
Westview replica editions


Westview replica editions

Westview Press


Amaeru : the expression of reciprocal dependency needs in Japanese politics and law外部サイトEarly Sino-American relations, 1841-1912 : the collected articles of Earl Swisher外部サイトPublic regulation of financial services : costs and benefits to consumers : a bibliography外部サイトThe military as an instrument of U.S. policy in Southwest Asia : the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force, 1979-1982外部サイトFrom martial law to martial law : politics in the Punjab, 1919-1958外部サイトThe hobbled giant : essays on the World Bank外部サイトWaste disposal in the oceans : minimizing impact, maximizing benefits外部サイトWomen and revolution in Iran外部サイトThe status of Gibraltar外部サイトFarming systems in the Nigerian savanna : research and strategies for development外部サイトThe evolution of U.S. Army nuclear doctrine, 1945-1980外部サイトSoviet forest industries外部サイトThe imperial lion : human dimensions of wildlife management in central Africa外部サイトThe challenge of integrated rural development in India : a policy and management perspective外部サイトThe Transformation of a sacred town : Bhubaneswar, India外部サイトThe foreign investment screening process in LDCs : the case of Colombia, 1967-1975外部サイトEarly Sino-American relations, 1841-1912 : the collected articles of Earl Swisher外部サイトDomestic political realities and European unification : a study of mass publics and elites in the European Community countries外部サイトTechnical change and social conflict in agriculture : Latin American perspectives外部サイトScience and technology for international development : an assessment of U.S. policies and programs外部サイトSolar energy and the U.S. economy外部サイトSuperships and nation-states : the transnational politics of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization外部サイトUnderdevelopment and agrarian structure in Pakistan外部サイトPolitical tolerance in context : support for unpopular minorities in Israel, New Zealand, and the United States外部サイトSwamp rice farming : the indigenous Pahang Malay agricultural system外部サイトLivestock development in Kenya's Maasailand : pastoralists' transition to a market economy外部サイトThe state and underdevelopment in Spanish America : the political roots of dependency in Peru and Argentina外部サイトSadat and Begin : the domestic politics of peacemaking外部サイトThe economics of political instability : the Nigerian-Biafran war外部サイトLand reform in Brazil : the management of social change外部サイトThe Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1905-1921 : origins of the modern American student movement外部サイトConflict and choice in resource management : the case of Alaska外部サイトThe first European elections : neo-functionalism and the European parliament外部サイトSearch for justice : neighborhood courts in Allende's Chile外部サイトIssues in East Asian energy development外部サイトThe President and the Council of Economic Advisers : interviews with CEA chairmen外部サイトDevelopment and the politics of administrative reform : lessons from Latin America外部サイトLaw and economic development in the Soviet Union外部サイトEmigration and economic development : the case of the Yemen Arab Republic外部サイトTechnology transfer and development : India's Hindustan Machine Tools Company外部サイトDependency and intervention : the case of Guatemala in 1954外部サイトFisheries management : theoretical developments and contemporary applications外部サイトPrisoners of space? : Exploring the geographical experience of older people外部サイトRural electrification and development : social and economic impact in Costa Rica and Colombia外部サイトMetropolis and nation in Thailand : the political economy of uneven development外部サイト"Temporary" alien workers in the United States : designing policy from fact and opinion外部サイトIrrigation and agricultural politics in South Korea外部サイトNational security crisis forecasting and management外部サイトU.S.-Japanese energy relations : cooperation and competition外部サイトDominant classes and the state in development : theory and the case of India外部サイトThe growth of manufacturing industry in Tanzania : an economic history外部サイトThe Indian foreign policy bureaucracy外部サイトCoping with rapid growth in rural communities外部サイトPublic representation in environmental policymaking : the case of water quality management外部サイトWater in the Middle East : conflict or cooperation?