
United Nations publication


United Nations publication

United Nations


Transnational corporations in world development : a re-examination外部サイトTrade expansion and economic integration among developing countries外部サイトPrinciples and recommendations for national population censuses外部サイトMission to Haiti : report of the United Nations Mission of technical assistance to the Republic of Haiti外部サイトMethods and principles for projecting future energy requirements外部サイトEconomic developments in the Middle East, 1945 to 1954外部サイトThe European housing situation外部サイトLegal status of married women : reports submitted by the Secretary-General外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : automation in agriculture外部サイトThe development dimension of FDI : policy and rule-making perspectives外部サイトEconomic survey of Europe in 1996-1997外部サイトManagement of industrial enterprises in under-developed countries外部サイトAgeing in Asia and the Pacific : emerging issues and successful practices外部サイトGuidelines for government policies and measures for the gradual industrialization of building外部サイトUnited Nations Conference on Olive Oil, 1978外部サイトTrade in manufactures of developing countries, 1968 review外部サイトParental rights and duties, including guardianship : report submitted by the Secretary-General外部サイトSpecial study on social conditions : non-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during...外部サイトNon-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1949外部サイトNationality of married women : report submitted by the Secretary-General外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : the mechanization of rice cultivation外部サイトMultilateral treaties in respect of which the Secretary-General performs depositary functions : list of signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc. as at 31 December 1969外部サイトFonctions consultatives internationales en matière de services sociaux外部サイトJoint ESCAP-Japan symposium on Asian highway development外部サイトAspects of competition between steel and other materials外部サイトCo-operation in human resources外部サイトDirectory of building research and development organizations in Europe外部サイトForeign trade statistics of Africa外部サイトReport of the World Conference of the International Women's Year, Mexico City, 19 June-2 July 1975外部サイトUnited Nations manual on the prevention and control of computer-related crime外部サイトUruguay Round results and the emerging trade agenda : quantitative-based analyses from the development perspective外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : mechanization of loading, unloading and transport operations in agriculture外部サイトUnited Nations action in the field of human rights外部サイトConvention on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations = Convention sur les privilèges et immunités des Nations Unies外部サイトThe agricultural trade of the USSR and other countries of Eastern Europe, 1953-1957 : a statistical review外部サイトFinal act adopted at the conclusion of the second session of the preparatory committee of the united nations conference on trade and employment ; General clauses of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade外部サイトAsia's battle against floods外部サイトNational programmes of analysis of population census data as an aid to planning and policy making外部サイトThe application of computer technology for development : second report of the Secretary-General外部サイトEconomic survey of Latin America外部サイトTransport and communications commission外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : mechanization of poultry keeping外部サイトAwards for improving the coastal environment : the example of the Blue Flag外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : consumption of mechanical energy in crop production外部サイトTreaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons外部サイトThe coal situation in Europe in ... and its prospects外部サイトIndustrial research and development news外部サイトThe origins and evolution of the Palestine problem外部サイトInternational advisory social welfare services外部サイトElectric power in Asia and the Far East 1961 and 1962外部サイトAsia and the Pacific into the twenty-first century : prospects for social development外部サイトSymposium : on the application of operational research methods in solving the economic problems of planning and operating large electric power systems and on the use of computers for that purpose : Varna, 25-27 May 1970外部サイトA strong start : good practices in using a local situation assessment to begin a youth substance abuse prevention project外部サイトStatistics on women in Asia and the Pacific 1999外部サイトAtomic energy commission外部サイトInternational monetary system : issues relating to development financing and trade of developing countries外部サイトFinal Act and related documents外部サイトCommission on the status of women外部サイトStatistics of world trade in steel 1967外部サイトDevelopment implications of co-operation外部サイトNon-self-governing territories外部サイトUNCITRAL model law on electronic signatures with guide to enactment, 2001外部サイトWorld housing conditions and estimated housing requirements外部サイトStrategy and guidelines for upgrading of Asian highway routes外部サイトThe United Nations and disarmament, 1945-1970外部サイトThe Neglected years : early childhood外部サイトReport of the World Conference for Action Against Apartheid, Lagos, 22-26 August 1977外部サイトInternational Definition and Measurement of Levels of Living : an interim guide外部サイトUnited Nations : what it is, what it does, how it works外部サイトEconomic developments in the Middle East, 1957-1958外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : automatic and semi-automatic feeding systems for livestock外部サイトMaintenance of full employment : an analysis of full employment policies of governments and specialized agencies外部サイトThe state of rural electrification in Europe during the three-year period : from 1 January 1963 to 1 January 1966外部サイトHandbook of international measures for protection of migrants and general conditions to be observed in their settlement外部サイトGovernment strategies and policies for cleaner production外部サイトCommentary on the Draft Convention on arbitral procedure : adopted by the International Law Commission at its fifth session外部サイトIndex to resolutions of the Economic and Social Council, 1946-1970外部サイトThe opium economy in Afghanistan : an international problem外部サイトFinal act of the International Conference of Human Rights, Teheran, 22 April to 13 May 1968外部サイトEconomic developments in the Middle East, 1956-57外部サイトTraining for social work : third international survey外部サイトStatistics of world trade in steel 1966外部サイトThe quest for freer trade外部サイトForeign trade statistics for Africa = Statistiques africaines du commerce exterieur外部サイトNational and international measures for full employment : report by a Group of Experts, appointed by the Secretary-General外部サイトEconomic survey of Europe in 1995-1996外部サイトFinal report of the Permanent Central Narcotics Board and Drug Supervisory Body, November 1967外部サイトForeign trade statistics of Saudi Arabia, 1960-1963 : reclassified according to the United Nations Standard International Trade Classification, 1960 revision (SITC, rev.)