
Rerum Britannicarum Medii Ævi scriptores, or, Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages


Rerum Britannicarum Medii Ævi scriptores, or, Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages

Great Britain. Treasury
Kraus Reprint
25 cm


Historic and municipal documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172-1320 : from the archives of the city of Dublin, etc.外部サイトThe saga of Hacon, and a fragment of the saga of Magunus, with appendices外部サイトWillelmi rishanger, quondam monachi S. Albani, et quorundam anonymorum, chronica et annales, regnantibus Henrico tertio et Edward primo : A.D. 1259-1307外部サイトThe Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the twelfth century外部サイトGesta abbatum monasterii Sancti Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo secundo, ejusdem ecclesiæ præcentore, compilata外部サイトAnnales monasterii de Wintonia (A.D. 519-1277) ; Annales monasterii de Waverleia (A.D. 1-1291)外部サイトThe metrical chronicle of Robert of Gloucester外部サイトYear books of the reign of King Edward the third外部サイトChronica Johannis de Oxenedes外部サイトPolychronicon Ranulphi Higden monachi cestrensis : together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century外部サイトLives of Edward the Confessor外部サイトLiber de illustribus Henricis外部サイトIndex and glossary外部サイトHistoriæ novellæ : libri tres外部サイトRecords of the parliament holden at Westminster on the twenty-eighth day of February, in the thirty-third year of the reign of King Edward the First. (A.D. 1305.)外部サイトEadmeri historia novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de vita Sancti Anselmi et quibusdam miraculis ejus外部サイトAnnales monasterii S. Albani, a Johanne Amundesham, monacho, ut videtur, conscripti, (A.D. 1421-1440) : quibus præfigitur chronicon rerum gestarum in monasterio S. Albani, (A.D. 1422-1431), a quodam auctore ignoto compilatum外部サイトLetters and papers, illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the sixth, King of England外部サイトRoyal and other historical letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III : from the originals in the Public Record Office外部サイトPolitical poems and songs relating to English history, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. III to that of Ric. III外部サイトFrom the Norman conquest until the accession of Richard the first外部サイトHistoria Ecclesiæ Dunhelmensis : eadem historia deducta, incerto auctore, usque ad A.D. MCXLIV, sequuntur varii tractatus, in Quibus de Sancto Cuthberto et Dunelmo Agitur. Epistola Symeonis de Archiepiscopis Eboraci外部サイトThe Buik of the croniclis of Scotland ; A Metrical version of the history of Hector Boece外部サイトThe historical works of master Ralph de Diceto, dean of London外部サイトMatthæi Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica majora外部サイトThe story of England外部サイトEulogium (historiarum sive Temporis) : chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad annum domini M.CCC.LXVI. : a Monacho quodam malmesburiensi exaratum外部サイトAnnales Cambriæ外部サイトThe history of the English : from A.C. 55 to A.D. 1154, in eight books外部サイトThe chronicle of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I.外部サイトRicardi de Cirencestria speculum historiale : de gestis regum Angliæ外部サイトCartularium monasterii de Rameseia外部サイトRegistra Johannis Whethamstede, Willelmi Albon, et Willelmi Walingforde, abbatum monasterii Sancti Albani : cum appendice, continente quasdam epistolas, a Johanne Whethamstede conscriptas外部サイトThe annals of Loch Cé : a chronicle of Irish affairs from A.D. 1014 to A.D. 1590外部サイトMemorials of Saint Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury外部サイトGiraldi Cambrensis Opera外部サイトHakonar saga, and a fragment of Magnus saga, with appendices外部サイトLiber Monasterii de Hyda : comprising a chronicle of the affairs of England, from the settlement of the Saxons to the Reign of King Cnut : and a chartulary of the Abbey of Hyde, in Hampshire, A.D. 455-1023外部サイトThe register of Richard de Kellawe, Lord palatine and bishop of Durham, 1311-1316外部サイトThe Annals of Loch Cé : a chronicle of Irish affairs from A.D. 1014 to A.D. 1590外部サイトScilicet, Thomas de Eccleston de adventu fratrum minorum in Angliam ; Adæ de Marisco Epistolæ ; Registrum fratrum minorum Londoniæ外部サイトGiraldi Cambrensis Opera外部サイトMunimenta