
Poets on poetry


Poets on poetry

University of Michigan Press


The instant of knowing : lectures, criticism, and occasional prose外部サイトWorking time : essays on poetry, culture, and travel外部サイトImmanent distance : poetry and the metaphysics of the near at hand外部サイトSo ask : essays, conversations, and interviews外部サイトFurther requirements : interviews, broadcasts, statements and book reviews, 1952-85外部サイトAtlas : selected essays, 1989-2007外部サイトDiary of a poem外部サイトThe judge is fury : dislocation and form in poetry外部サイトThe poetry blues : essays and interviews外部サイトThe skin of meaning : collected literary essays and talks外部サイトHow long have you been with us? : essays on poetry外部サイトUnauthorized voices : essays on poets and poetry, 1987-2009外部サイトEd Dorn live : lectures, interviews, and outtakes外部サイトA Martian muse : further essays on identity, politics, and the freedom of poetry外部サイトFrom the valley of making : essays on the craft of poetry外部サイトThe necropastoral : poetry, media, occults外部サイトEcstatic émigré : an ethics of practice外部サイトTalking all morning外部サイトThe game changed : essays and other prose外部サイトThe mirror diary : selected essays外部サイトThe poetry beat : reviewing the eighties外部サイトThe body of poetry : essays on women, form, and the poetic self外部サイトWomen and poetry : truth, autobiography, and the shape of the self外部サイトThe instant of knowing : lectures, criticism, and occasional prose外部サイトA company of poets外部サイトThe bread of time : toward an autobiography外部サイトYou must revise your life外部サイトClaims for poetry外部サイトA fly in the soup : memoirs外部サイトCollected prose外部サイトWindows and doors : a poet reads literary theory外部サイトThe sound of listening : poetry as refuge and resistance外部サイトYes, there will be singing外部サイトHalflife : improvisations and interviews, 1977-87外部サイトA ballet for the ear : interviews, essays, and reviews外部サイトPlow naked : selected writings on poetry外部サイトPoetry and consciousness外部サイトGoatfoot milktongue twinbird : interviews, essays, and notes on poetry, 1970-76外部サイトBetween the iceberg and the ship : selected essays外部サイトPower and possibility : essays, reviews, and interviews外部サイトLiving off the country : essays on poetry and place外部サイトPredecessors, et cetera : essays外部サイトThe uncertain certainty : interviews, essays, and notes on poetry外部サイトA concert of tenses : essays on poetry外部サイトWonderful words, silent truth : essays on poetry and a memoir外部サイトWritten in water, written in stone : twenty years of Poets on poetry外部サイトWalking down the stairs : selections from interviews外部サイトNegative capability : contemporary American poetry外部サイトTales out of school : selected interviews外部サイトResponsive reading外部サイトNoise that stays noise : essays外部サイトOld snow just melting : essays and interviews外部サイトReviews and essays, 1936-55外部サイトSomeone shot my book外部サイトOne of the dangerous trades : essays on the work and workings of poetry外部サイトShips going into the blue : essays and notes on poetry外部サイトThe answers are inside the mountains : meditations on the writing life外部サイトPoetry's old air外部サイトOpen between us外部サイトParti-colored blocks for a quilt外部サイトSuicides and jazzers外部サイトPlatonic scripts外部サイトThe occasions of poetry : essays in criticism and autobiography外部サイトPivotal voices, era of transition : toward a 21st century poetics外部サイトFirst loves and other adventures外部サイトThe poetry of everyday life外部サイトTwo minds of a western poet : essays外部サイトQuarter notes : improvisations and interviews外部サイトWriting the Australian crawl : views on the writer's vocation外部サイトSelected prose外部サイトAll the rage外部サイトOrpheus in the Bronx : essays on identity, politics, and the freedom of poetry外部サイトEffluences from the sacred caves : more selected essays and reviews外部サイトRicher entanglements : essays and notes on poetry and poems外部サイトCondition red : essays, interviews, and commentaries外部サイトThe underground poetry metro transportation system for souls : essays on the cultural life of poetry外部サイトFrom the valley of bronze camels : a primer, some lectures, & a boondoggle on poetry外部サイトTrying to explain外部サイトPoetry at one remove : essays外部サイトComing after : essays on poetry外部サイトPoetry and what is real外部サイトPoetics of dislocation外部サイトShow me your environment : essays on poetry, poets, and poems外部サイトResident alien : on border-crossing and the undocumented divine外部サイトThe passionate spectator : essays on art and poetry外部サイトGuns and boyhood in America : a memoir of growing up in the 50s外部サイトAvailable surfaces : essays on poesis外部サイトThe little death of self : nine essays toward poetry外部サイトThe castle of perseverance : job opportunities in contemporary poetry外部サイトThe weather for poetry : essays, reviews, and notes on poetry, 1977-81外部サイトThe spiral of memory : interviews外部サイトSet in motion : essays, interviews, and dialogues外部サイトNo evil star : selected essays, interviews, and prose外部サイトThe gazer within外部サイトThe failure of poetry, the promise of language外部サイトOn burning ground : thirty years of thinking about poetry外部サイトBody and soul : essays on poetry外部サイトMade with words外部サイトBlue notes : essays, interviews, and commentaries外部サイトThe route as briefed外部サイトTo make a prairie : essays on poets, poetry, and country living外部サイトEssay on rime, with, Trial of a poet外部サイトDon't ask外部サイトThe line forms here外部サイトMemory piano外部サイトOrphan factory : essays and memoirs外部サイトThe lover of a subversive is also a subversive : essays and commentaries外部サイトAMERIFIL.TXT : a commonplace book外部サイトA local habitation : essays on poetry外部サイトSoul barnacles : ten more years with Ray外部サイトCollected prose外部サイトWords to create a world : interviews, essays, and reviews of contemporary poetry外部サイトDeath to the death of poetry : essays, reviews, notes, interviews外部サイトBarrier of a common language : an American looks at contemporary British poetry外部サイトMerrill, Cavafy, poems, and dreams外部サイトRequired writing : miscellaneous pieces, 1955-1982外部サイトShelf life : essays, memoirs, and an interview外部サイトRobert Lowell's life and work : damaged grandeur外部サイトPoems are hard to read外部サイトThe old poetries and the new外部サイトThe unemployed fortune-teller : essays and memoirs外部サイトPot shots at poetry外部サイトPoetry and ambition : essays, 1982-88外部サイトFables of representation : essays外部サイトThe big question外部サイトTrying to say it : outlooks and insights on how poems happen外部サイトToward a new poetry外部サイトEloquence and mere life : essays on the art of poetry外部サイトSong for Uncle Tom, Tonto, and Mr. Moto : poetry and identity外部サイトCuriosities外部サイトThe character of the poet外部サイトThe long schoolroom : lessons in the bitter logic of the poetic principle外部サイトThe straight line : writings on poetry and poets外部サイトDancing at the devil's party : essays on poetry, politics, and the erotic外部サイトWriting like a woman外部サイトA boundless field : American poetry at large外部サイトOrange alert : essays on poetry, art, and the architecture of silence外部サイトThe art of poetry : poems, parodies, interviews, essays, and other work外部サイトThe metaphysician in the dark外部サイトA beat beyond : selected prose of Major Jackson外部サイトFrom the valley of bronze camels : a primer, some lectures, & a boondoggle on poetry外部サイトGhosts and the overplus : reading poetry in the twenty-first century外部サイトTo go into the words外部サイトHow to draw a circle : on reading and writing poetry外部サイトJoy (or something darker, but like it) : poetry & parenting : essays外部サイト






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The instant of knowing : lectures, criticism, and occasional prose
Working time : essays on poetry, culture, and travel
Immanent distance : poetry and the metaphysics of the near at hand
So ask : essays, conversations, and interviews
Further requirements : interviews, broadcasts, statements and book reviews, 1952-85
Atlas : selected essays, 1989-2007
Diary of a poem
The judge is fury : dislocation and form in poetry
The poetry blues : essays and interviews
The skin of meaning : collected literary essays and talks
How long have you been with us? : essays on poetry
Unauthorized voices : essays on poets and poetry, 1987-2009
Ed Dorn live : lectures, interviews, and outtakes
A Martian muse : further essays on identity, politics, and the freedom of poetry
From the valley of making : essays on the craft of poetry
The necropastoral : poetry, media, occults
Ecstatic émigré : an ethics of practice
Talking all morning
The game changed : essays and other prose
The mirror diary : selected essays
The poetry beat : reviewing the eighties
The body of poetry : essays on women, form, and the poetic self
Women and poetry : truth, autobiography, and the shape of the self
The instant of knowing : lectures, criticism, and occasional prose
A company of poets
The bread of time : toward an autobiography
You must revise your life
Claims for poetry
A fly in the soup : memoirs
Collected prose
Windows and doors : a poet reads literary theory
The sound of listening : poetry as refuge and resistance
Yes, there will be singing
Halflife : improvisations and interviews, 1977-87
A ballet for the ear : interviews, essays, and reviews
Plow naked : selected writings on poetry
Poetry and consciousness
Goatfoot milktongue twinbird : interviews, essays, and notes on poetry, 1970-76
Between the iceberg and the ship : selected essays
Power and possibility : essays, reviews, and interviews
Living off the country : essays on poetry and place
Predecessors, et cetera : essays
The uncertain certainty : interviews, essays, and notes on poetry
