
European University Institute = Institut universitaire européen


European University Institute = Institut universitaire européen

European University Institute
W. de Gruyter



"Europäiches Hochshulinstitut"--Added t.p. verso, Sozietaler Föderalismus, 1991"Istituto universitario Europeo"--Added t.p. verso, Sozietaler Föderali...


Change and stability in international law-making外部サイトBentham and the oppressed外部サイトVisions and realities of party government外部サイトCulture et politique = Culture and politics外部サイトGrowth to limits : the Western European welfare states since World War II外部サイトThe struggle for European Union by political parties and pressure groups in Western European countries, 1945-1950 (including 252 documents in their original languages on 6 microfiches)外部サイトThe merchants adventurers and the continental cloth-trade (1560s-1620s)外部サイトManaging mixed economies外部サイトPlans for European union in Great Britain and in exile, 1939-1945 (including 107 documents in their original languages on 3 microfiches)外部サイトBudgetary politics and elections : an investigation of public expenditures in West Germany外部サイトLa théorie de la société bien ordonnée chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau外部サイトEnergy strategy in Europe : the legal framework外部サイトRobert Schuman Centre : centre for advanced studies外部サイトLaw as an instrument of economic policy : comparative and critical approaches外部サイトSozietaler Föderalismus : die politische Theorie des Johannes Althusius外部サイトThe role of the current account in asset market models of exchange rate determination外部サイトInterest rate futures markets and capital market theory : theoretical concepts and empirical evidence外部サイトForces and potential for a European identity外部サイトCorporate governance and directors' liabilities : legal, economic, and sociological analyses on corporate social responsibility外部サイトContinental plans for European union, 1939-1945 (including 250 documents in their original language on 6 microfiches)外部サイトA political, legal and economic overview外部サイトInternational crimes of state : a critical analysis of the ILC's Draft Article 19 on State Responsibility外部サイトLegitimacy : proceedings of the Conference held in Florence, June 3 and 4, 1982 = Légitimité : actes du colloque de Florence, 3 et 4 juin 1982外部サイトParty governments : European and American experiences外部サイトEnvironmental protection policy外部サイトJuridification of social spheres : a comparative analysis in the areas of labor, corporate, antitrust and social welfare law外部サイトThe Promise of history : essays in political philosophy外部サイトConsumer law, common markets and federalism in Europe and the United States外部サイトEurope and Israel : troubled neighbours外部サイトThe legal integration of energy markets外部サイトContract and organisation : legal analysis in the light of economic and social theory外部サイトThe Politics of steel : Western Europe and the steel industry in the crisis years (1974-1984)外部サイトTransnational organizations of political parties and pressure groups in the struggle for European Union, 1945-1950 (including 129 documents in their original languages on 3 microfiches)外部サイトAutopoietic law : a new approach to law and society外部サイトBusiness interests, organizational development and private interest government : an international comparative study of the food processing industry外部サイトLegal harmonization and the business enterprise : corporate and capital market law, harmonization policy in Europe and the U.S.A.外部サイトDilemmas of law in the welfare state外部サイトPolitical organs, integration techniques and judicial process外部サイト






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Europäiches Hochshulinstitut
Istituto universitario Europeo
"Europäiches Hochshulinstitut"--Added t.p. verso, Sozietaler Föderalismus, 1991
"Istituto universitario Europeo"--Added t.p. verso, Sozietaler Föderalismus, 1991
Change and stability in international law-making
Bentham and the oppressed
Visions and realities of party government
Culture et politique = Culture and politics
Growth to limits : the Western European welfare states since World War II
The struggle for European Union by political parties and pressure groups in Western European countries, 1945-1950 (including 252 documents in their original languages on 6 microfiches)
The merchants adventurers and the continental cloth-trade (1560s-1620s)
Managing mixed economies
Plans for European union in Great Britain and in exile, 1939-1945 (including 107 documents in their original languages on 3 microfiches)
Budgetary politics and elections : an investigation of public expenditures in West Germany
La théorie de la société bien ordonnée chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Energy strategy in Europe : the legal framework
Robert Schuman Centre : centre for advanced studies
Law as an instrument of economic policy : comparative and critical approaches
Sozietaler Föderalismus : die politische Theorie des Johannes Althusius
The role of the current account in asset market models of exchange rate determination
Interest rate futures markets and capital market theory : theoretical concepts and empirical evidence
Forces and potential for a European identity
Corporate governance and directors' liabilities : legal, economic, and sociological analyses on corporate social responsibility
Continental plans for European union, 1939-1945 (including 250 documents in their original language on 6 microfiches)
A political, legal and economic overview
International crimes of state : a critical analysis of the ILC's Draft Article 19 on State Responsibility
Legitimacy : proceedings of the Conference held in Florence, June 3 and 4, 1982 = Légitimité : actes du colloque de Florence, 3 et 4 juin 1982
Party governments : European and American experiences
Environmental protection policy
Juridification of social spheres : a comparative analysis in the areas of labor, corporate, antitrust and social welfare law
The Promise of history : essays in political philosophy
Consumer law, common markets and federalism in Europe and the United States
Europe and Israel : troubled neighbours
The legal integration of energy markets
Contract and organisation : legal analysis in the light of economic and social theory
The Politics of steel : Western Europe and the steel industry in the crisis years (1974-1984)
Transnational organizations of political parties and pressure groups in the struggle for European Union, 1945-1950 (including 129 documents in their original languages on 3 microfiches)
Autopoietic law : a new approach to law and society
Business interests, organizational development and private interest government : an international comparative study of the food processing industry
Legal harmonization and the business enterprise : corporate and capital market law, harmonization policy in Europe and the U.S.A.
Dilemmas of law in the welfare state
Political organs, integration techniques and judicial process