
BAR British series


BAR British series

B.A.R : John and Erica Hedges : Hadrian Books : Archaeopress


Economics and social change in Anglo-Saxon Kent, AD 400-900 : landscapes, communities and exchange外部サイトImages of piety : the iconography of traditional religion in late medieval Wales外部サイトPrehistoric combs of antler and bone外部サイトA wasting historical asset? : a comparative study of grave memorials at Wootton Wawen, King's Norton and Birmingham, c. 1700-1940外部サイトWoods, wolds and groves : the woodland of medieval Warwickshire外部サイトThree Iron Age and Romano-British rural settlements on English gravels : excavations at Hatford (Oxfordshire), Besthorpe (Nottinghamshire) and Eardington (Shropshire) undertaken by Tempus Reparatum between 1991 and 1993外部サイトInhumation rites in late Roman Britain : the treatment of the engendered body外部サイトAberglasney House and gardens : archaeology, history and architecture外部サイトMarkets, minsters, and metal-detectors : the archaeology of Middle Saxon Lincolnshire and Hampshire compared外部サイトThe construction of the Saxon Shore Forts外部サイトPits, settlement and deposition during the Neolithic and early Bronze Age in East Anglia外部サイトThe medieval earthworks of the hundred of West Derby : tenurial evidence and physical structure外部サイトThe dynamics of regionalisation and trade : Yorkshire clay tobacco pipes c 1600-1800外部サイトSevern Valley ware production at Newland hopfields : excavation of a Romano-British kiln site at North End Farm, Great Malvern, Worcestershire in 1992 and 1994外部サイトTownships to farmsteads : rural settlement studies in Scotland, England and Wales外部サイトSettlements at Skaill, Deerness, Orkney : excavations by Peter Gelling of the prehistoric, Pictish, Viking and later periods, 1963-1981外部サイトThe reception of classical art in Britain : an Oxford story of plaster casts from the antique外部サイトPreferred economies : the nature of the subsistence base throughout mainland Britain during prehistory外部サイトThe origins of a Leicester suburb : Roman, Anglo-Saxon, medieval and post-medieval occupation on Bonners Lane外部サイトA prehistoric and Romano-British landscape : excavations at Whitemoor Haye Quarry, Staffordshire, 1997-1999外部サイトThe mason and his mark : masons' marks in the medieval Irish archbishoprics of Cashel and Dublin外部サイトUnparalleled behaviour : Britain and Ireland during the 'Mesolithic' and 'Neolithic'外部サイトThe Romano-British roadside settlement at Wilcote, Oxfordshire外部サイトEarly medieval wall painting and painted sculpture in England : based on the proceedings of a symposium at the Courtauld Institute of Art, February 1985外部サイトSettlement patterns in Hertfordshire : a review of the typology and function of enclosures in the Iron Age and Roman landscape外部サイトContinuity and change : memorialisation and the Cornish funeral monument industry, 1497-1660外部サイトA study in woodlands archaeology : Cudham, North Downs外部サイトExcavations on Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth (1986-1999) : an early Bronze Age copper mine within the uplands of Central Wales外部サイトNeolithic studies : a review of some current research外部サイトTowards a research agenda for Welsh archaeology : proceedings of the IFA Wales/Cymru Conference, Aberystwyth 2001外部サイトIron Age and Middle Saxon settlements at West Fen Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire : the consortium site外部サイトCarrstone in Norfolk buildings : distribution, use, associates and influences外部サイトArchaeology in Bath excavations, 1984-1989外部サイトCornish Bronze Age ceremonial landscapes c. 2500-1500 BC外部サイトSettlement in North Britain, 1000 BC-AD 1000 : papers presented to George Jobey, Newcastle upon Tyne, December 1982外部サイトLate prehistoric and early historic landscapes on the Yorkshire chalk外部サイトStudies in palaeoeconomy and enviroment in South West England外部サイトA microwear analysis of selected artefact types from the Mesolithic sites of Star Carr and Mount Sandel外部サイトThe Taberna structures of Roman Britain外部サイトLater iron age Norfolk : metalwork, landscape and society外部サイトArchaeology from art : exploring the interpretative potential of British and Irish Neolithic rock art外部サイトThe historical ecology of some unimproved alluvial grassland in the Upper Thames Valley外部サイトViking-age communities : pap-names and papar in the Hebridean Islands外部サイトLordship and the landscape : a documentary and archaeological study of the Honor of Dudley c. 1066-1322外部サイトPalaeolithic and Mesolithic settlement in Wales : with special reference to Dyfed外部サイトA study of Lower Palaeolithic stone artefacts