外部サイトInternational law and the status of women外部サイトSocialism in Western Europe : the experience of a generation外部サイトInternational order and foreign policy : a theoretical sketch of post-war international politics外部サイトPatterns of Japanese policymaking : experiences from higher education外部サイトClassical theories of value : from Smith to Sraffa外部サイトAging in post-Mao China : the politics of veneration外部サイトJamaica and the sugar worker cooperatives : the politics of reform外部サイトEurope and the superpowers : political, economic, and military policies in the 1980's外部サイトUrban and regional analysis for development planning外部サイトMethods in futures studies : problems and applications外部サイトConstitutional democracy : essays in comparative politics : a festschrift in honor of Henry W. Ehrmann外部サイトThe fragile entente : the 1978 Japan-China Peace Treaty in a global context外部サイトThe making of a premier : Zhao Ziyang's provincial career外部サイトThe politics of Pacific island fisheries外部サイトThe UNCTAD Liner Code : United States maritime policy at the crossroads外部サイトPolitical cohesion in a fragile mosaic : the Yugoslav experience外部サイトRural migration in developing nations : comparative studies of Korea, Sri Lanka, and Mali外部サイトThe Venezuela-Guyana border dispute : Britain's colonial legacy in Latin America外部サイトState politics in contemporary India : crisis or continuity?外部サイトExports, politics, and economic development : Pakistan, 1970-1982外部サイトRisky agricultural markets : price forecasting and the need for intervention policies外部サイトInternational agricultural trade : advanced readings in price formation, market structure, and price instability外部サイトTransferring food production technology to developing nations : economic and social dimensions外部サイトUnderdevelopment and agrarian structure in Pakistan外部サイトWorker participation and the crisis of liberal democracy外部サイトThe Third Indochina conflict外部サイトThe impact of oil import price shocks on domestic prices外部サイトThe persistence of freedom : the sociological implications of Polish student theater外部サイトArgentina's foreign policies外部サイトU.S. military power and rapid deployment requirements in the 1980s外部サイトLivestock development in Subsaharan Africa : constraints, prospects, policy外部サイトPublic participation in development planning and management : cases from Africa and Asia外部サイトThe Caribbean Basin to the year 2000 : demographic, economic, and resource-use trends in seventeen countries : a compendium of statistics and projections外部サイトSoviet politics in the 1980s外部サイトThe dynamics of foreign policymaking : the President, the Congress, and the Panama Canal treaties外部サイトKENSIM : a systems simulation of the developing Kenyan economy, 1970-1978外部サイトNuclear deterrence in U.S.-Soviet relations外部サイトTechnology transfer to the USSR, 1928-1937 and 1966-1975 : the role of Western technology in Soviet economic development外部サイトStudies of the third wave : recent migration of Soviet Jews to the United States外部サイトInternational politics and the sea, the case of Brazil外部サイトThe Taiwan issue in Sino-American strategic relations外部サイトInvestment and reindustrialization in the Soviet economy外部サイトU.S.-Panama relations, 1903-1978 : a study in linkage politics外部サイトA political and social history of Guyana, 1945-1983外部サイトEasing transition in southern Africa : new techniques for policy planning外部サイトEast Germany and the Warsaw alliance : the politics of detente外部サイトMedicaid eligibility : problems and solutions外部サイトThe process of priority formulation : U.S. foreign policy in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971外部サイトAlaska's rural development外部サイトWho pays for clean water? : the distribution of water pollution control costs外部サイトThe legislative veto : congressional control of regulation外部サイトU.S. policy toward Korea : analysis, alternatives, and recommendations外部サイトThe Begin era : issues in contemporary Israel外部サイトImplementing development assistance : European approaches to basic needs外部サイトPerspectives on development in Mainland China外部サイトThree visions of Chinese socialism外部サイトCentral America : regional integration and national political development外部サイトToward international tele-education外部サイトPolitics and society in the Southwest : ethnicity and Chicano pluralism外部サイトKnow-how on the job : the important working knowledge of "unskilled" workers外部サイトNuclear power : assessing and managing hazardous technology外部サイトManaging transnationalism in northern Europe外部サイトChina at the crossroads : Nationalists and Communists, 1927-1949外部サイトPolitics in Pakistan : the struggle for legitimacy外部サイトAgrarian reform and rural poverty : a case study of Peru外部サイトThe politics of language : the dilemma of bilingual education for Puerto Ricans外部サイトLinkage politics in the Middle East : Syria between domestic and external conflict, 1961-1970外部サイトUrban migrants in developing nations : patterns and problems of adjustment外部サイトControlling Latin American conflicts : ten approaches外部サイトMacroproject development in the third world : an analysis of