academica, or documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford : libri Cancellarii et Procuratorum外部サイトA life of archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic, with English translation, notes and glossary外部サイトBeing a further, collection of original documents respecting the Franciscan order in England外部サイトRegister of the Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin外部サイトAlexandri Neckam De naturis rerum, libri duo : with the poem of the same author, De Laudimus Divinæ Sapientiæ外部サイトThe story of England by Robert Manning of Brunne, A.D. 1338外部サイトThe red book of the exchequer外部サイトWillelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi De gestis pontificum Anglorum : libri quinque外部サイトRoberti Grosseteste Episcopi quondam Lincolniensis Epistolæ外部サイトFlores historiarum外部サイトThe Black Book of the Admiralty外部サイトRegistrum epistolarum fratris Johannis Peckham, archiepiscopi Cantuatiensis外部サイトThe chronicle of England外部サイトLetters and papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard III and Henry VII外部サイトLeechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England : being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the history of science in this country before the Norman conquest外部サイトHistorical papers and letters from the Northern Registers外部サイトThomæ Walsingham, quondam monachi S. Albani, historia anglicana外部サイトChronica Monasterii de Melsa, a fundatione usque ad annum 1396, auctore Thoma de Burton, abbate, accedit continuatio ad annum 1406, a monacho quodam ipsius domus外部サイトCommendatio Lamentabilis in transitu magni regis Edwardi ; Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan auctore canonico Bridlingtoniensi ; Monachi cujusdam Malmesberiensis vita Edward II ; Vita et Mors Edwardi II. conscripta a Thoma de la Moore外部サイトThe tripartite life of Patrick, with other documents relating to that saint外部サイトA collection of the chronicles and ancient histories of Great Britain, now called England外部サイトChronicon Abbatiæ de Evesham : ad annum 1418外部サイトRadulphi de Coggeshall chronicon Anglicanum ; De expugnatione Terræ Sanctæ libellus ; Thomas Agnellus de morte et sepultura Henrici regis Angliæ junioris ; Gesta Fulconis filii Warini ; Excerpta ex otiis imperialibus Gervasii Tileburiensis外部サイトAnnales Londonienses and annales Paulini外部サイトThe historical collections of Walter of Coventry外部サイトNarratives of the expulsion of the English from Normandy, MCCCCXLIX-MCCCCL : Robertus Blondelli de reductione Normanniæ, le recouvrement de Normendie, Par Berry, Herault du Roy : conferences between the ambassadors of France and England外部サイトChronicon Abbatiæ Rameseiensis, a sæc. X. usque ad an. circiter 1200 : in quatuor partibus外部サイトAnnales monasterii de Oseneia (A.D. 1016-1347) ; Chronicon vulgo dictum Chronicon Thomæ Wykes (A.D. 1066-1289) ; Annales prioratus de Wigornia (A.D. 1-1377)外部サイトThe letter books of the monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury外部サイトThe Chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., A.D. 1169-1192 : known commonly under the name of Benedict of Peterborough外部サイトThe Anglo-Saxon chronicle, according to the several original authorities外部サイトThe war of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, or, The invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen : the original Irish text = Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh外部サイトChartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin : with the Register of its house at Dunbrody, and Annals of Ireland外部サイトLestorie des Engles solum la translacion maistre Geffrei Gaimar外部サイトBartholomæi de Cotton, monachi norwicensis, Historia anglicana : (A.D. 449-1298.)