
Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering and social studies


Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering and social studies

Pergamon Press


An introduction to turbulence and its measurement外部サイトBehavior management in the schools : principles and procedures外部サイトThe chemistry of ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum外部サイトEconomics of public finance : an economic analysis of government expenditure and revenue in the United Kingdom外部サイトManagement control外部サイトTransportation planning, policy and analysis外部サイトOrgano-transition metal compounds and related aspects of homogeneous catalysis外部サイトAn Annotated reader in environmental planning and management外部サイトFrom Rhodesia to Zimbabwe : the politics of transition外部サイトInternal combustion engines : a detailed introduction to the thermodynamics of spark and compression ignition engines, their design and development外部サイトThe Political economy of EEC relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific states : contributions to the understanding of the Lomé convention on North-South relations外部サイトData and formulae for engineering students外部サイトChina's changed road to development外部サイトHealth and disease in farm animals : an introduction to farm animal medicine外部サイトThe Commonwealth : a new look外部サイトExtraction metallurgy外部サイトAccounting for price-level changes : theory and procedures外部サイトGeophysics in the affairs of man : a personalized history of exploration geophysics and its allied sciences of seismology and oceanography外部サイトHigh-voltage engineering : fundamentals外部サイトUnit operations in food processing外部サイトFire investigation : a practical guide for students and officers, insurance investigators, loss adjusters, and police officers外部サイトThe science of food : an introduction to food science, nutrition, and microbiology外部サイトCoding the therapeutic process : emblems of encounter : a manual for counsellors and therapists外部サイトBiomedical aspects of lactation : with special reference to lipid metabolism and membrane functions of the mammary gland外部サイトDecision-making for schools and colleges外部サイトEarly childhood autism : clinical, educational, and social aspects外部サイトMathematics for electronic technology外部サイトPractical Spanish for school personnel, firemen, policemen, and community agencies外部サイトThe chemistry of zinc, cadmium and mercury外部サイトIntroduction to dislocations外部サイトBasic farm machinery外部サイトMigrant workers in western Europe and the United States外部サイトSociety, schools, and progress in Japan外部サイトWhy has development neglected rural women? : A review of the South Asian literature外部サイトThe rôle of the teacher in the nursery school外部サイトA short course in cloud physics外部サイトParapsychology, science or magic? : a psychological perspective外部サイトRadioactivity and its measurement : SI units外部サイトBeyond the age of waste : a report to the Club of Rome外部サイトEconomics of public finance : an economic analysis of government expenditure and revenue in the United Kingdom外部サイトQuantum mechanics : non-relativistic theory外部サイトThe social cost of small families and land reform : a case study of the Wataita of Kenya外部サイトGeneral photobiology外部サイトPolicy sciences : methodologies and cases外部サイトIntroduction to microelectronics外部サイトThe earth's age and geochronology外部サイトPolitics and education : cases from eleven nations外部サイトNew methods of mental health care外部サイトMineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treatment and mineral recovery外部サイトThe chemistry of copper . Silver . Gold外部サイトCommunity mental health and the criminal justice system外部サイトThe aerodynamic design of aircraft : a detailed introduction to the current aerodynamic knowledge and practical guide to the solution of aircraft design problems外部サイトEnergy and the environment : a risk-benefit approach外部サイトCritical readings in planning theory外部サイトSocial work and human problems : casework, consultations, and other topics外部サイトMicroprocessors : principles and applications外部サイトElectrical machines and drives : worked examples外部サイトThe process of learning mathematics外部サイトThe evaluation of risk in business investment外部サイトIntroduction to laboratory animal science and technology外部サイトThe control of growth and differentiation in plants外部サイトPeople, communication, and organisation : a case study approach外部サイトMeat science外部サイトMatrix methods of structural analysis外部サイトThe British Labour Party : a functioning participatory democracy外部サイトIndustrial democracy and labour market policy in Sweden外部サイトPopper and after : four modern irrationalists外部サイトPlanning for engineers and surveyors外部サイトEnergy, the countdown : a report to the Club of Rome外部サイトReadings in the Swedish class structure外部サイトSelected readings in quantitative urban analysis外部サイトGeography and population : approaches and applications外部サイトGroup theory for social workers : an introduction外部サイトTheme and variations : a behavior therapy casebook外部サイトLiving cities : a case for urbanism and guidelines for re-urbanization外部サイトMicroelectronics and society : for better or for worse : a report to the Club of Rome外部サイトSoviet foreign policy since World War II外部サイトHuman behavior and public policy : a political psychology外部サイトTechnology of cereals : an introduction for students of food science and agriculture外部サイトThe finite element method in engineering外部サイトPlanning theory外部サイトIntroduction to the theory and context of accounting外部サイトIntroducing corporate planning外部サイトChildren with specific learning difficulties : the effect of neurodevelopmental learning disorders on children of normal intelligence外部サイトCorporate planning theory and practice外部サイトComputers in public administration : an international perspective : a reader外部サイトStatistical physics外部サイトA textbook of human biology外部サイトFundamentals of metallurgical processes外部サイトIntroductory dynamic oceanography外部サイトTechniques in bioproductivity and photosynthesis外部サイトBilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (Italian-English) : Guida bulingue alla corrispondenza commerciale e professionale (Inglese-italiano)外部サイトChild psychiatry observed : a guide for social workers外部サイトThe chemistry of arsenic, antimony and bismuth外部サイトRock bolting : a practical handbook外部サイトElementary heat transfer analysis外部サイトNon-nuclear energy technologies外部サイトComplex variables外部サイトThe theory and design of broadband matching networks外部サイトStatistical physics外部サイトRelativity, the theory and its philosophy外部サイトBilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (French-English)外部サイトHeat pumps : design and application : a practical handbook for plant managers, engineers, architects, and designers外部サイトThe sorcerer's apprentice : an anthropology of public policy外部サイトLosing ground : environmental stress and world food prospects外部サイトPrinciples of fermentation technology外部サイトChina's changed road to development外部サイトAction with the elderly : a handbook for relatives and friends外部サイトThe design of piled foundations外部サイトThe geography of tropical African development : a study of spatial patterns of economic change since independence外部サイトCombustion and mass transfer : a textbook with multiple-choice exercises for engineering students外部サイトPhysics and astrophysics : a selection of key problems外部サイトOne-dimensional compressible flow外部サイトElectrical machines and their applications外部サイトBehavioral treatments of obesity外部サイトState and government in the Federal Republic of Germany : the executive at work外部サイトApplied