外部サイトPatterns of industrial growth : 1938-1958 = Aperçu de l'expansion industrielle外部サイトSectoral aspects of projections for the world economy外部サイトThe significance of rural housing in integrated rural development : report of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Significance of Rural Housing and Community Facilities in Integrated Rural Development, United Nations Headquarters, 17-21 May 1976外部サイトUnited Nations Tin Conference, 1975外部サイトEconomic commission for Latin America外部サイトInternational cartels : a League of Nations memorandum外部サイトMineral raw material resources for fertilizer industry in Asia and the Far East外部サイトEffects of the possible use of nuclear weapons and the security and economic implications for states of the acquisition and further development of these weapons : report of the Secretary-General transmitting the study of his consultative group外部サイトThe growth pole approach to regional development : a case study of Mizushima industrial complex, Japan外部サイトÉtude des mesures discriminatoires contre les personnes nées hors mariage外部サイトUnited Nations Wheat Conference, 1971外部サイトCleaner production in the Asia pacific economic cooperation region外部サイトFamily, child and youth welfare services in Africa外部サイトAdministrative aspects of Family Planning Programmes : report on a working group外部サイトUnited Nations Conference on Olive Oil, 1955 : summary of proceedings外部サイトProvisional rules of procedure of the Security Council外部サイトTreaty handbook外部サイトFifth United Natins Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East, 8-22 March 1967, Canberra, Australia外部サイトParole and after-care外部サイトCompetitive business strategies of Asian transnational corporations外部サイトThe population debate : dimensions and perspectives : papers of the World Population Conference, Bucharest, 1974外部サイトParticipation of women in community development : report of the Secretary-General外部サイトIntegrating geology in urban planning : Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Viet Nam外部サイトBalances of payments 1939-1945外部サイトInter-agency agreements and agreements between specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations外部サイトA study of statelessness外部サイトProcesses and problems of industrialization in under-developed countries外部サイトIndex to proceedings of the Trusteeship Council外部サイトInternational compensation for fluctuations in commodity trade外部サイトHarnessing the atom for peace外部サイトHow the United Nations began外部サイトEconomic Developments in Africa, 1954-1955 : supplement to World Economic Survey, 1955外部サイトReport on international definition and measurement of standards and levels of living : report of a committee of experts外部サイトSocial commission外部サイトHandbook on prisoners with special needs外部サイトA study of industrial growth外部サイトPetroleum in the 1970s : report of the Ad Hoc panel of experts on projections of demand and supply of crude petroleum and products : United Nations Headquarters, 9-18 March 1971外部サイトCo-operation in transport and communications外部サイトThe Convention on the political rights of women : history and commentary外部サイトHousing policy guidelines for developing countries外部サイトEconomic developments in the Middle East, 1955-56外部サイトEveryman's United Nations : a summary of the activities of the United Nations during the five-year period 1966-1970外部サイトUNCITRAL model law on international commercial arbitration 1985 with amendments as adopted in 2006外部サイトSectoral aspects of long-term economic projections with special reference to Asia and the Far East外部サイトMeasures for the economic development of under-developed countries外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : equipment and methods used to control soil erosion外部サイトSelected agricultural statistics of Eastern European countries 1950-57 = Choix de statistiques agricoles relatives aux pays de l'Europe orientale. 1950-57 = Избранные статистические данные о сельском хозяйстве восточноевропейских стран 1950-57外部サイトThe growth of world industry = La croissance de l'industrie mondiale : 1938-1961外部サイトReview of maritime transport, 1968 : review of current and long-term aspects of maritime transport : report by the secretariat of UNCTAD外部サイトSocial justice in an open world : the role of the United Nations外部サイトEqual pay for equal work外部サイトMineral resources of the Lower Mekong Basin and adjacent areas of Khmer Republic, Laos, Thailand and Republic of Viet-Nam外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : technique and working methods for cowshed and pigsty cleaning外部サイトSixth International Tin Agreement外部サイトUnited Nations Sugar Conference, 1977外部サイトFinancial sector reforms in selected Asian countries外部サイトPopulation commission外部サイトWorld economic survey, 1969-1970 : the developing countries in the 1960s: the problem of appraising progress外部サイトElectric power in Asia and the Far East 1964外部サイトInternational survey of programmes of social development外部サイトOrganization and administration of social welfare programmes : a series of country studies外部サイトLocal participation in development planning : a preliminary study of the relationship of community development to national planning外部サイトCommunity development in urban areas : report by the Secretary-General外部サイトUnited Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook外部サイトStudy of the right of everyone to be free from arbitrary arrest, detention and exile外部サイトStrengthening policies and programmes on social safety nets : issues, recommendations and selected studies外部サイトTraining for social welfare : fifth international survey : new approaches in meeting manpower needs外部サイトStatistics of world trade in steel 1968外部サイトEconomic and employment commission外部サイトL'échange international de personnel de service social外部サイトRromani youths : the pathways of juvenile justice外部サイトConstitutions, electoral laws and other legal instruments relating to the political rights of women : report of the secretary-general外部サイトCleaner production in China : a story of successful cooperation外部サイトРусско-английский экономический глоссарий = English-Russian economics glossary外部サイトExport credits and development financing外部サイトThe Economic Commission for Europe外部サイトUnited Nations Conference on Olive Oil, 1973 : summary of proceedings外部サイトServices for the physically handicapped外部サイトUnited Nations Conference on Prescription (Limitation) in the International Sale of Goods, New York, 20 May-14 June 1974 : official records, documents of the conference and summary records of the plenary meetings and of the meetings of the main committee外部サイトStudy on rehabilitation of the war disabled in selected countries外部サイトPlanning for economic development : report of the Secretary-General transmitting the study of a Group of Experts外部サイトReview of the agricultural situation in Europe at the end of 1962外部サイトAnnuaire外部サイトResolutions adopted by the economic and social council = Résolutions adopteés par le conseil économique et social外部サイトThe human rights of migrants外部サイトReview of the agricultural situation in Europe at the end of 1960外部サイトProtocol for the testing of power saws外部サイトCo-operation in industry外部サイトAsia and the Far East seminar on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders : Rangoon, 25 October to 6 November 1954外部サイトManual for the negotiation of bilateral tax treaties between developed and developing countries外部サイトLocal government in selected countries : Ceylon, Israel, Japan外部サイトPolitical rights of women : 56 years of progress外部サイトFinancial sector reform, liberalization and management for growth and stability in the Asian and the Pacific region : issues and experiences外部サイトThe United Nations and disarmament, 1970-1975外部サイトCo-operation in trade外部サイトTrusteeship Council外部サイトStudy on adoption of children : a study on the practice and procedures related to the adoption of children外部サイトIndex to resolutions of the General Assembly外部サイトSpecial double volume on juvenile justice in international perspective外部サイトCoffee in Latin America : productivity problems and future prospects : a report prepared under the joint programme of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations外部サイトMobilizing private sector resources for infrastructure外部サイトMethods of social welfare administration外部サイトCommodity trade and economic development外部サイトUnited Nations nuptiality chart外部サイトCommission on human rights外部サイトRemote sensing for tropical ecosystem management : proceedings of the sixth regional seminar on earth observation for tropical ecosystem management, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, 3-7 November 1997外部サイトEuropean housing trends and policies in 1961 and 1962外部サイトEconomic survey of Africa since 1950外部サイトInterim co-ordinating committee for international commodity arrangements : Review of international commodity problems 1948外部サイトThe impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights外部サイトA study of the capacity of the United Nations development system外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : methods of weed and pest control外部サイトLeaving no one behind in an ageing world外部サイトUnited Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook外部サイトAnuario estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe = Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean外部サイトRethinking public debt for the sustainable development goals外部サイトWorld economic situation and prospects外部サイトAsia and the Pacific SDG progress report 2024 : showcasing transformative actions外部サイトInternational exchange of social welfare personnel外部サイトCrime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development : realities and perspectives of international cooperation practical measures against corruption外部サイトEnvironmental crime, sanctioning strategies and sustainable development外部サイトTowards a new trade policy for development外部サイトHandbook of training in the public service外部サイトThe costs of poverty and vulnerability外部サイトMultilateral treaties in respect of which the secretary-general performs depositary functions : list of signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc. as at 31 December 1967外部サイトUnited Nations Conference on Olive Oil : summary of proceedings外部サイトIndustrial development in the Arab countries : selected documents presented to the Symposium on Industrial Development in the Arab Countries, Kuwait, 1-10 March 1966外部サイトFertility behaviour in the context of development : evidence from the world fertility survey外部サイトThe role of the private sector and privatization for industrial and technological development in South Asian economies外部サイトIntegrated assessment of trade liberalization and trade-related policies : a country study on the cotton sector in China外部サイトDemographic and social characteristics of the population外部サイトThe United Nations and juvenile justice : a guide to international standards and best practice外部サイトFighting irrelevance : the role of regional trade agreements in international production networks in Asia : a study by the Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade外部サイトNon-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1948外部サイトSpecial study on economic conditions and development : non-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1951外部サイトCleaner production : a guide to sources of information外部サイトHandbook of civil service laws and practices外部サイトInternational survey of programmes of social development外部サイトGrowth with equity : policy lessons from the experiences of selected Asian countries外部サイトThe international crime victim survey in countries in transition, national reports外部サイトEconomic aspects of treatment and disposal of certain industrial effluents外部サイトReport on national legislation for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities : examples from 22 countries and areas外部サイトMekong/Lancang river tourism planning外部サイトThe sustainable development goals外部サイトEveryman's United Nations : the structure functions and work of the organization and its related agencies during the years 1945-1958外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : frost damage and its prevention外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : mechanical equipment for field drainage and ditching外部サイトInternational migration : an emerging opportunity for the socio-economic development of the ESCAP region外部サイトInternational co-operation at work外部サイトGeneral agreement on tariffs and trade : protocols and declaration signed at Havana on 24 March 1948 = Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce : protocoles et déclaration signés à La Havane le 24 mars 1948外部サイトTransnational trafficking and the rule of law in West Africa : a threat assessment外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : methods and equipment for growing and harvesting of tobacco外部サイトNational policies and programmes on ageing in Asia and the Pacific : an overview and lessons learned外部サイトFinal Act and related documents外部サイトInternational legislation on shipping外部サイトStandards for the sustainable development goals外部サイトInternational map of the world on the millionth scale : report for ... = Carte internationale du monde au millionième : rapport pour ...外部サイトUnited Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme : the United Nations and criminal justice, 1946-1996 : resolutions, reports, documents and publications外部サイトChild adoption : trends and policies外部サイトStatistical commission外部サイトGood practices in combating sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and youth in Asia外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : methods and equipment for drying of green feed外部サイトEconomic setting and development perspectives外部サイトConvention on the nationality of married women : historical background and commentary外部サイトPractical results and financial aspects of adult probation in selected countries外部サイトFinal report of the United Nations economic survey mission for the Middle East : an approach to economic development in the Middle East外部サイトPathfinders : towards full participation and equality of persons with disabilities in the ESCAP region外部サイトPrinciples and recommendations for the 1970 population censuses外部サイトMining developments in Asia and the Far East : a twenty -year (1945-1965) review to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of ECAFE外部サイトRemote sensing for tropical ecosystem management : proceedings of the eighth regional seminar on earth observation for tropical ecosystem management, Yangon, Myanmer, 25-29 October 1999外部サイトManual on the model treaty on extradition and manual on the model treaty on manual assistance in criminal matters : an implementation guide外部サイトTowards a United Nations world外部サイトReport of the second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations conference on trade and employment外部サイトFiscal commission外部サイトLatin American seminar on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders : Rio de Janeiro, 6 to 19 April 1953外部サイトStatistical yearbook for Asia and the Pacific = Annuaire statistique pour l'Asie et le Pacifique外部サイトTechnical assistance for economic development : plan for an expanded co-operative programme through the United Nations and the specialized agencies外部サイトCompetent national authorities under the international drug control treaties = Autorites nationales competentes au titre des traites internationaux concernant le controle des drogues外部サイトStatus of multilateral conventions in respect of which the Secretary-General acts as depositary外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : economic aspects of the mechanization of dairy farms外部サイトPlanning for balanced social and economic development : six country case studies外部サイトEuropean housing trends and policies外部サイトGlobal governance and global rules for development in the post-2015 era : policy note外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : pto-driven machines for the rotary cultivation of the soil外部サイトGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : (in four volumes)外部サイトEconomic developments in the Middle East, 1958-1959外部サイトA policy approach to planning in social defence外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : the mechanization of maize harvesting for grain外部サイトLes investissements étrangers en République sud-africaine外部サイトProceedings of the World Population Conference, 1954 : Rome, 31 August - 10 September 1954 = Comptes rendus du congres mondial de la population, 1954 : Rome, 31 août - 10 septembre 1954 = Actuaciones de la conferencia mundial de poblacion, 1954 : Roma, 31 de agosto - 10 de septiembre de 1954外部サイトReport on children外部サイトForeign trade statistics of Africa外部サイトCo-operation in energy外部サイトSelf-help practices in housing : selected case studies外部サイトAsian recommendations for the 1970 population censuses外部サイトPresent and foreseeable trends in mechanization and their impact on European agriculture : (HORIZON 1980)外部サイトFocus on ability, celebrate diversity : highlights of the Asian and Pacific decade of disabled persons, 1993-2002外部サイトArab women 1995 : trends, statistics and indicators外部サイトPromoting a society for all ages in Asia and the Pacific外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : mechanization of fruit-harvesting外部サイトUnited Nations Sugar Conference, 1973外部サイトWorld population : challenge to development : summary of the highlights of the World Population Conference : Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 30 August to 10th September,1965外部サイトInternational Conference relating to Economic Statistics, Geneva, 26 November - 14 December 1928 = Conférence internationale concernant les statistiques économiques, Genève, 26 novembre -14 décembre 1928外部サイトTsunami early warning systems in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia : report on regional unmet needs外部サイトThe social impact of housing : goals, standards, social indicators, and popular participation : report of an Interregional Seminar on the Social Aspects of Housing, Holte, Denmark, 14-27 September 1975外部サイトThe gas situation in Europe in ... and prospects外部サイトInternational Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994外部サイトPromotion of investment in tourism infrastructure外部サイトDefinition and classification of minorities : memorandum submitted by the Secretary-General外部サイトRoad transport and the environment : areas of concern for the Asian and Pacific region外部サイトAnnual review of engineering industries and automation外部サイトIndustrial development in Africa : selected documents presented to the symposium外部サイトEconomic developments in the Middle East, 1954-55外部サイトReport of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development, New York, 24-30 June 2009外部サイトIndustrial social welfare外部サイトBelow replacement fertility外部サイトLeast developed countries and trade : challenges of implementing the Bali Package外部サイトSummary of recent economic developments in Africa, 1952-53 : supplement to World economic report外部サイトReview of maritime transport : report by the secretariat of UNCTAD外部サイトDrug abuse prevention among youth from ethnic and indigenous minorities外部サイトSpecial study on social advancement in non-self-governing territories : analyses of informations transmitted to the secretary-general, 1957-1959外部サイトGuide to the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth外部サイトHousing costs in European countries外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : accelerated testing of agricultural machinery外部サイトNon-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1952外部サイトThe future pattern and forms of urban settlements : proceedings of the seminar外部サイトEnvironmental management accounting procedures and principles外部サイトCo-operation in agriculture外部サイトCapital punishment外部サイトEnergy atlas of Asia and the Far East外部サイトInternational tax agreements外部サイトEqual partners : organizing "For youth by youth" events外部サイトGuidelines on strategic planning and management of the energy sector外部サイトUnited Nations International children's emergency fund and United Nations appeal for children外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : self-propelled chassis外部サイトMultilateral treaties in respect of which the Secretary-General performs depositary functions : list of signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc. as at 31 December 1975外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : seed drills外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : mechanization of the cultivation of peas外部サイトRecent changes in production外部サイトHandbook of the United Nations and the specialized agencies外部サイトInternational tax agreements外部サイトSocial welfare planning in the context of national development plans外部サイトPolicies and programmes for older persons in Asia and the Pacific : selected studies外部サイトEuropean timber statistics, 1913-1950 = Statistiques européennes du bois, 1913-1950外部サイトWorld economic situation and prospects外部サイトIntroduction and summary of recommendations外部サイトUnited Nations Cocoa Conference, 1975外部サイトMajor economic changes in 1948外部サイトCommodity survey外部サイトAfrican statistical yearbook 1998 = Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique 1998外部サイトStudy of discrimination in education外部サイトStudies on development problems in selected countries of the middle east, 1973外部サイトWorld war on tuberculosis外部サイトObstacles limiting the access of disabled children to rehabilitation services and education外部サイトThe international court of justice外部サイトUnited Nations Conference on Customs Formalities for the Temporary Importation of Private Road Motor Vehicles and for Tourism : final act and related documents = Conference des Nations Unies sur les formalités douanières concernant l'importation temporaire des vehicules de tourisme et le tourisme : acte final et documents connexes = Conferencia de las Naciones unidas sobre formalidades aduaneras para la importacion temporal de vehiculos automotores particulares de carretera y para el turismo : acta final y documentos conexos外部サイトChallenges to multilateral disarmament in the post-cold-war and post-gulf-war period外部サイトAgreement establishing the African Development Bank : preparatory work, including summary records of the conference of finance ministers外部サイトStatute and rules of procedure外部サイトThe international development strategy : first over-all review and appraisal of issues and policies : report of the secretary-general外部サイトPapers presented at the International technical conference on the conservation of the living resources of the sea, Rome, 18 April to 10 May 1955外部サイトWorld economic report外部サイトSummary of proceedings : [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development]外部サイトSecurity council外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : air-tight storage of high-moisture grain外部サイトThe International Court of Justice外部サイトThe will to co-operate : a discussion guide on the general assembly外部サイトAgricultural mechanization : making high dry matter silage from grass and leguminous crops外部サイトIndustrial developments in Asia and the Far East : selected documents presented to the Conference外部サイトMeasuring SDG progress in Asia and the Pacific : Is there enough data?外部サイトReducing poverty and promoting social protection外部サイトAsian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons : mid-point country perspectives外部サイトReview of international commodity arrangements外部サイトNon-conventional financing of housing for low-income households外部サイトMethods of projecting households and families外部サイトSpecial problems in world trade and development外部サイトProtocol for the testing for forest tractors外部サイトCapital punishment外部サイトMeasures for the economic development of under-developed countries : report外部サイトSummary of recent economic developments in the Middle East, 1950-51 : supplement to World economic report外部サイトGuide to The United Nations Charter外部サイトThe new international economic order : a selective bibliography外部サイトThe impact of globalization on population change and poverty in rural areas外部サイトConsumption of solid fuels in the domestic sector : an economic stury外部サイトSpecial study on social conditions in non-self-governing territories : analyses of informations transmitted to the secretary-general, 1957-1958外部サイトRoad safety in Asia and the Pacific : report of the ESCAP/ADB Seminar-cum-Workshop 2-6 September 1996, Bangkok外部サイトThe indeterminate sentence外部サイトFeeding the expanding world population: international action to avert the impending protein crisis : report to the Economic and Social Council of the Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development外部サイトThe road to equality : political rights of women外部サイトSDG baseline report外部サイトInternational co-operation in a Latin American development policy : prepared for the Meeting of Ministers of Finance or Economy, as the IVth Extraordinary Meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council of the Organization of American States, to be held at Rio de Janeiro, November 1954外部サイトSurvey of research on transnational corporations外部サイトStatus of multilateral conventions of which the Secretary-General acts as