
Historical studies of urban America


Historical studies of urban America

Ferández, Liliaほか
University of Chicago Press



Series editors of "In Levittown's shadow": Lilia Ferández, Timothy J. Gilfoyle, Amanda I. Seligman


Metropolitan Jews : politics, race, and religion in postwar Detroit外部サイトThe elusive ideal : equal educational opportunity and the federal role in Boston's public schools, 1950-1985外部サイトChicago's block clubs : how neighbors shape the city外部サイトPlaces of their own : African American suburbanization in the twentieth century外部サイトPurging the poorest : public housing and the design politics of twice-cleared communities外部サイトHarlem : the unmaking of a ghetto外部サイトParish boundaries : the Catholic encounter with race in the twentieth-century urban North外部サイトAlien neighbors, foreign friends : Asian Americans, housing, and the transformation of urban California外部サイトUrban appetites : food and culture in nineteenth-century New York外部サイトBrown in the Windy City : Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in Postwar Chicago外部サイトMaking the unequal metropolis : school desegregation and its limits外部サイトThe making of Tocqueville's America : law and association in the early United States外部サイトSegregation : a global history of divided cities外部サイトDemolition means progress : Flint, Michigan, and the fate of the American metropolis外部サイトSegregation : a global history of divided cities外部サイトDemolition means progress : Flint, Michigan, and the fate of the American metropolis外部サイトEvangelical Gotham : religion and the making of New York City, 1783-1860外部サイトI've got to make my livin' : black women's sex work in turn-of-the-century Chicago外部サイトNew York recentered : building the metropolis from the shore外部サイトThe fixers : devolution, development, and civil society in Newark, 1960-1990外部サイトPuerto Rican citizen : history and political identity in twentieth-century New York City外部サイトSmoldering city : Chicagoans and the Great Fire, 1871-1874外部サイトThe problem of jobs : liberalism, race, and deindustrialization in Philadelphia外部サイトThe flash press : sporting male weeklies in 1840s New York外部サイトThe cycling city : bicycles and urban America in the 1890s外部サイトMaking the second ghetto : race and housing in Chicago, 1940-1960外部サイトCity of American dreams : a history of home ownership and housing reform in Chicago, 1871-1919外部サイトSlumming : sexual and racial encounters in American nightlife, 1885-1940外部サイトModern housing for America : policy struggles in the New Deal era外部サイトThe new suburban history外部サイトAfrican American urban history since World War II外部サイトMy blue heaven : life and politics in the working-class suburbs of Los Angeles, 1920-1965外部サイトSelling the race : culture, community, and black Chicago, 1940-1955外部サイトBuilding a market : the rise of the home improvement industry, 1914-1960外部サイトMaking the unequal metropolis : school desegregation and its limits外部サイトMurder in New Orleans : the creation of Jim Crow policing外部サイトParish boundaries : the Catholic encounter with race in the twentieth-century urban North外部サイトMaking the second ghetto : race and housing in Chicago, 1940-1960外部サイトAfter redlining : the urban reinvestment movement in the era of financial deregulation外部サイトCity of American dreams : a history of home ownership and housing reform in Chicago, 1871-1919外部サイトA world more concrete : real estate and the remaking of Jim Crow South Florida外部サイトPuerto Rican citizen : history and political identity in twentieth-century New York City外部サイトBlock by block : neighborhoods and public policy on Chicago's West Side外部サイトStaying