geophysics for engineers and geologists外部サイトThe chemistry of the lanthanides外部サイトMicrowaves : an introduction to microwave theory and techniques外部サイトRural geography : an introductory survey外部サイトIntroduction to bond graphs and their applications外部サイトCascade aerodynamics外部サイトGlassblowing for laboratory technicians : including vacuum line accessories and their applications外部サイトThe social structure of modern Britain外部サイトChemical plant and its operation (including safety and health aspects) : a manual for chemical operators, process workers, plant technicians and maintenance staff in the chemical and allied products industries外部サイトAspects of civil engineering contract procedure外部サイトTrees in the city外部サイトBasic farm machinery外部サイトLipid analysis : isolation, separation, identification, and structural analysis of lipids外部サイトEnvironmental oceanography : an introduction to the behaviour of coastal waters外部サイトPrinciples of water quality control外部サイトAn introduction to their properties and applications外部サイトEarth and cosmos : a book relating the environment of man on earth to the environment of earth in the cosmos外部サイトInternational population assistance : the first decade : a look at the concepts and policies which have guided the UNFPA in its first ten years外部サイトThe historical supernovae外部サイトMethods of learning communication skills外部サイトProduction planning and control : an introduction to quantitative methods外部サイトAircraft dynamic stability and response外部サイトThe manager and industrial relations外部サイトThe ultrastructure of the animal cell外部サイトSets : naïve, axiomatic, and applied : a basic compendium with exercises for use in set theory for non logicians, working and teaching mathematicians and students外部サイトStrategic perspectives on social policy外部サイトEducreation and feedback : education for creation, growth, and change : the concept, general implications, and specific applications to schools of architecture, environmental design, or ekistics外部サイトInsect clocks外部サイトThe cybernetic laws of social progress : towards a critical social philosophy and a criticism of Marxism外部サイトThe Construction of madness : emerging conceptions and interventions into the psychotic process外部サイトSolar versus nuclear : choosing energy futures : a report prepared for the Swedish Secretariat for Future Studies外部サイトPrinciples of metal surface treatment and protection外部サイトFree and ennobled : source readings in the development of Victorian feminism外部サイトSociology and social work : perspectives and problems外部サイトStructuring the therapeutic process : compromise with chaos--the therapist's response to the individual and the group外部サイトLife after school : a social skills curriculum外部サイトDescriptive physical oceanography : an introduction外部サイトThe human subject in the psychological laboratory外部サイトAnalysis of engineering cycles外部サイトFinite strip method in structural analysis外部サイトThe face of Scotland外部サイトMetamorphic textures外部サイトOptimal design of flexural systems : beams, grillages, slabs, plates, and shells外部サイトYour solar energy home : including wind and methane applications外部サイトMechanics外部サイトPeople : an international choice : the multilateral approach to population外部サイトAnti-chance : a reply to Monod's chances and necessity外部サイトResources, society, and the future : a report外部サイトResources and planning外部サイトElasto-hydrodynamic lubrication外部サイトHotel and catering French : a new approach for advanced students and practitioners外部サイトComputer-oriented mathematical physics外部サイトHow cities work : an introduction外部サイトOxy-acetylene gas welding and related studies外部サイトCoastal vegetation外部サイトSpatial search : application to planning problems in the public sector外部サイトMathematics for financial analysis外部サイトThe chemistry of the actinides外部サイトThe stigma of poverty : a critique of poverty theories and policies外部サイトIntroduction to geological maps and structures外部サイトEducation, culture, and politics in modern France外部サイトWorked examples in turbomachinery : fluid mechanics and thermodynamics外部サイトMessing about in problems : an informal structured approach to their identification and management外部サイトPrepare for science : introductory mathematics for physical and engineering sciences外部サイトSpanish poetry of the Grupo Poético de 1927外部サイトCompounds of the transition elements involving metal-metal bonds外部サイトFuels, furnaces, and refractories外部サイトHabitat : human settlements in an urban age外部サイトSpatial dimensions of public policy外部サイトSociety, schools and progress in Nigeria外部サイトThe political hand : policy implementation and youth employment programs外部サイトBiological oceanographic processes外部サイトEvaluation in the planning process外部サイトEducation for clinical social work practice : continuity and change : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Psychodynamic Social Work, held at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA, July 27 to August 1, 1982外部サイトSets : naïve, axiomatic, and applied : a basic compendium with exercises for use in set theory for non logicians, working and teaching mathematicians and students外部サイトHow to find out : a guide to sources of information for all, arranged by the Dewey decimal classification外部サイトIntroduction to nuclear techniques in agronomy and plant biology外部サイトChanging images of man外部サイトDialogue on wealth and welfare : an alternative view of world capital formation : a report to the Club of Rome外部サイトThe chemistry of the monatomic gases外部サイトCeramic raw materials外部サイトIntroduction to industrial drying operations外部サイトCasework in context : a basis for practice外部サイトChanging priorities on the international agenda : the new international economic order外部サイトEnergy from the waves : the first-ever book on a revolution in technology外部サイトCasebook of organizational behavior外部サイトThe radio universe外部サイトResidential care : a reader in current theory and practice外部サイトGas turbine aero-thermodynamics : with special reference to aircraft propulsion外部サイトThe state of the planet : a report外部サイトStrategic planning in London : the rise and fall of the primary road network外部サイトLanguage and speech disorders in children外部サイトIndustrial labor in the U.S.S.R.外部サイトThe newly industrializing countries in the world economy外部サイトApplied industrial control : an introduction外部サイトBasic electric circuits外部サイトVillage women of Bangladesh : prospects for change : a study prepared for the International Labour Office within the framework of the World Employment Programme外部サイトPolicy reform in developing countries外部サイトLocal government and strategic choice : an operational research approach to the processes of public planning外部サイトAn introduction to turbulence and its measurement外部サイトWestminster workshop : a student's guide to British government外部サイトThe control of growth and differentiation in plants外部サイトElectrical machines & their applications外部サイトEngineering plasticity by mathematical programming : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, August 2-12, 1977外部サイトHow to find out about the social sciences外部サイトWear of metals外部サイトThe chemistry of silicon外部サイトInternal combustion engines : a detailed introduction to the thermodynamics of spark and compression ignition engines, their design and development外部サイトThe stigma of poverty : a critique of poverty theories and policies外部サイトAgricultural statistics : a handbook for developing countries外部サイトThe chemistry of phosphorus外部サイトThe principles of pollination ecology外部サイトCovert conditioning外部サイトPsychiatry