
Publications of the Philological Society


Publications of the Philological Society

Philological Society (Great Britain)


Phonology as functional phonetics : three lectures delivered before the University of London in 1946外部サイトPhonology of Catalan外部サイトPhonology as functional phonetics : three lectures delivered before the University of London in 1946外部サイトStructural semantics : an analysis of part of the vocabulary of Plato外部サイトStudies in linguistic analysis外部サイトNam : an ancient language of the Sino-Tibetan borderland : text, with introduction, vocabulary and linguistic studies外部サイトJohan Storm : dhi grétest pràktikal liNgwist in dhi werld外部サイトUniversals of sound change in nasalization外部サイトJamaican pronunciation in London外部サイトLanguage, society and identity in early Iceland外部サイトThe sound pattern of ancient Greek外部サイトA grammar of Manichean Sogdian外部サイトFeature distribution in Swedish noun phrases外部サイトFocus in Hausa外部サイトThe Uralic language family : facts, myths and statistics外部サイトThe syntax and semantics of the perfect active in literary Koine Greek外部サイトThe phonology of classical Latin外部サイトConsonantal dissimilation in the Romance languages外部サイトGerman loanwords in Russian 1550-1690外部サイトAncient Celtic place-names in Europe and Asia Minor外部サイトWords derived from Old Norse in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight : an etymological survey外部サイトThe Celtic inscriptions of Britain : phonology and chronology, c. 400-1200外部サイトA transformational grammar of spoken Egyptian Arabic外部サイトA glossary of Jersey-French外部サイトColonialism and grammatical representation : John Gilchrist and the analysis of the "Hindustani" language in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries外部サイトThe language of Queen Elizabeth I : a sociolinguistic perspective on royal style and identity外部サイトJ.G. Schottelius's Ausführliche Arbeit von der teutschen HaubtSprache (1663) and its place in early modern European vernacular language study外部サイトRevitalising language in Provence : a critical approach外部サイトThe language of the Chinese "Secret history of the Mongols" : 元朝秘史外部サイトPhonology as functional phonetics外部サイトEarly Spanish suffixes : a functional study of the principal nominal suffixes of Spanish up to 1300外部サイトMetaphor and metonymy : a diachronic approach外部サイトLinguistics in Britain : personal histories外部サイトThe language of Hesiod in its traditional context外部サイトThe semantic predecessors of need in the history of English (c750-1710)外部サイトThe linguistic relationship between Armenian and Greek外部サイトInversion of the subject in French narrative prose from 1500 to the present day外部サイトJersey Norman French : a linguistic study of an obsolescent dialect外部サイトThe language of Hesiod in its traditional context外部サイトA comparative syntax of the dialects of Southern Italy : a minimalist approach外部サイトThe pronunciation of English in Cannock, Staffordshire : a sociolinguistic survey of an urban speech-community外部サイトGrammatical number in Welsh : diachrony and typology外部サイトBuilding meaning in context : a dynamic approach to Bantu clause structure外部サイト






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Phonology as functional phonetics : three lectures delivered before the University of London in 1946
Phonology of Catalan
Phonology as functional phonetics : three lectures delivered before the University of London in 1946
Structural semantics : an analysis of part of the vocabulary of Plato
Studies in linguistic analysis
Nam : an ancient language of the Sino-Tibetan borderland : text, with introduction, vocabulary and linguistic studies
Johan Storm : dhi grétest pràktikal liNgwist in dhi werld
Universals of sound change in nasalization
Jamaican pronunciation in London
Language, society and identity in early Iceland
The sound pattern of ancient Greek
A grammar of Manichean Sogdian
Feature distribution in Swedish noun phrases
Focus in Hausa
The Uralic language family : facts, myths and statistics
The syntax and semantics of the perfect active in literary Koine Greek
The phonology of classical Latin
Consonantal dissimilation in the Romance languages
German loanwords in Russian 1550-1690
Ancient Celtic place-names in Europe and Asia Minor
Words derived from Old Norse in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight : an etymological survey
The Celtic inscriptions of Britain : phonology and chronology, c. 400-1200
A transformational grammar of spoken Egyptian Arabic
A glossary of Jersey-French
Colonialism and grammatical representation : John Gilchrist and the analysis of the "Hindustani" language in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
The language of Queen Elizabeth I : a sociolinguistic perspective on royal style and identity
J.G. Schottelius's Ausführliche Arbeit von der teutschen HaubtSprache (1663) and its place in early modern European vernacular language study
Revitalising language in Provence : a critical approach
The language of the Chinese "Secret history of the Mongols" : 元朝秘史
Phonology as functional phonetics
Early Spanish suffixes : a functional study of the principal nominal suffixes of Spanish up to 1300
Metaphor and metonymy : a diachronic approach
Linguistics in Britain : personal histories
The language of Hesiod in its traditional context
The semantic predecessors of need in the history of English (c750-1710)
The linguistic relationship between Armenian and Greek
Inversion of the subject in French narrative prose from 1500 to the present day
Jersey Norman French : a linguistic study of an obsolescent dialect
The language of Hesiod in its traditional context
A comparative syntax of the dialects of Southern Italy : a minimalist approach
The pronunciation of English in Cannock, Staffordshire : a sociolinguistic survey of an urban speech-community
Grammatical number in Welsh : diachrony and typology
Building meaning in context : a dynamic approach to Bantu clause structure
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