
Studies in European cultural transition


Studies in European cultural transition

general editors, Martin Stannard and Greg Walker



Publisher varies: RoutledgePublishing place: Abingdon, OX ; New York, NY


Baudelaire's Le spleen de Paris : shifting perspectives外部サイトTheater and nation in eighteenth-century Germany外部サイトPhilosemitism, antisemitism and 'the Jews' : perspectives from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century外部サイトFecal matters in early modern literature and art : studies in scatology外部サイトPerspectives on travel writing外部サイトDisplaced persons : conditions of exile in European culture外部サイトAuthority, state and national character : the civilizing process in Austria and England, 1700-1900外部サイトChaucer's dream visions : courtliness and individual identity外部サイトChallenging theory : discipline after deconstruction外部サイトBritish travel writers in Europe, 1750-1800 : authorship, gender, and national identity外部サイトTravels and translations in the sixteenth century : selected papers from the second International Conference of the Tudor Symposium (2000)外部サイトFecal matters in early modern literature and art : studies in scatology外部サイトAdapting to the stage : theatre and the work of Henry James外部サイトOvid and the cultural politics of translation in early modern England外部サイトThe thriller and Northern Ireland since 1969 : utterly resigned terror外部サイトSymbolist journals : a culture of correspondence外部サイトWriting Russia in the age of Shakespeare外部サイトFecal matters in early modern literature and art : studies in scatology外部サイトVernacular literature and current affairs in the early sixteenth century : France, England, and Scotland外部サイトBaroque self-invention and historical truth : Hercules at the crossroads外部サイトThe poetics of the Künstlerinroman and the aesthetics of the sublime外部サイトThe poetics of transubstantiation : from theology to metaphor外部サイトRomantic science and the experience of self : transatlantic crosscurrents from William James to Oliver Sachs外部サイトRomancing decay : ideas of decadence in European culture外部サイトAdapting to the stage : theatre and the work of Henry James外部サイトWe Europeans? : mass-observation, 'race' and British identity in the twentieth century外部サイトText/image mosaics in French culture : emblems and comic strips外部サイトThe name and nature of tragicomedy外部サイトThe Romanticism of contemporary theory : institution, aesthetics, nihilism外部サイトLiterary sociability and literary property in France, 1775-1793 : Beaumarchais, the Société des auteurs dramatiques and the Comédie Française外部サイトImperiled heritage : tradition, history and utopia in early modern German literature外部サイトSurrealism, politics and culture外部サイトProust's cup of tea : homoeroticisim [i.e. homoeroticism] and Victorian culture外部サイトDevolving identities : feminist readings in home and belonging外部サイトProust at the movies外部サイトAdapting to the stage : theatre and the work of Henry James外部サイトBaroque self-invention and historical truth : Hercules at the crossroads外部サイトBaudelaire's Le spleen de Paris : shifting perspectives外部サイト






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general editors, Martin Stannard and Greg Walker
Publisher varies: Routledge
Publishing place: Abingdon, OX ; New York, NY
Baudelaire's Le spleen de Paris : shifting perspectives
Theater and nation in eighteenth-century Germany
Philosemitism, antisemitism and 'the Jews' : perspectives from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century
Fecal matters in early modern literature and art : studies in scatology
Perspectives on travel writing
Displaced persons : conditions of exile in European culture
Authority, state and national character : the civilizing process in Austria and England, 1700-1900
Chaucer's dream visions : courtliness and individual identity
Challenging theory : discipline after deconstruction
British travel writers in Europe, 1750-1800 : authorship, gender, and national identity
Travels and translations in the sixteenth century : selected papers from the second International Conference of the Tudor Symposium (2000)
Fecal matters in early modern literature and art : studies in scatology
Adapting to the stage : theatre and the work of Henry James
Ovid and the cultural politics of translation in early modern England
The thriller and Northern Ireland since 1969 : utterly resigned terror
Symbolist journals : a culture of correspondence
Writing Russia in the age of Shakespeare
Fecal matters in early modern literature and art : studies in scatology
Vernacular literature and current affairs in the early sixteenth century : France, England, and Scotland
Baroque self-invention and historical truth : Hercules at the crossroads
The poetics of the Künstlerinroman and the aesthetics of the sublime
The poetics of transubstantiation : from theology to metaphor
Romantic science and the experience of self : transatlantic crosscurrents from William James to Oliver Sachs
Romancing decay : ideas of decadence in European culture
Adapting to the stage : theatre and the work of Henry James
We Europeans? : mass-observation, 'race' and British identity in the twentieth century
Text/image mosaics in French culture : emblems and comic strips
The name and nature of tragicomedy
The Romanticism of contemporary theory : institution, aesthetics, nihilism
Literary sociability and literary property in France, 1775-1793 : Beaumarchais, the Société des auteurs dramatiques and the Comédie Française
Imperiled heritage : tradition, history and utopia in early modern German literature
Surrealism, politics and culture
Proust's cup of tea : homoeroticisim [i.e. homoeroticism] and Victorian culture
Devolving identities : feminist readings in home and belonging
Proust at the movies
Adapting to the stage : theatre and the work of Henry James
Baroque self-invention and historical truth : Hercules at the crossroads
Baudelaire's Le spleen de Paris : shifting perspectives