for social workers外部サイトElectrical power systems外部サイトThe politics of African and Middle Eastern states : an annotated bibliography外部サイトGlacial geology : an introduction for engineers and earth scientists外部サイトElectric arc welding and related studies外部サイトThe radio universe外部サイトMeat science外部サイトWorked examples in electrical machines and drives外部サイトBasic applied mathematics外部サイトEuropean social policy, today and tomorrow外部サイトMilking machines : a comprehensive guide for farmers, herdsmen, and students外部サイトDisarmament and world development外部サイトSoil fungi and soil fertility : an introduction to soil mycology外部サイトMechanics of materials : an introduction to the mechanics of elastic and plastic deformation of solids and structural components外部サイトThe chemistry of vanadium . Niobium and tantalum外部サイトMineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treament and mineral recovery : (in SI/metric units)外部サイトUnwillingly to school : school phobia or school refusal, a psychosocial problem外部サイトMathematics with understanding外部サイトGerman women writers of the twentieth century外部サイトHow to find out : printed and on-line sources外部サイトA systems view of planning : towards a theory of the urban and regional planning process外部サイトThe more developed realm : a geography of its population外部サイトThe geological evolution of the British Isles外部サイトIntroduction to crop husbandry : including grassland外部サイトQuaternary geology : a stratigraphic framework for multidisciplinary work外部サイトThe engineering of microprocessor systems : guidelines on system development外部サイトDisasters : hospital planning : a manual for doctors, nurses, and administrators外部サイトCost and financial accounting in forestry : a practical manual外部サイトSweden in world society : thoughts about the future : a report prepared for the Swedish Secretariat for Futures Studies外部サイトThe Education dilemma : policy issues for developing countries in the 1980s外部サイトAdvanced engineering thermodynamics外部サイトEngineers in industry : a management guide for engineers who wish to perform creatively in industry外部サイトWorked examples in engineering field theory外部サイトHuman aspects of urban form : towards a man-environment approach to urban form and design外部サイトThe chemistry of sulphur . Selenium, tellurium and polonium外部サイトAssessment through interviewing外部サイトThe cry for help--and the professional response外部サイトLanguage of the earth外部サイトThe chemistry of manganese . Technetium and rhenium外部サイトIn the human interest : a strategy to stabilize world population外部サイトThe manufacture of knowledge : an essay on the constructivist and contextual nature of science外部サイトQuantitative and statistical approaches to geography : a practical manual外部サイトThe European connection : implications of EEC membership外部サイトPoverty : wealth of mankind外部サイトThe chemistry of lithium . Sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium外部サイトThe physics of nuclear reactions : a new edition of the author's Nuclear reactions, for use as a main text for an honours degree course in nuclear physics外部サイトPsychological experiments with autistic children外部サイトMind and political concepts外部サイトCommunity associations and centres : a comparative study外部サイトTechniques in bioproductivity and photosynthesis外部サイトThe chemistry of iron, cobalt and nickel外部サイトPure mathematics : the core外部サイトA career in catering : choosing a course外部サイトHigh-speed pulse techniques外部サイトThe endless day : some case material on Asian rural women外部サイトFluid mechanics, thermodynamics of turbomachinery外部サイトTime in animal behaviour外部サイトThe analysis of response in crop and livestock production外部サイトSolar houses in Europe : how they have worked外部サイトAdult education in developing countries外部サイトAn introduction to rumen studies外部サイトElements of analytical dynamics外部サイトCityport industrialization and regional development : spatial analysis and planning strategies外部サイトOperational gaming : an international approach外部サイトBehavioral treatment of alcoholism外部サイトThe dynamical behaviour of structures外部サイトConfrontation or co-operation? : Proceedings of the 14th world conference of the Society for International Development held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, August 12-16, 1974外部サイトThe physics of glaciers外部サイトThe Challenge of educational change : limitations and potentialities外部サイトThe European Parliament : what it is, what it does, how it works外部サイトHydrogen power : an introduction to hydrogen energy and its applications外部サイトIntroduction to dynamic programming外部サイトIntroducing corporate planning外部サイトManagement, information and systems外部サイトFood science外部サイトThinking with models : mathematical models in the physical, biological, and social sciences外部サイトAspects of management外部サイトGeneral immunology外部サイトEnergy around the world : an introduction to energy studies, global resources, needs, utilization外部サイトLocal government and strategic choice : an operational research approach to the processes of public planning外部サイトGeological maps外部サイトBetween the lines of the balance sheet : the plain man's guide to published accounts外部サイトBilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (French-English)外部サイトThe classical theory of fields外部サイトA short course in cloud physics外部サイトFurther pure mathematics外部サイトThin shells : computing and theory外部サイトCommunication, the essence of science : facilitating information exchange among librarians, scientists, engineers, and students外部サイトMineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treatment and mineral recovery (in SI/metric units)外部サイトCitizen participation in planning外部サイトExperimenting with truth : the fusion of religion with technology needed for humanity's survival外部サイトPopulation geography外部サイトCommunication for command and control systems外部サイトCrystallography : an introduction for earth science and other solid state students外部サイトDimensional instability : an introduction外部サイトThe Japanese approach to product quality : its applicability to the West外部サイトQuantum mechanics外部サイトLand policy and urban growth外部サイトPrescriptive psychotherapies外部サイトPlanning for small enterprises in Third World cities外部サイトYoghurt : science and technology外部サイトThe structure of the British Isles外部サイトOral diagnosis : a handbook of modern diagnostic techniques used to investigate clinical problems in dentistry外部サイトQuaternary geology : a stratigraphic framework for multidisciplinary work外部サイトGrowth and differentiation in plants外部サイトThe chemistry of titanium . Zirconium and hafnium外部サイトThe human aspects of management : a case study approach外部サイトTheory of elasticity外部サイトIntroduction to health physics外部サイトSocial work research and the analysis of social data外部サイトEducation and national development : a comparative perspective外部サイトZooplankton外部サイトSI units in engineering and technology外部サイトThe Politics of school government外部サイトMarks & Spencer : anatomy of Britain's most efficiently managed company外部サイトBuilding economy : design, production and organisation : a synoptic view外部サイトFluid mechanics外部サイトEnergy in an age of limited availability and delimited applicability外部サイトOperations management : a policy framework外部サイトThe ecological transition : cultural anthropology and human adaptation外部サイトAn introduction to biomedical instrumentation外部サイトThinking about retirement外部サイトThe nuclear apple and the solar orange : alternatives in world energy外部サイトStellar formation外部サイトPolitics and economic policy in the UK since 1964 : The Jekyll and Hyde years外部サイトPlant