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- An introduction to turbulence and its measurementBehavior management in the schools : principles and proceduresThe chemistry of ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinumEconomics of public finance : an economic analysis of government expenditure and revenue in the United KingdomManagement controlTransportation planning, policy and analysisOrgano-transition metal compounds and related aspects of homogeneous catalysisAn Annotated reader in environmental planning and managementFrom Rhodesia to Zimbabwe : the politics of transitionInternal combustion engines : a detailed introduction to the thermodynamics of spark and compression ignition engines, their design and developmentThe Political economy of EEC relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific states : contributions to the understanding of the Lomé convention on North-South relationsData and formulae for engineering studentsChina's changed road to developmentHealth and disease in farm animals : an introduction to farm animal medicineThe Commonwealth : a new lookExtraction metallurgyAccounting for price-level changes : theory and proceduresGeophysics in the affairs of man : a personalized history of exploration geophysics and its allied sciences of seismology and oceanographyHigh-voltage engineering : fundamentalsUnit operations in food processingFire investigation : a practical guide for students and officers, insurance investigators, loss adjusters, and police officersThe science of food : an introduction to food science, nutrition, and microbiologyCoding the therapeutic process : emblems of encounter : a manual for counsellors and therapistsBiomedical aspects of lactation : with special reference to lipid metabolism and membrane functions of the mammary glandDecision-making for schools and collegesEarly childhood autism : clinical, educational, and social aspectsMathematics for electronic technologyPractical Spanish for school personnel, firemen, policemen, and community agenciesThe chemistry of zinc, cadmium and mercuryIntroduction to dislocationsBasic farm machineryMigrant workers in western Europe and the United StatesSociety, schools, and progress in JapanWhy has development neglected rural women? : A review of the South Asian literatureThe rôle of the teacher in the nursery schoolA short course in cloud physicsParapsychology, science or magic? : a psychological perspectiveRadioactivity and its measurement : SI unitsBeyond the age of waste : a report to the Club of RomeEconomics of public finance : an economic analysis of government expenditure and revenue in the United KingdomQuantum mechanics : non-relativistic theoryThe social cost of small families and land reform : a case study of the Wataita of KenyaGeneral photobiologyPolicy sciences : methodologies and casesIntroduction to microelectronicsThe earth's age and geochronologyPolitics and education : cases from eleven nationsNew methods of mental health careMineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treatment and mineral recoveryThe chemistry of copper . Silver . GoldCommunity mental health and the criminal justice systemThe aerodynamic design of aircraft : a detailed introduction to the current aerodynamic knowledge and practical guide to the solution of aircraft design problemsEnergy and the environment : a risk-benefit approachCritical readings in planning theorySocial work and human problems : casework, consultations, and other topicsMicroprocessors : principles and applicationsElectrical machines and drives : worked examplesThe process of learning mathematicsThe evaluation of risk in business investmentIntroduction to laboratory animal science and technologyThe control of growth and differentiation in plantsPeople, communication, and organisation : a case study approachMeat scienceMatrix methods of structural analysisThe British Labour Party : a functioning participatory democracyIndustrial democracy and labour market policy in SwedenPopper and after : four modern irrationalistsPlanning for engineers and surveyorsEnergy, the countdown : a report to the Club of RomeReadings in the Swedish class structureSelected readings in quantitative urban analysisGeography and population : approaches and applicationsGroup theory for social workers : an introductionTheme and variations : a behavior therapy casebookLiving cities : a case for urbanism and guidelines for re-urbanizationMicroelectronics and society : for better or for worse : a report to the Club of RomeSoviet foreign policy since World War IIHuman behavior and public policy : a political psychologyTechnology of cereals : an introduction for students of food science and agricultureThe finite element method in engineeringPlanning theoryIntroduction to the theory and context of accountingIntroducing corporate planningChildren with specific learning difficulties : the effect of neurodevelopmental learning disorders on children of normal intelligenceCorporate planning theory and practiceComputers in public administration : an international perspective : a readerStatistical physicsA textbook of human biologyFundamentals of metallurgical processesIntroductory dynamic oceanographyTechniques in bioproductivity and photosynthesisBilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (Italian-English) : Guida bulingue alla corrispondenza commerciale e professionale (Inglese-italiano)Child psychiatry observed : a guide for social workersThe chemistry of arsenic, antimony and bismuthRock bolting : a practical handbookElementary heat transfer analysisNon-nuclear energy technologiesComplex variablesThe theory and design of broadband matching networksStatistical physicsRelativity, the theory and its philosophyBilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (French-English)Heat