
The Wellcome Institute series in the history of medicine


The Wellcome Institute series in the history of medicine

Croom Helm



Also published by Routledge, London and Rodopi, Amsterdam, and Brill


Medical theory, surgical practice : studies in the history of surgery外部サイトEmblematic monsters : unnatural conceptions and deformed births in early modern Europe外部サイトJames Cowles Prichard's anthropology : remaking the science of man in early nineteenth-century Britain外部サイトThe popularization of medicine, 1650-1850外部サイトOperative chymist外部サイトDental practice in Europe at the end of the 18th century外部サイトFrom lesion to metaphor : chronic pain in British, French and German medical writings, 1800-1914外部サイトSurgery, skin and syphilis Daniel Turner's London (1667-1741)外部サイトGesundheit und Krankheit im 18. Jahrhundert : Referate der Tagung der Schwe izerischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunders, Bern, 1. und 2. Oktober 1993外部サイトFrom physico-theology to bio-technology : essays in the social and cultural history of biosciences : a festschrift for Mikuláš Teich外部サイトThe hospital in history外部サイトBritish military and naval medicine, 1600-1830外部サイトThe correspondence of James Jurin (1684-1750) : physician and secretary to the Royal Society外部サイトThe hospital in history外部サイトThe Beast in the mosquito : the correspondence of Ronald Ross & Patrick Manson外部サイトAncient medicine in its socio-cultural context : papers read at the congress held at Leiden University, 13-15 April 1992外部サイトBiographies of remedies : drugs, medicines and contraceptives in Dutch and Anglo-American healing cultures外部サイトWomen and modern medicine外部サイトCultures of psychiatry and mental health care in postwar Britain and the Netherlands外部サイトThe cape doctor in the nineteenth century a social history外部サイトTurquet de Mayerne as baroque physician : the art of medical portraiture外部サイトThe road to medical statistics外部サイトCultures of neurasthenia from Beard to the First World War外部サイトSocial medicine and medical sociology in the twentieth century外部サイトWarm climates and Western medicine : the emergence of tropical medicine, 1500-1900外部サイトMarshall Hall (1790-1857) : science and medicine in early Victorian society外部サイトMedicine at the courts of Europe, 1500-1837外部サイトBacchic medicine : wine and alcohol therapies from Napoleon to the French paradox外部サイトNew medical challenges during the Scottish enlightenment外部サイトMedicine and modern warfare外部サイトVivisection in historical perspective外部サイトSophia Jex-Blake : a woman pioneer in nineteenth-century medical reform外部サイトCultures of child health in Britain and the Netherlands in the twentieth century外部サイトFor fear of pain : British surgery, 1790-1850外部サイト'The cruel madness of love' : sex, syphilis and psychiatry in Scotland, 1880-1930外部サイトThe Home Office and the dangerous trades : regulating occupational disease in Victorian and Edwardian Britain外部サイトThe charitable imperative : hospitals and nursing in ancien régime and revolutionary France外部サイトPsychiatry for the rich : a history of Ticehurst Private Asylum, 1792-1917外部サイトMedicine in the Enlightenment外部サイトMedical fringe & medical orthodoxy, 1750-1850外部サイトFrench medical culture in the nineteenth century外部サイトFantasy surgery, 1880-1930 : with special reference to Sir William Arbuthnot Lane外部サイトLiterature & medicine during the eighteenth century外部サイトPhilosophic whigs : medicine, science, and citizenship in Edinburgh, 1789-1848外部サイトThe history of public health and the modern state外部サイトDangerous liaisons : a social