anatomy外部サイトAn introduction to business accounting for managers外部サイトMagnificent myth : patterns of control in post-industrial society外部サイトEssays on planning theory and education外部サイトSpain, a brief history外部サイトElements of Experimental stress analysis外部サイトIntroduction to hydrometeorology外部サイトPhysical chemistry外部サイトNo limits to learning : bridging the human gap : a report to the Club of Rome外部サイトElectrodynamics of continuous media外部サイトTowards global action for appropriate technology外部サイトAspects of management外部サイトHeavy current electricity in the United Kingdom : history and development外部サイトThe science of food : an introduction to food science, nutrition, and microbiology外部サイトSystems psychology in the schools外部サイトReactor core fuel management外部サイトHeat pipes外部サイトAn Approach to teaching autistic children外部サイトPlastic theory of structures外部サイトIntroducing corporate planning外部サイトRethinking the process of operational research and systems analysis外部サイトNew perspectives in nonverbal communication : studies in cultural anthropology, social psychology, linguistics, literature, and semiotics外部サイトStructural analysis and design : some minicomputer applications (in two parts)外部サイトHealth and disease in farm animals : for those concerned with animal husbandry外部サイトField geology in the British Isles : a guide to regional excursions外部サイトBeyond the age of waste : a report to the Club of Rome外部サイトStructural analysis and design : some microcomputer applications外部サイトFluid mechanics外部サイトIntroductory dynamical oceanography外部サイトBiological oceanographic processes外部サイトExtractive metallurgy of copper外部サイトEnergy, a global outlook : the case for effective international co-operation外部サイトMechanics of materials : an introduction to the mechanics of elastic and plastic deformation of solids and structural components外部サイトThe impact of noise pollution : a socio-technological introduction外部サイトJones's Animal nursing外部サイトAtmospheric pollution : its history, origins, and prevention外部サイトAn introduction to chemical equilibrium and kinetics外部サイトPhysical kinetics外部サイトElectromagnetism for engineers : an introductory course外部サイトSocial learning practice in residential child care外部サイトJones's animal nursing外部サイトJob's illness : loss, grief, and integration : a psychological interpretation外部サイトPsychological research in the classroom : issues for educators and researchers外部サイトThe iron blast furnace : theory and practice外部サイトAttention and Memory外部サイトAlienation theories : a general systems approach外部サイトThe chemistry of nitrogen外部サイトChemical engineering外部サイトThe chemistry of chlorine, Bromine, iodine and astatine外部サイトBasic Spanish for elementary teachers外部サイトBiomagnetism : applications & theory : proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Biomagnetism, Vancouver, Canada, August 1984外部サイトThe ideologies of planning law外部サイトAn introduction to chemical engineering design外部サイトThe mind-body problem : a psychobiological approach外部サイトFission, fusion and the energy crisis外部サイトSelf-consistent fields in atoms : Hartree and Thomas-Fermi atoms外部サイトCascade aerodynamics外部サイトAnalytical chemistry of the condensed phosphates外部サイトThe characteristics of mechanical engineering systems外部サイトMachine takeover : the growing threat to human freedom in a computer-controlled society外部サイトSport in the Soviet Union外部サイトFundamental concepts of mathematics外部サイトIntroduction to livestock husbandry外部サイトThe geological evolution of the British Isles外部サイトIndustrial movement and regional development : the British case外部サイトFatigue design外部サイトThe motorway age : road and traffic policies in post-war Britain外部サイトMenu French外部サイトEnergy from the waves : the first-ever book on a revolution in technology外部サイトA students' guide to Piaget外部サイトProcess and action in work with groups : the preconditions for treatment and growth外部サイトFusion research外部サイトLoose boundary hydraulics外部サイトElectronic inventions and discoveries : electronics from its earliest beginnings to the present day外部サイトMatrix methods applied to engineering rigid body mechanics外部サイトThe chemistry of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten外部サイトThe socio-political complex : an interdisciplinary approach to political life外部サイトSecond homes : curse or blessing?外部サイトApplied geophysics for geologists and engineers : the elements of geophysical prospecting外部サイトProperties of ceramic raw materials外部サイトAn introduction to chemical metallurgy外部サイトThe chemistry of boron外部サイトProduction,concentration and metabolism during pregnancy外部サイトIn-service education and teachers' centres外部サイトSun power : an introduction to the applications of solar energy外部サイトSystems : decomposition, optimisation, and control外部サイトApplied geotechnology : a text for students and engineers on rock excavation and related topics外部サイトProspects for peace外部サイトExperiments in environmental chemistry : a laboratory manual外部サイトThe computation of style : an introduction to statistics for students of literature and humanities外部サイトBritish cities : an analysis of urban change外部サイトTraffic planning and engineering外部サイトNon-stoichiometric compounds . Tungsten bronzes, vanadium bronzes and related compounds外部サイトJones's animal nursing外部サイトThe Physics of welding外部サイトStrategic planning in London : the rise and fall of the primary road network外部サイトProfiles in female poverty : a study of five poor working women in Kerala外部サイトTwelve little housemates外部サイトAn Annotated reader in environmental planning and management外部サイトThe geological evolution of Australia and New Zealand外部サイトDisconnecting Bell : the impact of the AT&T divestiture外部サイトPrinciples of water quality control外部サイトTowards the elimination of racism外部サイトInterpersonal communication外部サイトThe Psychology of social situations : selected readings外部サイトIntroduction to control systems外部サイトThe germination of seeds外部サイトFundamentals of colitis外部サイトIntroducing structures : a textbook for students of civil and structural engineering, building, and architecture外部サイトMeasurements and time reversal in objective quantum theory外部サイトEducation, culture, and politics in West Germany外部サイトGlobal dialogue : the new international economic order外部サイトFurther applied mathematics外部サイトArithmetic applied mathematics外部サイトMorphological mechanisms : lexicalist analyses of synthetic compounding外部サイトChemistry for the engineering and applied sciences外部サイトSun power : an introduction to the applications of solar energy外部サイトHigh explosives and propellants外部サイトFundamental duties : a volume of essays by present and former members of the Law Faculty of the University of Exeter to commemorate the silver jubilee of the University外部サイトThe structure of Western Europe外部サイトAspects of civil engineering contract procedure外部サイトParametric statistical inference : basic theory and modern approaches外部サイトTechnology and science in the People's Republic of China : an introduction外部サイトEnergy and combustion science : selected papers from Progress in energy and combustion science外部サイトSingle-case experimental designs : strategies for studying behavior change外部サイトUrban planning practice in developing countries外部サイトApplying family therapy : a practical guide for social workers外部サイトConcept formation外部サイトTheory of the condensed state外部サイトLoad-bearing fibre composites外部サイトManagement and industrial structure in Japan外部サイトEcological assessment of child problem behavior : a clinical package for home, school, and institutional settings外部サイトManagement assertions and