外部サイトThe register of Malmesbury Abbey : preserved in the Public Record Office外部サイトJohannis de Trokelowe, et Henrici de Blaneforde, monachorum S. Albani, necnon quorundam anonymorum, chronica et annales, regnantibus Henrico tertio, Edward primo, Edward secundo, Ricardo secundo, et Henrico quarto : A.D. 1259-1296; 1307-1324; 1392-1406外部サイトCharters and documents illustrating the history of the cathedral, city, and diocese of Salisbury, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries : selected from the capitular and diocesan registers外部サイトItinerarium peregrinorum et gesta Regis Ricardi : auctore, ut videtue, Ricardo, Canonico Sanctæ Trinitatis Londoniensis外部サイトFasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum tritico外部サイトThe flowers of history : from the year of our Lord 1154, and the first year of Henry the Second, King of the English外部サイトOrkneyinga saga, and Magnus saga, with appendices外部サイトOfficial correspondence of Thomas Bekynton, secretary to King Henry VI., and bishop of Bath and Wells外部サイトChronicon Henrici Knighton, vel, Cnitthon, monachi Leycestrensis外部サイトChronicum Scotorum : a chronicle of Irish affairs, from the earliest times to A.D. 1135 : with a supplement, containing the events from 1141 to 1150外部サイトBrut y tywysogion, or, The chronicle of the princes外部サイトLe livere de reis de Brittanie e Le livere de reis de Engletere外部サイトAnnales prioratus de Dunstaplia (A.D. 1-1297) ; Annales monasterii de Bermundeseia (A.D. 1042-1432)外部サイトA Roll of the proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland, for a portion of the sixteenth year of the reign of Richard The Second, A.D. 1392-93 : With an appendix外部サイトHistoria et cartularium monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriæ外部サイトRecueil des croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, a present nomme Engleterre外部サイトThe historians of the Church of York and its archbishops外部サイトMatthæi Parisiensis, monachi sancti albani, historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, historia minor : item, ejusdem abbreviatio chronicorum Angliæ外部サイトMaterials for a history of the reign of Henry VII : from original documents preserved in the Public Record Office外部サイトYear books of the reign of King Edward the first外部サイトThe minor works comprising the gesta regum with its continuation, the Actus Pontificum, and the Mappa Mund外部サイトVetus registrum Sarisberiense alias dictum registrum S. Osmundi episcopi : the register of S. Osmund外部サイトAnnales de Margan (A.D. 1066-1232) ; Annales de Theokesberia (A.D. 1066-1263) ; Annales de Burton (A.D. 1004-1263)外部サイトMemorials of St. Edmund's Abbey外部サイトChronicon Angliæ, auctore monacho quodam Sancti Albani : ab anno domini 1328 usque ad annum 1388外部サイトThe repressor of over much blaming of the clergy外部サイトMunimenta Gildhallæ Londoniensis : liber albus, liber custumarum, et liber horn外部サイトMemorials of Henry the fifth, King of England外部サイトThe Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French verse, from the earliest period to the death of King Edward I外部サイトMaterials for the history of Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury : (canonized by Pope Alexander III., A.D. 1173)外部サイトYpodigma Neustriæ, a Thoma Walsingham, quondam monacho monasterii S. Albani, conscriptum外部サイトContinuatio chronicarum . De gestis mirabilibus regis Edwardi Tertii外部サイトFrom the foundation of the monastery until the Norman conquest外部サイトThe Orkneyingers' saga, with appendices, &c.外部サイトFr. Rogeri Bacon Opera quædam Hactenus inedita外部サイトHistoria monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis外部サイトChronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I.外部サイトRegistrum abbatlæ Johannis Whethamstede, abbatis monasterii Sancti Albani, iterum susceptæ : Roberto Blakeney, capellano, quondam adscriptum外部サイトMagna Vita S. Hugonis episcopi lincolniensis : from manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Imperial Library, Paris外部サイトEpistolæ Cantuarienses, the letters of the prior and convent of Christ Church, Canterbury : from A.D. 1187 to A.D. 1199外部サイトHistoria regis Henrici septimi, a Bernardo Andrea Tholosate外部サイトHenrici de Bracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Angliæ : libri quinque : in varios tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissimorum Codicum collationem Typis vulgati外部サイトRoyal and historical letters during the reign of Henry the fourth, King of England and of France, and lord of Ireland外部サイトDescriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry VII外部サイトChronica : Magistri Rogeri de Houedene外部サイトHistoria Regum : eadem historia ad quintum et vicesimum annum continuata, per Joannem Hagulstadensem. : accedunt varia外部サイト



  • Historic and municipal documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172-1320 : from the archives of the city of Dublin, etc.