history of venereal disease in twentieth-century Scotland外部サイトThe stepchildren of science : psychical research and parapsychology in Germany, c. 1870-1939外部サイトThe Art of midwifery : early modern midwives in Europe外部サイトAccidents in history : injuries, fatalities, and social relations外部サイトDoctor of society : Thomas Beddoes and the sick trade in late-enlightenment England外部サイトThe beast in the mosquito : the correspondence of Ronald Ross and Patrick Manson外部サイトVivisection in historical perspective外部サイトThe art of midwifery : early modern midwives in Europe外部サイトMalthus, medicine, & morality : 'Malthusianism' after 1798外部サイトThe health of prisoners : historical essays外部サイト'Captain of all these men of death' : the history of tuberculosis in nineteenth and twentieth century Ireland外部サイト'A cheap, safe and natural medicine' : religion, medicine and culture in John Wesley's Primitive physic外部サイトDoctors, politics and society : historical essays外部サイトWomen and children first : international maternal and infant welfare, 1870-1945外部サイトEssays in the history of the physiological sciences : Proceedings of a networ k symposium of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Heal th held at the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, on March 26-27th, 1993外部サイトConstructing Paris medicine外部サイトMetropolitan maternity : maternal and infant welfare services in early twentieth century London外部サイトThe Popularization of medicine, 1650-1850外部サイトMedicine and morals in the Enlightenment : John Gregory, Thomas Percival and Benjamin Rush外部サイトWarm climates and Western medicine : the emergence of tropical medicine, 1500-1900外部サイトWomen as mothers in pre-industrial England : essays in memory of Dorothy McLaren外部サイトThe history of medical education in Britain外部サイトAbortion in England, 1900-1967外部サイトProblems and methods in the history of medicine外部サイトOut of otherness : characters and narrators in the Dutch venereal disease debates 1850-1990外部サイトSex and seclusion, class and custody : perspectives on gender and class in the history of British and Irish psychiatry外部サイトJ T Wilson and the fraternity of Duckmaloi外部サイトThe regius chair of military surgery in the University of Edinburgh, 1806-55外部サイトA short history of cardiology外部サイトAshes to ashes : the history of smoking and health外部サイトDoctors and ethics : the earlier historical setting of professional ethics外部サイトPermeable walls : historical perspectives on hospital and asylum visiting外部サイトIrritating experiments : Haller's concept and the European controversy on irritability and sensibility, 1750-90外部サイトMaking health policy : networks in research and policy after 1945外部サイトMad tales from the Raj : the European insane in British India, 1800-1858外部サイトThe science and culture of nutrition, 1840-1940外部サイトMedicine-by-post : the changing voice of illness in eighteenth-century British consultation letters and literature外部サイトRegenerating England : science, medicine and culture in inter-war Britain外部サイトPathologies of Travel外部サイトMedical journals and medical knowledge : historical essays外部サイトMedicine and the Reformation外部サイトMaking and marketing medicine in renaissance Florence外部サイトPsychiatry for the rich : a history of Ticehurst Private Asylum, 1792-1917外部サイトBritish medicine in an age of reform外部サイトSocial hygiene in twentieth century Britain外部サイトThe imperial laboratory : experimental physiology and clinical medicine in post-Crimean Russia外部サイトPhilosophic whigs : medicine, science and citizenship in Edinburgh, 1789-1848外部サイト