aversions外部サイトInorganic geochemistry外部サイトBiological oceanographic processes外部サイトNuclear fuel elements : design, fabrication, and performance外部サイトCrisis intervention : studies in community care外部サイトPhytoplankton外部サイトComputational methods in reactor shielding外部サイトHistory and truth外部サイトVisual perception, theory and practice外部サイトThe inner limits of mankind : heretical reflections on today's values, culture, and politics外部サイトPlant metabolism外部サイトReversible sex roles : the special case of Benares sweepers外部サイトHuman growth and the development of personality外部サイトAn introduction to farm organisation and management外部サイトFast breeder reactors : an engineering introduction外部サイトApplied productivity analysis for industry外部サイトStability and flexibility : an analysis of natural systems外部サイトChemical engineering外部サイトEnergy and economic myths : institutional and analytical economic essays外部サイトQuantum electrodynamics外部サイトCycles, value, and employment : responses to the economic crisis外部サイトThe social dynamics of development外部サイトA manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysis外部サイトThe radio universe外部サイトThe aesthetic impulse外部サイトThe chemistry of oxygen外部サイトCorporate planning : the human factor外部サイトIntroduction to plant biochemistry外部サイトCurrent issues in energy : a selection of papers外部サイトThe chemistry of fluorine外部サイトExtractive metallurgy of copper外部サイトThe chemistry of aluminium, gallium, indium and thallium外部サイトThe chemistry of carbon . Organometallic chemistry外部サイトThe human quality外部サイトControlled breeding in farm animals外部サイトBilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (Spanish-English) = Guía bilingüe (inglés-español) de correspondencia profesional y de negocios外部サイトTheory of the condensed state外部サイトProblems in metallurgical thermodynamics and kinetics外部サイトStellar evolution外部サイトThermal design of nuclear reactors外部サイトThe Common Market and how it works外部サイトThe chemistry of germanium . Tin and lead外部サイトFundamentals of metallurgical processes外部サイトSkill training for community living : applying structured learning therapy外部サイトA geography of the Soviet Union外部サイトHistological and histochemical methods : theory and practice外部サイトData and formulae for engineering students外部サイト






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An introduction to turbulence and its measurement
Behavior management in the schools : principles and procedures
The chemistry of ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum
Economics of public finance : an economic analysis of government expenditure and revenue in the United Kingdom
Management control
Transportation planning, policy and analysis
Organo-transition metal compounds and related aspects of homogeneous catalysis
An Annotated reader in environmental planning and management
From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe : the politics of transition
Internal combustion engines : a detailed introduction to the thermodynamics of spark and compression ignition engines, their design and development
The Political economy of EEC relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific states : contributions to the understanding of the Lomé convention on North-South relations
Data and formulae for engineering students
China's changed road to development
Health and disease in farm animals : an introduction to farm animal medicine
The Commonwealth : a new look
Extraction metallurgy
Accounting for price-level changes : theory and procedures
Geophysics in the affairs of man : a personalized history of exploration geophysics and its allied sciences of seismology and oceanography
High-voltage engineering : fundamentals
Unit operations in food processing
Fire investigation : a practical guide for students and officers, insurance investigators, loss adjusters, and police officers
The science of food : an introduction to food science, nutrition, and microbiology
Coding the therapeutic process : emblems of encounter : a manual for counsellors and therapists
Biomedical aspects of lactation : with special reference to lipid metabolism and membrane functions of the mammary gland
Decision-making for schools and colleges
Early childhood autism : clinical, educational, and social aspects
Mathematics for electronic technology
Practical Spanish for school personnel, firemen, policemen, and community agencies
The chemistry of zinc, cadmium and mercury
Introduction to dislocations
Basic farm machinery
Migrant workers in western Europe and the United States
Society, schools, and progress in Japan
Why has development neglected rural women? : A review of the South Asian literature
The rôle of the teacher in the nursery school
A short course in cloud physics
Parapsychology, science or magic? : a psychological perspective
Radioactivity and its measurement : SI units
Beyond the age of waste : a report to the Club of Rome
Economics of public finance : an economic analysis of government expenditure and revenue in the United Kingdom
Quantum mechanics : non-relativistic theory
The social cost of small families and land reform : a case study of the Wataita of Kenya
General photobiology
Policy sciences : methodologies and cases
Introduction to microelectronics
The earth's age and geochronology
Politics and education : cases from eleven nations
New methods of mental health care
Mineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treatment and mineral recovery
The chemistry of copper . Silver . Gold
Community mental health and the criminal justice system
The aerodynamic design of aircraft : a detailed introduction to the current aerodynamic knowledge and practical guide to the solution of aircraft design problems
Energy and the environment : a risk-benefit approach
Critical readings in planning theory
Social work and human problems : casework, consultations, and other topics
Microprocessors : principles and applications
Electrical machines and drives : worked examples
The process of learning mathematics
The evaluation of risk in business investment
Introduction to laboratory animal science and technology
The control of growth and differentiation in plants
People, communication, and organisation : a case study approach
Meat science
Matrix methods of structural analysis
The British Labour Party : a functioning participatory democracy
Industrial democracy and labour market policy in Sweden
Popper and after : four modern irrationalists
Planning for engineers and surveyors
Energy, the countdown : a report to the Club of Rome
Readings in the Swedish class structure
Selected readings in quantitative urban analysis
Geography and population : approaches and applications
Group theory for social workers : an introduction
Theme and variations : a behavior therapy casebook
Living cities : a case for urbanism and guidelines for re-urbanization
Microelectronics and society : for better or for worse : a report to the Club of Rome
Soviet foreign policy since World War II
Human behavior and public policy : a political psychology
Technology of cereals : an introduction for students of food science and agriculture
The finite element method in engineering
Planning theory
Introduction to the theory and context of accounting
Introducing corporate planning
Children with specific learning difficulties : the effect of neurodevelopmental learning disorders on children of normal intelligence
Corporate planning theory and practice