from selected sites in the Upper and Middle Thames Valley, with particular reference to the R.J. MacRae collection外部サイトEarlier prehistoric pottery production and ceramic petrology in Britain外部サイトExcavations at North Lincolnshire Long Barrows外部サイト"Landscapes of lordship" : Norman castles and the countryside in medieval Norfolk, 1066-1200外部サイトIron age, Roman and Saxon occupation at Grange Park : excavations at Courteenhall, Northamptonshire, 1999外部サイトMinster churches in the Dorset landscape外部サイトA study of Palaeolithic artefacts from selected sites on deposits mapped as clay-with-flints of southern England, with particular reference to handaxe manufacture外部サイトThe Neolithic culture of the Isle of Man : a study of the sites and pottery外部サイトSheaths and scabbards in England, AD400-1100外部サイトRitual significance of personal ornament in Roman Britain外部サイトAstronomy and society in Britain during the period 4000-1500 B.C.外部サイトArchaeology in the Bedford region外部サイトNorthern pasts : interpretations of the later prehistory of northern England and southern Scotland外部サイトExcavations at the Mesolithic site on West Heath, Hampstead 1976-1981 : investigations by members of the Hendon and District Archaeological Society外部サイトSpatial patterning among animal bones in settlement archaeology : an English regional exploration外部サイトThe early neolithic architecture of the South Downs外部サイトExcavations at Whitemoor Haye Quarry, Staffordshire, 2000-2004 : a prehistoric and Romano-British landscape外部サイトRecent archaeological research on the Isle of Man外部サイトThe religious reuse of Roman structures in early medieval England外部サイトMulti-temporality and material culture : an investigation of continuity and change in later prehistoric Lancashire外部サイトUse of the woodlands in the Late Anglo-Saxon period外部サイトThe Roman to medieval transition in the region of south Cadbury Castle, Somerset外部サイトEarly place-names of the Anglian regions of England外部サイトThe early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries of East Yorkshire : an analysis and reinterpretation外部サイトHuman ecology and neolithic transition in Eastern County Donegal, Ireland : the Lough Swilly archaeological survey外部サイトCoinage in the ninth-century Northumbria : the Tenth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History外部サイトStone circles of Britain : taxonomic and distributional analyses and a catalogue of sites in England, Scotland and Wales外部サイトMediterranean pottery in Wessex households : 13th to 17th centuries外部サイトThe Roman villa at Shakenoak Farm, Oxfordshire, excavations 1960-1976外部サイトCulverwell Mesolithic habitation site : Isle of Portland, Dorset : excavation report and research studies外部サイトThe construction of the Roman legionary fortress at Inchtuthil外部サイトThe Neolithic-Bronze Age transition in Britain : a critical review of some archaeological and craniological concepts外部サイトAnglo-Saxon and Viking age sculpture and its context : papers from the Collingwood symposium on insular sculpture from 800 to 1066外部サイトGuides, guards and gifts to the gods : domesticated dogs in the art and archaeology of Iron Age and Roman Britain外部サイトA study of the impact of imparkment on the social landscape of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire from c1080 to 1760外部サイトMedieval fish, fisheries, and fishponds in England外部サイトModern views-ancient lands : new work and thought on cultural landscapes : Scottish Archaeological Forum外部サイトFour sites in Cambridgeshire : excavations at Pode Hole Farm, Paston, Longstanton and Bassingbourn, 1996-7外部サイトNew Forest Roman pottery : manufacture and distribution, with a corpus of the pottery types外部サイトThe prehistoric archaeology of settlement in South-East Wales and the borders外部サイトUrbanisation and child health in medieval and post-medieval England : an assessment of the morbidity and mortality of non-adult skeletons from the cemeteries of two urban and two rural sites in England (AD 850-1859)外部サイトFrom cairn to cemetery : an archaeological investigation of the chambered cairns and early Bronze Age mortuary deposits at Cairnderry and Bargrennan White Cairn, south-west Scotland外部サイトHadrian's Wall : some aspects of its post-Roman influence on the landscape外部サイトThe evolution and role of burial practice in Roman Wales外部サイトGoing over old ground : perspectives on archaeological geophysical and geochemical survey in Scotland : proceedings of a conference held at the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 2003外部サイトMidlands prehistory : some recent and current researches