サイトAn acanthocephalan, Corynosoma strumosum (Rudolphi), from the California Harbor Seal外部サイトA precipitin test in experimental amoebic dysentery in cats外部サイトChanges during growth in the skull of the rodent Otospermophilus grammurus beecheyi外部サイトA skin reaction to extracts of Leishmania tropica and Leishmania infantum外部サイトThe morphology, transmission, and life-history of Haemorproteus lophortyx O'Roke, a blood parasite of the California Valley Quail外部サイトThe behavior of Endamoeba dysenteriae in mixed cultures with bacteria ; Studies of the effects of certain drugs upon Endamoeba dysenteriae in vitro外部サイトThe life-cycle of Babesia bigemina (Smith and Kilbourne) of Texas cattle-fever in the tick Margaropus annulatus (Say) : with notes on the embryology of Margaropus外部サイトVeins in the roof of the buccopharyngeal cavity of Squalus sucklii外部サイトStatistical studies of marine diatoms of the San Diego region collected by U.S.S. Pioneer in midwinter 1923外部サイトThe biology of the euryhaline fish Leptocottus armatus armatus Girard (Cottidae)外部サイトThe biology of Tenuirostritermes tenuirostris (Desneux) with emphasis on caste development外部サイトBinary fission in Oxyrrhis marina Dujardin外部サイトNew subspecies of birds from Patagonia外部サイトThe natural history and classification of the Mount Lyell salamander, Hydromantes platycephalus外部サイトThe circulation of blood in the larva of Triturus torosus外部サイトTwo new species of the Protozoan genus Ephelota from Monterey Bay, California外部サイトMethods of obtaining amoeba-free rats for experimental infection with intestinal amoebae ; Experimental infection of rats and mice with the common intestinal amoebae of man外部サイトMitochondria and Golgi bodies in Endamoeba gingivalis (Gros) Brumpt ; Mitochondria in Leishmania brasiliensis vianna, 1911外部サイトEpidinium Crawley, Epiplastron gen. nov., and Ophryoscolex Stein外部サイトThe genera Metadevescovina and Pseudodevescovina外部サイトThe determination of the medullary plate in Triturus torosus (Rathke)外部サイトCell division in Entamoeba gingivalis外部サイトThe distinguishing characteristics of the parasitic amoebae of culture rats and mice外部サイトThe occurrence of streptostyly in the Ambystomidae外部サイトThe pterylosis of the falconiformes with special attention to the taxonomic position of the osprey外部サイトFurther observations on the protozoan Tettigonospora (new name for Coccospora Smith, 1929)外部サイトThe neuromotor system of Nyctotherus hylae外部サイトField notes on amphibians, reptiles and birds of Northern Humboldt County, Nevada : with a discussion of some of the faunal features of the region外部サイトCharacter variation and evolution of sibling species in the Empidonax difficilis-flavescens complex (Aves, Tyrannidae)外部サイトMixed-species association of Cercopithecus monkeys in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya外部サイトSummary and interpretation of the hydrographic observations made by the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California 1908 to 1915外部サイトCytological variations in the blood and blood-forming organs of white-footed mice experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi外部サイトThe incomplete digestive tract of Appendicularia sicula外部サイトThe gross and microscopic anatomy of the pituitary and the seasonal histological changes occurring in the pars anterior of the viviparous lizard Xantusia virgilis外部サイトSong dialects and demes in sedentary populations of the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli)外部サイトVariation in the skinks (Reptilia: lacertilia) of the skiltonianus group外部サイトSystematic revision and natural history of the American shrikes (Lanius)外部サイトA new geophiloid chilopod from Potter Creek Cave, California外部サイトA critical analysis of the specific characters of the genus Acuaria nematodes of birds, with descriptions of new American species外部サイトTrypanosoma neotomae, sp. nov., in the dusky-footed wood rat and the wood rat flea外部サイトFurther studies in regulatory development of Triturus torosus外部サイトGigantomonas lighti sp. nov., a trichomonad flagellate from Kalotermes (Paraneotermes) simplicicornis Banks外部サイトBreeding biology of the Egyptian plover, Pluvianus aegyptius外部サイトEvolution of nest-building in the weaverbirds (Ploceidae)外部サイトMorphology and mitosis of Dinenympha fimbriata sp. nov.