pumps : design and application : a practical handbook for plant managers, engineers, architects, and designersThe sorcerer's apprentice : an anthropology of public policyLosing ground : environmental stress and world food prospectsPrinciples of fermentation technologyChina's changed road to developmentAction with the elderly : a handbook for relatives and friendsThe design of piled foundationsThe geography of tropical African development : a study of spatial patterns of economic change since independenceCombustion and mass transfer : a textbook with multiple-choice exercises for engineering studentsPhysics and astrophysics : a selection of key problemsOne-dimensional compressible flowElectrical machines and their applicationsBehavioral treatments of obesityState and government in the Federal Republic of Germany : the executive at workApplied geophysics for engineers and geologistsThe chemistry of the lanthanidesMicrowaves : an introduction to microwave theory and techniquesRural geography : an introductory surveyIntroduction to bond graphs and their applicationsCascade aerodynamicsGlassblowing for laboratory technicians : including vacuum line accessories and their applicationsThe social structure of modern BritainChemical plant and its operation (including safety and health aspects) : a manual for chemical operators, process workers, plant technicians and maintenance staff in the chemical and allied products industriesAspects of civil engineering contract procedureTrees in the cityBasic farm machineryLipid analysis : isolation, separation, identification, and structural analysis of lipidsEnvironmental oceanography : an introduction to the behaviour of coastal watersPrinciples of water quality controlAn introduction to their properties and applicationsEarth and cosmos : a book relating the environment of man on earth to the environment of earth in the cosmosInternational population assistance : the first decade : a look at the concepts and policies which have guided the UNFPA in its first ten yearsThe historical supernovaeMethods of learning communication skillsProduction planning and control : an introduction to quantitative methodsAircraft dynamic stability and responseThe manager and industrial relationsThe ultrastructure of the animal cellSets : naïve, axiomatic, and applied : a basic compendium with exercises for use in set theory for non logicians, working and teaching mathematicians and studentsStrategic perspectives on social policyEducreation and feedback : education for creation, growth, and change : the concept, general implications, and specific applications to schools of architecture, environmental design, or ekisticsInsect clocksThe cybernetic laws of social progress : towards a critical social philosophy and a criticism of MarxismThe Construction of madness : emerging conceptions and interventions into the psychotic processSolar versus nuclear : choosing energy futures : a report prepared for the Swedish Secretariat for Future StudiesPrinciples of metal surface treatment and protectionFree and ennobled : source readings in the development of Victorian feminismSociology and social work : perspectives and problemsStructuring the therapeutic process : compromise with chaos--the therapist's response to the individual and the groupLife after school : a social skills curriculumDescriptive physical oceanography : an introductionThe human subject in the psychological laboratoryAnalysis of engineering cyclesFinite strip method in structural analysisThe face of ScotlandMetamorphic texturesOptimal design of flexural systems : beams, grillages, slabs, plates, and shellsYour solar energy home : including wind and methane applicationsMechanicsPeople : an international choice : the multilateral approach to populationAnti-chance : a reply to Monod's chances and necessityResources, society, and the future : a reportResources and planningElasto-hydrodynamic lubricationHotel and catering French : a new approach for advanced students and practitionersComputer-oriented mathematical physicsHow cities work : an introductionOxy-acetylene gas welding and related studiesCoastal vegetationSpatial search : application to planning problems in the public sectorMathematics for financial analysisThe chemistry of the actinidesThe stigma of poverty : a critique of poverty theories and policiesIntroduction to geological maps and structuresEducation, culture, and politics in modern FranceWorked examples in turbomachinery : fluid mechanics and thermodynamicsMessing about in problems : an informal structured approach to their identification and managementPrepare for science : introductory mathematics for physical and engineering sciencesSpanish poetry of the Grupo Poético de 1927Compounds of the transition elements involving metal-metal bondsFuels, furnaces, and refractoriesHabitat : human settlements in an urban ageSpatial dimensions of public policySociety, schools and progress in NigeriaThe political hand : policy implementation and youth employment programsBiological oceanographic processesEvaluation in the planning processEducation for clinical social work practice : continuity and change : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Psychodynamic Social Work, held at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA, July 27 to August 1, 1982Sets : naïve, axiomatic, and applied : a basic compendium with exercises for use in set theory for non logicians, working and teaching mathematicians and studentsHow to find out : a guide to sources of information for all, arranged by the Dewey decimal classificationIntroduction to nuclear techniques in agronomy and plant biologyChanging images of manDialogue on wealth and welfare : an alternative view of world capital formation : a report to the Club of RomeThe chemistry of the monatomic gasesCeramic raw materialsIntroduction to industrial drying operationsCasework in context : a basis for practiceChanging priorities on the international agenda : the new international economic orderEnergy from the waves : the first-ever book on a revolution in technologyCasebook of organizational behaviorThe radio universeResidential care : a reader in current theory and practiceGas turbine aero-thermodynamics : with special reference to aircraft propulsionThe state of the planet : a reportStrategic planning in London : the rise and fall of the primary road networkLanguage and speech disorders in childrenIndustrial labor in the U.S.S.R.The newly industrializing countries in the world economyApplied industrial control : an introductionBasic electric circuitsVillage women of Bangladesh : prospects for change : a study prepared for the International Labour Office within the framework of the World Employment ProgrammePolicy reform in developing countriesLocal government and strategic choice : an operational research approach to the processes of public planningAn introduction to turbulence and its measurementWestminster workshop : a student's guide to British governmentThe control of growth and differentiation in plantsElectrical machines & their applicationsEngineering plasticity by mathematical programming : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, August 2-12, 1977How to find out about the social sciencesWear of metalsThe chemistry of siliconInternal combustion engines : a detailed introduction to the thermodynamics of spark and compression ignition engines, their design and developmentThe stigma of poverty : a critique of poverty theories and policiesAgricultural statistics : a handbook for developing countriesThe chemistry of phosphorusThe principles of pollination ecologyCovert conditioningPsychiatry for social workersElectrical power systemsThe politics of African and Middle Eastern states : an annotated bibliographyGlacial geology : an introduction for engineers and earth scientistsElectric arc welding and related studiesThe radio universeMeat scienceWorked examples in electrical machines and drivesBasic applied mathematicsEuropean social policy, today and tomorrowMilking machines : a comprehensive guide for farmers, herdsmen, and studentsDisarmament and world developmentSoil fungi and soil fertility : an introduction to soil mycologyMechanics of materials : an introduction to the mechanics of elastic and plastic deformation of solids and structural componentsThe chemistry of vanadium . Niobium and tantalumMineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treament and mineral recovery : (in SI/metric units)Unwillingly to school : school phobia or school refusal, a psychosocial problemMathematics with understandingGerman women writers of the twentieth centuryHow to find out : printed and on-line sourcesA systems view of planning : towards a theory of the urban and regional planning processThe more developed realm : a geography of its populationThe geological evolution of the British IslesIntroduction to crop husbandry : including grasslandQuaternary geology : a stratigraphic framework for multidisciplinary workThe engineering of microprocessor systems : guidelines on system developmentDisasters : hospital planning : a manual for doctors, nurses, and administratorsCost and financial accounting in forestry : a practical manualSweden in world society : thoughts about the future : a report prepared for the Swedish Secretariat for Futures StudiesThe Education dilemma : policy issues for developing countries in the 1980sAdvanced engineering thermodynamicsEngineers in industry : a management guide for engineers who wish to perform creatively in industryWorked examples in engineering field theoryHuman aspects of urban form : towards a man-environment approach to urban form and designThe chemistry of sulphur . Selenium, tellurium and poloniumAssessment through interviewingThe cry for help--and the professional responseLanguage of the earthThe chemistry of manganese . Technetium and rheniumIn the human interest : a strategy to stabilize world populationThe manufacture of knowledge : an essay on the constructivist and contextual nature of scienceQuantitative and statistical approaches to geography : a practical manualThe European connection : implications of EEC membershipPoverty : wealth of mankindThe chemistry of lithium . Sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and franciumThe physics of nuclear reactions : a new edition of the author's Nuclear reactions, for use as a main text for an honours degree course in nuclear physicsPsychological experiments with autistic childrenMind and political conceptsCommunity associations and centres : a comparative studyTechniques in bioproductivity and photosynthesisThe chemistry of iron, cobalt and nickelPure mathematics : the coreA career in catering : choosing a courseHigh-speed pulse techniquesThe endless day : some case material on Asian rural womenFluid mechanics, thermodynamics of turbomachineryTime in animal behaviourThe analysis of response in crop and livestock productionSolar houses in Europe : how they have workedAdult education in developing countriesAn introduction to rumen studiesElements of analytical dynamicsCityport industrialization and regional development : spatial analysis and planning strategiesOperational gaming : an international approachBehavioral treatment of alcoholismThe dynamical behaviour of structuresConfrontation or co-operation? : Proceedings of the 14th world conference of the Society for International Development held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, August 12-16, 1974The physics of glaciersThe Challenge of educational