transnational partnerships外部サイトThe U.S. and Mexico : borderland development and the national economies外部サイトIn search of Namibian independence : the limitations of the United Nations外部サイトCorporatism and national development in Latin America外部サイトMercenary troops in modern Africa外部サイトPrisoners of space? : Exploring the geographical experience of older people外部サイトThe Modernizers : overseas students, foreign employees, and Meiji Japan外部サイトThe U.S. Senate and strategic arms policy, 1969-1977外部サイトAbandonment of illusions : Zionist political attitudes toward Palestinian Arab nationalism, 1936-1939外部サイトInteraction in the Thai bureaucracy : structure, culture, and social exchange外部サイトColonial rule and regional imbalance in central Africa外部サイトSmall- and medium-scale industries in the ASEAN countries : agents or victims of economic development?外部サイトA political history of the Olympic Games外部サイトOil, money, and the Mexican economy : a macroeconometric analysis外部サイトEgypt's agricultural development, 1800-1980 : technical and social change外部サイトIrrigation horticulture in highland Guatemala : the tablón system of Panajachel外部サイトVietnamese Americans : patterns of resettlement and socioeconomic adaptation in the United States外部サイトAtatürk and the modernization of Turkey外部サイトJapan : economic growth, resource scarcity, and environmental constraints外部サイトIndia under pressure : prospects for political stability外部サイトMisperceptions in foreign policymaking : the Sino-Indian conflict, 1959-1962外部サイトReporters under fire : U.S. media coverage of conflicts in Lebanon and Central America外部サイトForeign intervention and China's industrial development, 1870-1911外部サイトThe Mexican Revolution in Yucatán, 1915-1924外部サイトPublic pensions, capital formation, and economic growth外部サイトThe microeconomics of the timber industry外部サイトSoviet economic planning, 1965-1980外部サイトFinancial policies and management of agricultural development banks外部サイトImlil, a Moroccan mountain community in change外部サイトReligion and modernization in the Soviet Union外部サイトLimits to capitalist development : the industrialization of Peru, 1950-1980外部サイトExpert-generated data : applications in international affairs外部サイトMissiles for the nineties : ICBMs and strategic policy外部サイトPolitical/military applications of Bayesian analysis : methodological issues外部サイトWestern society after the Holocaust外部サイトHighway beautification : the environmental movement's greatest failure外部サイトSocial deviance in eastern Europe外部サイトSoviet perceptions of the oil factor in U.S. foreign policy : the Middle East-Gulf region外部サイトTropical forested watersheds : hydrologic and soils response to major uses or conversions外部サイトProspects for Soviet grain production外部サイトInternational dimensions of the environmental crisis外部サイトPerspectives in Jewish population research外部サイトThe West German Social Democrats, 1969-1982 : profile of a party in Power外部サイトFood security in the United States外部サイトDemographic responses to development : sources of declining fertility in the Philippines外部サイトU.S. foreign aid : an assessment of new and traditional development strategies外部サイトTransitions to alternative energy systems : entrepreneurs, new technologies, and social change外部サイトA clarification of questions : an unabridged translation of Resaleh towzih al-masael外部サイトMexico's oil : catalyst for a new relationship with the U.S.?外部サイトNew Zealand and the Pacific外部サイトChina's financial system : the changing role of banks外部サイトEconomics of the black market外部サイトResource management and the oceans : the political economy of deep seabed mining外部サイトEnvironmental management in tropical agriculture外部サイトChina's decision for rapprochement with the United States, 1968-1971外部サイトThe legislative veto : congressional control of regulation外部サイトThe Lome Conventions and their implications for the United States外部サイトTechnological change in the German Democratic Republic外部サイトElusive reform : the French universities, 1968-1978外部サイトGlobal inequality : political and socioeconomic perspectives外部サイトThe political economy of mechanization in U.S. agriculture外部サイトThe Whaling issue in U.S.