外部サイトNew species of Proboscidiella and Devescovina from Kalotermes occidentis walker, a termite of lower California外部サイトTwo new subspecies of kangaroo rats (genus Dipodomys) from southern California外部サイトStructure and morphogenesis of Trichomonas prowazeki Alexeieff and Trichomonas brumpti Alexeieff外部サイトAn analysis of the distribution of the birds of California外部サイトPatterns of adaptation and variation in the Great Basin kangaroo rat (Dipodomys microps)外部サイトInfluence of the hypophysis upon the thyroid gland in amphibian larvae外部サイトSome new and little known Amphipods of California外部サイトAdaptive modifications in the woodpeckers外部サイトPhylogeography and systematics of the slender mouse opossum Marmosops (Marsupialia, Didelphidae)外部サイトCorrelation of the distribution of the Protozoa in the Intestine of Rattus norvegicus with the hydrogen ion concentration of the intestinal contents and wall外部サイトDinoflagellata of the San Diego region, IV. The genus gonyaulax, with notes on its skeletal morphology and a discussion of its generic and specific characters外部サイトA new kangaroo rat from the upper Sacramento Valley, California外部サイトBehavior of the leaf-nosed snake, Phyllorhynchus decurtatus外部サイトObservations on flagellum structure in flagellata外部サイトSeasonal activity and ecology of the avifauna of an American equatorial cloud forest外部サイトMorphology of the pocket gopher mammalian genus thomomys外部サイトRevision of the genus Pratylenchus (nematoda: Tylenchidae)外部サイトA review of the genera Clausidium kossmann and Hemicyclops boeck (Copepoda, cyclopoida) : with the description of a new species from the northeast Pacific外部サイトNevadan races of the Microtus montanus group of meadow mice外部サイトA new trematode, Paramphistomum castori sp. nov., from Castor canadensis Baileyi, Nelson, from Mary's River, Nevada外部サイトStudies on the trypanosomes of some California mammals外部サイトGastrulation-promoting interactions between various regions of an anuran egg (Hyla regilla)外部サイトAn analysis of the distribution of pocket gopher species in northeastern California (genus Thomomys)外部サイトA revision of the marine nematodes of the superfamily Draconematoidea Filipjev, 1918 (Nematoda:Draconematina)外部サイトPostjuvenal molt and the appearance of sexual characters of plumage in Phainopepla nitens外部サイトThe morphology of Haptophrya michiganensis Woodhead, an astomatous ciliate from the intestinal tract of Hemidactylium scutatum (Schlegel)外部サイトPhylogenetic relationships among gerrhonotine lizards : an analysis of external morphology外部サイトVariations in the shell of Teredo navalis in San Francisco bay外部サイトBirds and mammals of the Stikine River region of northern British Columbia and southeastern Alaska外部サイトMitosis and fission in the active and encysted phases of Giardia enterica (Grassi) of man, with a discussion of the method of origin of bilateral symmetry in the polymastigote flagellates外部サイトThe Marine Biological Station of San Diego : its history, present conditions, achievements, and aims外部サイトDistribution and ecology of stream fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage system, California外部サイトThe life cycle of Zygosoma globosum sp. nov., a gregarine parasite of Urechis caupo外部サイトThe water exchanges of living cells外部サイトAmphibians and reptiles from Lower California外部サイトWood-boring mollusks from the Hawaiian, Samoan, and Philippine islands ; Wood-boring Crustacea from Hawaii and Samoa外部サイトThelazia californiensis, a nematode eye worm of dog and man, with a review of the Thelazias of domestic animals外部サイトHalocynthia johnsoni n. sp. : a comprehensive inquiry as to the extent of law and order that prevails in a single animal species外部サイトIntestinal Protozoa of monkeys外部サイトThree new rodents from lava beds of southern New Mexico外部サイトFurther analysis of a population of the lizard Sceloporus graciosus gracilis外部サイトSystematic notes on the subspecies of Bassariscus astutus with description of one new form from California外部サイトThe pseudopodial method of feeding by trichonymphid flagellates parasitic in wood-eating