into the prehistory of central England外部サイトReligion, community and territory : defining religion in the Severn Valley and adjacent hills from the Iron Age to the early medieval period外部サイトLandscapes of the living, landscapes of the dead : the location of chambered cairns of Northern Scotland外部サイトAnimal husbandry regimes in iron age Britain : a comparative study of faunal assemblages from British iron age sites外部サイトThe sunday Christ : Sabbatarianism in English medieval wall painting外部サイトIron age artefacts in Wales : an investigation into the material culture of south-east Wales during the Pre-Roman Iron Age外部サイトThe differential use of constructed sacred space in Southern Britain, from the late Iron Age to the 4th century AD外部サイトThe prehistoric island landscape of Scilly外部サイト"Out of darkness, cometh light" : life and death in nineteenth-century Wolverhampton : excavation of the overflow burial ground of St Peter's Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton, 2001-2002外部サイトA landscape archaeological study of the Mesolithic-Neolithic in the Milfield Basin, Northumberland外部サイトAttitudes to disposal of the dead in southern Britain 3500bc-AD43外部サイトLithic analysis and later British prehistory : some problems and approaches外部サイトThe water supplies and related structures of Roman Britain外部サイトAnimals, economy and status : integrating zooarchaeological and historical data in the study of Dudley Castle, West Midlands (c.1100-1750)外部サイトArchaeology and ideology in nineteenth century Ireland : nationalism or neutrality?外部サイトThe Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement at Oversley Farm, Styal, Cheshire : excavations in advance of Manchester Airport's second runway, 1997-8外部サイトThe Roman survey of Britain外部サイトThe Bronze age landscape of the northern English midlands外部サイトThe excavation of a Romano-British shrine at Orton's Pasture, Rocester, Staffordshire外部サイトEarly Christian settlement in North-West Ulster外部サイトThe artificial islets/ crannogs of the central Inner Hebrides外部サイトAn archaeology of social identity : Guildhalls in York, c. 1350-1630外部サイトRelations of production : social networks, social change and the organization of agriculture in late prehistoric southern Britain外部サイトTexts and monuments : a study of ten Anglo-Saxon churches of the pre-Viking period外部サイトPollocks of Manchester : three generations of clay tobacco pipemakers外部サイトMegalithic astronomy : a new archaeological and statistical study of 300 western Scottish sites外部サイトMiddle Iron Age warfare of the hillfort dominated zone c. 400 BC to c. 150 BC外部サイトThe prehistoric landscapes of the Eastern Black Mountains外部サイトSaxon settlement and earlier remains at Friars Oak, Hassocks, West Sussex外部サイトThe spindle and the spear : a critical enquiry into the construction and meaning of Gender in the early Anglo-Saxon burial rite外部サイトRemembering the dead in Anglo-Saxon England : memory theory in archaeology and history外部サイトDebating late antiquity in Britain AD 300-700外部サイトMilitary and civilian in Roman Britain : cultural relationships in a frontier province外部サイトLandscape and social practice : the production and consumption of pottery in 10th century Lincolnshire外部サイトMesolithic Northern England : environment, population and settlement外部サイト'Of fish and men' ('De iasg agus dhaoine') : a study of the utilization of marine resources as recovered from selected Hebridean archaeological sites外部サイトBronze Age settlement in the Welsh Marches外部サイトStone tools and the prehistory of the Northern Isles外部サイトThe place-names of Cardiganshire外部サイトFeasting and social complexity in later Iron Age East Anglia外部サイトPragmatic archaeology : theory in crisis?外部サイトInterpreting the ambiguous : archaeology and interpretation in early 21st century Britain : proceedings of a session from the 2001 Institute of Field Archaeologists annual conference, held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne外部サイトMan-land relations in prehistoric Britain : the Dove-Derwent Interfluve, Derbyshire : a study in human ecology外部サイトIron age societies in the Severn-Cotswolds : developing narratives of social and landscape change外部サイトLate Pleistocene and early Holocene small mammals in south west Britain : environmental and taphonomic implications and their role in archaeological research外部サイトThe affinities and antecedents of medieval settlement : topographical perspectives from three of the Somerset hundreds外部サイトA nation in medieval Ireland? : perspectives on Gaelic national identity in the Middle Ages外部サイトGreat Witcombe