-Japan relations外部サイトThe arms of Kiangnan : modernization in the Chinese ordnance industry, 1860-1895外部サイトPeasants in transition : the changing economy of the Peruvian Aymara : a general systems approach外部サイトComparative development perspectives : essays in honor of Lloyd G. Reynolds外部サイトManaging air quality and scenic resources at national parks and wilderness areas外部サイトEast-West relations in Europe : observations and advice from the sidelines, 1971-1982外部サイトHousing allowances for the poor : a social experiment外部サイトPoland between the superpowers : security vs. economic recovery外部サイトWomen in the cities of Asia : migration and urban adaptation外部サイトDevelopment policy in Guyana : planning, finance, and administration外部サイトU.S. foreign economic strategy for the eighties外部サイトBrazil's multilateral relations : between first and third worlds外部サイトThe Limits of reform in China外部サイトMexico's energy resources : toward a policy of diversification外部サイトRed Guard factionalism and the Cultural Revolution in Guangzhou (Canton)外部サイトAgricultural development in Bangladesh外部サイトEconomic policy and income distribution in Colombia外部サイトBrezhnev's peace program : a study of Soviet domestic political process and power外部サイトToward the understanding and prevention of genocide : proceedings of the International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide外部サイトCongress and the presidency in U.S. foreign policymaking : a study of interaction and influence, 1945-1982外部サイトUnequal alliance : the inter-American military system, 1938-1978外部サイトHow Japan innovates : a comparison with the U.S. in the case of oxygen steelmaking外部サイトThe Marshall Plan : a retrospective外部サイトThe Spatial structure of development : a study of Kenya外部サイトRegulation, market prices, and process innovation : the case of the ammonia industry外部サイトCuba and the revolutionary myth : the political education of the Cuban Rebel Army, 1953-1963外部サイトPrivate voluntary organizations as agents of development外部サイトSocial conflicts and third parties : strategies of conflict resolution外部サイトThe Nuclear freeze debate : arms control issues for the 1980s外部サイトStrategies against violence : design for nonviolent change外部サイトThe bureaucratic struggle for control of U.S. foreign aid : diplomacy vs. development in southern Africa外部サイトLegitimation and integration in developing societies : the case of India外部サイトThe U.S. Export-Import Bank : policy dilemmas and choices外部サイトPublic lands and the U.S. economy : balancing conservation and development : proceedings of a conference外部サイトLaser weapons in space : policy and doctrine外部サイトInformation technology in the Third World : can I.T. lead to humane national development?外部サイトThe history of U.S. ethnic policy and its impact on European ethnics外部サイトSoviet diplomacy and negotiating behavior : the emerging new context for U.S. diplomacy外部サイトFinance and development : the role of international commercial banks in the Third World外部サイトThe political economy of devaluation : the case of Peru, 1975-1978外部サイトSoutheast Asia divided : the ASEAN-Indochina crisis外部サイトThe Foreign Service personnel system : an organizational analysis外部サイトImplementing rural development projects : lessons from AID and World Bank experiences外部サイトThe Hoover Commissions revisited外部サイトCanton in revolution : the collected papers of Earl Swisher, 1925-1928外部サイトThe forgotten ambassador : the reports of John Leighton Stuart, 1946-1949外部サイトPaths to conflict : international dispute initiation, 1816-1976外部サイトInside the legislative process : the passage of the Foreign Service Act of 1980外部サイトThe politics of mineral resource development in Antarctica : alternative regimes for the future外部サイトThe development of the Chinese collection in the Library of Congress外部サイトThe Federal Republic of Germany and the United States : changing political, social, and economic relations外部サイトNational security in the Third World外部サイトThe political economy of mechanization in U.S. agriculture外部サイト



  • Amaeru : the expression of reciprocal dependency needs in Japanese politics and law

  • Early Sino-American relations, 1841-1912 : the collected articles of Earl Swisher

  • Public regulation of financial services : costs and benefits to consumers : a bibliography

  • The military as an instrument of U.S. policy in Southwest Asia : the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force, 1979-1982

  • From martial law to martial law : politics in the Punjab, 1919-1958





  • CiNii Research

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A Westview replica edition
Amaeru : the expression of reciprocal dependency needs in Japanese politics and law
Early Sino-American relations, 1841-1912 : the collected articles of Earl Swisher
Public regulation of financial services : costs and benefits to consumers : a bibliography
The military as an instrument of U.S. policy in Southwest Asia : the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force, 1979-1982
From martial law to martial law : politics in the Punjab, 1919-1958
The hobbled giant : essays on the World Bank
Waste disposal in the oceans : minimizing impact, maximizing benefits
Women and revolution in Iran
The status of Gibraltar
