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- The path of the Argo : language, imagery and narrative in the Argonautica of Apollonius RhodiusBucchero pottery from southern EtruriaAristotle on the sense-organsTheodosius II : rethinking the Roman empire in late antiquityPropertianaHesiodic voices : studies in the ancient reception of Hesiod's Works and daysThe Seleucid army : organization and tactics in the great campaignsOscan in southern Italy and Sicily : evaluating language contact in a fragmentary corpusBanished voices : readings in Ovid's exile poetryInterstate relations in classical Greece : morality and powerRevisiting Delphi : religion and storytelling in ancient GreeceA linguistic history of ancient Cyprus : the non-Greek languages, and their relations with Greek, c. 1600-300 BCLikeness and likelihood in the Presocratics and PlatoExpressions of agency in ancient GreekReviving Roman religion : sacred trees in the Roman worldThe Roman bazaar : a comparative study of trade and markets in a tributary empireLanguage and linguistic contact in ancient SicilyThe invention of art history in Ancient Greece : religion, society and artistic rationalisationAristophanes' Thesmophoriazusae : philosophizing theatre and the politics of perception in late fifth-century AthensEuripidean polemic : the Trojan women and the function of tragedyHomer, Hesiod, and the Hymns : diachronic development in epic dictionPropertianaVision and narrative in Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and ClitophonPlaying Hesiod : the "myth of the races" in classical antiquityAmmianus Marcellinus : the allusive historianTheologies of ancient Greek religionAristotle on desireThe authenticity of 'Prometheus bound'Counting the people in Hellenistic EgyptDemos : the discovery of classical AttikaThe medical writings of Anonymus LondinensisThe unity of Plato's Sophist : between the sophist and the philosopherThe authenticity of "Prometheus bound"Studies in Roman propertyImperialism in the ancient world : the Cambridge University research seminar in ancient historyPersius and the programmatic satire : a study in form and imageryAuthorised lives in early Christian biography : between Eusebius and AugustineBanished voices : readings in Ovid's exile poetryEpicurus and Democritean ethics : an archaeology of ataraxiaAristotle on female animals : a study of the generation of animalsPlatonic drama and its ancient receptionAntiochus and peripatetic ethicsThree historians of Alexander the Great : the so-called Vulgate authors, Diodorus, Justin, and CurtiusFoundation myths and politics in ancient IoniaSyllabic writing on Cyprus and its contextKerkeosiris : an Egyptian village in the Ptolemaic periodThe Seleucid army : organization and tactics in the great campaignsThe Stoics on ambiguityAristotle on the sense-organsHomer's people : epic poetry and social formationThe monochord in ancient Greek harmonic scienceLatin translation in the Renaissance : the theory and practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti and Desiderius ErasmusIntrospection and engagement in Propertius : a study of book 3Colour and Meaning in Ancient RomeStatius and epic games : sport, politics and poetics in the ThebaidThe manuscript tradition of PolybiusAbsolute constructions in early Indo-EuropeanPhilosophical life in Cicero's lettersListening to the cicadas : a study of Plato's PhaedrusRadical Platonism in Byzantium : illumination and utopia in Gemistos PlethonAn historical commentary on the "Hellenica Oxyrhynchia"Temples in Roman BritainOscan in the Greek alphabetSeneca the ElderLycurgan Athens and the making of classical tragedyAristotle on desireScepticism or Platonism? : the philosophy of the Fourth AcademyVotive body parts in Greek and Roman religionPatterns of redemption in Virgil's GeorgicsThe stoic sage : the early stoics on wisdom, sagehood, and SocratesHeracles and Euripidean tragedyHesiodic voices : studies in the ancient reception of Hesiod's Works and daysLatin literature and its transmission : papers in honour of Michael ReeveThe Roman bazaar : a comparative study of trade and markets in a tributary empireMyth and poetry in LucretiusAn essay on AnaxagorasThe miniature wall paintings of Thera : a study in Aegean culture and iconographyBeyond anger : a study of Juvenal's third book of satiresAuthors and authorities in ancient philosophyMethod and politics in Plato's StatesmanTheatrical reenactment in Pindar and AeschylusThe subversive oratory of Andokides : politics, ideology, and decision-making in democratic AthensThe metamorphosis of Persephone : Ovid and the self-conscious museImagining reperformance in ancient culture : studies in the traditions of drama and lyricThe language of Sophocles : communality, communication and involvementMinoan stone vasesCarthage in Virgil's Aeneid : staging the enemy under AugustusPerforming citizenship in Plato's LawsPythagoreans and Eleatics : an account of the interaction between the two opposed schools during the fifth and early fourth centuries B.C.The Stoics on ambiguityOvid, Aratus and Augustus : astronomy in Ovid's FastiThe language of Roman letters : bilingual epistolography from Cicero to FrontoCosmography and the idea of Hyperborea in ancient Greece : a philology of worldsAegean linear script(s) : rethinking the relationship between Linear A and Linear BCarpe diem : the poetics of presence in Greek and Latin literatureInventing Homer : the early reception of epicStyling Romanisation : pottery and society in central ItalyScepticism or Platonism? : the philosophy of the Fourth AcademyLand and taxes in Ptolemaic Egypt : an edition, translation and commentary for the Edfu land survey (P. Haun. IV 70)Emperor and senators in the reign of Constantius II : maintaining imperial rule between Rome and Constantinople in the fourth century ADThe rhetoric of identity in Isocrates : text, power, pedagogyThe Stoic sage : the early Stoics on wisdom, sagehood, and SocratesMethod and politics in Plato's StatesmanThe moods of Homeric GreekSouthern Gaul and the Mediterranean : multilingualism and multiple identities in the Iron Age and Roman periodsPoetry and civil war in Lucan's Bellum civileSlaves to Rome : paradigms of empire in Roman cultureMelissus and Eleatic monismEpicurus and Democritean ethics : an archaeology of ataraxiaPowerplay in Tibullus : reading Elegies, book oneThe early textual history of Lucretius' De rerum naturaPlato's Timaeus and the Latin traditionAristotle on mind and the senses : proceedings of the seventh Symposium AristotelicumAristotle on mind and the senses : proceedings of the seventh Symposium AristotelicumAlbinus and the history of Middle PlatonismEmpedocles' cosmic cycle : a reconstruction from the fragments and secondary sourcesLucan and the sublime : power, representation and aesthetic experienceImperialism in the ancient world : the Cambridge University research seminar in ancient historyThe architecture of the intelligible universe in the philosophy of Plotinus : an analytical and historical studyLatin translation in the Renaissance : the theory and practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti, and Desiderius ErasmusVitruvius and later Roman building manualsRumour and renown : representations of Fama in Western literatureEuripidean polemic : the Trojan women and the function of tragedyThe transformation of mathematics in the early Mediterranean world : from problems to equationsA study of Daphnis & ChloeHomer, Hesiod, and the Hymns : diachronic development in epic dictionMenander, new comedy and the visualSources for Alexander the Great : an analysis of Plutarch's Life and Arrian's Anabasis AlexandrouSlaves to Rome : paradigms of empire in Roman cultureRadical Platonism in Byzantium : illumination and utopia in Gemistos PlethonTimoleon and the revival of Greek Sicily, 344-317 B.C.The chain of change : a study of Aristotle's Physics VIILibertas as a political idea at Rome during the late Republic and early principateCicero on politics and the limits of reason : the republic and lawsMortal and divine in early Greek epistemology : a study of Hesiod, Xenophanes, and ParmenidesZeno of Elea : a text, with translation and notesPlato and Theodoret : the Christian appropriation of Platonic philosophy and the Hellenic intellectual resistanceTowards a text of Cicero "Ad Atticum"Achilles in Greek tragedyStyling Romanisation : pottery and society in central ItalyExpressions of time in ancient GreekHomer's people : epic poetry and social formationJuvenal and the poetics of anonymityApuleius' platonism : the impersonation of philosophySolon and early Greek poetry : the politics of exhortationThe political thought of SallustStudies in the language of HomerA linguistic history of ancient Cyprus : the non-Greek languages, and their relations with Greek, c. 1600-300 BCPopulation and economy in Classical AthensTerence and the language of Roman comedyMyth and poetry in LucretiusEconomic rationalism and rural society in third-century A.D. Egypt : the Heroninos archive and the Appianus estateCreative lives in classical antiquity : poets, artists and biographyAn historical commentary on the "Hellenica Oxyrhynchia"Textile manufacture in the Northern Roman ProvincesThe early textual history of Lucretius' De rerum naturaListening to the cicadas : a study of Plato's PhaedrusSociological studies in Roman historyRape and the politics of consent in classical AthensThe manuscript tradition of PolybiusFoundation myths and politics in ancient IoniaVirgil's Ascanius : imagining the future in the AeneidThe origin of Roman LondonPappus of Alexandria and the mathematics of late antiquityAbsolute constructions in early Indo-EuropeanLiterate education in the Hellenistic and Roman worldsThe unity of Plato's Sophist : between the sophist and the philosopherPeasants and slaves : the rural population of Roman Italy (200 BC to AD 100)Inventing Homer : the early reception of epicRumour and renown : representations of Fama in western literatureJustice and reciprocity in Aristotle's political philosophyAthletes and oracles : the transformation of Olympia and Delphi in the eighth century BCPerforming citizenship in Plato's LawsStudies in the language of HomerPlato's later epistemologyPlatonic drama and its ancient receptionThe frontier people of Roman BritainM.I. Finley : an ancient historian and his impactAn essay on AnaxagorasThe origin of Roman LondonOscan in southern Italy and Sicily : evaluating language contact in a fragmentary corpusCicero on politics and the limits of reason : the republic and lawsJuvenal and the poetics of anonymityAristophanes' Thesmophoriazusae : philosophizing theatre and the politics of perception in late fifth-century AthensPoetry and number in Graeco-Roman antiquityCarpe diem : the poetics of presence in Greek and Latin literatureOrthographic traditions and the sub-elite in the Roman empireVotive body parts in Greek and Roman religionPeasants and slaves : the rural population of Roman Italy (200 BC to AD 100)Latin literature and its transmission : papers in honour of Michael ReeveBetween Greece and Babylonia : Hellenistic intellectual history in cross-cultural perspectiveRevisiting Delphi : religion and storytelling in ancient GreeceMigration, mobility and language contact in and around the ancient MediterraneanImagining reperformance in ancient culture : studies in the traditions of drama and lyricMarkers of allusion in archaic Greek poetryThe embodied soul in Plato's later thoughtThe sanctuary at Bath in the Roman EmpireThe undeciphered signs of Linear B : interpretation and scribal practicesWonder and the marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic worldReception in the Greco-Roman world : literary studies in theory and practiceWonder and the marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic worldCreating the ancient rhetorical traditionWriting and society in ancient CyprusApuleius' Platonism : the impersonation of philosophyPhilosophical life in Cicero's lettersTheologies of ancient Greek religion
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA01114188 : BA01114188