Roman Villa, Gloucestershire : a report on excavations by Ernest Greenfield 1960-1973外部サイトLate quaternary environments and man in Holderness外部サイトCyril Fox on tour, 1927-1932 : two of Sir Cyril's notebooks describing minor earthworks of the Welsh Marches and visits to four Welsh museums, with two other unpublished papers外部サイトBronze Age, Roman and later occupation at Chieveley, West Berkshire : the archaeology of the A34/M4 road junction improvement外部サイトThe moneyer and the mint in the reign of Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066外部サイトThe Wolvercote channel handaxe assemblage : a comparative study外部サイトEarly Mesolithic Britain : origins, development and directions外部サイトThe visibility of imported wine and its associated accoutrements in later Iron Age Britain外部サイトThe form and fabric of belief : an archaeology of the lay experience of religion in medieval Norfolk and Devon外部サイトGrinding and milling : a study of Romano-British rotary querns and millstones made from Old Red Sandstone外部サイトThe archaeology of the landscape park : garden design in Norfolk, England, c. 1680-1840外部サイトPost-Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England : burial practices reviewed外部サイトStudies in maritime archaeology外部サイトMonuments, ritual and regionality : the Neolithic of Northern Somerset外部サイトBronze age metalwork in Northern East Anglia : a study of its distribution and interpretation外部サイトPatterns of re-use : the transformation of former monastic buildings in post-Dissolution Hertfordshire, 1540-1600外部サイトRoadside settlements in lowland Roman Britain : a gazetteer and study of their origins, growth and decline, property boundaries, and cemeteries外部サイトThe late Roman transition in the north : papers from the Roman Archaeology Conference, Durham 1999外部サイトScience and archaeology, Glasgow 1987 : proceedings of a conference on the application of scientific techniques to archaeology, Glasgow, September 1987外部サイトAn archaeology of trade in Middle Saxon England外部サイトLandscape, settlement and society in Roman and early medieval Wiltshire外部サイトSettlement, burial and industry in Roman Godmanchester : excavations in the extra-mural area ; The Parks 1998, London Road 1997-8, and other investigations外部サイトThe Anglo-Saxon cemeteries of Kent外部サイトThe Roman pottery production site at Wickham Barn, Chiltington, East Sussex外部サイトScottish marine crannogs外部サイトThe archaeology of woodland exploitation in the Greater Exmoor area in the historic period外部サイトArchaeological investigations of a later prehistoric and a Romano-British landscape at Tremough, Penryn, Cornwall外部サイトThe military vici in Roman Britain : aspects of their origins, their location and layout, administration, function, and end外部サイトThe Palaeolithic of the Hampshire Basin : a regional model of hominid behaviour during the Middle Pleistocene外部サイトMesolithic exploitation patterns in the central Pennines : a palynological study of Soyland Moor外部サイトThe Scandinavian character of Anglian England in the pre-Viking period外部サイトRoman iron production in Britain : technological and socio-economic landscape development along the Jurassic ridge外部サイトThe roundhouses, brochs and wheelhouses of Atlantic Scotland c. 700 BC-AD 500 : architecture and material culture外部サイトChurch monuments in Norfolk before 1850 : an archaeology of commemoration外部サイトInvestigations along Monnow Street, Monmouth外部サイトThe flint arrowheads of the British Isles : a detailed study of material from England and Wales with comparanda from Scotland and Ireland外部サイトAerial and surface survey on the Lincolnshire Wolds and excavation at Newton Cliffs, North Lincolnshire外部サイトMedieval grave slabs of County Tipperary, 1200-1600 A.D.外部サイトA study of inscribed material from Roman Britain : an inquiry into some aspects of literacy in Romano-British society外部サイトThe use of grave-goods in conversion-period England, c.600-c.850外部サイトThe chronology and environmental framework of early man in the upper Thames Valley : a new model外部サイトBronze artefact production in late Bronze Age Ireland : a survey外部サイトBecoming consumers : looking beyond wealth as an explanation of villa variability : perspectives from the east of England外部サイトThe construction of Hadrian's Wall外部サイトThe forts on Hadrian's Wall : a comparative analysis of the form and construction of some buildings外部サイトThe Roman Channel crossing of A.D. 43 : the constraints on Claudius's naval strategy外部サイトThe medieval pottery kiln at Downpatrick, Co. Down : an investigation of its working life, its products and their