depositary外部サイトReports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales外部サイトGender Responsive Standards外部サイトReports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales外部サイトWorld economic situation and prospects外部サイトReconsidering rural development外部サイトNavigating disarmament education : the Peace Boat model外部サイトAnuario estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe = Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean外部サイトPour faciliter les échanges commerciaux外部サイトConvention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies : final texts and revised texts of the annexes = Convention sur les privilèges et immunités des institutions spécialisées : textes finals et textes révisés des annexes外部サイトInequality in a rapidly changing world外部サイトReports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales外部サイトUnited Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook外部サイトReports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales外部サイトWorld economic situation and prospects外部サイトWorld economic situation and prospects外部サイトUnited Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook外部サイトAsia and the Pacific SDG progress report 2023 : championing sustainability despite adversities外部サイトUnited Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook外部サイトTackling illicit financial flows for sustainable development in Africa外部サイト






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United Nations publications
Publication des nations unies
Transnational corporations in world development : a re-examination
Trade expansion and economic integration among developing countries
Principles and recommendations for national population censuses
Mission to Haiti : report of the United Nations Mission of technical assistance to the Republic of Haiti
Methods and principles for projecting future energy requirements
Economic developments in the Middle East, 1945 to 1954
The European housing situation
Legal status of married women : reports submitted by the Secretary-General
Agricultural mechanization : automation in agriculture
The development dimension of FDI : policy and rule-making perspectives
Economic survey of Europe in 1996-1997
Management of industrial enterprises in under-developed countries
Ageing in Asia and the Pacific : emerging issues and successful practices
Guidelines for government policies and measures for the gradual industrialization of building
United Nations Conference on Olive Oil, 1978
Trade in manufactures of developing countries, 1968 review
Parental rights and duties, including guardianship : report submitted by the Secretary-General
Special study on social conditions : non-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during...
Non-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1949
Nationality of married women : report submitted by the Secretary-General
Agricultural mechanization : the mechanization of rice cultivation
Multilateral treaties in respect of which the Secretary-General performs depositary functions : list of signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc. as at 31 December 1969
Fonctions consultatives internationales en matière de services sociaux
Joint ESCAP-Japan symposium on Asian highway development
Aspects of competition between steel and other materials
Co-operation in human resources
Directory of building research and development organizations in Europe
Foreign trade statistics of Africa
Report of the World Conference of the International Women's Year, Mexico City, 19 June-2 July 1975
United Nations manual on the prevention and control of computer-related crime
Uruguay Round results and the emerging trade agenda : quantitative-based analyses from the development perspective
Agricultural mechanization : mechanization of loading, unloading and transport operations in agriculture
United Nations action in the field of human rights
Convention on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations = Convention sur les privilèges et immunités des Nations Unies
The agricultural trade of the USSR and other countries of Eastern Europe, 1953-1957 : a statistical review
Final act adopted at the conclusion of the second session of the preparatory committee of the united nations conference on trade and employment ; General clauses of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Asia's battle against floods
National programmes of analysis of population census data as an aid to planning and policy making
The application of computer technology for development : second report of the Secretary-General
Economic survey of Latin America
Transport and communications commission
Agricultural mechanization : mechanization of poultry keeping
Awards for improving the coastal environment : the example of the Blue Flag
Agricultural mechanization : consumption of mechanical energy in crop production
Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons
The coal situation in Europe in ... and its prospects
Industrial research and development news
The origins and evolution of the Palestine problem
International advisory social welfare services
Electric power in Asia and the Far East 1961 and 1962
Asia and the Pacific into the twenty-first century : prospects for social development
Symposium : on the application of operational research methods in solving the economic problems of planning and operating large electric power systems and on the use of computers for that purpose : Varna, 25-27 May 1970
A strong start : good practices in using a local situation assessment to begin a youth substance abuse prevention project
Statistics on women in Asia and the Pacific 1999
Atomic energy commission
International monetary system : issues relating to development financing and trade of developing countries
Final Act and related documents
Commission on the status of women
Statistics of world trade in steel 1967
Development implications of co-operation
Non-self-governing territories
UNCITRAL model law on electronic signatures with guide to enactment, 2001
World housing conditions and estimated housing requirements
Strategy and guidelines for upgrading of Asian highway routes
The United Nations and disarmament, 1945-1970
The Neglected years : early childhood
Report of the World Conference for Action Against Apartheid, Lagos, 22-26 August 1977
International Definition and Measurement of Levels of Living : an interim guide
United Nations : what it is, what it does, how it works
Economic developments in the Middle East, 1957-1958
Agricultural mechanization : automatic and semi-automatic feeding systems for livestock
Maintenance of full employment : an analysis of full employment policies of governments and specialized agencies
The state of rural electrification in Europe during the three-year period : from 1 January 1963 to 1 January 1966
Handbook of international measures for protection of migrants and general conditions to be observed in their settlement
Government strategies and policies for cleaner production
Commentary on the Draft Convention on arbitral procedure : adopted by the International Law Commission at its fifth session
Index to resolutions of the Economic and Social Council, 1946-1970
The opium economy in Afghanistan : an international problem
Final act of the International Conference of Human Rights, Teheran, 22 April to 13 May 1968
Economic developments in the Middle East, 1956-57
Training for social work : third international survey
Statistics of world trade in steel 1966
The quest for freer trade
Foreign trade statistics for Africa = Statistiques africaines du commerce exterieur
National and international measures for full employment : report by a Group of Experts, appointed by the Secretary-General
Economic survey of Europe in 1995-1996
Final report of the Permanent Central Narcotics Board and Drug Supervisory Body, November 1967
Foreign trade statistics of Saudi Arabia, 1960-1963 : reclassified according to the United Nations Standard International Trade Classification, 1960 revision (SITC, rev.)