Italian : urban change and ethnic life in postwar Toronto and Philadelphia外部サイトSlumming : sexual and racial encounters in American nightlife, 1885-1940外部サイトThe creative destruction of Manhattan, 1900-1940外部サイトMiss Cutler & the case of the resurrected horse : social work and the story of poverty in America, Australia, and Britain外部サイトColored property : state policy and white racial politics in suburban America外部サイトThe streets of San Francisco : policing and the creation of a cosmopolitan liberal politics, 1950-1972外部サイトA world of homeowners : American power and the politics of housing aid外部サイトUrban appetites : food and culture in nineteenth-century New York外部サイトPlaces of their own : African American suburbanization in the twentieth century外部サイトMaking the Mission : planning and ethnicity in San Francisco外部サイトI've got to make my livin' : black women's sex work in turn-of-the-century Chicago外部サイトRenewal : liberal Protestants and the American city after World War II外部サイトA city for children : women, architecture, and the charitable landscapes of Oakland, 1850-1950外部サイトCrossing parish boundaries : race, sports, and Catholic youth in Chicago, 1914-1954外部サイトThe gateway to the Pacific : Japanese Americans and the remaking of San Francisco外部サイトSelling the race : culture, community, and black Chicago, 1940-1955外部サイトBlueprint for disaster : the unraveling of Chicago public housing外部サイトBrownsville, Brooklyn : Blacks, Jews, and the changing face of the ghetto外部サイトAlien neighbors, foreign friends : Asian Americans, housing, and the transformation of urban California外部サイトChicago made : factory networks in the industrial metropolis外部サイトMillennium Park : creating a Chicago landmark外部サイトThe transatlantic collapse of urban renewal : postwar urbanism from New York to Berlin外部サイトIn the shadow of slavery : African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863外部サイトChicagoland : city and suburbs in the railroad age外部サイトThe lofts of SoHo : gentrification, art, and industry in New York, 1950-1980外部サイトFaces along the bar : lore and order in the workingman's saloon, 1870-1920外部サイトA nation of neighborhoods : imagining cities, communities, and democracy in postwar America外部サイトIn the shadow of slavery : African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863外部サイトBuilding the South Side : urban space and civic culture in Chicago, 1890-1919外部サイトStreets, railroads, and the Great Strike of 1877外部サイトNew York undercover : private surveillance in the Progressive Era外部サイトDowntown America : a history of the place and the people who made it外部サイトIn the watches of the night : life in the nocturnal city, 1820-1930外部サイトBulls markets : Chicago's basketball business and the new inequality外部サイトIn Levittown's shadow : poverty in America's wealthiest postwar suburb外部サイトThe problem of jobs : liberalism, race, and deindustrialization in Philadelphia外部サイトCity of dignity : Christianity, liberalism, and the making of global Los Angeles外部サイトIn Levittown's shadow : poverty in America's wealthiest postwar suburb外部サイトRunning the numbers : race, police, and the history of urban gambling外部サイトA world of homeowners : American power and the politics of housing aid外部サイトUrban lowlands : a history of neighborhoods, poverty, and planning外部サイトBrown in the Windy City : Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in postwar Chicago外部サイトBeyond the usual beating : the Jon Burge police torture scandal and social movements for police accountability in Chicago外部サイトColored property : state policy and white racial politics in suburban America外部サイト