  • The saga of Hacon, and a fragment of the saga of Magunus, with appendices

  • Willelmi rishanger, quondam monachi S. Albani, et quorundam anonymorum, chronica et annales, regnantibus Henrico tertio et Edward primo : A.D. 1259-1307

  • The Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the twelfth century

  • Gesta abbatum monasterii Sancti Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo secundo, ejusdem ecclesiæ præcentore, compilata





  • CiNii Research

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25 cm
Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages
Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi scriptores (Rolls series)
Historic and municipal documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172-1320 : from the archives of the city of Dublin, etc.
The saga of Hacon, and a fragment of the saga of Magunus, with appendices
Willelmi rishanger, quondam monachi S. Albani, et quorundam anonymorum, chronica et annales, regnantibus Henrico tertio et Edward primo : A.D. 1259-1307
The Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the twelfth century
Gesta abbatum monasterii Sancti Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo secundo, ejusdem ecclesiæ præcentore, compilata
Annales monasterii de Wintonia (A.D. 519-1277) ; Annales monasterii de Waverleia (A.D. 1-1291)
The metrical chronicle of Robert of Gloucester
Year books of the reign of King Edward the third
Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes
Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden monachi cestrensis : together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century
Lives of Edward the Confessor
Liber de illustribus Henricis
Index and glossary
Historiæ novellæ : libri tres
Records of the parliament holden at Westminster on the twenty-eighth day of February, in the thirty-third year of the reign of King Edward the First. (A.D. 1305.)
Eadmeri historia novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de vita Sancti Anselmi et quibusdam miraculis ejus
Annales monasterii S. Albani, a Johanne Amundesham, monacho, ut videtur, conscripti, (A.D. 1421-1440) : quibus præfigitur chronicon rerum gestarum in monasterio S. Albani, (A.D. 1422-1431), a quodam auctore ignoto compilatum
Letters and papers, illustrative of the wars of the English in France during the reign of Henry the sixth, King of England
Royal and other historical letters illustrative of the reign of Henry III : from the originals in the Public Record Office
Political poems and songs relating to English history, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. III to that of Ric. III
From the Norman conquest until the accession of Richard the first
Historia Ecclesiæ Dunhelmensis : eadem historia deducta, incerto auctore, usque ad A.D. MCXLIV, sequuntur varii tractatus, in Quibus de Sancto Cuthberto et Dunelmo Agitur. Epistola Symeonis de Archiepiscopis Eboraci
The Buik of the croniclis of Scotland ; A Metrical version of the history of Hector Boece
The historical works of master Ralph de Diceto, dean of London
Matthæi Parisiensis, monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica majora
The story of England
Eulogium (historiarum sive Temporis) : chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad annum domini M.CCC.LXVI. : a Monacho quodam malmesburiensi exaratum
Annales Cambriæ
The history of the English : from A.C. 55 to A.D. 1154, in eight books
The chronicle of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I.