termites外部サイトAn unrecognized shrew from New Jersey . A relic shrew from Central California外部サイトCiliates from the Sierra Nevada bighorn, Ovis canadensis sierrae Grinnell外部サイトEcology and energetics of contrasting social systems in Phainopepla nitens (Aves: Ptilogonatidae)外部サイトOn Councilmania dissimilis sp. nov., an intestinal amoeba from man外部サイトThe segmental arteries in Squalus sucklii外部サイトThe cytology of Endamoeba gingivalis (Gros) brumpt compared with that of E. dysenteriae with special reference to the determination of the amoebas in bone marrow in arthritis deformans of Ely's second type外部サイトThe oral amoeba of monkeys外部サイトThe morphology and binary fission of Babesia bigemina of Texas cattle-fever外部サイトA revised life-zone map of California外部サイトNew subgenera and species of Diaptomid copepods from the inland waters of California and Nevada外部サイトVertebral morphology, alternation of neural spine height, and structure in Permo-Carboniferous tetrapods, and a reappraisal of primitive modes of terrestrial locomotion外部サイトStudies on the ingestion of leucocytes, and on mitosis, in Endamoeba gingivalis外部サイトA field study of the growth and behavior of the fence lizard外部サイトMorphological differentiation and adaptation in the Galápagos finches外部サイトBirds and mammals of the Skeena River of northern British Columbia外部サイトAn outbreak of house mice in Kern County, California外部サイトStructural and functional changes produced in the gastropod mollusk, physa occidentalis, in the case of parasitism by the larvae of Echinostoma revolutum外部サイトOn the genus Councilmania, budding intestinal amoebae parasitic in man and rodents外部サイトCoccidiosis of the Guinea pig外部サイトHost-parasite relations in the distribution of Protozoa in termites ; The Devescovinid flagellate Parajoenia grassii from a Hawaiian termite外部サイトAdaptations and speciation in harvest mice of the marshes of San Francisco Bay外部サイトOn Oxymonas, a flagellate with an extensile and retractile proboscis from Kalotermes from British Guiana ; On Proboscidiella multinucleata gen. nov. sp. nov., from Planocryptotermes nocens from the Philippine islands, a multinucleate flagellate with a remarkable organ of attachment外部サイトThe systematic status of the mountain lion of California外部サイトA comparison of thermoregulation and water metabolism in the kangaroo rats Dipodomys agilis and Dipodomys merriami外部サイトExperimental amoebiasis in cats from acute and chronic human cases外部サイトThe morphology of Eupoterion pernix gen. nov., sp. nov. : a holotrichous ciliate from the intestine of Acmaea persona Eschscholtz外部サイトThe Devescovinid flagellates Caduceia theobromae França Pseudodevescovina ramosa new species and Macrotrichomonas pulchra Grassi外部サイトA new recessive lethal mutation in mice外部サイトSpecies of coccidia in chickens and quail in California外部サイトHypermastigote falgellates from the termite Reticulitermes: Torquenympha octoplus gen. nov., sp. nov., and two new species of Microjoenia外部サイトEntorhipidium gen. nov.外部サイトAn experimental study of the histological and functional differentiation of the epithelial hypophysis in Hyla regilla外部サイトThe structural characteristics and nuclear parasites of some species of Trichonympha in termites外部サイトAmoeba proteus外部サイトThe cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi in tissue culture of embryonic heart muscle外部サイトThe pulsatory cycle of the contractile vacuoles in the Ophryoscolecidae, ciliates from the stomach of cattle外部サイトMorphology of the digestive tract of Teredo navalis外部サイトBreeding seasons and reproductive physiology of tricolored blackbirds and redwinged blackbirds外部サイトClassification and vertical distribution of the chaetognatha of the San Diego region : including redescriptions of some doubtful species of the group外部サイトA morphological and biochemical study of lampbrush chromosomes of vertebrates/ by Edward O. Dodson外部サイトAn analysis of color changes and social behavior of Tilapia mossambica外部サイトThe role of the basibranchial cartilages in the early development of the thyroid of Hyla regilla外部サイトThe lateral blood supply of primitive elasmobranch fishes外部サイトThe development of the external form