A concert of tenses : essays on poetry
Wonderful words, silent truth : essays on poetry and a memoir
Written in water, written in stone : twenty years of Poets on poetry
Walking down the stairs : selections from interviews
Negative capability : contemporary American poetry
Tales out of school : selected interviews
Responsive reading
Noise that stays noise : essays
Old snow just melting : essays and interviews
Reviews and essays, 1936-55
Someone shot my book
One of the dangerous trades : essays on the work and workings of poetry
Ships going into the blue : essays and notes on poetry
The answers are inside the mountains : meditations on the writing life
Poetry's old air
Open between us
Parti-colored blocks for a quilt
Suicides and jazzers
Platonic scripts
The occasions of poetry : essays in criticism and autobiography
Pivotal voices, era of transition : toward a 21st century poetics
First loves and other adventures
The poetry of everyday life
Two minds of a western poet : essays
Quarter notes : improvisations and interviews
Writing the Australian crawl : views on the writer's vocation
Selected prose
All the rage
Orpheus in the Bronx : essays on identity, politics, and the freedom of poetry
Effluences from the sacred caves : more selected essays and reviews
Richer entanglements : essays and notes on poetry and poems
Condition red : essays, interviews, and commentaries
The underground poetry metro transportation system for souls : essays on the cultural life of poetry
From the valley of bronze camels : a primer, some lectures, & a boondoggle on poetry
Trying to explain
Poetry at one remove : essays
Coming after : essays on poetry
Poetry and what is real
Poetics of dislocation
Show me your environment : essays on poetry, poets, and poems
Resident alien : on border-crossing and the undocumented divine
The passionate spectator : essays on art and poetry
Guns and boyhood in America : a memoir of growing up in the 50s
Available surfaces : essays on poesis
The little death of self : nine essays toward poetry
The castle of perseverance : job opportunities in contemporary poetry
The weather for poetry : essays, reviews, and notes on poetry, 1977-81
The spiral of memory : interviews
Set in motion : essays, interviews, and dialogues
No evil star : selected essays, interviews, and prose
The gazer within
The failure of poetry, the promise of language
On burning ground : thirty years of thinking about poetry
Body and soul : essays on poetry
Made with words
Blue notes : essays, interviews, and commentaries
The route as briefed
To make a prairie : essays on poets, poetry, and country living
Essay on rime, with, Trial of a poet
Don't ask
The line forms here
Memory piano
Orphan factory : essays and memoirs
The lover of a subversive is also a subversive : essays and commentaries
AMERIFIL.TXT : a commonplace book
A local habitation : essays on poetry
Soul barnacles : ten more years with Ray
Collected prose
Words to create a world : interviews, essays, and reviews of contemporary poetry
Death to the death of poetry : essays, reviews, notes, interviews
Barrier of a common language : an American looks at contemporary British poetry
Merrill, Cavafy, poems, and dreams
Required writing : miscellaneous pieces, 1955-1982
Shelf life : essays, memoirs, and an interview
Robert Lowell's life and work : damaged grandeur
Poems are hard to read
The old poetries and the new
The unemployed fortune-teller : essays and memoirs
Pot shots at poetry
Poetry and ambition : essays, 1982-88
Fables of representation : essays
The big question
Trying to say it : outlooks and insights on how poems happen
Toward a new poetry
Eloquence and mere life : essays on the art of poetry
Song for Uncle Tom, Tonto, and Mr. Moto : poetry and identity
The character of the poet
The long schoolroom : lessons in the bitter logic of the poetic principle
The straight line : writings on poetry and poets
Dancing at the devil's party : essays on poetry, politics, and the erotic
Writing like a woman
A boundless field : American poetry at large
Orange alert : essays on poetry, art, and the architecture of silence
The art of poetry : poems, parodies, interviews, essays, and other work
The metaphysician in the dark
A beat beyond : selected prose of Major Jackson
From the valley of bronze camels : a primer, some lectures, & a boondoggle on poetry
Ghosts and the overplus : reading poetry in the twenty-first century
To go into the words
How to draw a circle : on reading and writing poetry
Joy (or something darker, but like it) : poetry & parenting : essays
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA01278028 : BA01278028