Computers in public administration : an international perspective : a reader
Statistical physics
A textbook of human biology
Fundamentals of metallurgical processes
Introductory dynamic oceanography
Techniques in bioproductivity and photosynthesis
Bilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (Italian-English) : Guida bulingue alla corrispondenza commerciale e professionale (Inglese-italiano)
Child psychiatry observed : a guide for social workers
The chemistry of arsenic, antimony and bismuth
Rock bolting : a practical handbook
Elementary heat transfer analysis
Non-nuclear energy technologies
Complex variables
The theory and design of broadband matching networks
Statistical physics
Relativity, the theory and its philosophy
Bilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (French-English)
Heat pumps : design and application : a practical handbook for plant managers, engineers, architects, and designers
The sorcerer's apprentice : an anthropology of public policy
Losing ground : environmental stress and world food prospects
Principles of fermentation technology
China's changed road to development
Action with the elderly : a handbook for relatives and friends
The design of piled foundations
The geography of tropical African development : a study of spatial patterns of economic change since independence
Combustion and mass transfer : a textbook with multiple-choice exercises for engineering students
Physics and astrophysics : a selection of key problems
One-dimensional compressible flow
Electrical machines and their applications
Behavioral treatments of obesity
State and government in the Federal Republic of Germany : the executive at work
Applied geophysics for engineers and geologists
The chemistry of the lanthanides
Microwaves : an introduction to microwave theory and techniques
Rural geography : an introductory survey
Introduction to bond graphs and their applications
Cascade aerodynamics
Glassblowing for laboratory technicians : including vacuum line accessories and their applications
The social structure of modern Britain
Chemical plant and its operation (including safety and health aspects) : a manual for chemical operators, process workers, plant technicians and maintenance staff in the chemical and allied products industries
Aspects of civil engineering contract procedure
Trees in the city
Basic farm machinery
Lipid analysis : isolation, separation, identification, and structural analysis of lipids
Environmental oceanography : an introduction to the behaviour of coastal waters
Principles of water quality control
An introduction to their properties and applications
Earth and cosmos : a book relating the environment of man on earth to the environment of earth in the cosmos
International population assistance : the first decade : a look at the concepts and policies which have guided the UNFPA in its first ten years
The historical supernovae
Methods of learning communication skills
Production planning and control : an introduction to quantitative methods
Aircraft dynamic stability and response
The manager and industrial relations
The ultrastructure of the animal cell
Sets : naïve, axiomatic, and applied : a basic compendium with exercises for use in set theory for non logicians, working and teaching mathematicians and students
Strategic perspectives on social policy
Educreation and feedback : education for creation, growth, and change : the concept, general implications, and specific applications to schools of architecture, environmental design, or ekistics
Insect clocks
The cybernetic laws of social progress : towards a critical social philosophy and a criticism of Marxism
The Construction of madness : emerging conceptions and interventions into the psychotic process
Solar versus nuclear : choosing energy futures : a report prepared for the Swedish Secretariat for Future Studies
Principles of metal surface treatment and protection
Free and ennobled : source readings in the development of Victorian feminism
Sociology and social work : perspectives and problems
Structuring the therapeutic process : compromise with chaos--the therapist's response to the individual and the group
Life after school : a social skills curriculum
Descriptive physical oceanography : an introduction
The human subject in the psychological laboratory
Analysis of engineering cycles
Finite strip method in structural analysis
The face of Scotland
Metamorphic textures
Optimal design of flexural systems : beams, grillages, slabs, plates, and shells
Your solar energy home : including wind and methane applications
People : an international choice : the multilateral approach to population
Anti-chance : a reply to Monod's chances and necessity
Resources, society, and the future : a report
Resources and planning
Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication
Hotel and catering French : a new approach for advanced students and practitioners
Computer-oriented mathematical physics
How cities work : an introduction
Oxy-acetylene gas welding and related studies
Coastal vegetation
Spatial search : application to planning problems in the public sector
Mathematics for financial analysis
The chemistry of the actinides
The stigma of poverty : a critique of poverty theories and policies
Introduction to geological maps and structures
Education, culture, and politics in modern France
Worked examples in turbomachinery : fluid mechanics and thermodynamics
Messing about in problems : an informal structured approach to their identification and management
Prepare for science : introductory mathematics for physical and engineering sciences
Spanish poetry of the Grupo Poético de 1927
Compounds of the transition elements involving metal-metal bonds
Fuels, furnaces, and refractories
Habitat : human settlements in an urban age
Spatial dimensions of public policy
Society, schools and progress in Nigeria
The political hand : policy implementation and youth employment programs
Biological oceanographic processes
Evaluation in the planning process
Education for clinical social work practice : continuity and change : proceedings of the Second International Conference on Psychodynamic Social Work, held at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA, July 27 to August 1, 1982
Sets : naïve, axiomatic, and applied : a basic compendium with exercises for use in set theory for non logicians, working and teaching mathematicians and students
How to find out : a guide to sources of information for all, arranged by the Dewey decimal classification
Introduction to nuclear techniques in agronomy and plant biology
Changing images of man
Dialogue on wealth and welfare : an alternative view of world capital formation : a report to the Club of Rome
The chemistry of the monatomic gases
Ceramic raw materials
Introduction to industrial drying operations
Casework in context : a basis for practice
Changing priorities on the international agenda : the new international economic order
Energy from the waves : the first-ever book on a revolution in technology
Casebook of organizational behavior
The radio universe
Residential care : a reader in current theory and practice
Gas turbine aero-thermodynamics : with special reference to aircraft propulsion
The state of the planet : a report
Strategic planning in London : the rise and fall of the primary road network
Language and speech disorders in children
Industrial labor in the U.S.S.R.