Farming systems in the Nigerian savanna : research and strategies for development
The evolution of U.S. Army nuclear doctrine, 1945-1980
Soviet forest industries
The imperial lion : human dimensions of wildlife management in central Africa
The challenge of integrated rural development in India : a policy and management perspective
The Transformation of a sacred town : Bhubaneswar, India
The foreign investment screening process in LDCs : the case of Colombia, 1967-1975
Early Sino-American relations, 1841-1912 : the collected articles of Earl Swisher
Domestic political realities and European unification : a study of mass publics and elites in the European Community countries
Technical change and social conflict in agriculture : Latin American perspectives
Science and technology for international development : an assessment of U.S. policies and programs
Solar energy and the U.S. economy
Superships and nation-states : the transnational politics of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
Underdevelopment and agrarian structure in Pakistan
Political tolerance in context : support for unpopular minorities in Israel, New Zealand, and the United States
Swamp rice farming : the indigenous Pahang Malay agricultural system
Livestock development in Kenya's Maasailand : pastoralists' transition to a market economy
The state and underdevelopment in Spanish America : the political roots of dependency in Peru and Argentina
Sadat and Begin : the domestic politics of peacemaking
The economics of political instability : the Nigerian-Biafran war
Land reform in Brazil : the management of social change
The Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1905-1921 : origins of the modern American student movement
Conflict and choice in resource management : the case of Alaska
The first European elections : neo-functionalism and the European parliament
Search for justice : neighborhood courts in Allende's Chile
Issues in East Asian energy development
The President and the Council of Economic Advisers : interviews with CEA chairmen
Development and the politics of administrative reform : lessons from Latin America
Law and economic development in the Soviet Union
Emigration and economic development : the case of the Yemen Arab Republic
Technology transfer and development : India's Hindustan Machine Tools Company
Dependency and intervention : the case of Guatemala in 1954
Fisheries management : theoretical developments and contemporary applications
Prisoners of space? : Exploring the geographical experience of older people
Rural electrification and development : social and economic impact in Costa Rica and Colombia
Metropolis and nation in Thailand : the political economy of uneven development
"Temporary" alien workers in the United States : designing policy from fact and opinion
Irrigation and agricultural politics in South Korea
National security crisis forecasting and management
U.S.-Japanese energy relations : cooperation and competition
Dominant classes and the state in development : theory and the case of India
The growth of manufacturing industry in Tanzania : an economic history
The Indian foreign policy bureaucracy
Coping with rapid growth in rural communities
Public representation in environmental policymaking : the case of water quality management
Water in the Middle East : conflict or cooperation?
International law and the status of women
Socialism in Western Europe : the experience of a generation
International order and foreign policy : a theoretical sketch of post-war international politics
Patterns of Japanese policymaking : experiences from higher education
Classical theories of value : from Smith to Sraffa
Aging in post-Mao China : the politics of veneration
Jamaica and the sugar worker cooperatives : the politics of reform
Europe and the superpowers : political, economic, and military policies in the 1980's
Urban and regional analysis for development planning
Methods in futures studies : problems and applications
Constitutional democracy : essays in comparative politics : a festschrift in honor of Henry W. Ehrmann
The fragile entente : the 1978 Japan-China Peace Treaty in a global context
The making of a premier : Zhao Ziyang's provincial career
The politics of Pacific island fisheries
The UNCTAD Liner Code : United States maritime policy at the crossroads
Political cohesion in a fragile mosaic : the Yugoslav experience
Rural migration in developing nations : comparative studies of Korea, Sri Lanka, and Mali
The Venezuela-Guyana border dispute : Britain's colonial legacy in Latin America
State politics in contemporary India : crisis or continuity?