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Wellcome Institute series in the history of medicine
The Wellcome series in the history of medicine
Also published by Routledge, London and Rodopi, Amsterdam, and Brill
Medical theory, surgical practice : studies in the history of surgery
Emblematic monsters : unnatural conceptions and deformed births in early modern Europe
James Cowles Prichard's anthropology : remaking the science of man in early nineteenth-century Britain
The popularization of medicine, 1650-1850
Operative chymist
Dental practice in Europe at the end of the 18th century
From lesion to metaphor : chronic pain in British, French and German medical writings, 1800-1914
Surgery, skin and syphilis Daniel Turner's London (1667-1741)
Gesundheit und Krankheit im 18. Jahrhundert : Referate der Tagung der Schwe izerischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunders, Bern, 1. und 2. Oktober 1993
From physico-theology to bio-technology : essays in the social and cultural history of biosciences : a festschrift for Mikuláš Teich
The hospital in history
British military and naval medicine, 1600-1830
The correspondence of James Jurin (1684-1750) : physician and secretary to the Royal Society
The hospital in history
The Beast in the mosquito : the correspondence of Ronald Ross & Patrick Manson
Ancient medicine in its socio-cultural context : papers read at the congress held at Leiden University, 13-15 April 1992
Biographies of remedies : drugs, medicines and contraceptives in Dutch and Anglo-American healing cultures
Women and modern medicine
Cultures of psychiatry and mental health care in postwar Britain and the Netherlands
The cape doctor in the nineteenth century a social history
Turquet de Mayerne as baroque physician : the art of medical portraiture
The road to medical statistics
Cultures of neurasthenia from Beard to the First World War
Social medicine and medical sociology in the twentieth century
Warm climates and Western medicine : the emergence of tropical medicine, 1500-1900
Marshall Hall (1790-1857) : science and medicine in early Victorian society
Medicine at the courts of Europe, 1500-1837
Bacchic medicine : wine and alcohol therapies from Napoleon to the French paradox
New medical challenges during the Scottish enlightenment
Medicine and modern warfare
Vivisection in historical perspective
Sophia Jex-Blake : a woman pioneer in nineteenth-century medical reform
Cultures of child health in Britain and the Netherlands in the twentieth century
For fear of pain : British surgery, 1790-1850
'The cruel madness of love' : sex, syphilis and psychiatry in Scotland, 1880-1930
The Home Office and the dangerous trades : regulating occupational disease in Victorian and Edwardian Britain
The charitable imperative : hospitals and nursing in ancien régime and revolutionary France
Psychiatry for the rich : a history of Ticehurst Private Asylum, 1792-1917
Medicine in the Enlightenment
Medical fringe & medical orthodoxy, 1750-1850
French medical culture in the nineteenth century
Fantasy surgery, 1880-1930 : with special reference to Sir William Arbuthnot Lane
Literature & medicine during the eighteenth century
Philosophic whigs : medicine, science, and citizenship in Edinburgh, 1789-1848
The history of public health and the modern state
Dangerous liaisons : a social history of venereal disease in twentieth-century Scotland
The stepchildren of science : psychical research and parapsychology in Germany, c. 1870-1939
The Art of midwifery : early modern midwives in Europe
Accidents in history : injuries, fatalities, and social relations
Doctor of society : Thomas Beddoes and the sick trade in late-enlightenment England
The beast in the mosquito : the correspondence of Ronald Ross and Patrick Manson
Vivisection in historical perspective
The art of midwifery : early modern midwives in Europe
Malthus, medicine, & morality : 'Malthusianism' after 1798
The health of prisoners : historical essays
'Captain of all these men of death' : the history of tuberculosis in nineteenth and twentieth century Ireland
'A cheap, safe and natural medicine' : religion, medicine and culture in John Wesley's Primitive physic
Doctors, politics and society : historical essays
Women and children first : international maternal and infant welfare, 1870-1945
Essays in the history of the physiological sciences : Proceedings of a networ k symposium of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Heal th held at the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, on March 26-27th, 1993
Constructing Paris medicine
Metropolitan maternity : maternal and infant welfare services in early twentieth century London
The Popularization of medicine, 1650-1850
Medicine and morals in the Enlightenment : John Gregory, Thomas Percival and Benjamin Rush
Warm climates and Western medicine : the emergence of tropical medicine, 1500-1900
Women as mothers in pre-industrial England : essays in memory of Dorothy McLaren
The history of medical education in Britain
Abortion in England, 1900-1967
Problems and methods in the history of medicine
Out of otherness : characters and narrators in the Dutch venereal disease debates 1850-1990
Sex and seclusion, class and custody : perspectives on gender and class in the history of British and Irish psychiatry
J T Wilson and the fraternity of Duckmaloi
The regius chair of military surgery in the University of Edinburgh, 1806-55
A short history of cardiology
Ashes to ashes : the history of smoking and health
Doctors and ethics : the earlier historical setting of professional ethics
Permeable walls : historical perspectives on hospital and asylum visiting
Irritating experiments : Haller's concept and the European controversy on irritability and sensibility, 1750-90
Making health policy : networks in research and policy after 1945
Mad tales from the Raj : the European insane in British India, 1800-1858
The science and culture of nutrition, 1840-1940
Medicine-by-post : the changing voice of illness in eighteenth-century British consultation letters and literature
Regenerating England : science, medicine and culture in inter-war Britain
Pathologies of Travel
Medical journals and medical knowledge : historical essays
Medicine and the Reformation
Making and marketing medicine in renaissance Florence
Psychiatry for the rich : a history of Ticehurst Private Asylum, 1792-1917
British medicine in an age of reform
Social hygiene in twentieth century Britain
The imperial laboratory : experimental physiology and clinical medicine in post-Crimean Russia
Philosophic whigs : medicine, science and citizenship in Edinburgh, 1789-1848
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research