The newly industrializing countries in the world economy
Applied industrial control : an introduction
Basic electric circuits
Village women of Bangladesh : prospects for change : a study prepared for the International Labour Office within the framework of the World Employment Programme
Policy reform in developing countries
Local government and strategic choice : an operational research approach to the processes of public planning
An introduction to turbulence and its measurement
Westminster workshop : a student's guide to British government
The control of growth and differentiation in plants
Electrical machines & their applications
Engineering plasticity by mathematical programming : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, August 2-12, 1977
How to find out about the social sciences
Wear of metals
The chemistry of silicon
Internal combustion engines : a detailed introduction to the thermodynamics of spark and compression ignition engines, their design and development
The stigma of poverty : a critique of poverty theories and policies
Agricultural statistics : a handbook for developing countries
The chemistry of phosphorus
The principles of pollination ecology
Covert conditioning
Psychiatry for social workers
Electrical power systems
The politics of African and Middle Eastern states : an annotated bibliography
Glacial geology : an introduction for engineers and earth scientists
Electric arc welding and related studies
The radio universe
Meat science
Worked examples in electrical machines and drives
Basic applied mathematics
European social policy, today and tomorrow
Milking machines : a comprehensive guide for farmers, herdsmen, and students
Disarmament and world development
Soil fungi and soil fertility : an introduction to soil mycology
Mechanics of materials : an introduction to the mechanics of elastic and plastic deformation of solids and structural components
The chemistry of vanadium . Niobium and tantalum
Mineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treament and mineral recovery : (in SI/metric units)
Unwillingly to school : school phobia or school refusal, a psychosocial problem
Mathematics with understanding
German women writers of the twentieth century
How to find out : printed and on-line sources
A systems view of planning : towards a theory of the urban and regional planning process
The more developed realm : a geography of its population
The geological evolution of the British Isles
Introduction to crop husbandry : including grassland
Quaternary geology : a stratigraphic framework for multidisciplinary work
The engineering of microprocessor systems : guidelines on system development
Disasters : hospital planning : a manual for doctors, nurses, and administrators
Cost and financial accounting in forestry : a practical manual
Sweden in world society : thoughts about the future : a report prepared for the Swedish Secretariat for Futures Studies
The Education dilemma : policy issues for developing countries in the 1980s
Advanced engineering thermodynamics
Engineers in industry : a management guide for engineers who wish to perform creatively in industry
Worked examples in engineering field theory
Human aspects of urban form : towards a man-environment approach to urban form and design
The chemistry of sulphur . Selenium, tellurium and polonium
Assessment through interviewing
The cry for help--and the professional response
Language of the earth
The chemistry of manganese . Technetium and rhenium
In the human interest : a strategy to stabilize world population
The manufacture of knowledge : an essay on the constructivist and contextual nature of science
Quantitative and statistical approaches to geography : a practical manual
The European connection : implications of EEC membership
Poverty : wealth of mankind
The chemistry of lithium . Sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium
The physics of nuclear reactions : a new edition of the author's Nuclear reactions, for use as a main text for an honours degree course in nuclear physics
Psychological experiments with autistic children
Mind and political concepts
Community associations and centres : a comparative study
Techniques in bioproductivity and photosynthesis
The chemistry of iron, cobalt and nickel
Pure mathematics : the core
A career in catering : choosing a course
High-speed pulse techniques
The endless day : some case material on Asian rural women
Fluid mechanics, thermodynamics of turbomachinery
Time in animal behaviour
The analysis of response in crop and livestock production
Solar houses in Europe : how they have worked
Adult education in developing countries
An introduction to rumen studies
Elements of analytical dynamics
Cityport industrialization and regional development : spatial analysis and planning strategies
Operational gaming : an international approach
Behavioral treatment of alcoholism
The dynamical behaviour of structures
Confrontation or co-operation? : Proceedings of the 14th world conference of the Society for International Development held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, August 12-16, 1974
The physics of glaciers
The Challenge of educational change : limitations and potentialities
The European Parliament : what it is, what it does, how it works
Hydrogen power : an introduction to hydrogen energy and its applications
Introduction to dynamic programming
Introducing corporate planning
Management, information and systems
Food science
Thinking with models : mathematical models in the physical, biological, and social sciences
Aspects of management
General immunology
Energy around the world : an introduction to energy studies, global resources, needs, utilization
Local government and strategic choice : an operational research approach to the processes of public planning
Geological maps
Between the lines of the balance sheet : the plain man's guide to published accounts
Bilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (French-English)
The classical theory of fields
A short course in cloud physics
Further pure mathematics
Thin shells : computing and theory
Communication, the essence of science : facilitating information exchange among librarians, scientists, engineers, and students
Mineral processing technology : an introduction to the practical aspects of ore treatment and mineral recovery (in SI/metric units)
Citizen participation in planning
Experimenting with truth : the fusion of religion with technology needed for humanity's survival
Population geography
Communication for command and control systems
Crystallography : an introduction for earth science and other solid state students
Dimensional instability : an introduction
The Japanese approach to product quality : its applicability to the West
Quantum mechanics
Land policy and urban growth
Prescriptive psychotherapies
Planning for small enterprises in Third World cities
Yoghurt : science and technology
The structure of the British Isles
Oral diagnosis : a handbook of modern diagnostic techniques used to investigate clinical problems in dentistry
Quaternary geology : a stratigraphic framework for multidisciplinary work
Growth and differentiation in plants
The chemistry of titanium . Zirconium and hafnium
The human aspects of management : a case study approach
Theory of elasticity
Introduction to health physics
Social work research and the analysis of social data
Education and national development : a comparative perspective
SI units in engineering and technology
The Politics of school government
Marks & Spencer : anatomy of Britain's most efficiently managed company
Building economy : design, production and organisation : a synoptic view
Fluid mechanics
Energy in an age of limited availability and delimited applicability
Operations management : a policy framework
The ecological transition : cultural anthropology and human adaptation
An introduction to biomedical instrumentation
Thinking about retirement
The nuclear apple and the solar orange : alternatives in world energy
Stellar formation
Politics and economic policy in the UK since 1964 : The Jekyll and Hyde years
Plant anatomy
An introduction to business accounting for managers
Magnificent myth : patterns of control in post-industrial society
Essays on planning theory and education
Spain, a brief history
Elements of Experimental stress analysis
Introduction to hydrometeorology
Physical chemistry
No limits to learning : bridging the human gap : a report to the Club of Rome
Electrodynamics of continuous media