Exports, politics, and economic development : Pakistan, 1970-1982
Risky agricultural markets : price forecasting and the need for intervention policies
International agricultural trade : advanced readings in price formation, market structure, and price instability
Transferring food production technology to developing nations : economic and social dimensions
Underdevelopment and agrarian structure in Pakistan
Worker participation and the crisis of liberal democracy
The Third Indochina conflict
The impact of oil import price shocks on domestic prices
The persistence of freedom : the sociological implications of Polish student theater
Argentina's foreign policies
U.S. military power and rapid deployment requirements in the 1980s
Livestock development in Subsaharan Africa : constraints, prospects, policy
Public participation in development planning and management : cases from Africa and Asia
The Caribbean Basin to the year 2000 : demographic, economic, and resource-use trends in seventeen countries : a compendium of statistics and projections
Soviet politics in the 1980s
The dynamics of foreign policymaking : the President, the Congress, and the Panama Canal treaties
KENSIM : a systems simulation of the developing Kenyan economy, 1970-1978
Nuclear deterrence in U.S.-Soviet relations
Technology transfer to the USSR, 1928-1937 and 1966-1975 : the role of Western technology in Soviet economic development
Studies of the third wave : recent migration of Soviet Jews to the United States
International politics and the sea, the case of Brazil
The Taiwan issue in Sino-American strategic relations
Investment and reindustrialization in the Soviet economy
U.S.-Panama relations, 1903-1978 : a study in linkage politics
A political and social history of Guyana, 1945-1983
Easing transition in southern Africa : new techniques for policy planning
East Germany and the Warsaw alliance : the politics of detente
Medicaid eligibility : problems and solutions
The process of priority formulation : U.S. foreign policy in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
Alaska's rural development
Who pays for clean water? : the distribution of water pollution control costs
The legislative veto : congressional control of regulation
U.S. policy toward Korea : analysis, alternatives, and recommendations
The Begin era : issues in contemporary Israel
Implementing development assistance : European approaches to basic needs
Perspectives on development in Mainland China
Three visions of Chinese socialism
Central America : regional integration and national political development
Toward international tele-education
Politics and society in the Southwest : ethnicity and Chicano pluralism
Know-how on the job : the important working knowledge of "unskilled" workers
Nuclear power : assessing and managing hazardous technology
Managing transnationalism in northern Europe
China at the crossroads : Nationalists and Communists, 1927-1949
Politics in Pakistan : the struggle for legitimacy
Agrarian reform and rural poverty : a case study of Peru
The politics of language : the dilemma of bilingual education for Puerto Ricans
Linkage politics in the Middle East : Syria between domestic and external conflict, 1961-1970
Urban migrants in developing nations : patterns and problems of adjustment
Controlling Latin American conflicts : ten approaches
Macroproject development in the third world : an analysis of transnational partnerships
The U.S. and Mexico : borderland development and the national economies
In search of Namibian independence : the limitations of the United Nations
Corporatism and national development in Latin America
Mercenary troops in modern Africa
Prisoners of space? : Exploring the geographical experience of older people
The Modernizers : overseas students, foreign employees, and Meiji Japan
The U.S. Senate and strategic arms policy, 1969-1977
Abandonment of illusions : Zionist political attitudes toward Palestinian Arab nationalism, 1936-1939
Interaction in the Thai bureaucracy : structure, culture, and social exchange
Colonial rule and regional imbalance in central Africa
Small- and medium-scale industries in the ASEAN countries : agents or victims of economic development?
A political history of the Olympic Games
Oil, money, and the Mexican economy : a macroeconometric analysis
Egypt's agricultural development, 1800-1980 : technical and social change
Irrigation horticulture in highland Guatemala : the tablón system of Panajachel
Vietnamese Americans : patterns of resettlement and socioeconomic adaptation in the United States
Atatürk and the modernization of Turkey
Japan : economic growth, resource scarcity, and environmental constraints
India under pressure : prospects for political stability
Misperceptions in foreign policymaking : the Sino-Indian conflict, 1959-1962
Reporters under fire : U.S. media coverage of conflicts in Lebanon and Central America
Foreign intervention and China's industrial development, 1870-1911
The Mexican Revolution in Yucatán, 1915-1924
Public pensions, capital formation, and economic growth
The microeconomics of the timber industry
Soviet economic planning, 1965-1980
Financial policies and management of agricultural development banks
Imlil, a Moroccan mountain community in change
Religion and modernization in the Soviet Union
Limits to capitalist development : the industrialization of Peru, 1950-1980
Expert-generated data : applications in international affairs
Missiles for the nineties : ICBMs and strategic policy
Political/military applications of Bayesian analysis : methodological issues
Western society after the Holocaust
Highway beautification : the environmental movement's greatest failure
Social deviance in eastern Europe
Soviet perceptions of the oil factor in U.S. foreign policy : the Middle East-Gulf region
Tropical forested watersheds : hydrologic and soils response to major uses or conversions
Prospects for Soviet grain production
International dimensions of the environmental crisis
Perspectives in Jewish population research
The West German Social Democrats, 1969-1982 : profile of a party in Power
Food security in the United States
Demographic responses to development : sources of declining fertility in the Philippines
U.S. foreign aid : an assessment of new and traditional development strategies
Transitions to alternative energy systems : entrepreneurs, new technologies, and social change
A clarification of questions : an unabridged translation of Resaleh towzih al-masael
Mexico's oil : catalyst for a new relationship with the U.S.?