Ricardi de Cirencestria speculum historiale : de gestis regum Angliæ
Cartularium monasterii de Rameseia
Registra Johannis Whethamstede, Willelmi Albon, et Willelmi Walingforde, abbatum monasterii Sancti Albani : cum appendice, continente quasdam epistolas, a Johanne Whethamstede conscriptas
The annals of Loch Cé : a chronicle of Irish affairs from A.D. 1014 to A.D. 1590
Memorials of Saint Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury
Giraldi Cambrensis Opera
Hakonar saga, and a fragment of Magnus saga, with appendices
Liber Monasterii de Hyda : comprising a chronicle of the affairs of England, from the settlement of the Saxons to the Reign of King Cnut : and a chartulary of the Abbey of Hyde, in Hampshire, A.D. 455-1023
The register of Richard de Kellawe, Lord palatine and bishop of Durham, 1311-1316
The Annals of Loch Cé : a chronicle of Irish affairs from A.D. 1014 to A.D. 1590
Scilicet, Thomas de Eccleston de adventu fratrum minorum in Angliam ; Adæ de Marisco Epistolæ ; Registrum fratrum minorum Londoniæ
Giraldi Cambrensis Opera
Munimenta academica, or documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford : libri Cancellarii et Procuratorum
A life of archbishop Thomas Becket, in Icelandic, with English translation, notes and glossary
Being a further, collection of original documents respecting the Franciscan order in England
Register of the Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin
Alexandri Neckam De naturis rerum, libri duo : with the poem of the same author, De Laudimus Divinæ Sapientiæ
The story of England by Robert Manning of Brunne, A.D. 1338
The red book of the exchequer
Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi De gestis pontificum Anglorum : libri quinque
Roberti Grosseteste Episcopi quondam Lincolniensis Epistolæ
Flores historiarum
The Black Book of the Admiralty
Registrum epistolarum fratris Johannis Peckham, archiepiscopi Cantuatiensis
The chronicle of England
Letters and papers illustrative of the reigns of Richard III and Henry VII
Leechdoms, wortcunning, and starcraft of early England : being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the history of science in this country before the Norman conquest
Historical papers and letters from the Northern Registers
Thomæ Walsingham, quondam monachi S. Albani, historia anglicana
Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, a fundatione usque ad annum 1396, auctore Thoma de Burton, abbate, accedit continuatio ad annum 1406, a monacho quodam ipsius domus
Commendatio Lamentabilis in transitu magni regis Edwardi ; Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan auctore canonico Bridlingtoniensi ; Monachi cujusdam Malmesberiensis vita Edward II ; Vita et Mors Edwardi II. conscripta a Thoma de la Moore
The tripartite life of Patrick, with other documents relating to that saint
A collection of the chronicles and ancient histories of Great Britain, now called England
Chronicon Abbatiæ de Evesham : ad annum 1418
Radulphi de Coggeshall chronicon Anglicanum ; De expugnatione Terræ Sanctæ libellus ; Thomas Agnellus de morte et sepultura Henrici regis Angliæ junioris ; Gesta Fulconis filii Warini ; Excerpta ex otiis imperialibus Gervasii Tileburiensis
Annales Londonienses and annales Paulini
The historical collections of Walter of Coventry
Narratives of the expulsion of the English from Normandy, MCCCCXLIX-MCCCCL : Robertus Blondelli de reductione Normanniæ, le recouvrement de Normendie, Par Berry, Herault du Roy : conferences between the ambassadors of France and England
Chronicon Abbatiæ Rameseiensis, a sæc. X. usque ad an. circiter 1200 : in quatuor partibus
Annales monasterii de Oseneia (A.D. 1016-1347) ; Chronicon vulgo dictum Chronicon Thomæ Wykes (A.D. 1066-1289) ; Annales prioratus de Wigornia (A.D. 1-1377)
The letter books of the monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury
The Chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., A.D. 1169-1192 : known commonly under the name of Benedict of Peterborough
The Anglo-Saxon chronicle, according to the several original authorities
The war of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, or, The invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other Norsemen : the original Irish text = Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh
Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin : with the Register of its house at Dunbrody, and Annals of Ireland
Lestorie des Engles solum la translacion maistre Geffrei Gaimar
Bartholomæi de Cotton, monachi norwicensis, Historia anglicana : (A.D. 449-1298.)