change : limitations and potentialitiesThe European Parliament : what it is, what it does, how it worksHydrogen power : an introduction to hydrogen energy and its applicationsIntroduction to dynamic programmingIntroducing corporate planningManagement, information and systemsFood scienceThinking with models : mathematical models in the physical, biological, and social sciencesAspects of managementGeneral immunologyEnergy around the world : an introduction to energy studies, global resources, needs, utilizationLocal government and strategic choice : an operational research approach to the processes of public planningGeological mapsBetween the lines of the balance sheet : the plain man's guide to published accountsBilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (French-English)The classical theory of fieldsA short course in cloud physicsFurther pure mathematicsThin shells : computing and theoryCommunication, the essence of science : facilitating information exchange among librarians, scientists, engineers, and studentsMineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treatment and mineral recovery (in SI/metric units)Citizen participation in planningExperimenting with truth : the fusion of religion with technology needed for humanity's survivalPopulation geographyCommunication for command and control systemsCrystallography : an introduction for earth science and other solid state studentsDimensional instability : an introductionThe Japanese approach to product quality : its applicability to the WestQuantum mechanicsLand policy and urban growthPrescriptive psychotherapiesPlanning for small enterprises in Third World citiesYoghurt : science and technologyThe structure of the British IslesOral diagnosis : a handbook of modern diagnostic techniques used to investigate clinical problems in dentistryQuaternary geology : a stratigraphic framework for multidisciplinary workGrowth and differentiation in plantsThe chemistry of titanium . Zirconium and hafniumThe human aspects of management : a case study approachTheory of elasticityIntroduction to health physicsSocial work research and the analysis of social dataEducation and national development : a comparative perspectiveZooplanktonSI units in engineering and technologyThe Politics of school governmentMarks & Spencer : anatomy of Britain's most efficiently managed companyBuilding economy : design, production and organisation : a synoptic viewFluid mechanicsEnergy in an age of limited availability and delimited applicabilityOperations management : a policy frameworkThe ecological transition : cultural anthropology and human adaptationAn introduction to biomedical instrumentationThinking about retirementThe nuclear apple and the solar orange : alternatives in world energyStellar formationPolitics and economic policy in the UK since 1964 : The Jekyll and Hyde yearsPlant anatomyAn introduction to business accounting for managersMagnificent myth : patterns of control in post-industrial societyEssays on planning theory and educationSpain, a brief historyElements of Experimental stress analysisIntroduction to hydrometeorologyPhysical chemistryNo limits to learning : bridging the human gap : a report to the Club of RomeElectrodynamics of continuous mediaTowards global action for appropriate technologyAspects of managementHeavy current electricity in the United Kingdom : history and developmentThe science of food : an introduction to food science, nutrition, and microbiologySystems psychology in the schoolsReactor core fuel managementHeat pipesAn Approach to teaching autistic childrenPlastic theory of structuresIntroducing corporate planningRethinking the process of operational research and systems analysisNew perspectives in nonverbal communication : studies in cultural anthropology, social psychology, linguistics, literature, and semioticsStructural analysis and design : some minicomputer applications (in two parts)Health and disease in farm animals : for those concerned with animal husbandryField geology in the British Isles : a guide to regional excursionsBeyond the age of waste : a report to the Club of RomeStructural analysis and design : some microcomputer applicationsFluid mechanicsIntroductory dynamical oceanographyBiological oceanographic processesExtractive metallurgy of copperEnergy, a global outlook : the case for effective international co-operationMechanics of materials : an introduction to the mechanics of elastic and plastic deformation of solids and structural componentsThe impact of noise pollution : a socio-technological introductionJones's Animal nursingAtmospheric pollution : its history, origins, and preventionAn introduction to chemical equilibrium and kineticsPhysical kineticsElectromagnetism for engineers : an introductory courseSocial learning practice in residential child careJones's animal nursingJob's illness : loss, grief, and integration : a psychological interpretationPsychological research in the classroom : issues for educators and researchersThe iron blast furnace : theory and practiceAttention and MemoryAlienation theories : a general systems approachThe chemistry of nitrogenChemical engineeringThe chemistry of chlorine, Bromine, iodine and astatineBasic Spanish for elementary teachersBiomagnetism : applications & theory : proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Biomagnetism, Vancouver, Canada, August 1984The ideologies of planning lawAn introduction to chemical engineering designThe mind-body problem : a psychobiological approachFission, fusion and the energy crisisSelf-consistent fields in atoms : Hartree and Thomas-Fermi atomsCascade aerodynamicsAnalytical chemistry of the condensed phosphatesThe characteristics of mechanical engineering systemsMachine takeover : the growing threat to human freedom