New Zealand and the Pacific
China's financial system : the changing role of banks
Economics of the black market
Resource management and the oceans : the political economy of deep seabed mining
Environmental management in tropical agriculture
China's decision for rapprochement with the United States, 1968-1971
The legislative veto : congressional control of regulation
The Lome Conventions and their implications for the United States
Technological change in the German Democratic Republic
Elusive reform : the French universities, 1968-1978
Global inequality : political and socioeconomic perspectives
The political economy of mechanization in U.S. agriculture
The Whaling issue in U.S.-Japan relations
The arms of Kiangnan : modernization in the Chinese ordnance industry, 1860-1895
Peasants in transition : the changing economy of the Peruvian Aymara : a general systems approach
Comparative development perspectives : essays in honor of Lloyd G. Reynolds
Managing air quality and scenic resources at national parks and wilderness areas
East-West relations in Europe : observations and advice from the sidelines, 1971-1982
Housing allowances for the poor : a social experiment
Poland between the superpowers : security vs. economic recovery
Women in the cities of Asia : migration and urban adaptation
Development policy in Guyana : planning, finance, and administration
U.S. foreign economic strategy for the eighties
Brazil's multilateral relations : between first and third worlds
The Limits of reform in China
Mexico's energy resources : toward a policy of diversification
Red Guard factionalism and the Cultural Revolution in Guangzhou (Canton)
Agricultural development in Bangladesh
Economic policy and income distribution in Colombia
Brezhnev's peace program : a study of Soviet domestic political process and power
Toward the understanding and prevention of genocide : proceedings of the International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide
Congress and the presidency in U.S. foreign policymaking : a study of interaction and influence, 1945-1982
Unequal alliance : the inter-American military system, 1938-1978
How Japan innovates : a comparison with the U.S. in the case of oxygen steelmaking
The Marshall Plan : a retrospective
The Spatial structure of development : a study of Kenya
Regulation, market prices, and process innovation : the case of the ammonia industry
Cuba and the revolutionary myth : the political education of the Cuban Rebel Army, 1953-1963
Private voluntary organizations as agents of development
Social conflicts and third parties : strategies of conflict resolution
The Nuclear freeze debate : arms control issues for the 1980s
Strategies against violence : design for nonviolent change
The bureaucratic struggle for control of U.S. foreign aid : diplomacy vs. development in southern Africa
Legitimation and integration in developing societies : the case of India
The U.S. Export-Import Bank : policy dilemmas and choices
Public lands and the U.S. economy : balancing conservation and development : proceedings of a conference
Laser weapons in space : policy and doctrine
Information technology in the Third World : can I.T. lead to humane national development?
The history of U.S. ethnic policy and its impact on European ethnics
Soviet diplomacy and negotiating behavior : the emerging new context for U.S. diplomacy
Finance and development : the role of international commercial banks in the Third World
The political economy of devaluation : the case of Peru, 1975-1978
Southeast Asia divided : the ASEAN-Indochina crisis
The Foreign Service personnel system : an organizational analysis
Implementing rural development projects : lessons from AID and World Bank experiences
The Hoover Commissions revisited
Canton in revolution : the collected papers of Earl Swisher, 1925-1928
The forgotten ambassador : the reports of John Leighton Stuart, 1946-1949
Paths to conflict : international dispute initiation, 1816-1976
Inside the legislative process : the passage of the Foreign Service Act of 1980
The politics of mineral resource development in Antarctica : alternative regimes for the future
The development of the Chinese collection in the Library of Congress
The Federal Republic of Germany and the United States : changing political, social, and economic relations
National security in the Third World
The political economy of mechanization in U.S. agriculture
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books