Patterns of industrial growth : 1938-1958 = Aperçu de l'expansion industrielle
Sectoral aspects of projections for the world economy
The significance of rural housing in integrated rural development : report of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on the Significance of Rural Housing and Community Facilities in Integrated Rural Development, United Nations Headquarters, 17-21 May 1976
United Nations Tin Conference, 1975
Economic commission for Latin America
International cartels : a League of Nations memorandum
Mineral raw material resources for fertilizer industry in Asia and the Far East
Effects of the possible use of nuclear weapons and the security and economic implications for states of the acquisition and further development of these weapons : report of the Secretary-General transmitting the study of his consultative group
The growth pole approach to regional development : a case study of Mizushima industrial complex, Japan
Étude des mesures discriminatoires contre les personnes nées hors mariage
United Nations Wheat Conference, 1971
Cleaner production in the Asia pacific economic cooperation region
Family, child and youth welfare services in Africa
Administrative aspects of Family Planning Programmes : report on a working group
United Nations Conference on Olive Oil, 1955 : summary of proceedings
Provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council
Treaty handbook
Fifth United Natins Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East, 8-22 March 1967, Canberra, Australia
Parole and after-care
Competitive business strategies of Asian transnational corporations
The population debate : dimensions and perspectives : papers of the World Population Conference, Bucharest, 1974
Participation of women in community development : report of the Secretary-General
Integrating geology in urban planning : Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Viet Nam
Balances of payments 1939-1945
Inter-agency agreements and agreements between specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations
A study of statelessness
Processes and problems of industrialization in under-developed countries
Index to proceedings of the Trusteeship Council
International compensation for fluctuations in commodity trade
Harnessing the atom for peace
How the United Nations began
Economic Developments in Africa, 1954-1955 : supplement to World Economic Survey, 1955
Report on international definition and measurement of standards and levels of living : report of a committee of experts
Social commission
Handbook on prisoners with special needs
A study of industrial growth
Petroleum in the 1970s : report of the Ad Hoc panel of experts on projections of demand and supply of crude petroleum and products : United Nations Headquarters, 9-18 March 1971
Co-operation in transport and communications
The Convention on the political rights of women : history and commentary
Housing policy guidelines for developing countries
Economic developments in the Middle East, 1955-56
Everyman's United Nations : a summary of the activities of the United Nations during the five-year period 1966-1970
UNCITRAL model law on international commercial arbitration 1985 with amendments as adopted in 2006
Sectoral aspects of long-term economic projections with special reference to Asia and the Far East
Measures for the economic development of under-developed countries
Agricultural mechanization : equipment and methods used to control soil erosion
Selected agricultural statistics of Eastern European countries 1950-57 = Choix de statistiques agricoles relatives aux pays de l'Europe orientale. 1950-57 = Избранные статистические данные о сельском хозяйстве восточноевропейских стран 1950-57
The growth of world industry = La croissance de l'industrie mondiale : 1938-1961
Review of maritime transport, 1968 : review of current and long-term aspects of maritime transport : report by the secretariat of UNCTAD
Social justice in an open world : the role of the United Nations
Equal pay for equal work
Mineral resources of the Lower Mekong Basin and adjacent areas of Khmer Republic, Laos, Thailand and Republic of Viet-Nam
Agricultural mechanization : technique and working methods for cowshed and pigsty cleaning
Sixth International Tin Agreement
United Nations Sugar Conference, 1977
Financial sector reforms in selected Asian countries
Population commission
World economic survey, 1969-1970 : the developing countries in the 1960s: the problem of appraising progress
Electric power in Asia and the Far East 1964
International survey of programmes of social development
Organization and administration of social welfare programmes : a series of country studies
Local participation in development planning : a preliminary study of the relationship of community development to national planning
Community development in urban areas : report by the Secretary-General
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook
Study of the right of everyone to be free from arbitrary arrest, detention and exile
Strengthening policies and programmes on social safety nets : issues, recommendations and selected studies
Training for social welfare : fifth international survey : new approaches in meeting manpower needs
Statistics of world trade in steel 1968
Economic and employment commission
L'échange international de personnel de service social
Rromani youths : the pathways of juvenile justice
Constitutions, electoral laws and other legal instruments relating to the political rights of women : report of the secretary-general
Cleaner production in China : a story of successful cooperation
Русско-английский экономический глоссарий = English-Russian economics glossary
Export credits and development financing
The Economic Commission for Europe
United Nations Conference on Olive Oil, 1973 : summary of proceedings
Services for the physically handicapped
United Nations Conference on Prescription (Limitation) in the International Sale of Goods, New York, 20 May-14 June 1974 : official records, documents of the conference and summary records of the plenary meetings and of the meetings of the main committee
Study on rehabilitation of the war disabled in selected countries
Planning for economic development : report of the Secretary-General transmitting the study of a Group of Experts
Review of the agricultural situation in Europe at the end of 1962
Resolutions adopted by the economic and social council = Résolutions adopteés par le conseil économique et social
The human rights of migrants
Review of the agricultural situation in Europe at the end of 1960
Protocol for the testing of power saws
Co-operation in industry
Asia and the Far East seminar on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders : Rangoon, 25 October to 6 November 1954
Manual for the negotiation of bilateral tax treaties between developed and developing countries
Local government in selected countries : Ceylon, Israel, Japan
Political rights of women : 56 years of progress
Financial sector reform, liberalization and management for growth and stability in the Asian and the Pacific region : issues and experiences
The United Nations and disarmament, 1970-1975
Co-operation in trade
Trusteeship Council
Study on adoption of children : a study on the practice and procedures related to the adoption of children
Index to resolutions of the General Assembly
Special double volume on juvenile justice in international perspective
Coffee in Latin America : productivity problems and future prospects : a report prepared under the joint programme of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Mobilizing private sector resources for infrastructure
Methods of social welfare administration
Commodity trade and economic development
United Nations nuptiality chart
Commission on human rights
Remote sensing for tropical ecosystem management : proceedings of the sixth regional seminar on earth observation for tropical ecosystem management, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, 3-7 November 1997
European housing trends and policies in 1961 and 1962
Economic survey of Africa since 1950
Interim co-ordinating committee for international commodity arrangements : Review of international commodity problems 1948
The impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
A study of the capacity of the United Nations development system
Agricultural mechanization : methods of weed and pest control
Leaving no one behind in an ageing world
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook
Anuario estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe = Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean
Rethinking public debt for the sustainable development goals
World economic situation and prospects
Asia and the Pacific SDG progress report 2024 : showcasing transformative actions
International exchange of social welfare personnel
Crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development : realities and perspectives of international cooperation practical measures against corruption
Environmental crime, sanctioning strategies and sustainable development
Towards a new trade policy for development
Handbook of training in the public service
The costs of poverty and vulnerability
Multilateral treaties in respect of which the secretary-general performs depositary functions : list of signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc. as at 31 December 1967
United Nations Conference on Olive Oil : summary of proceedings
Industrial development in the Arab countries : selected documents presented to the Symposium on Industrial Development in the Arab Countries, Kuwait, 1-10 March 1966
Fertility behaviour in the context of development : evidence from the world fertility survey
The role of the private sector and privatization for industrial and technological development in South Asian economies
Integrated assessment of trade liberalization and trade-related policies : a country study on the cotton sector in China
Demographic and social characteristics of the population
The United Nations and juvenile justice : a guide to international standards and best practice
Fighting irrelevance : the role of regional trade agreements in international production networks in Asia : a study by the Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade
Non-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1948
Special study on economic conditions and development : non-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1951
Cleaner production : a guide to sources of information
Handbook of civil service laws and practices
International survey of programmes of social development
Growth with equity : policy lessons from the experiences of selected Asian countries
The international crime victim survey in countries in transition, national reports
Economic aspects of treatment and disposal of certain industrial effluents
Report on national legislation for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities : examples from 22 countries and areas
Mekong/Lancang river tourism planning
The sustainable development goals
Everyman's United Nations : the structure functions and work of the organization and its related agencies during the years 1945-1958
Agricultural mechanization : frost damage and its prevention
Agricultural mechanization : mechanical equipment for field drainage and ditching
International migration : an emerging opportunity for the socio-economic development of the ESCAP region
International co-operation at work
General agreement on tariffs and trade : protocols and declaration signed at Havana on 24 March 1948 = Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce : protocoles et déclaration signés à La Havane le 24 mars 1948
Transnational trafficking and the rule of law in West Africa : a threat assessment
Agricultural mechanization : methods and equipment for growing and harvesting of tobacco
National policies and programmes on ageing in Asia and the Pacific : an overview and lessons learned
Final Act and related documents
International legislation on shipping
Standards for the sustainable development goals
International map of the world on the millionth scale : report for ... = Carte internationale du monde au millionième : rapport pour ...
United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme : the United Nations and criminal justice, 1946-1996 : resolutions, reports, documents and publications
Child adoption : trends and policies
Statistical commission
Good practices in combating sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and youth in Asia
Agricultural mechanization : methods and equipment for drying of green feed
Economic setting and development perspectives
Convention on the nationality of married women : historical background and commentary
Practical results and financial aspects of adult probation in selected countries
Final report of the United Nations economic survey mission for the Middle East : an approach to economic development in the Middle East
Pathfinders : towards full participation and equality of persons with disabilities in the ESCAP region
Principles and recommendations for the 1970 population censuses
Mining developments in Asia and the Far East : a twenty -year (1945-1965) review to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of ECAFE
Remote sensing for tropical ecosystem management : proceedings of the eighth regional seminar on earth observation for tropical ecosystem management, Yangon, Myanmer, 25-29 October 1999
Manual on the model treaty on extradition and manual on the model treaty on manual assistance in criminal matters : an implementation guide
Towards a United Nations world
Report of the second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations conference on trade and employment
Fiscal commission
Latin American seminar on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders : Rio de Janeiro, 6 to 19 April 1953
Statistical yearbook for Asia and the Pacific = Annuaire statistique pour l'Asie et le Pacifique
Technical assistance for economic development : plan for an expanded co-operative programme through the United Nations and the specialized agencies
Competent national authorities under the international drug control treaties = Autorites nationales competentes au titre des traites internationaux concernant le controle des drogues
Status of multilateral conventions in respect of which the Secretary-General acts as depositary
Agricultural mechanization : economic aspects of the mechanization of dairy farms
Planning for balanced social and economic development : six country case studies
European housing trends and policies
Global governance and global rules for development in the post-2015 era : policy note
Agricultural mechanization : pto-driven machines for the rotary cultivation of the soil
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : (in four volumes)
Economic developments in the Middle East, 1958-1959
A policy approach to planning in social defence
Agricultural mechanization : the mechanization of maize harvesting for grain
Les investissements étrangers en République sud-africaine
Proceedings of the World Population Conference, 1954 : Rome, 31 August - 10 September 1954 = Comptes rendus du congres mondial de la population, 1954 : Rome, 31 août - 10 septembre 1954 = Actuaciones de la conferencia mundial de poblacion, 1954 : Roma, 31 de agosto - 10 de septiembre de 1954
Report on children
Foreign trade statistics of Africa
Co-operation in energy
Self-help practices in housing : selected case studies
Asian recommendations for the 1970 population censuses
Present and foreseeable trends in mechanization and their impact on European agriculture : (HORIZON 1980)
Focus on ability, celebrate diversity : highlights of the Asian and Pacific decade of disabled persons, 1993-2002
Arab women 1995 : trends, statistics and indicators
Promoting a society for all ages in Asia and the Pacific
Agricultural mechanization : mechanization of fruit-harvesting
United Nations Sugar Conference, 1973
World population : challenge to development : summary of the highlights of the World Population Conference : Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 30 August to 10th September,1965
International Conference relating to Economic Statistics, Geneva, 26 November - 14 December 1928 = Conférence internationale concernant les statistiques économiques, Genève, 26 novembre -14 décembre 1928