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Historical studies in urban America
Series editors of "In Levittown's shadow": Lilia Ferández, Timothy J. Gilfoyle, Amanda I. Seligman
Metropolitan Jews : politics, race, and religion in postwar Detroit
The elusive ideal : equal educational opportunity and the federal role in Boston's public schools, 1950-1985
Chicago's block clubs : how neighbors shape the city
Places of their own : African American suburbanization in the twentieth century
Purging the poorest : public housing and the design politics of twice-cleared communities
Harlem : the unmaking of a ghetto
Parish boundaries : the Catholic encounter with race in the twentieth-century urban North
Alien neighbors, foreign friends : Asian Americans, housing, and the transformation of urban California
Urban appetites : food and culture in nineteenth-century New York
Brown in the Windy City : Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in Postwar Chicago
Making the unequal metropolis : school desegregation and its limits
The making of Tocqueville's America : law and association in the early United States
Segregation : a global history of divided cities
Demolition means progress : Flint, Michigan, and the fate of the American metropolis
Segregation : a global history of divided cities
Demolition means progress : Flint, Michigan, and the fate of the American metropolis
Evangelical Gotham : religion and the making of New York City, 1783-1860
I've got to make my livin' : black women's sex work in turn-of-the-century Chicago
New York recentered : building the metropolis from the shore
The fixers : devolution, development, and civil society in Newark, 1960-1990
Puerto Rican citizen : history and political identity in twentieth-century New York City
Smoldering city : Chicagoans and the Great Fire, 1871-1874
The problem of jobs : liberalism, race, and deindustrialization in Philadelphia
The flash press : sporting male weeklies in 1840s New York
The cycling city : bicycles and urban America in the 1890s
Making the second ghetto : race and housing in Chicago, 1940-1960
City of American dreams : a history of home ownership and housing reform in Chicago, 1871-1919
Slumming : sexual and racial encounters in American nightlife, 1885-1940
Modern housing for America : policy struggles in the New Deal era
The new suburban history
African American urban history since World War II
My blue heaven : life and politics in the working-class suburbs of Los Angeles, 1920-1965
Selling the race : culture, community, and black Chicago, 1940-1955
Building a market : the rise of the home improvement industry, 1914-1960
Making the unequal metropolis : school desegregation and its limits
Murder in New Orleans : the creation of Jim Crow policing
Parish boundaries : the Catholic encounter with race in the twentieth-century urban North
Making the second ghetto : race and housing in Chicago, 1940-1960
After redlining : the urban reinvestment movement in the era of financial deregulation
City of American dreams : a history of home ownership and housing reform in Chicago, 1871-1919
A world more concrete : real estate and the remaking of Jim Crow South Florida
Puerto Rican citizen : history and political identity in twentieth-century New York City
Block by block : neighborhoods and public policy on Chicago's West Side
Staying Italian : urban change and ethnic life in postwar Toronto and Philadelphia
Slumming : sexual and racial encounters in American nightlife, 1885-1940
The creative destruction of Manhattan, 1900-1940
Miss Cutler & the case of the resurrected horse : social work and the story of poverty in America, Australia, and Britain
Colored property : state policy and white racial politics in suburban America
The streets of San Francisco : policing and the creation of a cosmopolitan liberal politics, 1950-1972
A world of homeowners : American power and the politics of housing aid
Urban appetites : food and culture in nineteenth-century New York
Places of their own : African American suburbanization in the twentieth century
Making the Mission : planning and ethnicity in San Francisco
I've got to make my livin' : black women's sex work in turn-of-the-century Chicago
Renewal : liberal Protestants and the American city after World War II
A city for children : women, architecture, and the charitable landscapes of Oakland, 1850-1950
Crossing parish boundaries : race, sports, and Catholic youth in Chicago, 1914-1954
The gateway to the Pacific : Japanese Americans and the remaking of San Francisco
Selling the race : culture, community, and black Chicago, 1940-1955
Blueprint for disaster : the unraveling of Chicago public housing
Brownsville, Brooklyn : Blacks, Jews, and the changing face of the ghetto
Alien neighbors, foreign friends : Asian Americans, housing, and the transformation of urban California
Chicago made : factory networks in the industrial metropolis
Millennium Park : creating a Chicago landmark
The transatlantic collapse of urban renewal : postwar urbanism from New York to Berlin
In the shadow of slavery : African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863
Chicagoland : city and suburbs in the railroad age
The lofts of SoHo : gentrification, art, and industry in New York, 1950-1980
Faces along the bar : lore and order in the workingman's saloon, 1870-1920
A nation of neighborhoods : imagining cities, communities, and democracy in postwar America
In the shadow of slavery : African Americans in New York City, 1626-1863
Building the South Side : urban space and civic culture in Chicago, 1890-1919
Streets, railroads, and the Great Strike of 1877
New York undercover : private surveillance in the Progressive Era
Downtown America : a history of the place and the people who made it
In the watches of the night : life in the nocturnal city, 1820-1930
Bulls markets : Chicago's basketball business and the new inequality
In Levittown's shadow : poverty in America's wealthiest postwar suburb
The problem of jobs : liberalism, race, and deindustrialization in Philadelphia
City of dignity : Christianity, liberalism, and the making of global Los Angeles
In Levittown's shadow : poverty in America's wealthiest postwar suburb
Running the numbers : race, police, and the history of urban gambling
A world of homeowners : American power and the politics of housing aid
Urban lowlands : a history of neighborhoods, poverty, and planning
Brown in the Windy City : Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in postwar Chicago
Beyond the usual beating : the Jon Burge police torture scandal and social movements for police accountability in Chicago
Colored property : state policy and white racial politics in suburban America