distribution外部サイトThe Roman frontier on the Gask Ridge : Perth and Kinross : an interim report on the Roman Gask Project, 1995-2000外部サイトViking burial in the North of England : a study of contact, interaction and reaction between Scandinavian migrants with resident groups, and the effect of immigration on aspects of cultural continuity外部サイトLandscapes of imperialism : Roman and native interaction in the East Anglian Fenland外部サイトExcavations at Northton, Isle of Harris外部サイトLate La Tène pottery of the Nene and Welland valleys, Northamptonshire with particular reference to Channel-rim Jars外部サイトA palaeoecological study of raised mires in the Humberhead Levels外部サイトLinear earthwork, tribal boundary and ritual beheading : Aves Ditch from the Iron Age to the early Middle Ages外部サイトRoman architectural ornament in Britain外部サイトAnglo-Saxon studies in archaeology and history外部サイトInvestigating animal burials : ritual, mundane and beyond外部サイト



  • Economics and social change in Anglo-Saxon Kent, AD 400-900 : landscapes, communities and exchange

  • Images of piety : the iconography of traditional religion in late medieval Wales

  • Prehistoric combs of antler and bone

  • A wasting historical asset? : a comparative study of grave memorials at Wootton Wawen, King's Norton and Birmingham, c. 1700-1940

  • Woods, wolds and groves : the woodland of medieval Warwickshire





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British archaeological reports British series
Economics and social change in Anglo-Saxon Kent, AD 400-900 : landscapes, communities and exchange
Images of piety : the iconography of traditional religion in late medieval Wales
Prehistoric combs of antler and bone
A wasting historical asset? : a comparative study of grave memorials at Wootton Wawen, King's Norton and Birmingham, c. 1700-1940
Woods, wolds and groves : the woodland of medieval Warwickshire
Three Iron Age and Romano-British rural settlements on English gravels : excavations at Hatford (Oxfordshire), Besthorpe (Nottinghamshire) and Eardington (Shropshire) undertaken by Tempus Reparatum between 1991 and 1993
Inhumation rites in late Roman Britain : the treatment of the engendered body
Aberglasney House and gardens : archaeology, history and architecture
Markets, minsters, and metal-detectors : the archaeology of Middle Saxon Lincolnshire and Hampshire compared
The construction of the Saxon Shore Forts
Pits, settlement and deposition during the Neolithic and early Bronze Age in East Anglia
The medieval earthworks of the hundred of West Derby : tenurial evidence and physical structure
The dynamics of regionalisation and trade : Yorkshire clay tobacco pipes c 1600-1800
Severn Valley ware production at Newland hopfields : excavation of a Romano-British kiln site at North End Farm, Great Malvern, Worcestershire in 1992 and 1994
Townships to farmsteads : rural settlement studies in Scotland, England and Wales
Settlements at Skaill, Deerness, Orkney : excavations by Peter Gelling of the prehistoric, Pictish, Viking and later periods, 1963-1981
The reception of classical art in Britain : an Oxford story of plaster casts from the antique
Preferred economies : the nature of the subsistence base throughout mainland Britain during prehistory
The origins of a Leicester suburb : Roman, Anglo-Saxon, medieval and post-medieval occupation on Bonners Lane
A prehistoric and Romano-British landscape : excavations at Whitemoor Haye Quarry, Staffordshire, 1997-1999
The mason and his mark : masons' marks in the medieval Irish archbishoprics of Cashel and Dublin
Unparalleled behaviour : Britain and Ireland during the 'Mesolithic' and 'Neolithic'
The Romano-British roadside settlement at Wilcote, Oxfordshire
Early medieval wall painting and painted sculpture in England : based on the proceedings of a symposium at the Courtauld Institute of Art, February 1985
Settlement patterns in Hertfordshire : a review of the typology and function of enclosures in the Iron Age and Roman landscape
Continuity and change : memorialisation and the Cornish funeral monument industry, 1497-1660
A study in woodlands archaeology : Cudham, North Downs
Excavations on Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth (1986-1999) : an early Bronze Age copper mine within the uplands of Central Wales
Neolithic studies : a review of some current research
Towards a research agenda for Welsh archaeology : proceedings of the IFA Wales/Cymru Conference, Aberystwyth 2001