of the rat with observations on the origin of the extraembryonic coelom and foetal membranes外部サイトThe pelagic tunicata of the San Diego region, excepting the Larvacea外部サイトRegulatory development in Triturus torosus (Rathke) . A rotary disc for the observation of objects in profile外部サイトKofoidia, a new flagellate, from a California termite外部サイトStructural modifications in the Hawaiian goose (Nesochen sandvicensis) : a study in adaptive evolution外部サイトThe free-swimming Copepoda of San Francisco Bay外部サイトPopulation ecology, water relations, and social behavior of a southern California semidesert rodent fauna外部サイトThe effects of methylene blue and other oxidation-reduction indicators on experimental tumors外部サイトQuantitative studies on inshore marine diatoms and dinoflagellates of Southern California in 1920 . Stylarioides papillosa sp. nov., a new annelid from the San Diego region外部サイトA revised classification of the blennioid fishes of the American family Chaenopsidae外部サイトTwo new bird genera from the Pleistocene of Mexico外部サイトThe pocket gopher of Honey Lake Valley外部サイトThe flagellate subfamily Oxymonadinae外部サイトStudies on Pacific coast mollusks IV-VI外部サイトStudies on the marine ciliate Favella (Jörgensen), with special regard to the neuromotor apparatus and its role in the formation of the lorica外部サイトConcealing coloration among some desert rodents of the southwestern United States外部サイトOn the number of chromosomes and the type of mitosis in Endamoeba dysenteriae外部サイトA quantitative and statistical study of the plankton of the San Joaquin river and its tributaries in and near Stockton, California, in 1913外部サイトExcystment of Councilmania lafleuri Kofoid and Swezy in culture in vitro外部サイトStudies on Pacific coast mollusks I-III外部サイトExperimental transfaunation of termites外部サイトSpawning habits of the mussel Mytilus californianus Conrad, with notes on the possible relation to mussel poison, mussel poison外部サイトVariation in some unarmed Hymenolepididae (cestoda) from rodents外部サイトGeographic variation in the white-crowned sparrow : Zonotrichia leucophrys外部サイトLength of life of Drosophila melanogaster under aseptic conditions外部サイトOn the morphology of Entamoeba bovis外部サイトA larval Acanthocephalid, Centrorhynchus californicus sp. nov., from the mesentery of Hyla regilla ; and Megalodiscus ranophilus sp. nov., a trematode from the rectum of Rana pipiens外部サイトThe morphology and life-cycle of Oxymonas dimorpha sp. nov., from Neotermes simplicicornis (Banks)外部サイトMorphogenesis外部サイトA study of spontaneous mutation外部サイトThe neuromotor apparatus of Boveria teredinidi Nelson, a ciliate from the gills of Teredo navalis外部サイトStudies on reproduction in the opossum (Didelphis virginiana virginiana)外部サイトReport on a collection of birds and mammals from the Atlin region, northern British Columbia外部サイトTricercomitus gen. nov., and Hexamastix alexeieff外部サイトA study of the species of Eimeria occurring in swine外部サイトBehavior of vervet monkeys : (Cercopithecus aethiops)外部サイトThe white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) of the pacific seaboard : environment and annual cycle外部サイトA study of physical and chemical conditions in San Francisco Bay especially in relation to the tides外部サイトOn some new myriopods collected in India in 1916 by C.A.Kofoid外部サイトRevision of the nematode genus Torquatella with a description of Torquatella crotophaga sp. nov.外部サイトType localities of birds described from California外部サイトGregarines from Bermuda marine crustaceans外部サイトSpeciation and ecologic distribution in American jays of the genus Aphelocoma外部サイトThe tule elk : its history, behavior, and ecology外部サイトA new race of chipmunk from the Great Basin of western United States外部サイトThe genera Caduceia and Macrotrichomonas外部サイトA review of the Phyllodocidae (Annelida polychaeta) of the coast of California, with descriptions of nine new species外部サイトTardigrada from Western North America : with emphasis on the fauna of California外部サイトA useful modification of a clearning fluid formulated by Spalteholz ; The earliest blood vessels of the mammalian embryo, studied by means of the injection method外部サイトThe action of specific immune