
Cambridge studies in oral and literate culture


Cambridge studies in oral and literate culture

Cambridge University Press


Story, performance, and event : contextual studies of oral narrative外部サイトSijobang : Sung narrative poetry of West Sumatra外部サイトThe incorruptible flesh : bodily mutation and mortification in religion and folklore外部サイトLet your words be few : symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers外部サイトLiteracy and popular culture : England, 1750-1914外部サイトDefiant maids and stubborn farmers : tradition and invention in Mende story performance外部サイトTo speak in pairs : essays on the ritual languages of eastern Indonesia外部サイトThe image of Ivan the Terrible in russian folklore外部サイトLiteracy and social development in the West : a reader外部サイトThe image of Ivan the Terrible in Russian folklore外部サイトOral tradition and written record in classical Athens外部サイトNarrating our pasts : the social construction of oral history外部サイトTo speak in pairs : essays on the ritual languages of eastern Indonesia外部サイトVerbal art in San Blas : Kuna culture through its discourse外部サイトSijobang : sung narrative poetry of West Sumatra外部サイトCross-cultural approaches to literacy外部サイトMedieval popular culture : problems of belief and perception外部サイトLiteracy in theory and practice外部サイトNarrating our pasts : the social construction of oral history外部サイトMedieval popular culture : problems of belief and perception外部サイトThe incorruptible flesh : bodily mutation and mortification in religion and folklore外部サイトTikopia songs : poetic and musical art of a Polynesian people of the Solomon Islands外部サイトThe social history of language外部サイトThe holy greyhound : Guinefort, healer of children since the thirteenth century外部サイトStorytelling rights : the uses of oral and written texts by urban adolescents外部サイトTikopia songs : poetic and musical art of a Polynesian people of the Solomon Islands外部サイトStorytelling rights : the uses of oral and written texts by urban adolescents外部サイトOral tradition and written record in classical Athens外部サイトFor the sake of simple folk : popular propaganda for the German Reformation外部サイトReading and writing : literacy in France from Calvin to Jules Ferry外部サイトNative American discourse : poetics and rhetoric外部サイトLiteracy and popular culture : England, 1750-1914外部サイトXhosa oral poetry : aspects of a Black South African tradition外部サイト






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Story, performance, and event : contextual studies of oral narrative
Sijobang : Sung narrative poetry of West Sumatra
The incorruptible flesh : bodily mutation and mortification in religion and folklore
Let your words be few : symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers
Literacy and popular culture : England, 1750-1914
Defiant maids and stubborn farmers : tradition and invention in Mende story performance
To speak in pairs : essays on the ritual languages of eastern Indonesia
The image of Ivan the Terrible in russian folklore
Literacy and social development in the West : a reader
The image of Ivan the Terrible in Russian folklore
Oral tradition and written record in classical Athens
Narrating our pasts : the social construction of oral history
To speak in pairs : essays on the ritual languages of eastern Indonesia
Verbal art in San Blas : Kuna culture through its discourse
Sijobang : sung narrative poetry of West Sumatra
Cross-cultural approaches to literacy
Medieval popular culture : problems of belief and perception
Literacy in theory and practice
Narrating our pasts : the social construction of oral history
Medieval popular culture : problems of belief and perception
The incorruptible flesh : bodily mutation and mortification in religion and folklore
Tikopia songs : poetic and musical art of a Polynesian people of the Solomon Islands
The social history of language
The holy greyhound : Guinefort, healer of children since the thirteenth century
Storytelling rights : the uses of oral and written texts by urban adolescents
Tikopia songs : poetic and musical art of a Polynesian people of the Solomon Islands
Storytelling rights : the uses of oral and written texts by urban adolescents
Oral tradition and written record in classical Athens
For the sake of simple folk : popular propaganda for the German Reformation
Reading and writing : literacy in France from Calvin to Jules Ferry
Native American discourse : poetics and rhetoric
Literacy and popular culture : England, 1750-1914
Xhosa oral poetry : aspects of a Black South African tradition
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00920807 : BA00920807