
McGill-Queen's studies in ethnic history


McGill-Queen's studies in ethnic history

McGill-Queen's University Press



Editor by Donald Harman AkensonEditor of 2nd ser.: John Zucchi


Vancouver's Chinatown : racial discourse in Canada, 1875-1980外部サイトSocial discredit : anti-Semitism, social credit, and the Jewish response外部サイトJerusalem on the Amur : Birobidzhan and the Canadian Jewish Communist Movement, 1924-1951外部サイトThe victorian interpretation of Racial Conflict : the Maori, the British, and the New Zealand Wars外部サイトThe little slaves of the harp : Italian child street musicians in nineteenth-century Paris, London, and New York外部サイトCanada and the Ukrainian question, 1939-1945 : a study in statecraft外部サイトWhite Canada forever : popular attitudes and public policy toward Orientals in British Columbia外部サイトCreating Kashubia : history, memory, and identity in Canada's first Polish community外部サイトClass, ethnicity, and social inequality外部サイトCreating societies : immigrant lives in Canada外部サイトFrom peasants to labourers : Ukrainian and Belarusan immigration from the Russian Empire to Canada外部サイトThe West Indians of Costa Rica : race, class, and the integration of an ethnic minority外部サイトEmigrant worlds and transatlantic communities : migration to Upper Canada in the first half of the nineteenth century外部サイトCanada's Jews : a social and economic study of Jews in Canada in the 1930s外部サイトJewish roots, Canadian soil : Yiddish culture in Montreal, 1905-1945外部サイトCritical years in immigration : Canada and Australia compared外部サイトInside ethnic families : three generations of Portuguese-Canadians外部サイトWitness to loss : race, culpability, and memory in the dispossession of Japanese Canadians外部サイトItalians in Toronto : development of a national identity, 1875-1935外部サイトCritical years in immigration : Canada and Australia compared外部サイトA house of words : Jewish writing, identity, and memory外部サイトIrish migrants in the Canadas : a new approach外部サイトIn search of paradise : the odyssey of an Italian family外部サイトThe Punjabis in British Columbia : location, labour, First Nations, and multiculturalism外部サイトIreland, Sweden and the great European migration, 1815-1914外部サイトRunning on empty : Canada and the Indochinese refugees, 1975-1980外部サイトNationalism from the margins : Italians in Alberta and British Columbia外部サイトThe development of elites in Acadian New Brunswick, 1861-1881外部サイトIreland, Sweden and the great European migration, 1815-1914外部サイトIrish migrants in the Canadas : a new approach外部サイトSuch hardworking people : Italian immigrants in postwar Toronto外部サイトThe four quarters of the night : the life-journey of an emigrant Sikh外部サイトSuch hardworking people : Italian immigrants in postwar Toronto外部サイトThe people of Glengarry : Highlanders in transition, 1745-1820外部サイトClass, ethnicity, and social inequality外部サイトA new lease on life : landlords, tenants, and immigrants in Ireland and Canada外部サイトBest left as Indians : native-white relations in the Yukon territory, 1840-1973外部サイトWith scarcely a ripple : Anglo-Canadian migration into the United States and Western Canada, 1880-1920外部サイトSearch out the land : the Jews and the growth of equality in British colonial America, 1740-1867外部サイトBuilding nations from diversity : Canadian and American experience compared外部サイトGrowing up Canadian : Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists外部サイトDrum songs : glimpses of Dene history外部サイトWhite Canada forever : popular attitudes and public policy toward Orientals in British Columbia外部サイトOatmeal and the catechism : Scottish Gaelic settlers in Quebec外部サイトA Land of Dreams : ethnicity, nationalism, and the Irish in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Maine, 1880-1923外部サイトBetween dispersion and belonging : global approaches to diaspora in practice外部サイトVancouver's Chinatown : racial discourse in Canada, 1875-1980外部サイト






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Editor by Donald Harman Akenson
Editor of 2nd ser.: John Zucchi
Vancouver's Chinatown : racial discourse in Canada, 1875-1980
Social discredit : anti-Semitism, social credit, and the Jewish response
Jerusalem on the Amur : Birobidzhan and the Canadian Jewish Communist Movement, 1924-1951
The victorian interpretation of Racial Conflict : the Maori, the British, and the New Zealand Wars
The little slaves of the harp : Italian child street musicians in nineteenth-century Paris, London, and New York
Canada and the Ukrainian question, 1939-1945 : a study in statecraft
White Canada forever : popular attitudes and public policy toward Orientals in British Columbia
Creating Kashubia : history, memory, and identity in Canada's first Polish community
Class, ethnicity, and social inequality
Creating societies : immigrant lives in Canada
From peasants to labourers : Ukrainian and Belarusan immigration from the Russian Empire to Canada
The West Indians of Costa Rica : race, class, and the integration of an ethnic minority
Emigrant worlds and transatlantic communities : migration to Upper Canada in the first half of the nineteenth century
Canada's Jews : a social and economic study of Jews in Canada in the 1930s
Jewish roots, Canadian soil : Yiddish culture in Montreal, 1905-1945
Critical years in immigration : Canada and Australia compared
Inside ethnic families : three generations of Portuguese-Canadians
Witness to loss : race, culpability, and memory in the dispossession of Japanese Canadians
Italians in Toronto : development of a national identity, 1875-1935
Critical years in immigration : Canada and Australia compared
A house of words : Jewish writing, identity, and memory
Irish migrants in the Canadas : a new approach
In search of paradise : the odyssey of an Italian family
The Punjabis in British Columbia : location, labour, First Nations, and multiculturalism
Ireland, Sweden and the great European migration, 1815-1914
Running on empty : Canada and the Indochinese refugees, 1975-1980
Nationalism from the margins : Italians in Alberta and British Columbia
The development of elites in Acadian New Brunswick, 1861-1881
Ireland, Sweden and the great European migration, 1815-1914
Irish migrants in the Canadas : a new approach
Such hardworking people : Italian immigrants in postwar Toronto
The four quarters of the night : the life-journey of an emigrant Sikh
Such hardworking people : Italian immigrants in postwar Toronto
The people of Glengarry : Highlanders in transition, 1745-1820
Class, ethnicity, and social inequality
A new lease on life : landlords, tenants, and immigrants in Ireland and Canada
Best left as Indians : native-white relations in the Yukon territory, 1840-1973
With scarcely a ripple : Anglo-Canadian migration into the United States and Western Canada, 1880-1920
Search out the land : the Jews and the growth of equality in British colonial America, 1740-1867
Building nations from diversity : Canadian and American experience compared
Growing up Canadian : Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists
Drum songs : glimpses of Dene history
White Canada forever : popular attitudes and public policy toward Orientals in British Columbia
Oatmeal and the catechism : Scottish Gaelic settlers in Quebec
A Land of Dreams : ethnicity, nationalism, and the Irish in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Maine, 1880-1923
Between dispersion and belonging : global approaches to diaspora in practice
Vancouver's Chinatown : racial discourse in Canada, 1875-1980
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books