in a computer-controlled societySport in the Soviet UnionFundamental concepts of mathematicsIntroduction to livestock husbandryThe geological evolution of the British IslesIndustrial movement and regional development : the British caseFatigue designThe motorway age : road and traffic policies in post-war BritainMenu FrenchEnergy from the waves : the first-ever book on a revolution in technologyA students' guide to PiagetProcess and action in work with groups : the preconditions for treatment and growthFusion researchLoose boundary hydraulicsElectronic inventions and discoveries : electronics from its earliest beginnings to the present dayMatrix methods applied to engineering rigid body mechanicsThe chemistry of chromium, molybdenum and tungstenThe socio-political complex : an interdisciplinary approach to political lifeSecond homes : curse or blessing?Applied geophysics for geologists and engineers : the elements of geophysical prospectingProperties of ceramic raw materialsAn introduction to chemical metallurgyThe chemistry of boronProduction,concentration and metabolism during pregnancyIn-service education and teachers' centresSun power : an introduction to the applications of solar energySystems : decomposition, optimisation, and controlApplied geotechnology : a text for students and engineers on rock excavation and related topicsProspects for peaceExperiments in environmental chemistry : a laboratory manualThe computation of style : an introduction to statistics for students of literature and humanitiesBritish cities : an analysis of urban changeTraffic planning and engineeringNon-stoichiometric compounds . Tungsten bronzes, vanadium bronzes and related compoundsJones's animal nursingThe Physics of weldingStrategic planning in London : the rise and fall of the primary road networkProfiles in female poverty : a study of five poor working women in KeralaTwelve little housematesAn Annotated reader in environmental planning and managementThe geological evolution of Australia and New ZealandDisconnecting Bell : the impact of the AT&T divestiturePrinciples of water quality controlTowards the elimination of racismInterpersonal communicationThe Psychology of social situations : selected readingsIntroduction to control systemsThe germination of seedsFundamentals of colitisIntroducing structures : a textbook for students of civil and structural engineering, building, and architectureMeasurements and time reversal in objective quantum theoryEducation, culture, and politics in West GermanyGlobal dialogue : the new international economic orderFurther applied mathematicsArithmetic applied mathematicsMorphological mechanisms : lexicalist analyses of synthetic compoundingChemistry for the engineering and applied sciencesSun power : an introduction to the applications of solar energyHigh explosives and propellantsFundamental duties : a volume of essays by present and former members of the Law Faculty of the University of Exeter to commemorate the silver jubilee of the UniversityThe structure of Western EuropeAspects of civil engineering contract procedureParametric statistical inference : basic theory and modern approachesTechnology and science in the People's Republic of China : an introductionEnergy and combustion science : selected papers from Progress in energy and combustion scienceSingle-case experimental designs : strategies for studying behavior changeUrban planning practice in developing countriesApplying family therapy : a practical guide for social workersConcept formationTheory of the condensed stateLoad-bearing fibre compositesManagement and industrial structure in JapanEcological assessment of child problem behavior : a clinical package for home, school, and institutional settingsManagement assertions and aversionsInorganic geochemistryBiological oceanographic processesNuclear fuel elements : design, fabrication, and performanceCrisis intervention : studies in community carePhytoplanktonComputational methods in reactor shieldingHistory and truthVisual perception, theory and practiceThe inner limits of mankind : heretical reflections on today's values, culture, and politicsPlant metabolismReversible sex roles : the special case of Benares sweepersHuman growth and the development of personalityAn introduction to farm organisation and managementFast breeder reactors : an engineering introductionApplied productivity analysis for industryStability and flexibility : an analysis of natural systemsChemical engineeringEnergy and economic myths : institutional and analytical economic essaysQuantum electrodynamicsCycles, value, and employment : responses to the economic crisisThe social dynamics of developmentA manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysisThe radio universeThe aesthetic impulseThe chemistry of oxygenCorporate planning : the human factorIntroduction to plant biochemistryCurrent issues in energy : a selection of papersThe chemistry of fluorineExtractive metallurgy of copperThe chemistry of aluminium, gallium, indium and thalliumThe chemistry of carbon . Organometallic chemistryThe human qualityControlled breeding in farm animalsBilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (Spanish-English) = Guía bilingüe (inglés-español) de correspondencia profesional y de negociosTheory of the condensed stateProblems in metallurgical thermodynamics and kineticsStellar evolutionThermal design of nuclear reactorsThe Common Market and how it worksThe chemistry of germanium . Tin and leadFundamentals of metallurgical processesSkill training for community living : applying structured learning therapyA geography of the Soviet UnionHistological and histochemical methods : theory and practiceData and formulae for engineering students
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