
Oxford logic guides


Oxford logic guides

Clarendon Press


Gödel's incompleteness theorems外部サイトSet theory : Boolean-valued models and independence proofs外部サイトChange, choice and inference : a study of belief revision and nonmonotonic reasoning外部サイトGroups of finite Morley rank外部サイトIntroduction to logic and to the methodology of the deductive sciences外部サイトSet theory : Boolean-valued models and independence proofs外部サイトComputability and randomness外部サイトDiagonalization and self-reference外部サイトSubrecursion : functions and hierarchies外部サイトCategory theory外部サイトComputability theory, semantics, and logic programming外部サイトElementary categories, elementary toposes外部サイトToposes and local set theories : an introduction外部サイトMany-valued logics外部サイトElements of intuitionism外部サイトElementary categories, elementary toposes外部サイトSketches of an elephant : a topos theory compendium外部サイトModel theory外部サイトReductive logic and proof-search : proof theory, semantics, and control外部サイトClassical propositional operators : an exercise in the foundations of logic外部サイトRelative category theory and geometric morphisms : a logical approach外部サイトRecursion theory for metamathematics外部サイトComputability and randomness外部サイトFormal number theory and computability : a workbook外部サイトFragments of first-order logic外部サイトCategory theory外部サイトGeometric stability theory外部サイトCardinal arithmetic外部サイトSet theory with a universal set : exploring an untyped universe外部サイトArithmetic, proof theory, and computational complexity外部サイトSet theory with a universal set : exploring an untyped universe外部サイトA study of logics外部サイトThe Boole-De Morgan correspondence, 1842-1864外部サイトSet theory and the continuum problem外部サイトCantorian set theory and limitation of size外部サイトBolzano's logical system外部サイトModels of Peano arithmetic外部サイトFoundations without foundationalism : a case for second-order logic外部サイトBoolean-valued models and independence proofs in set theory外部サイトTemporal logic : mathematical foundations and computational aspects外部サイトSimplicity theory外部サイトAn introduction to stability theory外部サイトElements of intuitionism外部サイトFibring logics外部サイトBoolean-valued models and independence proofs in set theory外部サイトInterpolation and definability : modal and intuitionistic logics外部サイトModal logic外部サイトBeginning model theory : the completeness theorem and some consequences外部サイトLabelled deductive systems外部サイトTwenty-five years of constructive type theory : proceedings of a congress held in Venice, October 1995外部サイトFrom sets and types to topology and analysis : towards practicable foundations for constructive mathematics外部サイトChoice sequences : a chapter of intuitionistic mathematics外部サイトFeatures and fluents : representation of knowledge about dynamical systems外部サイトThe structure of models of Peano arithmetic外部サイトRecursive aspects of descriptive set theory外部サイトAlgebraic methods in philosophical logic外部サイトConsequence relations : an introduction to the Lindenbaum-Tarski method外部サイトCategory theory外部サイトAlgebraic methods in philosophical logic外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Gödel's incompleteness theorems
Set theory : Boolean-valued models and independence proofs
Change, choice and inference : a study of belief revision and nonmonotonic reasoning
Groups of finite Morley rank
Introduction to logic and to the methodology of the deductive sciences
Set theory : Boolean-valued models and independence proofs
Computability and randomness
Diagonalization and self-reference
Subrecursion : functions and hierarchies
Category theory
Computability theory, semantics, and logic programming
Elementary categories, elementary toposes
Toposes and local set theories : an introduction
Many-valued logics
Elements of intuitionism
Elementary categories, elementary toposes
Sketches of an elephant : a topos theory compendium
Model theory
Reductive logic and proof-search : proof theory, semantics, and control
Classical propositional operators : an exercise in the foundations of logic
Relative category theory and geometric morphisms : a logical approach
Recursion theory for metamathematics
Computability and randomness
Formal number theory and computability : a workbook
Fragments of first-order logic
Category theory
Geometric stability theory
Cardinal arithmetic
Set theory with a universal set : exploring an untyped universe
Arithmetic, proof theory, and computational complexity
Set theory with a universal set : exploring an untyped universe
A study of logics
The Boole-De Morgan correspondence, 1842-1864
Set theory and the continuum problem
Cantorian set theory and limitation of size
Bolzano's logical system
Models of Peano arithmetic
Foundations without foundationalism : a case for second-order logic
Boolean-valued models and independence proofs in set theory
Temporal logic : mathematical foundations and computational aspects
Simplicity theory
An introduction to stability theory
Elements of intuitionism
Fibring logics
Boolean-valued models and independence proofs in set theory
Interpolation and definability : modal and intuitionistic logics
Modal logic
Beginning model theory : the completeness theorem and some consequences
Labelled deductive systems
Twenty-five years of constructive type theory : proceedings of a congress held in Venice, October 1995
From sets and types to topology and analysis : towards practicable foundations for constructive mathematics
Choice sequences : a chapter of intuitionistic mathematics
Features and fluents : representation of knowledge about dynamical systems
The structure of models of Peano arithmetic
Recursive aspects of descriptive set theory
Algebraic methods in philosophical logic
Consequence relations : an introduction to the Lindenbaum-Tarski method
Category theory
Algebraic methods in philosophical logic
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books