The register of Malmesbury Abbey : preserved in the Public Record Office
Johannis de Trokelowe, et Henrici de Blaneforde, monachorum S. Albani, necnon quorundam anonymorum, chronica et annales, regnantibus Henrico tertio, Edward primo, Edward secundo, Ricardo secundo, et Henrico quarto : A.D. 1259-1296; 1307-1324; 1392-1406
Charters and documents illustrating the history of the cathedral, city, and diocese of Salisbury, in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries : selected from the capitular and diocesan registers
Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta Regis Ricardi : auctore, ut videtue, Ricardo, Canonico Sanctæ Trinitatis Londoniensis
Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum tritico
The flowers of history : from the year of our Lord 1154, and the first year of Henry the Second, King of the English
Orkneyinga saga, and Magnus saga, with appendices
Official correspondence of Thomas Bekynton, secretary to King Henry VI., and bishop of Bath and Wells
Chronicon Henrici Knighton, vel, Cnitthon, monachi Leycestrensis
Chronicum Scotorum : a chronicle of Irish affairs, from the earliest times to A.D. 1135 : with a supplement, containing the events from 1141 to 1150
Brut y tywysogion, or, The chronicle of the princes
Le livere de reis de Brittanie e Le livere de reis de Engletere
Annales prioratus de Dunstaplia (A.D. 1-1297) ; Annales monasterii de Bermundeseia (A.D. 1042-1432)
A Roll of the proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland, for a portion of the sixteenth year of the reign of Richard The Second, A.D. 1392-93 : With an appendix
Historia et cartularium monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriæ
Recueil des croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne, a present nomme Engleterre
The historians of the Church of York and its archbishops
Matthæi Parisiensis, monachi sancti albani, historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, historia minor : item, ejusdem abbreviatio chronicorum Angliæ
Materials for a history of the reign of Henry VII : from original documents preserved in the Public Record Office
Year books of the reign of King Edward the first
The minor works comprising the gesta regum with its continuation, the Actus Pontificum, and the Mappa Mund
Vetus registrum Sarisberiense alias dictum registrum S. Osmundi episcopi : the register of S. Osmund
Annales de Margan (A.D. 1066-1232) ; Annales de Theokesberia (A.D. 1066-1263) ; Annales de Burton (A.D. 1004-1263)
Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey
Chronicon Angliæ, auctore monacho quodam Sancti Albani : ab anno domini 1328 usque ad annum 1388
The repressor of over much blaming of the clergy
Munimenta Gildhallæ Londoniensis : liber albus, liber custumarum, et liber horn
Memorials of Henry the fifth, King of England
The Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French verse, from the earliest period to the death of King Edward I
Materials for the history of Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury : (canonized by Pope Alexander III., A.D. 1173)
Ypodigma Neustriæ, a Thoma Walsingham, quondam monacho monasterii S. Albani, conscriptum
Continuatio chronicarum . De gestis mirabilibus regis Edwardi Tertii
From the foundation of the monastery until the Norman conquest
The Orkneyingers' saga, with appendices, &c.
Fr. Rogeri Bacon Opera quædam Hactenus inedita
Historia monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis
Chronicles of the reigns of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I.
Registrum abbatlæ Johannis Whethamstede, abbatis monasterii Sancti Albani, iterum susceptæ : Roberto Blakeney, capellano, quondam adscriptum
Magna Vita S. Hugonis episcopi lincolniensis : from manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Imperial Library, Paris
Epistolæ Cantuarienses, the letters of the prior and convent of Christ Church, Canterbury : from A.D. 1187 to A.D. 1199
Historia regis Henrici septimi, a Bernardo Andrea Tholosate
Henrici de Bracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Angliæ : libri quinque : in varios tractatus distincti, ad diversorum et vetustissimorum Codicum collationem Typis vulgati
Royal and historical letters during the reign of Henry the fourth, King of England and of France, and lord of Ireland
Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry VII
Chronica : Magistri Rogeri de Houedene
Historia Regum : eadem historia ad quintum et vicesimum annum continuata, per Joannem Hagulstadensem. : accedunt varia