Iron Age and Middle Saxon settlements at West Fen Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire : the consortium site
Carrstone in Norfolk buildings : distribution, use, associates and influences
Archaeology in Bath excavations, 1984-1989
Cornish Bronze Age ceremonial landscapes c. 2500-1500 BC
Settlement in North Britain, 1000 BC-AD 1000 : papers presented to George Jobey, Newcastle upon Tyne, December 1982
Late prehistoric and early historic landscapes on the Yorkshire chalk
Studies in palaeoeconomy and enviroment in South West England
A microwear analysis of selected artefact types from the Mesolithic sites of Star Carr and Mount Sandel
The Taberna structures of Roman Britain
Later iron age Norfolk : metalwork, landscape and society
Archaeology from art : exploring the interpretative potential of British and Irish Neolithic rock art
The historical ecology of some unimproved alluvial grassland in the Upper Thames Valley
Viking-age communities : pap-names and papar in the Hebridean Islands
Lordship and the landscape : a documentary and archaeological study of the Honor of Dudley c. 1066-1322
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic settlement in Wales : with special reference to Dyfed
A study of Lower Palaeolithic stone artefacts from selected sites in the Upper and Middle Thames Valley, with particular reference to the R.J. MacRae collection
Earlier prehistoric pottery production and ceramic petrology in Britain
Excavations at North Lincolnshire Long Barrows
"Landscapes of lordship" : Norman castles and the countryside in medieval Norfolk, 1066-1200
Iron age, Roman and Saxon occupation at Grange Park : excavations at Courteenhall, Northamptonshire, 1999
Minster churches in the Dorset landscape
A study of Palaeolithic artefacts from selected sites on deposits mapped as clay-with-flints of southern England, with particular reference to handaxe manufacture
The Neolithic culture of the Isle of Man : a study of the sites and pottery
Sheaths and scabbards in England, AD400-1100
Ritual significance of personal ornament in Roman Britain
Astronomy and society in Britain during the period 4000-1500 B.C.
Archaeology in the Bedford region
Northern pasts : interpretations of the later prehistory of northern England and southern Scotland
Excavations at the Mesolithic site on West Heath, Hampstead 1976-1981 : investigations by members of the Hendon and District Archaeological Society
Spatial patterning among animal bones in settlement archaeology : an English regional exploration
The early neolithic architecture of the South Downs
Excavations at Whitemoor Haye Quarry, Staffordshire, 2000-2004 : a prehistoric and Romano-British landscape
Recent archaeological research on the Isle of Man
The religious reuse of Roman structures in early medieval England
Multi-temporality and material culture : an investigation of continuity and change in later prehistoric Lancashire
Use of the woodlands in the Late Anglo-Saxon period
The Roman to medieval transition in the region of south Cadbury Castle, Somerset
Early place-names of the Anglian regions of England
The early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries of East Yorkshire : an analysis and reinterpretation
Human ecology and neolithic transition in Eastern County Donegal, Ireland : the Lough Swilly archaeological survey
Coinage in the ninth-century Northumbria : the Tenth Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History
Stone circles of Britain : taxonomic and distributional analyses and a catalogue of sites in England, Scotland and Wales
Mediterranean pottery in Wessex households : 13th to 17th centuries
The Roman villa at Shakenoak Farm, Oxfordshire, excavations 1960-1976
Culverwell Mesolithic habitation site : Isle of Portland, Dorset : excavation report and research studies
The construction of the Roman legionary fortress at Inchtuthil
The Neolithic-Bronze Age transition in Britain : a critical review of some archaeological and craniological concepts
Anglo-Saxon and Viking age sculpture and its context : papers from the Collingwood symposium on insular sculpture from 800 to 1066
Guides, guards and gifts to the gods : domesticated dogs in the art and archaeology of Iron Age and Roman Britain
A study of the impact of imparkment on the social landscape of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire from c1080 to 1760
Medieval fish, fisheries, and fishponds in England
Modern views-ancient lands : new work and thought on cultural landscapes : Scottish Archaeological Forum