Towards global action for appropriate technology
Aspects of management
Heavy current electricity in the United Kingdom : history and development
The science of food : an introduction to food science, nutrition, and microbiology
Systems psychology in the schools
Reactor core fuel management
Heat pipes
An Approach to teaching autistic children
Plastic theory of structures
Introducing corporate planning
Rethinking the process of operational research and systems analysis
New perspectives in nonverbal communication : studies in cultural anthropology, social psychology, linguistics, literature, and semiotics
Structural analysis and design : some minicomputer applications (in two parts)
Health and disease in farm animals : for those concerned with animal husbandry
Field geology in the British Isles : a guide to regional excursions
Beyond the age of waste : a report to the Club of Rome
Structural analysis and design : some microcomputer applications
Fluid mechanics
Introductory dynamical oceanography
Biological oceanographic processes
Extractive metallurgy of copper
Energy, a global outlook : the case for effective international co-operation
Mechanics of materials : an introduction to the mechanics of elastic and plastic deformation of solids and structural components
The impact of noise pollution : a socio-technological introduction
Jones's Animal nursing
Atmospheric pollution : its history, origins, and prevention
An introduction to chemical equilibrium and kinetics
Physical kinetics
Electromagnetism for engineers : an introductory course
Social learning practice in residential child care
Jones's animal nursing
Job's illness : loss, grief, and integration : a psychological interpretation
Psychological research in the classroom : issues for educators and researchers
The iron blast furnace : theory and practice
Attention and Memory
Alienation theories : a general systems approach
The chemistry of nitrogen
Chemical engineering
The chemistry of chlorine, Bromine, iodine and astatine
Basic Spanish for elementary teachers
Biomagnetism : applications & theory : proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Biomagnetism, Vancouver, Canada, August 1984
The ideologies of planning law
An introduction to chemical engineering design
The mind-body problem : a psychobiological approach
Fission, fusion and the energy crisis
Self-consistent fields in atoms : Hartree and Thomas-Fermi atoms
Cascade aerodynamics
Analytical chemistry of the condensed phosphates
The characteristics of mechanical engineering systems
Machine takeover : the growing threat to human freedom in a computer-controlled society
Sport in the Soviet Union
Fundamental concepts of mathematics
Introduction to livestock husbandry
The geological evolution of the British Isles
Industrial movement and regional development : the British case
Fatigue design
The motorway age : road and traffic policies in post-war Britain
Menu French
Energy from the waves : the first-ever book on a revolution in technology
A students' guide to Piaget
Process and action in work with groups : the preconditions for treatment and growth
Fusion research
Loose boundary hydraulics
Electronic inventions and discoveries : electronics from its earliest beginnings to the present day
Matrix methods applied to engineering rigid body mechanics
The chemistry of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten
The socio-political complex : an interdisciplinary approach to political life
Second homes : curse or blessing?
Applied geophysics for geologists and engineers : the elements of geophysical prospecting
Properties of ceramic raw materials
An introduction to chemical metallurgy
The chemistry of boron
Production,concentration and metabolism during pregnancy
In-service education and teachers' centres
Sun power : an introduction to the applications of solar energy
Systems : decomposition, optimisation, and control
Applied geotechnology : a text for students and engineers on rock excavation and related topics
Prospects for peace
Experiments in environmental chemistry : a laboratory manual
The computation of style : an introduction to statistics for students of literature and humanities
British cities : an analysis of urban change
Traffic planning and engineering
Non-stoichiometric compounds . Tungsten bronzes, vanadium bronzes and related compounds
Jones's animal nursing
The Physics of welding
Strategic planning in London : the rise and fall of the primary road network
Profiles in female poverty : a study of five poor working women in Kerala
Twelve little housemates
An Annotated reader in environmental planning and management
The geological evolution of Australia and New Zealand
Disconnecting Bell : the impact of the AT&T divestiture
Principles of water quality control
Towards the elimination of racism
Interpersonal communication
The Psychology of social situations : selected readings
Introduction to control systems
The germination of seeds
Fundamentals of colitis
Introducing structures : a textbook for students of civil and structural engineering, building, and architecture
Measurements and time reversal in objective quantum theory
Education, culture, and politics in West Germany
Global dialogue : the new international economic order
Further applied mathematics
Arithmetic applied mathematics
Morphological mechanisms : lexicalist analyses of synthetic compounding
Chemistry for the engineering and applied sciences
Sun power : an introduction to the applications of solar energy
High explosives and propellants
Fundamental duties : a volume of essays by present and former members of the Law Faculty of the University of Exeter to commemorate the silver jubilee of the University
The structure of Western Europe
Aspects of civil engineering contract procedure
Parametric statistical inference : basic theory and modern approaches
Technology and science in the People's Republic of China : an introduction
Energy and combustion science : selected papers from Progress in energy and combustion science
Single-case experimental designs : strategies for studying behavior change
Urban planning practice in developing countries
Applying family therapy : a practical guide for social workers
Concept formation
Theory of the condensed state
Load-bearing fibre composites
Management and industrial structure in Japan
Ecological assessment of child problem behavior : a clinical package for home, school, and institutional settings
Management assertions and aversions
Inorganic geochemistry
Biological oceanographic processes
Nuclear fuel elements : design, fabrication, and performance
Crisis intervention : studies in community care
Computational methods in reactor shielding
History and truth
Visual perception, theory and practice
The inner limits of mankind : heretical reflections on today's values, culture, and politics
Plant metabolism
Reversible sex roles : the special case of Benares sweepers
Human growth and the development of personality
An introduction to farm organisation and management
Fast breeder reactors : an engineering introduction
Applied productivity analysis for industry
Stability and flexibility : an analysis of natural systems
Chemical engineering
Energy and economic myths : institutional and analytical economic essays
Quantum electrodynamics
Cycles, value, and employment : responses to the economic crisis
The social dynamics of development
A manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysis
The radio universe
The aesthetic impulse
The chemistry of oxygen
Corporate planning : the human factor
Introduction to plant biochemistry
Current issues in energy : a selection of papers
The chemistry of fluorine
Extractive metallurgy of copper
The chemistry of aluminium, gallium, indium and thallium
The chemistry of carbon . Organometallic chemistry
The human quality
Controlled breeding in farm animals
Bilingual guide to business and professional correspondence (Spanish-English) = Guía bilingüe (inglés-español) de correspondencia profesional y de negocios
Theory of the condensed state
Problems in metallurgical thermodynamics and kinetics
Stellar evolution
Thermal design of nuclear reactors
The Common Market and how it works
The chemistry of germanium . Tin and lead
Fundamentals of metallurgical processes
Skill training for community living : applying structured learning therapy
A geography of the Soviet Union
Histological and histochemical methods : theory and practice
Data and formulae for engineering students
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00043018 : BA00043018