serum and of normal human serum on infections of Trypanosoma hippicum Darling in the rat外部サイトBrief history of herpetology in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, with a list of type specimens of recent amphibians and reptiles外部サイトBehavior and morphology in the glandulocaudine fishes : (Ostariophysi, Characidae)外部サイトFlagellates of the caecum of ground squirrels外部サイトDemonstration of the function of the neuromotor apparatus in Euplotes by the method of microdissection外部サイトApparatus for the dissection and study of embryos外部サイトThe dorsal aortic plexus: a factor in the development of body wall drainage in the rabbit外部サイトThe peripheral sense organs in the termite Termopsis angusticollis (Hagen)外部サイトA synopsis of the amphibia of California外部サイトNatural and artificial production of so-called "mitotic flares" in the intestinal flagellates of Termopsis angusticollis外部サイトEvolutionary differentiation in morphology, vocalizations, and allozymes among nomadic sibling species in the North American red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) complex外部サイトThe behavior of heteromyid rodents外部サイトA geographical study of the kangaroo rats of California外部サイトThe life cycle of the dicyemid mesozoa外部サイトThe growth of some young raptorial birds外部サイトSibling species of titmice in the Parus inornatus complex (Aves: Paridae)外部サイトThe relations and nature of the cultaneous vessels in selachian fishes外部サイトThe characteristics of the flagellate Monocercomonas verrens sp. n., from Tapirus malayanus外部サイトMitosis in Endamoeba dysenteriae in the bone marrow in arthritis deformans . Endamoeba dysenteriae in the lymph glands of man in Hodgkin's disease外部サイトThe exploitation system of the yellow-billed magpie外部サイトCiliates from Bos gaurus H. Smith外部サイトThe oocyst wall in the genus Eimeria ; Obersvations on coccidia of small mammals in California, with descriptions of seven new species ; Isospora buteonis sp. nov. from the hawk and owl, and notes on Isospora lacazii (Labbé) in birds外部サイトThe anatomy and biology of the marine polychaete Thoracophelia mucronata (Treadwell) Opheliidae外部サイトSpeciation in salamanders of the plethodontid genus Ensatina外部サイトThe annual cycle of the California ground squirrel : Citellus beecheyi外部サイトRespiratory metabolism of certain reptiles and amphibia外部サイトReport on a collection of birds made by J.R. Pemberton in Patagonia外部サイトA pulsating circulation apparatus for tissue cultures, embryos, and small organs外部サイトVariations in the fox sparrow (Passerella iliaca) with reference to natural history and osteology外部サイトOn the effect of low salinity on Teredo navalis外部サイトA study of Oxymonas minor Zeliff from the termite Kalotermes minor Hagen外部サイトStreblomastix strix, morphology and mitosis外部サイトThe genus Devescovian外部サイトThe boring mechanism of Teredo外部サイトThe organismal conception : its place in science and its bearing on philosophy外部サイトFood supply and the annual cycle of the Anna hummingbird外部サイトMammals collected by T.T. and E.B. McCabe in the Bowron Lake region of British Columbia外部サイトThe genus Hyperdevescovina, the genus Bullanympha, and undescribed or unrecorded species外部サイトStudies on marine diatoms and dinoflagellates caught by aid of the Kofoid bucket in 1922外部サイトOn the morphology and mitosis of Chilomastix mesnili (Wenyon), a common flagellate of the human intestine外部サイトThe muscular anatomy of the American Badger (Taxidea taxus)外部サイトLimnology of Mono Lake, California外部サイトAn experimental study of the effects of dyes, of dye mixtures, and of disinfectants upon Endamoeba gingivalis (Gros) in vitro外部サイトA distributional study of the Peromyscus sitkensis group of white-footed mice外部サイトCopelata from the San Diego region ; and Observations on gradual disintegration and death of Copelata外部サイトMitosis in the encysted stages of Endamoeba coli (Loesch)外部サイトThe digestion of wood by Teredo navalis外部サイトGeographic distribution of pocket gophers (genus Thomomys) in Nevada外部サイトRate and extent of development of neotenic reproductives in groups, of nymphs of the termite genus Zootermopsis外部サイトA comparison of the cysts of Endamoeba coli and Councilmania lafleuri in Congo red外部サイトEcology and reproduction of the Tasmanian Bandicoots : (Perameles gunni and Isoodon obesulus)外部サイトFurther data on the development of wing mutants in Drosophila . Further data on the vg dominigenes in Drosophila melanogaster . Dominigenes and vg allelomorphs . The "nonhereditary" kn effect in Drosophila . A selection experiment with dominigenes外部サイトOrganogenesis in the gasteropod Crepidula adunca Sowerby外部サイトDoes methylene blue itself penetrate?