Four sites in Cambridgeshire : excavations at Pode Hole Farm, Paston, Longstanton and Bassingbourn, 1996-7
New Forest Roman pottery : manufacture and distribution, with a corpus of the pottery types
The prehistoric archaeology of settlement in South-East Wales and the borders
Urbanisation and child health in medieval and post-medieval England : an assessment of the morbidity and mortality of non-adult skeletons from the cemeteries of two urban and two rural sites in England (AD 850-1859)
From cairn to cemetery : an archaeological investigation of the chambered cairns and early Bronze Age mortuary deposits at Cairnderry and Bargrennan White Cairn, south-west Scotland
Hadrian's Wall : some aspects of its post-Roman influence on the landscape
The evolution and role of burial practice in Roman Wales
Going over old ground : perspectives on archaeological geophysical and geochemical survey in Scotland : proceedings of a conference held at the Department of Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 2003
Midlands prehistory : some recent and current researches into the prehistory of central England
Religion, community and territory : defining religion in the Severn Valley and adjacent hills from the Iron Age to the early medieval period
Landscapes of the living, landscapes of the dead : the location of chambered cairns of Northern Scotland
Animal husbandry regimes in iron age Britain : a comparative study of faunal assemblages from British iron age sites
The sunday Christ : Sabbatarianism in English medieval wall painting
Iron age artefacts in Wales : an investigation into the material culture of south-east Wales during the Pre-Roman Iron Age
The differential use of constructed sacred space in Southern Britain, from the late Iron Age to the 4th century AD
The prehistoric island landscape of Scilly
"Out of darkness, cometh light" : life and death in nineteenth-century Wolverhampton : excavation of the overflow burial ground of St Peter's Collegiate Church, Wolverhampton, 2001-2002
A landscape archaeological study of the Mesolithic-Neolithic in the Milfield Basin, Northumberland
Attitudes to disposal of the dead in southern Britain 3500bc-AD43
Lithic analysis and later British prehistory : some problems and approaches
The water supplies and related structures of Roman Britain
Animals, economy and status : integrating zooarchaeological and historical data in the study of Dudley Castle, West Midlands (c.1100-1750)
Archaeology and ideology in nineteenth century Ireland : nationalism or neutrality?
The Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement at Oversley Farm, Styal, Cheshire : excavations in advance of Manchester Airport's second runway, 1997-8
The Roman survey of Britain
The Bronze age landscape of the northern English midlands
The excavation of a Romano-British shrine at Orton's Pasture, Rocester, Staffordshire
Early Christian settlement in North-West Ulster
The artificial islets/ crannogs of the central Inner Hebrides
An archaeology of social identity : Guildhalls in York, c. 1350-1630
Relations of production : social networks, social change and the organization of agriculture in late prehistoric southern Britain
Texts and monuments : a study of ten Anglo-Saxon churches of the pre-Viking period
Pollocks of Manchester : three generations of clay tobacco pipemakers
Megalithic astronomy : a new archaeological and statistical study of 300 western Scottish sites
Middle Iron Age warfare of the hillfort dominated zone c. 400 BC to c. 150 BC
The prehistoric landscapes of the Eastern Black Mountains
Saxon settlement and earlier remains at Friars Oak, Hassocks, West Sussex
The spindle and the spear : a critical enquiry into the construction and meaning of Gender in the early Anglo-Saxon burial rite
Remembering the dead in Anglo-Saxon England : memory theory in archaeology and history
Debating late antiquity in Britain AD 300-700
Military and civilian in Roman Britain : cultural relationships in a frontier province
Landscape and social practice : the production and consumption of pottery in 10th century Lincolnshire
Mesolithic Northern England : environment, population and settlement
'Of fish and men' ('De iasg agus dhaoine') : a study of the utilization of marine resources as recovered from selected Hebridean archaeological sites
Bronze Age settlement in the Welsh Marches
Stone tools and the prehistory of the Northern Isles
The place-names of Cardiganshire
Feasting and social complexity in later Iron Age East Anglia
Pragmatic archaeology : theory in crisis?
