
European research area


European research area

Office for Official Publications of the European Communities


European research for a healthier future外部サイトJoint technology initiatives : public-private partnerships in EU research外部サイトWhy socio-economic inequalities increase? : facts and policy responses in Europe外部サイトScience at the service of Europe : a guide to the 2007 annual activity report of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research外部サイトScience at the service of Europe : a guide to the 2009 annual activity report of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research外部サイトVaccines for humans : research funded by the European Union外部サイトVaccines for humans : research funded by the European Union外部サイトScience at the service of Europe : a guide to the 2008 annual activity report of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research外部サイトEuropean research on education and training : FP6 and FP7 research projects addressing directly issues of education and training外部サイトOpen access : opportunities and challenges : a handbook外部サイトFusion and industry together for the future外部サイトFrom fundamental genomics to systems biology : understanding the book of life外部サイトThe Gender challenge in research funding : assessing the European national scenes外部サイトEuropean research socio-economic sciences and humanities : list of projects, 2007-2010 : seventh research framework programme外部サイトThe world in 2025 : rising Asia and socio-ecological transition外部サイトRealising a single labour market for researchers外部サイトWONDERS : welcome to observations, news and demonstrations of European research and science外部サイトMoving Europe : EU research on migration and policy needs外部サイトMarie Curie Actions in brief : a pocket guide外部サイトChallenging Europe's research : rationales for the European research area (ERA)外部サイトA knowledge-intensive future for Europe : expert group report外部サイトEuropean research on youth : supporting young people to participate fully in society : the contribution of European research外部サイトTowards a "post-carbon society" : European research on economic incentives and social behaviour : Conference proceedings Brussels, 24 October 2007外部サイトThe European research area partnership : 2008 initiatives外部サイトTransport and FP7: shifting up a gear外部サイトSME FP6 project catalogue : a collection of co-operative and collective research projects外部サイトScience at the service of Europe : a guide to the 2010 annual activity report of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation外部サイトStocktaking 10 years of "Women in Science" policy by the European Commission 1999-2009外部サイトStrengthening research institutions with a focus on university-based research外部サイトReport of activities (2001-2007) : European Research Advisory Board外部サイトSMEs keep local go international : opportunities for transnational research外部サイトBenchmarking policy measures for gender equality in science外部サイトEuraxess : researchers in motion : solutions for researchers外部サイトFourth status report on European Technology Platforms : harvesting the potential外部サイトVirology and the honey bee外部サイトShe figures 2009 : statistics and indicators on gender equality in science外部サイトEuropean research for a healthier future外部サイトEmerging epidemics research : EU-funded projects 2002-2008外部サイトEuropean research socio-economic sciences and humanities外部サイトArt&science : creative fusion外部サイトThe EU works for you : environmental research for today and tomorrow外部サイトPublic health research in Europe and beyond外部サイト






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European research for a healthier future
Joint technology initiatives : public-private partnerships in EU research
Why socio-economic inequalities increase? : facts and policy responses in Europe
Science at the service of Europe : a guide to the 2007 annual activity report of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research
Science at the service of Europe : a guide to the 2009 annual activity report of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research
Vaccines for humans : research funded by the European Union
Vaccines for humans : research funded by the European Union
Science at the service of Europe : a guide to the 2008 annual activity report of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research
European research on education and training : FP6 and FP7 research projects addressing directly issues of education and training
Open access : opportunities and challenges : a handbook
Fusion and industry together for the future
From fundamental genomics to systems biology : understanding the book of life
The Gender challenge in research funding : assessing the European national scenes
European research socio-economic sciences and humanities : list of projects, 2007-2010 : seventh research framework programme
The world in 2025 : rising Asia and socio-ecological transition
Realising a single labour market for researchers
WONDERS : welcome to observations, news and demonstrations of European research and science
Moving Europe : EU research on migration and policy needs
Marie Curie Actions in brief : a pocket guide
Challenging Europe's research : rationales for the European research area (ERA)
A knowledge-intensive future for Europe : expert group report
European research on youth : supporting young people to participate fully in society : the contribution of European research
Towards a "post-carbon society" : European research on economic incentives and social behaviour : Conference proceedings Brussels, 24 October 2007
The European research area partnership : 2008 initiatives
Transport and FP7: shifting up a gear
SME FP6 project catalogue : a collection of co-operative and collective research projects
Science at the service of Europe : a guide to the 2010 annual activity report of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Stocktaking 10 years of "Women in Science" policy by the European Commission 1999-2009
Strengthening research institutions with a focus on university-based research
Report of activities (2001-2007) : European Research Advisory Board
SMEs keep local go international : opportunities for transnational research
Benchmarking policy measures for gender equality in science
Euraxess : researchers in motion : solutions for researchers
Fourth status report on European Technology Platforms : harvesting the potential
Virology and the honey bee
She figures 2009 : statistics and indicators on gender equality in science
European research for a healthier future
Emerging epidemics research : EU-funded projects 2002-2008
European research socio-economic sciences and humanities
Art&science : creative fusion
The EU works for you : environmental research for today and tomorrow
Public health research in Europe and beyond
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CiNii Books