外部サイトNotes on some cephalopods in the collection of the University of California外部サイトMitosis in Ceratium hirundinella o.f.m., with notes on nuclear phenomena in encysted forms and the question of sexual reproduction外部サイトThe marine decapod Crustacea of California : with special reference to the decapod Crustacea colledted by the United States Bureau of Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" ...外部サイトThe effects of radium and radium in combination with metallic sensitizers on Endamoeba dysenteriae in vitro外部サイトStudies on the structure and life-history of Ostiolum oxyorchis (Ingles) from the California red-legged from Rana aurora draytoni ; and Studies on the structure and life-history of Zeugorchis syntomentera Sumwalt, a trematode from the snake Thamnophis ordinoides from California外部サイトTwo new rodents (genera Thomomys and Marmoto) from the eastern border of California外部サイトStudies of some amoebae from a termite of the genus Cubitermes外部サイトNew pocket gophers from Nevada外部サイトThe seasonal histological changes occurring in the ovary, corpus liteum, and testis of the viviparous lizard, Xantusia vigilis外部サイトObservations on the biology of the Protozoan Gromia oviformis Dujardin外部サイトExperimental amoebiasis in the rabbit外部サイトA pliocene pinniped from the San Diego fromation of southern California外部サイトFeatures in the development of Ammocoetes外部サイトParthenogenesis in termites of the genus Zootermopsis外部サイトOn the morphology and behavior of Pentatrichomonas ardin delteili (Derrieu and Raynaud)外部サイトThe effect of certain drugs and dyes upon the growth of Endamoeba gingivalis (Gros) in vitro ; and Experiments with Endamoeba gingivalis (Gros) in mixed bacterial cultures; in filtered saliva; on a solid base; with peritoneal cells; and with digestive secretions外部サイトA classification of the squash and gourd bees Peponapis and Xenoglossa (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)外部サイトOn Tokophrya lemnarum stein (Suctoria) with an account of its budding and conjugation外部サイトThe derivatives of the hypobranchial arteries in Hexanchus corinus外部サイトBiosystematics of sibling species of flycatchers in the Empidonax hammondii-oberholseri-wrightii complex外部サイトThree new species of Fridericia (enchytraeidae) from California外部サイトEvolution of diving adaptations in the stifftail ducks外部サイトA revision of the nematode order Desmoscolecida Filipjev, 1929外部サイトNotes on the genus Ensatina in California, with description of a new species from the Sierra Nevada外部サイトEcology and evolution of an Andean hummingbird (Oreotrochilus estella)外部サイトDescriptions of new species and new generic records of polychaetous annelids from California of the families, Glyceridae, Eunicidae, Stauronereidae, and Opheliidae外部サイトCritical comments on mammals from Utah, with descriptions of new forms from Utah, Nevada and Washington外部サイトThe behavior of bicolored antbirds外部サイトThe structure and development of the gonopod in Platypoecilus maculatus外部サイトContinuation of hydrographic, plankton, and dredging records of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research of the University of California (1913-1915)外部サイトNotes on the genus Endosphaera Engelmann and on its occasional host Opisthonecta henneguyi Fauré-Fremiet外部サイトNew species of Spionidae (Annelida polychaeta) from the coast of California外部サイトThe nature of the red, yellow, and orange pigments in woodpeckers of the genus Colaptes外部サイトNotes on the range and life-history of the Pacific Fresh-water Turtle, Clemmys marmorata外部サイトThe association of the termites, Kalotermes minor, Reticulitermes hesperus, and Zootermopsis angusticollis with fungi外部サイトBiological observations on the