Interpreting the ambiguous : archaeology and interpretation in early 21st century Britain : proceedings of a session from the 2001 Institute of Field Archaeologists annual conference, held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Man-land relations in prehistoric Britain : the Dove-Derwent Interfluve, Derbyshire : a study in human ecology
Iron age societies in the Severn-Cotswolds : developing narratives of social and landscape change
Late Pleistocene and early Holocene small mammals in south west Britain : environmental and taphonomic implications and their role in archaeological research
The affinities and antecedents of medieval settlement : topographical perspectives from three of the Somerset hundreds
A nation in medieval Ireland? : perspectives on Gaelic national identity in the Middle Ages
Great Witcombe Roman Villa, Gloucestershire : a report on excavations by Ernest Greenfield 1960-1973
Late quaternary environments and man in Holderness
Cyril Fox on tour, 1927-1932 : two of Sir Cyril's notebooks describing minor earthworks of the Welsh Marches and visits to four Welsh museums, with two other unpublished papers
Bronze Age, Roman and later occupation at Chieveley, West Berkshire : the archaeology of the A34/M4 road junction improvement
The moneyer and the mint in the reign of Edward the Confessor, 1042-1066
The Wolvercote channel handaxe assemblage : a comparative study
Early Mesolithic Britain : origins, development and directions
The visibility of imported wine and its associated accoutrements in later Iron Age Britain
The form and fabric of belief : an archaeology of the lay experience of religion in medieval Norfolk and Devon
Grinding and milling : a study of Romano-British rotary querns and millstones made from Old Red Sandstone
The archaeology of the landscape park : garden design in Norfolk, England, c. 1680-1840
Post-Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England : burial practices reviewed
Studies in maritime archaeology
Monuments, ritual and regionality : the Neolithic of Northern Somerset
Bronze age metalwork in Northern East Anglia : a study of its distribution and interpretation
Patterns of re-use : the transformation of former monastic buildings in post-Dissolution Hertfordshire, 1540-1600
Roadside settlements in lowland Roman Britain : a gazetteer and study of their origins, growth and decline, property boundaries, and cemeteries
The late Roman transition in the north : papers from the Roman Archaeology Conference, Durham 1999
Science and archaeology, Glasgow 1987 : proceedings of a conference on the application of scientific techniques to archaeology, Glasgow, September 1987
An archaeology of trade in Middle Saxon England
Landscape, settlement and society in Roman and early medieval Wiltshire
Settlement, burial and industry in Roman Godmanchester : excavations in the extra-mural area ; The Parks 1998, London Road 1997-8, and other investigations
The Anglo-Saxon cemeteries of Kent
The Roman pottery production site at Wickham Barn, Chiltington, East Sussex
Scottish marine crannogs
The archaeology of woodland exploitation in the Greater Exmoor area in the historic period
Archaeological investigations of a later prehistoric and a Romano-British landscape at Tremough, Penryn, Cornwall
The military vici in Roman Britain : aspects of their origins, their location and layout, administration, function, and end
The Palaeolithic of the Hampshire Basin : a regional model of hominid behaviour during the Middle Pleistocene
Mesolithic exploitation patterns in the central Pennines : a palynological study of Soyland Moor
The Scandinavian character of Anglian England in the pre-Viking period
Roman iron production in Britain : technological and socio-economic landscape development along the Jurassic ridge
The roundhouses, brochs and wheelhouses of Atlantic Scotland c. 700 BC-AD 500 : architecture and material culture
Church monuments in Norfolk before 1850 : an archaeology of commemoration
Investigations along Monnow Street, Monmouth
The flint arrowheads of the British Isles : a detailed study of material from England and Wales with comparanda from Scotland and Ireland
Aerial and surface survey on the Lincolnshire Wolds and excavation at Newton Cliffs, North Lincolnshire
Medieval grave slabs of County Tipperary, 1200-1600 A.D.
A study of inscribed material from Roman Britain : an inquiry into some aspects of literacy in Romano-British society
The use of grave-goods in conversion-period England, c.600-c.850
The chronology and environmental framework of early man in the upper Thames Valley : a new model
Bronze artefact production in late Bronze Age Ireland : a survey
Becoming consumers : looking beyond wealth as an explanation of villa variability : perspectives from the east of England
The construction of Hadrian's Wall
The forts on Hadrian's Wall : a comparative analysis of the form and construction of some buildings
The Roman Channel crossing of A.D. 43 : the constraints on Claudius's naval strategy
The medieval pottery kiln at Downpatrick, Co. Down : an investigation of its working life, its products and their distribution
The Roman frontier on the Gask Ridge : Perth and Kinross : an interim report on the Roman Gask Project, 1995-2000
Viking burial in the North of England : a study of contact, interaction and reaction between Scandinavian migrants with resident groups, and the effect of immigration on aspects of cultural continuity
Landscapes of imperialism : Roman and native interaction in the East Anglian Fenland
Excavations at Northton, Isle of Harris
Late La Tène pottery of the Nene and Welland valleys, Northamptonshire with particular reference to Channel-rim Jars
A palaeoecological study of raised mires in the Humberhead Levels
Linear earthwork, tribal boundary and ritual beheading : Aves Ditch from the Iron Age to the early Middle Ages
Roman architectural ornament in Britain
Anglo-Saxon studies in archaeology and history
Investigating animal burials : ritual, mundane and beyond
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CiNii Books