Tsunami early warning systems in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia : report on regional unmet needs
The social impact of housing : goals, standards, social indicators, and popular participation : report of an Interregional Seminar on the Social Aspects of Housing, Holte, Denmark, 14-27 September 1975
The gas situation in Europe in ... and prospects
International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994
Promotion of investment in tourism infrastructure
Definition and classification of minorities : memorandum submitted by the Secretary-General
Road transport and the environment : areas of concern for the Asian and Pacific region
Annual review of engineering industries and automation
Industrial development in Africa : selected documents presented to the symposium
Economic developments in the Middle East, 1954-55
Report of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development, New York, 24-30 June 2009
Industrial social welfare
Below replacement fertility
Least developed countries and trade : challenges of implementing the Bali Package
Summary of recent economic developments in Africa, 1952-53 : supplement to World economic report
Review of maritime transport : report by the secretariat of UNCTAD
Drug abuse prevention among youth from ethnic and indigenous minorities
Special study on social advancement in non-self-governing territories : analyses of informations transmitted to the secretary-general, 1957-1959
Guide to the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth
Housing costs in European countries
Agricultural mechanization : accelerated testing of agricultural machinery
Non-self-governing territories : summaries and analyses of information transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1952
The future pattern and forms of urban settlements : proceedings of the seminar
Environmental management accounting procedures and principles
Co-operation in agriculture
Capital punishment
Energy atlas of Asia and the Far East
International tax agreements
Equal partners : organizing "For youth by youth" events
Guidelines on strategic planning and management of the energy sector
United Nations International children's emergency fund and United Nations appeal for children
Agricultural mechanization : self-propelled chassis
Multilateral treaties in respect of which the Secretary-General performs depositary functions : list of signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc. as at 31 December 1975
Agricultural mechanization : seed drills
Agricultural mechanization : mechanization of the cultivation of peas
Recent changes in production
Handbook of the United Nations and the specialized agencies
International tax agreements
Social welfare planning in the context of national development plans
Policies and programmes for older persons in Asia and the Pacific : selected studies
European timber statistics, 1913-1950 = Statistiques européennes du bois, 1913-1950
World economic situation and prospects
Introduction and summary of recommendations
United Nations Cocoa Conference, 1975
Major economic changes in 1948
Commodity survey
African statistical yearbook 1998 = Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique 1998
Study of discrimination in education
Studies on development problems in selected countries of the middle east, 1973
World war on tuberculosis
Obstacles limiting the access of disabled children to rehabilitation services and education
The international court of justice
United Nations Conference on Customs Formalities for the Temporary Importation of Private Road Motor Vehicles and for Tourism : final act and related documents = Conference des Nations Unies sur les formalités douanières concernant l'importation temporaire des vehicules de tourisme et le tourisme : acte final et documents connexes = Conferencia de las Naciones unidas sobre formalidades aduaneras para la importacion temporal de vehiculos automotores particulares de carretera y para el turismo : acta final y documentos conexos
Challenges to multilateral disarmament in the post-cold-war and post-gulf-war period
Agreement establishing the African Development Bank : preparatory work, including summary records of the conference of finance ministers
Statute and rules of procedure
The international development strategy : first over-all review and appraisal of issues and policies : report of the secretary-general
Papers presented at the International technical conference on the conservation of the living resources of the sea, Rome, 18 April to 10 May 1955
World economic report
Summary of proceedings : [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development]
Security council
Agricultural mechanization : air-tight storage of high-moisture grain
The International Court of Justice
The will to co-operate : a discussion guide on the general assembly
Agricultural mechanization : making high dry matter silage from grass and leguminous crops
Industrial developments in Asia and the Far East : selected documents presented to the Conference
Measuring SDG progress in Asia and the Pacific : Is there enough data?
Reducing poverty and promoting social protection
Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons : mid-point country perspectives
Review of international commodity arrangements
Non-conventional financing of housing for low-income households
Methods of projecting households and families
Special problems in world trade and development
Protocol for the testing for forest tractors
Capital punishment
Measures for the economic development of under-developed countries : report
Summary of recent economic developments in the Middle East, 1950-51 : supplement to World economic report
Guide to The United Nations Charter
The new international economic order : a selective bibliography
The impact of globalization on population change and poverty in rural areas
Consumption of solid fuels in the domestic sector : an economic stury
Special study on social conditions in non-self-governing territories : analyses of informations transmitted to the secretary-general, 1957-1958
Road safety in Asia and the Pacific : report of the ESCAP/ADB Seminar-cum-Workshop 2-6 September 1996, Bangkok
The indeterminate sentence
Feeding the expanding world population: international action to avert the impending protein crisis : report to the Economic and Social Council of the Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development
The road to equality : political rights of women
SDG baseline report
International co-operation in a Latin American development policy : prepared for the Meeting of Ministers of Finance or Economy, as the IVth Extraordinary Meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council of the Organization of American States, to be held at Rio de Janeiro, November 1954
Survey of research on transnational corporations
Status of multilateral conventions of which the Secretary-General acts as depositary
Reports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales
Gender Responsive Standards
Reports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales
World economic situation and prospects
Reconsidering rural development
Navigating disarmament education : the Peace Boat model
Anuario estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe = Statistical yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean
Pour faciliter les échanges commerciaux
Convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies : final texts and revised texts of the annexes = Convention sur les privilèges et immunités des institutions spécialisées : textes finals et textes révisés des annexes
Inequality in a rapidly changing world
Reports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook
Reports of international arbitral awards = Recueil des sentences arbitrales
World economic situation and prospects
World economic situation and prospects
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook
Asia and the Pacific SDG progress report 2023 : championing sustainability despite adversities
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, yearbook
Tackling illicit financial flows for sustainable development in Africa
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