foraminifer Spiroloculina hyalina Schulze外部サイトThe behavior of some young raptorial birds外部サイトCultivation of Trichomonas buccalis, a protozoan of the human mouth外部サイトScaling of water flux rate in animals外部サイトA preliminary study of the nitrogen needs of growing Termopsis外部サイトTerritory, annual cycle, and numbers in a population of Wren-tits (Chamaea fasciata)外部サイトEcology and social behavior of the coati, Nasua narica on Barro Colorado Island Panama外部サイトThe adaptations to arid environments in wood rats of the genus Neotoma外部サイトFour new species of Haematoloechus (Trematoda) from Rana aurora draytoni from California ; and Cephalogonimus brevicirrus, a new species of Trematode from the intestine of Rana aurora from California外部サイトFertilization of coelomic eggs of Triturus torosus外部サイトOn the distinctions between Endamoeba coli and Councilmania lafleuri外部サイトOn the family of Achiridae or broad-soles, with description of a new species Achirus barnharti from California外部サイトHydrostatics of the suctorial mouth of the lamprey外部サイトAnnual cycle, environment and evolution in the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Aves: Drepaniidae)外部サイトA comparison of the distribution of the intestinal Protozoa of the Norway rat, wood rat, and guinea pig, with reference to the hydrogen ion concentrations as determined by the glass elctrode外部サイトReproductive and social behavior of the northern elephant seal外部サイトRemarks on the affinities of the mammalian fauna of Vancouver Island, british Columbia, with descriptions of new subspecies外部サイトReproduction in brown lemmings (Lemmus trimucronatus) and its relevance to their cycle of abundance外部サイトMesozoa of the family dichemidae from California外部サイトRevision of the nematode genus Rusguniella Seurat with a description of a new Central American species外部サイトVariations in the pallets of Teredo navalis in San Francisco bay外部サイトGeographical variation in wood rats of the species Neotoma fuscipes外部サイトMorphology and division of Chlamydomonas with reference to the phylogeny of the flagellate neuromotor system外部サイトThe winter exploitation systems of bay-breasted and chestnut-sided warblers in Panama外部サイトKaryamoebina substituted for Karyamoeba, with a note on its occurrence in man . Cryptotermes hermsi sp. nov. a termite from Fanning Island外部サイトBreeding biology of the gray gull, Larus modestus外部サイトSeven papers in genetics and physiological genetics of Drosophila melanogaster外部サイトThe taxonomy, systematics, and zoogeography of Hypsibarbus, a new genus of large barbs (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from the rivers of southeastern Asia外部サイトReproductive and fat cycles in Caribbean Anolis lizards外部サイトSystematic review of the chipmunks (genus Eutamias) of California外部サイトSome tide-water collections of marine diatoms taken at half-hour intervals near San Diego, California外部サイトNotes on termites from Arizona with descriptions of two new species外部サイトCommunity ecology of neotropical kingfishers外部サイトVariations in the cytology of the blood of geckos (Tarentola mauritanica) infected with Haemogregarina platydactyli, trypanosoma platydactyli, and pirhemocyton tarentolae外部サイトA new race of the White-breasted nuthatch from Lower California外部サイトExperimental studies on ectohormonal control of the development of supplementary reproductives in the termite genus Zootermopsis [formerly termopsis]外部サイトThe neuromotor apparatus of Paramaecium外部サイトThe relationship of population density to endocrine and metabolic changes in the California vole Microtus californicus外部サイトPreliminary statistical report on the occurrence of marine Copepoda in the plankton at La Jolla, California外部サイトEutrichomastix, and the subfamily Trichomonadinae外部サイトReport on a collection of mammals from eastern New Guinea : including species keys for fourteen genera外部サイトEvolution and systematics of the Atlantic Tree Rats, genus Phyllomys (Rodentia, Echimyidae), with description of two new species外部サイトStudies on the life cycle and morphogenesis of Opalina外部サイトKaryamoeba falcata, a new amoeba from the human intestinal tract外部サイトRelation of moisture and temperature to the viability of Endamoeba gingivalis (Gros) in vitro外部サイトThe electrical conductivity of protoplasm and a new method of its determination外部サイトOn Hoplonympha natator gen. nov., sp. nov. : a non-xylophagous hypermastigote, from the termite, Kalotermes simplicicornis banks, characterized by biradial symmetry and a highly developed pellicle ; On Metadevescovina debilis gen. nov., sp. nov. : a xylophagous polymastigote from the termite, Kalotermes hubbardi Banks外部サイトIntestinal flagellates from a wallaroo, Macropus robustus Gould外部サイトMammals of the Big Bend area of Texas外部サイトThree new pocket gophers from Utah and Nevada外部サイトType specimens of recent mammals in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley外部サイトSocial biology of the bushy-tailed woodrat, Neotoma cinerea外部サイトMethod and rate of protozoan refaunation in the termite Termopsis angusticollis Hagen外部サイトA field and laboratory study of the symbiotic behavior of fishes and sea anemones from the tropical Indo-Pacific外部サイトAnatomic and histologic studies of the sex accessories of the male rabbit外部サイトUnipolar ingression in Triturus torosus : a hitherto underscribed movement in the pregastrular stages of a urodele外部サイトHybridization among the subspecies of the plethodontid salamander Ensatina eschscholtzi外部サイトThe penetration of thionine into valonia外部サイトA revision of Diplodinium Schuberg外部サイトContributions to the biology of carapid fishes (Paracanthopterygii: Gadiformes)外部サイトThe integration of agonistic behavior in the Steller's jay : Cyanocitta stelleri (Gmelin)外部サイトA new blind isopod, Asellus californicus, and a revision of the subterranean asellids外部サイトElectrometric pH determinations of the walls and contents of the gastro-intestinal tracts of normal albino rats外部サイトA critical review of the nomenclature of human intestinal flagellates, Cercomonas, Chilomastix, Trichomonas, Tetratrichomonas, and Giardia外部サイトNorth American cestodes of the genus Mesocestoides外部サイトThe biological relationships of Leishmania and certain herpetomonads外部サイトThe sex ratio in infant mortality as an index of a selective death rate外部サイトThe organizer in Triturus torosus (Rathke) and its rôle in the development of the medullary plate外部サイトThe genus Entodinium Stein外部サイトSpeciation in the avian genus Junco外部サイトA biological reconnaissance of Navajo mountain, Utah外部サイトA bibliography of eugenics外部サイトQualitative variation of the hypophyseal thyrotropic hormone in the vertebrates外部サイトTemperature regulation and diurnal activity in horned lizards外部サイトThe anatomy of the gasteropod Crepidula adunca Sowerby外部サイトCoccospora stenopelmati gen. nov., sp. nov., a gregarine from Stenopelmatus (orthoptera) from central California外部サイト






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v.1 1902-1905
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v.2 1905-1906
v.2 1905-06
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v.3 1906-1907
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v.4 1907-1908
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v.3-4 1906-08
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v.5 1908-1910
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v.8 (1911)
v.6 1908-1911
v.8 1911
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v.9 1911-1913
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v.10 no.1-10 1912-13
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v.11 (1912-1914)
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v.11 no.1-15 Nov. 1912-Feb. 1914
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v.12 (1913-1916)
v.12 1913-1916
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v.16 1915-1917
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v.14 1914-1918
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v.14 no.1-2 1914-18
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v.23 1921
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v.25 1924
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v.17-24 1916-1926
v.24 (1922-26)
v.29 1926-1927
v.31 1927
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v.30:1-3 1926-1927
University of California publications. Zoology